A Life Changing Trip with Mother - Part 01

A Life Changing Trip with Mother - Part 01

Published on: 2024-01-19 22:26:18

Melissa Jacobs slowly forced her eyes open as the morning sunlight peeked through the blinds. She looked at the clock on her bedside nightstand and saw that it was almost 8 a.m. It had been quite some time since she had slept this late on a Saturday morning. She yawned, stretching her arms above her head, causing the pink silk sheet to slip from her large breasts, tickling her nipples into erection as it fell. A chill of undeniable excitement rushed through her and she trembled. She sighed with a bit of frustration at how easily her breasts responded to the slightest touch. Her nipples had always been very sensitive, but in the past six months she could barely touch them without feeling a tingling between her legs. She chastised herself for the inability to control what she considered inappropriate basic instincts ... after all; she was a thirty-six year old divorced mother of an eighteen-year-old boy. Women her age didn't have those feeling, or so she tried to convince herself.

She threw the covers from her naked body and climbed out of bed. She rarely slept naked, but found it to be fun and sensuous on occasion. She sighed as she made the bed neatly before walking toward the bathroom. As she passed the full-length mirror she paused for a moment to scan her body.

The years had been good to her and she had remained fit, thanks to the expensive exercise equipment her ex-husband had installed in the basement. Her natural 36 "C" breasts were a perfect match for her narrow waist and smoothly flaring hips. She knew she looked good in whatever clothes she chose to wear, yet she tended to dress conservatively, the result of her strict religious upbringing, preferring to wear jacketed business suits on workdays to cover her slightly tight blouses and slacks (the tightness she attributed to a couple of pounds she had gained since the divorce two years earlier). Her mother had taught her that "good girls" didn't flaunt their sexuality. "Good girls" were always properly dressed. Those lessons stayed with her over the years and therefore, she tended to cover up when in public, wearing fuller cut tops and dresses as well as full bathing suits on the beach instead of the string bikinis that many younger women wore.

As she gazed at her figure, her eyes traveled down her flawless breasts and the still hard pink nipples to her flat stomach and on to her pubic mound. Her larger than normal clitoris and protruding inner lips seemed to flower outward from her smoothly shaven outer lips. The size of her clit and labia had embarrassed her when she was young but not now. No one saw that area of her body anymore.

She pursed her lips as she turned this way and that, looking at the sensual curve of her hips and her strong and shapely thighs. But her eyes invariably went back to her hairless pubic mound. Roy, her ex-husband (sixteen years of marriage) insisted that she keep herself shaven, regardless of her protests. Although it sometimes felt embarrassing, it was easier to give in than to argue. Surprisingly, after years of being clean-shaven, it felt more natural than having hair. And besides, it didn't matter since, in spite of the best efforts of her friends, she hadn't even had a date since the divorce two years ago.

Without thinking, Melissa's hand idly slipped across her breast, sending a now familiar chill through her as she lightly touched her nipple with the palm of her hand. Almost without realizing it, she moved her feet apart, allowing her hand to continue to move downward until it paused at the top of her sex mound. Her face flushed hot as she spread the fleshy hood covering her clitoris, exposing the penis shaped nub to the cool air. Her breathing grew rapid as she stared at the now swollen clit.

Melissa knew it was wrong to be doing this, but despite her internal admonishment, her legs slipped further apart, almost obscenely exposing herself to the mirror. With eyes wide, she stared at her pussy, watching the swollen clit pulse with excitement. She knew her clit was larger than normal... she had seen other women in playboy magazines found hidden under her son's mattress. Sometimes she wondered if she was a freak ... her clit was twice the size of any of those women. As she continued to stare, she dared to move her finger across the stretched surface of her clit, bringing a moan of pleasure, or was it remorse, from her lips.

This was crazy, she thought as she suddenly forced her hand from between her legs. With a sigh she strode into the bathroom to sit on the toilet. Yet, the feeling did not diminish as she began to relieve herself. The tiny pearl of skin at the top of her lips almost throbbed. Her legs began to tremble and she wondered if she was losing her mind.

Instead of rising after relieving herself, she sat back and spread her legs. Again her fingers found her clit. With a moan she began to rub herself, bringing excited whimpers from her lips. Up and down her fingers traveled, gently massaging her now pulsing clit until she felt tingling in her toes ... the tingling climbed up her legs to her pussy, making her body shake with excitement. It had been a long time since she dared to pleasure herself. She knew it was wrong, but it was almost too late to stop. Her head started to spin and she began to gasp for breath.

"Mom, are you awake?" Eric called through the bedroom door.

Melissa gasped and sat straight up at the sound of her son's voice. She pulled her hand from between her legs like a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar. The excitement of the moment collapsed like a balloon pricked with a pin.

It took her a second to respond. "Uh... yes, I'm in the bathroom."

"Sorry. I just wanted to let you know that I was going over to Jimmy's house. I'll be back about one or two. Do you want me to pick up anything at the store?"

"Uh ... yes, wait a minute," she returned. She hurried out of the bathroom and to her dresser where she retrieved a pair of panties. As she pulled them up her legs and the material touched her still swollen clit, she gasped. A tremor of renewed excitement rushed through her. Without waiting for the feeling to pass she reached for the first article of clothing available, a sheer pink nightgown. It was her favorite nightgown made of a sheer wispy silk material covering her body from her shoulders to her feet ... yet it was so sheer it really hid nothing. She never wore it when anyone would see her. She pulled it over her head and hurried to the door without thinking of the transparency of her gown. After a moment's pause she took a deep breath and opened the door to see her son's handsome smiling face.

"Sorry to bother you," he said with a smile.

Melissa saw his bright blue eyes sparkled as he looked at her. She knew that her hair had not been combed and her face was flushed and she worried that somehow he would know what she had been doing seconds ago in the bathroom. When she saw her son's eyes drift down a bit her face flushed redder and she crossed her arms over her almost bare chest. "Uh ... no problem. I was just getting dressed," she said, pushing her shoulder length red hair back with one hand. "Did you ... did you say you would stop at the store?"

"Yes, but it won't be until this afternoon."

"That's fine. I need some milk and bread. Let me get you some money." With that Melissa turned, relieved her hide her near nudity from her son's eyes, and saw her pocketbook sitting on the floor next to the bed. Without thinking she bent over to retrieve her wallet. As she did the gown stretched across her nearly bare ass. When she heard what she thought was a gasp, she stood up quickly and turned around.

It was Eric's turn to blush and his eyes shifted away.

Melissa knew that he had been spying on her for a long time. It was nothing terribly overt, but noticeable nonetheless. It had begun several years earlier. She figured that he thought that she hadn't noticed. She had, but she chalked it up to adolescent fantasy and something he would grow out of. While she was a bit flattered by the attention, she was also worried. He was 18 now and in college and should be thinking of girls his own age. Much to her embarrassment, the feelings she received from his sometimes lustful stare were more than a little uncomfortable and not entirely mother-like.

She worried that without a father in the house, it was going to be left to her to discuss the birds and bees with her son, and she knew it would not be a comfortable conversation for either of them.

"Wanna go out for pizza tonight?" Eric asked hopefully.

"Don't you have a date? I mean, wouldn't you rather go out with friends instead of your old mom?"

Eric smiled and said, "First of all, you're not old. Second, I would rather go out with you than any of my friends in school." Eric's face flushed again. He sounded like a lovesick schoolboy. But in truth, that was exactly what he was.

Melissa felt a strange feeling rush up and down her body. She told herself she was still recovering from touching herself. She cleared her throat and said, "All right. I want to talk to you about a couple of things anyway." She handed him the money and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. As she watched him walk away in his jeans, tennis shoes, and tight tee shirt, she sighed. She had to admit that he was a gorgeous boy: not overly tall—he still had some growing to do, but with a handsome face, dark hair, blue eyes and a sparkling smile, he would be a lady killer soon. She wondered why he didn't have loads of girlfriends already. There was a nagging feeling that she really knew the reason and it scared her.


"Ready to go mom?" Eric called as he stood at the foot of the stairs waiting for his mother to come down. They had reservations at 6:30 at a local pizza restaurant.

Melissa put the finishing touches on her makeup before she hurried out of the bedroom. When she arrived downstairs she was surprised to see that Eric had on a suit. He rarely wore a suit and in fact it general took a great deal of pleading from her to get him to put one on. She was justifiably impressed. "Very nice," she said as she sized up the suit he was wearing. The last time she had seen the suit was when a friend got married several months earlier.

She had on a pair of striped slacks and a blouse with a cashmere sweater underneath.

"Wow, you look great too, Mom," he said.

"Thanks," Melissa responded and suddenly her son's stare made her nipples harden under the sweater. She rationalized that it was just the result of a draft in the old house. But then she felt her panties rubbing on her swollen clit and a shudder when through her. She swayed a bit.

"You okay, Mom?" Eric asked.

"Uh ... uh ... yes. I just got a little light headed. Guess I'm hungrier than I thought," Melissa responded quickly. She held out her arm for the coat and turned away from her son to hide her still flushed face.

Eric drove the couple of miles to the restaurant and soon they were sitting in a booth waiting for their pizza order. Eric ordered a Coke and Melissa got a pitcher of Sangria. She needed something a little stronger than Coke after a day of worrying about the conversation she was about to have with her son.

For a few minutes the two of them made small talk, with Melissa drinking three glasses of wine to bolster her courage.

"So, Eric, tell me something," Melissa said.

"Sure, Mom, anything for you," he returned with a smile.

"I ... I ... was wondering why you ... why don't you date more. I mean ... like tonight you're going out with me and its Saturday night." There she had said it.

Eric looked a bit shocked at the question. "Uh ... that's a strange question, Mom."

"I know, Hon, but I'm worried about you. That's what mothers do. I see you staying home every night with all those pretty college girls around and ... well, you should be dating."

"I do date occasionally. I went out two weeks ago as a matter of fact."

"Yes, and you were home by eleven."

"Mom, most mothers would be happy that their kids are home early."

"That's true, but you're a young man and should be sowing your wild oats a little. You know ... have a little fun with the girls."

"I can't believe I just heard you say that," Eric said with a look of amazement. Then his face turned serious. After a pause he said, "It's just that girls my age are so immature."

Melissa laughed loudly. Then she put her hand over her mouth and looked embarrassed at her loud outburst.

"Why are you laughing?" Eric responded defensively.

"Sorry. It's just that that's what girls generally say about boys, not the other way around."

"It's true."

The smile left Melissa's face as she said, "I know you are mature for your age, Eric. Still, there have to be girls who you can date that are mature."

"Well, maybe, but they are few and far between."

Melissa paused for a moment before she asked the next question. "But, what about ... what about ... you know ... sex?" Melissa blushed.

"Mom!" Eric gasped. "You're not supposed to ask your son that type of question."

It was Melissa's turn to look serious. She reached over and grasped his hand. "I know, but without a father around all the time ... and we have been so close since the divorce ... I just thought you might need someone to talk to." This was even harder than she had anticipated. She paused again before saying, "I'm messing this all up." Tears suddenly came to her eyes.

"You are seriously worried aren't you?" Eric squeezed his mother's hand warmly and smiled.

"Yes. I'm your mother, and father, and I don't know about boy stuff. Your dad is across the country now and remarried, so he can't do it."

There was a long silence as she watched her son stare at her with a questioning look. She figured he was trying to decide if he was going to open up to her. She hoped he would and at the same time prayed he wouldn't. It was all so confusing raising a teenaged boy as a single mom.

Finally he took a deep breath and said, "All right, if you want me to talk to you like I would if dad were around, fine, but don't get embarrassed."

Melissa smiled as she wiped her eyes. "I can't promise that."

"All right, you asked for it. As I said, girls my age are so immature ... even the upper class girls. I just want more from a relationship than 'dating with benefits'.

"Dating with benefits ... what's that?"

Eric paused and then said in warning, "Remember you asked."

Melissa nodded her head and waited expectantly. She really had no idea what he was talking about.

"Dating with benefits is where you go out with a girl and afterward, because you paid for dinner or the movie, she ... well, she does things."

Melissa was still clueless. "Does things?"

"Yes. You know ... uses her hand on you, or her mouth." Eric sighed and added bluntly, "You know, like a handjob or blowjob."

Melissa's eyes flew open. "Oh!" she exclaimed.

"I warned you."

Melissa took a gulp of wine and then a deep breath. After a long pause she gathered her composure and said, "Go on."

"After the date and the 'benefit', you may or may not go out with her again. Or, you might never see her again. It's what all the kids do. It starts in junior high."

"Good God! Junior high school?"

"Yes. But, it's not like sex."

"It's not sex? Then what is it?" Melissa asked with astonishment.

"That's when you actually do it."

"You mean intercourse?"


"This is hard to believe," said Melissa.

"It's true," returned Eric.

Melissa thought for a moment and said, "And you say all the kids do it ... meaning you?"

Eric's face flushed, looked down at his glass, lowered his voice and said, "Yes."

"So you have had girls use their ... their mouth, or, or their hand on you," she asked, the wine giving her the courage to continue the line of questioning.

"Of course."

"What about 'real' sex ... intercourse, have you done that?"

"Oh wow, Mom."

"Come on. It's honesty time. Just act like you're talking to a friend or your father."

"I don't think I would talk to dad like this," Eric returned.

"Well, have you had real sex?"

"Yes. A few times."

Somehow, Melissa felt almost relieved. "Did you use protection?"

"God, Mom!"


"Yes, but not with handjobs or blowjobs, which is what we do most of the time. That would take all the fun out of it." Eric laughed nervously.

Melissa giggled nervously. "I suppose you're right. Your dad used to say that it was like taking a shower in a raincoat." She suddenly realized that she was still holding her son's hand. It felt very hot in hers. Her heart was beating faster for some strange reason. "Dating with benefits, huh," she said, almost to herself.

"Remember, Brenda Kramer?" Eric asked.

"Yes, you had her over here a couple of weeks ago."

"Remember when you came downstairs to ask if we needed anything before you went to bed?"


"Well, if you had come down about one minute earlier, you would have seen what dating with benefits really is." Eric smiled.

"You mean she was giving you a hand ..." Melissa started to say and paused.

"No. You said she had something on her chin. It wasn't food ... well real food." Eric laughed.

Melissa looked confused for a moment.

"You're not that naive are you?"

Suddenly she knew what he meant; Brenda had just finished giving her son a blowjob and had his cum on her chin. Melissa felt her face turn red. She remembered it distinctly now. Both of the kid's faces were flushed. She thought they had just been kissing. Now the sticky substance on her chin made sense. Although she was embarrassed at Eric's revelation, an unwanted chill of excitement rushed through her and made her tremble.

"You okay, Mom?" Eric asked when he saw his mother tremble.

Melissa saw her son's eyes on her now hard nipples. "Uh ... yes ... it's a little cold in here," Melissa said.

"Anyway," he continued, "as soon as you left, I was on the floor with my face buried between her legs."

Melissa gasped and her eyes opened wide.

At that moment the pretty waitress arrived with their pizza. She sat it on the table and turned to Eric with a sexy smile. "Anything else for you?"

Melissa saw her look and felt a twinge of anger. She answered for Eric. "No, that will be all," she said curtly.

The waitress gave her an irritated look and strode away.

"I have to go to the bathroom," said Melissa. With that she got up and swayed a bit from all the wine she had consumed. Incredibly, like earlier at the house, she could still feel her panties rubbing on her swollen pussy lips. A moment later she was in the restroom in a stall. When she pulled her panties down she was aghast to see that the crotch was literally soaked with juice. She could see her swollen clit sticking out like a miniature penis, almost throbbing with excitement. She was not only shocked, but also mortified that the conversation with her son had excited her. Still, the alcohol rushing through her brain would not let her process the enormity of what had just happened. She sat down to ponder the strange feelings that seemed to be engulfing her more often everyday. She didn't have any answers.

A few minutes later she returned to the table, walking slowly to avoid swaying, but also to keep her panties from stimulating her still swollen clit. She sat down and looked at her smiling son. She took a deep breath and let it out, wondering if the conversation had been a good idea in the first place. Then she remembered the other thing she wanted to tell Eric. "Oh, Eric, I've been waiting to tell you some exciting news. Do you want to hear?"

"Of course. What is it?" he asked curiously.

"Well, on Friday, I won first place in a system design contest at work. I designed a solution for a flaw in our fabrication process that helped keep the reverberator's from freezing up ..."

Eric's grimace showed that he had no idea what she was talking about. He held up his hand. "Mom, what did you win?"

"Oh yes, I won a trip for two to either Florida for two weeks or..." Melissa paused.

"Wow, a trip to Florida," Eric exclaimed.

"Or" she said again louder. "A trip to Zermatt, Switzerland."

"What? You won a trip to Zermatt?" Eric almost screamed.

Melissa smiled at his enthusiasm. Now it was her turn to hold up her hand. "Wait a minute. The trip to Florida includes a great condo on the beach in St. Petersburg. The Switzerland trip is to a cabin on the side of a mountain. I saw a picture and it is pretty rustic. I think it does have running water though. The place belongs to the Chairman of our company and he put it up as a prize. I think he inherited it from his grandmother who lived there most of her life. I don't know how good the accommodations will be."

"It doesn't matter. I don't even care if it doesn't have electricity. Two weeks in Zermatt, God, that would be a dream come true."

They both loved to ski but had not been for almost a year.

Melissa smiled. "I thought that's what you would say, so I told them Switzerland."

"Oh, Mom, that's incredible," Eric said and jumped up and came around the table to hug his mother. He sat down in the chair next to her and pulled her close, feeling her soft breasts pressing to his chest. The hug lasted for a long time. "You're the greatest, Mom. When can we go?" he asked.

"Well, since you're on winter break from school, now is as good a time as any. I have the tickets for the flight. We leave Monday." Melissa could see that she had bowled her son over. His enthusiasm made her forget her state of sexual excitement.

For the next half-hour they chatted excitedly about Switzerland as they ate their pizza. Then Eric drove them home, with his mother falling asleep on his shoulder before they reached the main road. Wine always made her sleepy ... and horny.


"Mom, wake up," Eric said as he gently shook his sleeping mother." When she opened her eyes he said, "We're home."

"Oh, I guess I dozed off."

"You were snoring," Eric laughed.

"I'm sorry. I always get sleepy when I drink wine." Melissa watched as Eric jumped out of the car and rushed around to open the door for her and help her out. Then he put his arm around her and they walked up the sidewalk toward the house.

When they were inside, he stopped. "Thanks Mom, that was a great evening, especially the part about Switzerland. But, you know what? Talking to you was great too. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but I really appreciate that you're interested."

"You're welcome," Melissa said as she stared into her son's pretty blue eyes. "It was nice for me too." The room suddenly grew very quiet. For some odd reason her heart started to beat faster. Without realizing it their lips moved slowly toward each other. When they touched, it was like an electric current had begun charging through her. She tingled from head to toe.

For reasons Melissa would never admit to herself, she allowed Eric to squeeze her tight and work his lips against hers. Her arms went around his shoulders as his lips parted. The tip of his tongue entered her mouth ...

"Mmmmm," Melissa moaned deep in her throat.


Suddenly the spell was broken when the telephone rang. They both jumped. Melissa quickly pulled away, or more correctly staggered away. She walked in a trance to the jangling telephone. "He ... hello," she stuttered. "It's Tony, for you," she said, holding the phone to Eric, a clear look of disappointment, or maybe relief, on her face.

Eric appeared to be in a fog as well. "Uh ... hi, Tony. Yeah, I was out getting a pizza. Naw, I don't want to go out tonight. It's after ten already. I know, but I only said maybe." He paused and listened. "Brenda and Julie want to double date, huh?"

Melissa couldn't help showing a frown as she stared at her son.

"No, I still think I'll stay home. By the way, my Mom won a trip for us to Switzerland. Yes, we're leaving Monday. " The two boys talked for a few more minutes. Apparently Eric's friend was still trying to convince him to go out. It didn't work.

Melissa hurried to the shower before Eric's conversation was over. She let the almost cold-water rush over her as she tried to wash the excitement of the conversation and kiss from her mind. It had definitely excited her. It was almost overwhelming that she had kissed her own son like that. However briefly, their lips had touched and his tongue had touched hers. She could still almost feel his tongue in her mouth. She didn't know what would have happened if the phone hadn't rang.

A few minutes later she stepped out of the shower and used a large fluffy towel to dry. She walked out of the bathroom and sat down at her vanity, looking at herself in the mirror. Her face was still flushed and she could still feel twinges of excitement rushing through her. She rubbed her thighs together and felt a ripple of excitement between her legs. She thought for a moment about finishing what she had started that morning. "No," she said out loud and stood up.

She put on her nightgown, the same one she had on this morning, and walked out of the bedroom and down the hall to say goodnight to Eric. When she reached his room, she raised her hand to tap on the door. However, she found the door partially open. When she peeked through she gasped at what she saw ... Eric lying on the bed naked and he had his cock in his hand. Her face suddenly felt flushed again and her heart started beating rapidly. She knew that she should turn away, but her eyes were drawn to his strong, young athletic body.

Melissa stared in wonder. His penis was huge. He was much bigger than his father was. The head was swollen and shaped like a small plum. Her legs grew weak as she watched him move his hand up and down the shaft.

"Mmmm," he moaned.

His cock throbbed and it looked to be ready to explode. A bubble of clear juice appeared at the head and then slowly trickled down the side. A steady stream of juice followed.

Melissa had to place her hand on the door jam or risk collapsing. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Suddenly her clit began to throb with a life of its own and she felt like she might climax. She squeezed her legs together to try and stop it, but that was the wrong thing to do. Her legs trembled as waves of excitement rushed up and down her body. She bit her lip in a last effort to stop the on-coming climax. It was impossible. Her body shook as incredible pleasure rushed through her. Her head spun and her eyes hooded over.

She had never climaxed without manual stimulation before. In fact, it had always taken quite a bit of stimulation to bring her relief. But now, without a touch, she was climaxing. Her body shook and her knees almost buckled as the pleasure continued for some time. As the waves began to subside, she realized that juice was running down her thighs like a river.

Inside the room, Eric was lying back on the bed with his eyes closed, his hand around his cock stroking himself. Little moans of pleasure continued to escape his lips.

Melissa was almost successful in tearing herself away from the door when she glanced in one last time. Her trembling had barely stopped when she saw her son now stroking himself rapidly. All reason left her and she reached between her legs and began to stimulate her still pulsing clit. Her breathing grew labored as she rubbed herself and watched her son play with himself.

She heard a moan and saw him squeeze his fist around his cock, pulling the skintight and making the large head swell even larger. Seconds passed as the purple head grew larger and the entire shaft throbbed.

Suddenly, with a low moan, the swollen head pulsed and a huge bolts of cum shot from the slit like an erupting volcano. The thick sperm arched upward several feet into the air before falling back to his chest with a splat. Another blast followed, and then another. Over and over his cock pulsed, spewing an incredible quantity of juice into the air, only to splatter on his chest and stomach. Finally the throbbing stopped and the remaining juice streamed down his fingers.

When it was over, his stomach and chest were covered in juice, leaving a trail all the way to his chin.

Melissa saw his eyes close as his hand continued to milk his slowly wilting cock. She had begun to climax again at the sight of the first squirt of juice from her son. The waves of pleasure rushing through her made it difficult to keep her eyes open. Her second climax was stronger then the first and threatened to overwhelm her senses. She had never felt anything like it.

The vision of her son masturbating would be burned into her mind forever. Eric's father's equipment wasn't anywhere near as large as her son's was, nor was the quantity of sperm. In fact, the amount of juice coming from Eric had to be double or triple his father's. She wondered with shame what his squirting cock would feel like inside her. It had been a long time since she had felt cum inside her.

Eric moaned contentedly as his hand finally dropped from his cock, juice covering his stomach, chest and fingers.

Melissa came to her senses before Eric opened his eyes. She rushed from his doorway and back to her room. With her door securely locked, she dropped the robe and crawled onto the bed naked. With visions of her son's spewing cock in her mind, she spread her legs, reached for her favorite vibrating dildo and slipped it inside her. She had gotten it as a gag gift years earlier and it had been in her underwear draw since then. She had never had the courage to use it until now.

Moans began to slip from her lips as the mechanical penis began to do the trick. She left the vibrating device inside her, preferring to let it do its work without help from her hand. It was sweet torture to feel it squirm insider her throbbing pussy. She squeezed her still strong pussy muscles to hold it inside. She threw her head back as waves of pleasure began to rush through her. "Oh, God," she gasped. "Eric ... Eric ... Eric ... oh God, I'm cummmmmmmmiiiinnnnngggg," she gasped as another climax came on quickly.

* * * * *

Unknown to her, outside the bedroom door Eric stood in shock.

He had stopped over again to say goodnight. Before he could knock, however, he heard his mother moaning. It took him only seconds to realize his mother was masturbating. Amazingly, it sounded like she was saying his name. He didn't think that was possible, but the thought of it excited him nonetheless.

In record time, his cock began to throb again. He took it out of his pants and began to stroke himself. He knew how crazy it was, but he couldn't help it. He listened closely as he moved his hand rapidly. Suddenly, with little warning, he began to cum, spraying his cream against the door and on the carpet at his feet.

When he finally returned to his senses, he realized he had made a mess. He sheepishly and quietly went to the bathroom and found a towel to clean the door and the carpet.

* * * * *

The following morning, Melissa heard her son before she saw him. She stood at the stove with her back to him. She didn't turn around as he took a seat at the table and picked up the Sunday newspaper. Melissa brought a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon over to the table and set it down.

"Good morning, Eric," she said.

"Good morning," he returned without looking up.

Melissa was feeling embarrassed about what had happened last night. She had watched him masturbate and then fantasized about having sex with her own son. She has an almost irrational fear that he knew she had spied on him.

Taking a deep breath she said, "We have to get our skis and suitcases down from the attic. Can you do that for me?"

"Sure, Mom," Eric answered as he looked up from the paper for the first time. "What time do we leave tomorrow?"

"Really early ... we have to get up at four thirty a.m. I think the flight is at six-thirty. We go to England, Heathrow, and then on to Zurich, Switzerland. I think we arrive about five or six in the evening, their time.

"Uck! I can't sleep on airplanes. Oh well, I guess we can sleep when we get there. I'll get the luggage and our skis as soon as I eat," he said. "I'm really hungry for some reason this morning." He had masturbated twice more that night, thinking of his mother.

Melissa had climaxed twice in the hall without touching herself and then twice that night, using the dildo.


Neither Melissa nor Eric minded the long flight to Switzerland. The excitement of skiing in Switzerland overcame the fatigue of the grueling trip. However, when they arrived and had loaded everything into the rental car they decided that they were too tired to drive to Zermatt that evening. Instead they rented a hotel room for the night. Eric said it was senseless to waste money on two rooms so they rented one with double beds. Then they went to dinner at the hotel restaurant.

The restaurant wasn't fancy, but it was good enough for them to get a quiet meal. At dinner Eric begged his mother to let him share a bottle of wine. He pointed out that in Europe teenagers could drink wine and beer at 18. She relented since they didn't have to drive that evening.

Eric had a broad smile on his face as he held up his first official glass of wine for a toast. "To a great ski vacation with my favorite woman."

Melissa responded with, "To a great vacation with my favorite son."

"Hey, I'm your only son."

"And you said the other day that I was your only woman ... not just your favorite."

They laughed. But the smile on Eric's face said that she was both.

By the time dinner was served they had consumed half the bottle of wine. It was obvious from Eric's actions that he was not used to drinking. It appeared that the wine had also made him a bit bold when he asked, "Mom, what happened between you and dad? I mean, I heard the arguments, but everyone has those. There had to be more."

Melissa sat her fork down and sighed. "It's a long story."

"I have all night," Eric returned with a laugh.

"All right. Well, you will probably understand better after you're married. Married couples, any couple, really need time to get to know each other. You were born right after we were married and that created problems almost immediately."

Eric raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I was pregnant when we got married. Are you shocked?"

"No. I saw the marriage license once and realized it was dated after I would have been conceived. Unless I was born four months pre-mature." He laughed.

"You were not pre-mature ... believe me I know, I carried you for 9 months and I had the back pain and now the wider hips to prove it."

"So you had a rough start with a baby right away. Plenty of couples start out like that," Eric said.

"That's true. But a lot of marriages don't make it either. I think all couples need time for themselves, to learn about each other, to have the privacy to enjoy life, to be able to save money for their first house and so forth. A baby within a couple months of marriage throws a monkey wrench into all of that."

Melissa reached over and touched Eric's hand. "Don't think that we didn't want you. You were ... are the best thing that has ever happened to me. It was just that it made it even more difficult for us. Beyond that, things change. Your father ... uh ... your father ... I'm not sure how to say this," she said and hesitated, taking a quick gulp of wine.

"Come on, Mom. I told you some pretty personal things."

"Yes you did." Melissa paused in thought, running her finger around the rim of her wineglass. Finally she said, "Well, the truth is, your father was never much on the sex thing. His religious upbringing always caused problems."

"I guess that's why he ran away with that female bible beater," Eric said with a frown.

"Yes. I tried to make sex interesting, but he didn't seem to have the sex drive. And, he wasn't very good in bed." Melissa laughed nervously, then quickly added, "Not that I would know what 'good in bed' really means."

"What does 'not very good in bed' mean with dad?" Eric wanted to know.

Melissa hesitated. "Uh ... well, he wouldn't let me do what you and Brenda did for one thing."

Eric looked shocked. "You mean he wouldn't let you give him a blow ... uh ... suck ..." he stuttered.

"Nope. No blowjobs or eating pussy," she said bluntly, shocking both of them with her language. Melissa put her hand over her mouth and giggled. "I'd better slow down with the wine."

"Wow," Eric said. "Have you ever done either?"

"No, I've never been with anyone but your father."

"Really?" Eric said rather loudly.

"Nope, just your father. Because he wasn't interested in sex, I guess I suppressed all my desire until ... until recently."


"I shouldn't tell you this stuff," Melissa said, ignoring caution and pouring another glass of wine.

"Come on, Mom... I told you stuff I have never told anyone else."

Melissa sighed and continued. "Recently, I have had ... I don't know ... I've felt all this sexual desire. It's much stronger than I ever remember." Melissa paused again. This was just too embarrassing to be talking about to my son, she thought. She decided to change the subject. "We were talking about me and your father, not sex. One day he just said he had found someone else and that was it."

Eric shook his head in dismay. "I can't imagine any man leaving you."

"Thank you, but I'm a long way from perfect. It wasn't all his fault."

"It was too. Look at you. You're a gorgeous woman who could be a model if you wanted. You are bright, caring, and a great mother. Not only that, you're a career woman with a great job that pays good money ... more than most men make in fact. And you're sexy as hell." Eric blushed as the wine made his lips loose.

"Well thank you again, sweetheart." She squeezed his hand again.

"Another question, Mom."

"You're full of questions tonight."

"Do you mind?"

"No. I like it. I haven't really had anyone to talk to since your father left. And for the past few years of our marriage we just argued."

"I like talking with you," Eric said sincerely. "Last question, I promise. Why did you only have me? I mean ... did you want more children?"

"Yes, I wanted a house full. But your father didn't want anymore, and he wouldn't budge."

"I'm like him less and less as we talk."

"No, don't say that, sweetheart," Melissa said looking at him sadly. "He's your father. As I told you before, I'm not perfect. To make a marriage work, it takes two people. I don't want to sour you on him. That would give me great pain." Melissa had tears in her eyes.

"Your defense of him tells me that it was not your fault. Someone that cares that much would have worked things out had the other party been willing."

"Let's change the subject, okay?" Melissa said as she dried her eyes.

"You're right," he said, and quickly added, "So do you still think you can beat me down the slopes?"

"Of course," Melissa returned with a smile. The two of them had always been competitive. They challenged each other at sports, games, and anything else that even resembled competition, especially Chess.

"I was a year younger the last time we went skiing and so were you. I don't think you can beat me anymore."

Melissa said, "Well, we'll see."

They both smiled.

They talked for a long time. But not like mother and son. They shared their wishes and dreams. It was an intimate conversation that would have been more appropriate for lovers, or a husband and wife. Neither realized how fast the time was passing until they looked around realized that the restaurant was almost empty.

"We better get to our room," Melissa said and stood up. She felt the wine go to her head and swayed.

"You okay, Mom?" Eric said, but he swayed himself.

Melissa looked at Eric with a mock disapproving smile. Then they both laughed.

The two of them walked arm in arm, using one another for support. They entered the elevators and then went into their room.

"You want to take your shower first, Mom?"

"Okay, sweetheart. I won't be long."

While Melissa was in the shower, Eric flipped through the channels on the TV. Unfortunately the only show in English was CNN.

Melissa peeked out of the bathroom about a half-hour later. "Uh ... Eric, could I borrow one of your long sleeved shirts. I don't want to dig into my bag."

"Sure, Mom," Eric volunteered. He grabbed one of his shirts and took it over to her. She took it from his hand and closed the door. A few moments later she came out wearing the shirt.

"Wow, Mom, you look great in a man's shirt," Eric said.

"Thanks. But it's a little short," she said, trying to pull the bottom down as far as possible.

"That's fine with me," Eric said with sparkling eyes.

"Eric, I'm your mother," Melissa said, trying to appear stern, but the curl in her lips gave her away.

Eric got up quickly and went into the bathroom.

Melissa had seen a tent begin to form in his shorts. Her heart fluttered a bit when she realized that she had made that happen. Then she chastised herself again.

When Eric returned from the shower, he had shaved and put on a pair of white boxer briefs and a sleeveless T-shirt. The boxer briefs and T-shirt were a stretch material and fit him snugly.

Melissa noticed that although his erection had subsided, there was still a very noticeable bulge in stretch briefs. She was sitting up on the bed with her back supported by pillows. The tail of the shirt was pulled down at her thighs as far as it could go, covering only the last several inches of her upper thighs. Her legs were crossed with the material pushed between them. She was reading a book with her glasses sitting on her nose.

Eric smiled and said, "You look like a school marm now."

Melissa took off the glasses and got a pout on her face. "First I'm sexy and now I look like a school marm?"

"A very sexy school marm," Eric returned.

Melissa couldn't help looking down at the crotch of Eric's shorts. She suppressed a gasp. He definitely had half an erection. She quickly put her glasses back on and looked down at her book.

Eric flopped on the bed and began watching CNN again. "I'm tired, but not sleepy," he said.

Melissa looked over her glasses at him and said, "Me too. Must be jet lag."

"Want to play a game of chess?" Eric asked.

"Sure. We haven't played chess in months. And, if I remember correctly, you're still working off the bet you lost last time."

Melissa had used the games to get Eric to do things around the house. After losing the last bet, he had to wash her car every other week for two months and do the dishes twice a week.

"All right, if I win this time, all my bets are paid off," Eric responded.

"But if you lose, everything is doubled ... another two months of washing my car and doing the dishes twice a week."

"Deal," Eric answered.

The two of them had always been competitive. Eric was much better at computer games. However, Melissa beat him at board games most of the time.

Eric found the portable chess set and sat them on the bed in front of him. "Come on and take your beating," he said.

"Yeah, right," Melissa said as she came over to the bed and sat down with her feet on the floor, legs facing away. She realized that that position was not going to work. She tried as gracefully as possible to turn and bring her legs onto the bed. She crossed them yoga style, pushing her shirt down to cover her panties. It barely did the job.

Although she knew Eric was trying to concentrate on the chess game, she also knew that he was sneaking peaks at her legs. Along with a strange feeling of pride, she felt a chill go up and down her spine. Whenever he looked up, his eyes went to her bare thighs and the tiny slip of material between her legs. Incredibly she allowed the shirt to pull up slightly, allowing her panties to show. She was certain that he could see her panties now. Her heart began to beat harder and she felt her pussy lips getting wet and wondered how long it would take before it showed through the thin gusset of her panties.

As they began to play the game Melissa found herself watching Eric's eyes more than concentrating on the game. She could see that he was distracted as well. His stare made her even wetter. Soon she knew that her crotch was wet. When she glanced down at her son's crotch she almost gasped. He definitely had an erection and, although he tried to hide it, there was a wet spot at the head of his cock. Melissa knew she had to put a stop to this.

"It's after midnight. I think it's about time for me to go to sleep," Melissa said, her voice almost trembling.

"Me too. We'll continue the game tomorrow with the same stakes. Okay?" said Eric.


Melissa saw him glance between her legs one last time. To her utter amazement, Melissa found herself leaning back just a couple inches. The arch of Eric's eyebrows told her that he could plainly see the wet spot that had formed in the crotch and now made her panties almost transparent. She looked at the bulge in his shorts and saw it twitch.

Eric gasped but tried to cover it up by acting like a playing card had cut his finger. "Shit," he exclaimed, bringing the finger to his mouth.

"Paper cut? I hate those," Melissa said as she got up went to her bed. She chastised herself for being so bold as to let her son see her panties. Her only excuse was the wine she had drank, but deep inside she knew that was a lame excuse. There was more going on here the she cared to admit. She quickly crawled under the sheets.

Eric crawled into his bed.

* * * * *

The following morning Melissa awoke to a bright room. She realized that she had not closed the drapes. She looked at the clock and saw that it was only 6 a.m. She got up and went over to the window to pull the drapes. When she did she glanced down at her son. A gasp escaped her mouth when she saw that the sheet had pulled from his body. He was lying sprawled on the bed and there was a large tent in his shorts. Melissa realized he probably had a "piss hardon" as his father used to call it. His cock was pulsing. When Eric stirred and moaned, Melissa quickly crawled back into her bed.


By 9 a.m. Melissa and Eric were dressed and ready to go. Melissa wore a green jacket and form fitting jeans. Eric wore a red down jacket, jeans and tennis shoes. They ate breakfast before the drive to Zermatt.

It was a beautiful sunny day with the temperatures in the low 30's as they left Zurich for the 150-mile drive. Eric drove while Melissa navigated. They tried to stay on the interstate as long as possible. However, the mountain scenery was just too alluring, so they took smaller roads through quaint towns. The views of the villages and mountains were breathtaking and every scene was a postcard. There was snow everywhere but Switzerland depended on tourism for their economy. The main roads were kept clear, no matter the weather.

When they reached the mountains, the speed of travel slowed down and snow began to fall. Fortunately the snow didn't come down heavily until they were close to Zermatt.

"I think we turn here," Melissa said, pointing to a small road heading toward a steep mountain.

"Are you sure?" Eric asked. "It doesn't look like the road goes anywhere."

"Yes, here's the road on the map. We have about five miles up the mountain. I was told that there's a caretaker who lives in a chalet below the mountain cabin."

The road went back and forth with hairpin turns as they climbed higher and higher. Finally when they thought the road was ending, they found a small house with a car parked outside. There was smoke coming from the chimney. "This is the caretaker's house I'm sure," Melissa said.

Eric parked the car and they got out. From inside the house came an old man with two large dogs behind him. He smiled as he walked up to them.

"The Jacobs I presume," he said in English with a German accent, holding out his hand. "I'm, Leon Schmidt."

"Yes, pleased to meet you. We have the cabin for two weeks," Melissa answered reaching out her hand to the old man.

Eric knelt down and called the dogs over. They charged at him, knocking him over and he slipped onto his butt in the snow. He was laughing as the two large dogs began licking his face.

"Luke, Alexandra," the old man called. But, the dogs didn't listen. "Sorry, they love people," he said to Melissa.

"That's okay, we love dogs."

"I can tell," he said, looking at Eric now wrestling with the dogs. "Good to have someone in the cabin for a change. Mr. Hemsley doesn't make it up here much anymore. I don't think he can ski now with his bad knees. Do you know Mr. Hemsley?"

"Yes, he's the chairman of the company I work for. Nice man."

"Very nice. His grandmother lived in the cabin for years. She refused to move no matter what her grandson tried to do. Mr. Hemsley used to come up here quite often after she passed. He loved to ski. Nobody's been here for a year or so. But I keep it nice just the same."

"I'm sure it's very nice," Melissa said.

"Well, it's small and doesn't have all the modern conveniences, but it should suit you and your husband fine. And the skiing is world class around here."

Melissa started to say that Eric wasn't her husband but for some reason let it go. She was flattered that the old man thought she was young enough to be Eric's wife. "I know. We haven't been skiing in a while. We're really looking forward to it."

"Well, let's get you up there then. We can ride up the mountain about a mile and then you'll have to walk a couple hundred yards to the cabin. I can ride with you two and then walk back down."

"Are you sure you want to walk back down?"

"Do it almost everyday. Up and down."

The old man got into the back of the car and they drove the final mile straight up the mountain. When the road ended they stopped and got out.

"Oh my," Melissa said as she looked out over the valley. "The view is breathtaking." Then she turned and looked at the cabin sitting above them. It was an A-frame type cabin and almost appeared it was about to topple from the hill. "I guess you can't be afraid of heights if you live up here."

"That's for sure," returned Leon with a laugh.

They each grabbed luggage and began to walk up the snow-covered path leading to the cabin. By the time they reached the front door, they were all out of breath. Leon opened the door without a key. "No one's gonna come up here to steal anything," he said to Melissa's unanswered question.

"They'd have to be in great shape," she said as she caught her breath.

Inside the cabin was a large room with a stone fireplace covering most of one wall. A roaring fire was burning, throwing off heat for the room. There was a large picture window looking out over the valley with an amazing view. The room was sparsely furnished with a small sofa, comfortable looking stuffed chair, wooden rocking chair, and a rug on the floor in front of the fireplace. To the left were steps that led to a loft.

"As I said, kind of rustic, but Mr. Hemsley didn't want to change any of the furniture. Left it just like it was when his grandmother was alive. Didn't even put in a furnace. But you've got plenty of wood outside for the fireplace and stove. You'll have to keep it going all the time to stay warm."

Melissa looked at Eric and shrugged her shoulders. She hadn't expected not to have central heating, although she was relieved when Leon flipped on the light switch. At least they had electricity. She wondered about a flush toilet.

When Leon saw Melissa's look he said, "You have running water, flush toilet, and a butane-gas hot water heater. I turned hot water heater on so you should have hot water tonight."

"Thank you," Melissa said with a bit of relief. At least we will at be able to take hot baths, she thought.

They sat the luggage down and followed Leon into the kitchen. "Here's the kitchen. Got a stove, refrigerator and staples in the closet. You'll have to go to the store to get perishable stuff." Then he led them to the bathroom. There was an open door leading to the single bathroom. Inside were a sink, toilet, and, although antique in style, a free standing tub that looked as if had been recently installed.

Finally they went upstairs to the loft where they saw one king sized bed. Again Melissa looked at Eric. "Only one bed," she whispered with a look of concern.

Eric shrugged. "Well, they told you it was rustic," Eric said with a sardonic smile.

"Yes, it is a bit rustic, but you should do fine," Leon said when he heard Eric's comment. "The down bed cover is warm and the fireplace should provide enough heat." Then Leon walked back down the steps to the living room with Melissa and Eric following. "That should about do it. I'm just down the mountain if you need anything."

"Thank you," said Melissa as she walked outside with Leon. For a moment she wondered if she should tip him but decided not to. She said goodbye and came back into the house.

Melissa looked at Eric and sighed. "A little more rustic then I pictured."

Eric looked around and answered, "True, but we'll be on the slopes most of the time, so it doesn't matter. I can sleep on the sofa."

Melissa looked at the sofa. It was short and rather lumpy looking and she knew it wouldn't be comfortable. "You can't sleep there."

"Then I can sleep on the floor in front of the fireplace."

"That's silly. We're adults. The bed is plenty big enough for both of us."

Eric paused for a moment as if thinking about the proposition. Then he smiled. "Okay, if you insist."

Melissa returned the smile and said, "I insist."

"Well, of course you will wear your 'see-thru' night gowns," Eric said referring to the gown she had worn when he saw her in her room the other day.

"Eric, I'm your mother," she said in mock exasperation, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, sometimes I forget that," he laughed.

The strange feeling ran through Melissa again. She shivered but then recovered. "Let's go out of the balcony and have a look."

They stepped outside and both caught their breath. The view was more than breathtaking.

"Wow, this looks like a picture postcard," Eric said as he stood close to his mother and looked out over the valley.

"Yes, it's amazing," responded Melissa. They watched it snow for a few minutes and then Melissa said, "Let's get unpacked and check out the town."

Several hours later they had toured the town and found out where the slopes were located. Then they stopped at the local grocery store and bought milk, bread, cereal, fruit, and other perishable foods. After trudging them up the hill to the cabin, they put the groceries away and Melissa began fixing dinner. By the time they had eaten dinner of pasta with tomato sauce, green beans, fresh bread and a bottle of wine, they were ready to take baths and go to bed.

Melissa went first, filling the tub with steaming water. She moaned as she sunk into the deep tub. For some reason Melissa's mind wandered back to her vision of Eric when they were still at home. She could see him in his room with his cock in his hand, stroking himself. Slowly as the vision clarified in her mind, her hands slipped between her legs. With a quiet moan she began to stroke her clit. Her legs were spread to each side of the tub. The excitement built rapidly with the vivid images of her son parading before her.

The climax came on slowly and grew until she strained to keep her moans from escaping the bathroom. She bit her tongue as she reached her peak and slowly went over the top. Then she came slowly back to reality.

The climax had been very satisfying and somewhat exhausting. As a result, she fought to remain awake. Before she fell asleep, she got out, dried herself and put on a pair of panties and then slipped her nightgown over her head. When she looked into the mirror, she saw that her breasts were plainly visible. She thought for a moment about wearing a bra, but discounted it because of how uncomfortable it would have been ... or so she told herself.

The house was warm and toasty with the smell of burning logs in the fireplace when Melissa came out of the bathroom. She had on a sleeveless shirt and short jogging shorts.

"Continue our game of chess after I take my shower?" Eric asked.

"Okay, but just for a while until we get tired."

Eric went downstairs to take his shower. When he came out of the bathroom, he came upstairs. He had on his boxer briefs and a T-shirt again. It was obvious that he was getting very comfortable being around his mother with just underwear on.

Melissa was sitting on the bed cross-legged.

Eric stood at the end of the bed and looked at his mother.

She could see his eyes move to her top where she was pretty sure he could see her nipples.

"Want some wine?" Melissa asked.

"Sure," Eric answered, pleased that his mother didn't question letting him drink wine.

Melissa got a bottle of red wine, two glasses, and a bag of pretzels.

A half-hour later, most of the wine was gone and both of them were feeling a little tipsy.

As the game progressed Melissa could see her son's eyes spending more and more time staring at her nearly naked breasts swaying under her top. She knew she was teasing him, but the wine, the warmth of the cabin and the excitement of the snow falling outside was making her lightheaded. She could feel illicit excitement coursing through her.

Across from her it was obvious that Eric was feeling the same way; there was noticeable tent in his shorts.

It took a few minutes for Melissa to notice her son's condition. When she did, she couldn't help glancing at the pulsing bulge. She felt her heart begin to beat faster and she tried not to stare. Soon she could feel her pussy begin to leak. She knew why he was hard. Her motherly side told her to cover up, but her female side was pleased that she could excite a young man so quickly at her age. Whenever she moved she felt her breasts sway, rubbing her nipples against the material and keeping them hard. She felt her clit throb.

Melissa closed her eyes as if she were resting them and sighed as she leaning her head back. She knew what Eric could see. He could see her breasts moving up and down and if he looked lower, he could see the crotch of her panties under her short shorts. She could feel her pussy moistening and hoped it wasn't showing through the crotch. Now pretending to have dozed off, she opened her eyes just a crack. She felt she like she might pass out as she watched her son's hand move slowly to the bulge in his underwear. Then he paused as he glanced up at her face, obviously making sure she was asleep.

Forcing her eyes to remain hooded she watched his hand begin to move up and down the bulge in his underwear. Almost without her conscious knowledge she spread her legs. Now, she was pretty sure he could see the crease of her pussy under her panties.

Eric moved his hand faster. There was a wet spot at the top and it began to grow with each stroke as if he were pumping his pre-cum juice from a tube.

She wanted to look away ... she wanted to get up and run, but there was no place to go. She knew she could put a stop to it immediately by closing her legs. Yet, it was as if she didn't have control of her lower parts. They seemed paralyzed. Her head was saying stop it, but every other part of her body was in a state of excited frenzy.

She heard Eric moaned softly and he continued to stroke himself slowly. Suddenly she saw his body stiffened and his eyes closed tightly. Then the stain in his shorts began to grow larger. Melissa watched the wet spot grow as her sons hand moved faster. Like an explosion in her mind, she realized that he was climaxing. Her son was climaxing right in front of her. She couldn't actually see it, but he was only inches from her. She could feel the bed move with his trembling. It was too much for her. Again, without the benefit of manual stimulation, she felt her clit begin to throb. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. Her squinting eyes continued to stare at the ever-enlarging stain on Eric's shorts. He was climaxing... her son was jerking off in front of her and she was watching it. The pleasure ripped through and her body twitched. She was grateful that Eric's eyes were closed and couldn't see her orgasm. However, she could not have stopped it even if he did see her.

A minute later she felt movement on the bed and knew that Eric had gotten up. She only opened her eyes when she heard the bathroom door close. She sighed with relief. She quickly pulled up the sheet and comforter and slipped underneath. When she looked at the cover, she saw a large wet stain where she had been sitting. To keep Eric from seeing it, she turned out the lamp next to her bed. By the time Eric came out of the bathroom, she was pretending to be asleep again.


"I'll race you down to the bottom. Loser does dishes for a week," Melissa yelled as she took off with a head start on Eric. He sped off behind her, trying to follow her zigzag pattern down the hill.

It was early morning and gorgeous sunny day on the slopes and as of yet it wasn't too crowded.

Melissa looked over her shoulder and saw her son close behind. She pushed her poles into the snow and increased her speed. She wasn't sure she could beat him now, but she was certainly going to try.

The snow was powdery and dry, making the skiing ideal. She hoped to use her skill and experience to overcome the weight difference between her and Eric. As they rounded the final turn and head toward the finish line she was still in the lead. She knew Eric was trying as hard as he could, but seconds later she crossed the finish line first.

Melissa raised her ski poles into the air in celebration and then slid to the snow in exhaustion. It had taken all she had to beat him.

"You cheated," Eric complained as he fell beside her laughing and gasping for breath. "You had a head start."

"I should get a head start. I'm older than you ... and besides I'm a girl," she said with a pouting smile.

"Let's get some hot chocolate and then I want a second chance," Eric said, helping his mother up.

After a break and a ride back up the mountain, Melissa proceeded to beat Eric again. He wasn't laughing the second time.

It went like that all day. Eric was frustrated and a bit sullen when they went to dinner later that evening at a small restaurant on the main strip of Zermatt.

"Come on Eric," Melissa said, "you don't want me to let you win do you?"

"No," he said from across the table. "But you know I don't like getting beaten ... especially by a girl."

"Uh ha, so that's the problem," Melissa teased.

"You know what I mean."

Melissa reached over and touched her son's hand. "Give me a little leeway here. It won't be long before I can't beat you anymore. Besides, I won't tell anyone," she said with a serious face.

Finally Eric laughed. "You had better not," he warned jokingly.

"I'll let you beat me at chess tonight," she returned.

"You're not going to have to let me win. I'm going to beat you fair and square."

"We'll see."

After dinner they drove back to the cabin. Melissa realized she had drunk a little too much wine as they walked up the snow-covered path toward cabin. The footing was difficult even without the wine and Melissa had to hold onto her son's arm. Suddenly she slipped, falling to the frozen snow. Her weight pulled Eric down on top of her and they began to tumble back down the hill. Halfway down the slope a snowdrift stopped them, with Melissa plowing backward and Eric falling on top.

They were both in gales of laughter as Eric's weight pressed his mother into the snow.

"Now look what you've done," Eric said. "We were almost at the cabin until you fell."

Melissa looked up at him, the full moon casting his face in an almost angelic glow. "Sorry," she said as seriously as she could muster. But a second later she began to laugh again.

Eric had stopped laughing as he stared at her.

Suddenly she stopped laughing too. Her son's head blocked the moonlight and she could see a strange look in his eyes. A moment later his lips were on hers.

Melissa was stunned, but, incredibly, she did not try to push him away. Her head began to spin as their lips moved together. When she opened her mouth, his tongue entered and she moaned.

Melissa had no idea how long the kissed lasted. She only knew that she had sucked his tongue and he had sucked hers. They were kissing like passionate lovers. When she finally came to her senses, she pushed Eric away. He fell to the side and she struggled to stand up. However, she couldn't make it up the slope on her own.

When Eric got up, he was silent as he took his mother's arm and helped her back up the hill. When they entered the cabin, they saw that the fire had all but gone out. As Melissa went up to the bedroom, Eric loaded more logs onto the glowing coals and stoked them until they were roaring again. Then he went into the bedroom and found his mother already in bed. "I thought we were going to play chess?"

"I'm exhausted from the slopes," Melissa answered. "Maybe tomorrow night."

Eric shrugged his shoulders and went in and too a quick bath. Then he crawled into bed next to his mother. She was lying with her back to him and appeared to be asleep.

However, Melissa's eyes were still open. She couldn't go to sleep. She was replaying in her mind what had happened at the bottom of the hill. She had kissed her own son and let him put his tongue into her mouth. Her face was still hot from embarrassment. Or was it something else. Her beating heart told her it was something else. As she turned over onto her back, she felt the bed moving and wondered what was causing it. She listened and heard heavy breathing. She dared a quick glance over at Eric.

What she saw made her heart beat even faster. Eric was masturbating. She could clearly see his hand moving up and down under the sheet. She watched with fascination and curiosity.

Suddenly their eyes met. Instead of stopping, he moaned and moved his hand faster. A few seconds later, his hips began to move up and down and he began to grunt. He was climaxing.

It was the third time Melissa had seen her son masturbate. Suddenly, she said, "Do you do that everyday?" She didn't know where she got the courage, except that she could still feel the effects of the wine coursing through her.

"Huh?" Eric asked as if he hadn't heard the question.

"Do you masturbate everyday?" she asked again.

"Uh ... yeah ... I guess," he answered as his face turned red.

"Do most boys do that?" she wanted to know.

"I don't know. Some do I guess," he answered.

"What do you think about?"

"Mom, what kind of question is that?"

"You don't have to answer. Just thought we were being honest with each other."

Eric started to say something then paused. Suddenly he said, "You."

Melissa sucked in her breath with shock. However, deep down, she wasn't really surprised. Maybe that was the answer she was fishing for.

"Do you masturbate?" Eric returned.

Melissa took a moment to answer. "I have, but not in a long time," she lied. She couldn't be sure he had known that she had climaxed outside his door or in bed later.

"Why not?"

"I ... I ... I don't really know," she answered truthfully.

"Do it."


"Do it now. Masturbate."

"I ... I can't do that."

"Sure you can. Just put your finger on your clit and rub it. You know you want to."

Suddenly Melissa's heart was pounding so loud she thought Eric might hear it. "Eric ... this ... this isn't right."

"You watched me do it."

She almost gasped. She wondered which time he was talking about. Melissa paused for several long moments. Then, while her brain was screaming no, her fingers seemed to have a mind of their own as they moved under the sheet. This is crazy, she thought. Yet, she could feel her pussy pulsing and she knew her clit was swollen and sticking from between the protective lips. She pulled her nightgown up ... she had chosen not to wear panties tonight. Her body felt on fire. "Ohhhh," she moaned when her finger reached her clit. She opened her legs slightly and moved one finger of her other hand to her lower lips.

Slowly she moved a finger inside her as another finger began to tease the swollen head of her clit. "Mmmmm," she gasped as her body reacted quickly to the stimulation. Her legs clamped together on her hand as both fingers moved rapidly ... one went in and out of her pussy and the other up and down on her clit. A moment later she began to climax. "Ohhhhh, ohhhh, ohhhh," she gasped as her hips lifted from the bed and her body shook. She could almost feel Eric's eyes on her and it sent incredible waves of pleasure through her. It was like fireworks going off in her head as her body movements caused the bed to shake.

Finally, she settled back down on the bed and her fingers fell from between her legs. Mortification at what she had done quickly engulfed her like a dark cloud. She turned her back to Eric.

"Wow, that was amazing," Eric whispered. "Good night, Mom," he said. "I love you."

Melissa whispered too quietly for Eric to hear, “I love you too.”