A Mother's Mistakes - Part 01

A Mother's Mistakes - Part 01

Published on: 2024-01-24 15:21:28

Chapter 1

It was six fifteen and Allison Hudson was late... again. The Friday afternoon traffic had been a bear and there was an accident on the freeway that tied up all three lanes for over a half-hour. It seemed that the traffic was getting worse by the day. Just a few years ago, suburbia was open land, rolling hills and lush greenery... now there didn't seem to be a square acre on which to put another house or strip mall. Allison was glad that she lived further out where neighbors were not at the end of the driveway, however the daily commute was getting harder to take, if not already unbearable.

Allison thumped the steering wheel with her fingers impatiently and looked at the other commuters who were just as anxious to get home as she was. Well, maybe not quite that anxious. Bradley, her husband was out of town and her 18-year-old son, Christopher, was staying with a friend tonight. It wasn't often that she got the house to herself. Well, not exactly to herself... Jason was due over at 7:30. The thought of Jason created a stirring between her legs. Yet, there was also fear. It would be the first time since they had started the affair over a year ago that he was coming to her house. They would be fucking in her bed... the bed she had shared with her husband for almost nineteen years. It was dangerous and crazy but excitement had overcome her fears.

At thirty-eight years old, Allison thought that her sex drive was greater now than it had ever been. She had read somewhere that women do not hit their sexual peak until their mid-thirties. That had certainly been true in her case; it seemed that all she thought of these days was sex. In fact, sometimes she thought that she was a nymphomaniac, although she had heard that nymphomaniac's didn't receive fulfillment. That certainly wasn't true in her case... sometimes she climaxed so many times that she thought she would lose consciousness. Still, maybe it was Jason and his kinky ways that made the sex so incredible. He was unlike anyone she had ever met. He was handsome, strong, and very dominant. He made her do things... and feel things... things that a married thirty-something businesswoman with a PHD in biotechnology shouldn't be doing or feeling. It was so wrong, but felt so good. She couldn't deny him.

Incredibly she still loved her husband, Bradley. He had always been good to her... maybe that was the problem... he was too good to her. Or maybe the problem was that he was eighteen years her senior and had developed health problems two years ago... a triple bypass. Their sexual relationship had never been spectacular, but it dropped to nothing, nada, zilch, after the surgery. The doctor said the blood pressure medicine and blood thinners could have a negative effect on his libido. However they hadn't said it would kill it all together.

Allison and Bradley had met in college. He was a professor at the time and she an advanced graduate student. She had graduated from high school at sixteen and was recruited by almost every major university with a biotech program. Everyone said it was her destiny to do great things. Unfortunately, most of her young life had been filled with books and studying... no time for boyfriends and sex. In fact, she had been a virgin until Bradley.

From Allison's appearance, no one would know of the simmering desires below the surface. For most of her life, she had done what she could to hide her good looks and shapely figure. At work she wore unattractive horn-rimed glasses and rather dowdy clothes, covered by the always-present white lab coat. She was tall at five foot eight, preferring to wear low heels most of the time... since Bradley was only five nine. She weighed 135 lbs, with mid-length dirty blonde hair that she kept in a bun most of the time. She had a trim waist with a mature flare to her hips, created by the birth of her only son, Christopher, and she still had a very shapely backside as a result of hours on the Stairmaster. Her eyes were gray/green with a sparkle that belied her prudish exterior. She felt that her nose was a little to sharp, but it fit her somewhat sharp and model-like features well. Her cheeks were naturally rosy and her pouting lips always seemed to show a hint of a smile. Her breasts were the size of small grapefruits, still firm for her age, with large dark brown nipples that grew to almost a half inch when she was excited. On the rare occasion when she allowed herself the remove her lab jacket at work, she got plenty of unwanted stares. That was distressing to her because she worked hard to keep the appearance of the perfect professional woman. She was a strong and firm manager. Although some of her jealous male subordinates would say that she was "a ball buster." Some even called her a "dyke" behind her back. She had heard the whispers. But she didn't really care.

Now in her late thirties however the glasses were gone, thanks to Lasik surgery, and she had upgraded her wardrobe to a more modern and somewhat fashionable style. While still not incredibly sexy, the skirts were a little shorter and the sweaters a little tighter. It seemed to help with her career as she had gotten two promotions since she changed her style of dress. She knew that she had accomplished a lot on her job, and deserved her promotions, but she also realized that a little harmless flirting never hurt.

Allison looked over at the tired commuters as they sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic, their windows closed to keep out the belching smoke. A smile came to her face when she saw the guy in the car next to her look over. His weary face turned to a smile as well. She wondered what he would think if he knew that she wasn't wearing panties, or that she had her skirt pulled up, almost to her waist, revealing the soft flesh of her inner thighs above the thigh high nylons that Jason always made her wear. Without turning her eyes from his stare, her hand dropped between her thighs and her fingers found her swollen sex lips. The guy was still smiling at her as a finger slipped deep into her warm hole.

She squirmed on the probing digit and thought of the phone call from Jason. She had been sitting at her desk making notes on a legal pad when the phone rang. For some reason she had been thinking about sex all day. "Take your panties off," he had said without so much as a "hello". "I can't. I'm at my desk," she protested. "Do it," he returned firmly. Looking though her door and seeing her assistant talking to someone with her back toward her, she obediently reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down and off. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw the wetness on the crotch. She quickly stuffed the slip of material into her pocketbook. Then he told her to play with her already swollen sex lips until they were dripping. When she protested again, saying she had an important meeting in ten minutes with her staff, he just laughed and said that that was perfect. Through the entire meeting she could feel her swollen lips pulsing and worried that she would have a wet spot on the back of her skirt when she got up.

Now she was stuck in this infernal Friday afternoon traffic, only made bearable by the feeling of her finger slipping in and out of her now dripping hole. The car quickly filled with a squishing sound and the sweet aroma of her excitement.

The blare of horns from behind awoke Allison from her daydream. When she looked ahead, she saw that the traffic had begun to move. She pressed the gas petal to the floor.

The house was gloriously quiet when Allison rushed through the door. She had less than an hour to get showered and changed before Jason arrived. So much for taking a bubble bath and relaxing with a glass of wine... or two. No, now she would have to rush to get ready. She needed to shave her legs and... shave her private parts... that was always a requirement for Jason. He wanted her sex lips smooth. She could still remember how shocked Bradley had been the first time he had seen it. Still, he didn't really care since he hadn't made love to her for over two years. Now she had gotten used to the feeling of her hairless sex lips rubbing against her panties. It was a constant reminder of her sexuality.

Allison was still rushing around when the doorbell rang.

Jason was at the door.

The sexy woman checked herself in the mirror one last time. The white blouse looked normal unless one saw it in the light. Then it would be apparent that she wasn't wearing a bra and the silky material did nothing to hide her naked flesh. The tiny short skirt barely covered the cheeks of her ass and left a long expanse of bare thigh between the hem and the top of her nylons. The four-inch high heels emphasized and defined her long legs, all the way up her strong thighs where they disappeared under the pleated material. Off course she wasn't wearing panties. At Jason's orders she had put her hair into two braids that were held at the ends by pink ribbons. It all led to the appearance that she was a young and naughty schoolgirl... a naughty schoolgirl whose swollen and mature sex lips were dripping juice down her thighs as she walked down the stairs.

Chapter 2

Chris used his cell phone to call home but gave up when he got the answering machine for the third time. He wanted to tell his mother that he was coming home tonight instead of staying with Jeff. He had come down with the flu and was sick in bed. Chris didn't leave a message for his mother, assuming that she wasn't home from work yet.

It was dark when he pulled into the driveway. There was a car sitting in front of the garage that he didn't recognize it. He parked next to it and got out, wondering who was at the house since his Mom hadn't said anything about a visitor.

The car was an expensive Mercedes model, sleek and black. That wasn't unusual in their upscale neighborhood, but he still didn't recognize it. He glanced inside but couldn't see anything that would indicate who the car belonged to. When he looked at the house, there didn't seem to be any lights on inside. A weird feeling suddenly came over him.... almost a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. While he wasn't a suspicious person by nature, something didn't seem right.

He opened the front door and closed it again as quietly as possible. He then walked gently through the large foyer, glancing first into the kitchen and then the living room, finding no one there and no lights on in any room. Suddenly he heard a noise coming from down the hall in the vicinity of the family room. His heart skipped a beat as he slowed his pace and tiptoed closer to the noise. There it was again. It sounded like moans of pleasure. He halted for a moment before moving again, feeling like a sneak in his own house. Turning to the side, he placed his back against the wall and inched forward. Then he squatted down and moved his head far enough out to look into the room. Like all the other rooms, the family room was dark. However, a fire was roaring in the fireplace throwing eerie shadows onto the walls. A sudden gasp caught in his throat. On the sofa were two people. One of them was his mother... or at least he thought it was; her outfit was like nothing he had ever seen her wear. As his eyes adjusted, he realized with shock that it was in fact her. And, she was kissing someone that was definitely not his father.

"That was so naughty of you to take your panties off at your desk at work today," the guy said as he pulled his lips away with a loud smack.

"Yes, it was," Allison answered breathlessly.

Chris recognized the voice of his mother, but it sounded strange, almost meek. He strained his eyes at the embracing couple and couldn't believe what he was seeing. Up until that point of his life, he had never seen his mother as anything but his mother. Sure she was pretty... maybe even sexy, but she was his mother and sons don't look at their mothers that way. Now, he saw her sitting on the sofa with a stranger, wearing... well he wasn't sure what kind of outfit she was wearing... and kissing a stranger. She had on high heels, which he rarely saw her wear, a very short skirt, which she never wore, and a white blouse. Her hair was braided. She looked like a teenager. What the hell is going on, he wondered?

"Open your blouse for me," the man said.

Without protest, Allison began to unbutton her blouse.

Chris' eyes opened wide as he stared into the dimly lit room and watched his mother's fingers open one button at a time until the blouse was hanging open by an inch or so, still hiding her breasts but revealing the insides swells. He almost passed out when the guy reached over and pushed open the blouse, exposing both of his mother's breasts. Suddenly a log crackled in the fire and the resulting flare sent bright light into the room. The light flashed off her breasts, revealing the soft white flesh and hard brown nipples.

"Mmmmm, very nice," the stranger said and reached over to cup one orb in his palm. Then he took the nipple between his thumb and index finger and squeezed, bringing a gasp from Allison. "You like it when I squeeze your nipples hard, don't you?" He squeezed harder.

Allison gasped again and hissed, "Yes," through clenched teeth.

"Spread your legs for me."

Allison obeyed, opening her legs as wide as she could, throwing the short skirt to the top of her thighs.

Fortunately the crackling of the fire continued to cover the gasps that slipped from Chris's mouth. He couldn't believe that he was staring at the bare crotch of his mother. Even more incredible, he saw that her sex lips were totally devoid of hair. The fireplace light showed a sparkle of juice on the obviously swollen inner lips. The outer lips were large, smooth, and puffy, unable to hold the inner lips inside.

Chris wasn't naive about sex, but he was still a virgin, at least technically. He and his girlfriend, Melissa, had engaged in manual and oral sex... or at least he had performed oral sex on her... she refused to do it to him, but always accommodated him with a hand job. However, he had eaten her many times, which he loved to do, and therefore had learned a good bit about the female sex anatomy from up-close. But this was his mother's sex he was staring at... it wasn't right. In spite of that, incredibly, he began to get an erection.

The guy slipped his hand between Allison's legs and began to rub her swollen lips. "Ah, very wet indeed. You are such a slut aren't you Allison?"

"Yes, I'm a slut," Allison gasped as her hips began to move on the sofa. "Ohhhh!!!" she suddenly cried as a finger found her hole and slipped inside.

The guy bent his head and took one already hard nipple into his mouth.

Chris watched in shock and mortification as the stranger pumped his finger in and out of his mother's willing hole. She spread her legs wider for him. He could hear the squishing sounds from his moving finger over the crackling fire, dissuading any doubts that he had with regard to her level of excitement or complicity.

For a long time the stranger worked on Allison, sucking one breast and then the other before adding another finger to her wet hole.

Allison's cries grew louder as she drew near a climax. It didn't take long since she had been worked up all day. Now, her hips lifted frantically from the sofa, taking his fingers as deeply as she could. "Yes, yes, yes," she gasped. "Oh God, I'm going to cum. Mmmmmmmm." Her body tensed and then began to convulse.

Chris watched with his mouth opened in amazement as his mother climaxed in front of him. He was stunned and shocked beyond belief. His head was spinning with so many feelings that he could hardly think. Yet, his penis throbbed and threatened to shoot off in his pants.

"That's it. That's it my little slut," the stranger said as he continued to pump his fingers in and out until Allison's climax slowed. When she finally relaxed, he pulled his fingers from between her legs and held them up to the firelight. They were glistening with juice. "I've never seen a slut that made so much juice," he laughed. "Clean my fingers," he ordered, holding his fingers up to Allison's mouth.

Without hesitation she took his fingers into her mouth one at a time and sucked them dry.

"Take my cock out."

Chris's heart almost stopped as he watched his mother lean over and unzipped the man's pants. Then she fished inside until she found his hard shaft. When she couldn't get it out of the opening, she unbuckled his belt and opened his pants.

"Go ahead and pull them down." He lifted up and allowed her to pull his pants to his feet.

Chris closed his eyes and shook his head as if this was a dream and he would be awake when he opened his eyes again. What he saw when he did was the stranger's large penis pulsing in his mother's hand. It was long and had a huge head that was shaped like a giant mushroom. His sparkling juice was running down the shaft in a small river.

"Lick me... but don't touch the head yet," the stranger ordered.

Allison moaned and bent her head to the stranger's throbbing shaft.

From Chris's angle he could plainly see his mother's tongue come out and begin to lick the juice from the underside of his shaft. She worked her tongue up and down, cleaning off the juice and leaving her saliva behind.

After a few minutes, the stranger said, "Now suck the head gently."

Chris found himself holding his breath as his mother's tongue moved up the shaft until her mouth was hovering over the pulsing head. Then he saw her open her mouth wide and take the head inside. He closed his eyes. He felt dizzy, disoriented, and swayed on his knees. This couldn't be happening. That couldn't be his mother sucking a stranger's cock in their own house... on the sofa he had sat on a million times.

"Mmmmmm, that's nice. You are such a nasty cock sucker."

Chris's eyes flew back open. He suddenly had to fight the urge to rush into the room and thrash the guy. He couldn't believe his mother was letting this guy call her a "nasty cock sucker". He was sure that she would have slugged anyone that called her that if this were a normal circumstance. However, this wasn't normal. It was surreal and suddenly seemed to be moving in slow motion as Chris watched his mother suck and lick the swollen head. Little murmurs of pleasure came from her sucking lips.

"Yes, suck me. Suck my cock bitch!" the stranger hissed. "You're a nasty cock sucker aren't you?"

Allison moaned as if the words were turning her on and she began to suck the head with greater enthusiasm. The room quickly filled with the solitary noise from her sucking lips.

The sound echoed in Chris's head, bouncing around like a ping-pong ball. "No... no... no..." his brain screamed. But the juice from his penis poured into his underwear, threatening to create a wet spot on his pants.

"Pump the shaft," he ordered. "That's it. That's it, I'm getting close."

Suddenly Chris realized that the stranger was going to cum in his mother's mouth. He almost screamed out to her in warning. He opened his mouth, but he closed it when he heard his mother moan and then saw her hand begin to move faster, pumping the shaft like she was milking him... like she wanted his cum in her mouth. Maybe the stranger was right... maybe his mother was a "nasty cock sucker". "No... no... no..." he screamed silently. "Nasty cock sucker...nasty cock sucker." The words exploded in his head.

"Oh yes, oh God," the guy moaned as his hips began to buck up at the sucking mouth. His hands found her head and he pushed her mouth down. "Take it all," he hissed through clenched teeth

Chris watched as the guy's penis disappeared... entirely. A low gasp escaped his mouth. He had seen women take a penis all the way into their throats in porn movies, but he didn't think that "normal" women really did that. "Nasty cock sucker... nasty cock sucker."

Allison pulled her mouth back in order to catch her breath. Then she moved down again, taking his penis past the breach of her throat over and over. Each time she paused at the bottom and her tongue came out to lick his balls.

"Suck it. Oh Goddddd!!!" the stranger screamed again.

Then Chris watched as his mother's head stop moving. She held only the head of his penis in her mouth and pumped the shaft. His eyes opened in horror. He could actually see his penis pulse and the balls squirm. The stranger was cumming in his mother's mouth. "Pull away... pull away," his brain screamed. But it was too late, even if she wanted too. However, it appeared that she had no intention of pulling away. Chris watched in amazement as her cheeks bulged and then collapsed as she swallowed once, twice, three times, all the while pumping the shaft for more. He saw her legs trembling and wondered if she were having another climax.

"Very nice," the stranger whispered as he pulled Allison's mouth from his penis with a loud pop. "That always takes the edge off."

Chris saw a dazed look on his mother's face as she sat back. Her lips were wet and there was a dribble of cum on her chin. The stranger reached over and wiped her lips with his finger and then fed it to her. Then he kissed her long and hard.

"Let's go upstairs so I can fuck you until you can't walk."

Chris saw his mother smile as she stood up on wobbly legs. He suddenly realized that they would have to walk past him. He jumped up quickly, turned and almost stumbled before rushing toward the living room, slipping inside a second before they came out of the family room. When they were past him he peeked out to see them walking up the stairs. The stranger slipped his hand down his mother's back and then under her tiny skirt. A second later his mother moaned and went up on her toes. The stranger's arm started to move back and forth as they walked up the stairs. At the top they stopped to kiss again and he pulled up the back of her skirt to reveal her naked ass. He grasped the cheeks and opened them wide, pulling her to him tightly. Then they turned toward the bedroom.

Chapter 3

Chris rushed out of the house closing the door as quietly as he could. When he got to his car and sat down he was trembling all over. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. It seemed like a dream. It couldn't have been his mother in there... his sweet almost sexless mother sucking off a stranger. Never had he thought of her sexually... she was his mother. She had bathed him, changed his diapers, and rocked him to sleep at night. Now he had witnessed her engaged in a sex act with a stranger. It wasn't something a son was supposed to ever witness. Yet, in spite of his revulsion, his penis pulsed in his pants.

As he sat silently in his car, he wondered what to do and where to go. He was angry, embarrassed, confused, and yes, still excited. He felt guilty that he had spied on his mother... yet she had no right to do what she had done... what she was doing right now in her bedroom. The though of that sent a chill through him. What were they doing now, he wondered? Were they fucking or was she sucking him again? "Nasty cock sucker... nasty cock sucker," the words echoed over and over in his head. He knew that he had to get control of his emotions. He had to think... to sort everything out.

"You bitch," he said out loud. "How could you do that to Dad... to me." He slammed his hand on the steering wheel and felt the pain shoot up his arm. Suddenly he realized that he was still in the driveway and visible from the upstairs bedrooms. He quickly started the car and backed out of the driveway. Then he drove around aimlessly for several hours. Finally he found a spot down the street from his house and parked where he could see the driveway. The car was still there. He would wait until the stranger left and then he would confront his mother.

He put his head back and tried to clear the images from his mind. Unfortunately, they were imbedded there forever. He saw his mother's mouth on the stranger's penis, sucking him. He saw her pumping his shaft, milking him. He saw her swallowing his juice, swallowing the contents of his balls... his sperm... his semen. He saw her lips, wet with the stranger's juice and the drops of cum on her chin. "Nasty cock sucker... nasty cock sucker." Then her swollen sex lips flashed into his head. He saw her legs spread and the juice running from her hole. In spite of his seeming revulsion, his penis throbbed and squirted more pre-cum juice into his already saturated underwear.

Chris dozed off sometimes late that night. It was not a restful sleep, but one filled with images of sex. He saw the stranger's face smiling in pleasure as his mother used her mouth on his penis. She sucked and pumped his shaft. She moaned in pleasure. His brain played it over and over again. Then at some point the image changed. It was no longer the stranger's face in the dream with his mother, but his own. In the dream, surrounded with fog-like mist, he looked down at his mother's head as she moved her mouth up and down on his shaft. He grabbed the braids and lifted her head, looking into her lust filled eyes before pushing her back down again. Her throat muscles caressed him, squeezing the length of his shaft. She took every inch of him into her throat. He saw her pretty eyes looking up and him... his penis was gone... it was all down her throat. His balls churned and he lifted his hips and pulled on her braids. His cum began to pour into her mouth. It came out like a never-ending stream... like a garden hose with a broken shut off valve. His mother sucked it all in, moving her hand to squeeze the last drops from his balls. Finally she pulled away and looked up at him. Her jaws were puffed out. "Are you my nasty cock sucking bitch?" he asked. In answer, she suddenly opened her mouth where all his sticky sperm lay pooled. "Oh God," he moaned in his sleep and his balls pumped their contents into his shorts.

The sun was breaking the horizon when Chris awoke with a start. He wasn't sure when he had dozed off or what had awakened him. For a moment he was confused, wondering where he was and what he was doing sleeping in his car. Suddenly it all came back in a rush... like a wave of grief that enveloped him in a shroud of darkness. His face paled, his stomach churned, making him feel like he might throw up. Maybe it hadn't really happened. Maybe it had been a dream. If it was a dream, it had been very powerful and realistic. He could feel the wetness in his underwear and knew that he had climaxed in his sleep. It was just a dream wasn't it?

But when he looked at the driveway of his house, he saw that the car was there: sitting there in mute testimony to the reality of his awful night. Then a moment later, the handsome stranger came out of the house and got into his car. Now he knew that it was true... his mother had really sucked the cock of a stranger and probably fucked him all night.

Chris watched as the black Mercedes backed out of the driveway and headed toward him. He slumped down in the seat and watched the smiling man drive by. He gritted his teeth in anger and thought for a moment about chasing after him. Instead he started his car and drove slowly down the street and into his driveway, parking his car where the strangers had been moments before.

Chris strode into the house with a purpose. He knew that if his mother were awake, she would be in the kitchen. While he looked determined and focused he felt anything but confident. His knees were weak and he was trembling inside as he neared the kitchen. With each step his resolve grew weaker, until he had to pause at the door to catch his breath. He realized that he had no idea what he was going to say.

"Chris, what are you doing home this early?" Allison exclaimed in shock when she saw her son walk in. It was obvious that she realized that if he had come home a few minutes early he would have caught them.

"Everyone was still partying and I was tired," he lied. He stared at his mother as she sat at the table. She was wearing a white terrycloth robe that was short on her thighs and opened at her chest to reveal a portion of her cleavage. Her hair was uncombed, her face flushed and there were red blotches on her chest. She would have looked like a well-satisfied woman except for a look of fear and a strange sadness in her normally bright eyes. "What about you... what are you doing up so early?" Chris asked, almost with a sneer.

"I just couldn't sleep."

I'll bet, Chris thought. It must be hard to sleep with a stranger fucking you all night. You can probably still feel his cock in your pussy right now, he thought angrily.

"What's wrong?" his mother asked.

"I didn't say anything was wrong."

"No, but your face does."

He opened his mouth but no words came out. He was about to confront her, but he couldn't find the words. When he saw the sad look in his mother's eyes, everything left him. Suddenly he was no longer angry... just tired. The confrontation would have to wait.

"I'm going up to get some sleep."

"Okay. See you later," Allison said with a touch of relief in her voice.

Chris walked upstairs and down the hall. He paused at his mother's bedroom door. On impulse he threw open the door and looked inside. A chill went through him when he saw the unmade bed with the sheets in a tangle. On the floor were the high-heels, the blouse and the tiny skirt that his mother had been wearing last night. With a quick look over his shoulder, he stepped into the room. It still smelled like sex. He picked up the tiny skirt and blouse. It was smaller than the outfits the cheerleaders at school wore. However, unlike his mother, they had underpants on when they wore it. The blouse was paper-thin and he held it up to the light and could see through it. Without thinking he held the soft material to his nose. It smelled like his mother... that familiar smell that until this moment had never been sexual. Now he felt his penis stiffen. He thought he heard something and quickly dropped the clothes and hurried to his room and flopped onto the bed. He closed his eyes and moaned painfully.

Unfortunately for Chris, sleep wouldn't come. He was incredibly tired, but every time he closed his eyes he saw his mother with the stranger or him, like in his dream last night. It flashed through his mind a million times.

For the rest of the weekend Chris tried to avoid his mother. Late on Saturday evening he came out of his room to take a shower and walked down the hall past his mother and father's bedroom. As he passed the door, he saw that it was opened slightly. Something made him pause. When he looked through the crack in the door, he saw his mother sitting at her vanity... and she was totally naked. Suddenly his heart was pounding in his chest. He knew he should go, but his legs didn't want to listen. He stared. His mother was rubbing cream on her chest. She used her palm to smooth the cream over her upper chest and down across the nipples. Then she lifted and caressed the orbs with her palms, kneading the smooth cream into the soft under flesh. She pinched one nipple, like the stranger had done, before moving to the other and doing the same. As the nipple grew hard, he thought he heard a little moan escape her lips.

Chris couldn't avoid it; his penis began to grow.

When his mother had finished creaming her breasts, she lifted one leg and began to rub the cream on her thigh. Chris almost gasped. The action forced her legs open, revealing her freshly shaven vagina. He could plainly see the smooth outer lips, with the fat inner lips hanging from between. The outer lips were already shining with oil. Chris could smell the sweet and unmistakable aroma of baby oil.

Allison suddenly had the strange feeling that she was being watched. She glanced into the vanity mirror. Her eyes opened wide when she saw movement in the hall. It had to be Chris since Bradley was still out of town. Her first thought was to jump up and close the door, but for some reason she didn't. She paused for a moment. Then, incredibly, she casually lifted her other leg and began to rub the cream on her thigh. Her legs opened wider. She found that her hands were trembling now. This was crazy... that was her son outside her door. Was she loosing her mind? She had never been attracted to her son.

When she had finished with her legs, Allison stood up with her back to the door. She bent over her dresser, pretending to search for something. She could feel her son's eyes on her ass and she knew that he could see her puffy lips between her thighs. Suddenly her lips grew wet and began to pulse. She wondered if he could see that.

Chris finally pulled himself together and hurried down the hall to the bathroom. A few minutes later he was sitting on the toilet with his hard penis in his hand. He squirted baby oil onto the head and let it run across his fingers. He was mortified by what he was doing, but couldn't think of anything but his mother and her naked body. Slowly he pumped the long shaft with his closed fist, thinking of his mother's large breasts. Then he saw her ass as she bent over the dresser. Between her legs he could see the pouch of her pussy and the glistening lips between. He thought of sliding his penis between those lips and about how soft and wet it would feel. It took only a few minutes for him to shoot his cum onto his stomach.

Chapter 4

Chris went through the week in a daze. Up until the previous Friday night he had been a normal teenager, going through all of the growing pains of a typical high school student. There was lacrosse practice every night and school work, with lots of homework. On the weekends he would go out with his friends or on a date with his girlfriend Melissa. He had already selected a college and had received a scholarship to play lacrosse. In a few months he was going to graduate and then one last summer vacation before college. Everything was pretty much set.

Now everything had changed... or so it felt. Yes he would still graduate and go to college, but nothing at home would ever be the same. He could no longer look at his mother without thinking of her with her lover. And, he had now concluded that he was in fact her lover and that it wasn't a one-time thing. For all of his life he had seen her as his mother first and a woman second. Now he saw her as a woman first and his mother second... a woman that he now dreamed about every night and felt sexual stirrings for. It was all wrong, and it was driving him crazy. He would see her in the kitchen fixing dinner and have sexual thoughts. She would lean over to get something out of the refrigerator and he would see her slacks tighten over her smooth ass and pull between her cheeks. An unwanted chill would go through him. When she bent over in front of him, his eyes would fall on the opening of her blouse and he would look at the tops of her swinging breasts. He would see her come home from work dressed in her business attire and wonder if she was wearing panties.

And he had done something... something that made him feel guilty and embarrassed him, yet he would do it again if he got the chance.

It was Thursday evening and his father had come home from his trip that afternoon. At dinner, his mother had seemed particularly agitated, jumpy. He had no idea what was wrong.

After dinner she had gone up to take a shower. Chris went to his room and his Dad was relaxing in the family room watching the news.

It was about an hour later when Chris left his room and walked quietly down the hall to his mother's bedroom. He was disappointed that the door to her room was closed. He started to turn around when his mother came out, almost bumping into him. She had a bathrobe on and her hair was wet from the shower.

"Oh," she said when she saw him. "I was just about to call you. Something's wrong with the toilet in my bathroom. I know your Dad is tired from his trip, so can you look at it for me?"

"Uh sure," Chris said. He walked past his mother, smelling her freshly washed hair and a scent of lavender soap. The bathroom was still steamy when he entered. He heard the water in the toilet running and opened the tank lid. He saw that the plastic arm holding the chain, which closed off the water after flushing, was stuck. He simply bent the plastic until it was free from the tank. That fixed the problem. He was about to leave the bathroom when he saw something that made his heart skip a beat. His mother's panties were lying on the floor next to the hamper. He looked at the door in guilt before walking over and snatching up the slip of material and stuffing it in his pocket quickly.

"All fixed," he said as he hurried past his mother now sitting at her vanity.

"Thanks," she said as she watched him rush out of her room. She shook her head, wondering why he had been acting so strange lately... it had started last Saturday. With that thought still in her head she went back into the bathroom to finish drying her hair. She glanced at the floor next to her hamper and didn't see her panties. She thought that was strange since she didn't remember putting them in the hamper. Putting the hair dryer down, she walked over and opened the lid. The panties weren't in the hamper. Suddenly she realized that Chris had to have taken them. A sudden rush of anger rose in the pit of her stomach. First he spies on me and now he is stealing my underwear, she thought. It was infuriating, but also embarrassing since she had masturbated twice that day, at Jason's orders, and the panties were still wet.

Chris's heart was pounding in his chest as he rushed into the hall bathroom and closed the door. In his haste he didn't notice that the door had popped back open. He sat on the toilet, trying to catch his breath. He could almost feel his mother's panties burning a hole in his pocket. With a trembling hand he reached inside and pulled the silky pink material out. He felt and then saw that they were wet in the crotch. A moan escaped his lips as he brought them to his nose.

At that moment, Allison was at the hall bathroom door, about to push it open. She suppressed a gasp when she saw what her son was doing. Her anger and indignation suddenly vanished, replaced by a strange feeling. It was similar to feeling that she had the other day when she saw him spying on her. Her knees grew weak and she felt a tingling between her legs. She knew she should stop him, but couldn't bring herself to move.

Chris's head was spinning as he inhaled the sweet odor of his mother most private place. While he was familiar with the smell of pussy, having eaten Melissa many times, this was different. This was sweeter, earthier. It was a smell that he would never forget as long as he lived. With the panties still at his nose, he reached for his belt and hastily unbuckled it. The he pushed his pants and underwear down to his ankles.

Allison's eyes were as wide as saucers as she watched her son expose himself. She knew that she should leave... to think about what to do, but she couldn't draw herself away. Her eyes stared at her son's exposed penis. It was larger than his father's was or even Jason's, with a purple and very swollen head. Juice was running from the slit and dripping to his pubic hair.

With his hands still trembling Chris brought the panties to his throbbing shaft. He opened the crotch and rubbed the wet material against the dripping slit, adding his clear juice to what was already there. Then he wrapped the gusset around the head. A moan escaped his lips and his legs stretched out from his body and trembled. "Oh God Mom," he gasped and began to stroke himself.

Allison's hand flew to her mouth to cover her own gasp. Then she watched as her eighteen-year-old son began to masturbate himself with her panties.

Chris saw his mother's vagina in his mind. He could almost feel her sweet hole wrapped around his cock like the panties were right now. Although he had never had sexual intercourse, he knew that it would be warm and wet inside her. He saw how wet she had gotten the other night and now he could feel her dampness on the head of his penis. The combination of the silky panties on the head and the squeezing of his hand brought him to a crisis quickly. He groaned and lifted his hips as his balls began to unleash his cream. "Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me Mom," Chris cried.

Allison had to place her hand against the wall to steady herself as she listened to her son's nasty words. With half closed eyes she saw the crotch of her panties grow darker and a second later his white juice was running down the side of his shaft. He was climaxing in her panties... her son was imagining that he was fucking her. Her body began to tremble and her knees almost buckled as she fought to remain standing. A second later she turned and staggered back to her room. She fell onto the bed and began to cry. She wasn't crying because of what she had seen, but rather because of what it had done to her. She had climaxed when she saw Chris squirt his juice into her panties.

Chapter 5

Chris was still filled with emotions the following Saturday. He sat at the breakfast table in a tee shirt and jogging shorts eating a bowl of cereal thinking about what he should do. His anger had only grown during the week and he knew that it would eat at him until he said something.

"Good morning Chris," Allison said as came into the kitchen and went over to make her morning cup of coffee.

"Morning," he mumbled in reply.

She set the coffee maker and turned to Chris. "Chris, we have to talk," she said firmly. However, inside she felt anything but firm.

Chris looked up at his mother and said, "Yes we do."

His response surprised Allison. She was the one that needed to talk to him... talk to him about his peeping on her and using her panties to masturbate with. It was a delicate subject, but it needed to be discussed.

Before Allison could react, Chris said, "I saw you."

"What?" Allison answered looking at him curiously.

"I saw you and... and... the guy you were with."

A foreboding feeling cascaded over Allison. "What are you talking about? What guy?"

"I came home last Friday night because Jeff was sick with the flu."

"You... you what? What are you saying?" she asked, her voice raising several tones.

When Chris heard what he thought was defiance in her voice he said, "Come on Mom, I came back into the house and you and that guy were on the sofa in the family room having sex."

Allison's head was suddenly spinning. She had to think. This was the last thing she expected. She steadied herself, calling on every bit of nerve that she could muster. Knowing that the best defense was a good offense she responded with as much force as she could, "You were spying on me?"

Chris laughed. It wasn't a humorous laugh. "You're bitching about me spying on you when you were fucking some stranger?"

"Don't you use that language around me young man," she said angrily, placing her hands on her hips. However, inside she was melting. Her stomach was tied up in a knot and she found it hard to breathe.

"You're incredible mother."

"I saw you too," she returned.

"Saw me what?"

"I saw you spying on me when I was naked in my room. Don't you deny it?"

Chris felt his face flush.

"I also saw you in the bathroom with my panties. What kind of pervert jerks off into his mother's soiled panties?"

Suddenly Chris was on the defense. What he had done was perverted and he had no excuse.

"What do you have to say about that?" Allison pressed.

"Noth... nothing," he choked. Then suddenly he realized what she had done. "Wait a minute," he yelled. "I may have jerked off into your panties and spied on you, but I didn't suck some guy's cock and fuck him behind Dad's back. What do you have to say about that?"

"I told you to watch your language," she responded in a scream. She knew she was in a weak position, but she had nothing else.

Chris was emboldened by her lame response. "Are you a 'nasty cock sucker,' mother?" he said. He knew that he had made a big mistake the second the words were out of his mouth.

Allison's hand flew out to hit him across the face, turning his head to the side, and leaving a hand print on his cheek. A small cut formed at his lip.

Tears appeared in his eyes from the power of the blow. His mouth opened, but nothing came out. Suddenly he turned and stormed out of the room and upstairs.

Allison stood frozen in shock. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She had never raised her hand to her son. Suddenly she broke into uncontrollable sobs and staggered over to a chair and sat down. The only good thing was that Bradley was playing golf this morning.

Chris was on his bed with stereo headphones on when he heard a tapping at the door. He ignored it.

Allison tapped on the door again and then pushed it open. She walked slowly into the room.

Chris glanced at her and could see that her eyes were wet with tears. He stared up at the ceiling, ignoring her.

She walked over and sat down on the corner of Chris's bed. She wiped her eyes with a Kleenex and stared at a poster-covered wall, remaining silent, but for an occasional sob. Finally she spoke. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

Chris heard her, but still chose not to respond. He didn't know what to say anyway.

Allison finally looked at her son. She saw his eyes on hers for a second, but he they turned away quickly. "I'm sorry about hitting you and about... about everything." She broke into heavy sobbing.

Chris sucked in a deep breath and took off his headphones. He looked at his crying mother, wondering what he could possibly say. He felt his anger fade as his heart melted with her tears. Finally he summoned up enough courage to speak. "I'm sorry I called you a nasty coc... uh... those names," he whispered.

"Thank you," she whispered, drying her eyes again. She conjured up enough nerve to ask the question that had been on her mind the entire time. "Are... are you... are you going to tell your father."

Although Chris knew that the question was coming, he still wasn't prepared to answer. He didn't know what he was going to do. "I don't know," he said honestly.

The two fell silent for a long time. Finally, Chris spoke again; his voice was strained with thinly veiled emotions. "Why? Why did you do it Mom?"

"It's a long story." She wiped her eyes, but the tears kept coming.

"I've got time. Tell me." Chris's voice was softer. It was more of a request then an order.

Allison got up and walked over to the window and looked out. It had started to rain. That would mean that Bradley might be coming home from the golf course soon. "This weather has been crazy lately," she said idly.

"Fine, then don't tell me then," Chris said.

Allison came back over to the bed and sat next to Chris. She reached for his hand, which he pulled away. She persisted, pulling his hand to her lap. She sighed. "Chris I've made some big mistakes in my life, but having an affair was the biggest. It started about a year ago. I never wanted it to happen... never planned it. I wasn't looking for someone. She paused for a moment and caught her breath. "After your father had his by-pass two years ago, he lost all desire for me. He was never all that interested in sex, but with the medicine and such, he lost the little interest that he had."

Chris suddenly wondered if he really wanted to hear this.

"Your father is a lot older than me, but I am still in my prime... sexually speaking."

"Oh Jesus," Chris said.

"You said you wanted to hear this. Do you want me to stop?" Allison squeezed Chris's hand, half hoping that he would say yes.

There was no going back now. "No. Go on," he said.

"Well, about a year ago, I met Jason at a business function. We talked and had a few drinks... I guess more than a few. The next thing I know is that I'm in his car and we're kissing. One thing led to another and well, we started an affair."

"That sounds too simple to me," Chris said. "There has to be more to it."

"It is pretty simple, but it always gets complicated." Allison wiped her eyes again. "That's how it started. I just needed someone to hold me... someone to make me feel like I was needed.... like I was a desirable woman." Allison started to sob again. "A woman needs to know that she's needed... loved."

"Dad was that cold to you?"

"Not always. Don't get me wrong, your Dad has been good to me. He has worked hard... maybe too hard.

"You've worked hard to Mother. You've built a great career." Chris wasn't sure why he said that. It was almost as if he were defending her.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me," she said, squeezing his hand again and smiling through her tears. "I was na‹ve when we got married. I know I wasn't much of a lover. Your Dad was my first." Allison sighed again and looked at the rain now hitting the window hard.

"Do you love Dad?"

"Yes. And I'm sure he loves me."

"Obviously that wasn't enough."

"Love changes. In the early days it is filled with excitement and... and sex, but as time goes on, it changes. Unfortunately, as people get older, their desires sometimes wane. Your father's have, mine haven't. That complicates things. It is true that love is critical in marriage, but it's not the only thing. There has to be sex. Sex is important in any relationship."

Chris nodded his head. He could understand that. From his limited experience, he knew that sex was important. It was the one thing that was in his head twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Allison suddenly got an almost dreamy look in her eyes. "When Jason came along, I was at a low point. The doctors said that your Dad could have some depression, but I never anticipated how bad it was going to be. I'm sure you didn't notice, but he barely spoke to me. Eventually I got lonely. And, then Jason comes along. It was just a fling at first. The sex wasn't all that spectacular the first time... like in a lot of relationships. However, as we got to know each other, it changed. He started to do things... things that I would have never thought of doing. He started to tell me to do things. Like calling me at the office and ordering me to take my panties off... right there while he was on the phone."

Chris felt an unwanted tingle in his groin. His mouth was suddenly very dry and his heart was thumping. He almost told her to stop.

"He made me masturbate at my desk with people walking up and down the hall outside my office. He took me to restaurants and fingered me until I climaxed while sitting at the table." Allison paused and looked at Chris. She saw that his face had grown red. "Is this what you want?"

"Uh... yes... go on." His penis twitched.

Allison got up and walked over to the window again.

Chris's eyes followed her. She had on a skirt that was tight on her buttocks and short on her thighs. On top she had a low cut long sleeved sweater, revealing the cleavage of her breasts. He figured that she had been dressed to go shopping or something. It was sexy, but not overtly.

"I wish the sun would come back out," she said as the rain blew against the window. When she turned around, her nipples were hard and pressing through the sweater. She leaned back against the windowsill and looked thoughtful.

Chris felt his penis begin to harden as he stared at her. He almost moaned at his lack of control.

"Over time, we got bolder. One time he made love to me on a ferryboat with people all around us. He had me up against the side rail and lifted my skirt and slipped inside. I was almost touching the arm of a woman next to me. He also taught me how to give oral sex. We did that everywhere. I once sucked him off in a glass elevator as we were riding up to our room."

Chris swallowed hard. "Nasty cock sucker, nasty cock sucker," he thought and his penis twitched.

"Your father... Bradley never cared much for giving or receiving oral sex."

"I saw you swallow his cum," Chris blurted and then thought, "Did I just say that?"

"Yes I did," she said, unable to deny it since he had obviously seen it happen. "I've grown to love it. Some women don't. I'm not sure what it is about oral sex or semen that turns me on so much. Maybe it's because I'm in control. I pretty much decide when my lover cums." Again Allison paused and closed her eyes for a moment as if reliving some encounter. "Jason even taught me to love... love anal sex."

"Anal sex," Chris almost screamed.

Allison flushed. "Yes," she whispered. "I stopped taking the pill a couple of years ago. I figured it didn't matter since Bradley and I weren't having sex anyway. Because of that, Jason couldn't cum in my... uh puss... uh vagina." Allison looked at her son and said, "Are you still okay with this?"

"Go on," he answered quickly.

"Well since I wouldn't let him cum in me, I made up for it by letting him have my ass. At first it was painful, but as I got used to it, I grew to love it." Again Allison paused and looked at her son. She almost thought she saw a look of wonder on his face. "Anyway, we've had sex in my office, in his office, in my car, in his car, almost anywhere you could imagine. The only place we hadn't done it was in my own bed."

"So much for that," Chris said. It was meant to be flippant and light, but it came out angrily.

"I'm sorry about that. I feel so guilty." Allison came back over to the bed and sat down. She took Chris's hand again. "Can you ever forgive me?"

Instead of answering Chris said, "Do you love him?"

Allison got a strange look on her face. "Jason? Of course not. He's happily married with two small kids. It was just sex. You know about that don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"Are... are you and Melissa sexually active?"

Chris barely realized the conversation had turned to him. "Yes... well, in a way."

Allison smiled. "What 'way'?"

"Uh... I mean I do her... you know with my mouth, but she doesn't do me. She gives me hand jobs, but says sucking is dirty."

"That's a switch. Most of the time it is the other way around. Girls will suck boys, but they won't reciprocate."

"I guess I'm different. I love to do it." Suddenly his face turned red. "This is embarrassing Mom. Guys don't talk to their mother's like this."

Allison smiled again. "Well, let's be different. If you can't talk to your mom, whom can you talk to?" She laughed for the first time. "Chris, I'm sorry again about hitting you. Also, I was out of line calling you that name... you know... pervert. I didn't really mean it. I know that you are a young man with raging hormones so I guess it's not that unusual that you would want to look at me or... or you know... use my panties." It was Allison's turn to turn red.

Chris's face flushed as well.

"So where do we go from here?" she asked.

"I'm not going to tell Dad, if that's what you mean."

Allison closed her eyes and sighed in relief. "Thank you sweetheart. I'm not going to see Jason any more," she said. Tears formed in her eyes again. "Can I have a hug?" She opened her arms.

Chris scooted forward on the bed and wrapped his arms around his mother. Suddenly he could feel her soft breasts against his chest and smell the scent of her hair. His penis began to twitch again. By the time they pulled apart, his jogging shorts had a tent in them.

Allison realized that Chris was uncomfortable and she looked down and saw the reason. She wasn't really surprised to see that he had an erection. She smiled and shook her head as if he were a naughty boy.

"Sorry," Chris said in embarrassment.

"We'll have to talk about that too," she said, glancing down at his groin.

"Uh... sure," he answered, not really sure what "that" meant.

Allison got up to walk out of the room. As she did she turned back to Chris and saw his eyes on her ass. "Is this skirt too tight on me? I think I've gained a little weight," she said as innocently as she could.

"Uh... no, it looks great... I mean... you have a great as... uh... you know... backside."

"Thanks sweetie. You can say ass," she said with a wide smile. She came back over to him, leaning over and giving him a kiss on the lips. "Do you have any interest in going shopping with me? I need some new things." She had her arms on his shoulders and was but inches from his face, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, sure," Chris said. "I mean... I don't have anything planned today."

Allison was surprised by his answer because she knew that shopping was the last thing a teenager wanted to do. "Get ready and I will see you downstairs in a few minutes." She kissed him on the lips again, but this time it lasted a little longer... just a second longer than it should have. Then she looked at the small cut on his lip. "I'm sorry about that," she said and touched his lip with her fingers. Then she kissed the spot tenderly, then his lips again. Incredibly, her tongue came out without her thinking and she touched his lips with the tip. When she realized what she had done, she pulled away quickly. Then she looked down again and saw still the throbbing tent in his shorts. She leaned over close to his ear and whispered, "There are some panties in my hamper." But then quickly added, "Actually the red ones that will be there tonight will be fresher." She laughed when Chris's face turned red. She hadn't realized how much fun it was to tease him.

"Mommmmmm!!!" Chris whined, yet his heart was thumping in his chest.

Chapter 6

Chris and his mother went to the mall that afternoon, stopping in almost every store it seemed. However, strangely, he didn't mind. For the first time in his life he liked shopping. Actually it wasn't the shopping, but rather being with his mother that he liked. He watched her closely, enjoying her shy smiles and flushes of embarrassment as she tried on various outfits. When she would come out of the dressing room with a dress or blouse on, Chris would give thumbs up or down. It became obvious that he preferred the tighter dresses and skirts, as well as the short ones. The beauty of it was that he got to stare at his mother without her being offended. Since the night he had caught her with her lover, he had secretly looked at her whenever he got the opportunity. However, he always had to be careful in fear that she would catch him. Now he could stare without worrying that she would get angry. Not only could he look, but also he could make her turn this way and that to give him a better view from all angles. And, he liked what he saw. Her full breasts and trim hips were like those of a much younger woman. He realized that she had kept herself in very good shape and that she was very sexy. Strangely, it never occurred to him that his mother could be sexy or, God forbid, turn him on. Yet as he sat and watched her try on dresses, slacks, sweaters, blouses and shorts, he found himself getting excited. He had to cross his legs on several occasions to keep her from seeing his growing erection. If she noticed, however, she gave no indication.

Chris particularly liked the dresses at Victoria's Secrets. When his mother came out of the dressing room with a tight red dress on, Chris had to whistle. It was bright red and had thin shoulder strap with a V-cut top, revealing the top of her breasts. However, because it was cut so low, the top of her lacy bra showed. The bodice was form fitting to her breasts and waist, hugging both her hips and well-defined thighs.

"It's not too tight, is it?" she asked.

"Uh... no," Chris gulped. Then he added boldly, "It looks great on you. But, the bra has to go. Turn around."

Allison turned around and looked back over her shoulder at her son.

Gathering up his courage he said, "Hmm, I think the panties have to go too. You can see the outline."

Allison looked at him with surprise, but then she smiled and said, "Wait." She hurried into the dressing room, returning a couple of minutes later. "What about now?"

Chris felt his heart flutter. He could see that she had removed the bra. Her nipples were hard and poking though the top. "Mu... much better," he stuttered.

"What about this," she said and turned her back to him again.

No panty line.

Chris couldn't help the erection that grew in his pants when he realized that his mother was naked under the outfit. There was nothing between his eyes and her naked body but the thin dress. Every curve was defined. If she had dimples on her ass cheeks, he would have been able to see them. "Wor... works for me," he said, trying to be cool, as he stared at the smooth backside of his mother.

The rest of the afternoon was a blur to Chris. They went from store to store, sometimes finding something they both liked and sometimes not. Their conversation was light and more like a man and woman rather than mother and son. They people watched, whispering about this guy or that girl. Through it all, Chris noticed that his mother seemed genuinely happy for the first time since he could remember. She smiled a lot and her eyes twinkled like they did before his father's surgery. She somehow seemed content and was warmer to him as well. It wasn't a secret that their relationship had been strained, even before the incident.

Several hours and multiple shopping bags later, Chris and his mother went to the car. They stopped at a small restaurant and had a late lunch.

"I must have spent a fortune today," she said. "I don't know what got into me. I normally don't spend a lot of time shopping for clothes."

"I know," Chris said before he thought.

His mother got a pensive look on her face. "I guess I've needed to upgrade my wardrobe for some time huh?"

"Uh... well... yeah," Chris answered uncomfortably.

She reached over and touched his hand. "It's nice to have someone that I care about appreciate it."

Chris saw something in his mother's eyes... some emotion that he couldn't quite identify. He quickly changed the subject.

As they talked, Chris noticed for the first time the looks that his mother got from men. He realized how attractive she was to other men, and suddenly felt a strange emotion himself. One he was not accustomed to: jealousy! He knew it was crazy... this was his mother, not his girlfriend... but he couldn't shake the feeling. As they left the restaurant, he found himself putting his arm around her waist protectively, maybe to show the guys that she wasn't available.

His mother looked at him with a smile and actually moved closer until he could feel her hip brushing his. His face turned red but he kept his hand around her waist, enjoying the warmth of her skin under the silky material of her top.

When they arrived home, Allison gave Chris another fashion show. She was like a teenager, trying on each of her outfits again, asking which ones were appropriate for work and which ones were not. Was he sure that this one or that one wasn't too tight or too short? Could he see through the top? And the most loaded question... Does this make me look fat? Chris danced through each question diplomatically. He told her that his favorite dress, the red one, was definitely not appropriate for work. She had taken off her bra and panties again to model it for him. He found himself wondering if she were going to put the panties back on tonight or not.

By the end of the day, Chris was mentally and physically exhausted. He was surprised that shopping could take so much out of him. Maybe it was because he had been on an emotional roller coaster all for a week. He fought the anger in the beginning and now sexual urges that his mother had brought on. Not to mention the jealously that had surprised him so much.

Later as they sat in the family room with his father, Chris said, "I think I'm going to turn in early Mom."

"Okay sweetie," she said. "I hope I didn't tire you out too much today. Shopping can be very strenuous," she laughed.

"Tell me about it," he returned with a wide smile and kissed her quickly before heading to his room. However, as he got to his door, he glanced at the stairs and then turned and went quickly to his mother's room and into the bathroom. Inside the clothes hamper, he found what he was looking for... a pair of red panties that she had most likely worn today. That was confirmed when he saw that they were still damp. He wondered briefly if his mother had been as excited as he was today. Then he dismissed it and hurried back to his own room where he quickly stripped naked and laid down on the bed. He wrapped the warm silk around his shaft and began an up and down motion with his hand. It took but a few seconds for him to get an erection.

His thoughts quickly turned to his mother and that red dress... or more specifically, that she had been naked underneath. Then he saw her naked in his mind, posing in front of him. His imagination worked overtime as he envisioned her kneeling on the bed between his legs, her hands on his hard penis, slowly stroking him and her mouth hovering over it, drooling.

With the panties wrapped around the head he fantasized that it was his mother's mouth caressing him now. As he ran the damp and silky material over the swollen head, he could almost hear the sound of her sucking lips. His hand began to move faster as his excitement increased rapidly. Although he wanted it to last longer, it was impossible. The excitement had been building all day.

"Oh God," he hissed as his body tensed and lifted from the bed. His penis throbbed and began to spit his seed into the air. It flew high and splattered across his chest and down his stomach, hitting with a splat. The spurts were powerful and heavy, spraying his thick cream over a wide area. It seemed that it would never stop. When it finally did, he had sperm all over his chest, hands and the panties, which were still wrapped around his shrinking penis.

A moan of relief and remorse escaped Chris's lips. He looked down at the mess he had made and felt ashamed. Not because he had masturbated, but because it was the thought of his mother that he had made him climax. It was all wrong. He wasn't supposed to feel desire for his own mother. He threw his arm over his eyes as if blocking the light would give him comfort.

It was at that moment that he heard a light tapping at his door. His eyes flew open and realized that he had not locked the door. A second later it opened and his mother walked in. Chris closed his eyes quickly, willing himself to lie still and pretend to be asleep. He was mortified, but there was nothing he could do except hope that she would leave quickly.

Chris tried to control his breathing as he felt rather than saw his mother's presence. He could tell that she was standing close to the bed, looking at him. He had been caught with her panties wrapped around his penis and his cum splattered all over the place. He was a "pervert".

He could hear her breathing. Taking a chance, he opened his eyes just a fraction and saw the strange sight of his mother staring down at him. Her eyes weren't on his face.

Allison had a smile on her face as she walked up the stairs to say good night to Chris. She wanted to thank him for a wonderful day. She couldn't remember when she had had such fun or enjoyed conversation so much. When she tapped on the door and heard no answer, she assumed that Chris had dozed off. However, since there was still a light on in the room, she thought that he might not mind her stopping in to kiss him good night again.

She had barely stepped into the room when she stopped in her tracks. Her hand went to her mouth to cover a gasp of surprise. Her son was lying naked with her panties wrapped around his penis and the obvious results of a recent climax on his chest and stomach. Although she had said that her panties would be in the hamper, it had been a flippant remark and not meant to be taken literally. Allison stood frozen for several moments. She knew that she should just turn and leave but something stopped her, driving her to step closer. Until that moment she had not admitted to herself that being with Chris today had been more than good conversation and shopping... it had been sexually exciting. It started earlier in the day when she had stepped out of the dressing room without panties or bra and saw Chris's surprised look. It brought on a familiar stirring between her legs. As soon as she was back in the dressing room she had to put her panties back on for fear that her juices would be running down her legs. The panties had done the job, although the crotch was soaked within seconds. Now, as she looked at the sight before her, she wished that she had put on another pair after her bath as she could now feel her juices begin to seep from between her rapidly swelling lips.

With increasing excitement she edged closer, her eyes scanned down her son's well-defined body. She knew that he was athletic and a handsome boy at over six foot one, but it had been some time since she had actually seen him naked... maybe when he was eight or nine. His chest was well developed and his stomach rippled with muscles... now glistening with his sperm. Her eyes moved down to his still large but shrunken penis. It lay curled in her panties, along with the evidence that he had recently climaxed. There was a dribble of juice running from the head. He had obviously fallen asleep moments after his climax. Allison was very familiar with that male trait.

Suddenly she could actually smell the familiar odor of semen. It made her light headed. Her vagina quivered and her legs trembled. She could still see her own wetness on the gusset of the panties twisted around the head of her son's penis.

Chris could barely breathe. He was afraid that if he took the deep breath that his lungs were demanding his mother would know that he was awake. Through barely closed eyes he watched her, afraid to move a muscle. He expected her to turn and run from the room any second. When she didn't, he began to feel excitement again. While it was embarrassing and mortifying for him to let her see him like this, her reaction or lack of reaction caused an unwanted excitement wash over him

With muscles tightening, Chris moaned and squirmed on the bed. When his mother still didn't leave he felt his shaft begin to lengthen. As his penis grew, the panties caught on the ridge and followed it to hardness... until they were hanging from the head. Finally he heard a gasp. His shaft pulsed with excitement, matching his heartbeat. Chris watched as his mother's hand reached out to him.

"Chris honey, wake up," she whispered as her trembling hand touched his shoulder.

Chris had no choice. He opened his eyes and then with a start he gasped, "Mom!" feigning surprise. He quickly reached for a sheet to pull over him.

"Don't do that," she said, grabbing his hand. "You've obviously had a little accident." A strange look came to her face.

"Mommmm!" Chris moaned, embarrassed beyond belief.

"Sorry honey, I didn't want to wake you up, but I was afraid that you would mess up the sheets."

Chris's face was beet red now.

"I'll take these back to the hamper," she said and reached for the panties hanging from his penis. Her fingers accidentally touched the hot skin of his shaft and she pulled back like she had been burned. With the panties in her hand she turned on rubbery legs and quickly left the room.

Chris had almost climaxed at the gentle brush of her fingers. He closed his eyes, wondering how he was going to look his mother in the eye again. She was right; he was a pervert.

Chris didn't see his mother rush into the bathroom and use the cum drenched panties to masturbate with.

Chapter 7

Sunday morning Chris came downstairs to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal. He found his mother sitting at the table dressed in a tight pink jogging suit that she had bought the day before. She was reading the paper.

Chris walked in quietly and got a bowl of cereal and sat at the table. His mother didn't look at him, hiding her face behind the paper. At that moment he wanted to be anywhere but there. However, he knew that he had to face her sometime.

"Going jogging?" he asked and saw his mother lower the paper. She had almost a relieved look on her face. It was obvious that she was as uncomfortable he was.

"Yes, I thought I would. It's sunny and fairly mild outside."

"It's been a pretty mild winter," he answered, making small talk.

"I hope it continues. What're you doing today?"

"Nothing much. I thought I'd go over to the field and practice with Jeff and Andy."

"Are you going to be home for dinner tonight?"

"No, Melissa and I are going to get a pizza and then come back here and watch a movie."

Allison's expression changed almost immediately and she said "Oh... that's nice." However, her voice betrayed her obvious disappointment.

"Well, I guess I'd better get warmed up if I'm going to get my run in this morning." With that Allison stood up and walked over to the glass sliding door leading to the deck. Instead of going outside to do her warm up exercises, she stood at the window and began to stretch. The sun reflecting through the window outlined her trim shape, detailing every curve.

Chris pretended that he was reading the paper as he ate his cereal. However, he found it difficult to keep his eyes on the print. As he secretly watched, his mother stood with her back to him and bent over to touch her toes. The tight pink jogging sweats stretched over her ass, eventually pulling between her cheeks. It was apparent that she didn't have panties on as each globe shook freely under the stretched cotton. She remained in that position with her fingers touching her toes for several seconds before standing up and then going down again. Chris was almost drooling by the time she had done twenty repetitions. Then she turned sideways and stepped forward with one leg, while stretching the other out behind her. It was a classic exercise to stretch the hamstring muscles. However, Chris wasn't thinking about hamstring muscles. As he watched, forgetting that he was staring, she went through several exercises, turning this way and that, acting oblivious to her staring son. Finally she opened the door and turned to him

"Bye," she said with a knowing smile.

Chris let out the breath he had been holding.

It was after seven that evening when Chris came home from the pizza parlor with Melissa.

"Hi Mom," he said.

"Hi Mrs. Hudson," Melissa said.

"Hello Melissa. It's nice to see you," Allison said. The greeting was without warmth in her voice as she almost glared at the pretty teenager with her son. She was wearing an impossibly short skirt and a tight blue sweater. Her nipples were already hard and poking through, showing that she wasn't wearing a bra. Allison wondered if she was wearing panties... probably not.

"Where's Dad?"

"You're father's upstairs in his study."

Chris smiled. "We're going into the family room to watch a movie," Chris said, holding up a video. Then he turned and smiled at his date. "See you later Mom," he added and ushered his date quickly down the hall and into the family room. However, he didn't miss the look his mother gave Melissa.

The lights were out in the family room, the movie had long ago ended and the TV was off.

"Mmmm," Melissa murmured as Chris's hand snaked under her sweater. Their lips were pressed together with their tongues dueling.

Chris pulled away. "I love your tits," he whispered as his hand covered one large orb. He found her nipples and began to play with them.

"Oh God that's making my pussy leak," Melissa hissed. "Suck them."

Chris didn't have to be told twice. He pushed the sweater up and freed both large breasts. His head dropped and he took one hard nipple into his mouth. He sucked on that one for a long time before moving to the other.

"God you're so good with your mouth."

That was the signal that Chris was waiting for. He knew what she wanted. His lips went back to hers and he kissed her hard. She was breathless and squirming on the sofa when the kiss ended. "Suck me," she gasped. "Suck my pussy."

"I'd love to. Will... will you... will you do me then?" he asked hesitantly. They had had this conversation many times before.

"You know that I don't do that," she said.

"But I always do you. Come on Melissa, I won't cum in your mouth."

Melissa fell silent for a moment. "You know what Billy Anderson did to me."

Chris knew. He had heard it a hundred times. Billy had forced Melissa to suck him and shot his cum down her throat. But that was over a year ago. "I know, but I'm not Billy."

Again Melissa was quiet. "If you promise not to cum in my mouth."

Chris almost leaped off the sofa. "I promise," he agreed quickly.

"All right, but you have to eat me good," she said and smiled.

In a flash Chris slid to his knees in front of Melissa. He looked up at her with a big smile on his face and pushed her tiny skirt up her thighs. She spread her legs and lifted up, letting him push her skirt to her waist. Chris looked between her legs and gasped. She wasn't wearing panties and her pussy was already dripping. It was dark in the room, as it always was when he ate her... Melissa preferred it that way... but he could still see the soft down of her pubic hair and the glint of juice.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, Chris began to imagine that it wasn't Melissa's vagina he was glaring at... it was his mother's. His already hard penis pulsed in his pants as his shaking hands slid up her thighs, pushing them wider. He used his thumbs to open her swollen lips, revealing the pink inner flesh. As his mouth moved forward, he could see the shaven lips of his mother's sex. His mouth watered.

"Oh yes," Melissa gasped as Chris's mouth found her lips. "Suck me, suck me, suck me," she gasped.

Chris didn't hear her. All he could think of was the fat and sexy lips that he knew were between his mother's legs.

Melissa's hips lifted from the sofa and her legs flew up to wrap around his shoulders.

Chris was imprisoned in her warm flesh. Her thighs covered his ears as her sex lips spread across his cheeks. He sucked the inner lips first before he plunged his tongue deep into her juicy hole. His head began to spin from taste as he lost himself between her legs. He loved to eat pussy... it was that simple. However this time, with the thoughts of his mother in his head, it was better than ever.

"Oh God," Melissa gasped as Chris found her clit. It only took her a minute to climax. She squeezed her legs tight and grabbed his hair, pulling his face to her convulsing sex.

Chris barely noticed. Even as her climax waned, he continued to suck her.

Three or four climaxes later, Melissa pushed Chris's head from between her legs. "Whew," she gasped as her legs fell from his shoulders.

With a dazed look on his face, Chris sat back, running the back of his hand across his dripping mouth. For a moment he was disoriented. He looked up and saw Melissa looking strangely at him.

"God, what got into you?" she asked. "You're always good, but that was incredible."

Obviously Chris wasn't going to tell her that he had been thinking of his mother. He said, "It's because you're going to suck me." It was a good answer.

"Oh," Melissa said, remembering her promise.

Chris moved up to the sofa and unzipped his pants, pulling his pants and underwear down to his ankles.

With a sigh of resignation, Melissa reached over and grasped his rampant penis.

Suddenly the room light flashed on. "Oh, I'm sorry," Allison said. "I didn't know that you were still here Melissa."

"Mom!!!" Chris screamed.

Melissa's eyes grew wide and she froze. Her sweater was still above her breasts, her legs were spread and her skirt was around her waist. With her sex still swollen and wet, and saliva on her thighs, it was obvious what they had been doing.

"Mrs. Hudson!" Melissa screamed. The young girl jumped up, pushing her skirt down and trying to cover her breasts. She ran out of the room toward the safety of the bathroom.

Chris struggled to get his pants up his thighs. "Mom, what are you doing?" he screamed angrily.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. I thought you had gone up to bed," she lied.

"Jesus Christ." The words spit from his lips. He buckled his belt and hurried past his mother. By the time he got to the bathroom, Melissa had fixed her clothing and was heading for the door. "Melissa," he said reaching for her.

"Don't!" she hissed, shrugging her shoulders away from him. She turned and hurried out of the house.

"I'll take you home," Chris yelled after her.

"Don't bother. I'll call my sister."

The door slammed in Chris's face.

Chris turned and stomped up the stairs to his room. He couldn't believe what his mother had done. He was as angry as he had ever been.

Chris was still seething as he lay on the bed. He heard a tapping on his door and knew that it was his mother. He didn't answer, but he had left the door unlocked.

It opened slowly.

"Chris," Allison said as she peeked into the room.

Chris didn't acknowledge her as he continued to lie on the bed with a sheet across his waist. He didn't have a shirt on and his hands were behind his head with his eyes staring at the ceiling.

Allison came into the room. "Chris," she whispered again as she walked over to the bed. "I'm sorry."

Chris's eyes, flashing daggers, turned to her. He clenched his teeth and said, "Sure you are Mother. You're sorry you ruined everything. Are you trying to destroy my life? I'll be the laughing stock all over school now."

Allison suddenly felt bad. But not as bad as she should have. She sat gently on the bed next to Chris. She conjured up a tear in her eye. "I am sorry. I thought you and Melissa had left."

"That's a lie mother. You knew that we were still there. Why did you do it?" Suddenly Chris knew the answer; she was jealous. However, he didn't realize that her jealousy was aimed at Melissa. "You're jealous," he said. "I screwed up your love nest with Jason and you wanted to punish me."

"That's not true!" Allison responded truthfully, fighting her own anger at his mention of Jason. "I told you it was an accident."

"Right!" Chris paused before he said, "I'd finally talked her into... into... suc... oh fuck it!"

"Chris, don't talk to me like that!" Allison said, raising her voice.

Chris grew silent, looking up at the ceiling again and then he closed his eyes. Suddenly he opened them again when he felt his mother's hand on his thigh. He could feel electricity from of her hand through the thin sheet. In spite of his anger, his penis began to harden.

"I am sorry Chris. I shouldn't have done it," she said, calling on as much remorse as she could find. Her hand began to move idly on Chris's thigh, squeezing and caressing him gently. "I wish I could make it up to you."

Suddenly the room grew thick with tension.

Chris was afraid that his mother would be able to hear his heartbeat. His penis was now fully erect and pulsing, making a tent in the sheets. It hadn't taken much to make him stiff, as he was still excited from eating Melissa. In fact, he could still smell her and taste her on his lips.

Allison's fingers grasped the sheet and began to slowly pull it down.

Both of them watched as the sheet moved over his waist, revealing his white boxer briefs with the bulge in the center. There was already a large wet spot on the cotton from earlier activity

When the sheet was at his knees, Allison's hand went back to his thigh, this time touching the bare flesh. Her fingernails gently scratched him in a circular motion.

Chris felt the blood rushing to his head. He watched as his mother's soft hand continued to crawl up his thigh and then over the pulsing tent in his shorts. "Oh Jesus," he gasped when she wrapped her fingers around his covered shaft.

Without a word, Allison began to slowly move her hand up and down, sliding the wet cotton material over the long shaft.

Chris's mouth was open and he was gasping for breath.

Allison scooted closer to her son until she was close enough to lean over him. Her eyes met his. "I want to make it up to you," she whispered as her lips moved closer still.

It almost appeared to Chris that his mother was going to kiss him. Then she did. Her lips touched his and his eyes closed. He couldn't believe it. His mother had her hand wrapped around his cock and was kissing him. Without a conscious thought, his mouth opened and her tongue entered. "Mmmm," Chris moaned and his arms came from behind his head and around his mother's back. Suddenly their lips were devouring each other's. A vague thought occurred to Chris... he still had Melissa's pussy juice on his lips... he wondered if she could taste it. The thought thrilled him and almost made him climax.

Allison pressed her braless breast to her son's chest. Her chest was heaving up and down with her own excitement.

Chris didn't know where he was anymore... he was floating somewhere warm and wonderful... someplace he never thought he would ever go. Suddenly he felt his mother's hand searching for the waist of his shorts. Her fingers tickled his stomach as they slipped underneath. "Mmmmpppphhhh!!!" he gasped into her mouth as her warm hand encircled the hot flesh of his penis.

"Mmmmm," it was Allison's turn to moan. Her hand squeezed his long shaft as her tongue plunged in and out of her son's mouth. She was lost in the sensation as well.

It didn't take long for Chris to feel his crisis nearing. His almost overflowing balls churned in their sacks, demanding release. He could feel it coming. He could feel his hot juice begin the journey up the shaft and wanted to warn his mother, but he couldn't bear to pull his mouth form her soft and searching lips. Instead he moaned louder.

When Allison felt him tense, she pulled her lips from his. "That's it. That's it, cum for me," she whispered as her hand moved faster.

"Ohhhhhh!!!" Chris gasped as his cum began to rocket from the head of his shaft. It blasted from the slit and across his mother's pumping hand. Pulse after pulse sent his thick cream into his shorts.

Finally when the last drop was squeezed from his deflating penis, Allison pulled her hand from under his shorts. It was covered in her son's sticky cream. She looked at him and stood up. "I'm sorry I messed up your evening with Melissa."

Chris's mouth was open again, like a fish out of water. He watched his mother leave.

Allison stepped out of the room and fell against the wall. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe what she had just done... or how exciting it had been. She tried to chastise herself but the excitement still running though her veins wouldn't allow it. She closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath.

A million things were running though her head. What was she thinking? Had she lost her mind? Had she really jerked her own son off? When she lifted her hand and saw his thick cream on her fingers she knew that it was true. She could even smell it. With a quiet moan, almost a whine, she brought the fingers to her lips. She rubbed the warm juice across her suddenly dry lips before bringing her tongue out to taste it. With a louder moan she began to lick the juice from between her fingers. Suddenly, when she swallowed, tremors began to rush through her. Her legs began to shake and finally gave out. Her body slipped down the wall until she hit the floor on her butt. An incredible climax rushed through her.

Chapter 8

The jangling alarm awoke Chris with a start the following morning. He had fallen asleep right after his mother left. It took him a moment to clear his head. When he did, the events of the previous night rushed back to him. He remembered Melissa's anger, but far stronger was the memory of what his mother had done. He could still feel her lips on his and her hand on his cock. When he looked down, he could see the sperm that had dried on his penis and pubic hair. His penis twitched and threatened to start to grow.

He had to get up for school and dragged himself from the bed to the shower.

A few minutes later, feeling refreshed, he went downstairs. He saw his Dad at the breakfast table as usual reading the newspaper. His mother was at the stove fixing pancakes. With great trepidation he entered the kitchen.

"Morning Dad... Mom." His father said good morning without looking over the paper. His mother turned around and looked at him. There was a look of concern on her face. Chris stared at her blankly. He wasn't sure how she felt about last night... he wasn't entirely sure how he felt. In spite of being uncomfortable, he found himself thinking about his mother's kiss and how soft her lips felt. A slight smile crossed his lips. Then he saw his mother smile. They both looked at his father, but he wasn't paying attention.

Allison walked over with a stack of pancakes and sat them on the table. "Are you and Melissa doing anything tonight for Valentine's Day."

Chris was surprised by the question. He had a reservation for dinner with her, but figured that it wasn't going to happen. "I'm not sure. After last... uh... I'm not sure she is going to be able to make it now."

"That's too bad. I'm sure you're Dad didn't have anything planned for us tonight." Allison glanced at Bradley and saw his eyes look over the paper at her.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "Do you want to do anything?"

"No that's fine," she said. But it wasn't fine. However, it was expected. She looked at Chris again. "Well, if Melissa blows you off," she smiled at her use of words, "I'm available... and I have that pretty new red dress to wear."

Chris though of the dress and remembered how his mother looked in it. "Uh... thanks Mom... I guess I'll find out today."

"Well, give me a call and let me know as early as you can."

"Sure," Chris said as he dug into a stack of pancakes. Suddenly he hoped that Melissa was still mad at him.

At school, Chris found Melissa at her locker. "Hey," he said.

She looked at him with a scowl and didn't respond as she pulled books from her locker.

"Listen, I'm sorry about last night... it was an accident." When she still didn't respond he said, "Are you going to talk to me anymore?"

Melissa sighed and turned to him. "Last night was... was the worst night of my life. I can never even look in your mother's face again."

"She's cool with it now."

"But I'm not. It's too creepy. I think we need to take a break."

"Fine," Chris said. "If that's the way you feel."

"That's the way I feel," Melissa said as she stormed away in a huff.

She didn't see the smile on Chris's face as he dialed his cell phone.

"I'm almost ready," Allison said when Chris knocked on her bedroom door.

"I'll be downstairs. We have ten minutes to get to the restaurant." Chris left his mother's door and went downstairs. He saw his father in the living room.

"Thanks for taking your Mom out for me Chris. I guess I screwed up again," his father said.

"No problem Dad. I don't have a date tonight anyway."

"Well, you got me out of a jam and I appreciate it. However, the truth is, she would probably rather go out with you then me. I'm an incredible bore." He walked over and put a twenty-dollar bill in his hand.

"Uh thanks," he said pocketing the cash.

At that point Chris heard something behind him and turned around. His eye opened wide when he saw his mother standing there in her new red dress. Her hair was freshly styled... almost like she had gone to the beauty salon today... and she had a pretty shade of lipstick on that matched her dress. The greenish eye shadow she was wearing emphasized the gray/green tint to her eyes. The dress was even sexier than he remembered. The bodice was cut low, revealing the soft swells of her cleavage. It hugged her hips and came down only to the upper portion of her thighs. She had on either pantyhose or nylons, Chris couldn't tell which. On her feet were matching shoes and she carried a red purse.

"Do you still like it?" Allison said, spinning around and giving him the rear view.

Chris's breath was taken away. It was obvious that she didn't have anything on underneath... just like at the clothing store. That answered another question... nylons, not pantyhose. He felt a tingling between his legs.

"That looks very nice sweetheart," Bradley said. Then he went back to reading the paper.

Allison rolled her eyes at Bradley, looked at her son and then shook her head in exasperation. "We'd better get going. Don't wait up for us Bradley," she added as she took her son's arm and they walked out of the room.

Bradley's response was a grunt.

Chris couldn't remember ever being as excited to go on a date in his life. And he did consider it a date. He had the prettiest girl... woman... in the world on his arm. When they entered the restaurant, he noticed the envious stared of the men, and some of the women. He walked his mother proudly to the table and they sat down.

Allison ordered a glass of wine for her and a coke for Chris. Then she turned to him. "Chris, I wanted to say how sorry I was about walking in on you and Melissa. It was out of line and I shouldn't have done it. I hope you can forgive me."

Chris looked at his pretty mother and his heart melted. Her eyes were like pools of water and he found himself drowning in them. "Actually Mom, I would rather be here with you than Melissa."

"You don't have to say that. I know you would rather be with your girlfriend then you old Mom."

"First of all mother, you're far from old. Actually I would say that you are in you're prime." He remembered their conversation about when women reach their sexual peak.

"Thank you sweetheart, that's what every woman wants to hear.

"Second, Melissa isn't my girlfriend anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she lied.

"It's for the best. She was just a taker... always wanting me to do things to her, but never reciprocating."

Allison reached over and grabbed her son's hand. "Some women are like that. They don't realize what they have until it's gone." She stared into his eyes with meaning. "Anyway, I know that she was a... a sexual outlet for you at least."

"Mommm"," Chris complained and his face colored.

"Call me Allison tonight... please."

"All right Allison." Chris smiled. "Anyway, she always wanted me to... to... you know, use my mouth on her, but never did it to me." Chris paused and looked around, lowering his voice. "The truth is, I love to do it. The other night she said she was finally going to do me before yo... well, before she left."

"Sorry again," Allison said and smiled shyly.

"Like I said, I'd rather be with you anyway. Did I tell you how good that dress looks on you."

"Yes you did. But you can tell me as often as you want. It's a little tight... and these shoulder straps don't stay up all the time."

One of the straps had fallen down her arm to her elbow. It allowed the right corner of her bodice to slip lower.

"I'm afraid something is going to pop out if I'm not careful."

Chris raised his eyebrows and smiled in answer.

As the evening wore on, Allison continued to drink wine until she was feeling lightheaded. She didn't seem to pay as much attention to the strap of her gown either.

However, Chris did. He watched as more and more of her breast was revealed until he could almost see the brown of her nipple. At one point, she laughed and the remaining cover slipped lower, letting the entire nipple pop free. Chris stared and swallowed hard. His mother didn't seem to notice. But when he saw the waiter coming he whispered, "Mom, you're... you're showing."

Allison looked down and giggled, then she casually pulled the strap back up her arm.

When the waiter had brought their food and left, there was a pause in the conversation. As Chris ate his steak, he felt his mother's foot touch his pant leg. He thought it was an accident until in went under the leg to touch his bare leg. It wasn't an accident and she didn't have her shoe on. Chris' penis, which had become hard when he saw his mother's nipple, pulsed in his pants.

They ate their meal in relative silence. When the bill was paid... Allison insisted on paying... Chris took his mother's arm and led her to the car. When he was in the driver's seat, he put the key into the ignition and started the car.

"Chris," Allison said leaning toward her son, "I want to tell you what a wonderful Valentine's Day this has been. I can't ever remember a better one." She reached over and placed her hand on her son's cheek. Then she leaned toward him and brought her lips to his.

Chris moaned as their lips mashed together. He felt his mother's tongue on his lips and opened to let it in. Then he pushed her tongue back into her mouth with his. It was her turn to moan as she sucked on it. His hand touched her shoulder, feeling the errant shoulder strap under his fingers. Deftly he pushed it to the side until it slipped down her arm. With that, the right side of her bodice fell, uncovering not only her nipple, but also the entire breast. If Allison knew it, she gave no indication as the kiss went on for a long time.

When they parted, Allison smiled at her son. "Thanks," she said again. Then she sat back in her seat with her breast still uncovered.

Chris wasn't sure if he should tell her or not. Then he decided to just let it alone. He pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road. As he did, he felt his mother's hand on his thigh. When he looked at her, she was staring forward and there was a contented smile on her face. Then he looked down and saw her exposed breast and excitement rushed through him. For the rest of the trip, Chris could barely keep the car on the road. His eyes were constantly drawn to her mother's partial nudity. He could plainly see her soft white breast highlighted by the streetlights as they passed. Several times, cars pulled up along side of them and he was tempted to tell her. However, his youthful horniness won out.

When they finally pulled into the driveway, Chris got out and opened the door for his mother.

"Oops," Allison said as she got out. "I guess I'm exposing myself," she said as if she hadn't realized it.

"Don't pull it up for me," Chris joked.

"All right," she said and left the breast uncovered as they walked to the house.

Chris was beside himself with excitement now. He didn't know what was going to happen when they got inside, but he was ready to explode.

When they reached the door, Allison turned to Chris and pressed her naked breast to him. "Kiss me," she whispered.

He did, long and hard. His hands wrapped around her back and he pulled her to him. As his mother's tongue entered his mouth, his hands slid down her back until they were on her thinly covered ass cheeks. He paused, waiting for admonishment. What he got was a moan. He squeezed her soft cheeks, confirming that she didn't have panties on. He almost shot his load as he pressed his hard shaft to his mother's stomach.

"We had better get off the porch before someone sees us," Allison said with a giggle.

As Chris opened the door, Allison tripped and they both stumbled into the house.

Allison giggled loudly and leaned against Chris. The she put her finger to her lips and said, "Shhhhh." She giggled again and reached down to take her high heels off. "There. Now I should be able to walk."

Chris was too excited to even answer.

"Come on," his mother said as she led him into the family room. "Let me check on you're father. I'll be right back."

Chris was almost trembling as he watched his mother leave. He sat on the sofa in the dark unable to believe this was happening to him. After about fifteen minutes, he started to wonder if his mother was coming back or not. He started to get up and look for her when he saw her come into the room. His eyes opened wide in shock. She was wearing the white blouse and tiny skirt he had seen on her when he caught her with Jason. The only difference was that her hair was not in braids. He swallowed hard and stared.

She walked over and sat next to him. "I'm sorry you didn't get what you wanted last night from Melissa. Maybe I can help."

There was a ringing in Chris's ears, making it difficult for him to understand what his mother was saying. It took him a moment to respond when her lips suddenly touched his. He moaned and opened his mouth. A second later, he felt his mother take his hand and bring it to her silk covered breast.

"Moooommm," he moaned into her mouth.

She pulled away and said, "Allison." Then she began to unbutton the blouse.

Chris's penis pulsed with each button. He watched in disbelief as she opened every button and then pulled her blouse apart.

"Suck my tit," she whispered, pulling his head down to her breast.

Chris sucked, nearly cumming in his pants. His lips devoured one nipple before moving on to the next. When he was done, both nipples were hard as rocks and dripping with is saliva. He was gasping for breath.

Allison smiled at her son and kissed his lips again. Then she whispered, "I'm going to suck your cock."

At first Chris though he had misunderstood her. He looked at her quizzically.

"I said that I'm going to suck your cock."

It took a mighty effort for Chris not to climax at her words.

Allison pushed her son back and reached for his pants. A moment later she had them and his underwear at his ankles. She pulled on pant leg from his foot, giving her room to slip between his knees. Then she grasped his throbbing shaft. She looked up at him and said, "Tell me what you want. I like to hear that."

Chris licked his dry lips and swallowed. His voice sound like a squeak at first. "Suc... suck me," he whispered.

Allison smiled and said, "Tell me more. Use nasty words."

"Oh God Mom, suck my cock."

"Mmmmm," Allison moaned and scooted forward. She held his penis in her fist and looked at it. "It's longer than Jason's," she whispered to herself. Then she pulled the head down and began to lick it.

"Oh God Mom... I can't hold... oh Jesus," Chris gasped.

Allison grabbed the base of his penis and squeezed hard. She held it tight until the throbbing stopped.

Chris sighed and looked at his mother in amazement. He didn't know that that was possible; she had stopped him from climaxing.

After a moment or two, Allison resumed licking her son. Her tongue ran up and down the shaft as her hand held it tight. She was careful not to touch the head yet.

Soon Chris was going mad with desire. "Please Mom... uh Allison," he gasped and grabbed her head.

"Tell me what you want."

"I want you to suck me," he said more forcefully than the first time.

"I'm not convinced."

"Goddamn it suck my cock," he gasped and pulled his mother's head toward his throbbing penis.

Allison moaned loudly, opened her mouth and paused above his throbbing penis.

"Suck my cock bitch," Chris said, realizing what his mother liked. "You are such a na... nasty cock sucker." He heard the words come out of his mouth before he could stop them. He froze, wondering how she was going to react. He still remembered the slap.

Allison paused and looked up at her son, her eyes filled with lust. Then she moaned and took the swollen head between her lips and sucked.

"Oh Jesus," Chris moaned. His hips humped up as he held his mother's head. "Suck it, suck it, suck it, you nasty cock sucker." It was just like in his dream.

The words ignited Allison. She moaned deep in her throat and sucked him hard. Then she looked up at him. At the same time she began a downward movement until the head of his penis was at the opening to her throat. With a deep breath, she pushed harder letting the large head slip through her constricted throat canal.

Chris watched in amazement as his cock disappeared down his mother's throat, inch by inch until her lips were in his pubic hair. Her eyes were still on him and he could see them tearing up. It had obviously been a difficult task to get his long penis down her throat. Chris could feel his balls churning and he had to close his eyes or risk cumming. He could feel the tight muscles of his mother's throat caressing every inch of his shaft. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before.

Allison held him in as long as she could before pulling back to breathe. Then she went down again. Over and over she took him into her throat; his long penis touching places that Jason could never reach. It was such a turn-on for her that she had to fight not to climax herself.

Chris held her hair, helping her to move up and down. He wanted it to last forever, but he couldn't take much more. "Mo... Allison, I can't take much more," he warned.

Allison's answer was to close her eyes and moan. She took him deep again. Then she felt him tense, she pulled up and held the head in her mouth. Her hand pumped the shaft.

"Oh God, oh God, here it comes... ahhhhhhh!!!" His balls felt like they were going to explode. They pumped his juice up the shaft in great quantities. At the end of the line, it blasted from the slit and into his mother's waiting mouth.

Allison held her mouth still, letting it fill with her son's sweet juice. It finally stopped just as her cheeks had stretched to the maximum. Then she pulled back, closing her mouth quickly.

Chris looked down at his mother with lust-fogged eyes. Then he watched as she opened her mouth. It was just like his dream again. It had to be a dream. He could see that her mouth was almost overflowing with his thick white seed. A trickle bubbled over at the corner of her mouth and ran down her chin.

Allison closed her mouth quickly and swallowed... once, twice, three times. On the third swallow, she leaned forward and grasped her son's thighs tightly. Her fingernails dug deeply into him as her body shook.

Chris looked on in amazement as his mother climaxed from swallowing his juice alone. She almost fell to the floor as convulsion racked her body. It seemed to go on for a long time... much longer than his climax had.

Finally Allison sat up. Then she wiped her mouth with a trembling hand and stood up. She swayed for a moment before she caught her balance. "You have to get to bed. You have school tomorrow."

Chris felt a tremble go through his body as he watched his incredible mother walk out of the room.

Chapter 9

As had happened a lot lately, Chris was in a daze the next morning when he got up. He knew what happened last night wasn't a dream... it had been unbelievable, but not a dream. For the first time, he found that he felt guilty. It almost seemed that he had taken advantage of his mother. She had obviously had too much to drink last night and he could have stopped things before they went too far. Unfortunately, he hadn't had the moral character and now he feared that his mother would somehow hate him.

These thoughts were running through his mind when he came down to breakfast. Like always, his mother was fixing breakfast and his father was reading the newspaper. He came in silently and sat down. When his mother turned around, he found he couldn't read her face. Was she mad, sad, or was she okay with what happened?

"Aren't you going to say good morning?" Allison said.

Bradley brought his paper down and looked at Chris then returned to reading.

"Good morning," he said in a monotone voice.

"Thanks for a wonderful evening Chris. You were a perfect gentleman."

Chris looked at his mother with surprise. I took advantage of her and made her suck my cock and I was a gentleman? he thought. "Uh... thanks... I had fun too."

Allison put scrambled eggs and sausage on the table and sat down. "Chris, do you have a little time tonight? We need to discuss a few things."

Uh oh, Chris thought, here it comes. "Uh... sure."

"Good. I've got to run now... have a big meeting this morning. Bye Bradley," she said and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Then she leaned over Chris. First she turned her head toward Bradley and made sure the paper was still in front of his face, then she kissed Chris on the lips. It was anything but a motherly kiss. Her lips were soft, wet and warm, and filled with promise. Her tongue touched his lips for an instant.

In spite of the fact that Chris was sitting at the table in front of his father, he returned the kiss, opening his mouth for her tongue. Electricity rushed through him.

Allison pulled away quickly and said, "See you this evening sweetheart."

For the rest of the day Chris was on an emotional roller coaster. He would think about last night and get an erection. Then he would chastise himself for taking advantage of his own mother. Yet, she didn't seem to be mad at him. In fact, he could still feel her lips on his. Then he thought that maybe she would just chalk it up as a mistake and tell them that they couldn't do it anymore. That was a worst-case scenario to him. When he thought of that he felt like crying.

Chris was so distracted that he got detention that afternoon and missed lacrosse practice.

When he got home, he was almost relieved that his mother wasn't there yet. He spent the time in his room working on homework and worrying about their coming discussion.

Dinner was relatively quiet. Chris's father talked about some research that he had been chosen for by the College. It would mean he would have to be on the road for several months this summer.

When Chris looked at his mother, there was strange half-smile on her face.

After dinner, Bradley went to his study and Allison did the dishes. Chris sat in the family room watching TV.

"Chris, are you free to talk now?" Allison asked as she came into the family room a few minutes later.

"I'm not free, but I'm reasonable," he joked. His mother didn't smile.

"Maybe we had better go down to the club room where it will be a little more private."

"Okay," Chris said and preceded his mother through the door and downstairs. She turned and locked the door.

Allison sat on the sofa and patted the seat next to her. When Chris sat down, she moved closer to him and took his hand. "Chris," she said, "You know what we did yesterday, and the day before, was very dangerous and, in fact, wrong."

Chris wanted to cry. "Yes," he whispered. "I'm sorry," he added, still feeling that he had taken advantage of his mother.

Allison looked at her son with surprise. "There's nothing to be sorry about. We are both adults... and I do consider you an adult now... and we both should know better."

Chris remained silent.

"If we are going to do anything like that again, we have to be very, very careful. If your father ever caught us... well, I don't want to think about that."

"Huh?" Chris said in complete surprise.

"I said we have to be very careful if..."

He interrupted her and said, "You mean... you mean... we... you and me can... you know."

"Well, yes. But it can't go any further then it already has. I mean we can't... can't actually go all the way."

"Really?" Chris said with his eyes wide as saucers. "You'll suc... you know..."

"Yes," Allison said and actually blushed.

"Oh my God Mom," Chris said and was surprised to find tears coming to his eyes. "I thought... I thought you were going to say..."

"Say that we couldn't do anything anymore?"


"Well, believe me, I thought of that. What we did was crazy. But when I really thought about it, it all seemed to make sense. You see with my... my libido, it's likely that I will find someone like Jason again. It seems that relative to what we did, another affair would be far more dangerous. I mean... I think about emotional entanglements, the possibility of diseases, etc. You and I doing things seem somehow harmless... as long as we have restrictions. I know that that's sounds crazy and dangerous as well, but the alternative is even more risky."

Chris was suddenly flabbergasted. He didn't know what to say. On one hand he wanted to jump for joy like a five-year-old at Christmas. On the other, his mother said he was an adult. He chose to restrain himself.

"Now, give me a kiss."

With a wide smile, Chris leaned toward his mother and kissed her lips softly. She reached behind his head and pulled his mouth to hers forcefully.

Chris took a chance and reached his hand up and touched his mother's breast. When she moaned, he took that as approval and cupped her mature breast in his open hand. Soon the two of them were squirming on the sofa and kissing like horny teenagers. Chris's hand found the opening to her blouse and slipped inside. He moaned when his hand snaked down under her bra.

The sounds of the two kissing grew in the otherwise quiet room.

However, when Chris dropped his hand to his mother's thigh, she grabbed his hand and pulled her lips from his.

"Behave. That's a no no," she said with a smile. "Now, I have some work to do. I'll stop by to tuck you in bed after your father goes to sleep."

With a last peck on the lips, Allison got up and let her excited son sitting in the basement with a hard on.

Chris was almost going crazy in anticipation, as he lay naked in his bed waiting for his mother to "tuck him in." His penis was already hard and tenting the sheet. He was afraid to touch it for fear that he would climax. When he finally saw the door open he almost sighed with relief.

Allison stepped into the room wearing a short purple silk bathrobe. It was tied at the waist, holding the shiny material together.

Chris eyes stared at his mother as she moved toward him. He could see her unencumbered breasts giggle as she walked, telling him that she didn't have a bra on. Her nipples were already hard and poking through the material. His penis throbbed and juice dripped onto his stomach.

"Whew, I thought he would never go to sleep," Allison said as she came over to the bed and sat down. Then she looked down and saw the raised sheet and smiled. "You're obviously glad to see me."

"Yes," Chris answered almost breathlessly. Then he watched as his mother's hand reached out to grasp his erection. "Ohhh!" he moaned.

"Let me see it," she said and quickly pulled the sheet to his knees. "Oh my!" she gasped. Her hand took possession of the throbbing shaft.

"Mom... be... be careful," Chris warned.

She smiled and turned to crawl onto the bed to kneel between his legs. Then she placed both hands gently on his penis, running them slowly up and down.

"Mom... can I... can I see your... your breasts," Chris stuttered.

Allison looked at her son and smiled. "I don't see why not. With that she shrugged the robe from her shoulders, letting it fall down her arms. She paused with the top section of her breasts exposed. Then she pushed her arms together, lifting her two orbs for him.

Chris moaned as his eyes stared at the soft swells of flesh. Then he watched as his mother slowly untied the belt and let the robe come open. "Oh God," he moaned. Now both breasts were on display.

Allison lifted her breasts with both hands, as if holding them out to her son. "My nipples are really sensitive," she said and tweaked them between her thumb and forefingers. Her eyes closed and a little moan escaped her lips. When she opened them again, they were filled with fire. "I want to suck your cock now sweetie. I want you to cum in my mouth." With that she dropped her head and stuck out her tongue. First she ran it up and down the shaft, collecting the stream of juice running from the head. Then she circled the ridge with the tip, making the fat shaft throb. Finally she took the head into her mouth.

Chris squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately not to cum. He could feel his mother's tongue going wild on the head of his penis. Then she used her teeth to gently bit the head. "Oh God Mom," Chris gasped in warning.

Slowly Allison took the long shaft to the back of her throat. When the swollen head reached the breach she paused and took a breath. Then she pushed down hard, taking the entire shaft into her throat.

"Ohhhhhh Goddddd!!!" Chris screamed. He felt the juice in his balls boiling over. Suddenly, there was no stopping him. His hips lifted from the bed, pushing his penis deeper into his mother's throat. His sperm blasted from the head and down her throat.

When Allison realized that Chris was cumming, she quickly pulled back. She didn't want it to go down her throat where she couldn't taste it. Instead, she wanted it in her mouth where she could savor it. She grabbed the shaft tight in her fist and pumped it. The second, third and fourth volleys filled her mouth and coated her tongue with the strong flavor of his sperm. She sealed her lips around the crown, insuring that nothing escaped. When she had the last drop of his juice in her mouth, she swished it around inside, insuring that every taste bud got its fair share. Then she swallowed slowly, letting the thick cream coat the back of her throat on its journey to her stomach. It was hot, sticky and tasted bitter sweet... but most importantly it was from her son's balls. She began to climax

Chris could feel his mother trembling, but the after-pleasure of his climax was too great for him to pay much attention. He vaguely remembered her kissing his lips before the left the room.