Dream of Fucking My Sister-in-law Fulfilled

Dream of Fucking My Sister-in-law Fulfilled

Published on: 2024-01-16 22:06:28

I had secretly loved my sister in law Mina for many years. When I got married 24 years ago, she was only 18 years old. I developed an infatuation for her at that time itself. As years passed, I adored her growing beauty and admired her personality. Apparently I treated her like a sister, but in my heart of hearts I knew I was in love with her.

I got married at the age of 27 and my wife was 23 at that time. We have two children, son 23 and daughter 20. Both of them are now studying away from home. Mina got married five years after us and her son is now 18, studying in a boarding school. My wife & Mina are very close to each other and the two families have an excellent relationship.

In this kind of a well knit family tie there was no scope for bringing out my feelings for Mina in the open. Under the camouflage of brotherly affection, I showed my care for her. I hugged her or kissed her on the cheeks, whenever there was any opportunity. It looked perfectly normal and nobody ever doubted my intentions. Whenever I went on tour, I brought two gifts, one for my wife and one for Mina. On her birthday, I gave Mina lovely gifts and organised birthday parties. These were all fully acceptable to our families. My children knew if they wanted some permission from me, the best way was to approach through their aunt and the permission would never be refused.

My love for Mina was not platonic at all and I nursed a very strong physical desire for her. I had an overpowering attraction for her naked body. Except for one occasion many years ago, I had no opportunity to see her naked. This was an incident I will remember all my life.

It was little more than a year after our marriage. My wife had delivered our first child and was in the nursing home. My son was born in the afternoon. My in laws, my parents, Mina and me were in the nursing home. After seeing the newborn baby in the visiting hours, both my parents and in laws left. Mina didn’t go back home with her parents and stayed back. It was agreed that she would stay at my place till my wife comes back home.

After coming back home, I went for a shower in the bathroom attached to our bedroom. I told Mina to change in our bedroom and use the bathroom after I finish. As I was under the shower, suddenly there was a storm. Within seconds there was a heavy downpour with lightning and thunder. I knew Mina was extremely scared of lightning & thunder and was feeling worried about her. Suddenly a strong lightning struck and the whole house plunged into darkness. As I was startled at this, I was shocked to hear Mina’s ear-piercing scream. Turning the shower off, I grabbed a towel (which was just big enough to cover only my front). By this time Mina was banging at the bathroom door. Somehow holding the short towel with one hand I opened the bathroom door. Mina immediately thrust herself on me, held me tightly in her arms and started crying uncontrollably.

After getting over the initial shock, I realised Mina was stark naked and my towel had fallen off as she jumped on me. Possibly she had just finished undressing when the lightning struck and the shock was so great that she didn’t realise the need for covering herself. As her naked body was in close touch with my naked body, I felt extremely awkward. At the same time a very strong current of desire hit me as her naked boobs were pressed on my chest and her pubic hair touched my thighs. I was at a total loss and wondered if I should take advantage of the situation or behave as a big brother and try to cover our nudity.

As she was still hysterical and had no control over herself, I realised that I need to calm her down first. As she was clinging on to me, I made no attempt to disengage her and started comforting her like a child by moving my hands over her head & back. I gave her soft kisses on her forehead and cheeks. One major problem was my hard on, which was getting stronger by the minute. I somehow managed to turn a bit to one side to avoid my cock touching her, but it was still dangerously close to her body. With repeated assuring words I tried to convince her there was nothing to be so scared about and I was there by her side.

It took a long time for her cool down. I knew she would soon realise she was completely naked and so was I. I was apprehensive of her embarrassment and slowly tried to disengage her from me. I turned the shower on and made her stand under the running water. I stood close to her and comforted her by caressing her back. As it was totally dark, I could only see her naked body in the form of a silhouette. I was enamoured at the beauty of the chiselled shape of the nude figure of this 19 year old and had difficulty in controlling my urge to touch her curves. I thought if I could hurriedly finish the shower and manage to get us dressed in darkness, there would be not much of embarrassment later. So I gave her a piece of soap and was about to turn off the shower.


Just at this point of time, the power came back. Suddenly she and I were facing each other completely naked under bright light. The light brought her back to complete sense and her extreme shyness made her face look awfully pretty. In an instant reaction, she covered her eyes with her hands and turned her back towards me. Within a split second before she turned I could see her amazing naked body. She looked like a nude sculpture. She had large boobs with dark grape like nipples. Her breast size must have been 34c or so, much bigger than my wife’s 32b, which had tiny nipples. She had absolutely flat belly with a deep belly button and unshaved pubic hair & armpits, unlike my wife, who shaved her armpit and trimmed pubic hair very short. She had a trim waistline expanding to beautifully curved hips. Now as I saw her naked from the back, I couldn’t resist the temptation for watching her longer. Her butts were wonderfully curved and thighs very well shaped. Her legs were long and had light hair.

I knew no way I could exceed the limits of decency and switched off the light. I hurriedly dried my self and put on my shorts. I went out of the bathroom, picked up a towel & Mina’s nightie and kept them in the bathroom. I told her that I had kept her towel & nightie in the rack and went out closing the bathroom door.

As I was leaving she said, "I am awfully sorry for acting insane and thank you ever so much."

As I switched on the bathroom light and waited for her to come out, I knew I had saved a very undesirable situation with disastrous consequences. But instead of feeling pleased, I felt very disappointed. As she came out, she had a smile on her face and she gave me a hug. I was sure that she had overcome her uneasiness.

After this incident she stayed with me alone in our flat for about seven days. But there was no expression of physical desire between us. We spent a lot of time together. As she was scared of sleeping alone, at my wife’s suggestion, she slept with me in our bed. With her nightie clad body (she wore nothing underneath at bedtime) only a few inches away, very strong desire gripped me every night but I controlled my urge. I fought a continuous battle against my overpowering lust but never felt happy

While I kept myself restrained, I kept on wondering if she felt any attraction for me. She did see me fully naked in the bathroom. Since she saw my manhood in full erection, she must have realised my physical desire for her. "How did she feel?" I wondered "Was she attracted to me, or hated me for my lust, or was she so naïve that she didn’t bother about my erection and dismissed the whole thing as an accident?" Till today, I don’t have an answer.

Then onwards, I never had any opportunity to see her naked. I did have occasions to see her cleavage, her uncovered legs & part of her thighs, her armpits (at times clean shaved and at times full off hair or stubbles) and even parts of her boobs through the loose sleeve holes of her nightie. Once I did see the black patch of her crotch for a split second. She had carelessly lifted her legs while sitting on the sofa and as her nightie moved up I could see her crotch through the gap between her thighs. On another occasion, she had an abscess on her butt and had lifted her sari to her waist to show it to my wife. Just at that moment I happened to enter the room and had a fleeting glance at her lovely butts. On such occasions my lust for her surged and I felt an awful depression for not being able to have her physically.

As years went by, she changed both physically and in personality. But all along she was very fond of me. She never hesitated to show her admiration for me. Whenever my wife found fault with me, she strongly defended me. She openly admired me by praising my bright mind & clarity of thought, my generosity, compassion & care for others. She simply put me on a higher pedestal above everybody else. At the news of my slightest sickness she rushed to our house dropping everything and spent hours by my side. I was sure she loved me a lot, but wasn’t sure about the nature of her love.

There was one occasion when she & I got physically very close.

I had a fall in the staircase and sprained my ankle very badly. Though there was no fracture the doctor asked me to be at complete bed rest for 24 hours. He restricted all movements and I was not even allowed to use the toilet or bathroom. My wife & children, along with my in laws and Mina’s son, were enjoying holiday in the hills. Mina was in town and rushed by my side. While I wanted to engage a nurse, Mina & her husband insisted that Mina do the nursing for me. She moved over to our house and was continuously by my side. During the first night I had much of pain and both she & I had very little sleep. She rubbed ointments on my ankle a number of times and that gave me lot of relief. During the later part of the night the pain subsided and both of us had some sleep. Next morning, the pain was a lot less and I felt much better. But the first problem was answering nature’s call. I wanted to go to the toilet, but Mina didn’t allow me to. I had no other option but to pee in a can, which Mina held near my crotch. With awful embarrassment I had to pull down my pyjama & brief and take out my cock, which had a partial hard on. As I started shooting out the stream, Mina held it in one hand to make sure the stream is directed at the opening of the can. The cool touch of her soft hand stirred my cock and it grew to its full size. I felt totally helpless as the stream continued unabated and my exposed cock with a big hard on was in Mina’s hand. Finally when the pee ended and the cock turned a bit softer, I was eager to pull my pyjama up but Mina delayed it further as she wiped the tip with a tissue. I felt relieved only after I could put back my pyjama. I noticed Mina was flushed in her face and wondered how she felt.

Brushing the teeth in bed was no problem but when I felt the pressure of shit I was totally dismayed. Despite her insistence, I ignored the medical advice and using her as a crutch went to the toilet. She didn’t allow me to bolt the door and guarded me from outside. After this difficult task was done, rest of the morning was very pleasant. She fed me breakfast in bed and helped me to shave.

When it was time for bath, I again insisted that I go to the bathroom. But Mina just wouldn’t allow. She brought a tumbler full of water, soap, washcloth, towels et all to the side of the bed. She found a polythene sheet and laid it on the bed to protect the bed sheet. She took off my pyjama, both top & bottom, and my vest. I was left with only my brief and was scared of having a hard on. She made the upper part of my wet and affectionately soaped me. I felt very nice as her hand moved over my chest. At the touch of her soft hands my tiny nipples became hard and I wondered if she noticed or not.

Having done the top part, she proceeded below the waist. She did my feet, toes and legs with a lot of care. As she was doing my thighs and her hands were moving up towards my crotch, my cock started getting a hard on. I thought she would finish at the thighs and was hoping the bulge on my brief doesn’t get embarrassingly large before she is done with. But she didn’t stop at the thighs and pulled at the waistband of my brief. I wasn’t sure if I should resist. On one hand I was keen to avoid exposure of my erection, on the other hand I was dying to be touched at the cock. While I was torn between two opposite feelings, my hard on got stronger by the second. As she pulled the brief down, my shaft sprang out with a raging hard on.

Even if Mina felt uneasy with such a display of my lust, she didn’t show it except for her total silence & flushed face. She clinically proceeded with the cleaning like a professional nurse. As she very nicely cleaned my groin with soap she avoided touching my cock. While her touch on the groin was very sensual, I pined for her hands to hold my cock. After the groin, she washed my pubic hair and then my balls. By this time I was having a wild desire. Now she turned me over on my belly and soaped my backside. She shocked me as she parted my butt cheeks and soaped my crack. Wow! What a sensation it was.

She tuned me over again and to my utter delight started soaping my cock. My cock throbbed in her hand and I was scared that I might ejaculate any moment. When she opened my foreskin I thought she was going to jerk me off. But, in stead, she cleaned the fold of the foreskin and the head. I was enamoured at her care in cleaning my body and wondered if it was simply her affection for me or there was physical desire behind this. Finally, she finished by towelling me dry and I was left in an extreme state of excitement. She put cologne & talcum powder on me and helped me putting on dry clothes. But my hard on was still driving me crazy and I didn’t know what to do. As soon as she left for her bath, I pulled down my shorts & brief and started jerking me off. I got hold of the can by the side of my bed and unloaded a lot of sticky liquid in it. I knew Mina will notice my cum in the can, but I didn’t care. I didn’t know how much physical desire she had for me, but I had no hesitation to let her know I physically craved for her.

In the evening, the doctor came and checked my injured ankle. The swelling was completely gone and there was only a bit of residual pain. After examining me he allowed me to walk and said I could go to office the next day. While this was a relief for me, in my heart of heart I felt sad that I was thrown out of the dreamland.

With childbirth and age Mina started becoming heavier. Her boobs became larger and hips increased in size. When I pointed out that she should control her weight, she obediently followed a diet chart prescribed by me. As her daily routine didn’t allow her to go for a morning walk, I gifted her an excercycle. She religiously used it and was soon back in good shape. From that stage her body became a great source of intoxication for me.

I gathered from my wife that Mina, she and their mother were quite easy about nudity in the presence of each other. Occasionally, two of them or some times three of them had bath together and were fully naked. I tactfully queried my wife about how her mom and Mina looked in the nude. (I was curious to know to what extent Mina’s body has changed, compared to what it was when I had seen her as a teenager). As my wife could not imagine in her wildest dreams about my lust for Mina, she innocently answered my queries and I gathered a lot of their womanly secrets. My wife & her mom resembled a lot physically. Both were petite and had moderate breasts. My wife was 34b and her mom 32b. Both had small pinkish brown nipples. Mina had much bigger breasts 36c and her nipples were dark brown & quite large. In contrast with my wife & her mom’s trim waist and moderate hips (26/34), Mina had an outward curve in her belly and her hip was large (29/38).

My wife & her mom were cleanliness freak. My wife regularly shaved her armpit clean and cut her pubic hair to near baldness. In fact she used shave her pubic hair also, but as regular shaving was making her pussy hair too coarse she switched to trimming. Her mom was a great supporter of her habit of keeping herself clean. She never shaved at young age (as shaving was rather uncommon those days) but started shaving later in life with the encouragement of her elder daughter.

When my wife shaved her armpit for the first time and started wearing sleeveless blouse, her mom was very pleased to see her clean armpit. She sometimes expressed her desire to shave her own armpit. Later, when my wife started shaving her pubic hair, her mom noticed her baldness during bath. Though she liked the idea of shaving very much she was a bit scared of using the razor. But her daughter encouraged her and offered to shave her. Initially she shaved her armpit and her mom was delighted to see the silky smooth skin. Then she shaved her mom’s pussy also. Then onwards my mom in law became so fond of her own smoothness that she made shaving a regular habit. She continued to shave even after her menopause when her body hair became sparse.

Mina was very different from her mom & sister. She had a strong growth of hair in armpit and in the pussy. She had a large triangular pubic bush with long & dense hair. The hair spilled over to her thighs and belly. She had a line of hair joining her bush to belly button. Her legs had a bit of light hair too. She had quite a bit of hair in her ass hole, while her mom & sister had smooth ass holes.

Her mom & sister insisted that she regularly shaves her armpit and at least trims her pubic bush, which was like a jungle. Her sister did shave her once or twice. According to her, it was a difficult job to shave Mina. She had to cut the hair short with scissors first and then ran the razor two three times to clean out all the hair. But for Mina this was too much of a trouble and she preferred to let her body hair grow naturally. She did shave her armpit from time to time but wasn’t regular at all. She never shaved her pubic hair and rarely trimmed it.

As I heard this from my wife, I thought Mina’s body was exactly to my liking. I prefer women with bigger boobs & butts and love pubic hair. I imagined that through some telepathy Mina knew about my fondness for pubic hair and didn’t shave or trim just to please me. While these thoughts came to my mind, a deep sigh came out from within. I knew my dreams wouldn’t be fulfilled ever. At the same time, I couldn’t give up hope and looked for every opportunity to have her near me.

At this stage, as a distraction from the main story, I would like to describe an occasion when I saw my mom in law naked.

This was a few years after our marriage, when she was in her mid forties and still very good looking. One Saturday afternoon, I was having a nap in our bedroom. Mom in law was staying with us for the weekend. My sleep was slightly disturbed as I heard some voices in the bedroom. Without opening my eyes, I realised my mom in law was in the attached bathroom having a shower before getting ready to go out with my wife and was talking to my wife, who was in the bedroom. Mom in law was saying that she took wrong petticoat & bra to the bathroom and asked her daughter to give her the right ones. But my wife told her not to bother and to come out without any clothes. As mom in law was hesitant, my wife assured her that I was sleeping like a log and there was no chance of my waking up. I was delighted at this and waited with bated breath for my petite mom in law to come out naked.

Fortunately, I was lying on my back with my arm covering my eyes and I had no difficulty in keeping my eyelids slightly open. My head was towards the bathroom door and my feet were towards the dressing table. As mom in law came out of the bathroom and walked past the bed to the dressing table I could see her naked body from the back. She had a very fair skin, which dazzled my eyes. Her lean back was wonderful and her small butts were nicely curved.

My wife was standing in front of the dressing table wearing only a panty. She moved to make space for her mom and I could see mom in law’s naked front clearly in the mirror. She had small pear shaped breasts with almost no sag and had prominent pink nipples. Her belly was absolutely flat and had some faint stretch marks. Her belly ended in a silky smooth pussy and I could clearly see her closed pussy lips. She spread her legs a bit and put some talcum powder in her crotch. This excited me lot. As my wife dabbed some perfume on her, she raised her arms and I saw her lovely underarms with a couple of sexy creases. Though I am very fond of bushy pussy, my mom in law’s cute baby like smooth pussy appealed a lot to me. I felt it was lot more attractive compared to my wife’s pussy with hair trimmed short. She took good five minutes before she put on her bra & petticoat and I had a feast for my eyes. My cock was getting hard but my brief was tight enough to hold it and the bulge was nothing enormous to draw the attention of my wife or mom in law. My wife & I had a reasonably good sex life. We had sex 2/3 days a week and enjoyed it. Every night after sex, we lied naked in bed and talked for a long time. During this time she was in her best of mood. One night, children were not at home and after we had a very satisfying round of sex we decided to have a drink. We walked out of the bedroom naked and settled down with our drinks in the drawing room. Sitting naked beside each other under bright light was very sensational for both of us. Soon we were a bit tipsy and I asked my wife to share some of her secrets, which she never told me before. Initially she said she has none such secret. But a little later she said I should share my secret first and then it would be her turn.

I told her about my clandestine efforts to see grown up women naked during adolescence. I made a peephole in our bathroom door, which no one noticed. Through the peephole I managed to see several women naked when they had their bath. I regularly saw a middle age maid naked. When a cousin sister of mine came to stay with us for a couple of days, I tried to see her naked. But she had her bath with her panty on and I could see her boobs only. I also once saw an aunt of mine naked. Hearing all these, my wife asked me who was the most attractive of them all. I hesitated to answer, because I didn’t mention to her I also saw my own mother naked and she was the most attractive of them all. As she pressed for the answer, I finally confessed about seeing my mom naked. Some how my wife was not as shocked as I apprehended her to be. She commented every adolescent boy finds his mother very sexually attractive. Now I really surprised her by telling her how I saw her mom naked. After she got over her surprise, she laughed her head off.

When it was her turn to share the secret, she told me something very revealing. She said bathing in the nude together with her mom and sister excited her sexually. When I asked her if this was only in her mind or there was some physical action too, she showed some hesitation. She finally came out with the truth. The day she shaved her mom for the first time, she was very excited. When she shaved mom’s armpit her fingers touched mom’s breasts and noticed her nipples had hardened. After shaving she rubbed moisturiser in the shaved area and moved her hand over mom’s boobs. She even touched her nipples and was surprised that mom didn’t protest. Getting encouraged, she rubbed moisturiser on mom’s boobs and played on her nipples. Her mom didn’t resist, but didn’t show any excitement either. So she finally withdrew her hands.

When she started shaving mom’s bush, touching her pussy was a great excitement. Finally when all the hair vanished she felt very much turned on. On the pretence of checking if the skin was smooth enough, she moved her finger over her pussy. She got very excited as she felt a lot of wetness along her pussy folds. She rubbed mom’s shaved pussy with moisturiser and her mom was oozing out lots of pussy juice.

She was so excited that she completely forgot she was her own mom and parting her lips inserted her fingers inside the tunnel. As she saw the pink inside, she was all the more excited and started playing on the clit. At this stage mom held her hand and she thought mom wanted her to stop. But actually mom made her move the fingers faster and she started moaning. Within minutes her mom had a long lasting orgasm. As the orgasm subsided mom collapsed in her arms. Her mom looked a bit embarrassed but kissed her cheeks to show that she was thankful. Later, they never spoke to each other about this. I asked her if that was the only occasion. Resting her head on my chest and tickling my nipples, she said no. She did realise that her mom had a strong sexual urge and as she didn’t get enough sex from her dad she needed some sexual relief.

When I probed further, she said she noticed two things. Frequency of sex between her parents was low. Secondly, her mom read a lot of erotic literature and when she read those books she showed signs of restlessness. She felt her mom needed to release her sexual energy. So, next time she had bath with her mom she decided to give her the much needed pleasure. She offered to soap her mom and lovingly touched her all over. She explored every corner of her body – armpits, belly button, groin and even ass hole. As she was sure her mom was immensely enjoying, she played with her nipples and her mom moaned. She finally inserted her fingers in her pussy and played with her clit. This time mom was a lot more uninhibited and moan was very strong. She made her lie down on the bathroom floor and put her mouth in her pussy. She immensely enjoyed the wetness of mom’s pussy. Being too excited, she moved her tongue wildly and even chewed the clit. Now her mom started screaming in joy and within minutes had a volcanic climax.

After this second occasion, it was an unspoken understanding with her mom that when they had bath together she would bring her mom to climax. This practice continued for many years, even after her mom had menopause. At this stage, I asked her if her mom also gave her pleasure in return. She said, possibly her mom was too shy to do this. But when her mom was at the height of excitement, she did kiss her in the mouth and squeezed her boobs and butts. Mom sometimes even sucked her nipples. But all these, she guessed, mom did unconsciously. She finally said she didn’t need this much as she had enough of sex from me after marriage and from someone else before marriage. Now she paused with a meaningful smile.

As I knew very well she had no boyfriend before marriage, I was damn curious to know who this ‘someone else’ was. As she silently kept smiling, I asked her again. She gave me a kiss and asked me to light a cigarette for her. Drawing a long puff, she asked me what would be her reward if she tells me the secret. I said I would suck her to her best climax ever. I was actually tempted to suck her as at that time her pubic hair had grown quite well, possibly because she didn’t trim for a week or two.

As I said this, she took another long puff, returned the cigarette to me and lied down with her head on my lap. Now she started telling me her treasured secret. I was shocked as she said that it was Mina who gave her a lot of sexual pleasure. After the first occasion with her mom, she confided to Mina. Mina was surprised but admitted she also felt horny when she bathed in the nude with mom. As they talked more on sex between women, both sisters admitted that they felt horny as they saw each other in the nude. Mina also told her she discovered mom read a lot of erotic literature. One day as they were alone at home, they searched through their mom’s books and found a book, which had stories on incestuous lesbian sex. They read together a story of sexual encounter between two sisters, who got caught in action by their mother and finally three of them had sex together.

Though the characters of the story were American women, it was very exciting. As they finished the story, they got drawn into a deep kiss. As excitement mounted, they tore off each other’s clothes and started exploring each other’s naked body. My wife realised for the first time Mina’s abundance of pubic hair added hell of a lot of sex appeal to her body. She started sucking Mina’s thick bush and finding her clit through the jungle gave her an extra kick. She was wild in excitement and sucked Mina like there was no tomorrow.

Before she could finish her story, I couldn’t hold my patience and started sucking my wife’s cunt. As I sucked her, I imagined I was sucking Mina. As I sucked my wife, she in turn sucked my cock. My wife had a strong long lasting orgasm when I was still to ejaculate. After her climax subsided, I entered my shaft in my wife’s cunt. Though she just had an orgasm, she willingly let me penetrate her. I stroked her like a wild bull and she shrieked in pleasure. I was imagining I was fucking Mina and kept on kissing her and pressing her boobs hard. I never felt so wild and endlessly fucked her. After a while I started discharging a hell of a lot of load and my wife had a second climax. Even after I took out my cock, it still threw out a lot and her boobs, belly, pubic bush and even the carpet was strewn with white gooey blobs. This was the best fuck I ever had. But at that point of time, little did I know about still better fucks awaiting me.

As I washed up and came back to bed I asked my wife if her sexual escapades with her sister stopped after her marriage. She said yes. After her marriage to me, she & Mina didn’t indulge in sex. Mina, till such time she got married, gave some relief to her mom. After Mina’s marriage the two sisters almost forgot that they had some sexual relationship. But for last couple of years, Mina looked sex starved. She confided to my wife that her husband’s frequent travel & busy schedule was causing problem in their sex life. She was often horny and looked for relief from her sister.

After that night my lust for Mina grew stronger.

In many other ways I found Mina to be keen to please me. Both she & my wife used to dress in a conservative way. Sari was virtually their only formal dress. Once in a while they wore salwar kameez on less formal occasions. I suggested to my wife to start wearing pants or skirt to office and long formal dresses to parties. But she was rather unwilling to change. When Mina shed off her extra flab, I suggested she should look smart if she wears pants when going to work. Next day, she called me on my mobile phone asking me to help her in shopping after office. We bought a couple of pants & matching shirts and she started wearing those once or twice a week. Later, the frequency increased and she started wearing skirts & tailored suit also. My wife was very impressed with Mina’s dress and soon switched to wearing pants & skirt. My wife was still not sold to the idea of wearing well designed long dresses to parties. I secretly bought a designer dress for Mina and she wore the dress to the next party she attended. On the way to the party, Mina (& her husband) dropped at our place to show the dress to her sister. The sister was so delighted that she kissed & hugged Mina. In the following weekend, I was very pleasantly surprised when my beloved wife accompanied me to a party in a lovely designer dress.

The two sisters wore either sari or nightie at home. Nighties were often too worn out and the saris were too inconvenient. I often suggested to my wife to wear shorts & T-shirt at home. But she felt it was not suitable for grown up Indian women. She would rather wear petticoat & blouse or only sari without under garments to be at ease at home. Mina came to our house to spend one summer weekend. She went to the bathroom to change her salwar kameez. She came out wearing white shorts & a red sleeveless T-shirt. She looked very smart & elegant. From that day onwards, my wife became so fond of shorts that she bought half a dozen shorts & matching T-shirts. She even started going out for shopping etc in shorts with nice tops & strapped sandals. While she was very pleased with the comfort & smartness, I had my last laugh.

Both my wife & I were moderate drinkers and drank socially. So were Mina & her hubby. Whenever we got together in the evenings in a relaxed mood, four of us enjoyed a few rounds of drink. I was always against India women sticking to vodka or gin. In my opinion, scotch was a much better drink. From English women’s drinking habit showed that scotch was not meant for men only. My wife, as usual, disagreed and said scotch tasted too bitter & pungent. My argument (strongly supported by my brother in law) that like every best food & drink in the world, scotch had an acquired taste cut no ice. But when Mina started tasting scotch and felt it was very smooth & had a lovely aroma, my wife switched to scotch. Later, she touched no other alcoholic drink, except beer in the afternoon.

Over a span of more than two decades Mina & me got closer and closer. We became so intimate that often we shared our problems with each other, before sharing with our respective spouses. My wife and brother in law both partly understood this but never objected. Except for the unspoken love & desire between us, everything between Mina & me was totally transparent.

Over the years my wife was becoming more and more unreceptive & insensitive to my problems & needs. While she would expect me to take care of all her problems, she never felt the necessity of giving me any mental support. As I went up the corporate ladder, my mental strain increased a lot. I needed a friend with whom I could share my agonies & anxieties as also my achievements. Since my wife stonewalled me in this front, I felt depressed. I needed help to release my tension, but there was none from her. My children, particularly my daughter, understood my needs well. But as they were still young their support was not adequate. I needed a mature friend.

These needs made me turn more & more to Mina. She was not only very receptive to my problems, but shared my agonies & anxieties too. She was delighted with my achievements & success in the corporate world. Often she analysed my problems in a new perspective, which was big help. She knew how to hold a man’s hand when he was under stress. She understood when I needed encouragement, or counsel or simple sympathy. She exactly knew how to cool me down. By giving me such mental support, she became my best friend. Since her young days, I stood by her and shared her agonies & anxieties. She in turn helped me to tackle stresses & strain of the corporate world.

We often had or created opportunities to meet alone and enjoyed each other’s company. Both Mina & my wife are working in responsible positions and my wife had to travel at least two three times in a month. My brother in law also travelled very frequently. Mina didn’t travel at all and my travel was not too frequent. This gave us plenty of opportunities to meet alone. Mina came over to our house on the pretext of looking after the children in the absence of her sister. My children had grown up enough to take care of their own needs and were quite independent. They hardly needed any help from their aunt and Mina was almost entirely available to me. The children welcomed their aunt’s visit mainly because she always brought her son along and they were very fond of their cousin. The three children liked to be on their own and didn’t like the parents or aunt to breathe down their neck. It suited them very well if Mina & I went out. We took full advantage of this.

Often Mina & I went to movies or spent time in some of the social clubs or restaurant. I cherished every moment of her company and I was sure, so did Mina. Mina & I enjoyed drinking together. We were less inhibited and poured our heart out. But even in drunkenness, we could never directly express our feelings. I loved to hold her hands or have my arm around her. But I hardly had any opportunity to do so in public places, except in movie halls. While watching a movie, I often held her hand or placing my arm around her felt the warmth of her body or even placed my hand on her thighs. She never protested or discouraged me, but remained a bit passive. This passiveness on her part always remained an enigma to me. When our children and her son moved out of home, Mina & I met more often mostly at home. That gave me more opportunity to get intimate to her. We spent hours together and talked endlessly. I became more & more daring in touching her and made no secret of my physical desire. I lovingly held her in my arms, moved my hands on her bare arms and even on her partly bare thighs outside her shorts. When I was too excited, I even hugged her and felt her soft breasts. While she didn’t actively reciprocate to my overtures, she did give me lot of indulgence so much so that whenever we were alone at home she wore sleeveless top and no bra.

One day, I got pretty excited as I saw her long armpit hair popping out of the folds of her underarm. I started fondling her armpit and played with the hair.

At this point she said, "You are very fond of armpit hair, aren’t you?"

I asked, "How did you know?"

"My sister tells me everything about you. It’s because of you, I have stopped shaving my armpits."

I was so pleased to hear this that I gave her a passionate kiss on her cheeks and raising her arms up started kissing her armpits. She never tried to stop me and I revelled in the combination of softness, abundance of hair and the wonderful aroma of her perfume.

From that day onwards, I kissed her armpits and played with the hair whenever we were alone. I also loved to fondle her legs and her partly bare thighs below her shorts.

This way, my strong physical desire came out in the open. Though Mina didn’t resist, I was hesitant to break the ultimate barrier. I knew Mina loved her sister and wouldn’t like to cheat on her. In order not to get carried away by lust, I took two safety measures. I stopped drinking when I was alone with her and we never spent the night together.

She one day gave me a total surprise. After spending some time at her house, we decided to go out for dinner. She went inside to have a shower and change. She took unusually long time to come back. Finally when she came out of her bedroom, I was enamoured by a very different but wonderful aroma of a new perfume.

Wow! She wore a lovely silk dress with spaghetti straps. The body hugging dress ended just above her knees and displayed the curves of her thighs & hips. Her legs looked very fair against the black dress and I noticed her legs were clean shaved. Her bare arms showed a lovely pair of folds at her underarms. As she came close to me and placed her arms on my shoulders, I was awed at the silky smoothness of her armpits.

Normally I would have been very disappointed with her luxuriant hair shaved off, but I had a turn on from her soft fair armpits with sexy creases on the silky skin. In an impulse I put my nose in her armpit and got mesmerized by the aroma. As I started nudging her underarms with my nose, she coyly moved away and reminded me that we were getting late. As she walked out of the door in front of me, her butts swayed beautifully. Somehow I felt her dress was clinging too close on her butts and suspected she had no panty underneath. This gave me a hell of a turn on and I was desperate to check if she was really without a panty. In the car I tried to move my hands over her bum, but she moved away. But the little feel that I got for a split second, I couldn’t find the any edge of her panty. My suspicion & curiosity got stronger.

She possibly felt my pulse and diverted my mind by asking in a husky voice, "Are you unhappy that I shaved?" Without giving me a chance to answer she continued, "I will maintain the natural look. I just felt like showing you smoothness also has it’s own beauty."

In the restaurant, we sat opposite to each other and I had no chance to touch her hips. She acted a bit too careful when she moved her legs and made sure her dress doesn’t move up. This gave me fresh turn on and I felt my manhood rising in strong greed. As I dropped her at her flat, I wanted to go up to her door and try to check again on the pretext of a good night hug & kiss. But she didn’t give me a chance and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek walked away quickly. As I watched the sway of her hips, I felt the dress stuck too closely on her butts with no barrier of panty between the dress and her skin. This drove me crazy again and I had a raging hard on. After reaching home, I jerked off and shot out a huge load.

As I cooled down and lied down on my bed, I wondered why she teased me like this, which was not in her nature. It dawned on me this was her own way of expressing her physical desire. I felt time has come to break the ultimate barrier. I couldn’t sleep well as the thought kept coming back.

After about two weeks, my wife was away on a tour to Bombay and was scheduled to back in the weekend. I got a call from her on Friday to say that she was staying back in Bombay for the weekend as she met an old school friend. She told me to call Mina over for the weekend, so that I don’t feel lonely.

Almost immediately after I returned home, I got a call from Mina. She was in the neighbourhood and was coming over. After she came she told me she had no car and came by taxi. I realised that I had no means of dropping her home as my personal car was in the garage and I released the office car, as I had no plans to go out. As I told her this, both of us felt very disappointed that we couldn’t spend enough time together. She had to leave early to make sure she gets a taxi for going home. We had a quick bite of snacks, had a little chitchat and she was on her way home. I wanted to walk her up to the taxi, but she refused. Within a few minutes after she left a very heavy downpour started. I got worried and wondered if she could get a taxi before it started raining. I tried to call her mobile phone, but it was switched off.

After allowing sufficient time for her to reach home I called her home but got engaged tone. I knew my brother in law was out of town and wondered whom was she talking to. I tried several times and her phone was still engaged. I suspected the phone was out of order and I really got worried. I was hoping that her mobile phone battery ran out and she would call me after putting it on charge. As I was expecting the phone to ring any minute, the doorbell rang. To my great relief it was Mina standing there, partly drenched in rain. As my tension got released, I gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek and welcomed her in. She said she got caught in the rain before she could get a taxi. Taking shelter in a shop she tried to stop running taxis without any success for a long time. In the mean time the road was getting water logged and there was no sign of the rain coming to a stop. So gave up the idea of going home and came back.

As her salwar kameez was quite drenched I gave her a towel and told her to rush to the bathroom. As she entered the bathroom and closed the door, I asked her to throw out her wet clothes out of the door so that I could put them in a drier and told her to have a warm shower. She asked me what would she wear after shower. I said I would find something from her sister’s clothes. As she put out her hand by opening the door a little, I noticed she still had her wristwatch on. I took it off her wrist. The first one to come out of the small opening was her long top. Next came out her white printed bra. I loved the pink hearts printed on white. As I was admiring the print she asked me if I recognised the bra. I remembered that about a year ago, I brought this bra for her from a store in Paris. I smelled the bra and the aroma was lovely. Next came out her salwar pants.

As she closed the door, I asked her if she wouldn’t like to get her panty dried. As there was no answer, I realised she didn’t wear any panty. This gave me a big turn on and I examined the crotch of the pants. The crotch was quite damp. The dampness must have been due to her pussy juice and not because of rain, as the adjoining fabric was quite dry. I smelled the crotch and found an exotic smell mixed with aroma of her perfume. As I smelled the crotch repeatedly I discovered a few pieces of long curly hair clinging to the fabric. I now checked the back of the pants and smelled the part, which touched the crack between the butts. I got a different kind of exciting smell. As I was engrossed in her discarded clothes, she called out asking me to give her some clothes.

I hurriedly started searching in my wife’s cupboard but couldn’t find any thing suitable. As I kept on searching, I heard the bathroom door open. Mina had come out with the towel wrapped around her. I was charmed to see her lovely thighs. She asked me to move and bent down to search. The towel moved up a bit and I could see the bottom edge of her butts. By now I had a strong hard on and my pyjama tented. None of my wife’s shorts could be found; possibly she had taken them all with her. Finally she found an oversized T-shirt and put it on. As she pulled the T – shirt over her head and removed the towel her body was partly exposed and I could see a bit of her naked butts for a split second. This made me awfully horny. The T - shirt was rather long and covered almost down to her knees. She didn’t bother to search anymore and we settled down in the lounge.

As I watched her ripe body covered only in T-shirt, I thought tonight’s debacle brought the opportunity for me to spend the night alone with her rather unexpectedly. Last time this opportunity came was 23 years ago, the day my son was born. At that time, I didn’t take advantage. In last two decades, not only situation has changed, our mindset also underwent a sea change. A relationship has developed between us and our minds are close to each other. It’s no longer an infatuation, but a relationship of mutual admiration and love. Only question was should we be disloyal to our spouses?

Since I was forced into this tempting situation, which I consciously avoided so long, I decided to play along and see where it takes us. I opened a bottle of single malt and poured into two glasses. Mina got some ice cubes and we silently sipped our drinks. I lighted a cigarette and enjoyed the puff. Mina always enjoyed sharing a puff or two with me. She snuggled along my side and enjoyed intermittent puffs from my hand. As I placed my arms around her and my hand over her thigh, I could feel the ripeness of her boobs, hips and thighs at a time. The image of her young naked body under shower, which I saw 23 years ago, came back to my mind. I couldn’t match the sculpture like image of the young girl with the mature woman by my side.

I dared my hand to lie on her breast and as her nipple got hard under my fingers an electric sock passed through my spine. Mina’s sexual attraction was rather overpowering and my manhood rose to full erection. No way I could hide the tenting in my pyjama and I found Mina’s eyes watching it. The atmosphere was charged with sex and I was tempted to go further.

At this stage, Mina got up and walked into the kitchen to arrange something to eat. This break gave me a reprieve from the irresistible desire. I resisted the temptation to follow her in the kitchen and kept on sipping my drinks. As I finished the glass I got up for a refill. I picked up Mina’s empty glass from the kitchen and prepared two drinks, this time larger ones with more ice. Giving the glass to her I settled down again. As I was about to finish the second drink, I felt braver.

Mina came out of the kitchen with plates of sandwiches & some fried chicken. Before I started eating, I gulped down my drink and told her ‘bottoms up’. I was surprised, as mina didn’t object to a third drink. This time I poured still larger drinks and I knew that now not only Mina but also even I was also way beyond my limit. By the time we finished eating, I was quite high. As Mina was going to the kitchen I noticed her legs were tottering. I helped her to the kitchen and after dumping the plates in the sink Mina said she was terribly sleepy. I asked her, if she would like to sleep alone.

"I hate to sleep alone," she said and placed her head on my chest.

Holding her lush body close I walked her up to my bedroom. I helped her on the bed and she lied down on the side. Her T-shirt moved up and the thighs were fully exposed. I put on the air conditioner, went back to the lounge to switch off the lights and came back closing the door. I lighted a cigarette and sat down on the bed.

I thought Mina had fallen asleep and was wondering if I should wake her up. But she turned on her back and said she wanted a puff. I held the cigarette on her lips and she took a long drag. Removing the cigarette from her lips, I played with my fingers on her moist lips. I was delighted as she licked my finger. She had folded her legs and the hem of the T-shirt slipped down her thighs and rested on her crotch. Now I could see her naked hips from the side and a hint of a dark patch between her thighs. I moved my hands on her hips & thighs and enjoyed the silky smoothness.

As I finished my smoke and lied down facing her, my erect cock tended to tear through the fabric and pointing her finger to it Mina said, "You should be ashamed, man!" ("Tumi ekta osobhyo lok. Tomar lojja hoya uchit.")

I in turn pointed at her crotch and asked, "Aren’t you wet there?" ("Tumi bhije giyechho, tai na?")

As she coyly nodded, I said, "You should be ashamed too" ("Tomaro lojja hoya uchit.")

She giggled and said, "We are both so shameless!" ("Amra dujonei ki nirlojjo!")

I said, "If you are really shameless, why don’t you take that T-shirt off and let me see you." ("Tumi jodi sotyi nirlojjo hao, tahole tshirt ta khule phyalo, ami tomake dekhi.")

She sprang up from the bed and said, "You really want to see me naked? You want to see this forty two year old fat woman?" and pulled out her T-shirt. ("Tumi sotyi amake nangto dekhte chao? Ei beyallish bochhorer meye manushke dekhte chao?")

I was unable to believe my eyes as her gorgeous naked body unfolded in front of me. I got up and took her in front of the mirror. Standing behind her I watched her dazzling beauty. Her breasts were large and looked mature with the downward slope created by the pull of gravity. The grapes like nipples were dark brown standing erect on large aureoles of lighter shade of brown. They contrasted beautifully with the fair skin of her breasts. Her bare arms were shapely and she had a pair of nice folds at her underarms, which looked very sexy. Her thick and long armpit hair popped out and enamoured me.

The regular use of exercycle had its effect on her waistline and she didn’t have any flab or bulge, except for a sexy curve on her belly, which looked very sexy. The dark patch between her thighs was dense & thick and formed a lovely triangle. The luxuriant dark hair looked gorgeous on her fair skin. Her pubic triangle was extended well beyond the pussy. The curly hair spilled to the sides of her shapely thighs. The top line of the triangle extended on both sides along the joining line between her lower abdomen and the top of the thighs. There was a line of hair joining her bush to the belly button. The large bush, I noticed, was in the shape of a perfect triangle and looked like a black bikini bottom.

Her butts were large and really curvaceous and the skin was extremely fair & silky smooth. Both my wife and my mom in law (as I saw her many years ago) had the middle age softness in their butts. But in Mina’s butts that wonderful softness was much more pronounced. The parting of the butt cheeks was not very tight and hair inside the crack was partly visible.

At this stage, Mina said, "How mean of you. You have made me stark naked but you still have that pyjama on you." ("Tumi khub baje lok, amake puro nangto kore diyechho ar nije pajama pore achho")

She untied my pyjama string in one pull and it dropped it on the floor exposing my rock hard cock.

"Oh, it still looks the same as I saw so many years ago, thick and strong. This animal doesn’t age it seems." She exclaimed and knelt down to have a closer look. ("Eta dekhchhi oto bochhor age jemon dekhechhilam temni achhe. Ei poshutar bodh hoy boyesh barena.")

Even in the tipsy state of mind it dawned on me Mina being totally drunk didn’t know what she was doing. I wondered how would she react next morning. But we had gone too far to retrace the steps and decided to enjoy ‘as good as it gets’.

I moved on to the bed and Mina lied on her tummy with her head close to my crotch and fondled it like a new toy. Now her gorgeous butts were not far from my reach and extending my arm I felt the smoothness of the silky skin. I bent over her back and started kissing her butts. The large soft mass felt very exciting and I fondly licked all over. I parted the cheeks and kissed the crack. The soft hair inside and the musty smell were very intoxicating. As I licked the crack Mina shrieked in joy. I kneaded her soft butts with my hands and intermittently licked her butts & the crack.

After allowing her some time to explore my cock, I pulled Mina up and cupped her breasts. Her nipples looked damn inviting and I started sucking it. With my hand I felt the softness of the other boob and slowly started pumping it. Mina was playing with my cock and started jerking it. Oh! What a pleasure I felt and soon I was about to ejaculate.

Suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my fingers. I jumped up with a start. I realised that I had dozed off with the burning cigarette in my hand. As the cigarette burnt off, the lighted tip touched my fingers. I found Mina, still with her T-shirt on, was sleeping with her head on my arm. To my utter disappointment, I realised I was dreaming for last 10-15 minutes. Only reality was Mina by my side.

I held Mina closer in my arms and enjoyed her wonderful soft body. Her T-shirt had moved up exposing her thighs and hips. I pushed my hand under her T-shirt and was thrilled as I touched her naked butts. Now she moved and placed one leg on my thighs and one arm around me. My hand was very close to her crotch and I slowly moved my fingers through her dense pubic hair. I pressed her body on mine and could feel her boobs pressing on my chest, her nipples totally erect. At this stage, she made a ‘mmmm..’ sound in her mouth and her hand was on my cock. I slowly untied the string of my pyjama and pushed it down exposing my cock. Mina’s hand was touching my bare cock. So long her hand felt limp on my cock. But as soon as my cock was exposed she gripped it. I realised Mina was half asleep and she wasn’t fully conscious of her body movements. As her grip on my cock was getting tighter, I pushed my crotch closer to her crotch, which was almost out of the T-shirt. Now she was slowly brushing my cock on her pubic bush and breathing heavily. I felt awfully excited. So long my one hand was on her naked butts under the T-shirt. I slowly moved it up and felt her bare back. My lust grew stronger and I moved my hand under her arm feeling the hairy softness of her armpit. I slipped my hand on her breast and wow, I felt crazy as I felt her erect nipples in my fingers.

I was now sure from her moaning she was enjoying my overtures even as she was half asleep. I started pressing her boob and playing with her nipples. My other hand, which was on her crotch, daringly searched through the bush and found the wet pussy lips. I pushed my finger through her wet tunnel and located her throbbing clit. As I started rubbing the clit her response was rather strong. I moved my face closer and as I kissed her lips she parted her lips. We were entangled in a very sensual kiss. Simultaneously my fingers moved in her moist pussy and my other hand pumped her breast. Her hand was now jerking my cock fast and I was in ecstasy. While I was close to ejaculation Mina had a strong climax, which lasted very long. With the climax her hand got disengaged from my cock and the kiss ended. By the time she recovered from the climax she was fast asleep. Though I was very horny, the interruption cooled me down. Alcohol had its toll on me and I felt very sleepy. I didn’t have the energy to go to the bathroom to jerk off. I pulled my pyjama up, turned to the other side and fell off to sleep.

I got up next morning with a slight push from Mina. As I opened my eyes, I saw Mina standing there with a steaming mug of tea in her hand. The first cup of tea in the morning, before brushing the teeth, was a great attraction for both of us. Mina went to the extent of saying the first cup of tea was her primary incentive for leaving the bed in the morning. After handing over my tea she came back with her tea and sat down on the bed beside me. As we silently sipped tea, I remembered what happened at night. From Mina’s silence, I realised she was also thinking the same. I had a hard on and it was showing up like a tent in my pyjama. I could see Mina watching it, but didn’t bother to hide it. Mina was still in her oversized T-shirt and her wonderful body was radiating sexual energy. Her thighs looked awfully sexy and her erect nipples were pushing the soft fabric.

As I placed my arm around her hips, she broke the silence and said, "What we did last night was wrong."

"What was so wrong?" I asked.

"You made love to me, didn’t you?"

"You were not in your senses last night. How did you know?"

"I know I had a strong orgasm."

"You silly girl, I made you climax with my fingers."

Hearing this, she gave a smile of relief and said, "Thank god. I was so drunk I didn’t know what happened. Only thing I remember is a heavenly orgasm and I thought you made love to me."

Now I told her, "What is so wrong if I make love to you. You know very well that I love you. Whether you admit or not, you love me too. Can’t we enjoy each other physically?"

"But that would be cheating on my sister, whom I love so much. I don’t wish to cheat on my husband too."

"The relationship that has grown between us over so many years is a secret between only two of us. Isn’t it? Does that amount to cheating our spouses? Do you feel guilty about it?"

As she said no, I continued, "You don’t feel guilty because you don’t feel you are cheating them as our relationship is only at the emotional level and you still love your husband. Please remember our society doesn’t even approve this. But your judgement says it’s ok. This relationship is not going to change if our love turns physical. Both you & me would still remain equally attached to our spouses."

While she could not contradict me, from her face I could feel she is still unable to accept it.

I again told her, "I understand you and your sister indulge in sex from time to time. If you don’t feel guilty on that score, why should you feel guilty if you & I have sex"

She kept silent for some time and then said, "What you say is logically right. But as a woman with orthodox upbringing It’s extremely difficult for me to accept extra-marital sex."

"But last night you were more than willing, emotionally and physically," I retorted.

"Alcohol washes away the inhibitions," she said with a smile.

"If you otherwise think you are not doing anything wrong and it’s only your mental block that stops you, then I shall seduce you after I get you drunk." While I said this jokingly, I meant it and Mina surely understood my intentions were real.

As I finished my tea, I felt pressure in my bladder. As I said I need to go to the toilet and got up, Mina sprang up and said, "Let me go first". My pressure was unbearable and I realised the second toilet flush was not working. So, I pushed my way through to the toilet. But Mina, it seemed, was more desperate and forcibly entered the toilet. Without giving me a chance, she sat down on the toilet seat lifting her T-shirt. In the process, I saw her butts and after she sat down facing me, I could see the hint of her dark crotch under the hem of her T-shirt.

While her pee came out like a water jet with a whistling sound, it was impossible for me to hold any longer. I hurriedly untied & downed my pyjama and holding my erect cock let my stream out and flow through the gap between her thighs. She got a shock at this and screamed. Directing my cock carefully I made sure that the water jet doesn’t hit her body. I told her in desperation, "I couldn’t afford to wet my pyjama".

As both of us continued to let our streams flow out endlessly, the initial awkward feeling was gone and I felt new warmth of intimacy in our relationship. The whole thing was highly sensual and was a big turn on. With the flow of water still continuing, I touched her erect nipples showing through the soft fabric and felt wonderful. She in turn softly touched my thighs and my pubic hair. It was hard to describe the warmth behind the touch.

Finally when both of us finished, Mina splashed water in her crotch and now I could see her pubic hair more clearly. She washed the tip of my cock too, and holding my hardness in her hand, said, "You are too horny. Aren’t you?"

At the breakfast table, I found Mina dressed in her salwar kameez. We made plans to go out in the in the evening for drinks & dinner to our favourite joint. I had no office but had plans to go out. Mina said, she would go home, go to the club for lunch with friends and I could pick her up in the evening. I made it clear to her she was going to stay overnight with me. She didn’t object.

I went to the bathroom. As I stripped and started shaving, there was a knock at the door. Mina said she was planning to have a swim at the club, but her legs were hairy and she needed my help.

I told her I had taken off my clothes. ("Ami kintu sob jama kapor khule felechhi.")

"As if I haven’t seen you naked!" she smartly replied. ("Ami jeno tomake kokhono nangto dekhini!")

The word ‘nangto’ (meaning naked in colloquial) in her mouth gave me an extra kick and my cock started stiffening. As she entered the bathroom, she took off the bottom (pants) of her dress. She lifted her long top above her knees to show me her legs. I asked her to sit on the toilet seat and kneeling down applied foam on her legs. Within minutes I shaved her clean. The look of her legs changed as they turned silky smooth.

I rubbed moisturiser on her legs. Massaging her legs with the moisturiser, I asked her how was she going to wear swimsuit with hair in her armpits. She said she would be swimming with a friend, who also doesn’t shave. And they have chosen a time in the afternoon, when the pool is completely deserted. I asked her then why she shaved her legs. She said she was going to wear shorts in the club that’s why. I felt happy that her armpits would remain hairy.

I asked her "How hairy is your friend?"

"Why? More or less like me."

"If I guess right, you would wear a bikini type swimsuit. Your hair is likely pop out of the bikini, from both sides and from the waistband. The line of hair that comes down from your belly button would also be in full display. Is your friend as hairy as that and would you like to give her such a show?"

"You know too much about my body. Sis must be telling you all my private things. Or, did you have a full free show last night?"

"Don’t worry about last night. I didn’t in any way outrage your modesty. Only thing I did was to cool down your passion by using my fingers. Yes your sis does volunteer a lot of listed info, not only about you but about your mom too."

As she showed a bit of embarrassment, I asked her again about the likely display of hair.

She answered, "No, my friend’s hair doesn’t show like that. I guess I have to settle for a one piece swimsuit, with longer legs. Actually, I always swim with sis and she takes care of all these problems."

"If you let me take care of these problems then you can wear your bikini." I interjected.

She made a face to me showing her embarrassment, but from her expression I could feel she needed that help from me. At the same time, she was too unwilling to fully undress.

I solved her problem by suggesting she should wear a panty of her sister and I could clean all her hair that pops out of the panty.

The suggestion appealed to her. She went out, searched out a bikini style panty from her sister’s cupboard and came back. Now she was standing in her bra & bikini. I had a big turn on as I saw the line of hair coming down from her belly button. There was quite a bit of hair popping out on her thighs and lower belly. The panty had a soft bulge showing the abundance of hair underneath. The whole thing was so exciting my shaft stood in full erection.

I got into action and nicely shaved away all her hair outside the panty. I was now sure her pubic bush was in the form of a perfect triangle. I lightly rubbed moisturiser on the shaved area, I was craving for tearing off her panty.

As Mina was ready to leave, I told her, "You know, earlier on holidays, your sister took very good care of me at the time of bath. She pampered me by giving me a nice bath. But for last couple of years she doesn’t bother to take the trouble. I very much miss that."

As I said this in a rueful voice, she looked back. She came forward and ran water in the bath. She asked me to step in the tub and sit down in water. She folded a towel like a cushion and placed it on the edge of the tub at one end. She made me lie down with my head on it. I felt very relaxed. She kept the water level low so as to keep the upper surface of my body slightly above water. She soaped my hairy chest, my thighs & legs, armpits and arms very affectionately. I felt nice as her fingers brushed past my nipples. I held one of her fingers and made it tickle my nipples. She got the hint and made best use of her nails to please me.

I remembered being bathed by her years ago during my ankle injury. I did feel a lot of lust at that time also. But that was a medical need and I had to control myself. But now she was doing it at my request, for my pleasure. I felt wonderful. By now my cock was fully erect and its head was above water. While I was pining for the sensuality of the touch of her hand on my manhood, she didn’t soap my crotch. After a while she asked me to stand up. Now she got inside the tub and kneeling down, soaped my butts. Parting my bum cheeks she soaped my crack and wow, it felt wonderful. As she started soaping my cock, I could not remain passive any more.

I unclasped her bra and threw it away. I was awed at the beauty of her ample breasts. Her grape like nipples were dark brown and they stood erect on medium sized aureoles. Her boobs had a downward tilt that added ripeness to those wonderful mounds. From what my wife told me, I imagined her breasts on many occasions. Even the night before, I visualised her breasts in my drunken dreams. But in reality I found them lot more exciting. I placed my hands under her breasts and lifted them. I was so excited I started licking her nipples. She wasn’t prepared for this and started resisting a bit. But as I sucked & licked very hard, she succumbed and started moaning. I made her lie down on the tub and started licking her all over.

As I explored her luscious body, which I craved to posses for more than two decades, I got more and more excited. Every inch of her body gave me a new thrill and I explored it endlessly. Her body had a ripeness that was very stimulating and I was unable to believe it was real. As I was licking her shoulders, I noticed a sexy fold at her underarm with a few streaks of hair popping out, which made me crazy. I raised her arms and was enamoured to see the richness of her hair. I smelled & licked her hairy armpits. The aroma of her perfume mixed with the faint smell of perspiration was highly intoxicating. I kissed her armpits earlier, but that was with her clothes on. But now with her gorgeous body almost fully exposed, it was far more exciting.

As I moved down, the softness of her belly and the deep bellybutton was very enticing for me. I noticed a razor thin horizontal scar just above the waistband of her panty. I realised it was a mark of the caesarean section at the time of childbirth. It got exposed as the top part of her bush was shaved. This made me crave for the hidden jungle under her panty. I pulled her panty down to her ankle. Wow! What a luxuriant bush! As her nudity was now in full with the richness of hair in full display, her body looked more rich & gorgeous.

I watched her naked body lying elegantly in the tub and it looked like a work of art. I made her stand up and viewed her nudity. Her lovely bosom, curvaceous belly & waist, shapely thighs, gorgeous bush, all looked unbelievably attractive. I made her turn around and viewed her from the backside. Her back had a trapezoidal shape and there was a canal like line all along her spine. Her butts were marvellous - ample & curvaceous. The overall softness under the fair & smooth skin looked absolutely delicious and I repeatedly kissed the soft mass. When one sees a coveted thing for the first time, the real look can never match the imagination. But Mina’s nudity was a great exception. It was far superior to my imagination.

By now my excitement peeked and as we lied down in the tub, Mina fondled my cock giving me a wild sensation. I was too eager to penetrate her hairy mound of love, but the morning conversation with her deterred me. I decided to wait till her remaining inhibitions was washed away, hopefully by intake of alcohol planned for the evening. At the same time, I was desperate for a physical release of my lust. I planted a kiss on her lips and she eagerly parted her lips to accommodate my aggressive tongue.

The kiss and the physical embrace of our naked bodies were too exciting. As the kiss ended, I straddled her placing my crotch above her mouth and bending down on her body I placed my mouth on her pubic bush. As I searched through the dense bush with my tongue, Mina swallowed my cock in her wet & warm mouth. As she played her tongue on my cock making it throb in excitement, I found her clit inside her awfully moist tunnel. Soon we were in frenzy and felt as if we were dragged into a deep sea by a tidal bore. Mina was restlessly thrusting her pussy in my mouth and I stroked her mouth like crazy. She finally climaxed discharging a lot of warm liquid in my mouth. Almost simultaneously I spurted loads of warm sticky liquid in her mouth.

Throughout rest of the day, I felt impatient. To me the evening was too far away. I had hard on a number of times during the day as I visualised Mina’s magnificent nudity. Finally, the long awaited evening arrived. I went to Mina’s flat to pick her up. I didn’t go up and waited downstairs in the car. I was scared I might be too excited & lose control, if I meet her alone. I rang her mobile and asked her to come down. I felt the waiting time was too long. But as I checked my watch, I realised it was only three minutes.

Soon, mina arrived. As she came out from the building lobby, I was awe struck at her beauty. She was wearing a bottle green sari with golden print and a very low cut lemon yellow blouse with a black bra underneath. Half of her back was bare. Her silky hair was flowing down to her hips. Her sari was tied rather low, well below her lovely belly button. She wore a diamond pendant and a sleek watch. As she entered the car from the passenger side, I softly kissed her cheek and was enamoured by the aroma of her perfume.

We went to restaurant, which had a band playing. We drank scotch and enjoyed the lovely music. As they played our favourite tune we danced holding each other. We drank quite a bit and both felt a bit tipsy. I held her around the waist under the table and enjoyed the touch of her naked skin. The aroma of her perfume was very intoxicating. We enjoyed a delicious Italian meal with plenty of wine. As the dessert was served we lovingly fed each other. Finally after enjoying wonderful liquor we left. In the car, as I switched the ac on and she snuggled by my side, her perfume made me crazy. It was past midnight and as I sped through deserted road, I felt like a teenager out on his first date.

As I entered the gate of my apartment building, I was in a tearing hurry to take Mina behind her closed doors. I hurriedly parked my car and holding Mina in my arms entered the lift. As the lift door closed, I started kissing her. Initially she was a bit startled at my sudden aggression, but within seconds she submitted to my hungry lips. We kissed for a long time, without realising the lift had stopped. Finally we came out of the lift and stormed inside the flat hurriedly unlocking the door. I couldn’t wait any more and started smelling her body like a wild animal. I smelled her cleavage and licked her neck. I passionately kissed her ears, where the aroma was strongest. I lifted her arms and smelled her armpits; the aroma made me mad. Mina’s sari had had slipped from her top and I placed my nose in her belly button. As I kissed her belly my tongue tingled at the freshly shaved smoothness.

Mina, by now had tore away the buttons of my shirt and was scratching my hairy chest with her nails. As I opened up her blouse her fair skin dazzled against the black lacy bra. Mina’s hand struggled at my pants and soon it dropped at my ankle. She pulled down my brief and brought out my erect manhood in the open. I unclasped her bra and threw it off uncovering her beautiful mounds. As I sucked her juicy nipples she moaned heavily and held my throbbing cock in very tight grip. I pulled off her sari and untied her petticoat string. I couldn’t believe my eyes as her naked beauty unravelled. We were both licking each other like crazy and stepped out of our discarded clothes.

I made her lie down on the carpet and spreading her legs straddled her. She raised her legs exposing her inviting pink tunnel under her thick bush. She held my cock in her hand and brought it to close to her wet pussy lips. She helped me in pushing my shaft through her moist tunnel and it went in smoothly. She contracted her channel and my cock was gripped tightly. She alternately made her tunnel contract & expand and simultaneously thrust her pushy up and down. I never experienced such an exciting action by a woman and passively enjoyed the overwhelming excitement. I started stroking my cock and she shrieked in joy. While I was far from ejaculation, she restlessly pushed her pussy up and down and very soon had a long lasting climax. I paused stroking till her climax subsided.

I started pressing her boobs and twisting her nipples. As she started coming alive, I resumed stroking her. Gradually I increased the pace and soon I was fucking her as if there was no tomorrow. She screamed and clasped my waist with her legs, retarding my speed. She thrust her pussy up on my shaft and I stroked her back. We alternately stroked each other and were in frenzy. Finally as I shot loads of cum, she had a volcanic orgasm. As I came back to my senses, I wondered if this was real. Did I actually fuck my dream girl? My heart was filled with joy as I realised that my dream of two decades actually came true. As I took out my cock, cum still dripped out of my cock and her rich bush was strewn with white gooey liquid. Soon we fell off to sleep on the carpet.

As I woke up after a couple of hours, I was damn delighted to see this gorgeous woman lying naked by my side. She was lying on her side with one leg folded and I could see her crack slightly parted and a tuft of thick hair between her thighs. As I fondled her lovely butts and ran my fingers through her crack, she woke up and turned to my side. We lovingly embraced each other and got entangled in a kiss. As the kiss ended, Mina got up and picked up our discarded clothes thrown all over the carpet. As she walked naked to the bedroom, she looked like a sex goddess.

I followed her to the bedroom and both of us went to the bathroom. She cleaned both our bodies with water and I came back to the bedroom. We lied down on the bed holding each other in our arms. As I fondled her boobs, she lovingly ran her fingers over my cock. Soon my cock was revitalized and Mina started sucking it. She straddled me and effortlessly slid her pussy over the erect shaft. As she thrust her hips up & down, her boobs bounced. I squeezed her mounds with both hands. She fucked me slowly and our pleasure gradually mounted. It was a long & slow fuck and at the end we both had very satisfying orgasm. We were very much drained out and slept like a log.

I woke up late as Mina was standing by the side of the bed, with a mug of tea in her hand still fully naked. Again my heart was filled with joy as I realised I possessed this gorgeous woman. We enjoyed our tea sitting side by side on the bed. As she made a move to go to the toilet, I accompanied her. I did not allow her to sit on the commode and we peed standing side by side. Watching a woman peeing in standing position was a great excitement. As we came back to the bed, I told her I always loved to fuck doggie style, but my wife hardly allowed me to do so. She positioned herself on four legs at the edge of the bed, and standing behind I penetrated her. I fucked her with lot of force and she shrieked. It was long lasting and I finally we both climaxed strongly.