Guruji Ka Sex Treatment - Part 1

Guruji Ka Sex Treatment - Part 1

Published on: 2023-05-20 21:00:30

My name is Anita Singh. I live in a small town of Uttar Pradesh. Presently I am 32 years of age, married. I got married at the age of 25 to Rajesh, who was a shop-owner. My married life started smooth and I was happy with everything. Rajesh and I shared a very good and close relation. My sex life also was quite regular and satisfactory. But bitterness in my life started when Rajesh and I decided we are going to have an issue after two years of our marriage. When even after one year of unprotected copulation I was not getting pregnant, we were very concerned. There was pressure from my in laws also. I was really confused why this was happening. I had my periods regularly and physically also I had a very developed figure from my teenage itself. I never thought that I could land up in such a problem!

I was 27 years then, had a somewhat fair complexion, 5 feet 2 inches height, oval face, and amply built. As I said I had a developed figure from my teens with 32 breast size and flaring hips from my college days. I was conscious about my diet so that I do not add additional flesh on my hips. I always got a good male attention on road or at any gathering, which I could sense, though I was pretty conservative in dressing. In that sense I was very shy regarding these matters, which was really due to my upbringing and the small town we lived in. I was adequately gifted by god at proper places in my body though with somewhat heavy bottoms. I was pretty active and fit with regular menses.

Rajesh took me to a number of doctors. I was very shy initially though we went to female gynecologists. But I felt very embarrassed in that process of examination where each time I had to open my sari, salwar kamiz, or whatever I was wearing and even pull down my panty. To tell honestly I had a real turn on when the doctor touched my private organs for examining purpose, though she was a female I got triggered she was actually examined my breasts or nipples or my hairy pussy. I instantly got wetness down there and it reflected very apparently on my panty, which was rather uncomfortable for me. The doctors gave medicines and asked for lab tests, but there was no result.

Rajesh then took me to the city doctor, but I made him very clear that I would go for a checkup only to a lady doctor. But all those resulted in nothing positive. My mother-in-law took me to homeopaths, who also could not yield any result for me. The relation between Rajesh and me was also getting bitter. At the same time I realized I was not at all getting any sexual pleasure out of copulation, rather it seemed to be an exercise to achieve something. Days went by and I did not even realize that another year was gone! I was 28 years by then. I remained so depressed all day and had a real hard time.

Then one day Rajesh told me that he has decided to go to a male gynecologist who is an expert in infertility cases in the city again. I was really very rigid about not going to the male gynecologist out of my shyness. I think any normal lady would avoid that because the fact remains you have to expose your breasts and pussy in front of a male, may it be for examination purpose. So I was really rigid on my stand about avoiding a male doctor and before this could land up in a harsh confrontation between my husband and me, one of my neighbors, Meera, had a proposal to my mother-in-law.

If I can quote my neighbor’s words to my mother-in-law,
”Aunty-ji, you have tried so many doctors for Anita, but you did not get any result. Anita told she even went to the city for a checkup. You applied homeopath also, but she is not yet blessed with a child. Look at her; she looks so depressed all day. Why don’t you take Anita to Rampur to Guru-ji’s ashram Aunty-ji? Two of my relatives got result; they were childless for 4-5 years. They went to him, took “diksha” and his herbal medications changed their lives. And our Anita is only married for three years! Before her case goes too worse, you make a visit to Guru-ji, as he can do miracles.”

Its not that we had not heard of this sadhu-baba at Rampur, but his ashram was very far off from our town. He had cured some critical diseases and some childless cases also. I was really searching a way to avoid this male doctor checkup and at the same time a hope to get a child made me readily jump into this proposal.
My mother-in-law also convinced my husband by saying,
“Rajesh, I think what Meera says makes sense. Since we have tried some doctors and tests were all normal, lets not waste more time on that right now. These sadhu-babas really can do miracles and as Meera was saying the herbal medicines worked for his relatives who were childless for 5 years.”

In my mind I was so thankful to Meera for her timely idea. At that point I was indeed trying my best to avoid probing my body by a male gynecologist, but little could I guess that this ashram visit would actually be a shameful remembrance for me lifelong. The way I was exploited in the name of “diksha”, in the name of “treatment”, and in the name of “jagya” makes me feel so ashamed even today, after so many years. I was exploited so very cleverly and emphatically at every level and my desire to get a child was so high that I allowed everything crossing every limit of decency and modesty.

It was one week stay in the ashram of Guru-ji at Rampur and within that period I had to allow at least half a dozen males to enjoy my 28-year-old fully matured figure from all angles – seeing, touching, examining, groping, squeezing, and all one can think of except fucking, because that crowning was done by Guru-ji himself! I had to shed all my shyness and was virtually treated like a slut during my treatment under Guru-ji. I am really amazed when I look back at those seven days about how I allowed all that! Probably Guru-ji’s mesmerizing personality and my eventual desire to get the child at all cost made me act such lewdly from a shy modest housewife.

Rampur. Guru-ji’s ashram was situated here, a small village, which was surrounded by mountains on all the sides. There was a big pond with very clear water just beside the ashram, which made it like a heaven with cool breeze blowing and there was absolutely no signs of pollution. My mother-in-law came with me. Rajesh ultimately was not able to make it with me, my mother-in-law took me there. There was a substantial crowd waiting for darshan of Guru-ji. We had made an appointment so that we could talk privately to him regarding my problem. I was a quite afraid seeing Guru-ji, who was hugely built, almost 6 feet in height with a stout figure. He was wearing a saffron dress and his voice was calm and reverberating. A feeling of obedience would automatically come seeing and listening to this man.

My mother-in-law narrated about my purpose of visit and Guru-ji listened to it very intently. There were two more persons who were his disciples probably in that room apart from me, my mother-in-law and Guru-ji. One of them was taking some notes as my mother-in-law was detailing my problem.

Guru-ji: Mata-ji, I am glad that you have brought your bahu to me regarding this problem. I want to make one thing very clear that I cannot do miracles, but if she takes ‘diksha’ under me and performs what I suggest faithfully, she would not return with empty hands. Mata-ji, the treatment path is not easy in these cases and if your bahu can walk on that path, there is no reason why she would not have a child in a year’s time. Of course, provided after the treatment, she meets with her husband on my suggested days.

The words were so convincing that I was more than eager to take ‘diksha’ under him and start the ‘treatment’ at that very moment. My mother-in-law also expressed the same to Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Mata-ji, before you agree you should first know my norms. I do not keep any devotee in darkness. There are three stages in achieving the coveted goal of being a mother here. They are ‘diksha’, ‘herbal treatment’ and ‘jagya’. Your bahu has to stay here for five days at a stretch to complete the diksha and the herbal treatment starting from a full moon night. If I feel that is enough to attain the goal, she might leave on the sixth day, but if a ‘jagya’ is required depending on her case, she would have to stay for another two days making it 7 continuous days. She has to abide by my ashram rules, which my disciple will tell you.

We were listening to his mesmeric voice and I must say it had some hypnotic effect. I did not see any offensive norms in what he said and so was my mother-in-law and I gave the nod to take ‘diskha’ and do the ‘treatment’ under him.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, please note down her personal details before proceeding and let her know in details about ashram rules and regulations. Beti, you go with him to the next room. Mata-ji, you can ask me if you have any other questions and concerns other than this issue.

I alighted from the ground and followed Guru-ji’s disciple, Sanjeev. We went to the adjacent room and he asked me to sit to the couch that was there in that room. He remained standing. He was around my age only, around 35-40 years with an average body and a calm, smiling face.

Sanjeev: Madam, my name is Sanjeev. You just don’t worry since you have come to Guru-ji. I have seen several women who benefitted from his unique and very special treatment. But you have to obey it completely as he says.

I said, “Yes of course. I will definitely try to do that. I have been suffering for this now almost three years.”

Sanjeev: Don’t worry Madam. Let me now tell you about what you have to do. You will appear here next Monday afternoon before 7:00 p.m. That day is a full moon night, so you will have ‘diksha’. Madam, please do not bring your sari etc. as our ashram has a dress code and you will be given saris, which are specially washed with herbal detergents, and also Madam, no ornaments are allowed here. Actually speaking we offer everything here, so there is no need to bring anything.

I was a bit puzzled about the “sari” part, as I have not seen any woman in the ashram till then. He just mentioned about wearing the saffron sari, but what about blouse and petticoat. I cannot just wear a sari. Sanjeev probably understood what I was wondering.

Sanjeev: Madam, you must have noticed that Guru-ji told me to note your “personal details”, so you do not worry about blouse etc. In our ashram we provide everything starting from hair clip to slippers.

He laughed a little and I also was relieved. Still I was wondering about my undergarments; will the ashram provide that also I was puzzled!

Sanjeev: Madam, please answer to my questions honestly. And Madam one thing please do not feel shy here and don’t be introvert because you have come here for a goal and we are just here to make you achieve that.

I felt very confident hearing Sanjeev’s words, otherwise was a bit nervous.

Sanjeev: Do you have regular periods Madam?

Me: Yes, very rarely do I miss.

Sanjeev: When did you last have an irregular period?

Me: Three to four months back may be. I took some medicine and cleared it.

Sanjeev: What’s your approximate period date Madam?

Me: 22nd or 23rd of a month.

Sanjeev was noting down as I was answering. So he was not in direct eye contact with me, so I was finding it easy to answer such personal questions. Otherwise I have never talked about these to anyone except to the doctors I visited.

Sanjeev: Madam do you have heavy periods or moderate? Do you feel any additional pain, discomfort other than the normal?

Me: Moderate, 2-3 days. No, normal.

Sanjeev: Okay Madam, rest of the more intimate details will be taken up by Guru-ji when you will be in the ashram.

I was a bit comfortable hearing that though was thinking on what “intimate details” would the Guru-ji take from me. Sanjeev continued the conversation and I almost stammered answering his next question feeling very shy sharing this sort of information to an unknown male.

Sanjeev: Madam, now about ashram dress code. We will give you four herbal washed saffron saris for your seven-day stay. Generally I have seen that is sufficient, but we do have additional also if needed. What is the size that your wear? I mean blouse…

Me: Err, I mean why do you need that?

I knew that was foolish to ask, but it came out just spontaneous and went into a more uncomfortable conversation.

Sanjeev: Madam, in our ashram we provide sari, blouse and petticoat to the women who come for ‘diskha’ and ‘treatment’. So for that only I need the size.

Me: Okay, its 32.

I noticed Sanjeev noted the figure and looked for a second directly at my erect boobs under the cover of my blouse and sari as if trying to measure the 32 size through his eyes.

Sanjeev: Madam, since mostly the women who come for ‘diksha’ to Guru-ji are from rural areas and as you also know many of them do not wear any undergarment, we have no provision for that. But since you are coming from the town, please carry your undergarments, but remember to get it sterilized here herbally, as you are not allowed to wear anything, which is nonsterile after ‘diksha’.

I nodded with a smiling face and was a lot relieved hearing this.

Sanjeev: Thanks Madam. You can leave now and appear here on Monday afternoon. .

I returned with my mother-in-law who sounded very optimistic about the Guru-ji as she had a talk while I was in the other room with Sanjeev and she assured me not to get tensed being there alone, but to faithfully obey Guru-ji as he instructs. I was happy overall, but little could I anticipate what was in store for me in those seven days in the ashram.

Next Monday, I went out with my mother-in-law again for Rampur to Guru-ji’s ashram. In my bag I practically took nothing, as Guru-ji’s disciple Sanjeev told that everything would be available there, except for a spare set of clothing including a sari, blouse and petticoat and some money for emergency purpose. I took two sets of my undergarments and one set I was already wearing and thought that it would be enough for seven days.

Sanjeev greeted us with smiling faces. We went to Guru-ji and he gave ashirwad to both of us and after some general talks, my mother-in-law went back and I was all alone in the ashram with Guru-ji and his disciples. Today I saw two more disciples apart from Sanjeev and another one I had met the other day.

Guru-ji: Beti, be comfortable here. Can I call you by name?

Me: Certainly Guru-ji.

I was feeling a bit uncomfortable in front of five males, as I was the only woman there. They were all looking at me. I was wearing a light colored cotton sari with matching blouse. Though my breasts were erect as usual through my blouse and sari pallu, I noticed none were looking at that as most males do when they first meet me. Finally looking at Guru-ji’s calm eyes and listening to his soothing voice, I was getting normal and comfortable.

Guru-ji: Okay Anita, let me introduce you to the members of my ashram. Sanjeev you have already met, the other ones are Rajkamal, Nirmal, and Uday. During the time of ‘diksha’ Sanjeev will guide you and others will help you during the ‘treatment’ in different phases, which I will tell you clearly later. Now you take rest and I will meet you at 10:00 p.m. for ‘diksha’. Sanjeev will steer you through.

Sanjeev: Please come Madam.

We went to a cozy small room, which Sanjeev referred to as ‘my room’ with an attached toilet, where I found a very large mirror, where one can see almost the full figure, which seemed quite unusual to me, as we generally have small mirrors in bathrooms. There was also a clean white towel, soaps, toothpaste, etc. nicely kept as is in a hotel. In the room there was a cot, a dressing table with comb, hair-clips, sindoor, bindi, etc., a chair and a cupboard in that room. Sanjeev gave me a cup of milk and some snacks to eat.

Sanjeev: Madam, you take rest and let me know if you need anything extra apart from what is available here. Then after an hour I will come and take you for ‘diksha’, which is actually the sterilization process of your mind and body. That is the starting point of your journey to reach your goal Madam. By the way, if you can hand over your bag as I will check and allow only those as per ashram rules to be kept along with you.

I was a bit taken aback by the last part of his words, especially “I will check”.

Me: I have brought nothing as you said.

Sanjeev: But still Madam, I have to check. Don’t be shy here. I will be with you throughout your stay here.

He took my bag without waiting for my permission. He took out the money-purse from it. Then he took out the couple of white brassieres that I have brought with me and put them on the bed. I was looking at the floor in utter shyness that an unfamiliar male was handling my inner wears. Now he took out a blue panty and waited sometime and held it in the air as if he was trying to guess how that little thing can hold my pumpkin like ass. Thankfully he did not look at me and then took out some handkerchieves, and the spare sari, blouse and the petticoat that I had brought. Finally he took out one last item, my white panty, and put that on bed too.

Sanjeev: Okay Madam, so I will take your extra sari, blouse, and petticoat and keep that in office as you are not allowed to wear outside clothing. I will give you the ashram sari, blouse, and petticoat when you will go for ‘diksha’ and also a nightdress for sleeping. Also I am taking your inner wears for sterilization and will return you tomorrow morning.

I had nothing to say, but to nod my head. He took my undergarments and again he stopped a bit on my panty. It was so awkward for me. Then came the bumper question from him, which turned me red instantly.

Sanjeev: Madam, I will also need your err.. I mean your bra that you are wearing right now for sterilization purpose.

Me: But, how can I give it right now… I stammered.

Sanjeev: Madam, I will have to prepare the boiling herbal solution for washing and it takes a lot of time doing that. So I was asking you to hand me over, it would save time and labour for me.

He was saying in such a cool voice as if it’s so normal. I had really no reasoning for this and had no other alternative, but to hand over my bra and panty to him. For once it did not struck me that I will have to remain without my undergarments till the next morning, as Sanjeev said he would return them next morning after sterilization, and all these males in the ashram would know that very well and its not that I will remain all along in my room, I will have to go for ‘diksha’ and would have to move around in front of male eyes without my bra on, which would automatically be a sexy exhibition for any male.

Me: Okay then, if you can come after sometime, I shall hand it over.

Sanjeev: Don’t worry Madam, I will just wait here. How much time will it take to…

He deliberately did not finish as it was very apparent what he tried to say.

Me: Okay, as you wish.

Saying that I went inside the toilet. Sanjeev waited in the room. I noticed that the toilet door was more of a half door leaving a gap at the top. Soon I realized why it is like that because there was not a single hook in the bathroom to keep clothes. One has to keep on the door top, that’s why the gap is left there. But soon I also realized that Sanjeev was there in the room and he would see the clothes that I keep on the door from within the room. So he will clearly have an idea to what extent I was undressed in the toilet as I keep the clothes on the door. My ears were getting hot at this thought, but also considered that I must be thinking a bit too much, as they are after all devotee and lead a sage life.

I faced the door and started opening my sari and quickly unwrapped it from my body. I kept it on the door top and then started to open the knot of my white petticoat and had to wriggle a bit as it was sticking to my fleshy bottom. There was a large mirror in the bathroom, as I said earlier, and I saw that my panty was displaying more than covering my large ass cheeks. This was a problem with me, I tried several brands, but unfortunately every panty that I wear automatically shrinks towards my ass crack and cover practically nothing of my buttocks. I was truly looking very obscene like that with my blouse on and panty squeezing in my ass crack. Hence I quickly got out of my panty and was about to keep it on the door top, but the very thought that Sanjeev must have noticed my sari and petticoat hanging on the door made me change my mind, as if he sees my panty there, it would be very apparent that I am now naked. Hence I kept it on the dry portion of the floor and started unbuttoning my blouse and bra to get completely naked.

It was just the partition of the door between Sanjeev and me and I am stark naked here and he is just a few feet away behind the toilet door. I turned red and was feeling a flow in my pussy already. I was standing with my blouse and bra in my hand and noticed that they were soaked in sweat, especially the armpits of my blouse and the cups of my bra. I kept the blouse on the door top and picked up my panty from floor and observed wet marks on my panty too. So I thought that I would wash them and then give to Sanjeev for sterilization. At that very moment Sanjeev intervened!

Sanjeev: Madam, shall I take your left over garments for a wash and you can wear the spare ones that you have brought. They must be all sweaty in this humid weather.

The voice was so near, I was astonished. He must be very near the toilet door and have been noticing I am keeping my sari, blouse and petticoat on the door top! I was a bit shaken by his voice and quickly wrapped the towel around my completely naked body though I was quite secure behind closed doors of the toilet. I replied in a meek voice.

Me: No, no, its okay.

Sanjeev: What okay Madam, you will feel fresh wearing the new set. But Madam, do not take a bath now, as before ‘diksha’ you have to take a bath.

I gained composure by that time and thought Sanjeev’s idea was better as I need a change of my dress as I had sweated a lot. Before I could give him a green signal to bring my spare dress, he himself was proactive.

Sanjeev: Madam, I am taking your sari, petticoat and blouse for a wash and will keep the spare one that you have brought.

Giving me no time to react, I saw that the sari and petticoat vanished in a flash from the toilet door top. Now I have literally nothing to wear except for my inner wear. The blouse also was gone in a moment. I don’t know what he did with them but his comment shocked me.

Sanjeev: Madam, it seems you sweat a lot in your armpits, the blouse is totally wet there, and the back is also somewhat wet.

I was dying out of shame now. It means he is checking my blouse at different parts, the armpits, the back, and obviously the cups, where my twin peaks stay. I am a married housewife, 32-year-old old fully mature woman and this unknown man was checking my ‘taken off’ blouse! I had to answer something.

Me: Yes, err… I mean sweat a lot.

Saying that and wasting no more time I started washing my bra and panty so that I do not face any more tricky questions. I also noted that Sanjeev kept my spare clothes on the door top. But the petticoat slipped to my side from the door top as he kept the blouse over it.

Sanjeev: Sorry Madam. I did not realize that it would slide like that.

Since I was washing, I could not also catch it and it landed on watered part of the floor and instantly my light blue petticoat turned deep blue soaked in water.

Sanjeev: Madam, I hope it landed on dry floor or is it wet?

I could not tell the truth as it could provoke more lewd conversations.

Me: Its okay. It landed in dry area.

Sanjeev: Still I should have been more careful.

I had finished washing my inner wear and had to take off the towel off my body to dry myself. My free naked boobs jiggled on every movement I made, which I saw in mirror reflection. As I said, my boobs have not sagged at all, they stood proud and unknowingly my nipples were already hard and stood up like two grapes.

I took the blouse off the door top and started wearing it. This was after a very long time that I was wearing a blouse without a bra. Hardly do I remain in the day without a bra and at night I wear a nighty with nothing below, but a blouse with nothing underneath was a very rare dressing for me. I do not know why the thin material of the blouse trembled me a bit and to my ill luck, this was a thin, white one and in the mirror I made out that it was displaying my booby treasures in vivid way. The nipple outlines were clear evident and to my shock both brownish areolas on my breasts appeared through the white material of the blouse. I was cursing myself for bringing this blouse, but had now no alternative but to wear it.

Sanjeev: Madam, are you over? I need to attend Guru-ji once now.

I quickly wore the wet petticoat, as I had no other choice and by no means could go in that sari before a male without the petticoat on, as the sari was quite flimsy. I made all necessary adjustments to hide my upper treasures with my sari pallu.

Sanjeev looked at me with a smiling face as I came out through the toilet door. There was a step from the toilet towards the room and when I stepped down on it, automatically my free boobs clasped loosely in the blouse gave a bouncing effect and I noted that his eyes did not miss that. It was extremely uncomfortable for me to be like this in front of this male and I tried to wrap up things as quickly as possible. I handed him the washed undergarments. I was feeling wetness on my smooth buttocks and thighs, as the petticoat that I was wearing was half wet especially in the buttock area and that was making me more uncomfortable.

Sanjeev: Okay Madam, take rest.

He left and I felt so relieved and quickly closed the room door and got rid of the wet petticoat. This time I did not open my sari and just lifted it to my waist and untied the petticoat knot. It was sticking to my buttock as it was wet and I had to struggle a bit to finally slide it over my round ass cheeks. The very sensation of not wearing anything below my sari was giving me a turn on.

Almost an hour passed, but there was no sign of Sanjeev taking me for ‘diksha’. My petticoat was more or less dry now and I was thinking of wearing it when there was a knock on the door. I had to say something to the person knocking as I needed to put on the petticoat.

Me: Please wait, I am opening in a minute.

I swiftly wore the petticoat and flowed the sari over it and opened the door. There was Nirmal standing on the door.

Nirmal: Madam, Sanjeev said to take you to diksha room. Guru-ji is waiting there.

He was a short statured guy, only probably 5 feet and his eyes were just in the level of my boobs. I was careful not to show him any unnecessary bouncing of my free boobs.

Me: Okay I am ready. But Sanjeev was saying to take a bath before the diksha…

I could not complete as Nirmal interrupted in between.

Nirmal: Yes Madam, that’s right, but that bath would be with special herbal water in front of Guru-ji.

Me: What?

That was my instant reaction hearing the words “in front of Guru-ji” and I suppose any woman would react like that.

Me: How can I bathe in front of him, I am not a little girl?

Nirmal: No, no Madam, you got me wrong. I wanted to say the herbal waters are specially prepared by Guru-ji and he chants some mantra on that before you take the bath. There is separate toilet in the diksha room.

Listening to him I calmed down, but he probably got entertained by my reaction.

Nirmal: Madam, who says you are a little girl? He must be a blind donkey.

He paused a bit and then added, “But Madam, you cannot deny that you can look like a little girl if you get back to your school days uniform.”

He smiled. Nirmal was flirting with me I realized, but to my surprise I was enjoying his words! His comment did not irritate me. I was feeling hardness again in my nipples and my breasts getting firm hearing a male hinting me to show up in my school uniform, seemingly knowing the school uniform skirt would not even properly cover my macro-sized buttocks. Nirmal’s eyes were directly on my taut breasts due to his short height.

I also replied teasingly.

Me: Sanjeev already said your ashram would provide sari for me. I hope you will not come up separately with a school dress.

Nirmal: Madam, ashram is like a school only. So there is no harm in wearing that. But don’t blame me if you cannot wear it Madam.

He said laughingly. I do not know why I was dragging this and getting fun out of this useless conversation, but somehow this short-height Nirmal amused me. During this conversation I completely was out of my mind that why I have come to the ashram. It was not a fun trip and I was here for a treatment for bearing the child. But the chronology of events with Sanjeev first and now this amusing Nirmal probably drifted me temporarily.

By then, I could realize my nipples were growing to their full size and my heart beating faster. May be my standing in front of a completely unknown male in braless state added to it.

Me: You have a point that ashram is like a school only. But why can’t I wear it?

What he replied was the most provocative statement I have ever heard from a male concerning me.

Nirmal: So you agree that the ashram is like a school. So you should have no objection in wearing a school uniform. But the uniform will be of the size of a schoolgirl because it is a ‘school uniform’. Right Madam?

He paused very briefly looking at my eyes, but his eyeballs roaming frequently on my whole body.

Nirmal: Suppose I bring a school dress for you Madam, the white top and the pleated skirt, I can bet you cannot wear it as even if you can get your legs into the skirt, it will not go up your hips. Madam, you are very plump there. And for the top, surely you will not be able to close a single button of the top even if you are braless as you are right now. So was I wrong Madam if I had said ‘don’t blame me if you cannot wear it’.

I was getting amused by the conversation no doubt, but at the same time was taken aback when he said he knew I was not wearing a bra directly. It seems the whole ashram knew that!

Me: Umm… But I don’t agree with you. I can wear the skirt surely; the top may be a problem. But thank god! You do not have the school uniform as the ashram dress code.

I giggled and Nirmal laughed back at me too.

Nirmal was gaining in confidence in his words as he saw me responding to his teasing talks. May be he leads a sage life, but the way I started showing signs of shamelessness in my conversation probably provoked him. I was really unsure what I was trying to do, my pussy was already wet and my boobs gaining in firmness. I was also breathing a bit heavily now. It was difficult for me to stand still, and so pretending to adjust my sari in front of him, I actually was rubbing my ass to the door.

Nirmal: Madam, now we are getting late, but let us do a trail after your ‘diksha’ is complete. I will bring you a school dress to try out and then you will agree to my words.

Nirmal is inviting me for a lewd session I could understand. I was also equally fascinated to tease this 5 feet dwarfish male.

Me: Oh really, you have a school uniform in the ashram. How come?

Nirmal: Madam, one of the devotees of Guru-ji came with her daughter and by mistake has left a packet some days ago in which there was a school uniform of her daughter along with other clothes. She never came back to take it. It’s lying in the office cupboard. But Madam lets go now for your diksha, Guru-ji must be waiting.

This was going a bit too far. I never expected a school uniform of a girl in this ashram, but thoroughly enjoying this dwarf’s pranks.

The diksha room was somewhat bigger than the room I was staying. There were pictures of various gods and goddesses. There was a throne-like structure where there was a small stature garlanded with lots of flowers and leaves. The whole atmosphere was smoky as there were several agarbattis burning simultaneously. There was Sanjeev and Guru-ji in the room. I did get quite nervous coming in that room. Nirmal left the place closing the door behind me.

Guru-ji: Anita, its time for your diksha. Let me brief you about this. You will take diksha under me, but we are all serving the Linga Maharaj. We are all disciples of him and you will also become one in a short time. Your diksha is different from us as you are taking this keeping in mind of a goal of getting pregnant. So it will also not feature the full rituals. Jai Linga Maharaj. Anita, Linga Maharaj is based on miniature Amarnath of Kashmir. It has supreme power and if you devote yourself completely to him, he can do wonders for you. But if there is any shortfall in the dedication, you will not get the desired result. Jai Linga Maharaj

Sanjeev also chanted “Jai Linga Maharaj” and asked me to chant too. I also said “Jai Linga Maharaj”, but never realized what I was chanting!

Guru-ji: Anita, diksha to Linga Maharaj is cleaning your body and soul. So, first I want you to clean your body. You go to the toilet, have a bath with the water in the bucket, which is a special mixture of herbs with water and roll the linga over every part of your body.

Saying that he handed me over the “linga”, which I saw was a black stone made 6-7 inches long one-inch broad structure with a rather broad base at one end. It was looking like an egg roll, that we have from fast food centers, but standing on a small base. I was correlating it with an egg roll in my mind, but never could realize Guru-ji was signifying it with the ‘male linga’ meaning penis!

Guru-ji: Anita, wet your body with the herbal water and then soap with the foam in the mug. Make sure to touch the linga to every part of your body as you rub soap while bathing.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Since you are taking diksha for childbirth, you chant “Jai Linga Maharaj” three times after touching the linga on your sex organs.

I nodded my head though was feeling a bit uneasy hearing the word ‘sex organ’ from Guru-ji’s mouth, but my cheeks turned red like a teenager as Guru-ji elaborated on that.

Guru-ji: Anita, generally women think that sex organ is the vulva or vagina, but actually sex organs relate to much more. Let me hear first what is your idea of sex organs. Do not be shy, as you must open your mind here.

My heart was beating fast hearing such a question. I was stuttering and searching for words.

Me: I mean those organs err… which are involved I mean in intercourse.

I was unable to speak more before two males naming my sex organs.

Guru-ji: Anita, you have to open up, open your mind, talk freely, and do not keep any inhibition. Okay, just name the organs where you will chant the mantra.

Now I had to speak and leaving all shyness I narrated what was asked for.

Me: I will chant the mantra on my err… breasts and my pussy.

Guru-ji: Okay Anita. I can understand your shyness. You have named only the two major organs. You said you will chant mantra when you touch the linga on your breasts, what about your nipples? Do they have any role when you have intercourse with your husband or not?

I shamefully nodded my head. I was feeling thirsty also. Only moments ago I was trying to tease Nirmal, but now it seemed I am in more experienced hands!

Guru-ji: What about your hips Anita? Do you not consider it as a sex organ? Does it excite you or not when you are touched there?

Again I had nothing to say, but to nod. I was looking at the ground and my heart beating fast. But Guru-ji’s voice was so clam and he was not even once looking at my braless boobs, his eyes were riveted on my face.

Guru-ji: So we tend to miss out so many things, you see. So every part of your body that excites you while having sex, you should chant the mantra three times. Your breasts, nipples, hips, vagina, thighs, and of course lips. You need to obey me perfectly to attain your goal.

Sanjeev: Madam, here is your clothes that you will wear after the bath.

He handed me over a saffron sari, blouse, and petticoat. And again there was no undergarment for me to wear. I went to the bathroom and it suddenly seemed to me that since Guru-ji was sitting on floor it should be a grand view from him looking at my undulating fleshy ass from that angle as I walked to the toilet. My husband often told me that my buttocks jerk more attractively if I am not wearing a panty. I also knew that as my buttocks are a bit heavy, the elastic grip of the panty keeps them in somewhat of a check. This made me more conscious in my walking and was feeling very, very awkward.

But my mind soon cursed me for thinking in such a way about Guru-ji. I realized that he is a male who is over these silly things. I was feeling rather guilty the next moment for thinking like that about him.

I entered the bathroom and found the water for my bath, the foam and the Linga. I closed the door only to find myself in a sea of luminosity! I was certainly very amazed at the lighting arrangement in this toilet. There were two at least 100-watt bulbs glowing in that small area, which was rather odd. I was almost feeling the heat of the bulbs in that small area. This toilet door had no top-open business like the one I experienced in my room and also there were hooks on the door, but I wondered why there was so bright light arrangement in the bathroom.

I got out of my sari, but was feeling very clumsy in that intense illumination, it was like bathing in open daylight. I unbuttoned my blouse and my mango-like boobs sprung out free and stood stiff. I was naked the next moment as the petticoat found the hook at the toilet door. I started bathing as I was instructed with the herbal water, which had a hypnotic scent. I foamed myself and then took the Linga, which was not heavy at all though made of stone. I touched it on my left breast and said “Jai Linga Maharaj” as was directed by Guru-ji. As it touched my naked breast, for a moment I felt like a male hand touching my globe. I shivered momentarily and then touched it on my right breast too and said “Jai Linga Maharaj”.

I never was for a moment able to guess that this whole bathing session with me touching my naked buxom and fleshy 28-year-old body with the Linga and saying ““Jai Linga Maharaj” was actually filmed on tape and that was the reason why there were a couple of high power bulbs glowing in the toilet.

I finished my Linga action all over my body including my pussy and ass cheeks. I was feeling rather hot doing this even after the bath. I dried myself with the towel and started getting into the saffron ashram attire.

Even initially I was having doubts regarding this, now it confirmed when I tried to wear it. The blouse was fairly tight when I tried to button it. I doubt this was a 32-size blouse. The cutting etc. of the blouse though was very decent, but I had to struggle to get my twin globes into it, as the cups were rather small. I am sure if I had worn a bra, it would have been impossible to button it fully. Somehow I managed to wear it, but could not button the top hook of the blouse, it was so tight there and ample fair cleavage remained exposed over my blouse. I made sure that the pallu covers it fully and went out of the toilet.

Guru-ji: Good, so you are done with your bath. Did you do as I said Anita?

Me: Yes Guru-ji. I said “Jai Linga Maharaj” three times as you instructed.

Guru-ji: Okay, now sit down here and worship to Linga Maharaj.

He started performing puja chanting several mantras and sometimes with my name and clan included. I sat there with closed hands and worshipped to Linga Maharaj about a successful treatment under Guru-ji and conceiving soon. Sanjeev was also there helping Guru-ji perform the puja. The puja for diksha went for almost half-an-hour and at the end Guru-ji came up to me and put a red tilak on my forehead and I respectfully touched his feet. As I bent down, I realized that my blouse got stretched and carved more on my matured boobs, giving me a feeling that the hook would break any moment. Thankfully that didn’t happen saving me from more embarrassing moments.

Guru-ji: Now your diksha is complete. You are a disciple of me and devoted to Linga Maharaj. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji: Tomorrow morning we will meet at 06:30 am and I will let you know of your routine in the ashram and your treatment plan. You can go now Anita.

I went out of the diksha room and went to my room with Sanjeev accompanying me.

Sanjeev: Good night Madam, I will call you at 06:15 am and will also deliver your sterilized undergarments. Nirmal will come with your dinner.

I was feeling very fresh I do not know why may be after that herbal water bath and was very pleased the way Guru-ji performed the puja. I took rest on the cot for sometime.

Knock! Knock!
Someone was knocking at my door. Since I was lying alone and the blouse that Sanjeev gave for me to wear was too tight, I had opened the hooks and was resting in that fashion, I swiftly buttoned the last three hooks of my blouse and wrapped my sari round me. The first two hooks remained open leaving almost half of my breasts oozing out above my saffron blouse. I was anticipating Nirmal and no one else now, it was nearly 10 o’ clock at night, he must have come with the dinner.

My guess my correct and it was the dwarfish disciple, Nirmal, but my other guess was wrong. He did not come with the dinner!

Nirmal: Madam, how was the diksha?

Me: Okay, I really liked Guru-ji’s puja.

Nirmal: Jai Linga Maharaj. Keep faith on Guru-ji, he will surpass all obstacles in your life.

He was smiling and his overall appearance amused me again. Frankly I was feeling very fresh with the herbal bath and hot too, as each time I thought of my bathing under such vivid lights, I was getting a faster heart beat. And now seeing this dwarf male once more, I thought of teasing him.

Nirmal: Madam, shall I bring the dinner for you?

Me: No, its only 10:00, I generally have dinner after 10:30 p.m.

I paused and little and then continued without giving him a chance to speak.

Me: But going back to our previous chat, you know, Nirmal, I later thought on your words and you were very right! The size I have grown to, I cannot wear a school uniform skirt. So I take back my words.

It was worth seeing Nirmal’s face. It was as if ‘haat aya par muh na laga’ type situation for him. The dwarf was looking so desperate and looked even funnier now. He did not expect that I would not allow him a chance on the school uniform topic at all.

Nirmal: Bur Madam, I mean… you said you would try once.

Me: Yes that was my initial thought, but I buy your words that I would not be able to wear a school skirt, as it will be too tight for my figure.

I avoided direct words denoting to my full-sized body like ‘thighs’ or ‘buttocks’. Nirmal was looking as if he has lost something very precious, but I did not want to discourage him fully and altered the topic.

Me: But Nirmal, I am having a different problem. Can you sort that out?

Nirmal’s face was still miserable, to say the least, but he looked up to listen to my problem.

Me: Actually the blouse that Sanjeev have given is not fitting me at all. Can you bring me another one?

Nirmal’s eyes as if lit up! He probably thought my twin mangoes would be a more enjoyable sight for him rather than my pumpkin ass.

Nirmal: Didn’t Sanjeev give you a 32-size blouse?

My eyebrows went up! He knows the size I told to Sanjeev in my interview privately. Everybody in the ashram knows my boob size is 32!

Me: Yes, but it is very tight. I doubt it is of proper size.

Nirmal: No, no Madam. The size is right for sure as we have separate bunch for each size.

Me: Can’t be Nirmal, I use 32 blouses for the last two years, but why this one is so tight here?

I subtly pointed my hand to my fully developed milk tanks, as I wanted to provoke him a bit. Nirmal also took the opportunity and his face was again looking humorous with his jaws slightly drooping down.

Nirmal: Madam, since these are readymade blouses, you are feeling the tightness.

I was yet again getting peculiar fun playing with words with this middle-aged dwarf. I had neither talked to any male like this before, not had been in such a situation as in this ashram.

Me: Nirmal, it’s so tight, I could not button the top hook.

Nirmal now looked directly to my youthful braless boobs and seemed as if he was trying to visualize my posture standing in front of him with the top hook open of my blouse. And in fact, if I actually had pulled my sari pallu down my condition was hugely indecent. I was not wearing a bra and through the ultra-tight blouse my nipples were distinctly visible and since the top hook of my blouse was open, I was advertising adequate cleavage show.

Nirmal: Oh Madam, then its really a problem. How can you be in that position? Shall I arrange another one for you Madam?

He seemed so worried for this housewife!

Me: Its already nighttime Nirmal and I will take my clothes off and wear the nightgown. So I do not require another blouse now.

I wanted to see his reaction to such direct comments. His comic facial expression was added on by a slight bulge in his crotch area. I felt a raced beat in my heart noticing this.

Nirmal: Okay Madam. You can change in my absence and by that time I will bring you the dinner.

It was a crafty thinking from Nirmal’s part I thought for his visual pleasure, as he knew I had no undies to wear and would look rather sexy that way in any nightdress whatsoever. I nodded to him, thinking that if I do not look decent enough, I will not wear it in front of him. He went off to bring my dinner.

I closed the door behind Nirmal and went to the cupboard where the nightdress that Sanjeev gave was kept. I seriously did not notice it previously. Now taking it in my hands I felt pretty secured that it was not any flimsy dress. It was also saffron colored, coarse material cloth stitched like a short nighty. It was with sleeves, thank god, and appeared decent to me though the length was short.

I did not go to the toilet as the room door was closed and started changing into it. I was nude in a flash and was much relieved opening that tight blouse though a couple of hooks were open throughout Nirmal’s presence. My boobs were actually paining as the blouse cups were very tight on my youthful peaks. I wore the nighty over my head and looked in the mirror. The rough materials of the nighty touching my nipples made them harden instantly. Never in my life did I get a turn on so many times in a day like this.

Little did I know then that this was nothing in comparison to what’s been waiting for me!

The dress was quite flowing and as the material was thick enough, my mature figure was not very evident through it. The dress ended just below my knees and hence I was not feeling too much exposed. After having looks at my figure wearing the nighty from different angles, I was quite convinced that am not looking vulgar without my undergarments. The only problem was my swollen nipple impressions, which no one standing in front of me could miss, especially any male. But I thought there was no way I could hide that and waited for Nirmal.

In no time, Nirmal was back. He was holding a tray that had my dinner, which included chapatis, dal, and vegetable. He was ogling at me I noticed and I tried to limit my movements to restrain the jiggling movement of my round, freely hanging breasts.

Nirmal: I can wait and you can have your dinner and if you want anything more I can bring that.

Me: So kind of you Nirmal.

I pulled the table on which the dinner was kept near the cot and sat on the cot to have the food. But as soon as I sat I became very conscious as my nighty rose up a fair distance exposing my knees completely. And without even looking up to him, I could bet Nirmal’s eyes were glued to my exposed legs and knees.

Nirmal: Madam, you take your dinner and I will sit here.

Saying that without even giving me any chance to stop, he sat on the floor some feet away from me. Initially I thought that since they lead a sagacious life, they are habituated to sit on the floor and moreover, there was no chair in the room, so Nirmal sat on the ground. But the next moment I comprehended the wickedness of this dwarf. Being a small man his eye level is itself much lower than normal males and now sitting on the floor, he was actually getting an upskirt view.

I was extremely alert the next moment, as I was not wearing a panty even and closed my legs as far as possible. I tried to stretch the cloth of the nighty a bit lower, but my plump ass was not allowing that. I looked down at Nirmal and his eyes were on my legs, but there was a dissatisfied facial expression also as I had closed my legs and believe me, it again made me smile. It was so funny looking.

I finished my dinner as quickly as possible and went to the toilet to wash hands. Since Nirmal was seated still, he enjoyed a very appealing rear view of my swaying buttocks in that short nighty from a low angle, which was accented when I had to bend to pick up the towel from the floor, which was kept for drying purpose, but dropped somehow from the wall hook. Believe me, it was not a deliberate effort from my end at all, but that dwarf was lucky enough to get an unrestricted view of my prominent inviting ass cheeks as the material of the nighty stretched as I had to bend down.

Nirmal left within some moments after that with the tray and bid me “good night”. But his eyes said as if he was rewinding my bending down posture in his mind. I was feeling very uncomfortable as a woman. When he left, I went to bed, but was restless. I was constantly thinking did I cross the limit in front of Nirmal, what did he saw actually, was I looking too indecent in that bent position? Ultimately I got out of bed and went to the toilet straight and reproduced the scene before the mirror, as the toilet-mirror was almost life size, as I told before.

I bent down to touch the wet floor of the toilet and looked through my legs at the mirror behind. Oh my god! I am looking so very tempting in that pose with my full round buttocks on display with my nighty rising up as well exposing my fair legs adequately. Any male would love to see a matured woman in that compromising pose. I was shocked to see a slight hint of my long ass crack also through the nighty! It was natural though as I was not wearing a panty. I was feeling so ashamed, so guilty, and cursed myself. After some moments I went to bed somewhat dejected with me and with the mantra to be ‘more careful’ on the future days in the ashram. I muttered “Jai Linga Maharaj” for my actual goal, of conceiving a child, several times before going to sleep.

“Madam, Madam!”
I woke up hearing that voice. It took a bit of time to regroup myself from sleep, pulled down the nighty, which had pushed up exposing my fair and firm thighs and got out of bed. It was a female voice! I was really surprised by that as I did not see a woman there at least yesterday, nor did I notice that on the first day when I came to the ashram with my mother-in-law. I opened the door and there stood a middle-aged plump woman with a smiling face.

“Madam, my name is Meenakshi. I am Guru-ji’s disciple. I did not meet you yesterday as I was out of station for some days and had reached this morning only.”

I looked at her now attentively. Meenakshi was elder than me in age, probably 35, somewhat dark in complexion with an oval face with very prominent womanly assets. She was wearing the ashram dress code. I asked her to come inside.

Me: Oh! A bit of relief seeing a woman here.

Meenakshi: Madam, there is no difference in male and female here. Guru-ji treats every disciple equally. So you don’t worry at all. Jai Linga Maharaj.

I also chanted the ashram theme mantra and asked her to wait, as I wanted to go to the toilet first. When I came back to the room, I found Meenakshi had already cleaned and prepared my bed and was cleaning the room with a broom.

Meenakshi: Madam, please get ready quickly as we need to be in front of Guru-ji at 06:30 am. Here are your sterilized undergarments. Sanjeev handed over to me as they are dry now.

Me: Thanks a lot. You know yesterday the whole evening I was braless in front of these males. Think of my condition. And to make things worse, I really had a torrid time with this blouse yesterday.

Saying that I pointed the blouse to her. She smiled.

Meenakshi: Yes, Nirmal told me its cups are smaller for your breast size.

I was bewildered time and again seeing the porousness of each event in the ashram! Everyone knows everything here regarding me! Did Nirmal also tell everyone what grand view he got of my ass as I bent in front of him? I was perplexed.

Meenakshi: But no problem Madam, take Guru-ji’s permission and I will do the needful.

Me: For a change of blouse size, do I really need to bother Guru-ji?

Meenakshi: Yes Madam, as per ashram rule we need to inform any change to Guru-ji, even if it is related to our clothing.

I showed her how awkward my position was as I was unable to button the two upper hooks of my blouse.

Meenakshi: Madam, you look very appealing with the buttons open. Your ones are standing erect even without the bra!

I blushed, but felt proud. I have got this compliment before also.

I turned from her now and wore my bra. It seemed I was wearing it after an era, though it was only few hours on last evening. I felt so secured wearing that and hastily wriggled up my panty with both hands to my waist and completed wearing my sari in another couple of minutes.

Closing the door, we went ahead to Guru-ji. As Meenakshi walked in front of me I appreciated in my mind even being a female of her heavily swinging hips below her sari. Though she looks very round in every part of her body, starting from her face, her boobs, and obviously down her bottoms, she seemed very agile and walked at a brisk pace and I was hurrying on to keep pace with her.

Guru-ji was sitting in a meditation position and welcomed me with a smiling face. There was no other disciple present then. Within the next couple of minutes before Meenakshi left the room what I saw was totally unbelievable to my eyes. I have never seen such things done so openly!

Meenakshi: Guru-ji before you start talking to Anita, will you please listen to a problem of mine?

Guru-ji: What is it Meenakshi?

Meenakshi: Guru-ji, I had an acute pain last night in my waist and now though the pain is very less, I am still uncomfortable.

Guru-ji: Hmm. May be some sort of muscle ache, unless you have injured anything. Let me see. Come here.

Guru-ji was sitting on the floor. We were standing some feet away. Now I remained still and Meenakshi went forward and stood absolutely in front of him. To tell the truth the situation was such that Guru-ji’s face was just in front of Meenakshi’s honey pot. Then she turned back and faced me. Now her heavy buttocks were almost touching Guru-ji’s face! Now I saw Guru-ji stretched both his hands from that sitting position and touched her at the waist first and asked about pain. Meenakshi nodded.

Then what Guru-ji did turned my ears hot even. He started palpating Meenakshi’s hips quite directly over the sari with both hands. As I was standing at an angle I could see every movement of Guru-ji’s hands on Meenakshi’s hips. First it was light palpation and then after a moment he was virtually kneading both ass cheeks with both hands. It was looking more arousing as Guru-ji was doing this from a siting posture! Meenakshi’s rear portion was very round and copious in regard to any woman and thus Guru-ji’s palms even when stretched fully to press were unable to cover it fully. I was quite surprised to see Meenakshi’s face, which was so normal. This went for a few moments though and before Guru-ji stopped, I noticed he just squashed her firm ass cheeks with both hands as a final squeeze. Meenakshi was standing still so far, but due to the heat that must have generated in her due to such vigorous ass fondling moved about a bit and faced Guru-ji.

Was I unnecessarily thinking dirty about Guru-ji? My mind consoled me that this might be the process to trace the culprit muscle causing pain in the hips. But whatever, the way was very direct and definitely this should not be done in front of others, as it might lead to a wrong thinking.

Guru-ji: Meenakshi, you need to use hot compress on your hips and waist and take this medicine twice daily.

Saying this, Guru-ji pulled out a box from his side and opened it and I saw there are at least 40-50 small bottles containing medicated colored solutions. Meenakshi left the room taking the medicine. Guru-ji now turned to me and asked to sit.

Guru-ji: Sorry Anita to keep you standing. I hope you are feeling much better now getting back your undergarments.

He smiled looking at my eyes. I nodded subtly feeling the natural shyness to such comments, though I must admit that I am slowly getting familiar to it.

Guru-ji: Anita, from today I will start your treatment. Jai Linga Maharaj.

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj.

Guru-ji: Let me get some more details from you regarding your married life. Don’t be shy and do not hide anything. The mind must open up. You should tell me or ask me about anything and everything that comes to your mind. Your issue is such if you do not open up, your treatment will not be perfect.

I nodded again.

Guru-ji: I just noted shyness in you when I mentioned about undergarment. Why Anita? Till such time you feel these are natural and normal things, your diksha is incomplete. As you are wearing a bra, I am wearing a brief under my clothes. What is there to be shy of, tell me?

Me: Err… Yes Guru-ji. Nothing.

Guru-ji: Okay. How many times in a week did you copulate?

Me: Twice a week in general.

Guru-ji: Did you get full satisfaction after the intercourse?

I nodded my head.

Guru-ji: Did you feel you were fully aroused Anita while doing it or did you feel it could have been a longer process or a different style or anything of that sort?

Me: No Guru-ji. I never felt like that.

Guru-ji: Okay, then apparently most things are normal and mostly as you have regular periods. Tell me Anita, in one session how many times did you copulate? Once or more than once.

I was already feeling hot in the ears and my cheeks had turned red too out of womanly nervousness answering such things to a male.

Me: In the first few months of marriage twice, but for the last one year, its once only.

Guru-ji: Anita, in the earlier days, did you have discharge from your vagina twice? Were they amounted the same?

Me: Yes, but frankly speaking on some days, I did not discharge the second time, but my husband discharged.

Guru-ji: Hmm. Do you discharge heavily?

Me: No, not much. I mean…

My nervousness was gulping me from saying such private things.

Guru-ji: Tell me Anita. Regroup your words and open your mind.

Me: Actually I feel till now a days also that there is something ‘hot’ that remained within me and did not come out even after the process is over.

Guru-ji: Okay Anita, relax. I have got the needful information.

There was silence for some moments, as Guru-ji closed his eyes and was meditating.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj. Look Anita, your pregnancy will come only if you discharge more during intercourse. What I gathered it seems you are not getting aroused enough to get total discharge of your fluids. This often happens to couples, which is not very concerning. But the concerning part can be if even if you are aroused fully, your vaginal discharge is inadequate.

Guru-ji gave a pause as if inviting the natural question from me.

Me: If it’s not adequate, what happens Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Look Anita, if discharge is scanty, the number of ovum produced is also less and the pregnancy chance decreases significantly. But be relaxed my dear, as there are ways to pull out your full vaginal discharge and also herbal medicines to enhance it. But you need to obey my guidelines in toto.

Me: Guru-ji I would do anything to get pregnancy. I am really frustrated now. I will do exactly as you order.

Guru-ji: Good Anita. But remember it’s easier said than done. The first thing I will need is the measure of your vaginal discharge. Do you masturbate?

I was feeling thirsty now. I have never in my life faced such a question and was really feeling very, very embarrassed. I never tried such things. Whatever happened was natural with me. Its not that I didn’t get discharges before marriage, but they were all natural, through dreams mostly, and at times some brushing or groping in trains, buses, etc. and thinking about them later in bed with a pillow may be.

But now I was feeling puzzled how could I get a full vaginal discharge, as for that I need to be aroused fully, only imagination would not lead to that. Most importantly, my husband is not here also.

Me: Yes, Guru-ji, very few times do I masturbate and the discharge also is very less.

Guru-ji: Anita, you need to do exactly as I say. I need the measure of your vaginal discharge and based on that further treatment will be planned.

Me: But Guru-ji, without my husband… I cannot lie down with…

Guru-ji: Anita, what are you thinking I don’t know? Are you expecting that I will ask you to lie down with another man to get your full discharge? I know you are a housewife and your social limits.

I nodded and was somewhat assured now. But still I was not clear how would I get fully aroused if I do not lie down with a male!

Guru-ji: The first part of the treatment is mind control. You have to only respond to actions on your body naturally and wipe out everything else from mind. Do not think who is with you, where you are, but just respond normally to situations that I will give you. Control your mind to the actions only. It will be done so very naturally, just like we are talking now and so don’t worry at all, it’s just a treatment process. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I nodded to Guru-ji though perceived little about what exactly will be the treatment like.

Guru-ji: Let me summarize for you what will be the plan. First the medicine part. You will take this herbal drug in the morning after your first urine in empty stomach and at bedtime. The dosage is written on the bottle. Okay?

I nodded taking the medicine bottle from him.

Guru-ji: This is the second herbal extract that you will always take when you will go out of this ashram. And here is an oil with which you need to massage your full body before taking bath in the noon. And every shower you take must be with herbal water as you did during your diksha. I feel you start applying the oils from tomorrow, and not today.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I felt very fresh after the herbal water bath.

Guru-ji: Yes, the herbal extract helps to rejuvenate your organs and energy level. But remember that the oil I just gave you must not be applied on your breasts. For that, this is the oil, which should be used. I hope there will be no confusion if you can remember that the breast massage oil is green in color. Okay?

I nodded like an obedient student. I could realize my nipples jumped up within my bra hearing the words “breast massage” from a male.

Guru-ji: Anita, you will get the guidelines regarding your massage from Rajkamal. You have probably not conversed with him because he remains busy most of the time, as he is the ashram cook.

Me: Yes Guru-ji. I have not talked to him though saw him yesterday when I came here.

Guru-ji: And now for the mind control part. This is very important. You keep this special soaking pad and wear it for the next couple of days whenever you go out of the ashram.

Guru-ji handed me over a small white square shaped cotton pad, which looked like a big handkerchief folded to form a square. I was in a dilemma what to do exactly with it though Guru-ji said to ‘wear it’.

Me: How do I wear this Guru-ji?

I probably asked the most silly question of my life!

Guru-ji: Anita, I already told you that I must know how much discharge you are having when aroused and this is a specialized pad with a measuring litmus paper within it, which will enable me to gauge that. You will have to place it within your panty over your pussy hole.

My ears turned red instantly hearing this. I avoided eye contact from Guru-ji out of womanly shyness. Hearing the words “panty” and “pussy” directly from a male made my condition worse, as the nipples grew more and so were my copious upper treasures giving me a tighter sensation, as my blouse was already stretched enough.

Guru-ji: Put it within your panty in such a way Anita so that it does not get shifted. It needs to soak every drop so that I get the correct measure. I hope you can manage that.

I nodded right away looking at the floor and wanted to end this discussion desperately. I felt like if I allowed more on this topic, Guru-ji might ask to lift my sari to my waist and he would actually put his hand within my panty to show me how to wear this pad.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I got your point.

Guru-ji: Fine. Anita, I want you to have at least two orgasms per day for today and tomorrow. Remember, every act that you will face might seem to be highly outrageous, but is actually a part of your treatment. So you must be taking it sportingly and allow for the incidents to happen in its natural path. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj.

Guru-ji: Anita, I also want you to participate in daily chores that we do. If you feel, you can help in the kitchen. Similarly if you feel, you can participate in pastime like yoga, swimming etc. in the afternoon.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I will definitely do that which would suit me.

Guru-ji: You can go now Anita. You will get instructions from me via my disciples what to do, where to go, etc. Have faith in Linga Maharaj.

Me: Thanks Guru-ji. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I went out of his room and went back to my room. I was still tense about the mind control part. As Guru-ji said, I have to ‘take it sportingly’, but obviously being married was pretty much worried to experience two orgasms in a day without my husband. I only had such intense sexual pleasures in the early part of my marriage days. I consoled myself at the same time that there is no other way out, as Guru-ji needs to know if my discharge is normal or not.

At around 10:00 am Nirmal came tapping at my room door. By then I already had a herbal bath. It was so refreshing and bathing in front of the life size mirror in my toilet was as if making me more shameless. The general 10-minute long bath got extended, as I stayed nude there for some more time appreciating my youthful figure in the mirror. Before that I went to the kitchen and got introduced with Rajkamal and helped him with some vegetable cutting also.

Nirmal: Madam, please get ready. Guru-ji said to take you to the tailor as you are having problems with your blouse fitting.

Me: But I did not tell Guru-ji in the morning about this. How did he know?

Nirmal: Meenakshi told Guru-ji.

I thanked in my mind to Meenakshi. She saved me from taking such an intimate issue to Guru-ji. And the way Guru-ji asks direct question would have been another blushing episode for me.

Each time I see this dwarf I feel amused. I noted that his eyes were roaming more on the lower portion of my figure. Realizing that I consciously avoided turning my back to him while talking.

Me: Where is the tailor? Does he stay in the ashram?

Nirmal: No Madam. But not far at all, it’s only five minutes walking from here. Madam, I will not go with you; Uday will come and take you, as he is dedicated for outside visits.

Me: Okay Nirmal. You can send Uday.

Nirmal: Madam, please make sure to take the medicine before going out of the ashram and to wear the pad.

He left the place with a wicked smile. I was again taken aback. This nitwit also knows that I need to wear the pad within my panty!

I closed the door and had the medicine as per dosage and then went to the toilet with the pad. Since I need to place the pad securely, I decided to get out of the sari and petticoat completely. So again I had to strip to an almost bikini posture as I had my bath only sometime ago. I pulled my panty half way down my fair buttocks and placed the pad covering my pussy hole and pulled the panty up again. The touch of a foreign body on my pussy instantly gave me a turn on. But I tried to distract my mind from it and quickly wore my petticoat and sari. My blouse as usual clung to my tight boobs with the upper hooks open, but at least I felt assured that I would get a proper blouse to wear, as I need to stay here for 5-7 days now.

Uday had a charming personality, but with a very well built body. He told me he teaches yoga here and is very active in sporting events like kho-kho, kabbadi, swimming, etc. Any woman would like his physical structure and honestly I also appreciated in my mind his physique. We went out of ashram and took the way by the big pond just outside the ashram. I noticed there was not much residence, only a few and very scattered.

As I tried to walk swiftly to match Uday’s steps through the grass filed, I began facing my common problem. I clearly felt my panty sliding off my smooth buttocks and getting shifted to a side due to my speedy walk. I know in no time it will roll into my ass crack if I do not walk slowly. Though the pad was secure in the front, I felt very uncomfortable within even though this was nothing new to me, as it’s the same story with almost all panties I wear. I had no other option but to walk a bit slowly and thankfully Uday did not ask me why I decelerated.

Soon we reached the tailor’s place. It was a small hut, so to say. As we knocked an elderly man came out. He must be at least 55-60 years, almost my father’s age. He was wearing thick spectacles and was wearing a lungi. He appeared very feeble.

Uday: Master-ji, our Madam is having some problem with her blouse, can you see if you can correct that.

Master-ji: But I right now I am busy taking measurements. It will take some time.

Uday: Okay Master-ji, she will wait for a while.

The tailor looked at me. His eyesight seemed to be weak, as he looked quite a while at me through his thick glasses. At that time another man came out of the house, he was middle aged, may be around 40, very thin, also wearing a lungi.

Master-ji: Ramlal take Madam inside. I am coming from toilet.

Uday whispered in my ears that Ramlal was Master-ji’s brother, who helped him in his tailoring and that they can stitch a blouse in only a couple of hours. Since it took at least a week to sew a blouse by our town’s ladies tailor, I was quite impressed hearing it.

Uday: Madam, I really have nothing to do here now. I would advise you to get a new blouse stitched by Master-ji. I will go to the village and pick you up from here in an hour.

I nodded knowing nothing what waited for me there and Uday was gone.

Ramlal: Come with me Madam.

His voice was very harsh and he looked rough too. He was ogling like most males at my upright breasts. He led me to a very small room. There was a sewing machine at the right side, a sari hanging diagonally on the left, and a heap of colored clothes. The room was undoubtedly humid, as there was no ventilation except the door. A dim bulb illuminated the room and a table fan was giving air. Since I came from outside, it took some seconds to get accustomed to the light and I noticed a girl was standing there also at one corner.

Ramlal: Sorry for the inconvenience Madam. There is not much space here. Master-ji will finish taking the measurements of this girl and then attend you. You sit on this stool till such time.

I was about to look intently at the girl who was standing at the corner of the room, but saying the above Ramlal forwarded me the stool, but kept on holding to that. I was rather irritated by his act, because if I sit now I will have to put part of my buttocks on his fingers and naturally I reacted heatedly.

Me: What is this? How can I sit if you hold the stool like this?

Ramlal: Madam, don’t get angry please. I am not sure if it can take your weight. Yesterday only one toppled and got hurt.

I understood and smiled on my own seeing the condition of the stool.

Me: Yes, your stool looks like you in health.

The girl who was standing there also laughed at my comment. Ramlal of course smiled big like a rascal showing his teeth, but did not remove his fingers from the stool top and I had to sit on that as he was supporting it. I was conscious enough not to sit on his fingers directly, but the position was such, his fingers got partially pressed between my firm ass cheeks and the wooden tool as I sat. I cannot say about Ramlal’s feeling, but I bet he must have enjoyed the roundness of this 28-year-old housewife, but the very contact of male fingers on my smooth bottom triggered my heartbeat. I promptly compelled him to leave the stool and adjusted on it myself.

I looked at the girl now. She was a teenager wearing a ghagra-choli. Clearly she was not wearing a bra and her nipples were quite evident through her thin blouse. I looked at Ramlal’s eyes to see whether he was eyeing them, but was shocked to find he was instead eyeing my cleavage! I instantly adjusted my pallu, which was displaced, to conceal my cleavage and to stop the free show he was getting due to the two open hooks of my blouse. By this time Master-ji was back.

Master-ji: Madam, sorry to keep you waiting. I will finish within five minutes.

Then what happened in the next five minutes was more appalling and I had never seen such offensive thing done in a tailor shop in my life. Master-ji went up to the girl who came for a choli stitching and took all measurements with his hands, I mean stretching his fingers! There was no tape, though there was a measurement string. I was dumbstruck. Master-ji took all measurements starting from her sleeves, her shoulder, her back, her armpits, and obviously her twin cups with his fingers and Ramlal verified that with the measurement string and jotted down in a notebook. I noted that the girl was quite nonchalant in spite of continuous stroking and touching of her youthful boobs by Master-ji. I felt my heart would miss a bit when Master-ji took a measurement with his thumb poking exactly the girls’ upright nipple and his middle finger touching her boob base.

The measurement was over soon and the girl went away. Now I had to ask the obvious to this tailor duo.

Me: Master-ji, why don’t you use the tape for measurement?

Master-ji: Madam, I have more faith in my hands rather than on the tape. I am stitching blouse for 30 years now and there has been little complaint from my customers. Madam, don’t think since I stay here means I stitch only for villagers, my blouse go to the metro cities also. I also stitch undergarments for 10 years Madam, and I had no major complaints on such delicate things also. And all are done based on my finger measurements.

Master-ji seemed determined to convince me about his style of taking measurement.

Master-ji: Madam, look at your side to that heap. All those bra and panty would go to the cities and you would purchase that in attractive packs from shop. If this method was not correct, could I run this business for such a long time Madam?

I looked at the heap of colored clothes, which though I noted entering the room, but due to the dim light was unable to perceive what they were and moreover I came from direct sunlight from outside. Now visibility was clear and I noticed a heap of brassiere and panty of different colors. I really had no idea that these can be stitched as well like the blouse.

Me: I thought Master-ji that the undergarments we buy are machine-made.

Master-ji: No Madam, not all. Some like these are hand-made too and these also are hand measured on different women.

He paused for a second and continued.

Master-ji: Madam since you are from the town, you feel shy seeing me take measurements like this. But believe me Madam, this actually gives a better fit to the blouse. If I give you an example, you might understand, there are so many types of toothbrush in the market, isn’t it? Some with an angled top, some with curvy bristles, etc. etc., but Madam why so many variations? Because the toothbrush is not that flexible moving on our denture unlike our finger, which is so very flexible.

I was listening curiously now, though he was old and feeble, was explaining in a nice way.

Master-ji: Same is the case here Madam, tape is not the best tool to measure female anatomy. Fingers and hand flexibility is a better tool.

I was more or less convinced by Master-ji’s narration and did not want to bother too much on this issue. Afterall, it’s a just five minute measurement session.
Master-ji: Okay Madam. Let us come to your problem now. What is the problem with your blouse? This one also is sewed by me only.

Master-ji had a smile on his face now. Ramlal by this time was busy with the sewing machine stitching some cloth.

Me: Master-ji though it is 32 size as per the ashram, the cups are too small for me.

Master-ji: Ramlal, give Madam a 34 size blouse to try out.

I was surprised that he did not even bother to see my blouse once to look for the problem.

Me: But Master-ji I wear 32 size.

Master-ji: Madam, when you said you are having problem with the cups, first let me fix that, other things can be altered in the machine in a minute, isn’t it?

Ramlal searched from the cupboard and came to me with a red blouse. He stretched the material and saw the blouse cups and looked offensively at my twin peaks and handed me the blouse. This scoundrel’s looks were so dirty!

Ramlal: You go to the back of that sari and change Madam.

Me: But I cannot here change like this…

I was not finding the proper words. The sari cover level was only till my bust line and secondly since the room was too small the proximity was too close for a woman to change clothes with males present there.

Master-ji: Madam, have you noticed my spectacles? I cannot even see clearly objects a couple of feet away through these thick glasses. Madam, you are absolutely safe here to change.

Me: No, no, I am not saying that…

Master-ji: Ramlal, bring some tea for us.

That was a masterstroke to convince me. I had little to counter his words now. I did not argue any more and went behind the sari at the corner of the room. I faced the wall deliberately as the place was so very exposed. The sari diagonally tied up to wall hooks was not an adequate cover at all.

Master-ji: Madam, there is a lot of dust and dirt on the floor. It would be better if you do the drop your sari on the floor.

Me: Okay Master-ji.

I said ‘okay’, but found that if I do not drop my pallu on floor, I will have to hold it with one hand, but that way I cannot change my blouse because I need both hands free to open my blouse hooks and to take that off my body. I found that only way is to tuck the pallu in my waist and change.

I opened my blouse completely and was in my bra now. I was feeling very relaxed as that Ramlal was not in the room and took the 34-size blouse off the wall hook and wore it. After putting on all the hooks, I felt the blouse was a bit loose everywhere, on my cups, on my shoulder and at the base of my boobs too and was not fitting me.

Getting me pallu back on my shoulder I went out in front of Master-ji though knowing very well that Master-ji would check my blouse and I will again have to drop the pallu off my upper treasures.

Master-ji: I thought it would have been better if you had taken off the sari completely Madam, as I will have to take check your blouse and you may have to try another one for exact fitting. It will be uncomfortable for you each time…

There was no need to complete the sentence I thought and interupped.

Me: Yes Master-ji. You are right.

Since Ramlal was not there, I took off my sari in front of Master-ji. I got out of it and Master-ji helped me to hold my sari so that it does not reach the dirty floor. I was surprisingly not feeling uncomfortable without a sari in front of an unknown male, especially considering Master-ji’s age and poor eye vision. So now I was more or less in the same state like the teenage girl whom I saw initially in the room. The only difference being I am wearing my inner wears, which the girl was not.

Ramlal just then entered the room with tea.

Ramlal: Madam, have this tea, this is a special one with…

He stopped abruptly seeing me in that state. My matured pointed boobs were enough to turn this scoundrel’s head and through my thin petticoat layer he could probably make out my well-formed thighs also. I thought I should not give much attention to his looks.

Ramlal: … with ginger Madam.

Ramlal kept the tray on the dirty floor before I could stop him. The floor was not only dirty, but I noted cockroaches and small rats running around here and there!

Me: Why is the condition of this room such Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam, I am sorry for that, but in the initial days I tried to kill these insects etc., but this place seems to be a breeding place of these animals and with time, I am habituated with them.

He smiled though I was not at ease at all in that room with the dirt and the insects.

Master-ji: Have the tea Madam and then I will check your fitting.

Saying that he bent down and picked up a cup and sipped tea. Ramlal was already sipping sitting on the machine. I also took a couple of steps forward and bent down to pick the cup from the tray on the floor. As I bent, I realized my blouse was creating a gap with my boobs and my mangoes almost popped over my bra. I knew the valley between my wheat-colored breasts was getting exposed, but I had to pick up the cup from the floor. So, I tried my best to hide my deep cleavage with my left hand and picked up the cup swiftly. Seeing me do that I saw Ramlal chuckle. The rascal.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, lets check your blouse now.

Saying that he came near to me, within one foot. I was just slightly breathing heavily as a male came so close to me. He was taller than me and as he looked down at my blouse-covered boobs, with each breath, the top of my boobs were getting slightly more visible to him over my blouse. I blushed a little on my own.

Master-ji: It looks far from fitting Madam. Let me check exactly how much loose it is.

As Master-ji got closer to me, I could smell the sweat of his body. The smell of male sweat made me took a deep breath. He started to check the sleeves of my blouse first. He started with my left hand and inserted one finger through the sleeve end and touched directly on my arm. He continued this for a while and was slowly rubbing his finger on my left arm while touching the cloth.

Master-ji: Ramlal, sleeves lose by 5 strings. Let me check the back now. Madam, can you turn round and face Ramlal?

Ramlal was noting in a notebook behind me. Now I turned my body to him to face him and he openly gazed at my erect breasts. How irritating! The room, being small and congested, was hot also and I was sweating now. My armpits were wet already and I lowered my eyes to note that wet patches in my armpits were evident on the blouse. At that moment, I almost stirred up at Master-ji’s comment. For a while though I noted that Master-ji was not touching the back of my blouse despite the fact that I had turned, but I was more concerned about that Ramlal’s gazes.

Master-ji: Madam, please don’t mind but I must say that your panty is more ill fitting than this blouse.

Me: What?

Master-ji: Madam, madam, please do not get angry at my words. As you turned back the light fell in such a way on your back that I can clearly see through your petticoat. If you don’t believe my words, ask Ramlal to come this side and check.

Me: No, no. No need to check anything. I trust your words.

I had to admit that I trust my tailor’s words that he has seen my panty through my petticoat and somehow resisted Ramlal to come to my backside to check that. My hands automatically went on to my ass out of womanly shyness and I stupidly tried to cover my round ass with my palm.

Me: But how do you know…

Master-ji thankfully intercepted in between because I did not know what to ask actually.

Master-ji: Madam, I don’t know where from do you buy these, it has shrunk like a rope.

I thought for a while and concluded that there is no harm telling the truth to this old man and the tailor is the only person who can find a solution for me regarding my panty problem. Thinking on that line, shedding all my shyness, I told Master-ji about it.

Master-ji: This is not a problem Madam at all. Look at that heap. At least 30-40 panties are there and none of them would curl up to the center like your one. Ramlal, bring one from there and I will explain the problem to Madam.

I was somewhat scared now out of natural shyness to talk regarding my panty in front of two males. I quickly tried to shift Master-ji’s focus.

Me: Master-ji, please understand my priority. Please fix my blouse first. I cannot stand like this forever. If you can get this done first…

Master-ji: Right, right Madam, I must finish with your blouse first.

I was breathing quite heavily and automatically standing with my legs spread a little, as I felt wetness slightly building up in my pussy. Master-ji started to stretch the back of my blouse to see how loose it was. In the process, he also was rubbing my smooth back with his fingers. I felt he pulled the back of my blouse and I felt his hot breath on my bare back. Instantaneously his warm touch and breathing made my nipples jump within my bra. I thought Master-ji must have been clearly seeing my bra strap inside, as he has pulled the back of my blouse a fair amount.

I was feeling a bit uneasy and shifted a bit and by doing that I invited more mess, as my round ass globe directly hit Master-ji in his crotch area and I felt his firm lund within his lungi poking its head. He also must have felt the firmness of my full ass. I blushed and giggled on my own thinking the hardness of his lund considering his age.

Master-ji: Madam, it is quite lose at your back too. Ramlal, 7 strings at the back U and 4 strings on the side U.

I nodded in agreement. Master-ji then walked in front of me and he took his face towards my blouse and now being so near could clearly see my mammaries going up and down. He got his face even closer to my mangoes on the pretext of checking the fitting. Master-ji was so near to me now that I could feel his breath bouncing off my boobs. I did not mind anything, as I knew his vision was poor.

Master-ji: Madam, it is lose from the front too.

He said while pulling my blouse a little in the front to see how loose it was from the front. As Master-ji pulled my blouse, I saw that rascal Ramlal’s eyes almost popped out, as the scene was extremely sexy now.

Master-ji: Madam, now raise your hands up and be in that position as I take the measurement.

I lifted my hands and naturally my firm boobs exposed more over my blouse due to this stretching and more of my cleavage was on display to these two males. As I was sweating also and with my arms extended, the outline of my bra was more evident from the front also. Master-ji now put his right middle finger to the side of my heaving left breast and the thumb extended on almost my nipple. I clearly shivered by this unique sensual hand measurement. This man was directly touching my boob standing in front of me in the name of measurement and I have to allow that. Thankfully it was a swift process and then Master-ji brought the middle finger at the center of my breast where the thumb was and stretched the middle finger to the hooks.

Master-ji: Ramlal, cup one full H and quarter.

Ramlal noted that and also measured the stretched fingers of master-ji with a string and noted that.

Master-ji: Madam, now I need to know how tight you want the blouse to be so that you are comfortable.

I nodded without knowing how he would guess that.

Master-ji: You might feel a bit odd, but that’s my process for first time measurements. Madam, just think as if my palm is your blouse cover. I will press slowly and you have to only signal me when you are most comfortable regarding the tightness on your cups.

Oh! My god! What does this old thug say! He plans to cup my breast openly now! And he feels this is ‘just a bit odd’ for a married woman of 28 years. I would slap any male doing that to me. I had to object to this.

Me: But Master-ji is there no other way to…

Master-ji again tried to convince me.

Master-ji: Madam, you are facing this problem with the 32 size blouse ashram gave you. It was measured on a thinner female than you, so if you do not give the exact size, either it will be lose there or too tight.

Me: Master-ji, actually, I would have been comfortable with a tape. Please.

I said in a pleading voice. I do not know what went through Master-ji’s mind, but he agreed to me!

Master-ji: Okay, okay Madam, if you are not at ease, I will not force you. I will stitch it as per your cup size. It will certainly be slightly lose or tight and you will have to adjust.

I was so much relieved. And just then happened a frightful incident. Ramlal screamed like anything and jumped to my side almost colliding with me. Master-ji also went a couple of steps back and pulling my hand held me back. Initially I did not notice anything, but when I looked at the door, there were a couple of snakes standing there.

Ramlal: It’s a cobra Master-ji. Beware.

Master-ji: Yes, I have seen that. No one should move now.

The snakes were almost guarding the doorway and if they proceed towards us there was nowhere to move, as the room was too small. The snakes were quite big and slowly moving their heads and seemed to keep a watch on us. I was very much frightened seeing snakes so close. Ramlal seemed to be also very scared, but Master-ji was relatively cool. Master-ji said he encountered snakes here before, but never in the room like this. For the next few minutes, Master-ji tried many ways like making a move towards them or throwing an article to them and virtually left no stone unturned, but was unsuccessful to turn those snakes away.

I was sweating profusely now, in the heat and also due to fear.

Master-ji: There is only one way we can get rid of these snakes. We need to offer them milk and they might drink and move away, otherwise any moment they can attack us.

I also thought that’s a good idea and probably the only way to get out of this dreadful situation.

Ramlal: But Master-ji, I have to go out to bring milk for snake, but they are on the doorway and surely would bite me if I try doing something silly.

Me: Right Master-ji. No one can go out. Then what to do?

Master-ji thought for a while and then said, “Madam, you can only save us from this situation.”

Me? I was very astonished. How can I help out this situation?

Master-ji: Madam, you have the natural milk. Please get out some milk and feed these snakes, then only the snakes might go.

I was simply dumbstruck!

What does this old ruffian mean? I need to squeeze out milk from my breasts for these snakes! I was getting confused. But due to this awful situation, I could not even work out in my mind of an alternative too. There were droplets of sweat on my exposed breast area and I could realize I was sweating more throughout my body due to this abnormal situation I am in.

Master-ji: Madam, please think with a cool head. Milk will satisfy these snakes and we might be saved. It will take only some minutes for you to get it from your breasts.

Ramlal: Madam, please. I also have a bowl here for my eating purpose in which you can get out the milk.

I understood the situation, but since I was childless till then, milk formation was not there in my breasts. These two males did not know that. I had no other way but to reveal that to Master-ji.

Me: Master-ji, I mean err… I do not have a child till now. So, you can understand probably that…

Master-ji was witty enough to get what I meant and exclaimed, “Oh! I can understand Madam, but then the only hope is also gone!”

I was so thankful that Master-ji understood me at once, but that rascal Ramlal was after me.

Ramlal: But Madam, I have heard if proper sucking is done on the breasts, unmarried females can also produce milk.

Me: Just shut up! Master-ji, please…

Master-ji: Ramlal, don’t talk rubbish. What do you mean? You will suck Madam’s breast and milk will come out? Milk will only form in Madam’s breasts after she gets pregnant at least once. Didn’t you hear that Madam has not been pregnant till now.

I was feeling very embarrassed, as Master-ji instead of speaking in general terms, told Ramlal using my direct example. Me being a matured married woman could not escape the heat hidden in those words and was feeling the womanly tightness in my boobs. I could not look directly to Master-ji in some shame and had to adjust my bra from the sides to accommodate my heavy breathing.

Simultaneously I was sweating profusely and my white bra was now very clearly visible over my blouse and below also, I began to look indecent, as the thin layer of petticoat was now soaked with drops of sweat on my thighs. I looked down from the corner of my eyes and realized that my petticoat was clinging to my well-formed thighs in a lewd manner. I pulled and jerked the cloth of the petticoat in a reluctant way so that it did not look very obvious to these males.

One thing was puzzling for me that the snakes were not approaching us; they both remained stationed at the doorway only. They were gently swaying their heads standing in an upright position. And due to their strategic position it was impossible for anyone of us getting out of this room without being bitten by them.

Ramlal: But Master-ji, then what to do?

There was silence for a while and then Master-ji came up with an idea, which was the most bizarre and weird I have ever heard.

Master-ji: Eureka!

The old man almost jumped and both Ramlal and me were surprised seeing his reaction.

Master-ji: Please listen to me carefully Ramlal. You can save us.

Ramlal looked equally puzzled as me.

Master-ji: Listen to me carefully. I can see only one way of getting the milk and get rid of these snakes. But since Madam does not yet have developed milk in her breasts, I have this plan.

He paused. I wondered what he is up to!

Master-ji: Madam, these snakes will not be able to differentiate between milk and a white liquid. So what I feel is we can fool the snakes with a white liquid, which is not actually milk. Ramlal, you will masturbate here and pour your fluid in the bowl and we will fool the snakes with that white solution.

There was pin drop silence in the room, only the slight hissing of the snakes could be heard. I did not know what to say. Even though I appreciated in my mind the idea, but looking at the practical angle was highly scared. An unknown middle-aged lower class male will masturbate in front of me, a grownup lady of 28; that too married!

I was truly feeling very edgy and uncomfortable now and could not counter also as I do not have any alternative way to get rid of this situation. Giving milk to snake to get rid of them seemed to be the wisest decision to me.

Ramlal: Master-ji, will it work?

Master-ji: Nothing works, Ramlal, till we try. Madam, I know it will be somewhat uncomfortable for you, but as you do not have the milk in your breast, you can also realize…

Me: I can understand Master-ji.

What would I say more? The very thoughts of this idea was giving me a wild turn on and more so as I was not fully dressed also for a long time now.

Master-ji: Ramlal, do not waste time, as anytime the snakes may proceed to us.

Ramlal: Master-ji, how can I do it fast? I need the time. I need to think.

At this comment, I could not stop laughing and Ramlal probably was encouraged seeing me reacting positively to such a ‘hot’ issue.

Ramlal: Madam, this man will not be able to remember when he last did ‘that’, and he is telling me to do it fast.

I again giggled at his comment, which I knew I should not, but I was somehow feeling quite aroused at this development. Little did I know that the medication, which I took just before leaving the ashram with Uday, also had its effect on me.

Master-ji: Okay, okay, if needed I will show you what I can still do.

Ramlal: You will surely get a heart attack Master-ji. Am I wrong Madam?

I had to smile and nod at this lower class filthy discussion. Ramlal was now about to start and I was having a pounding in my heart with my nipples fully taut within my bra. Ramlal turned to the wall and took off his lungi, now he was in his underwear and vest only. I saw he took both his hands towards his crotch and started with the process facing the wall. He was time and again turning his head looking at the door too at the snakes.

After some moments he confessed reality.

Ramlal: Master-ji, I cannot think of anything at all. The scariness is more in my mind due to these snakes. My lund is not getting erect Master-ji.

There was silence. Ramlal was facing us now and he was holding on to his dick within his underwear and I could clearly make out its position. His underwear was of thin material and I saw his lund was hanging like a big banana.

Master-ji: Hmm. What to do then? Madam?

I had nothing to say and before I could say anything also Master-ji bowled me over.

Master-ji: Okay Ramlal, do one thing. You look at Madam and try to masturbate. Seeing a female should help you.

Me: What?

Master-ji: Madam, if looking at you can help him, let him. We need the milk that’s all.

Me: But Master-ji this is absolutely…

I was feeling so ashamed that my voice choked. My feeble resistance was not enough to stop these males.

Master-ji: Madam please cooperate. Madam, if you feel very shy, you can do one thing, you can turn to the wall and Ramlal will see you from behind and try to masturbate.

Ramlal: Yes Madam, I will try this.

The rascal was now smiling very wickedly. Seeing no other alternative, I agreed and went a couple of steps towards the wall and turned my back to Master-ji and Ramlal.

I was almost tongue-tied as I had never been in such a state before or after marriage. I did notice on road or at gatherings males staring at my erect boobs or my swaying hips, but not such deliberate thing ever happened. Ramlal must be gaping at my full ass now as I was facing the wall. I remembered while I was combing my hair in our bedroom once, my husband commented ‘looks a big ripe pumpkin darling’ looking at my petticoat-covered ass. I do not know if Ramlal was thinking the same. My petticoat string was tied just at the curve of my waist to my hips. I wish today I had tied it a bit up towards my navel. My bulging ass cheeks must be appearing very alluring and more so as my panty had long ago curled like a rope in my ass crack.

Ramlal: Madam, you look so beautiful from the backside. Thank god, you are not wearing the sari, it covers so much of your treasure.

Master-ji: Madam, Ramlal is so correct. You back is very attractive.

Master-ji also now joined Ramlal in praising my figure. I had nothing to say and could only utter, “Please do it fast.”

After a gap of few seconds, there was another request coming from that scoundrel Ramlal.

Ramlal: Madam, still I cannot concentrate, these snakes are moving their head so much that my eyes are going towards them.

Me: What can I do for that?

I was a bit irritated now, but Master-ji quickly controlled the situation.

Master-ji: Ramlal, you come close to Madam and I will keep an eye on the snakes. Don’t fear. Madam, you also help him a bit to masturbate quickly.

Me: What more shall I do?

Master-ji: Madam, you can do a lot. Right now, you are only standing like a statue Madam. I think if you can be a little bit cooperative and can just err… I mean if you can move your waist in rhythm, the work will be easier for Ramlal.

Me: What do you mean Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam nothing much. Just as the snakes are constantly shaking their heads and keeping an eye on us, you just hold the wall and move your waist rhythmically just like a dancer. Madam, please consider the situation for Ramlal also – these poisonous snakes behind and we are asking him to…

Me: Okay, okay I understand.

And what did I understand? That I have to sway my petticoat-covered hips in rhythm so that this scoundrel Ramlal gets excited and get his lund erect. I thought it’s no use wasting time and started as Master-ji suggested. I lifted both my arms slightly upwards at the level of my eyes and held the wall and started moving my hips in a flowing way. I remember my school days when I used to be in dance class and that experience is coming handy today!

Master-ji and Ramlal both exclaimed with positive reactions at my hip movement and I had to tell them that in my teenage days, I used to take dance lessons. I turned my head for a second and saw Ramlal was in close proximity now, and his eyes were glued to my swinging ass. I was feeling very, very hot now doing all this. I continued with my gyration and heard deep breathing of Ramlal at my back, as there was hardly any sound in the room. I myself was getting horny now and was feeling the tightness in my bra, as the very idea of myself moving my ass like a dancer to get a male masturbate!

After some moments I heard nothing and felt restless and turned towards Master-ji and Ramlal. I realized that my pussy had started flowing fluids due to the heat generated in me from this abnormal, but erotic situation. I simply blushed seeing Ramlal’s erect lund looking like a protruding rod within his underwear and he was constantly stroking it with both his hands. It was looking certainly very tempting to me, and for that matter, to any matured woman this is a very welcome sight. Ramlal was slightly taken by surprise by my turning to him and he stammered.

Ramlal: Its err… not done yet Madam.

I was getting thrill now from the situation and I felt like being naughty. I wondered how this was happening within me? I am such a homely housewife, so conservative in dressing and approach, so shy about exhibitionism, so sensitive to male touching and groping; little did I know that the medication was also guiding my senses now. Looking directly to Ramlal’s eyes for the first time probably, I smiled.

Me: How long will it take Ramlal?

Master-ji: Madam, I think he needs a little more assistance from you.

Me: Tell me that Master-ji, I am not an astrologer, I cannot read his mind.

I could not take my eyes off Ramlal’s erect dick. I was feeling really hot now seeing that ‘ready rod’, and I was breathing heavily, my 28-year-old youthful body getting taut for that lund.

Master-ji: Madam, you just continue your semi dancing posture, and please allow Ramlal to touch you on your…

Master-ji deliberately left the sentence incomplete to see my reaction, he was an experienced man and readily saw that I had little objection, as by now I was in full womanly ‘heat’.

Master-ji: Madam, I promise he will not touch you anywhere else. I think this will readily get his fluids out of him.

In normal circumstances, I would have given a tight slap if a male wants to touch me on my ass, though it’s not that unknown males have never touched me there. In the crowded trains or buses, I had no doubt felt their hands over my sari or salwar on my firm globes, both upper and lower, but it cannot be compared to today’s incident.

Honestly I felt like being touched now. I even felt like removing my blouse and bra completely because of the heat in the room and also within my body. It not only made my bra wet with sweat, but also my heaving flesh was trying to as if break the shackles of my undergarment. I readily agreed to the proposal, but obviously tried not to show that.

Me: Okay Master-ji, as you say, but please do it fast.

I turned to the wall again and started to swing my hips like a dancer holding the wall in front of me. This time I was more eager to do this action and swung my hips more in a circular fashion. I must be looking awfully vulgar being a 28-year-old woman with a matured figure doing this hip movement wearing a blouse and petticoat and hence naturally Ramlal was also up to the task in a flash and I felt his grip on my right ass check almost instantaneously.

Ramlal: What a gaand you have Madam. It’s so smooth and firm.

Master-ji: When it looks so good, must be good in taste also.

I heard Master-ji and Ramlal’s chuckles. Ramlal was pinching hard on my macro-sized bottoms each time I swung my hips to the right and to the left. His pinches fell on my ass cheeks, just covered by the thin petticoat, as my panty had already bunched up to my ass crack and I was quite sure Ramlal could feel that with his fingers and readily identified that only the thin layer of cloth was separating his fingers from touching a 25+ lady’s naked ass cheeks.

Master-ji: Madam, you are looking too sexy from the back. Ramlal, you are so lucky.

Ramlal: Master-ji, you do not see these things at this age and better keep an eye on the snakes.

We all laughed at his comment. I was laughing shamelessly stirring my round bottom and getting pinched there at random by that scoundrel. I thought if someone pulls up my petticoat to my waist, my ass cheeks would surely look red by this vigorous pinching. My pussy was all wet by now and had a heavy flowing. I realized soon that Ramlal had taken both his hands off his dick and was stroking my gaand now. He cupped my each ass cheek in each palm and was squeezing those like an air horn, as I swung my ass with more force now due to his rough fondling.

Master-ji: Ramlal, be quick, the snakes are advancing!

There was an alert from Master-ji. I do not know whether Ramlal at all heard it, as he was so much engrossed in crushing my gaand with both hands. I was writhing in ecstasy due to this male fondling on my very sensitive organs, the ass and was muttering in sexual pain. I just then felt Ramlal had taken his palms off my gaand and I thought he must have heard Master-ji’s alert.

No way. Ramlal was now demanding more! Till such time he was touching and squeezing me and now without even taking permission, he started pulling my petticoat up from my back exposing my fair legs.

Me: What are you doing. Stop. Stop. Master-ji!

I was enjoying every bit of his touching over my clothes, but now I was suddenly afraid of getting molested by this ruffian. Before I could offer a substantial resistance, he took the advantage of being at my back and lifted my petticoat almost to my thighs and grabbed my thighs with his rough hands. His fingers were touching the naked skin of my midthigh almost and he buried his face on my round ass. It was a very sensuous position for me. A male grabbing me from behind, pulling my dress above my knees, touching me on my firm thighs, and at the same time rubbing his face on my gaand! Master-ji did not interrupt and I had to be in this compromising position for some significant time meekly struggling. L

Lastly I cried out when that rascal bite me on my firm ass cheek over my petticoat and started poking his thick nose into my ass crack. My panty was already bunched up there and now he was thrusting his nose hard there and honestly that was a terrific feeling. Simultaneously his hands embraced my naked thighs under my petticoat.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

I could not take that any more and started cumming heavily. My whole body was writhing in sexual delight and the pad inside my panty was fully wet now. My resistance was getting weaker and Ramlal seeing the opportunity without any delay crawled his fingers over my silky thighs and went up and up to touch my most private organ. Though I was adequately covered by my petticoat on my hips and in the front too, Ramlal’s hands made me naked inside.

I had sexual pleasures with my husband no doubt, but this was entirely different, a new sexual feeling as if due the abnormal situation buildup and the people. Ramlal also in no time had his fluids coming out of his lund and this time I had his ‘lund darshan’ also as he poured that hot white fluid into a bowl. This was the first time I was seeing a male dick apart from my hubby’s! I could hear my heart beat seeing that black rod oozing the white fluid. Oh! What a site! All women love that, but not to go in waste like this, but to be in their honey pots.

I now tried to do mind control as Guru-ji advised me in the morning. I already had my first orgasm out of the total four I need in two days as per Guru-ji. I quickly adjusted my clothing, though there was not much left to do. Ramlal stood there half naked with his lund hanging like a banana again as his erection was gone due to the discharge. My condition was also like Ramlal’s penis, fully exhausted.

Master-ji now took the bowl from Ramlal and kept a safe distance and offered his semen to the snakes and to my utter disbelief the snakes started sipping that! But after gulping some, they lifted their heads from the bowl and thankfully turned back and left the room quietly. We all were so relieved and the whole episode ended there.

Not much happened after that, except for Master-ji did give me a better fitting blouse tallying the measurements noted in the notebook and I wore that in front of these two males taking my present blouse off and giving them a clear view of my fair, smooth back and midriff, the only cover being my bra strap, and then I wore my sari, and before I left…

Master-ji: Okay Madam, all’s well that ends well. We are saved from the snakes. Thanks for your cooperation. But do let me know if you feel a problem with this new blouse. I will send a couple more through Uday.

Me: Thanks Master-ji.

Master-ji: And Madam, when you get time from ashram in the afternoon, you can come down here and I can solve the problem with your panty also.

I nodded and came out of the room. I was quite exhausted and feeling pretty much ashamed too about what happened just now in this tailor’s room.

Uday came back to the tailor’s place in another 10 minutes and till such time I had to tolerate Ramlal’s ogling at my youthful figure. Coming back to ashram first thing I did was to take a bath and the herbal waters seemed to work wonders for me. I was so fresh again and honestly felt like having another orgasm. Before that Nirmal came to take the pad, which I was wearing within my panty. He told that Guru-ji would replace a new one after each of my outdoor visit. I took rest in the afternoon after lunch and was time and again recapitulating what I did with Master-ji and Ramlal. My ears turned red as I thought of Master-ji taking my blouse measurements, me doing a half-dance for Ramlal’s masturbation, and finally Ramlal’s rough touches on my lower part of the body. I could not sleep properly due to these horny thoughts.