Mature desi milf in the nude and showing her big titties

Guruji Ka Sex Treatment - Part 15

Published on: 2023-06-03 22:50:11

Had a long tight sleep and when I awakened next morning, it was certainly quite late. But since there was no activity today, I was lazy to leave the bed. I looked at the clock and it was 09:30 a.m. I stretched out my body to get the hangover out - I felt very refreshed – actually the uninterrupted long sleep and the sexual intercourse that I had last night made me feel at very high spirits.

Soon I realized that I was hungry and of course it was quite late in the morning. I left the bed, combed and bunched up my hair, and went to the toilet. As I emptied my bladder, I felt more relaxed and revitalized. I changed my nighty and was in the usual attire of the saffron sari and blouse. I opened the door to look for my breakfast.

Nirmal: Madam, breakfast is ready. Shall I serve it?

I was rather surprised at that service. Nirmal was sitting by the door of my room in a stool and as soon as I sneaked my head out, he was ready with the offer!

Me: Err… I mean… yes, of course.

I was pretty much pleased.

Nirmal: Guru-ji instructed me to wait here and to see no one knocks at your door and to serve you breakfast as soon as you get up.

Me: Oh! (smiling) So nice of him!

Nirmal went off to get the breakfast and I thanked Guru-ji in my mind. The broad daylight outside as if wiped off all concerns and humiliations from my mind and I felt very “light”, both mentally and physically. In fact I was experiencing the same “feel good” thing that I generally have on a Sunday morning when I woke up (as my husband fucks me mostly on Saturday nights, Saturday being a low day in his business activities) and throughout the day I have “additional” energy.

Nirmal was swift enough to serve me the breakfast and since I was having a robust appetite I completed the breakfast in record time! During my breakfast, when I was taking the banana peel off, I smiled to myself as the curved full-sized banana that I ate resembled very much Guru-ji’s lund size!

I was about to wash my hands when Nirmal tapped on the door.

Nirmal: Madam, there is a visitor for you.

Me: Visitor! For me?

Nirmal: He came once earlier this week.

Me: Oho… then it must be Mama-ji! Have you…?

Nirmal: Yes, yes Madam. He is waiting at the reception.

I was naturally quite happy to know Mama-ji had come again. Though he did say when he visited me a few days back that he would come again, but honestly I didn’t count on that. My mother-in-law had requested him and he visited me once since he lived in the nearby town – I thought the formality ended there, but knowing that he had come again made me feel very high about Mama-ji. He was 50+ and that he took the pain to pay a visit again made me feel very warm at heart and my regards for Mama-ji escalated immensely.

I hurried to the reception of the ashram where Mama-ji was waiting for me.

Mama-ji: Aah! Bahurani! Good to see you again.

I offered a pranam to him touching his feet.

Mama-ji (holding my arms): Its okay, its okay… So how are you?

Me: Fine Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, today you are looking very lively! Did Rajesh call you up or what? Ha ha ha…

I laughed and blushed a shade and said in my mind “any woman getting such a grand fuck at night would look sparkling next morning.”

Mama-ji: I already had a talk with Guru-ji and he has given the permission.

Me: Permission for what Mama-ji? (I was visibly surprised).

Mama-ji: Arre Bahurani, you have come so near to my place, how can I just leave you to go back like that!

Me: O! So nice of you! (I was honestly very overjoyed getting the opportunity to get out of the ashram) But… but will Guru-ji…

Mama-ji: I have taken care of that aspect Bahurani. Guru-ji said that you are undergoing Maha-yagya and the closing will be done tonight, but you are free till 7 p.m. today and by that time you can easily visit my place and come back.

Me: O! Really! (I almost screamed like a child)

Mama-ji: Yes Bahurani! It will take just an hour to reach my place and I will surely drop you back here by 6 p.m.

Me: Bah! Will be a good outing for me. Honestly I was feeling somewhat choked within the periphery of the ashram Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Yes, should be a good outing for you.

Me: You know Mama-ji, I had told Rajesh many a times to take me to your place, but unfortunately that never happened. I have heard about your library from him.

Mama-ji: Then let us not waste any more time. You take Guru-ji’s permission and come down. I will wait here.

I was quite thrilled and rushed to have a word with Guru-ji who readily granted me the permission to go with Mama-ji, but with the warning to get back by 7 in the evening. I got back to my room - quickly washed my face, combed and tied my hair neatly, adjusted my sari and blouse tying my petticoat more securely, wore a bindi, and was ready to move out. I took a carry bag where I took a spare sari-blouse and a spare set of undergarments.

Me: Mama-ji, am ready!

Mama-ji: Wow! Generally you ladies take so much time… He he he…

We moved out of the ashram and proceeded towards his car.

Mama-ji: What’s in that bag Bahurani?

Me: Mama-ji, actually I am not allowed to wear anything else apart from what’s given from the ashram, so just carrying a spare sari and blouse.

Mama-ji: Oho! Good! Good! I completely forgot that I do not have anything for you to wear there. Since I live alone, only my clothes are there…Ha ha ha…

Me: That’s understandable Mama-ji.

We reached his car. Mama-ji took the driver’s seta and I sat beside him in the front seat.

Mama-ji: My sister would be very glad if he knows that I have taken you to my place.

Me: Yes surely. Mom talks of you so very often!

Mama-ji: Hmm… Would you mind Bahurani if I switch on some music?

Me: No, no. Not at all.

Mama-ji was holding the steering with his right hand and started pulling the cover of the shelf (where the cassettes were there), which was just in front of me. I tried to pull away a bit towards the window as his left elbow was hanging very awkwardly before by mammaries as he was trying to open the shelf cover.

Mama-ji: Confounded thing! Why does it not open up!

Mama-ji was pulling the knob of the cover very hard and was simultaneously keeping an eye on the road. The cover was stuck and was not opening up and Mama-ji continued to exert more and more pressure.

Me: Oooo! Ouch!

Mama-ji’s angled arm directly hit my right boob from the front as the shelf cover did open at last!

Mama-ji: So… Sorry Beti… it was stuck so hard…

It was a precarious situation. I knew it was totally unintentional on Mama-ji’s part, but his arm hit directly on my breast and pressed my proud flesh very openly, which made me gasp like anything! Mama-ji also appeared very tentative, as he also probably did not expect such a situation. He was an elderly person and of course respected so much by me, and he suddenly hitting and pressing my breast created a very embarrassing situation. I tried to save the situation by adjusting my pallu, but knew very well that the back of Mama-ji’s palm clearly measured the firmness and tightness of my 30-year-old matured breasts.

Naturally I blushed very heavily and tried to look outside the window. I again pulled my pallu more securely over my breasts in trying to be normal.

Mama-ji: Hope it didn’t hurt you Bahurani.

I turned my head towards him and noticed that Mama-ji was directly looking at my ripe proud mammaries and I felt so very ashamed that I had to turn my head again towards the window. I could sense very well that Mama-ji got a clear hint of my boob firmness through this incident and he was in fact stealing glances of my round tits under my sari pallu as he drove the car. I was really not sure whether it was my mind thinking too much on the matter or was he really peeping at my protruding boobs!

After sometime mama-ji took out a cassette from the shelf and put it on the player. I already was breathing a shade heavier and could sense that my nipples were raising their heads slowly within my brassiere.

Mama-ji: So what is Guru-ji saying? Is he happy with your treatment process?

Me: Ye… yes Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: He was saying that you just completed the first half of the Maha-yagya yesterday night…

A tremor as if passed through my whole body. How much has Guru-ji revealed to Mama-ji? My Goodness! It would be very, very shameful for me if Mama-ji happens to know what were the steps in the Yoni Puja, which I had to undertake. Would Guru-ji reveal ashram secrets to outsiders? Probably not, but still I was having a dry throat in my anxiousness.

Me: Ye… yes. I am also hopeful that my wish would… would come true after…

Mama-ji: By the way Bahurani, what’s actually this Maha-yagya? How different is it from other yagyas?

Seems Mama-ji was not aware of everything that goes on behind the closed doors of the ashram. I breathed easy.

Me: Nothing… not much difference Mama-ji… It’s all about… about rituals, off… err… offering etc. but in great detail.

Mama-ji: Guru-ji was saying it’s very strenuous …

Me: Yes… yes…. Very tiring… actually you need to sit for very long hours. L-o-n-g prayers also.

I tried my best to cut discussions regarding ashram short - firstly because he was a male, moreover quite elderly, and most importantly he was a relative of mine from my husband’s side. So, if by any chance he gets to know of my “acts” in the ashram, I would stand nowhere in my “sasural”. Hence very consciously I deviated the topic.

Me: Mama-ji, one thing I must admit… you look pretty fit even at this age… What’s the secret? (I asked smiling cutely)

Mama-ji (immediately happiness flushed on his face) He he… I do exercise regularly Bahurani and you know also sticks to a restricted diet.

Me: O! That’s really good to know. You should give some tips to Rajesh… He’s so lazy…

Mama-ji: Ha ha ha… Lazy? Even when you are around? Ha ha ha….

He started laughing very loudly at his own double-meaning comment and I also pretended to have felt very shy.

As I lifted my chin up and looked through the windscreen suddenly I noted that there were a few boys and girls standing at some distance on the road and waving their hands to us! I was obviously curious and as I turned towards Mama-ji and he also had noticed them.

Mama-ji: Must be in trouble. Seems their car has a flat tyre!

Within moments we reached where the boys and girls were standing and Mama-ji stopped the car.

Mama-ji: What’s up?

One of the boys came near and briefed that their car had a flat tyre and they did not have a spare one and he requested for a lift to some place called “Shekhapura”. I noted that there were individuals (two boys and three girls), all appeared to be college students, and very evidently city-based (from their modern outfits).

Mama-ji agreed to provide them the “lift” and I also gave the nod as I thought how long would they remain stranded like that on this road!

Mama-ji: One of you come to the front and rest can sit at the back…

Girl-1: Sure Sir, no problems at all. Pinky, you sit in the front.

The girl named Pinky came and sat beside me. She was slightly overweight and since she was wearing a fairly tight skirt and top, her breasts and hips looked very prominent. The other two girls were wearing jeans and short kurti.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, do one thing, you keep one leg on each side of the gear… then you both can sit comfortably…

Mama-ji remarked seeing that neither that girl nor myself was unable to sit properly due to our macro-sized bases.

Me: O… okay!

I shifted towards Mama-ji and guided my right leg to the other side of the gear. Now the gear was exactly between my legs and I could jolly well feel that it was a “suicidal” idea for any female to sit like that in a moving car, but there was hardly anything I could also!

I had shifted significantly towards Mama-ji in accommodating that girl Pinky. She had a significantly large and round ass for her age and now the right side of my body was touching Mama-ji’s body.

Mama-ji: Okay, can we start?

The boys and girls from the back chorused: Sure sir!

Mama-ji started a casual chat with the crowd in the car, but I was very conscious of my condition due to the dangling gear in between my thighs! As Mama-ji was changing the gear, each time his left hand brushed my thighs and not only that as and when he was lowering the gear it was aiming almost my choot!

My whole body got stiff each time there was a change in gear position.

The new thing that added to my misery was with each turn on the road towards left, as Mama-ji turned the steering wheel, I felt his elbow nudging and pressing on my firm right breast. I could not even use my arm to protect my boobs because that would look very rude.

The girl beside me (Pinky) was talking to me (just formality chat) and I was replying to her, but I was very conscious as Mama-ji was frequently changing the gear. I was trying to manage somehow, but as I looked towards that girl from her right side, I noticed that her breasts protruded so very prominently through her tight top that anyone could make out the size and shape of her twin peaks! I wondered how could a grown up girl wear such a thing! Was she not aware that everybody would look at her tits, as they were so very evident through her dress? Not only that, the fabric of the top she was wearing was also not very thick and decent, and hence if anyone sees a bit minutely could easily trace her bra position inside her tight top! How shameless these city girls are!

Just then there was a sharp U-turn and I had no other option but to clench my fist and close my eyes because as Mama-ji rotated the steering wheel, I immediately felt his elbow digging deep in my firm boob flesh and when he kept the wheel in one constant position for the turn, he was actually poking my right boob in a very offending manner. Mama-ji’s left elbow remained tightly pressed on my breast and it was indeed a tongue-tied situation for me in the literal sense.

I looked from the corner of my eye towards Mama-ji, but he seemed very attentive towards driving though his elbow was constantly pushing my breast! Was Mama-ji so ignorant? Couldn’t be! I was a bit puzzled. Since I was wearing one of those brassieres, which fitted very tightly on my tits, the firmness and sponginess was of course more today. I was not a teenager that he could just ignore, I was a matured lady… How could Mama-ji totally ignore that?

Could it not be that he treated me like his daughter and hence it was just a situational occurrence? I rebuked myself and was sure that Mama-ji did not do that on purpose and it was purely coincidental. Hence I slowly started accepting Mama-ji’s elbowing in a more free mind. I tried to concentrate on the scenery outside, but unfortunately this road had so many turns that it became quite impossible for me to remain just nonchalant.

As time passed I could feel Mama-ji’s elbow digging in deeper and with time more decisively into my boob as he turned the steering wheel. I was definitely feeling wet inside my pussy and my boob flesh started getting hugely taut. Mama-ji was absolutely ignorant, but my face had turned crimson, as the process was quite regular supplemented by the gear action in between my sari-covered thighs.

The initial chat etc. had stopped and everybody was silent as the car raced on at a decent speed. The girl next to me was already in a semi-slumber, there was no sound from the back seat also, and Mama-ji as usual was all focused on driving. Just then I happened to raise my eyes and looked through the viewfinder just above my head inside the car.

My mouth simply opened wide! From my angle I could see only one girl and one boy on the back seat. I saw that the girl was sitting with her head on the boy’s shoulder and the boy had one of his hands encircling her over her shoulder. This much was okay, but I did notice that the upper two buttons on the girl’s top was open and the boy’s hand was freely moving on her chest area!

I was already somewhat aroused by Mama-ji’s “driving” and gulping that scene my heart started racing faster immediately. For the moment Mama-ji’s touched remained obscured from my mind and I was keen to watch more. The boy was also lightly kissing the girl’s cheeks and hairs and once I saw he cupped the girl’s perky breast fully with his hand coming from above her shoulder. He gave it a long, tight squeeze and naturally the girl had her eyes closed and was enjoying the whole thing.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, am having hindrance to guide the gear… if you can just keep your legs a bit more spaced out…

Me: Uuuh? Oh! Okay Mama-ji…

I was so keen watching the viewfinder that I readily agreed to what Mama-ji said, but unfortunately since on one side Pinky was sleeping with very much parted legs and Mama-ji sitting on the other side, there was not much space for me to spread my thighs.

Mama-ji: (Seeing that I was unable to do it properly): Let me help you…

Mama-ji now himself grabbed my right thigh over my sari and pulled it towards him trying to create space for the gear to move freely. No way did I expect that, but seeing Mama-ji’s expression I realized it was an honest effort from the elderly person.

Mama-ji: Now it’s okay. I hope you are not uncomfortable Bahurani?

Me: No… no.

In the process my right thigh was pressed more tightly on Mama-ji’s leg and he must be feeling the smoothness and silkiness of my plump sari-covered thigh. I was eager to look up at the viewfinder again and the scene there had of course heated up! I saw the boy had glided his hand through the open buttons of the girl’s top and was massaging her breasts inside her brassiere! The girl now was sitting more close to him, almost on his lap!

Suddenly I felt a pinch on my firm thigh flesh and looked very surprisingly at Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: He was saying that you just completed the first half of the Maha-yagya yesterday night…

A tremor as if passed through my whole body. How much has Guru-ji revealed to Mama-ji? My Goodness! It would be very, very shameful for me if Mama-ji happens to know what were the steps in the Yoni Puja, which I had to undertake. Would Guru-ji reveal ashram secrets to outsiders? Probably not, but still I was having a dry throat in my anxiousness.

Me: Ye… yes. I am also hopeful that my wish would… would come true after…

Mama-ji: By the way Bahurani, what’s actually this Maha-yagya? How different is it from other yagyas?

Seems Mama-ji was not aware of everything that goes on behind the closed doors of the ashram. I breathed easy.

Me: Nothing… not much difference Mama-ji… It’s all about… about rituals, off… err… offering etc. but in great detail.

Mama-ji: Guru-ji was saying it’s very strenuous …

Me: Yes… yes…. Very tiring… actually you need to sit for very long hours. L-o-n-g prayers also.

I tried my best to cut discussions regarding ashram short - firstly because he was a male, moreover quite elderly, and most importantly he was a relative of mine from my husband’s side. So, if by any chance he gets to know of my “acts” in the ashram, I would stand nowhere in my “sasural”. Hence very consciously I deviated the topic.

Me: Mama-ji, one thing I must admit… you look pretty fit even at this age… What’s the secret? (I asked smiling cutely)

Mama-ji (immediately happiness flushed on his face) He he… I do exercise regularly Bahurani and you know also sticks to a restricted diet.

Me: O! That’s really good to know. You should give some tips to Rajesh… He’s so lazy…

Mama-ji: Ha ha ha… Lazy? Even when you are around? Ha ha ha….

He started laughing very loudly at his own double-meaning comment and I also pretended to have felt very shy.

As I lifted my chin up and looked through the windscreen suddenly I noted that there were a few boys and girls standing at some distance on the road and waving their hands to us! I was obviously curious and as I turned towards Mama-ji and he also had noticed them.

Mama-ji: Must be in trouble. Seems their car has a flat tyre!

Within moments we reached where the boys and girls were standing and Mama-ji stopped the car.

Mama-ji: What’s up?

One of the boys came near and briefed that their car had a flat tyre and they did not have a spare one and he requested for a lift to some place called “Shekhapura”. I noted that there were individuals (two boys and three girls), all appeared to be college students, and very evidently city-based (from their modern outfits).

Mama-ji agreed to provide them the “lift” and I also gave the nod as I thought how long would they remain stranded like that on this road!

Mama-ji: One of you come to the front and rest can sit at the back…

Girl-1: Sure Sir, no problems at all. Pinky, you sit in the front.

The girl named Pinky came and sat beside me. She was slightly overweight and since she was wearing a fairly tight skirt and top, her breasts and hips looked very prominent. The other two girls were wearing jeans and short kurti.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, do one thing, you keep one leg on each side of the gear… then you both can sit comfortably…

Mama-ji remarked seeing that neither that girl nor myself was unable to sit properly due to our macro-sized bases.

Me: O… okay!

I shifted towards Mama-ji and guided my right leg to the other side of the gear. Now the gear was exactly between my legs and I could jolly well feel that it was a “suicidal” idea for any female to sit like that in a moving car, but there was hardly anything I could also!

I had shifted significantly towards Mama-ji in accommodating that girl Pinky. She had a significantly large and round ass for her age and now the right side of my body was touching Mama-ji’s body.

Mama-ji: Okay, can we start?

The boys and girls from the back chorused: Sure sir!

Mama-ji started a casual chat with the crowd in the car, but I was very conscious of my condition due to the dangling gear in between my thighs! As Mama-ji was changing the gear, each time his left hand brushed my thighs and not only that as and when he was lowering the gear it was aiming almost my choot!

My whole body got stiff each time there was a change in gear position.

The new thing that added to my misery was with each turn on the road towards left, as Mama-ji turned the steering wheel, I felt his elbow nudging and pressing on my firm right breast. I could not even use my arm to protect my boobs because that would look very rude.

The girl beside me (Pinky) was talking to me (just formality chat) and I was replying to her, but I was very conscious as Mama-ji was frequently changing the gear. I was trying to manage somehow, but as I looked towards that girl from her right side, I noticed that her breasts protruded so very prominently through her tight top that anyone could make out the size and shape of her twin peaks! I wondered how could a grown up girl wear such a thing! Was she not aware that everybody would look at her tits, as they were so very evident through her dress? Not only that, the fabric of the top she was wearing was also not very thick and decent, and hence if anyone sees a bit minutely could easily trace her bra position inside her tight top! How shameless these city girls are!

Just then there was a sharp U-turn and I had no other option but to clench my fist and close my eyes because as Mama-ji rotated the steering wheel, I immediately felt his elbow digging deep in my firm boob flesh and when he kept the wheel in one constant position for the turn, he was actually poking my right boob in a very offending manner. Mama-ji’s left elbow remained tightly pressed on my breast and it was indeed a tongue-tied situation for me in the literal sense.

I looked from the corner of my eye towards Mama-ji, but he seemed very attentive towards driving though his elbow was constantly pushing my breast! Was Mama-ji so ignorant? Couldn’t be! I was a bit puzzled. Since I was wearing one of those brassieres, which fitted very tightly on my tits, the firmness and sponginess was of course more today. I was not a teenager that he could just ignore, I was a matured lady… How could Mama-ji totally ignore that?

Could it not be that he treated me like his daughter and hence it was just a situational occurrence? I rebuked myself and was sure that Mama-ji did not do that on purpose and it was purely coincidental. Hence I slowly started accepting Mama-ji’s elbowing in a more free mind. I tried to concentrate on the scenery outside, but unfortunately this road had so many turns that it became quite impossible for me to remain just nonchalant.

As time passed I could feel Mama-ji’s elbow digging in deeper and with time more decisively into my boob as he turned the steering wheel. I was definitely feeling wet inside my pussy and my boob flesh started getting hugely taut. Mama-ji was absolutely ignorant, but my face had turned crimson, as the process was quite regular supplemented by the gear action in between my sari-covered thighs.

The initial chat etc. had stopped and everybody was silent as the car raced on at a decent speed. The girl next to me was already in a semi-slumber, there was no sound from the back seat also, and Mama-ji as usual was all focussed on driving. Just then I happened to raise my eyes and looked through the viewfinder just above my head inside the car.

My mouth simply opened wide! From my angle I could see only one girl and one boy on the back seat. I saw that the girl was sitting with her head on the boy’s shoulder and the boy had one of his hands encircling her over her shoulder. This much was okay, but I did notice that the upper two buttons on the girl’s top was open and the boy’s hand was freely moving on her chest area!

I was already somewhat aroused by Mama-ji’s “driving” and gulping that scene my heart started racing faster immediately. For the moment Mama-ji’s touched remained obscured from my mind and I was keen to watch more. The boy was also lightly kissing the girl’s cheeks and hairs and once I saw he cupped the girl’s perky breast fully with his hand coming from above her shoulder. He gave it a long, tight squeeze and naturally the girl had her eyes closed and was enjoying the whole thing.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, am having hindrance to guide the gear… if you can just keep your legs a bit more spaced out…

Me: Uuuh? Oh! Okay Mama-ji…

I was so keen watching the viewfinder that I readily agreed to what Mama-ji said, but unfortunately since on one side Pinky was sleeping with very much parted legs and Mama-ji sitting on the other side, there was not much space for me to spread my thighs.

Mama-ji: (Seeing that I was unable to do it properly): Let me help you…

Mama-ji now himself grabbed my right thigh over my sari and pulled it towards him trying to create space for the gear to move freely. No way did I expect that, but seeing Mama-ji’s expression I realized it was an honest effort from the elderly person.

Mama-ji: Now it’s okay. I hope you are not uncomfortable Bahurani?

Me: No… no.

In the process my right thigh was pressed more tightly on Mama-ji’s leg and he must be feeling the smoothness and silkiness of my plump sari-covered thigh. I was eager to look up at the viewfinder again and the scene there had of course heated up! I saw the boy had glided his hand through the open buttons of the girl’s top and was massaging her breasts inside her brassiere! The girl now was sitting more close to him, almost on his lap!

Suddenly I felt a pinch on my firm thigh flesh and looked very surprisingly at Mama-ji.

Mama-ji drove the car into the portico of the house and garaged it beside the garden. It was a nice small one storied bungalow type house, quite well maintained.

Mama-ji: I do all this gardening and landscaping myself.

Me: Very nice Mama-ji.

We entered the house and honestly I was feeling a bit odd being alone only with Mama-ji in the house. There was no other person present. Even the maid was missing as she was on leave. Mama-ji showed me the interiors, which comprised of one bedroom, a dining space, a library, a kitchen, a toilet, and a verandah. I kept my carry bag in Mama-ji’s bedroom and used the conveniences.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, garma garam chaye!

Mama-ji placed the tray on the center table. He had brought some cakes and sweets also.

Me: How could you prepare so quickly? (I was visibly surprised)

Mama-ji: Ha ha… I had prepared before I left and kept it in the thermos.

Me: Oh!

The couches that were there in the dining space looked rather odd to me and as I sat on one of them I realized the problem. It was okay for relaxing but for any female to sit like that was pretty odd. The cushion of the couch was unusually soft and spongy and naturally for a heavy bottomed woman like me, I just dug deeper and deeper into the couch. I grabbed the hand-rests of the couch for balance, but my hips descended so much inside that I looked horrible in that posture!

Mama-ji: Uhu! Not like that Bahurani. Sit in a relaxed manner! Like this… These are imported settees. Very comfortable, but you must release your body fully on the backrest. Aaah!

Seeing Mama-ji, I gently released my body weight to the backrest and yes, definitely I felt at ease, but the sitting position was honestly rather awkward for any female, especially in front of any male. It was okay that Mama-ji was my relative, but still…

My heavy ass dug so deep into the seat that it made my legs lose grip off the floor and they hung in the air and my head rested back. Generally we females tend to sit with our legs closed or crossed when we are in an unfamiliar environment, but this couch was made in such a way that it was extremely difficult to keep legs together just because the hip was going so deep down. My legs also remained parted (must have been looking rather indecent as Mama-ji was sitting directly opposite to me) as I leaned back significantly due to the backrest.

It was okay for any male to sit like that as Mama-ji was relaxing and sipping the tea, but for a woman to sit like that was cumbersome. Mama-ji probably read my mind.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you have just traveled some good kilometers, so just relax now and have the tea. I know when one first sits on this couch, he or she remains a bit stiff, but if you enjoy the sitting, you will surely like it.

Me: Ye… yes Mama-ji, but it is quite…

Mama-ji: Yes, I know Beti… But unless you slacken your muscles a bit, you will not feel the… .

Me: O… Okay….

I obeyed Mama-ji and loosened my muscles and as a result my sari-covered round fleshy bottom dug an inch or tow more into the cushion and my knees separated (which I had been keeping together) as I supported my head on the backrest. I was slowly getting accustomed and after a while as I sipped the tea my legs spread apart inside my sari as I relaxed on that unique couch.

Mama-ji: How’s the tea Beti?

Me: Very nice Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Ha ha… Good. You know it feels so good if someone comes here, like today you have come…. But alas! All of my blood relations have scattered out… and there is hardly any time for this old man…

Me: Don’t say like that Mama-ji… Actually since you leave alone, you sense that a shade more.

Mama-ji: Hmm… may be! I pass my days now with two or three friends here who are almost my age and also by giving tuition to the boys and girls of our locality.

Me: In which subject do you give tuition Mama-ji?

Mama-ji: Why? Will you take my tuition? Ha ha ha…

We both were smiling.

Mama-ji: Mainly mathematics, but not lower classes, I don’t have the patience now… so I restrict to only classes XI and XII.

Me: I see.

I was feeling slightly uncomfortable now as my panty borders had shifted a bit and were cutting marginally on my groins. Though it was not an intolerable situation, but since I had been sitting in the car in a stiff posture for a prolonged period of time, it must have happened. Mama-ji was right in front of me, so obviously there was no question of me trying to adjust my panty. I continued like that though could clearly feel that the edges of my panty were pressing on my groin.

Mama-ji: Anyway, tell me how’s Rajesh’s business going? I hope all is well?

Me: Yes Mama-ji, his business is going okay, but he has to spend a lot of time in it.

Mama-ji: Ha ha … Shall I consider it as a complain?

Me: (blushing) No, no.

Mama-ji: Still I got the message the way you said it. Ha ha… Anyway, he is staying at night with you naa… Ha ha ha…

I smiled, blushing again.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, whatever you say, you are looking extremely odd in this saffron sari within the house. Seems like some Sanyasini has come …. Ha ha ha..

Me: Yes Mama-ji I know, but I should not break the ashram code.

Mama-ji: But unlike the ashram no one is vigilant on you here!

Me: That’s true. But…

Mama-ji: Okay, but tell me do you always wear this outfit there? I mean even while sleeping also?

Me: No, no Mama-ji. I wear a nighty, but that too is given by the ashram.

Mama-ji: O! I see. But anyway Bahurani you saved me from getting into an awkward situation… (he was smilingly mischievously)

Me: (amused) How?

Mama-ji: If you wished to change your sari, I am not in a position to give you a spare one. Obviously there are no female garments in my house. Ha ha ha… I only have shirts and trousers to offer you. At most I can give you a vest and a pajama to wear…. Ha ha ha…

I smiled back to him with a crimson shade on my face.

Mama-ji: Though there are some saris etc. of my maidservant kept here for emergency purpose, but obviously I can never offer that to my Bahurani.

I smiled again and sipped the tea. Just then Mama-ji stood up from the couch. He has finished his tea. He came near me. I was definitely feeling a bit uncomfortable as he came very near to me and looked down at me while talking. I was sitting in a clumsy fashion in that couch - both my legs were spread and since my buttocks had sunk deep my sari stretched on my thighs making them more prominent and my twin tits appeared like two small hillocks on display as my upper body leaned back on the backrest of the couch.

Fortunately I was wearing a sari; had I been wearing a salwar-kamiz and sitting in this couch, surely it would look rather obscene because from the opposite low angle Mama-ji certainly would have been able to peep into my kamiz from below due to my parted legs. Simultaneously the thought of myself wearing the Maha-yagya paridhan and sitting on this couch came to my mind and I instantly blushed and smiled within myself thinking of the outrageous upskirt view I would have provided to Mama-ji sitting opposite to me!

Mama-ji: Bahurani, I will just take a break for 15-20 minutes, as I have to attend some urgent garden work. Till such time you can have a look at the house and also go to the roof if you like. Otherwise you can just relax here also … okay?

Me: Ji… ji Mama-ji.

I completed the tea and took a couple of sweets, which tasted really nice. As Mama-ji went outside to the garden, I stretched myself and tried to feel more relaxed and automatically now my legs got parted even more (I wondered what would happen to a girl if she sits in this couch wearing a knee-length skirt!)

However, as I continued to relax on that couch, I had to admit in my mind that it was extremely comfortable because once I released my full body weight onto it and was not stiff any longer, it really was a great feeling! At the same time I concluded that this sort of couch should not be kept in the dining, but rather in a private place (like bedroom or a somewhat closed verandah) so that females could also use it effectively. The backrest was so awkwardly deep that when I released my body fully to lean and rest on it, my big boobs looked like two floating balloons under my sari! By no means it could be termed decent for a matured woman to sit and relax on this sort of a couch (especially in front of any male).

After a while, I got up and thought of taking a walk within the house. Mama-ji was outside working in the garden. I started with the kitchen, which was substantially big and spacious. All the utensils, plates, cups, spice bottles, etc. were kept very neatly and I appreciated Mama-ji’s maid’s work in my mind.

Me: Surely Mama-ji! (I relied with a smiling face alighting from the stool on which I was sitting)

Radheshyam Uncle: Actually Beti I can walk with the help of this cane, but in the toilet I need help. Hope you would not mind helping this old man… Ha ha ha…

Me: No, no. Not at all.

Mama-ji went to the bedroom to change and Radheshyam Uncle took baby steps towards the bathroom. I also accompanied him walking side by side.

I opened the bathroom door for him. Radheshyam Uncle slowly stepped inside and put his cane on the bathroom hook. As soon as he was without the cane, he visibly had an unstable gait. I quickly held him by his hand and shoulder.

Radheshyam Uncle: Beti, can you please hold my shirt like this…

He indicated to lift up his shirt at his waist so that he could open the zip of his trouser. I did as he instructed. I should have tugged my pallu in my waist as it was slipping off my breasts as I had bent marginally.

Radheshyam Uncle: Oh! These zips… they never would come down smooth! (he was trying to pull down his zip with two hands)

I was feeling a bit tongue-tied as the position I was in I could not miss the sight of his penis; though he was pretty elderly and semi-disabled, my heart was beating a shade faster in anticipation of “lund darshan”.

Radheshyam Uncle: Ah! Got it! (he looked up at me)

My pallu was sliding down slowly and now almost my full blouse-covered left breast was visible. There was no way I could adjust it and I cursed myself for not being attentive about it. Radheshyam Uncle now took out his cock out of his chaddi…

My God! It was such a well-nourished, stiff dick, almost unbelievable for a man of his age! He smiled at me and started urinating. The smile was so suggestive…. I never expected such a gesture from an elderly man like him! In front of my eyes Radheshyam Uncle was peeing and I could clearly see the reddish bulb of his stout penis. Automatically I felt very awkward because though he looked significantly old, his lund was quite stout and stiff! Even though Radheshyam Uncle’s cock was not very long, but definitely it was pretty portly, which would attract any mature woman.

I tried my best to look elsewhere but the attraction of well-nourished penis is such for a married woman that time and again my eyes were coming down on his open fly. The stream was weak and Uncle urinated for a longer time than normal. I was so engrossed to watch his naked dick that had not noticed my pallu had almost slipped completely off my conical blouse covered peaks revealing my treasures.

The position was such that I could not shift any of the hands – I was supporting Radheshyam Uncle with one hand while with the other I was holding his lifted shirt. I noticed that Uncle was eyeing my big pomegranate breasts and looking at my exposed cleavage. It was so irritating, but there was nothing to do till he finished urination.

Radheshyam Uncle: Thanks Bahurani… please be kind enough to hold my shirt up for a little while more.

Me: O…okay uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle jerked his penis for unusually long time giving me a prolonged opportunity to view his naked penis. I wondered in the last few days how many male penises I had seen!

Radheshyam Uncle: Okay done.

Uncle angled his arm to pull down his shirt and his elbow straightaway hit my tight breasts and I immediately coiled up.

Radheshyam Uncle: Sorry Beti… actually… you can now hold me by my shoulders.

I tried to adjust my pallu first with one hand and held him with the other, but he was so unsteady that he was almost falling to one side during this act.

Radheshyam Uncle: B-a-h-u-r-a-n-i, do not take away your hand like that.

I reacted immediately and had to be extremely proactive to prevent his fall, but in the process was almost hugging him from the back. My full breasts pressed against his back as he was regained his standing posture.

Me: Oh! You scared me Uncle!

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani that’s my only problem, my gait. I really have no control on that.

Me: I can understand… (all this while my firm boobs remained tightly pressed on his back and Uncle must have enjoyed the fullness of my tits thoroughly on his back).

I myself was also feeling “hot” now – first being a spectator in that lewd chat, then seeing Uncle’s lund, and now pressing my breasts on his body – the effect was of course more as I was pantyless inside my sari.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, you come to my front and hold me so that I can get the cane.

Me: Okay…

I slowly came face to face with Radheshyam Uncle, being very cautious so that he did not get off balance, but in the process rubbed my big tight breasts on his body’s upper part as I finally came to his front. I did not know whether it was enough to charge up a 50+ man semi-disabled man like him or not, but I myself was indeed feeling a strong itch inside my choot.

Radheshyam Uncle: Now you hold me Bahurani so that I can…

Me: Yes, surely.

I held his waist as he raised his right arm to get the cane, but unfortunately the positioning was not right and he had to lean forward to reach the cane hung on the wall hook. His body weight started leaning towards me and though Radheshyam Uncle was not very bulky, it was a rather tight situation for me to keep his body weight holding on to his waist only. I had to shift my hands off his waist to hold him properly and more securely, but as I did that I noticed his whole body undulated like a free particle and I immediately grabbed him tightly to avoid a fall incident.

Radheshyam Uncle: B-a-h-u-r-a-n-i…

Me: Sorry Uncle. I forgot momentarily…

Now I was compelled to hold him by his body circumference, but the result was simply disastrous for me. It was almost like a full frontal hug for Uncle and with his one arm extended out for the cane, his unbalanced undulating body slipped into my embrace. As he bent further to reach for the cane, I was unable to bear his weight with my hands and though I tried my best to avoid that clumsy situation, it was inevitable. I was virtually hugging him from the front!

Things were worse since he had one arm folded near his chest (while his other arm was stretched out for the cane), he was in fact directly touching and pressing my big mammaries over my sari pallu and blouse with that hand! I could feel his pelvic area also pressing and pushing into my crotch! I never expected such a thing to happen in the toilet, but as soon as I got direct touches on my boob by a male hand, I started getting very excited. The sight of Uncle’s stiff and nourished cock (which I saw moments ago during his urination) also crept up in my mind. I could clearly sense the flow of libido in me and was getting excited by the touch of this near 60 man!

Uiiiaaahhhh…. (I murmured within myself)

My face pressed against his shoulder and armpit and the scent of male body odor made me more passionate! I completely forgot his age and the respect that existed between our relationship and embraced him more tightly with both hands (as if trying to hold him so that he could keep his balance). I was pretty sure Radheshyam Uncle could not miss that gesture of mine as my fingers dug deep into his skin and within moments I realized that he was also eager to use the opportunity! I felt that his bend arm had started working! Initially it was pressing on my breasts, but now I could clearly feel that his fingers pressed on my firm boob flesh and trying to cup my big-sized developed tit.

Radheshyam Uncle: Ohh! Bahurani… I am feeling a bit lightheaded… Aah! Can you… can you please hold me for some more time?

Me: Of course Uncle. Please be stationary till you feel better.

Radheshyam Uncle: Oh… Okay… Thanks.

Was he really feeling lightheaded? God knows! Though his facial expressions were pretty convincing for me that he was feeling uneasy, but his body movements were certainly depicting a different story! His head suddenly drooped and rested on my shoulder.

Me: Uncle, are you okay?

Radheshyam Uncle: Umm… (sniffing my neck and hair) It happ… happens to me… will be okay soon.

Me: Okay, okay. You just reeee… (I almost gasped as his nose touched my neck) … relax. No… No problem.

I tried my best to appear normal to the aged man, but his movements were making me rather horny! As his head continued to lie on my shoulder and he was inhaling my hair aroma, his folded arm remained pressed on my breast directly. Additionally as he felt lightheaded he dropped his extended arm (which he had raised for the cane on the wall hook) behind my body and it landed on my round protruding ass. This time I was really feeling very uncomfortable, as I was not keen to advertise to Radheshyam Uncle that I was not wearing a panty under my sari. But as his body dropped and bent a bit due to his lightheadedness, his palm was right over my sari-covered left ass cheek. I was compelled to wriggle my ass and tried to shift a bit in my standing posture as I was feeling very uneasy and getting increasingly excited that way with a man embracing me with his left hand on my doodh and his right hand on my gaand!

It was not that I was not enjoying Uncle’s touches on my body, but he was making me rather crazy with his posture. Afterall I did not want to cross the decency level and go wild here in Mama-ji’s residence.

Radheshyam Uncle was continuously emitting sounds of different sorts (uff… aaafff… ohhh…) and simultaneously exerting more pressure on me. He kept his body weight almost fully on me and now though his head was somewhat stationary (not breathing in too much my hair aroma), his hands were making me gasp. I could feel Radheshyam Uncle was trying to stretch his fingers of his left hand, which was pressed between our bodies right over my mammaries, and in the process was actually squeezing and cupping my firm boob flesh. I just went mad – my nipples were fully erect by then and I was sure he could feel the poke of my stiff nipples on his fingers over the fabric of my blouse and brassiere. Naturally my lips began to part and I closed my eyes in elation and my fingers digging in more deep on Uncle’s back.

The next moment Radheshyam Uncle made me rather embarrassed as I could clearly make out that he was trying to be sure whether I was wearing anything under my sari. The way he was moving his palm on my whole ass and pressing certain areas made me very much convinced that he was trying to trace whether I was wearing a panty or not. When the old man was sure that I had nothing underneath my sari he gave me a very tight squeeze on my bottom. My whole face turned red being caught in a pantyless condition in the hands of this near 60 man. I realized that I had to resist now otherwise I might not stop Radheshyam Uncle from molesting me.

Me: Uncle, are you better now? I am really finding it difficult to hold you weight….

Radheshyam Uncle: Ahh… Yes, yes Bahurani. Sorry for that…

Uncle tried to stand straight and I also loosened my hug and he now finally took out his folded arm off my mammaries. Due to his groping my pallu had moved dangerously and I was exposing my cleavage along with the whole of my butter-colored upper breast area. As I was breathing heavily due to my excited state, the bulge of my boobs over my blouse was also very evident. Since I could not remove my hands off Uncle’s body, I could not adjust my sari pallu and thus shamelessly stood in that sexy condition. Radheshyam Uncle was of course eyeing my fully developed tits as he extended his arm again to reach the cane. This time he picked that up cleanly and at last he released me!

I immediately placed my pallu over my exposed boobs and wrapped my sari neatly on my body so that Mama-ji did not suspect anything.

Radheshyam Uncle: Sorry again Bahurani for the trouble.

Me (smiling) No, no, its okay.

I walked ahead of Uncle through the toilet door and as I looked back momentarily I did not miss his gaze over my full-sized butts. I dropped my eyelids in natural shame, as I was very much aware that he had the knowledge that I was wearing nothing under my sari. Our walk through the corridor was of course silent till we reached Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Oh! You took a long time!

Me: Actually Radheshyam Uncle was not feeling well….

Mama-ji: Oh! What’s is Radhe?

Radheshyam Uncle: Arre… don’t worry Arjun. Its my lightheadedness, which comes and goes throughout the day.

Mama-ji: O! I see. Bahurani, that’s an old friend of his… Ha ha ha…

Mama-ji distributed some candies, which tasted really good.

Radheshyam Uncle: Let me sit for a while to be fully fit again.

Mama-ji: Yes, take some rest. You know Bahurani, Radhe is just my age, but see how old he appears. That’s why I always say to exercise, but this lazy old fox won’t listen!

I said within myself that how much old Radheshyam Uncle might appear, his cock looked very strong and well nourished! I smiled. I was about to sit on the chair when…

Mama-ji: Arree! Bahurani! Wait… one sec.

I was about to sit and remained in that state hearing Mama-ji’s words and my big sari-covered bottom jutted out as I stood in that “about to sit posture”. I must have been looking horribly indecent as both Radheshyam Uncle and Mama-ji were staring keenly at my rear portion.

Mama-ji: (still looking towards my ass) What’s that patch?

Me: Where?

Mama-ji: There… on your… (he pointed towards my ass)

I immediately was alert and stood straight.

Mama-ji: Eh! A distinct black spot there… how did you get that?

I was visibly surprised as I was sure that I did not lean on anything so that I might catch any stain. I took my right hand to my backside (to be precise on my hips) and tried to trace that.

Me: Where? (I tried to see it by stretching my sari)

Mama-ji: Oho, let me show you. You cannot see it like that.

Mama-ji came near me and without even asking for a permission touched my firm ass cheek and pointed out the area on my sari where the stain was.

Me: Oho… okay… okay… but how did I….(In my mind I was cursing me like anything for taking off the panty; after Radheshyam Uncle, now Mama-ji also felt my ass!)

Mama-ji: Did you sit on anything in the toilet?

Me: Out of question Mama-ji. Ask Radheshyam Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: No, no. Bhahurani was helping me all along.

Mama-ji: Then, did you press your… I mean bottom on the wall etc.?

Me: No, no!

Mama-ji: Then how did such a big black spot come there? It was definitely not there when you went with Radhe, otherwise I would have told you then.

Me: That’s true also.

Now suddenly a point stroke me! Was it Radheshyam Uncle’s handiwork? I was pretty sure that I did not press my buttocks on anything, but he felt and pressed my ass with his hand for a fairly long time. Right, right! Uncle washed his hands after he took the cane from the wall hook! The rascal!

Mama-ji: Do one thing. Go and check in the mirror in my bedroom.

Me: Okay.

I was also keen to see the stain properly. I walked past both the buddhas and my sixth sense alerted me that they both were gaping at my large round swaying ass inside my sari as I entered Mama-ji’s bedroom. I checked in the mirror and it was surely looking very odd – a blackish stain on the saffron sari - right in the middle of ass. I rubbed it with my finger and tried to wipe it and then suddenly I heard footsteps inside the bedroom!

I was not only surprised, but also shocked seeing both men coming inside the room while I was virtually rubbing my ass in front of the mirror.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, do you have a spare sari with you?

I tried my best to hide my “taken aback” state and tried to act normally. Radheshyam Uncle took small steps and walked towards the bed and sat there! This irritated me even more.

Me: Yes Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Okay, but Bahurani, I think you would feel the best to wear a fresh set after your bath. Isn’t it?

Me: Yes, but…

Radheshyam Uncle: But Arjun, then how can Bahurani go out for marketing like this?

Mama-ji: But we need to make a move soon otherwise we will proceed to the market now only, otherwise will get late for lunch.

Me: But Mama-ji…

Mama-ji: Oho… Bahurani! There’s one simple way to get rid of this problem.

Radheshyam Uncle and myself both looked questionable at him.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, I have a washing machine and you won’t believe it dries things in minutes. I will just get that cleaned (again pointing towards my ass) and get it dried in the machine. Will take just about 15 minutes or so.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bah! That’s really good to know. What do you say Bahurani?

I was literally handicapped to put forward my view (though I tried), as they were just too elderly to me for a protest.

Me: But Mama-ji… err… You don’t take all that pain. I mean I can manage to my spare sari. (Though I was really not keen to change to the fresh sari without a bath as I had sweated a lot and gathered a lot of dust traveling)

Mama-ji: Bahurani… (there was certainly a change in Mama-ji’s voice).. I told you it’s just a matter of 15 minutes (it was more of an order).

Radheshyam Uncle: Yes Bahurani, when your mama-ji is saying, you just don’t worry.

I had very little choice after that and moreover I was a guest in Mama-ji’s residence, so could not also object much.

Me: O… Okay Mama-ji, as you say, but definitely you don’t have to wash the stain, I will do it myself…

Mama-ji: Oho… this girl is just too much… Just do as I say Bahurani! (the output definitely was very affirmative)

Me: (giving up) Ji… ji Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Okay then, give me the sari.

That was the shock of my life! How could I just take off my sari in front of him and Radheshyam Uncle? I looked up at him with an extremely frowned face.

Mama-ji seemed cool as if he asked me to do something very normal!

Mama-ji: What happened Bahurani?

Me: No, I mean… err…

Radheshyam Uncle: Arre Arjun, seems Bahurani is shying from us!

Mama-ji: Oooohhh! Ha ha ha…

I stood like an idiot in between the two elderly males who both started laughing loudly.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, really?

Radheshyam Uncle: This is the height Arjun! Ha ha ha…

I really did not understand what was so funny in that - I was hesitating to open my sari in front of two males – was that very peculiar? I was indeed feeling rather shy and reserved now with the simultaneous laughs from both males.

Mama-ji: (stopping his laugh suddenly) Do you want us to leave the room?

The question was so unexpectedly placed before me that I could not react and fumbled and made a mess of myself.

Me: No… err…. I mean…

Mama-ji: Radhe… come along. Lets wait outside… Bahurani is shying from us… He bhagwan…

Before I could react Radheshyam Uncle added something more.

Radheshyam Uncle: Arre Bitiya-rani, your husband had played naked in his lap. And you are shying from him? So many times your mama-ji had dressed up even your mother-in-law… and you are shying from him! That’s not expected! Anyway, we are going out of the room….

Saying that he was about to get up from the bed where he was sitting. He visibly seemed to be in pain as he was about to lift his body. I could well realize things were taking a different shape and quickly tried to resurrect the situation.

Me: No, no Mama-ji, I didn’t mean that. Please… I did not want to hurt you.

Mama-ji: No, no Bahurani, you were quite clear…

Me: Mama-ji… Mama-ji, am sorry. I know that you have seen Rajesh from his childhood and Radheshyam Uncle you were a childhood friend of my mother-in-law. (I was trying my best to butter them up) Actually I… I thought the other way round…

Radheshyam Uncle: What Bahurani?

Me: I… I thought you might feel offended if I open my sari in front of you. Afterall I am your family’s Bahu…

Mama-ji: Ohhh! Come on! Why should we feel upset?

Radheshyam Uncle: Ha ha ha… just see… we were taking you in a totally different way.

I smiled and was much relieved that I could save the situation.

Mama-ji: Anyway, lets not waste further time because we will get late then for shopping.

Radheshyam Uncle: Right, right! Bahurani, give your sari to Arjun.

Though I was very hesitant, but I did not want to exhibit that to them. Both males were staring at me as I dropped my sari off my breasts and started unwrapping it off my waist. Within moments I was standing in front of these elderly males clad in my blouse and petticoat.

Me: Here… here it is. (My eyes were towards the floor as I was indeed feeling rather shy standing like that in front of two men, almost my father’s age)

As I handed over my sari to Mama-ji and I noted he and Radheshyam Uncle both were eyeing my gorgeous toppling mammaries clasped in my blouse. My breasts appeared all the more prominent and erect as I was wearing a very tight bra that day.

Mama-ji: okay Beti, just wait for a while, I will get this stain cleaned.

Radheshyam Uncle: Come quickly Arjun.

Mama-ji: Yes surely.

I felt very awkward standing like that in the room in front of Radheshyam Uncle who was sitting on the bed.

Radheshyam Uncle: You resemble so much like your mother-in-law Bahurani!

I looked at him and saw clearly that he was openly stroking his lund with his hand inside his trousers! My goodness!

Radheshyam Uncle: Tulsi, I mean your mother-in-law also had a great body like you… (he seemed to be licking my whole body with his eyes!)

I was shocked by the boldness of Radheshyam Uncle and really did not know what to say.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, come and sit here… on the bed.

I had little alternative and stepped slowly towards the bed. Radheshyam Uncle patted the bed to indicate the position to sit. I felt very ashamed the way things were going, especially about my half-stripped state.

Radheshyam Uncle: You know Beti, when I am looking at you, it reminds me of my Tulsi…

“My Tulsi”? What did he mean?

I could not look straight into Uncle’s eyes, as I was aware that my cleavage was visible to him over my blouse. The fabric of my petticoat was also not very thick and as I sat on the bed, the outlines of my well-formed rotund thighs were traceable through my petticoat.

Still I looked questionably at him.

Radheshyam Uncle: You are surprised, isn’t it? But you know Bahurani, Tulsi was supposed to marry me, but…

Me: Marry you?

I was shocked to hear such a comment from Radheshyam Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: Yes Bahurani, but there was an unfortunate sudden clash between our parents, which did not allow that to happen. But we married each other in our minds. Ahh…

Me: Really! (Though I was pretty surprised to know this fact, I was in fact getting out of my shyness shell slowly)

Radheshyam Uncle: Yes Beti and now each time I am looking at you… it seems Tulsi is sitting in front of me! You resemble her so much bodily!

Uncle then paused for a moment before he exploded a “bomb”!

Radheshyam Uncle: You know Bahurani, Tulsi and I spent so many quiet afternoons in our house attic - just like you and me are sitting like this… just like you – clad only in her petticoat and blouse… Actually during that time talks of her marriage was going on and she used to dress up in sari all the time. We used to meet secretly you know…

Radheshyam Uncle paused very briefly and looking at my face continued.

Radheshyam Uncle: We used to meet in our house attic you know Bahurani and as soon as we were within closed doors we were in others arms… Ahhh… We then used to chat just like you and me are sitting here and most of the time Tulsi lost her sari in our hugs. Ha ha ha…

I was a bit staggered to hear such things about my mother-in-law and honestly did not know how to react. Radheshyam Uncle seemed to be relishing quite a bit as he narrated his private life with my mother-in-law!

Radheshyam Uncle: B-a-h-u-r-a-n-i… you are really making me nostalgic… your body, the way you are looking right now, your blouse (looking at my twin peaks), your petticoat (looking at my legs)… you definitely bear a strong resemblance to my Tulsi…

I smiled just a shade. What else could I do? I was praying for Mama-ji to come back so that I could break out of Radheshyam Uncle’s “nostalgia”. But unfortunately that was not the case and this man continued to relate personal details of my mother-in-law, which started making me significantly uncomfortable.

Radheshyam Uncle: As I was saying then also Bahurani, the fashion of wearing underpants has only evolved recently. I never saw Tulsi to wear one… Even you know Beti, at that time, women hardly wear a bra at home, unlike today, when I find my bahu always wearing one whether at home or going outside! The changing time… Huh!

What did he mean? How could he say that? Did he use to check lifting my mother-in-law’s skirt or sari? I was simply stunned listening to what he mentioned about his bahu!

Just then Mama-ji was back.

Oh! What a relief!

Mama-ji: Its done Bahurani, its absolutely clean now. I have kept it in the drier and should be dry in 5-10 minutes.

Me: O… okay… err… Thanks Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: The stain was oily type, where did you get it from?

Me: No clue!

Mama-ji: Have you checked Bahurani whether it had seep into your petticoat or not? Actually the fabric of your ashram sari is quite thin, so I was just…

Me: Ye… yes.. err… no.

Mama-ji: What yes/no? Stand up, let me see.

Again it was a compromising state for me, as I had to display my ass to my elderly relative. I did not argue and stood up, turned back and faced Radheshyam Uncle who was sitting on bed so that my round petticoat-covered buttocks faced Mama-ji. I could sense Mama-ji coming near to inspect my gaand from a closer proximity. Instantly my heart was beating faster as I was very much aware that I was not wearing a panty below my petticoat and my fleshy ass cheeks must have been visibly prominent through the sheer fabric of my petticoat.

Mama-ji: Thank God. You are safe Bahurani. It did not seep in.

Me: (I was so much relieved as I faced Mama-ji) Oh! Good to know that.

Mama-ji: So Bahurani? How much bore did this old man make you during this time? Ha ha ha…

Me: No… no, it was okay.

Mama-ji: Radhe, what were you chattering?

Radheshyam Uncle: Nothing, I was just telling her how much she resembles Tulsi.

Mama-ji: Ohh… Okay. But yaar, let bygones be bygones. You had an affair with my sister and it was our misfortune that it did not materialize at that time… that’s all.

Radheshyam Uncle: Agreed. But tell me Arjun does she not extraordinarily resemble Tulsi?

This again created an opportunity for the two “buddhas” to inspect my ripe jawani. I was surely looking rather sexy in that outfit and both males must have had a gala time feasting their eyes once again directly on my matured curves.

Mama-ji: Hmm… Bahurani, that’s true. Your physical appearance does remind me of my sister during her young days….

I did not know what to do and tried to remain normal though automatically me ears and face had turned red. But I was confused since if Mama-ji was comparing me with her sister at her young age, how could she have such a plump figure at that age!

“I am almost 30 now and my mother-in-law must have got married at 16 or 17! Then how…” I babbled in my mind.

Mama-ji: Anyway Bahurani…. Seems your uncle is quite charged up seeing you… Ha ha ha… Radhe, don’t just confuse her with Tulsi and do anything… Bahurani, just be careful… Ha ha ha…

I smiled and blushed as I was very much aware what he meant by his statement. I was quite astonished to see that an elderly man like mama-ji had no respect for her sister and was openly discussing her premarital affair like this!

Radheshyam Uncle: Ha ha ha… That’s well said.

Mama-ji: Let me check if the sari has dried up or not.

Mama-ji left the room and Radheshyam Uncle also stood up and was about to leave the room. He took baby steps and had reached the doorstep when Mama-ji was back with my sari.

Mama-ji: Here it is Bahurani… you get ready and then we will go straight to the Parineeta Store, a very famous ladies garment shop in this area.

I sighed a big relief as I was alone in the room. I closed the door and quickly pulled out my panty from the carry bag. I was cursing myself why I had stripped off it! I briskly wore my panty and adjusted my blouse and petticoat once before getting out of the house and finally wrapping the sari on my body to look decent. I combed my hair and was ready in a minute to accompany Mama-ji and Uncle to the market.

We boarded the car and Mama-ji drove us through the busy roads to our destination. I was sitting on the back seat while Radheshyam Uncle was in the front seat along with Mama-ji. Within 15-20 minutes we reached the Parineeta Store, which seemed to be a decent looking shop.

Mama-ji: The sari section is on the upstairs.

As the gatekeeper opened the door I noticed he was looking at my firm tits and I quickly looked down and wrapped my sari pallu more securely, but actually in the process I unknowingly revealed the contours of my big breasts more as I tightly wrapped my pallu over my blouse.

The shop was spacious and I noticed the store had all sorts of ladies garments starting from salwar suits, kurta-pajamas, tops-skirts, lehenga-choli, ghagras and even shirts and ladies trousers which were decently displayed in the ground floor. As we walked past the cash counter to the stairs I could well realize everybody was watching me probably due to my unusual saffron sari. Radheshyam Uncle was obviously walking slowly due to his handicapped state and I was walking with him while Mama-ji climbed up the stairs ahead of us.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, you go up, I will take time to climb up the stairs.

Me: Its okay Uncle. There is no hurry… (Afterall he was going to buy me the sari, how could I just leave him on the stairs and walk up!)

Radheshyam Uncle: He he… Okay, okay… as you wish. Then do one thing… since the stair is narrow you climb up a couple of steps and then wait for me and then probably I can catch up!

Though apparently there was no problem in that he said, but as the stair to the first floor of the shop was fairly steep and it was narrow too, I realized that I would present a very indecent view of my hips for Uncle. But there was nothing I could do about it and I climed up two steps and waited for him. I tried to move sideways as much as I could as I waited for Uncle, but surely presented a rather luscious view of my sari-covered plump and round ass for him as he was looking up at me. Thankfully the flight of stairs ended shortly and we reached the first floor of the shop.

Like the ground floor, this area was also spacious and various saris were displayed at all corners of this big hall-type room with a wooden waist height counter running almost throughout the room. As I looked around I was extremely surprised that in that whole floor there was not even a single salesman at the counter though there were plenty downstairs! Mama-ji was talking to a “seth-ji type” person, very fat and round, and we approached them.

Mama-ji: Ahh… Pyaremohan Sahab, here is my Bahurani. She has come all the way from Delhi! Bahurani, meet the owner of this Parineeta Store, Mr. Pyaremohan Goyel.

It was difficult for me to hide a smile looking at this sort of a human structure – though he appeared middle aged, but due to his short height, spherical body shape, and with a significantly protruding belly, he presented more like a cartoon figure.

Pyaremohan: Welcome Madam to my small store.

Me: (Folding hands and suppressing my smile) Namaste! You say this s-m-a-l-l!

Pyaremohan: He he he… No, no Madam, it looks big, but not that big (he glanced very briefly at my tits)!

Did he mean? Oh No!

Me: Certainly this is a very large and beautiful shop. Very nice Pyaremohan-ji.

Pyaremohan: Thanks Madam. All due to customer’s grace. Madam, please come. Both Radheshyam Sahab and Arjun Sahab are very old customers of my shop.

Me: I see.

Pyaremohan: Radheshyam Sahab’s Bahu also buys everything from us only.

Me: O! I see.

Mama-ji: Arre… Bahurani… What should I say! Pyaremohan Sahab released all his salesmen from here and said he himself would show you his Parineeta Store showcase!

Me: Ohh… (smiling and surprised as well) I am really… I mean honored.

Was that not a bit too much? May be he had great respect for his customers, Mama-ji and Radheshyam Uncle, but this definitely seemed to me a bit too odd.

Pyaremohan: Come Madam, come.

We now approached the counter and Mr. Pyaremohan went to the other side of it.

Pyaremohan: Madam, tell me first what sort of sari would you like to see and after that I will show you the exclusives of Parineeta Store. He he…

Me: I mean err… actually I do not have a concrete plan to buy any…

Mama-ji: Actually Pyaremohan Sahab we would like to gift Bahurani with something decent and which suits her choice too!

Pyaremohan: O I see. Then just relax and see our range.

As Mr. Pyaremohan was talking to us I could clearly feel his eyes were roving on my body. This is a sixth sense all women have by virtue of which we could judge a person’s intention easily. It was surely the last thing that I expected from his middle-aged obese shopkeeper. I saw his moving eyeballs halted for seconds on my obtruding boobs and then slipped on to the lower half of my body. Though this gaping was only momentary and hence I tried to ignore it and concentrate on the range of saris.

I sat on one of the stools that were kept at the counter and Mama-ji and Radhyshyam Uncle stood by my two sides.

Pyaremohan: Madam, I will start with our silk range, Mysore and Kota, and then switch to Gadwal and Bandhni. Okay?

I nodded.

Though Mr. Pyaremohan appeared rather obese, he seemed to be quite swift in getting the sari bundles off the shelf! He unfolded and presented before me one sari after another and I had to admit in my mind that the collection was quite impressive. Simultaneously I was having a feeling of great satisfaction getting this VIP treatment where the owner himself was engaged in showing me the sari range of his shop! I honestly got occupied in browsing the saris very early and in the constant chatter Mr. Pyaremohan was doing for me describing each sari.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani (keeping his hand on my shoulder), whatever you like in this set just keep aside so that when you finish browsing, you can decide on the sorted ones.

Me: Yes Uncle.

Surprisingly Radheshyam Uncle did not remove his hand off my shoulder and I could feel his fingers were clearly feeling my blouse and bra strap there. So I repeated my reply.

Me: Okay Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: Fine Beti. Carry on.

I thought Uncle probably held me so that he could get better support while standing and hence I again immersed myself viewing the super silk, Badhni, and Gadwal collection Mr. Pyaremohan was offering. But that old fox surely had other plans!

Within moments I was alert and my attention wandered from the saris spread in front of me to Radheshyam Uncle’s finger movements on my shoulder. I could not turn my face or eyes to my shoulder obviously because that would look outrageously indecent, but I could well realize now that Uncle’s fingers were tracing my bra strap on my shoulder under my blouse and he even started tracing my bra strap on my smooth back!

I of course was very, very astonished at this action, but had to be silent such was the situation. Though I continued to glance through the saris, but I was getting defocussed because I could clearly sense Uncle shifting his hand from my shoulder towards my back. He placed his palm over my bare skin (the area of the U-cut of my blouse on my back). I had tucked my hair when we were coming to the market and hence it was all the more easy pickings for him. The warm feel of a male hand immediately made my senses as if ready to act! It was certainly not an elderly touch for support; the elderly man was clearly feeling my bare skin!

Within moments, I could feel his palm sliding down more and more towards my blouse covered back. If I say that I was not getting thrilled by his hand movement on my body, I would be lying and when his hand started tracing my bra strap and moved down, I could clearly feel my nipples raising their heads within my bra!


It was a precarious situation! I tried my best to resist emotions coming to my face and my lips naturally parted as I experienced the snake-like movement of uncle’s fingers crawling at my blouse-covered back. I looked at Mr. Pyaremohan. Did he realize anything? No perhaps. He must have felt that I was extremely impressed seeing the sari collection of his shop.

Radheshyam Uncle continued to feel my smooth scratch-less back over the fabric of my tightly stretched blouse and finally stopped just over my bra hook! I immediately had goosebump all over my body!

The sly fox…

Simultaneously within my bra also there was turmoil, as I could clearly sense my nipples becoming harder and pressing more on my bra cups probably in anticipation of something “more”! Fortunately, till then, Radheshyam Uncle’s fingers were only resting on my bra clip! I felt very timid and tongue-tied in that unfamiliar environment of the shop and was extremely stiff.

It was not that I thought of protesting, but I was confused as to whom to ask help from, as my own associates were groping me in a public place! Moreover, what exactly would I say as to object? I could not just start accusing such an elderly person who happened to be the best friend of Mama-ji too! The respect that I saw in the eyes of the shopkeeper also refrained me to create a scene here. I indeed felt “helpless” and had to succumb to this groping.

I could well make out that Radheshyam Uncle was a typical example of “frustuu” whom we females meet in crowded buses or trains whose sole aim remains to extract perverted pleasure touching our bodies. I did taste some of his perverts when I was with him in the toilet at Mama-ji’s residence. He must have been thoroughly enticed seeing a voluptuous woman like me!

Mama-ji: Oh! Let me sit and see the saris. It’s painful to stand like this for so long.

Pyaremohan: Sure sure! Take a stool. (Now looking at Uncle) Sir, you can also…

Radheshyam Uncle: No, no. I am perfectly okay. You know I have that leg problem, so it’s better for me to stand. Ha ha ha…

Pyaremohan: Okay, okay. As you please… Madam, next you see this Gadwal. It’s a unique print, no other color combination for this. Let me unfold it for you…

As Mama-ji sat beside me, he positioned himself sideways and as if to keep balance he placed his elbow on the counter table where the saris were displayed while he placed his other hand on the backside of my stool.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, don’t think that you can buy just one sari. Radheshyam is afterall not so ‘kanjoos’! Ha ha ha… I feel you choose the ones you like and then in the end we can decide how many to buy. Okay?

Me: O… Okay Mama-ji. (I almost whispered)

Though I was somewhat baffled by Radheshyam Uncle’s actions, I indeed was glad to get this opportunity to add a few quality saris to my collection. I tried my best to shrug off Radheshyam Uncle’s moves by considering it as a frustration of his old age and tried to simply ignore it. I tried to concentrate again on browsing the saris.

But within a short period I realized that in my sitting posture my ass was touching something “new” on the stool. I became very conscious that that it was Mama-ji’s hand! I was in no position to look back and inspect because Mr. Pyaremohan was right in front of me. But now with each second, I could figure out that slowly and steadily Mama-ji’s fingers were touching and pressing on my ass flesh! I was naturally alert, but soon realized that I was thinking a bit too much because I was influenced by Uncle’s moves. Mama-ji’s hand just rested on the edge of my stool and it was stationary and surely had no foul intentions. So I just concentrated on the saris though Mama-ji’s fingers were touching the roundedness of my buttocks adequatley.

In the meantime Radheshyam Uncle had almost crossed all limits of decency as he was tracing my whole bra on my back with his busy fingers. I was getting a very mixed sort of a feeling – I was definitely getting aroused, but there was also my conscious effort to hide my expressions from the shopkeeper. Since Mama-ji was looking at the saris along with me no one could see Uncle’s “harkat”! I cursed my mother-in-law in my mind for having an affair with this sort of a “dirty” man!

All along I was hanging a smile on my lips before Mr. Pyaremohan who was right in front of me unfolding one sari after another and constantly babbling about how good the saris were. My lips were marginally clenching my teeth as I browsed the saris being very much aware of this groping in a public place.

Uncle was now awkwardly pressing near my bra hook with his fingers and I was honestly getting concerned that if somehow the hook opens up! I closed my eyes momentarily and tried to remain cool, but unfortunately could not demonstrate any protest to this action. This actually was making the situation even worse for me. I probably should have altered my posture or at least do something to make obvious that I disapprove these lewd moves, but since I decided to remain silent and behaved as if I did not realize his intentions, Uncle surely was pumped up!

“O…O My God! What was he doing?”, I blathered to myself.

I was absolutely convinced now that Radheshyam Uncle was trying to open my bra hook under my blouse!

What audacity!

His hand movements obviously signaled trouble for me and he was tactfully pressing my bra strap just adjacent to both sides of the hook!

Radhyshyam Uncle: Arre Pyaremohan Sahab, I think light green would suit Bahurani more, not this green.

Pyaremohan: Right Sahab, let me see if I get that exact color…

I was just a-m-a-z-e-d to see the normalcy of Uncle! He knew very well what he was up to, but he behaved as if… !!!

Mama-ji: Bahurani, just see that sari once more….

Me: Which… which one? (I had to behave normally, had no other way!)

Mama-ji: That one, there at the corner.

Me: O… okay.

Mr. Pyaremohan was untying a fresh bunch of saris and so I had to get the sari, which Mama-ji wanted to re-see, but it was in the far corner and I had to stretch myself to get that.


And as soon as I stretched myself to get that sari, two things happened simultaneously and I was absolutely dumbstruck! As I reached out for that sari, I had to lift my body off the stool just a shade and right at that moment Radheshyam Uncle, who had his hand on my bra strap for quite sometime now, suddenly pressed the hook in such a way that it simply popped open!

I honestly felt as if tranquilized by this! Automatically my lips parted wide and I almost uttered a shriek! I was stiff as a board and I was simply t-h-u-n-d-e-r-s-t-r-u-c-k!

Now that I had picked up the sari, I landed my base on the stool again only to find Mama-ji’s hand! I sat completely on his outstretched palm.

Me: Ouch!

Mama-ji: Uuuuuuiii… reee..!

Mama-ji as if cried out in pain!

Me: Oh! Sorry Mama-ji!

I immediately lifted my ass off the seat so that Mama-ji could take out his hand though he must have felt the tightness and roundedness of my gorgeous butts for a few seconds. I instantly realized that I should have been more careful about my movements as my heavy milk-jugs shrugged very noticeably inside my blouse and Mr. Pyaremohan was right in front of me!

Mama-ji: Uhhhuu… (inspecting his fingers) Oh! Bahurani, you have such a massive… Uff… you almost smashed my fingers!

At once my face was as scarlet as a cherry. Mama-ji’s comment (though incomplete) very evidently indicated about my gaand, and that to in front of this totally unknown shopkeeper!

Radheshyam Uncle: He he… Everyone has one, but Bahurani has a big one! Ha ha ha…

Mr. Pyaremohan now joined the laughter and I was feeling so very ashamed sitting amongst these males who were laughing on my gaand.

Mama-ji: Actually I was taking out this small piece of paper (he indicated to the floor where I saw the paper bit was lying)… actually it was under your… I mean on the seat where you were sitting….

Me: O I see. Err… am sorry Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: It’s okay Bahurani (still shrugging his fingers).

Pyaremohan: But Arjun Sahab, how could you err… I mean get hurt? Its only flesh after all and not hard as a rock!

The shopkeeper (though standing right in front of me) was trying to look and assess my hips!

Mama-ji: No, no. That’s okay and for your information Pyaremohan Sahab, I might not have a wife, but I have some knowledge about female gaand! Ha ha ha…

A big round of laughter welcomed Mama-ji’s statement and I felt like a fish out of water sitting asmidst three “uncles”. My ears had turned crimson and emitting heat though already my condition was rather tight sitting with an open bra within my blouse!

Mama-ji: But in this case my hand was in an odd position…

Radheshyam Uncle: Had it been my Bahu you probably would not get hurt.

Mr. Pyaremohan: Why?

Mama-ji: Arre Pyaremohan Sahab! His Bahu is much thinner than my Bahurani…. You have seen her naa?

Mr. Pyaremohan: O! Radheshyam Sahab’s B-a-h-u… y-e-s, y-e-s, I remember! She buys S/5. Right! She is much, much slender than Madam.

Mama-ji: Anyway, it’s okay (still shrugging his fingers).

Radhyshyam Uncle: But… what’s that “S/5” that my Bahu buys?

Mr. Pyaremohan: O! That’s our shop code.

Radhyshyam Uncle:: But what’s that?

Mama-ji was also looking questionably at the shopkeeper.

Mr. Pyaremohan: Ye… err… but we do not disclose customer secrets to others Sir!

Mama-ji: Come on Pyaremohan Sahab! We will not spoil your business!

Mr. Pyaremohan: Hmm… True! Actually its nothing… err. S/5 is the panty size.

Mama-ji and Radheshyam Uncle both frowned at the shopkeeper. I was also taken aback when Mr. Pyaremohan shared such a private piece of info!

Mr. Pyaremohan: See Arjun Sahab, customers are like gods to me and I remember most of my steady customers by these codes, obviously not always panty size, but may be bra or blouse size or a specific type of sari etc. I remember Radheshyam Sahab’s Bahu’s size because very few married customers who come to my shop buys S size panty.

I was absolutely tongue-tied to such an explanation. I could not even look into the eyes of Mr. Pyaremohan.

Mama-ji: Okay… S stands for small I guess?

Mr. Pyaremohan: Yes Sahab. It’s meant for women with comparatively small buttocks (He even showed the size to Mama-ji with his both hands; his palms curving to form the contours).

Radheshyam Uncle: Ummm…. But that’s a very naughty way to remember your ladies customers. Ha ha ha…

Mr. Pyaremohan: Anyway, Arjun Sahab, if you want, you can apply some cold water to your fingers …

Mama-ji: Nehi, nehi! It’s okay. My fingers did not get under a steamroller afterall… Ha ha ha…

I was looking blankly at the counter table in utter dishonor. I was feeling completely out of sorts as the laughter echoed in the vacant hall of the shop.

Mama-ji: Lets get back to business. So Pyaremohan Sahab, are you complete with your…

Pyaremohan: Sahab, just a few more so that Madam can choose from the entire range.

Mama-ji: Okay, okay.

As I started looking into the various saris again, I started feeling a bit better though very much conscious of my open bra inside my blouse. Mr. Pyaremohan unfolded a beautiful Gadwal, which had a stunning color combination, but as I was concentrating on it, I noticed the shopkeeper was enthusiastically looking at my breasts. Did he get the hint that my bra hook had opened? I tried to remain as stationary as possible. I knew very well that with the slightest movement my tits would juggle now and being a heavy-breasted woman it would be extremely tricky for me to restrain the movements of my bountiful boobs within my blouse.

Radheshyam Uncle: Pyaremohan Sahab, your shop has the best collection in this area… we all must admit. What do you say Arjun?

Mama-ji: Of course Radhe, that’s why naa… we brought Bahurani here only!

Pyaremohan: He he he…

As they conversed I could once again feel Radheshyam Uncle’s hand playing on my back. Now obviously the effect was more pronounced on me because since the tight embrace of the bra was not there on my breasts, I was getting more excited with Uncle’s warm touches on my back. Each time his fingers were touching my bare skin outside the periphery of my blouse, my nipples were responding energetically within my blouse. I was trying my best to look “normal” hanging a smile on my face, but undeniably was getting ignited inside. I could feel my trademark dryness on the lips, which I always experience at the advent of sensual feelings and I also started getting my familiar itch in the choot with this continuous groping. Though the shop was adequately aired by several fans, I had started sweating also. Every now and then I was adjusting my sari pallu and moving my butts on the stool so as to remain somewhat calm!

Pyaremohan: This is the last of the lot…. So Madam, you have picked for final selection?

Me: These…

Pyaremohan: Okay Madam. So…. (counting the saris) Six in all. Fine.

Me: I…err I will not take all this….I mean will choose from…

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes Madam. That’s perfectly okay.

Radheshyam Uncle: Good Bahurani (finally removing his “dirty” hand off my back). You are at least better than my Bahu. When I came with her once here, she picked around 15 saris to select from!

Mama-ji: (smiling) Pyaremohan Sahab, do you have anything else, something exclusive in your sari section other than these?

Pyaremohan: Sure Sahab! Let me just clean this area. Madam, when you take a look at our designer collection, you would want to take all. He he he…

Mr. Pyaremohan now kept aside the unfolded saris and took out a small bundle. I sat quietly and was thinking how could I fix my bra hook. It was impossible to do that in front of these males. But as I thought deeper, I came out with a solution. Being a garment shop, there had to be a trial room here. I looked around and immediately discovered that! I thought that this should be easy - as I would say to Mr. Pyaremohan that I would like to try one of the saris – then would go inside the trial room and fasten my bra. I indeed felt at ease appreciating my own plan in my mind.

Pyaremohan: Madam, these are mainly printed chiffon, jorget, and crape designer collection. These are perfect party wears.

Being somewhat comfortable mentally having the ‘trial room plan’ in my mind, I was eager to have a look on this set, especially because I did not have any jorget or chiffon in my collection. But as Mr. Pyaremohan unfolded the first sari I immediately felt slightly hesitant. The reason was simple – the sari was just too transparent! It was not that I was not aware jorget and chiffon saris are diaphanous and thin, but this one seemed to be a bit too much! I obviously could not wear such a thing in front of my in-laws, but I thought Rajesh would surely love it. I smiled to myself.

In the meantime Mr. Pyaremohan unfolded a few more and I was immensely impressed by the wonderful prints and decided to take one in spite of the revealing trait of these saris. I knew we hardly get a chance to go to a party where I could wear such an item, but what was the harm in keeping one in my collection and when someone else is paying! I again smiled to myself.

Pyaremohan: Madam (unfolding a very gorgeous jorget), this sea green would match your complexion very much. Just see…

Mama-ji: Wow! This is indeed very beautiful!

Pyaremohan: Madam, just feel the fabric, its so light and smooth, you will hardly feel that you are wearing anything!

Me: Hmm… (Though I simply loved the print, but I was visibly feeling tight inspecting this sheer fabric in front of these “uncle-like” males)

Radheshyam Uncle: (inspecting the sari with his fingers) Very nice… very nice. I am just asking one question, though I am very novice about these things… whatever I hear from my Bahu… The few times I went for shopping with her I always see my Bahu is very particular about a matching blouse… so are you giving that too with this?

Mama-ji: Bahurani, see, Radhe is doing half your job! Ha ha ha…

I also could not stop smiling hearing that exclusive feminine question from this elderly male!

Pyaremohan: (also smiling) Madam, you must have thought of that also.

Me: Ye… yes. What about that?

Pyaremohan: Madam, see for all designer saris that I showed you, I have the matching blouse pieces.

He did not even completed his words fully that he quickly pulled out a small bunch and briskly scanned and took out the matching blouse piece for this sea-green jorget!

Pyaremohan: Here it is Madam.

He spread the blouse piece out in front of me and I was shocked seeing its transparency! I wondered how could a woman wear such a thin material because… because everyting would be visible through it! Mr. Pyaremohan probably read my mind!

Pyaremohan: Madam, I know very well why you are frowning, but don’t worry. Madam, we provide appropriate inners (=inner cloth inside the blouse to make the fabric opaque) with the blouse piece.

Since my thoughts were caught red handed by this shopkeeper I blushed and looked down though smiling.

Me: O…okay. Then its fine.

Pyaremohan: In fact all these designer collection blouse pieces have inners, otherwise how can you wear them Madam? Everything will remain visible. He he he…

He made the last comment looking at my ripe breasts and I was thoroughly irritated by that vulgar indication.

Mama-ji: My God! So many things are emerging everyday! I never came across such a thing during our time. Inner! Have you Radhe?

Radheshyam Uncle: No way! In our times, a woman used to wear a blouse and a bra, that’s all. No inners… outers… Ha ha ha…

Pyaremohan: Sir-ji, time has changed. He he he… Today’s women are more inclined to wear new designs, new concepts… By the way, Madam, have you used inners before?

Me: Nye…ye… err I mean no.

I fumbled miserably because I was not at all at ease to chat on this topic in the presence of Mama-ji and Radheshyam Uncle, but the shopkeeper dragged me into it.

Pyaremohan: O! I see. Then Madam, I must tell you that you should remember to tell your tailor to add 2-3 millimeters to the measures when he takes it for your blouse, otherwise what these tailors generally do is to just sew the inner without altering any measure. That way Madam you might feel… I mean tight here (he pointed towards his chest) He he he…

The laugh was so disgusting because I knew exactly what he meant.

Pyaremohan: Let me show you how it would look… actually I have a stitched jorget blouse as sample… just a moment…

He quickly leaned downwards to get the sample and I was rather impressed to see his fitness even with that large body habitus!

Pyaremohan: Here it is Madam.

As he kept the sample blouse of the table I saw Mama-ji and Uncle almost jumped on it and immediately started inspecting the fabric of the blouse! The blouse was stretched on the counter table and Mama-ji and Radheshyam Uncle both had their hands right over the cups of that blouse in the pretext of inspecting it! I simply felt miserable in that setting!

Pyaremohan: Madam, see how the inner is stitched… the sleeves are normal, but the back, the sides, and the cups have that thing stitched like this…

Saying that he inserted his fingers into the insides of the blouse cup and showed me how the inner was stitched within the blouse. And not to mention that he was time and again eyeing my full-sized tits as he conversed with me. I felt so embarrassed and felt as if the shopkeeper was tracing his fingers within my blouse! I tried to remain normal, but felt an irresistible itch within my panty and had to scratch once there over my sari to remain composed. It was so, so discomfitting to do that in front of mama-ji, Uncle, and the shopkeeper as they all looked at my right hand fingers as I scratched my crotch over my sari!

Mama-ji: Pyaremohan Sahab, don’t you stitch blouses? I thought you do that….

Pyaremohan: Oh yes Sahab! And that was what I was exactly planning to suggest Madam.

Me: What?

Pyaremohan: Madam, it would be the best if you sew the matching blouse of this jorget here. We have the most efficient tailors. Arjun Sahab was saying that you have some more marketing to do and when you return home just pick up the blouse from here…

Mama-ji: Wow! You take so less time?

Pyaremohan: Sahab see, we need to supply to big merchant houses and at those places turnaround is a key factor. My tailors are very swift and accurate. Madam, how did you like my plan?

I was now virtually having butterflies in my stomach. I was already sitting in a shop with two elderly males and a shopkeeper with an open bra inside my blouse and if I need to give measures for my blouse in this status, I would surely due out of shame! I had to do something, and do something - fast.

Me: Ye… I mean… that’s .. err… really good to know, but err… let us not hurry on that and let me finalize the sari first.

Pyaremohan: Sure Madam. No hurry. I just wanted to tell you that we have that service, that’s all.

Radheshyam Uncle: So Bahurani, do you plan to take this sari or you have chosen something else from the designer collections?

Me: Umm… err… Yes, I will take this one.

As I said that I noted that Uncle was looking down my throat! I quickly lowered my eyelids to find that my sari pallu had shifted somewhat in the front and a gap was created between my pallu and my body and the old humbug was peeing inside my blouse from his standing posture.

Pyaremohan: Fine Madam, I will get the blouse piece and inner for this and keep them aside.

My butter-colored deep cleavage along with my heaving flesh held inside the cups of my blouse was very clearly visible to Uncle from that angle and I immediately wrapped my pallu properly so as to stop this lewd peeping! Uncle smiled wickedly at my gesture, which made me all the more irritated.

Pyaremohan: Madam. Now come with me.

Saying that he was about to get out of the counter and instantly alarm bells started ringing in my mind, as I was very much aware of my “condition”.

Me: But… but where?

Pyaremohan: There…. Madam. You see that mirror. You can see yourself in a better way there and decide on the saris.

Me: I mean… errr… can we… err…

I was naturally fumbling very awkwardly because I certainly wanted to avoid this situation of walking in front of these males with my virtual bra-less condition. There was no way now to go to the trial room first because Mr. Pyaremohan had already offered me the mirror view, which was just a few feet away right in the middle of that hall.

Within the flash of a second I realized that right then there was only one way to save my dignity.


As I was about to propose “I would like to go to the toilet once”… Uncle…

Radheshyam Uncle: Pyaremohan Sahab, can I go to the toilet once. Is there a one upstairs or I need to go down?

Pyarehoman: There is one upstairs, but…. Err… I mean…

Radheshyam Uncle: Why are you hesitating? Any problem?

Pyarehoman: No, no. Actually it’s a ladies toilet, but anyway there are no customers upstairs, so you can use that safely.

Radheshyam Uncle: Oho… Okay! Okay!

I was only twisting and pressing my lips cursing Uncle that he virtually took away the little hope that I had to avoid this appalling situation.


God was not so unkind to me!

Mama-ji: But Radhe you need someone to assist you…

Without a second’s delay, I eagerly snatched the words from Mama-ji’s mouth.

Me: Mama-ji, you just relax! I am here naa… I will take Uncle to the toilet. No problems.

Mama-ji: Okay. Okay… and since you already have aided him once, it won’t be very difficult. He he…

Me: (with more vigor) Exactly!

Radheshyam Uncle: Thanks a lot Bahurani. He he he… By the way, which way is the toilet Pyaremohan Sahab?

Pyaremohan: This way Sahab… there!

He pointed to a far corner and I could easily notice the door engraved with a female face. Uncle started striding in baby steps with his cane and I followed him. At that instance it was a big advantage walking with Uncle, as I also desperately needed “baby steps” to restrict my freely hanging boobs to jerk. Till such time I was sitting my bra ends were resting at the sides, but as I began to walk, though very slowly, I could realize the two open bra strap endings started sliding more and more towards the front of my body inside my blouse. Moreover due to the natural weight of my heavy round breasts, the cups of my bra were also simultaneously slipping off my smooth spheroid tits very sexily inside my blouse. Overall the feeling was e-x-c-e-p-t-i-o-n-a-l-l-y weird.


In spite of all my efforts my round mammaries undulated noticeably under my pallu as I walked and I could well realize that I was appearing extremely sexy. The shopkeeper in the pretext of showing the toilet walked a few steps with Uncle and now he was ogling at my freely swaying boobs as I walked past him. I felt so very embarrassed the way he was staring at me!

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, I am giving you so much trouble…

Me: Its… it’s okay Uncle. Please don’t tell me like that.

Radheshyam Uncle: I am so handicapped… I feel very frustrated at times…

As I walked almost in line with Uncle I noticed he was time and again eyeing at my undulating tits in spite of my best efforts to walk very slowly so as to have minimum jerking of my “bra-less” boobs. We almost reached the toilet door and Uncle was about to enter it when I had to intervene.

Me: Uncle… I mean… err… would you mind if I go in first?

Radheshyam Uncle: Oho! You also Bahurani? He he… But… but did you not go at Arjun’s residence?

That was indeed an embarrassing redundant query and I thought it was outrageously indecent to ask such a question to any adult woman, but since it was my “need” I had to reply with a smiling face.

Me: No Uncle. I didn’t go there.

Radheshyam Uncle: Right right. You only accompanied me. He he… Okay, you go first and I will wait.

Me: Thanks.

I quickly went inside the toilet and as I closed the door sighed relief. The toilet was very comparatively small than other toilets I have seen in shops and there was hardly space for two ladies to sit and urinate at a time. I faced the wall and pulled off my sari pallu off my breasts and started unbuttoning my blouse. I did not know why I felt extremely excited and anxious as I unfastened all the hooks of my blouse, probably because I could feel Radheshyam Uncle’s breathing only at a 10 mm door’s separation! I removed my bra for a while to check my nipples only to find a couple of perky hard nuts as if fully charged up! I blushed to myself and quickly hide my treasures inside my bra and fastened the clip quickly and then buttoned my blouse.

Though initially I did not have a plan to empty my bladder, but coming to the toilet I decided to do so. I lifted my sari and petticoat and pulled my panty down to my knees and sat on the floor, but before that I made sure to open the tap so that the sound of water falling in the empty bucket subsided the hissing sound flow of my peeing. I was very much conscious that Uncle was standing just outside the toilet door and could easily hear everything going on in the toilet.

Me: Uncle, you can come now…

I opened the door of the toilet and asked Radheshyam Uncle to come inside. I held his arm because I had watered the toilet floor and I thought he might lose his balance wearing shoes.

Radheshyam Uncle: Surprisingly Bahurani, you did not take long at all! Had it been my wife… ohhh! She takes painfully long in toilet… even for simple pissing you know!

I was stunned to hear such a “direct” statement! I marginally smiled and simply like a fool. Uncle closed the toilet door and kept his cane on a door hook.

Radheshyam Uncle: At times Bahurani, am not exaggerating, I am compelled to think that she must be stripping fully to urinate… Huh! And when I ask her, she just says females take longer time than males. Arre! Cite a logic at least…

Uncle looked questionably at me as if I were to cite the logic for her wife that why she takes additional time in the toilet even for simple urination! Disgusting!

Radheshyam Uncle: Why would a female take longer time in the toilet than a male? I am not convinced! Okay… if you are changing your pads etc.… I can understand, but normally… No clue!

I was shocked by his words and immediately my whole face turned crimson and I looked at the floor.

Radheshyam Uncle: Arre Bahurani, aap to sharmane lagi! There’s nothing to be ashamed of… it’s a natural thing!

I nodded, but still could not meet his eyes. I noticed he was opening his fly to let out his penis for urination! My heart started to race in anticipation of “lund darshan” and almost immediately I could see the stout piece of meat elevating its head out of Uncle’s underwear. He held his penis in one hand and asked me the weirdest question.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, err… I should have apologized earlier, but didn’t get the chance!

Me: (my eyebrows up!) A-p-o-l-o-g-y…?

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, I mean… I never meant to open your… err… in the presence of all… but actually…

I remained silent.

Radheshyam Uncle: Beti, you must be thinking very wrongly about me… but… believe me, from the time I had seen you I am time and again assuming you to be… Tulsi. Once again, sorry for my behavior, Bahurani…

Me: (had to smile) It’s f… fine Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: Actually I could not resist myself seeing your attractive back Bahurani. It looked so similar to… err… this was one of the favorite pranks that your mother-in-law enjoyed very much, but… but obviously not in a public place…

I was much shocked to note that my mother-in-law in her young age wanted her boyfriend to press open her bra hook and wondered what followed after that!

Radheshyam Uncle: I am glad Beti that you did not mind much… By the way, err… where should I… I mean where should I piss?

Me: (My mind still roaming on this special “prank” that Radheshyam Uncle used to play with my mother-in-law) What?

Radheshyam Uncle: I mean Bahurani neither there is a urinal, nor there is a latrine system!

Me: Uncle, how can you expect a urinal in the ladies toilet! (I was visibly annoyed)

Radheshyam Uncle: Oho! Very true! I missed out… He he… Then?

Me: Then… I mean… do there! (I indicated towards the wall and naturally was quite irritated by this old man’s behavior.)

Radheshyam Uncle: There? But Bahurani, that area … err… seems to be quite slippery!

Me: (I was even more irritated now) Slippery? No way! I just did… err… I mean… err…

I had to check myself out of natural shyness and fumbled miserably. But hardly could I complete my words that the old fox trapped me on the wrong foot!

Radheshyam Uncle: You sat there Bahurani? (Pointing towards the area near the wall where the outlet was there to take the toilet water out.)

It was such a pathetic situation for me! Being a matured married female I had to tell this old man where I sat for peeing in this toilet! Moreover, this man was standing with his stout penis in his hand and was naturally drawing my attention every moment! Though I tried my best not to look at that, but….

Me: (Looking at the floor and biting my lips) Err… Uncle… yes… I mean…

Radheshyam Uncle: I can’t take a chance there! No way Beti! Just see those light green patches… you are a “jawan aurat”… you can go and sit there…

Uncle stressed on the words “jawan aurat” and quickly glanced at my curvaceous figure. I tried to convince him.

Me: Why… err… why are you so panicky? I will hold you properly Uncle… err… don’t worry.

Radheshyam Uncle: Uuuummm… okay, if you assure me. But Bahurani, please be very careful. Actually I already had a fall in the bathroom last year… so.

Me: O! Now I got it…. Why are you so scary!

A smile on my lips, at last! Uncle also was smiling at me.

Radheshyam Uncle: Oh! I can’t hold my u… any more…

I looked at his naked lund in his hand raising his head out of his trouser zip and honestly was getting excited each time I looked at that stout meat. He must also be feeling excited to be standing with his penis in his hand in front of a married 30-year-old woman.

Me: (Holding his hand from the side) Take each step carefully Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, last time when I fell in the watery floor of my home toilet, actually my wife was also holding me exactly like this…

Me: O! (I smiled foolishly not realizing what he wanted)

Radheshyam Uncle: I think Bahurani if you hold my waist, then I would get more support.

Me: O… okay.

I could realize that this would indeed get me in a compromised posture, but there was hardly much I could do. I extended my right arm and circled his waist and immediately felt the side of his body torso touching my body including my ripe breasts. To my surprise, I did not disliked the touch as my right boob got slightly pressed on Uncle’s body as I held him from the side – probably because I was already unconsciously excited seeing his well-nourished naked cock dangling in front of my eyes.

Radheshaym Uncle: would you mind Bahurani if I hold you for support? I know its not required since you are already holding me, but since I had that fall incident…

Me: O… okay Uncle… Ho… hold me. (my voice getting croaky anticipating his direct touch on my body)

Though moments ago I was disliking the way he was talking and making me embarrassed, I did not feel that same repulsion as I held him by his waist! Uncle was quite elderly in comparison to my age, but I did not know why I suddenly began to get tantalized by this effort! I felt Radheshyam Uncle’s left hand going to the backside of me and touched me in the uncovered area of my back below my blouse.

Radheshaym Uncle: Thanks Beti, I am much secured now.

He took 6-7 baby steps to the front towards the wall and reached the outlet mouth and he started to urinate and I had nothing else to do but to watch that. My right breast got more pressed on his body as he leant more towards me. The feeling of my tight round coconut-like mammaries must have been quite erotic for Uncle (especially at this age) because I could feel his fingers digging firmly on my back just above my petticoat waistband.

Radheshyam Uncle: A-a-a-a-h-h-h…

With the physical closeness to this man and the sight of his thick naked cock began to generate goosebump all over my body and I was feeling pretty thrilled and exhilarated. And suddenly, I did not know how/why, the memories of last night flashed upon my mind! The moment I thought about Guru-ji’s massive cock, my whole body ached and responded sexually. The thoughts of Guru-ji’s masculine figure, his tight embraces, his firm squeezes on my breasts and ass, and his massive cock plundering my choot made me wet!

Me: Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

I exclaimed within myself as my eyes automatically got closed with my lips slightly parted in virtual elation. As if by reflex action the grip of my fingers on Uncle’s waist tightened and I almost embraced him in my delight. In fact I got completely lost in my sexy thoughts and was as if floating in Guru-ji’s muscular arms!

I could never apprehend what effect this could have on this elderly man who was urinating at that moment. And I really did not know how long I was in that reverie, but as I gathered back my senses, I instantly realized that I was in Radheshyam Uncle’s clutches!

As I opened my eyes

  • I found my right hand embracing Uncle’s waist and my left hand on his naked semi-erect dick!
  • I found my right breast pressing adequately on to the left side of Uncle’s body!
  • I found his left hand gripping and squeezing my sari-covered gaand very firmly while his other hand guiding my hand over the length of his lund!
  • And last but not the least, I found his thick rough lips smooching my smooth fleshy cheeks!

I simply froze and took time to realize what was going on! As Uncle noticed that I had opened my eyes he was more aggressive in his movements and made me hold his penis more decisively and I could feel it was growing to full size within my hand! The touch of his “stiff meat” and the jerky skin covering it made me extremely excited though I tried my best to control myself. And before I could utter a word I could feel Uncle was pressing and massaging my round buttocks like anything over my sari with his hand, which obviously supplemented my excitement. He was rubbing his nose over my face and before I myself broke lose, I realized I needed to do something! I gathered all my resistance power and could hardly utter…

U-n-c-l-e !

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, p-l-e-a-s-e!

He immediately was more intense in his approach and turning slightly more towards me he brushed my lips with his lips and this time taking his arm off my hand (on his penis), he embraced me. Though I was undoubtedly enjoying the touches of this elderly man, but I had not gone out of my mind and my good senses still prevailed!

Me: But… what… what are you doing? (I whispered)

Radheshyam Uncle: (this time almost kissing me!) Bahurani… please don’t interrupt me (he cupped my ass flesh very crudely over my sari and squashed it).

Me: Ouch! Aahhhhhh…

Radheshyam Uncle: Beti, will you not have just a little bit mercy on this old man? (Pushing his hard dick more into my palm as it was sufficiently hard now to impress any woman)

Me: I… I don’t understand what… err… what are you saying?

Though I tried to remove my hand off his naked cock, but honestly did not feel like as its size and stiffness was very adorable.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani…. I have already told you that you have reminded me vividly of my teenage love…. Tulsi… your mother-in-law.

Me: But…

Radheshyam Uncle: Oho…(pinching my firm ass as if much irritated why I interrupted!) Listen to me first Beti!

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, you yourself don’t know how you have revived me! (Uncle now started tracing my panty line over my sari and petticoat with his fingers as he talked to me!) Tulsi was my life…. and today after so many days I am feeling like I am back to my golden days!

Me: But… Uncle…

Radheshyam Uncle: I know Bahurani, this is not correct, but for the sake of this old man… just to kindle his life for some moments… will you not cooperate with me? Please… Bahurani… please…

I was really not expecting this. After all, he was much elder than me and the way he was beseeching me made me very feel very clumsy.

Me: Uncle… you are…

Uncle now had turned his body more towards me and he was planning for a full-fledged frontal hug and now my both breasts started pressing his flat chest, which obviously made me feel sufficiently weak and uneasy. Though my mind warned me that I should not allow this, but the alert got feebler as I continued to enjoy the feel of his well-nourished lund; it felt so good to hold it; slightly uneven, but rock-solid!

Radheshyam Uncle: I know this is wrong. You are like my Bahu, but… but believe me, I am getting so susceptible coming to your contact that I could not control myself… I feel like touching my Tulsi! Ohhh….

Giving me no chance to react, Uncle got so emotional that he rested his head on my shoulder and was moving his head to and fro. I was confused what to do. What did he want? Did he just want to touch me? A tight hug, that’s all, so that he could revisit his love? But… But the way he was squeezing my ass and tracing my panty, he surely wanted to excite me as well. At the same time, I was feeling rather shameless to be standing like that with my sari pallu on the floor and Uncle almost hugging me! Moreover, the position at which Uncle’s head was, he surely could see the insides of my breasts within my blouse.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, will you not help out this old man? Have some mercy… please!

“Old”?!? By no measures I was getting the feel that an “old” man was holding me! Uncle’s throbbing naked cock was as if jumping in excitement in my palm and I was amazed to see its tightness at this age! It must have entered innumerable times in his wife’s choot, and who knows, may be in my mother-in-law’s choot as well!

Me: O… okay!

I was unable to deject his plea. I myself was heated up adequately by this time getting uninterrupted male touches on my body.

Me: But… Uncle… what.. I mean err… what do you want from me?

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani… your jawani… you resemble my Tulsi so much. I just want to love you once as I used to love Tulsi… that’s all… nothing more. I beg of you Bahurani… I know this is incorrect and immoral, but I am… helpless… Bahurani, if you just think you are aiding this unfortunate man…. who lost his love years ago…. may be… may be you can justify yourself…

I saw Uncle becoming rather emotional and buried his face on my shoulder! I was a bit confused what to do and he continued pleading.

Radheshaym Uncle: Beti, I beg of you…

Right at this juncture Uncle did something, which made me extremely weak and I almost succumbed to him. He buried his face on my shoulder and started pressing his lips and tongue on the exposed part of my shoulder (out of my blouse) and the effect naturally was electrifying for me. And in a quick move, Uncle also turned his body more towards me now getting the “full” feel of my firm round breasts on his chest. His right hand, which was continuously resting on my buttocks, now started to cup my ass flesh very openly and definitely just like…. just like a cycle-rickshaw-puller blows his horn.

Uncle finally pinned me with his left hand (which was free at that time) by bringing them up to the side of my right breast and started pressing me there. I evidently was getting bowled out because my own body was by now intensely charged up by his constant touches.

Radheshaym Uncle (lifting his face slightly): Bahurani, will you be so cruel to me? Are you that miser to share a simple hug with this old poor man?

“A simple hug”! I gulped down my own saliva and was virtually trembling in excitement and could only utter an “Umm…” as a license for him to proceed. I was really not sure what this elderly man wanted, but could realize that Uncle wanted to touch me and concluded that it had to be out of old age frustration. At that moment since I myself was sexually ignited from inside, I frankly did not want to miss this “warm up” session. It was indeed a great feeling to hold his naked manhood in my hand, which though was not excitingly long, but sufficiently stout to grip. Hence I just wanted to continue on that trail and extract some fun for some more time.

Radheshyam Uncle: Thanks Bahurani… May God bless you!

Hardly did he complete his words, he turned his body fully towards me and gave me a tight hug and this time his left hand, which was just to the side of my right boob, quickly slid inside more into my body and cupped my firm tit and gave it a tight squeeze. Immediatley my whole body was covered with goosebump. Surprisingly I was not feeling any shame or guilt that I was allowing a father-like person, who was also like a relative of mine, to hug and caress my matured body. Instead I was extracting thrills and joy out of it and wanted to see how far this old man could go!

Since I had captured his “nanga khada lund” in my hand and was already feeling drops of precum on my palm, I was pretty much confident that I could squeeze out his “milk” anytime. I was more self-assured because of Uncle’s elderly age and was pretty sure that he could not hold his semen for a long time hugging a voluptuous woman like me. A feeling of compassion started to fill my mind as I saw that old man fumbling over the curves of my body. He was pressing his chest more and more onto my bouncy boobs and was trying to squeeze my big round ass very hard. It was indeed a hot feeling for me, but the way he was trying to do it made me humorous!

I was not releasing his lund not even for a second from my grip though Uncle tried very hard to push it towards my sari-covered choot. Honestly I was in no mood to get fucked by this man and that too in this toilet. But surely I could realize one thing that had developed within myself that my stay in the ashram had made me rather confident about getting physical with males!

Within moments I realized that Uncle was planning to strip me. Obvioulsy he longed to see a matured married woman like me fully naked, as I doubt he had seen one in many years. If I go by his looks he must be 55 at least and his wife should be around 40-45. So his eagerness to hug and caress me and to strip my ripe fully-developed figure was but obvious. Uncle started pulling my sari and petticoat up my legs and within momenst I was exposed till the middle of my thighs. I could feel his fingers briskly and abruptly touching my marble-like smooth thighs through my uplifted sari. I closed my eyes and was enjoying the feel.

Uncle was getting desperate by the second and once he jerked and pulled up the whole bunch almost till my waist and touched my panty! I could feel his fingers scraping and scuffing my panty and my exposed bare butts outisde the cover of my panty. Once he even tried to pull down my panty off my waist, but my panty was very tightly stretched over my fleshy buttocks and it was too tight to be dragged down with one hand. Though I was extracting great enjoyment out of the whole thing, but I was conscious enough to curb it in time before it got out of my hand.

Me: Uncle… please… don’t do this. You promised a hug only…

Radheshyam Uncle: (He was panting already!) Bahurani, you have such a shapely figure… ohhh… I am feeling as if I am having my Tulsi in my hands.

I could feel the front of my panty getting slightly wet with my juices in excitement and my mood was getting very “playful”. This time I tried to be somewhat flippant with Uncle!

Me: That I can understand Uncle!

Radheshyam Uncle: He he he…

Me: Uncle, is your hugs always like this for her also?

Radheshyam Uncle: He he he… Not always, but definitely if we were in the garden or in my attic.

Uncle took his lips very close to my ears and started whispering.

Radheshyam Uncle: You know Bahurani, in the garden there was a pond. The place used to remain very desolate and your mother-in-law and me took bath together there…

Uncle embraced me so hard to his body that he surely could listen to my heartbeat! My juicy round boobs got pressed very tight onto his body and I started feeling very, very excited!

Radheshyam Uncle: I used to take bath fully naked (though Uncle was whispering, he stressed on that word) and Tulsi used to wear her knickers only. Once she was inside water she always kept her boobs free. Aaaahhh…

Uncle cupped my right breast with his full palm and gave it a long, tight squeeze.

Me: Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh….

Radheshyam Uncle: Just like the way you are holding my lund, Tulsi also held me like that inside the water!

Uncle just paused a little so that he could take a deep breath, but he was actually making me breathless with his movements and sudeenly he inserted 2-3 fingers into my panty’s side elastic very firmly and was actually pulling it down!

Me: Eeeeeiiiiiiii… Uncle… Stop!

I immediately gyrated my hips vigorously, just like a vamp in a hindi movie, so that Uncle lost his grip on my panty and thankfully I was able to succeed. I quickly took my hand off his erect cock to my backside and pulled my panty up to my waist as far as possible because Uncle’s last movement had partly exposed my deep ass crevice! I also pressed my lips on his cheeks and the sides of his lips so that he remained defocussed from stripping me.

Radheshyam Uncle: Ahhh… You know Bahurani inside the water I held Tulsi just like this way (saying that he created a small gap between our bodies and quickly brought forward his both hands over my chest area and gripped my milk-jugs!)

The action was so swift and sudden that I could hardly make a move! He looked at my eyes and I was instantly all red! Actually all along I never looked at his eyes directly but this time it was direct eye contact and that too from such close proximity. I felt so embarrassed – looking at Uncle’s eyes while his hands held my protruding breasts from the front over my blouse! I dropped my eyes instantaneously and in fact if someone at that moment pulled down my panty off my gaand, he would certainly found my ass also to be red in shame! I was so much abashed!

I quickly held his thick cock again so that the control button remained in my grip!

Radheshyam Uncle: He he he… (now releasing my tits and hugging me again) And you know Bahurani, one day I secretly put Tulsi’s dry clothes out of her sight and after bathing when she got up on the bank she got very concerned not finding her clothes.

As Uncle whispered in my ears I realized that he was getting uncontainable now! I could feel one of his hand sliding inside my sari and petticoat from my waist area and in fact he inserted his fingers into my panty waistband to touch my well formed naked ass cheeks!

Radheshyam Uncle: I was also doing a mock search and was watching her. It was such a wonderful sight Bahurani. She was fully nude except for her wet knickers… Uff! She looked so sexxxxxxxy! Her twin breasts swaying freely… Aha… her grape-like nipples clearly visible… Oho… her deep navel …. Haiiii…. Her shapely smooth thighs… Ufffffff! Bahurani….

I could hear alarm bells ringing. Uncle was panting hard now on my shoulder and he almost managed to insert his whole palm inside my panty! I could feel his warm hand on the round contour of my firm ass cheek! If I did not stop him now, Uncle would surely end up molesting me fully. I immediately started pressing his lund in a special way so that it became hard for him to hold his juices within. I squashed his balls and started peeling off the foreskin off his penis and continued to press it very suggestively.

Radheshyam Uncle: Aaahhhhhh! Uiiii maaaa…. Bahurani… Sali, what are you doing? I will jack off that way! Stop!

I did not listen to him and continued my act and started pressing and rubbing my rubber-tight breasts on his chest very sexily. Uncle’s face had become red in excitement and he had to shift his attention from my ass to my breasts. He grabbed my both breasts again and started squeezing them tightly. My firm boob flesh revolted within my tight blouse and I invited him by opening the top two hooks of my blouse with one hand.

Uncle could not believe his eyes that a 30-year-old married woman inviting him like that and I could clearly make out the hunger in his eyes. Though I was also much excited, but I knew exactly what I was doing. As the top two hooks of my blouse were open now I was indeed looking very sexy and the insides of my juicy mammaries were amply visible along with my white brassiere. Uncle was fumbling miserably with my blouse, as he was thoroughly excited. I was having a hard time to control his dangling naked cock. When he saw that he was unable to open the hooks he inserted his right hand within my firm flesh and began to press my boobs in a very vulgar fashion. I quickly placed his free left hand directly over my round ass. Uncle was so amazed to see my participation that he even forgot to even caress my fleshy buttocks for a second!

I was adequately heated up though I wished a few more long squeezes on my breasts, but the way Uncle was behaving if I did not stop him right now he would certainly make me naked and pin me down. I twisted my fingers very craftily on his erect meat and Uncle proved no match for that and yelled out!

Radheshyam Uncle: Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh… Oh! Shit! You randi! Stop! Oooouuuuu…..

I continued to do the “evil” act upon Uncle and he was feverishly squeezing and caressing my plump figure and also trying his best to kiss me, but I was able to avoid that though by that time almost my whole face was covered by his saliva oozing through his wet lips. Uncle was now gyrating his hips very rhythmically and was thrusting his waist as if he was fucking me. I was having a trying time controlling his thick erect lund as it was naturally more than eager to reach my choot. Fortunatley I could keep my sari securely at my waist area and Uncle ultimately was fucking my palm! I was not that cruel and hollowed my palm so that it flet as if he was enetering a hole!

As was expected Uncle could not hold his juice for long and within moments his whole body bent towards me like an arch and as he squashed my tits inserting his hand almost inside my blouse, I could feel the known shudder and jerk and realized Uncle was going to ejaculate. Though Uncle made one last valiant effort to pull down my panty, but it was impossible for him to execute that with one hand and not to mention my sari and petticoat were still tucked at my waist!

Radheshyam Uncle: Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh… Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh…

With a big yell Radheshyam Uncle filled my palm with his thick white discharge and honestly I utterly enjoyed the hot fluid gushing out of his manhood. The content however was not adequate (probably due to age) and he looked utterly exhausted. His face was red as he realized that I did that purposefully to save myself. He looked at his limp small cock and his face looked so amusing! He was nodding his head in great discontentment. I smiled to myself seeing his condition.

We both took some time to reorganize ourselves. My panty was quite wet now. Actually after yesterday’s fuck with Guru-ji, it seemed that my choot had become more sensitive than prior! I was also secreting more juices! Under normal circumstances I surely would need a panty change, but since in a shop I did not have the luxury to do that. Uncle was silent and seemed very ashamed because of this premature ejaculation. His lund had become so small after releasing its heat that it could no longer be seen outside his open trouser zip!

Radheshyam Uncle: Had my age not been…

Me: Uncle, can we close here? See… Uncle… I mean… I kept my word for what you requested.

Radheshyam Uncle: That’s okay! But I wanted to prove …

Me: Uncle! (I said very firmly)

Radheshyam Uncle: Huh! Still I would remain…

Me: Please Uncle. No thanksgiving.

I washed my hand first off Uncle’s discharges and then buttoned my blouse though I seriously needed my bra adjusted. I could easily have done that in front of Uncle, as there was no need to feel shy from him after all this! But very strangely as soon as we got detached physically, I felt the same inhibition in our relationship! I left my bra as it was and tucked the hooks of my blouse and started wrapping my sari properly on my body.

Radheshyam Uncle: One thing Beti, please do not disclose anything about this encounter to Arjun. Please…. He trusts me as a friend and if he comes to know about this he would not take it in right spirits!

I smiled within myself. How could a woman share such things to her relative, that too from her husband’s side!

Me: This would remain as a nightmare to me, which I would like to erase off my memory very soon.

Radheshyam Uncle: It may be a nightmare for you Bahurani, but this encounter will remain as a treasure for me at this age. From now, each time I think about Tulsi, I will surely remember you as well Bahurani.

Uncle took his stick and slowly got out of the toilet and I followed him.