Indian Wife Plays With Construction Workers - Chapter 4

Indian Wife Plays With Construction Workers - Chapter 4

Published on: 2023-11-19 18:54:33

I had Savitri in my mind while I was driving to work. I liked her innocent face, but god was she busty. Having such a sexy wife like Purva, I almost always thought about her and her voluptuous body whenever I was aroused. But now, the thought of savaging a woman like Savitri didn't skip my mind.

Due to Purva's exciting 'interactions' with the construction guys and her sluttiness, I could not really get the time to work at my usual pace in office. I was either too excited about what was going to happen to Purva on that particular day or get too aroused about how slutty my wife had become.

Since the prospect of Sajid and his entourage coming to our place to have fun with Purva was not bright today, I finally had some peace. I decided to catch up with my work, lest I get sacked.

My hands toyed with my mobile to ring up Purva and ask her about her situation. Somehow, I was sure that Sajid and his crew had made a move on her. Just when I was about to call her, I got a call from an unknown number. I answered the call and suprisingly it was Purva on the line.
Me: "Hello"

Purva: "Hey darling, it's me. How's it going?"

Her breath was fast. I knew something was happening.

Me: "Purva! Where are you, and whose number is this?"

Purva: "This is Kamran's number. Remember Kamran?"
I could sense the urgency in her voice.

Me: "No, who the heck is Kamran?"

Purva: "Arey, he was one of the guys who tattooed me in my asshole."
I could hear several giggles and murmurs when Purva said that. I could sense there were many guys around her.

Me: "Oh, ok. Now I remember. What are you upto? Why didn't you call me from our landline?"

Purva: "I will tell you all that later. I wanted to ask you something. You like me having hair in my pussy and armpits right?"

Me: "Of course, I love your pubic hair!"

Purva: "Well, too bad you will have to live without it for a few days. I will be removing all of it now. Hope you don't mind."
Those words hit me with a sudden realization that something really naughty was indeed happening with Purva.

Me: "Ok, that's fine. But hope you are not doing it unwillingly."

Purva: "No, not at all. I am sure I will enjoy what's going to happen. See you tonight. Bye!" and she abruptly cut the phone.

Wow, now that was something. Why was Purva removing hair from her pussy and other private parts? I was not sure at all. But, the image of Purva's clean pussy aroused me once again. Getting horny and aroused in the office had now become a daily occurence since Purva started her journey as a slut with the construction workers. It was close to 2 pm then, and I had to put up with the thoughts of my sexy wife's clean pussy and fleshy shaved armpits up for grabs, for atleast some more time. I stuck to my seat as I could not even walk around given my perpetual boner thinking about how Purva was being used by those cheap construction guys.

At around 5 pm, I called home just to check on Purva. There was no reply. So, I though of calling on Kamran's number, but somehow thought the better of it. I didn't want to disturb Purva or Kamran for that matter, who would probably be savaging on my sexy wife.

At 6:30 pm when I was still in office, I got a call from home. I answered the phone, and Purva was gasping with excitement. "Darling, plese come fast. I cannot wait any longer. Pleaseee!". That's all she could say, and she cut the phone. It was clear she was fingering herself at home vigourously, and I understood Sajid and company would have given her many memories for her to do that. I was darned because I had a meeting at 7; it was just one of those bad days at work. Somehow, after what seemed like hours, I left office at 7:30 PM.

As soon as I reached home and knocked on the door, I was surprised at the sight of my wife. Purva, stood there completely naked, without as much as a string of clothing on her body. Her beautiful pussy was completely shaved and wet, glistening in the light. Her face was glowing, thanks to what Sajid and company had done with her, whatever that was. She was beaming with excitement and pleasure. Her entire body was red, with hand marks all over. I could even see violent bite marks on her stomach, thighs, boobs and tits and that was just the frontal of her.

Frankly, I was concerned if she was subjugated and fucked like a whore the whole day by all those horny construction men. Whatever be it, if Purva enjoyed it, as is clearly evident in her face, I am the first one to get a raging hardon thinking about all the nasty things that were done to my lovely and sexy wife. I just stood there staring at my wife's beautiful naked body.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at your whore wife, or are you going to come inside and fuck her too?". Her words suddenly brought me back to my senses. I immediately gave a smile that only she could understand, came inside and closed the door. She immediately kissed me, and by that I understood she was really horny. I asked her about Apu, and she said that she had asked her sister to pick him up for the day as she was with Sajid and team during that time.

Me: "Purva, your body tells me the entire story of what has been done to you today. I am sure you have enjoyed it like never before."

Purva: "Oh Tarun, don't even ask about it! Today is the best day of my life. I want you to fuck me right now, in all my holes without a second delay."

Immediately after saying that she started to unzip me.

Me: "Hey Purva, stop. That's not how it works. For me to fuck you, you will first have to tell me about what happened today. That's our deal!"

"Oh, you want to hear how your wife was roughed up by those mean horny bastards? It turns you on unlike anything right?", said Purva in a naughty voice.

Me: "Of course. I want to hear about how my slutty wife was treated like a whore. Please tell me what all they did to you."

"Fine, here goes. Don't try to stop me if I try to finger myself in between", she said with a wink.

Me: "Sure, but please give me all the details, right from when I left". I was just controlling myself from jumping on Purva and fucking her ferociously.

"After you left, I just went back to bed. I was very disappointed that Sajid and Rasul would not be coming to visit me today. Infact, I was so disappointed that I decided to have lunch somewhere outside not feeling like cooking at all."

"Just when I went into a sleep and started dreaming, the sound of the bell woke me up suddenly. I looked at the clock and it was only 9 AM. I was hoping against hope that it would be Sajid and Rasul. I was wearing just the nightgown that I was wearing yesterday night."

I immediately interrupted her, "You weren't wearing anything underneath right?"

"No, I was just wearing the nightgown without a bra or a panty. As you know, the nightgown just managed to cover my ass and part of my thighs. Since I was asleep, the front robe almost pulled out and was quite loose, which I only realized later. I was half asleep when I opened the door."

"Was it Sajid and Rasul?", I interrupted excitedly.

"No, it was the watchman. He got with him a plumber to fix the water issue that we were having."

[Purva narration starts]

"Good morning madam. I heard from sir that the water issue hasn't been fixed. That's why I brought plumber to see if he can fix it."

The whole time both the watchman and the plumber were taking a good dirty look at my body. The watchman in particular could not conceal his greed at watching a ripe mature housewife standing with nothing but a flimsy piece of cloth barely covering her assets. All though he got to touch my boobs and press my tits to his will the other day, I was sure he wanted to do it a thousand times more.

Seeing how shamelessly they were looking at me, the horny slut in me sprang to life, and I planned to enjoy this moment to the fullest. So, I made no effort to hide my exposed body. I was even hoping that the rope would untie itself and come off exposing my completely nude body to the dirty perverts.

I said, "Oh, thank you for your concern Ramu. Please come inside and have a look."

I could see the delight in their eyes, as I led them to the bathroom. I could literally feel that they were fucking my ass with their eyes. It was a silk gown, and you know my ass right, it was just jumping up and down while I was walking and the gown just accentuated the movement.

I said, "Please have a look. Call me if you need anything, I will be in the kitchen". Saying that I went to the kitchen. I could hear noises of the pipes being hit from the bathroom and then suddenly, the power went off. I was damn irritated by that. It was so hot as it is and I did not take a bath yesterday as well due to the unavailability of water. Whatever little water we had stored earlier, was used by Apu and you.

After I prepared coffee for myself, I went to the bathroom and called out to Ramu, "How's it going? Any luck?"

"No madam, but we seemed to have discovered the problem. The pipes leading to the house have been filled with dirt which is blocking the flow of water. We need to replace the pipes. Unless we do that, the water won't come", the watchman said, eyeing my entire body lecherously.

I was completely enjoying the attention I was getting.

"Oh, how long will it take to fix it then?"

"It cannot be fixed atleast until tomorrow madam, because these pipes are an old model. The plumber would have to go out of the city to get them."

He confirmed with the plumber once again in hindi, and he nodded to that.

"Oh, that's really bad Ramu. As I told you I haven't taken bath yesterday also. And now the power is also gone. I am really swetty and I don't have a drop of water stored at home".

I could see the glow in his eyes. I knew he was wishing that I disrobe myself from the nightgown and show my nude and ripe body to him, just like I did the last time. Though my pussy was already soaking wet and I wanted to get nude for these two cheap men to devour my breasts, pussy and ass, I saved it for the best, which I was sure would come later.

I asked Ramu, "If it's fine with you, can I come over to your place to have a bath? You said you have a well right?".

You should have seen the joy on Ramu's face. Even the plumber was startled and seemed to go mad with joy with the idea of a rich housewife bathing at a watchman's house. Ramu didn't try much to conceal his excitement though.

"Of course madam. Please come over right now. You can take bath for as long as you want. I will keep the water ready for you."

"Thanks a lot Ramu. Let me get my soap, towel and a saree to wear after taking bath, we will go right away".

As I was walking to the bedroom to get my things Ramu said, "Actually madam, forget about the soap and towel, I will give you mine"

"Thanks Ramu, that would be great"

"Also madam, I don't think it's a good idea to carry a saree with you. If neighbours see, they will get suspicious. Savitri just left for her hometown, so I can give you her saree. I shall take it back from you later"

"Ok Ramu, that's a good idea. But let me just wear something more in addition to the nightgown"

Ramu and the plumber looked at each other and shared a laugh when I said, 'something more'. I too passed a smile.

Tarun again interjected, "Oh my god, this is so hot! So you were asked to use the watchman's towel and soap and his wife's clothes. I cannot imagine, what all things he has done with the towel and where all he must have wiped it. And you would be using the same towel to wipe your ripe sexy body? This is almost making me cum."

Haha, that's true. But it's too early for you to cum, I haven't even finished half of the story yet. The best is yet to come.

At this moment, I was so turned on that I desperately wanted to finger myself to an orgasm. I immediately went to the bedroom and fucked myself to an orgasm, covered myself with a duppatta and came out. "Chalo Ramu, lets go".

Tarun said, "Please give me a break. I cannot take all of this at once! I am so horny right now..."

Haha, I am glad you like it. These last few days have been really adventurous Tarun. I never knew there was such a big slut in me.

Tarun came forward and kissed me deeply fondling my boobs. It was all like a dream come true day for a whore wife like me.

Tarun said, "Please continue with your story Purva, I want more details. How did the watchman and the plumber enjoy you?"

So, all three of us - me, Ramu and the plumber proceeded to Ramu's house across the road. I qucikly entered the house and asked Ramu to close the door quickly so that no one sees me. As soon as I entered, I got the feeling that calling it a house was an overstatement. It was just a small hut set up on the mud itself that had a tiny cot on one side and some cooking utensils and a small stove on the other. It reeked of pan masala, and there were pan stains on the ground. Then, I realized that Ramu was a heavy pan user. The cheap surroundings of the place made me hornier.

Ramu pointed to the cot and said, "Please sit here madam. Feel free to take a bath whenever you want". Saying that, he brought a stool for himself and the plumber and both of them sat on them.

Since, there was no fan and it was really humid, I asked Ramu if I could remove my duppatta that I was still wearing. Naturally, he or the plumber did not have any concerns with that. So, acting casually I just got up and removed the duppatta and placed it on the cot beside me. Then, I just undid the robe and removed it as well, exhibiting my completely naked body to the hungry eyes of the watchman and the plumber.

You should have seen them right there. They were literally speechless. I mean, both of them could not even say a word for what seemed like eternity to them. I on the other hand, just sat on the cot, with my legs crossed. Ramu had already seen me nude, but the plumber was clearly startled. He just could not believe his luck. He just kept staring at my tits even while I was looking at him. Now, he too made no effort to hide his greed and lust looking at a mature housewife completely naked in front of him. But yeah, I promised myself that I would be their object of desire today, so be it. I was enjoying the stares more than before now, given the cheap surroundings.

I let both of them have their fun, when Ramu said something I could not believe!

"Madam, your boobs are so big. I am sure sahib would be enjoying them everyday".

"He sure does", said Tarun, pinching my tits in delight.

"Haha", I smiled and continued.

I could see that he was literally poking his eyes into my tits, while licking his lips in lust. It felt like I was being eaten then and there. The plumber though startled, was slowly getting used to the boldness of the watchman, talking about his memsahib's tits, and his hubby destroying them and stuff like that.

I blushed. "Of course. wouldn't you do such things if these boobs belonged to you?", I said looking at my own boobs.

"Of course madam, if you were my wife, I would have pressed, sucked, pinched and beaten your boobs every single day until they became red".

I loved the way he was talking so cheaply about an upper class housewife like me. I was so turned on by the boldness he was showing in talking about my boobs and other private parts. I could clearly see them looking at me completely naked and enjoying talking to me like this, as was evident by looking at the tents in their pants. I blushed at how I became an object of lust to both these old perverted men.

"Sahib is a very lucky man, madam. Now I understand why the lights in your bedroom are always on till late night everyday".

I could not believe how direct he was. I blushed at his observation. I wanted to tease him further, so I continued provoking him...

"So, does that mean after the lights are off, my hubby does not play with my parts?", I asked temptingly.

The watchman's eyes lit up when I said that. It was like I was encouraging him to continue speaking to me dirtily.

"Haha, that is true madam. But if you were my wife, I would not switch off the lights anytime. I would love to see all your parts while I destroyed them".

I was so turned on by the way Ramu was speaking to me. The fact that he had no inhibitions in expressing his carnal desire to fuck my brains out was so erotic. I was horny and wanted to see how this conversation would go, so I played along.

"Even my hubby says the same thing. But since Apu was born, we cannot do that frequently"

"Oh, but I have a solution for that madam. Give Apu some toys to play, while your hubby plays with his toys".

I was surprized by how perverted the watchman was. Looking at him everyday, I would never have thought, he was so horny for me. But I loved the way he was making me an object of lust right there.

"Haha, thanks for the suggestion. We will try that out", I said with a wink.

The plumber, though silent, was enjoying every bit of the conversation, and Ramu - I don't think there's any need to say. He was on cloud nine talking to me so dirtily and enjoying my naked look.

"Madam, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure Ramu"

"Does sahib fuck you in your asshole madam?"

I was shocked when he asked me that. It was clear that it was going to be very 'personal', given the lust he already expressed in his words. But this was clearly on another level. I was so turned on. Here I was, a rich housewife, sitting naked in a watchman's hut, with a plumber aside him discussing whether I get screwed in my asshole. I blushed and answered, "Yes Ramu. We tried it a couple of times, but it pained me a lot. So we don't do it anymore".

"Oh, I can understand that madam. But you need to train yourself if you want to get yourself fucked in your asshole".

"Oh, but how can I get trained for that?"

"Simple madam, just take anything that you can easily insert in your back hole. Just make sure you insert it deep into your asshole till the point that it cannot go any deeper. Leave it in your asshole for the rest of the day and remove it while sleeping. Everyday, keep inserting more of those items. Then, I am sure, after a week you can then take more than one hubby at the same time in your asshole", said Ramu and started laughing.

At that point, I was shocked with the extent of liberty he had taken in addressing how to make my asshole loose. I was so turned on. I just blushed, and said "Ok, Ramu!".

I continued, "Ramu, if you don't mind, can I lay down for a while before taking a bath Ramu. I am feeling kinda sleepy", to which he replied, "Of course madam, take your time. Please lie down as long as you want. Infact, I would not mind if you wanted to sleep here naked all day". All of us laughed out to that.

"Madam, I was going to make some chai for all of us. But since, you wanted to sleep for a while, I will save it for you later".

"Sure Ramu, thank you".

While Ramu got on to making chai, sleep was really falling on me and so I lied down on my belly. It was such an erotic pose that I purposely made. The plumber just couldnt't contain his eyes in his sockets. My ass was entirely on display as I turned around and looked at the plumber staring at my nudity hungrily. I was feeling so sad for the poor innocent man. He had not said a word since we had met, and so I planned to strike a conversation with the plumber.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"My name is Pushkar Singh madam".

"Ok, where are you from?"

"I am from Bihar madam".

Not a second did he stop looking at my exposed tits and ass while talking to me. I was so turned on considering that he was not trying to hide his lust for me at all.

I let him stare at my parts and while the watchman was preparing tea, I dozed off into a slumber with all my body exposed naked to those two hungry men.

I then dozed off for an unknown period of time. I woke up feeling a ticklish feeling and a little pain on one of my tits. I opened my eyes to see Pushkar Singh seated on the stool at the edge of the cot and sucking my exposed tits and occassionally biting them and pinching them as he wanted. He was so engrossed in working on my boobs that he did not realize I had opened my eyes. After letting him do it for some more time, though I did not know when he started, I nudged him to let me at least sit up. He suddenly got up and hung his head down. I could see he was nervous as hell.

To soothe him down, I said, "Okay, you can continue what you were doing". It was like he just needed some encouragement. He immediately sat on the cot beside me and grabbed both my boobs and started licking and biting them like a dog. It was so cute, though I asked him to go easy on the biting as he was literally trying to chew them off. I could not see Ramu anywhere around, so I asked Pushkar where he was.

"He went out for some urgent work Madam, said he will be back very soon", said Pushkar and went back to chewing my nipples.

"Oh ok", I replied.

I nudged Pushkar who was busy eating my tits, how long I slept. He said I had slept for more than two hours.

Then I asked him since how long he had been enjoying my body.

"Madam, I am really sorry madam. I saw such a nice figure without any clothes infront of me, so I could not control".

He was clearly nervous and started apologizing profusely. I said it was Ok for him to enjoy my parts, and I didn't really mind it. He seemed to back to his comfort state again, and again lunged forward to eat my tits. Man, wasn't he having fun!

So then, I asked him, "It's ok, you can tell me since how long have you been playing with my boobs? Is it just my boobs, or my ass and pussy also? And did Ramu also do anything to me while I was asleep?"

"Madam, you had slept just before our tea was ready. Ramu thought it's better to let you rest for sometime and so we both drank tea while looking at your nude body. After completing the tea, Ramu said he wanted to play with your pussy, so he made you sleep on your back and licked your pussy while pinching your tits. He kept eating your hole continuously for atleast half an hour"

"Ok, that's all? And when did you start eating my tits?", I asked with fake anger in my voice.

"No madam. After eating your pussy, Ramu also licked your tits and played with them for a long time. Then, he made you sleep on your stomach and inserted Madam".

I was shocked Ramu had the guts to do so much while I was asleep.

"Oh ok", I said. "What did he insert, his finger?"

"Yes madam, but not just finger madam. He inserted many things also".

Pushkar was hesitating quite a bit to answer me. To comfort him, I said, "it's ok Pushkar, please tell me what all he inserted in my asshole. I won't tell him you told me".

"Madam, he inserted spoon and a pen also madam".

"Oh, that's the point. I was wondering why my asshole is paining so much. Did both go inside properly?", I asked, surprised slightly by my own boldness, though I was getting severly turned on.

"Yes madam, the pen almost went inside completely. Ramu even played in-out with the pen in your asshole for a long time, but the spoon did not go at all. Ramu tried a lot by spitting repeatedly in your asshole but it did not go easily. He tried inserting it with force, but you shouted from pain in your sleep, so Ramu stopped trying and immediately withdrew the spoon from your asshole".

"Oh ok, thank God. Otherwise, my asshole would have been torn had he tried to insert it forcefully".

Both of us looked at each other and laughed out to what I said. Frankly, I was enjoying this discussion with Pushkar. Ramu and Pushkar exploiting me while I was asleep, Pushkar recounting all of that. It was just the best day of my life, really!

"Then, when did you start eating my tits?", I asked Pushkar.

"Madam, while Ramu was eating your pussy, I told Ramu that I also wanted to touch you and feel you. But Ramu said, I was not allowed to do that, and that I should just watch. But I could not just keep looking while Ramu was enjoying all your parts".

I blushed at what Pushkar said. "Then, what happened?", I asked.

"Madam, after about an hour Ramu had started enjoying you, he got a phone call asking him to come somewhere for some urgent work. So, he commanded me not to touch you while he was away and that he would be back in some time. He told me tell you that if you woke up".

"Oh ok, but then you could not control yourself and so when Ramu left you started chewing my tits. Right?".

"Yes madam, but I am really sorry. Please don't tell Ramu madam, he will not allow me to work for your apartment anymore".

Somehow, Pushkar, though an old man, looked so cute while he was feeling apologetic. I decided to ease him from his pressure, and asked him, "did you just eat my tits or something else also?".

He still hung his head low and said, "No madam, just your tits madam".

"Oh, so you have been chewing my tits since one hour. Ok, so that means you don't like my pussy and asshole and only my tits. May I know why is that?", I said again in a playful angry voice.

He raised his head and look at me cheerfully while I gave him a seductive smile. He understood what I meant obviously. He again lunged towards me repeating that I should not complain to Ramu about his acts. Man, was he horny for me.

He made me sleep on my back and he crouched forward on the edge of the bed and started eating pussy. It was already so wet, maybe from all the licking and eating that Ramu had already done and all the talking with Pushkar. He was really slurping on my pussy, when Ramu just entered into the room.

"Hey Ramu", I said with all the strength I could muster, while Pushkar was literally biting my pussy. Ramu did not even respond to me and started walking towards Pushkar in an effort to rebuke his actions against Ramu's words. Pushkar, did not even look at Ramu, he was just busy slurping my pussy.

As Ramu walked towards Pushkar, I signalled him to stop in his tracks. He could guess from my expressions that I was enjoying what Pushkar was doing to my pussy. So he just stood there feasting on my nude body while Pushkar had his time with my pussy.

After a few seconds, I had a massive orgasm. I twisted and twirled so much that I would have fallen off from the cot had Ramu and Pushkar not held me in position. After orgasming, I just lay there on the cot, hardly possessing any energy. It was already my second orgasm of the day and boy was it explosive.

After a while, I got up to see Ramu and Pushkar sit on their cots leering at my exposed and stretched pussy. This often happens to me after an orgasm, I would just lie down with my legs wide apart offering a treat to anyone sitting infront of me. Not that I minded, it infact made me more wanted by these two horny men.

I got the feeling that I came to know entirely what Ramu had done to me while I was asleep. I loved it that he was feeling shy looking at my face guessing that I had known.

"Ramu, do you still have the chai you made for me?"

Yes madam". Saying that, he handed me the chai by warming it again on the stove. I drank the chai while still having my legs parted so that the guys could enjoy the view of my pussy.

The time had already been 11:30 AM by then, so I finally decided to take a bath. Even after the orgasms, I was as horny as before and still wanted to explore my sexuality. As such I was ready to do anything and everything. I told Ramu and Pushkar, "I need to take a bath guys. Could you show me where the bathroom is?"

As soon as I asked the question, I saw Ramu nudging Pushkar to ask me something. It was more of a signal like, "go ahead, ask her" type.

I understood they had something in mind, so I took the lead, and said, "It's ok guys you can tell me what you want!"

Pushkar came up to me saying, "Purva madam, it's our wish that you take your bath out in the open infront of us, instead of in the toilet. It's just a request, please don't feel bad for asking you this madam. It's just that we want to see you completely wet applying soap all over your body and rubbing your private parts".

After all the things they had done to me while I was sleeping, this rather seemed like a normal request. I said smiling to them, "Of course guys, I will do that. What's there to be so apprehensive in asking that?".

I could see the joy on their faces escalate again. Not that they were any less joyful earlier, but that's these guys. They just want to have as much of me as they can. Pushkar immediately came forward and hugged me tightly feeling my tits on his chest. I could literally feel his hardon on my pussy. His hands roamed around my bare back and stopped at my ass. Just when I was wondering what he was going to do, he spanked my ass really hard multiple times and grabbed it tightly with his hands.

Since he was an old man, he had very big nails. When he grabbed my ass tightly, some of the nails rooted inside my ass. I let out a slight moan of pain and pleasure. I thoroughly enjoyed how emboldened he became given that he was so reserved initially.

He immediately understood what he had done to my ass, and stepped backward. I looked at him in mock anger and turned around to show what he had done to my ass. Both Ramu and Pushkar exclaimed on seeing the red nail marks on my ass. Ramu hit Pushkar on his head lightly, though I am sure he was proud of what he had done to my ass. I then turned to him again, intently but playfully looking at him as if I was seeking an explanation. "Sorry madam, control nhi ho paya". I burst out into a laughter looking at his lust for me, and so did both of them too. Oh, it was such a good day for all of us, I thought.

Since there was no mirror anywhere, I just could assess the damage to my ass through the pain. However, I wanted to see what Pushkar had done to it with my own eyes too.

"Ramu, can you click a picture of my ass in your phone and show the damage that Pushkar caused to my ass?", I said, mockingly looking at Pushkar as if I was distrubed with his actions. Ramu immediately took out his phone and clicked about 5 pictures of my ass from various angles and showed me each one of them. Wow, his nails did go deep inside my ass. I thoroughly enjoyed amusing the two guys, allowing them to do whatever they wanted to do to my body. I playfully slapped Pushkar lightly on his cheek as a sign of punishing him for his condescending action and once again, we all laughed it out heartily. Clearly, they were having the best time of their lives feeling me up, sucking my tits and pussy, roughing up my ass and inserting all kinds of things in my asshole. It was such a great turn on for me, and words cannot express the feeling, I thought.

"Tarun, I think you should go to sleep now. Your eyes are red and you look really tired. I can continue the story later".

"What? are you kidding me? Do you think I can fucking go to sleep after all that these guys did to you? Even if it takes the entire night, I am going to listen to you about what all was done to you today. How can I miss my wife being a slut that she is?", I said, pinching her already swollen, red tits once again.

"Haha, ok then. You're wife's a whore and there's no denying that!", I said and winked my eye and continued the story.

So then, all of us proceeded to the outdoor space that was present behind the hut. It was just a two meter broad passageway parallel to the hut, and it ended in a bunch of trees at the other end of its breadth. As soon as I entered it, I was overwhelmed by a pungent smell of urine. The passageway, I realized was essentially a shortcut to go to the fish market from the main road and thus there was bound to be some traffic even though there was no one walking across it at that moment. That also made sense as to why the place was so stinking of urine. People just used this area as a urine dumpster.

It was truly out in the open. All the 6 apartments that were surrounding the area could easily get a clear look of the space. I was really get wetter and wetter thinking about taking a bath on the road, where I was visible to, atleast in theory, to about 500 people. It really turned me on. I did not give a fuck even if someone was going to pass by and ogle at my parts while I was bathing. I infact checked around hoping if someone from any of the apartments, was looking at my naked body already. Unfortunately, I found no one doing so.

Ramu immediately got two buckets of water for me from the well and gave me his soap to use. I was so hot from realizing that this is the same soap that Ramu uses to clean himself. The cheapness of the situation made my pussy drip with juices again.

Pushkar and Ramu got themselves two chairs each, placed it on the passageway just a little away from me, sat on them waiting for the show to begin. Wow, it was like I was a whore and I was being paid by these two men to do a nude dance and please them. It felt so so hot!

I started taking bath in broad daylight, in a public outdoor area, completely naked exposed to all the people of our colony, while two low class cheap men enjoyed the sight of that rich busty housewife doing whatever they wanted. If someone told me 2 weeks back that such a thing was going to happen to me, I would have probably committed suicide. But here I go, doing exactly that with utmost wetness in my pussy.

Ramu even took out his cell phone, to shoot a video of mine while I was bathing infront of them. I didn't mind it at all, as I trusted him now. Infact, I wanted him to show the video to all his friends. The idea of people who are unknown to me, knowing my name and where I lived and masturbating to my bathing video itself brought shivers to my body adding to the effect of the cold water that was running through my body, making my nipples hard.

As they had wished, I started rubbing soap all over my body. I rubbed my pussy with the soap in various postures, so that the viewers could get a good glimpse of it. Pushkar even urged Ramu, "thoda aur zoom in kar le, chut dikhegi Purva ki (Zoom in a little man, you can shoot a close up of her pussy)".

I proceeded further showing them every inch of my body. I rubbed the soap on my tits repeatedly, pinching them occassionally, while Ramu and Pushkar licked their lips in complete lust. I turned around and showed them my asshole and started rubbing soap inside it. Oh, it was so much fun doing things that guys of such cheapness want.

In between Ramu said, "Purva, please sit on the ground and spread your legs. Then, rub the soap in your pussy". I did what they wanted. I was literally sitting on the muddy ground and rubbing my pussy infront of these perverts. It was an experience I will cherish for a lifetime.

Then unexpectedly, I could hear voices of two men, who seemed to be walking into the passageway. However, in my extreme sexual desire at that moment, I decided to continue what I was doing acting as if I did not hear the voices. I wanted as many men as possible to devour my naked and ripe body while I took bath like a shameless slut out in the open. The two guys, as Ramu told me later, were shocked at what they could see from a distance. Upon coming closer, they stood still unable to believe what they were seeing.

I then heard Ramu call out to them, "Kapil aur Sunil, bhai kaise ho tum log? Bhut din baad yahan aaye? (Hey Kapil and Sunil, brothers, how are you? You've come here after a long time?)". And both of them, whose names were apparently Kapil and Sunil were the cousin brothers of Ramu went to hug Ramu. Ramu told me later that they lived nearby the fish market and they worked as drivers for a millionairre who was living nearby.

Clearly, as seen on their faces, they were highly excited about a mature woman bathing completely naked in public on the roadway infront of two men. Ramu suggested his cousin brothers that they get stools from inside and accompany them to enjoy the 'show'. He did not even ask me if I was okay with it, and I really loved it. It was like I was a public whore, who could be enjoyed by anyone.

Of course, Kapil and Sunil readily agreed to their brother's 'demands' and immediately got stools for themselves and started looking at my parts. I was still sitting on the ground with my legs parted and pussy completely exposed without a trace of dignity. Ramu said, "Please continue bathing Purva".

I loved the command he exerted over me, making me hornier than ever. The feeling that whoever wanted could come and join in the fun, while I was exhibited as a whore seemed so beautiful to me. I continued rubbing soap over my pussy.

Of course, Kapil and Sunil had questions about how this situation came about, about how his brother could catch hold of such a beautiful 'randi (whore)'. Ramu just said, "abey jab dikha rahi hai to enjoy karo, sawaal baad me... (dude, when she is showing, just see and enjoy. Leave your stupid questions for later)".

In particular I heard Kapil asking, "yeh randi kaha se mili bhayya aap ko. Ek dum maal hai? (from where did you catch this whore brother, she's a bomb)" and "bhayya randi ne toh kamaal kar diya. puri nangi aur sadak pe naha rahi hai (Bro, the whore is amazing. She's completely naked and on top of that taking bath on the road)", to which Ramu replied, "baad me bataunga, pehle dekh to le (I will give you all the details later, just enjoy the show man)".

Of course, they hardly talked face-to-face as their eyes were glued to whatever part of my body they wanted to explore at that very moment.

Soon after what seemed like an hour of bathing with intentional rubbing on all my private parts, I finished talking bath. I heard Sunil asking Ramu, "bhayya yeh video bluetooth me bhejo na bhayya, please bhayya...please! (Brother, please give me the video via bluetooth. Please!)". Surprisingly though, Ramu this time looked at me for my permission. I nodded immediately, not wanting to waste an opportunity for all these cheap guys to see my bathing video.

Kapil and Sunil looked at me in a way to express their gratitude for putting up a free show for them, even though I did not know who they were. As soon as the video was transferred to their mobiles, they said, "shukriya Ramu bhayya. Aaj to hum ko khajana mil gaya (Thank you Ramu brother, today we have struck gold)". Ramu was also very happy with the fact that he could give my nudity as a gift to his younger brothers.

I looked at Pushkar Singh, who was staring at my pussy, and asked him, "Don't you want the video?". He said, "Purva madam, I don't have a phone, but I will definitely buy one now". All the 5 of us laughed to that, as Kapil and Sunil kept staring repeatedly at my parts even as they left. Ramu reassured them that he will tell them the entire story next time when they are here. I was so turned on, thinking about how he was going to describe about all that happened and about me in my absence.

After they left, Ramu handed me his towel. I wiped the wetness out of my body using the towel that he used daily. It was clear that he had been using it since he was born, it was half torn, and filthy and I literally felt like puking when I smelled it. That made my pussy wetter.

As I tied the towel around my waist leaving my boobs free, I asked Ramu, "Ramu, should I throw the soap? It's almost over".

"No no Purva, how can you throw it? The soap has ventured into the most heavenly places on this earth, your pussy and asshole and it has had the privelege to be rubbed into its face, your beautiful tits. Give it to me, I will keep it with me forever and forver". All the three of us started laughing to that. I gave him the soap, and he immediately smelt it deep and said, "The smell of your wonderful pussy and asshole has defeated the fragrance of the soap itself. Now, it only smells of your pussy". I slapped him playfully, while we all went inside.

Inside, I removed the towel and sat naked on the cot for some more time chatting with Ramu and Pushkar. I again parted my legs so that they could see my fresh pussy. I checked the clock and it was 12:30 already. I wanted to ask Ramu to give me one of Savitri's saree, but before that, for the sake of completeness, I wanted to do one last thing.

"Ok guys, that was superb fun. But one thing is, you guys sucked me like you wanted to...Oh Ramu don't make that face, I know what you did with my tits, pussy and asshole when I was asleep". Ramu looked at Pushkar in mock anger, and we all laughed out to it.

"Anyway, since you guys sucked me like you wanted to, it's only fair that I return the favor isn't it?"

Ramu and Pushkar looked at each others faces in utter confusion. They weren't sure if they were hearing it correctly.

"Yes guys, you heard it right. Let those monsters out and let me suck them", I said in excitement.

Perplexed but happier than ever, both of them immediately unzipped their pants and got their cocks out. Both of them were huge, comparable to that of Rasul and Sajid. Due to all the things that were happening since morning, both their cocks were moist with precum and smelled dirty. Maybe it's also because these guys hardly took bath. Of course, I loved it.

I took turns in sucking both of them while they played with my tits. Maybe it's because of the pressure on their cocks since morning, I hardly sucked for 2 mins. on each cock, both of them released their cum and it was loads of cum. I could hardly take all of it in my mouth. As a result, half of it ended up falling on my face and on my boobs and so on. I however managed to swallow the remaining. They seemed extremely pleased about that, and both of them fell on to the cot.

I told Ramu that I had no intention of washing the cum on my body, and that I would be wearing the saree and blouse as it is. I would also be leaving my nightgown and duppatta with Ramu, and it was up to him what he wanted to do with them!

Ramu advised me not to return the saree and keep it for myself. He even suggested me not to wash it ever, for some perverted reason which I seemed to enjoy as well. Finally after I put on the saree and gave both of them a big hug. Frankly, I enjoyed this episode more than anything else before, even more than those with Sajid and his guys. However, little did I know at the time that my day was certainly not over yet.

As I was walking out of the hut, Ramu called out to me and asked, "Purva, I saw a tattoo on your asshole when I playing with it while you were asleep. I guess it was written in Urdu, but I did not understand what it meant. Out of curiosity what does it mean and where did you get the tattoo?".

I smiled at him.

All I could say was, "That's another long story. I will tell you some time later", winked at him and said goodbye.

[Purva's narration ends]

Me: "Wow, that was amazing. You know the story has turned me on so much, my pant is wet till me knees".
Purva: "Haha, I hope you now understand how wet I was".
Me: "Yeah, I do. So what happened after that?"

[Purva narrates]

After I came back home from Ramu's place, I sat on the sofa and switched on the TV. I was still feeling extremely horny. Bathing infront of two horny and perverted working class labourers brought the exhibitionist in me back to life. It was 12:30 PM and I didn't prepare any lunch. I was thinking maybe I will take a small nap on the sofa itself for a while and then go outside to have catch some lunch. I was still fresh after the bath though I blowed both Ramu's and Pushkar's cocks and most of their cum fell on my face and boobs. My pussy was still dripping wet from all the erotic adventures I had since morning.

Just when I was about to go to sleep, I heard the phone ring. I probably wondered it was you and lifted the call. However, it was Sajid. I was pleasantly surprised to hear him on the line.

Sajid: "Hello, Purva?"
I was excited and wondered why he had called me after he told me that they weren't going to come over today.

Me: "Hi Sajid, where are you?"

Sajid: "Where the fuck were you? I have been calling you since 10 in the morning. Were you getting fucked by your husband or what?"

Me: "Oh, is it? Why? No, I was out to get some groceries, that's all", I lied, as Sajid claimed me that I was his sole property.

Sajid: "Ok, anyway listen. You still have the burqua that I gave you right?"

Me: "Of course", I said sensing something exciting was coming my way.

Sajid: "Good. Here's what I want you to do. Wear the burqua with nothing underneath, just like the other day. There will be a black taxi right across the road under your apartment. Just get into it quietly. Do what the taxi guy says without asking him any questions"

Me: "Fine. But I did not eat anything since morning. Can I just have some lunch outside and get into the taxi?"

Sajid: "No, get into the taxi first. We will take care of the lunch for you"
Frankly, that did sound very exciting. I could also hear a lot of male voices from behind. I wondered what Sajid planned for me.

Me: "Ok, I will get into the taxi now. Bye!"

I could not understand what Sajid was thinking. In the morning, Rasul called me and told me they won't be able to visit me and now, he hurriedly wanted me to wear just the burqua and get into the taxi. Did they have a change of plan, or was he just trying to surprize me? However, I didn't care much. I already was really sexual that day after all that was done to me in the watchman's house and I just wanted myself to be taken advantage of. I just wanted to be a real whore for every man at that point of time.

As Sajid told me, I stripped the saree that I was wearing, and put on my burqua. I looked myself in the mirror and it seemed like it was very transparent. Anyway, I didn't care much, as I was just supposed to escape the stares of the neighbours and in no time, I will be the taxi arranged by Sajid.

I locked the door and went downstairs. The taxi was across the road and I immediately got into it. The driver was obviously one of Sajid's friends who lived in the slums. I looked at him and smiled, but he didn't seemed to bother at all. I wondered if he knew about me and the burqua ride that Sajid had taken me on in his slums.

As soon as I got into the taxi, the driver simply drove off. He drove for a while until we reached their dirty bylanes. It kind of seemed familiar to me as I had been to this place, but it was quite confusing. The whole area almost seemed like a maze. The streets were so small and dirty with crap almost everywhere. Everywhere I saw, there were these working class Muslim guys on the road, not just one or two but groups of them. They were all heavily built and looked very rough.

The driver finally halted the taxi at a gully entrance. I could see that the roads were just a metre in width. There were groups of many guys everywhere smoking cigarettes and talking and laughing loudly. I got the impression that this locality was different from where I had earlier been with Sajid and Rasul. Those locations somehow seemed a little more, well, civilized.

The taxi driver turned to me and said, "Sajid bhai asked me to drop you here and told me to give you some instructions"

He continued, "You will get down here and you have to go to a place called Salim's garage. It's the biggest car shed in this area. However, you can only go to that place by asking directions from whoever you encounter. Sajid bhai has ordered me not to tell you the route to the garage".

I said, "Are you sure? I don't know anyone in this locality, will they help me out?"

The driver said, "I don't know and that's none of my business. I am just telling what Sajid bhai asked me to tell you".

I was getting the feeling the driver was getting pissed for no reason, and so I decided to be careful. I remember Sajid telling me not to ask him too many questions. I wondered if this guy was like one of the villians they showed in movies.

He continued, "Next, remove your burqua and give it to me".

As soon as the words crossed his mouth, I was shocked. I was sure there was some communication gap between the driver and Sajid. I said, "No, I can't do that. I am completely naked under the burqua".

"I know. Sajid bhai told me to take the burqua before dropping you. No more questions, just get naked fast".

As shocked I was, I quickly removed the burqua and gave it to the driver, lest he gets pissed off. So, there I was completely naked about to venture into a slum with hundreds of hungry eyes.

"Good. Now get out of the taxi"

Saying so, he also got out of the taxi and came over to my side. I could already feel the working class stares on my naked body. The taxi driver came over to my side and did what I least expected.

He kissed me publicly and grabbed my ass hardly with his rough hands. He then spanked me so hard that I literally fell over onto the taxi. All the cheap working class around started looking intently at what was happening. Then, he spat on my face with force two times and slapped me so hard that I feel on the ground. That was easily the roughest treatment I got till date.

He then said, "Sajid bhai did not ask me to do this. I did it out of my own lust for a slut like you". Saying that he spit on my face once more leaving me completely broken on the ground. He then got into his taxi and rode away. I was truly lying on the ground like a whore who has been used completely like a toy and left to die with her troubles.

I saw that there were literally hundreds of men in the slum around me. For the first time, I was literally scared that I would get gangraped by all these cheap working class men. I somehow got up and started walking towards a direction having no clue of how to go to Salim's garage.

I was afraid if I was going a little too far. What if Sajid and his gang were trying to sell me as a whore to some red light area? What if all these guys caught hold of me and made me their sex toy? I was really scared.

While walking, I could literally feel every guy fucking me with his eyes. They were so many guys all around in groups of 5 and 10, and they all seemed so cheap and vulgar. As I walked with my head hanging low, not having a clue of where to go, I was suddenly spanked on my ass by a flimsy looking guy. I turned back, and then he grabbed my boobs hard and started biting them. He bit them so hard that they literally left bite marks on my boobs. He then spit on my face and just pushed me and went back on his way. I was so startled about what was happening and felt something was wrong.

Anyway, I kept walking while slowly a strange sense of erotica developed inside me. I somehow felt that this was all a really perverted game that Sajid and his gang were trying on me. I continued walking, trying to avoid the stares of these men.

I passed through the current lane and entered the next, when I saw an old man sitting on the chair and smoking a cigarette. He must have been aroused at the sight of a fully ripe housewife walking around naked. He immediately got up from his chair and came towards me.

He said something in Urdu, which I did not understand at all. He then put his hands on my boobs and started pressing them hard. I was somehow beginning to enjoy this a lot more than at first.

I let him do what he was doing, and I asked him about Salim's garage. He again blabbered something in Urdu, which I could not decipher, but I understood that he knew nothing about Salim's garage. Then, I signalled him that I had to get going, and that he should stop fondling my boobs.

He seemed to have understood that. He let go my boobs but asked me to wait right there and went inside his house shouting something loudly. He came out of the house and 4 more old men followed him. They all seemed to be really turned on looking at my nudity. All of them together started feeling me up. One of them started spreading my ass cheeks and inserted his finger inside my asshole. The other was licking and eating my boobs while others took care of my pussy. All this was happening in public on the dirty bylane with hundreds of onlookers.

All the while they seemed to be muttering something in Urdu and kept laughing loudly. It seemed like they were calling me different names and enjoying themselves. They asked me if I was willing to come inside, as I understood by their actions. It seemed like they wanted to spend more time working on my parts.

Somehow, I felt very unsafe but turned on at the same time. I wanted to see what these horny old men had in store for me. So, when I agreed, they lifted me in their arms and took me inside. They made me sleep on a small table that was lying in the hallway. Then, all of them started feeling me up once again. I was so horny at that moment, that I wished they fucked my brains out. I wanted to communicate it to them to fuck me, but could not.

While I was there, these old perverted group of men did everything imaginable. They spit on my face, fingered my pussy, fingered my asshole, kissed me inside my mouth. I was so disgusted by their breath that I felt like puking.

Then, one of the guys who was biting on my tits, came up to me and unzipped his pants. What I saw was one of the most dirtiest dicks till now. It was so huge that it looked like a python. He pulled my head towards himself so that it was hanging from the table and just forced his dirty dick all at once into my mouth. He started face fucking so roughly, that I was gagging heavily. I even puked once during the process. He however seemed to love it and pushed his dick even deeper into my throat, all the way in.

I had already started enjoying the rough treatment they were giving me. Right then, one of the guys inserted his dicks into my pussy. He just pushed it all at once in one go, and I screamed loudly even with another dick in my mouth. What resulted was a roar of laughter from everyone. They were enjoying humiliating me. All the guys then took turns and alternated between face fucking, ramming my pussy, eating my nipples and biting on my stomach and thighs.

Slowly, each one of them started releasing their loads on me wherever they wished - on my boobs, inside my pussy and inside my mouth. After that all of them gathered as much spit as they could and started spitting on me. Just when I thought the ordeal was over, one of the guys pulled me over and started fingering me very roughly. I understood his objective was to make me cum. After about 20 seconds of continuously devastating my pussy with his fingers, I let out a huge fountain of cum. They all laughed heartily to that. Then they got me off the table and just pushed me out of their house and closed the door.

I was so weak by then that I could hardly walk. That was clearly the most intense fucking and orgasm I had ever had. It was my third orgasm of the day and I felt so weak that I had to sit for a while. People all around were looking at me with nothing but hungry eyes. They all seemed to know I was gangbanged like a professional whore.

And the worst thing was, I still had no clue where Salim's garage was.

[Purva's narration pauses]

Me: "Oh my god Purva! I know you went through some really intense pain and humiliation, but I love the way you were made to participate in this thing by Sajid. He is really the best. I am sorry to say this, but imagining you completely naked among so many perverted working class fellas and you being in the danger of being fucked by anybody anywhere is just too much for me . Really!"

Saying that I pinched Purva's tits very hardly. I could literally tell she went through a lot lot more from the condition of her body. She was simply ravaged like a street whore. Every part of her body, be it her boobs, tits, stomach, arms, thighs, ass, or face - all of them had cuts and bite marks. It was as if she was under make up. Truth be told, I was so turned looking at Purva like this.

Purva: "Haha. I am glad you are ok with all this Tarun. But I was more than just a street whore today".

Me: "I think I'll skip office tomorrow Purva. Please go slow and elaborately describe each detail as to how every one of those slum perverts savaged on your ripeness".

[Purva continues narrating]

I had not eaten anything since morning and on top of that I had 3 intense orgasms. I was feeling damn weak, and my legs started trembling too. Also, since I could not find a proper water source, I could neither drink water to satisfy my thirst or wash myself of all the spit and cum that was deposited in my body by these cheap slum guys.

I kept walking on and on and kept asking whichever guy I met about Salim's garage. However, all they cared was to exploit my ripe body parts. Being spit on and slapped roughly and getting my ass grabbed and slapped hard on my ass was now a common occurence with these perverts. I was happy if one did not bite my nipples, stomach or thighs or make insertions into my holes. By now, about 40 fingers had already savaged my holes. I started feeling sore in both my pussy as well as asshole now.

In one instance, a group of men fucked me like a whore on the road itself. It was like I was a street whore for all the residents of the slum. All sorts of perverts gathered around while I was being fucked. They all collaborated with each other so that all of them got the chance to fuck me in one way or the other. There was cum everywhere on my body and at one point I literally could not see due to amount of cum discharged by those perverts on my face. People who could not get the chance to fuck me just discharged their cum on me. Of course, all the spitting, slapping and biting went without saying in this locality. Once the fucking was over, they just threw me away on the road.

I started to get skeptical about the existence a Salim's garage anywhere near this locality. I remember the driver saying that it was the biggest garage in this area, but clearly no one knew about it. Either the people here were just looking for ways to humiliate me by saying they didn't about the garage or there wasn't actually a garage by the name of Salim. I again began to think if Sajid was trying to pull something really mean on me. I was not sure what was going to happen. One thing was sure, there was no going back. Giving up only meant I be a permanent whore for all these men here because there was no way these people would allow me to make a phone call atleast to you.

Just when I was losing hope, I heard a faint sound of someone speaking English. I rushed to that place from where the sound was coming and saw an old man. He still seemed the general working class muslim guy, but atleast he was speaking some English on his mobile, though it was the worst english I had ever heard. I figured he was better than most of the guys who made a living here.

He was chewing pan sitting in his small shop. I didn't really understand what his shop was set up for, though figuring that out was the least of my priorities. I seemed a little lucky as this lane was relatively deserted. There were other shops in the lane too, but all of them were closed for some reason.

By now, with spit and cum all over my body, bite marks everywhere, and sore holes and being famished and completely naked, I looked exactly like a tramp. It was like a typical materialistic world. No one wanted to help a naked beggar, all they wanted was to fuck her, rape her and humiliate her to the core. I felt that situation suited me perfectly.

As soon as I entered the shop of this broken English speaker, he stopped talking on his phone and savaged me with his eyes. He sharply got up and spoke something in Urdu, while at the same time, exploring my entire body. I could understand from the tone of his voice that he was asking me to get out. It's safe to say that I was officially a tramp now.

I was also sure that from the looks on his face, he definitely understood me as a tramp fucked all day. He was probing every part of my body and he understood that serious fun has been taken from my ripeness.

Even before saying anything, he came over and started shouting at me in Urdu. Somehow, in between I caught hold of his attention by blabbering something that he could understand.

"Sir, I am not a beggar. I need to know the route to Salim's garage".

He was still not satisfied with my explanation. "Who are you first? You are some prostitute who been fucked and not given your money. Get out quick. If I call my friends here, they will rape you like anything. Get out, bloody beggar prostitute".

I was seriously scared now. I wanted to get out of his sight then and there, but I had no other choice. This unknown guy, a stranger, a working class old man who was convinced that I was a tramp and prostitute seemed the only guy who could help me out. I was so helpless right now.

"Sir, please listen to me. I am not a prostitute or begger. I need to go to Salim's garage Sir, please..."

As soon as I said that, he started laughing. "You are saying you not prostitute and begger and you want to go to Salim's garage?"

Saying that, he continued laughing.

I did not understand his statement. Looking at my confusion, he said "Salim's garage is the most famous whore house in this slum. Every man from all slums go there for fucking. And you are saying you are not a prostitute?"

I was shocked at his words. I really could not believe Sajid had asked me to come to a whore house. Was I correct in fearing that he was going to make me a whore and sell me to a whore house?

I got scared, but at the same time, strangely though, wetness again started to develop in my pussy. I felt that I should take this risk. Anyway, it was not like I had a chance. Even if I wanted to go back, it is only possible after meeting Sajid at Salim's garage and request him to leave me and I was sure, he would not let me go that easily. I had to take a decision right there and I took it. I was going to Salim's garage.

"Sir, I am not a prostitute sir, but by turn of events, I have been made to strip naked and been fucked by many guys in the slum. I need to go to Salim's garage at any cost. Can you please take me there?"

I said that with all my heart and earnestness.

The man thought for a long time, and finally said, "Ok, I will take you".

I was delighted. It felt like atleast something was going right for me.

"However, only on one condition. I will first fuck you inside my shop and then take you to Salim's garage. See, if you are going to Salim's garage, you will become a prostitute anyway. Then, you charge money for fucking you. I will help you now, so you let me fuck you for free now. If that's fine with you come into my shop else get lost"

I really didn't think much frankly. I had already been fucked and roughed by atleast 30 men in these slums. One more guy wouldn't make much of a difference. So as soon as the man said that, I went inside the shop.

The man was delighted at the thought of getting a chance to savage me. He immediately came inside, closed the door and led me upstairs. There was no place for two people to, let alone have sex, but to sit in his shop. As such, he took me upstairs.

Until I completed walking up the stairs did I not understand where this man was planning to fuck me. He was going to fuck me in a small Indian bathroom that was stinking badly. I couldn't believe it.

I looked at him and said, "Sir, you will fuck me here?"

"Yes you whore. Lie down on the floor fast, I will sleep on you and fuck you like a slut. Do you think there will be big rooms in slums for fucking cheap whores like you?"

That pretty much summed up what I had been going through soon after I stepped inside this locality. As I had no option, I slept on the dirty bathroom floor, that I was sure hadn't been cleaned nor flushed in years, on my belly. The man immediately slept on me with his clothes on and started fucking me by unzipping his pants. He was so much heavier than me, that I felt my boobs being crushed completely under his weight. He fucked me for something like 20 mintutes before completely emptying his cum inside my pussy.

I was so tired by then that I did not have an ounce of energy in my body. The man got up and said, "Listen, I will go out and get a smoke for myself, and after that I will take you to the whorehouse". Saying that, he spit the pan that he was chewing right at my face and left downstairs. It was certainly the most degrading point in my life.

I turned around and slept on my back for a while trying to gather energy to get myself up. I seemed to go into a slumber for a while and the next thing I could feel was a strong pain on my face. I woke up from my sleep and realized the man was slapping me hard on my face to wake up. "Get up whore, I will drop you to Salim's garage. I just gave you a normal fucking and you want to sleep all day?. In that whore house, they will fuck you much worse day and night, what will you do then?".

I somehow gathered strength and did not even bother to wash my face. I went straight down with him. He seated me on his bicycle infront of him and started cycling.

I was going to Salim's garage - the whorehouse.

Tarun: Wow Purva, just wow! I have seen a true whore today, and she's none other than my wife. It's just so erotic listening to how you have been fucked by so many strangers mercilessly. I am sure even if they come and stand infront of you now, you wouldn't be able to identify them. You are probably the sluttiest woman in the world right now!

Haha, yeah! I seriously think so too. By the time I left for Salim's garage, I was so drained out that I could not even stand up but still, my sore pussy was dripping. Do you want me to continue with what happened? It's already 2 AM and you seem really tired.

Tarun: Oh, c'mon Purva. Fuck office, I will take a leave tomorrow. Please go on and tell me what happened. Did you meet Sajid and his team? Did they all gangrape you and savage on your body?

[Purva's narration begins]
I was on the cycle with the man who fucked me in his bathroom on the way to Salim's garage. I was so drained and lifeless. I had been fucked by almost the entire slum, was inserted into my pussy and asshole by many cheap men, and spit on, licked, bited almost everywhere.

As we were on the way to Salim's garage which I realized later was located in Sajid's neighbourhood about 5 kms away, there were many guys who were surprised by seeing a ripe housewife completely fucked and naked, on a cycle along with an old man. The guys passed comments in Urdu and many of them seemed to know the guy who was riding me on his cycle. He reponded back to them in Urdu and many a times I heard roaring laughter after their conversation. I was sure they were exchanging details about who I was and where I was supposed to go. Slowly, I was getting into my usual self again and was liking all this.

After what seemed like an hour, we finally reached Salim's garage. The guy on the cycle said, "Get down slut. This is where you will spend your life from now. I am sure once you get noticed here, you will become a very famous prostitute in the country."

His words literally pierced me. I was again scared if Sajid was selling me off as a prostitute in this whorehouse. As soon as I got down from the cycle, I looked around hoping to find Sajid, Rasul or anybody from their gang. I was clearly under their mercy.

Just then, I heard somebody shout out, "Purva!". It turned around to see that it was Sajid!

I was elated to find him atlast. He was smoking a cigarette with a couple of his buddies, whom I had never met.

Sajid said, "Purva! so you are here finally? Wow, you look really gorgeous. I knew you were going to get fucked but never thought you were going to get fucked by the whole town! Man, how many guys have fucked you today?"

I was furious with him for making me a subject to all of this. I went near him and started hitting him playfully on this shoulders with all the strength I could muster. Sajid caught my hands tightly and said, "Hey c'mon Purva, I know you loved the experience. Tell me, how many guys treated you like a whore and raped you today?"

I finally subdued to Sajid's strong and rough hands and rested my head on his chest. I said, "countless men Sajid. It was like a fuck fair for the slum guys. Can't you see what they have done to me?".

"Of course I can. I wanted you to see this way, making you a fuck toy for all my brothers. I am sure they will keep a lookout for you and never forget the wonderful time you have given them".

I smiled at Sajid's words. I did give all of them a wonderful time and am sure all those cheap low class guys who fucked me will cherish the moment they got to do all the things they wanted to do with a rich and ripe housewife like me. Slowly, I was again at the peak of my arousal. I could not still figure out what Sajid had planned for me at this whorehouse.

Just then, Sajid noticed the guy who dropped me on his cycle here and said, "Arre, Pervez bhai, how are you? Did you drop Purva here? That's so nice of you".

Pervez said, "Yes Sajid bhai. I dropped her. Is she a new whore in Salim's garage?"

"Haha, no. She's not up for fucking for anyone. She's just my whore", said Sajid. Saying that, he winked at me and I playfully slapped Sajid.

Pervez clearly seemed confused with the closeness I exhibited with Sajid.

"Pervez bhai, did you fuck her too? If not, come over to the hall in the garage, but remember she is not a public prostitute and this is just the one time".

"Yes Sajid bhai, how could I let such a gori (fair) memsahib go without fucking her. But, of course, I would love to fuck her again and again".

I was surprised about how Sajid knew everybody in the surrounding areas as well, maybe it was because they met regularly at Salim's garage. Suddenly, the words of the driver that it is the biggest garage in town rang in my head. However, I was more surprised as to what was waiting me in the "hall in the garage". Sajid, as usual had great plans for me and I was waiting for it to happen.

Just as I was drifting into thoughts, Sajid called out to a few more men to come out of the garage to meet me. There I was like a tramp, all naked and ravaged by a number of cheap guys being an object of lust to even more men. Thinking about it made my pussy even more wet.

I saw Rasul, Jasim, Kamran, Mushtaq and many more guys. It was clear that they all had assembled to do something nasty to me. Though a little scared of the consequences, I was severly horny and I eagerly wanted to see what these perverted rough low class people had in store for me. Not to mention that all of them were aroused and horny to savage on my already destroyed parts. They all seemed surprised too, seeing all the bite marks, the spit and the cum on my entire body. All of them were ogling me top to toe in lust, licking their lips and uttering words to each other in Urdu and laughing. I was enjoying every moment of it. After all, I felt like this is where I belonged, among these cheap labourers.

Rasul came up to me and said, "Purva, you look fabulous. You look like a whore here in the garage who has been gangbanged for days together without any mercy. All of us have been wishing that we could someday see you like this. Thanks for making it come true".

I smiled at Rasul. I frankly kinda missed him and his rough hands and wanted him to fuck me then and there.

Soon, even more guys appeared out of the garage. It seemed like they all knew who I was. All of them came out and joined the crowd circling around me to catch a glimpse of my ripe nudity. I also figured out they all had been drinking heavily as the entire crowd reeked of cheap liquor. Everybody was raping me with their eyes. The setting made me even more horny and now my pussy juices started dripping quite evidently.

Kamran said, "Purva madam, it's been a long time since I saw you and I am glad you are here with us. I want to so badly hug you and eat your tits and pussy but I think you are fully covered in cum".

I blushed at his words. It was like they all knew that I had been fucked by the whole slum and was still ready to get savaged by these hungry men. I smiled at him.

Sajid then said, "Ok Purva, we have a lot of exciting things planned ahead". Saying that he introduced me to a guy called Ahmed. "He is Ahmed, a professional photographer. He also has a studio behind my house. He is here to take a few photos and videos of you during the time you are with us".

Ahmed was a tall and thin guy, who seemed quite drunk already. I was not sure how he would manage to shoot, but then he will anyway loose his senses when he tries to capture me in his camera, I thought. I was sure turned on by all that was happening in the centre of the road among so many cheap men in the middle of the day. Of course, Sajid had some really kinky reason to get a photographer to the spot. Was he going to make a blue film while all these guys fucked my holes? I really didn't care. I just wanted it to happen.

Sajid then said, "Ok Purva, so actually all of these guys here already know about you. And ever since I told them about you to these guys, they have been dying to meet you. I too wanted you to meet all of them so that they would believe in what I told them about you and all of us devised this plan of leaving you somewhere far off from here completely naked among those strangers. We wanted to see if you could make it here and how many guys would fuck you like a slut in the process. I thought if you don't come here before night, I would come search for you in the morning. Anyway, you are here with us and all of us heartily enjoy what we see".

I blushed at his words. It was so erotic imagining that all these guys knew about me, the whore that I was made subject to their devious plan of getting me here while getting fucked by countless strangers.

Sajid proceeded, "And the thing is Mushtaq bhai got a new construction job in Dubai. So he will be leaving all of us in about two week's time. I asked him if he would be missing something, and all he said was that he would miss your big jugs, your tight pussy and asshole and fucking you like a whore as much as he wished".

I looked at Mushtaq, who was keenly looking at my tits not even listening to what Sajid was saying and it was so cute.

"So, I thought it was the best thing to get you down here so that Mushtaq bhai too will have a good time with you along with the other guys".

I was so turned on by then, really. I was dripping loads of juices now from my pussy that all of the guys might have easily noticed, given that they were all leering at my entire body.

I said, "Of course, I will miss Mushtaq bhai too". Saying that I went and gave Mushtaq a peck on his cheek. Everyone cheered loudly and clapped for my act.

"Ok Purva, so basically the reason we got the photographer today is that we wanted to make a record of all the things that are going to be done to you. I will then gift all the pics and videos that we have to Mushtaq bhai who will definitely not get a whore like you to fuck even in Dubai!"

"Sure Sajid, I am really happy that I mean so much to Mushtaq and all of you". Saying that, all of us joined in on a laugh.

"So Purva, all the guys are waiting eagerly to get a chance to explore your ripe body. Maybe you can take a shower here itself?", said Sajid.

I loved the idea of bathing in public completely nude infront of cheap men, that too the second time in one day. I really loved to be an exhibitionist to these cheap drunk men. I said, "Ok Sajid, as you guys wish!". All of them started cheering loudly and hi-fiving each other. They knew they were in for a real treat.

Immediately Sajid ordered one of the guys to get a bucket of water and a soap. He also called out to the photographer to get himself ready with his camera. It was obvious that Sajid wanted to make a video of me bathing out in the nude in a slum infront of so many guys.

As soon as the bucket of water and the soap came in, Sajid said to me, "Ok Purva, take your time in having the bath. Ahmed will take the video and pics while you are at it. Also, do not look at the camera. I want you to be nonchalant in taking a bath out in public and look as if you don't mind passersby having a look at your ripe body while you clean yourself of all the cum and spit".

This was always the case with Sajid, he always had perverted ideas and I loved him for that. The scenario itself was turning me on so much. It was like these guys were watching a movie shooting and here I was bathing out in the sun. It quite reminded me of the morning time I spent at the watchman's hut, though that was just like the rehearsal of the main show that is on now.

As soon as I started bathing, all of them started cheering loudly. They even took out their own mobile phones and started making their own videos. They were so greedy for me! Also, as Sajid suggested, I made it a point not to look at the camera and not get distracted by all their cheering, but I was so damn horny at that moment. Sajid was directing Ahmed as he wanted.

"Get a closeup on her sore pussy", "Make sure you capture the bite marks on her tits and thighs", "Get a closeup of her face", "Show her lips more" and so on.

Needless to say, I was getting so turned on.

Sajid then shouted out to me, "Purva, casually turn around and show your ass. Rub the soap all over your ass and spread your ass cheeks to wash your asshole". Wow, it was just so erotic, that I wanted to finger myself to an orgasm. But since Sajid wanted me to be nonchalant, I decided against it.

Sajid went on to direct me further suggesting me to rub soap and make more froth on my body. He made me rub my pussy and boobs repeatedly with soap. After what seemed like half an hour of rubbing soap all over my private parts, Sajid finally asked me to wash myself. I was sure the video and pics would come out to be top notch.

After taking my bath, Rasul came over and handed me a towel. Without waiting for me to even wipe my body, he grabbed my wet boobs hard. I let out a painful moan. It wasn't like I had experienced the touch today, but coming from Rasul made it special for me. I immediately showed how much pleasure I got on my face. I also noticed that Ahmed was keenly recording all of this.

Rasul then proceeded to eat my tits. He inserted a couple of fingers into my vagina and started fingering me slowly while chewing my tits. My tits were already sore from all the teeth that had enjoyed my boobs but I still loved it like anything. After completely licking and eating my tits and fingering my vagina, Rasul turned me around and spreaded my ass cheeks. He hit my ass hard with his rough hands and started biting my ass. I felt a strong pain given that I was wet and also because all the things that were done to my ass that day. He then proceeded to insert his finger in my ass repeatedly in and out. All this was happening in public and was being filmed by some cheap guy whom I hadn't even talked to. Man, it was so hot for me!

After using my parts to his wish, Rasul finally left me. Sajid then came forward next, as I understood, for his chance. I looked at him invitingly, but then Sajid had other plans.

"Purva, there is one concern. Ahmed says he is not able to get a close up view of your pussy. So, he has suggested me to ask you if it's fine with you to remove your pussy hair".

I was sure that was going to be interesting. Would Sajid make me shave my hair here itself? Was Ahmed going to record that bit as well? Oh my god, it was so damn hot!

"Oh, sure Sajid. I would want all the videos and pics myself, so I definitely want them to be perfect. Hope Mushtaq bhai also likes my pussy to be hairless". Saying that, I looked at Mushtaq and winked at him. He smiled at me and suggested Sajid to go ahead.

"But the only problem is, my husband likes my pussy to be hairy. I will have to take his permission before we proceed with removing the my hair", I said.

"Of course, call your husband and tell him that you will be removing your hair completely from your pussy and armpits. Kamran, pass your phone", said Sajid.

And that's when I called you. I was hoping you'd agree to it because I eagerly wanted to see how it was going to happen.

Varun: "Haha! I myself was going to call at that time. I knew that as soon as you asked me that, you were having a gala time!"

After I called you and confirmed them that it was okay for me to get shaved in my pussy, all of them cheered loudly again. But the question was, how was it going to happen. I was anxious to know and horny as well and wanted it to happen immediately.

Sajid said, "Okay Purva, how do you normally shave your pubic hair?"

"I use a cream Sajid. I apply it on my parts and then while taking a bath it naturally comes off".

"Okay, then that's a problem. Because we don't have that cream you use. We only have a razor, so I think it's better for me to shave your pussy and armpit hair".

Wow, there it was! I was going to lose my pubic hair to Sajid. I got so turned on thinking about getting shaved by him infront of the horny, cheap, drunk and perverted working class like it was some daily, normal activity.

"Okay, let's go inside the garage then", I said.

"No it's not necessary to go inside for it. Ahmed said there's good light here so it's better to shave your pussy out here while he shoots the video and takes some pics of me removing your hair".

I was shocked by what Sajid said. Ahmed surely was performing at his best in his profession, suggesting Sajid to shave me out in the public. He was definitely going to enjoy making a video of me getting shaved. I felt like I might cum just listening to Sajid's words and thinking about it. Can you imagine such a situation where a hot married busty housewife is getting shaved off her pussy hair right in public in a slum in broad daylight? Man, that was the most erotic moment I had ever experienced.

Sajid then called out, "Rasul, get your razor and shaving cream and also a table for Purva to lie on".

I somehow got a feeling that this too was entirely planned. Why else would they have a razor and cream ready? Not that I cared, but it was just my observation. I was so excited and severly turned about what all was happening and didn't give a fuck if they planned all of it.

Rasul and one other guy immediately went inside and came out with the table, razor and shaving cream. Rasul placed the table at the corner of the breadth of the road and stood there, while Sajid and Ahmed were discussing something in Urdu, probably about how to shoot the pics and video. All the other guys too, came near the table and were waiting impatiently for the process to start.

"Ok Purva, let's first get rid of the pubic hair in your armpits. Can you please sit on the table and raise both your hands?", said Sajid.

I was so turned on and horny, that I just blindly follwed what Sajid asked me to do.

He then turned to Ahmed and said, "Ahmed, as soon as Purva raises her hands start recording the video. Make sure to click a lot of pictures too, and take close ups on her armpits". Ahmed nodded to his boss in approval.

And the process got underway. Sajid grabbed my waist tightly with his one hand and started applying cream with his other hand on my left armpit first. He then proceeded to shave my armpit hair. All the while, Ahmed concentrated on caputring every little detail as he could manage. Sajid then proceeded to do the same on my right armpit - applying cream and shaving it twice before making sure that it was smooth enough by running his fingers on my armpit.

Sajid then said, "Ok Purva, lie on the table on your back and spread your legs wide apart, I will shave your pussy now. Rasul and Kamran, hold Purva's legs up so that Ahmed can take the video up close on Purva's pussy".

I was so turned on the way Sajid was talking and instructing everyone. I was sure he wanted to capture every tiny detail inside my pussy in the video so that he can savor it later. Man, it was making me so much more horny. And Ahmed, man wasn't he in for some luck! Getting the opportunity to take a video of every body part of a ripe housewife up close...he wouldn't even have had a wet dream about it in his life.

So there I was, lying on the table still wet from the bath with my pussy exposed to every perverted low class man in the bylanes. Every guy inched in closer to see the whole process of Sajid shaving my sore pussy.

Sajid then declared publicly, "no one will touch Purva while I shave her pussy, I want the video to come out perfectly. Everyone will get a chance to play with her parts later, so stay patient and just enjoy the show". Oh, I so love the way Sajid makes me his whore.

Saying that, Sajid proceeded to apply the shaving cream on my pussy. He rubbed the cream with the brush on my pussy hair, which tickled me and I giggled. Ahmed immediately focused the camera on my face to capture my expressions in his video and the fact that I was a slut became more evident in the video. Everyone was just lustfully looking at my pussy licking their lips without even blinking. I was just a sex object for all of them. I was sure all of them really wanted to rape me then and there, but since Sajid was their boss, nobody could act out their intentions.

After applying cream on my pussy, Sajid took the razor. He looked at me and said, "Purva, don't move at all. This razor has two blades and it might rupture your pussy if you don't stay still".

I obliged to Sajid's words and closed my eyes. It was going to be so erotic and I was sure I would cum like a mad whore.

As I closed my eyes and let Sajid work his magic on my pussy, I was so horny feeling his rough hands on my thighs and the fact that he was actually removing my hair infront of countless number of low class men, whom I didn't even know properly. It was utmost erotica for me. As he proceeded shaving my pubic hair carefully, he would ocassionally rub his fingers over the shaved part of my pussy to make sure it was smooth. Man, that brought shivers to me, and I had a tough time throughout to control my movements.

Finally, after shaving my pussy completely, Ahmed said, "Sajid bhai, just spread the pussy so that I can get a clear view of inside the pussy". I was sure Ahmed was having the time of his life filming all of this. He again said, "Ok, now act casual and lick madam's pussy as if to make sure that it's completely shaved".

Sajid readily complied to Ahmed's 'suggestion'. He brought his tongue out and started licking my pussy and pushing his tongue inside out. That was too much for me, and no sooner had Sajid started licking and biting my pussy, I shouted out loud, "I am goinggg to cumm Sajid, I am going to cummm, ouchhhh".

Sajid signalled him to film my face and him licking my pussy alternatively. Within about 5 more seconds I had a giant orgasm, my fourth or fifth of the day, I don't even remember correctly. Ahmed went a few steps back wanting to film my entire body shivering from the orgasm. Again, it was so intense that I needed help from Sajid, Rasul and Kamran to prevent myself from falling off the table.

I could faintly hear several murmurs and laughs. It was really such a skeptical for these low class guys. They literally got to see a mature housewife taking bath in public, getting shaved, and being licked and fingered to orgasm in front of them. It was so nasty and cheap that I loved it to the core, and that was not all. Everyone knew that there was a lot more to come their way.

Ahmed, stopped recording for the first time and said, "Sajid bhai, yeh to ekdum kiraak maal hai. Iss ka film leke maza hi aa gaya".

[Purva's narration ends]

Tarun: Wow, Purva, just wow!!! I am sure as one of the guys said, you must have been used and savaged more than any whore in Salim's garage. Just listening to your story has given me a boner of a lifetime, I can imagine how the other guys would have enjoyed your ripe nudity and how much you would have enjoyed giving pleasure to all the cheap slum guys.

That's true Tarun. I really loved the experience. Hell, I want it to happen everyday, except that I don't want my pussy to be completely ripped off!

Tarun: Man, Sajid is such a lucky bastard. Even I never got the chance to shave your fleshy pussy and then lick it to an orgasm!!

Haha! I know! Just imagine a rough and cheap guy like Sajid getting the chance to remove a rich housewife's pubic hairs out in public in broad daylight in his local slum with countless of his men, waiting to fuck the housewife's brains out!

Tarun: Wow, it's so so soo hot Purva! You my dear wife, are a true slut!

Haha! I surely am a proud slut! Do you want me to continue or do you want me to take care of that monster that has been wetting your pants since ages now?

Tarun: Oh leave the monster alone! Tell me what happened next...

[Purva's narration starts]
So, then after having the fifth orgasm of the day already and having been fucked by every cheapster in the slums and having not eaten anything since morning, I was so damn tired to say the least. After orgasming, I just went into a slumber with my legs completely parted exposing my completely red, sore pussy for grabs to everyone. I could only figure out that all of them had gone to get a smoke while Ahmed was busy clicking pics and shooting videos of my sore pussy upclose. I let him do his work, while I took some rest, as I was sure there was a lot more to come...

After what seemed for a short time, I was suddenly being woken up by noises that seemed like some loud cheering. It actually took me some time to realize what was going on, though I could feel immense pain and pleasure at the same time in my pussy.

I was still lying on the table while all the guys gathered closely around me. Almost all of them were still smoking and cheering loudly looking at my naked ripe body parts. On my left Sajid was holding the camera that was focussed on my pussy, while he was intently trying to capture the best moments for future use! That's when I realized that Ahmed was vigorously licking and eating my pussy. He was literally biting into my pussy and having utmost fun while Sajid was busy filming it!

Sajid then looked at me and without pausing the camera said to me, "Hey Purva, glad you woke up. Before we go inside the garage, all the guys wanted to eat your pussy here. So I have given each of them a 2-minute slot to do whatever they want with your pussy. Hope you don't mind that!". Saying that he winked at me and continued filming the destruction of my pussy.

I was no doubt turned on, but I was beginning to feel the soreness in my pussy by then. I was sure it was going to be torn by the end of day. I just smiled at Sajid's words. I could see all the guys' gazes were fixed on my vagina being savaged by Ahmed. I could see the delight in their eyes of getting the opportunity to see a mature housewife being completely destroyed as well as the restlessness in their eyes while waiting for their chance to raid on my pussy.

I just sunk into the moment and then I began enjoying every bit of it! After Ahmed, it was Kamran's turn. He first came near me and kissed me hard on my lips, biting them softly. He said, "Purva madam, today I am going to eat every part of your body". Saying that he grabbed my boobs hard with his hands, and then went about savaging on my vagina. He would occasionally beat my boobs hard and pinch my nipples, to which I would let out loud moands like "Ahhh!" and "Ouch!!!". Sajid was carefully capturing everything on his camera for future use!

And then came Mushtaq bhai. As soon as he came forward, all the guys started cheering. Sajid said to him, "Mushtaq bhai...yeh soch ke kam kar hi tere ko Purva jaise randi kabhi nhi milegi, Dubai me bhi (Mushtaq bhai, go ahead with the job of eating Purva's pussy assuming that you can never get a whore like Purva even in Dubai)". Everyone including me laughed out to what Sajid said.

Mushtaq bhai too, first came and kissed me roughly on my lips while at the same time pinching and hitting my tits. I could literally feel the taste of cigarette in my mouth while he was kissing me. He then proceeded to insert his fingers in my pussy. I noticed that Mustaq never liked the soft stuff, not that any guy out there was fond of treating me softly. But Mushtaq bhai always liked to treat me like a sex object. As soon as he started fingering me, Sajid must have understood that I would cum again. He immediately signalled Ahmed and Rasul to come and prevent me from falling down. Mushtaq bhai fingered me so roughly that the entire table literally started rattling on the road. After what seemed like 3-4 minutes of vigorous finger fucking with Mushtaq's two fingers, I had my sixth orgasm which was as intense as the first one! Again, as usual my helpers had to hold me still from collapsing on the road with the pleasure that I got from orgasming.

After all of them finished feasting on my pussy, they left me alone on the table and again seemed to take a break for getting another smoke, or I thought. By then, I was so sexually broken that I did not have an ounce of energy left.

After a while, Sajid came to me and woke me up. "Hey Purva, are you alright? Get up darling, we still have a very long way to go!".

I said, "Sajid, as much as I enjoy being treated like a true whore, I guess I am too weak at the moment. I need some food and juice to get my stamina back". I was still lying on the table with my legs far apart. I looked to see if anyone other than Sajid was present, but I could not find anyone out there.

Sajid said, "Sorry Purva. The boys just got a little excited seeing you. Originally the plan was to let you have your lunch and then enjoy you, but clearly, nobody was patient enough to let you have your food. Don't worry, I have ordered for some food and fresh fruit juices so that you can get some energy and make yourself fully available for some hardcore fucking!". Saying that, he winked and kissed me gently on my cheek. I appreciated Sajid's gesture by gently pressing his hand with mine and again went back into a nap.

After sometime, Sajid woke me up to tell me that the food had finally arrived. He asked me to get up and sit on the chair that was placed beside the table and laid out the food on the table. It really felt so sweet Tarun, so sweet, that I asked him to bend and french kissed him!

Tarun: Oh wow! Till now, I am the only one who has french kissed you, that too, only during our honeymoon. Man, that Sajid is a real lucky bastard, isn't he?

"Haha, cool down Tarun, it's all in fair spirit", I said winking at him.

"Wow, you must be really hungry Purva, thanks a lot for the French kiss my dear lovely whore!", said Sajid. I smiled at him and started eating like mad while Sajid just stood there softly kneading my tits.

After having some food and regaining some of my energy, I asked Sajid, "Where are all the guys?".

"They are inside drinking liquor and playing cards. They are dying for you to finish your lunch so that they can fuck you like a true Salim Garage whore! It's only the liquor and cards that's keeping us patient while waiting for you!".

His words seemed to strike a needle in my heart. I was certainly scared given that these guys were really horny and perverted men. Moreover, they knew that I loved being treated like a whore too, so they will go to any extent in satisfying their hunger. However, at the same time, I was again beginning to get back to my natural state of sexual appetite. I wanted to get gangbanged by all those cheap massive cocks that would have fucked numerous whores in this garage. I so wanted to be one of their 5 rupee whores.

Sajid continued, "Purva, you are the best whore anyone in this slum can get and I mean it!". I looked at Sajid and smiled at him. He always said things from his heart that always turned me on like hell. When he said that, it felt like this is where I belonged, to all these rough low class labourers, in this whorehouse. Words cannot express my feelings at that moment! I was completely turned on and could not wait to get fucked by those men.

All this while Sajid made a point to keep enjoying my tits by constantly playing with them. He would circle them with his fingers, pull them, pinch them and do all sorts of crazy stuff. Man, even with all the hardcore things that were already done to my boobs and tits till then, I still loved the way Sajid worked on them!

After finishing my food, and having a couple of fresh fruit juices, it finally felt like I regained some energy. I was no doubt horny as hell, proof being my wet pussy. So I turned to Sajid and said, "Take your whore inside Salim's garage. I want to get gangbanged" in a mock commanding voice. Sajid, whose hands were still playing with my tits tightly pinched me and said, "You are a true whore Purva, a true whore!". We both laughed to that whole heartedly.

He then picked me up in his arms and led me inside the garage. As soon as Sajid took me inside the garage, I was no doubt surprised.

It was a big hall that was full of smoke and reeking of cheap liquor. The ground was strewn with numerous empty liquor bottles, porn magazines and what not! There were about 4-5 tables and enough chairs to seat everybody. Everyone was drinking merrily, smoking and playing cards in groups shouting noisily at the top of their voices. It was clear that all of them were severely under the influence of alchohol. As soon as we entered, Sajid shouted, "dekho bhaiyon, aa gayi humare randi! (Everyone see guys, our whore is here)". I blushed at Sajid's words and gave him a peck on his cheek.

As soon as Sajid announced that I was ready to get fucked, all the guys looked up and started cheering and clapping loudly. All of them got up from the their chairs and started progressing towards me. While I was still in Sajid's arms, one of the guys came near me and pinched my nipple. He then softly kissed me on my lips.

After he was done, Rasul came forward to get his prize, when Sajid stopped him. He then announced, "Listen everyone, since Mushtaq bhai will be leaving us soon, I would request everyone to step aside and let Mushtaq bhai enjoy Purva's ripeness before anyone. Come on Mushtaq bhai, do the honours!". Saying that, he passed me to Mushtaq's hands who came forward to claim his 'gift'.

Tarun, interjecting "Oh wow! Their carnal desires to fuck you are unbelievable Purva, really! It turns me on so much that they have treated you like an object of lust and nothing more!".

Purva: "Yes Tarun, and that's what makes the whole thing so hot! I loved every bit of it - the cheap atmosphere, the drunk cheap rough men waiting to screw each of my holes till forever".

Tarun: "Please continue Purva, I am not sure if can last any longer with the story getting so damn erotic".

Mushtaq bhai then took me in his arms and kissed me hardly on my lips. No doubt, everyone loved my lips and wanted to lick and bite them to their hearts' content. Mushtaq bhai continued licking my lips, biting and kissing them at his will while the others cheered. Sajid also ordered Ahmed to get his camera and start recording the video and take pics as he deemed suitable.

Mushtaq bhai then placed me on one of the tables, and then inserted his big fat cock in my pussy. Maybe it was the soreness in my vagina, or maybe because he just rammed his thick cock into my pussy, but I screamed like anything. All of the guys loved it and started shouting and laughing to that. Ahmed was carefully capturing all the details of the gangbang!

Slowly and steadily other guys joined in on the fun. While Mushtaq bhai was fucking me deep in my pussy, one of the guys whom I had not met before came over and inserted his big giant cock in my mouth. It was so huge that I was just gagging on it. Then one of the guys kneeled on the ground beside the table and started eating my tits. I gradually lost count as to how many people were working on my parts and who they were. I just went into that euphoric state where I enjoyed how roughly I was getting fucked by these cheap guys reeking of cheap liquor and cigarette from the slums.

Gradually, everyone joined in on the fun. I could feel the immense pain in all my body parts while at the same time experiencing enourmous pleasure. I was being licked on my face, inserted into my mouth, bitten, spit on and cummed wherever the guys wanted while of course, being fucked like a true slut by one guy or the other for how much ever time they wanted.

Suddenly, one of the guys started saying something in Urdu. He was saying something pointing to a liquor bottle in his hand. Everyone applauded to his seemingly brilliant idea. One of the guys proceeded to, what seemed like, execute the idea. I desperately wanted to see who he was, but since almost all of my face was covered in cum, I could not even see clearly.

Whoever it was, picked me up from the table and made me sit on the ground with my legs crossed. Then, all of them gathered around me and just when they started implementing the 'idea' I got the sense of what they were planning to do. All the guys turned the liquor bottles in their hands upside down on me emptying all the liquor on me. Ahmed was standing right infront of me, capturing every second of the cheap act. I was seriously loving it! It was like they did whatever they wanted to do with me, and I loved the fact that I did not matter to them at all - I was just a useless whore to them who was there at their mercy and was here to satisfy all of their perverted fantasies and desires. I absolutely loved the feeling I got from that.

After that episode, I was made to sleep on the ground while all of them fucked me more as per their hearts' content. After what seemed like an eternity, everyone finally dischared their cum on me wherever they wished. I looked like nothing but a cheap slut immersed in cum, spit and liquor.

Sajid came to me and showed my face to the camera that Ahmed was holding. He said, "this is Purva, who has been gangbanged at Salim's garage by all my brothers. She is a true whore and this look of hers is a testament to that!". After Sajid said that, Ahmed signalled me to give a flying kiss to the camera which I did, and Ahmed finally stopped recording the video.

I was again obviously very tired. I could see that all the guys were wearing their clothes and going out, probably to catch their breaths! Even Sajid and Ahmed left the room after finishing the recording leaving me on the floor full of spit and cum.

After a certain period of time, I again woke up, this time to Rasul. I woke up not knowing where I was and who was waking me up. Of course, that had to happen after the intense fucking I had been subjected to. After a while, I came back to my senses, and a sudden urge of euphoria ran over me realizing what state I was in. I certainly enjoyed the way I was fucked like a true whore and being subjected to the cheapest of acts.

Rasul said, "Purva, you are amazing! You really are! Wow, what a wonderful time all of us had today. I am never going to forget this in my entire life! Thanks for everything!".

I loved the way Rasul put the entire episode in words. Truly, it was an experience that even I would cherish in my entire lifetime! I smiled back at him indicating that I loved the whole carnival too.

"Ok, Purva. It's already 6 PM, so I think it's getting late for you. Why don't you go to the bathroom and clean yourself, you are a real mess today!".

I said, "Yes Rasul. Thanks for everything! This is going to be the best experience of my life! I loved every moment of it".

Rasul smiled at me and said, "You are nothing but a whore Purva, a true whore!".

Saying that, he helped me get up and showed me the way to the bathroom. I went inside and took a peaceful bath for the next 45 minutes or so, and then came out with a towel tied around my body. Somehow, it seemed so weird to be not naked - a true testament to how my day had been.

I came out of the garage to see Sajid, Rasul, Kamran, Mushtaq bhai and a few more guys standing on the road smoking cigarettes. I guess the other guys had left. I went near them and stood there making a cute pose and a duckface.

Sajid said, "So Purva, that was one heck of an experience you have given all of us. I cannot thank you enough for that. We have enjoyed ourselves beyond limits, and you have given so much pleasure than the costliest whore at Salim's garage!". Saying that he took the towel off my body and started smelling it.

I smiled at his mischievous and cute act and said, "The pleasure is all mine. I guess I loved the whole thing more than any of you guys! Thanks for making me feel like one of your whores". While I was saying that, Kamran came over to my side and extended his right arm around my waist and put his left palm on my boobs and started playing with it! He said, "You are more than a whore to us Purva! We can never stop being horny for you Purva, never ever!". Saying that he planted a deep and gentle kiss on my lips . Oh, it was definitely the best day of my life!

After Kamran left me, Sajid said, "Ok Purva, I have asked the taxi driver who dropped you on the other side in the morning to come here. He will be picking up both of us and will return back after dropping you at your place. Don't worry, he still has your burqua with him that you can wear!". Saying that he laughed while others also joined in. I too joined in the laughter, though the thoughts of what the driver did to me filled my mind. I wanted to tell that to Sajid, but then thought the better of it. Come to think of it now, I find what the driver had done to me extremely arousing.

As Sajid said, in a few minutes, the taxi had arrived. Sajid let me in first into the taxi and then came inside and sat beside me, and the taxi took off. I waved off a goodbye to Rasul, Mushtaq bhai and Kamran from the taxi still completely naked.

While in the taxi, I rested on Sajid's chest while his one hand was rubbing my inner thighs up until my pussy while his other hand was busy with my tits. I so loved the attention I got from Sajid, it made me feel so erotic and as cheap as a 5 rupee whore at the same time. I loved that feeling like anything!

He then said, "Purva, I actually have something to ask you".

Still resting on Sajid's chest, I said, "What's it Sajid?"

"Do you know that this whorehouse belongs to Mushtaq bhai?".

I definitely did not know that, but still surprised that Mushtaq bhai owned Salim's garage. "No Sajid, I did not know that!", I said.

"Salim is actually the name of Mushtaq bhai's father. He had constructed the whorehouse when Mushtaq's mother left him for another man. Since his father's death, Mushtaq bhai has been running this garage, almost since 25 years".

"Oh, I never knew all this Sajid", I said.

"Hmmm. Mushtaq bhai is very close to me Purva. We have been in the same slum since a long time. He would always give me his favorite whores, the best ones to fuck everyday, whenever I wanted".

"Oh, that's nice of him", I said, still resting on Sajid's chest.

"So, it's only righteous that I give him what he requested from me for the first time in his life".

I did not quite understand what Sajid was saying, so I said, "What is it Sajid?".

"Purva, Mushtaq bhai never married after coming to know that his mother had left his father for another man. He is 51 years old now, and he never ever wanted to marry a woman. Like his father he always resorted to the whores of the garage for his carnal pleasures. But for the first time in his life, he said that he wanted to make someone his wife atleast for a temporary period of time".

I then understood what Sajid was trying to tell me. I asked him, "and who is that?".

"It's you Purva. Mushtaq bhai wishes to make you his wife for atleast a week before he permanently moves to Dubai. He expressed his wish to me a few days back with all his earnestness and as I said, it's only my duty to serve his wish. So, I am asking you now, would you please be Mushtaq bhai's wife for as long as you can? It's all I ask from you to do for Mushtaq bhai".

I was surely taken aback, to say the least. Was Sajid actually asking me, a mature already married woman with a kid, to get married to a 51 year old construction worker from the slum, just because he wished to fulfil his carnal desires by using me? I obviously did not buy Sajid's argument, and I felt like it was again one of Sajid and co's devious plan to use me to their whims.

I said, "Sajid, I am not sure if I can do that. First of all, morally I don't even think it's right. There's no doubt I love spending time with all you guys and being treated like a whore, but I don't think it's right to do that. Secondly, did you think about what my husband would say to this? Being another man's wife and living with him for a period of time? What about my son? There are so many...".

Sajid cut me short, "I understand all that Purva. I am not forcing you to do this, I am just requesting you to think about it. I am sure there are many concerns and you will have a tough time convincing your husband about it. But, all I am saying is you should think about it. I am sure you will enjoy Mushtaq bhai's company. It's not like he is keeping you as his whore with him, he legally wants to make you his loving wife for a few days before he goes to Dubai permanently. Please do think about it".

I thought for a minute and told him, "Fine, give me a couple of days, I will give you an answer".

Sajid immeditely hugged me and said, "Thank you Purva. If you say yes, I will be arranging a grand wedding in the biggest ceremonial gathering in the slum. That will be a fitting goodbye for Mushtaq bhai".

I so loved the way Sajid respected Mushtaq bhai. Unknowingly, I developed a deep attraction and respect to Sajid at that moment, and I kissed him on his lips then and there. Sajid was clearly surprised but of course, he never complained to that!

For the rest of the journey we did not talk much and I just rested on Sajid's chest. It was clearly the most eventful day of my life, atleast until then. As the taxi neared our apartment, Sajid woke me up and asked me to wear the burqua. I wore it and as soon as we reached the apartment, I silently ran into our flat! Since then, I have been only thinking about all of the events that happened today and instantly got horny! That's when I called you to come over and fuck me!

Tarun: "Oh my goddd, Purva! This is epic, really. You are a real tramp and a whore. I am sure you will be setting a Guinness record for the maximum number of orgasms, cocks taken, humiliation and what not! But, on the other hand, we do have a serious thing to think about Purva. Have you given any thought about the marriage?".

"I don't know Tarun. I am really not sure if I should go ahead or not. What about Apu? Who will take care of him? Would you like it? Would you like your wife being married to someone else? That too an old slum laborer?".

Tarun: "See Purva, you know me. I am not an old-fashioned guy. If I was that, I would not have let you do all this in the first place. It's only because you enjoy it and because I enjoy it that I let you do all this. Now, frankly tell me what you think".

"I don't know Tarun. I cannot think about anything right now, my mind is just so tired from all the fucking. Please, can we discuss it tomorrow?".

Tarun: "Fine, now, will you please suck my monster before we end your epic fuck day? It's been waiting to come out from a long time!"

"Haha, of course darling!"

[Purva's narration ends]

[Tarun narrates]

The next morning, I woke up with an erection like never before. Even though Purva had sucked my cock like a true slut that she is, hardly 6 hours back, I still was very horny after all Purva detailed all the nasty things that were done to her. It all felt like a dream to have such a horny and slutty wife. Purva was sleeping like a log beside me. Since Apu was picked up by Purva's sister yesterday, he was going to be taken care of by her sister for today also.

It was already 8 AM and I needed breakfast, so I woke her up.

"Hey Purva, can you prepare breakfast for me? I am getting late, it's 8 already".

I had to wake her up quite a few times even to extract a reply...finally after prodding her many times, she said "Am sorry Tarun, but can you manage for just today? I am too tired".

"Oh what happened baby, are you not feeling well?"

"No I am fine. It's just that I have been fucked so badly that I need some rest. I also got up in between sleep twice yesterday, due to all the horny thoughts of all the happenings. I had to masturbate twice to get back to sleep, so I am even more tired now".

Those words from Purva were enough to give me a tent in my pants. I so badly wanted to fuck Purva right there, but I guess she's been screwed more than she could take already, and so I decided the better of it.

"Oh, that's fine darling, don't worry. I can manage for today. Do you want me to do anything for you?".

"Yeah, I am not sure if Sajid and co would be coming today and anyway I am too sore in all my holes to do anything at all. So, while leaving can you lock the door so that nobody disturbs me? I think I'll sleep all day".

"Sure Purva. But what about Apu? He would be coming home in the evening right?"

"Actually, I am planning to ask my sister to take care of Apu for a week. It's not a good idea for Apu to see me in this state".

"Okay Purva, as you wish. I will lock the door from outside, take rest my baby!". Saying that I got ready for work, kissed Purva goodbye and left for work.

That day was pretty much normal. Life suddenly felt so mundane for me atleast. Since the past few days, I was always with an erection, thinking about what nasty things were being done to Purva. But now, since I knew Purva would be at home, life suddenly felt so boring.

That night, I came back home, and for the first time in days, I could see Purva completely clothed. I was sure she still had the sexual urge to get fucked in her holes, but I guess she just didn't have any energy left.

I asked her, "So, my whore wife, how was today?".

"Tarun, today is just so depressing. I mean, everyday as soon as I got up, I knew that something exciting was going to happen. But today, it was really dull. I guess I am addicted to being a whore now...".

"Haha, that's exactly how my day was. Everyday was something new for me for the past few days. Guess even I am addicted to you being a whore", I said and winked at Purva.

She hit me playfully and we shared a good romantic kiss.

That day was pretty normal. I wanted to bring up the issue of Purva's marriage to Mushtaq as Sajid wanted but we just ended up chatting normal stuff. Life suddenly felt so boring to both of us!

The next morning, Purva seemed better. She got up on time, woke up, prepared breakfast and everything. I reminded her of the issue with the pipes because we still didn't have water running in our taps. Yesterday since I was already late, I had to skip bath, but today I asked her how she had gotten the water ready for my bath even though the pipes were not fixed.

"I borrowed some water from the Sharmas Tarun. I will call the plumber and get the pipes fixed today, don't worry", she screamed from the kitchen.

As she said that, my mind inadvertently went to all the fun the plumber and the watchman had had with my wife. I shamelessly wished Purva had planned something naughty with the watchman and/or plumber today. I certainly could not make out anything from her voice. However, the thoughts subsided and I hurriedly left for work.

Today too seemed pretty much like the previous day, except that work got even more boring. I was certainly losing interest in work these days. Maybe it was due to all the late night horny talks about Purva's adventures and the insufficient sleep.

At 6PM, when I was in the cafeteria with my colleagues, I got a call. I checked to see who it was, and it was Purva. My heart skipped a beat. Was this it? Is Purva again back to her slutty self? Was she going to tell me to come home early to fuck her again because of all the naughty things she had done in the day with the plumber and the watchman? I don't know. I excused myself from the group and picked the call.

"Hey Purva darling..."

"Hi Tarun, are you still in office?", said Purva.

"Yes Purva, what's the matter?".

"Listen, I won't be coming home today. I am in a village far away from the city and I will be coming back tomorrow in the afternoon. Is that fine?"

That was it! Purva was certainly up to something with someone. Man, I loved the way she became a whore for everyone! I could not hide my excitement at the thought of my wife spending the night in a village far away from the city.

"Wow, now that's something. But what are you upto? Which village? Whom are you with? Give me some details atleast!".

"I am not sure what the name of the village is, I will give you all the details later. I just wanted to inform you that I won't be home today. Talk to you later, bbye darling. Take care!", she said and cut the damn phone!

Over the next hour or so I was in office, I could hardly concentrate on my work. I was too preoccupied with the thought of Purva being somewhere with someone where even she had no idea. I somehow left office early and then went home, even though I knew Purva wouldn't be there.

As soon as I came home, I just lay in bed for a while. The time was 8 PM. Inadvertently, my thoughts went to Purva's beautiful and humongous boobs and her pink tits. I immeditely went to the toilet and masturbated picturing Purva's ripe and mature boobs. Man, I am so lucky to have a wife as voluptuous as Purva.

I spent the rest of the night trying to cook myself some dinner and went to sleep early. I had a meeting early in the morning tomorrow, so I had to sleep early to get myself up. Since Purva already told me that she would not be coming home before afternoon, I left for office. The meeting was long and I had no time to think about Purva at all during the day.

At about 2PM, right after lunch, I got a call from Purva.

"Purva, where are you?"

"Tarun, I reached home. Please come home fast and satisfy this whore's hunger", she said hardly able to breathe. I guess she was already fingering herself!

"I can't come before 7 Purva. Please tell me what happened yesterday right now. I cannot wait for you to tell me all of it in the night".

"Oh come on Tarun, just this one day. Make it fast. I will tell you all that happened in detail. Please come home as early as possible. Meanwhile, I will satisfy myself". Saying that she again cut the line.

I was sure Purva must have had a wonderful time with whoever she was. Thinking about various circumstances itself gave me a boner. Was she with Sajid and co? the watchman and plumber? I had to wait to find out. As usual, Purva always loved to go the extra distance as a whore which is what I loved to the core. I kicked myself for having to catch up with work while my wife was begging me to come home and fuck her brains out. I was really dejected that I had to spend 5 more hours in office before I could get to listen to Purva's slutty adventures.

After every passing minute seemed like a day, I finally left from office at around 7:30 PM. I drove quickly beating the traffic in innovative ways as I wanted to listen to Purva's account of her slutty adventures. One whole night in a village far off with some guy or even a group of guys, you never know with Purva! Man, I was going to have the time of my life listening to Purva's narration.

As soon as I reached home and rang the bell, Purva welcomed me with the most pleasant sight I always looked for. She was totally nude with a beaming face full of happiness and ecstasy. I was sure she was elated and experienced some really sexy the previous day and half of today. I immediately came inside, tightly pinched her nipples to extract a moan of pleasure and pain from my sexy wife.

As soon as I locked the door from inside and turned around, I was shocked at what I saw.

Purva was standing there showing her naked back to me. Halfway down her body, in the precious asshole of hers, I could see a silver colored doorknob fitted perfectly between her huge ass cheeks. She looked incredibly hot standing there completely naked with nothing but a doorknob plugged deep inside her asshole. I shockingly asked her, "Purva, is that a doorknob inside your asshole?".

Purva turned around and said, "Yes darling, it's been inside me for a day now!"

I was no doubt intrigued and severely excited looking at Purva's butthole. The shining silver doorknob, completely inside her tight asshole, wow! I was so eager to listen to Purva's account of what was done her today, how she was treated like a cheap, rustic and everyone's whore.

"Wow Purva, you look amazing darling! Have you checked out your own ass with that doorknob inside your back hole? OMG, it's just outstanding!"

"Hahaa! I know it looks really awesome, though I haven't seen it myself! Do you want to hear how and why it happened to me?", Purva said enticingly.

"Of course Purva, do I have to really tell that explicitly? Who wouldn't want to hear how you were used seeing that huge doorknob inside your tight asshole?"

"That's true! Ok, then let's start...I am sure you will enjoy it as usual", she said winking at me!

[Purva's narration starts]
As soon as you left for office, I completed some of my household work and planned to take a small nap. No doubt, I was still tired of all the hardcore things that Sajid and gang had done to me, but no sooner did I fall on the bed, my mind started going back to that wonderful time. I was already getting damn wet underneath.

As I lay on the bed and continued thinking about how all those cheap slum guys fucked me at Salim's garage like a true, low grade slut, I heard the doorbell ring. I at once came back to reality and realized that someone was at the door. I was sure it was going to be Sajid and his gang, they must already miss me. I certainly wished it was them because I too missed their rough treatment of my body and the way they treated me like one of their garage whores.

I immediately got up, ran to the door and opened it. I was surprized to see that it was Pushkar Singh, the plumber. I wished it was Sajid and gang who would be at the door ready to rip me apart but it was infact the plumber. I was certainly not disappointed as I knew he must have had a plan to do something to me, and so I just played along.

"Hi Pushkar, I myself was going to call you actually. You need to fix the broken pipes", I said.

I could tell that he was clearly disappointed that I was completely clothed. I am sure he would have expected me to be naked at home, given that I was so comfortable to strip myself in public infront of people like him. But here I was completely clothed in a saree.

"Hello madam, actually that is the reason I came here. I need to go to the nearby village to get the pipes and other required stuff", Pushkar said.

I had no idea why Pushkar would come to our home to tell that he had to go to the village to get pipes. I was thinking maybe he needed the money. But that's strange, how could he just come for money while I gave him and Ramu so much of entertainment the other day?

"Okay, please wait here then, I will give you the money for the pipes. How much will they cost?"

"No no madam, please wait. I don't need money to get the pipes. How can I charge you for the pipes after all that you have done for me?", he said, with a wicked smile.

Now, I knew the conversation was going somewhere. Pushkar certainly had something in his mind.

I blushed at his words shamelessly and asked him, "Ok, then what can I do for you Pushkar?", I asked.

"Madam, I am planning to go to the village now, but it's about a 2.5 hours journey from here".

"Ok, so?", I said.

"So I came here to ask you if you would like to accompany me to the village".

I was no doubt, excited by the prospect of traveling with a low grade plumber to a far off village. I however did not want to give in so easily, just to see how desperate the plumber was!

"Oh, I am not sure about that Pushkar, it's a long trip and I am really tired".

"Please madam, it's a very nice place too. We can go there, get the pipes and come back", said Pushkar almost pleading me to come with him. He continued, "We will return before evening madam, please come".

"Sorry Pushkar, I do want to come with you, but it will be a problem if anybody sees us traveling together".

"Arey no madam, don't worry about all that. There is only one bus that goes from here to that village, and it is a local bus. Nobody will be in that bus who know you, so there won't be any problem madam. It will only be the workers from the nearby slums who travel in that bus, I can assure you", said Pushkar earnestly.

I was quite horny by then, and wanted to explore this opportunity. It surely was going to be an erotic experience to travel with a plumber to a village in a local bus with loads of cheap people.

"Hmm, that should be Ok. But I think people will identify me as a rich housewife, and they might get suspicious".

"Oh come on madam, is that really an issue? Why would you care what people think about you? Anyway, you can wear the saree that Ramu had given you the other day madam, so that you look like a woman from the worker class".

Wow, this was getting cheaper and I was becoming horny just talking all this with Pushkar.

"Hmm, that should be fine. I will have to wear that saree if I come with you, but the problem is I didn't wash it after ....", I stopped in between as I realized what happened to me the other day.

Even Pushkar knew that, and we both shared a laugh...

"Well madam, it's no problem, it would have dried since it was a few days back. Why don't you wear it and we can get going right now?"

"Hmm, ok then. Come inside, and I will go to the bedroom and change and come and we can leave", I said.

Pushkar came in and I knew it felt silly to him that I was going inside to change. He had already explored to his will, the most private parts of my body and yet I was going inside to get changed. I realized that and I was sorry to disappoint him, but I just wanted to make it more interesting and make him wait for him to get a chance to enjoy my sexy body once again.

I went inside and wore the saree and the blouse with nothing inside, partly because the weather was really hot, and partly because I got used to being naked underneath. It did not matter to me anymore. Come to think of it, I got used to being completely naked on the streets anyway!

I came out of the bedroom and could see that Pushkar was very happy seeing me like this. I guess he was planning this trip from a long time. I also thought Ramu was coming, so I asked him, "Hey Pushkar, is Ramu also joining us?"

"No madam, Ramu is out of town. Please don't tell him that you are going with me as he will scold me for that", Pushkar pleaded.

"Haha, fine. Let's go then, it's already 10 O'clock", I said.

I covered my head with the saree and we left from home. Pushkar said that we had to walk till the nearest bus stop which was about a kilometer away, and so we started chatting more while walking.

"Madam, here is my new phone", said Pushkar showing me his new nokia phone. I looked at it and said, "Wow, so you finally got a phone". I unlocked it and was surprised to see the wallpaper. It was a picture of me bathing naked on the road the other day, sitting on the ground, legs spread apart rubbing soap all over my body. I looked at him naughtily and said, "So you bought a phone just to get my videos and pics, huh?".

Pushkar said, "Of course madam. I bought the phone that very day and immediately took the pics and videos from Ramu. Since then, I would have seen the video about a thousand times at least!". Saying that he showed me the video.

I certainly enjoyed looking at my own nude video in a cheap working class guy's mobile phone. God knows how many times he had already masturbated looking at my video, and god knows how many more guys had seen that video. That feeling really made me feel special.

"What happened madam, it seems like you are really tired? Did sir spend a lot of time on the bed with you yesterday?", he asked smiling at me.

I blushed at his words and continued with that because I didn't want to tell him about how I was a whore to Sajid and his fellows, "Actually, yes. I had been kept really busy for the last couple of days, that's why I am really tired".

"Wow, that's nice madam. But it's obvious that married women like you have to bear such things, I don't blame your busband".

I looked at Pushkar and passed a shy smile. "Oh is it? After you come to know all the things that sir did to me the last couple of days, you will surely blame him", I said jokingly. We both passed a smile.

"No madam, definitely not. If you were my wife, I would not even let you be free for a second any day. I would just keep fucking you all the time".

I was certainly amused with the amount of liberty Pushkar took in addressing me as his wife, and telling me how he would want to fuck me. I certainly enjoyed being the fantasy wife of all these low class men.

I looked at him, and I could see the lust in his eyes. It was like he was waiting to fuck me like his whore. Who knows what he had already planned for the day. I was nervous and a tad scared, but surely I was game for whatever nasty thing was in Pushkar's mind. I just blushed at his look of lust towards me and continued walking.

"Madam, so did you get fucked in your asshole?".

The conversation was at some time bound to go this way. Pushkar and Ramu always enjoyed discussing and asking me questions about how I got fucked. I too loved discussing the most intimate aspects of my sex life with these cheap perverted men, and so I played along.

"Yes Pushkar, we really tried it. But I guess my hole is too tight, and I need to do something about it. Maybe I should try what Ramu suggested me the other day like inserting something in my asshole", I said.

"Yes Purva madam, you should definitely do that. That would make your hole loose enough for your hubby to fuck you in your back everyday", said Pushkar enjoying the conversation like anything.

"Yes, I guess so...", I said.

"Madam, I would love to show you around the village if you have time. I have been there many times and it's a nice village with lots of greenery".

"Sure Pushkar, but please make sure that we come back before evening".

"Of course, madam. We can have lunch there and then we can roam around the place and come back before evening".

"Sounds interesting, I would love to see and roam around the village, thanks Pushkar", I said.

Pushkar said, "Madam, I request your permission to just call you Purva from now, because people will get a doubt if I call you madam. Also, please don't mind if I act like I am your hubby at times, just so that nobody gets any suspicions".

"That's fine Pushkar", I said.

By that time, we had reached the bus station and waiting for the local bus to the village. It came in about two minutes. I realized that the bus was almost empty because as Pushkar told me, it started from here. Pushkar and me went inside.

Pushkar said to me, "Purva go to the last, the bus will get crowded later".

The bus started in a while. Pushkar and me sat in the last seat of the bus, where only two people could sit. I sat near the window and Pushkar sat beside me. There were not many people in the bus anyway, so Pushkar started making some advances. I bet he was longing to do so from a long time.

He first put his arm around my shoulder and let his palm touch my right boob. He then quickly got inside the saree and pressed my right boob hardly. I looked at him and let out a deep "ouchhhhh!"

I guess he really enjoyed it because the very next moment, he slid his hand into my blouse and pinched my nipple really hard. I again let out a moan of ecstacy. He surely had no second thoughts about using me right there in the bus, and I too loved to be his object of lust in a public bus, so I too did not stop him at all.

As the bus was moving, Pushkar adeptly undid the buttons of my blouse and tightly held my right boob. I, at the prospect of being visible to people on the road, covered it with the saree so that Pushkar could still enjoy my boobs underneath. He kept fondling my tits as he wished, while I seeped into the moment and just kept staring out of the window. In between he would lick his fingers and wet them with loads of his saliva and then wipe it on my tits. Omg! It felt so hot to me as he circled my tits and wiped his saliva on my boobs.

After what seemed like half an hour, the bus stopped again. I guess we had already wandered into the outskirts of the city, as there were loads of people getting onto the bus. I looked at Pushkar but he was still busy exploring my boobs. As more and more people started getting in, the bus became really crowded and there were people sitting in the row beside us, as well as standing near us. Pushkar's hands were still under my saree and he was still taking delight in pinching and rubbing my tits.

I said to him in a low voice, "Pushkar, I think we should stop now. There are a lot of people in the bus and if anybody notices us, it will become a problem".

"Don't worry about all that Purva, I will take care of that. Just keep staring out of the window, and let me have my fun".

Saying that, he continued kneading and playing with my tits. I just kept looking out of the window while Pushkar enjoyed me and I slowly drifted to sleep.

After what seemed like a while, I woke up lazily still feeling very sleepy. As I looked around, I was shocked at what was happening.

My blouse was taken off me and the pallu of my saree was removed. I was completely topless and Pushkar was completely having his way with my boobs. With his right hand, he grabbed my right boob tightly and occassionally pinched my nipple. My left boob was under the mercy of his teeth. He bit it, slurped on it and did whatever he wanted.

I could realize that there was loads of saliva dripping down my entire upper body right from my boobs to my navel. I guess he just kept slurping and spitting on my boobs since a long time.

I noticed that there were by then a lot of cheap guys who were enjoying what was being done to me. They looked at me and passed a cheap smile while enjoying my nudity. Well, not just nudity, they were seeing some good b-grade porn right then and there in a bus. I could also see that a few of the guys were even recording the whole thing in their mobiles.

By then, I became really horny at what was happening. I was enjoying every bit of what Pushkar was doing to me and the fact that all of it was happening in a crowded bus was doing wonders to my pussy. I was so damn wet.

Pushkar did not even realize that I had woken up. I guess he just never looks at my face whenever he feasts on all my parts. He was busy sucking my nipples, pinching them and grabbing them.

Just then, the bus came to a stop and people started getting down but people who had been watching what was being done to me still waited. One of the guys recording the video looked at me and tapped on Pushkar's shoulder and said, "bhayya, stop aa gaya...". That's when I understood that he was the conductor. Pushkar, while taking his time on my boobs, looked up to see if I was awake.

He was surprized that I was awake and said, "Oh Purva, when did you get up?". I, being really horny, wanted Pushkar to exhibit me like a cheap whore infront of all these people even more. I said, "just a while back, please continue what you were doing to me". All the other guys including Pushkar laughed at my words which made me get really embarrassed.

"Arey Purva, we have reached the village, come on let's get down". Saying that, he took the phone from the conductor, thanked him and started to move. It seemed like Pushkar asked him to record a video on his phone while he was enjoying my parts. I suddenly felt very shy. Happy but shy.

I immediately shouted out to him, "Arey, but give me my blouse Pushkar...where is it?".

"I am sorry Purva, I forgot. I had removed your blouse and kept it beside me, but I don't find it now". He then shouted out loudly so that everyone still in the bus could hear "Did anyone grab the blouse that I kept here?". Nobody even remotely seemed to bother to answer. It was obvious that somebody had taken it and hid it just for some sadistic pleasure, that is, if Pushkar himself wasn't instrumental in planning to lose my blouse.

Seeing no answer from anyone, Pushkar said, "Arey it's ok Purva, don't feel so bad. It's normal for women here to roam around without a blouse. Come out now".

It certainly felt very embarrassing to me to lose my blouse in a local bus. I was no doubt angry with Pushkar and worried as to how I would have to adjust during the remaining time without a blouse.

I quickly wiped Pushkar's spit and saliva from my body with my pallu and adjusted it so as to cover my naked boobs. I could see that some of the guys were still recording the video while others, who I assumed could not even afford a mobile were intently looking, fascinated at the sight of a mature and ripe woman showing her naked boobs to everyone. I was annoyed to lose my blouse but then I was still horny and enjoyed the fact that several cheap men were enjoying my nudity.

I then got up and started moving forward to get down from the bus, when I realized what I had gotten myself into. Even though some people had got down from the bus, I guess most of them knew about me, because they had not gotten down. The bus was indeed still crowded and Pushkar was already half way further from me.

As I struggled to beat the crowd, everyone grabbed the opportunity to feel me up. Even though my boobs were covered by the saree, the material was very thin and so everyone enjoyed touching my tits and some guys even managed to pinch them. Some of the guys even grabbed my boobs shamelessly knowing that I was completely powerless. After being roughed up and enjoyed by everyone, I finally got down from the bus.

I immediately rushed to Pushkar who was waiting at a distance and grabbed him by his hand and started hitting him playfully. After a while, both of us resigned into laughter. He of course knew that I enjoyed all of this, probably even more than him and the others who had a wonderful time, and that is definitely true!

[Purva's narration continues]

After I got down, people in the bus also slowly started getting down. Most of them just stood near me and Pushkar, and it was obvious that all of them just wanted to get more of me. Their looks were directed straight at my tits. As it is the material of the saree was very transparent and on top of that the whole pallu had become wet as I had used it to wipe Pushkar's saliva off my boobs and stomach and because of that it was like I was almost topless, with my boobs hanging freely as per the delight of the cheap onlookers.

There was no doubt that I thoroughly enjoyed being stared at in such a vulgar and nasty way by all those cheap men. It was like all of them were raping me with their eyes in public and I loved each and every stare.

Pushkar and me started walking to move out of the bus stop and catch an auto to the shop where we could get the pipes. As I kept walking, I attracted more and more stares as my huge tits kept bouncing up and down. The bus stop was not particularly crowded, but then every guy who was present there was fascinated at the sight of such ripe boobs. There was no doubt that all of them realized I was not a village woman, given my fair complexion, busty and voluptuous figure and that made all of them even more horny. I even saw a couple of guys walking towards me adjust their pants! Wow, it felt so good to cause a boner to each and every cheap guy out there.

I still did not catch sight of any village woman who was without a blouse. Even though there was just 2 or 3 among so many men, they were fully clothed. So much clothed that I began to think how they were wearing so many clothes in such a hot and humid climate. I felt so cheap to wear less clothes than a typical village woman, but surely, I was excited to be like that. There was no surprise that even the women kinda checked me out!

I said, "Pushkar, I think we should get some kind of cloth so that I can hide my boobs. Can you see all these guys staring at my boobs shamelessly?"

Pushkar said, "C'mon Purva, be a sport. These people can never know who you are, so how does it matter to you? Let these poor guys enjoy by at least catching a glimpse of those beautiful busty boobs". Saying that, Pushkar grabbed my boobs from under the saree and slightly pinched one of them. I let out a tight squeal which gathered even more attention. Pushkar let out a loud laugh, while I just hung my head blushing and continued walking. The cheap onlookers to who observed the entire episode enjoyed it thoroughly, as was evident by the cheap smiles on their faces.

While walking, Pushkar had comfortably wrapped his hand roughly around my naked waist. Since I was without a blouse the whole midriff area and my side boobs were completely exposed to everyone. Pushkar kept rubbing his hand on all of my exposed areas. It felt so cheap and hot that he treated me like his property in public.

As we kept walking with all kinds of cheap guys enjoying glimpses of my hot naked body and all the erotic things that Pushkar was doing with my body, we caught hold of an auto. Pushkar was talking to him trying to tell him the address of the place to get the pipes, while I stood beside him. It was quite clear that the driver was trying hard to listen to Pushkar. All the time, he was just staring at my exposed tits in amazement, while I just stood there completely showing them off. I knew he was having a gala time enjoying a ripe woman's exposed tits right there in public, and that made me even more wet. Wow, this was just so erotic for me!

Pushkar finally managed to tell the auto driver the details of the shop and we then got into the auto. The driver, not even trying to hide his lust immediately adjusted the rear view mirrors so that he could get a clear view of my exposed tits. I was really happy to be his source of pleasure and just wished that he wouldn't run into something while staring at my huge boobs.

As the auto started moving, Pushkar said "Purva I am already so happy that you agreed to come with me". Staring at my boobs over the saree, he said "I can never get enough of your huge boobs! I so wish you would be my wife right now.". Saying that, he immediately removed the pallu off my boobs making me completely topless. The driver literally had his tongue out and eyes out of his sockets with the happiest expression on his face. I loved the attention I was getting from the auto driver and also the way Pushkar was treating me. The moment was so erotic for me, that I just became speechless and sat back restlessly enjoying every moment of it.

Pushkar then proceeded to grab my boobs. He then hit them multiple times till they became red and then proceeded to pinch my tits and bite them with his teeth, once again making his saliva drip all over my body. His lust for me was just unbelievable, really! The driver was shocked seeing all the rough things that Pushkar was doing to me. I was sure he came to know that I was not a working class woman but from a rich neighborhood. But then the fact that I let a cheap man like Pushkar treat me like his whore was surely making him horny as hell. He must be thanking his stars to be at the right place at the right time.

I closed my eyes as Pushkar continued ravaging me right there in the auto. As I told you earlier, he would not even look at my face, but just damage my private parts completely. He continuously kept biting my tits making them sore red. He treated them so roughly that at the end of the auto ride, my boobs were completely red and wet from his saliva.

At last the auto stopped and we seemed to be right infront of the shop. Pushkar reluctantly stopped ravaging on my boobs, sat up and said "You wait here in the auto Purva, I will get the pipes and come". I agreed, and Pushkar got down and went inside the shop.

I was still topless with my sore boobs hanging freely completely covered in Pushkar's saliva. I was by then in a trance state with the inertia of all things that Pushkar was doing still intact. I still felt like my tits were being chewed and my boobs crushed in the Pushkar's palms.

The auto driver now was clearly horny and lustful for me. There was no doubt that given the chance he would rip my saree and rape me there itself. He however sat in his place, completely turned towards me and shamelessly kept staring at my damaged boobs. He was probably fantasizing how he would enjoy them. I definitely loved the way he was looking at my naked body. Even after Pushkar had completely devastated them, I did not want to cover them up or at least wipe them off his saliva. The fact that the driver was staring at them so closely made me even wetter and I could realize that my pussy juices were dripping heavily till my feet.

I loved letting him enjoy my ripe nudity as he wanted. He kept staring at my boobs without even blinking his eye. He then lit a bidi and started smoking. I was still not sure why he did not attempt to grab my boobs, maybe it was because of all the saliva that Pushkar had left on them, but certainly all the redness would have turned him on severely.

After what seemed like 10 mins. or so, Pushkar came out of the shop with a cover in his hand. He came inside the auto and said, "Purva let's get down at some hotel and have lunch now". Saying that he directed the driver to some hotel he knew. I felt like Pushkar knew the place quite well actually.

As we started Pushkar continued working on my boobs. He played with them as he wished until we again came to a stop at some hotel. Of course, it was not a fancy one, in fact it was nowhere near fancy. It was just a small unventilated house that had a few tables inside. I asked Pushkar if we can find a better place to eat, to which Pushkar said that he knew quite well of this place and this was indeed the best we could get in the village.

I immediately wiped all of Pushkar's spit from my body with the pallu, wore it over to cover my boobs. We then got down from the auto and paid the driver. I still fail to understand how he managed to stop himself from feeling my boobs, maybe he was scared, I don't know. But certainly it disappointed me a hell lot!

As we proceeded to go inside the hotel, a stout man with a dark complexion who was maybe in his forties came outside. He was talking on the phone. As soon as he saw Pushkar, he immediately cut the phone and came over to greet him. It appeared like he and Pushkar were really good friends.

He and Pushkar hugged each other. The stout guy said, "Arey Pushkar bhai, kitne dino ke baad yahan...kya haal chaal? (Arey Pushkar, you have come here after a very long time, how are you?)".

"Mishra bhai, mai sahi hu yaar. Kaisa hai tu? Kaisa chal rha hai tera hotel? (Mishra, brother, I am good man. How are you? How is the hotel going?)".

"Chal rha hai bhai (it's going on man)".

He then looked at me and eyed me from top to toe while having a thorough look at my exposed tits, licking his lips in lust. He said to Pushkar, "bhai humare liye kiraak randi leke aaye ho, tu mera asli dost hai yaar! (brother, you have got me a bomb of a whore, you are my true friend yaar)". Of course, it was understandable that anyone thought I was a whore. It was clear that I had been clearly used after all the perverted things Pushkar had done to me. Given the fact that I was without a blouse and my boobs were completely wet and red, it was obvious that he thought I was a professional randi(whore).

Pushkar looked at me and laughed a little. I too passed a friendly laugh. He then proceeded to say to his friend, "Arey Mishra bhai, yeh randi nahi hai, yeh humare memsahab hai sheher ki (Arre Mishra, she is not a whore, she is my madam from the city)".

"Sach mein, par yeh kya haal hai iska? upar se nangi hai aur memsahid hai toh tere saath kyun hai? Bhai, lagta hai tu ne iska bhut mazaa liya! (Really? But then, why is she half naked like this and if she is your madam, why is she with you? Looks like you have enjoyed her a lot!)", he said with evident excitement in his face.

"Arre woh sab baad me bataunga...khana khila de pehle hum ko, bhut bukh lagi hai! (Arey, I will tell all that to you later, first serve us some feed, we are feeling really hungry)".

"Haha, ok fine. I am actually going to my house brother, why don't you two join me? I will get your lunch packed and you can have it there itself", Mishra said.

Pushkar then looked at me as if asking my permission and my willingness to go to Mishra's house. I readily agreed as I saw no potential harm in doing so. Mishra already seemed very eager to spend time with me and know more about me as to who I was and why I was dressed like a cheap slut, and I was beginning to like the playfullness of this old man. He was no doubt like a father to me in terms of age, but he certainly seemed the fun types. He also kept staring at my tits all the time. It was natural that he liked my pair of big boobs and I also did not mind him enjoying them. After all, it seemed like these guys did not have such a visitor, so I decided to give them some joy.

Also, I was pretty sore and tired after all the rough things Pushkar had done to me till then. So I wished I could catch some rest after having my lunch before heading back to the city. Of course, at that moment, I could not understand that I could not be more mistaken in thinking so!

We then got our lunch packed while guys inside the hotel and outside gathered around me to catch a glimpse of the famous half-naked urban whore. Everyone spoke in some local language to each other. It seemed like they all were very thrilled at what they were seeing. It was certainly a treat for all of them. I was severely getting horny as I became an object of lust to all those men. I acted as if I did not care and did not make an effort to hide my boobs from them. As Pushkar said, they would probably never see me again in their life again, and neither would I see them, and so I let all of them completely enjoy my nudity. The idea of being naked infront of such cheap strangers seemed so erotic to me!

Pushkar, Mishra and me then started walking towards Mishra's "home", which was about a kilometer distance from the hotel.

As I reached their so called home, I wondered why Mishra even called it that. His "home" was just a hut on the side of a small lane near the farms on the bare muddy ground, with cows and cow dung all around. All I could sense as we approached the "home" was just the smell of cow dung and sounds of cows shouting loudly. I looked at Pushkar and he did not seem surprised at all. We then proceeded inside the "home" which was guarded by nothing but a piece of cloth that managed to hang without falling from the top of the hut. It did not even cover the entire entrance to the hut, and I believe they just hung that piece of cloth to protect themselves from the heat. They might as well remove it if they were looking for some privacy! It seemed to me like if even a light wind blew across, the hut would collapse down on its feet.

But that was not it. As I looked into the hut from outside, I was even more surprised at what I was seeing. Within the tiny hut, on the ground, I saw that two guys were sleeping, snoring loudly. I wondered how many guys shared space within such a small and cheap setting. It was really unbelievable that Mishra even made an attempt at asking me to come to his "home". I nudged Pushkar to come outside and asked him, "Pushkar, what the fuck is this? How can he call that a home? It's such a tiny hut built on mud. And on top of that it seems like so many guys are sharing it. How can we eat food here?".

Pushkar said, "Purva, I know that it might be a little uncomfortable for you. But the fact is that these people are my best friends and I used to live with them in more horrible conditions a few years back. It's just a matter of having lunch and spending a few minutes with them. We will leave immediately, please bear with me for a while".

I looked at Pushkar and I felt sorry for him. But I no doubt felt a little disgusted with the surrounding. It was so damn cheap. I know there have been instances where I really enjoyed being a whore in such surroundings but this time I somehow was pissed. I looked at him and said, "Hmm, fine. But I am doing this only for you...let's get out of here as soon as possible".

As soon as I said that Pushkar hugged me and passed a quick kiss on my lips. We then went inside and I managed to find sufficient space on the ground to sit. The two guys who were asleep earlier had woken up and now were standing up and all of them including Pushkar hugged each other and exchanged pleasantries as a mark of reunion or something. They had however cast their eyes very soon on my naked body. All the three guys kept staring at me with lustful eyes waiting to get a chance to feast on my ripe nudity.

At that moment, I was really scared the situation might get out of hand. Here I was, somewhere far off from the city in a remote village, in a cheap little hit surrounded by cow dung on all sides with four cheap, horny men. But then little did I know I would enjoy everything that was going to come my way. If at that very moment, somebody had told me that I was going to spend the entire night in that cheap little hut with all those hungry and cheap guys, I would have killed myself. But even I was not aware how easily and quickly I could be turned on and made a dirty whore to those men.

Tarun: "Wow, Purva. I can't take so much of your sluttiness. The thought that my wife is being enjoyed by so many cheap guys everyday, and the idea that on a given day you give boners to innumerable number of slumsters is just turning me on like anything. I cannot imagine how many guys would be masturbating right now thinking about you, your huge melons and fantasizing about fucking you like a road-side whore. Wow, just wow! It's already 2 AM, but please go on with your story, it's just epic!"

Purva: "I know Tarun, I know you are excited like anything! I am so happy to be a free entertainment package for all those cheap slum guys. It is just so erotic for me! But I bet you one thing, after listening what has been done to me during the rest of the experience, you will wet your pants without even touching yourself, you can trust me on that!", she said with a wink.

[Purva's narration continues]

So at Mishra ji's "home", I sat on the bare muddy ground while Pushkar and his friends continued celebrating their reunion of sorts. On a given day I couldn't have imagined that I would be present there in that tiny hut with cows and cow dung all around, with me, a rich city housewife, sitting on the muddy ground, without a blouse with my ripe and mature boobs completely exposed through the transparent saree.

It was clear though that the guys wanted to take a dig at my huge melons. Even when they were talking among themselves, their sight was focussed on my boobs. I really didn't know why, but it was probably the first time in a really long time, when I felt really really cheap. Infact, I could not believe that they only slept on the bare muddy ground - they could not or did not even afford to buy a mattress for themselves, and here I was at the mercy of these cheap men and their lustful eyes.

It was like I was a whore waiting to be gangbanged by all these 4 cheap men, who had paid me money to come to their tiny hut in such cheap surroundings and use me like a toy. Little did I know that I just had to be given some time and I would again be the shameless dirty whore that I always was.

So after a while, finally their celebrations subsided and they began to settle down. Obviously, there was not enough space for all four of us, and so we had to adjust accordingly.

Pushkar came and sat beside me on my left, putting his right arm around my naked waist and grabbing me roughly as usual. Mishra ji sat on my right while the other two guys sat just infront of me. The hut was so tiny that even after making maximum use of the space inside, we were all touching each other. Infact, the two guys whom I still didn't know were sitting so close to me, that I could even smell their stinking breaths. They were breathing straight into my mouth!

It was so awful, so I decided to just rest my head on Pushkar's chest while the guys continued talking. All the while, all the three guys - Mishra ji and his two companions were staring right at my boobs shamelessly. Even though the wetness due to Pushkar's saliva had dried out, the pallu was still transparent and left nothing under it for imagination. Even though I hated the situation, I did not bother these guys staring shamelessly at my giant tits. After all, I enjoyed showing my assets to all these cheap men, so I did not mind them having their share of fun and did not bother to cover them.

After a few initial talks, Mishra ji finally cut down to the chase. I was sure he and the other guys were longing to get to know more about me and as to why I, being a rich housewife was dressed as a whore like this and being an object of pleasure for Pushkar.

"Pushkar ab toh sach bata de yaar, yeh sheher ki sabse kiraak raand hai na? (Pushkar, brother, at least now you should tell the truth. This piece is a first class whore from the city right?)".

Pushkar looked at me with a smile and for a moment, tightened his grip on my naked waist. I looked at him and passed a shy smile. The guys were clearly getting excited with the how Pushkar treated me infront of them and were eager to know if I was a whore. Had Pushkar obliged to that, I am sure I would have been raped by all of them then and there, no holds barred. I was also beginning to enjoy how Mishra ji was convinced that I was a whore, and the way he wished that I was a whore turned me on severely. I was sure if given a chance, he would treat me like a cheap road-side slut. My mind suddenly began to wander back to the time when I was used like a tramp whore by all the cheap guys while on my quest to reach Salim garage a few days back.

Pushkar, who was clearly fascinated replied, "arre nahi Mishra bhai, yeh sach me sheher ki memsahib hai, par ek baat toh sach hai, yeh randi toh bahut hai, usme koi shak nahi (Arre no brother, she's really a rich woman from the city, but it's true that she is a whore, there's no doubt about that)".

Saying that Pushkar grabbed my tits tightly and started pulling them with his fingers as roughly as he could. I felt a strong tingling pain, due to which I let out slight moans which excited the other guys.

Mishra ji continued, "Bhai, sach me?", clearly fascinated with what Pushkar said. He then looked at my tits, which were being completely destroyed by Pushkar smacking his lips in pure lust, and said, "Aise sheher ki maal ko kabhi nahi choda yaar. Agar yeh aaj mere ko mili naa, isko mai pakad pakad ke chodunga, itna zor se chodunga ki sali ek mahine tak chal bhi nahi payegi (Man, I have never fucked a city chick. If I get her for one day, I will fuck her so damn hard, that she won't be even able to walk for one full month)".

I could not believe what Mishra ji just said. His words were so powerful, that I got goosebumps looking at him saying them and I could immediately feel the wetness in my vagina increasing in leaps and bounds. I was so shocked and thrilled at his words, that I just kept staring at him pointlessly, imagining how vulgarly and roughly he would fuck me, given a chance. Even the other guys seemed to agree with Mishra ji's words, as they kept talking to each other in some local language looking at my tits. It was clear that they were describing to each other, how they wished to fuck me and destroy my tenderness and enjoy every bit of ripeness in my body.

Pushkar was no doubt enjoying all this, giving his friends complete liberty to talk about his 'memsaahib whore' as they wished. There was certainly no doubt that I was enjoying it to the core too. Pushkar said, "Thoda kam kar le bhai, ab tak maine bhi Purva ko nahi choda. Maanta hu ki bahut maze liya iska, par yeh mere se abhi tak chudi nahi (Brother, cool down. Not even I have yet gotten the chance to fuck Purva. I agree that I did enjoy her a lot, but she has is yet to get fucked by me)". Saying that, he looked at me and kissed me deep in my mouth. I knew he was suggesting that he wanted to fuck me today, and I loved the way he said it. He continued to bite my lips in every possible way, passing loads of saliva into my mouth. I was beginning to get severely turned on by what was happening and somehow the idea of being gangbanged by all of these cheap guys in that tiny hut didn't seem such a bad idea to me!

I did not know what Pushkar had in mind right then, because he then proposed lunch. Truth be told, I was so wet by then that I was wishing these guys made a move on me. I was wanting to become a cheap slut for these guys so that they could savage on my sexy body, but Pushkar had other plans. I really hated him for doing that, but I believe he did that because I asked him to get it over with quickly before coming into the hut. Stupid me! It was unbelievable how quickly I got into my usual self, wanting to get gangbanged by these slum guys!

So then, Mishra and Pushkar made efforts to unpack the lunch that we got from Mishra ji's hotel, while I just sat there being an object of lust to the two unknown guys. Just to give a feel of things, they were truly black in complexion and it seemed like it had been months old when they last took a bath. They had big beards and their bodies were stinking badly. I was glad that I was again my usual slutty self, as I enjoyed being the whore who was going to impart some joy to their lives. They were looking at my exposed tits whole-heartedly without a hint of shame. And as you know, that feeling seemed so beautiful to me.

As the lunch was getting ready, I went ahead and struck some conversation with the two unknown guys. I asked the first guy, "What's your name and what do you do around here?".

He replied, "Hello memsaahib, my name is Paresh, and I am a barber in the village".

"Ok ok, and you?", I said to the second unknown guy.

It was obvious that he didn't understand any bit of english at all from his dumb expressions, so Paresh helped him understand what I was asking from him. Since, he could not speak English even one bit, Paresh answered "Madam, his name is Kesava and he is a local garbage man. He is responsible for collecting trash from the village and depositing it outside the village".

I looked at Kesava once again and truth be told, he seemed true to his profession. Not to put it indelicately, but he was looking so cheap and vulgar and suddenly I became so hot that I was offering my assets as viewing pleasure for such a cheap guy. The idea of me being a complete object of lust in his tiny hut, to a person of such low profession seemed so damn erotic to me. What came next was only obvious, as you know how I am when I am horny!

I just casually got up and asked Mishra ji, "Mishra ji, it's too hot in here, is it ok if I remove my saree at least till the time we have lunch?".

Needless to say, Mishra ji was stunned with happiness listening to my words. Even Paresh and Kesava were looking up at my tits with even more enthusiasm. Frankly, I wasn't feeling that hot but I wanted to completely exhibit my busty boobs to all these cheap perverted men. I wanted them to getting turned looking at my huge melons. I was sure by his looks, even Pushkar did not expect me to say something like that, but of course, he knew me a lot better now, and he was happy with the way things were going!

Mishra ji exchanged glances with me and Pushkar for a bit still finding it hard to believe what I asked of him. After a long gap, he finally said, "Of course Purva madam, please remove your saree and give it to me, I will put it on the top of the hut". Saying that he waited for me to unwrap myself from my saree and give it to him, waiting to get a non-obstructed view of my ripe fleshy melons. Everyone's eyes were fixed on my tits, waiting for the saree to come off.

Frankly, teasing these cheap litter guys in their tiny hut with my sexy body was beyond any erotica I had experienced till then. I slowly removed the pallu from my boobs making sexy expressions on the way. I took my time while gradually removing the entire saree off my body and gave it to Mishra ji, thus providing them the sight they had been longing to get from a long time.

Kesava and Paresh just sat there on the ground enjoying the view from underneath. It was clear that they loved the view as they did not make any effort to get up. Since my boobs were quite big and fleshy, the view from underneath was without doubt unbelievably arousing. Mishra ji was standing infront of me while I still stood there with my extended hand for him to take my saree. I guess he was just mesmerized by the sight of my huge globes, he was just staring at them so intently with so much lust, that I was sure he would lunge onto me and completely tear my boobs apart any moment.

After what seemed like eternity, he finally, managed to come back to his senses upon Pushkar's repeated nudges. I acted as if I was really shy and just stood there with my extended hands inviting him to take my saree. We all then sat to have lunch. The whole episode was so erotic that I enjoyed it utmost, even without any of the guys other than Pushkar even touching me yet. Of course, Pushkar wanted to show off that he had all the rights on me and could do whatever he wanted to do to me, so he would sometimes do nasty things while having lunch. While chewing the rice he would occassionally slide towards me and chew my nipples deposting those food particles on my tits. Sometimes, he would just plain spit on my tits, just for the fun of it. It was really cute how we was trying to prove me his whore infront of his friends! I really liked it and I let Pushkar do what he wanted to, to me. Of course all the while, he made me sit right beside him where he could comfortably feel my waist and boobs with his rough hands. All along, Mishra ji, Kesava and Paresh were clearly surprised with all the things I let Pushkar do. They were no doubt feeling greatly happy with how their day turned out, but I knew they were hoping for even better things to come along their way.

As we finished lunch, we sat for some more time in the hut. Pushkar made me sit entirely in his lap, clearly because he could then have better reach for my tits. As soon as I sat in his lap, he started to pinch them and twist them without any mercy. I was feeling really horny by then, and I looked at him and we both shared a huge passionate lip to lip kiss. I was certainly feeling very cheap and sexy at the same time! It was amazing really!

By then it was clear that Mishra ji and his roommates were becoming restless! Of course who wouldn't, given how Pushkar was teasing them by projecting me as his personal whore doing all the perverted things he was doing to me.

Looking at me being completely taken over by pleasure with the wonderful things Pushkar was doing to my ripe boobs, Mishra ji said, "Pushkar bhai, hame bhi thoda iss maal ki rass chusne de yaar (Pushkar, bro, let us also suck the juice out of this hot chick man!)". Pushkar then looked at Mishra ji and passed a small laugh. He then looked at me and signalled me with his eyes, if I wanted to get enjoyed by Mishra ji. I shyly but readily agreed to that. Pushkar immediately hit me hard on my boobs multiple times with both his hands making them red. I enjoyed it thoroughly as he hit my huge boobs hard, continously without any mercy making me a cheap toy. I just closed my eyes and let the pain and pleasure sink into me completely. I was so hot that I was just biting my lips hard to prevent myself from shouting out loud.

Pushkar then made me get up from his lap, and sent me towards Mishra ji. I was eagerly waiting to see what he would do to me!

Mishra ji then took me from Pushkar and made me sit on his lap. He first looked straight into my eyes, grabbing both my boobs with his rough hands real hard. I could see that Pushkar had already started recording the whole thing in his mobile phone. Mishra ji then proceeded to plant a deep kiss in my mouth. He too bit my luscious lips hard till they they started bleeding. It was so cheap and erotic. He was so cheap in doing that he eventually ended up passing some food particles of the lunch we just we had from his mouth to mine.

Seeing that my lips had started bleeding, Kesava came forward and offered to lick the blood from my lips, while Mishra ji kept pressing my boobs really hard. It was such a sleazily erotic experience for me. Kesava must have really liked licking me because he just kept licking all of my face with his tongue depositing huge globules of his spit all over my face. He was so perverted, I guess especially at the sight of a busty topless naked rich housewife, that he even tried to lick the insides of my nose and ears. Man, such was the extent of perversion these cheap village slum guys possessed, and that planted a desire in me to be their life long whore.

While Kesava still kept licking me, I was passed on to Paresh. Paresh just made me sit on the ground facing him. He then spit roughly on my face multiple times with full force, completely making my face packed with globules of spit by all the men. He then proceeded to lick and bite my nipples as he wanted. I was seriously so turned with how these guys just made me their whore in their cheap little hut.

After enjoying me for a long time, as he wanted, Paresh passed me back to Mishra ji again. Clearly, this time he put the foot on the pedal as far as treating me like a road-side fuck slut was concerned.

Mishra ji took me and made me sleep on the ground on my back so that my boobs were facing him. He then asked Pushkar to hold my boobs together and started hitting them from all angles as hard as he could. Pushkar accepting his brother's demand, passed the recording job over to Paresh who did it gleefully by sitting beside me. I guess he really enjoyed filming my destruction, which was evident seeing the elation on his face. Kesava was perved up for licking I guess, so he just adjusted himself on the other side of me so that he could comfortably lick my entire face. He would occassionally open my mouth and spit right into it which made me think his cheapness was really unbelievable!

After what seemed like about an hour of all the things done to me, Pushkar somehow reluctantly said, "Kafi hai Mishra bhai, iski humne bahut le li, iske hubby se jyada humne hi iske babbe ka rass pi liya! Ab chod denge bechari ko". Saying that, he got up. I was not sure why he did that, though I was sure he was still damn horny for me! Infact, I was still surprized like hell as to why none of these guys did not make any efforts to fuck me like a whore! I was beginning to even get suspicious!

Mishra ji too reluctantly let me go, as did Kesava and Paresh. From the expressions on their faces, it was clear that they had the best time of their lives so far, but were unwillingly letting me go. I infact began to feel sad for them!

I was still sleeping on the ground with my boobs hanging lifelessly all sour and red with all the beating and licking done to them. My face was fully covered in saliva and spit, especially that of Kesava. I guess he had some really serious fetish of licking - he literally deposited so much saliva on my face that I could not even see or inhale. I could feel and smell his saliva all over my face, even inside my fucking nose! I loved it, I really did. It was top notch erotica and cheapness.

As we got ready to go, Mishra ji guided me outside where I could kinda wash myself. It was just a cowshed a few metres away from the hut. He stood there admiring my entire body in his mosty lusty manner while I washed myself of all the saliva and spit. We then walked back together back to the hut when he gave me my saree. Before I could drape my saree back on me, he said, "madam, bass ek baur aur..."

Without even waiting for my reply, he came on to me and hit my boobs hard multiple times making me wriggle with pain and pleasure. After he was done, I passed a shy smile and continued draping my saree. I loved the way these guys used my body so roughly to satisfy their sexual thirst! It was simply so damn erotic!

Finally, Pushkar suggested me to hug everyone a good bye. I happily did so, when all three also took the opportunity to tightly grab my ass from behind while hugging me and also to plant a tight kiss inside my mouth, biting my lips all the while once again making them bleed. I so enjoyed their perverse behaviour towards a rich urban housewife like me! It was clearly the best day they ever had. I too enjoyed the whole erotic experience like never before!

It was around 3 PM, when Pushkar and me bid goodbye to Mishra ji, Paresh and Kesava and made our way out of the hut! At that moment, little did I know that it was not even close to the final good bye and I was going to see these guys again in the same day.

As we walked out of the hut, I asked Pushkar, "Ok, now what's next?". Pushkar immediately, as was his signature held me roughly by my naked waist and said, "I am going to take you to a nearby lake! You are going to love it Purva".