Mother is a Better Deal

Mother is a Better Deal

Published on: 2023-04-29 20:59:35

It wasn't a pleasant feeling for me to see Atul, my 21 year old son's eyes straying on my 19 year old daughter all the time disregarding my presence. Being a responsible mother, I feared that the horny young lad could end up doing something unprecedented in our family and thereby making a mess of both of their lives. I have noticed the efforts he made to get closer with his younger sister physically. Alka was too ignorant for her age and never suspected her horny brother's intentions as she was all at ease in his company. I started feeling more discomfort after I watched Atul staring at Alka's cleavage which she was inadvertently revealing while they were playing chess at home. It was an awkward feeling to see him getting into the bathroom as I could guess what guys of his age would be doing in.

Although I was saddened to see my son straying like this, I couldn't help having sympathy for him as his generation is being exposed to all sorts of rubbish beginning from the TV. My husband has always toiled hard to ensure a better future for our children and I was convinced that he would be disappointed to know Atul's corrupt mind. I was in a dilemma whether to give any hint to Alka as there was every possibility that their relations could soar if I ever revealed Atul's perversion.

At the same time, I feared that Atul could transgress into illegal territories and thereby get into some serious trouble. I had to safeguard my daughter at any cost from my son who looked like a demon looking for the right occasion to ravage his own sister. I somehow felt that Atul could be back on track once his curiosity about sex is over. From then onwards, I started paying more attention about my own appearance. I discarded the traditional thick sarees and preferred plain chiffons. I reverted to the sleeveless blouses which used to be a sort of my trademark till I became a mother. I even visited a nearby parlor to cut my hair short and to have a nice face bleaching done. Everyone including my husband was surprised about my sudden switchover from a conventional housewife look to that of a progressive modern woman. As I had anticipated, Atul became more curious about me.

Whenever I moved around, his eyes followed me looking for whatever flesh portion I was revealing to him. Initially, it wasn't a nice feeling at all to realize that I am letting my son to glance at me with sexual intend but soon I reconciled to the fact. As a mother, I was taking a calculated risk which had all the potential to backfire. More so, with a teenage son at home who was being led by his impulse rather than intellect. Unintentionally, I started drawing the attention of other men around as well due to the change of my looks. I even started experiencing the ordeals that normally teen girls go through like quite a few instances of eve teasing for which our city has been notorious for. Young boys seemed to press my butts and sometimes brush my breasts while I traveled in crowded buses. Frankly speaking some of them did make me wet with their adolescent mischief. I was convinced that I evoked response from boys like my own Atul.

It was a Sunday. Alka was about to leave for her dance class and my husband was sincerely cleaning our car downstairs. I watched Atul walking across the hall towards Alka's room through the corner of my eyes from the kitchen. Though stunned, I followed him so slow that he couldn't hear me coming behind. He stood close to the door closed ajar and started peeping into Alka's room. I felt as if my entire blood got frozen as I realized that Atul was watching his own sister while she changed clothes. As I tapped my foot on the floor, Atul turned around and froze to see me coming. He immediately turned around and rushed towards his room and I stood there as if I have seen nothing. Soon, Alka left the house after dressing up and I know both she and my husband weren't about to return at least for another couple of hours.

Atul, I called from the drawing room for which there wasn't any answer. I smiled to myself guessing where he would have headed after seeing his sister stripping. I moved into my room and picked up the loose T-shirt which I had bought recently. I sneaked into one of my husband's ¾ trousers leaving a couple of inches of my stomach exposed in between. I returned to the kitchen and resumed my cooking wondering if Atul would ever come to me at all. However, it wasn't a long wait as I could hear the sound of his foot steps approaching the kitchen.

Mom, did you call me?

Yes, I replied holding my breath. I soon realized he had stopped at the door itself and after a few seconds of pause, I heard the foot steps all over again coming closer behind me. His eager arms held my waist and turned me around to face him. It was unbelievable to see the lust flowing in his eyes as he looked at my face soon to get downwards and settle his eyes on my breasts and my nipples which perked on the T-shirt.

Of late, you have started looking great.

I hope you like that, I almost stumbled for words unable to gauge the intensity of his eyes probing through my T-shirt. His eyes soon descended onto my thighs as he started moistening his lips with his tongue which popped out. I was stunned to see the bulge on his crotch as I could guess that his organ might be amazingly big. Holding my waist, his thumbs pressed against my flesh making me tremble momentarily. He tilted his head towards me and I couldn't help closing my eyes. I knew it was futile and preferred not to resist at all as we got into each other's arms hugging with a newly found passion. His mouth conquered mine as his tongue made its way through my lips. I heard my heart beat loud while my body felt like being burnt as his cock was pressing desperately against me in our intense hug. My pussy was defying me as I felt it getting soaked with drops of juice although it was my beloved son who was arousing me. I was holding the back of his head to ensure that our mouths never went apart while he chewed my lips like never before.

It was only after I felt that Atul was gasping for breath that I relieved him from the kiss. He looked at me with a peculiar expression and asked in husky voice, Will you tell Dad? I shook my head and smiled to make him feel at ease.

He immediately resumed from where he had left before. His hands reached to my breasts squeezing them while the feel of his thumbs were making my nipples arouse with lust. I pushed his trousers downwards and I went on my knees. Atul's enormous cock stood straight pointing towards my face. I found it was larger than what I had anticipated.

Oh God, is this a cock or a canon? I asked Atul laughingly. I am afraid neither my mouth nor my pussy can hold it in.

Don't tell me it's bigger than Dad, Atul replied with a naughty smile.

It certainly is, I quipped. It must be at least a couple of inches longer than him. So what? Atul brushed the tip of his cock on my chin. It's worth a try.

I love you, Mom, He murmured. Keep sucking! Keep sucking!!

My hands were firmly holding on to his ass to ensure against let him slip off while I continued sucking like deliriously. His cock soon exploded so swiftly that I found it extremely hard to gulp it before swallowing the entire load. His cock started shrinking after sending out a few loads of cum as I stood up and kissed him on his lips yet again.

Taste your own cum, my son, I smiled at him. Atul sprang on me to have a go at my breasts yet again before I stopped him for a second. As he watched with eyes wide open, I removed my T-shirt and trousers and threw it off outside the kitchen. Atul immediately pushed me down making me sit on the floor resting my back on the cupboard with legs spread as wide as I could. He lowered his head on my soaking clit and began licking it fast and furious. I had lost control once his tongue popped out to intrude between my pussy lips as I held his head pressing hard against my pussy. Occasionally I could feel his teeth getting into play as well as I quivered and swayed in all directions unable to confine my excitement before squirting my fluid on his face. Now, it was his turn to kiss me firmly on my lips and say, Taste your own cum, Mom.

You need to get upright again, I told Atul. Play with your mother's boobs again. I will hold your cock and rub it against my pussy. You will soon recover with enough vigor to tear my pussy.

He didn't loose even a split second obeying me as he started devouring my breasts with unimaginable lust although I felt slight pain whenever he held my nipples between his teeth and pulled them all the way. The moment my palm felt the head of his cock, it animated as if it was waiting for my touch and soon became hard as a rock. Atul kept alternating between my breasts by sucking one while squeezing the other with his strong young hands. His organ hardly needed any guidance as it easily settled on the top of my pussy. The long cock that was his, it halted momentarily before I flexed my body a bit to let another inch get in. Atul was looking down as if he couldn't believe that his cock was about to enter into his mother's pussy.

Come on, Get in, I moaned lifting my legs further while Atul took his time to thrust his cylindrical weapon inside my waiting pussy. He grinned once the big head of his cock vanished inside my pussy and took a deep breath before pushing his waist hard against me. My legs went around his waist while my arms held on to his strong shoulders. Atul soon started motioning back and forth in a good rhythm and soon every inch of his huge cock penetrated inside with amazing ease. The smart boy that he is, soon settled into a smooth momentum letting his cock in and out of my moist pussy with tremendous power. The tip of his cock seemed like going far inside my cunt as my clit had yielded to the long monster of my son. As waves of pleasure started rolling inside me, I looked up to see how my son was enjoying fucking his mother on the floor of the kitchen.

Atuuuullllll, I shouted as if I was hit by a lightning once I reached yet another orgasm. Atul's cock was generating so much of radiation in me as never before while it kept banging my womb. I humped up and down his vibrant cock, it became evident that he was about to reach his climax as well.

Fuck me.. Fuck me…. Fuck your mother…. Fuck….

Within seconds Atul groaned so loud that I was scared for a moment before feeling loads of his semen flow from his cock inside my womb as if the shutter of a dam got opened. He kept unloading a few times every few seconds before sighing exhausted as if he had emptied out everything inside me. His cock which hitherto felt so menacing began to withdraw from my slippery pussy. He felt as if frozen while my tired legs slipped down from his waist. A few drops of his sweat from the forehead fell on my breasts after which he came down on me falling on my shoulders. Unbelievable it may sound, but we remained together for another fifteen minutes before I spoke to him.

So, you got all that you needed?

Yes, But I will come again.

Sure, I smiled at him stroking his hair slogged in perspiration. It's a deal. You should never get anywhere near Alka till she gets married and you will have me for life.

Atul raised his head showing signs of surprise, So, does that mean you did all this for Alka?

Of course, I replied and kissed on his lips.

I agree, he assured. I will look upon her only as a sister from now on.

I felt happy that somehow I have safeguarded my daughter.

But mom, Atul smirked. I can never look upon you as my mother.

We laughed.

'What have I done to myself? was the question I have been asking to 'myself ever since I allowed Atul to fulfill his youthful lust. I 'sincerely wanted to safeguard Alka, my daughter from Atul although in 'the process I became a toy in his hands. It was hard to digest the 'fact that my son was too horny for a 21 year old guy. I was worried 'about Atul as I was convinced that he started paying less attention 'to his studies as whenever he found time, he sprang on me and fucked 'me like an animal. I was relenting to him every time every where. If 'it was on the bathroom floor one time, it was the sofa the next time. 'He didnt spare the balcony as well as he enjoyed me in every possible 'spot, in every possible position which included an anal invasion a 'couple of times. I kept yielding to him because I trusted him that he 'wouldnt bother his sister under any circumstances. It was only on one 'occasion that I protested to have sex with my son, that too 'unsuccessfully. I still remember the ugly events that unfolded on 'that day, my wedding anniversary.

Alka was the first to wish me immediately after she woke up in the morning. Atul looked at me as if surprised for a moment before telling,' Happy Anniversary, Mom.' Soon both of them went to their Dad's room to wish him and after passing through some of the torrid moments in the past few months, I realized that it was a day I could celebrate with my husband and children. Atul soon got out having his daily workout in the nearby park and Alka left to take bath. As I stretched a cup of coffee to my husband, he dragged me on to the sofa and kissed me with love. Although it was a nice feeling to feel my husband after a long time, the guilt in me was almost killing me. How could I forget letting my son do whatever my husband has never even attempted even once? My husband promised me that he would try to return home from office as early as possible and take us all out for the dinner at a famous restaurant in the east coast road. He also whispered into my ears that he wanted me to look like a bride as he wished to have me that night as he had during our first night. I blushed like a new bride and rushed inside.

Atul and Alka left for their colleges and soon my husband too left for work. It was well past noon that I heard the door bill ring. As I opened the door, I was almost shocked to see Atul standing with a wicked smile on his face. He was carrying a few large polythene bags on either arms and from the smell I guessed that it might be flowers. He didn't wait for any questions from me as he walked straight into his Dad's room and kept the bags on the bed.

Mom, I need a cup of tea, He shouted from the room as I was walking back to the kitchen after locking the door. While I was wondering what he might be doing in his father's room, I preferred to keep him shut with a cup of tea rather than worrying about what he was intending to do. As I entered our room, I was taken aback to see what Atul was doing. He was decorating his father's bed with plenty of rose petals and jasmine flowers as though he was decorating a room meant for a first night. I was surprised although I felt a bit odd to see a teenage son decorating his father's bed on his anniversary.

Atul, it seems your brain is drained out completely, I mocked at him. It is only afternoon and there is no way those flowers are going to stay fresh till tonight.

Atul slammed his forehead gently sticking out his tongue as if he realized his mistake as I kept watching him amused. Suddenly he looked up at me and flashed a venomous smile sending a chill through my spine as I knew what that smile meant. 'Oh no, not today' I prayed and started moving back without much success as he jumped from the bed, running across the room to block the door by standing in front of me.

Mom, will Dad fuck you today? He asked biting his lower lips. That must be wonderful.

May be, I tried to evade him.

Great, He started staring at me from head to foot with the familiar lust in his eyes. You look gorgeous in this kanchivaram silk and loose hair. I don't want the flowers to frown without any purpose.

Winking at me, he pushed me hard enough to make me off balance and to fall on the bed. He latched the door from inside and started moving towards me menacingly. It took me a few seconds to notice that the top end of my silk saree had slipped off my shoulders in the impact of my fall and Atul was staring at my blouse clad breasts.

Atul, please stop, I started pleading while covering my breasts hurriedly. Not now, not today.

He kept moving towards the bed unmindful of my pleading as I started regretting for having allowed him to taste me. He began unbuttoning his shirt and winked at me again.

Atul today is our anniversary. I can't let you do that, I screamed as he unzipped his pant and stood with just his brief on. I could see that his bulge looked more than normal.

Atul laughed like a typical movie villain. I want to fuck my mother on my father's bed. How nice it would be if I could do that on their anniversary?

Impossible, I shouted and got down from the bed and started to walk towards the door. Atul, the strong boy that he is, easily held me by my waist with his strong hands and kissed on my cheeks.

How do I let you go, Baby? He smirked as his left hand reached to my hair and started to pull my face towards his mouth. I somehow wanted to stop him not because I didn't like to have sex with him but I wanted to stay energetic enough to entertain my nice husband on our anniversary.

Atul started pulling my saree and as I held on to it, I was inadvertently revealing my cleavage to him. He 'wow'ed once and kept looking into the split between my breasts through the top of my blouse. He started rolling the length of the saree around his forearm and as he used all his strength to pull it towards him, I swirled a few rounds letting the entire length of my saree going free and stood with just the petticoat and blouse on. Atul pushed me on the bed again and pulled down the horizontal blinds in the window. He then leaped on to the bed and took me inside his firm arms as always. He made me lay sideways and pressed his waist hard against my butts making me feel how hard his bulge had become. His eager hands reached to their favorite destination, my breasts and I tried to get up while he was attempting to squeeze my breasts.

Stop. Will you let me go if I suck your cock? I asked him willing for a compromise.

Never, Atul grinned as his hands finally got to my breasts firm enough to give them a hard squeeze. I need nothing less than a fucking from you.

Just spare me today, I kept pleading. You have fucked me a dozen times and I assure you can do all your life. Please let me remain clean for your Dad today.

Atul never looked like heeding to my request as his left hand started pressing my left breast hard while his right hand stroked my stomach with the lust typical of him. His lips were moistening my back, my shoulders and the back of my neck making me shiver gently. His right hand soon reached down and started lifting my petticoat upwards until it was above my waist. His hard bulge was now pressing against my naked ass cheeks as his right hand came to the front to make its entry under my panties to feel my public hair. I was determined to stop him anyway.

Oh Atul, I whimpered. Please think of your poor Dad. He has always been nice to you and you can leave me today at least for that sake.

Atul's turned my face towards him as he hushed. I don't care. I am going to fuck you now. You can fuck him in the night and tell me how it felt having two dicks on the same day tomorrow.

You are disgusting, I couldn't speak any further as his mouth landed on mine and devoured my lips. His tongue popped out to get in between my teeth to tickle my tongue while his fingers easily strode over my clit stroking it faster and faster. I could hardly resist as I kept moaning gently. His right hand shifted to my thighs and started stroking my soft skin all over as I felt as if the entire hair on my skin was standing up.

Ohhhhhhhhhh, I couldn't contain moaning with arousal.

I know you would love that, He made me lay straight on the bed and climbed on to me. My hands tried to push his chest to keep him away briefly before he easily overpowered me to clinch to my lips again going for another prolonged animated kiss. Both his hands cupped each one of my breasts and started mashing them with a hard grip. His naked cock kept brushing my stomach, my thighs and my mound as he strived hard to take me in total control. He frantically kissed me on my cheeks, my chin, my neck, my chest before his mouth settled on my blouse searching for the throbbing nipples. He jumped from one breast to another sucking my nipples still under the cover of a bra and blouse over. His flowing saliva was spreading all over my blouse, getting underneath to my bra and soon I could feel chills on the top of my nipples inside.

Your blouse has gone for a toss, He laughed loudly and started unhooking it in a hurry. I was unwilling to yield and I pushed his hands strongly not let them take off my blouse. Atul became impatient and sprang on my left breast, sucked it as if he wanted the whole thing inside his mouth and soon I felt his teeth pressing hard against my flesh.

Atul, it is hurting, I cried. Please don't bite them.

Then let me take that blouse off, He ordered and immediately took advantage of my momentary hesitation to unhook my blouse in a flash. His eyes lit with excitement to see my breasts hardly contained in my bra as always.

Mom, I love them, He admired. I have played with your tits umpteen times. I have sucked them, squeezed them and even bit them. But I get more aroused every time I see my mother's sexy tits.

Tits? I queried as I haven't heard the phrase before. He snapped the bra hook with a smile and held my naked breasts in his hands. Yes, in English breast is known as tits as well.

After improving my vocabulary, he returned to my 'tits' by licking my areola and sucking my nipples. Involuntarily, my nipples were getting harder and longer as my son never looked like taking off his mouth from them. Shall I bite your tits now so that Dad can see my teeth mark in the night? He laughed.

No. Don't do that, I closed my eyes unable to listen to his ugly talking. I was getting angry as I tried to turn away while he tried to kiss my lips again. He started working my cunt with his hand by stroking in lightning motion. My hips motioned trying to topple him from my body. Atul got off balance for a split second before he regained and ripped off my panties which flew close to the ceiling before falling far off in the room. No amount of my pleading was to any avail as he opened my legs wide with his strong arms. Atul moved in between my thighs pressing me on to the cushion and placed the huge head of his cock on her cunt and began rubbing it up and down my slit. I was swinging from side to side with my hands on his chest pushing him back in vain. His cock head was so swiftly rubbing my cunt that I was soon loosing my resistance.

I was whimpering, Atul, you have had enough of your mother's cunt. Can't you hold up?

Not any more, Atul groaned. I will keep fucking you even if your pussy gets wrinkled.

Atul swayed back for a split second before humping his cock hard into my pussy with all his strength. I could hear to a 'plop' as his hard cock easily found its way into my pussy which had been moist since long.

I attempted to beg and plead with him, You won't let me go?

Atul forced himself on me after his penetration as I threw my head back and gasped very low. I could feel my cunt spreading out wide as Atul's cock slid halfway in and out. Atul leaned forward to kiss me on my lips before saying, You need it still deeper, Mom?

My hands had stopped resisting as Atul pulled half his length out of me only to drive his enormous cock deep in me until his balls banged my asshole. My legs hung in the air while my butts slammed against the bed cushion. Atul kept sloughing deeper and deeper as I threw my head back violently moaning and gasping louder. I kept feeling my son's cock withdrawing out and disappearing in my slogged cunt with amazing speed. I could listen to the noises coming from my cunt as Atul kept rigging the wet cavity.

Atul talked while gasping, Do you think Dad would do better?

I was in no position to reply as I kept moaning, Ohhh goddd ohhhhh godddd.

Atul kept talking, I know. It needs your son's cock to fuck you so good.

Ohhh yesss I continued moaning, Ohhh yessss oh yes yes yes.

Atul kept fucking me harder as my ass cheeks bounced on the bed. I kept moaning louder as I was nearing the climax. My hips rose off the bed, and pushed upwards hard into Atul's cock. Atul started driving hard into me about to explode as I grabbed his waist firm enough.

Oh Yes, Atul screamed. Here we go.

Atul blasted out in my cunt after which his cock moved slower in and out of me. I felt his thick semen oozing out of my cunt while his shaft felt like a chill carrot. Our motions stopped soon as we lay still after one more intense fucking session. Although a couple of tears dropped from my eyes, being unable to keep myself fresh for my husband tonight, my son had given me one more wonderful screwing. What happened subsequently could only be described in the following parts if and when I squeeze time to recollect.

It would be the understatement of the century to say that Alka was confused. At 18 years, she was shrewd enough to gauge many things that happened around her with the exception of those few strange happenings inside her own house. She wasn't unduly concerned about Atul, her elder brother. She dismissed his frequent gazes as one among those inevitable hazards of growing as a beautiful girl. However, she couldn't digest her mother's gradual transformation for more than four years which suggested that there was something fishy going on between Atul and her mother.

The sequence of events looked so simple and obvious. Not so surprisingly, they all happened on weekdays when Alka's father would be away for work. Atual invariably followed her everywhere in the house and was more than curious to have some conversation going. She felt extremely delicate watching her own brother lustily gazing her breasts and legs as they spoke. The spark in his eyes resembled that of those shameless onlookers she came across every day whenever she ventured out. He once even attempted to have a handful of her breasts which she ignored as he apologized at once saying that it was accidental. But, what she witnessed soon wasn't accidents by any means.

It was a Saturday and Alka's mid term exams were about to commence from the next week. After a few hours of serious study, she decided to retreat to her room for some sleep. Just as she was about to enter her room, she casually looked down from the stairs and found that her mother and her brother had vanished from the sitting room. Her heart began thudding fast as she stood perplexed for a while. She didn't know if it would be decent to go downstairs and see what her brother and mother were up to. She also knew that whatever it be, they were not about doing anything decent either.

She came over her initial hesitation and walked down the stairs like a cat. She froze to notice that her mother and brother were inside the bedroom and the door had already been closed. She knew that she could get a clear view of inside if she manages to get to the rectangular hollow box in the wall which was made for bringing an additional power line. Once she did, her eyes swelled in shock which soom turned into excitement.

Mom was leaning on the wall while Atul watched her from the bed. They were smiling at each other till Mom pulled of her nightie over her head much to the delight of her horny son. She didn't stop there as she unhooked and got rid of her bra before sliding her petticoat down her legs posing to her son with just her panties on. Like a typical nymph, she ran her fingers on her breasts and squeezed her nipples. Atul was seen pulling out his dick after unzipping his trouser and his eyes gazed at his mother while his dick began growing. Mom kept caressing her left breast while her other hand reached well below her abdomen right in between her legs. Soon her eyes closed as she let a couple of her fingers into her clit daring through her public hair.

Alka kept watching as the sense of disgust was dying a natural death while her curiosity took over. Her eyes alternated between her mother and her brother as she was about to witness the unprecedented.

Still need more? Mom asked Atul.

Yes, Atul asserted. Your nipples aren't harder yet.

A mild lightning struck Alka listening to the erotic talk of Atul. Mom resumed playing with her clit by thrusting her fingers faster and deeper.

I want you inside, Mom said pleadingly. Atul kept watching as Mom went about fingering herself in frenzy.

Atul, My son, Mom moaned. I can't wait any longer; take me.

Come here, Atul sounded as though he was issuing an order. Suck my dick first.

Alka shook again as she watched Mom almost jumping on Atul's dick. The young girl's eyes widened seeing her mother softly stroking Atul's dick. Mom leaned forward and almost rested her head on Atul's laps before taking his hardened long dick inside her mouth. Alka wasn't batting her eyelids while she watched her brother's long boner being devoured by her mom. Atul's head swayed from side to side feeling the softness of his mother's mouth engulfing his shaft and soon he was letting out moans of pleasure. Mom seemed to have settled down after her initial desperation as she was seen sucking her son's cock very slowly. Alka was clever to know that Mom wasn't going to let Atul explode soon. While Mom kept sucking Atul with enormous patience, Alka stood anxiously to see when Atul would eventually cum inside Mom's mouth.

Mom, my wonderful cock sucker, Atul admired in an exciting tone. I bet you love my dick.

Mom seemed apparently pleased with her son's appreciation as she picked up her momentum in her prolonged sucking session. Alka's heart almost stopped listening to Atul's loud groan after he exploded inside Mom's mouth. For the first time since she started watching, she felt an itch underneath her panties. I like it, Atul spoke while gasping for breath. You never waste a drop.

Why should I? Mom giggled and got to the middle of the bed.

Atul pounced on Mom's breasts holding them in each one of his hands, and buried his face in between them. He began with a very gentle squeezing which soon became harder and firmer. His thumbs got into the act by rolling her nipples around making Mom moan mildly. From her expressions, it appeared as though Mom loved to let her breasts and nipples teased. Her arms came around Atul to rest on his back. Alka knew that her nipples were hardening beneath her bra as she watched her brother going at her mother's breasts mercilessly. Mom was squealing in pleasure while Atul kept squeezing her breasts and kneading them as though they were made of wheat flour.

Maul them, you bastard, Mom screamed. Don't show any mercy on your mom's tits.

Atul was in a rage now as his hands held each one of his mother's breasts with a demon strength and made his Mom squeal very loud. He pinched her nipples and tweaked them. Mom's legs went wide and high while her son kept mashing her globes mercilessly. Mom's hand grabbed his dick and began rubbing the head against her pussy lips. She flexed her body to let her son's dick a little inside her pussy.

Alka kept watching with more of a delight than disgust as her brother mounted on her mother.

Mom let out a prolonged moan as Atul started thrusting his hard meat inside her pussy. They lay still for a split second as Alka realized that Atul's dick had made its entry inside her mom's pussy. The mother and son smiled at each other before Atul started pumping her very slowly. Atul's dick wasn't finding any difficulty in diving in and out of his mother's pussy largely due to the countless experiences he had with her before.

It comes easy to you, Mom admired. Start now and don't stop till I say.

Oh Yes, Atul said with a smile as he motioned his body faster.

Alka felt as if her body was being set ablaze seeing the erotic adventures of her brother and mother. Mom had closed her eyes as if she was enjoying every bit of what her son was doing to her. She kept biting her lower lips in pleasure and did everything possible to excite Atul as he kept rigging her like a machine.

I am going to cum, Mom screamed all of a sudden.

Atul changed gears swiftly and he began fucking his mom in lightning speed. He was apparently excited to hear that she was on the verge of explosion and went hard at her making her moan louder and louder. His eyes grew in size as he watched his mom shaking her head frantically while her body was still humping up and down to let her son's dick accomplish its mission.

I can't hold back anymore, She screamed again.

Alka's hands were tightly gripping the window beams as she kept watching her brother having a go at mom like a beast. It was amazing to hear the strange noises of erotic groans which her mother kept letting out which sounded like music to the rhythm of their bodies banging against each other. Atul seemed to have gained a lot of experience as his dick drove in and out of his mother's cunt with amazing speed.

Alka's eyes were now fixed at her brother's monstrous meat which kept pounding mom's pussy. As Atul spewed hot thick loads of semen into mom's womb, she convulsed with the loudest of squeal. They gasped and grunted after their simultaneous explosion. Mom and Atul hugged each other after the gripping climax. It took a while for Mom to open her eyes and look at Atul who was looked like the most fulfilled man on earth.

You are simply marvelous, Mom admired.

Thanks, mom, Atul acknowledged the compliment.

You are a wonderful mother-fucker, Mom laughed.

Alka felt a shade of disgust creeping in her mind again. She has seen the unbelievable. Her hands reached between her thighs and her fingers at once felt the moisture on her panties. She couldn't resist stroking her fingers against her pussy lips as she watched her naked brother get off the bed. Suddenly, she realized that she needed to vanish before getting caught by either of them.

Once she reached inside her room, she locked the door from inside and jumped on to the bed. She began eschewing the scenes she had witnessed and a huge question emerged from the bottom of the heart.

Is sex so exciting?