Motherhood - A Tale of Love - Part 3

Motherhood - A Tale of Love - Part 3

Published on: 2024-08-25 23:10:32

Preetha opened her closet and rummaged through her clothes, there were heaps of them. All expensive stuff, some from US and some from India. She fished out a night dress, a babydoll gown she had bought during the first year of her marriage, in fact Ayan gave it to her. She had barely worn that ever and thought of that dress being overtly salacious and risqué. But that moment she felt so good about herself that she decided to put it on. The cream color satin slipped smoothly around her shoulders, it felt wonderful on her skin. She looked herself at the mirror and almost fell in love with herself. It was a drastic change of mood from afternoon when she hated looking at herself on the mirror. Love does change a woman so much. The cream satin contrasted beautifully against her olive skin, it was a little tight, as she had grown in these years, especially now as her milk heavy breasts almost spilled out of the cups, nevertheless she didn't mind.

Preetha could hear Salim rummaging through the plates and cutlery. He was setting the table. Such a dutiful little kid, she thought gleefully and stepped out of the bedroom.

Salim was dumbstruck looking at her in that babydoll night gown. He had never seen anything so beautiful and erotic in his life as his mother walked across in long strides to the fridge and poured herself another vodka. His eyes were stuck on her like a magnet. Preetha noticed that but didn't say anything. She smiled inwardly and sipped from the glass, brushing her hair with her fingers. She started humming a soulful song of Rabindranath Tagore.

Preetha had a sweet voice and she took music lessons in her school. For so many years she had quit singing but it came back to her all in once, rushing.

Salim watched his mother unblinking as she sang. How could a person be so beautiful and have the voice of an angel all at once? He pinched himself secretly, trying to confirm if this was for real or he was dreaming all the while. He stared at his mother's half closed eyes, swaying hips, and that precious mouth forming those beautiful words and tunes.

Preetha was immersed in her song; when she finished she looked back and saw Salim staring. She felt a little shy and embarrassed; she hoped she didn't make a fool of herself. However looking at the expression on the boy's face it didn't look like it. He was totally awestruck. Preetha didn't say anything and settled on the chair of the dining table. Salim had set the table and poured the contents of the order in proper bowls.

They were having noodles, chicken and soup. As Preetha sat watching Salim admiringly he served her a portion of the noodles, smiling at her. They were not speaking; expressions were communicating the love and affection that flowed between them like a river. Both of them settled down for dinner.

Preetha was using a fork to eat the noodles, and Salim who never had such luxury to eat with utensils found it extremely hard to eat. He was habituated to eat with his hands throughout his life. He hesitantly watched how pertly she rolled the noodles in her fork and put it daintily in her mouth. She had all the qualities of a highborn woman and he was just a pathetic street urchin.

Her act of eating, the way her hand moved briskly rolling up the noodles, the way her mouth opened, not too wide, neither too small and the way she chewed without opening her mouth looked fascinating and in a way erotic as well. Salim tried to follow her but he was using the fork like a spoon and noodles were spilling out, making a mess of his face and plate. He felt so inferior to her that a sudden pang of sadness rushed over him. He stopped eating, fidgeting with his fork timidly.

Preetha noticed this and she smiled at him affectionately, 'What happened sweetheart? You don't like the food?' she asked.

Salim shook his head hesitantly, 'No, I love the food; I have never had food like this ever in my life. I have been living off on rice and dal which they gave me for payment in the tea stall, and pickings from the garbage dump. I have never tasted anything like this, but...' he paused reluctantly.

Preetha felt a sudden pang of heartache as he had brought up his past life again. She put her hand on his head and said sincerely.

'Those days are gone my sweet baby boy, they are never coming back, you know that; I promised.'

'I know Mommy, but...' Salim said hesitantly.

'But what?' Preetha asked again.

'I...I don't know how to eat with fork. Can you teach me please?' he asked.

Salim looked so adorable asking shyly to teach him that Preetha laughed musing, 'Oh god this boy will kill me with his cuteness'.

'Hahahaha...' she laughed, 'It's okay, I will teach you. It's quite simple...' she said affectionately tucking his long hair behind his ear.

'Come here, come closer to me.' She pulled Salim's chair nearer to her by grabbing below the seat as if he was weightless.

Preetha rolled the noodles with her fork neatly, 'See this is how you roll them with your fork, so that they won't fall off.' She put it in front of his mouth, 'Now open up...' she cooed.

Salim obediently opened his mouth and Preetha put the noodles inside tenderly.

'See, this is how it's done, simple.' She smiled. 'Now try it yourself'.

Salim rolled the noodles with his own fork but hesitated eating.

'You are doing it fine baby, now put it in your mouth.' Preetha said.

Salim looked up at her and asked her timidly, 'Mommy can I feed you, just like you fed me?'

Preetha gushed at his gesture of love. 'Of course you can sweety...' she opened her mouth and leaned closer to him. Salim paused for a few moments staring at her open mouth. It was the loveliest, most beautiful mouth he had ever seen in his life, her ruddy lips, her pearly white teeth, the warm dark and moist interior, the smell that came with her breath and above all that beautiful black mole glowing in the corner of her lower lip. He desperately wanted to kiss her, taste that wonderful pit of love, but controlled himself. His hand was shaking as he raised the noodle filled fork to her mouth.

Very carefully he put the noodles in his mother's mouth but due to his over-cautiousness some of it spilled out. Preetha giggled as she chewed the noodles, a long strand hanging from her lips. Salim caught the hanging end from his mother's mouth between his lips and sucked, Preetha sucked playfully as well and they played a little game of tug and war with their lips for a while until the noodle broke in half. Both laughed together, and intimate cozy laughter of a mother and son, between two lovers.

Salim watched as Preetha chewed the noodles, her pursed lips moving slowly with the motion of chewing and a radiant faint smile of satisfaction on her face. Salim felt a sudden yearning within him, something inexplicable; he nestled closer to Preetha, put his hand across her chest, closed his eyes and opened his mouth expectantly. By this time their bond had grown so deep that Preetha knew exactly what he wanted, no words were needed to communicate.

Preetha held his head tenderly, close to her and opened her mouth. She pushed out the half chewed semi liquid food with her tongue as it rolled down viscously in Salim's open maw.

Salim whimpered and shivered with joy as he tasted his mother's food, now enriched with the saliva of her mouth, the texture smooth and creamy. Salim gulped it down hungrily and opened up for more. Preetha indulged him; she took more noodles and chewed, making it ready for her baby boy to eat.

This act of premastication or mouth to mouth feeding is an ancient custom; this kiss feeding has been observed in many cultures and has been used by women to remind children of their obligations to her. It is an act of unconditional devotion and love as the mother feeds the child with her own mouth. Some say it is the precursor of the act of kissing which is an exhibition of love and affection. It is a sacred bond between mother and child from prehistoric ages. Mothers introduced children to foreign food through premastication after weaning period as a breast milk supplement. Though Salim was not a baby but this primal act of love and bonding was as intimate as it could be. A mother's body should be the sole source of sustenance for a child. Her breast milk, the food of her mouth should be the ultimate source of satisfaction for Salim, and yes he begged more and more as Preetha pampered him by spitting bolus after bolus of chewed noodles, meat and vegetables in his mouth.

Time passed by and both their lips and chins had become sticky with food and saliva. Tears were rolling down Salim's eyes from the abundance of love and pleasure.

Sometimes he also pushed some of the food back in Preetha's mouth as they fed mutually. It was sloppy but they reveled in the mess, their lips and tongues brushing each other frantically as they played and ingested the food. Both of them were erotically aroused as well, Preetha could feel the innards of her thighs growing moist and the smell of her nether regions trailing up and overpowering the smell of food. She could also notice the hard bulge in Salim's towel.

Finally they relented, both contented, the hunger of their bellies subsided but the love of their hearts overflowing. It was such a sweet and intimate thing they did together.

Both Salim and Preetha remained silent for a while, avoiding glances shyly. Preetha smiled with satisfaction inwardly and wiped her wet mouth, cheeks and neck with the table cloth. Salim was still sitting, his head spinning from the intensity of their mutual feeding. Preetha picked up the dishes and utensils and dumped them in the sink. The maid won't be coming tomorrow due to the torrential rain and storm for sure, and though Preetha had been unmindful of any household chores for a while she suddenly felt responsible. Preetha's concern for the neatness of her home and kitchen dawned upon her, this was no way to bring up a boy, since she had taken upon the responsibility of being his mother, she had to act likewise. Preetha's mind was swimming in myriad thoughts, the vodka she had was taking its effect again, a dull dizziness settling in as she wiped the plates and dipping them in the sink.

Suddenly a faint gasp escaped her lips as she felt a couple of slim arms sliding around her waist and holding her firmly. She could feel a pair of warm lips planting soft kisses on her wide bare back, goosebumps erupted on her skin. Salim was so small that he could hardly reach above her lower back and he was kissing the sensitive parts of her bare back above the night dress. His hands cupped her massive breasts, feeling the heaviness. Preetha smiled inwardly, the boy was acting like a conventional male who becomes horny watching his woman performing household chores.

'Mommy...' Salim cooed from behind, '...please let me take care of the dishes, you sit and relax.' He said.

'It's okay baby, let Mommy clean up.' Preetha said.

'No...' Salim insisted '...since I am here you need not worry about any household chores. I am good at all of it. I will brush, I will clean, I will cook food. If you need something I will get it from market, you need not lift a finger. If you have a maid just let her go. I will do everything here. I don't want the presence of a third person here in our home. There will be just the two of us, there's no need for anyone else.'

Preetha turned, Salim's arms still coiled around her waist loosely and she pinched his cheek affectionately. There was something in his eyes, it was more than gratitude. There was a glint of awe and devotion, as if taking care of household chores was the least he could do for his goddess mother. 'Let's see...' she said vaguely and settled back to her chair, continue sipping from her half finished drink as Salim went ahead with finishing up with the dishes.

Preetha lit a cigarette and pulled a long drag, her eyes trailing away into nothingness as languidness took over her. Various thoughts swarmed her mind. Today she had committed herself to a beautiful, deep yet complex and responsible relationship. If she wanted to continue there were a lot of things that she had to take care of. First, society; though city folks in India are a lot liberated still there were subtle conventional patriarchal bindings. People would ask why she had taken in a teenage boy, what was his relationship with her? Anyhow the neighbors had a lot of questions regarding her being staying alone in this flat all by herself. Men looked at her with lusty eyes as if there was a chance she might be available, and women looked at her with scorn, being the most beautiful woman in the entire housing society. Now a young boy staying with her will raise more questions and gossip. Salim was 18 years old approximately, but due to his slight frame, short height and absence of any body hair he could well pass of as being just twelve. Preetha was thirty one, but due to her statuesque figure, voluptuousness and the maturity she gained from all her past bitter experiences gave her enough maturity to be his mother. An ominous fleeting thought occurred to her; maybe she should end it here before it becomes more serious. Perhaps she should give him some money and bid him adieu.

Preetha glanced at him from the corner of his eyes and the way he was so sincerely washing and wiping all the plates and bowls swept her with immense love, adoration and affection. How could she even think of letting him go? What would do that to this poor innocent boy? It will devastate him for sure, and after going through so much in his life this betrayal will drive him to the very brink. He might not survive it at all. Preetha immediately discarded any notion of abandoning him. Instead she started thinking how she could make it work.

The first thing she had to do was join back her job. Her friends in the powerful media house will support her through this. She had just lost a child and it is very natural that she would think of adopting one, in fact that will gain her a lot of praise and support from her colleagues. Some of her close friends knew about the heinous act of the Mullicks and they were stubbornly pursuing her to press charges on them, but she didn't want to get into that mudslinging and kept it discreet. She could use that as a leverage to coerce the Mullicks to write off this flat to her, and for a hefty financial settlement as well. Ayan was anyway providing money to her, so why not settle for something more permanent?

Also, her company was well connected and funded many NGOs, getting adoption papers for Salim won't be that hard as well. Her boss Suman Bhaduri would be more than happy to arrange all of that for her since he was very influential, but she might have to pay a price for that. In present scenario as she was in need there was no other way but compromise and yes she was mentally prepared to pay that price for Salim. She was ready to go all the way to make him part of her life.

Preetha's ponderings were suddenly cut short as a pair of slim cool arms slid around her neck, and Salim's face nuzzling on the base of her neck, planting kisses.

'I am done with the dishes Mommy; now please let's go back to the bedroom.' He said, his warm breath brushing her cheeks.

'And do what?' Preetha asked teasing, finishing her drink.

'I don't know...' Salim responded shyly. '...What we were doing before I guess...'

'You want me to do that after having dinner?' Preetha asked coyly 'What if I puke?'

Salim was a little taken aback, he didn't consider this, he was just thinking of his own pleasure which he thought was very unfair on his part. He was ashamed; he lowered his gaze as Preetha craned her neck to look back and him and caught his flustered face blushing. Preetha giggled humorously and brushed his head with her hand.

'Okay, let's go...' she said and stood up, spring in her legs. Salim looked up at her smiling as he spread his arms, Preetha knew what it meant. It meant another ride to the bedroom. Preetha gave him another of her sweet lenient smile and brushed his cheeks with her knuckles. She put one hand behind his knee and the other on the small of his back as he surrendered his slight frame to her powerful arms. She picked him up effortlessly as his legs encircled her waist, arms around her neck and her arms cradled his body by his ass, and they were facing each other. Preetha smiled at him and he smiled back shyly. No words were exchanged as their eyes were locked on each other, drinking from each other's gaze. He looked at her in a way all women want to be looked at by a man, but in this case he looked like was a small boy. This was love in its purest form.

Preetha walked towards the bedroom, taking her time, they were in no hurry. The world was their oyster and this lavish 3 BHK flat their love nest.

Preetha and Salim went back to the dreamy snuggery of the bedroom. Preetha set him back on his feet and Salim slid down, happy and satisfied by the comforting feel of his new mother carrying him from the dining space to the bedchamber.

Salim brushed the bed, fixing the crumpled bedsheets as they mentally prepared for their journey into each other. Preetha was delighted by the way he took care of everything, making everything his own, overcoming his hesitation. As he was busy with the bed she fixed her hair, piling the long lustrous stresses behind. Both her arms were naturally up and she didn't even notice Salim was staring at her with a mesmerized expression his eyes were stuck unblinking at her pits and the lush dark growth that covered them. He realized that aside from the hair on their head, other hairy parts of woman's body can look equally beautiful. It was natural and promised the secret pheromones of a woman's intimate regions, the warmth of the fuzz and a forbidden smell that only the closest of the woman could be privy to. Would she allow him that special access? Would he be able to sniff that priceless perfume which was exclusive to her body? Would he be able to taste the texture of that warm dusky fuzz?

Preetha noticed this finally and smiled at him dreamily, there was something in his eyes that didn't make her even slightly embarrassed due to her hirsute oxters. There was a fascination mixed with tenderness with which he stared at her hairy armpits. Due to her large frame and thick heavy arms, Preetha's armpit region was quite wide and fleshy and quite peculiarly though the rest of her body was practically hairless due to sparse growth, her armpits and pubic region had an abundance of fur. Men don't like armpit hair, and it is a way of them to body shame a woman and it has been marketed for years as being disgusting and unhygienic. Even Ayan had tremendous distaste for her armpit and pubic hairs. But this boy on the other hand was fascinated by it. Probably it is similar to young girls' fascination with men with beards. It promises maturity, wisdom and the protectiveness of a father. Perhaps looking at Preetha's armpit hair Salim had a similar yet distinctly divergent feeling of his own.

'What are you looking at?' Preetha asked playfully still arranging her hair and flaunting her armpits. Salim was caught unaware and he smiled shyly shaking his head 'N...nothing Mommy, it's just that you are so beautiful...' he stammered a bit.

Preetha teased him a little by picking at her armpit hair with her fingers and expressing mock resentment. 'Yes, beautiful - except these don't you agree? I haven't cleaned my armpits for weeks, see how dense it has grown, and once it grows it releases a lousy smell...tsk.' She said.

'No Mommy...Salim' said with an innocent smile, 'there's no bad smell, not at all. In fact I think it really smells nice, and the hair looks so beautiful, just a small tuft...a warm patch of fuzz which my nose would love to dive in.' He said without any hesitation.

'You are a naughty little boy you know that?' Preetha pinched his nose and slumped on the soft bed. 'Come, sit beside me...' she invited Salim who obeyed happily. Preetha looked at him with flirting eyes and told him, 'Salim you have seen me the way just two other men has seen me in my life, I have kept nothing hidden from you. Now tell me which part of me you like the most?'

Salim stared at her for a moment and answered, 'When we worship a goddess do we think which part we should worship? The whole idol is a symbol of divinity, just like that every single inch of you is beautiful Mommy, how can I distinguish?' he asked.

Preetha laughted heartily, 'No...these philosophies won't work on me...' she said mischievously, 'You have to choose.'

Salim remained silent for a moment scratching the sheet of the bed and looked up with demure eyes.

'If you ask me I would say your face Mommy, I don't remember my mother's face, but your face is the one which I have always imagined; a mother, a goddess and the woman I always dreamed of who will give me comfort and love as I spent nights on the rags of the slums or the concrete of the pavement.' He said. 'When I first saw you as you slapped the watchman I must say I was terrified, your face was beautiful, but it was the beauty of a roaring fire, and then in the lift when you said not to be afraid your face was beautiful like the silver light of the moon.'

Preetha beamed at Salim, how could he speak suck beautiful words? He didn't sound like a street urchin at that moment.

'And the other part...' Salim continued, now a bit hesitantly 'Are your breasts, not just because they are so big and beautiful but because you gave me sustenance from them. My insides were burning with hunger and you quenched that fire with the milk of your body. It was the sweetest most sublime thing that ever entered my mouth. You saved my life with the very nectar of your body; the body of a goddess and from that moment I knew my life, my very being belongs to you.'

Preetha sighed and cupped her heavy breasts with both hands. 'You were denied love Salim, on the other hand I am a hapless woman who had been denied to give my love to the one who was growing inside me. There's so much love trapped inside these very breasts that it feels like they will explode with the pent up love boiling within and this pain is just not in my mind, it is in my body, in these very breasts which I relieved today by feeding you.' Preetha said as she rubbed her breasts slowly over the satin material of her night dress. She could feel the buds moisten.

'You know a normal woman produces close to a liter of milk per day in her lactation period and I am no normal woman.' Said Preetha looking into Salim's eyes 'Considering my size and raging hormones I believe I am capable of expressing double the amount. Now imagine all this milk pent up in my breasts for months hurting my mammary glands day and night, the pain and the yearning for an eager mouth to suckle from them, think about what I had gone through and how you saved me from that pain.'

Salim put a hand on her chest and slid closer to her looking deep into her eyes. 'You will never feel that pain anymore Mommy, I am here to take that away. You need not feed me anything else but your milk, that would be enough for me and I will stay as your son and worshipper. I will do everything for you.'

Preetha could not control her emotions and pulled his head closer and this time Salim himself locked his lips on her, an open mouth kiss stimulating each other's lips, tongue and mouth. Salim was overcoming his shyness and his kiss had become bolder, nibbling on his mother's tongue with his lips and teeth lightly, his own tongue darting inside her mouth seeking pleasure, flicking on the inside of her pearly teeth and roof of her mouth pulling in her oral juices inside his own mouth and swallowing them, not forgetting to return the favor by oozing out his own saliva into her oral cavity. It was a wonderful intimate play of love. When with a deep sigh they released each other both their lips and chin were wet at dripping of their mutual mingled saliva.

Preetha relaxed and rolled over on the bed. The flimsy cups of her night dress was unable to contain her boobs and they slipped out of the smooth satin, Salim watched her as she stretched dreamily, her eyes half closed, nostrils flared and lips open and inviting. Salim bent over her, peering at her beautiful face smiling. 'Mommy, are you sleepy?' he asked. Preetha did not reply, kept her eyes closed but shook her head slowly in contradiction. Her voluminous chest was rising and dipping heavily with her breath, and she licked her lips enticingly releasing a soft but long sigh.

Her Sigh was interrupted suddenly by a gasp as she could feel Salim lunging on her body, burying his face, rubbing his cheeks in the deep valley between her humongous breasts. He showered her with kisses, warming her cool skin with his breath and wetness of his mouth. Mushy sighs and moans were escaping Preetha's mouth as her body writhed in slow languid motions reciprocating to Salim's kisses and cuddling. She pulled him closer to her, his slight frame resting comfortably on her large soft body as he nuzzled her neck, raining kisses in every nook and cranny. Preetha responded to each kiss with moans and sighs expressing her pleasure to the boy, she wanted him to know how much she was enjoying this. Her hands slid up and caressed his narrow back, moving down and unwrapping his towel, rendering him completely naked as he pleasured her.

Preetha rolled over as Salim desperately clawed on her dress trying to cling to her as she moved away, her boobs slipped out of the silky material. Preetha was on her knees now, she grabbed a handful of Salim's hair and pulled him up. Salim was a bit taken aback by this sudden harshness but he went with the flow.

'You are crazy about my boobs aren't you?' Preetha said breathlessly shaking his head a little and drawing it close to her breasts. Salim responded by kissing her breasts, preetha cupped her right breats with her hand and showed it to Salim teasingly, 'You will have them...I will give you more milk, you can have to your heart's content. Let it be your dessert after dinner baby.'

'I want your boobs mommy, I want your milk. The best foods in the world can't rival the taste of your milk...' Salim muttered half audibly.

'You will...' Preetha said and pulled Salim on her lap with a sudden tug. Salim was surprised. '...but let's finish what we started, I want your milk first.' Preetha said as she cradled him on her lap, left arm sliding behind his back, supporting him while the fingers of her right hand wrapped around the shaft of his penis, enveloping it in the warmth of her fist.

Salim understood what she was up to, his arms coiled around her neck as he nuzzled on her cheek.

'Mommy, aren't you going to do it with your mouth? It felt so good...' he asked weakly, shivering as Preetha stroked his cock in a steady rhythmic motion, he was tight and stiff like a rod already.

'No,' she replied curtly 'I just had dinner, I can't take it in my mouth now or I will puke. Why, doesn't this feel good?' She asked.

' does mommy, anything you do to me feels good.' Salim mewled, planting repeated kisses on her cheek and chin. Preetha teased, puckering her lips, promising a kiss but not delivering it. Salim yearned for a kiss from his mother, but Preetha denied her lips to him. Slim kissed the corner of her mouth desperately.

' kisses for baby boy until he is done...' she said teasingly continuing to stroke his cock, she could feel his pre-cum drenching the inside of her fist, lubricating it. Preetha exhilarated him even more by pressing her cheek onto his and rubbing their faces together gently, parting sweet words of intense love.

'cum for me baby...cum for mommy...pleeaaaseee...' she murmered stroking his cock, now faster than ever. Salim bit on his lips, as intense passion and pleasure overran his senses, he was shaking. The feel of his mother's soft cheek, her voice, her warm breath as she whispered to him, guided him to unknown shores of pleasure.

Preetha used his stiff cock to pull back the satin cup of her dress, exposing her right nipple and rubbed his cock on the hardened nub, she could see drops of milk oozing out and dribbling down his cock, mingling with his pre-cum and lubricating it further. a smile of bliss beamed on her face as Salim held her tighter, pressing his face hard on her cheek and moaned 'Oh Mommy...what are you doing...I can't take it anymore...'

Preetha remained silent, smiling as her hand did all the talking, sliding up and down in quick strokes, exerting the right amount of pressure, her hand was slick and slimy with milk and pre-cum, a sweet musty smell of their bodily fluids was emanating. The tip of Salim's cock was red and throbbing, ready to explode any moment.

Preetha finally decided to push him off the brink by kissing his cheek repeatedly, squeezing him closer, tighter to her body, as he stiffened, a tremor rolled through his small frame as he screamed with intense pleasure and passion 'Oh's's happening again...I am going to pee that white stuff again...ah...ah...aaaahhh!'

Salim released finally, thick hot bubbling cum jet sprayed from the tip of his cock, Preetha was amazed once again, 'How can he hold so much cum in such a little body!' she marveled.

Salim continued screaming, eyes wide as Preetha looked intensely into them speaking through her clenched teeth. 'Yeah...that's my boy...that's my little darling...cum for mommy...spill out everything that's inside...every single drop', she said as her hand milked him empty. Cum splattered on the bed sheet and on her forearm, rolling down in thick droplets. Finally the eruption subsided and Preetha held Salim close and leaned back on the bed.

Salim was resting on his mother's body now, he was still panting from the release as a warm afterglow spread through his body. His mind had gone numb and he temporarily lost control of his body as his open gasping mouth drooled on her breast. Preetha trailed her cum wet fingers on his long hair and kissed his forehead lovingly. She could feel his running heart which was beating right on her breasts. A sigh of bliss left her mouth as they lay in the afterglow for unknown moments. Rain pattered on the window panes and a cozy silence settled in the bedroom.

Preetha pulled herself up, Salim was still eager to cuddle more, but the Satin nightgown was feeling like a burden on her body. She wanted to feel the boy with all her body, there shouldn't be even a thread between them. Salim was a bit puzzled as she rose on the bed on her knees and slid out of the flimsy material. 'Mom, I am sorry; I soiled your beautiful dress with that white stuff that came out of my pee pee.' He said apologetically. Preetha chuckled and said 'Don't worry about it, it will wash off but it might leave some stains. I don't mind that at all, it will be the sweet memory of your first cum.'

'Cum?' Salim asked quizzically. Preetha slumped back on the bed, relaxed as Salim huddled against her, pressing himself tightly to her warm voluptuousness. With half closed eyes Preetha smiled, enjoying the feel of his small body curling up to her. She caressed his hair as he looked at her with inquisitive eyes.

'That thing you released from your pee pee is called cum. Actually it is called sperm but I will call it my baby's milk. You know, when this milk goes inside a girl's pee pee babies are made.'

'Ha ha...' Salim laughed innocently, 'So my milk can make a baby inside your belly? I drank your milk, so it means I will have a baby inside my belly?'

'HAHAHHA...' Preetha laughed and giggled, such silly weird questions, but she loved them. 'No, she said, only girls can make babies inside their belly. If I drink your milk, no babies...but if your milk goes inside Mommy's love pot a baby might get cooked up inside.'

Salim was amazed by this information. 'Mommy's milk, my milk. Mom, tell me does my milk taste as good as yours?'

'Ummm...' Preetha mock pondered for a while and then said 'Actually, most boy milks are a bit salty and sticky like gum you know. But I am sure your milk will be very tasty. I am going to have it for sure.'

'Okay..', Salim said fondling her huge breasts playfully, 'But You drained out all of my milk, can I have some of yours, so that I can make my milk?'

Preetha sighed and stretched a little, Salim slid up and rested his head on her arm, as she wrapped him lightly, Salim got a whiff of her armpit, the smell raced up his heart.

'You never have to ask for Mommy's milk. It's always there for you.' She purred in his ear.

Salim slid down a bit and took the nipple of her left breast in his mouth, a lick suck followed by a stronger one as Preetha's breast squirted milk in his eager mouth. Salim had food hardly half an hour ago, but there was always space in his stomach for his mother's delicious milk, he was getting addicted to it. Preetha released a sigh of relief as she felt her breast getting drained once again by Salim's hungry mouth. It was such a beautiful divine feeling, her head was swimming, the Vodka she had was taking its effect. She had too many drinks that day, and she felt drunk, with alcohol and also physical fulfillment.

Preetha was almost losing her senses, sleep was overcoming her from the comfort as she was brought back by the touch of Salim's hand on her cheek. Salim turned her face towards him looking into her eyes as he drank from her breast, milk was spilling out on her boobs from the corners of his clamped mouth, there was just too much milk inside her. Preetha smiled at him, Salim wanted to see his mother's beautiful face as he drank from her, and looking at her blissful smile he felt elated.

Salim gasped with a mouthful of Preetha's milk as it dripped on her chest, he felt like he was swimming in an ocean of milk. Preetha caressed his hair lovingly. 'Easy baby...easy' she whispered.

Right then Salim did something unexpected, he slid up on her body and spat some milk on her mouth. Preetha clamped her lips, and grimaced, she didn't like the taste of her own milk and she was startled by Salim's sudden whimsical action. 'Mmmm...what are you doing?' Preetha exclaimed with her milk wet lips.

'I want to share milk with mommy...' Salim said breathlessly, Preetha could smell the faint whiff of her milk in his breath. Coming from his mouth it smelled sweet. 'Come, I will taste it from your mouth baby.' Preetha said and Salim obediently opened his mouth, Preetha explored the taste of his mouth with her tongue, Salim sucked on her tongue as well. Preetha could feel the shyness going away from Salim, he was becoming bolder in this game of love. Salim was kissing and licking her continuously, Preetha relented but there was no stopping him. He got up and cradled her head in his left hand and lifted her chin. He clamped his mouth on her and started kissing audaciously, his tongue and lips almost ploughing her face. Preetha felt as if her body was going limp, there was no strength left in her as she surrendered to the boy's demands. He licked and sucked voraciously, her lips, her chin, the tip of his tongue fluttered on the mole below the corner of her lower lip.

Salim jumped on her, wrapping his thin arms around her thick girth, his weight cushioned by her huge breasts. He softly bit her neck and licked all across the length. Preetha moaned loudly throwing back her head, enjoying the feel of his tongue on her sensitive parts. Her neck and lower part of her face had become glistening wet and reeking of his saliva. '' Preetha gasped, 'Don't you want more of Mommy's milk?' She uttered with quivering voice.

'I want, I want...I want more of Mommy...I want everything Mommy has. You are so beautiful, I feel like eating you up!' Salim said aggressively. He grabbed her left breast again and sucked hard, squeezing out milk. 'Ahhh...not so hard!' Preetha squealed. 'Just suck it lightly; Mommy will squeeze out milk for baby.' She said. Preetha grabbed her left nipple and started lactating in Salim's clamped mouth. Preetha felt her right boob was still heaving with milk, he hadn't touched it. 'Don't you want milk from Mommy's other boobie?' Preetha asked, Salim just shook his head, he was intoxicated by her milk, and it doesn't matter from which boob he fed from. Preetha didn't want to interrupt his enjoyment and squeezed her right nipple, hot white milk squirted out with the slightest touch. It was so full that the milk sprayed up in the air drenching both Salim and Preetha. Preetha realized she was making a mess of the bed, but she didn't bother at all. Salim looked at the fountain of milk and smiled. He lifted his face and cought some of the milk in mid air with his open mouth. It was so much fun!

Both of them had become wet with milk and as it started drying off it was becoming sticky and released a smell. Preetha was about to wipe herself with the bedsheet but Salim pleaded her not to.

'No Mommy let it be! It feels so wonderful as if I am wearing your essence'.

'But it is getting sticky!' Preetha exclaimed.

'let it be Mommy, I will lick it clean for you.'

Preetha laughed inwardly. 'There's just too much baby, I think we need another shower, see it reached up till my feet! Mommy made such a mess of herself'

'I will clean it all.' Salim said determined. Preetha sighed with a smile and relented, Salim was not to be argued with, and she actually liked how he was slowly taking charge. She laid back and relaxed as Salim went down to her feet.

'This was so apt,' Salim thought, 'A Goddess had to be worshipped from her feet.' He brushed his lips on her milk wet feet. His lips fluttered in rapid small kisses all over her toes, flicking his tongue over the milk droplets. Prretha shivered. He proceeded upwards, her ankles, her long well rounded shins, her knees and further up. Salim marveled how smooth and soft his new mother's skin was. She was practically hairless all over her body except her special zones, where there was an abundance of growth. Salim moved further up planting kisses on her massive fleshy thighs, he marveled how each thigh was almost equal of his torso's girth. Preetha felt a shiver from her toes to her arms, goosebumps were popping all over, and her vagina felt as it was burning up from inside and spreading a hot glow all within her belly. She sighed and moaned softly. Salim was further encouraged by her sound. He was about to explore her nether region as Preetha blurted out 'No, not there...not now...I will tell you when to!' she gasped almost breathlessly.

Salim wriggled up and continued kissing from her belly, the soft warm flesh responded by quaking uncontrollably. It was so soft, like a huge mound of well kneaded dough. He licked her belly, tracing the tip of his tongue around her navel in a circular motion, and poked it in the fleshy hollow. Preetha's stomach clenched with that sensation than ran all through her abdomen, her abdominal muscles stiffened and loosened in rhythmic motions. Salim opened his mouth wide and sucked on the pulpy flesh of her belly, his cheeks hollowing with each pull and releasing a sound, Preetha giggled uncontrollably. In some time her belly was glistening moist with Salim's drool and releasing a faint smell of his saliva on her skin. Preetha breathed in deep enjoying the smell of his spit all over her belly, she smelled something else as well, and it was coming from between her thighs. Her vagina had started leaking juices uncontrollably and was releasing the stench of her womanhood and it didn't escape Salim's notice as well.

'Mommy, there's a smell coming from your pee pee place...' he exclaimed, experiencing something new. Preetha gulped and licked her lips, her eyes were closed, 'That's Mommy's love smell baby. When a girl is loved she releases juices from her love pot, it is the smell of those juices. Don't you like it sweetheart?' She asked.

'I love it Mommy, your pee pee place...'

'No, call it my Love pot.'

'Okay, your love pot is like a garden mommy...see so much hair...' he started playing with Preetha's pubic hairs with fascination, running his fingers through them, feeling the silky, moist texture of her growth, he pulled a little on the tufts, lightly, careful not to hurt her the slightest 'I see a Flower in the garden, it is bright and pink, like a lotus and it is releasing that smell.' He said poetically, Preetha wondered how he could speak so sweetly, a boy without any conventional education.

Preetha parted her legs slightly; it was a silent invitation to Salim and he didn't make any mistake understanding, some things are ingrained in our genes, and you need not be told what to do. Salim nestled comfortably between her legs and continued his exploration of womanhood. He was getting too excited by the newness of this experience; a woman was so different physically from a man. His nimble fingers trailed all over her bush, feeling the soft moist fur, pulling and rubbing the hairs between his fingers. There was a gleam of amazement in his eyes like an explorer treading in uncharted territories. Preetha on the other hand was too overwhelmed with fervor, she kept her eyes closed. The subconscious shame of not able to control the urges of her body and letting an underage boy touch her like that with no inhibitions stopped her from looking. Her body trembled, goosebumps popping all over her skin. He hadn't yet touched her vagina and she was creaming all over.

Finally Salim's shaking fingers touched her glistening wet vulva and Preetha squirmed uncontrollably. '' she gasped - 'You will not touch me like that with your hands.' She cried out. 'Use your lips and tongue, use your mouth, but not your hands.'

Salim was taken aback a little but he didn't have the nerve to disobey his new mother. Her vagina was pulsating, trickles of juices were rolling down the fleshy folds and congealing on the white sheet. He wondered how it would taste. The overpowering musty smell was a little lewd and slightly offensive but Salim was drawn to it uncontrollably. With wide open eyes and flushed cheeks he dipped his head between her thighs, he opened his mouth, which was an inch away from her throbbing organ and hesitated for a second.

Preetha felt a tremor inside her body as Salim's warm breath brushed on her pussy. She shut her eyes tight and uttered breathlessly. 'Come baby...please...'

Salim could not ignore this call, and his mouth clamped on her labia as Preetha released a loud moan. Whatever they have been doing the whole afternoon and evening had heightened her desire to a peak, and she never touched her nether region all this while. Salim had come twice so far but she didn't have any release, and now her passion had reached a crescendo.

'AAAAAHH...'Preetha was loud, very loud, if it not for the storm and rain outside her moan could have been heard by the neighbors as well. Salim was fazed for a moment by her strong reaction but he understood it was a cry of pure unadulterated pleasure and passion. His mouth continued working on her vagina, his lips nibbling the fleshy folds of her labia as his tongue flickered on the inside walls. His tongue was rubbing right over the area where her bartholin glands were and they started discharging fluids copiously. Preetha's whole body was throbbing with pleasure as her crotch was becoming moist to the degree of being dripping slimy from her discharges and Salim's saliva.

Preetha grabbed the flesh of her lower belly and pulled it upwards to give Salim complete access to her vagina as he went on tirelessly worshipping the fleshy flower of the female with his mouth as it dripped honey in plentiful as reward. In the beginning the slightly salty taste of her vagina was a little overpowering for Salim but as he went on tasting it he found the juices of this incredibly beautiful grown up woman strangely addictive. These were secretes of a woman in her prime, both in health and sexuality and by grace of God Salim was fortunate enough to taste it copiously.

Preetha was slowly nearing the climax, but she wanted to prolong it, she caressed Salim's head, encouraging him, sometimes grabbing his silky tufts tightly as pleasure pulsed through her vagina and deep through her urethra all the way to her womb. She lifted her large heavy breasts and was surprised to see they were lactating spontaneously, pearly white milk drops rolling down her boobs.

The rain had ceased for half an hour but miraculously as if responding to their passion thunder struck again and it started pouring. This rain was as intense and emotional as the couple inside the room. Both newfound mother and son prayed this night never end, this ocean of love should be infinite and fathomless. There were no words to explain the coils of intimacy and pleasure that bound them together, they were cocooned inside a pupa of love, passion and pleasure. Salim had found a hidden chest of treasure between his mother's massive thighs as her flesh trembled with each stimulation his young mouth gave her.

Finally it became too unbearable for Preetha, shamelessly she lifted her legs and held her ankles, spreading and exposing herself completely in front of the young boy. Salim had also become desperate his tongue fluttered frantically inside the oozing folds, trailing a long slimy track all up and down her perineum, the fleshy line going down from her vagina to her anus. Preetha shut her eyes tight and bit her lips as she felt Salim's tongue on her anus, poking the tight hole with the tip and smearing it with his spit. It was so embarrassing and lewd. No one has ever done this to her before; Ayan even declined to ever go down on her as he found it repulsive. This boy on the other hand worshipped every part of her body like it was his sacred duty. The final moment was near, nearer than she could expect as she suddenly felt a cramp all over her inner thighs and lower abdomen.

This cramp was not painful, it released immediately and then clenched again, and then released and then clenched over and over spasmodically. This was an orgasm, Preetha understood...but an orgasm unlike any other. Preetha had always been a highly sexual girl, she enjoyed sex with Ayan and often had orgasms, but this was way different, it was the orgasm to end all orgasms. Her whole body trembled as Preetha desperately held on to her ankles, crying out loud with every spasm. All this while during oral stimulation by Salim her Skene glands had been filling up with female ejaculates, the fluid of bliss which is called Amrit in Kamasutra. Preetha had been suppressing the release all this while unknowingly until it had become unbearable and the skein glands were pumped to the point of bursting out. The final stimulation of her anus however threw her off the edge and she lost control of her organs and there was no holding back her release.

Quarts of ejaculate fluids shot out from the skene glands through her urethra and she came as there was no tomorrow. Salim was shocked as he cringed back witnessing the shower of semi milky liquids exploding from her vagina. Preetha cried out screaming and shaking uncontrollably as her pussy pulsated and gushed out the nectar of her sex. Her body was undergoing unknown sensations as she squirted and squirted, drenching Salim and the sheets between her thighs, she was pouring out like the rains outside. Recovering from the initial shock Salim immediately lowered his open mouth to get a taste of the fresh bubbling hot juices of his mother and he gulped it down in mouthfuls, satisfaction shined in his eyes.

'Mom...this is so beautiful, it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life! Aahh (gulp) the taste is divine...I love you mom...I love you!' he went on saying encouraging words as Preetha came and came, finally the spasms subsided and the last few squirts splashed inside Salim's gaping mouth. Preetha was gasping and crying from the intensity of this immense orgasm.

As Preetha slowly regained her senses and her labored breathing subsided, she could feel Salim toying with her pussy, marveling at the puddle she had created on the sheets; her thighs were wet as well. A smell permeated all over the room. It was a smell of pure unadulterated passion and love. She pulled Salim to her, she needed some rest and her vagina was feeling too sensitive to be touched at this moment. 'Enough, come with me for a while.'

Salim got up and nestled towards her, his fingers still caressing the bushy moist wetness of her crotch.

'Look what a mess you have made Mommy...' he quipped mischievously. He relaxed beside her, head resting on his hand as Preetha curiously trailed her fingers on her hot pussy which was almost releasing a vapor, her juices were smeared on her fingers as she pulled them up and inspected. The liquid was semi clear and gooey in consistency, like clear thin gum.

'My God, what is this? It never happened to me like this before.' She wondered aloud. Salim looked at her dripping fingers and said 'It is your love Mommy, you gifted me with the love of your body.'

Preetha pulled him closer and they kissed passionately, it was a kiss of relief, Preetha's skin was warm with the afterglow and they held each other, peaceful silence covered them like a warm blanket.

Preetha was feeling almost lifeless, her insides were still throbbing from the intense release, her muscles were feeling numb and sapped off any strength. Salim lifted himself on his elbows and whispered to her softly 'Mommy, please hold me, I just want to cuddle with you for a while. I want to talk to you, please don't fall asleep.'

Though Preetha was almost feeling like drowning in the numbness she obliged the boy, this was the least she could do after the bliss he gave her. She wrapped him in her thick fleshy arms, drawing him deep into her huge valley of breasts.

They held each other in a warm cuddle, facing each other. Preetha found herself drifting away only to regain senses and looking at Salim who was staring at her with wide eyes. 'What are you looking at?' she murmured softly, sliding her hand beneath his cheek as his head rested on her soft, silky palm. Salim slid up his hand and softly touched her face, her lips, feeling the warmth of her breath on his fingertips.

'Mommy, you are so are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I never imagined such beauty is possible!' Salim said.

Preetha responded with a blissful smile and blowing a hot gust of air on his fingers. Salim inhaled the musk of her breath heavily, 'Your lips Mom, they are like petals of rose, so soft, warm, and this mole...' he touched the mole on the corner of her lower lip lightly 'This is the most beautiful mole in the universe, people can fight a war over this mole.' Salim whispered. 'Can I love your face Mommy, can I kiss you?' Salim asked with yearning in his eyes. 'You can kiss me wherever you want baby' Preetha said with a faint smile on her lips, her eyes half closed.

Salim lovingly traced his fingers on her rosebud lips, her chin...feeling the softness of her skin, Preetha heaved out a sigh, the light touch of Salim's slim fingers left goosebumps on her skin. Salim kissed her long swan like neck lovingly, Preetha tilted her head back, a soft moan escaped her lips as she invited him for more kisses. Salim traced the entire length of her neck with his tongue ending to her chin where his lips locked, sucking her chin with his mouth as his tongue flickered beneath her chin, the sensitive part of her neck. Salim was becoming bolder, he slip up her body and started sucking her lower lip, first he gently nibbled on the lower labia like a delicate fruit, and then started sucking the plump fleshiness like a juicy slice of orange, he sucked hard as Preetha could feel blood congealing in her lips. He was going to bruise them...she thought. She moaned in weak protest, since her body was feeling almost lifeless but Salim aggressively sealed her lips with his own. He was now kissing her forcefully like an aggressive man and definitely not like a feeble boy half her size.

Salim pinched her lower lip and traced his tongue all over her lips, drooling on them; her lips were now glistening with his saliva. Salim was becoming obsessed with Preetha's lips, which he considered the most beautiful part of her body. Preetha opened her mouth for much needed breath and Salim spat a long string of drool in her mouth. It was the same as she had done to him in the bathroom, a gesture of pure unadulterated love. Preetha gulped down his spit and tasted his love with satisfaction.

Salim was growing more aggressive and wild with each passing moment, he kissed, licked and nibbled her face, messing up her up with his saliva and Preetha couldn't believe how helpless she felt. With one shrug she could have thrown him off like an insect but her body felt powerless in front of the assault of his love. 'Please...please...stop...' Preetha muttered in a trembling voice trying to turn and escape him but Salim held on her like a vice, licking her cheek...her face was now completely moist and reeking of his spittle. Preetha could feel her loins heating up again and her pussy felt slimy from inside, hormones were raging high as she writhed.

'I love you Mom...I love you Mommy...' Salim muttered breathlessly as he wriggled on her, rubbing his face on her neck. Preetha felt his penis now hard and stiff again poking against her bush, it was becoming unbearable for her, she realized they had reached that final stage, that culmination where she had to surrender herself completely, the final union was inevitable.

Preetha gently but firmly held him and pushed him off, avoiding eye contact. Salim sat between her long thick legs, bewildered, his penis standing in complete attention, pre-cum dripping from the tip. With her eyes closed Preetha opened her legs wide and with her right hand spread the opening of her vagina. She was embarrassed yet passion had completely taken over her. She couldn't believe she was going to do it with a boy less than half her age but there was no turning back from there. Her breathing had become heavy. 'I need you inside me baby...' she gasped out 'Put it inside me' she moaned.

Salim was now on the threshold of something that would change his life forever, he was going to lose his virginity and that too to a woman people can only dream about. What did he do to deserve so much? He wondered, did God give him an entire childhood spent in misery only to reward him with this moment, where his every wish had been fulfilled? He stared at Preetha, her head propped up with a few pillows, her beautiful face glowing, eyes closed, mouth open, lips trembling with expectation - her Goddess like size and stature now helpless with longing and desire, the pinkish inside of her vagina now pulsating and oozing with her female juices calling at him with desperation, she looked like an impossible dream somehow made possible.

'Please...I cannot take it any longer...' Preetha almost begged, 'Enter me and fulfill me as a woman baby...' she cried.

Salim crawled on her hesitantly, his lower abdomen nestled between her massive and long things which were trembling. He looked at her one last time astounded by her longing and desire. His dripping penis inched towards her throbbing vagina and finally went in. Soft warm and wet flesh encircled his shaft, welcoming him as he went in deeper until he was completely inside her and could feel her pubes brushing his underbelly, tickling and making the pleasure even more intense.

Preetha moaned loudly as her body arched uncontrollably, waves of pleasure flooding her insides. She felt almost like a virgin being penetrated for the first time. Months of celibacy had made her vaginal muscles tight again and then even being penetrated by the boy's relatively small penis made her felt like she was in seventh heaven. The pleasure was too intense, she could feel teardrops escaping from the corner of her eyes as she moaned loudly 'Aaaaahhh...'

Preetha needed a moment to settle into this as she told Salim to stop and stay there for a while, his penis buried deep in her vagina. She savored the feel of his hot throbbing penis leaking precum inside her. 'Just be still...' she whispered, her breathing hard and labored. Her head was swimming with the intensity of pleasure as she could feel the intimacy between them, they were now bound between the deepest most intimate bond between a man and a woman, in this case a boy in his puberty.

Salim was still, he waited for his mother's instruction and started at her appalled. He couldn't believe he was giving her so much pleasure by entering her. Her face looked divine wracked with pure and intense pleasure. Her gigantic breasts were heaving up and down with her breath. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. His penis felt like it would melt inside the hot, slimy fleshy folds of her vagina, and a tingling sensation was going up and down his lower spine.

Preetha felt the first electrifying sensation subside a bit and gained control of her limbs. She gently pulled Salim closer grabbing his small buttocks firmly as she opened her legs further giving him more maneuverability. 'Now thrust your hips up and down just as I guide you...' she said. Salim obeyed without a word, moving his hips with the pressure and release of his mother's hands, and as he thrust he could feel the indescribable primordial pleasure of physical union. Flesh rubbing against hot warm flesh, male and female juices mingling inside and oozing out with each thrust like precious oil being drilled out.

Preetha gave out a cry cum laughter of sheer pure pleasure as she could feel the thrusts inside her.

'Aaaahh...ah ah ha ha ha...' it was music to Salim's ears and he started thrusting with more gusto and energy.

As it seemed, soon Salim didn't require any guidance, he was thrusting on his own in slow rhythmic motion, all males are genetically programmed for this. Preetha relaxed, enjoying his thrusts; she was so pleased that Salim was not rushing it as it happens with over eager males. Salim was sliding in and out gently, his penis coated thickly with her pussy slime blending with his precum. The pleasure was so intense that they were at loss of words. Preetha caressed his head with both her hands to express her love which intensified Salim's bliss.

For untold time Salim went on lunging in and out her thick hairy pussy, a warm toasty silence permeated in the dimly lit room interrupted only by the patter of rains on the bay window, moist sounds of flesh slapping on flesh, labored breathing and occasional moans. The heat of sex challenged the air condition as a thin sheen of perspiration glistened on both Preetha and Salim's skin. Salim wrapped his arms around her soft belly and rubbed his face on the sweaty valley of her breasts kissing sporadically, tasting the salty perspiration and smelling the scent of his mother. He looked up at her, Preetha was zoned out, she was lost in a cocoon of pleasure and comfort, her left arm wrapped around her head exposing her hirsute armpit. Salim could see a droplet of sweat rolling down the fleshy inside of her arm and getting lost in the bushy growth, it seemed vapor was rising from her armpit. 'Mommy is so warm...she must be even hotter over there,' Salim thought and imagined the drop of sweat vaporizing by the heat of her hairy armpit.

Preetha's eyes were closed, she couldn't notice Salim staring at her, marveling at her beauty. There was a beatific smile on her face, her plump lips parted occasionally to release a warm sigh or a low dulcet moan. As Salim watched it seemed the mole at the corner of her lower lip was glowing. He wanted so much to kiss that mouth, suck on those strawberry lips, inhale her breath and ravish that little mole with his tongue and teeth, but for that he would have to slide up. Due to his slight stature his head could only reach up till the valley of her breasts while his penis was inserted in her vagina and he couldn't for the love of God think about taking it out. The pleasure was too much to even interrupt for a second and more than that the pleasure he was giving his mother made him too proud to stop. The look on her face was too precious.

Preetha was feeling like drowning in pleasure. Salim's young cock was small, but it was hard as a rod, Preetha wondered how he could hold his erection for so long, pumping her like an automaton. His hairless crotch was so smooth and velvety of touch as it rubbed against her vagina with each thrust, Salim was diving deep, inserting himself completely inside her as if he wanted to go inside her completely and nestle in her womb. It was such a comforting thought as she imagined him inside her belly, cuddled safely in her body.

'Mommy...mommy...' Salim's eager whispers broke the silence he sounded desperate.

'Mmm...' Preetha responded, her eyes still closed, arm wrapped around her head, enjoying his thrusts.

Mommy...why does it feel so good?' Salim asked innocently yet fervidly.

Preetha sighed and giggled a little, she spoke between thrusts, gasps of breath and moans.

'B...because I am a girl and you are a boy, this is how God made us...ssss...ahhh...this is his greatest gift to us. If we are young...if we are healthy and in love...uhhh...yeah yeah... right there...ssss...

'If we are in love then what Mommy?...' Salim asked eagerly thrusting right where Preetha instructed.

'Then this is all that we need to be happy baby...ah...ahhh...our bodies are all that we need. The body of a girl and a body of a boy...ssss...ufff...deeply in love, melting in each other...ahhh...'

Preetha's words rang sublime in Salim's ears as he continued thrusting, in and and out...increasing his pace.

'I love you Mommy...I love you...I love you so much...' Salim muttered relentlessly as he pumped Preetha like a piston.

' is all that we me more...I need your love...Ahhhh...' Preetha arched her neck back, her pleasure intensifying with the increase of Salim's pace.

Looking at the intensity of her face, Salim squinted his eyes and bit on his lower lip hard, trying to subdue the urge to cum. The expression on her face was enough to get him lose control but he will not lose himself, he will not become spent and cease his mother's pleasure. He will have to go on gratifying her, this is his humble effort to express his gratefulness to her. He was becoming exhausted but there was no stopping him until he satisfies her completely.

Suddenly there was a crack of thunder outside and Salim looked through the bay window startled. The lightning illuminated a sky dark and roilling with mountainous clouds. The large skyscrapers of South City Complex looked petrified by the roar of nature, haze of incessant rain making them look blurry.

For a brief moment Salim's mind floated elsewhere, he wondered about the turn of fate. Right now he should have been huddling under some shed like a wet dog, shivering, trying desperately to protect himself from the tumultuous weather with a torn sheet of plastic or tarpaulin, his belly knotted with hunger and fear, desperation of survival overcoming his faculties. Instead, he was inside this plush, luxurious apartment, in this warm, dimly lit master bedroom, on a plushy mattress and milk white sheets, his body completely naked and in embrace of the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life. Her large, soft, naked frame glistening with a sheen of sweat, her massive sweat slick chest heaving up and down with passion, and her long, thick powerful thighs wrapped around his waist protectively as he is buried deep in her warmth. Instead of rain dampening the rotting garbage on the street he could smell the divine scent of this Goddess's warm running juices, her perspiration, the aroma of her long flooding tresses and her musky breath. Was it for real? Instead of cold, hard and wet pavement his body was rested on the tepid moist, fleshy softness of glorious femininity. Is he dreaming only to wake up to the cold hard truth of his miserable life?

Preetha was fazed by Salim's paused. 'What happened?' she asked her voice a bit shaky being disconcerted and with anticipation of the continuation of copulation.

Salim looked back at her, a small frown on her brow, her beautiful eyes half closed with passion, her lips trembling with ardor. She looked divine in her momentary discontentment. Salim felt a surge of tremendous fervor inside him, he wanted to make sure she was real and not an elusive dream. He could feel her warmth around his loins, his penis stewing inside her hot sopping vagina, drilling out her girl gravy and drenching the sheets but still he was not assured, not satisfied. He needed her smell, he needed her stench, her personal private emanation which will assure him of her being.

Salim twisted his body in an angle and grabbed Preetha aggressively, he slipped his small left hand inside the fleshy folds of Preetha's right armpit, feeling the roughness of her undergrowth, while with the other hand he pulled up Preetha's left arm, exposing her armpit completely, her thick soft bush was sticky with sweat and Salim buried his face in the warm fuzz.

'Ahhh...what are you doing?' Preetha gasped out. She was startled and felt ticklish, but she obliged him, she realized Salim had become obsessed with her body odor and all he wanted was her private smells. It was natural; all males, especially young boys are sensitive to female pheromones and that special private smell is all they need to get excited. Salim rubbed his face in the fleshy folds of her underarm, sniffing vigorously her pheromone rich fur, his lips brushing against them, occasionally puckering and planting hungry kisses. Salim inhaled her damp pungency like much needed oxygen, whimpering and cooing. He felt he could die happy like this, his penis buried in his mother's vagina and face nestled in her hot moist underarm.

Preetha however was getting impatient by this sudden pause, she could feel her vaginal muscles pulsing and rearing towards another climax, she wanted another culmination, another orgasm, this time by the working of his penis instead of his mouth, it has been so long she had a penis inside her, and in spite of the smaller size of his boy-cock she felt she was having sex for the first time, it was so intense. She grabbed him by his hair and pulled his face up from her armpit. He had enough, now it was time to get her off. Salim was not at all offended by his mother's momentary harshness, he looked at her face smiling, her eyes closed, lips pursed, intensity of the expectation of final release set in. He clutched her other hand, applying a little pressure, assuring her that he was there to take her to the peak.

Salim got back to his thrusting, now more vigorously than ever, pumping in and out, his small hips clenching with each thrust as he buried himself deeper and deeper inside his new mother. Droplets of sweat rolled down is neck, his teeth grinding into a grimace.

Preetha bit on her well manicured fingernail, enjoying the strength and determination the little boy put in to pleasuring his large statured voluptuous mother. He was almost half her size, but he made up with his energy and perseverance. Salim grabbed on her boob, squeezing it with the rhythm of each thrust, little pearls of milk squeezed out of the nipples and smeared his hand. Salim was hitting a certain spot in this position which turned Preetha on even more.

'Baby...' she gasped between her heavy breathing ' it like this hit that corner, cross over on my thigh.' She instructed. She had never given any instructions to her ex husband ever in her life, in sex it was more about his pleasure than her. He used to thump and pound to his satisfaction and then spend himself inside her. Even though she had certain demands, specific ways which could increase her pleasure she never uttered them to him. There was always a certain restraint, an uneasiness which stopped her to express herself completely and Ayan never cared as well. To him it was his pleasure first. But Salim, this boy...she could open herself completely to him, reveal every secret of her body, concede every little minute detail of the nook and corners of a woman's thrill zones which are unknown to most men.

Salim obediently followed her instruction and straddled her left thigh, now entering her from an angle which hit that certain cluster of nerves in her insides which sent shockwaves through her body.

'Aaah...aaahh...yes yes...there...right there...' she moaned aloud. Salim supported himself grabbing her humongous boobs, squeezing the fleshy softness, which were glistening with a thin sheen of sweat and leaking milk. The heady smell that was coming off her, her sweat, milk and vaginal discharges were nothing short of divine and Salim was inhaling that perfume to its fullest. It was the smell of a Goddess.

Preetha hrapped her hands around Salim's slim waist, he was so thin that her hands encircled the girth completely and she guided his thrusts with expertise that came from her experience in lovemaking. He felt so small in her hands that it was almost like using a sex toy, but a sweet living, breathing one who satisfied her like never before.

Soon, Preetha could feel her insides throbbing, her vaginal muscles contorting for the final release, her urethra was swollen with the juices her skein glands were producing in an overdrive.

'Aaaahhh...aaahhh...ohhhh my god!' She almost screamed as she was on the verge of the final release.

'Mommy...' Salim screamed out nervously as well, as Preetha pushed him back, his slick penis sliding out of her pussy as she showered a torrent of her girl juices which splashed warmly on his crotch, drenching his lower belly, penis, balls and the insides of his thighs and forming a big wet patch on the sheets between her thighs. Her loins and belly was shaking uncontrollably as she squirted out. It was the second time in this night that she had cum so intensely. The tremors in her body was not subsiding as she shivered to Salim's amazement. He couldn't believe that a humble boy like him was causing this beautiful epitome of a woman so much pleasure.

Preetha, rested lifelessly as Salim nestled between her thighs and relaxed on her body.