My mom's treatment at the hands of commoners - 11

My mom's treatment at the hands of commoners - 11

Published on: 2023-11-07 21:27:06

The next day went by uneventfully. I opened up my mom’s facebook account in front of her, using the first photo that I took of her face with my camera as her profile picture and used some of the more modest pictures from yesterday for her albums. I had either hidden or edited all the other more revealing pictures of her last night, before I went to bed. I was afraid of what she would think of all the pictures I had taken of her without her knowledge.

My mom was very happy with the profile I created and I spent most of the Sunday trying to teach her how to use facebook and at her behest, I taught her how to navigate through the internet. We rarely have these mother-son emotional bonding moments and she was very happy with the amount of attention I was giving her. We even talked to my Dad over the phone and he said he’ll try to come back in a few weeks this time, which made both of use really excited since he’ll be bringing a lot of goodies with him. The day felt really normal compared to all the crap that had been going on in my college, with Rohit and his bullies. I was afraid of what was going to happen tomorrow when I went to college tomorrow.

During the afternoon, when Bimla had finished all her work and was about to leave the house, I heard an interesting conversation between her and my mom. "So, Bimla, how’s your husband doing? We haven’t talked about him for a long time."

Bimla’s husband used to work as a masseuse in Bihar. She had talked to him about moving to Calcutta several times because she hated being apart from her husband. But her husband was in no mood to move here since he had a lucrative business there. "He’s doing good, memsahib. He’s busy but does call me regularly."

"Okay, it’s good to be busy. But you guys shouldn’t stay apart like this.", she croaked as she said this. Clearly, with dad being away on business trips most of the time, their relationship was becoming more and more strained. My parents seemed to just gradually drift more and more apart, which made it understandable as to why my sweet homely mother probably allowed all of the things that happened to her over a year ago to happen.

"Yes, but what can we do, memsahib? He doesn’t have any work here.", Bimla frowned.

"Don’t worry. Tell him to at least come here and check out the city. I’ll try to look around and see if I can find something for him here.", my mom replied.

"Are you telling the truth, memsahib?", her face lit up as she asked.

"Yes, of course!", replied my mom.

Bimla was excited, "Thank you, memsahib. I’ll talk to him today itself." She left elated with the news.

Next day, I was a little skeptical about going to college. I wanted to skip it, but because my attendance was already low, I had no choice but to go. The carpool ride was particularly embarrassing this time as the whole time Rohit and his bully friends kept ogling at my mom’s pictures that I had sent him on Saturday and constantly making comments like:

"Ufff….your mom’s a total MILF!"

"Issshhhhh if only I had this slut for one night! Man, I would’ve fucked her till her pussy turned red!"

"I bet when she’s out on the streets, everyone stares at her ass and titties! The thought of her milky boobies is getting me hard already."

I was disgusted but at the same time was getting highly aroused hearing them degrading my mom like this. I knew Rohit was going to show those pictures to his friends and I dreaded that moment. I was afraid of what they might do with those pictures – would they keep it with them or sell it online. The latter thought scared the hell out of me but at the same time made me excited thinking of my mom as an amateur pornstar.

The worst moment came when Rohit showed them the last picture. "Hey guys, this is the picture that I jacked off to two nights ago!". He was showing them the picture of my mom bent over on the bed, fixing the sheets. I didn’t realize how sultry it looked until Rohit began showing it to his bully friends. She was on all fours like a dog, and had arched her back. As she did, the lower part of her skirt had naturally ridden upwards significantly on her back-side, exposing her long silky legs and creamy meaty thighs.

"Give me the phone!", Avik snatched the phone from Rohit and began stroking his cock over his trousers. "Ahhhhh…man, I have to get to the bathroom as soon as we reach the college.". Rohit and the others laughed at his remark, while I blushed and sunk deeper into the seat.

I was relieved when we reached college and most of the bullies ran to the bathroom to relieve themselves. I noticed they had very large boners that were clearly visible over their trousers. Oh my gosh, they were seriously jerking off to my mom! I felt even more embarrassed then, but decided there was nothing I could do, so I resigned to my classes.

The classes went by uneventfully. I didn’t leave the classroom at all for fear of being bullied by my classmates. However, later in the day, one of my professors called me to his office. He was my Engineering Mathematics teacher. His name was Ashish and he was a tall handsome guy in his mid forties, with good physique, attractive eyes and a mustache. I understood why he had called me to his office. I scored very poor grades in my pre-test and now that the midterms were coming, he probably wanted to ensure I was studying hard for them. This was not uncommon for me since I was never a very good student. In school, my parents were frequently summoned by my teachers for discussing my poor performance in studies. But they had never been called to my college before. As a result, when I reached his office, I was surprised by what greeted me there.

It was my mom sitting on a chair across the table from Prof. Ashish! "Come in, Joydeep. Have a seat.", he motioned to the chair next to my mom. I did exactly as he said. My mom’s expression, as soon as I looked at her, was of disappointment and annoyance. She was obviously unhappy at being called into college for a disciplinary meeting. My mom was wearing a loose pink half-sleeved kameez and tight white leggings. The kameez had a few buttons at the top, which were buttoned up quite modestly. Since her forearms were uncovered, they showed off her smooth creamy skin. But the main highlight was her leggings! It was tight enough to show the distinct curvature of her thighs. As everyone knows, my mom has great legs and the legging clung enticingly to the firm swell of her delectable round full ass.

During the meeting, the professor was going over my poor grades in the assignments over the last few weeks as well as how he was not expecting anything better from me during the midterms. "Madam, your son’s scores were very less in the pre-test and have been less in the assignments. If this continues, I don’t think he can pass in this midterm.", he said to my mom.

I shook my head in embarrassment as my mom eyed me in disdain. When I looked up, however, I noticed him eyeing my mother while chatting about my consistently declining performance. Professor Ashish had a reputation of being a flirt among both college girls and married women because he was so charming and handsome. In my sweet innocent mother’s case, while talking to her, he was always either ogling at her mature curvaceous womanly body while talking to her or stealing furtive glances at her bulging bosom when she wasn’t looking.

My mom noticed it too and for a brief moment, I felt as though she was flushing whenever she made eye-contact with him or noticed him checking her out.

As the conversation went on, since my mother was sitting down across the desk from the professor, he asked her if she wanted to see some of my work. Professor Ashish turned his monitor around so she could see, but then the former couldn't see my work and explain it to my mom at the same time. "Come sit next to me and you’ll see it better.", his tone was half-requesting and half-ordering.

"Yes, of course.", my mom agreed without hesitation. I guess she was too embarrassed about being called into my college and wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. She stood up and slowly moved the chair to the professor’s side of the desk. She positioned it close to his chair so that they could both see the monitor. I, of course, was still sitting across the desk. I have to admit though that I was a little unnerved at how close my mom sat to him.

After a few seconds of talking, Professor Ashish moved his chair even closer to my mom’s, to the point where I could tell that his elbow was lightly touching her breast on her side every time she moved to see the monitor closer. My mom’s expression was completely indifferent to what was going on so I assumed she was thinking that the professor was doing this by accident. Then the professor put his right hand down under the desk and at the same time, I noticed my mom look down for a second and then instantly focus her attention back to the screen. I assumed he put his hand down to allow more room for my mom but for some reason I saw the color of her face changing. She looked pale and there were beads of sweat forming on her forehead. It was quite hot in the room but something about her reactions told me that something else was going on.

"What happened, Mrs. Saha? ? Is everything alright?". My mom gave him a frosty-nosed look and said, “Yes, everything is fine, professor.”

I was suspicious and curious to know what was going on. So, I moved my chair slightly further back so I could get a better vantage point of what was happening under the table. However, what I saw happening underneath the table gave me goosebumps! Professor Ashish’s right hand was on my mom’s left thigh and he was slowly stroking it. I was shocked at the audacity of this professor. Since the leggings my mom was wearing were skin-tight, I bet this bastard was having a gala time feeling her smooth and soft, feminine legs. He was alternating between stroking her upper-thighs and then caressing her inner thigh near her knee. He caressed down the inner thigh slowly, softly, gently squeezing and feeling and stroking, while my mom squirmed in her chair.

Next, the professor daringly moved his deft hand higher and let it linger in the smooth softness where my mom’s upper thighs hugged together, so close to her special place that he was now close to touching the edge of her mound. I was shocked when she parted her thighs just slightly. I looked at my mom and she had covered her mouth to stop herself from moaning, while still continuing to listen to the Professor talking about my tests and showing her what was on his monitor. She whimpered and sighed quietly when his hand inched deeper between her thighs and a bit higher, just under the edge of her hips - dangerously near her panty-covered mound, daringly close to her urgent love-center.

Out of womanly shyness, her thighs hugged the professor’s hand sweetly and then parted a little further to let him caress and feel. I guess staying away from Dad for this long and the fact that her sexual adventures had been over for a year, was causing her frustrations to come out and making her become somewhat sexually receptive.

His hand continued to caress my sweet homely mother lovingly up under the edge of her hips, and his fingers lightly stroked along the edge of her panty-line in the crease of her groin next to her Venus mound. His hand then began to caress back down toward her knee from the soft warmth of that thrilling, secluded place. She squeezed his hand gently as it caressed kneeward and coaxed it back to the higher softness and down between her legs. Suddenly, in a breathy whisper she said, "Ohhhh" and squeezed his hand between her soft, upper thighs and shook violently. She was breathing hard now and after a minute or two, she rose up and said, "That’s it, Mr. Ashish. I understood. My son’s exams will be fine.", then she turned to me, "Babu, I’m going to the washroom. Make sure you call me before you leave."

With that, she hurriedly bolted the room, but not before showing us the visible wet patch on the front of her leggings and a trickle of wetness running down the inside of her legs. I looked at the who tried to cover up a sheepish smile. Neither of us talked about it, but we both knew what had just happened. My sweet homely mature mother had just orgasmed at the touch of this lecherous professor!

After that awkward encounter with my mom and the Professor, I was not sure if I could trust anyone in that college. I knew Professor Ashish had a reputation of being a womanizer, but I had no idea that he would take advantage of my mom like this. Moreover, I knew my mom would be too afraid of losing this chance for me to have a career, to even complain about the professor.

I was surprised that she came so easily though. My assumption was that since this past one year she barely had any sex or even any kind of foreplay thanks to all the men in her life leaving her, her pent-up sexual frustrations were starting to emanate at the slightest touch. But now, the question was, where had she gone after wetting herself? I was pretty sure she didn’t bring another dress. So, now what? I decided to walk to the women’s washroom and wait outside to see if she was okay. Classes were coming to an end anyways and the carpool would be here soon.

Suddenly, I got a text from my mom, "Babu, I can’t seem to call home from my cell. Can you call Bimla and tell her to bring an extra pair of salwar-kameez to me?"

I immediately complied and rang up our house number. “Beep! Beep! Beep!”, the ringer went on, but for some odd reason, no one was picking up our landline. I was getting stressed out. I had no idea what to do.

My situation got significantly worse when I saw Rohit and his gang moving in my direction. I tried to hide behind one of the pillars, but I wasn’t fast enough. As soon as they noticed me, Rohit yelled, "Look at that depressing motherfucker standing in front of the ladies toilet and jacking off!". Everyone in the hallway laughed at the remark as I shook my head in embarrassment.

I was also getting increasingly concerned about my mom being almost trapped inside the washroom since she had nothing to wear because of what happened with the Professor. "Hey dipshit retard, how long are you gonna stand there jacking off?", Rohit said as he approached me. I looked down at my feet hoping they’d just get bored and take off.

Suddenly, my phone pinged “Beep!”, indicating that I had received another text. I knew it must’ve been my mom and so, I didn’t want to check my phone in front of them. But without even asking, Rohit snatched the phone from me. I tried to stop him from reading the text, but it was too late.

"Hey, your slut mom is texting you. What’s up?", he asked. Rohit then grinned from ear-to-ear as soon as he read the text. "Brothers, listen to this.". Then he proceeded to do something that was more humiliating than anything else, "Did you call Bimla? Is she bringing extra clothes.", he read the message out loud.

Immediately, all three of the bullies looked at me in surprise. They all put two and two together and realized somewhat of what was happening. "Hey, is your mom inside?", Rohit asked pointing at the ladies toilet. At this point, I had no way of evading them. I had to get my mom out of there and I didn’t know who else to ask for help.

I nervously nodded my head. As soon as I did, all of the bullies’ suddenly became elated. "Haha! What is she doing inside?", one of them asked.

“Extra jama-kapor keno lagbe?” (“Why does she need extra clothes?), asked the other one.

When I stayed quiet and shook my head, Rohit pinched my arm saying, "Tell us the truth!". He was pinching my arm so hard, I thought I would cry.

Even though they were hurting me, I decided to lie in order to avoid further embarrassment. I told them that my mom had come to meet some of the professors to ask about my progress and then during one such meeting, spilled water all over her dress while drinking it. Rohit and his friends seemed to buy into it pretty easily and the former smiled gleefully as he looked at me. He slapped me on the head and said, "Well, it looks like today is your and your mother’s lucky day.", he said with a grin.

Rohit started looking around searching for someone and then finally yelled, "Hey Natasha, come here!". He was calling out to one of the hottest girls in college, named Tanya Singh. Tanya was a fair, beautiful, tall petite girl who happened to be one of the most sought-after girls in college. To my shock and amazement, as soon as she appeared before him, Rohit gave her a warm hug and a kiss right on the lips. He then whispered something in her ear, to which she smiled and nodded. After that, Tanya asked some of the girls that were with her to accompany her inside the washroom. I was shocked and a bit nervous at what was happening. I looked at Rohit and his bully friends to get some sort of an answer as to what was going on, but they just smirked as they looked back at me. I knew something was up and I was sure I wasn’t going to like it.

After nearly twenty minutes, Tanya and her friends came out of the washroom. She kissed Rohit on her lips again as his friends and I drooled at the sight. Five minutes after she left, my mom came out of the washroom as well, much to everyone’s shock at her appearance. She was wearing the tightest leggings I had ever seen that followed the curvature of her shapely legs and plump ass amazingly well. Moreover, the girls had covered her large tits with a tight kameez that had a V-neck that barely covered half of her cleavage and the length of the dress stopped a few inches above her knee. The kameez was half-sleeved, so her creamy fair hands were also visible for everyone to see. Everyone, including myself, were salivating while staring at my mother – a mature homely housewife dressed like a young college-girl. My mom’s face seemed flushed as she noticed the attention that she was getting. When she moved to allow some of the other girls to enter the ladies room, everyone’s eyes were on her ass. There was so much going on with her massive hips: curves and bumps that moved in seductive unison as she shifted and stepped aside.

In a minute or so, we heard the bell ring indicating to everyone that college was over for the day. My mom looked at me and said, "Sweety, call a taxi.".

Suddenly, Rohit crept up from behind and said, "Why Aunty? Our carpool will be here any second."

My mom turned around, quite astonished to meet this new guy, "Who are you guys?"

"My name is Rohit and these guys are Avik and Joydeep. We’re friends of Arijit.", Rohit said, as my mom turned to me for confirmation.

I knew if I said "Yes, mom, they’re my friends.". Rohit smirked as I said that, knowing fully well that he had me cornered.

My mom felt more at ease now. "But will there be enough space for everyone in the car."

"Of course. Plus, you are well maintained, you barely will need any space at all.", my mom flushed at his comment, even though we knew fully well that she was quite a plump lady.

The carpool arrived soon and drove up close to where we were standing. It didn’t take long for Rohit to convince the driver regarding taking my mom along for the ride. He took one look at her and was ready to take her in.

I wanted to sit next to my mom, but Rohit had other plans. "Arijit, you sit in front. We’ll sit in the back with your mother. Is that okay, Ma’am?", he asked my mom.

My naïve mother had no clue about their true intentions, so she happily obliged. When we got into the minivan, I reluctantly sat in the front with the driver while Rohit and Avik climbed inside the back with my mom. She was essentially asked to sit in between Rohit and Avik, while Joy climbed in next to me, much to his dismay. By the time everyone got in, it was painstakingly clear that the back seat was not very spacious. As a result, my mom had to squeeze in with the two other boys, to the point where their bodies were almost touching each other. It was clear from her facial expression that my mom was visibly uncomfortable. Rohit and Avik, on the other hand, seemed to be getting set for the ride of their lives.

As the car started moving, my mom decided to make some small-talk to break the ice. "So, Rohit, how did you and Arijit meet?"

"Oh, he was lost. Apparently some jerks at school told him to report to the wrong classroom as a joke. I found him in the halls and helped him get to the right class.", he said with a wry grin as he looked at me through the rear-view mirror. I was disgusted by his lie. It was the actually the opposite of what had happened. Rohit was the jerk who had told me to report to the wrong classroom and later, one of the teachers guided me to the right class.

But my mom didn’t know any better, so she believed him, “Baah, that is so sweet of you, Rohit.”

"Oh no, it was nothing. Anybody would have done the same. I just hate that some guys can be so mean.", he glanced at me again and gave another wry smile as I clenched my teeth in frustration.

Hearing that, however, my mom surprisingly reached across and squeezed his shoulder, and stroked his arm. "No, that’s not true, sweetheart. You’re a great guy. I’m so glad you go to school with my son.", she said with a flirtatious smile.

I was shocked and was feeling very uncomfortable, especially with her use of the word "sweetheart" to address him. Just then, Joydeep whispered in my ear, "Your mom is flirting with Rohit. She really is a cock-starved slut, isn’t she?"

"Uh…N-No…", I stammered. It seemed as though I was trying to convince myself more than the bully sitting next to me. But inside, I recalled all that had happened between her and all those commoners a year back and I knew she was capable of more.

While conversing, Rohit tried to put his hand inside his pocket to take out his cellphone. As his hands went low, I noticed from the rear-view mirror again that my mom was shifting uncomfortably and blushing. I immediately saw that the reason for her flushing was because Rohit’s elbow was poking her breast as he was grabbing his phone. In the meantime, I also witnessed Avik’s eyes darting down at her large breasts, which were bobbling from the car rolling on the rough roads. The tight kameez she was wearing also had the unique effect of exposing the creamy valley between her breasts even more due to the constant bouncing. Since Avik was taller than my mother, from the mirror, I could clearly see him stealing furtive glances at her plunging cleavage, accentuated by the tight bra that she was wearing underneath her kameez.

"Have you spent your entire life here? In Calcutta?", Rohit asked her.

"No, actually I was born and raised in Siliguri. But since my marriage, I’ve been living here.", my mom replied, as Rohit put his hand across the top of the seat seat, over my mom’s shoulder in the pretext of making space. My mom shuddered ever so slightly as Rohit’s hand lightly touched her left shoulder.

"Oh nice. You can get a lot of large-sized dumplings in Siliguri, can’t you?", Rohit gave a fleeting glance at my mom’s bouncing tits as he made that snarky double-meaning comment and smiled while leaning her.

I don’t think my sweet naïve mother suspected anything as she just smiled and said, "Yes, that is definitely something you can get all the time.". Rohit gradually shifted closer to her during the course of this conversation. From the rear-view mirror again, I could clearly see her left breast move as he ever-so-slightly grazed his fingers around its side. My mom looked down and I could see her cheeks turning red almost instantly. However, regardless of whether she thought this was by accident because the car was shaking so much or whether she thought this was deliberate, she hardly attempted a protest.

"There’s really no compliment that will do you justice. When I first saw you, I thought you were some sort of an angel.", he said as my mom flushed further. As the conversation continued, Rohit seemed to be getting bolder with each passing second. He was now clearly leaning into my mom, and pressing the palm of his hand against the side of her large, plump left breast. He was also trying to push his legs against hers. Even though my mom was looking increasingly uncomfortable and nervous now, she seemed to decide to let this continue. This emboldened the bully even further and he suddenly leaned more towards her so that his face was directly over her right ear. He then smilingly whispered something in my mom’s ear, to which she gave a nervous giggle. Was he telling her jokes? The sounds of traffic were blaring and I couldn’t hear a word that he had said to her. But her reactions seemed quite new and surprising to me and the thought of her letting a guy – who also happens to be my college bully – paw her massive jugs in public, right in front of me, was making me really horny. I felt my penis move and expand just a little. I even noticed Joy scratching his cock over his trousers while we both were enjoying the show from the rear-view mirrors.

Avik, the other bully next to my mom, seemed to be enjoying the show as well, since I saw him crack a few smiles as he noticed Rohit trying to flirt with my mom. The bully’s torso was almost turned towards her. He was smiling and talking to her very closely, with roving eyes and a confident pick-up smile, with his left knee appeared to be pressing into her right leg. He seemed to be having the time of his life. Soon, he placed his right hand on her right forearm, which was resting on her side. Surprisingly, my mom did not shrug it off. She didn’t even bother to acknowledge it. She simply kept giggling at the frequent whispers that he was mouthing off in her ear. Rohith then started slowly caressing my mom’s naked forearm with his fingers. My mom shivered for a second, perhaps in genuine surprise or because she might’ve felt a current going through her body after being touched by a man so boldly in a carpool, right behind her own son!

Either way, this didn’t continue for long as my mom reflexively pulled her arm away from him and crossed her arms over her massive bosom. However, this gave the perverted bully an opportunity to simply place his hand on her right shapely thigh instead, just above her knee. My mom gently pushed the hand away, not looking at him, and crossed her legs. This didn’t sway Rohit at all as he was was still turned towards her, smiling and whispering things in her ear. My mom kept chuckling nervously, not knowing exactly how to react to this college student apparently molesting her, literally behind her son’s back. Again, in the pretext of talking, he casually placed his hand on the top of her crossed leg. This time she didn’t remove his hand, even though now he was basically palming her shapely thighs over her tight leggings. Seizing the opportunity, Rohit carefully ran his fingers over the outside of her crossed leg, over her legging-covered well-maintained outer thigh.

For one brief moment, my mom glanced at the rear-view mirror and our eyes met. She smiled in a very motherly fashion. But behind her smile, I could sense that she was incredibly tense and uneasy. Her forehead was dotted with beads of sweat and she she was trying to wipe off with her hand. This sort of thing hadn’t happened to her in almost a year and now, perhaps she was praying for this journey to end so that she could escape this predicament.

Rohit had just started though. With his left hand on her right leg, he began massaging the inside of her fleshy thigh over her leggings. I shuddered to realize that this was the same thing that the professor was doing to her earlier in his chamber. But what was more shocking was what happened next. Not being able to avoid the situation any longer, my sweet homely lovelorn mother did the unexpected – she lightly grasped her kameez and unfurled it over the entire length of her thighs, and then rested her palm on her knees to avoid the kameez from rising up. I was utterly amazed to see that. To me this gave the impression that she was more concerned at being caught with a hand on her thigh than actually removing the hand from her thigh! This was a clear indication that she had given up and was now surrendering herself to these two perverted bullies!

There was no way for my sweet homely mother to avoid this situation – two young adults sitting on either side of her, trying to gently molest her while her son was sitting in the front seat. Seeing her in a somewhat defeated state, the other bully – Avik – who was sitting on my mom’s left finally got the courage to make his move! He shifted closer to her, almost rubbing shoulders with her, the bare skin of her smooth creamy arms grazing against his hairy forearms as the auto-rickshaw drove along the pathetically uneven roads of Calcutta. My mom flinched as soon as she felt him leaning into her. He brought his pimpled nose closer to her silky straight hair and took a long nasty satisfying sniff. My mom immediately made a sickened face and nudged the Avik’s pot-belly with her elbow, possibly in an attempt to signal him to move away from her. However, the perverted bully was too turned on to care. He crossed his arms over his chest and from one of the rear-view mirrors I could clearly see him pressing the back of his hand against her huge, juicy milk-tanks. My cock was almost about to burst out of my pants as I was watching this unfold, mere inches away from me.

Meanwhile, Rohit was having the time of his life petting my hot mature mother’s shapely thighs over her tight leggings, concealed by the outstretched kameez. His left hand was now deep between her legs. In fact, it was so far up her thighs that even his wrist had become invisible underneath the kameez. “Gulp!”, came her voice before she parted her lips, looking straight ahead at the road with her eyes wide open. Seeing her expressions and the way the main bully’s hand was turning underneath her kameez, I realized that his palm was now directly on her crotch, not her thigh! My mom looked frozen like a deer in the headlights!

Was she allowing him to touch her crotch? Did she just not know what to do? These were some of the disturbing yet scintillating questions that erupted in my mind. My mind became foggy watching and thinking about all this. Rohit was fondling my mother's pussy while Avik was caressing her breast, and all she seemed to be doing is covering it up. The thought gave me a raging hard-on. I continually remembered having this recurrent thought that I clearly enjoyed seeing men other than my Dad lusting for and touching my mom. However, I was slightly uncomfortable with the idea of her allowing these bullies to molest her. But at the same time, I was getting excited as well at the thought of her being humiliated by these bullies more than I ever had.

Suddenly I felt Joy’s arm against my thigh. I looked at him questioningly and he grinned, "Are you watching your whore mother’s performance? I can’t take it anymore.". He was clearly excited, but I had no idea what he intended to do with me. I was scared. I shifted a little hoping to dissuade him to move his arm, but to no avail. All that did was to move his hand further onto my lap. After a few seconds, I felt him start to shift but he now had moved closer and his arm was encircling my waist, his hand moving, gently rubbing my hip. I froze as his hand made small circles up under my thin t-shirt on my bare skin just above the waistband of my shorts. I could feel my face flushing hot and I was starting to get angry at myself for not shoving him away. I looked at him pleadingly again, hoping he would stop, but I got nothing.

"Watch how Avik is fondling your mom’s tits while Rohit fingers her pussy.", I watched the rear-view mirror as Joy’s hand now brushed down the front of my shorts with his wrist brushing my cock which gave an involuntary jump. Then he turned his wrist over and the palm of his hand rubbed gently back over my cock. I almost gasped out loud and realized that I had been holding my breath. My Gosh, this bully was feeling me up and I couldn’t do anything about it. Worst of all, my traitorous cock was starting to respond to the stimulus of a hand gently rubbing it, back and forth. As my cock grew in excitement, I arched my back and kept looking at what was happening with my mom as a distraction to what this bully was doing with me.

I noticed my mother had started breathing really hard now and was wetting her lips frequently. Her walls were slowly starting to crumble and she was beginning to get turned on by these lewd advances from my two college bullies. Moreover, as I’ve said before, she sweats a lot and in the summers, one can always make out the sweat under her arms and sometimes on her back. The kameez that she was wearing was made of light material and hence, her black bra was distinctly showing through her clothes. The bra was small for her size and therefore, her 36DD boobs looked bigger than usual. The heat was making her sweat further and there was a huge stain under her arms. On top of that, her heavy breathing was causing her tight melons to expand and contract even more obscenely, strained-against-the-tight-top position, and making her cleavage really spill out. This prompted both Rohit and Avik to sit up and take notice. Avik was flat out leering at her heaving breasts like a predator staring at its prey, while Rohit kept glancing at her face and then back to her bouncing mammaries. They were both smiling from ear to ear, and I could feel my cock expanding even more as the third bully stroked it over my trousers.

Emboldened by the reaction of my hard little cock, Joy swiftly pushed his hand down the front of my loose trousers. "Watch how that slut is breathing hard!", he whispered in my ear. A bolt of lightning went from my balls up my spine as his warm hand closed around me, rubbing his thumb over the now cum-slick head of my tiny cock. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest as he slowly caressed it and my almost hairless balls inside my shorts. He started to slowly jack me with his thumb and two fingers until I let out an involuntary silent moan, “Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!”.

Hopefully my mom didn’t hear me moan and surprisingly, the driver paid no attention to it either. He was too engrossed in his job to care.

I glanced back at the rear-view mirror again and Rohit’s hand was still concealed by my mother’s kameez. I did notice some movement underneath though - he was moving his hand in a way to suggest that he was attempting to open her knees more. With some struggle, he pried them open and quickly slipped his hand back between her legs again. My mom immediately bit her lower lip to prevent herself from screaming. Rohit’ hand was definitely on her inner thigh now, close to her crotch and I could see his arm moving slowly back and forth, like he was caressing her leg. 

And she was letting him! In fact, her expressions were so pure and seductive that the other uglier perverted bully – Avik – couldn’t control himself either. He turned his upper body towards my mom as he came in closer. Within seconds, I watched as his left hand came up and closed around her left breast. My mom immediately gave a jerk and the pervert quickly removed his hand. He waited for a few seconds and again proceeded to touch her boobs. My mom turned towards him and gave him a stern look. But the perverted bully just grinned, flashing his dirty yellow teeth. With a disgusted look on her face, my mom turned away and started looking straight ahead. She vaguely covered her breasts with her duppatta, concealing Avik’s hand over her giant mammaries. 

Taking this as a clear invitation, the ugly perverted bully began to fondle her left boob lovingly, letting his left hand stay there for some time, probing it, squeezing it, exploring its shape. When he was satisfied, he slid his hand over to her right breast and did the same. At first, my mom was frozen to the spot, her arms pinned rigidly by her sides. Then as she got used to his touch she slowly relaxed, and without thinking she pushed her chest forward into his fingers. Avik smiled at her. He circled her nipple gently and then prodded it like he was pushing a start-up button.

All this was making both Joy and I even hornier. "Isssshhhhhh….watch how your mom is surrendering to them. She is a true whore…and you’re her son, which makes you my whore!", Joy chuckled as he whispered in my ear. He then licked my ear and gently kissed my neck as I fought with myself and the new feelings that focused on my cock and balls. Thankfully, because the seats were high, the people in the back had no idea what was the going on in the front and the driver simply was too focused on his job to care. Joy then gently grabbed my right hand and placed it on his cock, over his trousers. I could feel his very hard cock pressing up against my palm as he got busy with his warm hand on my naked cock again.

My eyes dimmed with the erotic sensation of the bully jerking me off with his warm hand and as I continued to watch my mom’s predicament through the rear-view mirror, I couldn’t believe my eyes. My own sweet devoted mother was getting so thoroughly molested by these two men – one massaging her thighs and the other groping her breasts! I had forgotten Why wasn't she stopping them? Of course, I knew why, but I didn’t want to admit it yet. I had forgotten what a natural whore she used to be just over a year ago with Uncle Shyam, Haria, Haripada, Bahadur and all those low class perverted people.

Avik’s body was severely twisted now and he must have been feeling the torque. He certainly looked uncomfortable, yet he was elated, as with his arm draped across my mom’s ample bosom he resumed his manipulations across the top of her tight kameez. My mom also was becoming cooperative, in the sense that her body was opening up to him as he continued fondling her tits. The perverted bully admired her nipples as they bulged through the fabric of her kameez and tight bra.

At the same time, Rohit also shifted his body slightly and leaned in closer, changing hands as he did. He was pressing his right hand firmly down and back while clutching my mom’s inner thigh.

“Unggggghhhhhhhh!”, my mom groaned softly at this explicit and aggressive carnal groping.

Rohit also seemed to be whispering in her ear. I saw her head twitch. As I continued watching, I realized that he wasn’t actually whispering to her. He was nibbling on her earlobe! His left arm slid over the top of her shoulder and was sensuously massaging her neck and shoulder. His right hand meanwhile was lodged high up my mom’s leg and judging by the angle of his right arm, he now had his fingers firmly against her twat. The same twat where I came out of! My mom’s body visibly jerked as his right arm moved again. Seeing her reaction and the leader bully’s hand movement, I knew without a doubt that he had deftly moved his fingers inside her tight leggings and his fingers were now groping her pussy over her panties. Shockingly, in addition to giving Avik clear passageway to groping her tits, my mom shifted slightly to ease the passage of Rohit’s hand and rolled her hips forward slightly to increase the pressure of his provocation of her vagina.

Soon, however, “Huhhhhhhhhhhhh….”, my mom sighed as she rested her head back against the seat and closed her eyes while her body convulsed in a mild orgasm, due to the constant mauling of her thighs and breasts by these two perverted bullies.

I was amazed at the turn of events. But I didn’t have any time to react. "Issshhhhh….if only you were a girl!", Joy’s lips went back to my ear and neck as he started nibbling, kissing and sucking my gooseflesh, all the while keeping up the finger assault on my dick. I shifted uncomfortably, but at the same time, the erotic absurdity of the situation was causing my body to betray my thoughts as my hard-on continued to rage. As Joy continued rubbing his fingers over my cock, he bit my neck hard making me groan softly. This was too much for me. I felt my balls tightening as his thumb and 2 fingers found my wet cock and slowly jacked me into a powerful orgasm – my sperm soaking my trousers as well as his hand. He then pulled his hand out and forcefully shoved them in my mouth, making me taste my own cum – right in front of the uncaring driver.

In a minute or two, our stop arrived. When it did, the two bullies almost immediately removed their hands from my mother’s voluptuous curves and they all sat themselves straight. My mom and I couldn’t wait to get out of the car. We quickly rushed out of the car as Rohit yelled, "We’ll meet up again tomorrow!". Neither my mom nor I bothered to respond to the bully and we both simply rushed to the gate, as the carpool sped off. I could see a trickle of love-juices flowing down my mother’s tight legging as she rushed towards the door while I’m sure she didn’t notice the wet patch on the front of my trousers. Either way, I’m sure both of us were glad that the horrific and adulterous day was over for now!

When we went inside the house, my mom and I were greeted by a visibly exhausted Bimla, who was immediately shocked and surprised by my mom’s sweaty appearance and the impression of the sticky fluid running down her legs. "What happened, memsahib?"

My mom turned to give her a frosty-nosed look, perhaps still irritated by the fact that she didn’t show up in my college to my mom’s rescue. "Nothing. Someone from Joy’s college called and so I had to step out. Now I’m tired, so I’m going upstairs to take some much-needed rest.", she replied irritably, while hurrying to get upstairs to her room.

Bimla shouted after her though, "Memsahib, but I have something important to talk to you about.". My mom paid no heed to what the maid-servant was saying and instead, rushed to her bedroom and locked the door. I took this opportunity to rush to my room to grab some clean pants and later rushed to common bathroom to get the dried cum off my pubic regions.

The rest of the day, my mom and I were trying our best to avoid any conversation about my college or Rohit and the bullies. The only thing we discussed was what happened in the ladies and how she got her new clothes. "Babu, you didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend in college.", she said as I sat down for dinner. To be honest, I didn’t know what to make of that statement.

"What are you saying?", I said surprised.

"Why, isn’t Tanya your girlfriend?"

I was amazed. "No no, are you crazy?" I wondered what could’ve prompted that from her.

I didn’t have to wonder for long though. "But Tanya said she was your girlfriend and that you had sent her to help me." I was surprised but it was also slowly starting to make sense for me. Rohit must’ve told Tanya to tell my mom that she was my girlfriend just to put her at ease. The perverted bully knew that there was no other way my mom would accept help from a stranger, even if she was a girl. I shook my head hoping this would all go away, but then my mom said, "Why are you blushing? I don’t mind if you have a girlfriend. I just want you to pay closer attention to your studies, is all."

I didn’t want to protest since I knew if I did, more questions would arise. I just shook my head and nodded hoping she wouldn’t ask anymore questions.

My mother, however, giggled and started teasing me, "She’s a good looking girl. You’re not planning on marrying her without telling me, are you?". I didn’t respond, so she decided not to tease me any further and let me go to bed as soon as dinner was finished.

That night there was a power outage and we had to turn on the generators. Now, the problem was that the generators could not support the power supply of the entire house. Therefore, my mom asked if I wanted to sleep with her for the night, so that just her room’s electrical equipment would be utilized. My parent’s bedroom had a long sofa which was situated against the wall, right next to their king-sized bed. I could easily fit in there and have a good night’s sleep. Thus, I agreed without much hesitation.

At night, though, I could hardly sleep. The images of my mom orgasming at the hands of my professor and the whole incident with Rohit and the other perverted bullies inside the carpool, were etched in my mind. Plus, the fact that she was sleeping just a few feet away from me wasn’t helping matters either. Moreover, the generators were not powerful enough to support the 1-ton air conditioner in my parent’s bedroom, and when I fell asleep, I hadn't opened the window, so our room was ridiculously hot and stuffy.

It was almost midnight and I was still wide awake, mainly due to fact that my sofa was was drenched with sweat. I wondered how I could get myself to sleep in this hot mess, when I twisted my head a little bit and looked at my mother. It was a full-moon night and the the entire room was lit by the brightness of the moonlight. Although it was a casual glance, the moment I saw her – sleeping on her backside wearing a flimsy spaghetti top nighty – I felt my lips getting wet and swallowed a huge gulp in my throat. I stared lustfully as her left hand inadvertently began sliding down her sky blue nightgown which now had wet patches of sweat all over. She was looking absolutely stunning and beautiful. She had such perfect curves and such mouth watering breasts that as I stared at her flimsy nighty-clad figure, I nearly managed to moan "Uffff!!"

Since my mom was sleeping on her back, her luscious breasts looked like twin round mountains formed on her chest and surprisingly, her nipples seemed to be hard and were looking like mountain peaks poking against her not-so-modest nightgown. She was snoozing quite heavily and it gave me the impression that she was in deep sleep. I don’t know for how long I kept staring at her, getting turned on with each passing second, feeling my penis getting painfully rock solid and demanding some attention soon.

As I kept viewing my mom’s magnificent sweaty boobs rising and falling with each breath, my sexual arousal was getting out of control, and then there came a point when I could not take the hardness any longer. In a split second, I decided to just cum quickly while watching her quietly. I decided to use my favorite method of masturbation – "pillow humping" – to attain sexual relief!

As a start, I I took one of the two pillows from below my head, and I placed it at the centre of the sofa, right underneath my crotch. I then slowly and methodically pulled down my pants and released my aching manhood free into the warmness of air. At that moment, my tiny cock was like a solid stick dancing to and fro as if it was attached to a spring. I then quickly climbed over my pillow and placed my penis on its lower edge side. I then covered my naked ass with the pants I was wearing. I lay still on my stomach for few minutes, so as to let my penis feel the softness of the pillow. The feel of the pillow below my steaming hot penis was like cold water poured over ice. It had such a soothing feel.

As I was busy adjusting my penis over the pillow, I suddenly heard my mom moan, “Mmmmmmm!!”

I instantly froze!

Slowly, carefully, I turned my eyesight towards her. My sweet unwary curvaceous mother was still sleeping on her backside. “Mmmmm!”, came another moan, but this time her hands started roaming all over her sweat-laden body. My eyes grew wide with amazement at the sight. I quickly adjusted my penis on the pillow while watching her moan and move her hands all over her body, still in a state of slumber. I had my eyes partially closed as well in case she woke up and saw me mounted over my pillow, with my penis pushed deep into it. Fortunately, I had placed my pants over my naked butt, in such a position that even in the moonlight, it would look like I was still wearing them.

Suddenly, to my astonishment, she began tickling her breasts softly over her nightgown. "Mmmmmm! Suck them! Suck my milky breasts!", she groaned while still physically asleep. My cock twitched ever so slightly as I heard those words! I wonder who she was dreaming about having sex with. Perhaps she was dreaming about my Dad. I never shared this with anyone before, but I used to watch my parents have sex as a teenager, whenever we went out for vacation and were staying in a hotel. My Dad never wanted me living alone in a separate room by myself. So, he always booked a large suite for the three of us, which had a single bed for me and a queen-sized for them. All three of us would be in the same bedroom, however.

At night, I would pretend to go to sleep early and an hour after I went to bed, they would turn off the lights. My mom would check if I was awake and once she was satisfied, she would grab a condom from our handbag and join my Dad in bed. I would cover myself with a blanket and then watch as my mom would sit on the bed, facing my Dad, with her back towards me. In the dim light, I could see my Dad sitting up, taking off his shirt and throwing it near the leg of the bed on his side. Then he and my mom would get close, their hands meeting. My mom would lay down on her backside, much like the state she is in now and my dad would bend over her. I could hear sounds like smooches and sucking noises, my mom’s moans in between.

My head would go for a spin, watching my mom and dad fuck each other like rabbits!

I did feel turned on by this sight, but yet would not touch my penis. I was too excited to watch my parents indulge in sex to do or think of doing anything at that time. And then dad would get up, and lie down on his back! For a second, I used to think this sex act was over, feeling disappointed. But then what happened would be truly unbelievable. My mom would get up from bed and would stand a few feet from me. My eyes would stare at her shapely legs in the dark. And then within 2 seconds, she would remove her nightgown and toss it down on the ground. My eyes would almost bulge out of their sockets as I would watch her unhook her bra, then her underwear and drop it on the floor. She would be totally naked! The light from the window would allow me to see her buxom body a bit, including her luscious womanly breasts and even the faint shadow of her nipple.

“Mmmmmm!!”, came another one of my mom’s moans, pulling me back into the present! She was squeezing her milk-tanks and massaging her nipples over her sweat-covered nighty this time. What was she thinking about? Was she truly so sexually frustrated after my dad left for his business trip and that Uncle Shyam and Haria were all gone, that she was touching herself while sleeping?

Almost instinctively, she put a hand to her breast through her nightgown and felt and fondled her big tits while licking her lips in ecstasy. From my vantage point, she was mindlessly fingering her right nipple with her left hand through the sweat patch on her nightgown while moaning incessantly. As soon as her right nipple erected itself and started poking out of the wet patch, she began fingering her left nipple through her nightgown.

Regardless of what she was dreaming about, I was getting the show of my life! She turned sideways and was facing me directly now. Her ample breasts were sagging downward a little as she turned, still fingering her nipples. I could see the luscious shape of her mammies clearly. I just wanted to touch and squeeze them once. I could not hold on any longer, and due to my excessively stiff penis, I was forced to adjust myself on the pillow. The cotton like softness of the pillow automatically made me hump it a little. It was a complete reflex action to the build up sexual tension within me. I humped the pillow with very soft thrusts at first, but then increased the intensity to some real harsh thrusts into the pillow.

Soon though, to my surprise, she pulled the straps of her nightgown down to reveal her creamy shoulders, and then tugged on the center of the nighty to reveal her naked succulent mammaries. Moving her free hand to her breasts, my mom pinched and massaged the hardening nipples. For a full minute, she was pulling, turning, and twisting her nipples. “Mmmmphhhhh!”, she moaned in a soft angelic voice and bit her lip like a bitch in heat.

As I watched my mom cupping her nude mammaries in her hands, tweaking her nipples between her fingers and thumb, I started humping my pillow even harder. Suddenly, I noticed her left hand involuntarily slide towards her pussy. She drowsily raised her nighty, giving me a dimmed view of her shapely thighs, making my cock throb some more. For me, the sight of her sweat covered massive mammies and her exposed sweaty thighs were nearly enough to drive me over the edge, closing in on an orgasm of my own.

However, my hot horny mature mother didn’t want to stop there. Instead, she gradually pulled her nightgown up enough that it exposed her bushy twat! She then opened her legs farther, sleepily exposing her sweet juicy vulva. “Ahhhhhhh!!”, she moaned as her fingers touched her love-canal! From this trivial distance, I could feel her getting heavily aroused as she grazed her fingers and down her crotch. Her right hand was still grabbing her right breast and I could tell she was squeezing it harder this time. That sight made me so sexually aroused that I nearly leaked precum without even humping on my own pillow! I never expected her to do something like this now, and yet it was happening right in front of my eyes.

My mom kept rubbing her clit, massaging her lips as she slipped one finger inside her. Her mouth turned a big ‘O’ and her breathing turned shallow as she tried to masturbate in her sleep. While peeping on her, I felt myself feeling erotic and so sexual that I decided to hump quickly and aggressively too. So I too started humping my pillow rapidly. As I started humping aggressively, I gazed hungrily at my mom's curvaceous mature womanly body writhing in sexual bliss. I had a great view of her dark bushy pussy, with her sweaty tits hanging out of the top of her nightgown, her beige areolas and her nipples dotted with little droplets of sweat. She was getting highly aroused and I noticed saliva glistening on the sides of her chin, as they rolled down her gaping mouth, in a haze of absolute lust. She was looking extremely sultry lying naked just a few feet away from me, masturbating to some unknown person.

And then I heard something that completely sent shivers down my spine!

"Mmmmmm! Ahhhhhhh! Rohit, fuck me! Fuck your best friend’s mother! From now on, you’re not only Arijit’s friend, you are also my womanhood’s protector! Suck my milky tits and tear my pussy apart, baby! Uffffffff!", she moaned and moaned!

Oh my gosh! I was in utter disbelief. My mom was actually thinking about my college bully – the guy that has literally made my life a living hell since I first joined that college – while masturbating in her sleep! Perhaps this morning’s carpool-ride had had more of an effect on her than I had previously thought. Perhaps she had actually enjoyed all the molesting that had happened to her this past afternoon!

Next, she did something totally unexpected. She sleepily grabbed another pillow from the side and then, just like me climbed on top of her pillow, and was sleeping on her stomach. She squeezed 75% of the pillow within her thighs and the remaining 25% of the pillow – including the prickly pillow edge – was neatly rubbing roughly against her pussy as she humped it. “Ummmmmmm! Ufffffff!”, she groaned in her sleep as the pillow gave her incredible sexual sensations. That sight made me so sexually aroused that I nearly leaked semen without even humping on my own pillow! I had never seen her or any woman do something like this before and I was excited as hell!

I fucked my pillow furiously while watching the scene unfold in front of me. I didn’t care that she had the hots for my college bully. The sexual agony had overpowered all of my emotions.

I watched in utter disbelief and horniness as the bed-sheet below her was getting wetter and wetter with the mix of her sweat and womanly juices, while the pillow underneath her pussy was getting all the beating it could get from her thirsty cunt. First, she humped in slow random pushes inward, and then slowly increased her pace of rubbing into wild aggressive humps on the pillow. My mom humped her body on the bed wildly and continuously! I could hear the bed rattling and squeaking loudly, with the force of her masturbation.

"Ahhhhh! Rohit, harder! Fuck me harder!", my mom groaned while humping her pillow in such a way that her pussy was over the pillow edge. I could see her move up and down her pillow again and again and again, without any breaks.

I closed my eyes, and thought what it would be like if the bully Rohit was actually humping her with his long erect penis! I imagined him humping my sweet homely promiscuous mom. As this imagination flowered into a stronger incest-cuckolding feel, I started humping my penis very strongly into my pillow. During the process of my humping, I opened my eyes a little to see my mom, really in the final stages of her masturbation session. I could make out that she was coming close to an orgasm as now she was breathing deeply, and her movements made her humping the pillow extremely roughly. It felt like I was watching my mom being on top of the perverted bully, pushing herself deeper into his manhood during their illicit sexual act!

As I imagined all this in my head, I continued my humping, and now was in good rhythm too. I kept pressing my penis on the edge of the pillow again and again, and thus was able to get an immense sexual and erotic feel of each hump. I then saw my mom suddenly jumping up and down her pillow. I knew this kind of moment from her. This happened only when she reached an orgasm.

“Huhhhhh!! Rohhiiiitttttttttt!”, I heard my mom moan loudly a couple of times while her well-formed legs twitched violently. I could see her buttocks move inward very strongly and as her massive ass cheeks tightened completely, I heard my mom make one final loud grunting sound, “Unngggghhhhh!!!”. She then pushed herself deep into the pillow edge, and her ass cheeks remained tight for a couple of minutes as her entire movement slowed down and then she became absolutely still.

At that moment, I could imagine my mom's pillow getting drenched in her sexual juices. I smiled thinking about the pillow as a damp sticky cloth.

A few minutes later, she eased from the pillow, now having completed her orgasm. She was resting quietly on the bed, getting her breath back and soon, she started snoring again.

The sight of her reaching an orgasm was too much for me, and I was wildly masturbating. I quickly uncovered myself and within couple of seconds of stroking, I moaned – “Ohhhhhh!!” – and felt myself inject around 4 to 5 jets of hot sticky semen into the pillow. As I calmed my nerves post my orgasm, I relaxed and felt relieved of this long pending sex release. I then smiled as I too gradually drifted off to sleep!

Next day, I was completely exhausted and didn’t even feel like going to college. I almost wouldn’t have to gone, until I realized that I had to keep up my attendance, otherwise I would fail. I intentionally decided not to take the carpool and instead opted to take two auto-rickshaws to get there. Frankly, I was tired of dealing with those bullies and just needed a break.

The first few classes of the day were uneventful. I actually started to dread that the day was coming to an end, because it meant I would have to face Professor Ashish again, since his was the last class – and after what happened between him and my mom, I’d preferred not to see him again.

It was unavoidable, however. So, when it finally came time to enter Professor Ashish’s class, I stalled for time, fiddling around the bathroom, mingling outside the door, trying to delay the inevitable. But when I peaked inside her classroom, I saw something strange. He was standing by his desk, talking to Rohit. What was going on? Why was he talking to Rohit?

I opened the door and walked in, it was still a few minutes before class and there were no other students in the room yet. When they saw me, they stopped talking and looked in my direction. I had a deer-in-the-headlights look in my face as I saw Professor Ashish greeting me with an angry look in his face while Rohit smirked away.

"Rohit here was just telling me he found that awful, disgusting note you wrote about me."

I was stunned. “N-N-Note?”, I asked in awe.

Professor Ashish immediately slammed the table in front of him, sending shockwaves down my spine and yelled, “Don’t play the fool with me, rascal!”

I was taken aback by his swearing and his anger. I couldn’t say anything for a full minute until Professor Ashish took out a note from his back pocket and threw it at me. He beckoned me to read it and as I did, my eyes grew wide with fear and nervousness. This is what the note said:

"That Professor Ashish is a number one retarded son of a bitch! But that piglet has a wife that’s truly sexy. I saw that slut a few days ago and since then I masturbate to her every night, and I dream about sucking on her giant sexy titties. Man, I wish I could bury my face in her ass!"

As soon as I was done reading, I horrifically looked up to see Professor Ashish’s expression. As expected, he was seething, while behind him, Rohit was making smiley faces. I knew I could not defend myself. I had no ground to stand on. The professor would think I was lying, especially after what happened with my mom. I just looked down at my feet, without saying a word.

"You’re lucky that Rohit or myself did not go to the principal with this, or even to the police. He was just apologizing to me that someone could be so awful to me. Rohit is such an exemplary student, he’s so kind and respectful. A true gentleman, unlike you. So from now on, we agreed that Rohit is going to tutor you on being a better student."

I gulped in fear. I was trapped. I had no escape. Once again, Rohit was coming out on top. Professor Ashish was praising him for reporting the note (that he probably wrote!). Of course I knew that this was all an elaborate plan to get closer to my sweet homely hot mature mother. He wanted to finish the job that he started in the carpool. Rohit gave me a sly smirk as I glanced in his direction. Class started soon after that and I was in a nervous mess. I sat in the back, never raising my hand or answering any questions. I was shocked at these new developments. On my way back, I decided to once again avoid the carpool – for fear of Rohit and his bullies and what perverted plans they might cook up again – and instead I decided to use the public commute.

When I got back home, I was depressed and was about to go to my room to watch porn or play video games to ease my tension when I heard a male voice. I was surprised as to who it could be.

"You slut, it looks like you’re well settled here.", came the male voice.

"What are you saying? I work here. And please speak softly, this is not our Patna.", came a female voice. I recognized that voice almost instantly. It was Bimla. But who was the guy with her. I had to find out. Slowly, without making a sound, I took off my shoes and quietly crept inside my house. The voices were coming from the kitchen and that’s where I was headed.

"I don’t give a damn.", he said. I came around the corner and and took a peek inside. I was surprised at what I saw. Bimla was standing inside talking to this middle-aged lean guy. He was dark-complexioned and had a decent amount of holes or pimples on his ugly face. He was wearing a fairly dirty yellow shirt, unbuttoned at the top. His pants were white and heavily stained. He had dense grayish dark hair on his head.

Bimla smiled at his comment and then turned around shyly, "Didn’t you miss me for so many days?"

The man then stepped closer to her with a sly grin on his face and said, "Of course I missed you, slut. But what to do? I was so busy at work.". He moved his arms around and affectionately grabbed her humungous tits over her saree and blouse. He squeezed them firmly, and she moaned, "Ahhhhhhaaaaaaaa….slowly you fucking bastard…somebody might hear us.". The man just smiled and moved in even closer, squeezing her tits even harder and shoving his clothed boner against her saree covered hips. "Ahhhhh Abdul….not here….ppplllleassse…..someone will see us."

I was amazed. His name was Abdul. I finally had a name for this ugly perverted stranger. What Bimla didn’t realize though was that I was already watching them. And getting terribly excited! My tiny cock was twitching underneath my tight jeans.

Abdul then released one of his hands from her massive globes and moved it over her saree-covered crotch and clutched it tightly making her squeal, “Eeeeeeeee!!”

The tall pimpled man just chuckled at the complete dominance he had over our chubby maid. "Tell me something: What is your memsahib’s name?" I gulped when I heard him as about my mom.

“Sh-Shhh-Shikha….ohhhhhhh!!”, she muttered, as Abdul kept rubbing her pussy over her saree.

"How is the broad?", he asked. I couldn’t believe this seemingly low-class asshole was referring to my mom as a "broad".

"What are you saying?", Bimla asked him back, while clearly letting him openly molest her.

"Answer me, slut!", Abdul angrily clutched her saree-covered mound tightly, making her squeal in pain.

"Aaaooowwwwhhhh! She is very beautiful, but also a devoted wife.", she blurted. I giggled internally when I heard her say that. Clearly Bimla had no idea about my mom’s previous sexcapades, which definitely was a good thing.

Suddenly, we hear the outside door opening and immediately Abdul moved away from Bimla, allowing the latter to adjust her dress to look normal. I also scurried away to hide inside the bathroom, hoping no one would see me. "Is anyone home?", cried my mom.

"Yes, memsahib. Abdul and I are in the kitchen. We’re coming out right now.". I could hear their conversations from the bathroom. "Memsahib, this is my husband – Abdul." I couldn’t believe it. That pervert was actually Bimla’s husband. Then why was he referring to her as his "slut"?

"How are you, Abdul?", I could hear my mom ask.

"I’m good memsahib, thanks to Allah."

I decided to come out of the washroom. "Hey Babu, you’re home."

Bimla and Abdul were shocked to see me. They were probably wondering if I saw them in their compromising position or heard them talking degradingly about my sweet homely mature mother. I didn’t give away anything from my expressions and after a while they decided that I couldn’t possibly have seen anything without their knowledge. I also noticed that Abdul couldn’t take his eyes off my beautiful mother. She was wearing a blue silk saree and a sky-blue blouse that was perhaps too tight for her firm bust. Moreover, the blouse was low cut which created a long visible valley between her milk tanks, offering glimpses of the treasures contained within. And to make matters worse, she wore her saree a bit low, just barely covering her navel and the result was that sometimes when she moved, a part of her belly-button would be revealed. Such things were too much for Abdul – an apparently horny fifty year old low-class masseuse. He was gazing hungrily at her plump, supple five foot-four frame, her revealing blue saree, her lovely kissable face with its sharp nose and chewable lips, etc.

My mom perhaps noticed him staring and quickly covered as much of her body as she could with her saree, while Bimla – noticing her husband’s stares as well – nudged him with her elbow, thereby breaking his trance and making him look at his feet. "So how was your journey?".

"Very nice, memsahib.", he said as she stole fleeting glances of her flesh waistline and juicy navel.

"Great. How long are you staying here?", my mom’s asked.

"Just a couple of days, memsahib. Perhaps a week or two. And then I’ll be off to my home.", Abdul was now taking fleeting glances of my mom’s plunging cleavage.

"Memsahib, can I say something?", Bimla quickly cut in. My mom nodded. "Can my husband start helping me out with the household chores tomorrow? The things is I want to spend time with him but also not take days off of work, if that’s possible."

My mom didn’t want to lose the help for a whole week or two. If Bimla took that many days off, my mom would still not only have to pay her but also do the household chores herself or force me to do it. "But money…", my mom asked. I knew this was her main concern.

Abdul quickly chimed in, "Don’t worry about the money, memsahib. I will work for free. It’s just a matter of one or two weeks.". Bimla glanced towards her husband with an annoying look, but he just grinned at her. He was definitely cooking up a plan to get closer to my mom. He was only going to be here for a couple of days and wanted to make the most of this opportunity.

My naïve clueless mother was elated. They continued with some more small talk before my mom finally decided to go upstairs to change. As she was walking upstairs, I noticed Abdul staring at her undulating hips and licking his lips in lustful hunger. I knew this would escalate soon!


I woke up early the next morning. Again, I had no intention of taking the carpool out of fear of Rohit and the other bullies. I knew there was a lot of money being spent on the carpool and eventually my mom would wise up as to the fact that I was not taking. Plus, the commute to college was not easy since you had to change two auto-rickshaws to get there. But I would rather chalk up a cock-and-bull story for my mom and travel in a public commute in the sweltering heat of the city, than be in a car with those bullies. This was especially true now that I knew one day Rohit would eventually show up at my doorstep to tutor me, thanks to Professor Ashish. I intentionally neglected to mention that to my mom since I was afraid of finding out what her reaction would be – whether she would be excited or furious. Her masturbating in a dream while yelling out Rohit’s name had indicated to me that she had conflicting feelings about him.

Anyways, Bimla usually arrived pretty early as well and my mom would always open the door for her. Since Bimla was a married woman, my mom had no problem dressing freely in front of her. Therefore, that morning as well, she was wearing a sleeveless white nightgown with no bra. She had bought that nightgown during my Dad’s last visit to Calcutta, mainly to seduce him I suppose, which probably didn’t do her much good anyways. Since then, this had become her usual dress at our house, when no one outside of the family and the maid servant was around.

“Ding Dong!”, the bell rang as soon as I stepped out my room, a little groggy and walking on spaghetti legs since I had just woken up. “Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!”, the bell was ringing incessantly since no one answered and from upstairs, I could see my mom rushing to get it wearing the same nightgown. But as soon as she opened the door, both my mom and I were flabbergasted to see Bimla and Abdul both standing outside.

Abdul’s jaw dropped as soon as he saw my mom. The nightgown she was wearing was incredibly risqué as it allowed her 36DD breasts to hang freely and display a modest amount of cleavage to the onlooker. In addition, the nighty was made of a thin material that didn’t leave much to the imagination. It was white and transparent enough for them to clearly see the outline of her nipples. They would have seen her bush as well except that when she was standing up, her movement bunched up the fabric in front of her crotch. The nightgown also stopped halfway above her knees, displaying her creamy freshly waxed legs. For all of 5 seconds, the low class masseuse’s head bobbed up and down, admiring the sight of my mature buxom mother standing in front of him, practically half-naked!

As soon as my mom realized it though, she blushed and covered her massive globes with her left hand and tried pulling her nighty down with her right. "A-Abdul, what are you doing here?", she asked, visibly flushed.

"I thought you gave us permission, memsahib, that I could bring my husband here for a few days, until he leaves.", Bimla said.

My mom was now in a dilemma. "Y-Yes, I remember.", she stuttered, "You guys come. I’ll be right back." With that, my mom immediately rushed out of the scene while still covering her womanly breasts and pulling down her nightgown down her knees. Abdul’s eyes were glued onto her swaying ass-cheeks as she hurried towards the stairs and while she was climbing up, both Bimla and Abdul couldn’t help but admire the back of the nightdress swinging slightly upwards as it barely concealed her magnificent pantiless bubble butt. I could see Abdul clearly licking his lips while standing entering the house in stunned silence, drinking in my sweet sexy mature mother’s beauty.

Now, my mom and I both shower early in the morning, and since we both sort of woke up at the same time today, it was obvious that only one of us could use the shower downstairs. Last year, when my father came home, he had done some renovation work in the bathroom and had installed a semi-automatic washer and dryer there. So now, the bathroom was basically transformed into a laundry room attached to a walk-in shower. A walk-in shower is basically a doorless shower and in this case, it was partitioned from the washer/dryer by a waterproof tiled wall. The wall only extended a certain distance away from the main wall, separating the washer/dryer system, so privacy was minimal if someone were to use the laundry machines. My mom knew that, but she was also in a hurry to shower. It had become a habit of hers, over the years, to take a bath as soon as she woke up. Plus, since the arrival of the washer and dryer, she herself always washed our clothes and never let Bimla touch them.

After gathering her clean clothes, shampoo and towel from her bedroom, my mom stepped out of her room and went downstairs towards the bathroom. This time she had covered her flimsy nightgown with a modest checkered robe. The robe indeed hid her cleavage and covered everything from neck down till her ankles. The only part of her body that was exposed was her smooth forearms. Abdul almost had a disappointing look in his eyes when he saw her this time – fully and modestly clothed. My mom, on the other hand, was looking down to the ground and was trying to avoid eye-contact as much as possible. I assume she was embarrassed about the encounter a little bit earlier when she opened the main door to him. Regardless, the low class pervert’s eyes did not linger over her for much longer and he stepped into the kitchen with Bimla while my mom went to freshen up in the bathroom.

She had also gathered a laundry hamper full of dirty clothes. Since the washer/dryer was right next to the shower anyways, she might as well take them with her as some of our clothes were soiled and smelly from the not being washed for almost a week.

My room now also had a small bathroom with a shower, which my father built, just in case – so I don’t have to wait for the larger bathroom downstairs to free up in case I was late for college or something. My shower barely took 5 minutes as I was in a hurry. As I got out, I realized, after a bit of searching, that my mom had accidentally taken some of the clothes I was planning to wear that day. So, I wore a t-shirt and half-trousers and quickly rushed downstairs to call on her. As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw a vision that stopped me dead in my tracks!

The bathroom door was partially open and inside, Bimla’s low class perverted husband was hiding right next to the partitioned wall, literally peeking at my mature voluptuous mother while she was bathing. Since the shower had no door for itself, my mom hung a curtain for modesty purposes. But the curtain was all but transparent and since this asshole was tall, he was easily able to steal glances over it.

I was wondering how he got in when I realized that the washer was running on full blast and was making a lot of noise. There was no way anyone could have heard him entering the bathroom. I noticed Abdul touching his crotch over his trousers and slowly massaging it. I knew I should’ve stopped him then and there, but the incest-cuckold inside of me was instead causing my own cock to stir. However, standing where I was, there was no way I could take my member out and play with it. Therefore, I made a new plan. The shower had vents installed at the top side of the walls which opened up to the backyard garden. So, I reluctantly left the middle-aged pervert to enjoy the scene and quickly made my way outside to the backyard. I found some old chairs there and placed them right next to the outside wall, climbed up and started peeking into the bathroom. The sight that greeted me almost made my cock explode!

I could see both my mom and Abdul from this angle. Basically, I was able to watch my mom bathing while looking at the low class bastard’s expressions as he too watched her inconspicuously. It had been a long time since I saw my mother standing stark-naked. I could not get over how beautiful she was. Her skin looked soft and devoid of any blemishes or marks. Her boobies were large as melons, but they stood proud and firm, capped with light brown areolas that seemed to fade into her breasts as they spread out from the brown nipples. Her pubic hair, curly and plentiful, was the same jet black color as the hair on her head.

As she stepped under the shower head and turned the knob on, the warm water started to flow, running down her back. She stepped backwards slightly, allowing the water to caress her hair, to run down the front of her body, over her boobs, dribbling down her front, making her flawless skin sparkle. My mom’s entire luscious body was glistening with the water glinting like rolling pearls off the creamy flesh of her breasts and buttocks.

The sight was too much to bear for the low-class pervert, as he slowly unzipped his trouser and popped out his manhood. His cock immediately sprang into action, rising from its flaccid normality to a growing 6 ½ inch piece of hardened meat within seconds. Even for an mature man in his fifties, his cock seemed to be quite big and energetic. He was much bigger than me - longer and thicker, and circumcised. The rest of his package was equally impressive and inspiring. The sack hanging under his distended manhood was enormous. His testicles were not tennis-ball sized, but much larger than golf balls at least.

I watched as Abdul slowly began stroking his manhood, as the water continued to run down my mom’s sweet innocent face and scrumptious body. I honestly didn’t think the scene could get any hotter until my mom grabbed the shampoo from a nearby shower ledge, filled a hand with some of the liquid and started rubbing it onto her hair. It lathered up rather quickly, and the suds started to run down her body, like the sexiest ever TV advertisement. I was thoroughly enjoying this extended viewing session of my mother’s private parts, taking long looks at her bare breasts, soft but firm under the assault of the water, nipples very definitely standing to attention now, soap suds making their way down the slope of her chest at leisurely pace.

After rinsing out her hair, my mom grabbed the soap from the same ledge and started soaping up her juicy voluptuous body. The way her hands slowly moved over her shapely neck and down her massive jugs was a sight to behold! Slowly, carefully, she cupped each of her wet soft tits, gently rubbing the soap over their magnificent contours, occasionally squeezing and rubbing her thumb over the nipple. This was enough to drive any man over the edge. The scene was so sensual that Abdul’s eyes almost bulged out of their socket. His tongue was hanging from his lips and he appeared to be drooling at the sight of his own memsahib’s sensual bathing. He quickened his pace as he continued to stroke his man-meat. While I was watching, I began imagining that my mom was purposely exhibitioning herself to this low-class pervert, which made me even hornier.

My mom then moved down to the lower part of her body as she separated her legs and began lathering up her juicy meaty thighs. From my angle, I could see her hairy vagina. But from Abdul’s angle, I was sure he could also get a good glimpse of her massive ass-cheeks from sideways. His motions over his cock increased at the sight and so did mine. Then she turned around, giving me a good look of her scrumptious backside. My eyes ran across her jet black hair that clung to the curve of her spine, drawing further down upon those sweet ass cheeks that looked soft and plump as she lathered them, her hands stretched backwards, making my mouth water at the sight. My hand reached down, slowly caressing the shape of this snake of a tiny beast that was slithering beneath my pants. My thick and very hard cock continued to be aroused, as I tried to squeeze gently to relieve the growing amount of pressure my pants were coming under.

My mother’s hands then ran through her hair, washing away the last bubbles of her shampoo as the water ran down her spine, flowing in the direction of her ass, soon relocating to slip through the crack of her ass, between her delicious butt cheeks, while dripping down the smooth thighs of her chubby legs. I looked at what Abdul was doing. He seemed lost watching this beautiful mature woman shower, like a stalker preying upon his victim. His hands were wrapped tight around his hardened cock as he stood there peaking through the corner of the bathroom wall and watching my oblivious mother shower.

Instinct kicked in, and before I had realized what I was doing, I had already unzipped my pants and pulled out my own tiny erect cock. I began to stroke myself off; slowly at first, as my eyes continued to focus on this voyeuristic scene before me. My eyes focused mostly on her sudsy buttocks, but they roamed everywhere. Even her toned, muscular legs and the gentle curves of her back somehow seemed to be demanding his urgent attention. My cock was already pulsating like crazy. I felt my body running through the mixed emotions of becoming more and more aroused and slight shame, for all accounts, watching this perverted mature man spying on my own sweet innocent mature mother, who also happened to be his memsahib. I knew I had to stop. I knew this was wrong, and yet, with all of this, I still found myself jerking off while watching the water run across my mom’s shapely curves and the low-class pervert ogling her. I noticed that he was growing closer to that oh so sweet moment of climaxing, when he closed his eyes for mere seconds as his hand continued to jerk his thick hard member faster, as if he was beating an egg with a whisk.

However, once her bath was over, she turned off the shower and began drying herself off with a big bath towel. I saw Abdul quickly hide his manhood inside his lungi and with his face covered in disappointment (he couldn’t reach climax), he quickly dodged the scene. On the other hand, I still stayed on to watch the aftermath. As my sweet homely mother dried her body, I couldn’t help but notice everything in vivid detail. First, she dried her back, down over her butt, taking special care to dry up the crack. She paid special attention to her breasts and of course, this was the part I was waiting for. I loved to watch them as they jiggled while she dried them. Then she bent down to dry her legs. Slowly she rubbed the towel up between her legs, stroking her pussy as she dried her pubic hair. “Mmmmm…”, a quick and satisfying moan escaped her lips as the towel grazed her love-hole. At that point, I couldn’t control myself and unloaded my thick cum right on the outer wall. I felt spent after that and climbed down from the chair and made my way back to the bedroom before anyone noticed!

After watching my mom shower, I quickly and quietly went inside the house, hoping no one noticed me. While passing by the kitchen, I noticed Abdul and Bimla mumbling to each other. Bimla seemed like she was chastising her husband, while the later was brushing her off in an arrogant manner. I saw my mom come out of the bathroom as well, wearing the same modest robe as I was climbing the stairs. She smiled tenderly as soon as she saw me and said, "Hurry up, sweety, or else you’re going to be late for college."

"Yes, don’t worry.", I said and ran upstairs.

While I was getting ready for college, I heard the landline ring. It was my Dad.

"Hi, how are you?", I heard her voice. "I’m good. Babu is good as well. When are you coming back?", she asked, her voice croaking. After a few seconds, "Another couple of weeks??? That’s like not coming back at all.". I could sense she was upset. I was missing my Dad too and wanted him back as soon as possible. "Listen, you haven’t been here for three months. At least come and see us once.". There was silence for a few seconds. I assumed my Dad was explaining the situation to her. He had been in Dubai for an important business meeting for the last 3 months and was only supposed to be there for one. I knew work was important for him, but it was highly wrong of him to leave my mother in such loneliness for so long. I could understand the pain she was in and the pain that forced her to cheat on him a year earlier. But now, things were supposedly changing, and she wanted him back. "No, there is no need for you to talk to your son. You can speak with him when you come back. Now go back to your work!". I heard the phone slam down on the receiver.

I came out of my room soon after and heard my mom sobbing in my parent’s bedroom. I felt bad for her. My earlier thoughts of her, while inconspicuously watching her in the shower had completely melted away and I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. I wanted to comfort, but I knew she never really shower her emotions in front of me. So there was nothing I could do at that point. I left for college, hoping there would be no more adventures for the rest of the day. I was wrong!

In college, during lunch hour, Rohit and Avik once again cornered me in the bathroom. Thankfully, Joy wasn’t there. "Hey you son of a bitch, I heard from Tanya that your slut mom squirted all over her salwar yesterday.", Rohit bellowed

I knew this would happen. I knew that Tanya would have told Rohit about her encounter with my mom, especially since Rohit had set the whole thing up. I looked at my feet as usual, not sure how to retaliate to his statements. "So your mom’s pussy is so loose that she accidentally squirts every time?", remarked Avik.

I couldn’t look them in the eye, so I continued to look down. Suddenly, Rohit threw his leg up and gave a swift kick to my balls. "We want to meet your slut mom today itself!", Rohit exclaimed, much to my horror.

I wasn’t able to speak since Avik was still choking me, so I nodded my head signaling a ‘no’. Not sure why I did that since a part of me genuinely wanted to see what would happen if Rohit and his buddies were to meet my mom again. But I didn’t have time to ponder since as soon as I signaled ‘no’, Rohit gave another blow to my balls which made me fall into my knees. "What do you mean, ‘no’? Don’t you know who you’re talking to? I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.", he threatened.

Avik pulled me up from my knees via. the choke and then lifted my shirt with his free hand and pinched my nipple, while Rohit continued to insult me, "Tell me again. Will you take us or not?".

I had no choice. I knew if I said no again, these three bullies would beat the hell out of me. I reluctantly nodded my head in ‘yes’. At that exact moment, I saw Rohit flash an evil smile. He looked at Avik and signaled him to release. As he did, I immediately started gasping for air. He also released my nipples and let my shirt fall down in place. After that, Rohit and Avik gently dragged me out of the bathroom.

I knew this would be trouble. But I had nowhere to run.

We hailed a taxi and went straight towards my house. During the ride, both the bullies couldn’t stop talking about my mother’s curves. "Hey, did your slut mom ever have a breast enhancement surgery to get her huge fake balloons up another size?", asked Rohit while his comrade giggled.

I, of course, nodded in a ‘no’, while looking at my lap.

Rohit laughed, "Haha …all natural! Nice! I like it! I’ve never seen such a big-tittied MILF, so I wasn’t sure if she had ever increased her size."

"So when’s the last time your mom had a real man in the house? Did you tell her that we would be coming sometime soon?", Avik chimed in, much to my continued embarrassment.

"Did you hear her moaning in the bedroom last night? She was saying my name while she masturbated.", Rohit asked and I immediately froze. How did he know that my mom was masturbating last night while taking his name? But then I realized, he was just teasing and had no idea about my mom’s wet dreams. "I bet she’s a really loud moaner when she masturbates!" Everyone, except me, chuckled as he said this. I have to be honest, all this dirty talk about my sweet homely mature mother was indeed turning me on, but I didn’t want to be bullied even further, so I kept quiet and looked down in feigned shame.

They were even exchanging pictures of her while sometimes showing them to the old Punjabi taxi driver, who seemed utterly amused by the pictures, adding to my excitement as well as embarrassment.

I was getting more and more nervous as we were nearing our house and once we got there, as I rang the doorbell - my heart started to skip a few beats. After a few seconds, the door slid open and my mom stood there with a look of confused surprise on her face as soon as she saw us. However, our reaction was not any less surprising.


My mom was wearing a white cotton saree and black sleeveless-backless blouse. She was looking absolutely stunning! As I’ve stated before, my mother doesn’t like wearing full-sleeved or even short-sleeved blouses at home. Instead, she always prefers to wear sleeveless attire. This always exposed her smooth fair creamy arms along with her hairy armpits to the beholder. Since the weather was hot, her hair was lightly wet and soggy, her saree and blouse were almost sticking to her body accentuating her womanly curves, and her blouse fit so tightly against her bosom that her breasts appeared taut and pushing against the fabric. Her fleshy midriff was exposed and dotted with little beads of sweat which made her look even sexier, and her juicy navel appeared to be so deep that it could easily fit a five-rupee coin. Her exposed back was spotless and the saree below her waist had flared up to accommodate for her massive globes, taking their shape. All three of us almost gasped when we saw her.

"Hey sweetie, you didn’t tell me you were bringing friends.", she said.

That immediately broke my trance and I closed my gaping mouth. I was about to respond, but Rohit beat me to it. "Actually, aunty, a lot of the college professors are absent today, so I asked Arijit if we could come to his house for studying. After all, the midterms are fast approaching."

He was clever, no doubt. My mom believed him and welcomed us in. As we entered, Rohit said, "Aunty, you’re looking beautiful today!". My mom smiled flirtatiously at the compliment. But what really caught her off guard was when he stepped in close to her and gave her a sudden hug. Both Avik and I were visibly shocked at this. My mom, on the other hand, couldn’t comprehend what was going on, so she just stood still in the beginning and eventually, hugged him back.

While they were hugging, her lovely saree-covered fatty tits were mashed into Rohit’s broad chest which likely made him even hornier, resulting in him grabbing one of her tits. My mom tried to lightly push his hand away, but the bully continued to massage them while hugging her even more tightly. She whispered something in his ear and then gradually Rohit let go as he smiled confidently while looking into her eyes.

"Where’s Bimla?", I asked her as Rohit let her go.

Regaining her composure, my mom said, "She went to the market with Abdul." I was relieved. I knew Rohit was planning on taking advantage of being here and I didn’t want Bimla or Abdul to know what was going on. "Well why don’t you huys head up to your room now. After you’re done with your studies, you guys can come down for some lunch."

Upon hearing that, all three us started heading upstairs. As we were climbing up the stairs, I noticed Rohit eyeing my mom as the latter was walking towards the kitchen. He passed a smile, not a usual smile rather a naughty one and my mom, surprisingly responded with a smile of her own. What was going on here? What did my mom whisper to his ear?

As we entered my room and closed the door, Rohit shoved me hard and I fell on the bed. "Hey, dipshit, did you see how your mom was hugging me so lovingly?". I shook my head and kept silent, until Avik crept up behind and slapped me so hard on the back of my head, that I started to see stars. Rohit just laughed. "Haha! What a loser! Do you know what your slut mom whispered in my ear?". I was afraid he was going to bring this up. I knew Avik was waiting to hear that as well. "She said that she can’t wait to get fucked by me! Today I’m definitely gonna fuck her!"

There’s no way she could’ve said that directly to him. She’s too shy. But at the same time, she’s holding back a year of sexual frustration. Besides, it’s hard to describe how I felt when Rohit said that he was going to surely screw my mother. It was a combination of dread, anger, and hatred, but also humiliation and vulnerability. However, despite all the negative things I was feeling from his bullying, I was also quite excited at the prospect of my mom saying that. I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction, but I also wasn’t stupid enough to tell him no.

“Please….”, I blurted, the only thing I could come up with.

Rohit stepped towards me and slapped me hard on the cheek. "Shut up, bitch! It’s not my fault that your slut mom is a hot piece of ass! She has a body that’s just made for taking cock!"

I remained silent at the insults, and he walked up to my desk and dropped a pile of notebooks and papers on it. When he did, a few full-size pictures spilled out of one of the binders. I recognized the photos right away: pictures of my mom! He made no attempt to hide them. I couldn’t help but look at them, and my eyes must have widened when I saw them – the pictures looked so much worse than I thought. There were lots of close-ups of my mom’s cleavage, with her face in view, and the way she was standing and the different angles made it all appear as if she had been posing for some sort of explicit slutty-magazine shoot.

"Haha! I almost forgot - good job on taking these pics, you sick little pervert. This one is my favorite.", he said as he pulled out one of the pictures. The photo showed my mom in her white-and-blue flower kameez, standing with her hands above her head pushing out a ton of cleavage. It didn’t look like the picture of a decent high-class housewife. It appeared as if she purposely thrust her cleavage at the photo like a cheap whore, looking dead into the camera. Worse still was that she was smiling!

"I think we should share these pics with a few more people, what do you say Rohit?", Avik chimed in, "In fact, since we have so many copies, we can make a lot of money from selling them.".

"Haha! You’re right.", Rohit quipped.

I could not believe this was happening. It felt like reality was about to give-way all around me, and I was going to fall into some hole and wake up in an alternate universe. I couldn’t believe the pictures I was seeing. I couldn’t believe the words I was hearing. I couldn’t believe the guys would be making a game – a mockery – of my mom’s private, sensual body. I couldn’t believe any of it! I started talking, without thinking:

"No, please don’t do this guys!", I begged.

Rohit immediately slapped me again. "Keep studying, you fucking fool! You don’t need to think about all this right now. You’re going to finish mine and my friend’s studies. Avik, make sure this bloody fool finishes all our homework."

Avik glared at Rohit surprisingly, "Asshole! You’re gonna leave me out of it?"

"Patience, brother. If we hurry too much, then the game will be over. Let me handle this broad for today, then the next day I’ll make sure you’re the only one who gets her. I think that slut would rather be alone with me, anyway. She was flirting with me as soon as I entered the door. But don’t worry, you’ll get your chance sooner than later.", he winked.

Avik smiled devilishly, indicating that he liked that idea. Rohit started to leave the room shouting, "Make sure you finish all of our homework before I come upstairs. I mean Avik and mine. I don’t give a shit if you finish yours!", before shutting my bedroom door and going downstairs.

I was frustrated. Having these two bullies here was bad enough, but now one of them would get to put the moves on my mom while the other one would look over me. I knew my mom hadn’t put out for anyone since Uncle Shyam left a year ago, but I had seen how women act around Rohit in college. Girls can’t seem to help themselves around him – always flirting, touching him, trying to get his attention. I was worried about the effect he was going to have on my sweet homely mature and once sultry mother.

After Rohit left, Avik ordered me to finish all the homework while he took a quick nap. He was a quick sleeper as I heard him snoring almost immediately after he lay down on the bed. As I looked at the papers on the desk, I realized he’d left the binder with my mom’s pics on the desk. The thought crossed my mind to destroy the pictures. But then I realized how stupid that would be. Rohit and his bullies obviously had them saved to their computers, and destroying them would do nothing more than make them angry – something I desperately wished to avoid.

I couldn’t focus on the work at hand. The thought of Rohit hanging out with my sweet mature mother, while she was wearing that revealing saree and blouse, filled me with jealousy and worry. I knew you could see a lot of her breasts in that outfit – I knew, because I caught myself checking them out whenever she wore them and I had also noticed a lot of low-class people staring at her while she was in a public transport. I knew I had a mountain of homework to do – both for Rohit and Avik, but also for myself. But the feeling of envy and curiosity while Rohit was alone with her was making me sick. I had to find out what was happening.

I decided I’d head downstairs, just to get a listen, and maybe a quick glimpse!

I looked in Avik’s direction to see if he was sound asleep. I called out his name a few times, but no response. I was confident that he was deep in slumber and his heavy snoring only reinforced that belief. I silently stepped out the door and quietly crept downstairs. I could hear them in the kitchen.

"Please go from here. If my son sees us then my life will be ruined.", came my mother’s voice.

I stayed well out of view and close by the staircase, so I could tip-toe speedily upstairs if they came into the living room.

"I can’t take it anymore, Aunty. Since the day I first saw you, I’ve fallen madly in love with you. I’ve been physically intimate with a lot of my friends’ mothers and bhabhis. But I’ve never seen a lady like you. Such an amazing figure and such youthful beauty, at this age? This is almost impossible.", came Rohit’s voice. He was complimenting her and at the same time, expressing his perverted love for her. I couldn’t believe the audacity of this bully. I couldn’t bear it any longer. I had to see it. So I climbed down and crept up along the side of the wall separating the kitchen with the hall and I was amazed at the sight in front of me!


My mom and Rohit were both facing each other and talking. They were standing only a foot apart from each other, and my mom’s back was touching the kitchen counter – meaning she had nowhere to fall behind. Her hands were up, her face was full of nervous tension and it looked like she was pleading with the bully, while he had a blunt hungry expression on his face. "Please Rohit, you don’t understand what would happen if my son or my servants see us. They will not let you go easily and plus I will not be able to face anyone with any sort of dignity."

"Aunty, you also don’t understand what I’m feeling right now.". Without warning, he grabbed my mother’s right hand and placed it on his chest. "See how my heart is beating like a drum when I’m standing so close to you. Feel it!" My mom was slightly taken aback by his forceful grab and although her hand lingered for a few seconds on his muscular chest, she quickly pulled it back.

"Please! I’ve already forgiven you and your friend for what happened inside the carpool. But don’t try to do this, I beg you!", she said. For some reason, my mom appeared sexier than before, as she pleaded with this bully. Her long, straight, black hair was cascading down around her shoulders. Her saree had pulled off at the top, thereby exposing her sleeveless blouse which was forming a deep V all the way down to the buttons. If her breasts had been smaller they would have fallen out, but they held nice and tight in the fabric, the silk held taught.

"I can't keep doing this, Aunty. I can't keep leaving you, wanting you and not having you….I can’t take it anymore!" With that, he took a step forward and shockingly placed his right palm over her concealed left boob.

My mom’s jaw gaped open at his brazenness and she immediately tried to push his hand away from her breast. But since she was almost pinned to the kitchen counter and because that perverted bully – Rohit – was now squeezing her massive modestly-covered melon, she couldn’t move his hand away. "What the hell are you doing? How dare you touch me? Let go!", my mom tried to sound stern, but I could sense that she was slowly losing control of the situation.

But this time, Rohit was not willing to let her go so easily. "Ufff it’s been so long since I touched these soft mammaries in my hand!".

"…Babu is in the room upstairs.".

I knew my mom couldn’t have been that concerned with me since I knew of her past affairs and sexual encounters. So I assumed, she was just trying to stop the perverted bully from overpowering her and taking control of her actions. "Don’t worry. I’ve kept his busy with math problems.", he said while his eyes were fixated on my mother’s incredible breasts as he kept fondling and massaging them with his manly hands.

I couldn’t believe the scene that was unfolding in front of me. It had been so long since I had seen something like this happening in our house, so vividly! My own college bully – the guy who had made my life a living hell for the past few weeks – was molesting my sweet homely devoted mother while she was helplessly protesting his advances. Even though I felt I should’ve stopped them, I could feel my heart beating and that I was getting increasingly aroused by this whole situation.

Suddenly, Rohit stepped in closer and planted a swift kiss on her lips. My mom was too shocked to react. The perverted bully just licked his own lips as he smiled arrogantly and squeezed both her massive milk tanks tightly. “Ahhhhhh!”, my mom moaned while looking directly into his eyes, perhaps mesmerized by the level of control he was exerting on her and the confidence he had in his dreamy eyes. She was starting to give in.

"I have thought about kissing you since the first time I saw you walking into our college for Arijit’s admission. You were wearing a kameez that hugged your beautiful tits perfectly; your hair was pulled up in a high pony tail showing off the soft flesh of your neck. I had to fight the hard on I got the second I saw you!"

For the first time, my mom looked as though she was blushing with every compliment – even his dirty comment about fighting his hard-on – and this seemed to embolden Rohit even more. He stepped in closer once again and this time when he kissed her, it was not soft and swift like the first time. He forced his lips hard against hers, with his hands never losing their firm grip on her tits. Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, my mom tried pushing him back with both hands on his chest. But the bully was too strong. Eventually, she stopped resisting. At that moment, Rohit moved one of his hands on the back of her jaw with his fingers wrapped around the back of her neck. She wasn’t resisting his kiss at all now. After a moment of their lips together, I saw my mom open her mouth and welcome his tongue inside.

I watched intently as Rohit’s tongue violated my mom’s open mouth over and over, and she kept returning his kiss each time, letting him kiss her as often and as deeply as he liked. The sensual smooch seemed like it went on for hours with the bully vigorously exploring the inside of my mom’s mouth with his tongue. The kiss was so intense that saliva started dripping from the corner of her luscious lips. She had her eyes closed too, perhaps slowly giving in to her molester’s advances.

When he finally broke the kiss, I could see my mom whimpering and panting. Saliva was drying up on the sides of her lips and her enormous breasts were heaving up and down from exhaustion. A smug Rohit wiped the mixed fluids off his lips and sniggered. "That was amazing, Aunty. Your lips taste amazing!", he said as he released his grip from her blouse-covered breasts and cupper her rosy cheeks. He was playfully stroking her cheeks with his thumb while looking directly into her misty eyes. I knew my mom hadn’t experienced anything like this since Uncle Shyam left and from the look on her face, she seemed to be slowly falling for this perverse bully.

Rohit couldn’t resist any further and their lips met once again. This time, to my utter amazement and excitement, my mother didn’t protest at all. His hands dropped from her cheeks and he reached around cupping her ass and pulling her against him. My mom instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck this time and they were both kissing with wild abandon. I couldn’t believe how casually she was responding to this guy’s lewd advances. Her tongue was responding to his, while his hands massaged the soft globes of her ass over the saree.

“Huhhhhhhh!”, my mom gasped as Rohit broke the kiss again and moved his mouth to my mom’s creamy slender neck and pushed his lips and tongue against it. She closed her eyes and turned her head to expose more neck to him. “Mmmmm ahhhhhh!” she moaned as he kissed her neck, and then she ran both her hands through the back of his hair, pulling his head into her. After kissing and nibbling her neck for what seemed like an eternity, he worked his face down from her neck down to her shoulder, then the exposed part of her upper bosom, right above her enticing cleavage.

When he raised his head and spoke again, it sounded more like a growl. "You have me imagining very dirty things, aunty. Hope you don’t mind."

My mom didn’t respond. Her eyes were still closed in ecstasy and she still had her arms wrapped around the hunky college kid, who also happened to be my bully. "Please, say something.", Rohit urged ,as his lips found their way into her cleavage.

"Mmmm…yessss!", my mom bellowed like a lady in heat.

"Yes, what, Shikha aunty?", he said, while licking the tops of her creamy fair upper breasts.

"I don’t mind.", she said, almost in a seductive trance.

"What don’t you mind, Shikha aunty?"

"You can imagine any dirty things you want to with me, Rohit…..Ahhhhh!", she moaned at that statement as the seductive bully’s fingers dug into her protruding ass. He was almost dry humping her now as he shoved his concealed crotch against my mother’s saree-covered pelvic. His thrusts were intense enough to simulate fucking!

This continued for about a minute before the bully returned one of his hands back to her heaving mammaries. He cupped her breast rather gently this time, but his intentions were far more sinister. After a few seconds of fondling her tit, he moved his hand mechanically to the buttons of her blouse, meticulously taking the top button off, slipping his hands inside and closing it around her breasts!

“Ohhhhh!”, my mom attempted a meek protest by putting her hand over his in order to stop him. But Rohit began planting soft but passionate kisses on her lips to calm her senses. Eventually he succeeded in his endeavor and his entire hand – upto his wrist – disappeared inside her blouse. “Aaaaoooowwhhhh!”, my sweet homely mature mother let out a squeak and her eyes gaped open at the sensation. I knew that my mom had extremely sensitive breasts and as I watched her shifting uncomfortably with the handsome college stud’s touches, I remembered how Uncle Shyam and all those low class perverts liked caressing and fondling her tits before. This thought and the scene unfolding in front of me, made my cock rock hard.

As my sweet homely devoted mother’s demeanor gradually changed, her head tipped low – watching Rohit touch and fondle her enormous breasts. From her facial expressions, I could tell that she was getting aroused and wet. She was already more turned on than she had been in a long time. The perverted bully was doing an excellent job, slowly sliding his fingers over her massive womanly breasts, perhaps feelings her nipples stiffen under their touches. Her face turned pink with embarrassment but despite that, she bit her lower lip in pure erotic ecstasy.

"Ufff, Shikha aunty, for how many days I have imagined this scene and pleasured myself.", Rohit said as he licked and nibbled at my mother’s ear.

"Ahhhh…Ashish, please….our servants will come back….Ahhhhhhh…they will see us! Ufffff….please stop!", my mom convulsed as these words escaped her mouth along with long gasps of exhaustion. From the way her body was experiencing tremors, I could easily tell that she was having her first orgasm. Her orgasm was rocking her whole body leaving her gasping against him. The bully, as a result, didn’t bother to answer. Instead, his smile widened as he realized he now had my mom exactly where he wanted her!

Rohit was in control now. My mom was slowly falling for him and as I watched the scene unfold, my cock was hurting as it stretched against my pants. I began to slowly stroke it over my pants as I watched Rohit pull the zipper of his pants and shoved my mom’s hand inside the flyer. “Ahhhhhhhh!”, now it was the bully’s turn to moan. Surprisingly, my mom didn’t move her hand away and instead, allowed him to guide her hand inside his pants with stroking motions. Even though I knew that she was totally under Rohit’s control now, I was still shocked and aroused by her willingness to give in to his indecent advances.

Emboldened by my mom’s enthusiasm to cooperate, Rohit, while kneading her precious tits with his right hand, unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it aside, revealing her flawless left breast. I remembered at that very moment that my mom doesn’t wear a bra at home and the sight of her massive breast being exposed was too much for me to handle and I pulled my dick out and started stroking it hard.

My mom’s eyes widened as she realized how exposed she was and quickly tried to cover up with her saree. But the bully was too strong and easily moved her hand away. Then, stepping back, he began to ogle her legendary rack. His piercing eyes lapped up the majesty of my mom’s succulent tits as my mom turned beet red in shame. "Please don’t look at me this way, I’m feeling ashamed.", she said with trepidation.

Rohit smiled wryly, "Aunty, these boobs are not meant for hiding…they’re meant for sucking.". He quickly began working on her bare mammary, lifting her breast and feeling its fullness in his manly wide hand. I bet my mom wanted to tell him to stop but couldn't. Perhaps, the heat coming from his hands was driving her crazy! “Uhhhhhhhh….Rohiiiiiittt!”, my mom squealed as he grabbed her 36DD milk tank and pinched her light brown nipple hard.

Swiftly, like a ninja, he tugged aside the other part of her blouse, revealing her right breast as well. Both her breasts were now fully exposed to his hungry eyes and merciless groping hands. "Ufff… I’ve waited sooo long to see these mammies. They are truly magnificent – round and full, soft yet firm, and smooth to the touch!" Her nipples were hard indicating that she was highly aroused. Rohit was mesmerized by her breasts - they were brown and crinkly, and surrounded by perfectly round beige areolas. My mom strongly removed her hand from his crotch and tried to push him away, as she perhaps realized that things were going too far. But Rohit was not going to let her escape this easily.

He pushed her arms away from his body and began kneading her boobs tenderly in his fists, tugging on the nipples between squeezes of her fleshy mounds. "Aaaahhhhhhhh! Rohit, release me!", my mom groaned, making sure she wasn’t too loud so I wouldn’t hear from the bedroom. She slapped the sides of his arms to discourage him, but to no avail. His fingertips were relentless, tracing circles around her nipples so delicately that it looked like she was going to faint from the pleasure. She had a big “O” on her face and I hadn’t seen her feeling this turned on for almost a year!

Rohit soon bent forward and took one, then the other full breast into his mouth while my mom’s hands involuntarily massaged his arms and shoulders. Squeezing one tit then the other he licked and flicked her big nipples with his tongue relishing this opportunity to love on the tits he'd desired for days.

"Rohit…ahhhhhh…please stop ….ahhhhh…someone might come in.", my mom begged, in between her throes of ecstasy. Rohit, of course, couldn’t speak because his mouth was occupied by her large areole and thumb-sized nipple on the business end of her right tit. His mouth was making slobbering rings around her areola while his teeth were chewing on her hardened, raw nubs. “Ouuuwwwwchhhh!!”, my mom groaned in both pain and delight. She was squirming and squealing in unashamed pleasure.

After a few minutes of mercilessly having her impressive tits mauled and nibbled, my mom had completely given in. Rohit took this opportunity and rose up to give her another kiss. This time it was slow – after their lips touched, the bully parted his lips slightly, and felt her tongue moving to the tip of his lips. He put his tongue against hers, and they twirled around each other for a few seconds. The perverted bully took a second away from caressing my mother’s titties to put his hands inside his zipper and let out his baby-maker. As he adjusted his underwear inside his pants, his manhood flew out of its gaping prison and pointed straight at my mother’s concealed love-hole.

I was surprised to see its size – roughly about 7 inches long and average thickness. It was cut and clean, brownish in color. My mom couldn’t stop to look. As the bully massaged and tweaked her jugs, her eyes glazed over and her kissing became more and more insistent, her tongue snaking its way down his throat, her arms around his shoulders again and her hips grinding against his. Rohit’s cock was trapped against her fleshy tummy, already at full mast. After several moments, they broke off their liplock, each needing a rest and some deep breaths. That’s when she noticed it for the first time and her eyes widened at the sight!

Her eyes were filled with fear as she looked up at him after glancing at his manhood. "Rohit, please don’t do this. I’m married! My married leave will be ruined, I beg you!", she pleaded.

But Rohit’s expression was that of hunger and passion. He was enchanted by my beautiful mature busty mother and didn’t look like he was going to let her go this easily. "Please touch it just once. If you don’t like it, you can remove your hand.", he begged.

"No, Rohit. This has gone too far.", my mom tried to reason with him, “Please charo…ohhhh!” (Please let me go…ohhhh!”) Without warning, he wrapped his arms strongly around her and hugged her tightly, her naked boobs crushed against his broad shirt-covered chest and his naked cock poking her stomach. My sweet homely devoted mother was too shocked to react. He had her arms lightly pinned as he cajoled her.

"It’s a shame that you’re married. If not, I would’ve married you."

My mom’s eyes glazed over once again as she was swooning at his compliments and the way he was treating her. Perhaps unknowingly, she put her hands over his strong arms and ran them over them, maybe enjoying how muscular he felt. "Touch it only once, please.", he whispered and softly nuzzled her smooth neck.

"What?", my mother gasped.

"You know what.", the bully said as he tightened his arms around my mother’s waist and moved his lips to her neck below her right ear, lightly kissing her. In response, she trembled slightly. His lips were sending shivers through her body. I could see his tongue as he trailed it over her neck. It was a lover's kiss! Unsurprisingly, him making love to my own mother was turning me on so much and could feel my cock stretching against beyond my expectation as I watched this happen.

"Do you know how many times I’ve jacked off thinking about you?" He huskily said and moved his hips suggestively against my mother’s. His cock became wedged between her potentially damp pussy-lips - with only her saree and his pants separating them.

"Please touch it once. I promise you will love it."

"Mmmmmm! Okay! Just this once!", she closed her eyes and finally agreed to my perverted bully’s indecent request! My sweet homely once-devoted mother then moved her left hand down over his masculine body and laid it on inside of his thigh, right next to his crotch. She hesitated for a few seconds before tracing a line with her hand down to his dick and wrapping her smooth hand around it. Very slowly her dainty silken fingers moved over his manhood, trailing from the bottom to the top, swirling around the swollen purpling head before trailing back down it. It was smooth, the veins bulged and pulsed as Rohit hissed. “Ohhhhh!”, he closed his eyes and gasped. In response, he also pressed his body more against her, allowing his dick to rest against her stomach as she stroked him. He then closed his lips on her gaping mouth and began exploring her mouth with his tongue. At the same time, he slid his palms down her back, onto her massive protruding ass. He proceeded to knead her ass cheeks like dough.

The sight was so erotic, I thought I would cum then and there!

My mom seemed like she had given in to his demands now; she had actually become a willing participant. She continued to to rub her fingers up and down his shaft slowly and rhythmically. “Hain, eromi korte thakun.” ("Yes, just like that.”), he cooed, breaking off the kiss. This time my mom leaned in, grabbed his shoulder with her free hand and planted her mouth on his lips. Her large lips caged Rohit’s mouth and their tongues darted into each other's, exploring, licking, caressing. While kissing, her hands started pulling his shirt off.

My eyes widened and heart sank as I saw my mom taking his shirt off one button at a time and then pushing it aside, exposing his muscular chest and nearly-ripped abs. I could see why the girls in college – particularly Tanya – liked him. When his shirt was off, she dug her free hand into his back, keeping his chest mashed against her massive naked melons. Rohit followed suit as he undid the folds on the waist of my mom’s saree and as soon as they were undone, the saree fell off her on its own weight, exposing her daintily threaded petticoat. Not wasting any time, Rohit quickly untied her petticoat and let it fall to the ground!

My eyes grew wide as I saw my mom standing there in just her panties, making out with the college bully. Perhaps this sudden undressing also made my mom realized where she was and what she was doing and she immediately tried to push Rohit away. "Please, Rohit, no more. The is enough. Someone will see us.".

But Rohit was in no mood to let go. Instead, he reached down with my right hand and lightly rubbed her mature pubic mound through her modest panties. “Mmmmm!”, my sweet homely mother moaned as she tried to push his arm away, in vain.

"Oh Shikha aunty, you're panties are so damp.", he whispered seductively while nibbling her ear lobe, "Are you sure you want me to stop?".

My mom couldn’t respond so she simply closed her eyes shut and bit her lip in sexual ecstasy. Rohit laughed while reaching inside her white lace panties with his fingers, possibly finding her drenched lips. From his hand movement, I could tell that he was sliding his hand up and down the length of her juicy pussy lips causing her to convulse erratically. Suddenly she opened her eyes wide and her mouth formed a big ‘O’, which indicated that he had likely pushed one or two of his finger inside her. His left hand cupped her tit and he tweaked the extended nipple with his fingers.

My mom couldn’t withstand this assault for long as her convulsions rose to fever pitch and soon, her panties became dark and her womanly fluids began leaking from the sides and down her legs. Visibly tired, she lowered herself on the marble floor and was panting heavily. "Haha. You’re totally drenched!"

"Yes, it’s all your fault!", my mom said, trying to sound upset, but her expression of satisfaction betrayed her true emotions. She was even smiling while she said it, which implied that she was probably being sarcastic too.

"Now, what about this?", Rohit said while looking at his cock which was now pointing straight at my mom’s face. My mom gulped as she looked back at it.

At this point, she knew she was past the point of no return and she might as well return the favor. Wasting no time, my mom wrapped her hand around Rohit’s shaft and began sliding her hand up and down in a rhythm. "Rohit, we have to hurry.", she said, nervously looking at the clock on the far wall of the kitchen.

"Then there’s only one way.", almost in a flash, Rohit grabbed the back of my mom’s head and forced her face against his cock, causing her to involuntarily open her mouth as he forced tip of his cock into her mouth. My mom’s eyes immediately grew wide due to this surprise aggressiveness from Rohit and as she tried to move back, Rohit held her face against his cock. Seeing as there was no way out and no way to even verbally protest, my sweet homely mother gave up and obediently opened her mouth wide, letting the dick slid in.

As her luscious lips slid past the mushroom head of Rohit’s cock, my mom grabbed his thick base for support so as to not let the cock go in too deep unexpectedly. From the movement of her face, I could tell that her tongue was working the underside of the bully’s engorged cock. Her red lips and moist tongue moved back and forth, her mouth engulfing half his length. Rohit’s eyes went shut and he rolled back his head in pleasure, "Ohhhhhhh, Aunty, you are an expert!". Not sure if that comment bothered my mom or not, but it was definitely true. Although she was out of practice, it sure didn’t seem like it from the scene in front of me.

Rohit moved his hand away from the back of her head now that he was sure my mom was going to co-operate. As he did, she placed both her hands on his shaft and tongue teased his big head before sliding him back into her mouth. She came up once more and ran her tongue down the underside of his generous length before taking one, then the other of his balls in her mouth. The entire time she jerked his enlarged tool with her saliva-lubed hand.

Putting his cock back in her mouth, their eyes met as my mom slowly fucked him with her lips. Rohit smiled, "Uffff slut, you are amazing!". I couldn’t believe it! Rohit was finally showing his true colors to my mom by calling her a “slut”, but the bigger surprise was that she didn’t even flinch at his abuse! In fact, it had the opposite effect – she pushed her head down far – about three quarters of the way down his large cock – until she gagged and pulled her head off, a large amount of saliva covering his cock. She looked up at him and smiled seductively, and then took a deep breath, and put her mouth back over his cock, this time lowering her head down even deeper. It looked like she was trying to prove herself to this mean, selfish, awful bully. My mom lowered her head down his cock until she gagged, then kept her head there a long moment until she pulled her head back, gagging and coughing a little. There were tears coming out of her eyes, and saliva dripping off her chin with a large strand hanging between her lips and the tip of his dick.

After she sputtered and coughed, Rohit said, "Ahhhhhh! Not long now! Keep sucking, slut!"

My mom closed her hands around his cock, her hand gliding smoothly up and down his soaking wet cock. She spoke to him as she jerked him off, "You’re just so big, babe! I don’t think I can go all the way down.".

"Stop talking and keep working, you dumb slut!". Rohit’s words were extremely abusive, rude and derogatory. Yet my mom didn’t seem to care. She seemed to rather like it as she put her lips back around his cock, and attempted to deep throat him again. It was impressive how deep she took his cock. Once she had her head down on his cock as far as she could, she held her head there and pushed her tongue out of her mouth, massaging his cock and trying to lick his balls. After a moment, she choked, pulled her mouth off, and coughed. Her make-up was ruined, her eyes and mouth watering. Her hand resumed stroking his cock as soon as her mouth was off.

One more time, she wrapped her mouth around Rohit’s thick cock and began bobbing confidently on his dick. This time, however, he slid deeper into her mouth and throat, and I could see her nose reach his sweaty abs. My mom pumped away at his raging hard cock with her mouth and felt his thighs encroaching on her cheeks from either side. He was using the kitchen counter as support as he wrapped his legs around her head and face as he pulled her in closer on his cock and let out a loud, satisfied groan! My mom was completely engulfed in Rohit's muscular legs and abs, her arms wrapped around the underside of his legs as he let out a humongous load into her throat. It shot and slide and gooped all the way down her breasts stomach, as he used my mom’s head as a human fleshlight to empty his sack into.

As Rohit’s muscles relaxed, his hand left my mom’s hair and his legs began to release her from their brawny hold. She was holding his cock in her mouth as she breathed heavily, perhaps the taste of his jizz absolutely permeating her mouth, and the smell of his musk filled the entire kitchen and hallway. She was swimming in Rohit’s cum.

Suddenly all three of us heard the door cluck open. “Oh shit!”, whispered Rohit as my mom quickly pushed his legs away and her face froze in shock. I darted away from the side of kitchen, being sure that no one saw me and went to catch who was at the door, as my heart skipped several beats.