Presentation of Neela - Part 1

Presentation of Neela - Part 1

Published on: 2024-09-08 20:17:50

Princess Neela woke up and was instantly happy for it was the week of her 21st birthday and her birthday would be the one opportunity for her to escape all her troubles.

Neela had been a little unlucky since her birth - her mother died during childbirth and her father died soon after with the grief. So, the kingdom and Neela had been under the guardianship of her uncle (father's brother) Mihir, now in his 60s and his twin sons - Bijan and Javid . Pure evil would be an understatement to describe the trio and they controlled every aspect of Neela's life with an iron fist. Although she had the palaces to stay in sumptuous feasts, best jewelry and clothing, she had no freedom and had always been cared for by elderly female servants and was not allowed to venture out of the compound.

Only male contact was with her lascivious uncle and his equally degenerate sons. She also had to put up with her uncle's security chief Dara''s open salivation over her young nubile body on rare occasions that he came to check on the female security guards.

Her 21st birthday was when she would attain majority - she could marry a groom, take charge of her kingdom, and be free of her uncle's clutches at last. Since she became aware of this couple of years ago, Neela had been counting days and minutes - the day was finally here. And the monumental occasion would be celebrated with weeklong festivities which would begin with the presentation at the court and culminate with her birthday and coronation.

Neela had no idea what the presentation would entail - it was an ancient custom not invoked in last 500 years as there had not been a princess to ascend the throne. No matter what it included, as it was the key to her presentation, Neela was more than eager for it to begin.

But Neela did have some nagging worries. Although they were about to lose the kingdom, her uncle and cousins were surprisingly happy and excited for preparation for the presentation. Even Dara seemed to be in great spirits even though Neela had been sure to tell him many times that he would be the first one to lose his job as soon as she was crowned. And even more surprisingly, her servants who had raised her had all expression of gloom, looked generally depressed, and kept talking in hushed murmurs. She had a sense that they wanted to tell her something but we're scared of Mihir.

Presentation week Begins

On day 1 of her Birthday week, Neela was woken up at 4.30 am by her servants and Nanny who were openly crying now. Although unbelievably irritated by their sentimentality, Neela decided to ignore it and keep a cool head.

The first order of the day was the scented bath - King Mihir had sent the best servant from his own household to get her ready. Although silent, the servant was so excited that her hands were shaking as she twisted Neela's long dark hair into a beautiful and sophisticated bun atop her head. Then she decorated her eyes with Kohl and painted her heart shaped lips with bright red fruit extract. Then she left Neela alone with the dress and withdrew from the room after taking her robe and discarded dress along with the towels.

Neela looked at her naked body in the full length mirror. At the risk of being immodest, she couldn't help admiring her own figure and she could also forgive her uncle and cousins for their desire for "who could resist her body?"

Her skin was fair to the point of translucence with a single cresent shaped scar just below her neck. Her breasts were larger than average, firm, jutting out without the need of any support and were topped with naturally red areola and nipples. Her stomach was flat and she wore a slender gold chain at her navel - the only ornament permitted for the presentation. Her pussy was covered with a trimmed bush and offered a peek of her vagina lips. Her legs were slender and long and her feet were small. Although she was quite slim for a woman at 5.8, her generous boobs and bouncy ass made her look curvy and sexy.

Satisfied with her appraisal, Neela picked up the garment to be worn. To her shock, there were no underclothes - it was just a long shift dress in bright red made of soft Jersey like material and fixed with two ties on her shoulders, and although it was somewhat loose and shapeless, Neela was sure that it would cling to her boobs and ass pretty revealingly when she walked. A bit disconcerted, she rang the bell for her servants many times to get her underwear, but nobody came. At the same time she heard the final bell for the assembly. She had hardly 15 minutes left for her presentation. Irritated but still refusing to be angry on her special day, Neela decided to wear the red shift dress and venture out of the dressing chamber to find some undergarments.

As soon as she wore it, she was disgusted by how it clung to her breast and rubbed her nipples, instantly hardening them and creating two focal points on her chest. It also started to get caught in her ass crack. "At least it showed no cleavage" Neela thought. Now Neela hurried to get out of the room and find a servant who could get her underwear for her.

But the second shock of the day awaited her just outside the door. To her complete embarrassment, Chief Guard Dara stood outside the door with ten of his soldiers.

As soon as she stepped out, Dara bowed and said , "Princess Neela, the King and courtiers were worried by the delay in your presence and we're wondering if you had changed your mind about the presentation?"

Although his voice was deferential, his eyes were running over her body in the most disgusting way and Neela could even detect a gleam of amusement in his eyes. The soldiers behind him were openly gaping at her boobs and nipples which were clearly outlined by the damned dress.

Although she was embarrassed, Neela controlled her emotions and told Dara with contempt dripping in her voice, "I would never change my mind. I am more than ready. Let us move to the court."

"As you wish my princess" Dara replied and escorted her past the deserted corridors and courtyards into King Mihir's palace and finally into the Royal hall that housed the throne.

In the third shock of the day for Neela, the hall was filled with men without a single woman in sight. There was King Mihir and his twin sons, the court doctor, the priest, around 10 courtiers, 5 neighbouring kings who were as old as Mihir, and around 200 representatives from various parts of her kingdom.

Disoriented and confused, Neela stood rooted to the entrance as Chief Dara walked forward and bowed to the King. Then the priest, an elderly man in his 50s with a full beard and potbelly, beckoned her, "Princess Neela, my child, please walk forward and come to the King." Although his words were paternal, his eyes were glued to the shape of her breasts and kept scanning her from top to bottom.

Neela shook herself and even though shaking inside, recalled her lifelong training and walked in the middle of the court as regally as possible. But as she walked, she became aware of increasingly salivating gaze of the courtiers and was self conscious as the dress kept sliding into her ass crack.

When she reached the throne, the King came down and welcomed her with a hug. This had been Mihir's way of feeling up her body for a long time and she was used to it. But, with the dress she was wearing, her breasts pressed roughly into his hairy chest and she could even feel his erection pressing on her stomach. As she was biting her lip to control the urge to scream, the King casually reached behind and pressed her buttocks roughly before releasing her.

As she was reeling with the shock, the Priest announced, 'Bijan and Javid, please come forward and welcome your cousin."

As Neela stood shaking, her cousins got up from either side of the throne and started to approach her. Instead of greeting her one by one, Bijan was suddenly in front of her and Javid was behind her. As Bijan dragged her shoulders towards him and crushed her boobs, simultaneously Javid pushed his crotch into her ass and hugged her from behind.

Neela was mad with indignation but couldn't say anything as the the whole court was watching it as if it was a normal thing. After 5 minutes of this cousinly hug, Bijan and Javid returned to their seats with wide grins.

As Neela stood in front of the court mortified And shaking, The Priest got up and talked directly to her, "My dear child, as you have come of age, you have two choices. You can undergo the weeklong presentation and assume the throne along with the husband choosen on the 6th day. Or you can continue in your uncle's care and let one of your cousin's ascend the throne. What do you choose?"

Now a bit troubled, Neela asked "What rituals does the presentation include my holy priest?"

Suddenly the priest was in discomfort, his eyes dropped and he told "It includes 7 days of rituals to prepare you for Queen hood and also to assure our court, allies, and subjects about your suitability."

Neela was satisfied. She had always been proud and overconfident about her knowledge and training. So, she was actually relieved and confidently said - "I choose to be Presented."

A gasp went throughout the court and everyone was suddenly smiling and looking at each other. Neela was reassured that people wanted her as queen and supported this presentation.

Then the Priest chanted something and declared "By the powers vested in me by King Mihir, I declare the presentation to begin."

Then amidst huge roar he continued, "7 days and 7 rigorous rituals that will prepare the princess for her life as queen. All the people here will participate and no one else will be allowed to meet the Princess until these 7 days are over. The palace will be sealed and all the needs of the princess will be met by Dara and his ten guards round the clock."

The Priest continued, "I will begin day 1 by anointing the princess, Neela, come and kneel."

Neela went as directed and knelt on the red stool in front of the King. That's when things started to get scary crazy!

As Neela knelt stupefied, a guard bought the ceremonial knife to King Mihir. As she watched with increasing sense of dread, King Mihir kept eyeing her and touched the knife as to give permission for the ritual to begin.

The Priest moved from his seat and picked up the knife. He came and stood in front of Neela. As she was kneeling, her eyes were just above his crotch and she could already see his penis starting to harden and jut from the front of his trousers. Suddenly self conscious, Neela dropped her eyes.

Then the Priest spoke "With this sacred knife, I will cut the ties to your previous life and anoint you to begin life as Queen in service of the people."

Before Neela could comprehend what was happening, the Priest moved the knife in air and suddenly cut the ties on her shoulders. Before Neela could even react the dress had pooled at her waist as its backside was struck in her ass crack. Shrieking, Neela covered her breasts as best as she could, but her dainty hands could not offer much protection.

Then the priest was suddenly angry and scolded her "See what a bad omen, the dress should be pooled at your feet in a single stroke but now it is struck in your ass."

Embarrassed and scared into silence, As Neela looked on, the Priest snapped his fingers and Chief Dara came forward. As the Priest gestured towards her ass, Dara's rough hands lingered on her ass before his fingers dived into her crack and freed the dress. Now the dress was pooled at the bottom of the stool but Neela was bare ass naked.

Now there was no sound in the court, everyone was feasting on her pert, round ass, just waiting for her to turn. King Mihir was the happiest because he could clearly see her rounded breasts and pussy.

Then the Priest spoke harshly "Drop your hands to the side and stop covering yourself. You chose to be presented. Now don't bring ill omens to the ritual."

Fearful and embarrassed beyond belief, Neela looked pleadingly at her uncle, trying to catch his eye. But his eyes were glued to her pussy. The Priest continued to scold and at last like an automation, Neela gritted her teeth and dropped her hands.

Now everyone in the room was whispering to each other and the Priest looked very happy. He is signalled one of the guards and he brought forward something in a golden bowl.

As Neela kneeled eyes downcast and face red with shame, the Priest said "Princess, this is the holy oil made with mint and basil. I will anoint you now to signal the new beginning."

As the whole court watched with baited breath, the Priest took few drops of oil and asked her to open her mouth and dropped the oil in her mouth. It was cool and tingly with a sweet taste. "Not too bad" thought Neela.

Then, the Priest took a handful of oil and suddenly applied it on her left breast. Neela could hear the sharp intake of breath all over. Even King Mihir looked scandalized and jealous of the Priest's luck.

The priest slowly rubbed oil onto her whole breast, and tweaked her nipples. The cold air combined with tingling of oil and Priest's rubbing made her nipples jutt out like ripe grapes. Satisfied, the Priest turned his attentions to the right breast and repeated the procedure. Neela now not only had hugely engorged nipples, but felt the tickling of the moisture in her pussy. At least no one can know that I am getting wet down there was her consoling thought.

Then the priest quickly touched a few drops to her navel. By now His erection was so prominent, it could be seen for miles. Then he stepped back and looked at his handiwork. A bit relieved, Neela started to breathe easy.

Then to her shock, the priest said, "Princess, Please get up and stand on the stool, turn and face the court."

Once again Neela felt the dread and fear, but she had come too far. Like a puppet, she stood up on the stool and turned. Suddenly the crowd started to cheer. The view of her oiled and heavy breasts along with her pussy got them too excited.

With a raised hand Priest quietened the crowd. Then he slowly moved forward and started to pick up the oil bowl. Now Neela could see the open looks of anticipation and perverse pleasure on the faces of her cousins and courtiers. As she stood feeling more and more embarrassed, the priest came to the front, and directly put the oil soaked hand onto her pussy.

Several groans went around the hall, somebody murmured "lucky bastard" and the crowd broke into huge laugh. Even the priest was grinning. Thankfully he kept rubbing oil on her mound and did not put his hand inside her vagina! That was a small relief.

As she stood trembling, the Priest said, "Now for the ritual bath, but before that, burning of your old dress as we need to get rid of the bad omen thanks to your ass."

Neela grew even more red in face as the whole hall started to guffaw.

One of the guards bought a shallow iron vessel and a box of matches. As per priest's direction, he picked up the dress, put it in the iron vessel and lit the match. The dress started to burn immediately.

The priest spoke "Until you are crowned Queen, you were supposed to wear this dress only, but as we have burnt it, you will go nude for the next 7 days and atone for the bad omen you have created."

While Neela was paralysed with shock at this declaration, the whole crowd started grinning from ear to ear. This was better than anything they could have imagined.

Before Neela could recover, The Priest shouted "Prepare for the ritual bath."

Suddenly Dara and his guards sprung into action. At the other end of the hall a huge curtain was removed to reveal another shallow vessel this time in gold. It was not very large but two people could stand in it comfortably. The guards and Dara picked up the water containers surrounding it and stood in an orderly line to the side. The priest then placed a bowl of fragrant bath powder on the stool next to the vessel.

Then the Priest spoke "This ritual bath is a sacred ceremony denoting rebirth. So naturally, father or mother has to give it. But as our dear princess is an orphan, her guardian will do the duties."

Now, all jealous gazes were directed at Mihir who seemed so happy, that he was about to fall over. This was the worst - Neela thought -Because although her uncle, King Mihir had been finding opportunities to rub up against her or press her boobs. Now given free reign, Neela shuddered with horror as she understood what he might do.

The Priest continued "If Neela had her parents, this bath would be her right. But as King Mihir is her guardian, she has to request him to help her bathe and offer a gift in return. So, princess, go ahead and ask the King."

This was getting worse and worse. With deep humiliation, Neela turned and walked the short distance to.the throne. "Kneel and bow your head" the Priest barked from behind and Neela did as instructed.

Then she repeated the formal request as the Priest dictated it. Now the Priest said "O King, are you willing to do your duty by the princess and what favour do you ask of her?"

The King kept smiling lustfully and ogled her gleaming breasts openly. After what seemed an age he replied "I will do it with pleasure. And in return I would ask her give the navel chain as a memento."

The priest clearly expected this and said, "Stand up and go closer to the King Princess."

As she moved closer and stood, the King suddenly leaned forward and buried his head into her breast and at the same time drew her forward by the hips. Keeping his head pressed, he tried to remove the chain around Neela's navel. As Neela watched in dismay, the whole court started to cheer loudly. Then suddenly the chain was removed and Mihir set her back.

His grin was more open and more lewd and he kissed the chain and said, I will always treasure this my princess.

Now suddenly the Priest was impatient "We are losing precious time. Neela please walk to.the other end of hall to the bathing area and Bijan and Javid please escort your father as a symbolic protection force."

Mute in shock and disbelief, Neela started to walk forward. With each step, her boobs bounced proudly, her ass moved provocatively, and her whole body gleamed with the oil. As the crowd looked upon with lecherous and longing eyes, she walked the fifty yards to the bathing area followed by her uncle and cousins.

The Priest already there was bursting at the seams with his penis pushing against his pants. But he seemed unfazed. He started giving instructions -

"Princess, Go and stand in the vessel. Guard, pour the first container's water onto her, take care not to wet the head, just below her shoulders."

One of the ecstatic guards came forward and poured the water infuriatingly slowly while getting an eyeful of her bouncy boobs.

The Priest continued "My King, please come forward and do your duty."

King Mihir clearly elated and with a noticeable erection, came forward and took a handful of fragrant soap powder into his hands. He stepped directly in front of Neela and predictably grabbed her massive boobs with his hands. In fact it took two of his hands to completely cover her one breat and he started to mauling her globes and pinching her nipples.

As the court looked on with increasing jealousy and debauched looks, the Priest announced "O King, please make sure that no trace of oil is left. It is a bad omen and we can not afford another one."

With this, King Mihir became even more lustful and started to press and tug her breasts painfully. She even left out a few groans and was further embarrassed when everyone laughed. After around 15 minutes, Mihir started to move his hands down and slowly came down to her pussy and applied more soap and kept rubbing her mound. Thankfully he also did not slip his fingers inside her vagina and Neela was grateful as she could already feel the slippery wetness. Then the King moved to her back and mauled her ass some more. Ran a soapy finger down her crack and ground it against her asshole.

As uncomfortable and ashamed as she was, Neela's young body couldn't contain her response. Her pussy juices started flowing and her nipples became rock hard.

The Priest and her cousins were standing close and watching this with a smirk and open lust.

At last Mihir was finished. The priest signalled another guard to pour water and clean her. Then he told the King, "Are you sure, all the oil is gone? It is absolutely vital to avoid bad luck through her reign. For her sake you must be thorough, please check and make sure."

Then the King was even more happy, ran his greedy and rough hands all over her body pressing her boobs and ass and rubbing her pussy as the crowd continued to groan and gasp. Then he announced, "I have tried my best O Priest, but as I am old and my eyesight is falling I can not be sure."

As Neela stood puzzled, the Priest looked to consider for a minute and said in somber tones "That is very unfortunate my King, but ensuring removal of oil is crucial. Also only family can take part in the bathing ritual. So, I invite your sons Bijan and Javid to assist you."

As Neela looked on in total humiliation, Bijan came forward with a lustful grin and started running his hands all over her firm boobs. He even lifted them up and ran his hands below to ensure no oil was left. He moved his hands and ran them over her pussy. Then Javid who was clearly an ass man came from behind and spent a long time rubbing his hand over her mounds. Then ran a finger in her ass crack even pressing on her asshole. At last after 20 min of groping they both stepped back.

Now a surge of relief cruised over Neela and she relaxed her body that was taut with stress. But before anyone moved, Bijan suddenly spoke up

"My priest, I can see some oil on her thighs, please check"

The priest and Neela were both surprised considering the hour-long wash she just had. The Priest asked Bijan to investigate.

Bijan came forward obviously delighted and as Neela looked on puzzled, rubbed his hands on the wetness of her thighs, smelled it and then licked it.

Suddenly Neela's face crumpled as she realized what it was.

Bijan turned to the priest and announced in clear tones " Everyone relax. It is not oil. just Pussy juice , looks like our princess is very excited to become the Queen."

On hearing this, while Neela hung her head in shame, the crowd rolled in laughter as if it was a huge joke!

Looking relieved, the Priest announced "I am very happy with your cooperation princess, now please thank your uncle and cousins for their assistance with your ritual."

Reluctantly and with increasing disgust, Neela stepped out of the vessel and moved towards the King. Soon she had to undergo a repeat of the lustful hug by King Mihir where he leisurely rubbed her breasts against his chest and pressed his hips into her crotch. Then it was the turn of her cousins.

Bijan grabbed her ass and pressed himself against her pussy with an intimate look. At the same time Javid came from behind and grabbed her boobs and started pressing himself into her ass.

After 10 minutes of this torture she was released. At last this is ending Neela Thought with some relief but the Priest was not done. He announced "Dear princess, as the newborn child undergoes several traditional rituals so must you, and as the priest of your royal family, it is my duty to assist you."

So there was more to come!

Resigned to her fate, Princess Neela started to walk back to the centre of the hall as directed by the priest.

As the Priest stood in front of her at the centre of the hall with a lascivious grin, Neela had a premonition that it was his chance and he was going to make full use of it.

The Priest announced "The Royal tradition of first meal - keeping with our custom, it is peach which is the ceremonial fruit of our kingdom.''

The guard moved forward with a golden plate full of ripe peaches. The priest picked up a fruit and asked Neela to bite it, as she bit into the fruit, the juice burst from the overripe peach and ran down her chin and onto her breasts. As she looked confused, the priest said "Don't worry princess. I am here to help you" and ran his pudgy hands all over her chin, neck, and breasts scooping up the juices. Then to her further shock, he made her lick his fingers and clean the juice!

As the crowd looked on with increasing glee, the priest spoke " Now we will give the Royal princess, her first sword."

Neela was thinking, there is no way he can make this dirty, the Priest snapped his fingers and Dara with glint in his eyes came forward. He had a sword in his hands.

The Priest continued "If her mother was alive, she would receive the sword from her but unfortunately it can not be done so I will be standing in as the mother. Symbolic of this bond, and in time honoured tradition of motherhood I invite the princess to suck my nipples to denote her acceptance of my role."

Neela was scandalized and even more embarrassed as someone in the crowd commented loudly "wouldn't you like her to suck on something a bit lower" and the whole hall shook with their guffaws.

The priest smiling widely, crooked a finger and asked her to look alive. Reluctantly as she moved near, the priest dragged her forward and pressed her lips to his hairy nipples. As Neela desperately tried to take breath and move free, the priest continued to grab her ass with one hand and push her back forward so that her breasts were pressed on his stomach.

After what seemed like an eternity, he released her and stood back with a satisfied smirk.

"Now for Neela's first horse ride." As the priest announced, again someone in the crowd shouted "Is she the mount or the rider?" Once again the crowd laughed in obvious delight at her discomfort.

The Priest seeming to ignore the dirty remarks, asked for the wooden horse to be brought along and then instructed the princess to climb on it.

The horse was made for a 6 year old child and was very short. As the princess sat on it, her knees came up and pressed uncomfortably against her boobs. She sat like that for 15 minutes and at last rose with obvious relief when signalled by the priest.

The priest began again "Now for the final and the most crucial ritual - a girl turning into a woman."

Neela could feel the disgust rising in her belly, the priest took a red piece of cloth similar to that of her dress and rubbed it against her pussy roughly.

Against all her resolve, Neela's body started to react and her juices started to flow. The whole court could see the wetness seeping into the cloth and the priest's obvious delight in this ritual.

Finally after the cloth was completely wet, the priest withdrew.

I hope this is the last of him - Neela started to pray but it was not over yet.

The Priest announced in somber tone - "I am so delighted by your willingness and cooperation my princess. And I am sure you are satisfied with my services." Numb with shock, Neela nodded her head.

Then priest guided her to King Mihir and announced in somber tone "My King, as per the wishes of the princess, her presentation has been initiated. Hope you are happy with my guidance"

The king nodded vigorously and said harshly to Neela "Oh Neela how discourteous you are, please thank the Priest for his great service right now."

Once again ashamed and confused about what to do, the princess stood stupefied, the Priest laughed and said,

"Give the princes some time to learn my King. Come here Neela let me show you. First bring your hands forward and hold them together at your navel. Then come forward and give me a hug."

To Neela 's dismay as soon as she bought her hands forward, her boobs were crushed together. Then she moved and hugged the priest who enjoyed another grope of her ass and press of her breasts against his chest.

Satisfied, the Priest continued "Now let me introduce you to our important allies who have traveled here expressly for your presentation."

All the old lustful kings who sat salivating throughout the morning were suddenly at attention now. As the Priest led her in front of them, none of them took the trouble of getting up. They all sat with obvious erections and enjoyed the view of her pussy and bouncing breasts.

The priest continued "As today is an auspicious day stand in front of these noble kings and bend forward so that they can touch your forehead and bless you."

With growing dismay, Neela went in front of the first King and bent at the waist. Immediately her breasts swung like a pendulum temptingly in front of the King. As his right hand touched her forehead suddenly his left hand started to squeeze her breast. Neela gave a small moan of anguish but the priest was conveniently talking to Dara and paid no attention. After he had tugged her nipples and pressed her boobs to his satisfaction, the elderly king signed her to move to the next one. This mauling and groping continued with rest of the four kings and at last she was free to go to the priest.

Filled with shame after this kind of debasement, and worrying about being naked for next seven days the Princess slowly moved towards the Priest standing at the centre of the hall. Hoping for her humiliation to end and at the same time understanding why her servants and nanny were so depressed.

The Priest announced, "First Day of rituals are at an end. Now I request the king Mihir who is her guardian to handover the princess to the care of Dara and his guards."

The princess stood shaking in relief and the crowd sighed in obvious disappointment.

The king got up from his throne and came forward and stood next to Neela grabbed her and gave her an obviously lustful hug and then beckoned Dara forward. And pushed her towards him. Neela suddenly lost her balance and faltered, Dara obviously prepared for this, simply put his massive hands forward and grabbed her swaying breasts roughly and steadied her with an obvious lusty smile. His guards roared in laughter and approval. Even though she was now steady, Dara kept pressing her boobs as Neela's face grew red in shame. The Priest was conveniently deep in discussion with the king.

She could feel 200+ crowd in the royal court enjoying the mauling by Dara and envying him. And to make matters worse her pussy started dripping and the thick juices started to run down her thighs. Encouraged and aroused by this Dara started to pull and pinch her nipples which started become like ripe grapes but hard like stones. Even her breath became shorter. Suddenly Dara left her boobs and picked up the moisture running along her thighs and shouted to priest with obvious play acting innocent voice "My king, my priest , the princess has some discharge. Please look her over."

The priest laughed loudly and was joined by the king and the crowd.

"Don't worry Dara, it is quite natural, anyway our court doctor will be there tomorrow to ensure her health."

With these omnious words he signalled them to March out with the princess.

As they moved out suddenly even the wide corridors of the palace became suffocatingly crowded because the guards were just walking too close trying to rub against her ass and boobs. Dara was walking next to her enjoying her obvious discomfort and shame. The guards who had not even spoke or looked up at her till yesterday were groping her without regard.

Then at last they were at the end of the corridor and in front of massive double doors. They led to a large open room which had a massive bed but without any bedsheets or rugs and a wooden table loaded with fruits .

And suddenly Neela remembered that apart from the damned peach she hadn't eaten anything and was hungry. As she started towards the table she turned imperiously and dismissed Dara and his crooks.

But the monsters just stood there grinning and ogling her. Dara came forward and running his dirty gaze all over her body, explained "Princess Neela, for next 7 days all 11 of us would be with you 24×7 to ensure your safety."

Suddenly a chill ran up Neela's spine. This was so horrible spending so much time so exposed to these men. But her fate was sealed. So she nodded with outward calm and walked to the table. Picked up an apple and ate it sitting on the bed. All this time 11 pair of eyes were measuring every inch of her body.

Suddenly the door flew open and the Priest walked in along with the King. "Oh my dear proincess, we are hear to check your comfort" the priest announced imperiously.

Then Neela unable control any longer, screamed at them to remove the guards and give her some fucking clothes. At this the Priest grew red with fury and shouted "You willingly chose presentation now this will be your fate. If you can not go through you will be banished and Mihir will be King."

At this Neela quietened once again feeling helpless and ashamed.

Then the Priest said roughly "Please lie down. On the bed we need to see if it suits."

Sputtering with indignation, Neela went and lied down on the bed. The priest moved forward and ran his lustful eyes all over her. Satisfied with his handiwork, he turned to the King and raised his eyebrow in question. The king already clutching his crotch disgustingly came forward and directly put a hand on her pussy. "Still wet" he exclaimed with obvious glee and the guards started to laugh and rub their crotches disgustingly.

Suddenly it all overwhelmed Neela and hot tears started to spill from her eyes. Instead of sympathy it got her more laughs and scorn. As the Priest and her uncle moved out , Dara looked at her and cruelly said, " 6 days left my Queen and at the end of day 7, today will feel like a picnic."

Then smirking, he walked out and Neela was surrounded by lustful guards who were obviously aroused and enjoying her pain. Giving a sigh she closed her eyes tried to get some sleep.

Neela woke up on day 2 hoping against hope that all events of yesterday were a nightmare. Unfortunately, she was still naked and surrounded by 10 guards who stood around fucking her with their eyes.

Now the princess knew today was going to get worse thanks to Dara's dire warning. She knew something was said about the doctor's exam but couldn't imagine what it would mean.

The doctor was an elderly one and he had treated her when she was young but soon stopped as she started menstruating. She hoped that the doctor would remember her as a and would treat her with kindness.

Breaking her out of her reverie, the doors opened with a clang and Dara walked in. Soon a bath was drawn for Neela.

Although she had spent 24 hours in the buff, Neela was still self-conscious. yesterday was a haze of shame and embarrassment. But today she was no longer numb and acutely aware of lustful glances and breathy anticipation of the guards.

As directed by Dara, with growing unease and some degree of fear, Neela walked over and stepped into the tub. The guards were now openly rubbing their dicks through their trousers and even Dara's arousal was clearly outlined through his trousers.

Soon Neela could imagine why as she started to soap up her body - specifically boobs and ass and pussy. Then it was time for cleaning up and she looked around for water. Suddenly Dara was next to her and as one of his guards poured water over her, started to rub her boobs to get rid of soap studs.

Neela was too angry, shocked and indignant and started to scream abuses at him. It had no effect on Dara as she moved on to her ass and kept running his finger in her ass crack. Then his attention turned to her pussy as his guards roared in approval.

As Neela kept trying to push away his hands, with an impatient grunt he grabbed both her wrists back with his left hand and started to grope her pussy roughly with his right hand.

As she hung her head in helplessness and shame, Dara slipped a finger into her pussy and announced, "Just making sure that you are clean for the Royal court my future queen."

This drew another round of applause. And as she started to feel herself getting excited and breathless, the doors flew open and an indignant priest walked in and shouted at Dara to move away, "You are not allowed to touch her oh brave chief."

Dara looking sheepish replied, "My priest, please accept my apologies, the princess asked for assistance as she is used to having assistance. I could not deny her."

The Priest calmed down and spoke "Poor Dara, please reign in your kind heart. You are forgiven this time." then he turned to the princess, "Looks like you are torturing this man. Please stop humiliating him."

At this blatant untruth and injustice, the princess wanted to scream at them but the priest just raised a hand and silenced her.

He turned to Dara and ordered, "Please be quick the doctor is waiting for you," and moved out.

Soon Neela stepped out and stood spread-eagled to dry herself. Dara and his guards stood around blowing air with their mouths all over her with the pretence of helping her to dry fast. By now Neela was resigned to her fate and stood like a doll.

Dara got bolder, kneeled in front of her and started blowing on her pussy. Soon even her nipples were erect and her pussy dripping.

Mercifully as the Priest had warned of the delay, Dara hurried the Princess and escorted her to the Royal hall.

As she entered the Royal court, Neela was acutely aware of her own nudity, salivating gazes of the crowd, and tried to walk as slowly as possible minimizing the bounce of her boobs and ass. As she stood in front of the king and felt his lascivious gaze rolling over her body, Neela instinctively tried to cover her boobs and pussy with her hands.

Immediately the Priest barked an order and Dara came forward quickly with obvious glee. He stood behind her, grabbed her hands roughly and held them at the small of her back. Her back was arched and her breasts jutted out and heaving with her ragged breathing, Neela could see the wide smile growing on the face of her lecherous uncle. Even Dara was having his pound of fun by pressing his erection into her ass.

The Priest moved in front of her, raised her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. Then he spoke slowly but clearly and loudly, "Dear princess, for the next 6 days, you are under constant scrutiny so that people are assured of your suitability. So you are not allowed to cover yourself in any manner. If you try to hide again either in private or public, your presentation will be extended by a day."

Neela was frustrated at this stupid condition but could not risk the consequences. So, she nodded meekly.

The Priest continued, "We want you to recognise the authority of the court on your body and control the impulse to hold yourself back. Do you agree to this?"

Again out of options Neela nodded meekly.

The Priest stood thoughtful for a minute and then said, "I just want to be assured of your compliance."

And as Dara held her firm with back arched, Priest extended a greedy hand and landed it on her neck. The whole court drew a collective breath of anticipation.

At an excruciatingly slow pace, the priest dragged his hand down over her chest and caressed her jutting breasts and stiff nipples. Then dragged his hand over her navel and lower onto her pussy. He gave a playful tug at the trimmed bush crowning her vagina and then grabbed her pussy and pressed it with a lewd grin.

Petrified with the prospect of extending her presentation, Neela clenched her teeth and stood in submission. Keeping his hold on her pussy, the Priest asked the disappointed Dara to release her.

Even though she badly wanted to swat his hand away and spit in his face, Neela clenched her fist and kept her hands glued to the side.

Satisfied with her obedience, Priest gave a final painful tug on her bush and turned to the King and spoke, "Noble King, on this auspicious day I am delighted to welcome our Esteemed doctor who will examine the Princess and assure us of her suitability and health and longevity of her reign. Similarly, he will also check her fertility."

At these words, the elderly Doctor stood up and bowed to the King.

Then he clapped sharply, and three guards lugged a narrow recliner into the hall and placed it at the centre. As the murmurs and grins of the crowd grew, the doctor ordered Neela to lie down on the recliner.

Although he was quite elderly and seemed unemotional, almost mechanical, the crowd and kings were panting in anticipation.

Neela walked meekly to the narrow recliner and as per doctors direction arranged herself so that her waist and upper body were on the incline and her legs stretched out straight. She wanted to keep her legs glued together but the damned bench was too narrow. So her legs hung on either side of the bench and her pussy was displayed quite lewdly.

Even though she was humiliated and embarrassed beyond belief, Neela remembered Priest's warning and swayed limply on the recliner.

The doctor spoke again, "I will begin with a breast exam.''

At this, a loud cheer went around the room. The princess was mortified at the idea of the man who used to give her chocolates, groping her boobs. So she looked at him pleadingly and whispered, "Please doctor make it quick."

The doctor was startled but his face remained serious, "Just doing my duty, my princess," he replied.

Dejected, Neela braced for another round of humiliation.

The doctor began by clinically running his hands over her left breast. He held it in both hands, raised it and looked under and pressed it so roughly Neela yelped in pain. Then he tugged at her nipples quite roughly and the pain brought tears into Neela's eyes.

He repeated the same rough handling with the right breast. Then turned to the King and announced, "Healthy breasts and no lump. A bit larger than average and I expect they will become even bigger due to milking. I might have to design a special harness like this."

As the crowd shouted out in excitement, the doctor moved behind Neela's head and put his palms under her breasts and lifted them lewdly as the crowd clapped.

The Priest shouted out, "Kudos to your ingenuity Doctor."

Then the Doctor turned and addressed the hall ,"Now I will examine her ability to feed her child."

Before the crowd could draw a breath, he moved forward, bent his head and started sucking noisily on her nipples one after the other alternatively. Soon they grew into hard peaks and Neela couldn't control her arousal and started panting.

The crowd laughed at her wanton response. Encouraged, the doctor opened his mouth wide and took a part of her boob along with the nipple and bit so hard that tears of pain rolled down her cheeks and she started to yell.

The doctor straightened with a satisfied expression and announced, "Don't be alarmed. Your queen is equipped to feed your future king. He will enjoy suckling on her rosy nipples."

The crowd broke into murmurs and Neela could sense the eager anticipation. The doctor once again solemnly announced, "Now I will test her reproductive health."

With a sigh, Neela mentally prepared for some pussy groping. But here also she had a further shock.

The doctor moved down between her legs and looked down with a frown. The Priest alarmed by the doctor's silence moved forward and they consulted in hushed tones.

Even the king was worried now and drew their attention, "Is there an issue with Neela's pussy my man, is she not a virgin?"

At this, a shocked gasp went all around the court. The doctor quickly shook his head and reassured, "No no my king, I am a bit taken aback by the bush on her pussy as I am not able to examine her properly. Now I am in need of a barber but as no outsider is allowed during the presentation, we have decided to request one of the family to assist us."

To her dismay, Prince Javid eagerly volunteered. Neela was ashamed to even imagine his grubby hands on her pussy. A shudder of revulsion shook her body but she had no voice and no support. So kept quiet.

As Javid snapped his fingers, 2 of the guards came forward, kneeled on either side of the bench. Prince Javid lifted her legs one after the other and placed her ankles on their shoulders. Now she was even more spread-eagled with two guards gazing lewdly at her pussy and salivating.

Satisfied, Javid settled himself on the bench between her legs and signalled the doctor, who came with a shaving kit.

Javid spoke, "First let me assess the status of the bush," and ran his hands all over the tuft of hair at the apex of her mound. His hands tugged at them painfully and he even opened her pussy lips to check if there was any hair inside.

Thankfully her foliage was limited to the decorative bush.

With a debauched smirk, Javid started to lather up her pussy and soon he took the blade and shaved her pussy hairless carefully. To Neela's relief, it was quick and painless except for the burning shame.

After standing up and dismissing the guards, David examined his handiwork with a frown and asked the doctor loudly, "What about her ass crack, is it clean?"

At this dirty remark, the whole hall broke into laughs but Neela was shocked and scared, expecting the worst. The doctor agreed that it was best to check and briskly commanded Neela to take the kneeling position on the floor with her ass up in the air.

Meekly but with obvious embarrassment, Neela climbed down and assumed the position with her ass towards the bench. Her breasts started swinging immediately thanks to gravity and collective groans of pleasure and crotch rubbing started in the section of the hall that faced her.

Javid moved and sat on the bench directly behind her as. She could imagine his delight. His hands slowly circled and pressed on her ass creating a gentle rocking motion that mimicked an ass fuck. As her boobs bounced and swayed more, the crowd started laughing openly and nobody told Javid to hurry up.

After 15 minutes of this humiliation, Javid parted her ass and bought his face quite close to her crack with.the pretence of looking for hair. Hidden by her pert globes, he started to swipe at her asshole and press against it with his tongue. Even though Neela had tears of humiliation in her eyes, her nipples hardened and pussy began to get wet. Her breath came quick and her breasts swayed even more.

After 10 minutes of this licking, Javid stood up and called the doctor and assured him that she was ready. They kept talking in hushed tones as the princess kept kneeling watching many viewers rub their stiff cocks right at her eye level.

Then the doctor gestured to her to lie down on the bench. Once again as her legs dangled on either side, the doctor sat between her legs with a magnifying glass and started his examination with a running commentary.

"As far as I can see there are no warts or moles and scars. Even her pussy lips are plump and look healthy," he said.

Then he dipped his fingers into a bowl of lubricating oil and slowly stretched open her pussy and plunged his fingers inside. As the audience waited expectantly he continued, "healthy vagina, and hymen intact."

At this proclamation there was loud applause.

"Now let us see if she responds to sexual acts," the doctor said loudly.

With this announcement he started to roughly tug and pull at her clitoris while rubbing her asshole with the other hand.

Soon Neela's juices started flowing and drenched his hand. her hips started to rock voluntarily and her boobs started to heave in clear arousal.

As he continued manipulating her clitoris, Neela couldn't control herself and started to rub her boobs. She knew it looked quite dirty but her body was quite out of control. Under 5 minutes she felt the waves of orgasm and slumped on the recliner becoming aware of the open mouths and lusty gazes that had witnessed her first cumming.

The doctor stood back with obvious satisfaction and announced, "As you can see for yourself, her husband will not be disappointed." At this huge applause broke out.

Then the doctor asked her to get up and move to the end of the hall.

"Now for assessing your physical fitness," he ordered.

"Take a brisk run from here to the throne, let us see how strong your legs and thighs are."

For a moment she was rooted on the spot but a pat on her ass by the doctor spurred her into action and she started running. This was humiliating beyond belief as she could feel the crowd feasting on her ass and boobs and now bald pussy which was on lewd display as she ran. King Mihir in particular who sat right in front was enjoying the view of her bouncing boobs and was almost salivating.

Soon she was near the throne but in her embarrassment fumbled and stumbled on a piece of rug and flew right at the King. The king suddenly animated, brought his hands forward and caught her by her jutting breasts and kept a firm hold. She tried to move away but the King was not relenting. The crowd was grinning at her discomfort. And after five minutes the King released her and she made the run back. The doctor nodded with satisfaction and announced his approval. King Mihir led the applause now.

Neela released a tortured breath and was expecting to go back, but the priest rose from his seat and addressed the assembly, "As I was the Shaman who was present when the princess was a toddler, I noticed a crescent-shaped scar on her chest."

Immediately all eyes were scanning her swollen breast for the scar.

With a breezy tone, the priest announced, "Gentlemen please look just below her neck - and I am sure those right next to her can see it." The doctor and a couple of guards standing next to her nodded.

The priest continued, "As the crescent moon was the Royal insignia of princess's dear departed father, and bought him a lot of bad luck, we must perform some ceremonies to offset its effect on our beloved princess."

The crowd was all ears and impatiently awaited Priest's next torture.

Priest beckoned Neela forward and continued, "As proclaimed by holy texts, she must first get the acknowledgement of the scar and the permission to undergo penance from our King."

With lecherous delight, king Mihir nodded his approval. As per the priest's direction, Neela walked reluctantly and kneeled in front of the king.

Mihir now openly salivating put a hand on her scar and touched it almost reverently. With his hands hidden by the crowd behind Leela's back, he just slipped his hand down and started to draw circles around Neela's nipples. Once again Priest was too busy to notice and nobody cared about her embarrassment.

The Priest continued, "With the King's permission, Now come for your penance."

Dreading the proceedings, Neela stepped once again to the centre of the room. At Priest's signal, two guards walked in with a vessel full of vermilion paste.

The Priest addressed the Princess, "Please kneel in front of me."

And after she knelt, he took a handful of vermilion paste and started speaking, "May my blessings protect your child's milk from the curse."

He then applied the paste directly on to her heaving breasts making sure to cover every inch.

"May my blessings protect your womb from the curse," the Priest said and smeared her navel with the paste.

As per the anticipation of the crowd he ordered her to stand up and took another handful of the paste. The Priest said, "May my blessings protect your reproductive organs from the curse." He then applied the paste thickly on her pussy and hung around for 15 minutes groping her.

The Priest stood back and admired his handiwork with a satisfied smirk he spoke again, "Now princess when I saw the scar you were a mere toddler. So please go back to that state mentally and physically. Crawl on all fours to your uncle and ask him to complete the ritual."

Suddenly there were excited shouts of anticipation. People at the back were craning their necks. Too broken to fight back, Neela got on all fours and started to crawl, her voluptuous breasts hung and swayed quite vulgarly while her ass bobbed in the air.

So, head down humiliation, Neela crawled the 25 feet to the King Mihir who was already standing up.

The priest ordered her to stay in position and asked King Mihir to take a rough cloth and clean the paste. In lustful delight and pre-cum soaking his trousers, the King knelt down behind her and put the rough cloth between her pussy and started to rub vigorously. Soon he moved to her side and started to rub the cloth on her boobs making them jiggle and throb in obvious arousal.

After fifteen minutes of this torture, he stopped and no one seemed to care he had not cleaned her navel!

Now the rough texture had aroused the princess and stood embarrassed, The priest beckoned the guards. They came over with a wet cloth and gave her a thorough cleaning. At last her ordeal for the day was over and she was free to go.

As they moved back, guards were congratulating their lucky teammates who got the opportunity to rub her all over.

Dejected Neela went in, sat on the bed, and as it was quite a tiring day soon dozed off. She woke in the middle of the night and there was total darkness but a kind of whipping sound. She woke up and was ashamed beyond belief to see all 10 of the guards standing in their places masturbating furiously to her naked body.