Punjabi Village Mom

Punjabi Village Mom

Published on: 2023-10-20 16:25:38

As the parents of Guru belonged to village, they married early.  Soon after the marriage his mother faced a hostile mother-in-law.  Their relationship turned so sour that one day, when Guru was four, his father divorced his mother.  He kept Guru with him, only as a gesture of male dominance.  As per village tradition his father and mother re-married soon. After his second marriage his father decided to move to a nearby town.  His mother, however, remained in the village.  He occasionally visited the village and was aware of the fact who his real mother was but not permitted to meet her.  Change, however, had the final say.

As Guru turned nineteen his father died.  His step mother declined to keep him in her home.  He shifted back to his village and started to live with one of his uncle.  There, he was treated as a servant and kept busy in different chores all day.  Seeing his plight, one of his maternal uncle asked Guru to start living with his mother again.  The reason for this was the fact that her second husband was ill and not capable of farm work.  As his mother had no children from her second husband she was more than happy to accept Guru in her home.  Even his step father had no objection on his presence.  That is how Guru was brought back to his mother after a break of almost 15 years.  His first meeting with his mom was uneventful apart from the fact that she hugged him tight and cried a lot.  She asked him to forget the past and live with her forever.

His new beginning with his mother was good in many ways but one.  He had difficulty accepting her as mother.  She was only 36 and maintained a very youthful look.  She had grown up on that farm so she was strong, and had the hands of a farm worker.  She was not very tall, nor was her chest very big.  She still had her, slender figure from her younger years.  Her hair wasn't too long but thick and dark brown.  There had a hint of grey in her hairs but she used to conceal it well.  Guru was young and horny and not well aware which female to lust and which not.
His step father Satpal was a small farmer who owned a three room house in the middle of his farm land.  Guru was given a room and respect.  He was asked to help in farm affair which was not difficult for him.  Soon after his coming into the life of his mother he realised that relation between she and her husband are not ideal.  She was a talkative women while her husband was a quiet man.  Her desire to talk was fulfilled with the presence of Guru.  Both became quiet frank with each other in a short period of time.

While Guru had own issues Reshma was not free from hers.  One day a village lady asked whether Reshma ever thought about finding a match for her son Guru.  Reshma then, realised that her son was no child.  He was a fully grown man.  Once she saw him working without a shirt and was fascinated by his powerful body.  The thought of becoming a mother-in-law and also a grandmother was not pleasing to her.  She never considered herself that old.

One summer day Guru was lying on a charpoy in the inner veranda of the house.  His step father was not in sight and his mother was preparing meal in the kitchen.  After some time he saw her coming out of the kitchen and going towards the pedestal fan that was near Guru.  She was perspiring and her dress was becoming wet.  Guru was shocked to see that parts of her body were visible under the wet dress.

"Oh god, its too hot," She said and came forward to get some air from the fan.  Guru was surprised to see that Reshma pulled the front of her long shirt and let the air pass under it.  By doing so , she revealed her belly to the eyes of her son.  The skin of the belly was pink and smooth. It looked so juicy that Guru wanted to feel it with his hands.  He had trouble hiding his boner but his mother had no problem in showing her body to him.  He didn't know why but he had a feeling that she was showing her body to him intentionally.

Most of the people in the village knew him already so he adjusted to his new life easily.  One distant relative told Guru that after the death of his step father his property will belong to Guru as his step father had no legal heirs left.  Does the term property included his wife too?  Thought Guru and this thought gave him one large erection.  He was aware of the art of masturbation so he had no problem getting rid of it.

One day Satpal was advised to meet a doctor in the city.  He took one of his servant with him and went out for at least four days.  One day went peacefully.  Next day Finding spare time Reshma decided to go out and bring some 'chara' for the cattle.  She asked Guru to accompany her.  They crossed their farm land and went into the small forest where the grass was in plenty.  By the time they reached in the forest cool air started to blow and it became clear that rain was about to fall.  Instead of turning back they kept cutting the grass.

"Jaldi Jaldi.  [be qiuck]" said Reshma

"Okay Ma ji." Said Guru

It was perhaps the weather or seclusion but Gure was enjoying watching his mother.  They were cutting grass and piling it up.  Soon the light drizzle hit them.  "I think we should pick whatever we had and move back." suggested Reshma.

Guru obeyed and started gathering the grass.  To help him wrap a rope around it, Reshma took her duppatta off.  As she picked on pile up Guru was stunned.  The neckline of the shirt of Reshma was broad and it was showing her cleavage.  Guru saw the whiteness of her neck and jiggling of her breasts.  He felt a current passing through his body.  He forget to grab the pile.

"What are you thinking Guru, Rain will get us soon."

As Guru took pile from her, only then Reshma realised that her son was eying her with lust.  Her immediate action was off anger but she said nothing.

"Lets, move back" he said but then rain started falling fast.

It came suddenly and strongly.  By the time they can realise their mistake they were in the middle of nowhere.  They put the piles of grass over their heads but rain was hitting them from every where.  On a narrow path Guru asked his mom to walk ahead of him.  From behind he could see that her dress was wet and clinging to her body.  The movement of her ass cheek was almost visible to him.  Wow, women have sexy asses.  He thought and forgot about the trouble he was in.

"Its cold...What a mistake," She said

"Keep walking Ma, we will find a shelter somewhere." he said

Just as they came out of the forest they saw a open space getting filled with rain water.  A he-donkey and a she-donkey were standing in the open space.  He-donkey was sniffing the cunt of she-donkey.  It was clear he was about to mate.

"Which fool let them pasture here," remarked Reshma

This draw the attention of Guru to the donkeys.  By then the He-donkey was mounting the she-donkey.  One can see his thick black cock penetrating the cunt of she-donkey.  In past he witnessed such matings but that day it was different.  He thought.  I had a cock, my mom had a cunt.  How good it might have been to be donkeys instead of being humans.

"These animals have no morals'" Reshma said

The animal mating had its effect on her too.  Guru looked at her and saw her blushing.  By now she was so wet that she was half naked.  As she saw Guru eying her charms again she blushed more.  Guru was amazed to see her body looking nude despite the cloths.  He could see not only the hole of her navel but the knot of her shalwar near it.  Below it there was a little dark but her shapely legs were as visible as her belly.  Reshma on the other hand, had difficulty in realising that being a young man her son was was over interested in female anatomy.  How can a son lust after his mother? she thought.  NO, NO.  At the same time it pleased her that she still had a body to attract a male.  Being wife of a respectable man and sister to a village elder people of the village respected her a lot.  Most of the villagers were calling her either Mata ji or Behan ji and she believed her days as a woman are over.  Now all of a sudden a new chapter is opened.  Some body was finding her desirable and for a second it does not mattered who he was.

She wanted to move from the site of donkeys but not had the courage.  Then hails started to fall along with the rain.  "Oh god, Are you planning to dig my grave here." she said to Guru.

"Lets walk a little, our farm is not far away." Guru suggested.  They kept walking in the rain and after sometime reached the edge of their farm.

"Look mom there." Guru pointed to a small muddy hut.  "We will be safe there."

He almost ran towards it and Reshma followed.  Hut was theirs the purpose of the hut was to keep a night watch over the crops.  As they reached near the hut they found it locked from outside.

"Oh, this is locked by father." Guru said,

"Way hun ki Karan gay.  {Whats now}" she asked

"Let me see" Guru went to a side and found a wooden window there.  He pushed it with force and it gave way.  "Drop the pile outside Ma, and move inside." He called loudly in the rain.

"Hai way, look at the height of it.  How will I get inside?" She inquired as she came near him.

"Come forward ma, I will pull you up." Guru said and let her pass in front of him.  As she came near the mouth of window he put his shoulder under her ass and grabbed her at her waist.  She was amazed to see how easily he picked her up.  She jumped inside and saw Guru coming in too.  because of the cold both forget about their semi nudity.  The inside of the hut was a great protection for them against the rain and wind.  Guru looked inside and saw a charpoy with a pillow and a cotton sheet.

"We will stay here till rain stops." he said

"Someone might come here." she told him with some fear in her eyes

"Nobody will come here in this rain ma." He looked at his shivering mother and then went to bolt the door from inside.  "Its okay now."

"What about window?" She said and he bolted it too.  It became very dark.

"Look ma, you take your outer garments off and get inside the sheet.  It will protect you and help your dress to dry."

"What about you son," she asked

"I can bear cold." he said

Soon he heard some hissing and fast breathing.  His ma was taking her dress off.  This fact made him hot again.  He was sad that he could not look at her because of dark but happy as the dark was hiding his erection. He heard Reshma saying something.

"Where to put my wet cloths."

"There is a nail in the wall."

"I don't see any."

"Hand the cloths to me, I will hang them."


In the dark she came near him.  Their bodies touched.  Intentionally he let his hand roam over her body.  Realising that he was touching her at her naked waist she shivered more.  In haste she grabbed his hand and handed him over her cloths.  He squeezed the water from them and hanged them.  She quickly warped the sheet around her and laid her on the bed.  After hanging her cloths Guru took off his cloths.  She tried to look at Guru.  She can only see his silhouette.  His mother was still in her bra and underwear but compared to her he was fully nude.

"Are you okay now Ma?" he asked

"I am okay and feeling proud of you."

"What Proud?  about me."

"You have taken so much of responsibility.  Here I am safe because of you."

"Whatever I did I did for you."

"You love me so much.  I am proud."

"I can do anything for you." he said in a heavy voice.  She was not aware that while he was saying this he was holding his cock in one of his hand.

"I am safe but you are not, standing in open."

"I think rain will stop in an soon."

"I think you should also come inside the sheet.  Who know how long it will take to stop."

This suggestion made his cock twitch.  First time he declined the offer but then thought about the opportunity and decided to avail it.  When his Ma repeated her offer he moved to the bed along with her.  She raised the sheet from one side and let him slip inside.

"Thanks ma, its really cold outside."

"You males think you are made of steel but in reality you are as human as we women"

"I know I am human ji."

She laughed and what a laugh it was.  It made him wish to kiss her.  She seldom laughed but when she laughed it stirred something in heart of listener.  He was now so close to his mother.  Never in his life he thought that one day he will be lying nude with his mother.  As he had an erection he tried to keep a little distance from her.  Reshma, however had other ideas.  She wanted to check how far he can go.

"Sharma nahin Beta, Come near" she put her hand over his waist and pulled him towards him.  As he turned towards her she kissed him on his forehead.  "Main vari jawan put, how caring you are?"

"Na karo enhi tarif Ma ji, Don't spoil me."

She put one of her legs over his leg and dropped her head on his shoulder.  This was a gesture of surrender but Guru was hesitant to go further.  What if she gets angry.  She can kick him out of the house.  One of her boob was pushing at his body and she was half over him.  He had no escape but to act.  His thoughts were now guided by his cock.  She stretched her leg further and put some of her weight on him.  She had a great urge to grab his cock but she too was afraid to initiate.  He might mind it.  Slowly she moved her leg and her thigh touched the cock.  The cock was hard like a dry branch of wood.  He moaned in pleasure.

"Ki huya, [what happened]"

"Kuj nahin....  there is so little space here..."

"Can you bear my weight, I will come over you."

"Yes Ma, Thats what I want." He pulled her over him and she adjusted her body to that of his.  He took her in his arms and squeezed her.  She felt the hardness of his cock pressing into her belly.  Her choot was wet beyond her wildest dream.  She got the courage and touched his erect pole of a lun. This was first time a woman touched him there.

"Way, what is this pricking me?"

"My lun Ma ji..."

"Besharm mein teri ma haan....  [I am your mother you fool.]"

"I am not doing anything bad ji..."

"Phair ....  why it is so erect..."

"Perhaps watching donkeys getting sex...  had its effects.."

"Chup....Are you saying you got hot watching a she-donkey and not me..."

"Ma O Ma..." he took the face of his mother in his hands and kissed her on lips.  "I admit, this because of you."

"You know what people call those boys who lust after their mothers."

"Hell with them ji....No body will know ever..."

"I am frightened son...this is wrong..." She said and grabbed his cock in her hand.  Her hand was so soft that for a second it felt like her pussy.

She knew he was novice.  She was going to be his first.  He knew she was his mother.  A woman used and abused many times.  He let her slip to a side and pressed his hand over her puddi.  Underwear was still in the way but he could feel the heat and wetness.

"haye rabba.....haye rabba.......haye ....Oh God..." she moaned in pleasure

He pulled the elastic of her underwear down and she helped him take it off by raising her ass up.  Rain was still falling outside and there was no fear of any interference.  He fell over her and kissed her again.  This time she kissed back and said,

"Don't waist time....  or I may change my Mind."

Guru dropped the cotton sheet to side.  In the dim light he could see that his mother was ready to mate.  She opened her long legs for him.  He can see the dark hairs and pouting lips of her Vulva.  He rubbed his thumb over her cunt and heard her saying.  "Si...si...ah...ah.."

He bent over her and tried to put his cock in her.  he missed the target.

"Tehar ja....wait ..." She took the pillow from under her head and put it under her Gaand.  This gave the necessary elevation for the penetration. "Be slow please be slow.."

She stretched her legs further and Guru put the head of his cock inside her cunt.  She became tense.  She was fucked before but today was different. She never had this feeling before.  He put his hands over her boobs and pushed.  He slipped in and it was heaven for him.

"Kithay phans gai haye....You are big ....It won't go..."

"Its already in Ma...  you are wet and hot...it will slide..."

"Haye...haye....marjanya hauli .......hauli ufff.....I am a woman not a she-donkey.."

"Sorry sorry Ma...Should I pull it back." Guru was really worried about the pain.

It pleased Reshma to know that her son was not yet aware of the ways of woman, about their mock anger and mock pain.

"Hun Nahin....If you pull it now then it will be more painful...." She moaned

"So you want me to push more in..."

"What wey.....what are you saying...Is there some more..." She touched the place where her son was mating her.  "O Babji...still half left...keep quiet..."

"Not half...only a inch or so..." he felt proud that the size of his cock was appreciated by his mother.

"I don't have unlimited room in my puddi son....be careful..." she hissed.  She was not feeling any pain but she wanted to continue tease her son.

"Where you took so much, a little more won't do any harm" he pleaded

"When I say no more then it means no more." Reshma said in mock anger. " I don't want to go to a doctor..."

"Listen..please...you have accommodated the girth of my cock...  only a little length is left."

"I know you will not listen to me...okay then ....  go ahead....but be slow."

He grabbed her shoulders and pushed more.  He really had a big one, bigger than any she took so far.  She felt pain coming again.  She started to throw her head to both sides and moaned.  She bit her lower lip and tried to fight back the pain.  Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. She hoped Guru didn't see them.  If he did he might stop and she wanted to take this thing through to the end, no matter how much it hurt.  She never felt so much filled.  She felt Guru's breath on her shoulder.  He kissed the side of her neck.

She was biting her lips and her hands started rubbing her boobs.  What a fool I am.  Thought Guru.  I forgot about her boobs.  He was not even removed her bra.  In a quick movement he pushed the bra up and started rubbing her boobs.

"Oh my God, bus." She cried.  She put her arms around his neck and held on for a long, deep fucking.

"Relax Ma, I am now fully in..."

"you are not only big ...you are hot too..."

"Your cunt too is very hot Ma..." On instinct he pulled and pushed his cock.

"Oh ya...  Thats soothing...  do it more...Lagga reh hauli hauli..."

Reshama squeezed her eyes shut and clung to her son's body.  She wrapped her arms and legs around him and pulled him down tight.  All of that huge cock was inside her.  She was fucked by men more than twice in age then Guru, men who were supposed to be experienced at fucking, who knew how to treat a woman to make up for their lack of size.  He was not like them.  He was better.  He had the incredible size they would never have, and he had the tenderness they could only pretend to have.  Here was her dream man, laying between her legs, fucking her the way she always wished she could be fucked, and he was her Son.

"Do your husband ...  fucks you the way I am fucking?"

"Besharma...If was fucking me at all I will not be lying here under you."

"Now I am your man...promise you won't let him fuck you again.."

"Uffffffff.....  we will see....uuunnnngggghhhh......haye.......later....don't settle everything so quickly...Kanjara"

He raise his back and pulled her head down.  He started sucking the lips of Reshma.  It was sudden and very turning.  She pressed her lips to that of his by pushing his neck with her arm.  As she sucked back Guru felt like bursting.  His cock that was already erect became as hard as steel.  He stopped for breath and said,

"Say you will never say no to me...."

"I am yours but ....  we will have to be careful about others."

"You are kind , you are beautiful, you are sexy and a best mother."

"Marjanaya...Hun te Mother, mother bandh karde...[Stop calling me mother...]"

"I will call you whatever name I like....you are my mother slut.." he said.

He started fucking her fast.  This time she decided not to demand him go slow.  She put her mouth near his ear and said,

"Pick my legs up and put them over your shoulder..."

Waow...what a request it was.  He obeyed by doing this.  In the process his cock came out for a second but the next instant he entered it back to tilt.  He jerked a couple of times and Reshma felt over the moon.

"Zalama.....Ufffff...Ungggg...Oh kill me...."

At that moment Guru felt that the pussy was tightening around his cock. It was so pleasure-able.  He wanted to tear it apart.  She was again in pain.

"Ki ho reha hai Ma .....  are you okay..."

"Okay ...  tera sar....You are tearing me apart..." She almost screamed but it was not the scream of pain or fear.  It was different.  It was pleasing.

Her words made his cock swell.  It was now or never situation.  He pushed her legs towards her shoulders that were on his shoulder.  It opened her more.  Helped him raise her bum up.  The semen started its journey from the testicles towards the head of cock.  He stopped the penetration and filled her to tilt.  Thus started the inevitable.  He was throwing his hot cum in the receptive cunt of his mother.  Reshma was already on the verge of a spasm, she got tense and her pussy secreted more.  Both gripped each other tightly.  He spurted so much of his cum that part of it started leaking out of the pussy.



A cold rain was falling outside but one hot rain was falling inside Reshma.  She made a very bold decision of making it with her son but she was now happy over her decision.  She felt something she never felt before. The cock was shrinking so she spread legs.  Guru fell over her.  She was not bold in sex with her past two husband but she now wanted to be bold.  She was caressing his body with his slender arms.

"Sohna o mera Sohna...."

"Sohna ki Ma...."

"Mera ...  Sub kuj.."

He drew his cock from her pussy and fell to a side.  As his cock left the hole of cunt a lot of his cum leaked out too.  Both of them were breathing hard.  She was ruffing his hairs and kissing him on his forehead. The clouds were still bursting outside.  It means they were still safe from outside interference.  They have committed the biggest sin on earth but none of them had any regret.  If the son had his wish then she had her dream.  They were feeling out of this world, in another world.

"You silent...Waht are you thinking?" she asked

"Nothing...thinking that by violating you I might made you angry."

"Have I said something?...Jhalla...I am not angry." she said.  "rather happy."

"You enjoyed?"

"Yeah..Haan ji..." She laughed a little and asked.  "You enjoyed?"

"I am feeling myself in heaven Ma."

"No regret for making your Ma your slut."

"You are not a slut ...you are my beautiful doll."

"And you were trying to break the waist of your doll."

"It was my first time...next time I will be careful?'

"No next time ji...Bus...fair nahin"

"You make me erect then how can you say no next ji..."

The talk they were having with each other had an effect on them.  Instead of cooling down they were heating up.  She could feel the cock of Guru getting erect again.

"O babaji...you are getting erect again...Marjanaya...what you ate today?" She said and grabbed the cock in her hand.  It was hard like a steel.  She as caressing it with love.  "How big God, I can't grip it full."

He moaned and one of his hand started rubbing the boobs of Reshma.  He could feel the nipple getting stiff.  She groaned in lust.  Her lust made her bold.  She turned one of leg and before Guru can realise what was happening, she was sitting on his legs.  Her 'choot' was only a inch away from his cock.  She put one of her hand over his belly and with other hand griped his cock.  Now he knew what she had in mind.  She bent forward and then sat down on his cock.  Because of the presence of fluids her cunt was so slippery that cock made its journey all the way up.

The entry was so astonishing that Guru raised himself on his elbows and watched the amazing sight of cock meeting cunt.  There was pain in their sexual organs but they were enjoying it.  Reshma was biting her lips and moaning.  Guru could see how red her face was looking.  He jerked and let his remaining cock slip in.

"Hi wey....You donkey...have some mercy...  Its giving me pain...Uuunnnggg."

"What ever is done...done by you.."

Despite this she pulled and pushed her soft round ass upon his cock.  He was stunned by the movement of her breasts.  In excitement he grabbed both of them and gave a tight squeeze.  Instead of complaining she increased her speed.  She sometime went up and down and sometime forward and backward.

"It took long to find you and now I know why?" she siad in a very low voice.  "Almighty wanted you to be my lover."

"The day I saw you again I wanted to make you my wife."

"Hi ...Zamana...  the world don't allow such relations."

"What world allows and what not is not important...  the important is that We are loving each other like husband and wife."

"Yes oh..yes..you made me mad with lust...I am all yours."

"Please don't talk like that....I feel coming again."

"jaldi na kar....Hi...." she pleaded but was late.

Guru started throwing another load of his cum in her.  She fell upon the chest of loving son.  He clenched her in his arms.  She clenched her cunt muscles.  She wanted to squeeze each and every drop of his cum.  Twice in a short period of time made them tired and realise where they were.  rain was still falling but now its erotic effect was less.  After a while Reshma stood up and raised her hands and stretched her body.

"I have an urge to pee Guru."

"Its still raining outside...."

"What should I do...Should I pee inside?"

"No its not wise...Wait a minute...  I had an idea." Guru said and stood up too.

What he suggested was naughty but interesting.  He told her that he will open the window and raise her in his arms.  She can throw the pee outside. As there was a tree in front of the window therefore, no one can watch her. He opened the window and let the air come in.  Next he asked his mom to stand near window facing it.  From behind he lat her sit her in his lap and then grabbing her tights raised her up.

Over her shoulder he could see her pubic hair very clearly.  Reshma spread her legs apart and grasped her cunt lips.  It was a beautiful tight crease, no inner lips pushing through, just a dark vertical line.  The crease now spread open to reveal her slim pink inner lips, themselves parted slightly showing just a peek of her hole.  She hadn't even begun to piss when he could see dribbles of semen coming out of her cunt.  She said to him, "Just hold me tight you naughty boy." Suddenly the stream began and she must have peed for about a minute.  When she finished she said, 'WoW' and asked him to let her stand again.  He too was feeling an urge to pee. He jumed up and sitting at the sil of window pissed outside.  It was a naughty act but very pleasing.  When he came back to room he saw his mother searching for her cloths.

"Where is my bra and underwear?" she asked

"Its still raining Ma."

"Its getting dark as well...  we will to go back somehow."

"We can spent some more time here..."

"Somebody might be searching for us."

"Father has gone to meet his Doctor...he will come tomorrow."

"Are you gone mad...  I am tired and hungry, I want to go home"

She sat down to search her lost things under the bed.  She was able to locate her bra but her underwear was not in sight.  He saw it lying in a corner and hand it to her.  Instead of wearing it she started cleaning her cunt with it.

"What?  what are you doing Ma..."

"Cleaning your cum ...." she looked at him and then said, "You put so much in me ...fool...I may get pregnant...?" She fluttered her eyelids in and looked at him in anger.

Her words had an effect on him but he knew his mother was not in mood for more.  She started dressing and asked him to do the same.  He looked towards the window and saw rain getting weak.  Reluctantly he too started dressing.  They came out of the hut the way they went in.  They somehow made it to their home.


By the time they made it to their home it was quiet dark.  Rain was stopping as if laughing on them.  Resham said to her son that she was going to take shower meanwhile he could also do the same.  She asked him to behave as she have to cook dinner for them.  He was feeling hungry too.  First he gave fodder and water to cattle who too were hungry.  He respected the privacy of his mom and took his shower in a spare bathroom.  He put a fresh dress and came out in the courtyard.  Resham was sitting in the kitchen.  She was quiet a sight when he saw her again.  Her new dress was even more provocative then the previous one.  It was a combination of red and yellow.  She had her wet hairs tied in a towel and towel was spread over her shoulders.  she was not wearing a Duppata so the swell of bust looked more inviting than ever.  The sex and shower made her desireable beyond words, but He controlled his lust and went in.

"Aa gaya mera lal....go sit on the table." she said as if nothing bad happened between them.

Guru was enjoying the change in her mood.  He obeyed her and sat down on the table that was laid in the veranda.  Soon she came in with food.  Both of them took their food in silence.  She was a good cook so Guru took more than his fill.  As he finished eating Reshma said,

"Go rest in your room I will bring hot tea for you."

"Thanks Ma ji I really needed that."

There was a TV in his room but when he tried to watch it, it looked a boring thing.  He changed the channels but nothing worked.  When he saw his mom coming into his room he switched the TV off.  Reshma handed him his tea and started to move back.  He put the tea to side table and grabbed her hand.  She turned, took his face in hand and kissed him on his forehead, just like a good mother.

"NO son....Food look good only when you are hungry....you can't keep eating all the time."

"But, I love you..."

"I love you too and worried about your health....take a good sleep and forget everything."

She was so firm in her words that Guru had no option but to obey.  he let her go.  For some time he took his tea then decided to sleep.  Sleep failed to take him over despite the fact he was tired.  He kept thinking about the events of the day.  One of his dream was fulfilled.  He fucked the woman he wanted to fuck.  The memory of the sex was not as erotic as the last words of his mother.  He remembered her saying that he could make her pregnant.  Is it possible.  He thought.  In his imagination he saw her walking with a full belly, her child inside her womb.

"Ma oh Ma I want to make you pregnant." he cried alone.

His step-dad was absent from the house.  That was an opportunity he don't wast to miss.  In another room, Reshma too was thinking.  What a mistake she made.  However, she was not feeling as much guilty as she should have felt.  She heard from other women that how much sex can be pleasurable.  Before today she never had that much pleasure.  She felt so secure in the arms of her son.  Am I a SLUT?  she thought.  No I am as innocent as a bird.  She was feeling like a bird that was set free from a cage.

Guru stood up and went into the room of his mother.  It was dark inside but when he said,

"Ma ji" he heard her say.  "Ki Aa"

"I came to ask you something."

"let me sleep.  we will talk in the morning."

"No, its urgent." he said

"Okay switch the light on and come in."

Guru switched the light and moved towards his mother.  She was lying in her bed but sat down a little when she saw him coming.  She looked at his pyjama and to her satisfaction there was no erection.  He could see that her hairs were loose and spread over her shoulders.  He sat down on a corner of the bed and said,

"I am worried."

"Worried about what?" She asked in surprise

"When you....said ....that...."

"That? ....What I said?"

"That you can get pregnant."

"hai mein mar gaye...  That was just a passing thought, nothing serious."

"You mean that is not possible?"

"In my age this is not possible...I think"

"What is your age exactly?"

"marjanaya...  age is not asked from ladies?"

"Phair vi....approximately."

"I think I am ...  34, no no....36.."

"You call that old...this is a ripe age for getting pregnant." he told her

"I don't understand you...  Are you afraid of making me Grabwatti or you want to make me Grabwatti?"

"Don't you want to have more children..."

"I want to have more....  but this is dangerous."

"Why dangerous ji?"

"Besharma....Not from you."

"But I want."

"You can have children from the woman you will marry." .  "Enj na karo ji.  I now consider you my wife and it is your duty to give me children."

"Changi zaberdasti Aa....  from gripping my finger you are now gripping my neck."

"Pet Ma ji Pet...I want your womb."

Although she was resisting his suggestion but deep inside she was very moved by this idea.

"Tell me if world will know the truth ...where would you stand?"

"I will take you to a city where nobody will know about us and we can live like a couple."

"Kanjra...this was what you were planning in your room?"

"I was even planning to see you in bridal dress."

"Ja apne kamrey...  you are getting some funny ideas." She blushed

Guru judged from her restlessness that she was again ready to mate.  She was aware that her female form was charming to her son.  Her pointed breasts were tranquil like the lull before a storm.  A wicked charm was rippling on her thighs.  There is no haste, although her blood is boiling for the touch of her son's cock in her throbbing womanhood.

"Will you marry me or not?  tell me?" he persisted

"Are you insane or what...I already told you that in privacy I will be your wife."

"Can I kiss my wife?" He moved forward and held her hand.

Reshma holds Guru's hands and pulls him up.  "Kiss me, as if I am your 18 years old bride.  Kiss me if you ever want to marry me."

Reshma's lips are soft, hot, and juicy.  If he could stand the growing pressure of blood in his manhood, he would straight dive his face into her thighs and eat her cunt, But for now he decides to be content with only what her lips hold.  He sucked her upper lip like a lollipop and her lower lip like a chewing gum.

"This is not kissing," Reshma says.  "This is molestation." She pushed his hands under her waist until they are lodged on her hips.  "Enjoy them," she murmured, "while I teach you how to kiss your 16 years old bride."

Guru clasped the flesh of his mother's ass, separated the ass cheeks.  He reveled in their velvety smoothness.  he drew the elastic of the shalwar down.  There was no underwear.  His hands moved until the furthest horizon of her haunches.  He pushed onto the bones on her sides and enjoyed his charge.  Her body became live under his grasp.  His two index fingers met together and together they touched her rectum, and played with the humid orifice.

"Kanjar na hove ta kise than da..." Reshma remarked and pressed her tummy onto his ramrod.  Her pointed nipples caressed his hairy chest.  She took his face in her hand and kissed him full on lips.

Guru trembled at the touch of his mother's mouth on his mouth.  Reshma kissed softly his Adam's apple, presses her full lips on his taut neck.  Guru clasped his mother's asses for his life, leaving his finger marks on her flesh.  His mother held his cheeks with her palms and touched his lips with her lips.  "You must kiss your bride like this," she says, disengaging herself.  She put her lips along his lips softly.

Her lips are like liquid vanilla on his lips.  Her breaths were scented with jasmine.  His fine chest hairs cut through her tit-flesh here and there.  Mimicking his molesting kiss, she drowned his upper and lower lips respectively with the crumbling vanilla of her fluid lips.

Guru's tongue, hard and aroused, pushed of its own volley through her lips and teeth and touched her wet tongue.  She accepted his tongue on the flat of her tongue; curving, she covered his oral digit from both sides, and held it there.

Caressing his tongue this way for several moments, she offered him her tongue inside his mouth.  Her juicy tongue was agile against his sturdy tongue.  Mother and son french kissed each other for several minutes until Guru began to slide Reshma's shalwar over her hips.

Guru took her dress off in seconds.  It didn't take him long to take his off too.  He wiped his face with her garments as if it is a sterile towel. He wiped his chest, his neck, and his armpits with the holy wetness of his mother's garment.

Sitting at her feet, he felt her calves and legs against his face.  Raising each foot, he kissed her toes.  Guru is stark naked and was looking like a Greek god.

"You want to fuck me, don't you Guru?" Reshma said, raking her pubic bush with his erect penis.  She was holding it, almost painfully for him. She stroked his cock across the longitude of her raised clitoris.  "If you want to fuck me, you have to talk dirty."

She positioned his ramrod along the slit of her pussy, giving the bulbous head the first sip of her pussy juice to taste.  "If you don't talk dirty, you have to put up with this teasing." She pulled his rigid cock downward, tried to reach her asshole with his cock head.

Guru kept silent.  If not, he wouldn't have enjoyed the sexiness of his mother.  "I am a wicked mother," she says.  "If I am to be fucked by my son, I am talked dirty too by my son." She swiped his cock along her slit, giving the hungry cockhead another sip of her pussy juice to bath in.  She made the rigid cock slither in the wide garden of her pubic forest.

"My mother is a saint, and a queen.  My mother's pussy was stretched only twice.  Once when she gave birth to me, and when my cock ravished her." Guru said in a sing-song fashion.

Reshma kissed Guru, a motherly lip-kiss.  She pushed the half of his bulbous head into the folds of her labia.  Her soft inner lips were snug against the hard cock-meat.

"My son is a bastard.  My son has no morality.  He wants to fuck me morning and evening.  He takes my breasts in his mouth and kisses my nipples as if I am his personal whore.  He fucks me as if I am a street bitch in summer heat."

Guru stole a moment and attempted to shove his cock into his mother's cunt.  Reshma stopped him.  What he got is a painful fist around his girth. "Utter some dirty words, my new husband," Reshma cooed, giving his cock another sip of her cunt juice.  "Or sonny's bird will not enter mommy's nest."

"Let me, Mother," Guru cried.  "Or I will pull out your tits." Guru pulled at his mother's breasts as if they are a pair of young rabbits and he wants to squeeze them to death.

Reshma avenged by tightening her fist around his rod.  She is not kind and his cock suffered a moment of acute pain.

"Don't dare call me mother tonight," Reshma says angrily.  "I am your bride."

"My bride, let me." Guru surrenders.

"And you are such a bastard," Reshma pushed her vagina onto his cock three inches forward, "you want to make your mother your bride.  And mother of your babies."

"Oh fuck," Guru cried, measuring the depth of difference in feel between the two parts of his cock, one part sunk inside his mother's cunt and other part in her grip.

"Please My Ma My Bride," Guru entreated.

It works this time.  Reshma steadily pushed her son's large cock into her cunt until their pubic hairs were woven.  There is no doubt that Guru has accepted her mother as his bride.  Hot tears well up from her soul.  Her maternal emotion releases fresh juices around her son's cock.  Her pussy walls collapsed on his iron-hard manhood from all sides in eternal surrender.  Her arms embraced her son victoriously.  She had never thought she is capable of such sentiments.

"Guru," she wept, kissing him ferociously, "Please, call me your 'Wohti' one more time?"

"Wohti my wohti."

Maternal tenderness from her heart erupted in volcanic proportion and mixed with the sugary syrup in her womanhood.  Every part of her body kissed and caressed every part of her son's body.  She had never found such tender love in her heart for her son.

Guru, for the first time in his life, knows what it is meant to have a woman of his own.  So radical is the change that he felt as if he is a new being, without juvenile ego, without youthful frivolity, but with the knowledge of a new door opened to the deepest recess in his heart.  He hugged her not as a mother, not as a sex queen, not as an erotic witch, but simply as his wife.  He felt her skin against his with hitherto unknown intimacy.  He felt her breasts against his chest, her belly against his, her pubic hair against his, her pussy around his cock, and her thighs against his.  These touches now had new meanings, new depths.  His hand was all over her maternal back, on her gentle slopes and curves, on the fleshy moons of her ass, on the sides of her regal arms, on the nape of her slender neck, on the grace of her spinal carve.  His cock lurched inside her sex with a convulsive rhythm to the victory of universally acclaimed original motherhood.

In frenzy he pushed one of his finger in her anus.  To his surprise it pleased her.  "Mmmm...  oh yeah...  yessssss," she hissed.

He kept his cock deep, grinding it inside her incredibly tight channel. His finger on her torrid anus started pushing at the center of the squinting hole, the tip started entering her ass.

She had never had so much stimulation, his thick cock in her cunt, his finger in her ass.  She concentrated harder, and finally pushed out with her anus.  She felt his finger entering her bottom.  "Oh...  oh...  ohgod," she gasped.

Guru slowly pushed his finger all the way in and not only felt the hot ring of her asshole tighten around his digit, but her wet, warm cunt clenched even tighter around his thick prick.  His hips pulled back and he started a steady rhythm, thrusting his cock hard and deep into her cunt, over and over again, ramming into her, sometimes grinding it deep in her for a few seconds, slowly pulling back then forcefully plunging deep again.

She knew she was only a few seconds away from cresting into the most intense orgasm of her life.  Feral sounds started emanating from her throat, "Uhhhhrrrr....  urrrhhh...  arrrghhhh...  mmmhhhh....  oh...  oh... OH!  ARRRH!"

Her body convulsed with the most excruciatingly wonderful orgasm.  Wave after wave of erotic pleasure coursed through her uncontrollable body.  It was almost as if she was getting electric shocks, periodically making her pussy and anus clamp tightly around his still thrusting cock and twisting finger, then her abdomen clenched so hard that she could barely breathe.  After each intense wave of erotic delight she thought it couldn't feel better, then the next wave would wash through her topping the one she had just experienced.  "Oh...  urrrrrhh...  oh...  oh gawwwwd," she moaned.

Guru pulled his finger from her asshole, and both his hands moved.  He gripped her tits roughly, digging his fingertips into her pliant flesh.  He reared back again, then rammed his thick, throbbing prick so hard and deep into her hot, quivering cunt.

"OW!" She kept twitching and shaking as her orgasm kept sending wave after wave of intense pleasure through her body.  His cock became a forceful piston in her cunt.  She felt a dozen fierce, fast thrusts into her.  Thap-thap-thap-thap...  "Oh...  ohgod!"

"Tell me what you want, bitch...  tell me what you want."

"I...  I want you to...  to fuck me....  fuck me."

He rammed his throbbing dick as hard as he could into her gooey, tight cunt.  He rammed deep again and grind it in her.  "Urrrh!  Fu-uck!" He nearly shouted.  His torso leaned over his bride mother and then froze for a moment.  The first ripple started deep in his balls forcing his hot jiz up, making his thick cock swell even thicker and longer, the hot gob quickly traveled up to the head then he felt it spew out the tip.  "URRH!" Another half dozen spasms of his throbbing muscle instantly followed, shooting more and more viscous jiz into her womb.

Reshma felt it.  The bulbous head of her Son's cock was jammed firmly against her cervix, the sudden expansion and the instant gooey nugget of hot cream spitting into the warm confines of her womb.  It kept pumping, gob after gob of viscous heat filling her, seeping around the head, then down around the length of his cock.  With his gripping hands on her boobs, his fingertips digging in, his rod pumping and pumping, her own ass grinding against his groin, her cunt clenching, relaxing, clenching again in spasms against his stiff muscle with all her strength as if trying to milk him; her own orgasm finally peaked.

Her own Son had just given her more hot pleasure than she had ever experience.  Her entire body was tingling, shivering with delicious pleasure and thrilling pleasure-pain.  In her inebriated state, she didn't fully realize that at least some of her erotic fulfillment was from how he had fucked her, how she had loved being dominated, ordered, forced.  She had loved struggling but then giving in to him, and loved not having to think.  All she had to do was feel, and know his entire attention was focused on her, on her alone.  She felt the last gob of hot goo spew into her stretched, convulsing cunt and she fainted.

Guru was gasping his breaths as his torso fell onto his mother.  He couldn't remember the last time, if ever, he had cum so fucking hard.  He kept his hands gripping her breasts for another minute as he caught his breath.  His hands loosened, then his thumbs and index fingers clamped the taut, raspberry shaped nipples.  He twisted them hard but there was no response.  He was still breathing hard when he growled, "You wanted this, didn't you, bitch?" His jaw clenched when she didn't answer.  He twisted her taut nipples the other way.  "You need this, you love it, don't you, bitch?"

Finding no answer made him worried.  "Ma ...Reshma..." he shouted "Are you okay"

He slapped on her face and she tried to control her breathing but couldn't, "Yeah...  yeah...  okay...  okay."

"You're mine now.  You're my exclusive obedient little doll.  You'll do whatever the fuck I say from now on.  Got that?" .

"Ahhh!  Yes...  yes, Guru...  I'm...  I'm yours!"

"Now you can have your sleep...  you deserve it."

Saying that he yanked his softening cock from her cunt and left the room.



It was the horn of a truck that woke Guru.  He had no idea how long he slept.  Realising that he slept too long, he rushed to bathroom.  He cleaned himself and remembered that cattle would be waiting for their food. Instead of going in he went out to their shed.  It was dark because of clouds otherwise it was not early.  Rain was again in the air.  As he reached to cattle shed he realised that his mother already fed the cattle. He started searching her and found her milking the cow in cow shed.  She was sitting on her haunches and filling a bucket with the milk.  She saw Guru and smiled.

"Jaag Gaya mera Lal....was sleep good?."

"I am sorry ji....you should have awaken me."

"I went to your room but then thought you are too tired for work.'

"And you are fit for work....You should not have done cattle feeding by yourself."

"Cattle feeding is not a big work...Its all done."

"Can I help you now."

"You can pick the bucket when it gets filled."

Again she was looking so normal that for a while Guru thought everything that happened yesterday was a dream.  But no, she was wearing a blue dress and took a shower again.  To avoid dirt getting in her dress Reshma wraped the lower portion of her shirt around her waist.  From one angle a part of her waist and from another angle her waist band was visible.  Events of last night started repeated themselves in his mind.  He felt a great desire to kiss her but resisted the idea because they were not inside the house. Reshma apparently was busy in milking cow but in reality she was checking Guru.  He was still eyeing her which was big positive.  Some times a man starts ignoring the woman he wins once.

"Took this bucket in and bring another." she said to him

"have you said something to me."

"where is your mind....Milkman will come to collect milk soon." she told him

Realising the situation Guru took the milk filled bucket from his mother and went in to bring another.  When he came back his mother shifted to next cow.  She took the empty bucket from him and handed her Duppata [scarf] to him.

"Phar wey...Tang kar reha maino."

She started milking again and Guru started watching her again.  This time he could see the swell of her bust clearly.  How different are her udders from the udders of a cow.  He thought.  While those of cow were like bananas her were like juicy mangoes.  As he watcher with lust she felt proud of her body.  It pleased her to know that her beauty can mesmerism a young male still.  She decided to tease him a little.

"Don't eat me with your eyes...get this bucket."

Guru blushed but had nothing to say.  Straightening her dress, Reshma started standing up as he moved to pick the bucket.  Instead of picking the bucket he gabbed her in his arms from behind.  He kissed her on her open neck and let his erect pole go inside her asscheeks.  At her front he grabbed her boobs and gave then a good squeeze.  The attack was so sudden that Reshma failed to do anything about it.  She shivered and spoke in anger.  "Ungggg...Chadd maino...What are you doing Ass....I told you the milkman is about to come any minute."

Guru was not in a mood to listen her plea but then he heard Milkman calling his name.

"Ma the sora...why he has to come this moment." he said and let his mom go.

Reshma wore her duppata in haste.  "wey...you look after the cows...I will meet him." She picked the bucket and moved to meet the milkman.

The milkman was a mature man of 45.  Reshma was not new to him but that day he found her different.  She was looking so sexy that he felt a stir in his loins.

"You are late brother." she told him

"Sister...its the rain....the paths are all dirty..."

He took the buckets from her and started pouring them in a bigger bucket. As he started leaving Reshma saw an neighbor lady approaching her house.  Findind Reshma standing there she said,

"You were not in the house yesterday.  I came to meet you twice, once before the rain and once after."

"Khair a Tai Banto....  was there anything urgent?"

"My daughter asked me to invite you on the marriage of her daughter Nimmo."

"She invited me herself but marriage is a week away."

"Yes, but last night we gathered for singing and dancing and you know no such meeting is complete without you."

"Tauba Tauba.  Tai...Don't ask me what happened in rain...I thanked god when I made it back to home."

"Somebody told me that rain and hail damaged a big area."

"Chal chore...tell me the marriage is well underway or not?'

"Yes...everything going well."

As the two were talking the small drops of rain started falling again. Reshma was not interested in calling the old lady in her home because she was a big talker.  She wanted her to go away but she kept talking, and the rain kept getting strong.  'Bitch go and die elsewhere' Reshma wanted to tell the old lady but in reality she was compelled to invite the old lady inside.  "Aa ja Tai ...I will prepare tea."

"I am very busy at home but it won't be bad idea to stay for a while."

"I am busy too but it won't hurt me if you spent some time here."

"The entire village praises you for your good manners.  Reshma." The old lady sat down in the veranda and kept talking.  "your husband is lucky to have you and now you have your son is back with you."

'ji ji' Reshma said and went in the kitchen to prepare tea for tai and breakfast for Guru.  When Guru came in he was surprised to see an old lady sitting there.  In his heart he cursed her but on face he smiled.

"Welcome tai...how is your health?"

"Don't ask about health son...old age a illness in itself."

"get yourself checked by a doctor." he advised 'or by the angel of death' he thought.

"Everyone praise you for the way you are looking after the chores here put." she said

Then he heard his mother telling him to get ready for breakfast.  He went to washroom just to avoid the old woman.  As he watched himself in mirror he said to himself.  'Qismat....what a bad luck, first the milkman and now this hag of a woman...when I will get a chance to be alone with my love.  Have mercy god, have mercy.'

He don't want to sit with the old lady so he went inside his room.  Just then he heard his mom telling that lady.  "Tai have your tea...I will return after giving his breakfast to Guru."

She quickly moved to his room with a tray in her hands.  Guru saw her coming but said nothing.  She put his breakfast on a side table.

"Shahbash...have your breakfast.."

"Ma...why you let this hag enter the house?'' he asked in whisper

"I won't called her from her house...She came here and rain started falling." she whispered back.

"Get her out somehow."

"She will go by herself...soon"

Then Reshma did something only a naughty girl can do.  She held one biscuit in her lips and took it near the mouth of Guru.  Guru took only half of it as he sucked more on her lips.  If the game was on then she surely was no novice.  His cock which was in rest for sometime, jumped to occasion.  Realising him getting erect Reshma rubbed his cock over the cloth of his pyjama.  He too rubbed her boobs over the shirt.

"Wey...you human or what...always erect like a steel."

"Its because of you...one touch or even a glimpse and I feel leaking."

Despite the presence of an old lady both of them were feeling very horny. If Guru was erect like a steel her cunt was soaking with lust.  As he tried to push her shirt up she held his hand.


The old lady realised that Reshma was not paying attention to her, She decided to call her.

"Thanks fo the tea Reshma...but where are you?"

They were not aware but Tai Banto came to say this near the room.  Quickly they seprated.  Guru started sipping tea and Reshma went out to meet the lady.

"Fuck your family old hag...Kutti sali" he said to himself

After having his breakfast Guru came out of his room.  Both the women were stting and talking.  Seeing him the old lady said, "I am taking your mother with me son"

"What?  why?"

"A marriage is taking place in our house and we want her opinion about some dresses."

The information hit him like a arrow in the heart.  he looked towards his mom.  His eyes were pleading her to stay but she didn't want to make anyone suspicious.

"I will be back soon...give me the umbrella and close the door."

"You should also pay a visit to our house sometime." The old hag said to Guru.

Before he could think of something to say they were gone.  How lucky was the last day and how bad is today.  He thought.  For sometime he watched rain falling then started thinking about his mother.  Where he was wanting her to be in his arms she was suggesting dress designs to some foolish women.  As the more time passed he thought of going to that house himself and bring his mom back on some pretext.  Only thing that kept him going there was the thought that those people might compell him to stay too.  Was she teasing her intentionally.  Whenever he heard some voices he watched towards the open door but there was no sign of Reshma.  Why she was taking so much interest in marriage of strangers.  He even said to himself.

"Kithe reh gai...maharani"

he was a male and should dominate her.  Showing too much love might give an advantage over him.  He will wait.  He thought and saw rain stopping.  He got up and moved out of the house.  Nobody was in the street.  It was the rain that was keeping people in.  He was still deciding whether to go forward or back when he saw a woman coming towards him.  She was wearing blue.  Lord O Lord.  She was Reshma.  His heart missed a beat.  All the anger he was against her was gone.  When she came near she saw some water in the way.  Without any shame she raised her shalwar up and walked forward. This made half of her legs visible.  They were glowing like white tubes.  He thanked the god that nobody was watching her apart from him.  After coming out of water she dropped her dress down and cleared her feet then she saw her son watching her.

"what are you doing here?" she asked and fluttered her eye lids.

"Nothing ji....just talking with the clouds." he said in mock anger

"Sorry...it was not possible to leave a women gathering.  One canot avoid her social life."

"Tell me truly, you care for me or not"

"Care?  I love you Kanjra."

"Should we go home or you have some more socail duties to do?

"Listen...a bad thing has happened." she said with some sadness.  Guru looked at her and she continued.  "I lost one of my earring yesterday."

"You are wearing a pair even now."

"This one is different.  That one was heavier.  Costlier."

"Lets go home we will search that later." he suggested

"No.  we will go and search it now." she declared.  "Today we have got an umbrella."

They were in open and standing there for long time was not wise.  They quickly took a short rout towards the hut.  The air was still cool and took thier mind off sex.  As they reached near hut Guru said,

"we forgot to bring the key"

"No problem...we will enter through the window like yesterday.

For entering through window he picked his mom once again in his arms.  The soft touch of her body made him horny again.  As soon as they were inside the hut they were under the spell of sex.  She immediate started searching.  As she bent to see under the bed her ass was towards Guru.  That was too much inviting.  He closes the window and tried to mount her the way a dogs mounts a bitch.

"Let me search the 'Bali'."

"No.  later"

"Have you shut the window."


He grabbed her at her waist and picked her in his lap.  He sat down on the edge of the bed and started rubbing her body at various places.  One of his hand slipped under her shirt.  He raised her bra up and held her breast.

"You teased me enough...its my turn to tease you." he said.

"Pagal...  I wanted to be with you but fate kept me away."

"You could have made a pretext and returned."

"Now don't waste the time.  I am untying my shalwar."

She loosened the waist band and Guru helped her drop it to the floor.  He asked her to pull her underwear down too and meanwhile came out of his pyjama.  Now both were naked waist down.  He kissed the pink soft cheeks of her ass and even liked at the crease of her ass cheeks.  For a second she though he might lick her anus but emotion took him over.  He grabbed at her thighs and stabbed her on the pole of his cock.

"mar gai hai....mar gai...Ahhhh...hauli vad kanjara..."

She was wet and his cok made a slick entry.  He had no idea why his mom was acting like a virgin.  To please her he said,

"I think I am not big...but your cunt is tight like that of a virgin"

"i am not a virgin...but you are big like a horse."

Packing of her cunt with a cock was good but not good enough.  She wanted him to penetrate.  In the sitting position it was not easy.  She herself started moving her bum up and down.  Guru was as surprised as he was pleased.  he grabbed her thighs and helped in move up and down.  With every jerk a new reccess was opening in her cunt.

"say you are mine."

"I am yours."

"Say I am your Khassam."

"You are my Kkassam."

"Say make me pregnant."

"make me pregnant."

This talk was having a very erotic effect on both of them.  His hand let the legs go and moved to her breast.  He started rubbing her nipples.

"A fire is burning inside your cunt."

"haye rabba.....Only you can extinguish that fire"

The wetness in her cunt increased so much that she stopped moving.  She breathing hard and feeling at the verge of a climax.  She joint her thighs tightly and Guru cried.

"I am coming ...Oh..ohoh...Aa"

When he finally stopped leaking he fell down on the bed.  Reshma laid herself along with him.  She put her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

"Are you tired?" she asked

"I am not tired but feeling satisfied like a person who quenches his thirst with water."

"I am feeling the same way."

"Do you want to search the 'bali'?"

"I lost no 'bali', I just wanted to bring you here."

"this hut is our paradise."

"Now lets go home.  You must be feeling hungry."

That was ture so he agreed to go back.  They dressed again and came out of the hut.  He was happy and smiling.  She saw that and said,

"Don't smile like a fool....you should be ashamed of fucking your mother."

"I don't know Mom ...whether she is the one who is fucking me or me fucking her."

"kamina...  not feeling any shame at fucking her four times."

"Not four mem...three times."

"Three time ...don't you know the counting?"

"Three times in the hut"

"And once in the night...how can you not count that."

"Don't count everything..soon you will forget counting."

"Its my cunt that gets the pain, its my cunt that gets teared, how can I not count."

"Stop talking like a foolish child."

"Aaho ji....you have fucked me , now you don't want to listen my voice."

"Your voice is sweeter than that of nightingale ji....I wanted to stop you because we are approaching the village."


"Mafi ji"

Reshma smiled at the innocence of her son.  As they entered the street of thier home they saw some people walking there.  Silently they made to their home.  Once inside she told him to go and look after the cattle, while she would prepare food.  Just before entering the kitchen she realised that she was not clean.  Her mother always advised her that she should enter the kitchen only when clean.  'Tauba Tauba'.  She decided to take a quick shower.

As soon as she went into her bathroom Guru came in.  He went to kichen first.  She was not there.  He quickly took some milk and came out of the kitchen.  He could guess where she was.  He went in her room and looked at her bathroom door.  The door was closed so he knocked.

"Kon...?" she asked

"Tera Khassam." he said laughing

"Go away and take a shower yourself."

"I want to tell you something urgent."

"We will talk after the shower.  or you can tell it from outside."

"just for one minute...open the door."

"I can understand your urgent work...  only a hour ago you had me Kanjra."

"Dont take me wrong."

"No..Later ...okay"

As she was talking she was taking her dress and jewelry off.  Soon she was standing buck naked inside the bathroom.  From a small hole Guru peeked inside.  The nakedness in front of him was so different.  She appeared another woman to him.

"Okay I am going...  and in protest I will not eat." Guru said and started to move.

Just then he saw the door of bathroom opening.  He quickly entered the bathroom and bolted the door.  He saw Reshma standing with her back towards him.  She was semi wet and trying to pour more water over her body.

"What you want to say." she asked without turning her face to him.  "Bol vi...I want to take a bath."

She wanted him to act but Guru was watching her nudity in amazement.  The curve of her waist and the swell of her buttocks were highly erotic.  Some water was flowing from her hairs towards her 'Gaand'.  He moved behind her and caressed her ass.  The entire body of Reshma trembled at that touch.

"You said you want to say something...Harami...this is what you want to say.  I had my doubts about you.

"You are my Queen...  and you have a body I can't resist for a minute."

"I know why you are calling me Queen..."

"Then tell....why"

"Getting me ready for another attack of your unbearable cock."

Guru put his arms around her by getting them under her armpits.  He started messaging the upthrust of her chest.  She was so moved that she started breathing hard.  She thrust her ass backward and found that her son was as naked as her.  His cock made a small push inside the crack of her ass cheeks.  He rubbed her hard at front.  She moaned.

"Why don't you show some patience..."

"You are like a fire and I am like a wood my Queen...  I can't resist you."

"Aahhhhhh....unnnngggghhhj.....  I think it was mistake to let you fuck me.  I was not aware that you will use me day and night."

The truth was, however, quiet opposite.  She was enjoying the attention she was getting from her young virile son.

"I am three in one for you Ma" he said and explained.  "Your son, your husband and your lover.  you have to satisfy all three of me."

He pinched her nipples and pulled her boobs.  Again she cried in pain but something in her wanted him to continue.

"You are making me your personal slut.  don't call me Queen."

"Can I call you my doll."

"A good child dress his or her doll but you are undressing yours."

"Because mine looks better without the dress."

"No son can even think of talking like that to his mom.'

"No mom can put the cock of her son with her hand in her puddi."

He took the lobe of the one of her ear and sucked on it.  That was a breath taking act for Reshma.  He kept licking her ear and she kept groaning.  Then he pulled her a little and turned her toward the sink.  Resting her elbows on the counter top, she bent over, spread her legs out wide and leaned her ass back to him.  He fell behind her on his knees and saw a wonderful sight.  Two of her most secret holes were displayed to him . They were a feast for the eyes of a horny man like him.  He slowly spread the folds of her cunt and watched.  The folds were wet and swollen.  They were pink, wrinkled and pearlescent in the bathroom light.  She used her fingers to pull them apart, showing the barest darkness of a hole near the bottom, surrounded like the center of a flower with wet pink petals.  Then she moved her fingers upwards and began to play with a firm bud of flesh.

A clitoris!  Guru was looking at a clitoris for the first time!  "What is this Reshma ji...?"

He reached up with a finger, touching over the wet pearl that was her clitoris.  It was firm but rubbery, and moved if he pressed hard.  It also seemed to have a sheath of sorts.  The more he touched it, the more Reshma moaned.

"Na kar Harami....I feel like dying." she screamed

He bit his bottom lip and moved his finger lower.  He stroked the sexy folds of his mother's pussy.  She closed her eyes and let her head drop back.  Her wet dark hair dripped water all over bathroom floor when she shook her head and moaned.

He wanted to taste her.  Not completely but a little.  He pushed his face against her pussy.  She was hot.  She was wet and there was also a sweet musky scent that coated all of the tiny folds he found himself licking.  He tried to kiss her pussy but that seemed so inadequate in this close proximity.  So he continued to flick his tongue out over her sex.  Guru took long strokes with his tongue, licking her from top to bottom.

He must have been doing it right because Reshma shuddered and moaned.

"Hey Mata....  that feels so fucking good!" She cried.

Guru licked up and down, feeling his arms beginning to shake under the weight.  His sister was a short, petite girl but maybe her breasts were a bit too heavy.  He was starting to lose hold of her.  And he wanted to do a good job, wanted to show her he was a fast learner.

Guru shoved his tongue into Reshma's cunthole, and swirled it around.  Then he fucked her with it, fattening it sometimes, and other times making it like a snake, thin and slippery.  She got wetter.  And wetter.  And wetter!  And sweeter too!

Guru licked and sucked more, forcing his face hard against his sister's cunt.  He fucked her hole with his tongue, squeezing her ass cheeks even as he began to lose his grip.

"Little more...little more, Guru!" She was crying out loud now, head tossed back.  "Yes, yes yes!  mar ditta mainu"

He knew it was time, she was cumming.  He wondered what would happen.  Would she spurt the way guys do?  Reshma writhed and rocked, obviously losing control of her whole body as she came.  And sweet nectar of sex filled Guru's waiting mouth.  He tongued it up, drinking her full juices. It was like a watery syrup, weirdly flesh like in taste but not in a bad way.  He licked and lapped until he pulled his head away.

"Enough!  You're driving me, uffff, crazy!"

His face was slick with her pussy juice and she was smiling at him as she took a towel and wiped him clean.  Then she looked down at his cock, which as erect as ever.

"I think," she said softly, "I don't need that now.  You satisfied me with your tongue."

"No...don't give me that...Reshma ji....."

He pushed her back to sink and stood up.  She trembled as he put the bulbous head of his cock over her cunt.  Leaning his hips forward, he felt his cock ease into her cunt.  She felt so soft, so warm and wet as he slipped inch by inch into her.

Slowly withdrawing, be then pushed into her again, feeling her caress every bit of his cock with the walls of her pussy.  He pulled out again and then shoved harder, feeling his balls bounce off of her.  Picking up speed he grabbed her hips as he rammed his cock deeper and deeper into her, watching her ass jiggle as their bodies slapped together.

Only then something disturbed them beyond their wildest imagination.  The phone started ringing.  Reshma could guess that it was from her husband. It stopped ringing once but then started ringing again.

"Wey phone ....  Hai wey phone." She froze and said

"Fuck the phone Ma...ignore it..."

"It may be from your father..."

She struggled and freed herself.  Knowing the importance of the phone she ran into the room without wearing any cloths.  Guru watched her pick the phone naked.

"Where you were? ....what took you so long?" She heard the angry voice of Satpal.

"I was in the kitchen....Cooking Saag...and..." She replied in a softer tone.  "How are you."

"I am Alright...I once phoned yesterday.  Nobody answered,"

"We, I mean me and Guru were held out by the rain...Ki dassan..."

"Bas, Bas....  listen the doctor admitted me here in his hospital."

"Haye...Why?" She spoke like a wife worried about her husband.

"Nothing to worry...Just a few more tests...."

"Chalo theek....I will pray for your health."

"Listen...  I will not return tomorrow....It will take three more days here."

She could express how pleasing was that news to her.  "Acha"

"How is Guru...Taking care."

"He is right....he is taking care of everything ...especially my care."

After that her husband decided to shut the phone.  Guru saw her putting the phone back.  he ran towards her and grabbed her in his arms.  He started kissing her like a mad man.  She wanted to resist but failed to say anything.  She started kissing him back.  He sucked her tongue and she put her arms around his neck.  How strong is he?  she thought.  They kissed deeply for several seconds, their tongues tangling.

Guru sat down on a armless chair.  He picked Reshma at her ass and raised her up.  She knew what he wanted.  Happily she let her legs go around his waist and sat down in his lap.  Guru was quick to insert his cock into her cunt.  She straddled his hips and melted her dripping cunt onto his cock.  When she had it in all the way, she began to ride his cock. There was a mirror in the room through which Guru could watch how his cock pistoned upward to meet his mom's downward plung.

Even minutes ago she had an orgasm but felt another building inside her. Guru continued shoving his cock in and out of his mother, feeling the sensation of her envelope him, feeling her wetness slide over him, feeling her warmth draw him in.  He was going deeper and deeper with each pump, until he felt their pubic mounds meet and he knew he was in all the way.  As he opened and closed her buttocks, he found her anus winking up at her, and he quickly pressed a finger, then two fingers to her anal ring.  When he had it fairly loose and reasonably lubricated, he pushed the fingers in and began to finger fuck her tight ass.  It didn't stay tight long, however, as the more he finger-reamed her ass, the more open and relaxed it got.

Reshma was nearly comatose as a succession of orgasms spilled from her. Watching her cry in ecstacy he couldn't hold off any more and arching his back he came, spurting his cum into his mother's pussy in spurt after spurt. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he held her tight, keeping himself pushed tight against her ass, trying to keep his cock inside her as it slowly shrank.  She finally crashed with a violent, full-body trembler that left her witless.

None of them talked and there was nothing to talk.  Finally she spoke.

"There is a good news."

"Tell me please."

"H is not coming ...ullo da patta, Satpal is not coming for another three days." she was smiling telling that.

"Good oye....what a news." he said and thought for a second.  "After watching you talking to him nude, I have an idea?"

"An idea...Tauba...teri Shaitani Soch."

"Reshma ji today we will not wear any dresses."

"Tut paina...  I have to cook food."

"You will cook nude and I will watch."

She obeyed the order of Guru and remained nude.  On her demand Guru closed all the windows and drew curtains over them.  She went to piss nude and went to cook nude.  Their house was built in such away that watching them from outside was not possible.  They ate late and after having some hot tea they laid themself together on the same bed.  For sometime they talked like two lovers.

"only one thing bothers me in this relationship Guru" she said with some sadness.

"And what is that?"

"The way I talk with you...I really don't know why I talk dirty...with you."

"Your dirty talk gives me pleasure Ma...  There is nothing to worry."

"No...Only a slut talk like that...You can think that I am a woman of very low morals."

"Franky I respect you more than I love you."

"Thank you but Promise you will never change your attidude towards me."

"Pormise ji promise." He said.

Reshma let her head rest on his chest.  That was gesture of showing love. He grabbed her face and kissed her.  The kissing made him erect and his hands moved over her belly.  Slowly they moved forward to check her at her cunt.  When she saw that she said,

"Not so quick please....I am very sour down there.  Give my poor cunt some rest."

"Okay ...  Ma Ok....But god has given you so many holes to please."

"What are you saying I don't understand....."

"You have got your mouth to please and you can make a hole by joining your boobs."

"tauba...what a devil you are,"

"But the best alternative hole you got is your shitter...the bum hole."

"Mein Gaand nahin marvandi..."

"Then let me fuck your choot."

"Oh god...  what a mess I am in...."

"You 'ill have to make a decision,"

"But your cock is so big it won't go in my 'Bund'...its very tight."

"Let me try....I will stop if it pains you."

"I am agreeing only for once....right."

Guru was beyond logic now.  He plunged his tongue into her shithole, covering it with his lips and french-kissing her itchy hole.  His breathing became ragged and he spread her buttocks to gain better access to her tight, brown hole, swirling his wet tongue around the puckered rim of her anus.  As soon as he felt it wet enough he tried to insert the head of his cock inside her shitter.  The entry was difficult because of two fact.  First there was a big difference in the size of his cock and the passage of her shitter.  Second was her pychological condition.  She was expecting pain and wanted to resist it.  He held her waist and pushed forward.  The tip of the cock moved in but that was all for the time being.

"Stop for god sake....you will ruin my shitter...how will I shit then."

"Relax....nothing yet and you are crying as if I tore your shitter."

"Haye meri bund....Kanjra....you are tearing me apart." She felt the cock move forward.

"Let me think ....  if others do this to their wives then why not me." Guru said.  He saw her jerk like a fish and stopped.

"I am not a coward like other women son...but use some technique to do this."

"Can you suggest something?"

"Pick the oil bottle from the dressing table and oil my shitter."

He got up to pick the oil bottle meant for oiling hairs.  On return he saw his mom putting two pillows under her belly to give he back some elevation.  She spread her legs and he started oiling her shitter.  He put some on his cock as well.

"Are you ready?"

"Oonh..Slow be very slow....  and promise after buggering me you will let me sleep."

"No non sense Ma..Its only the begining of the of the night and you are giving up."

"You are a devil..show some mercy please."

"After three days you husband will come back...lets use this time to maximum."

"Don't get worried...I will create opportunities even in his presence."

Reshma looked back at him over her shoulder.  She wiggled her ass and moaned.  His fingers alone felt good.  She tried not to think of how much his cock was going to hurt.  The anticipation was killing her.  She wanted him to just sink it in her and get off so it would be over.  At the same time, she wanted him to go slow so she could savor every inch of that cock as it split her open.  She wanted to enjoy the feeling of it wedged inside her tight hole, sliding in and out.

The bed shifted as he knelt behind her.  She squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to whimper.  She didn't want him to hear how scared she was.

Guru's hand touched her ass and she flinched.  She was trembling.  He probably knew how scared she was now.  Would he stop?  She thought not.

"Spread your ass apart," He said.  His voice was soft, just above a whisper.

She reached back with both hands.  Her heart was pounding and her breath was uneven.  She couldn't believe she was actually going to do such a nasty thing.  She heard from some other women that nothing was more intimate than being sodomised in the ass.  They claimed that it creates a kind of bond between a woman and the man who did it to her, and their relationship from that point could no longer be just casual.  Now she would share that bond forever with her son.  The thought made her feel warm and fuzzy inside.

She pulled her ass cheeks apart, trying to stretch her hole open as wide as she could.  She was trembling all over.  The cold head of Guru's cock touched her tender asshole.  She moaned.  So far it felt good.  He pressed it in and she resisted the urge to force it back out.

He pressed harder.  She squirmed, biting her lip to keep from screaming in pain.  He pressed more.  A groan came from deep in her throat.  It felt like he was trying to shove a tree into her ass.  She began to regret it. The pain was intense.

Guru pushed for a few seconds, then eased off.  The pain subsided.  She was panting.  "Is it in?" she asked.  Her voice trembled.

"Almost," he said.  "You're still too tight."

She whimpered.  It wasn't even in yet.  She didn't know if she could take this.  She must have been crazy to think she could take a cock that size in her tiny asshole.  The pain to get just the tip in was too much for her already.

Like a brutal animal her son started pushing again.  She groaned, her teeth clenched together.  She could feel herself stretching to accept him. His hands squeezed her hips and he forced himself in with a quick jerk.  Reshma cried out, blinded by a jolt of pain.  For a moment, she felt nothing but a sharp stinging, then the pain began to fade and she felt something else.  The cock was moving in and out, pushing a little deeper each time.  His cock buried entirely in his mother's chuff, his bollocks resting against her smooth cuntlips.  This was the incredible sensation she expected.  He kept pushing and she groaned.  How much of it would fit inside her?  It felt so good sliding in.  She hoped he would find room for every inch.  Then Guru put one of his hands over her Clit and rubbed.

"Oh God, Guru," She sighed.  "I am going to faint."

He began to slide his weapon in and out of her slippery arsehole, and rubbing her cunt.  The pleasurable sensations grew stronger, more difficult to resist.  His prick fucked into her arse again and again, and she chewed her lips, enduring and enjoying.  After a few minutes later Reshma had adjusted to his size and began to shove her arse back against his invading prick.  Has this bitch had been buttfucked before.  A thought passed over his mind.

"Oh, you fucker!  Make me your anal slut."

She arched her back, pushing her ass up.  His cock sunk another inch deeper and she groaned.  Guru leaned over her.  She could feel his breath on her back.  His hands came up around her sides and squeezed her tits.  He kissed the back of her neck and she shivered.  Her hands clutched the sheets, balling them up in her fists just to hang on.  She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip in her teeth.  He was rocking her back and forth, forcing more and more of his cock into her tight asshole.  The anticipation of the orgasm that would wash over her trembling body thrilled her.  Her clit was so sensitive under his fingers that she heard herself begging him to stop.  He didn't stop.  He fucked her.  It was what she'd asked for, and it was what he gave her.  Emma thrashed wildly on the bed, her body spastically out of control as her elder brother's huge prick ravaged her shit-tube until she could stand it no longer.  Panting loudly, She collapsed on the bed like a rag-doll, his slippery cock slipping from her back-passage with a slurp.  Guru bent down to kiss her neck, his hard prick resting between her slick buttocks.  As her naked body spasmed in the clutches of her climax, Guru pulled the cheeks of her arse wide open and gazed at her gaping anus.  With a single thrust he penetrated her shitter and sodomised her with renewed vigour.  With it would come the sensation of his warm cum shooting inside her.Just then she felt his orgasm explode inside her, and she blushed.  To Guru's surprise he didn't lose his erection and was able to continue buggering his beautiful mother, unbelievably aroused by sensation of his knob slipping through the mass of his own semen in her rectum.

Overflowing with jism and lube, Reshma's shit-tube slurped under the assault of her son's hefty cock.  She slapped her fanny with the palm of her hand, gasping as another orgasm took hold of her thrashing body.  Suddenly Guru gasped too, and she knew that he was going to come again, that he was going to splatter her guts once more with the discharge of his jism.  She thrust her arse back against him, engulfing his prick in her tight shitter, and she wiggled her arse from side to side, her shitting muscles.  She was unable to prevent her own orgasm.

"So this is what it's like!" she moaned from deep in her guts,


"Look, Guru Look." Reshma said and turned herself once in front of him.

"I see nothing new."

"Khotaya ...look at my belly." She pointed to the extra roundness of her belly.

It was dawned to Guru that he made his mom Reshma pregnant.  Her body had blossomed and the weight she had gained had filled her out in all the right places.  Her ass had a smooth roundness and her breasts had increased at least a cup size to a nice full C.  The most distinctive change had been in her face, where the added flesh had softened her features.  Like all women carrying a child her skin glowed with health, and Guru thought she had gone from pretty to hot as hell, despite the obvious swell of pregnancy in her belly.

"O Ma...I am so happy."

"Tell me honestly, Guru, do you think I'm beautiful?" Reshma asked

Guru chuckled, "I've always thought you were the hottest female on earth."

"OK," said she giggling, "Now compared to before I was pregnant."

"No question," he said, "you're twice as beautiful.

He took her in his arms and kissed her fervertly.  That was a high point in their romance and none of them was feeling ashamed.  What about Satpal and the rest of the village.  There was not much problem.  Everyone took the up coming baby as the baby of Satpal.  Nobody had slightest idea that it is the work of her son Guru.