Sardar of Brick Kiln

Sardar of Brick Kiln

Published on: 2024-09-18 17:22:39

On my first appointment as a Civil Engineer at the age of 25, I was posted to look after the construction jobs of a new project being undertaken in a maiden location surrounded by vast agricultural fields on three sides.

There was no human habitation within four kilometers so I had to arrange my accommodation at the nearest village, Manbhanjan that was nearly five kilometers away from the project site. It was a three room rented house, the owner of which lived in the nearby city. He was Santa Prasad, around fifty years. Though he lived in the city with his family for the education of his wards, in dress and appearance he was like a typical rural farmer. The house he rented to me was the only RCC house in the village with AC facility.

When I was having difficulty in finding accommodation after joining the new job, the supervisor of a nearby brick kiln, Bhim Prasad, helped me to find this rented house. Bhim and Santa were distant relatives.

Bhim, around 38, was the supervisor or Sardar of the brick field that supplies bricks regularly to our project site. His physical features fully did justice to his name. He was more than six feet in height with the strong muscular body of a body builder. His appearance with the height, weight, broad chest and strong biceps would remind one of a ruthless gangster. It was needed for the job he looked after, supervising workers, keeping their attendance records, making payments to the daily rated workers, supplying bricks to parties and collecting payment from them, looking after the safety and security of the brick field, handling local goons etc. It was the biggest brick kiln of the locality and known for quality products. The actual owner of the brick kiln hardly visited the field and Bhim was the undisputed lord of the field. He looked ruthless and ferocious though from the day of my joining he had been very helpful to me.

When and how did Bhim come to work in the brick kiln was not known to me. When sometimes he used to visit our project site and stood beside me, I felt like a tiny person beside him.

The labourers that worked in the brick kiln were mostly from the marginalized adivasi population living in nearby villages. However, the hard economic necessities made a good number of people from other communities also to work there. Some workers even came from far away states like Odisha and Bengal. As it is a common practice in many brick kiln, there were a large number of female workers. They used to work from early morning till dusk like their male counterparts.

For the workers who came from far away places, there was a cluster of unhygienic slums just outside the brick field. There were about sixty huts made of bamboos, straws and polythene and three tubewells and five common latrines. The huts were of different sizes. The smaller huts accommodated at least two persons while bigger ones had four to five persons. Apart from the workers, there were children of the workers. When the children grew up, they too worked in the same field and many of them started working before even they turned fifteen. But in official records they were enrolled as eighteen years. Their children never have had any schooling or education. The slum population was two hundred plus including children. The water of the tubewell was used for bathing, drinking and cooking purposes by the workers. The huts were built by Bhim for the benefit of workers and he collected a nominal monthly rent of fifty for the larger huts and thirty for the smaller ones. These were all single room huts where parents lived with their young as well as grown up children. Some larger huts arranged polythene partitions within them to maintain parents' privacy from their children. It was particularly necessary where there were grown up children. Like any slum, it too had problems of quarrel in dirty languages among the inhabitants over water, over illicit relationship with neighbours. Liquor was another reason of their merriment and quarrel. But in case of any problem or illness, the entire slum stood together.

Those workers, who were not from nearby villages, preferred to live in the slum. Many had grown up daughters or healthy youthful wives. If they lived outside the slum, some local goons disturbed those wives and girls. In Bhim's Barrack (as the slum was known) they were assured that none would dare to look at the females with ulterior motives.

Bhim lived in a small house in one corner of the brick kiln. It was a pucca house, the front side served as his office and at the back he had built a big room with attached modern toilet and kitchen on two sides. The room approximately sized 26X13 feet was his bedroom. The location of his office-cum-residence was such that during day time he could survey the entire field through the window. Unlike the slum, his office had electricity and in his bedroom there was an industrial fan running on electricity during the summer. Bhim was unmarried and lived on minimum things. Twice or thrice I had been to his office-cum-residence either to collect the bill of supplying bricks or to hand over bank cheque towards bill payment.

On every occasion, Bhim took me to his bedroom to sit comfortably and offered either tea or lemon juice or cold drinks. There was no furniture in his bedroom. The plastic rope that hanged from one to other corner of the room served as his rack for keeping his clothes. But all the clothes were neatly folded and kept in a tidy manner. The concrete structure was elevated from floor up to two feet, nearly seven feet in length and six feet in width to serve as his bed. The elevated concrete structure of the make-shift bed had a thick mattress on it and was covered by clean white sheet. It had two pillows and a bolster. The kitchen surprisingly had an old Voltas refrigerator, which Bhim frankly admitted was mainly for chilled beer during the summer. The kitchen and toilet were also very neat, clean and tidy.

Whenever I went to his den he gave very warm welcome and would mind if I refused to take something at his place. But there was a rumour against him that many workers of his Bhim Barrack sent their wives or grown up daughters to his den at night and in return Bhim paid them wages even without attending the job on a particular day or overtime wages without working any extra hours. Some even said that the female workers coming from nearby villages also availed this opportunity so that if one of them had absented from work, she could get her absence regularised by staying back at his den on some night.

Before going to sleep at night, Bhim used to give a tour round the brick field to ensure that there was no intrusion by unauthorized persons. His detractors said that often during the round he used to go to the barrack and picked up the woman or the girl of his choice. Nobody dared to oppose him for his power and clout with local politicians and police, as also for the cash and kind favours he bestowed on the family from which he picked up the woman or girl of his choice. It was rumoured that for a suitable victim that served him well on bed, the entire family used to get one day wages extra for each of its workers. So out of fear and greed, the husband agreed to send his wife, father his daughter and a brother his sister. There was, however, not a single complaint against him. But these were rumours which were hard to believe as no victim ever opened her mouth about any such incident. On the contrary, the workers who lived in the barrack were full of admiration for Bhima for his help to them. I too had seen him sending the poor workers or their family members to the district hospital by his own jeep whenever they fell seriously ill. During festivals like Dewali, Holi or Eid, I saw him distributing sweets to these families or giving crackers to young children of the workers. During my first two years of working there, I didn't find anything to complaint against Bhim. During the period of stay in the locality, I became quite friendly with him.

Near the end of 2nd year, my parents arranged my marriage to Mansi, who was then 24 years, three years younger to me. She had just completed her MBA. She was not very pretty but had very bright complexion, an oval face with sparkling sexy eyes, long eye lashes and a perfectly glowing smooth skin. Her chin was olive shaped with a small black mole on the left side of her cheek, about a centimeter away from her upper lip. The mole added to her beauty. She was not very tall but had right curves at right places. Before marriage I didn't see her face to face. My parents had sent her photograph and profile. Just looking at her glances in the photo, I informed my parents that I was ready for the match.

In the "baraat" that accompanies a groom to the house of the bride on wedding day, along with my colleagues and friends, Bhim also participated. The way he respected my parents and my parents-in-laws, the way he worked during the reception endeared Bhim not only to me but to my parents and in-laws as well. His physical stature and personality even impressed my newly wedded wife, Mansi, who later wanted to know from me who that tall person was.

I told Mansi about Bhim, the way he helped me after I joined there including the rental house he arranged for me and other things. Later I also told her about the rumours I heard about Bhim pertaining to his alleged liaisons with female workers. I thought Mansi would react sharply to hear that. But she took it quite lightly and teased me, "Hope as his friend there is no such allegation against you too."

I replied back in equally teasing tone, "So far I haven't heard any...but may be there could be such detractors who would say that he was very good during first two years but after he fell for the girl with a beautiful mole on her left cheek, he too lost his character..."

Mansi laughed at my reply and exclaimed, "Really wondering, did he lose character to the girl with mole or the girl with mole lost her character to him..."

We both enjoyed the joke and then Mansi asked me, "Do you think I should avoid Bhim as far as possible?"

"I don't think so," I replied, "He is neither a predator nor you're a vulnerable prey."

Our sex life began with excitement and apprehension. Mansi was very shy during the first one month or two. But I insisted her to be more free, frank an hud open about sex. Slowly she started to be vocal on bed and to my delight she grew quite horny.

Once we settled down at my place of work, Bhim one day invited us to his den. It was a Sunday. He arranged sumptuous meals for us and took us in his jeep to have a view of his kiln and to the Bhim Barrack. After spending the day there when we were to return, Bhim asked me to take his jeep drive back to our home. When we refused to take his car as it would be inconvenient for him since I couldn't return it before next afternoon, Bhim himself drove us to our home and then went back to his den. It was nearly a distance of 40 km both ways from his den to our home.

Later while changing dresses and preparing to go to bed, Mansi said to me, "Though he looks like a gangster and his huge figure would scare anybody, he has an impressive personality and he is very cordial."

I looked at her with a smile and Mansi said again, "Actually before going I thought I would feel bored as he has no family. But he talked about so many things and kept me cheerfully involved in all gossips and conversation."

"Yes," said I with an under current of taunting, "He knows how to keep beautiful woman engaged."

Mansi understood my tone, she rolled her eyes in fake anger and slapped lightly on my back and said, "His work is over. Now it's my job to keep my boss busy and keep him cheerfully involved..."

She left her sentence incomplete suggesting that she wanted to be one with me that night. We were already married for more than six months by then and had explored each other in every possible way. Her tender body had no curve or cave that didn't get the touch of my lips nor an inch of my body remained unexplored by her caring hands. I enjoyed the touch of her long and soft fingers on my body and had myself delved into her body as if searching for diamonds. So that night when I and Mansi retired to bed, we immediately locked our mouths in endless kisses. I whispered to her, "Let me see if you can keep me involved better than him."

Mansi smiled, her arms curled round me. Then her pink tongue came out a bit and licked my lips. The touch of her tongue, the refreshing smell of cardamom in her mouth and the image of her nude body in my mind were enough to make my member hard. Mansi did something she had not done before. So long I used to fondle her, and though ashamed at first, gradually she allowed me to take away all her clothes. But that night she unfastened her house coat and lo, she was without bra. Her young, soft and warms boobs with brownish areola and stiff nipples were bare before me. But she didn't allow me to look at for long saying, "Don't you know I feel ashamed if you look at them like this?"

And Mansi pulled my head pressing my face on the divine valley between two 34" sized hillocks and the flesh balls were touching my cheeks from two sides. It was a wonderful feeling and I sniffed the lovely smell there and my member twitched in excitement. My hands went to her back moving my hands lovingly on the smooth back. But Mansi went further. For the first time in six months, her hands went straight inside my trousers and brief, and her hands caught my throbbing meat and caressed my balls. It was the most wonderful and thrilling experience as her tender hands caressed my most intimate organ sensuously. I took Mansi's lips between mine and started sucking them. In return, she too tried to suck mine and we engaged ourselves in a loving competition as who could suck the other more. Meanwhile, our tongues touched each other and got engaged in the war of tongues. Mansi's hands were skillfully caressing my cock and balls, sometimes her fingers went to my butts and she would mildly pinch there and the moment I let out a little grunt she would say, 'You must bear this to enjoy more... don't you remember how I screamed when that flesh monster went inside...I'm merciless tonight."

She laughed and pinched my butt again. I didn't protest but breaking the kiss brought my face down to her boobs and taking a nipple in my mouth started sucking it. Mansi reacted, "Uuumm..."

I knew from her reaction that she was enjoying my manipulation of her nipple. I alternated my mouth from her one nipple to other and exclaimed, "You're so delicious, darling."

Aroused by my caress of her nipples, Mansi started to play with my hard shaft more vigorously jerking it sometimes and then squeezing it hard in her fist. We always spent time in foreplay but it was primarily in kissing and cuddling and sucking her nipples. For the first time, Mansi was actively participating in foreplay and applying her hands quite passionately on my private area. The foreplay exceeded the normal time we used to spent and my member was restless to get inside Mansi's cute, warm and wet hole, and to start his act of plumbing. But my wife was in no mood to let it go out of her grip and was moving her fist to and fro taking my dick in her palm.

At one stage, I pleaded to her, "I'm very aroused and could come at anytime."

Mansi gave a mischievous smile, "Let it come... what's the harm...nobody is going to check our bed for stains..."

And she moved her fist more rapidly. I too started sucking her nipples more vigorously to match to the rhythm of her fist on my cock. We smiled at each other's naughtiness and were wrestling on bed when I moved my hand between her legs and touched her wet labia lips, pressed them hard between my fingers and pushed my thumb in her slippery hole. Mansi didn't make any sound though her facial appearance reflected how she felt and as a reaction started faster action of her hand on my rod rolling back my foreskin to the extreme. I knew I couldn't control myself anymore and almost mounted on her just as I started to come. The jets of my sticky cum were sprinkled on her clean shaved pussy and abdomen. We smiled and I collapsed on her - our abdominal and genital areas got smeared in my thick cum as we grinded our bodies against each other. A few minutes later I took a napkin and cleaned the mess created on our body.

My hardness had subsided as Mansi masturbated me to ejaculation before I could insert my tool inside her. But it was not limp, semi flaccid. I and Mansi hugged each other and engaged in a kiss. We started laughing and gossiping. While enjoying the smell and softness of her tender body, I said to her, "We behaved like adolescent lovers today, afraid of penetrative sex for the fear of pregnancy. Now let us sleep in each other's arms."

Mansi laughed and said, "You gave the exact simile of adolescent lovers. But we're not. Let us prove that we are a married couple. Moreover, I am supposed to keep you busy and involved. Forgot that?"

After ejaculating once under the sensuous ministrations of her hands, I didn't feel the urgency of penetrating her. But her words made me remember that it was I, who had the relief of discharge. Mansi was still hot. My member grew hard at her suggestion but it was not that hard to penetrate. I kissed her lips. Mansi bit my lips and forced her tongue in my mouth. I was feeling the most erotic urge in my mind to put my tool in her hot craving hole. But I knew that my dick, though hard, needed to be harder to penetrate. I decided to resort to foreplay to gain full hardness and began fondling her boobs. Mansi moved her hands between my legs to get hold of my cock. Feeling that it was not that hard as it had been earlier she said, "What happened to my boss?"

I felt embarrassed to tell her that within six months of marriage I had my sexual prowess reduced. But Mansi didn't bother about it. She kissed my lip, then my shoulders, moving her face down to my chest and started sucking my nipples. It was a wonderful feeling and I could feel my cock growing harder. Mansi didn't stop and her face continued to slide down reaching my navel, where her tongue went in my navel hole and teased. I groaned in excitement. But her sensuous lips moved further kissing my abdominal area and before I could understand, she rolled back my foreskin and I felt her lips on my glans. I was surprised as Mansi had never performed oral on my cock. She said to me in a sexy whisper, "It's so soft, I like the naughty and woody smell here."

Her words and actions were like a slut, and strangely enough, it brought my tool back to life. It was throbbing in excitement. For the first time I realized that somewhere every man wants to see a slut in his wife while on bed. But more surprises were there in stock for me. I could feel my hard meat sliding in a hot and wet hole and then I felt Mansi's tongue playing on the entire length of my shaft and her lips tightly gripping it. I looked with awe at her face. Mansi smiled. Her mouth still stuffed by my rod. Her sparkling sexy eyes gestured to ask me if I liked it. I brought my thing out of her mouth and kissed her lips to convey the extent to which I enjoyed it. As her mouth was freed she looked at me and said, "If you like, you can hold my hair and fuck my mouth."

Perhaps I had latent desire in my mind too. So after making sure that she really wanted it, I caught her hairs and started fucking her mouth. I looked straight into her eyes that seemed to enjoy what I was doing to her. Her parted lips, with her tongue licking my cock made me feel as if I was doing it to a hot slut, and not to my wife. This had fantastic impact on my dick that grew hardest ever in arousal of unprecedented kind. For a few minutes, I and Mansi enjoyed it like the most horny and dirty couple. However, after few minutes I brought my shaft out and gently made her lie on bed with her legs folded and I placed my mouth on her quim giving oral caress to her by kissing her pussy lips, sucking them and exploring her hole with my tongue. Mansi started moaning loudly at my caress and within a short time we two positioned ourselves for 69. It was the first 69 that we performed as husband and wife. At one point, Mansi pushed my head away from her quim and whispered, "I can't take it any more, please let it go inside and make me one with you."

It was an appeal that no husband could deny. We disengaged from 69 position and I watched Mansi raising her slender legs upward exposing her clean shaved gate of heaven. It was in a mess as it was overflowing in her vaginal juice and my saliva. Her labia lips were swollen as I had sucked them hard, and they were parted like blooming flower giving a view of her pink tunnel. I lost no time and brought my dick head near her hole. Slowly my bulbous mushroom shaped head found its way between the parted labia lips of Mansi. She moaned in excitement, "Uuumm...uuuumm."

My hands went below her smooth and round ass lifting her pelvis slightly and then I started exerting pressure to make my meat find its way deeper to her tunnel. Mansi shut her eyes but encouraged me, "I like it, dear...ouch...uuu... welcome boss...oh my god... it's brute...oooma...fill me dear... I want you to be completely inside me...aaah...aaaah...ooomaaa..."

Her moans and screams stopped abruptly as my member was completely buried in her tunnel and my balls were touching her labia lips. I moved my hands from below her ass to her boobs to fondle those beautiful mounds of flesh and lowered my body supporting my weight on my elbows beside two sides of her body as my mouth descended on her locking in a passionate kiss. I started pounding her slowly and my dick felt the sensuous touch of her aroused clit. Mansi was in full mood of enjoyment and surrender. In a blurred voice she said, "Made me yours in every way you want... but don't leave me...I love you..."

I responded equally, "I love you too, dear. What a strange thing is marriage. Six months ago we didn't know each other and today we are one physically in our birthday suit and devouring each other."

Mansi gave a shy smile and hugged me tightly and kissed my lips. She gave her pelvis an upward thrust indicating that she wanted to be pounded harder. I increased the rapidity as well as the force of pounding her pussy making her moan uncontrollably. I was taking care of her boobs and lips all along while continuing the task of plumbing and from her bodily gestures I was sure that she was enjoying it. Mansi normally liked to look straight during intercourse and talked desultory out of excitement. But that night she kept her eyes shut, talked less as if she was dreaming.

Since I had ejaculated once earlier, I was not concerned about coming too soon and continued to pound her harder. Kissing her olive shaped chin and earlobes, I said, "Why my beautiful doll is so quiet tonight?"

Mansi opened her eyes that revealed a note of concern. I gestured her to open her mind while I further accelerated the act of pounding. Mansi shivered and said, "I behaved like a horny slut, doing things I had never done before. Do you hate me for my slutty behaviour?"

I kissed her lips again to assure her and said, "What type of intimacy will it be if we can't express each other freely? Yes, you behaved hornier than ever. But what is there to hate about it? Perhaps every man would like watch his wife that horny on bed. Your horny behaviour helped me to reach a new level of arousal."

There was not much conversation after that as both of us got involved in vigorous pounding and Mansi started moaning without any shame or reservation. Her moans and sexy body gestures encouraged me to plumb her tender and warm tunnel with renewed vigour of a bull. After sometime, we alternated our position with Mansi on top and me at the bottom and she was trying to ride on my hard dick. This position being new to us, Mansi had difficulty as my dick slipped out of her tunnel every now and then making us break in laughter. But it was a wonderful experience to see her nude on me and holding my thing in her palm to make sure that it didn't come out during her attempt to ride on my cock. Mansi was sitting near my thighs to ride, and to tease me, sometimes she would bend her upper part lowering her melons to my mouth and would take away before I could taste them with my tongue. She giggled when my tongue failed to lick them. Having failed several times once when she lowered her upper part to tease me, I put my arms around her back and didn't allow her body to swing back and took a nipple in my mouth. Both of us laughed and Mansi said, "I wanted to be captivated by you like this."

We held each other tightly and turned back to missionary position with me again on top, and this time we both started rapid and violent thrusts and Mansi began to moan and say words that aroused me further, "My god, you're a demon... uuuu... ff...uuu...c...kk me harder...uuumm...dear... come...I wan...t it in"

She was almost screaming and started biting me, her nails dug against my back, she clenched her fists on the pillow and just then I began to come. Jet after jet of my cum spurted from my cock and sprinkled in her pussy walls leading us to a mind shattering orgasm that we knew not earlier. I felt the spasms of her vaginal muscles on my shaft as if taking out the last drop of my semen. We were exhausted as never before and remained in each other's embrace for next ten or fifteen minutes. When we disengaged we were sweating profusely.

I kissed her and said, "We reached a new height today. I'm so grateful that I got a hot partner like you."

"Same is true of you too," said Mansi responding with a counter kiss, "I was afraid should you hate me for overtly sexy behaviour. But now assured that we are both inhibition free."

Later while cajoling as the after effect of love making before falling asleep I casually told Mansi, "You were exceptionally horny tonight. You were hot on bed earlier too but today you were at an ultra level. Any special reason?"

Mansi, who played so horny that night blushed at my question, "Why do you need to know everything? Didn't you get as you wanted?"

I smiled at her teasing reply and said, "Might be that we could think of making it more horny."

"No need," she said, "It was enough that you didn't hate me for the sudden horny behaviour."

"How can I hate you, Mansi?" I exclaimed, "You're the best thing that happened to me. I am so grateful that you chose to marry me. There is nothing I will ever hate about you. We're the most intimate partners. You can tell me if anything is in your mind."

"Are you sure?" asked Mansi, "You won't consider me to be a bad and cheap woman and you won't hate me."

When I assured her again she confided with much hesitation, "I saw something!"

"What is it?" I asked, "Any x rated film?"

"No," she said, "Do you know, your friend Bhim does not wear underpants like you? He wears loincloth."

Now that was not known to me. I looked at her questioningly. Mansi said, "Today when I went to the toilet I saw it from the window. It was spread on a rope in sunlight to dry, just near the window."

I laughed, "How does a loincloth arouse my sweet darling?"

She smiled, "Don't take it otherwise. I had never seen a loincloth before. So when I saw one near the window, I observed it closely..."

As she stopped I asked, "What was special about it?"

Mansi hesitated for a few seconds and then gave a shy smile. I looked at her and insisted to speak her mind out. She blushed as she spoke, "Since I never saw a loincloth from so near though I heard about it, I observed it minutely. It was given to sunlight after washing but even then it clearly outlined the area of his big thing just above the flap that is used to cover front and back. The moment I saw the outline, I recalled the rumours your heard about him, and thinking that how his bed partners accommodate such a demonic thing, I started to moist between my legs. The image worked in my mind and ..."

I laughed loudly and said, "There is nothing wrong about it. You can get aroused by such things. Just imagine, instead of you, if I had seen in similar circumstances the undergarments of a woman, I too could have got aroused."

Mansi wanted to confirm, "Are you sure you don't think my mind is dirty and I am a characterless woman?"

"What are you saying?" replied I, "I love and trust you. Even if you get attached to someone physically, I will always know that your love is only for me."

Mansi gave a lip to lip kiss and said, "Thanks for your trust and understanding."

Later we fell asleep in each other's arm. However, the talk had its effect on me and that night I dreamt about Mansi and Bhim cajoling with each other. Next day passed without any remarkable development. At night, while preparing for love making, I casually asked Mansi if she would like to consider about getting intimate to Bhim. But she sharply reacted and told me never to refer again to such thing. However, I told her that there was no harm in fantasizing about him if that turns her on sexually. I then confessed to her about what I dreamt the previous night. Mansi looked at me with disbelief and asked, "And did you dream about turning me out of the house for my infidelity?"

I laughed loudly before replying, "Don't take it otherwise. Instead of driving you out, I found my thing hard again at the excitement of watching you with him."

"You're incorrigible," commented Mansi coyly. Her gazes were to the ground.

Somewhere in her reaction I had a feeling that though ashamed to admit it, Mansi was also aroused by the idea. So I said to her, "You might give it a try..."

Mansi reacted sharply and scolded me. I immediately changed the context, "I was telling to try it as a fantasy if that arouses you."

"That means, you suggest that while making love to you, I think of him?" she asked.

"Exactly, there's no harm in it," I assured.

That night after much persuasion, my lovely wife agreed to fantasize about Bhim while making love to me. Internally, however, I thought, "You were initially too ashamed to make love to me also. But slowly your real horny self came out. May be someday the fantasy could turn out to be a real one and you might end up like many women workers of brick field enjoying the night in his den."

The inner thought was enough to arouse me and that night I and Mansi made wildest love ever - she openly fantasizing about being drilled by Bhim as I pounded her while me, without her knowledge visualizing her with Bhim. Since that night I went on discreetly suggesting her to give our fantasy a try.

Mansi was comfortable in traditional outfits like saree or salwar kameez. I insisted her to use western outfits like skirt, mini skirt, jeans, ripped jeans, semi-transparent top, low cut tops etc. Though for first few months she used such western outfits only in front of me, later I convinced her not only to go out in such dresses, but even to put them on whenever Bhim visited us or we went to his den. I could feel the snow of her conservatism melting away slowly.

Though Mansi started appearing in western wears before Bhim, I never noticed any lust in his glances. But as he became more intimate to both of us, he would compliment Mansi whenever she would put on a new outfit. Only once did he tell her in front of me, "Bhabi, you look smarter in this outfit than in the traditional one."

We had completed a year of our wedding and we hosted a small get together of friends and colleagues for that. Bhim was also there and helped us in managing everything including cleaning of our home after the guests left. Mansi had appeared in the get together in traditional lehenga and after the guests left, Bhim said to her, "I appreciate your choice and it was nice to see you in traditional outfit, looking like a new bride. It was right that you didn't use western outfits for this occasion."

Though nothing transpired between Bhim and Mansi during the first fifteen months of our wedding, the two became closer as friends. Since previous few months it became a regular practice that on Sundays either Bhim would have the lunch with us or we would have lunch at his place. Meanwhile, during my and Mansi's intimate moments of physical union, I continued to suggest to her about working out her fantasy once with Bhim. As usual, she always reacted with scorn but continued the fantasy role play of imagining Bhim while making love to me. For me it was a tremendous turn on. But one day while I suggested her to try it once, Mansi said to me, "I get aroused by the fantasy but I can't perhaps really do it due to values which I inculcated since childhood as the girl of a conservative family. Moreover, I believe that if I really go for it my relation with you will never be the same again."

I didn't contradict her view and assured that I was not insisting her to do anything against her inner self. But I was so aroused by the idea that I decided to allow more freedom to Bhim and Mansi so that they could come closer and create a situation where their union would be inevitable. However, months passed without any development.

Once on a Sunday, Bhim was supposed to attend lunch with us. But from the previous two days Mansi was not feeling well as she had severe abdominal pain owning to mensuration. I called on Bhim on Saturday evening to tell him that next day's lunch program would be postponed. Bhim was very worried to hear and asked me if she need to consult doctors at the district hospital. I smiled to assure him that it was nothing unusual or serious but the pain of monthly period. Bhim was assured and asked me, "It's nearly two years, you should plan to bring a niece or nephew for me."

By that time, I too had become more intimate with Bhim. So I said to him, "You should also think of having a family."

Bhim laughed at my words and told that his life style didn't support a family life and then he, for the first time to me, discreetly referred to his liaisons with many women workers that take care of his physical needs. I became bolder that evening and said to him, "Why do you roam around here and there looking for cheap dishes when you can have a good meal?"

It took sometime for him to make out the real meaning and then looked at me with awe, "Am I getting you right?"

Lowering my glance I nodded. He couldn't believe me and said, "Is there anything wrong? Do you even know what are you suggesting? Are you sure there will be no problem between you two? Will you be okay to it? I'm sure, it is your fantasy, bhabi will never agree."

I frankly told him how aroused Mansi was looking at his loincloth accidentally. Bhim said, "You're a daredevil couple. But I must tell you something that as your friend I don't want to do anything that would spoil your married life. But I admit frankly to you, from the day bhabi started using western outfits, I started noticing her beauty and had many dirty thoughts in my mind about her."

I got aroused listening to his confession about his secret dirty thoughts about Mansi. I told him, "Don't share with her what I told you. She is fascinated by your masculinity and the stature of a bull. But she is too conservative to give it a vent in real life. But I want her to fulfill something that arouses her. So give it a try, if you don't mind and I will help from the background."

We swore not to share our conversation with anyone including Mansi. Bhim also made it a condition that he would only advance if there were similar gestures from Mansi first. Thus, I and Bhim plotted something without any knowledge of Mansi. But again months passed without any development. I started giving them more opportunities to meet and talk in my absence. However, Mansi revealed no desire to work out her fantasy about Bhim.

In the meantime, Mansi gained some weight and looked more sexy with increase in her sizes of boobs and bums. She also became restless to conceive. At her insistence, we consulted doctors. But everything was found normal both in Mansi and myself. The doctor didn't rule out the possibility of her getting pregnant in near future but advised that since two years of unprotected intimacy did not yield any positive result, we might consider IVF.

I was once again talked to Bhima that instead of IVF, he could have his turn with Mansi and see if Mansi gets impregnated. This would fulfill my and Mansi's fantasy and might help my wife to be pregnant by getting laid by Bhim. But Bhim insisted that while he would consider himself fortunate to take a sexy beauty like Mansi to bed, but Mansi need to show her sign of interest. To lure him towards Mansi, I even made her to wear low cut transparent tops that revealed her cleavage and the bra, whenever Bhim visited us. Slowly I could notice growing lust in his eyes as he often discreetly surveyed the bare legs, cleavage etc of Mansi. Whether Mansi had noticed it or not, I was not sure though I believed that women felt it better. One day during a private conversation between Bhim and myself, the former admitted that more he looked at Mansi more he felt the urge in his groin though he remained on his stand about Mansi first showing some gestures.

In the meantime, Holi festival approached. Bhim asked me if I was still open to my offer. When I reiterated, Bhim told me that during the Holi he might like to see if Mansi would give any indication of her passion. Holi is celebrated in the village adjacent to brick kiln and the inhabitants of Bhim Barrack also attend the function there.

I and Mansi were invited to the celebration as in the previous year. Bhim told Mansi that she should attend the function in traditional attire as village population didn't like modern outfits. Rumours were there that after the evening function of Holi, Bhim usually returned to his den with more than one women and they enjoyed orgies. Such was Bhim's sexual prowess that it was in the air that he satisfied all the women he had brought with him during the single night.

It was pre-Holi celebration that included burning the effigy of Holika and held after the dusk. Like the previous year, I and Mansi attended the program. When we reached the venue of function, the people were preparing for Holika Dahan. We were offered drinks made of bhang. It is a substance prepared from leaves and flower tops of hemp plant or poppy seeds by mixing them with milk. This drink is said to have mind altering properties. It is a custom to consume it during Holi festival. Everyone present was served the drink. It was very tasty - not only milk and leaves but cashew nuts, dates add to its taste. Mansi refused at first to take the drink. Then on my request she took a glass of it, and after the first glass, Mansi gulped one more. The effect was soon visible, she started laughing without any reason and restraint. Someone offered her jilebi (round shaped sweet item) that only increased her intoxication. She demanded another glass of drink. She had already grown tumultuous after taking two glasses, and while drinking the third glass, her hands were shaking, legs tumultuous, and a good quantity slipped off her glass drenching her saree and blouse and exposing the part of the thong bra she had beneath. Not only Bhim, all the male folk were lustily watching her dress as the fine wet fabric revealed her youthful treasure. Mansi also danced with the women there which further dishevelled her saree. I gestured Bhim that we should leave. Bhim brought his jeep and bidding good bye to the folk, we prepared to leave. I guided Mansi to the jeep. Bhim was at a distance still talking to the village folk.

A man of around mid-forty came near me and gestured me to a corner and whispered in Hindi, "Don't leave your wife tonight even for a moment. Other years he (referring to Bhim) picks up two or three women from here. This time he has not. His eyes seem to be on your beautiful wife. He intentionally made her drink so much. If you are not alert, he will turn her to a randi just as he did to my wife."

The man left as quickly as he had appeared. Barely he had left, a young girl aged aged about 25 appeared from the darkness. She said in a local dialect, "Every year on this day he (referring to Bhim) used to take me. Today he is after your town bred wife. Be careful sahib, he would try to spoil her - she won't have anywhere to go - na gharka na ghatka halat kar degi."

( na gharka na ghatka is a Hindi proverb describing the dog of a washerman, which roams with his master between his house and washing river bank without belonging either to the house or the river bank)

The girl disappeared in the darkness as she had appeared. I was pondering that almost everyone could perceive the fate of Mansi that night except the fact that I as her husband was a contriving to let their apprehension materialize. However, in my view it was mostly a sense of envy on the part of village folk as rejection by Bhim meant loss of extra income that the families had by sending their females to Bhim's den. Meanwhile, Bhim appeared and before getting into the driving seat he whispered to me, "Are you sure that we should proceed? You shouldn't regret later. Once I have advanced I will play on my own rules and you should not back up then or request me to stop."

Under the impact of the bhang, I was light and cheerful and without considering anything said, "I will be aroused to see her in your arms. She secretly dreamt of it, so I hope she won't regret when it's worked out in reality nor I think she is going to resist."

Bhim grinned, "She has only seen the loincloth. She will see what is inside."

Bhim got to the driving seat. Engine roared at ignition. I sat beside Mansi and we left the village. On the way, Mansi was laughing and all along was talking to Bhim. It sometimes occurred to my mind watching her talkative mood as if she was trying to get closer to Bhim.

From the Manbhanjan village, his den was about an hour's journey by car and we had already travelled by Jeep for forty minutes. It was dark outside with pleasant breeze of spring blowing intermittently through the vast wheat fields. Bhim stopped his jeep and came up with the idea of a game that I should walk to his den from there while he and Mansi drive by the jeep and he would like to see if in the darkness I could find my way to his den. Bhim placed it playfully and Mansi laughed and supported the game. Bhim looked at me and once again wanted to confirm, "Will it be okay with you?"

I wanted to give Bhim and Mansi some moments between the two only so that they could come closer. So I nodded and got out of his jeep. Bhim started his car again and Mansi said, "Hope you will not miss the road. Come sooner, we will be waiting."

They drove away, while I intentionally walked slowly to give them enough time. If they reached their place in next twenty minutes, it should have normally taken not more than an hour for me to reach there on foot. But I delayed my steps reaching his den after about one hour twenty minutes.

When I reached his den, I was extremely tensed and aroused at the anticipation of what was happening. The whole area was solitary and quiet except the noises of crickets from neary trees. I slowly approached his den without making any sound. I stood in the dark outside, near the window to watch them.

Bhim and Mansi were on the mattress of the pucca make-shift bed. The door was wide open, presumably Bhim left it open for me. The light of the room was on. It appeared that the initial barrier of hesitation between the two had already broken as I saw Bhim and Mansi cuddling on the bed. Mansi was still laughing and pleading to Bhim to close the door. But Bhim assured her that none dared to invade his privacy in his den. Even in her highly intoxicated state, Mansi asked him about the rumour of his liaison with other women. Bhim smiled and moving his fingers lovingly on her lips said, "If you once become my own, I promise I will not allow any other woman to take this place."

Mansi laughed like a drunkard and asked, "Is it certain that nobody would take my place?"

Bhim assured her with such adjectives about her beauty that his words surely inflated her ego and sense of self-importance. Pleased at his praises and assurance, Mansi mildly bit a finger of Bhim that was sensuously moving on her lips. A few seconds later, without slightest hesitation Mansi placed her lips on those of Bhim and the two remained lip locked sucking each other for, what seemed to me, infinity. Mansi was sucking his lips with the unbridled passion of an hungry tigress. Bhim responded to her slowly and I watched him lying at the bottom with my wife mounted on him and his hands were pressing the backside of Mansi's head to keep her lips steady on his as he pushed his tongue in the mouth of my wife. His tongue played rhythmically as his tongue explored her tongue and came out again to lick her thin pink lips and as he alternated this position, I could feel the delights of extra-marital caress that my wife was enjoying as she shut her eyes in pleasure.

When they broke the kiss, they talked something that was not very audible due to blurred voice of both. Then after sometime I heard Bhim say, "Do you really want to see it?"

"Yes," replied my wife, "Including the way you wrap it round your waist."

I understood she was still obsessed with his loincloth. Meanwhile, Bhim stood on his bed and started removing his trousers. He removed his shirt and vest too exposing his broad hairy chest. He had the strong body of a bull and I could see admiration in Mansi's eyes. Bhim was only in his loincloth. His buttocks were almost exposed and his front side, though covered by the flap of his loincloth, could not hide either the stallion like size of his dick nor his erection. Bhim took out a fresh loincloth from his stock and with the one still wore by him, he began to demonstrate the technique of wrapping it round on the existing one. But Mansi was crazy, she said, "Show me by removing the one you're wearing."

"But that will expose everything and I will be naked in front of you," Bhim tried to argue.

Mansi's reply took both me and Bhim by surprise, "I want to see that too. I had once seen the outline, I wish to see the real thing."

Bhim gave a last warning metaphorically, "Once you free a lion from the cage and wake it up, you may not be able to put it back to the cage till it has hunted its prey and satisfied its hunger."

Whether Mansi understood the actual significance in her intoxicated condition or not, she giggled at his words. She boastfully said, "I'm not afraid of any lion."

Bhim gave a last warning, "Bhabhi, your husband is my close friend. I'm your family friend. What you and your husband are after could be disastrous to our friendship. I'm not a good fellow like you and have many dark sides, you two are not aware of. Don't instigate me to be in my dark self."

Mansi looked at his eyes and said in a serious voice, "I want to see how you wrap it round and what it hides. I want to see the dark side that lured so many women."

"Don't blame me later," said Bhim.

Without wasting time, Bhim started unknotting the knot of his loincloth at his waist and started unfurling the flap till he was completely naked and his erect tool stood menacingly. Its huge size reminded me that of a stud. Mansi looked amazingly at his big throbbing cock surrounded by dark curly hairs. Bhim then demonstrated how the loincloth was wrapped and tied around waist, including the upright position in which the shaft needs to be placed there. Once it was over and Bhim was again in his loincloth, he looked amusingly at Mansi and said in Hindi, "Now you unfasten it once and then learn to fasten it again. From now on you will need to do it quite often."

For the first time since that evening it seemed to me as if Mansi felt slightly ashamed as her smile indicated. But without protest, she started to unfasten his loincloth by removing in shaky hands each fold of the long flap till his big hard dick was completely exposed once again. Bhim had bushy growth of dark and curly pubic hairs surrounding his manhood. Mansi moved her hands lovingly on his thick bush and took his nearly 8.5" hard cock in her palms. As I watched my wife caressing the manhood of Bhim, I grew harder.

I heard Mansi requesting Bhim once again to put off the light and close the door of the room as she felt that it was becoming the time for me to reach there. Bhim assured her, "I want to see your beautiful body. How can I do it without light? And when enjoying with me don't bother to be disturbed by anyone, even your husband won't dare to disturb when you are pleasing this undisputed lord of the brick kiln."

After a pause, he asked, "He will be rather happy to see you enjoying. You're lucky to have a liberal husband like him, who encouraged you to fulfill your desires and become my randi(slut)!"

Still moving her hands lovingly on his manhood, Mansi expressed her shock, "Don't use such dirty words."

"What else should I use?" teasingly asked Bhim, "For a married woman on the bed of a mafia don like me at this hour and caressing his dick in the absence of her husband?"

"Uuff," protested Mansi, "You're very rough and foul mouthed."

Bhim smiled, "It's just the beginning and you will hear many rough and tough words and see similar actions. And I am sure a hot bitch like you, will enjoy foul and vulgar words too when you engage in real vulgar works with me!"

Mansi was ashamed at his way of speaking and hugged Bhim to hide her face in his broad hairy chest. Bhim put his arms around him hugging her. Then he said to her, "You saw me, now it's time for me to see your treasure. Since you started wearing those western outfits I too just saw the outlines of your treasures."

My wife seemed more ashamed at his words and simply pretended to deny, "No... please."

"I told you, not to tease the sleeping lion and let it out of the cage," Bhim replied as he pushed her to the bed, "Don't worry, I will not strip you."

Mansi was lying on her back and Bhim deftly removed the pallu of her saree even though she instinctively tried to resist Bhim. Bhim lifted her arms upward above her head and used the flap of his loincloth to tie her hands. Her upper body part was covered by her bra and blouse as the pallu was already removed. He didn't bother to unhook them but roughly pushed them up to her neck exposing her soft and smooth flesh mounds and started kneading them most passionately and asked Mansi, "You're enjoying it, isn't it?"

Mansi didn't reply but allowed him to keep fondling both her mounds like balloons. As I watched my wife getting her boobs kneaded by Bhim, I was highly aroused. After fondling her boobs for quite sometime when Bhim looked at her boobs he began to appreciate her beautiful mounds, the creamy areolas and her stiff nipples. Quite loudly, Bhim said to her, "With a sexy and beautiful body like that, it is not proper that you should be enjoyed only by your husband. You should cater to the needs of others too."

My wife seemed to enjoy the passionate caress of Bhim. Bhim in the meantime started kissing her tits, moving his hands most seductively on her midriff to grope her youthful bare parts and then took her left nipple in his mouth and started sucking.

"Aahhh...aaahhh," was everything that came out of Mansi's mouth as Bhim alternated sucking between her two nipples. It was clear from the sounds she made and her body gestures, that my wife was enjoying what Bhim was doing to her bare boobs.

Keeping her engrossed and busy by sucking her nipples, Bhim used his hands slowly to move Mansi's saree and petticoat upwards up to her waist and to expose her groin covered by a netted thong panty. Like an expert partner, Bhim used the little gap of the thong panty just above her love spot to insert his finger and pushed it straight into her love spot that was already wet and slippery by her discharge. He pushed his finger in a flash and when my wife felt and screamed in excitement, his finger was completely inside her cunt hole. My wife shivered under the weight of his body and tried to move her pelvis without success. Meanwhile, his finger was playing naughty inside her pussy hole making my wife moan in pleasure and excitement. She was enjoying his manipulations on her boobs and pussy like a shameless and hungry whore and didn't prevent him as he pulled down her panty up to her knees. Rather I watched my sexy wife to fold one of her legs at the knee to let Bhim pull out the panty out of one leg to expose her most sensitive and private spot between the thighs.

Bhim was heard saying to her, "You saw me, I have seen you. Bhabhi, I never thought you're so beautiful and sexy. You have a perfect body with appropriate amount of flesh at the appropriate place. I am just crazy to put my thing in your hole. My body wants to be one with yours."

Mansi asked him sarcastically, "If I don't want to, will you let me go? I'm too afraid of your stud like tool. I don't think I can accommodate it."

Bhim understood her sarcasm and said, "In that case, I will force you and make you my slut. No woman who come to this bed can go away till that demon is fully satisfied."

"But your size frightens me," she replied with a fake nervousness in her voice.

"Don't be afraid," assured Bhim, "It's soft and gentle. You'll enjoy once it's in. You were fascinated by its outline, how is it that you're afraid now! I will teach you how to soften the demon so that it doesn't hurt you. I know you are more understanding and not stubborn like some of those village women, in whose case my tool had to launch angry assault."

Bhim was openly telling her that he had laid many other women and even the fact that he had even forced those who were not cooperative and acted obstinately. But the confession had no adverse effect on Mansi, who seemed to be mesmerized by the stud like dick of Bhim and was crazy to face any situation to feel his massive meat in her.

Mansi's hand moved to touch and assess his tool once again. It was fully swelled then. She seemed really frightened as she discovered that her fist could not contain it in length while in girth, as her palm circled around it, her middle finger could touch her thumb with much difficulty. She said to Bhim, "You're really big...I knew from the outline I saw, but could never imagine its actual massive size..."

"Every woman I laid on this bed," said Bhim proudly, "Was at first, afraid like you, but once they had it in them each admitted it was a never before experience for them and each one will come running again if I gesture. Just be daring to take it once, and you may not further enjoy with your husband..."

By that time it seemed Mansi had started coming out of her intoxication slightly. She said, "That's what I'm afraid of, I love my husband..."

"See you should have thought of this before provoking me," Bhim said quite gravely, "I told you earlier you have to satisfy my tool."

Mansi was not given any scope to say anything as Bhim slided down his face to my wife's love triangle and started kissing her pubic area. He said to her, "So far I had enjoyed with rather low class women, who were not very clean. But you're a queen, you smell so good in your triangle. Don't worry, I will treat you like a queen."

Bhim tightly held Mansi's thighs and began to sniff her entire pubic area. Mansi always kept her genital area clean shaved and perfumed that turned on Bhim further. He had sharp and pointed nose and he pushed it in the slit of her pussy making Mansi shiver in excitement. When he moved out his face from there, tip of his nose was all wet in her love juice. Bhim started to examine her quim with the curiosity of a young boy, parting her vaginal lips, sucking them and then pushed his tongue deep inside like an expert lover to tease her swollen and aroused clit.

Mansi lost all self-control and screamed loudly in excitement. From her screams I knew that it was hardly matter of minutes before she would herself eagerly spread her legs to welcome, Bhim's stud like hard and big meat, inside her. As Bhim's mouth performed on my wife's hot tunnel, Mansi was moaning like a possessed woman and occasionally uttered meaningless words, "Oh my it... uuumm...slow please...uuuu...what are you doing...nno...nno..." etc.

Bhim sucked her pussy and teased her clit for about fifteen minutes and then asked, "Mansi (no more addressing her as bhavi), are you not enjoying?"

"Uummm," was her response.

Bhim said again, "Mansi, now get ready to become my slut...I will fuck you like a whore and say all the dirty words. I don't really mean them but to make you enjoy more..."

"Uummm," she responded again.

But when Bhim stopped oral caress, she once again requested him to close the door and put off the light. However, Bhim assured, "If your husband had not arrived so far, he will not appear soon to give us the chance to explore and enjoy with each other. Why are you bothered about him?"

Mansi admitted, "It's true that he had encouraged me to reach this stage and fulfill my latent desire. But I will feel ashamed to enjoy with you in front of him and the rhythm of our wild and primitive enjoyment could be disrupted if I see him before my eyes watching us in this position. I don't wish any disruption in the carnal game we are on ."

Bhim thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I will make sure that you don't see him even if he appears accidentally though the chances are bleak for him to arrive and disturb us."

On the bed, just under the body of Mansi was lying the loincloth that Mansi had unfastened from the waist of Bhim to learn how to wrap and unwrap it around waist. But as she got busy with his meat, both got involved in caressing each other, the loincloth was lying neglected on the bed.

Much to the surprise of Mansi and me, Bhim pulled the loincloth that he wore and with the flashing speed blindfolded Mansi and said to her, "Now you won't see anything. Moreover, the smell of my intimate area and sweat will excite you and make your pussy drip further."

It was clear that Mansi didn't like the odour that emanated from his used loincloth. But with her hands tied she could not do anything. Still she registered her protest by moving her body in defiant manner. Bhim broke out in an obscene laughter and said, "Learn to love that odour, you will have to bear it from now on."

Mansi protested, "I don't like this and to be blindfolded."

Bhim slapped her melons hard making her let out groans of pain, and he reminded, "Shut up, slut. It's not what you like, it's what I like. Just keep obeying if you wish to enjoy."

Bhim, however, continued to fondle her melons, tickle her labia lips, and used his lips and tongue to lick every corner of her body. Mansi, though annoyed at his roughness, was so engrossed in enjoying his caress that she didn't notice that Bhim had untied her hands till he brought her hands at her back and this time tied them tightly with the same loincloth so as to restrict their movements. This time Mansi protested strongly, rubbed her face on the bed to loosen the loincloth that blindfolded her. But she was not successful. For the fear of being slapped again, she asked Bhim casually, "I'm doing everything you like, still why are you tying me up like this?"

"Just for fun," replied Bhim, "You will enjoy at the end. You're a tigress, so I need to tame you a bit. Moreover, even if your hubby comes you won't know and can go on playing as much as you want. I wish he comes now and want to watch his reaction to see you sprawled helplessly like this."

Bhim stood on the bed and without being sure of my presence, he gestured through the window asking me to get inside the room. As he was under light in the room, I could see his gesture from darkness. It was an invitation that I dared not to miss - to watch how my sexy wife serves the man, the loincloth and outline of whose dick had once turned her a slut on bed with me.

That night was destined to turn her to a real slut by the very man whose loincloth had awakened the sexy whore in her. As I made my entry in the room, Bhim winked at me and indicated to keep quiet. Mansi was unaware of my presence in the room. I didn't want to disrupt their game as it was highly erotic for me to watch my beautiful wife being used by the bull.

Mansi was still protesting against tying her hands and blindfolding her. But Bhim, instead of paying attention to her nagging went on licking her cunt and asshole to keep her aroused. Even in the pleasant spring weather, Mansi was sweating. She asked for a glass of water and Bhim offered her the similar drink of bhang and forced her to gulp half glass of it. This drink was perhaps stronger than the previous one taken at the Holi function in the village and soon I could feel Mansi getting intoxicated and sexually aroused again as lying on her stomach on the bed she was grinding her legs and moving her butts most seductively. Bhim gestured me to keep quiet, stand in a corner, and watch while he gulped a mouthful of drink from the glass and quietly handed over the glass to me. I was feeling thirsty after having walked a long way to his den and without bothering gulped the leftover drink lying at the bottom of the glass.

Meanwhile, Bhim ordered her, "Mansi, be on your fours and show me that you're my hot bitch."

Though slightly tumultuous under the effect of the drink she managed to balance herself on her hands and knees like a bitch. Bhim went near her face, kissed and sucked her lips for sometime, moved his fingers on her lips, fondled her hanging melons and then caught her by the hair. He kissed and licked his olive shaped chin and complimented, "The black mole makes you look sexier."

He lifted her face up by putting his finger on her chin and pushed his stud-like solid meat in her mouth and commanded, "Mansi, suck my cock nicely so that it becomes all slippery when you take it."

Mansi's mouth was stuffed and she was parting her lips to the extreme to accommodate his big baton. She was almost choked when Bhim pushed it deeper so that his bulbous tip touched her inner throat. Bhim slightly loosened his grip allowing her to breathe. Mansi had previously enjoyed sucking me, so she did not react to take Bhim's flesh baton in her mouth rather it seemed she was waiting to taste his big boner. She was giving such caress of her lips and tongue that a bull like Bhim was grunting in arousal. I could see the mark of a hickey on her upper lip as she spread her lips outward to relish the taste his meat. Her act of sucking could have made a real whore ashamed. Mansi sucked with such passion that it produced obscene slurping sounds. Webs of saliva were seen between her lips and his cock as he sometimes brought his dick out of her mouth to give me a glimpse of his cock getting serviced by my wife.

On two occasions I thought Bhim had discharged his load in her mouth as foamy and sticky drops dribbled off her mouth. But on a closer inspection I realised it was her overflowing salivation as she relished his meat, like a hungry bitch.

My wife looked fabulous in her position like a bitch on her fours. Her juicy pink lips were surrounding his thick meat, her well shaped melons were hanging most seductively below her with stiff nipples that indicated the level of her arousal. While fucking her mouth, Bhim intermittently played with her boobs and was sometimes pulling her nipples as if milking her. I had boundless pleasure to watch her enjoying happily with the bull of her dream.

After fucking her mouth for a prolonged time, when he brought his flesh rod out, it was all slippery in her saliva. From Mansi's mouth saliva drops were dripping like that of a real bitch. Bhim positioned his face near hers and started licking and mildly biting her lips as if to taste the residual flavour of his own drops of cum from her mouth. She too responded by giving giving mild bites on his thick manly lips. Her sparkling small teeth appearing now and then between her pink and sexy wet lips added to the erotic joy of both Bhim and myself.

After sometime, Bhim went to her lower part asking Mansi to maintain her body on her fours. He started kissing, licking and sucking her vaginal and rectal area making her body shiver at intervals while she started moaning continuously. Bhim asked her, "Are you enjoying, Mansi?"

She was overwhelmed by the pleasure he provided and was not even willing to reply, still she confirmed in a muffled voice, " But I want it is becoming unbearable."

Bhim laughed a little and said, "You are a real hot bitch with a sexy body. Your husband was right to send you to enjoy with me. With me you will travel to paradise."

He moved towards her asses and positioned himself on his knees so that his throbbing shaft was aligned perfectly to her juicy pussy facing the mattress and then he inserted a bit of his bulbous tip of his dick between her labia lips in doggy style. He did not try to push it deeper but said to her, "You try to take it comfortably so that you don't get hurt."

Mansi made several attempts but it was too big for her tight pussy. Twice or thrice she screamed as Bhim pushed a little and expressed her fear that she won't be able to take it without getting her pussy torn. Bhim teased her, "When these village women could take it why can't a hot bitch like you?"

Bhim caught her blouse and bra at her back and order, "Push your hips backward. You're enough wet and has a wide hole to accommodate it."

When Mansi's several attempts failed, Bhim got angry. He caught her roughly and started applying force in doggy style. Mansi was screaming in pain, "Oh my god, please spare'll tear me apart...please let's try in normal position."

Bhim paid no heed to her pleads and went on pushing hard disregarding her screams of pain and I could see his big rod making slow inroads into the tender and tight love spot of my wife. Mansi went on screaming and then suddenly she gave a long and sharp shriek and I noticed Bhim's entire length had gone inside her with his balls and long curly hairs pressed against her labia lips. Bhim did not pound her rather he commanded, "Move forward and backward, you slut, and fuck me."

Mansi started moving her pelvis forward and backward sliding her wet tunnel on his massive shaft. But Bhim was not satisfied at her slow rhythmic movement and scolded her, "You my slut, do it faster. Don't you like the big toy in your cunt? Fuck faster."

Mansi started moving faster as Bhim partially mounted on her and started kneading her flesh balloons hanging below. Mansi went on gliding her tight pussy tunnel on his engorged shaft for about twenty minutes and I expected the two to reach climax soon as both were fucking hard oblivious of their surrounding.

But Bhim was determined to tease her more. He suddenly brought his thing out of her hole leaving her quite frustrated at the sudden disruption. He ordered her to suck his tool again if she wanted to douse the fire of her cunt. Mansi was all absorbed in the delight and excitement of sex and, without protesting or any hesitation, took his rod that just came out of her own tunnel in her mouth and started sucking it like a cheap whore. But Bhim had something more in his mind and he ordered Mansi to be on her stomach instead of on her fours. The moment she changed her position he mounted on her back placing his shaft in her ass crack and started rubbing it between her two asses. Mansi was enjoying the touch of his massive meat but neither she nor me anticipated that he was going to fuck her asshole.

Since the beginning of their game, Bhim was too fast and prompt in his action and it was impossible to guess what his next move would be. The same unpredictability of his faster action revealed soon as before I could understand, Mansi's scream tore the silence of the night as one-fourth of his meat made violent and forcible entry in her asshole. Mansi writhed in pain and pleaded to Bhim to spare her asshole. From a distance I also gestured to Bhim to spare sodomizing her. Bhim gave an angry gesture to keep quiet while he said to Mansi, "You're my slut and I am the owner of all your holes. So keep quiet - every woman who came to my bed screamed at first and then learnt to enjoy. You will enjoy it too, my sexy baby."

Bhim continued to exert more force and pressure to made entry in her virgin asshole. Mansi was screaming all along. Twice or thrice Bhim scolded her to be quiet and when she still continued to scream, he removed the loincloth by which she was blindfolded from her eyes and forced it in her mouth gagging her. Mansi was on the verge of retching as the dirty loincloth was pushed in her mouth but with hands tied and Bhim's athletic body on her back pressing her down on the bed, she could hardly do anything. In the meantime, Bhim exerted the greatest pressure ever making her body writhe in pain as his big dick successfully invaded her asshole. He allowed sometime to enable Mansi to overcome the pain and once she calmed down, he started ploughing her rectal hole with the passion of a hungry bull. To my utter shock and surprise, after a few hard strokes Mansi started to move her sexy butts in equal matching rhythm. Seeing her active participation in getting her asshole fucked, Bhim removed the gag from her mouth much to the relief of Mansi.

As Mansi was on her stomach and her face was pressed to the mattress, she didn't see me standing towards their legs in a corner. As Bhim fucked Mansi's ass, he spoke innumerable dirty words to her calling her an elegant whore etc. After about fifteen minutes when he brought out his hard cock from her asshole, Mansi heaved a sigh of relief. Bhim put off the light of the room and said to Mansi, "We should not take risk, your husband might return at anytime. Let's enjoy in the darkness."

Mansi was happy as she had been insisting since the beginning to put off the light. She requested Bhim to lock the door too. Knowing very well that I was already inside the room, Bhim shut the door and climbed on the bed again.

I heard the two kissing each other and he freed her hands turning her on her back. I heard Mansi complaining to Bhim against his dirty act of gagging her with the loincloth he was wearing. Bhim told her that he was making her his own in every way so that after that night she would neither despise nor be ashamed of doing anything with him. I was shocked to listen Mansi telling her, "There's nothing I can hate or be ashamed after all that I have experienced with you today. Uuh...please be kind, I am as much interested to feel the big boss inside."

I knew even in the dark what the two were doing because I could hear my wife's muffled interjectional uttering as Bhim slowly but surely pushed his big cock in her pussy. My guess was further confirmed by a long moan of my wife as Bhim completely buried his tool in her tunnel and I heard my wife whisper to him, "I never felt filled that way. You stretched me god it's so big, thick and warm."

Although the room was dark, I could feel their every movement, rustling of her clothes, their moans and sounds of smooching each other and of course, the inevitable sound of her overflowing cunt getting pounded by him. The drink, arousal and the rythmic passionate sounds of their love making were making me drowsy. At least for half an hour I followed them closely in action, without missing a single erotic note of their sexual act. Particularly, Mansi was too verbose in expressing her pleasures and I could say from her sounds whenever Bhim pounded her harder.

As the pair got busy in amorous game without shame and reservation, I began to feel tired and tipsy. I was standing since last two hours after walking a distance of about 10-12 kms to reach his den after Bhim dropped me midway and drove away with Mansi in his jeep. So I sat in a corner of the dark room hearing the sounds of love making of my wife with Bhim. Since the bed was made of concrete structure there was no sound of the bed. But the amorous screams of Mansi, her loud moans, the deep but brief breaths of her and Bhim made me feel the extent of wild love making going on in the room. Amusingly, I thought it was good that the bed was a pucca one; had it been wooden it might had collapsed due to crazy thrusts of the horny pair. Sometimes I heard Mansi's plea for harder thrusts. While listening to all these, I fell asleep on the floor. I had no knowledge when they reached climax and how many times during the night two engaged in love making. The drink had added to my deep sleep making me oblivious to further games that my wife and Bhim might had played that night.

It was just after dawn that I woke up. It took sometime for me to recall where I was and why. It was already bright outside though there was no sunlight and the bedroom was no longer dark anymore. Looking at me getting up from the floor, and Mansi and Bhim sleeping on the bed, everything came to my mind.

I stood up to see what they were doing. Both were fast asleep. Bhim was sleeping all nude beside my wife. His cock was flaccid then but even in that state it proudly announced its enormous size. His two separate pieces of loincloths were lying neglected in one corner of the bed. His one hand was still on the bare navel area of my wife.

I looked at Mansi. Her sleeping face revealed the extent to which she was satisfied and at the same time exhausted after enjoying the forbidden intimacy with Bhim. She was not stark naked like Bhim. Her blouse and bra were pushed above her melons revealing her bare boobs. The loose bra indicated that it was unhooked at her back. Her panty was lying on the floor. Her saree and petticoat were raised up to her waist exposing her love triangle. It seemed that she was too exhausted after love making and did not bother to cover her privates. Of course, there was nothing to hide from Bhim since he had certainly not spared an inch of her body.

In the early morning, I was getting a hard on recalling how my sexy wife might had enjoyed with a horny bull like Bhim. I made a closer inspection of both. On his arms were many pigment marks, probably created by Mansi's teeth when she bit him in extreme arousal. Mansi's pussy was still wet and was oozing out the residual strings of Bhim's sticky cum that he had deposited in her.

As I was minutely inspecting them, Bhim woke up and seeing me there he gestured me to be outside the bedroom. He too very quietly left the bed so as not to disturb Mansi's sleep. When we two were outside the bedroom, Bhim said to me, "She is wonderful on bed. I've never fucked a woman as hot and sexy as her. But when aroused she is like a wild cat. She bites and scratches like a hungry tigress. See my back."

As he turned his back towards me, I saw multiple signs of her nails that scratched his back. In our love life, she did mildly bit sometimes but never did she scratch me like that. I said to Bhim, "I think you aroused her too much."

Bhim said, "May be. I shouldn't have untied her hands...but I enjoyed her animal like behaviour on bed... However, in future I will fuck her like a slut keeping her hands tied to watch her reactions when she would be unable to leave the imprints of her passion on my back by scratching."

It was clear from his words that previous night was just a beginning and Mansi would have many more amorous sessions with Bhim. I didn't say anything because it was me and Mansi that had provoked Bhim. Bhim was standing in front of me outside his bedroom completely naked and as he spoke I could see his morning wood regaining its monstrous size. I knew he was again going to fuck my wife.

Bhim looked at me and said, "You got it right. I am going to fuck her again, in broad daylight. I give you two options - you can join us and make it threesome. It will free the slut from little reservation she might have till now once I enjoy with her in front of you or you enjoy with her in front of me. In case you don't like to see her enjoying with me anymore, you better go home leaving her to my place. I will drop her at your place once we two are fully saturated."

I was in a dilemma. I liked to watch her enjoying crazy sex with a horny bull. At the same time, I felt it would be humiliating if in front of me she enjoyed more with him. Bhim didn't wait for my decision and moved inside the bedroom. I knew he was hot and horny again. As he was about to shut the bedroom door, I decided to go in.

Both Bhim and me got on the bed on two sides with Mansi still sleeping between us. Bhim asked me to wake her up. As we did at home, I kissed her lips and called her by her name. Soon she opened her eyes and it took few seconds for her to understand where we were and to recall the night before. She became aware of her half naked state and instinctively tried to arrange her clothes in a hurry. Bhim prevented her saying, "I didn't see your full beauty last night, I will see it now."

Without the intoxicating effects of the bhang, Mansi was ashamed and pleaded not to strip her. But Bhim said to her, "What are you ashamed of? We spent the night like husband and wife. Your husband has seen you sleeping naked on my bed and he knows what we did. I allowed him to be in the room after I had blindfolded you. If you're too ashamed, I can still blindfold you with the same loincloth. Just see how hard your husband is to see you here in this position. Let's make it a threesome, I know a hot bitch like you can handle two horny dicks."

A night's experience with Bhim had turned Mansi quite daring and shameless and she replied with a smile, "I'm no longer afraid of the loincloth nor to be blindfolded. I learnt to enjoy the woody smell of the fucker beast it emanated."

The prospect of enjoying two dicks seemed to arouse Mansi, who didn't protest anymore. In front of me, Bhim unhooked her blouse and took the bra and blouse out of her body. I could see pigment hickey marks on her tender boobs. Bhim then unknotted her petticoat and pulled it out and took away the saree. Mansi was in her birthday suit before us. Two of us started playing with her boobs from two sides and soon my wife was at the height of her arousal. She kissed us alternately and sucked our dicks in turn. On our part, I and Bhim sucked her quim alternately making her moan in excitement. When she was fully aroused, Bhim offered me to penetrate her first. I was too eager to put my craving meat in her tunnel and without delay made passionate entry in her pussy that was still wet in our saliva and Bhim's cum of previous night.

Bhim encouraged us to fuck while he played with her melons and butts. Mansi's hands were equally taking care of Bhim and mine. As we got to the rhythm, Mansi wrapped het legs around my waist. But the plumbing session also got alternated with Mansi taking my tool inside her for sometime and then taking Bhim's massive dick in her. Perhaps pounding her pussy alternately continued for about six or seven times after which Mansi grew unbelievably horny and demanded that she wanted either of us to come inside her pussy. Bhim turned her face towards his lap and inserted his enormous tool in her mouth and commanded me to invade her pussy from the back.

I inserted my rod in her pussy from the back and started giving rapid thrusts. Mansi moaned in pleasure but her moans were stifled due to his meat fucking her mouth while his hands were mauling her boobs most passionately as if he was preparing doughs of flour. Mansi was really enjoying the way she was being handled by two of us and while enjoying my thrusts in her craving spot she was giving delicious service to Bhim in her mouth.

Under normal circumstances I would have played longer with my wife but watching the spectacle of her mouth getting roughly fucked by the enormous cock of Bhim, and her soft and tender melons getting kneaded by him had aroused me too much. And when I saw Bhim controlling the movement of her mouth by holding her hairs, I couldn't control anymore and started ejaculating in her hole.

Mansi had experienced one or two climaxes but she was still craving for more and my sudden uncontrolled spurting frustrated her and it was visible on her facial expressions. Looking at her, Bhim brought his thing out of her mouth and in an insulting manner pushed me away from Mansi. He looked at her parted pussy lips and my thick cum still oozing out of her hole. He said to Mansi, "Your husband did a good job for us. His cum has made your tunnel more slippery and you can take me now without much pain."

Both me and Mansi had fixed our eyes on his monstrous dick that was glistening at the service it received in her mouth. Bhim looked at me and lifted Mansi's legs upwards exposing her pussy hole so that it would be convenient for him to invade it. Mansi had also looked at his bestial cock that was jumping like s python in the excitement of hunting the prey lying without defence in front of him. Mansi no longer seemed to be scared of getting invaded by the monster rather I could see an eager anticipation in her glances.

I watched as Bhim used his fingers to part Mansi's labia lips further even though they were already parted and then placed the brown mushroom shaped bulbous head of his massive cock between her labia lips and moved it up and down spreading the drops of my cum that had appeared just at her entrance. My wife moaned as he smeared her entire pubic area with my cum. Bhim brought his used loincloth and gave it to Mansi telling her, "Sniff it, the smell will arouse you more."

To my shock, my wife placed the loincloth just on her nose and was sniffing it as if it was a perfume. Bhim started pushing his rod in her hole. Though Mansi had taken the same meat previous night also, the moment an inch of his hard tool went inside, Mansi felt the impact of it and let out a scream. Bhim bent forward on her bare body and said to her, "You're my slut, isn't it? You can take it, I know. Show your husband what an expert slut you have become in a night."

Bhim locked her lips in a kiss and started licking her entire face, sucking her lips like a crazy lover. Soon his tongue was inside her mouth and I noticed that their tongues were playing with each other. Meanwhile, Bhim went on exerting force by pressing his groin harder on her pussy to put his thing inside her. I saw half of his tool already slided inside her tunnel. Mansi was making sounds like, "Aagg... uumm...uuuff...uuumm" etc.

Bhim suddenly gave a violent thrust making her give out a muffled scream as he slammed his extremely swollen hard dick roughly in her pussy and his big tool was completely buried in her tunnel. My wife had already put her legs around his waist and her arms had braced his back as the two were engaged in a passionate hug. Bhim had started slowly ploughing her tunnel and more he ploughed more tightly did Mansi hug him. Though I had ejaculated minutes before, my member grew hard again watching their love making. I didn't know that it could be a such turn on to watch one's own sexy wife getting pounded by a bull.

Slowly, Bhim accelerated both the force and speed of pounding her pudenda and at times Mansi was screaming like a possessed woman out of pain and pleasure. I knew from the frantic movement of his asss that his meat was most brutally thrusting her. More than the pain, Mansi was clearly enjoying his brutal action as she occasionally whimpered out of passion indicated. She was totally engrossed in enjoying what Bhim was doing to her and was actually oblivious of her surroundings or the fact that I was there.

Bhim went on pounding her for nearly forty minutes and to my astonishment he had no sign of discharging his load. In the meantime, as I could feel from the intermittent shameless moans of my wife, Mansi faced one climax after another and at times she shamelessly spoke, "Oh my God...aaahh...ouch...fuck me hard... uuum... harder...aaah...aaah faster..."

Everytime she uttered like this, Bhim would call her his slut and she accepted without protest and like a maniac thrusted her pelvis upward to match his brutal thrusts and then she would lie passive for sometime allowing Bhim to keep fucking her. After remaining passive for sometimes, Mansi would get recharged sexually and plead again for rapid and harder thrusts while she would be active again and start violently thrusting her pelvis upward. I heard Bhim telling her, "I knew you have a sexy body but never imagined that you're such a horny bitch."

"That's why I could handle a brute and fucking stud like you," with a sexy giggle responded Mansi, "Isn't it dear?"

Bhim pounded her in this way for more than an hour and then it was unbearable for my wife who started pleading to him to come inside her. Bhim looked at her dreamy eyes, kissed her lips and chin and said, "Ask your husband to request me to fill your womb with my seeds."

Mansi came back to reality and seemed a bit hesitant but she managed to request me, "Please my dear, ask him to douse the fire, it's becoming unbearable for me. His thing has filled me like never before, may be I would be made pregnant by this brute."

For the first time, I felt a bit upset. But I also felt her level of arousal and her mental ache of not becoming pregnant so long. Putting my husband's ego down I requested Bhim, "She has become yours in every way. Please fill her cunt with your semen and satisfy the fire you have ignited in her."

The two started fucking with renewed vigour and there were only sexy moans and grunts of the two that filled the room. Their bodies were moving in equal rhythm of passion and it continued for next ten or fifteen minutes after which Mansi started moaning frantically as Bhim went stiff and started flooding my wife's cunt with jets after jets of his huge load. It seemed his stock was endless. Mansi was biting and scratching him as she was under the seizure of a violent orgasm.

It took another fifteen minutes before she could recover from the spasms of her orgasm and was lying satisfied and exhausted on his bed. The two remained in hug for sometime more after which Bhim told me that I should return to our home leaving Mansi at his den so that they could spend a few more days there and try for her pregnancy. Mansi also gestured me with her glances that she would like to stay back at his den for a few more days. I decided to leave his place allowing Mansi to spend a few more days at Bhim's den so that the two could enjoy more intimate sessions and help Mansi to get pregnant.

I thought it would be the end of our extra-marital enjoyment because one Mansi got pregnant there had to be a stop. I didn't know that it was only the beginning.

When I came away from Bhim's den near the brick kiln, I knew that Bhim and Mansi would resort to lustful games of unbridled passion. Watching them becoming one physically in my presence I knew the extent to which both were horny.

For next two days and nights, Bhim kept my wife with him. On the first evening I rang Mansi to ask her if I need to carry some clothes for her as she stayed back with Bhim without any previous preparation. Mansi told me to deliver a few sets of her undergarments and skimpy western wears there. So after the dusk on return from duty, I went to Bhim's den with the things that Mansi wanted.

However, my appearance didn't please Bhim. He bluntly told me that when he was with his mistress I should ask him before visiting them. I had to swallow the humiliation. When I told him that Mansi wanted her dresses to be delivered, Bhim took me to his bedroom to meet Mansi and I was actually shocked to see her. My wife was all bare on her upper part. Her lower part was covered by a loincloth of Bhim, which instead of covering exposed her nudity more prominently. In front of me, Bhim scolded her for asking me to bring her clothes. He said to Mansi, "Now that you've surrendered to me, I will decide what you will wear and when."

Bhim didn't stop there. He made me sit on the pucca make shift bed of his bedroom and invited Mansi to sit on his lap in front of me. Mansi hesitated slightly and for this Bhim roughly said to her, "What's there to hesitate? I have laid you in front of him and it was with the consent of you both that you enjoyed with me."

As he said those words, he roughly pulled her towards his lap. His boner was already revolting under his loincloth. He pulled Mansi in such a way that she was made to sit on his lap with her ass crack just above his cock and then looking at me, Bhim started kneading her already bare boobs. As Mansi's nipples grew stiff, Bhim said to me, "Just see, how she is enjoying. I am sure she is already wet between her legs."

And in front of me, he untied the loincloth that somehow kept her triangle covered. He parted her legs to show me her juicy spot and he was right. Mansi was already moist there. He then pointed my erection to Mansi and said, "Look baby, there's nothing to hesitate. Your husband is already hot to watch us."

Mansi didn't answer but kept her gaze lower as Bhim teased her nipples and mounds. After a silence of few seconds Bhim said to Mansi, "Can you feel what I want?"

As Mansi nodded, Bhim ordered, "Free the lion from its cage, it's hungry again."

Mansi started removing his dhoti and untied his loincloth. Bhim's hard and erect cock sprang out. Mansi took his cock in her palm, leaned her body slightly and planted a kiss at its tip. Bhim said to me, "I taught her to greet it with a kiss whenever it appears before her."

To be frank, I felt slightly jealous to watch Mansi holding his hard swollen manhood in her palms and at the same time I was turned on feeling tightness in my jeans as my boner started growing in size. As if feeling my reaction, Mansi looked at me and stretching her tongue out of her mouth started licking Bhim's cock like a cheap slut. Bhim moved his hand to caress her bare boobs and said to me, "Your wife has a soft tender body. I like her stiff nipples that are inviting me to suck them."

His face lowered and one of her nipples disappeared in his mouth while his fingers played with the other. As he sucked her nipple hard, I could see Mansi shutting her eyes in delight and moaned in arousal. Oblivious of my presence, Mansi and Bhim engaged in violent love making in front of me. I decided to leave them alone and without telling them anything left his place. Mansi stayed that night and the day after at his den.

When she returned home, Mansi looked exhausted that was obvious the way she and Bhim enjoyed passionate physical intimacy. But her face had an exceptional glow that revealed the level of her satisfaction. For about a week, there was no further physical contact between Mansi and Bhim. During those days I and Mansi had physical intimacy only once but I noticed a marked change in her behaviour. As I penetrated inside her and was plumbing her tunnel, she pleaded for hard and rapid thrusts. I accelerated both the speed and vigour of ploughing her tunnel but she craved for more, and at one stage I was feeling tired and found that I couldn't do it faster and harder as Mansi anticipated. However, we had a mind blowing orgasm and ended up highly satisfied.

On the tenth night, at around 9, Bhim arrived at our place and he didn't hide his desire to spend the night with Mansi. What took me by surprise was Mansi's frank admission, "I was longing when you would come."

Mansi told these words to Bhim in my presence without any hesitation. We were about to take our dinner. So Mansi invited him to dine with us. Bhim refused to take dinner and instead brought out a drink and said without slightest reservation, "Let him take his dinner, me and you will taste this special drink and shall have our dinner with each other's jism (flesh) on the bed."

Mansi giggled at his words without slightest objection on her part and got busy to serve dinner to me. I was not happy at Bhim's presence but couldn't tell anything. After all, I had lured both of them. As I took my dinner, Mansi and Bhim were sipping the drink that the latter had brought. Before my dinner was finished, I saw Bhim had pulled Mansi's hand on his crotch over the dhoti he was wearing while his had cupped one of her boobs. Mansi didn't object rather it seemed she knew what was expected of her. She smartly pushed her hand inside his dhoti and smartly undid the loincloth and freed pushing Bhim's monstrous cock and was playing with it. His cock was already hard like a demon and under the ministration of Mansi it jumped now and then like an angry cobra.

By the time I completed my dinner, Bhim had slipped the straps of Mansi's sleeveless nighty from her shoulders exposing her beautiful mounds covered by her bra. I disliked the growing physical intimacy between them though I had nothing to say or protest. By the time I came after washing my mouth, Bhim had already taken away the nighty out of her body. My dear wife was just in her bra and panty and Bhim had taken her on his lap and was carrying her towards the bed. To my utter shock, Bhim asked me, "Will you like to be with us? In case you wish, we three can be on your marital bed. Otherwise, I will retire with her to the guest room."

Before I could say anything, Mansi replied, "Let him be with us, dear. He will certainly enjoy to be a part of the game. After all, it is for him that we learnt to enjoy with each other."

Everything was decided by them and I had no role to play. Bhim carried her on his lap to the bed, his hard dick dangling shamelessly as his dhoti and loincloth were lying on the floor. On the bed, Mansi was made to sit just on his hard cock and it was between her ass crack. Bhim asked me to put vermilion on her forehead and the furrow of her hair. At home, Mansi rarely used ornaments like chains on her neck and bangles. But Bhim asked me to put the mangalsutra (the chain worne by married Hindu women) around her neck. He said that vermillion and the mangalsutra excite him as they serve to remind him that he was enjoying with someone else's wife. I applied vermilion on her forehead and on the furrow of her hairs like an obedient husband even though Bhim was squeezing her bra-clad mounds with the passion of a bull. I had expected Mansi to blush but she had shut her eyes and was enjoying getting kneaded by Bhim. Obeying Bhim's command I also put the mangalsutra around her neck.

Bhim looked at half naked Mansi with lustful glances and said, "Now looks like someone's wife."

Bhim then turned to me, "I've seen this sexy bitch nude on several occasions. But tonight I want you to take away her bra and panty and display her treasure to my longing eyes."

I unclasped her bra and pulled it out of her body. Mansi's well shaped boobs were bare. Bhim wanted me to turn Mansi on his lap so that she would sit on his lap facing him. Mansi was too eager to change that position and spread her legs around the waist of Bhim. Bhim pulled her towards him so that they hugged each other tightly. Bhim's hard rod was pressing just above her slit from over the panty. The thin fabric was the only thing that separated their genitals from touching each other.

As the two sat face to face, Bhim started kissing and caressing her. Soon her face got smeared with the vermilion on her forehead. Marks of vermilion could also be seen on the face of Bhim. Bhim asked me, "Doesn't she look like a ravished woman? Ravished of her chastity? I like her in this appearance. She too is enjoying it, just check it yourself by putting your hand inside her panty. She is all wet in her hole and I could feel the warm sensation on my tool. Her panty fails to hide her discharge. Am I not right?"

Last sentence was aimed at Mansi. In a muffled voice Mansi replied, "Darling you caress like a naughty boy. How can I remain dry with your robust tool pricking continuously?"

Bhim let out a lecherous smile of pride and satisfaction as he commanded Mansi, "Now stand up on the bed, your husband will show me the beautiful and hot triangle hidden under the panty."

As Mansi stood up, I pulled down her panty. Without hesitation Mansi lifted her one leg after another to pull out the panty out of her body. I could see her thighs wet as strings of her discharge flowed down along her thighs. Bhim's eyes sparkled in lust as he saw her overflowing pussy with parted lips. His hand went between her legs, grabbed her pussy lips most violently and teased her labia lips making her shiver. Bhim and Mansi played like a pair of hot dog and a bitch kissing and sucking each other without bothering about my presence and moaned without any shame. After sometime, Bhim brought his loin cloth and blindfolded Mansi. Mansi seemed to enjoy getting blindfolded and opened her mouth. It was clear that my wife was anticipating a hot, swollen, throbbing and smelly muscle to be inserted in her mouth. Bhim gestured me to push my hard cock in her mouth. I was actually hot and pushed my hard dick in Mansi's mouth. She went on giving oral care to my aroused dick while Bhim kept groping her boobs, asses and quim. I was too aroused to see my wife enjoying with two horny males without knowing about the humiliation that awaited me. The first humiliation came when after caressing my dick for a few minutes in her mouth, Mansi pushed it out and in a most sexy voice said, "I want to taste the bigger one, it fills my mouth like nothing else."

Without least delay, Bhim took his position near her face and his massive tool started making entry inside her mouth making her to stretch her mouth to the extreme to accomodate his tool. She began to suck it lovingly and licked its entire length starting from the swollen brownish glan to the base where his balls were hanging. After a long foreplay, Bhim positioned blindfolded Mansi on the bed, spreading her legs wide apart. Mansi was highly aroused and like a perfect whore seductively moved her slender thighs giving us a clear view of her hot tunnel. She was ready to welcome Bhim's huge and hard meat baton inside her. But Bhim decided to tease me and said, "Why don't you give her oral caress to arouse her more? I will made entry only when it becomes unbearable for her to take more and pleads to you to ask me to fill her tunnel."

Though I felt insulted, I obeyed his command and started applying my tongue and lips on her quim that was already dripping in her juice and emanated a very damp sexy smell. Her power of enjoying oral caress amazed me. I almost grew tired using my lips and tongue on her. She moaned irresistibly while I performed on her and Bhim roughly kneaded and squeezed her melons. I wished her to plead to let Bhim penetrate her. But it was nearly half an hour's oral service by me that Mansi grew crazy to get her tunnel pounded and shamelessly said to me, "Beg to him(Bhim) to fill me up."

I was much relieved that once she got engaged with Bhim, I could take some rest. So I gestured Bhim to mount on Mansi. But Bhim wanted me to say loudly to him. Hot and aroused that Mansi was, she insisted that I request Bhim promptly. So I uttered the words asking Bhim to fill my wife's tunnel. Bhim wanted to tease me more explicitly and said, "Tum aapne biwi ko mujhse chudwana chahte ho? Shali ko puri tarah ready kya?" (You want to get your wife fucked by me? Have you prepared her perfectly?)

I lowered my head and glances and nodded. Bhim looked at me and said, "You're exhausted preparing her for me. There's leftover wine in the bottle, you drink it and take rest while I cool down the heat in her cunt so that she could bear a child."

I got busy with the wine while Bhim got busy with my wife. I didn't recall how long their mating session continued as the strong wine had its effect on me but so long I was in my sense, I heard my wife scream in pleasure and pain as Bhim pounded her like a bitch.

When I was back to my normal self next morning, Bhim was gone and Mansi was lying nude and exhausted on the bed. Her physical appearance, the vermillion marks were smeared on her face as if she came out of a tempest. But there was a glow and radiance of satisfaction on her face. Later that day I said to her, "I don't know if you would get pregnant but I think it's becoming too much, the way he uses you and humiliates me."

Mansi looked at me with surprise and said, "Do you mind my physical intimacy with him? I told you at the beginning but you insisted to give it a try. I knew our relation won't be the same once we tread the prohibited area."

"But don't you think we should not repeat this or at least avoid it to the extent possible?" I asked her.

I was not expecting Mansi to reply in support of my suggestion but I did not expect her answer to destroy me either. Mansi looked at me and with a sullen smile said, "You should have thought of this before you suggested me to give a try with him. I was enjoying sex with you very much. But once I got with Bhim, I felt like a real woman. He made me realise what it means to be filled by a meat, what robust and merciless thrusts could make a woman stretch and enjoy. With him I scream like a possessed woman and crave for more. I still love you, but I don't feel it the same way as I do with him. The way he kneads my body make me arch in passion. Don't mind my dear, I think he satisfies me more than you could."

There was nothing left to be said after that. I accepted to myself that it was my foolish decision to encourage her to fulfill her fantasy with Bhim. After that Mansi's sexual intimacy with Bhim became a regular affairs. Sometimes she enjoyed with Bhim in our house, sometimes she went to his den. But strangely, though they always had unprotected sex, Mansi never got pregnant. Mansi too got desperate and shamelessly enjoyed with Bhim. To my awe, she almost regularly enjoyed getting blindfolded by his loincloth while getting fucked.

Nearly eight months lapsed since Mansi got involved with Bhim and during this period Bhim used her like his mistress and yet Mansi did not conceive. On the ninth month, Bhim came with a bizarre proposal. He wanted to keep Mansi at his den for a month to live as a couple. Though I didn't like the idea, Mansi was too interested to live in his den and enjoy unlimited sex with Bhim. To our neighbours we told that Mansi would be going to her paternal home though she was actually living in the den of Bhim as his slut, getting fucked at any hour of the day. Towards the end of the month, one evening Bhim invited me to his den to watch something special. I knew it would be some special fucking episode. Bhim told me to drink wine before visiting his den as it was going to be a special celebration.

On that evening, I drank as advised and went to his den. Before I even made my entry inside, I knew from the moans and laughter that Bhim and Mansi were already in the game. But peeping inside, I was shocked at what I saw. As expected, Mansi was on the bed, all naked, and she was blindfolded as usual. However, Bhim was standing at a distance. On the bed facing her mouth was kneeling naked Santa Prasad, the owner in whose house I and Mansi stayed on rent. Santa Prasad was in his mid-fifties and Mansi was of his daughter's age, and yet the old man was grabbing Mansi by her hair and his big hard rod was in her mouth. His other hand was groping her youthful curves. It seemed from her gestures that she was enjoying the game without being aware that it was not Bhim but another person with whom she was enjoying.

Bhim looked at me and smiled and said, "How does she look? You wanted to make her a slut of mine, so I turned her a real slut."

I shouted in anger, "This is not fair. Mansi, do you know with whom are you enjoying?"

My voice startled Mansi and she removed by one hand the loincloth that blindfolded her and she was shocked to see that she was made to strip in front of a stranger and was sucking his dick. Mansi tried to disengage from the act in violent reaction but Santa Prasad caught her roughly and said, "Shali randi, kyun sharma rahe ho? Tune ne apne pati ke samne Bhim se chudwa sakte ho, toh apne pati ke samne mujhse bhi chudwana padegi. Aaj tere pati ke samne tu mera randi banegi. (You slut, why are you ashamed? You can fuck with Bhim in front of your husband, then you must fuck with me in front of your husband too. I will make you my whore tonight in front of your husband.)

More Mansi tried to escape from his grip, more did Santa's grip tightened on her. Meanwhile scuffle ensued between me and Bhim. But soon with his athletic stature, Bhim managed to outpower me. Moreover, I was under the impact of wine. He spoke to me very roughly, "Why are you so bothered to see your wife with another man? Didn't you send her to my bed yourself? Didn't you tempt me to abandon those working women of the brick kiln and village women nearby and instead enjoy with Mansi? You wanted me to impregnate her since she did not conceive by your seeds."

I knew Bhim was telling raw truth. Angrily I told him, "Even a bull like you failed to impregnate her. That doesn't mean you send her to someone else."

On the bed a similar scuffle was going on between Mansi and Santa Prasad as embarrassed Mansi tried to escape from him, though the latter was in no mood to let her go after enjoying the sensuous service of her mouth on his boner. Though quite aged, Santa was physically strong and stout and pinning her down on the bed he hissed, "If you keep resisting, I am going to rape you here in front of your husband."

Bhim tried to convince Mansi, "It's better to surrender and enjoy rather than to get raped and let him enjoy alone while you bear the pain. Moreover, you will have the chance to get pregnant because Santa Prasad has fathered seven children and you could be lucky to get your womb fertilized by him."

The issue of getting pregnant seemed to bring a radiance on the face of Mansi. Santa Prasad took the chance and said, "These two men could not fulfill your dream of becoming a mother. You have got every possibility of fulfilling your dream should you take my big thing in you for some days. I am sure apart from the chance of getting pregnant, you will also enjoy the pleasure a real big meat inside you. Just see how hot and hard my thing is to get inside your hot tunnel to leave its seeds deep in your womb."

As Santa Prasad said these words, he began to show and shake his hard cock, moving it in a most vulgar manner by his hand. His thing was indeed like that of a stud. It was not longer in size than that of Bhim but in thickness it was bigger than Bhim's. Its maroon coloured mushroom shaped tip was tight and wet in anticipation. I could see the outline of his blue vein throbbing inside his meat, ready to assault my wife's tender pussy.

I felt threatened and it was too much for me.I was also afraid that Mansi might get swayed by the idea of pregnancy and get tempted by the size of his stud like meat. So I defiantly said to them, "If the fault is in her nobody can make her a mother. In luring her by the idea, you can't go on sending her from one to another."

Bhim gave my hands a hard twist making me let out a scream of pain. He then said to me, "You introduced the tiger to the taste of blood, you can't deny it now. I will keep sending Mansi to bed with other men till her dream of bearing a child is fulfilled."

"What?", I sharply reacted, "You can't decide it yourself to send her to multiple partners to get pregnant! Is she a slut?"

Bhim gave a dirty smile as he replied, "What else is she? You made her my slut, and I am going to turn her to be slut of many more. But only to fulfill her dream. Just see how Santa Prasad is caressing her!"

As I was busy arguing with Bhim, I did not pay much attention to Mansi and Santa on bed. Bhim's words drew my attention back to them. Santa had grabbed Mansi's hair and brought her face near him to kiss and lick her face. Intermittently, he was playing with her boobs and pinching her already stiffened brown nipples. As if to tease me, the moment I turned my gaze towards them on bed, Santa Prasad bowed down slightly and while his one hand passionately kneaded her one mound, his mouth descended on the other sucking her nipple like a savage.

Dangers, threat, humiliation, fear apart, the way Santa controlled Mansi like a master, the way her naked body was under his grip and the way he kneaded and sucked her boobies with slurping sounds made my member inside my pants grow harder in arousal. Mansi was still trying to resist Santa as her body gestures indicated. Santa said to her in a grave tone, "Are you ashamed to get raped in front of your husband? Don't worry, Bhim will take care of him here and I can take you outside. I will enjoy to rape you in the open field under the starry sky. You're already stripped, so nothing to bother. Just throw you on the ground, climb on you, forcibly part your legs and push the piston inside. Nobody will disturb us there."

I was happy to see that Mansi was trying to plead with Santa to spare. She was not defiant but trying to win him by asking for mercy. However, Bhim interfered, "Ashamed? She is hot like a bitch. She had enjoyed with me several times in the presence of her husband. And her husband? He can't satisfy her with his moderate tool. Her tunnel is too deep and needs bigger tools. "

He paused and turned to Mansi, "Will you miss the opportunity of getting pregnant? Are you really ashamed to fucked by another man? Haven't you seen how your husband enjoyed while I fucked you? Even now I can swear that he is hard and aroused to see Santa teasing your youthful sexy body! He is a cuckold and sent her to my bed and will enjoy to see you with any other man."

Finding that Bhim was exposing my reality I jumped angrily in my defence and opposed him at the high pitch of my voice. Bhim looked at me angrily and in a flashing move, unzipped my pant and asked me to display my prick. When I refused, Bhim himself brought out my cock by partially sliding my underwear to one side. It was hard in arousal. Bhim pointed out it to both Mansi and Santa. Mansi looked at me contemptuously while Santa gave a meaningful smile and pulled Mansi roughly towards his naked body, 'What are you ashamed of, my slut? Join shamelessly with me on bed and please your husband. I know that he will enjoy to watch his wife behaving like a hot bitch with me. You too are not puritan either as you have already taken Bhim's tool several times. Today you will enjoy a new meat in your hot pussy."

Both Santa and Mansi were already naked and the former pulled her roughly on his naked lap. His hard rod was touching her ass. Mansi, however, seemed still reluctant and became stiff. Probably she was mentally not ready to have sex with another person. Looking at her stiffness Santa Prasad giggled, "Why are you so stiff? Tune to anjane me mera lund apne muh mein le chuke ho, ab sirf apne chut mein lena hain." (You've unknowingly taken my dick in your mouth, now only to take it in your cunt.)

With these words Santa roughly pushed her on the bed and started fondling and kneading her boobs and ass passionately. He kissed her on the lips and inserted his tongue inside her mouth. It seemed as if a horny bull had forced her down to lay her. After groping her privates for sometime, Santa pulled her by the hair and brought her face near his crotch. He pushed his thick meat in her mouth and slapped her hard and commanded, "Chus shali, thik se chus. Aise mast lauda tune pehle dekhi nahi." (Suck it nicely. You've not seen such a wonderful dick earlier.)

As I saw my wife sucking his dick, her soft lips grabbing the thick meat, I lost all control and started to ejaculate without any friction. Bhim gave a dirty laugh and loudly announced, 'Watch, how aroused is he...he released his seminal fluid. Since I and you couldn't impregnate her, it's better we let our cum fall on the soil."

Telling this Bhim too brought his tool out and started to stroke it lovingly watching Santa fingering Mansi violently. Mansi started to get aroused as Santa's thumb and forefinger was wroughting havoc in her tunnel and teased her already swollen clit. For sometime Mansi restrained her from expressing her arousal. But after trying hard for sometimes she involuntarily whimpered. By the time Santa once again started sucking her nipples alternately, Mansi started moaning uncontrollably indicating her arousal. For next twenty minutes nothing was heard except her, "uuum... aaah...uuuh...uuuuhh...ouch...uuuum" etc, and then we heard Santa asking Mansi, "Do you still want to be raped? Or like to enjoy like a good partner?"

Mansi didn't reply but embraced Santa with her hands on his back. Her hands tried to pull Santa closer to her body and her palms moved on his back as if caressing him. She lifted her legs on his thighs and folded them tightly near his ass. It was a total sign of her complete consent and surrender. Santa began kissing her afresh, sucking her lips while his hard dick twitched between her thighs. Soon Mansi started to thrust her pelvis in upward direction to feel his massive meat. Santa, however, continued to tease her and caress her nude body all the more passionately. Then I heard him asking Mansi, "Baby, do you like to feel it inside?"

"Oh yes," came Mansi's muffled but unhesitating reply, "Right now, I can't wait any more."

I watched Mansi unwrapping her legs that tightly locked at his back and she was spreading her legs widest possible to welcome Santa's extraordinary thick meat in her craving pussy. Santa lifted himself slightly and spitted at Mansi's pussy and used his hand to smear her pussy with his spit to lubricate her gate. Mansi kept her eyes shut and awaited Santa to invade her. Santa put his hands under her butts and lifted her pelvis slightly and placed his massive rod of flesh just at the opening of her slit. He inserted mild pressure making Mansi scream in pain, " my god...I can't take it...uuuff... it will tear me apart... ohh no...please."

But it was too late. Santa kept exerting pressure disregarding her screams. He locked her lips in kiss to prevent any sound that might distract him and then repeatedly exerted hard thrusts till Mansi started throwing her legs in utter pain. Then she shivered and cooled down like a senseless person. Tears were rolling from the corners of her eyes. The invasion was complete, Santa's tool was fully buried in her tunnel. Santa waited for some moments to let Mansi adjust to the shock. Then he brought out his tool completely out of her tunnel, and then before she could understand anything, pushed it hard again completely. Mansi screamed again, but the intensity was low. Three more times Santa repeated the process making Mansi ready for the game.

That her pain had subsided was visible from the fact that her hands were wrapped against his back while her legs were crossed around his ass. Santa started rapid and hard thrusts in her cunt by in and out movement of his cock. Mansi was responding with sexy moans that indicated the extent to which she was enjoying getting pounded. The nude and passionate game of the two in front of my eyes restored my hardness that went limp after my involuntary discharge. Bhim was still stroking his tool watching Mansi and Santa.

Mansi had opened her eyes and there was an awe in her glances both at the thickness and rapidity of the rod that was drilling her. After getting pounded for about fifteen minutes, Mansi shivered, her moans intensified, she kissed Santa like a possessed woman. But Santa continued without any reaction. Meanwhile her fingernails were scratching his back most violently. Mansi moved her head this way and that, her fists clenched the bed sheet suggesting her climax.

After she calmed down a bit after the climax, Santa started pounding her again with renewed vigour and greater tempo. For a few minutes, Mansi seemed to be unable to comprehend what was happening to her. But as Santa began to pound her brutally, Mansi seemed to be aroused afresh and she was thrusting her pelvis upwards as if to get more of his meat in her tunnel. Mansi spread her legs to wrap them around Santa's stud like body. Santa looked at her face as if to assess the level of her arousal and cupped her boobs in his palms and started fondling them without any mercy. To my utter shock and surprise Mansi seemed to enjoy the beastly manner in which Santa was kneading her mounds. I watched as Santa lowered his face on her and started licking her cheeks and then his lips descended on her lips and he started sucking her upper and lower lips alternately by taking them between his. Mansi was getting aroused more and more, and I saw her unhesitatingly pushing her tongue inside Santa's mouth. I could see his big meat coming out of her tunnel and disappearing inside it at an unbelievable speed and force. Mansi was screaming in pain and joy of getting pounded by the stud, "Oooh...oh my God...please have mercy...woom...aaah... don't stop...ooom...faster...harder... don't stop... I want more..." etc.

More did Mansi scream, more brutal Santa seemed to be. The force and rapidity of his thrusts were unimaginable for me. I wondered if Mansi got the strength of a witch to withstand such brutal thrusts in her tender pussy. However, encouraged by her passionate gestures that reminded one of a professional whore, Santa continued to plough her tunnel till Mansi started pleading to him to come inside her. It was a moment worth watching with Mansi moaning uncontrollably in pleasure and Santa thrusting her with the brutality of a bull.

Santa battered the muscles of her hot and craving vagina in the highest ever tempo for another five to seven minutes and then I could hear him groan and growing stiff and started ejaculating jet after jet of his sticky cum in Mansi's tunnel. Mansi was moaning in excitement and satisfaction and as each jet of his semen hitted the walls of the pussy her grips tightened on the bare back of Santa. For about one and half minutes I could see the spasms of Santa as he spurted his load in her cunt. Mansi seemed to enjoy each jet of his warm semen as they flooded her pussy and her face displayed a satisfaction hitherto unknown.

For sometime more they remained in tight hug as Santa continued to lick and suck her lips. When finally Santa got down of her body, Mansi was still recovering from the after effects of a shattering orgasm. The quantity of Santa's cum was so much that Mansi's love hole couldn't retain the whole of it. I watched as the thick sticky semen of Santa poured out of her parted labia lips. Bhim was rubbing his dick all along. He said, "If you want to be pregnant you must retain his seeds inside. Lift your legs up to keep the seeds inside."

Mansi was still in her convulsions from the orgasm and didn't know what to do. Santa looked at her overflowing pussy and said to Bhim, "You have a big tool, put it in her and push the seeds to her womb."

Bhim seemed as if waiting for it. He immediately mounted on Mansi and pushed his meat through the parted lips. Mansi's vagina was already slippery from the overflowing cum of Santa and Bhim's fat meat smoothly slided in her tunnel. Bhim's hands grabbed her butts from below raising them upward and started thrusting deeper. It took hardly three minutes for my slutty wife to be active again and participate in full swing with Bhim. However, Bhim was too aroused for long and was caressing his dick. So after about ten minutes of rapid thrusting, Bhim started to ejaculate in her pussy making her moan like a bitch once again.

When Bhim withdrew, Mansi's pussy was in a mess. Her parted labia lips displayed the inner pink muscles of her pudenda smeared with the thick cum of two bulls. Santa intervened again and asked me to put my dick in her to push the seeds further to increase the possibility of getting the seeds fertilized. I was hard enough but had some hesitation looking at the dirty condition of her pussy. But Mansi wanted to miss no chance and her glances appealed to me to put my meat in her. Slowly I mounted on her. My moderate sized dick was throbbing as it made its way into her tunnel through the sticky mess created by the consecutive cum of Santa and Bhim. Mansi lovingly embraced me and we engaged in the most intimate physical relation between husband and wife in front of two other men. But we were shameless and engaged in love making while Santa and Bhim encouraged us to fuck harder. Mansi's body emanated body odour of Santa and Bhim, of their mouths and groins, reminding me constantly what they did to my loving wife and how Mansi had responded to them. The whole atmosphere only aroused us and in less than twenty minutes I discharged inside her. Santa advised us not to disengage till I went limp and my meat would automatically slip out of her love tunnel. To keep me hard for a longer time, Santa asked me to recall the way they had played with her melons and lips and to repeat the process myself. To my surprise the suggestion worked, particularly the bite marks and scratch marks of nails on her tender flesh reminded me the way two bulls played with her. This kept me partially hard for nearly thirty minutes. By the time I withdrew, much of the seminal fluid discharged by three of us got deep inside her canal.

With that night, Mansi became the regular bed partner of Santa, Bhim and myself. But it was Santa who mostly took her to bed and as he was the owner of the house, he often visited us at night spending the nights with Mansi. In the first two months after that night, Santa spent not less that ten nights with Mansi and though he was much older than either me or Bhim, Mansi enjoyed his animal like sexual vigour as well as the large size of his meat. To make it a permanent affairs, Santa gifted the house, that was originally rented to us, to Mansi, who became more or less his mistress. Her sexual relation with Bhim also continued intermittently. One summer night, in Bhim's den, Mansi and Bhim even engaged in sex under the open starry sky. Occasionally, Mansi also engaged in physical relation with three of us and her sexual prowess was wonderful and her hunger for sex seemed to increase day by day instead of being diminished. She performed with equal vigour with the three.

But Mansi's main dream was not fulfilled even after six months of having three partners as she didn't conceive. Both Santa and Bhim genuinely wished her pregnancy and they consulted various doctors as well as quacks to find the cause of the problem. But physically there was no deficiency in her. The fact that despite promiscuous life Mansi didn't get pregnant made her desperate and she was not the least hesitant to have sex with strangers.

Both Bhim and Santa took the advantage of that attitude and whenever either of them took her to nearby towns to consult one or the other doctor, she was lured to go to bed with the friends or acquaintances of either Santa or Bhim. At first, Mansi used to be quiet after going to bed with a stranger. Gradually however, she started sharing with me about any such one night stand she had with a stranger or about either Bhim or Santa luring her to enjoy with a complete stranger. I tried to persuade her to stop her promiscuous life but she became crazy about such affairs.

While Mansi's sexual relationship with me, Bhim and Santa continued, her proclivities with strangers were on the rise. But her age was advancing and she did not conceive despite her promiscuous life. I was, however, very shocked when one night Santa visited her with two strangers. Without caring about my presence, Santa told the strangers in front of me, "You can't even imagine how expert she is in group will feel like heaven when she uses her lips and tongue to caress you."

Both me and Mansi objected that night to Santa's bringing two strangers to our home. Mansi even refused to go to bed with the strangers. One of the strangers gave a dirty smile and said to Mansi, "Threesome is not new to you. You already had participated in threesom. What are you ashamed of? You're a hot slut who had enjoyed with Santa and Bhim and your husband at a time."

But Mansi still refused to oblige them. The other stranger said to me, "Tell your wife to serve or we will expose both of your, your promiscuous life and make it impossible for you to live in this town."

Both me and Mansi reacted that what we do is our choice and one can't force us. Santa looked at us sullenly and said, "I wouldn't have brought them here but they are blackmailing me to expose me to my family members."

After a brief pause, Santa continued, "They secretly took some obscene photos of Mansi and me along with my friend when the other day we spent the night in a hotel and they are threatening not only to expose Mansi but me and my friend unless Mansi satisfies them."

Mansi was angry and retorted, "How they had the photos without your help?"

"Believe me," said Santa, "They had hidden cameras fitted in our rooms without our knowledge."

"How they had access to the hotel room and cameras without the permission of the hotel authority?" asked Mansi quizzing Santa.

One of the strangers, who was in his late forties, laughed in a vulgar manner and said, "I'm Javed and owner of the hotel. We trap lusty pairs who go to hotel with false identities to enjoy sex so that we could find prospective sluts to supply to our interested customers."

Pointing out at the other stranger, who seemed not more than 35 years, Javed said, "He is Bilal, my cousin from Pakistan and the security in-charge of my hotel. We were highly impressed by the beauty of this slut and the way she satisfied two horny males. So we decided to taste your youthful sexual vigour and check if you could help our customers, who ask for pleasures during their stay."

Mansi was both shocked and agonised and yet she boldly confronted them, "So you are here not only to enjoy with me but blackmail me to become a whore and serve your customers?"

"You perfectly understood", Javed said, "But you're already a whore so we didn't come to insist you to become a whore. Keep that in mind."

Javed gestured Bilal to play the video recordings they had brought with them. Bilal was ready with his tab and touched the Android screen to start the video. It started abruptly that showed Mansi refusing to entertain the stranger that Santa had brought with him. The location was an executive suit of some posh hotel. Santa was seen trying to convince Mansi by telling her, "He has very fertile and high quality semen and you might have a chance to become pregnant by allowing him to out his semen inside you as we all have failed to fulfill your dream of becoming a mother."

His words seemed to cool down Mansi a bit while Santa still tried to persuade her by assuring that the entire matter would remain secret between three of them. At Javed's indication, Bilal fast forwarded the video. The screen now displayed Santa lovingly moving Mansi towards the bed. The stranger was already on the bed. Mansi was wearing a pink siffon saree with a pink sleeveless blouse and petticoat. By the time Santa brought her near the bed, he had already removed the pallu of her saree and was loosening the saree at her waist. Soon Mansi was standing in front of the stranger and Santa only in her blouse and petticoat. The outline of the white netted bra beneath her blouse that covered her mounds was clearly visible. Santa gave her a hug and kissed her cheeks and said, "He is my friend and will make love to you as you like. You needn't be scared. I will be here with you."

Santa lifted Mansi on his lap and very carefully placed her just on the lap of the stranger. The stranger, it seemed, was waiting for this moment and he whispered to her ears, "You're more beautiful than I thought."

At the same time from Mansi's back the stranger extended his arms on her two sides embracing her tightly. His palms were just on her flesh mounds and he was busy to unhook her blouse. Mansi seemed very uncomfortable at what the stranger was doing and tried to resist. But Santa caught her hands and said, "Why are you ashamed? Let him see those soft and sexy balls."

As Santa prevented her hands from resisting, the stranger smartly unhooked her blouse and lifted the bra cups exposing her well shaped boobs. Mansi's nipples had stiffened by then. Santa and the stranger just pushed her on the bed and from two sides they lifted their body weights on her thighs and legs pinning her on the bed in such a way that she could not throw her hands and legs to prevent them. Mansi was still fuming for bringing the stranger without consulting her. Santa slapped her hard telling, "I'm doing all this to fulfill your dream and you're protesting! Don't forget you're my mistress and will entertain anyone I bring to your bed."

Meanwhile Santa and the stranger had grabbed her boobs one each and while fondling her mounds to their hearts' content brought down their faces and began to suck her nipples from two sides. The stranger had already pushed one hand inside her panty and was trying to find her love spot. Mansi tried to fight back but was weaker compared to the two bulls that were mauling her. She threatened them, "I will scream loud if you don't let me go right now."

The stranger smiled and said, "I like to tame wild cats."

The man had got rid of his trousers by then. In a flashing move he pulled out his underwear and pushed it roughly in Mansi's mouth gagging her and teased, "Now scream as much you can."

Mansi gave out only muffled sounds. Santa and the man worked in perfect unison to spread eagle her on the large bed like alphabet X and her hands and legs were tied to the bed posts. Mansi sprawled helplessly on the bed. The hidden camera perfectly captured her spread eagled position with her blouse and bra displaced revealing her heaving boobs with stiff nipples and the panty pushed down to her thighs showing her clean shaven pussy.

At this position Bilal again fast forwarded the video and two bulls were seen stripping her completely and caressing her privates like hungry wolves. It continued for about twenty minutes after which I noticed with utter shock and shame that my wife was getting aroused indicated by her heavy sighs and growing loud moans as well as weakening of her resistance. The stranger slowly moved his face between her thighs and started teasing her pussy with his lips and tongue. The way Mansi started arching her body despite her limbs being tied, the way she raised her pelvis upward, were the unmistakable signs that she was longing to get fucked. Still Santa and the stranger continued to caress her for sometime more after which the stranger looked into her eyes and asked, "Aren't you hot and ready, baby?"

Mansi didn't reply but blinked her eyes in affirmation. Santa removed the underwear that was used to gag her. The stranger untied her hands and feet. Mansi lied down on her back like a submissive whore. The man positioned himself between the thighs of Mansi. Mansi was too eager to welcome a new meat in her craving tunnel. She folded her legs at her knees to give better access to the stranger to invade her pussy.

The man had hard and throbbing meat. It was not as big as Santa's but it was admiringly hard with brownish mushroom like tip that displayed signs of precum. But before the stranger attempted entry, he bent down on her face to kiss Mansi. Mansi most seductively parted her lips to welcome his lips. Soon they lip locked and both were sucking each other most passionately. His both the hands were on her mounds playing lustfully. Santa was sitting at a distance giving them the opportunity to explore each other. I could see on the screen my wife holding the hard cock of the stranger and guiding it to her hole.

Javed asked Bilal to pause the video. Me, Santa and Mansi looked at him with signs of defeat in our glances. Javed asked Mansi, "Ab hamare randi banogi?" (Will you be our slut now?)

Mansi lowered her gaze. I tried to strike a deal with them but they were adamant in their demand. When Javed found us reluctant, he took the tab from Bilal, fast forwarded the video and said to me, "Anyway, we are going to fuck your wife like a bitch tonight and she will also agree to come to our hotel once she sees this part."

He turned the screen towards us. It was the most shocking and obscene one. Mansi was on her fours. Santa mounted her from the back ploughing her while the stranger was fucking her mouth. Mansi was enjoying two dicks at a time. When the stranger was about to ejaculate, he brought his tool out and sprayed his thick cum on Mansi's face smearing her lips, eyelids and the entire face. Javed walked towards Mansi and gave her boob a brutal squeeze making her let out a cry. Javed said, "If you don't want this video to be uploaded clean up yourself quickly, wax your body and come to bed with us in front of your hubby and your aged lover. Nobody can predict, your accepting our tools might result in much cherished pregnancy."

The reference to pregnancy was enough to soften Mansi. Moreover, we knew that there was no way out. Mansi went silently to the wash room to prepare herself to entertain Javed and Bilal. Santa and I were waiting in the room. Bilal ordered us to get rid of our clothes and deposit the same to them so that we wouldn't run away while they remained busy with Mansi. We hesitated but looking at the revolver that Bilal brought out of his socks, we decided to oblige. After about fifteen or twenty minutes appeared Mansi from the washroom. She had taken a bath and waxed her whole body due to which a glowing radiance was emanating from her body. It seemed Mansi came with all preparedness to offer herself to Javed and Bilal. She was a bit shocked to see me and Santa completely naked. But she refrained from asking anything. Meanwhile, Javed and Bilal were licking Mansi though their lustful glances.

Mansi had come out of the washroom wrapping herself in a white bath towel. It covered from her boobs to her knees. Her shoulders were bare and so was her legs from below the knees. It was not clear if she had wore her undergarments beneath the white towel. Javed gestured her to move towards the bed. But Bilal intervened and said to me, "Remove her towel after all she is going to get rid of it once she is on bed. Better she goes to bed ready for the next."

I hesitated a bit. I had seen my wife on bed with other men. But it was slightly odd to remove her towel at the command of two strangers. Javed looked at me and said to Santa,"Ok, we won't be cruel, you take the towel away in front of her hubby."

Bilal put his hand on his revolver. Santa went three steps forward and without least hesitation pulled away the towel that was wrapped around her body. Mansi stood there without protest or resistance. Beneath the towel, Mansi had a netted bra, that more than covering, made her cleavage and mounds stand out prominently. Javed surveyed her glowing body from head to toe and slapped hard on her round and well shaped butt and added, "You've got a perfect body to be a fucking doll."

Bilal was still holding his revolver and said to me, "Will you now take away these short pieces from her body?"

I went to her back to unhook the bra but Bilal commanded again, "No, from the front. Slide away the straps from her shoulders."

I obeyed as instructed. Mansi upper part was bare. Javed handed over a small knife to me and said, "Now cut the net one by one that are covering her treasure but make sure you don't hurt her."

It was a very risky job and my hands were trembling. Bilal laughed at my condition and said to Javed, "He is going to make her bleed."

He then turned to me, "Ok, you don't have to, I can do that for you."

Bilal went near Mansi, carefully held the bra cup where it was linked to the strap and like an expert cut the netted portion of the bra cup. Mansi's soft and sexy mounds with erected nipples came out of the bra cup. Bilal grabbed both the melons and started kneading them passionately making Mansi give out the first moan of arousal.

Bilal grabbed Mansi by her shoulder and bringing her face near his started kissing her. He sucked her thin pink lips quite passionately. After sometimes, I observed Mansi responding to it as I noticed her her participating in the act of sucking. For nearly fifteen or twenty minutes, Bilal kept kissing and fondling her. Then he let her go as if to give turn to Javed. Mansi was looking like a hot slut with her bare boobs with stiff nipples exposed. Her nipples bore the marks of saliva of Bilal, who had licked and sucked them. Javed came near Mansi and without any warning slapped repeatedly on her buttocks making Mansi let out groans of pain. He then roughly placed his hand between her thighs and started rubbing her groin. His other hand roughly pulled a nipple and he said, "Baby, you're already hot to take our meat inside!"

Javed pointed out to her panty and asked, "Why are you still wearing this? On the bed none of us will need any cloth."

Javed started pulling down Mansi's netted panty. As a reflex, she tried to resist. Javed and Bilal both laughed, "What are you trying to hide? Soon you're going to spread your legs wide to welcome us deep inside?"

"After tonight," Bilal continued, "Many men are going to pull down your panty inside the cosy rooms of our hotel to enjoy hot sessions with you."

Meanwhile Javed had pulled down Mansi's panty below her knees. Her shaved pubic area with slightly parted labia lips revealed glistening moist of her love gate. Bilal roughly pushed a finger in her love spot and started rotating it. Mansi arched her body as the finger violently teased her most sensitive spot. Bilal laughed, "You're so aroused just with the finger, what will you do when the thick meat plays wild inside?"

Mansi didn't answer, she was biting her lips to prevent expressing her arousal. Javed asked me to take Mansi to bed. I lifted her in my arms and placed her on the bed. At his command, I pulled the panty out of her body. Javed looked at her naked beauty but asked me, "Has this bitch ever got the taste of getting fucked by circumcised dick?"

I swayed my head to confirm the negative. Javed said, "Ok, she will today have the taste of circumcised cocks and she won't ever forget the pleasure."

Mansi was lying on the bed, her mounds exposed as the bra cups were cut. She was cross legged to hide her most private spot. Bilal looked at Santa and commanded, "Hold her legs parted, her lovely cunt should be visible."

Santa obeyed the command and kept her legs stretched on two sides exposing her entire pubic area. Bilal turned to me, "Go down on her, prepare her for us. She should scream in excitement."

I had no option but to place my face on her pussy and use my lips and tongue to caress her. Meanwhile, both Javed and Bilal got out of their dresses. Their hard and thick circumcised cocks were throbbing in anticipation. Bilal's cock was larger, both in length and girth, than that of Javed. As I kept licking and sucking Mansi's quim, she was getting aroused and was moaning slowly. Suddenly, her moans got muffled and I raised my face to watch with awe that both Javed and Bilal had pushed their cocks in her mouth at the same time gagging Mansi completely. To my horror I saw both of them fucking Mansi's mouth at the same time.

Perhaps Mansi had gestured to them her uncomfortable position so that suddenly Bilal brought his dick out of her mouth allowing Javed to enjoy the pleasure of her mouth. Bilal gestured me and Santa to stay away as he started playing with Mansi's well shaped mounds kneading those flesh balls most brutally. Javed was holding her head and was busy doing in and out movement of his meat in her mouth. Mansi had become fully aroused by then and was moaning most seductively and was fully participating in the dirty game of flesh with the two. It was about half an hour later that Javed was seen holding Mansi's head tightly in his grip as he started ejaculating in her mouth and kept his cock hardly pressed compelling Mansi to swallow his cum to avoid choking. Once Mansi had swallowed the last drop and licked his dick clean, Javed roughly threw her body on the bed.

Mansi knew instinctively that she was supposed to take Bilal in her mouth and kept her mouth open in anticipation. However, Bilal said to her pointing his hard and monstrous cock, "You know, baby, he is the master of your youthful body. I wouldn't like to force it in your mouth. Rather I would like to see how you take care of your master. You should make it more sexy and prolonged and allow your hubby, Santa and Javed watch your performance."

For a moment I thought Mansi might refuse but she understood the compulsion and like a whore moved her naked body towards Bilal. She took Bilal's throbbing hard dick in her palms, looked at its massive size with admiration and rubbed her palms gently over his cock. Since Bilal too had circumcised shaft, Mansi tickled its mushroom tip with her tongue and then kissed it. Her lips grabbed his cock and slowly her tongue started playing on the glans making Bilal groan in pleasure. Mansi used her tongue to lick the entire eight inches long shaft including his balls. For fifteen minutes did she play with it using her sexy lips and hot tongue. Then she swallowed nearly three-fourth of his meat and began to move her head up and down. Droplets of fluid started to slide along his cock though it was not sure if that was her saliva or his cum. Bilal was enjoying her performance so much that his hands came down on her pair of hanging flesh balls and started kneading them. What surprised me was the fact that Mansi revealed to sign of reluctance as she moved her heads up and down on his cock while getting her mounds kneaded by Bilal. Rather as time passed, she accelerated the speed of her head moving on Bilal's cock, increasing the slopping sound in the room and it went on till we saw Bilal going stiff and releasing his load in her mouth. As her face was downward, much of the load flowed down making Mansi look like the heroine of a blowjob movie.

I had anticipated a break after it. But Javed was hard again and he pulled Mansi beside him and mounted on her and started kissing and fondling her. It was the most passionate game I ever saw. Javed moved his face on every inch of Mansi including her rectal hole and as he pushed his tongue in her rectal hole, Mansi shivered and screamed in excitement. For nearly forty minutes Javed kept teasing her making the pleasure unbearable for Mansi, who grew restless to get her craving pussy invaded. But Javed just lingered till Mansi explicitly asked Javed to put his cock inside. Javed smiled and said to me, "See, your wife is ready to take my circumcised meat in her pussy. I am going to make her my whore."

Javed asked Mansi to fold her legs at the knees and spread them apart. I was both ashamed and aroused to see her overflowing pussy with parted lips ready to welcome Javed. Putting his hands under her butts, Javed raised her pelvis upward, gave a mischievous smile to me and Santa, and guided his meat just at the slit of her cunt. He slowly descended his weight on her, pushing the mushroom head between Mansi's fluffy labia lips and then gave a brutal stroke. Mansi cried in pain as the massive meat made its entry and within minutes I saw his big rod sliding into my wife's tunnel. Javed and Mansi hugged each other and remained still as their lips got locked in kiss. After Mansi recovered from the initial shock of getting pierced by a large circumcised cock, she looked at Javed's eyes in utter disbelief that such a fat meat was buried in her tunnel.

Javed smooched her with loud sounds and started plumbing. I had seen my sexy wife getting ploughed by Bhim and Santa. But they were no match to the hard thrusts that Javed was giving in Mansi's pudenda. It was like an angry piston doing in and out movements with increasing tempo on each occasion. After about forty minutes of ploughing, Mansi was literally begging for more and Javed didn't fail her as he kept on pounding her harder and faster making Mansi let out desultory and meaningless screams in utter sexual arousal till she reached the height of sexual climax with Javed flooding her tunnel by his thick sticky semen. It was clear from the facial appearance of Mansi that she had tremendously enjoyed.

But her ordeal was not yet over as Bilal was waiting for his turn with his hard cock to enjoy Mansi's hot pussy. Bilal was lying on his back. His circumcised hard cock was jumping intermittently and looked like a monster. He ordered Mansi to be on top and to guide his tool in her pussy. Mansi seemed reluctant after the massive climax she had enjoyed moments before. Bilal waited for a few minutes and then angrily slapped Mansi and pulling her by the hair roughly pressed her cheeks and pushed his rod in her mouth so deep as to choke her. Mansi started coughing uncomfortably. Bilal slapped her butts and made her to be on all the fours. As he started mounting on her from the back, Mansi was alarmed and pleaded that she couldn't take the big tool of Bilal in her asshole. Mansi offered him to use her mouth or cunt instead. But Bilal said, "Remember, you are going to serve our customers at the hotel. Nobody asks a whore where she wants to take, that will be decided by the client."

Mansi and I were going to argue but Bilal gestured to keep us quiet and said, "Bhim has told us that all her holes can be used and all are equally sexy. So don't pretend."

So we realised how we were trapped. It was Bhim, who not only enjoyed with Mansi but lead to this path. I recalled the shadowy man who had warned me about Bhim on the dusk of Holika burning. Finding us silent, Javed said to me, "Bhim told us that together with Santa he had used all her holes in your presence. So don't pretend to be innocent. Bhim told us that a sexy wife like her is more fit to be a whore than a housewife. So we decided to use her for our customers."

We knew that were were betrayed by Bhim. Meanwhile Bilal caught Mansi's rounded buttock and pulled them apart in opposite directions exposing her asshole. At first Bilal inserted his index finger in her asshole and moved it violently. Then he spat on her hole and inserted two fingers. Mansi screamed and begged for mercy. Bilal scolded, "Shut up, you hot bitch. I know you are not new to it."

Bilal shoved his big circumcised cock in Mansi's rectal hole. Only the tip of the mushroom went in. Bilal spat again and ordered Mansi to loosen up. Mansi knew there was no escape. She parted her butts as much as she could. Like an angey bull, Bilal started exerting more and more pressure disregarding the screams and pleads of Mansi. After nearly fifteen minutes of efforts, Mansi gave the loudest painful scream and we saw Bilal's massive rod of flesh making its way into her rectal hole till his balls were pressed against Mansi's ass cheeks.

Bilal allowed her scream to subside before he started to plough her anal hole. His hands were busy fondling her boobs while his rod ploughed in and out of her rectal hole. Perhaps Bilal could plough her rectal hole for ten or fifteen minutes after which I heard him say, "Bitch is too tight there."

And Bilal ejaculated in her asshole. Mansi was groaning from the after effects of violent ass fucking even after the former had brought out his tool. To our shame and horror, both me and Santa found ourselves hard after all these. Bhim never visited us after that night. For next three months, Mansi had to go to hotel to serve the customers. Sometimes I had to accompany her and the clients ended up fucking Mansi in front of me while sometimes she went to the guest alone. But none of the encounters resulted in her pregnancy.

However, something unusual happened when during the beginning of the third month. Mansi was called to attend hotel to entertain a client. On reaching there, Mansi was asked entertain a group of young clients in the hotel. They were three in all and looked like college students and younger than Mansi. Mansi was reluctant to find younger clients and more than one in number but she knew her objection will be overruled. The group had orgy with Mansi that night and she came home next morning totally exhausted with lots of hickeys, bite marks and nail scratches on her whole body. It seemed as if she was mauled by some wild animals. Strangely, after some weeks of that orgy there were unusual signs in Mansi and she got a pregnancy test done that turned out to be positive.

It was an amazing and unexpected moment for Mansi. We pleaded to Bilal and Javed to spare Mansi from further ordeal to help Mansi fulfil her dream of mothering a baby. They didn't agree at first but after much persuasion agreed to allow her to deliver the baby on condition that once her maternity period is over, she would serve the clients in their hotel again.

Mansi is seven months pregnant now and we are unaware what awaits us in future. But I am glad that Mansi's dream is going to be fulfilled.