Silken Web

Silken Web

Published on: 2023-09-22 16:48:38

Smitha aged around 40 years, a landlady holding assets worth millions and mother of 19 year old Suresh was suddenly awakened from her deep sleep as she felt her nightgown being ripped away from her body and before she could come out of her sleep, she felt the heavy weight of a man empower her and pin her to the king size bed.

Being imprisoned in his hold she felt his rough hands slide down her back and on reaching her panties they ripped the thin garment away from her body. On being stripped, Smitha felt the man's hand viciously reach over her chest and en-circling her arms they gripped her shoulders powerfully, bruising her tender skin. As Smitha was being manhandled she started to take deep breaths and when she felt his hot cock poking between her buttocks she bit her lips tightly waiting for him to thrust his cock deep into her cunt and assault her.

It took just a few seconds for the man to penetrate her from behind and when his cock got lodged in her almost dry cunt, he started to thrash wildly, all the while fiercely gripping her shoulders and embedding his finger nails in the soft flesh of her back.

His thrusts gained momentum and on the final surge, the man pushed Smitha's head on the soft pillow and as Smitha struggled to inhale, he rammed his cock deep into her cunt and spewed his cum inside her. Having spent his cum in her he was up in a moment and went out of the room.

That man was none other than Smitha's husband Veer Pratap. Who, since the day of their marriage 21 years ago had made love to his wife in the same fashion. Smitha had borne this assault from the past 21 years and today she was mildly surprised to see her husband use her body as he had stopped doing it from the past one year. What had brought this change she did not know?

As Veer Pratap felt the room, Smitha resigned herself on the bed thinking it was her fate and she could no longer amend it. As she felt, tired sleep took over her and she was in her dreamland.

The next morning Smitha was late in getting up and by the time she had her bath and came down, she saw her son Suresh, his uncle Ram Pratap (younger brother of Veer Pratap) his gorgeous wife Pushpa and her own husband Veer Pratap were at the table having their breakfast.

Smitha had totally forgotten that guests in the form of Ram Pratap and his wife Pushpa had come to their place the previous evening. Seeing them seated on the dining table, Smitha hurried over and smiling at them excused for being late.

The guests smiled back at her and when Smitha sat down at the table; her eyes were drawn towards her husband Veer Pratap who was engaged in a conversation with his younger brother's dazzling wife Pushpa. Smitha saw her husband was discreetly eyeing his brother's wife and as he felt her stare upon him he changed its course.

After finishing the breakfast both Veer Pratap and Ram Pratap got up and as planned earlier left on a hunting expedition. Smitha, her son Suresh and Pushpa were left behind in the big mansion.

As Smitha got up and walked towards the sink, Suresh followed her and as he got closer to his mother he was shocked to see the reddish bruises on her back. He knew they were fingernail marks and he stood wondering how they were on his mother's body.

As Suresh stood pondering over the dark bruises on his mother's back, Pushpa his aunt who had silently followed them saw him staring at his mother's back and on seeing the dark bruises on her back instantly knew who was responsible for it.

Pushpa seeing Suresh engrossed in staring at his mother's back came forward and to divert his attention said 'Suresh will you please get me a glass of water'

This made Suresh to turn and go and as soon as he was out of her sight, Pushpa went near Smitha and taking hold of her sari covered her bruised back. Smitha was mildly surprised by this action and as she turned to face her she saw her son return with the water.

When Suresh returned back with the glass of water he saw his mother had turned and was facing him. After collecting some money from his mother as he left, Smitha looked at Pushpa with quizzical eyes. To this Pushpa asked 'did you not look yourself up before coming down'

'No. why?' she asked little perplexed.

'You better take a look at your back' said Pushpa following Smitha to her room.

On entering her bedroom Smitha went near the mirror and pushing the sari from her shoulders when she saw the reflection of her back, she was shocked to see the dark bruises.

'Suresh was staring at those marks, so I had to cover you up' said Pushpa moving closer to Smitha.

Hearing those words, Smitha's eyes got filled up as she felt Pushpa had reasoned the cause.

Seeing her gloomy face, Pushpa moved closer and placing her hands on her shoulder said 'let me apply some ointment.'

Those words brought much relief to Smitha.

Pushpa fetched a tube of ointment from the bathroom and motioned Smitha to lie on the bed. As Smitha obliged Pushpa kneeled on the carpet in front of her and pushing aside Smitha's sari from her back she looked at the bruises and asked 'is he a brute?'

'Yes, he is' replied Smitha as tears welled up in her eyes.

'When did this happen' asked Pushpa?

'Yesterday night' replied Smitha.

'Did you not object' asked Pushpa.

'I could not' replied Smitha. 'Why' asked Pushpa?

'It happens every time' she replied.

'Every time he does it do you bear it' she asked?

'Yes, every time he makes love to me, I suffer' saying this Smitha started to sob.

'Relax' saying this Pushpa went on to apply the cream tenderly on her bruised skin. The warm fingers of Pushpa on her back had a soothing effect and she relaxed on the bed.

Pushpa went on anointing her back in small circles and on seeing Smitha cool down a bit, the circles gradually became larger. Pushpa covering all the exposed parts of her back slid her fingers inside her blouse and holding it gently asked 'shall I open it'

'Yes' said Smitha as Pushpa's caressing had a soothing effect on her.

Pushpa then eased out the few hooks of Smitha's blouse and pushing aside the flaps of her blouse and looking at the deep bruises on her back said 'it is inhuman'

Hearing those words Smitha stiffened her body.

'Relax dear, relax' saying this Pushpa continued applying the ointment on her bruises and started to caress her exposed back and as Smitha calmed down, Pushpa's fingers wandered all over her back and on feeling her warm flesh she said softly 'it's so smooth and soft.'

Smitha did not reply back but lay still on the bed.

Pushpa on anointing let her eyes roam over Smitha's back and after having a look at the rich curves of her back and waist, she re-hooked her blouse and said 'I pity you.'

Smitha got up from the bed and looking at her asked 'what shall I tell my son, when he asks me?'

'You leave that to me. I will take care of him' replied Pushpa.

Saying thanks she got up and left the room.

It was evening when Suresh came home. Pushpa who was waiting for him escorted him to the living room and sat down on the sofa. When both of them had settled, Smitha came carrying two glasses of juice and after handing them she left.

As Smitha turned to leave, Suresh's eyes were again focused on her back and after looking at her bruises; he turned and facing his aunt asked 'what happened to Mom's back?'

'I think she was mauled by a cat' Pushpa replied.

'At her back' asked Suresh surprised?

'I think the cat jumped at her when she was sleeping' replied Pushpa.

'It has bruised her back badly' said Suresh.

'Yes, her beautiful back is badly bruised' replied his Aunt.

Hearing the word 'beautiful' Suresh looked at his Aunt.

'Does she not have a beautiful back' said Pushpa with a smile?

'I think ...' replied Suresh half heartedly.

'What do you think' asked Pushpa moving closer to him?

'I think her back is beautiful' replied Suresh.

'You like it' she asked him smilingly?

Suresh did not know how to answer her and he stammered 'yeeess.'

'You like it so much that you want to apply ointment on her bruises' she asked in a mischievous way?

'I don't mind' replied Suresh softly.

'You are a naughty boy' saying this Pushpa got up from the sofa. Her body movements were so peculiar that it made Suresh to stare at her body.

Pushpa saw him staring at her and this made her lift her arms and yawn showing off her gorgeous figure before going out of the room.

Her actions left Suresh in a trance.

When his aunt departed, his thoughts got diverted to his mother. He visualized her in his minds frame and when he saw her picture, his eyes roamed over her body and this made warmth run over his body.

On impulse he got up and threading his way he reached the sitting room where his mother was standing by the window. As he moved closer his eyes were drawn like a magnet to her back. Suresh stared at her shapely back. His eyes roamed over her shoulders blades, over her broad back and further down as he saw her curved muscular waistline, he felt a hot wave run over his body.

Suresh turned suddenly and left the room thinking it was wrong to stare at his mother's body. Just as he left the room, Pushpa who was spying on him smiled on having caught him eyeing his mother's back.

She stepped into the room and moving closer to Smitha said 'your son seems to be eager to help you.'

'Help me' asked Smitha a little puzzled.

'Yes, he wants to apply cream on your bruises' she replied.

'He knows about them' Smitha asked Pushpa?

'Yes, I told him a cat mauled you' replied Pushpa.

'Did he believe it' she asked?

'Yes, and I think he has now stopped wondering which cat it was?' she said.

'Don't tell him' requested Smitha.

'No never, but please allow him to apply ointment if he so wishes' replied Pushpa.

'Yes, I will' replied Smitha gaining confidence.

'Go to him now and remember tomorrow will be my turn' she said smiling at her.

'Thanks' said Smitha as she crossed over to the room where Suresh was watching the T.V.

Suresh sat upright as his mother came and sat by his side. When she settled down he said 'I am sorry to hear about your back.'

'Oh, it is nothing, forget it,' she replied.

'But your back is badly bruised' he said.

'Now it's better and your aunt applied ointment in the morning' she said.

'Can I see it' he asked gently.

'Why sure' saying this, his mother turned her back to him.

Suresh moved closer and taking a closer look at her bruises said 'I think the wounds need more care.'

'Do you mind applying the cream for me' asked his mother?

Hearing the words an excited Suresh went and fetched the ointment and as he came back his mother saying 'please apply it on my back' stretched herself on the sofa.

Suresh was thrilled see her lying on the sofa. Squeezing some cream he moved closer and gently applied it over the wounds and spread it evenly. Suresh could not cover all the wounds as most of them were concealed by her blouse. He was in a dilemma as to how to proceed. Sensing this, his mother said 'slide your fingers in.'

Suresh was delighted to hear it and bending over he slid his fingers inside her blouse to cover her bruises. As his fingers sneaked inside her blouse Suresh was excited on feeling the warm flesh of his mother's back. He continued applying the ointment for some time and on feeling the warmth flesh of her body he was delighted.

Suresh stopped when he felt he had taken more time than was necessary and as his mother straightened up he smiled at her and said 'call me whenever you need to apply the ointment again.'

'Yes, I will' said his mother with a big smile on her face.

The next morning as Smitha got up she felt her back was burning. She hurriedly got up and when she saw the wounds they looked more prominent. She quickly dressed and called Pushpa who was in the adjoining room.

When Pushpa came in she saw a worried Smitha looking in the mirror. Pushpa was startled to see her wounds had ripened. Instantly she ordered Smitha to lie on the bed and taking the ointment from the nearby shelf she set herself to anoint her.

As Smitha lay on the bed Pushpa set aside the top of her sari from her back and leaning forward unhooked her blouse and pushed the thin material away from her body.

Smitha shuddered as she felt Pushpa unhook her blouse and expose her back. She bit her lips and lay still on the bed.

When Smitha's back was bared, Pushpa went on smearing the ointment on her wounds. She took great care in handling her wounds and when she finished applying the cream she got up and fetched the talcum powder.

Pushpa then started sprinkling the powder over Smitha's back and when she had it all covered, she went on spreading the powder evenly over her back. This had tantalizing effect on Smitha. She bit her lips hard and hid her face in the pillow.

Pushpa saw her caresses were enticing Smitha. She sprinkled more powder on her back and waist. Then taking her own time she slid her hand from her silken back down to her waist.

Smitha's body trembled when she felt Pushpa's hand slide down her back and as it reached her waist she let out a moan which was blocked on the pillow. Pushpa went on caressing her waistline for a while. Then moving her hands and holding the loose ends of her blouse she said 'I will fasten only the bottom two hooks.'

'Why' asked Smitha?

'That way your wounds will be open and they will heal soon' she said.

'What about my son' she said?

'What about him' she asked?

'How can I go in front of him with my blouse open' she asked?

'You have to as you have no other option' she replied.

'But what will he think' she asked again?

'I think he will be pleased' replied Pushpa.

'Why' asked Smitha suddenly?

'Because, his eyes will be feasting on your gorgeous back' she replied caressing her back.

'Is my back so good to look at' she asked softly?

'It is the loveliest I have ever seen' she said bending and planting a kiss on her shoulder blades.

Smitha shuddered as she felt her kiss. Saying 'thanks' she got up.

Pushpa was reluctant to let her go. But thinking of the kiss planted on her shoulders was enough to start with; she beamed at her when she got up.

Smitha had enjoyed all her attention. She felt elated and the whole day she roamed with her blouse open. Suresh was out with his friends and by the time he came back evening was setting in.

Suresh on reaching home went in search of his mother and when he saw her he gave her the new cream he had fetched from the Chemist.

Smitha was so pleased to see her son pay so much attention to her that she hugged him and said 'thanks.'

Suresh was pleased with the outcome and looking at his mother said 'shall I apply this Mom'

Smitha nodding her head turned started walking towards the living room.

As she turned Suresh saw her blouse was open, baring most of her back. On seeing it he felt the heat surge over his body. He stood transfixed staring at her and when she moved out of his sight he silently followed her.

Smitha on reaching the sitting room reclined on the sofa, her back exposed inviting Suresh on.

Suresh moving closer took hold of his mother's sari and pushed it from her shoulders. As the sari was moved from his mother's back, his eyes were again riveted on her lush back. He saw her bare arms, her shoulder blades, her broad muscled curvy back and reaching down his eyes were glued on her curvy waistline.

Looking at her exposed back he instantly felt aroused and hiding his arousal, he went on to apply the cream. First he squeezed it over her wounds and then gently smeared it over evenly. While his hands were pre-occupied in anointing her back, his eyes feasted on every contour of his mother's lush back. Smitha was getting excited by his soft caresses and deep stares.

On one instance as his hand caressed her back, it slipped down her silken back and Suresh slid down loosing his balance. This made his mother to turn and look at him. As she did Suresh had a glimpse of her bra clad breast for a split second. This made his pecker to throb in his pants. Pushing his pecker inside his pants he continued applying the cream and when he finished, he slid back the sari over his mother's back.

Smitha realizing he had finished said 'please fasten the hooks dear' softly.

This was music to Suresh's ears. Holding the loose ends of her blouse he fastened the bottom hook and when he tired to do the next one he felt his pull was insufficient to draw the ends of his mother's blouse close together. He then sat upright on the sofa and holding the ends of her blouse as he pulled with little force, he felt as if he was gripping his mother's breasts in his hands. He enjoyed this and taking his own time he fastened the third hook.

Smitha let out a soft moan as she felt her breasts being heaved as her son pulled her blouse which made the cloth to jab at her swollen breasts. She allowed him the liberty to fasten all the hooks and when he finished, smiling at him she felt the room.

All these actions were keenly observed by Pushpa and as soon as Smitha left the room and Suresh could hardly take a pause, she came and sat down beside him.

At first Suresh was taken back by her sudden appearance but after looking at her radiant smiling face he was glad he had her for company.

Pushpa smiled at him and holding his hand which held the tube of cream said 'so, you bought her new ointment.'

'Yes, I thought this would be better' he replied.

'So thoughtful and kind of you' she said looking at his face.

Seeing her look at him he blushed.

'Have her wounds healed' she asked softly?

'Yes, they are little better' he replied.

'Happy to be of some help to her' she asked him?

'Yes, it was my pleasure' he replied back.

'Pleasure to fasten her blouse' she quipped suddenly.

'Yes' replied Suresh timidly.

'Don't you think she should let her beautiful back bare for another day' she said toying with her loose hair.

'Yes, it would be good for her' he replied.

'And good for us to look at her gorgeous back isn't it' she said blowing out air on the loose curls of her hair.

Suresh did not know how to reply. He kept staring at her playing with her curls and said 'I think so.'

'Yes, she has a fascinating back and I bet you must have loved seeing, feeling and touching it' she asked moving closer to him.

'Yes' he stammered getting excited by her words and by her coming closer.'

'Do you want to caress her back again' she asked placing her hand on his shoulder.

Hearing the word 'caress' Suresh got charged up and when Pushpa moved her hand on his shoulder, he said 'I would love to.'

'Shall I will put a word to her' asked Pushpa as she moved her hand from his shoulder and placed it on his cheek.

'Yes, please' he replied pressing her hand to his cheek.

'You are so good' she said caressing his cheek with her hand.

Hearing it Suresh smiled and holding her hand he planted a kiss on her palm.

Pushpa did not pull back her hand from his lips. Pressing her palm over his lips, 'they are so warm' she said.

Suresh opened his mouth as he felt her palm on his lips.

Pushpa continued caressing his lips with her palm and as he opened his mouth she slid a finger in and said 'it is so hot'

Suresh could not withhold anymore. He closed his lips and held her finger captive in his mouth.

Pushpa blushed red on this and pushing her finger deeper in his mouth said 'suck my finger'

Suresh lapped his tongue upon her finger and holding her hand he kissed her palm passionately.

Pushpa was aroused when Suresh holding her palm kissed it passionately. Brining her face close and pressing her cheeks to his she asked softly 'do you like what you are doing.'

'Yes' replied Suresh as he continued sucking her finger and wetting her palm with his moist kisses?

'You like sucking my finger and kissing my palm' she asked pressing her cheeks hard on his and holding his head.

'Yes, I love it' he said and started nibbling her other fingers.

'Bite them' cried Pushpa turning her face to his.

Hearing this Suresh took hold of her hand firmly and looking straight in her eyes, he bit one of her finger.

As Suresh bit her finger Pushpa moved her cheek close to his mouth and said 'bite my cheek'

Suresh was delighted on hearing her words. He let go of her hand and holding her face with both hands he pulled her cheek to his lips and bit them lightly.

Pushpa's body shuddered at this and pressing her cheek to his lips 'bite hard' she said.

Suresh opened his mouth wide and taking in as much of her rosy cheek inside his mouth, he bit her hard.

Pushpa screamed with passion and turning her face she brushed his lips with hers.

As her lips brushed his, Suresh held her face tightly in his and when his lips searched for hers she avoided the contact.

To tease him, Pushpa avoided the contact of his lips on hers and as she pulled her face away for him, Suresh suddenly lunged forward and putting his arm around her back he held her tightly in his arms and took captive of her.

When Pushpa smiled on being cornered, be brought his lips over hers and kissed her hard.

Pushpa lost all energy when Suresh's hand held her captive and his lips founds hers. She immediately put her arms around his head and holding them in her hands she kissed him back passionately.

Suresh's opened his lips and sucking hers inside his mouth, he ravished them. Sucking her lips passionately he slid his tongue inside her mouth which Pushpa welcomed by lapping her hot tongue over it. Suresh continued ravishing her lips and when he felt he was about to spurt in his pants he pulled Pushpa's body close onto his chest.

Pushpa felt him pulling her, a little late. By the time she could stop him, she felt her petite bosom smash against his chest and his hands encircled her back and held her captive again. As Suresh pulled Pushpa, her body was on the brink of orgasm and as she felt her breasts crush on his chest her body thrashed and a stream drained out from her cunt.

As Suresh succeeded in emracing Pushpa's body to his and on feeling her soft bosom on his chest his pecker started throbbing in his pants and before he could properly grasp her in his arms and cuddle her he shot his cum in his pants.

Pushpa took longer to regain her composure and when she lifted herself from him she said to herself 'like father, like son'

Suresh hearing her murmuring something smiled at her and when she made faces at him, he held her again in his arms.

Pushpa's body throbbed again as he held her and before he could embrace her tightly in his arms she freed herself.

Looking down at the smiling face of his she said 'you are a beast' and left him.

Suresh was so glad with the day's proceedings that he lay awake most of the night visualizing things that took place and this resulted in getting up late the next morning.



Next morning it was Pushpa who knocked at the door of Smitha and entered her bed room. As she entered Smitha who was lying idle on the bed came alive.

As Pushpa stood at the door wearing a nightgown, Smitha got stimulated on seeing her showing off her charms. Smitha lying on the bed stared at her gorgeous figure which was so very well proportioned. Her lithe body, her supple chest, her sinuous waistline, her well curved thighs and her long graceful legs were a sight to behold. After seeing her she could not help from saying out 'you look gorgeous'

'Thank you' said Pushpa and bolted the door before coming near her.

Smitha's body shot up with desire on seeing her bolt the door and when Pushpa enquired about her back, 'see for yourself' she replied and turned over on the bed.

'Ah! Yes' said Pushpa climbing on the bed and on settling down near her. Then holding Smitha's sari said 'we will set this straight' she pushed her sari aside.

As she set her sari aside Pushpa was thrilled to see that Smitha had worn a blouse which had hooks in the front. This inspired her and without hurrying, she looked at her wounds and touching them softly she said 'they are looking better today'

Smitha nodded her head in reply and nuzzled her head deep in the pillow.

Pushpa finding Smitha in a lively mood asked her softly 'do you want me to apply cream or do you want me powder your back'

'As you wish' she replied.

'Then let me apply the cream' saying this she put her hands on Smitha's shoulders and squeezed them.

'Okay' replied Smitha.

Squeezing her shoulders and caressing it, Pushpa said in a hushed voice 'permit me to remove your blouse'

'Yes' Smitha replied and raised herself a little to allow her to remove the blouse.

'Its okay, relax' saying this Pushpa slid her hands to under Smitha's arms down from her shoulders.

As Pushpa's hands slid under her arms, Smitha lifted her hands and hugged the pillow to her.

Pushpa could maneuver her hands under Smitha's armpits freely and as she caressed the sides of her back, Smitha shifted and lay flat on the bed.

Pushpa then pushed her hands further down and bringing them over her curved waist she squeezed the soft flesh.

Smitha's moan was muffled by the pillow.

Caressing the soft flesh of her waist Pushpa slid her hands under her belly and lifted Smitha up a little.

Smitha obliged and as she lifted herself up Pushpa slid her hands under her swollen breasts and without cupping her breasts or caressing them she unhooked her blouse and holding its edges she removed it from her body.

On being void of her blouse Smitha's bare back was glistening with the morning light and Pushpa let her eyes feast upon her lush back. After looking at every pore of her bare back, Pushpa went on applying the ointment on her wounds and when she covered all, she picked up the Talcum Powder.

Smitha shivered as she saw Pushpa take hold of the can of Talcum powder.

Pushpa went on sprinkling the powder lavishly over her body and when she felt it was enough, she started to massage Smitha's body. Her hands slid smoothly over her rich back and when they came near her arms she slid them under her armpits and caressed her coarse hair. Smitha squirmed in delight as she felt her hands under her armpits and she started to moan softly.

It was then that Pushpa slid her hands from under her arm pits. First they felt her collar bones and sliding further she felt the swollen part of her bosom. Pushpa let her hands rest on her bosom and as Smitha did not object she started fondling them. Feeling the warm soft flesh of her bosom she pushed her hands down and slid them inside her bra.

Smitha let out a wild cry as she felt her hands slide inside her bra.

Relax said Pushpa pushing her hands further inside the bra and cupping her breasts in her hands.

Smitha moaned louder and thrashed her head on the pillow.

Gripping both her breasts in her hands Pushpa bent down and bringing her face over Smitha's back she started kissing the warm flesh of her skin. Smitha went wild with passion and as Pushpa's face encountered the thin strap of her bra she unclasped it with her mouth. Smitha cried out loudly as she felt the strap of bra being released.

Pushpa unclasped her bra with the help of her teeth and as the bra was loosened she cupped both her breasts in her hands and squeezed them.

'What are you doing' hissed Smitha in passion.

'I want to have a look' said Pushpa as she tried to turn Smitha over.

'No don't' said Smitha half heartedly as she turned a little.

'Just a glance' saying this Pushpa turned Smitha on her back.

As she turned, Smitha's hands flew to her eyes and covered them.

Pushpa had a bird's view of her chest and bosom. Seeing the swollen mounds of her breasts trying to pop out from the black bra, she felt aroused. Instantly she put her hands on her bra and slowly pulled it out from her body.

Smitha's swollen breasts were exposed to her eyes. Her eyes took to every pore of the skin of her breasts and on centering their attention to her erect dark brown nipples, 'they are very beautiful.' she said

'Oh! Pushpa' cried Smitha opening her eyes.

'You have the most beautiful mounds of flesh. Let me fondle them' saying this, she took both her breasts in her hands.

Smitha felt Pushpa's hands caressing her breasts and as she looked up at her she saw Pushpa's face was covered with sweat. She caught hold of her sari's end and wiped the sweat from her face.

Pushpa's eyes went wild with passion. She brought her face down and planted a kiss at Smitha's color bone.

Smitha held Pushpa's head in both her arms. Pushpa opened her mouth and started kissing Smitha from her color bone to the swell of her breasts.

Smitha jerked her body in passion. Pushpa brought her face and lodged it between the rich mounds of her breasts.

Pushpa brushed her lips between her breasts. Her body was on fire. She could not sustain it any longer. Putting her hands behind Smitha's back and gripping her she lay flat upon her body.

Smitha hugged Pushpa's body as she too was nearing the climax.

Pushpa lips darted in search of her nipples and on finding them she sucked her erect nipple deep into her mouth.

Smitha screamed and her body convulsed as orgasm over orgasm shook her.

Pushpa did not let go sucking her nipple. Holding Smitha in both her arms she pulled Smitha's body over hers. This made Smitha to lie over her. She shoved her nipple in Pushpa's mouth. Pushpa went berserk sucking them.

Now it was Smitha's turn. She slid down over Pushpa's body till her face was just above Pushpa's face. Pushpa had opened her mouth wide as she was sucking her nipples earlier. The open mouthed face of Pushpa was very enticing. Smitha looking at her lips said

'Your lips are promiscuous'

'Are they' she asked?

'Yes, and I am going to kiss them' she said.

'Please' hissed Pushpa wetting her lips with her tongue.

'Open your mouth wider' commanded Smitha.

Pushpa opened her mouth wide.

Smitha thrust her tongue inside Pushpa's mouth and started lapping her insides. Pushpa closed her lips on her tongue and as soon as she did so, Smitha rammed her lips on hers and kissed them fervently. She sucked her lips deep inside her mouth and her tongue ravaged the insides of Pushpa's mouth.

Kissing her Smitha put her hand down and as it landed on the opening of her night gown, she slid her hand in and Pushpa screamed in delight.

Smitha forced her hand inside and as Pushpa was not wearing any bra, her hand met with the soft mellow breast of hers. Smitha cupped her small mound in her hand. Pushpa was going wild with passion and as she felt Smitha's hand squeeze her mellow breast she creamed in her pants and cried out 'I am coming, I am coming.'

Smitha hugged her to her body and when her passion subsided, Pushpa got up and kissed Smitha passionately on her lips.

Smitha coming out of the trance and still holding Pushpa said 'I don't know what took over me.'

'You had it all trapped inside and it had to blow out' she replied.

'But what we did? Is it right' she asked again?

'There's no harm in it and of course you needed it very badly' replied Pushpa.

'Yes, I am a starved woman' replied Smitha.

'I can understand your feelings. That is why I have come to you' said Pushpa.

'Do you know, My husband is a rogue' she said.

'It is obvious from your wounds' replied Pushpa.

'I am worried about my son' said she.

'You don't have to. He will understand your feelings' replied Pushpa.

'I have only him to fall back on' she said.

'And he wont disappoint you, I promise' said Pushpa.

'He is so adoring and so obedient' she said thinking of him fetching the cream and applying it on her.

'Yes, and as he is a willing student, you can mould him in any manner you want' Pushpa said thinking of him on the sofa.

'I have to take more care of him' said Smitha.

'Yes and also be free with him' said Pushpa boldly.

'Meaning' asked Smitha?

'Well he is growing up. His dad is always out and he needs all the love and support which only you can give him. Be liberal, encourage him and hold him close to your heart' she said.

'Encourage him. In what way' Smitha asked?

'How shall I say? Allow him to anoint your back, show him a little of your charms and encourage him as you encouraged me' she said smiling at her.

'What you are implying is a bit difficult to enact' said Smitha.

'Did you not like what happened just now' she asked?

'Yes' she replied.

'Did you find anything wrong or did you find any difficulty in doing it' she asked?

After thinking for a while she replied 'No'

'Then what's troubling you' she asked.

'With him will it not be different' she asked?

'Yes, it would be different but to the liking of you both' she said.

'Will you be there if anything goes wrong' she asked looking at her?

'I have come here with that purpose' said Pushpa.

(At that moment Smitha could not read the meaning of it. It was only when all the pieces of puzzle fell in place she realized it.)

'How shall I start' asked Smitha?

'Continue from where you left yesterday. Ask him to remove your blouse before applying the cream' said Pushpa.

'Shall I wear this one' she asked lifting the blouse she had worn earlier.

'No it would be asking for too much. Wear the one which has hooks on the back' replied Pushpa.

'I will try' said Smitha putting her clothes back on her.

'By the way, where does he go every morning' she asked?

'He goes for a swim, and then goes to a Gym and then he is with his friends for a while' said Smitha.

'Where does he go for a swim' asked Pushpa casually.

'Why? He goes to the pond in our estate' replied Smitha.

'Good' saying this Pushpa got up and left Smitha alone.

Smitha got up and after a change of clothes she came down but did not find Pushpa. She forgot about her and went out to take care of her duties.

It was late in the evening that Pushpa came in and straight away went to her room complaining of a head ache.

Ten minutes later Suresh stepped in and by the look of him, he looked exuberant and he asked 'how is your back now?'

'It's much better since you applied the new ointment' said his mother.

'You need to apply it for two more days' said Suresh moving towards the sitting room.

Smitha, when she entered the sitting room saw him sitting on the sofa. Coming over she sat down on the sofa and after a few minutes chit chat as Suresh asked her whether she was ready for the ointment she said 'not here lets go to the next room.'

Suresh got up and followed his mother. On entering the room he was pleased to see the room contain one low couch which suited his needs perfectly. As he saw his mother stand near the couch, he went across to her and said 'it's great.

His mother smiled before lying across the couch face down. Suresh then parted his mother sari covering her back and as his eyes saw that she was wearing a sleeveless blouse he was excited.

His mother had put on a black sleeveless blouse which looked dazzling on her fair body. As the blouse was old it stuck to her as a second skin showing off the contours of her body very prominently and her bare arms were alluring to look at.

Suresh kept eyeing his mother's back and as his gaze went below he was thrilled to see the impressions of her prominent buttocks protruding out of her sari. This was the first time he had seen the impressions of her buttocks and seeing them he got excited.

As Suresh started to apply the cream his mother said 'why don't you remove my blouse'

Suresh was thrilled to hear her words and as he detached the last hook and spread the blouse he was amazed to see only a string which held her bra. After freeing the blouse from its hooks as he tried to tug it off her body, his mother helped him in removing it out from her body.

Suresh eyes were rewarded with the sexiest scene he could envisage. His eyes were rewarded with his mother's almost naked back except for a black string holding her bra. Her heavy bare arms and the hair peeping from under her armpits were electrifying to watch. Her luscious waist was most appealing. Looking further down he saw a wide gap between the mounds of her buttocks and her sari and when his eyes peeped at the opening he could only see dark patch. Seeing all this he was aroused.

With an aroused state of mind Suresh first spread a thick layer of cream over her wounds and then slowly started to spread it over her back. When all the cream was evenly spread he started to caress her back.

Smitha started to squirm as she felt his fingers caressing and stroking her back and as his hands reached under her sides she slowly lifted her hands up showing for a split second her rich mounds stacked behind the sleek black bra.

Suresh was amazed on seeing her rich mounds. His caressing became more sensuous and his hands wandered all over her body. As his fingers got entangled with the string of her bra and when he pulled his fingers back, the knot got untied and her bra was loosened. Suresh again got a glimpse of the underside of her rich breasts.

Smitha felt the knot of her bra get untied. Her heavy breasts got released and feeling that she was exposing them to him, she pressed herself on the couch squashing her breasts and hiding them from his gaze.

Suresh got excited and instinctively his hands reached down and caressed the plump flesh of her waist and as he wanted to see her bare breasts he even tried to turn her up a little.

Smitha got excited as she felt him trying to turn her up. Moaning softly she said 'tie the knot back.'

'Which knot' asked Suresh.

'The one holding my bra' she replied.

'Why. Asked her son caressing her back?

'Because I want to turn around' she spoke softly.

'Really,' he said as his eyes were riveted on the sides of her swollen breasts.

'If you tie the knot then I will turn around' replied his mother.

Suresh immediately took hold of the string and tied the knot.

Smitha turned over slowly.

Suresh's eyes popped out from their sockets as his mother turned exposing her bra clad chest to him. He saw that the thin cups of her black bra could hardly cover her heavy breasts. He saw the flesh of her mounds juggling out of her bra and looking down; his eyes were riveted on her belly. The swollen belly added to her charms, and on looking upon her belly button his eyes were glued on it.

Smitha seeing her son deeply engrossed in looking at her body asked 'are you happy?'

'Yes, thank you' said Suresh.

'You need not thank me. It's a gift for helping me out with my bruises' replied his mother.

'Oh! Thanks again' replied Suresh.

'You are cute' saying this as his mother got up she saw Suresh holding her blouse in his hand and wanting to convey something to her. Seeing him hesitate she asked 'do you want to put it back'

'Yes, allow me' he said.

In response to it, his mother stretched her arms in front and Suresh sliding the blouse inside her arms leaned forward to hook it up. As he leaned forward to fix her hooks, his mother put her arms around his neck and hugged him once.

Suresh was enchanted on being hugged and as he withdrew his hands from her after hooking her blouse, he deliberately brushed them against her breasts.

As Smitha felt his hands brush her breasts she said 'so you had to feel them.'

Suresh smiled at her and moving away from her said 'yes'

Smitha was very much happy with the day's events.



Next morning a refreshed Pushpa came down to see Smitha sitting at the dining table alone and there was no sign of Suresh.

Pushpa came over and sitting by her side asked 'how is your back today'

Smitha smiled and replied 'it is much better today and by tomorrow it should be fine'

'Yes, one more sitting of anointing and you will be okay' said Pushpa looking at her from the corner of her eye.

'So kind of you to help me out' said Smitha.

'It's my pleasure dear' she said patting her thigh and squeezing it. As Smitha was getting excited by her closeness, Pushpa said 'why don't we go to your room.'

Hearing those words Smitha was thrilled and slowly she started treading up to her room and as they entered Pushpa bolted the door.

Smitha stood rooted in the centre of the room as she heard Pushpa bolting the door and when she came behind her and put her hands on her shoulders she was aroused.

Pushpa placing her hands on her shoulders started to knead them and seeing Smitha moaning softly she moved closer to her till her thighs touched hers.

Smitha's body shivered as she felt Pushpa's thighs on hers. She limped back her body on hers. Pushpa's hands then traveled from her shoulder to her waist and encircling her she pulled Smitha's body to hers.

Smitha melted in her arms.

Pushpa on having Smitha in her hold pushed her hand down on her waist and as she caressed her soft belly she slipped her hand inside her waistband and holding her tucked sari, she pulled it out and dragged it out of her body.

Smitha moaned as she felt her sari being pulled out from her body.

Pushpa then put her hand back again on her waist band and this time she let it slide over her petticoat on to her sex.

Smitha screamed in passion.

Pushpa slid her hand down over her sex and cupped it in her hand.

'What are you doing' cried Smitha passionately?

'I want this' said Pushpa cupping her warm womanhood from above her petticoat and panties and fondling it.

'Why mine' asked Smitha?

'Because you are so lovely, so beautiful; I want to see this' saying this she started to lift her petticoat with one hand while with the other she fondled her sex.

Smitha went wild with passion. She started wriggling her body as Pushpa drew her petticoat up and up and when her petticoat was well over her thighs, Pushpa snaked her hands inside it and held her warm thighs.

Smitha moaned and lifting her hands she held Pushpa's head for support.

Pushpa slid her hands up her warm thighs and started caressing them. Then she pushed one of her hand between them and placed it over her hot sex lodged between her under thighs.

Smitha's body trembled with passion as Pushpa's hand reached her hot moist sex, and she screamed 'touch me, touch me there'

Pushpa's hand reached up and was met with her wet panties. Grasping her cunt over her wet panties she said 'my, my you are dripping wet'

'Yes, feel it, invade it' cried Smitha snuggling her buttocks over Pushpa's thighs.

'Wait' saying this Pushpa straightened up and placing a hand over Smitha's back she pushed her head down on the bed.

Smitha was now bent over the bed and her back was stuck out in the open. Having placed her in the desired position, Pushpa knelt down behind her and again slid her hands inside her petticoat and when they reached her wet panties she dragged them out.

Smitha moaned on the bed and wriggled her buttocks.

Pushpa was going wild with lust. She wanted to see her buttocks and see her sex. After pulling her panties out, she lifted Smitha's petticoat up over her back. This made her rich buttocks to be exposed to her naked eyes.

Pushpa's eyes roamed over her buttocks. She fondled the warm soft flesh of her large buttocks and as she spread her mounds a little, the wrinkled rimmed hole of her ass was visible.

Pushpa put her hand over it and caressing her pucker she slid her hand down till she felt Smitha's moist pubic hair. Pushpa went wild feeling her thick bush. She parted the wet hair and cupped her sex in her hand.

Smitha's body was on fire. She started thrashing her body wildly and as Pushpa cupped her sex in her hand she felt the wetness creeping from her cunt on to her hands.

Pushpa smeared Smitha's cunt juices back on her cunt and as her cunt lips became slippery, Pushpa placing a hand right under her sex lifted Smitha till she stood on her toes and her lower body was protruded up and when her sex lips were visible between her pubic hair, Pushpa saying 'you have such lovely lips' spread her cunt lips.

Pushpa on seeing the pinkish opening of her cunt was wonder struck with its beauty and she could not stop from bringing her mouth down and kiss it from behind.

Smitha howled like a wild cat as she felt Pushpa kiss her cunt. She tugged the bedspread on which she had rested her head and pulled it into her mouth to stop squealing from pleasure.

Pushpa continued kissing her cunt and as Smitha again wetted her cunt, she sucked her juices till Smitha went limp completely drained out.

As Pushpa straightened up she pushed Smitha on to the bed and when she lay down on it she moved besides her.

It took some time for Smitha to regain her composure and when she opened her eyes she saw a smiling Pushpa beckoning her with her open arms.

Smitha crawled over Pushpa and coolly placed herself in her arms and laid down full length over her body. Pushpa was glad to have her heavy body crush hers and holding Smitha in her grasp said 'now kiss me'

Smitha after brushing the hair away from her face moistened her lips and bringing her face over Pushpa's kissed her lips passionately. Pushpa kissed her back and pulling Smitha's face away from her mouth she said 'not this, kiss my other lips'

Smitha was shocked but as she had to obey her. She turned and crawling down she caught Pushpa's thighs and heaving herself she settled her body over Pushpa's.

Then taking hold of her sari and petticoat, she started curling it up and as the cloth slid from Pushpa's body, her well proportioned legs came into view. Smitha continued folding her sari and petticoat till it reached her upper thighs. Smitha then making a soft cushion out of her sari and petticoat placed her head on it and sliding her hands between Pushpa's legs she parted them.

Pushpa was excited as Smitha parted her legs. Her body started throbbing and unable to sustain herself she grasped Smitha's thighs and pulled her up. This made Smitha's buttocks to be poised just inches away from her face.

Smitha after parting her legs slipped her hands between Pushpa's thighs. Her hands grasped both her warm soft inner thighs and spreading them further she suddenly brought her face on her inner thighs and started kissing them.

Pushpa screamed in ecstasy when Smitha started kissing and lapping her inner thighs and she almost creamed.

Smitha continued kissing her thighs and as Pushpa started to wriggle her body she dipped her face deeper into the dark horizon under her petticoat and as her lips felt her coarse pubic hair she started licking them.

Pushpa wailed loudly as Smitha's face came in contact with her sex. Her body shuddered and she burst out and came.

Smitha felt her body shudder. As she was unable to see anything in the darkness under her petticoat, she nuzzled her face on her dripping cunt. Pushpa curved her body and pressed her sex to her face.

Smitha lifting her face from her cunt took hold of her sari along with the petticoat and lifted them up exposing her dripping wet cunt to her gaze. This was the first time Smitha had seen any other woman's sex. She took a deep breath on looking at the sight her eyes had never seen before. Looking at the pink slit of her opening, peeping from behind her silky brown pubic hair and set amidst her graceful thighs was a sight to behold for ever.

Smitha after looking at her captivating cunt threw all inhibitions to the wind and placing her hands squarely on her pubic hair and parting her sex lips and looking deep inside said 'you have the most beautiful cunt.'

'Is it so' asked Pushpa?

'Have you ever seen your cunt' she threw the question back to her?

'Yes, I have seen it often' she shot back.

'But have you ever seen it from the angle I am looking at it now' Smitha asked.

'Not mine, but I saw yours' she replied.

'It is so pretty, so warm, so moist and so very appealing' saying this Smitha dipped her face over her cunt and smacked her lips on it.

Pushpa cried out her name and holding Smitha's buttocks said 'yes, yes, kiss it.'

'I am going to ravish it with my tongue' saying this Smitha smothered Pushpa's cunt with wet kisses and when her lips felt her cunt quiver, she pushed her tongue deep inside her hole. This made Pushpa to thrash her legs wildly with hot desires.

Pushpa screamed and as Smitha jabbed her tongue inside her juicy cunt she held Smitha's legs and pulling her up she brought Smitha's sex above her face and plastered her lips over it.

Smitha's body was on fire. She pushed her face deep on Pushpa's cunt and mixing her saliva with her juices she went on lapping Pushpa's cunt. As she kissed her cunt she started to thrash her own body over Pushpa's face.

Pushpa drained out her juices again and seeing Smitha going wild with desires and thrashing her body over her face. she darted her tongue out which slid inside her gaping cunt hole.

Smitha' dam busted as she felt Pushpa's tongue snake inside her cunt. Her thrusts gained momentum and she started hammering her lower body over her soft delicate mouth and when every drop of liquid was drained out of her cunt, she lay limp upon her.

'Well, well, well. You learn fast' said Pushpa on regaining her composure.

'It's because, you are my tutor' replied Smitha.

'Then I think we should move to the next chapter' said Pushpa smilingly.

'And what's it about' she asked getting excited?

'It's about Men' Pushpa replied.

'Will you be my tutor' she asked again?

'Yes, I will be your tutor but I should find some specimen for you' she said.

'Do you have anyone in your sight' she asked thinking about her son?

'I think I have one' she replied.

'Can I know his name' she asked visualizing her sons face.

'Ram' said Pushpa.

Hearing the name 'Ram,' Smitha was shocked and as she looked up Pushpa laughed and said 'we will decide it later.'

That ended the subject and as both of them got dressed up, Smitha looking at Pushpa said 'you forgot something.'

'What' asked Pushpa?

'You forgot to anoint my back' she said.

'That, I have left it for your son' said Pushpa going down the stairs.

Smitha stood like a rock on hearing her words and when she saw an agile Pushpa fade away she came down the stairs.

Later in the evening, Smitha after having a nap was refreshed. She dressed up in one of her silk sari and looking resplendent she waited for her son to come home.

It was not Suresh but Pushpa who came first. On entering she immediately went to Smitha and said 'I have to go home'

'Why?' asked Smitha feeling depressed.

'My husband has come home and he needs me' replied Pushpa smilingly.

'When will you be back' she asked sadly?

'I will try to be back tomorrow' said Pushpa and as she looked at Smitha dressed up elegantly she said 'I wish I could stay back.'

'Then why don't you' replied Smitha and turned away in resentment.

Pushpa seeing her feeling unhappy came forward and hugging her from behind said 'just give me a day.'

'Will you be back tomorrow' asked Smitha?

'Okay, I will be back' as she said this she put her hand on her waist and caressed it.

Smitha turned and smiled at her.

As Smitha turned Pushpa slid her hands on Smitha's buttocks and drawing her body closer said 'I cannot stay away from you.'

'Why? What's so inviting' asked Smitha leaning on her sensually.

'These' said Pushpa cupping her buttock's with both hands and fondling them.

'My buttocks' said Smitha playfully.

'That and your two pairs of lips' saying this Pushpa kissed Smitha hard on her lips, while her hands slid from her buttocks and cupped her sex.

Smitha moaned and hugging her said 'then stay back, I need you.'

Pushpa leaned forward and whispered in her ears. 'Today be with Suresh and tomorrow I will be back with Ram' saying this she disengaged from her hold and left her.

Smitha was left alone to ponder. She wondered if she had heard her last word correctly. Did she utter the word 'Ram' was the question which lingered in my mind and as she sat pondering over it she heard Suresh come home.

Seeing Suresh she forgot everything and as he went to change she had his coffee and snacks ready for him. When Suresh returned and sat at the dining table he looked at his radiant mother and said 'you look charming Mom.'

'Is it' she asked?

'Yes, this sari looks good on you' said her son.

'From when have you started watching me so keenly,' she asked.

'Since you got your beautiful back bruised' replied her son.

'Is my back so beautiful' she asked swinging her body seductively while turning and showing her back to him?

Suresh was enchanted to see his mother swinging her body seductively. His eyes were riveted to her luscious figure and when his mother pushed the sari covering her back away, he was shocked to see just thin strings holding her blouse. Her back was almost bare and it was ravishing to look at.

'It looks ravishing' replied Suresh instinctively.

Hearing him use the word 'ravishing' his mother was aroused. 'Then why don't you come and apply the cream on my back' saying this she moved to the next room and lay down on the divan.

Suresh followed her carrying a hard on. This time he did not hide his arousal and on reaching the divan he stood looking at the robust figure of his mother lying on the divan. His eyes were glued on the thin cords of her blouse deeply engraved in her flesh.

Smitha waited for her son to make a move and when he did not, as she turned her face, her eyes were rewarded with the sight of his tented pants. Her body convulsed on seeing her son in an aroused state. At once she turned her face back and in an aroused state she spread her legs and lay comfortably on the divan hugging a pillow.

Suresh had watched his mother's actions. He was sure that she had seen his aroused state when she had turned her face and now seeing her rest spreading her legs his confidence boosted up. He took hold of the top of her sari and holding it asked 'shall I remove this'

'Why' his mother said as hot waves ran up her body. 'Your rich sari may get wrinkled' he replied as he lifted her sari from her back and waited for her permission.

'Do you care about my sari or do you have any other ideas' spoke her mother softly.

'What other ideas could I have' asked her son bringing his hand down over her waist and caressing it.

'Who knows You may be interested in having a look' shot back his mother.

'Look at what' asked Suresh as he slowly started pulling her sari out from her waist band.

'At what it is covering up' replied his mother?

'But you are wearing a petticoat underneath it' he replied.

'Yes, I am. But it is made out of a thin fabric' she replied.

'So what' asked her son as he released the tugged part of her sari from her waist band?

'It shows off my body' replied his mother.

'But still it covers up your body, isn't it' asked her son?

'Yes, to some extent' replied his mother.

'Then let me' saying this he slowly pulled her sari out and placed it on the rack beside the divan.

As Suresh pulled her sari out Smitha deeply hugged the pillow to her chest.

Suresh seeing her mother stiffen her body said 'relax, its okay.'

'What's okay' asked his mother?

'It's not showing much' replied her son as his eyes took to the curves of her waist, her rounded mounds and her rich thighs.

'Then what are you gaping at' asked his mother feeling his gaze upon her body.

'I am looking at the material of your petticoat. It is so soft and so light' he said as his fingers felt the soft texture.

'You are here to anoint the cream, not to look or feel the texture of my petticoat' replied his mother.

'But it is very alluring' replied her son.

'I knew it is very alluring. That is the reason why I objected on your removing the sari' she replied.

'Then let me consider it to be a reward for anointing your back' replied her son.

'But I have already rewarded you yesterday' shot back his mother.

'How' asked her son?

'You saw me with only my bra on' replied his mother.

'And now I am seeing with only your petticoat on' shot back her son.

'But I had other things in mind to reward you' replied his mother.

'What? Tell me' said her son bending down.

'I had planned to . . . . . ' she did not complete the sentence.

'What had you planned' asked her son fondling her hair.

'Do you see the blouse I am wearing' asked his mother?

'Yes, it is only held by these thin strings' he said holding the cords in his hands. 'Yes, and I am not wearing anything else underneath it' she said.

It took some moments for Suresh for the words to sink in and when he got it he asked 'you wanted to go top less?'

'Yes, and reward you with its sight' she replied.

'What sight' asked her son?

'The one which you touched yesterday' said his mother.

'What did I touch' asked her son knowing very well he had grazed his hand over her breasts.

'My chest' replied his mother.

'What do you have on your chest' asked her son?

'What you so eagerly wanted to feel yesterday' said his mother.

'I wanted to feel these' said Suresh as his hands slid down over her bosom.

'And what is it you are feeling' asked his mother her body sizzling at his touch.

'Your breasts' saying this he cupped them with both his hands. 'Show me' he said squeezing her breasts in both his hands.

'You have already been rewarded enough' said his mother smilingly.

'In what way' asked her son softly?

'By seeing me in my petticoat' she spoke softly.

'But it covers a lot. I want to see these' he replied fondling her breasts.

'What do I get in return' she asked?

'Whatever you wish for' he replied.

'What can I get from you' she asked.

'Anything you want, try me' he said as he drew his hand away from her breasts and placed it on her back trying to untie the strings.

'Like' she asked?

'Like you can see whatever I possess' he replied.

'What do you have which I have not seen' she asked?

'You might have seen it before but it is much different now' he replied.

'Yes, it is very different' she replied visualizing the tent in his pants.

'You had a glimpse of it covered up. Feel free to see it' he replied.

'No, not now' she replied.

'Why' asked her son as he untied one of her strings holding her blouse.

'With me lying exposed you may get crazy ideas' she replied.

'What sort of crazy ideas' asked his son untying the last string?

'You may get the idea of seeing me . . . . .' she stopped.

'Seeing you, what?' he asked.

'Without my petticoat on' she replied.

'What's wrong in it' he asked as he tried to pull the blouse from her body.

'It's not for your eyes' she replied.

'Why' he asked again trying to pull the blouse away and turn her to face him.

'It's forbidden' she replied.

'Okay show me what is not forbidden' he asked.

'I am shy' she replied as she felt him trying to turn her.

'Close your eyes for a few moments' replied her son as he slowly turned her around.

Smitha held the blouse tight to her chest and closed her eyes as her son slowly turned her around.

Suresh was excited when his mother did not resist his moves and when his mother turned he held her hand and removed it from her chest. As he lifted her hand and placed it down it brushed his tent up pants which sent a shiver down his spine.

Smitha too felt her hand brush his erect cock in his pants. This suddenly jolted her and she opened her eyes wide.

Suresh smiled at her and bringing his hand down he touched her moist lips.

Smitha's body shivered at his touch. Instinctively she opened her mouth.

Suresh caressing her moist lips pushed one of his fingers inside her mouth. His mother opened her mouth wide and as his finger penetrated inside she closed her lips on it.

Suresh's finger felt the hot moist insides of his mother's mouth. It made him more courageous. He bent his face down and removing his finger out of her mouth he kissed her lips.

Smitha went berserk as her son kissed her. She lifted her hands and encircling his head he drew it down and kissed him passionately.

Suresh too went wild with passion. Moving forward he embraced his mother's body in his arms and drawing her closer to his body he kissed her hard jabbing his tongue inside her mouth.

Smitha reciprocated his kisses and as she circled her arms around his back and drew him to her body, Suresh suddenly felt his cock pulsating. Throwing all cautions to the wind he held his mother's body tighter in his hold and when he felt his mother's robust breasts smash against his chest his cock started jetting out the streams.

Smitha's body was also ignited and when Suresh drew her body to his and as her breasts were flattened against his chest she pulled him down over her and as Suresh continued to jab his tongue inside her mouth and ravished it, she climaxed. Her body sizzled and holding him tightly in her arms she wetted her petticoat.

They lay still for 10 minutes embracing each other and when Suresh suddenly felt his cock regaining its strength he drew his face from his mother's lips and nuzzled it between her displaced blouse between her lush mounds.

Smitha held her son's head to her breasts and when his face started digging deeply on the flesh of her mounds she slid the thin fabric of her blouse aside baring her robust breasts.

As Smitha pulled her blouse out from her body, Suresh's lips found her erect nipple and he impulsively started sucking on it.

Seeing him suck her nipple Smitha held him like a child and placing a hand below her breast she lifted it up for him to suck properly.

Suresh sucked on her erect nipple and when he found his mother helping him he held the other breast in his hand and fondled it.

Smitha getting aroused again by his fondling and sucking of breasts she said 'do you like what you are doing.'

'Yes, and I wish they were filled with milk' replied her son looking at her lush breasts with dark erect nipples.

'It's too late now' she said as she pushed the other breast again into his mouth.

Sucking on her breast, Suresh slid his hand from her breasts and caressing her abdomen and waist, his fingers slid onto her petticoat.

'What is your hand searching for' asked his mother.

Lifting his mouth from her breast he said 'it's searching the cord holding your petticoat.'

'Why' asked his mother getting excited?

'I want to open your petticoat' replied her son.

'Why do you want to open my petticoat' asked his mother.

'Because I am unable to put my hand inside' replied Suresh.

'Why do you want to put your hand inside my petticoat' asked Smitha.

'Because I want to feel something moist hidden behind it' said Suresh.

'How do you know it is moist' asked his mother?

'I know you came some time back' replied Suresh.

'Did you also cum' asked his mother?

'Feel my pants, they are soaking' replied her son taking hold of her hand and placing it on his cock over his wet pants.

As Smitha's hand was placed on his pants she felt his erect cock and said 'why is it throbbing again.'

'Because your hand is holding it' he replied.

'Will it cum again' she asked gripping his cock over the pants.

'If you continue doing what you are doing now' he replied.

'Do you want to cum again' asked his mother getting excited.

'Yes, I would love to cum' replied her son.

'Then come, let me open your pants' saying this she pulled Suresh up by her side and turning towards him she slid her hand inside his pants and unhooked the button.

Suresh was wonderstruck by this act and as he felt his cock throbbing vigorously, his mother unzipped his pants and let it out in the open. Smitha was aghast as her eyes fell upon his pulsating cock. It was quite big enough as her husband's. It had a large purplish knob as its head and it was around 6 inches long with a thick base leading to a pair of heavy balls. Feeling the hot cock in her hand she felt excited and turning around she took a deeper look at it.

Holding the cock in her hands she said 'it is magnificent.'

'It is yours' replied her son.

'I wish I can keep it for ever' she said.

'Why, who's stopping you' he asked?

'Your wife, when she comes may not like to part with it?' she replied.

'I will share it with you if you share yours' he asked.

'What do you want me to share' she asked getting naughty.

'I would like you to have yours' he replied placing his hand again over her petticoat.

'But I am around 40 years, too old for you isn't it' she asked.

'But you look more gorgeous than anyone who is 20 years old' he replied.

'You are trying to pull my legs' she said blushingly.

'No, I mean it. I am really crazy to have this' he said placing his hand over her wet womanhood.

'Do you want to see or anything else' she asked.

'I want to see as well as posses it' he replied.

Hearing the word 'posses' Smitha got excited and continuing the conversation she asked 'posses it for what.'

'To penetrate it, to make love to it' he replied.

'With what do you want to penetrate it with' she asked laughingly?

'With the cock you are holding in your hand' he replied.

'Does this monster wants to penetrate me' she asked.

'Yes, he would love to' he said as his fingers found the cord of her petticoat.

'I am scared to allow him inside mine' she said.

'Why?' asked her son as he opened his mother's petticoat and slid it down her thighs.

'I think he will hurt my delicate one' she said.

'No, I will see that he does not harm you' replied her son pulling her petticoat away and denuding his mother completely.

'Once he enters inside me you will not have any hold on him' said his mother squeezing the head of his cock in her hand.

'I will try not to hurt your delicate cunt' he replied.

Hearing him utter the word cunt, she looked up at him and said 'so you want to put your monster of a cock inside my delicate cunt.'

'Yes' replied Suresh.

'And still not hurt me' she asked?

'Yes' he replied again while his hand searched for her cunt.

'Don't you think my cunt is too small to hold this cock' she said as his fingers tried to penetrate her cunt.

'It's quite lubricated and you wont feel any pain' he replied.

'So sure of it' she asked.

'Yes, let me' he pleaded as his fingers slid inside her cunt.

'You have to kiss it first' said his mother.

Hearing it Suresh lifted himself up and parting his mother's legs he looked deep into the beautiful cunt of his mother covered with black silky hair. Bringing his face closer to her cunt and he struck his tongue out and started to lap at the wetness surrounding her cunt.

Smitha's body trembled at the touch of his hot tongue on the inner lips of her cunt. Holding his cock she pushed her son's head down over her hot cunt.

Suresh went on lapping the insides of her cunt and when he felt her cunt pulsating with desire he suddenly got up and poised himself over her.

Smitha did not let go of his cock when he got up and when she saw him poised to enter her cunt she guided it to her opening with her hand.

Suresh's body shivered when his cock's head touched his mother's cunt.

Still holding his cock in her hand and pushing its head inside her cunt she said 'Is it enough or do you want to move in deeper.'

'Yes, I want to penetrate in fully' he replied.

'Shove it in' cried Smitha and as her son gave a push which made his cock embed fully inside her cunt she embraced him and said 'fuck me, fuck me.'

This was what he wanted to hear and when his mother screamed out those words, Suresh started ramming his cock deep into her cunt inside out.

Smitha kept screaming 'fuck me, fuck me' as she held his buttocks for greater grip while he thrashed his cock deep inside her.

Suresh's cock felt the moist hot cunt of his mother and this invigorated his thrusts to be deeper and deeper and when his cock felt the end of the passage, holding his mother tightly in his arms, he pounded her cunt vigorously.

Smitha started to scream as her cunt got fucked by her son and when she felt her dam bursting out she jammed her moist lips on her sons and held him as her cunt poured out all the juices.

Suresh was also on the brink of coming. As the thrusts gained momentum he found himself on the edge of exploding. Pulling out his cock from his mother's cunt he shot his load over her stomach.

Smitha went wild when he shot his cum over her stomach. Bracing herself up, she pulled him down and ravished his mouth with her kisses.

Thus both of them lay upon each other completely exhausted.

After some time when both regained composure and got dressed up his mother asked 'are you fully rewarded now?'

'Yes mom, and thanks for everything' he replied.

'You need not thank me. I am the one who has to thank you for the wonderful time I had' she said.

'Did you enjoy it' asked her son?

'Yes, I enjoyed it to the brink and this is the first time I have cum so profusely. What about you' she asked?

'I still have a desire' he replied.

'And what is that' asked his mother a little puzzled.

'I want to see you to undress before me' he replied.

'Why, are you not satisfied after looking at my body' she asked?

'No, I want you to undress slowly, seductively' he said.

'Oh! you are crazy' she replied as she got up to go.

Suresh held her hand and said 'please mom'

These words melted her down. Looking at his pleading face she said 'wait I will be back soon' uttering those words his mother left him.

As soon as his mother left Suresh went out of the room for a few moments and returned back. He had to wait for ten minutes before he heard his mother call him from the living room and as he went in he was surprised to see the room dimly lit and a plush rug with soft pillows set in the middle.

As he sat down on the soft rug amidst the pillows he saw his mother enter. Seeing his mother draped in a light golden color sari which stuck to her body like a second skin and glowed in the dim light he was thrilled.

Instinctively his hand reached his pants and he fondled his cock which was growing by the second. Smitha moved seductively and coming under the light she lifted her hands and opening the knot holding she set her hair loose.

Suresh went on his knees to have a closer look at his mother. He could see the heavenly figure of his mother more clearly under the lights and when his mother set her hair loose to fall upon her shoulders he said 'you are looking gorgeous mom.'

'It's for you, my son' she replied as she slid her hands slowly over her body and caressing her thighs she brought them back up on her bosom.

'Those are great' he said as he saw his mother caressing her bosom.

'Do you like it' she asked sliding her hand over her bosom.

'I am going crazy. Cup your breasts in your hands' said her son.

'Like this' she asked cupping both her breasts in her hands and fondling them.

'Yes, now bring one hand down slowly on your waist' he asked her. Smitha slid her right hand down slowly over her waist and pushing aside the sari she bared her belly and caressed it.

'Yes, yes that's it' said her son eyeing his mother fondling and caressing her body on his command.

Continuing caressing her belly Smitha slowly pushed the top of her sari from her chest and when Suresh's eyes saw the tiny piece of cloth which barely covered her breasts he opened his mouth in awe and his stare got locked over it.

His mother had put on the slimiest blouse he had ever seen on any woman. It only covered half of her breasts. The rest of her fleshy mounds were bare to his gaze. The thin cloth covering was to some extent transparent. Suresh could see the dark nipples which were erect were protruding out. When his vision was drawn down he saw her broad belly glistening. His mother's belly button was concealed in the rich curves of her waist and the petticoat was tied low down her waist and when his mother pulled the sari out, he saw her pubic hair peeping out from her waist band.

Smitha after pulling out the sari out from her waistline she threw it aside and bringing her hands over her robust thighs started caressing them while her body started swinging slowly in a lewd manner.

Suresh was aroused to the hilt and when his mother threw her sari he moved closer to her and his eyes were fastened on her panties which were visible through her petticoat.

He saw the impressions of his mothers' cunt tucked behind the panties. Unable to control himself he thrust his hand forward and tried to grasp his mother.

Smitha as she saw her son move his hand took a step back and shaking her head said 'no, you are not permitted to touch me. It is only for your eyes'

Hearing those words Suresh slid back and taking a look at the v of her thighs and reaching down her heavy thighs he said 'turn around.'

Smitha's body shivered when her son commanded to turn around. Taking a deep breath she turned her back to him. Suresh was rewarded with the sight of a life time. His mother's back was totally bare except for the strings tied at her neck and back. The heavy curves at her back were fascinating to look at and as his eyes fell upon her rich buttocks which were jutting out from her petticoat, he was ecstatic.

Smitha after allowing him enough time to look at her back slowly turned. Holding the cords of her petticoat in her hands and looking at her son she brought out her tongue and started wetting her lips.

Suresh waited for her to slide her petticoat down and when his mother teased him by pulling the cords and holding the loosened petticoat in her hands he said 'drop it.'

Smitha started sliding the petticoat down her body. The petticoat slipped down her body baring her broad stomach and her heavy thighs.

Suresh's eyes followed the sliding petticoat and when it bared her panties he again went on his knees to take a closer look. He was enchanted to see her heavy thighs, the deep V between them. The thin panties were clearly showing her dark pubic hair and the impressions of her cunt lips were there to be seen.

As Suresh's eyes were focused on her sex, Smitha let the petticoat fall to the ground and stepping out from it she lifted it in her hand and curling it into a ball she threw it on Suresh's face.

Suresh was blinded for a few moments and by the time he pushed the petticoat away from his eyes, his mother had joined him on the carpet.

Smiling at him his mother asked 'are you happy now'

'See it for yourself' he said as he spread his thighs and showed his aroused cock ensconced in his pants.

'My, my, it is so big' she said leaning on him and placing a hand over it.

As his mother leaned on him Suresh slid his arms over her back and dragged her down on the carpet over him.

Lying above her son and looking at his face his mother asked 'now what' 'Now undress me' he replied.

Smitha smiled at him and bringing her face down she kissed him on his lips and taking hold of his T shirt she pulled it away from his body.

Now it was her turn to look at his body. Lifting herself up a little her eyes devoured his well muscled chest. Then placing her hand on his chest she fingered his nipples.

Suresh let his mother have her way. He lay quite allowing her to take a look.

Smitha then sliding her hand down unclasped his pants and holding the zip she drew it down slowly.

Suresh lifted his buttocks and allowed her to push his pants down.

As his pants were released Smitha pushed her hand inside his shorts and grasped his pulsating cock in her hand.

Suresh moaned as he felt his mother's hand on his hard cock.

Moving down Smitha sat near his legs and taking hold of his shorts she pulled it out. As his cock was bared Smitha held it in both her hands and started squeezing it.

Suresh was feeling as if he was in heaven and when he saw his mother squatted and her legs spread in his direction he pulled them and dragged his mother's lower body up to his face.

As Smitha lay by his side, Suresh placing his hands on her robust buttocks started fondling them while his mother took hold of his cock and started jerking him.

'Stop it' cried Suresh as he felt his cock vibrating.

'Why' asked his mother?

'You are masturbating me and I don't want to come now' he replied as he slid his hands inside her panties and grabbed her buttocks.

Smitha's body was on fire. She started wetting her lips. Her face had turned red and when Suresh pulled her panties out she brought his cock near to her face and caressed her cheeks with it.

Suresh as he slid her panties out he nuzzled his face in midst of her pubic hair and brushing his nose on her cunt lips said 'take me in your mouth.'

Smitha was delighted to hear the words. So far she had not taken any cock in her mouth. Setting aside the hair from her face she drew his cock head to her lips.

Suresh sizzled at the touch of her soft lips on his hard cock. He gave a mild push and as his cock's head entered his mother's mouth, he dug his lips on her wet sex and started sucking her sex lips.

Smitha moaned in delight. Her body shuddered in ecstasy. She opened her mouth wide and as her son's cock penetrated inside her mouth she closed her lips and started lapping her tongue around it.

Suresh complimented her by jabbing his tongue inside her cunt. He spread her cunt lips and started fucking her with his tongue.

Smitha went wild with desire. She reciprocated by sucking her son's cock and as she felt its head swell up she started licking its head with her tongue. In no time Suresh's cock surged up and as Smitha opened her mouth he shot his cum inside her throat.

Smitha was stunned when her son shot his hot sperm inside her mouth. She felt his sperms filling up her mouth. Pushing out his cock from her mouth she gulped down his sperm.

Suresh had never expected his mother would gulp down his sperm. This rejuvenated him and he started lapping his mother's cunt with vigor. His mother started wriggling her body and when her insides started churning she pushed her son's head hard to her sex.

Suresh started thrusting his tongue deeper and deeper into her cunt. This made his mother go wild and as he continued it he felt her body convulse and before long his face was drenched with her cum. Excited, exhausted both of them lay side by side and Smitha who was famished did not see a couple of eyes other than her son's peep at them.

Pushpa and her husband Ram had entered the house and hiding behind the curtains had seen the last scene. This was possible as Suresh had earlier unbolted the main door as per the orders of his aunt Pushpa.

Suresh saw them and before his mother who was facing the other way could get up he signaled Pushpa to leave.

Pushpa and Ram went out and after some time started ringing the doorbell as if they had just arrived.

Smitha heard the bell and in a reflex action bundling all her discarded clothes she ran up to her room.

Suresh after dressing up leisurely he allowed his aunt and uncle to step in.



When Smitha came down she was surprised to see Pushpa and Ram chatting with Suresh as they were expected the next day.

Seeing a puzzled Smitha, Pushpa smiled at her and said 'as we were free we thought of coming today'

Smitha did not have any words to reply back to her. Though she was pleased to see Pushpa she was worried as Ram had accompanied her.

Ram looking at a worried Smitha signaled Suresh and both of them went out for a stroll.

This gave Pushpa the opportunity to get up and moving closer to her said 'why where you so careless?'

Smitha could not understand her. She looked at her and asked 'why What did I do' 'You had forgotten to bolt the door' she replied.

'Which door' asked a puzzled Smitha?

'The main door was unlocked when we came' she replied.

'So' asked Smitha not getting the message.

'We walked in fifteen minutes ago' replied Pushpa.

Smitha was flabbergasted to hear it. It came like a shock to her. She looked at Pushpa with worried eyes waiting for her to say that they had not seen anything.

'And both of us saw you lying on the carpet' she said.

Smitha felt as if the earth had split and devoured her. Her body trembled. She started sweating profusely.

Pushpa seeing her in that state took her in arms. Consoling her she said 'don't take it too deeply. There is nothing wrong in it.'

'What about your husband What will he do Will he disclose it to my husband She spilled a lot of questions to her?

'Cool down, cool down dear. I am sure he will not utter a word to anybody' she replied.

'But still, I am really worried' said Smitha embracing her.

'No don't worry unnecessarily. Did you not see him sitting and chatting with your son? If he had any such intentions he would have left rather than sit and chat with your son.'

Hearing those words Smitha relaxed a little and asked 'but how should I face him'

'Don't worry dear. He is very understanding and when I told him about your bruised back he felt sorry to hear about it.'

'Why did you disclose all those things' asked Smitha?

'I had to dear. It came out unexpectedly' she said embracing her and caressing her back.

'Now what am I going to do when he comes back' she asked?

'Give him a smile and he will fall at your feet' she replied.

'Pushpa' cried Smitha frowning.

'All men are like that and he is no exception' she said as her hand slid to her buttocks.

'He is your husband, remember it' Smitha said.

'No, he is a man first and then a husband. All men crave to have this' she said fondling her buttocks.

Hearing the bold statement from Pushpa excited her and leaning her body upon hers she asked 'would you allow him to fondle other women's buttocks'

'As far as he allows me to fondle yours' she replied.

'You are too much' Smitha replied nuzzling closer to her.

'And you are gorgeous. Right now I feel Ram is dreaming of fondling these' she said as she gripped her buttocks hard and pulled her to her body.

Smitha looked at her. Her eyes searching and questioning her?

'What do you have to say Are you game enough' asked Pushpa?

'You are going too fast' she replied.

'Ram is a passionate lover and you would like it' she put the words in her ear.

All these was exciting Smitha and as Pushpa slid her hands between their bodies and tried to reach her sex, Smitha sizzled.

'He would love to have a chance of possessing this' she said as her hand found her sex.

Smitha did not reply but her body movements confirmed her desires.

'Shall I tell him' Pushpa asked softly?

'What about Suresh' said Smitha on impulse?

'I will take care of him. You don't worry' said Pushpa disengaging from her and looking at her.

'I don't know' replied Smitha.

'Shall I send him to your room' asked Pushpa?

'How will you convey to him Will it be okay' she asked her?

'Yes, it will be fine and I will ask him to anoint your back' replied Pushpa.

Hearing those words Smitha's body was on fire. She looked straight at Pushpa who was smiling and waiting for her to reply.

Smitha bowed her head in acceptance. Pushpa seeing her accepting her offer ran out of the room. Smitha was left alone to ponder. She stood shivering in anticipation. Her body was on fire and trying to capture her brother-in-laws features she went to her room.

She had to wait for an hour. Those moments were torrid for her. Mentally she had recaptured the moments she was going to share with him. She had changed her dress. She had put on a light blue sari and a matching loose blouse. She felt she was presentable in it. It neither showed off her charms nor covered them completely. She looked charming.

And when she heard Ram entering the room she slid to the darkest corner of the room. Ram on entering bolted the door. His eyes searched for her and when he saw her standing at the far corner of the room he silently strolled towards her.

As Ram neared her Smitha turned the other way and stood still gripping the curtains in her hands.

Ram moved closer to her and when he was a few inches away from her he said 'I am sorry to hear about your bruises.'

Smitha did not reply and stood trembling.

'Can I see your back' asked Ram getting closer to her?

Smitha's body shuddered at his words and when he placed his hands on her shoulders her body went limp.

Ram started fondling her shoulders and when he heard his sister-in-law gasp, pushing aside her hair he dipped his face on the nape of her neck and said 'you are beautiful.'

Smitha's body sizzled at his touch. She started to moan.

Hearing her moans Ram gripped her shoulders hard and when Smitha let out a deep moan he kissed her on the nape of her neck and said 'you are gorgeous.'

Smitha's body was on fire. Deep currents ran through her body and when Ram kissed her on her neck she leaned her body on his.

This was the sign Ram was waiting for. His hands moved down from her shoulders and circling her waist he pulled his sister-in-law to his body.

Smitha felt his rough hands encircle her waist and before she could react he had pulled her to his body. Smitha let go of the curtain she was holding.

Ram Slowly lifted one of his hands up and without touching her bosom he brought it over her face and held her by her chin.

Smitha's body seethed with pleasure and she opened her mouth in awe.

Ram's moved his palm upwards and cupped Smitha's mouth.

Smitha bit his palm lightly.

Ram then started caressing her mouth and as Smitha continued biting his hand he gripped her mouth and pulled her face sideways to his.

Smitha looked at her brother-in-law's face from the corner of her eye. His face was just inches away from hers. She saw his face glowing.

Ram loosened his grip over her mouth and as he caressed her lips with his open palm, Smitha bit his palm with passion.

Ram smiled at her and his fingers took over the caressing of her lips.

Smitha opened her mouth wide allowing him the liberty to caress her lips and insides of her mouth.

Ram continuing caressing her moist lips said 'your lips are promiscuous.'

Smitha drew out tongue and started licking his palm. She was getting bolder and bolder.

Ram then softly caressed her lips with his finger and her tongue as his eyes were focused on her radiant face.

Smitha started to lick his fingers.

Ram pushed one of his fingers inside her hot mouth.

Smitha closed her teeth on his finger and as he tried to push it further in she bit him hard.

Ram suddenly gripped Smitha's face in his hand and turned it further to face him.

Smitha turned her body and as she faced him she looked straight into his eyes.

'Oh! You are gorgeous dear' he said as she faced him and lifting his finger he started to circle her pouting lips.

Smitha shied away and bowed her face down.

Ram bringing his hand under her chin lifted her face and said 'let me have a look at you.'

'Why, have you not seen me earlier' she asked?

'I have, but holding you and seeing you from a closer range, you appear more gorgeous' he said as his eyes dipped down from her face to her bosom.

Smitha blushed at his words.

'You have a great figure' he said as his eyes were glued on her heaving chest.

'Pushpa is more stunning than me' she replied.

'No, her body is too light to my liking' he said.

'Why don't you like lithe figures' she asked?

'I love to fondle curvaceous body as you possess' he said as his hand pulled the sari from her chest exposing her loose blouse covering her swollen breasts.

'Don't you think they are a little over sized' she asked?

'No these are perfect to my liking' he said as his hands started unhooking her blouse.

Smitha lifted her hands allowing him to discard her blouse and when he removed it and his eyes devoured the mounds of her breasts jutting out of her bra he said 'I wish she had such beautiful breasts.'

'But many men prefer smaller ones' she replied.

'I have a fancy for heavier ones and I have been eyeing yours since ages' he replied.

'Then why did you not say so' she said as she curled her fingers in his hair.

'I did not had the courage to do so' he replied.

'What prompted you today' she asked?

'It was only after seeing you and your son lying naked' he replied.

'It was a mistake that the door was unlocked' she replied.

'It was to my advantage' he said as he started fondling her rich melons.

'If you had not caught us, what would you have done' she asked?

'Either way I had made up my mind to come to your bedroom today' he replied.

'Had you enough courage to enter your brother's bedroom' she asked?

'Yes, moreover he is not here' he replied as his hands cupped her swollen breasts.

'What if he was here' she asked as hot under currents passed through her body.

'I would have waited till he went out' she replied.

'So you have come well prepared to be with me' she asked ruffling his hairs with her hands.

'Yes, and I am enjoying every second of being with you in your own bedroom doing things which I had dreamt' he said.

'Doing what things' she asked getting hornier?

'Disrobing my beautiful sister-in-law' he said.

'What's her name' she asked getting naughtier.

'Smitha, and her name is as beautiful as she is' he replied as he slid his hands at her back searching for the straps of her bra.

Hearing him utter her name she felt ecstatic and to tease him she said 'you are not supposed to call me by my name.'

'I can when I am in your bedroom undressing you Smitha' he said as his hands found the hooks.

'Oh! I see' she said and as his hands unhooked her bra and pulled it out she leaned herself on his chest and hid her naked breasts.

'Ram held her tightly in his arms and when he felt her naked breasts crush upon his chest he slid his hands down over the mounds of her buttocks and drew her lower body on to his.

As Ram pulled, Smitha felt his throbbing cock get lodged on her waist. Sizzling with pleasure at it she slid her hands on his back and drawing him closer she kissed him on his lips.

Ram went wild as his sister-in-law kissed him. He gripped her buttocks tightly in his hands and pushing his hard cock to ram over her waist he kissed her back passionately.

Smitha's body was shuddering with pleasure. She slid her hands down and putting them under his shirt she gripped his naked back.

Ram pushed Smitha to the wall and thrusting his lower body onto hers he started to poke his cock on her fleshy waist.

Smitha reciprocated his moves. In a frenzied state of mind Ram pulled out her sari from her and kissing her passionately his hand fondled the fleshy mounds of her breasts.

Ram went wild. He continued to thrash his lower body onto hers and as Smitha gripped his shirt and tried to pull it over his head, Ram helped her in removing it.

Both had the pleasure of seeing each other's naked chest. As Ram's eyes took over her voluptuous breasts, Smitha's eyes wandered over his well muscled chest and fleeting down her eyes were locked on the swollen part of his pants.

Ram seeing his sister-in-law staring at his arousal unbuttoned his pants and let them drift down his legs.

Smitha stood admiring at his brief shorts holding back the monstrous cock and as she saw his cock throbbing inside the shorts, she slid a hand down and held it.

Ram moaned as Smitha took hold of his cock in her hand and when Smitha slid her hand inside his shorts and held his naked cock in it he screamed her name.

As Ram screamed her name Smitha looked at his face. His face had turned crimson and sweat beads were forming on it. As she felt he was about to blow she went on her knees and pushing his shorts down she bared his cock.

As Ram saw her go down and pull his shorts down he held Smitha's hair in his hands and pulling her face up he started to shoot his cum on her face.

Smitha's insides started to churn looking as his rock hard cock shooting jets of cum over her face and before they could subside she felt her juices stream out of her.

When Ram's cock stopped shooting, Smitha got up and looking straight at her brother-in-law said 'look what you have done to my face.'

Ram smiled at her and said 'you look pretty Smitha'

'You are a rogue' she shot back and went inside the bathroom.

As Smitha was washing her face Ram entered the bathroom.

Seeing him enter her bathroom Smitha felt a peculiar feeling take over her body and turning her face she asked 'why are you here?'

'I want to take a leak' he replied.

'Here in front of me' she asked as jolts of current took over her body in anticipation of seeing him doing it.

'Yes, what's wrong in it Have a look' he said moving towards the commode?

'No, I don't want to' she replied half heartedly and turned back only to see his reflection in the mirror. Seeing him hold his half erect cock in his hand and direct his release into the commode, Smitha felt ecstatic. Her insides started to churn. Her cunt went moist and she felt her feet went limp loosing all energy.

Ram saw her looking at him and as he finished he turned and coming behind her he put his arms on her shoulders and said 'I know you enjoyed seeing it.'

Smitha did not reply but leaned her body on his in acceptance.

'Had you seen anyone doing it earlier' he asked.

'No' replied Smitha.

'Was it not thrilling to see' he asked as he fondled her shoulders roughly.

'So, so' Smitha replied.

'Then why are your nipples erect' he said looking at them in the reflection of the mirror.

'It is after seeing your cock' she replied.

'You had the pleasure of seeing it, but I have yet to look at yours' he replied.

'What more do you want to see' she asked as she lifted her hands above and brought his head down on her shoulders.

'I have to see a lot' he replied as he slid his hands under her armpits and caressed them.

'It looks as though you are satisfied looking at my breasts' she said as she was eyeing at his hard cock in the reflection of the mirror.

'It gets hard not only on seeing your breasts but also whenever I dream about you' he replied.

'What do you see in your dreams' she asked naughtily?

'I try to visualize how your cunt would look' he replied.

'And how does it look' she asked her body trembling.

'It's the loveliest part of your body, hidden amidst a thick bush of silky black hair with its pink pouting lips playing hide and seek between them' he replied.

'Is it' she asked her eyes glowing with fervor.

'Yes, your cunt is the most alluring part of your body' he replied.

'And what do you feel like doing after seeing it' she asked.

'I feel like possessing it myself and not parting with it' he replied.

'You are lying' she replied.

'It is in my dream but in reality, I would love to fuck it' he said as his hand took hold of her petticoat and drew the cords away.

Smitha creamed again as Ram drew her petticoat down. Standing totally naked in front of him she shied.

Ram seeing her shy drew her closer to him and when his cock slid in between her naked buttocks he put his hand over her cunt and fondling her pubic hair said 'come let's get on your bed.'

'Carry me' said Smitha blushingly.

'It would be my pleasure' saying this Ram lifted a nude Smitha in his arms and on reaching the bed he put her down.

As Ram put her down, Smitha suddenly turned on her face and lay down on the bed closing her legs.

Seeing her hiding herself Ram asked 'this is not fair.'

'What is not fair' asked Smitha.

'You are hiding your cunt' he said.

'Do you want to see it' she asked?

'I would love to' he replied moving on the bed.

'Then have a look' saying this Smitha turned on her back.

Ram was ecstatic when he looked at the rosy lips of his sister-in-laws cunt protruding out from her rich pubic hair. It was just like he had imagined and looking at it he felt he had won the whole world.

Smitha seeing his eyes transfixed on her cunt, she asked 'how does it look.'

'I have no words to describe it' he replied.

'Is it like what you had dreamt' she said spreading her thighs for him to have a clear view of her cunt.

'I could not have hoped for anything better' he replied.

'Is this what you had thought of possessing yourself' she asked.

'I have not possessed it' he replied.

'Then how do you intend to possess it' she asked?

'Wait, you will see for yourself,' saying this he moved in between her thighs and taking hold of his cock in his hand he placed it on the opening of her cunt and when he gave a push he cried 'this way.'

'You are a pig' saying this Smitha pulled Ram over her.

Ram could not believe that his cock had entered his sister-in-laws cunt and when she pulled him over, he jammed his lips on hers and kissing them he started thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into her cunt.

Smitha was delighted when her brother-in-laws cock invaded her cunt. Holding him to her she started trusting her body upwards in line with his.

Ram had not anticipated this and when his sister-in-law matched every stride of his he started pounding her cunt with vigor. Soon he felt Smitha's cunt lips contrast and in no time she climaxed draining her cunt juices out.

This discharge lubricated Ram and his thrusts gained momentum. He started fucking her vigorously.

Smitha held him tightly in his arms and when she felt his heavy breathing she thrust her tongue inside his mouth and powered him to shoot his cum in her cunt.

Ram was exhausted when he spent his cum in her cunt. Embracing his sister-in-law in his arms he lay upon her famished.

Smitha held him to her and let me relax.

It was after 10 minutes Ram showed some signs of movement. Seeing him move Smitha lifted his face and kissing him on his lips asked 'are you dreams fulfilled now'

'Yes and what about you' he asked.

'I had not dreamt of fucking you' she replied.

'I know you like your son and Pushpa more' he said.

Hearing the name Pushpa she was astonished and looked at him.

'I know about you two. She does not keep any secrets from me' he replied.

'So you both planned this out' she asked. 'Yes dear, I wanted you very badly' he replied nuzzling his face in her hair.

'Does my son know about it' she asked.

'Yes and right now he may be fucking my wife' he said.

This was news to Smitha. All her fears vanished. Pushing him aside she sat on the bed looking down at him.

Seeing her looking at him anxiously with many questions to be asked he said 'tell me if you have any fantasies.'

Hearing this Smitha took her time to reply. She was thinking of her son and wishing he would be a party to what she had in mind.

'Speak up' said Ram prompting her to come out of it.

'I don't know. I was wondering whether my son would join us' she said at last.

'You want to have a threesome' he asked.

'Yes, it is my dream to have two men' she said dreaming about it.

'Shall I invite him' he asked getting up.

'No, not like this, I want it to be exclusive' she said.

'Meaning' he asked her.

'I want you two to seduce me' she said getting excited at the proposition.

'I will plan it out' saying this Ram dressed up and left her.

It took a while for him to return and when he came he said 'Suresh is watching the TV, shall we go' he asked?

Smitha was aroused again and she said 'you proceed, I will follow you.'

As Ram went out Smitha went inside the bathroom and setting her hair and dress properly he lavishly applied the perfume on her body and feeling high she came down to the living room.

On entering she saw Suresh and Ram sitting and watching a flick on the TV and as she neared them she asked 'where is Pushpa?'

Suresh was excited to see his mother and before Ram could answer her he replied 'she went out for a drive.'

'At this time of the night' she asked for which Ram answered 'she has left something back home and will return with it in the morning.'

He stressed the word morning.

'What are you both watching' asked Smitha coming near them.

'This is a good flick' replied her son eyeing his mother.

'Does it have beautiful women in it' she asked as she stood near the sofa.

'You are more beautiful than any other woman' replied her son while Ram confirmed it by saying 'yes.'

Smiling at both of them she said 'you two boys are not up to something.'

'No mom, we are just watching a movie and if you give us company then it would be good' he said.

'Okay I will stay back for sometime' saying this as she tried to sit at the corner, Ram moved and asked her to sit between them.

Smitha obliged him and coming between the two of them she sat down on the sofa.

As they sat watching the movie a dazzling woman came into view and looking at her Smitha said 'I knew you were waiting for this.'

'Mom you are more stunning to look at' replied her son.

'Is it' she asked looking at him?

'And I would prefer to look at you rather than her' replied Suresh as he stared at her voluptuous figure.

'You are teasing me my son' she replied.

'No he is stating the fact' replied Ram.

'So you both prefer to look at me rather than her' she asked?

'We would be delighted' chorused both of them.

'You both are getting naughty and I think I should go' she said.

'Please stay back' requested her son putting his hand on her shoulder.

'If you say so' she said and leaned on the sofa.

As she leaned back on the sofa two pairs of eyes were focused on her chest and as Smitha looked to the right and left, she saw both of them staring at her bosom and when she looked down she saw her sari had slid and one of her breast covered in her blouse was exposed to their stare.

'No peeping' she said smiling at them.

'You are great, mom' said her son when she did not cover up her bosom.

'Why because I am allowing you to have a look' she asked.

'No, because you are very liberal' replied Ram looking at Suresh.

'Yes, my mom is a darling' he said as he hugged her cheeks to his.

'This is not fair, I need a hug too' said Ram.

Saying 'okay' Smitha turned to his side and placed her cheeks upon his and hugged him and when she did it her sari slid out from her chest.

When Smitha tried to pull it back on her, Suresh stopped form doing it and said 'it's fine, don't cover it.'

Smitha was enjoying this and to continue with the conversation she said 'am I not revealing too much.'

'No it does not show much' replied Ram looking at her bosom.

'If it is not, then it is okay' she said.

'It's my turn now' said her son.

'For what' asked his mother?

'You have hugged him for a longer period mom' he said.

'Are you counting the seconds' she asked turning towards him and when she turned the top of her sari slid fully from her body exposing her bare waist.

'No, but I want a hug too' saying this he pulled his mother and when she placed her cheeks upon his he tenderly caressed her shoulders and took more time than Ram did.

When Smitha tried to turn, her lips brushed her son's cheeks.

Smitha withdrawing from her son as she turned towards Ram she said 'now don't ask to kiss my cheeks.'

'Why not' replied Ram as he pulled Smitha closer to him? And when she did not reply back he kissed her cheeks passionately.

'Hey you are taking advantage' said Suresh as Ram glued his lips on Smitha.

Hearing it his mother turned and holding her son's face in her hands she pressed her lips on his and gave him a wet kiss. When she removed her lips from his she said 'are you happy.'

'Yes mom, now you may kiss him too' said her son.

Smitha was delighted to hear this and when she turned she saw Ram licking his lips. This invigorated her. Pushing her hair from her face as she nudged closer to him, Ram encircled his hands on her back and pulling her to him kissed her passionately.

Suresh on seeing his mother being embraced by Ram suddenly got aroused and moving closer to his mother he slid his hand between their bodies and grasped her breast.

Smitha shivered when she felt her son's hand on her breast. This action was noticed by Ram and taking a bolder step he started unhooking her blouse and when Smitha looked up at Ram he said 'let him fondle your breasts.

This made Smitha to kiss him back passionately and when Ram had succeeded in unhooking her blouse Suresh drew it away from her body.

Smitha nudged her body closer to Ram's and Suresh as he discarded her blouse unclasped her bra and pulled it out from her body.

Smitha's back lay bare and Suresh bending down started kissing her back and as his face came down over her waist he nudged it between his mother's buttocks and with his free hands he pulled his shirt out.

As Suresh nudged his face amidst her buttocks Smitha let out a moan which was blocked by Ram's mouth kissing her. Ram sensing Smitha was ecstatic pulled her up till her bare breasts were crushed against his chest.

Suresh continued to nuzzle his face between his mother's buttocks and seeing that his mother was squirming in pleasure he slowly started to pull her sari out.

It was at this moment Ram releasing Smitha unbuttoned his shirt and pulling it out he threw it down.

As Ram released Smitha she turned towards her son and pulling him up she pushed him down on the sofa and lying flat upon him she started kissing his chest passionately.

Ram saw that her sari had loosened and taking hold of it he discarded her sari from her body. Thus Smitha lay only in her light petticoat and panties which showed off her rich buttocks.

This gave Ram an opportunity to see the impressions of her buttocks covered in her thin petticoat and panties. Ram pulling back Smitha's legs he climbed upon and squatting over her thighs he started to knead her buttocks.

Smitha moaned as she continued kissing her son's chest and when Ram pulled her legs she was forced to slide down from her son chest. This brought her to face near his son's pants and looking at his tented pants she unbuttoned it and pulled down his zip.

Suresh's cock jumped out and started to throb in front of his mother's face. Looking at the throbbing cock Smitha held it in her hands and started to caress it.

Meanwhile Ram after kneading her buttocks put his hand below her stomach and opening the cords of her petticoat he slid it down till it exposed her buttocks and her upper thighs.

As Smitha held her son's cock in her hand Suresh put both his hands on her head and pulled her face down on his cock. Smitha was aghast as her son wanted her to take his cock inside her mouth. Pushing aside her hair from her face and bringing his cock near her mouth she kissed it first before taking its head inside her mouth.

Suresh let out a deep moan when his mother bending down took the full length of his cock in her mouth and started sucking it.

Ram on seeing her rich buttocks jutting out from her sheer panties pulled her panties aside baring her lush buttocks. This was a sight which tormented him. Getting up he unzipped his pants and pulling down his shorts he stood naked.

Smitha saw from the corner of her eye Ram undressing himself and when his cock was bared she turned her face towards him having her son's cock in her mouth.

Ram saw Smitha sucking her son's cock. This added to his already tormented mind. At once he caught Smitha by her arms and lifting her up he dragged her away from her son.

As Smitha was pulled up Ram took her in arms and carrying her he laid her on the lush carpet in the middle of the room.

Smitha spread her legs as she was put down on the carpet and when Ram kneeled between them she lifted her legs and placed them on his shoulders.

Suresh got up from the sofa and seeing his mother spread out on the carpet with only her panties on and having her legs over Ram's shoulders was dumbfounded. Looking down at his mother wriggling her body with passion he kneeled down near and held her head.

As Smitha put her legs on his shoulders this gave Ram the space to slid his hands under her buttocks and taking hold of her flimsy panties he shred it into pieces baring her pulsating cunt to his eyes.

Ram went wild seeing Smitha's bared cunt. Holding her by her thighs he pulled her till her lower body was right in front of his throbbing cock. Spreading her pubic hair Ram positioned his shaft at the opening of her cunt and then placing his hands at her side he rammed his hard into her cunt. His cock slid into her moist cunt up to the hilt.

Suresh saw Ram penetrate his cock in his mother's cunt. This recharged him and holding his cock in his hand he thrashed it over his mother's face.

Smitha felt Ram's cock slid deep inside her cunt and as she was going crazy she felt her son thrashing his cock over her face. Taking hold of his cock in her hand she opened her mouth wide welcoming him.

Suresh was aghast to see his mother's gaping mouth. Going up on his knees he slid his cock inside her mouth.

Smitha consumed both of their cocks inside her holes. As Ram started fucking her she lewdly started sucking her son's cock. It was Suresh who started to feel his cock pulsating. Bending down over his mother's face he started to jab his cock inside out of her mouth as if he was fucking her.

Ram too speeded up his thrusts. As he had very good leverage his cock slid in and out of her cunt easily. He intensified his pushes.

Smitha's cunt was seeping wet. All her juices started soaking her cunt and when her son was fucking her mouth she opened her mouth wide for deeper penetration.

Suresh started to sweat. His breathing increased. He was on the verge of shooting and as his mother opened her mouth which was filled with saliva he rammed his deep inside her throat and shot his load.

Smitha felt his sperms shooting inside her mouth. Taking as much as possible in her mouth she gulped it down while the rest spilled out.

Ram on seeing Smitha's mouth covered with her son's cum intensified his thrusts and when he felt his cock head throbbing inside her cunt, he pulled out his cock and shot his cum over her face.

Smitha started cleaning both their spills from her face and when she finished it she smiled at both of them.

Ram moving closer to her whispered 'are you satisfied.'

'Yes, it's a life time achievement' replied his sister-in-law.

'Do you need anything else' he asked.

'No, my cunt is ravished' she replied.

'Go and rest then' he said.

'Yes, I will' saying this she went to her room and bolted the door.

Pushpa did not go to her house instead she reached an isolated house up the hill and as she knocked on the door, the door was opened by Veer Pratap Singh.

Getting inside Pushpa stood in the centre of the room and when Veer Pratap neared her he said 'what happened, tell me?'

'Everything went as per plans.' She said.

'Is it' he asked?

'Yes, you are free now and you can fulfill all your wild fantasies' she replied.

Veer Pratap thought of all the women he could possess without fearing about his rich wife. It aroused him when he thought of including his wife to join in the party, a threesome or foursome. As he thought of all his wild fantasies he asked.

'How was it possible? '

'I threw a web around them' she replied.

'What do you mean by it' he asked.

'I tutored her the basics of sex' she replied.

'Do you have any proof of it' he asked.

'I have it recorded in this' she said holding a small video recorder.

Veer Pratap tried to grasp it.

'First my reward' she said.

'It's on the table' he pointed out.

Pushpa moved over the table. There lay a velvet case and as she opened it bright light reflected upon her face. She stood bewildered looking at the rich diamond necklace. 'Is it mine' she asked?

'Yes, and you will get more' he replied encircling her waist with his hands.

'No, not here' she replied.

'Why' asked Veer Pratap?

'I need to tutor you first' she replied.

'What do you want to teach me' he asked.

'To go slow, arouse your companions before screwing them' she replied.

'Why don't you teach me now' he asked.

'Take me to your to your wife, I need her presence' she replied.

'Will she not object' he asked?

'No, she will not object but will love it' she replied.

'Are you so sure' he asked getting aroused.

'Yes, she's trapped in my web' she replied.

'What web' asked Veer Pratap?

'Not any ordinary web but a silken web' replied Pushpa smilingly as she felt she had to pay back Smitha for her love, kindness and her sufferings.