Simple Housewife

Simple Housewife

Published on: 2023-06-12 21:41:52

Hi, am Rani (name changed). A girl of **age. Am a sweet girl who loves to play, sing, eat and sleep. I live with my maa (mom), baba(dad) and didi (elder sister). Many days passed, my cousin dada (cousin elder brother) is also staying with us. Exactly why, that I never knew; but as per mom, he is staying here/with us for better career scope… to find better job opportunities. Side by side, he started a coaching class for school students and others.

What the most I love about him is, he is very loving, caring and protective for both of us sisters. We always felt that ‘He’ is always there for us. Not only for the sisters, but also for my maa-baba (mom-dad). And that’s probably the reason, he is staying with us for long. But the least I knew was that the main reason for him to stay with us for that long is;….actually my mother!!

The first time I got the tinge of suspect when on an occasion I, didi and father were getting ready to go the market and from there, to a relative’s home. But dada (elder brother) was not in the mood. He just said that he had to take the coaching class; for many of the students were having their exams in the very next week. Maa (mom) also said that she has to do a lot of household work and that’s why she can’t come with us (we never had a daai/naukrani.).

I was a bit disappointed because two of my favorite people have decided to stay back in the home for different reasons. Didi and baba were already waiting outside. So, I also bid them a good bye and went out. Before closing the main door behind me, I stopped and looked back. To my astonishment, my mother and dada were looking at each other and were smiling mischievously. I was too small and naïve to know what was that. What could that mean.?? I shaked my head..shuddered my shoulders and and joined didi and baba on the scooter and left. Since maa and dada were not coming, Baba decided not to take out the 4 wheeler.

After reaching a half kilometer or so, I looked at my hands and suddenly started crying. Because I forgot my handkerchief back in home. My baba and didi tried to calm me down but I kept on crying. At last Baba had to take me back. I got down from the scooter as quickly as possible and ran to the main door. Since my hands can’t reach the door bell ; I started to knock hardly. But there was no sound of my mom or dada from inside. My continuous knockings soon turned into bangings. After few bangings, my mother opened the door. I almost screamed on her, “Dorja keno khulchele na?” (“why weren’t you opening the door?”). I was almost on the verge of crying. Without waiting for my mother to reply, I ran to my room inside, took my hanky and came out.

While coming out I looked at my mom carefully. When she opened the door, she was little angry, frustrated with a tinge of fear on her face. Now too, she looked kind of angry and frustrated but not scared. She was wiping off her lips with her hand and pallu. Her pallu too seemed as it was draped up in a quick fashion as it was all bunched up on her left shoulder. The end of her blouse border at her back (peeth) was somewhat seemed as it came quite on top of her back. Means, the border of blouse was not there where it is meant to be. No sign of bra was there. (I didn’t knew what it was called that time.). My mom always wears bra but right now, it was not there!

“Taratari ja.. nahole firte deri hobe.” (“Go quickly.. or else you’ll get back late.”) My mom said in a stern voice. I got goosebumps… Hell Yeah!! She is damn angry. I quickly ran out of the house.

That day, when we returned to home; mom looked quite fresh. Her face was glowing. Her eyes had an extra spark of love. She took us in with great love and care. Got us our home dress. As we were small kids, we were used to finish our dinner very early. It was almost the time for dinner for Me and didi. Didi is very careless and forgetful minded. So, I avoided telling her what I saw and felt this morning… for some unknown reasons to me, maa was looking surprisingly happy. It was kinda weird. Not because maa is never happy or never gets to be happy. It’s just that whatever the reason for happiness was, it was extra. Maa can’t stop smiling and let us know that she is happy.

I was very bad at opening up the shoes’ laces. So I called for maa. Maa came and made me sit on a chair and she herself sat kneel down on the ground and started to open up my shoes. It was kind of tight somewhere and soon Maa also started struggling with it. As she was busy with my shoes, I kept on looking at her. In the due time of opening my shoes, her pallu moved little away from above of her right breast. I was not able to see her face or eyes but loved the way she struggled with my shoes. With great love, My eyes started to roam all over my mumma’s body. After a minute or so, I eyes got stuck on two places. Two red marks on two places of my Maa’s body.

One was on little back of her neck and another was on top of upper part of her right breast. As small was my age, I couldn’t make out what those marks were of? (now I know those are called love bites). I wanted to ask my mom about those marks, but a sudden wave of fear ran across my mind. My heart pounded. I don’t want to make my mumma angry again. I don’t know why but felt like this is a type of question which is not supposed to be asked. So, I kept quite. Thought of let go the question. But, as soon as I was about to take off my eye’s from my mumma… again I noticed something. And it was about something on her chest. I mean at the very starting point of her deep valley between those two awesome breast globes (am sorry, I really admire my mumma’s figure now), there was a mark again! Really couldn’t make out but it looked like a mark..(love bite mark). I was hell scared. I thought those to be any disease mark.

By now, my mother successfully took off my shoes from both of my legs and taking them in her hand, she stood up adjusting her pallu and said, “ami juto gulo giye rekhe dicchi. Tui haat paa dhuye chole aaye khete.” (I’m going to keep these shoes to their places and by that time, you go ..wash your hand and feet and come down for dinner.”). Saying this, she turned back to go and lo!! Again a mark! And it was on her upper back (peeth). But yes, this was the mark I could easily guess. It was the type of mark you get when someone pinches you really hard and the place where you were pinched gets red!! And am damn sure that it was a mark because of a pinch.

But how? Who did it??

Me and Didi are having our dinner quietly. Baba was in his room and Maa in the kitchen. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Maa went to open it. It was dada. Returned from his usual boring chit chat with his friends, I guess. As soon as Dada saw maa at the door, he did something to mumma at which she let out a shriek. Not very loud, but a pretty one. She immediately scolded Dada and something in low voice. Dada apologized and went inside. We finished our dinner and went to sleep.

At almost mid night I guess, I felt like some shuffling, some light movement on our bed. On our bed, it is always me, didi and Maa who sleep there. Baba loves to read some books after the dinner, therefore he stays in his study room. He also got a bed there, for if he is very tired or something like that…. He loves to doze off on that bed in the study room. And once he dozes off… he dozes off pretty good. Our home is a two storeyed building. Me, didi and Maa sleep on 2nd floor and Dada and Baba sleeps downstairs. Dada does have a habit of smoking and at mid nights he goes to the roof top have puffs. Both Baba and Maa knows this.

As soon as I felt some kind of movement, I lost my sleep and wondered about the reason of this movement of bed sheets and the bed itself. I tried to look at my Didi and found her sleeping peacefully. Then I moved to other side and looked towards my Maa.. And what I saw was the greatest shock+surprise of my life.. A guy was too on the bed..! And to be a little clear here, he was not exactly on the bed… rather he was on top of my Maa..!!

His face was buried in the ample cleavage and very light handedly was pressing both of my Maa’s breasts from both the sides. Maa was wearing a light blue colored blouse which kinda looked like made up of a thin material. Well, I guess every Bengali mother/women does wear light clothes at night to have a good sleep. The guy, whoever he was, kept his face buried and moving his face to and fro towards the both the boobs. His face was so much buried in between those twin globes that only his hairs were visible in that dim reddish night bulb.

The guy/man was continuously moving his face slowly to both the sides of those breasts (luscious of course) and from underneath the breasts he kept on pumping them upwards. This kinda fight between the breasts, hands and face seemed like very determined to tear off my mumma’s blouse. I looked at Mumma….

Her eyes were closed and was trying her best to keep herself from letting out those strange heavy sounds (now I know those are called erotic moans) which were caused by the molestation of her tender body and breasts by that guy/man. I think he is an expert with his hands and ways of molesting because my mom was tossing around her head and upper part of her body to the maximum area of the bed.

After few minutes, the sheet worn by both of them, somehow slipped off their body. Now what I am seeing is really a guy, but don’t know why I was damn sure that it’s not my baba. And another thing what I might have noticed is that Mumma was most possibly saree less. Am not sure, it’s just my feeling. I felt like whoever it was, the guy, was here to punish my sweet Mumma. I really wanted to jump up and shout and beat the hell out of that guy, but at the same time… I really didn’t want to. I was in a total heck of a situation and was trying my best to understand that what the hell is happening?

Suddenly the guy without even lifting his head from between of mumma’s breasts, put both of his hands on the two sides of mumma’s shoulders and with a sudden pull he scooped off the blouse borders resting on mumma’s shoulders. Now mumma’s bare shoulders were in front of us. This happened with such a force and enthusiasm from that guy that am pretty sure that a hook of mumma’s blouse came off.

And Lo..!! (what a scene it was… though myself a girl, I too and still relish that scene!!) about 85-90% of mumma’s Bubu came out popping from the blouse cups. And then came my mom’s voice again, “Aeiiiiii…. Ki korcho eta..??! emon koro na…!” (“Aeiiiii….What are you doing..??! Don’t do like this…!”).

The guy let out a deep “hmmmm” voice and continued pressing mumma’s bubu’s (breasts) and licking mumma’s bare shoulders. His face was little bit visible now but I still couldn’t make it out. Also I kept my eyes half closed as I didn’t want to be caught. So this was also the reason that I was not able to see the guy’s face. What I made myself to see somehow was that the guy now was licking all over mumma’s bubu (breasts) and pressing them hard. And mom was like, “iissssshhh…..aaahhh…. aastey….” (“iissssshhh….aaahhh…. slowly….”).

But the guy didn’t pay any heed to mumma’s words or her pain. He kept on licking and pressing and even started kissing. The kind of sound he was making was like that of me licking off the cream from the Oreo biscuits.. And now a little bit munching kind of sounds too.
“mmmmmm…uummmmmm” were the sounds constantly coming from both the guy and mumma. Her about 85% uncovered boobs and thrusting deep valley (cleavage) was making me uncomfortable too. The only thing running in my mind was “chhii… Maa ki korche eta?” (“shoooo…what the heck is mom doing?”)

The restless movements of the guy caused my mom to threw back her hands behind her head and in the process I got hit! Mom’s elbow hit me on the forehead and God! It was so painful… I started crying. Mom woke up hurriedly and told the guy/man, “er legeche.. ekhon jao… aajker moto hoye gelo… ebar pore…taratari jao nahole dekhe nebe…” (“She’s hurt…go now.. it’s enough for today… rest will be later.. Go quickly else she will see you…”) . The guy quickly got up took hold of mumma’s face and turned it towards him and put his lips on mumma’s lips. And few seconds later, he left mumma and without turning back ; went out of the room. And my sweet mumma, my maa got busy with soothing me and making me fall asleep again…

We were getting ready for the school. School timing was from 9:00 am to 2:15 pm. And it was 8:15 am already. Didi was already ready and was having her breakfast. It was my turn in the bathroom now. I entered. Mom always helps me with my bath. Mom also entered behind me in the bathroom. Took off my clothes and started massage my head with the oil. The tap was opened and the water was like gushing out into the bucket with full force making a lot of noise. Suddenly mom stopped oiling me and posed as if she was trying to hear something. She then moved a bit towards the half closed bathroom door and again posed as if trying to listen something. I think she did heard something and therefore, she told me to continue with my bath and then she went out of the bathroom. I, with my small hands, somehow started to take bath.

It really took my mom about 10-15 minutes to come back to me. By that time, I had finished my bath and was wiping off with the towel. She helped me with the towel and then took me to the room for the dress up. As she was buttoning up my shirt, I looked at her face. It was kind of wet. The lips especially. Hairs at the front of head were kind of disheveled. I wanted to think something but was not able to. That’s why I thought better to shrug it off and keep calm and quite.

Mom made me sit on the bed to comb my hair nicely. I love when mumma combs my hair. While she was combing my messy hairs, I just happened to look at the bare waist and half of midriff-stomach of mom. (Mom had a habit of little bit of low waist saree tugging). What actually amused me was the shimmering of bare waist and stomach.! Her waist was wet as if water has been rubbed on it, her waist was glistening. I kept on looking at her waist trying to figure out what the heck is that shining..?!… this one time mom stopped and looked at me and followed my eyes and looked at her waist. She then smiled and asked, “ki dekhchis?” (“what are you seeing?”). Even though she asked this smilingly, but it felt as if she was interrogating me. I gulped and nodded my head in a negative response.

As I kept looking at mom, this time my eyes got stuck at her blouse. Her blouse kinda looked crumbled and bit wet. Her red color blouse was little bit of wet in the centre and what seemed to me was a wet water hand print on the blouse..! Like someone had put his hand on the centre of mumma’s breast area. Something inside me felt very bad and I tossed down my head.

Combing was done and mom asked me to go to the hall. But I requested mom to take me to her lap and carry me down the hall. Mom didn’t agreed first. “se ki, tui ebar class 1 e uthbi. Boro hocchis. Bachader moto keno korchis?” (“What, you’re about to go in class 1, you’re growing up. Stop behaving like small kid.”). But I kept on requesting and at last she gave up and complied to my request. As she took me to her lap and moved out of the room, my tender legs and one hand touched my mom’s breast area, and am quite sure till this date that, that day; mom wasn’t wearing her bra. (mom always used to). The blouse really was wet and my hands could literally feel my mom’s skin underneath.!!

At the dining table, our breakfast was ready and kept covered. I sat there and started eating. Few seconds passed, my dada (elder brother) called my mom from the kitchen. My mom quickly responded to the call and went inside. There were soft murmuring sounds and giggles. I was somewhat attracted to those sounds but considered it’s better to sit there itself and finish the breakfast.

After a minute or two, or maybe near to 5 minutes later, she came and gave me milk. I started drinking. While drinking I noticed, that mom was smiling at her own and eyes seemed like glowing. My eyes travelled down to her waist again found a bit of butter near her navel. I asked her very innocently pointing towards her navel, “Maa, oita ki lege aache?” (“Maa, what’s that sticking there?”) Mom looked at her navel, then looked at me, dropped her eyes down and while arranging my bag, said, “kichu na… tor dada ke butter dicchilam. Pipre lege gechilo. Sorate giye lege geche okhane.” (“Nothing. I was giving butter to your dada. There were ants. While removing them, it got stuck a little bit there.”)

And now when me and my didi were getting into the school van, I saw at the main door, my mom and dada both were standing very closely. (I would like to say “intimately” now/today). They looked normal, but still…………

I kinda felt weird but didn’t had much time to think about this and got into the van.

Me and Didi were busy finishing homework. Baba (dad) was about to return late. Didi was quiet faster than me in completing the homework. After completing she was in bed to have a ‘good’ good night sleep. I remained alone in that study table in which I was hardly fitting in. Baba did made up a study table for us kids. It wasn’t very high but for me…! …..phewww…..! quiet big. Somehow coping with the height and full determined to finish the homework within time.

Mom was in dada’s room; helping him in finding the mosquito net. Dada sleeps in the downstairs whereas we (me, didi and mom) sleep upstairs. Baba sleeps in his study room itself which too was in downstairs, but far away from Dada’s room. As in night every where everything becomes quiet, therefore the most slightest sound could also be heard. After mom went to help Dada, for quite some time we sisters were hearing the sweet sound of bangles clanking. Not very sure, but I think I heard giggling sounds too. Didi clearly denied hearing of any such sound.

I don’t know when and how come I slept on the study table, resting my head on the table. All of a sudden, I woke, shaked up; don’t know why? Took some time to gather myself of my whereabouts. I looked up at the wall clock and gosh!! It was 1:15 am!! I nearly slept 4 hours ?! I looked around closely… Everywhere was dark except our room. Didi was lost her dreamland…peacefully. I looked for mom on the bed. But she was not there ! I called her ‘maa… maa’ several times. But there was no response. I got hell scared and terrified. Don’t know what to do, I felt like crying and yeah… I cried… I started crying. And don’t know why I moved to our room’s door which lead me to the verandah and from there … downstairs.

As I climbed down the downstairs, I started hearing the sound of TV. The more I climbed down, the more audible the TV sound became. Although it was damn dark all over the place, I still managed to get myself down the stairs carefully. From a good far distance I was able to figure out that the TV was of course On and a person is sitting in front of it. A situation like this; to a child of my age…. Was hell lot of scary and I did get goosebumps. Darkness all over with the light and sound coming from the television alone and that too with a person sitting in front of it ..was enough to make my crying and sobbing stop. It was like chilled cold feeling.

I stayed there for a long time. Sometimes the person sitting in front of tv in the sofa seemed like moving. I gulped and gathering much courage decided to go near the sofa and check out who the hell is he? I started moving near to the sofa. The more I get near to the sofa, the more clear it became as who it was sitting there? And wow… yes..!! it’s my mother… but wait.. what the heck is this? Is my mother completely out of her mind??

I asked this to myself because of the positions of both the tv and mom. The television was in it’s place as usual but… mom….. actually our television was kept in the west direction facing the east but mom was sitting facing the north direction.!!
And … And God! Is she doing up and down in sitting position? Yeah… she is.. but why..? and what I guess, it’s not just doing up and downs.. it was like she was literally jumping on the sofa in that sitting position.

Hairs were of course disheveled and she had kept her backwards ..kind of looking up.. and in soft tones saying, “aaahh…maa….ohhhh… maaaaa…..” (“aaahh…mother…ohhhh… motherrrrr…..”). Is she in some kind of pain? My soft, innocent, tender heart started praying God to keep mumma safe from any pain. But the thing is, she doesn’t seem to be in pain… then why she seems to be in pain at the same time?

I gathered all of my courage and called a little louder, “Maaaaa..”. My mom turned her head here and there to look for me and when she did, she hurriedly got off from the sofa. She hurriedly put something on her shoulders; (which I later came to know, was the pallu) draped it nicely and came near me and asked, “ki holo.. tui ekhono ghumas ni..???” (“what happened… you didn’t sleep till now?”). She asked nicely but with an unyielding voice.

As if she wants me to know that it’s not that she’s not happy to see me but rather it’s the place and time where she doesn’t want me to be. I was quiet shaken up and with a trembling voice I said, “sorry maa…. Amar hotat ghum bhenge gechilo…. tai…….” (“Sorry mom, I just woke up all of a sudden…. That’s why…….”). I left my sentence incomplete.

Hearing this Mom turned around and with a frustrated tone said, “ bolechilam , tv er sound ta khub beshi na barate… ebar nao… chhoto ta jege geche.” (“I told you not to increase the volume of tv too much. See, the little one got up.”). She said this to someone who was on the sofa but I was not able to see him. Probably he was lying on the sofa…. Hmmm… Ok, it’s dad.. I get it. He has the habit of laying down on the sofa. I was about to let go of the thought but then again something struck me… Hey..!! If dad was lying on the sofa, then where was my mom sitting. If someone lies down there, there would be no space of another person to even keep their half of feet. Then…. Mumma…?? How and where was she sitting?

I didn’t get much time to think as my mumma took me with hand and almost dragged me to the bathroom and told me to freshen up. And in the process, I happened to get a look at Baba’s (dad’s) study room. It was dark. Pitch dark. That means my dad isn’t back home till now. Because at night, my dad always kept the room lit. Either switching on the general light or the night bulb. Now, if dad wasn’t in home, then that also means he is not on the sofa.

Then who the heck is there , lying in the sofa. Very soon me and mumma were in front of the bathroom. She asked me to make it quick. I simply agreed and went inside got freshed. When I came out, mom asked me to stand there and she quickly got inside and without closing the door, she started pissing. And I was bit surprised, not because mom was pissing in front of me; actually the thing was mom started pissing directly.

Before this, mom did pissed in front of me 2-3 times but every time she pissed, she used to lift her saree and petticoat up , pull the panty down and then did her thing. But here what she did right now is just raised her saree and petticoat and started pissing. There was no panty!! She always wear panty and tells us to do the same. What happened today?!

I also thirsty and told mom to take me to the kitchen. She now seemed really annoyed but tried to be calm and took me to the kitchen; gave me water in a small glass and herself started drinking from a bottle. While I was drinking, I gave a quick glance at my mom. Other than her hairs, and saree (which too was quiet a mess); there was something more which didn’t seem right. I stopped drinking and looked at mom carefully. And this time what I noticed was even a bigger surprise for me….

My mom was standing there without her blouse..!!! what the holy shit is this??!! At bathroom, I was not able to see it clearly because mom had herself fully covered from both sides of her shoulders with the saree. And here now, when she lifted her hands up to drink from the bottle, part of her saree came off her right shoulder and this was the moment when I saw my mom without a blouse.. probably the first time… because of the white shiny bulb, (kind of LED), which was emitting bright light, was clearly showing me my mom’s boobs silhouette draped in that saree..! and because my mom had her hand lifted up, her under arms also came into view. Her under arms were almost hairless, with still a tinge of very small, tiny hairs.

All this happened in a two minutes span. Mom now took me to our bedroom and made me lie down near Didi and said, “suiye thaak, ami ekkhuni aschii..” (“Lie down, am coming.”). Saying this, she hurried back downstairs. I guess, it nearly took her 10-15 minutes or a little longer to come back. I had my eyes closed. She came and before lying down, kissed me on the fore head. After lying she took me near her bosom and hugged me. I also tried to hug her but my hands could only reach upto her waist area. I supposed that it’s enough of tonight but no…. there was one more thing waiting for me to bolt me from the blue. And it was…. Panty!… Yes… mom’s panty…. It was back on her waist!… I was totally dumb founded. From where did the panty came?? I clearly remember it was not there on mom before.


It was Sunday morning. Every Sundays me and Didi wake up late. It was not a habit, rather a duty. As we were just little kids, it was our birth right to choose the time when we want to get up in the morning at Sundays. Usually, in between 9 to 9:30 am was our time to get up. So, we both did the same this Sunday morning too. I got up and went to washbasin. There my and Didi’s toothbrush were kept ready with the paste on it. My mom always does this. It was kinda duty of her. I took mine and lazily brushing went out in our garden area.

There I saw my pretty mom. My sweet mom. She was there washing our clothes and maybe her’s too. Usually she uses the washing machine but on Sundays she washes some of the clothes on her own, with her hands. And today is Sunday and therefore, today’s the day to hand wash the clothes. I looked at her. She is looking so innocent and pretty. There are drops of water on her forehead and face. Her shoulder area was also shining, either due to water or the sweat formed because of continuous vigorous washing. Her white colored blouse has also become wet and whole of the upper part is sticking to her skin. She has got a lot of clothes today and many of them are already been washed. And with washing every clothes one by one, she is getting wet more and more gradually.

Then, suddenly Dada came from nowhere and kissed me on the cheek and said, “Good Morning!!.” I replied him back and started brushing my teeth. Dada stood there talking with me. And during the talks, he was stealing glances towards my Mom. First, I didn’t get the thing but then something happened, which made me to notice the thing other way round. What happened was, during our chitchats, Dada all of a sudden turned to the direction where mom was sitting and let out a light whistle; gabbling, “wooow”.!
And I guess It was a sight to behold.. (at least for every man and boy). It was a scene that made me shudder and I was like, yuck…yew…mom… what are you doing?!!.. But after looking at Dada, I had to rethink about my reaction.

Mom was almost wet, from her collar bone to the shoulders and from the shoulders to the maximum parts of her succulent breasts. Her white blouse now doesn’t seem like a blouse. It was so amalgamated with her skin that it felt like there is no blouse..! And her fair complexion with pony-tailed hair and little wet-ty face, her gold chain stucked somewhere in between those heaving globes of her chest, sitting on her two feet with her bum just 2-3 inches above the ground, wagging up and down every time she washes or beats the clothes with a washing bat or thrashing them on the ground, saree-petticoat bunched up to the knee; all together are just heating up the whole situation as much as possible. Her hairless arms and clanking of bangles are adding up some extra fire. (Yes, am a girl and am describing my mom in as fine detail as possible, which and what I saw as a kid and now giving words to them as I grew up.)

I looked up at Dada. Dada is standing there with his gaping mouth as if he was stoned and the only thing that he could do is just to keep staring at mom. Well, I guessed that Dada hasn’t seen anything like that before, and neither do I. But what amazed me that I didn’t give any such reaction but why is dada doing so? The way he was staring, it was like he’s actually feasting the scene with his eyes. Eyes were like just popping out of the eye sockets and it really made me laugh. And then again another thing happened.

While washing the clothes; my mom had to beat them with a small wooden bat or had to beat them against the cemented ground/floor. And in doing so, she had to put some pressure and by that her boobs gets pressed by her thigh and knee and as a result they (breasts) would almost be like popping out of that wet skimpy blouse and at the same time, they would jiggle vigorously up and down. In that hectic work of washing clothes, mom’s pallu got displaced and had fully uncovered her right breast which could be seen very easily under the wet blouse. Nearly 90% of her breast was totally visible. And also, much of her brown colored areola with the grape shaped nipple was visible…! The upper two tensed hooks were as if they are to come off from their places any time soon and this scene was just like pouring ghee in the fire.

*Ghee---Clarified butter made from the milk of a buffalo or cow, used in South Asian cooking.

I was unknowingly shied away by all this. My gullible mind and heart didn’t permit me to do any such thing to change the ongoing scenario. I quickly ran back into the house, stood behind the door and tilting my head a little, looked outside. Dada was still standing like a statue but this time his left hand has moved to his front, below the waist. It was like he was caressing something. By now, mom also saw Dada looking at her. She once looked at dada and then followed his eyes and looked at her body, especially the upper parts and smiled teasingly with lips moving slightly to the left side and with little bit of ‘O’ shape. Surprisingly, she did nothing to cover her treasures..! Her eyes were down now, maybe of shyness but kept on looking at Dada in inclined way.

I felt too much awkward and ran back to my room to finish my brushing and to have breakfast.

Again it was a holiday. Don’t remember why. And it was a holiday for Baba (dad) too. We all decided to watch a movie. We were all sitting and debating on which movie to watch. After rejecting many, a romantic comedy movie got selected. Now, argument started for; at which time we should watch the movie. At last we left on dad to decide. But dad had another plan running in his mind already. He smiled. Got up from his seat, came to the centre of the room and announced that we’ll watch the movie at night. Rest of us were surprised, especially me and didi. If were to watch movie at night then what are we gonna do at the daytime? We all looked questioningly at Dad. Now, looking at us dad smiled mysteriously and said, “Amra dine bela bari te aaj thakbo na.” (“We will not be in home at daytime today.”)

Mom - “Thakbo na? keno?? Kothaye jabo tahole amra?” (“Not be in home? Why?? Where will we go then?”).
Dad looking at mom mischievously – “Picnic.”
Mom – “Khepecho? Hotat kore picnic korte jabo kon dukkhe??” (“Are you crazy? Why the heck; all of sudden will we go for a picnic??”)
Dad- “aanondo-furti korar jonno amader ki kono bishes karon ba upolokkher opekhha korte hobe?” (“To have fun-enjoyment, should we have to wait for an occasion or a specific reason?”)
Mom – “Na.. ta bolte chaichi na… kintu….” (“No… I didn’t mean to say that…. But……”).
Dad – “Tomra sobai giye toiri hoye nao. Aar baki kaaj gulo amar opore chhere dao.” (“Now you all go and get ready and leave the rest on me.”)

Me and didi were very happy. We both quickly went to upstairs to get changed. Whereas mom just took her clothes and went down saying, it will be quick there. Didi is bit lazy with her dressing and I never dressed without the help of Maa. So, after playing with my hairs and with other things for some time, I went downstairs in search for my mother. I looked in kitchen, hall, dad’s study room….everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found! Now, as for any kid it’s quiet scaring not getting his/her mother even after searching. I called her, ‘Maa….. Maa….’ But got no reply from anywhere. I hurriedly went upstairs thinking that maybe Mom went there while I was searching for her here (downstairs rooms). I went to our room only to find Didi still opening her packet of dress. I asked her about mom and she replied negative. I was on the verge of crying.

Tears almost came in my eyes. My small heart began to sink in the river of anxiety, fear and helplessness. I stood near our room’s door and began sobbing. Where would my mother go? She told me she’s going downstairs… for there it will be quick for her. And how so, only God knows that. Suddenly, something struck in my mind. And how was like, oh dear God.. why didn’t I think of that.?? And what I didn’t think was that I didn’t check Dada’s room! I missed it. Well, there’s no way that she would really want to use Dada’s room, but that doesn’t mean that she Can’t..! Although there’s nominal chance of mom being in Dada’s room or bathroom to change dress, still I should go and check it. With all these thoughts running in my mind, I rushed downstairs and directly went to Dada’s room. And ….. again no one was there too..!

I lost hope of finding my mother and with a heartrending heart I turned towards the door. But thought to once knock at the bathroom too for there’s still a chance of her being there. She is not in the room but could be in bathroom. I went near the door. Door was locked from inside. But the sound of running water could be heard from outside. I called, “Maa… maa…..”. No reply. Again I called, “Maa…mumma….maa.” Still no reply from the other side. I continued calling and this one time I even knocked on the door 2-3 times. Sound of water flowing stopped and then I heard my dear mommy’s voice.

“ke?” (“who is it?”).
I replied, “maa.. aami.” (“mom.. it’s me.”).
Mom – “ki holo..?? ekhane keno tui?” (“what happened..?? why are you here?”)
Me – “Bhoy lagchilo maa. Aar dress tao to nije theke porte parchhi na.” (“I was scared maa. And I couldn’t dress myself.”)
Mom- “Uuffff…. Toke bolechilam amar opekkha korish. Tui kotha sunish na keno.” (“Uuffff….. I told you to wait till I come. Why don’t you listen.”)

This time mom’s tone was full of anger. I mean, extreme anger…. I suppose. I was now shit scared and started sobbing. For some time, there was complete silence in the bathroom. Well, not exactly silence, for that time I guess, I heard murmuring sounds from inside. An unknown power(sixth sense maybe… girls do have this very much) made me realize that mom isn’t the only one inside; there’s someone else too!
Murmuring sound was still there, along with clinking of bangles and chuckles*.
*(Chuckles-sound when a person tries to restrain laugh.)

Minutes passed. Those chuckles and sounds of bangles clinking became more frequent. I was quiet amused by now with the events happening inside the bathroom. Frankly speaking, I was more curious rather than ‘amused’. I went more near to the bathroom and put my one ear on the door and tried to listen more carefully. Hardly a minute or two passed, suddenly there was an “ah aahh.. aaahhh….aaaaahhhhh…uuuummmmmm…” sound came from inside.

Although, it was a faint sound; I managed to hear it somehow. First I thought it to be an aberration, but when again this “ah aahh.. aaahhh….aaaaahhhhh…uuuummmmmm…” sound came and this time at least 4-5 times repeatedly, I almost jumped off my feet. Now I was both curious and anxious. “what was that sound about.? Is mom hurt? Is she hurt? Something gone wrong?” all these thoughts started coming in my mind. My heart started pounding. I really wanted to go and call didi or inform dad but don’t know how the heck I decided to stay for some more time. Don’t know when, but somehow I became more focused and concentrated on the sound.

The sound seemed to be a mixture of something…… I tried to make out the most of the sounds. And what my tiny, amateur brain could possibly understand was that those sounds are of both pain and pleasure. The word, “ah aahh.. aaahhh….. aaaaahhhhh” possibly meant “Oh, that hurts… but it’s ok.” And “uuuuummmmmmm” could mean that “yeah… that’s the thing needed.”

The reason I could make out the meaning of those sounds were because when often playing around; me or didi, gets hurt, we do say “aaahh”. If it hurts a lot, we say “aaaahhhhhhh” and if it hurts little or very less, we say a little of “aahh”. Likewise, when we have a lollipop or a softy ice cream, or any such thing that gets our mouth full and if it tastes really good or better, at that time we give the reaction “uummmm”.

So, the now question am concerned about is, really mommy is having any good food which she is hiding and eating alone because she doesn’t want us to see. Is she having a vanilla ice-cream or a strawberry one. Is she having a lollipop? As soon as this question came to my mind I almost laughed. And again questioned myself, “Ice cream is fine but why would mommy eat a lollipop? She is a grown woman, isn’t she? There’s no lollipop for grown women.”

But again there was another question for my question, “What if they (market and women) really do have lollipops for them and we kids don’t know about it?” My heart sank. I wanted an ice cream or a lollipop (candy bar or candies with a stick) right then. Thinking of mom, is she really having a lollipop inside or something else. Again those “aahh…aaaahahhhhhh….uuummmmmmm…” sounds came. This time it was a bit loud. Also a strange type of male voice came. (today I know, it’s called grunting.) I got scared and I knocked on the bathroom door and asked, “Maa… ki hoyeche…?” (“Mom… what happened…?”)

Sounds coming from bathroom stopped all of a sudden. Few quick murmur sounds came again. Mom asked in a loud voice, “Tui ekhono ekhanei aachis?” (“You are still here?”). The voice was really loud and full of anger. I replied in low pitch, “Haan..” (“Yes”).
Mom – “uufff.. bichhanaye bos..ami aschhi.” (“Uufff… Sit on the bed.. Am coming.”).

I went and sat on the bed. Dada’s bed… so soft and comfy. I felt like sleeping there itself. 5 minutes passed, I guessed. Bathroom door opened. Mom came out. She had tied her hairs with a towel. Her face was shining. Her reddish pink lips were just amazing. Her bright eyes were adding glory to her beauty. Her whole fair skin was just irreprochable. Another towel was just kept on her bust (breasts area). She came and kept aside the clothes she was wearing earlier and started drying her hair by tilting her head sideways and slightly brushing by them (hairs).

Mom was looking amazing. Then suddenly she took off the towel from her bust and threw it on a chair. And my mouth remained open in great surprise as now I looked at her more carefully. Mom was only in her bra..!! and that bra too was looking both beautiful (amazingly) and weird. Beautiful because, it was a nice combination of black and pink colors. And weird because it made maximum of mom’s boobs thrust upwards! At back side, the straps with the hooks part was more thin than they were on the shoulders.

At bottom part she was in leggings; and it was so sticking with her legs and thighs. Even whole of her bum and inner thighs got outlined. Mom looked at me. She was going to say me something, but stopped herself. She tied her hairs again with the towel and with another she covered her breasts. She took me by my hand and went out of the room. Before leaving, there was a sound; opening of bathroom door. Someone came out but I was not able to see him.

Just before stepping out of the door, mom turned backwards and with a little giggle and posturing her one hand as bye, she said “byeeee..!” to the person whoever was inside; in a very, very, very sweet voice. God!! I don’t remember mom said like that to us ever. The man inside the room said in a funny tone with a heavy voice, “eta thik holo na kintu… etar daam to tomake ditei hobe.” (“this is not right… you have to pay the price.”). Mom laughed aloud this time and with that she closed the door behind her and took me in her lap to go to upstairs.

But my mind was totally lost in that man. Especially his words. Price…. Pay…. Price for what and what to pay.??

We were all ready. I and didi were in our beautiful dress, Dada was in blue jeans and checked orange shirt. Dad was normal shirt-pant as usual. While mom’s dress up just blowing everybody up. She had worn a sleeveless white color flower designed kurti, a matching dupatta* on her left shoulder & a very tight deep blue colored legging. Her whole bum’s size and shape could be easily seen and understood. I was sooo surprised that mumma has got such a big sized bum.

I, myself was continuously staring at those round mounds….. And…….. And, so was Dada.!! His eyes were just so glued to mom’s bum. My child mind sensed an extreme level of hidden excitement in Dada. His eyes and facial expressions were clearly indicating that his heart was filled with unparallel joy and happiness and his heart is jumping (beating) much faster than normal days.
*Dupatta - A length of material worn arranged in two folds over the chest and thrown back around the shoulders, typically with a salwar kameez.

We all boarded on the bolero. Dad took the driving seat while didi went to the front seat. Mom, in stubborn, but also in playful manner insisted Dada on sitting with her in the back seat. Dad agreed, of course. And as of me, I already knew somehow that this was going to happen. Either mom would have insisted or Dada. I was bit reluctant in sitting with anybody. Therefore, I first sat in the back sit with Maa and few minutes later I went at last/back seats where two-three luggage were kept. I sat there with dad’s mobile to play games. After playing for some time, I heard some whispering sounds.

I looked at my mom and dada from behind; they were sitting very close to each other. I think both of them shifted closer to each other; dada has left no space at all. His shoulders were almost rubbing shoulders with her, the bare skin of her smooth creamy arms grazing against his well-built shoulders and strong arms. With every jerks and brakes, dada would lean towards mom and take a long (and erotic) satisfying sniff. At this action of dada, mom would immediately move her head a little aside, make a funny face and hit dada on his chest with her elbow and at this dada would smile at her mischievously.

In an desperate attempt of looking at front, I suddenly happened to bump my head on dada’s head. “Ouchhh” …Dada sniveled in pain and put his hand at the back of his head. By now mom also had put her hand at the back of dada’s head and turning angrily she said, “ki korchis tui…thik kore bos..!!” (“What are you doing.. sit properly.”). My head too was paining but I thought it would be best in my interest to keep quiet. So I sat back nicely.

I was bit sad because I will not be able to see the little naughty actions of my mom and dada; which were quiet amusing and kinda entertainment for me. But right then, the rear view mirror caught my attention. And to my extreme happiness and amazement, the rear view mirror was perfectly facing to the direction where my maa and dada are sitting. My dad is not good in using the rear mirrors that why he had them face the back seat. He prefers the side view mirrors and rely on them the most.

So now, what I saw in the mirror is that dada has crossed his arms over his chest and was pressing his elbow against mom big breasts (juicy milk-tanks). Mom would do little, “uuu… ouucchh..” naughtily smiling and see dada with her bright eyes. Dada was loving it of course. Repeatedly doing this act for some time, dada uncrossed his arms and brought one of his arms near her thighs and started patting my mother’s shapely thighs over her tight leggings which trying hard to be hidden under that outstretched kurti.

Slow and steadily patting with the same rhythm, his right hand was now deep between her legs (obviously under the kurti). It felt so far up her thighs that even his wrist had become invisible under the kurti. Mom immediately kept her head on the headrest of the seat. She was totally in resting position on the seat with her head back on the headrest, arms on the either side of her thighs and taking deep and long breaths which were causing her big, firm breasts to expand and contract more vulgarly (and erotically) and spilling out her long cleavage occasionally. As soon as dada’s hand went in between her thighs, she did a slow and arousing “Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…….”. By now, she has closed her eyes and parted her lips as in desire of to quench her thirst.

Seeing mom’s conditions and the way she’s reacting, I doubted that dada’s palm was no longer on mom’s thighs, in fact it was touching or groping (I guess) mom’s cunt. The scenes rather than disturbing, looked quiet amusing to me. My kid mind wasn’t exactly knowing what was happening but was enjoying it to the core. I looked at mom. She was breathing really hard now and Dada kept staring at her face and then back to her big boobies and that black line (cleavage) which was forming due to the ramming of the breasts against each other.

Emboldened by her reactions, dada put his free hand (left hand) around my mom’s neck and brought his palm on her bare upper arms. Mom didn’t move nor did she open her eyes. Slowly, in circular motion with his middle finger, dada started patting and playing with her hairless, spotless, fair arms. Mom was really enjoying I think because she seemed more relaxed and composed now. Few minutes later, dada moved his palm under mom’s underarm and for few seconds he kept his palm there still, motionless; relishing the soft skin of my mother with the tinge of sweat.

Dada took out his palm, rubbed the whole of his palm with the thumb and then brought his palm close to his nose and…. And…. He sniffed..!! I can’t believe…! Dada was inhaling my mother’s underarm sweats..! yuck!! Yewww… how could someone do that… don’t they feel like vomiting or something. So dirty…. I almost screamed, but only in mind. I don’t want to shout and make mom angry. Already my girly instincts had warned me that these actions are really prohibited from watching for small children.

But who knew, there was more to come…?!!!

I was very quiet while watching all this. I didn’t want them to know about me watching them. Who knows, mother would get more angry and slap me here itself. I continued to watch them. They looked engrossed in each other. What I know about Dada; he is a bold kind a guy since his childhood and many times I heard my mother talking and praising him in front of neighbors, friends, family members and relatives. She even tells us stories about his boldness and bravery.

I always liked, no.. in fact, loved to hear about my Dada’s bravery stories. He was kind of boss or say leader of his group and also in our locality. And not only this, he also had some strong and important contacts hold within his reach. For example, he has two close friends who were sons of two politicians of same party. Also one friend was from another party. He also has a friend who stopped his studies in high school and joined his father’s business and later became a contractor and a builder.

In today’s date, he (friend of Dada) is one of the most successful builder in his area along with 2-3 other areas; including ours too. Dada had build such a repo that his one phone call can bring all of his friends and followers at our door or any necessary thing that he or we wanted. Although Dada was 25-26 years of age but he never actually liked the body building idea but always visited nearest gym to keep himself fit and in shape (I didn’t knew mom’s age by then but most possibly she was around 36-38).

He always loved to have butter in his meal. At night, before going to sleep he always drinks milk and before that he would always ask my mother in a strange tone (actually, in an aroused tone), “Kakima, aaj doodh khawabe na?” (“Aunty, won’t you give me milk today?”). And at this, mom would smile blushingly and in almost whispering tone, she says, “Toke na khayiye amar ghum aashbe ki?” (“How would I sleep without feeding you?”).

Today, right now, I started to remember all these things. Don’t know why, probably because of what is happening today in front of me. Few minutes ago, how mom reacted when I bumped my head on dada’s head and instead of asking me about the pain, she was more concerned for dada and even gave her handkerchief, making it little wet with water, to rub/keep on his head. I understood that mom’s behavior changes when she is with dada and doesn’t like to be disturbed/interrupted a bit, when indulged completely with him (or more likely to say, ‘indulged completely in him.’).

Still she’s my mommy and I didn’t want to feel or think bad for her. I rather liked to focus on on-going events happening here, in front of me and at back of dad. Mom was completely lost in her world, closing her eyes while Dada seemed to be fully engrossed in her. He was like not even bothered about my dad sitting in the driving seat. As if he doesn’t care at all. As if he’s a king with his queen beside him, loving her as he want with a charioteer (driver, my dad here) driving the king’s chariot.

Dada’s every action was making mom twitch her body more and more. She held dada’s hand which was in between her thighs; hidden underneath of her kurti. Dada kissed her neck and said, “choto ta dekhche.” (“younger kid is watching.”). Mom didn’t response much. She kept her eyes shut and with a deep exhale, she said, “Dekhte dao.. ki bujhbe o?” (“Let her see.. what will she understand?”).

Dada kept his hand right at the bottom of mom’s luscious bosom and thrusted them upwards and due to this, a deep, long black line (cleavage) spilled from the neckline of the kurti. Dada watched it for few seconds and then bent forward and kissed that line (cleavage). As soon as Dada’s lips touched the cleavage, mom let out a moan in low voice, “mmmmmmmmmmhhhhhh”. But dad heard it. Without turning his head, he asked, “ki holo? Orokom korcho keno? Kichu bolbe??” (“What happened? Why are you doing like that? Want to say something?”).

Mom (eyes still closed)–“Na…. naa…. Aeito .. ami thik aachi… tumi chalao… ektu jore chalao.” (“No…noo… am good. You keep on driving.. drive fast.”).
Dad didn’t turn back but sounded pretty surprised, “aaro jore… aar koto taratari chalabo…” (more fast… how much fast need I drive?”)

Mom didn’t replied this time. Dad indeed was driving too fast. Dad asked again, “tumi valo aacho to?” (“Are you fine?”). Mom in little bit angry and desperation tone, “ha ..valo aachi… tumi drive e mon dao.” (“Yes, am fine… You better focus on driving.”).
I looked at dada. He has already buried his half of nose deep into that line (cleavage). Mom was breathing deeply and restlessly moving her hand over dada’s hair. I managed my sitting position and saw dada’s hand was still under the kurti in between her thighs, moving.

His hand was moving in such a way to suggest that he was attempting to open her knees and thighs more. With some struggle, he successfully pried them open and quickly slipped his hand back between her thighs again. Now I could see his arm moving slowly back and forth. I had no idea what was he doing. Within seconds, Dada’s other hand came round from mom’s neck cupped her left breast. After few minutes of cupping, dada began to fondle her left boob lovingly, letting his left hand stay there for some time, patting it, squeezing it and tactfully arousingly exploring its shape.

Within few seconds of well groping of her awesome tities, her breasts seemed to expand more and the nipples were bulged out through the fabrics of her kurti and bra. Dada smiled at her restlessness. He circled her nipple gently with his fingertip and then poked it like he was pushing a power button of a remote control. Few more minutes of mauling her breasts and nipples had caused her heavy sweating and hard breathing. I was too indulged in their actions that I almost forgot that am actually in a backmost seat of a vehicle.

My mom’s body visibly jerked violently 2-3 times as Dada’s hand entered more and more in between her thighs and also dada’s hand was doing a back and forth (inside-outside) motion repeatedly in a very rhythmic way. And then came another moan, ““Huhhhhhgggghhghghghghhhhh….”. With this low pitched long sound, she rested her head back against the seat and closed her eyes while her body shuddered for 2-3 seconds.

Dada again smiled, a mischievous, devilish smile which was quiet a mystery for me. Dada took out his hand off in between of mom’s thighs and looked carefully at it. I also saw. In broad daylight, dada’s hand (fingers especially) was shining as that of a shampoo or water-oil mixed type of something would shine in someone’s hand.

Dada took his fingers to his nose and took a deep breath. He then turned to mom and said in almost whispering but full of sex tone, “baah…besh uttejok to.. !! tomar rosher jobab nei.” (“wow.. quite intoxicating..!! your juices are really amazing.”) saying this he then caught hold of her thighs and parted them very much. I also managed to look down in between my mother’s thighs. And what I saw was indeed the most mysterious surprise of my life.

I saw a visible wet patch on the front of her leggings and a dribble of wetness running down the inside and front of her thighs and legs. Seeing this Dada again gave one of most cruel devilish smile and said very lovingly to my mother, caressing her cheeks smoothly, “aei ki holo sonamoni.. eta ki korle..?!” Mom still was taking deep breaths. She turned her head a bit, smiled tiring-ly at him, kept her hand on his chest and feeling his physique she gave a quick caress to him down till his waist and said, “jeta tumi chaichile..” (“that….. what you wanted..”).

Dada looked at front, both Didi and Dad were fully engrossed at the front… having views of the road and nearbys. Then dada quickly put his lips on mother’s lips and both stayed like that for a couple of minutes or so and when they parted, their lips/kiss made a ‘click’ sound. They both looked at each other. I don’t know about mom but Dada was looking at her very fondly. That day, for the first time I felt them to be husband-wife or maybe much much more than that.

And then again I remembered one more incident that took place a month ago or so. It was a normal morning. Me and didi, were having our breakfast. We had school and dad was already out for office. Mom was in the kitchen. We finished our breakfast and washed our hand and mouth. Were waiting at the door. But mom was not coming out of the kitchen to bid us a good bye. I wanted to say good bye to mom very badly so I went upto the kitchen tiptoed.

As soon as I reached at the kitchen door, I heard some ‘chuuukk…chuccccckkkk….sssslllluurrppppp….sssssmmmmm..’. I was confused but ignored that and called mommy from the outside of kitchen door. Mom’s sound came, “aaschi….” (“cominggg…”) and within a minute or two, she hurriedly came out of the kitchen and seeing me at the door gave a blank wide smile. I was also about to smile at mumma but then I saw something which made me froze there.

My eyes went straight to mom’s ample bosom and there I was a dark wet patch on her blouse, exactly on the nipple and areola area. That day, mom wore a white blouse with a matching white, black and pink color combined saree. The dark wet patch was almost on whole of her left breast, almost showing her breasts through the fabrics of her blouse; especially brownish nipple and areola clearly. Just as Mom noticed my gaze, she looked at her bosom following my eyes and hurriedly covered her breast with her pallu. I looked at her face. She was so full of shy that her cheeks had become almost red. She was not able to look straight at me.

And today is the day that she doesn’t even care the tiniest about what she is doing, where she is doing, with whom and who’s watching…. Nothing!!.. ya.. she is changed and changing by each passing day. Don’t know how much more she’s gonna change. I looked at them. They were now in their normal composure and were talking casually.

Dada looked back at me and then smilingly with a worried face asked mom, “o kao ke kichu bolbe na… thik to?? tumi sure to?” (“she won’t say anything to anybody… right..?? are you sure?”). Mom turned back, looked at me with an expressionless face and then again turned to front looking at Dada said in deep voice, “Jodi kono din kao ke kichu bolar samanno chestao matro kore, tahole theng bhenge golaye jhuliye debo.” (“If anyday she even tries the most slightiest way to tell somebody, am gonna break her legs and put it around her neck.”)

Hearing this, I was shit scared and I was like, “Hey bhogoban.. rokkha koro. Ami dibbi kheye bolchi je ami kaoke kichu bolbo na.” (“Oh God..! Help me. Am not gonna tell anybody… I swear.”).

That day we enjoyed very much in the picnic. Dad played with both of sisters too much. Dada loves photography and so he had brought a camera with him to capture the scenic beauties with his camera lens. Whereas, mom looked both of bit tired and relaxed at the same time. Dada was already done with some of scenic captures and showing them to mom. Mom looked quite impressed with it. And we all already knew that dada was too good with the camera.

He is just awesome. I and didi started pleading and nagging to dada to take our pics too. Dada was kind enough and soon he took few good clicks. Sometimes we sisters together, then mom dad together and sometimes we both the sisters and mom dad in a single pic. Dada took many pics of mumma alone. And mumma also gave dada a lot of pleasure during her photo session. After a long photo session, mom wanted some pics of dada to be clicked. But Dada was a bit ignorant of him being clicked.

He again and again refused to be before camera. At last mom tried in her way. She approached near dada, took hold of his hand and slightly pressed it with her hand and look deep into his eyes and said, “Please, amar jonne ekta tulao. Amar kotha to erabe na tumi. Please.” (“Please, take a pic of yours for me. I hope you’ll not let go of my request. Please.”).

Dada wanted to say her no, but he stopped, thought of something and again as he was going to say something, all of a sudden, mom, by holding his hand, brought him more close to her. So close that Dada’s upper arm was touching or I would like to say, upper arm was slightly pressing mom’s boobies. Mom had changed her clothes in vehicle before coming out, for there was completely no chance of her to come out in a condition of where her leggings was wet from both front and back.

She had changed into a green sleeveless kameez and a nice salwar which was almost hugging her legs as the leggings was. What was more amazing was her green kameez. It was deep oval shaped from front with hint of her upper boobs always be visible and a seductive cleavage always seemed to be forming whenever, wherever or however she bent. Her dupatta was on her neck, which was supposed to be on her chest; was not at all trying to cover up her treasures; rather flawlessly showing most of it.

Due to pressing of arm onto mumma’s boobs helped once again to form a cleavage, with a sweet feeling of soft balls, mom managed dada to become totally speechless. Dada was once looking her face and then her round upper part of boobs and cleavage. As dada is bit taller than mumma, I bet he could very well see the depth of that seductive, killer cleavage; which mom was using as her most handy tool or say deadly weapon to make almost all of her work go easy.

Along with showing off of bodily treasures, mom’s flirtatious way of requesting indeed made Dada change his mind in seconds. He was soooo ready like there’s no tomorrow. But soon he came with something else, “Accha, thik aache. Photo tolabo kintu ekta shortey, ami eka tolabo na; tumio amar sathe thakbe… Ok??” (“Alright alright. Am ok with the photo session of me, but I have a condition; am not gonna be alone in those pics, that means, you; madam (mom), will also be with me in those pics… Ok?? ”).

I looked at mom. She her facial expressions showed as if she was already anticipating about this offer. Mom gave a proudy smile at her victory and handed over the camera to Didi to click some pics. Didi knew about camera a bit more than me and as soon as she got the camera, she took her position as a photographer whereas mom started instructing Dada how to pose (or say, how to hold her).

After few minutes of instructions, mom and dada were ready for the pics. Both of them started posing and Didi started clicking. For the first few clicks, they both were very normal and formally behaved. But slowly they started to get intimate. It seemed like mom was bit bored of all these bland ways of posing, at least her facial expressions suggested the same. Dada was a bit ahead of this and bending down a little he said something very softly into her ears which was quiet inaudible for us.

Hearing him, whatever the heck he said, mom’s eyes got bigger as if she’s surprised and with a nodding of head, she gave a negative reply. Dada smiled and turned her facing opposite to him and he himself is behind her now. He asked didi to count up to three, say ready and click for the pic. Didi did as said. As soon as she said ready and was about to press the click button, Dada did the most unimaginable deed. He suddenly grabbed mom’s boobs from back! At this sudden groping of boobs, mom was super astonished and she lost her balance. But now what mom did was also the most unthinkable too. As soon as she lost her balance and was about to fall, she got hold of Dada’s private part.!

Dada was almost like, ‘what the hell?’, his face suggested that he was in awe at this action of mom’s. For few seconds, he looked at us blankly and then at mom. Mom gave a smile with malicious glee. Dada also couldn’t stop himself from smiling and then held her little more tightly and gave a slight pelvic thrust from behind. Mom gave a small delighted laugh and playfully hit Dada with her elbow. And my Didi was so naïve that instead of thinking it as some prohibited thing, she thought of this as an elders’ game and therefore she laughed and clapped. I looked around for my dad. And saw him sitting far away talking with someone on phone with his back facing us and smoking.

Mom too gave a look at dad, saw him sitting alone and smoking while talking over phone, she made a sickened face and looked away. She focused her attention towards dada and got busy with him talking over various other topics. But I think Didi was not done with the photography thing and started nagging and pleading for more photos. Dada agreed and so did mom. Both of them did 5-6 pose for photos and after that didi gave back camera to dada and went to dad.

Dada with the camera in hand, smiled mischievously at mom and said, “ebar shudu amar jonne koyekta pose dao toh..” (“Now give some poses for me.”). Mom looked back at dada in a way meaning she didn’t get what dada was trying to say. Dada didn’t explained anything, instead kept smiling. And this got mom understand what Dada really meant. She gave a shy smile, pointed at me with her eyes and said shyingly facing dada, “o ekhane aache. Oke jete bolo ekhan theke, tarpor dekho ami kemon pose di…” (“She is here. Ask her to leave the place, and then see what pose I can give.”). Dada made his eyes bigger as if he can’t believe what he heard just now and said, “Tumi oke bhoye pao??” (“Are you scared of her??”).

Hearing this and that too from Dada, mom almost replied, in a shouting tone, “NAAssssss… bollo ami oke bhoye paayi? Ami ejonno bolchilam keno ki o ekhane thakle or mone kharap lagbe. Ami chaile er samnei tomaye ek se ek pic dite pari.” (“NOOssssss…… who said am afraid of her? I was just saying so that she doesn’t get a negative effect of all these. In fact, if I want, I could give you awesome pics; each one better than the other.”). Dada smiled devilishly. A clear indication of him having no good intentions.

He immediately took his position and asked mom to get ready. Mom took few minutes adjust her clothes. When she was finally done, I must say that she looked stunning but kind of weird to my kid mind (the perfect word here should be ‘Slut’). Dada whistled at her new avatar and started clicking pics with no further delay. Mom really did give some fine poses but don’t know why I kind of disliked this. My child mind knew that the pose she is giving are not at all normal.

But have to admit them to be fabulous. Maximum of mom’s pose would be in sitting like postures. And if not sitting like, her posture would be more like showing off her roundness of breasts and depth of that valley, called cleavage.

I bet Dada really loved taking pics of mom. He was having his fair share of fun right now. And of course, mom was no less. She too was enjoying the photo session posing for and teasing Dada.

After a few clicks, Dada stopped all of a sudden, told me to sit there, he went up to near mom, said something to her and before she could reply anything, he took hold of her arm and almost dragged her behind of a nearby big rock with full authority. It’s not like mom didn’t want to or disliked the idea of being dragged; it’s just she was not ready.

I sat there playing with small stones. 10-15 minutes later, I heard some slurping kind of sound accompanied by giggling and clinking of bangles. At first, the sounds were low, and slowly as the time passed, it kept getting louder and louder. As a child, these sounds obviously made my curiosity cross any sort of boundaries meant for me and I, therefore, slowly crept towards the big rock. I reached right behind the rock and with utmost care, I looked to the other side and what I saw left me with no words.

Mom and Dada were cuddling and hugging each other ferociously and were kissing each other as if there was no tomorrow! Both dada and mom had kept their hands at each other’s back ( right behind shoulders and a little below), pulling each other closer, and were kissing each other by putting own’s tongue in other person’s mouth. It was more like a tongue fight, behaving like small kids fighting over something to have a prize. Both didn’t seem to give up and nor any intentions to do so.

Mom was sitting on a pile of sand which was similar to that of a small hillock with dada in front of her, in a half bending and standing like position. Mom’s legs were spread and embracing dada by holding on to his waist. Dada too with every kiss, was leaning more on mom and as soon as kiss ends, he pulls himself off and again starts doing the same. Both were so wild that it seemed as if it was going to end by chopping of someone’s lips/ tongue off. It was so disgusting that I felt an urgency of vomiting but the curiosity to see more got over me and I successfully suppressed the vomiting tendency.

Little later, dada pulled off mom’s dupatta and taking all her hairs to one side, he skillfully began caressing her fair shoulder with his fingertips and nails, he started giving small pecks; starting from her neck to shoulder and then shoulder to the neck. It was too much for mom to bear and she started letting out light moans. With every passing minute, mom’s moaning was becoming louder and louder. And this was making Dada more and more wild and violent. He left kissing and began sucking whole of her neck to shoulder area.

With his sucking manner, mom would gasp more and more. After sucking to his content, dada kinda pushed mom on the ground. Mom fell on the ground over her back and due to the absence of her dupatta, her luscious breasts were bulging out of her kameez’s neckline. Near about 60% of her breasts were coming out of the neckline and this was making the whole scene look super sexy. Dada stood there rubbing his private part vigorously and looked at her lustfully. Mom on the other hand, in a most provocative way, she kept her left hand on her upper part of her breasts and in a most seductive way she began rubbing them slowly, staring right back into dada’s eyes.

She said something which was inaudible for me. Dada smiled and jumped on her causing her move a little from dada’s way and laughed louder. But dada was too quick for her. He caught hold of her arm and pulled her closer to him and kissed her on her lips. Just as Dada’ s lips touched mumma’s, mom’s eye got closed. Dada touched her upper part boobs began to contentedly pat her ripe breasts. Dada tactfully was handling mumma’s breasts and was biting and sucking off her back of neck.

Dada was in no hurry. He was taking his time in touching the parts of her breasts that the neckline of her kameez and bra doesn’t cover, gliding his fingertips along the top edge of her dress. He would gently place his hands near her underarms and from there bring it gently and calmly along the edges of her sideboobs, which were forming now in her messed up dress, and then with same pace and rhythm, he would keep poking her underboobs. With delicate touching and handling, dada had made mom go crazy.

She was restlessly moving sideways, twitching her body in every possible ways and corner. Dada, I guess, now decided to completely focus on her bulging succulent boobs and began kissing and licking the upper parts. Hungrily, he would grab every inch of her breast skin with his lips and then licking and sucking to his heart’s content, he would let go of that part with a ‘smack’ sound.

With a little more of struggling, dada successfully scooped down the kameez’s neckline all the way below mom’s boobs. And this brought out mom’s boobs visible but covered in bra. Dada without wasting time, began kneading the breasts as dough, keeping his mouth buried in that deep cleavage, making a “slll….uuurrpppppp….chhhhhuuuuuuccckkkkkkkkkk” sound.

Slowly but quite steadily, Dada’s hand moved towards mom’s thigh and after a couple of minutes staying there, it moved to the inner thighs patting gently all the way around. Mom unbearably moaning, “uuummmmmhhhhh….aaahhhhhhhuuuuuhhhhh”. Sooner, he began moving his expert fingers excruciatingly slowly from the outer part of the thighs to the inner part, with gentle strokes.

With every movement of his, mom was becoming more and more agitated. Her legs tightened and laid still, suggesting her being tensed and sexually aroused. Within minutes’ play Dada’s palm was now cupping mom’s most secret and private part…. Her mound..!! … my birthplace..!! with Dada’s hand groping her mound, mom let out a medium pitched groan with puffed voice, desperately trying to hold on her breath and voice, “hhhuuummmmmmppppphhhhh…..aahhhhhhhhh…oooohhhhhhh……”.

This whole scene was too much for me to stay there and watch. I decided to better leave the place and went to play with didi, while my mind was still left behind that big rock.

Soon our picnic was over. Don’t know what dad did but surely me and didi had much fun and so did Dada and mother. Dada and mom looked very happy after that behind the big rock incident and especially mom also had a tinge of utter shyness mixed with immense happiness. After that incident, mumma’s glow of bright eyes and redness of fair cheeks due to shyness grew every time she used to have an interaction with Dada. Dada too looked super happy and dipped in pleasure from head to toe; still he was trying to look very refined and normal.

He every now and then used to steal glances at mom and gave a big smile whenever they had an eye contact. Whatever these are, I just think that the emotional intimacy had grown a lot between mom and dada after that behind big rock incident. And it was a simple and most common thing to know, that a person would definitely feel more close to someone who would knew what that person likes or dislikes.
And in case of mom, what I feel is she let herself go wild, when she is with dada because then there’s no one to judge her or assume anything of her. And who cares?

Behavior of mom strictly made me understand that she doesn’t like any sort of interruption when she is with dada, especially when she is sharing an intimate moment with him. After those ‘me’ moments, mom would be normal again would show a great deal of kindness and care for us. After every ‘me’ (intimate) moment, mom would be happily humming romantic songs while doing her household works and this started especially after that behind big rock incident.

I don’t exactly remember when but one night dada and mom were talking with each other in our room. Didi had already slept and I was also on the verge of sleeping when suddenly dada asked something to mom, to she started giggling. Dada kept on asking her and it was almost like begging for an answer. Mom kept on replying negative, saying, she doesn’t have any such fantasies (I didn’t knew what it meant then).

But after persistent requests from dada, mom decided to answer and she said something like this:-
“See , I really don’t have any such fantasies… God, the very idea of having such fantasies make me feel like a dirty women; but if still I have to say, then it would be, If there's one thing that ‘I’ would be dying to do, then it's to dominate a man like never before. The creative fantasies that would flow from my mind would be quite interesting, to say the least. They are:

  • spanking him
  • ordering him to perform certain sexual acts
  • making him beg for what he wants
  • having him suck on their stiletto heels or some other phallic object

Hearing the very idea/fantasy of mom to spank someone, made Dada laugh wildly. Mom also joined him in the laughter but her laughter did show the naughtiness hidden in mom. That night both of them had a great talk between them and occasionally giggling at each other’s comments. Dada really had his way with the women I guess; or at least with my mom. She is somewhat more than attracted to him or better say, feels intoxicated with him. I often saw dada speaking to her very softly and gently, listening to her very attentively.

Sometimes when he held her hand in between his hands, he does hold it with great care and very passionately. Every time he sees or meets or talks to my mom, it seems like he is talking to/ seeing her first time. Sometimes I even saw him caressing my mom’s fair upper arms with great care (and love also, I suppose) and almost treating her like an angel. An angel of his, and only his. There were also times when I really used to love their pair and often dreamed of them as couples; especially watching any romantic movie.

Well, I must also say that mom too was very attractive in nature and also very sweet and soft spoken. And I guess these are the traits that every man/male would love to find in his partner. And mom was just the Queen of these traits. She is fair in complexion, not milky fair, but quiet fair. She wore no makeup but some alluring perfume coming out of her body, made her smell like heaven.

Sometimes in a plain saree, and if that’s a transparent one with only one fold on her chest, with a little hint of cleavage and her oval shaped navel, visible to anyone would definitely made her look like an angel or a Goddess with well equipped treasures hidden underneath in those pieces of clothes. At times… little of her makeup and a sinister smile would make her look like the naughtiest woman or the raunchiest sexual predator waiting for her turn to hunt down a prey.

I do remember dada and mom talking one time in kitchen, unaware of the fact that I too was there outside of the kitchen, listening to their every chit chats. Mom asked dada what he really likes in a woman and dada, giving a sigh in air, softly said that the very idea of touching a soft, hairless body and softly sucking her tongue, while slowly caressing her seems very erotic. And amongst these the most he likes is that the way a woman loves her man, whether in bed or elsewhere.

Hearing this mom came a bit more close to dada and very softly and in a very bewitching and tempting way, asked him, “well, are you directing your answer to me?” Dada also took a step ahead and stood very close to mumma and in a deep yet calm voice he said, “mmmm… what do you think?” Something inside me triggered and I sensed that it’s kinda prohibited for a kid to stand there and watch two adults talking some serious adult stuff. I immediately left the place only to never know what happened then in the kitchen.

But I though, remember about the later happenings between dada and mom after the picnic that day. At the returning, both didn’t do anything stupid or naughty act. Both acted normal. Dada seemed to be a little nervous but mom was super cool. She and dad together took out the mattress, food and other things from the vehicle and sat with us and had lots of chit chats and jokes. After having a lot of merry time, we returned to home almost at sunset. We were tired, but the very thought of watching our favorite movie at night, brought an extreme level of excitement which got over our tiredness very soon.

Later, that night when we all four (me, didi, dad and dada) were sitting at the dining table for our dinner, with mom serving us food. Mom started serving food from dad and from didi and me, she gradually reached in front of dada. I was on right side of dada. With my little, scared eyes I looked at both of them. Mom with a pleasant smile on her face was looking at dada with her bright shining eyes as if trying to recall or to remind dada of something and with utmost care she was serving food in dada’s plate.

Dada too was giving a shy lustrous smiles to mom. Mom was wearing a sleeveless red blouse with a bluish green colored saree on it. A short length necklace kinda chain (mangalsutra) was dangling beautifully from mother’s throat. Her some of hair was clipped with a hair pin and the rest of hairs were left open to sway freely. Her pallu arrangement was also adding some extra hot flavored spices to the whole outfit. It was done in 4 plates and was then wrapped on her shoulder to her waist. Her big busts were now looking even more big and extended.

Even her blouse looked very uncomfortable in holding on to those luscious twin peaks. Meanwhile Dada, every now and then was having his lifetime long glances on mumma’s naked fair arms. And really, mom’s naked fair arms were moving along so elegantly that even I can’t stop myself from staring at those two hairless smooth butter like arms.

When Mumma had to bent while giving food, her pink colored bra would also try it’s best to come out from the sides of the blouse and make it’s attendance. And of course, when a women with a blessed body like mumma would bent forward for any purpose, it’s quite obvious that her alluring and tempting cleavage would also be seen at it’s full glamorous pubescence. And surely dada wasn’t so naïve to miss this golden opportunity. He didn’t leave even a seconds chance to miss the beautiful view of that line, forming between those heaving mammaries.

And I knew very well that it’s actually mom who is intentionally bending more and more; and giving an awesome treat to Dada’s hungry eyes. The mixed smile of lust and shy was clearly telling me that mom really did enjoy showing her body and nevertheless, cleavage ranks on top of everything.

And indeed, mom did show her inviting cleavage to dada. Dada in no time, took his left hand down on his pants and started rubbing his private part. As I was just a small kid; I didn’t know the meaning or reason of dada’s act (rubbing his private part). I just thought that maybe it’s a way of showing respect or mere a courtesy shown to a grown/ matured woman when she shows something of her. For next good 10 minutes, mom kept standing and bending every now and then; and kept showing her kissable naked fair arms and lickable succulent cleavage.

After that she too sat with us and had her dinner. And here too mom didn’t miss the chance to attract (better say seduce) dada. Whenever she lift her hand to pick the food from the plate and put it in her mouth, she would make it sure that her upper arm gets to lift up whole or little and by that way, she would show her clean hairless underarm to dada. She very well knows that dada has a fetish for two especially, 1) Cleavage and 2) clean underarms.

And ya, it did stroke right because as soon as dada saw her underarm, he almost forgot to swallow his food down his throat. Very quickly he was lost into that clean underarm of mom’s. He kept on staring. To make sure that he doesn’t get caught, mom kicked his legs underneath the table and at the very same time pinched him on his arm. Dada came back to the present situation and with a look of guilt and embarrassment he focused on finishing his food.

Later that night when we all sat on sofa in front of tv to watch the movie, dada was already watching some sports thing on it. He was deeply engrossed in it. His favorite team was losing and dada was gradually becoming sad and disappointed. Mom saw dada. For few minutes she didn’t say anything and then suddenly her face lit up. It was a clear indication that she had come up with an idea; an idea to cheer up dada. She called dada. Dada was in mood to listen but as it was my ‘mother’, he had to turn around his head towards mother to hear her.

And indeed she said something that lit up dada’s face too. She said, “Oikhane jeto ba haro, ekhane amar sathe ekta khela baki aache, seta mone rekho.” (“Win or lose, you’re scoring with me tonight!”). I didn’t understand what these words meant and I also decided not to ask anything to both of them about what mom said or what game they are talking about. But what I did notice was that after mom said those words, it was really hard for dada to keep focusing on the sports thing running on the tv. He was very well distracted. Oh… Boy!! Mom really does have some magic within her.

Soon the sports thing got over and we switched over to the movie. As it was everyone’s favorite, for quite some time everybody were totally into the movie without making any sort of sounds/movements. But I was the exception here. Because I knew that if I were a little more cautious and alert, I would probably get a chance to see a live movie between my mom and dada. My dad and mom were sitting together and me and didi were sitting on sofa chairs and Dada was sitting on a chair.

The room’s light was switched off and the only light available there was the light coming out of the tv. And in that light not much could be seen; therefore dad got a chance to romance with my mother. He sat very closely to her and put his one hand around her neck to the other side of her shoulder and started caressing her shoulder and upper arm. Dad was sitting on mom’s right side. Right next to mom’s left side was dada sitting on a chair and next to dada, I was sitting on a sofa chair (little front of dada, though). I, purposely had kept my hairs over my eyes so that nobody can catch me watching them.

Dad had pulled mom a little closer to him and mom’s upper body was almost on dad’s lap. With frequent resistance, mom was again and again refusing to respond to the pervert act of dad’s. It was very clear that dad indeed was enjoying this love fight and melodrama between them. After playing with mom for some time, dad soon dozed off on the sofa leaving mom breathing heavily. Soon mom managed to control her breathing. She gave an abhorrent look at dad and then turned to tv. She really seemed to be very much infuriated.

A little later I heard a ‘sush’ sound. With no delay at all, I looked at mom without the slightest turning of my head. Mom was looking at dada and with movements of her two fingers of her right hand which was kept criss-crossed on her chest, was indicating to come near her and in a very low pitched voice she was making sound as, “ssss..shhh…”. just as dada looked at her, she called him again with the sign language of fingers and also with her eyes. Dada tried to look at dad’s side and asked mom in sign language as “what about uncle (dad)?”

Mom made a sickened face and with help of hands and fingers she indicated that he(dad) has fallen asleep. Dada seemed to be very happy at this and very carefully he went and sat near mom’s left side. After 2 minutes of total silence mom pulled dada more close to her and dada gladly accepted that pull from mom. Smilingly, he removed some hairs over her face and gave a kiss on mom’s left cheek with a ‘smack’ sound. Mom looked at dada with a naughty smile and pinched him on his chest (dada was wearing a vest (banyan/ सेंडो गंजी)).

Dada did an “aahhh” sound and began caressing his chest where mom had pinched him seconds ago and looked at her in a complaining way. Mom chuckled at this, keeping her right hand on her mouth. Mom saw dada sulked a bit at this. She looked at me, made sure that I wasn’t looking at them, and then she immediately crouched on dada and kissed sweetly on his chest where she had pinched him. Dada loved this fashion of mom and lovingly caressed her face. Mom took her previous position immediately.

Nothing happened for some 15-20 minutes…………………………

And then I sensed something fishy going on at the back, between my mom and dada. Very carefully and cautiously, I managed to look at them. What I understood was that dada had his right hand around mom’s neck and resting on her right shoulder and his left hand had made its way under the pallu. And very slowly and steadily he had his hand moving up and down and sideways in a rhythmic motion. I tried a bit more to see it nicely and then what I saw really made me agape in astonishment.

Mom’s blouse hooks were opened and both the flaps were wide open on both the sides and dada’s hand was roaming freely on mom’s bra covered boobs. Mom too wasn’t sitting idle and was gently caressing dada’s thighs and lightly stroking his private member! Of course this wasn’t that surprising to me as I have seen bit more in the picnic, but what really made me wonder in amazement is that they weren’t afraid of dad sitting beside them. of course dad was dozing but still……. It really requires a lot of courage to do something like that in front of someone like my dad.

Their action continued until the movie was over. After that me and didi went to our room upstairs and dad went to his own room. Mom too went with us. She took her night gown and went into the bathroom to get changed. Me and didi went up to the bed, crawled into the sheets and slept. Mom was still in bathroom…

Couple of hours passed I guess; I suddenly woke up. I was thirsty and wanted to drink water which was usually left in a jug on our study table. I got down from the bed and walked up to the table and had my thirst quenched by the water. As I turned to the bed, I was stunned… my mom wasn’t on the bed with us. I again felt scared. I wanted to cry and shout for mumma; but then it was something that stopped me from doing all that. A name appeared in my head. Dada’s name!! I swiftly ran downstairs and stopped in front of dada’s room.

Some sounds were coming; I couldn’t make out what sound was that. I pushed the door and tried to open the door but unfortunately the door was closed from inside. I tried a lot but all in vain. My eyes happened to catch the sight of the keyhole of dada’s room’s door. I put pressure on my legs and standing on my toes; I very watchfully peeped through the keyhole and managed to see inside. It was dark inside. Nothing was visible. But I kept peeping inside. Soon I was able to adjust my eyes to look in the dark.

And all of sudden I managed to see a silhouette of a person. Actually not one, there was two silhouette. And they were forming because of the street light coming through the window. It took me few seconds to realize that the silhouette were of my homely sweet mother and my dada; both finding pleasure in each other’s arms. What grabbed my more attention was silhouette of dada was suggesting that dada was moving his pelvis to and fro style in front of mom holding her in his arms.

With his every thrust, mom would make a “uugghhh…aaahhhhhh” sound. This situation was new for me and obviously amused me a lot and like a well experienced detective, I absorbed myself into the whole situation and was kinda determined to find out what the heck was going on inside.

But as the ill-fate would have it, suddenly there was a loud sound of a vessel falling in the kitchen. I jumped in utter shock and fear and hurriedly ran upstairs. But decided to wait a bit and see if mom and dada come out from the room or not. Within 5 minutes or so, both dada and mom came out, switched on the lights and started looking here and there. Soon they went in the kitchen. They remained there for another 10-15 minutes. Then both came out of the kitchen and stood at the door of dada’s room.

Light inside dada’s room and outside, both were switched on now. Dada was in his same dress but mom had changed into a nightgown. Looking at mom gave me another surprising fact. And the surprising thing was that mom’s nightgown’s frontal part was wide open and was giving quiet a nice view of her tempting, luscious cleavage. Both talked for some time.

Dada was continuously looking at her cleavage but mom seemed to have no problem in that. In fact, she seemed to be very happy for flashing her big cleavage to dada. That indeed was a treat to dada I bet. Both of them bid goodbye to each other and gave a goodnight kiss to each other’s cheek. Mom turned to come upstairs and I ran back to room as fast as I could.

It was nice cloudy Sunday. My holiday. Didi’s holiday. As a kid, who wouldn’t love to have a Sunday in their life. Me and didi woke up, did the daily routines and sat for studies; to finish the homework given from the school, to be precise. Dad went to have his car servicing. It was a nice cloudy weather that day and so didi quickly finished her homework and went to play in neighborhood. I was feeling sleepy and was not at all interested in completing the homework. So, I kept my books and copies aside and went downstairs to see mom.

But mom was not there. Even dada’s door was locked from outside. Now I was surprised. Did everyone leave me alone in the house? How could they? As soon as the thought of being alone in this big house came in to my mind, I was shit scared. I was almost on the verge of crying. I was so so so so scared that I even forgot to breathe. I ran back to my room. And came back. Searched every corner of the house but mom wasn’t anywhere to be found. I sat on the sofa and started crying. I was sad, scared, angry….. everything at the same time.

I started to miss dada too. Actually he is the one who would always be there for me. He was more caring and protective towards me than anybody in my family. He never made me feel insecure. And today he’s also not here.

Even mom too……!

Mom!…Dada!! …. As soon as these two names came in my mind, I suddenly stopped crying. Many ideas and thoughts started coming in my mind involving mom and dada. Till now, whatever incidents have happened, one thing made sure to me that if I have to find anyone either of two, i.e. mom or dada, then the only thing that I have to do is to find one person and the other one would be found automatically. This means that if I have to find dada, then I just have to find mom…. And dada will be there with her. And if I have to find mom, then I have to find dada and lo ! mom would be there with him..!

Now if both of them are out, then they must together, wherever they are. So, for that moment, the only place I could look out for them is our garden. Maybe mom is washing clothes and dada’s having a feast for his eyes. Soon, I was in our backyard cum garden. I looked at distant tap. No one was there. Damnn!! That means they are really out in the market. I was again disappointed. And just as I was about to turn back, I noticed something. It was a pipe connected with the tap. The tap was on. And the water was gushing through the pipe in full force. I was bit surprised by this that if nobody’s at home then who heck leave the tap water running.

I quickly ran and got near the tap. I was about to turn it off when out of nowhere I felt like I heard someone talking. I looked around me. Found no one. God!! I was scared again. Who is this talking? Ghosts?? Or neighbors?? I somehow gathered all my courage and went in the direction from where those chitchat sounds were coming. We had some banana trees. And by some here I mean we had at least, 25-30 banana trees all grown at one single place thus making the sight beyond them (the other side) almost invisible. I carefully crept below one of the trees and gave a careful look at the other side, for the talking sounds were coming from there only.

Ah! There is my mumma. Sweet mumma. Smiling, humming a beautiful song and giving water to the flower plants by the other end of the pipe which was in her hand. She was very beautiful in red color saree and matching red blouse. Her hairs were unclipped and were swaying very beautifully with her every moves.

There was absolutely no makeup on her face and yet she looked like a most beautiful damsel. She looked like an idol of extreme kindness, warmth and love. I wanted to go and hug my mom that very moment. But my instinct didn’t allow me and instead said me to sit and wait there. Mom was humming and in middle nodding her head as to indicate “yes” or agreeing to something. A bit of more focus and now I could also hear my dada. I moved a banana leaf from my eye sight and got to see dada. He was doing his regular exercise.

Right then, he was lying down on earth and in every second or so, he was lifting himself from the ground on the support of his hand. His upper body, especially his chest stays above the ground for few seconds whereas lower body sticks a bit with the ground. He was doing this very fast. Beads of sweats were forming on his forehead and shoulders. He was wearing a vest and a trouser. In middle of his exercise, he was talking to mom and even stealing glances at her in very weird (lusty) way. I looked at mom and found that even mom was having quick glances of dada and was smiling in very naughty and mischievous way.

By their gestures, I assumed that maybe dada was asking something and in return mom was just giving an answer as ‘no’. After asking repeatedly for quite some time, dada got irritated and turned away his face and continued with his exercise. For couple of minutes, mom also didn’t try or say anything to dada. But instead she again and again turned back to look at dada only to find him not looking at her. Mom stopped. Seemed like she was thinking something. And then something happened. Something happened intentionally. While watering the plants, mom gave a slant look at dada. Dada still wasn’t looking at her. Mom looked at dada for a minute or two and then smiling mischievously, she dropped her pallu!!

While dropping her pallu, she was standing sideways and that helped me to get a side look of her precious juicy treasures. And OMG! What a size were those of?! Not gigantic but near enough to be gigantic. So big were they!! I was dumb founded in extreme astonishment. Could a woman have this size breasts? How could they carry those with them? with two swollen or say extra ripe melons hanging either side of chest…. Am I also gonna have just like mom’s?

I continued looking at dada and mom. After dropping her pallu, mom looked at her bosom carefully bending her head. Then she adjusted her blouse by little shifting it right and left. After that taking hold of blouse borders near her shoulders, she pulled them down to some extent. By doing this, her blouse borders of course stayed on the shoulders but the neckline came down a lot and as a result a good view of her ample cleavage came into scene. After confirming the depth and width of the cleavage and neckline, mom called dada. Dada didn’t listen. Mom again and again called him. But dada still paid no heed.

At this mom got little upset and angry and keeping both her hands on her waist she called out little louder and said something like, “Ekhon na dekhle aar kono din dekhabo na.” (“If you don’t see now, I will never show you.”). This a lot sounded like a threat to me but maybe sounded like a warning to dada. Dada turned his head to see mom and as soon as he put his eyes on mom, he forgot everything. He forgot his exercise, his surroundings etc. Mom laughed at dada’s condition and after standing like that for at least 5 minutes more, she resumed her pallu over her shoulders and got back to work i.e. watering the plants.

I was kind of confused. What is this going on? Why ain’t they see each other directly? Are they hiding something or they are just little afraid of seeing each other now. Dada finished his exercise and was taking rest by lying down on the ground, face up. He said something to her, to which she just gave a broad smile and shook her head in a negative. Dada again and again asked her something and she again and again she shaked her head in a negative answer. Then there was silence between them. Their voices were very much inaudible to me. I could just hear that they are talking something but what I don’t know. While watering, mom turned back.

Dada was continuously looking at her bottom (ass). He stayed laid there and continued watching mom or to say, mom’s ass and started caressing his private part (dick). I was surprised to see that dada’s private part seemed to be half risen up. Then suddenly dada stood up and went behind mom. Mom, by that time, had turned sideways and was busy giving water. Dada walked behind mom and pressed his crotch against mom. Mom jumped in utter surprise at this sudden act of dada. Distance between them and me was not much but still a considerable one.

And from that distance also, I could very well see that dada’s half rosen private part (dick) was rubbing against exactly on my mom’s ass-crack through the saree. Mom’s facial expression suggested that mom didn’t mind his action and was certainly ok with it. She smilingly said something to dada to which he too smiled. By the constant touching of mom’s bottom, dada’s private part was forming now a giant bulge underneath his trousers.

Then again what I saw was pretty unthinkable; at least for me. Mom kept on watering the flower plants and dada continued to do the same thing, rubbing his hardness against mom. But this time, he reached across mom and cupped her breasts..! Keeping her breasts cupped in his hands, he buried his face in mom’s neck and whispered something. Not very clear though, it sounded me as the word, “Byepok !” (“Gorgeous !”). Mom giggled at this, said, “Thank you” (I think) and with her left hand she hit dada on his hands as an indication to leave her boobs.

But I think dada was in mood to listen and instead of leaving her milk jugs, he started playing with them. First he would very gently caress her breasts from top to bottom and when coming from under boobs to the top he would cup the milk jugs squeezingly and then leave them for a second or two and again he would cup them. Mom’s face was clearly stating that she indeed loved his acts and was getting excited (turned on).

After playfully squeezing and cupping he breasts for few more minutes, dada kissed her on her right cheek. Just as he kissed her, she shivered as if she just woke up from somnolence and again tried to free herself from dada’s firm grip. But her strength was in match to that of dada. By now, mom had turned towards my direction and I could very well see her every move and expressions.

In between this struggle, she had placed the other end of the pipe towards her direction unknowingly and the water coming out of the pipe had now made mom completely wet and especially her upper body. Dada was behind mom, that’s why he didn’t get that wet but still, he too got wet upto his chest area. Mom’s wet saree was now clinging to her body. And after seeing mom wet in her full dress, I could now make out that why dada is so much in to my mom. Mom was looking so so so so so sexy, hot and happening in that wet condition.

Her whole figure could be now easily understood over her saree. Of course, she didn’t have an hour glass type figure but still her figure was very well endowed with heavenly like treasures and surely had a curvaceous figure to turn anyone on. Her shapely legs, hairless arms with beautiful navel along with a spotless waist and abdomen and well developed massive milk jugs were indeed enough awesome reasons to make dada worship them. Dada looked over shoulders and found out her condition.

His eyes now got even more stuck to her juicy melons and in swift motion he turned her to his side. By somehow, both were in sideways direction. Dada pressed both the balloons sideways and buried his face into mom’s cleavage which was now visible through her saree. Dada kissed the upper parts of both the breasts and kept his hand below mom’s waist, grabbing her secret mound (pussy) over her clothes and said something, which sounded to me like, “uuffff….. tumi ki sundor go….! ami tomake ekhanei valobaste chai !” (“uuffff…. You’re so beautiful. I want to make love to you right now !”).

Saying this, he quickly grabbed one of mom’s tits and pressed it hard. Mom gasped. Her eyes became big. She wanted to reason but dada didn’t let her do so and kept his lips on my mother’s beautiful bow shaped succulent pink lips. And by the same time, with pallu down, dada kept on feeling mom’s boobs over her blouse and deep kissing her.

Mom tried to move away from him but as said earlier, she was nowhere a match in strength with dada. But she kept resisting. On the other hand, dada skillfully started caressing her back and bum and very cleverly managed to soothe and convince her. Mom’s resistance dropped to zero level and even her hands too hugged back dada. I anxiously looked around the surrounding. It was very well guarded by tall walls and trees and also this part of the garden was well isolated from rest of surroundings.

I got my brain knocked. Was all of this planned?? If yes, then by whom? Mom? Dada?? Or both?? I wanted to think more but the ongoing scene before me didn’t give much chance. They both were engrossed in a deep lip lock. Both were almost sucking and biting each other’s lips and tongue. Mom’s pallu was already off her shoulder and in a tight embrace; her tits were getting crushed into dada’s chest. Dada wasted no time in opening up her blouse and then removing the cups on the either sides.

For some time he kept on pressing, licking and kissing her fair, spotless boobs and cleavage and then suddenly he scooped down the bra cups and brought the tight, well tact, full grown and juicy milk jugs in front of his eyes. Mom closed her eyes and was anticipating dada’s next move. Whereas, dada was lost in the beauty of a fair mature mom’s matured ripe mangoes.

Her supple breasts were full and satin-smooth, with grape shaped nipples along with brown colored areolas on lower top, ready to be worshipped by dada’s wetty tongue.
Dada couldn’t stop himself now and in moments flash he removed mom’s blouse from her body and then tried to do same with her bra. But, like an amateur he struggled a bit to unclasp the hooks.

At this, seeing dada struggling erotically, in a very arousal state yet unable to unhook, mom chuckled and then indicating dada to stop, she herself took her hands to her back and in a slight twitch she unhooked the bra. All the while she kept on looking at dada, teasingly with a mix of lust and mischief. But dada’s eyes were constantly on mumma’s boobs and not for single moment/second did he took his eyes off from there. While to me it looked being a highest level of pervert, mom on the other hand was quite relaxed and looked proud.

Ya, there’s something about her boobs indeed, because for a few minutes, I too was lost in the beauty of those heaving mammaries. Yummm, unknowlingly I too licked my lips just like dada, remembering good old days when I used to suck on those beautiful mounds and just stopped a couple of months ago. As I had a very deary, lovely and full of innocence face; I usually used to get to fulfill my wish to suck on mumma’s breasts, even though I passed the age of sucking.

Didi used to get angry on both mumma and me as she used to be left apart and couldn’t suck on mumma’s milk jugs. Then to soothe her, mumma would allow her to suck on the other breast. This way, both the sisters used to suck on mumma’s breasts and mumma would just sit there, wherever the place would be, with the pallu on her lap, blouse buttons all open; with bra cups pulled up. When dada started to live with us few months back, we still used to suck on mumma’s tits and mumma would just sit there still, half naked. And even sometimes in front of dada too.! We were children and we used to tease and make fun of dada saying he doesn’t get to suck on these and dada with a blank face and fake smile would just used to stand there and had long talks with mom.

While sucking, many a times I saw dada continuously staring at those creamy boobs and perky nipples while talking to mom. And mom would too give stealing slant glances at dada when she used to get shy. When today I think of those scenes, yew, so nasty they looked. A mom (milf, to be precise) with her blouse open, bra cups pulled up, feeding two kids and talking to a grown boy (or say little bit grown than the teenage), all the while the boy keep staring at her juicy tits and she got nowhere to go and not even in a perfect situation to cover herself up, just to sit there and talking to him and trying to deviate his attention from her boobs to her face or talks and becoming unsuccessful in that.

Yeah, it does sound weird and even may look nasty but at the same time, it’s a very good dose to turn anyone on….. even me (whenever I remember these scenes now, I get a tickling sensation in between my tits, nipples and even in my cunt… hehehe.)
Now, moving on to present time, dada was just relishing the touch, the smell, the smooth spotless skin of mom’s awesome matured boobs. He was so lost into those mangoes, it seemed like there’s no tomorrow. Every second, a playful look, a lusty touch, a hungry squeeze and a kid like sucking was making mom moan loudly beyond her tons of control. Even I was afraid too of someone may notice mom and dada here, in this condition.

The whole scenario of dada playing with mom’s boobs was like this,- A soft handful each, heavy and warm with a gentle upsweep. Perky with a natural bounce but still firm. Light and creamy compared to the less tan skin of her body. Areolas about the size of a quarter, with a nice darker color for contrast; topped with tiny hard nipples, like grapes begging to be licked and nibbled. In a bra, her breasts stand firm, round and proud, yet in a blouse they dip and bounce playfully with her movements.

When dada gently cup them, by his expression, it can said that, he can actually feel the softness, yet under it there’s a faint firmness he’d feel if/ when he squeezed them. The boobs have a slightly sweet taste (I used to suck them till couple of months ago) and feel just right when dada worked on a nipple into his mouth with the eagerness of a kid in a candy store. The simple existence of these perfect tits makes him smile and proud.

And with every suckle sound “chhuuukkkk….chuuuuuukkkk..ssllllluuurrpppp” mom would smile voluntarily and in that smile one could easily see mom’s hidden pleasure, proud, love, care and lots of affection for dada. Dada’s continuous nibbling of the nipples and sucking the whole breasts was making mom moan ecstatically.

Dada now bent up to mumma’s abdomen level and started kissing her full stomach. He would stop in between and would take out his tongue and lick and suck mom’s oval shaped navel very passionately. He would flicker his tongue in sides of navel and again would roll his tongue and then penetrate the navel with it very slowly and seductively. This kind of teasing was giving mom chills through her bones and as she was already in wet clothes, in no time she was getting goosebumps due to all these actions performed by dada. The only things she was able to do was to bite her lips to stop herself from moaning and to take deep breaths while caressing dada’s head.

After few more minutes of licking and kissing, dada returned to his previous job location, i.e. to have a plentiful of mom’s breasts. Mom just tipped her head low and watched dada fondling her enormous breasts. From her facial expressions, I could very well tell that she was getting more and more excited (aroused and wet). She was already more turned on than she had been in a long time. Dada was really excellent in his job, gently cupping and slowly sliding his fingers over her massive womanly breasts, feeling every inch of her smooth skin, with her nipples stiffening due to his arousing touches. Her face turned red not only with extreme shyness but also due to turning on of her desires…….. sexual desires. In extreme pleasure, she bit her lower lip in pure erotic ecstasy.

Dada was also watching mom’s every act and expressions. And now, after seeing mom biting her lips, he smiled and his smile widened because he realized that he now had my mom exactly where he wanted her to be!

All of a sudden mom caught dada’s hand and pleaded him to stop for now. She was afraid of obvious reasons but her eyes were telling a different story. Still, she begged dada, “ebar chhere de. Onek hoyeche. Keo chole ele mushkile pore jabo amra. Please kotha shon.” (“Now leave me. It’s enough. We both will be in trouble if somebody comes here. Please listen.”). Saying this, mom put her hands just in front of her breasts which only got her nipples hidden and the rest of breasts were still visible to both dada and me; and I think this only ignited the buried sexual flames in dada.

Mom indeed was a good actor, both enjoying and pleading as if she really cares. But dada’s expression was that of hunger and passion. He was enchanted by my beautiful mature busty mother and didn’t look like he was going to let her go this easily. “Please ekbar korte dao. Jodi pochondo na hoye ba bhalo na lage tahole aar kono din e jor korbo na.” (“Please let me do.If you don’t like it, I will never ever force you.”). – Now it was Dada’s turn to beg.

My beautiful, lust stricken mom tried to reason with him, “Na . Onek hoyeche.” (“No, . It’s too much. This has gone too far.”). “Please chharo… uuffff!” (Please let me go… uuffff!”). Without any admonition, he wrapped his arms strongly around her and hugged her tightly, her naked boobs crushed against his broad vest-covered chest and his huge bulge poking her stomach. My sweet mother was too shocked to react.

Hugging and caressing her back, he said, “tumi koto valo, kakima.” (“You are so perfect, Aunty.”).(I think he exactly said this, as I was somewhat far from them and unable to hear them properly).

My mom’s eyes glazed over once again as she was beginning to get calm at his compliments. And then, unknowingly (perhaps), she put her hands over his strong arms and ran over them, maybe enjoying how muscular he felt. “bas ekbar…., please.” (“just once, please.”), he whispered and softly kissed her smooth neck.

My mother gasped, “Ki?” (“What?”).

“Tumi jano, ki bolte chaichi ami.” (“You know what I mean.”). Dada said as he moved his arms towards mom’s waist and moved his lips to her neck below her right ear, lightly kissing her. In response, she closed her eyes and slightly gave out a sigh. Dada’s way of touching and moving his fingers over her body was really sending chills throughout her body. I could see dada giving wet kisses to mom as his tongue too was trailing all over her neck. (It was a lover's kiss!)

Dada now moved his hips forward, pressing his shaft over her saree covered mound. And after doing this, dada started moving his pelvic region against mom’s frontal below waist part. And a little later, mom too started responding back.
“Ahhhhhhhh!”, my mom gasped as they pushed each other’s pelvic region back and forth together, her excitement getting alive, perhaps. Dada again said something very softly which again I was unable to hear.

But then mom replied in quiet an audible tone, “Ummmm! Acha! Kintu shudhu ekbar!” (“Ummmm! Alright! But just once!”), she finally agreed to my dada’s indecent request. My beautiful sweet mo thmen moved her both hands down trailing all over his masculine body from chest to waist and with a very gentle touch took the border of the vest and helped dada to took it off. Dada threw the vest and in a swift pull down his trousers. Mom was shocked again with this surprise act of dada and she covered her eyes turning face to other side, “Chii…. Eta ki korchis??” (“Chii….. what are you doing??”).

Dada gave a perverted smile and said in a light tone, “sei kaaj ta korte gele amake eta to kortei hobe… tai na??” (“To do that, I have to do this…. Isn’t it”). Dada was stark naked now. And I was so surprised to see that dada has such a long and thick pee-pee!! And it was still on the way to take a gigantic form. Mom looked at dada, from head to toe. Dada indeed had a well toned body. Nice reflexing muscles, broad chest with little bit hair on them, and even the thighs too were in a great shape. Mom really looked enchanted and then slowly, unknowingly she kept her hand on one of his thigh, right next to his crotch.

She hesitated for a few seconds before moving forward but soon she got over her hesitation and shy (if left any) moved her hand down to his dick and wrapped her smooth hand around it. Very cautiously her delicate soft fingers moved over his manhood, trailing from the bottom to the top, swirling around the swollen red head before trailing back down it. It was big, the veins bulged and pulsed as Dada gasped now. “Ohhhhh!”, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath so as to calm himself.

Now, in response to mom’s service, he also pressed his body more against her, allowing his dick to rest against her stomach as she stroked him. He then put his lips on her gaping mouth and began exploring her mouth with his tongue. At the same time, he slid his palms down her back, onto her massive protruding ass. He proceeded to knead her ass cheeks as if they were dough.

She continued to to rub her fingers up and down his shaft slowly and rhythmically. “Hain, thik aei vabei korte thako.” ("O Yes, do just like that.”), he said breaking off the kiss. Just as he said this, mom couldn’t keep herself in control and quickly hugged dada, mashing her massive naked melons against his broad chest. Dada took his time and very slowly separated mom from his body and slowly undid the folds on the waist of my mom’s saree and as soon as they were undone, the saree fell off her on its own weight, exposing her exquisitely threaded petticoat.

Not wasting any time, dada quickly untied her petticoat and let it fall to the ground! Seeing my mom just in her panties, my eyes grew wide. Although I was enjoying every bit of it but still some of those scenes were beyond my digestion. Dada quickly placed his right hand and lightly rubbed her mature mound over her modest panties. “Oh kaki… tomar panty to dekhchi bhije geche.!” (“ Oh aunty… you're panty is so damp.!”). He said enchantingly while kissing her lips and nibbling her ear lobes.

Dada continued nibbling mom’s right ear while on the other hand he reached inside her pink lace panties with his fingers, possibly finding her drenched lips. From his hand movement, I could very well tell that he was sliding his hand up and down the length of her juicy mound (pussy) lips causing her to shake unsteadily. Suddenly she opened her eyes wide and her mouth formed a big ‘O’, which indicated that he had likely pushed one or two of his finger inside her. His left hand cupped her tit and tweaked the extended nipple with his fingers.

Very soon, her panties became dark and her womanly fluids began leaking from the sides and down her legs. Visibly quite tired, she lowered herself on the ground and started panting heavily. She wanted to look upset but her expressions quickly betrayed her fake emotions. Dada kept his left hand at back of mom’s head and pushed her head towards his manhood. Mom gulped and looked at dada. Dada smiled at her with some seriousness on his face.

Mom soon realized that there’s no turning back now and therefore, obediently, wrapped her fingers around Dada’s shaft and moved her face a bit towards the thicky shaft. As soon as she did this, Dada grabbed the back of my mom’s head and forced her face against his cock, causing her to involuntarily open her mouth as he forced the tip of his manhood (cock) into her mouth. My mom’s eyes immediately grew wide as a result of shock and surprise due to this sudden aggressiveness from Dada’s side and as she tried to move back, dada held her face against his cock; trying to be gentle.

Seeing as there was no way out and sooner or later she had to do the needful, my sweet mother gave up and submissively opened her mouth wide, letting the dick slid in. As her luscious lips slid past the mushroom head of dada’s enlarged cock, my mom grabbed his thick base for support so as to not let the cock go in too deep unexpectedly. From the movement of her face, I could tell that her tongue was working the underside of the dada’s engorged cock.

Her red lips and moist tongue moved back and forth, her mouth engulfing half of his length. Dada’s eyes closed automatically and he rolled back his head in pleasure, “Ohhhhhhh,,,, Kaki, tumi toh ekebare expert!” (“Ohhhhhhh, Aunty, you are an absolute expert!”). As his manhood was coming out of her mouth, I saw her veins relax and his thick rod covered in saliva. Her mouth was dripping as well, with a mix of spit, saliva and precum.

Mom nodded her head a bit and tried to smile as to give a sign of approvement. Dada soon left the back of mom’s head and kept both of his hands on his waist and slowly giving light pushes of his waist at mom’s mouth. As soon as he started doing this, she placed both her hands on his shaft and tongue teased his big head before sliding him back into her mouth. She came up once more and ran her tongue down the underside of his generous length before taking one, then the other of his balls in her mouth.

The entire time she jerked his enlarged tool with her saliva-lubed hand. All these actions continued for a long time. When his heart was contended, he signed mom to stop. Like an obedient girl mom stopped immediately and looked above at dada anticipating his next command. Dada now beckoned her to pull off her panty and lay down on the ground. Without a word of resistance, mom got rid off her panty in no time and lie down on the ground. Dada came and sat in front of her legs, took hold of each one and parted them to a maximum extension. Mom’s sweet mound (cunt/pussy) came in view.

The pussy lips were reddish in color with little trimmed hair on top or saying at the starting of the waistline. Dada was almost lost in the beauty of those vertical lips. He bent on the mound and gave a light kiss on them. Mom shivered at dada’s act. He caressed those lips with great love and ecstasy. It was wetty. Dada caressed it for some time and then took his fingers to his nose and inhaled deeply. A devilish smile appeared on his face. He now put the two fingers in his mouth and sucked them hard. After that he forced his two slippery fingers into her wet twat. He pushed them in up to the knuckle and pulled out within a second.

“Aaahhh…” mom screamed in excitement. My mom’s expression seemed like she too was getting more aroused as dada continued to finger her sweet pussy furiously. She had thrust her hips forward to allow him complete access. He pulled out his fingers occasionally to tease her clit and occasionally in-between, she would let out low moans. Dada kept on doing his actions. He pushed his fingers back inside her, wiggling them a little when they were all the way in, then pulling them out again. He divided his time finger fucking her womanhood and rubbing her clit.

This action was arousing her to no end! “Unghhhhhh….Mmmmmmm….Ahhhhh…!!!”, she moaned lying down on the ground, twisting her body right and left restlessly. Sometimes she would herself pull her hair in extreme ecstasy and sometimes she would grab a handful of grass and hold on to them tightly. Dada continued pumping his fingers into her with full fierceness. My mom whimpered harder, her breathing getting faster. Soon, my mom’s knees bent and she arched her head back, mouth wide open letting out a long agonizing moan, letting out a whole lot of juices coming out from damped cunt. It was all over his hand, fingers and on mom’s thighs too.

Now dada was frantically kissing and sucking her pussy mound while his hands played with her massive melons. I saw my mom involuntarily spread her legs further apart and arched her hips forward giving my dada better access to her pussy. As soon as he got the encouragement, he inserted his tongue into the slit gently nibbling and pulling on her labia. Dada as an expert was working his tongue in perfect motions along her labia causing her pussy to get wet again.

The tickling sensation struck at some part of my mom’s raw sensual nerve and she bit her lips in burning desire. As a result, she started to rotate her hips enjoying the touch of his tongue. She jumped when dada touched mom’s clitoris with his tongue, and at the same time put his manly hands on each of her smooth creamy boobs to calm her down. Dada, indeed was very skilled as he flickered his tongue, gently moving in little circular motions with just enough pressure that made my mom squirm even more.

“Mmmmmmm…!!!”, she let out a low moan and shaked her head sideways. This way, this whole action went for some long time and mom very soon let out her juices for the second time. Dada too was panting now because of his whole actions. While taking deep breaths he smiled cunningly at mom. Mom too smiled back at him but was panting vigorously.

To ease her a little, dada bent down and gently started to kiss her soft boobs which gave her goose bumps as she felt his lips touch her creamy skin. “Mmmmmm….ahhhhhhhh!!”, my mom let out a muffled moan. My expert dada was nibbling on her tits and gently biting around her nipples, while he picked up her slender and bit chubby legs and spread them apart, resting her feet on the ground. I believe she understood what he wanted and since he had given her such a great pleasure, she was forced to oblige his request or say command.

Meanwhile, dada’s rod was now looking like a wet blunt spear directly pointing toward her dripping mound. He continued to kiss her heaving mammaries as he prepared to enter his erect dick into my mother’s dripping cunt. “Hahhhhhhhh…Ahhhhhhh!!”, my mom let out a gasp as she felt the head of his rod spreading her mound (labia) apart and slowly moving along the slit. She stopped breathing as my hunk dada gave a little shove and she wriggled as the head of his cock entered her pussy.

She involuntarily spread her legs apart to give him more access to her moist love-canal. Dada continued to nibble at her boobies as I saw him push forward lodging the head of his cock another inch inside my mother. “Ahhhh…la-lagche…kh-khub b-boro!” (“Ahhhhh…it’s hur-hurting…it’s t-too la-large!”), she groaned as his cock sunk deeper against the walls of her vagina.

After a few seconds, I saw him back out and then he pushed himself forward again, driving himself further inside my sweet homely mother’s love-hole. “Amamamaam!!!!”, she moaned as the stiff rod got more into her. Then again she whispered, “Ohhhhh, tomar ta bishal boro lagche amar bhetore!” (“Ohhhhhh, it feels so big inside me!”). I noticed an extreme passion in dada’s eyes as he continued pushing himself deeper inside my sweet mother.

Her pussy appeared stretched as he slowly fucked her. But instead of groaning in pain, she almost yelled, “Ahhhhhhh!!! Ohhhh hainnnn!! Aaro kor amae! Purota dhukie de amar modhe!” (“Ahhhhhh!! Ohhhh yessss! Fuck Me! I want it all inside me!”) I was pleasantly surprised by the turn of events. My mother had accepted her other side and now was shamelessly begging for dada’s cock like any other woman (whore)!

Dada leaned forward and probed his tongue back into her nipples as he licked them with great passion, while he lifted himself up enabling to push inside her deeper. “Ahhhhhhhhh!!”, my mom moaned, her body trembling as she felt the my hunk dada’s large boner sliding in and out of her honey-pot. Occasionally, she would glanced down between her massive boobies and saw this thick cock disappearing inside her.

From where I was hiding, I could easily see his cock each time he thrust himself inside her making her body shake and shiver as his toned muscular body touched hers. Dada’s cock was glistening now from her juices. My mom was also reciprocating his advances, as she bucked her hips up to meet the hunk’s downward thrusts into her.

Suddenly, dada stopped, took out his rod and said something to my mother. In return mom gave a shy smile and got up and turned over on to her knees in a doggy position. Dada came to back of her and resumed his work. “Unghhhhhhh!!”, my sweet homely mother bit her lip and slowly slid down, as she was impaled upon every inch of his meaty manhood, sliding all the way inside her tight wet cunt.

My mom started grinding her hips and bouncing back and forth on dada’s bare naked member. He held a tight grip on the plump globes of her busty (38-size) hips as he thrust into her, her tight pussy gripping him like a vice. Mom had simply closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his thick member going in and out of her wet snatch.. My mom then began doing a slow grinding as she ran a hand through her own hair. Dada on the other hand, took her right tit in his hand, tweaking the nipple and then pinching it. As a result, she started to pump back to his cock with even more eagerness, trying desperately to get herself off.

Suddenly, from behind, dada slapped her ass cheeks hard two or three times! “Ahhhhhhhhhh!!”, my mother gave a loud cry of wincing pain. Then I saw him spit on his fingers and insert his broad fingers right in the valley between my mother’s butt cheeks. He rubbed his wet fingers over her ass-hole and seemed to lubricate it for some reason.My mom and Dada were reaching their final stages. His hands were moving on my mom’s breasts, squeezing, pinching and mauling them.

She did a little rotational wiggle with her hips and proceeded to slam back and forth over and over again. “Aaahhhhh…. Ohhhh….Ohhh…kaaakiiii…….. aar parchhiiiii nnaaaa dhooreeeyyy rakkhteeeyyyyy.” (“Aaahhhhh…. Ohhhh….Ohhh…aunty….. I can’t hold on anymore.”). He said.
My mom didn’t utter a single word. Instead she increased her back and forth motions on dada’s hard member. Dada too had increased his speed. There was a loud “thap thap thap thap” sound. Both were behaving like wild animals.

And very soon, both of them gave a loud “Aaaahhhhhh…. Ohhhhhhhh…..” moan and both collapsed there; breathing heavily. Both seemed to be drained off energy. After resting for quite a while, they both got up and started to clean themselves. I saw a whole lot of sticky white substance oozing out of mumma’s cunt when she was wiping it with her saree. Don’t know why but I too was out of breath. And because of fear of getting caught, I tiptoed carefully from there and after reaching a certain distance, I ran into the house.

After that day, sessions like that continued. Whenever mom and dada got a chance to be on their own, they never missed a session. They even did kissing and sucking of lips in front of me. Gradually they became very bold and soon they started to have their sessions in front of me!. Though mom was always there for me, whenever I wanted but as soon as the work was over, mom got back to Dada and showered her whole love, care and devotion.

Yes! You read it right… Devotion! The way she used to touch and caress Dada’s body, and took care of his every needs, from materials to physical, that indeed showed her devotion towards dada. As a kid, it was really very hard for me to guess or know the exact reason for mom’s attachment and attraction towards dada. I even noticed that after sometime from the day of their first session (fuck), she stopped wearing bra. I very well knew that she was doing this only because dada wished her to do so. Without dada’s suggestion or command, mom won’t move an inch nowadays.

I remember a day when I caught fever and was in no condition to go to school or even stand on my legs for a full one minute. Dad had left for his office and didi for school. I was on my bed, half slept, when suddenly I happened to hear some giggling sounds. It continued for couple of minutes or so, and just then I saw mom laughingly taking entry into the room; arranging her disheveled pallu. Her braless boobs were jumping underneath the light green blouse and her pink saree looked like somehow wrapped around her.

Dada entered into the room behind her and groped her there itself and started kissing the back area of her neck and ruthlessly pressing her boobs. Mom, in no time started moaning lifting her head in the air and taking it little backwards. Dada didn’t waste any time and soon shifted all his focus towards her pallu. He removed it from the shoulder and within the blink of an eye; he very expertly opened the top two buttons of the blouse. As soon as the hooks got unhooked, a good amount of cleavage came into the view.

Although her cleavage was already visible but after unhooking it was more to relish. Dada bent a little and kissed on top of the cleavage. Mom left out a deep sigh just as dada’s lips touched the skin of her cleavage. She caught hold of his head by his hairs and pressed it over her cleavage. Persistent kissing and licking of her cleavage was gradually making her aroused. Restlessly standing and shaking her body, she tried to take hold of dada’s face and plant a kiss on it but dada was too reluctant to pick up his face from her cleavage and upper boob area.

Slowly she started to give in and succumbed to dada’s erotic actions. Very soon mom’s saree too was taken away from her body. Now, she was just standing in her half opened blouse and a cream colored petticoat. Dada lifted her and walked towards the bed where I was sleeping. He put down mom on bed very gently and with his eyes, signaled mom to move me a bit more at the other end of the bed. After then, dada too climbed up the bed and laid beside mom.

Dada himself was wearing a vest and had a towel wrapped around his waist instead of any cloth.

He then asked Mom to take off his towel. Mom gladly did that with a huge smile on her face as if it was her obligatory duty. Underneath that he was wearing briefs. He asked (or better say commanded) Mom to help him to take off his briefs too and inhale deeply along with little licks on the front part of it. For Mom this was the first time she was experiencing something like this, she loved the dirty oddly smell that came from dada’s brief which consisted the combined smell of sweat and cock.

After doing that for few good minutes she looked dada deep in his eyes and smiled naughtily. Seemed like there’s something like her dream coming true. She then started licking his inner thighs from his knees and fully drenched his thighs with her saliva. Then she started licking his balls and then in the process pushed both of his balls inside her mouth and kept it for around 5 minutes without any action. I guess that dada has never experienced these slutty things and he surely felt like he is in heaven.

She then started to lick his cock from down but he did not allow to lick his cock instead he wanted her to lick the part of his body below his balls for which he took his both legs and kept above mom’s shoulders which gave easy access for that motherly mouth to explore the area under the balls. The whole of groin area was clean shaved, with no trace of tiny hair. He made her lick that area for around 10 minutes and this made his cock seemingly ready to come into action at any moment.

He then moved his legs even more up giving access to his ass hole to the holy motherly mouth. This was the first time Mom seeing and feeling someone else's ass hole. This was too much for her, she gave loud moans and started licking his ass hole like anything. By the look on dada’s face, it clearly seemed like he was in the heaven. She licked his asshole for a very long time but dada never seemed to be getting over with it. He then finally let mom take her mouth out and instead gave her, his cock to suck.

She enjoyed his cock like a candy or an ice cream and tasted every inch of it, She first did tongue flickering on just over the tip of his cock and then very slowly, licking, gripping the sides of the cock with the tongue and leisurely coming up, looking straight into his eyes with a hint of satisfying smile at the corner of her lips, she came over to the top of the cock and at a snail's pace swallowed the bulb mushroom top of the dick completely.

Dada then got hold of my half nude mother's head and started to deep throat her like anything. Her mouth touched his balls every time when he deep throated her. He did this for nearly more than 10 minutes and at last couldn't control. His cock ended up spurting liters of sticky white liquid substances directly into her throat which my sweet homely mother swallowed every bit of it. He then gave her his towel to wipe her face and then gave her a tight kiss on her lips.

He then removed all of her dresses and made her naked except her mangalsutra. He then again made her to suck his drooping dick. Her head was shuddering like anything upon the action of her sucking the cock. This made mom restless and she pushed three fingers of her into her cunt and started masturbating. After few minutes of sucking dada made her to lie down on the cosy bed which was very comfortable and spongy. Then he started licking and kissing all over my lovely mother's breasts which also made her mangalsutra fully drenched with saliva. Dada was taking his full time in devouring mom’s beauty to his full satisfaction. He was like making me know this fact that my mother deserves even more pleasure.

I think dada had gone crazy with uncontrollable sexual urge to eat her pussy. Then he buried his face into her pussy and rubbed all over it. He brought his tongue out and licked her whole cunt. Mom began to moan and wriggle her body in pleasure. She replied in an erotic tone mixed with surprise: “haan re… tui ki shotti amar dhon ta eto valobasis… oita ekebare khete nibi naki….? Vablei kemon jeno lage amar.” (“Oh, dear .. you really love my that…are you really going to suck my pussy…?

I am already getting extreme pleasures just by thinking about it.”) With this, she separated her pussy lips as wide as she could. Even I could now clearly see her clitoris and big reddish pussy hole. Dada ran his tongue on her clitoris in a rubbing way. She moaned hard and giggled. Then he took the clitoris into his mouth and sucked it very hard. She began to bounce and wriggle her body like a fish taken out of water. And again, she began to moan more loudly.

Dada sat again. Now his attention was on her pussy hole. Now even I could also find it has become wet and juicy with her pre-cum. Dada managed to shoot his tongue into her reddish tunnel slowly. The way he looked clearly suggested that he is mentally thanking her for letting her pussy be licked, sucked and fucked with his tongue. Frankly speaking, even if her pussy smelt offensive I am sure, dada would have felt it like the sweet fragrance of jasmine flowers.

He twisted his tongue and probed inside her. Then he began to suck it. As his sucking continued for over 3 minutes, she bounced and made some involuntary movements moaning fiercely. This followed a little amount of thick discharge from her hole. She reached orgasm at last. In utter thirst, he gulped her juices down his throat greedily. “huh… ummmm….mmmmm….. nonta lagche go..” (“huh… ummmm….mmmmm….. It tastes salty dear.”)

Suddenly, mom suggested something very slowly in dada’s ear. As per her suggestion, dada stood behind her body and cupped her breasts. Then as asked by her, dada began to rub his weak cock between her asses. She must be an expert sexologist, because dada began getting pleasurable sensations by doing this and soon became aware of his cock that began to get erect again slowly. As soon as it erected fully, he made her lay on her back on the bed.

Seeing dada teasing her by rubbing the top of his cock on her cunt, she giggled and guided his cock into her pussy. His cock slipped into her tunnel easily. I don’t know it pained or not but surely had made mom moan in pleasure again. All I remembered was dada doing a vigorous fucking. It was only when she remarked that he was fucking her more vigorously than her husband. At this dada smiled like a Champ and continued with his work. I must say I too did really enjoy the fucking session she got that day even though I was totally in an uncomfortable position.

Interestingly, she was more responsive than receptive. She lifted her legs, wrapped them around his buttocks tightly and began to give upward thrusts with her pussy to match his. I saw dada becoming aware while doing so. She often tightened the grip on his cock inside her with her vaginal muscles which indeed gave him extra added pleasures. Dada ploughed her whole pussy with incessant heavy thrusts with his cock going deep inside her.

He was fucking her pussy mercilessly the way a psychopath would stab a man in revenge who raped and killed his wife or any dear one. A few minutes later, she attained orgasm and luckily at the same time dada too climaxed pumping his whole fluid deep into her juicy pussy. The joint climax surely took them to the pinnacle of pleasures as in extreme madness they rolled over and over on the whole bed.

But as the wise ones say, the hidden things aren’t kept hidden for a long time. Soon, baba (dad) came to know about the whole thing going on between mom and dada. He was surely pissed off. Was angry to a far off extent. For many days, maa and baba quarreled with each other. Bada even wanted to throw dada out of his house; but mom opposed strongly. She threatened baba that if he made even a slightest of any move, she will commit suicide and would leave behind a hand written letter stating that it was actually you who provoked mom to take this step because he suspected her character.

Baba was speechless and left everything as they were going. Mom and dada kept on having their illicit affair. Some days later I saw police and lawyers coming to our house and having long chit chats with our mom and dad. Soon our other relatives too arrived and they too did have long chitchats with mom and dad and with even dada too. Some months later, mom and dad took divorce. Dad had our custody. Mom went to live with dada. Dada to started work of his own and soon his business became a big success. Sometime later, they got married! And 3-4 years later, I became didi (elder sister) of two cutie babies. They are indeed living a good and love filled life. Many years later I came to know that actually it was my mom who offered our custody willingly to dad. We still talk over phone and meet with each other in market or cinemas, except dad.