Tag: ancient


A Royal Impregnation

It was inconceivable that the people should know the Maharaj (King) was impotent. He could have adopted one like many kings do. But the political fragility of his rule did not permit him to make a public admission of this all too human failing.The first thought was that the senior queen may have been infertile. It was decided then that the other lesser queens should be tried. Before doing this, the King had to send word to the Principal Queen's father who was the powerful King of a neighboring country. Important political alliances could be upset by careless handling of such issues as which queen is to bear the crown prince.Maharani couldn't believe all of this. The Royal bed was the scene of many a battle but he had been on the receiving side. The Maharani engaged in sexual politics to retain her position as the Chief Queen; she wanted that not only in the legal sense but also in the marital sense. He had responded to her moves and yet, the truth was he couldn't impregnate her. Then

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