Tag: humiliation

Presentation of Neela - Part 4

Presentation of Neela - Part 4

Once again Neela was surprised because it was in all white except for the four poster bed that was dark mahogany and two chairs by the fireplace. And for a change the Prince was fully clothed in formals as if about to attend an important meeting.He stood next to the fireplace and as soon as she walked in, he caught her eye, and then till she left did not break the contact. He was relaxed and seemed in no hurry, his face was calm and showed no real emotion."Welcome my queen, please come towards the light so that I can see you properly." As he spoke he moved a few steps, took her hand and led her to the carpet next to the bed which was surrounded by lamps emitting soft glow.Still looking deep into her eyes, Javid spoke to the Priest, "Have a seat holy man, this will take a while." and the priest obeyed.Then Javid standing next to her whispered, "Don't mind him," and instantly Neela was aware of his power to create the bubble of intimacy in the midst of the crowd.Still he had not touched

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Presentation of Neela - Part 3

Presentation of Neela - Part 3

In the room there was a huge four-poster bed surrounded Gilt-edged chairs. With a sinking heart, she understood her humiliation was far from over. Just before going in Javid dragged the groom aside and whispered something in his ear. Neela was red with embarrassment and could not dare to imagine what he might have told.As Amir stopped for a glass of water, Neela decided to try her luck and said, "Darling Amir, can't we just do the deed and get rid of the crowd quickly?"Amir suddenly turned to her with a Stony face and said silkily, "Oh Darling you might have had your fill of crowds but this is my first time."Neela's breath caught at this obvious cruelty and cursing her luck she moved forward. With Amir following close behind. As they went in first they saw the usual crowd sitting with cigars and wine glass as if waiting for the show. Then to her shock, she saw her blood-soaked cloth spread over the bed.Although scared she was determined not to give in to these bastards. As Amir led

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Presentation of Neela - Part 2

Presentation of Neela - Part 2

The morning after the demeaning and degrading doctor's exam, Neela woke up depressed and gloomy. The way things were going, today was definitely a scary prospect and there were still 5 more days to go!To add to her humiliation, 2 guards stood next to her bed commenting on her flattened boobs as she slept and how much they would enjoy giving her globes a good squeeze. With red face burning in shame. Neela got up, only to see a bathtub in the far corner filled with the fragrant bath water with Dara in tow.As instructed, she climbed into the bath and to her shock, it was ice cold!. As her teeth clattered her nipples started to bloom. The guards and their chief were clearly enjoying the show. Neela was too proud to ask for hot water. So she started to bathe.As she soaped up her rounded boobs she felt some pain and discomfort no doubt due to mauling by the doctor and the stupid fitness tests. Even her thighs were sore and cold water was no relief.Then as she was about to ask for more water

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Presentation of Neela - Part 1

Presentation of Neela - Part 1

Princess Neela woke up and was instantly happy for it was the week of her 21st birthday and her birthday would be the one opportunity for her to escape all her troubles.Neela had been a little unlucky since her birth - her mother died during childbirth and her father died soon after with the grief. So, the kingdom and Neela had been under the guardianship of her uncle (father's brother) Mihir, now in his 60s and his twin sons - Bijan and Javid . Pure evil would be an understatement to describe the trio and they controlled every aspect of Neela's life with an iron fist. Although she had the palaces to stay in sumptuous feasts, best jewelry and clothing, she had no freedom and had always been cared for by elderly female servants and was not allowed to venture out of the compound.Only male contact was with her lascivious uncle and his equally degenerate sons. She also had to put up with her uncle's security chief Dara''s open salivation over her young nubile body on rare occasions that

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