Tag: incest

A Mother's Mistakes - Part 02

A Mother's Mistakes - Part 02

Chapter 10Chris Hudson's world had changed in ways he could have never imagined. A few weeks ago he was a typical teenager, trying to get into his girlfriend's pants, partying with his friends, and playing lacrosse for his high school team. Suddenly he was a more mature, if still young man that was more than a little infatuated with his thirty eight-year-old mother. He no longer cared that he didn't have a girlfriend. In addition, lacrosse, always his first love, didn't mean that much to him any more either. His days were filled with daydreams of his beautiful mother and the anticipation of the last hour of the evening when she would come to him and please him with her mouth.He wasn't sure about all mothers, especially considering the way some of his friends talked about theirs, but he thought that his was amazing. In all his young life he always believed that it was the guys whose libidos were off the scales. However, after watching his mother's enthusiasm and desire to suck him and

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படிப்படியாக மகனிடம்

படிப்படியாக மகனிடம்

மலையாள பட போஸ்டர் போல கண்ணாடியின் முன்னால் வெறும் டர்க்கி டவலை கட்டிக் கொண்டு கண்ணாடியில் என் அழகை ரசித்துக் கொண்டு இருந்தேன். டவலை கழட்டிவிடும்படியாக என் மார்பகங்கள் திமிறியது. ஏனோ உடல் அடக்கமுடியாத உணர்ச்சி வேகத்தில் நடுங்கியது. மனம் முழுதும் காமம். ஏனோ வயிற்றில் பட்டாம்பூச்சி பறந்தது. உடலெங்கும் இன்பக் கிளுகிளுப்பு பரவியது. உணர்சி பொங்கியது. இரவு மணி 10. இன்று

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A Mother's Mistakes - Part 01

A Mother's Mistakes - Part 01

Chapter 1It was six fifteen and Allison Hudson was late... again. The Friday afternoon traffic had been a bear and there was an accident on the freeway that tied up all three lanes for over a half-hour. It seemed that the traffic was getting worse by the day. Just a few years ago, suburbia was open land, rolling hills and lush greenery... now there didn't seem to be a square acre on which to put another house or strip mall. Allison was glad that she lived further out where neighbors were not at the end of the driveway, however the daily commute was getting harder to take, if not already unbearable.Allison thumped the steering wheel with her fingers impatiently and looked at the other commuters who were just as anxious to get home as she was. Well, maybe not quite that anxious. Bradley, her husband was out of town and her 18-year-old son, Christopher, was staying with a friend tonight. It wasn't often that she got the house to herself. Well, not exactly to herself... Jason was due over

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நல்லா துவைத்து எடுங்க

நல்லா துவைத்து எடுங்க

டெல்லி. காலை 7. 00 மணி.இன்னும் அறையில் இருள் சூழ்ந்து இருந்தது. தடிமனான திரை விரிப்பை விலக்கியதால் சுளீர் என்று சூரிய ஒளி அறைக்கு வந்து கட்டிலில் பட்டது. சுளீரென்ற வெளிச்சத்தால் என் கணவன் லெசாக படுக்கையில் அசைந்தார்."என்னங்க எழுந்திருங்க, நேரமாயிடுச்சி" என்று நான் குரல் கொடுத்த உடனே என் கணவர் எழுந்து சோம்பல் முறித்தார்.என்னை பற்றி சொல்ல வேண்டும். என் பெயர் அஞ்சலி. எனக்கு

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A Mother and Her Son - Part 02

A Mother and Her Son - Part 02

Chapter 8After the episode at the party, Sue and Tommy gradually became comfortable with their new relationship. Sue still knew it was very wrong but she no longer chastised herself for it. It was what her son needed right now she rationalized. It was their little secret.They both grew very casual about how little they wore in front of each other. It seemed to Sue that Tommy was always stopping in to talk when she was getting dressed. It never took long for Tommy to show that he was interested in more than conversation. Sue rarely protested.Each morning he would stop by as she dressed for work. Within seconds, she would have his penis in her mouth. Then a minute later, she would be drinking his sperm. Most evenings it was a replay. Sue was actually disappointed when they missed a morning or evening. She almost felt like she had become addicted to her son's semen.Sue was in her bathrobe after her shower one morning a week or so later. She had just taken her panties out of the drawer

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A Mother and Her Son - Part 01

A Mother and Her Son - Part 01

It had been two years since Tommy Ritter's father died. Tommy was sixteen when the tragedy occurred. While Tommy missed his dad a lot, it was no more than his mom did. Their life had been ideal--living in the suburbs, two-car garage, and nice schools. Everything was just about perfect until the accident.Bob Ritter had been driving home from work late one night when a drunken driver crossed the centerline and hit his car head-on. He never had a chance. The police said that the other car had been traveling at almost one hundred miles per hour.The funeral was difficult for everyone. Bob and Sue's relatives flew in from around the country and were a big help to Tommy and his mother. However, when the funeral was over, she and Tommy had to go home and deal with the loss alone. The accident changed their lives dramatically.Tommy's mom, Sue, had to go back to work to make ends meet and they had to sell their house. However, in the two years since Bob's death, Sue had done very well in her

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A Life Changing Trip with Mother - Part 03

A Life Changing Trip with Mother - Part 03

That evening Melissa washed Eric as usual, but she didn't do anything sexual with him. Eric was obviously disappointed. Melissa gave him a smile and went to the bedroom to wait for him.When Eric came upstairs Melissa saw that he was only wearing a towel. She smiled and patted the bed next to her.He dropped the towel and quickly he crawled onto the bed and lay down.Without a word Melissa bend over him and began to kiss his stomach. With little licks, she worked her way across his lower abdomen toward his already hard cock. She grasped his cock with one hand as she continued to kiss around his erection. For quite some time she avoided touching his cock, until finally, when she felt his hand on her head, she allowed him to lead her mouth to his cock. With a moan from both of them she engulfed him."Oh, God, Mom," he moaned. His hands directed her head up and down as his hips began to move.Melissa's head began to move faster and her hand began to pump his cock. Within minutes she was

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A Life Changing Trip with Mother - Part 02

A Life Changing Trip with Mother - Part 02

The next day on the slopes it had begun to snow, making the trail somewhat faster. This time it was Eric who challenged his mother to the race. He had a plan. As she took off down the slope, he intentionally stayed behind. When she had a good lead he headed after her. About halfway down the slope, they came to a spot where the trail veered right and left. Everyone, including Melissa went left.Eric went right. It was a dangerous section, which only the best skiers attempted. Someone had told him yesterday that it was a way to get down the mountain much faster.Eric moved swiftly onto the unfamiliar trail. It was dangerous, but the desire to win was even stronger. He owed his mother too many chores already. With all his skills, he moved swiftly down the slope. However, on one sharp turn, the snow under his ski's crumbled and suddenly he was launched into the air, heading for a tree and rock strewn crevice. The binding on his skis snapped and they flew in different directions. He hurtled

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சின்ன வீடு சிங்காரிகள்

சின்ன வீடு சிங்காரிகள்

எனக்கு நன்றாக ஞாபகம் இருக்கிறது அந்த நாள். ஆறு மாதத்திற்கு முன் நாங்கள் தஞ்சையிலிருந்து சென்னைக்கு வந்தோம். என் தந்தையார் காலமானதால் நானும் என் அம்மாவும் சென்னைக்கு வந்தபோது எனக்கு வயது 18. என் பெயர் ராஜு. என் அம்மாவிறகு வயது 45. என் அம்மா பெயர் ஈஸ்வரி. சென்னைக்கு வந்து அம்மா ஒரு ஹாஸ்பிட்டலில் நர்ஸாக சேர்ந்தார். அப்போது அந்த ஆஸ்பிட்டலில் கூட வேலை செய்தது

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A Life Changing Trip with Mother - Part 01

A Life Changing Trip with Mother - Part 01

Melissa Jacobs slowly forced her eyes open as the morning sunlight peeked through the blinds. She looked at the clock on her bedside nightstand and saw that it was almost 8 a.m. It had been quite some time since she had slept this late on a Saturday morning. She yawned, stretching her arms above her head, causing the pink silk sheet to slip from her large breasts, tickling her nipples into erection as it fell. A chill of undeniable excitement rushed through her and she trembled. She sighed with a bit of frustration at how easily her breasts responded to the slightest touch. Her nipples had always been very sensitive, but in the past six months she could barely touch them without feeling a tingling between her legs. She chastised herself for the inability to control what she considered inappropriate basic instincts ... after all; she was a thirty-six year old divorced mother of an eighteen-year-old boy. Women her age didn't have those feeling, or so she tried to convince herself.She

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