Tag: incest

Their Invincible Love

Their Invincible Love

She came from the Conference, tired, but jolly, because her well-thought, concrete speech got the wider clapping than the President's perfunctory one. She came buoyed, blossomed with anticipation, to give herself an evening of romance, then a carnal night, with her sacrosanct beloved of incestuous love, deeper than any bond conceivable in any human relationship.She had kept him away for three days for her preparations of this important event, an unimaginably long time for him not to touch her nipples, wet them with the honey of his saliva; not to caress her generous armpits and under her silk panties the strands of black gold which are crispy and strayed without the combing of his adoring fingers; not to chew on the sweetness of her clitoris purified by her sterile essence. It is indeed a long time for him waiting with his impatient manhood; she drove home thinking of her most adored gem of the world, springing her cotton panties with the juices for her womb blessed by her soul

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சின்ன பையனுக்கு சின்ன வீடான கதை

சின்ன பையனுக்கு சின்ன வீடான கதை

நன்றாக தூங்கிக் கொண்டு இருந்தேன். திடிரென்று கனவு கலைந்து விட்டது. லேசாக கண் விழித்து பார்த்தேன். நான் பார்த்தது தெரியாமல், என் தலைமாட்டில் அம்மா, என் அக்காவிடம் பேசிக் கொண்டு இருந்தாள். எனக்கு நல்ல ஜுரம். உடல் வலி வேறு, எனவே கண்ணை மூடிக் கொண்டு அவர்கள் பேசுவதை கேட்டேன். உடம்பு அடித்து போட்டாற்போல இருந்தது."அம்மா. மெதுவா பேசும்மா" என்றாள் என் அக்கா மாலதி. மாலதி நல்ல உயரம்.

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Hiking in the Mountains

Hiking in the Mountains

Mom had promised me that she and I would celebrate my eighteenth birthday at our cabin by the mountainside. I was eagerly looking forward for the occasion. I had always loved to visit our old little cabin, situated at the foothills. I also knew that perhaps it would be our last holidaying together for this season.With the winters were about to go, but the whether was still very cold. We all were looking forward for the upcoming summers. Within weeks the weather would slowly start getting warm and pleasant, it would not be long, before our small hillside town would be flocked by tourists.Mom would be very busy for the remaining season. Mom was a tourist guide as well as a rock-climbing coach. During the lean seasons, she worked part time at a local gym, teaching fat rich ladies the art of getting slim. However, in the summers, she would take a break from her gymnasium and do what she liked most, hiking and teaching people about rock climbing and mountaineering.Our little town is a

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Dream of Fucking My Sister-in-law Fulfilled

Dream of Fucking My Sister-in-law Fulfilled

I had secretly loved my sister in law Mina for many years. When I got married 24 years ago, she was only 18 years old. I developed an infatuation for her at that time itself. As years passed, I adored her growing beauty and admired her personality. Apparently I treated her like a sister, but in my heart of hearts I knew I was in love with her.I got married at the age of 27 and my wife was 23 at that time. We have two children, son 23 and daughter 20. Both of them are now studying away from home. Mina got married five years after us and her son is now 18, studying in a boarding school. My wife & Mina are very close to each other and the two families have an excellent relationship.In this kind of a well knit family tie there was no scope for bringing out my feelings for Mina in the open. Under the camouflage of brotherly affection, I showed my care for her. I hugged her or kissed her on the cheeks, whenever there was any opportunity. It looked perfectly normal and nobody ever

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இன்னொரு சக்களத்தி

இன்னொரு சக்களத்தி

நான் மகேஷ். வயது 22. இந்த சின்ன வயதிலும் எப்படியோ ஒரு ரெடிமேட் ஷோ ரூமில் மானேஜராக இருந்தேன். ஓனர் வட நாட்டு மார்வாடி. எப்போதாவது சென்னைக்கு வருவான். எனவே எல்லா கடையும் என் பொறுப்பில். நல்ல சம்பளம். எனவே பணம் ஒரு பிரச்சனையில்லை. போதாத குறைக்கு அவ்வப்போது கடையில் வேலை செய்யும் ரோஷினி, ராகினி, பத்மினி என்று வாழ்க்கை ஜெகஜோராக போனது. நான் நல்ல உயரம். 6 அடி இருப்பேன். நல்ல கோதுமை

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Lakshmi and her brother Karthik

Lakshmi and her brother Karthik

Lakshmi was in trouble. Not horrible trouble... it was more along the lines of pain-in-the-ass trouble. It seemed like her whole life was like that. Things just happened to her that didn't work out well.Most people would have said the latest was her decision to let Arjun Singh take her virginity. She'd fooled around a little bit on dates and stuff, but nothing serious. Then, at age eighteen, she'd decided in a fit of anger that she should be a woman. So she arranged for Arjun to make her one. He was most happy to do so, except he didn't bring a condom, like he promised he would, and by the time she found that out it was too late for both of them. It hadn't even been much fun, and she didn't plan on doing that a lot more. For her it was enough that she became a woman.Unfortunately, she also became pregnant.Her parents shipped her off to her older brother to get fat and have a baby privately, so all their friends wouldn't know about it. They assumed she wouldn't want the baby and it

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From Maid on Terrace to Mom on Bed

From Maid on Terrace to Mom on Bed

Sometimes events take a turn for the good especially if you have a live-in, young, recently married maid. I am, Vijay, a lone child, 19 years of age and studying in my final of collegeWe lived in Pune, in the entire top floor apartment of a building, where most of the flats were unoccupied, except for two ground floor flats. They were occupied on rent, by an Air Hostess and a Banker, who were more at work then at home. My father is an Engineer and is posted in the Middle East, since the last many years. My family consisted of my mother, around 38 years, who worked as a Manager for a firm and our live in maid Sunita, who had been with us since she was a child.Sunita came from a very poor family, who was happy to keep her with us, where she could get security, two square meals a day and a roof over her head. My mother left for work in the morning and returned only in the evening. I had my classes in the morning and returned for lunch. In the evening I went to play with my friends.

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Cousin Anita

Cousin Anita

I am Naveen a well-educated man well settled in life with my own business. I had fair amount of sex in my life but still till last week I had an unfulfilled fantasy that I had been having over for almost 20 years. I have entertained myself on numerous occasions where she played the starring role in my masturbatory fantasies. In fact Anita (my cousin) is a walking, talking, living wet dream.I had met her couple of times in my childhood as her family lived in another city but I got to know her better when her father was transferred to our town and they started staying near to our house. It's hard for me to remember exactly when I started looking at Anita in a way other than just as younger sister (she is 2 year younger to me).In a conservative society of India 25 years back I knew it would never become a reality, also I didn't have the nerve to even attempt to make it happen. Despite all this as she grew my desire for her grew, by the time Anita was 21 Years she seemed to develop all

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எதிர்பாராத இன்ப சுகம்

எதிர்பாராத இன்ப சுகம்

கண்ணாடி முன்னால் நின்று நிதானமாக தலை முடியை சரி செய்தேன். நீல கலரில் ஜீன்ஸ். மேட்சிங்காக ஒரு நீல கலரில் ஷர்ட் போட்டுக் கொண்டேன். மிக லேசாக பவுடர் போட்டுக் கொண்டேன். லேசாக செண்ட் அடித்துக் கொண்டேன். கண்ணாடியில் மீண்டும் ஒரு முறை நன்றாக பார்த்துக் கொண்டேன். நான் ராகவன். முழு நேம் ராகவன் மைக்கேல். நான் 20 வயதான ஒரு அழகிய இளைஞன். ஆனால் நான் உண்மையில் கேர் ஆஃப் ப்ளாட்பார்ம்.

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Look Who's Peeking

Look Who's Peeking

"He's doing it again." It was the first thought that came to my mind as I peeked inside my son's room.Inside the room, my son Kanan was laying spread eagle on his big double bed. I observed my handsome son as he slowly stripped off his clothes. He removed his t-shirt, then his shorts tossing them carelessly on one side. Then he propped his head on the pillows and stared at the screen of his laptop on his side that showed a porn movie in progress.I had seen him before in that state. In fact, for the last one week, I had been spying on my son...watching him discreetly while he masturbated.It began a couple of nights ago. I'm an early sleeper, but that night, I was finding it hard to sleep. I decided to take a walk in the backyard. So I left my bedroom, went to the kitchen, opened the door at the back. It opened in the backyard. I pushed the doors noiselessly and slipped outside.It was a moonlit night. I took a deep breath and began to walk in my backyard garden moving to and fro from

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