Tag: incest

Flash Back - Part 2

Flash Back - Part 2

Next morning being Saturday Amar left for college early and when he came back he was asked by his mother to change fast as they all were going out for dinner. Amar was delighted as they were going to one of his favorite restaurants.After having a wash and getting dressed up as he came he was enchanted to see his mother wearing a half white silk sari with a sleeve less matching blouse. This was the first time she was decked up so luminously and seeing her he felt proud.Soon they reached the posh restaurant and as the three of them entered the vast dining room Mayuri's mind raced back to the day when they were here last. She remembered it very well that Nithin had accompanied them and it was here that he had teased her in front of his brother. Her thoughts flashed backed to the particular moment when his hand which was on her thigh had failed to reach the goal. She remembered how at the last moment he had chickened out and how it had affected her.As she was recalling all this she was

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Flash Back - Part 1

Flash Back - Part 1

Sitting on the soft cushioned chair he waited for his Mom to come down. He had been waiting for last 15 minutes and it usually never took her so long to dress up and come down. At that point of time he did not know what was holding her up as they had to reach the Airport to receive his uncle and aunt.After glancing at his watch for umpteenth time as he looked up his eyes got focused on a gorgeous lady draped in a silk sari with her loose hair flying walking down the stairs. For few seconds it was difficult for him to envisage what he saw. It was hard for him to believe it was his mother, who was so gorgeously decked, her hair loose, her body swaying walking down the stairs and when she went past him, he was stunned when the perfume hit his nostrils. He was in a daze and as he could not reason out her appearance he followed her tamely.On following his eyes got riveted on her movements. Seeing her body sway he felt something, something which he could not envisage at that moment. It was

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Cooling Off

Cooling Off

It was seventh of April, a sultry summer day and Anju Shenoy could not have forgotten this day for ever. Precisely seven years had passed since the dreadful afternoon when she had heard the tragic news of the accident which had shattered her life to pieces.It was on that fateful day that her husband Rajesh Shenoy while returning home from office had met with an accident which had resulted in his right arm and leg being totally paralyzed. Since then, to date she had toiled hard to see that her husband and child were not affected in any respect and today after a lapse of seven long tormenting years she was feeling tired, fatigued, and lonely.Today she was so tired that after finishing her lunch she just stretched herself on the sofa and reclining on it as she started recollecting the horrifying past, her eyelids grew heavier and before she could lie properly on the sofa she fell asleep. In her sleep as Anju moved down on the sofa, the sari covering her chest slipped down, exposing a

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Coming Home

Coming Home

It all started with the Coming Home of Mr. Ravi Bahadur, a 22 year old Engineer with his wife Sujatha, charming young bride of 20 years to the ancestral home of his parents Mr. & Mrs. Rai Bahadur.Rai Bahadur a towering figure at 44 years was a Land Lord in a small town named Kaiga.His wife, Rohini, a real beauty was in her late thirties.They were a hard working couple, loved, feared and respected by one and all in the town.Being on the move every minute of the day, they had maintained an excellent physique and not even an iota of fat was in their bodies.They wore a look of a young couple.By nature, Rai Bahadur was up early every day.After having a massage done by his servant, was out on his farm for a stroll.He used to cover up to 10 K.M everyday by foot before coming back to his huge mansion for breakfast.His wife Rohini, meanwhile would finish all her morning chores like giving instructions to a stream of workers, who worked at the farm and as well as the mansion, going to the

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A String of Flowers

A String of Flowers

Standing on the balcony of her single room flat she was gazing at the bright stars playing hide and seek with the passing of thin clouds. At time they were sparkling brightly and at times the darkness overshadowed them as was the case with her from the past five years.Her eyes were filled as she recalled the moment when her son boarded the bus to reach a far off destination to pursue his studies, five years ago. Then also she had stood still staring at the bus slowly moving out of her vision and today she was gazing at the stars as the time of arrival of her son was nearing.In the past five years she had hardly met him ten times when she had gone to the boarding home. How she had wished she had enough money to visit him regularly, but those days she could ill afford it. She had strived hard saving money to see this day and today being the first day of his job, she waited for him to come home.She was uncertain as to when he would reach home. The seconds were slowly tickling by and as

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A Naive Bride

A Naive Bride

She was Preeti Sehwal, young lass of 21 years having married a week ago to Prakash Sehwal, was on a trip to her mother's house, accompanied by her brother-in-law Rajesh who was 23 years of age.Preeti had taken this trip on the advice of her husband Prakash, who earlier having spoken to her mother Sheetal had sent with her a sealed envelope addressed to her. Preeti was delighted to go to her mother's house and after traveling for 24 hours they reached the farm house situated some distance away from the nearest village.Preeti was born and bred in this farm house and as it was on the outskirts of the village she did not have any friends except the few children of their housekeepers and gardeners. As she was the only child of Rajiv and Sheetal she was pampered a lot and when Rajiv met with a fatal accident six months ago, his wife Sheetal saw that Preeti was married off.Sheetal had found in Prakash, a well established business man, most suitable partner for Preeti and soon she had

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சிற்றூர் கதைகள் - இரட்டையர்

சிற்றூர் கதைகள் - இரட்டையர்

கங்கா ஜமுனா ரெட்டைப் பொண்ணுங்க. அதுல கங்கா ஜமுனாவைவிட அஞ்சு நிமிசம் முன்னால பொறந்தா. ஆக அவளை அக்கான்னுதான் சொல்லுவாங்க. ஆனா பார்த்தா ரெண்டு பேரும் ஒரே மாதிரி இருப்பாங்க.அவுங்களப் பெத்தவங்களே சில சமயத்தில அவங்களை அடையாளம் காண முடியாம திணறுவாங்க.அது போலவே அவுங்க ரெண்டு பேருக்கும் மனசு எப்போதும் எல்லா விசயத்திலையும் ஒத்துப் போகும். ரெண்டு பேரும் கலரு கருப்பா

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Grandma's Rituals

Grandma's Rituals

On the king size bed in the privacy of their bedroom Alka was thrashing her body wildly while her husband was pounding his cock deep into cunt. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her cunt and knew that any moment he may spurt. As she lifted her legs and allowed his cock to penetrate deeper, giving a final trust her husband spent his sperm into her and being exhausted lay upon her crushing her on the bed. She liked it as it was on rare occasion that he fucked her, more so when he had planned to go on a tour. It was his way of telling her that he will out for few days. Alka looked forward for his tours as it was during this time he used her body.Today it was different as her husband had asked her to take their son and visit her mother. She was worried thinking about her mother who came from a nomad family. She was worried about the stories her mother would tell her teen-aged son. She was worried it may upset him. Apart from the stories the rituals her mother believed in were

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Lift Her Sari

Lift Her Sari

He heard the car tyres screech and the door slam before she came striding in. She looked furious and it was the first time he heard her swear and as usual she went to her room and locked herself in. This was happening for a fortnight and Dileep sitting on the sofa could no longer see his mother suffer which prompted him to pick ip the diary and skin its pages.On finding the desired number he dialled and the wait was tormenting before Shyla his mother's friend picked up the phone."It's Dileep," he said with a sigh of relief."How are you my boy?" asked Shyla."I am fine, can I speak to you," he asked."You are lucky to have caught me. I was about to leave," she replied."It's about mother, did she talk to you?" he asked."No what's wrong with her," she alleged."For a fortnight she has looked stressed and stays locked in her room. She comes out only when it's very essential and even then she evades me. Sometimes she howls at me and today I heard her mouth bad words." Said Dileep."Perhaps

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Time was Just Ripe

Time was Just Ripe

The cat crossed the street and sat wagging its tail on the steps of the house just opposite to us as though it was mocking at me. Gayathri, my mother began slapping her cheeks with both her hands, looked up to the sky and began praying as foolishly as she has always remained. I knew it is going to take a few more minutes before I can finally leave for college, which is a couple of miles away from my house.What a bad omen! my mother panted as she rushed inside the house and returned with a glass of water.Take a few sips of water while I will keep an eye on the street, She began looking out for any more cats; widows; people who never had issues; anything which she considered as a bad omen if they came across me while I stepped down from the house. It was then that some of my classmates went past our house looking at me standing on the steps, glancing at the cat which was still sitting in the opposite direction and smiled as they knew what was going on.I am getting late, I groaned at my

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