Tag: seduced

என் மனைவிக்கு மேக்கப் டெஸ்ட்

என் மனைவிக்கு மேக்கப் டெஸ்ட்

என்னுடைய பொருளாதார நிலைமை நன்றாகவே இருந்தது. ஆனால் அது எனக்கு போதுமானதாக இல்லை. பெரிய உயர்தட்டு மக்களை போல ரிச்சாக இருக்க வேண்டுமென நினைப்பேன். என் கவர்மென்ட் உத்தியோகத்தில் எனக்கு நிரந்தர வருமானம் உள்ளது. ஆனால் அதுமட்டும் எனக்கு போதுமானதாக இல்லை. ஆனால் என் மனைவி எங்களுக்கு இருக்கும் சின்ன ப்ளாட், ஒரு மாருதி கார், நான் அவளுக்காக வாங்கிக் கொடுத்த நகைகள்…. இதுவே

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Two Moms, Two Laps, Two Hours

Two Moms, Two Laps, Two Hours

"Harold, this is crazy! We're never going to fit all that in the car.I had to agree with Mom on this one. We were shutting down the summer cabin early, and as usual, it meant bringing home lots of gear that had migrated there during our multiple 'mini-vacations'. Unfortunately, Dad's workload had exploded with a new contract, and it was unlikely we'd get back out to the house again that summer.This season we'd accumulated more than ever. The coolers with all the game meat were the main culprits. We'd planned on the wild pig hunt earlier in the summer, but had to reschedule twice, due to weather. Mom and Aunt Marie had conniption fits when they found out we'd be hunting on the last day of our vacation. After a bit they settled down and gave in. Mom was a big believer in 'male bonding'. Dad and I didn't do enough together, other than watch football part of the year, by her way of thinkin'.We'd taken up hunting two years back, and even though it was pricey as hobbies go, it turned out to

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The Train Ride

The Train Ride

Rohan watched the train coast into the station. Glancing down at his watch, he saw that it was already four o'clock. He had been waiting for the train almost an hour. The smell of diesel and hot metal washed over him as the train finally came to a stop. Looking down the line of dirty silver cars, he saw a lady hanging out of a window frantically waving to someone. She was one good looking woman, he thought before he realized that it was his mother. He grinned foolishly, waving back at her. As she continued to wave, he picked up his suitcase and trotted down the platform toward her. Watching her, he saw that she was leaning farther out the window the nearer he got to her."Hello Ma!" he puffed, setting his bag down and reaching up for her."Oh, My Beta! I'm so happy to see you," she said leaning down "It seems like it's been forever since I last saw you."She was leaning out so far out of the window that her saree had fallen to the side revealing her big, soft white breasts. He tried not

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Indian Wife's Holiday

Indian Wife's Holiday

My wife and I planned went on our first trip to north India a couple of years ago. I had been to Bombay previously but it was the first time for Malavika to the north. We had 4 weeks to spend which we divided between Calcutta, Darjeeling, Delhi and Jaipur. In the days preceding the trip we were anxious but equally eager to make the best use of the time available. The night before the trip we had a steamy sex session and we naturally discussed about planning some encounters for my wife during our holidays.I knew how much my wife was looking forward to it.It was a bit of a boring journey from Bangalore, but as the night approached it looked promising. We were in the first class AC compartment and shared the coupe with a family of husband, wife and two boys. The couple were in their early forties and were very friendly, although I noticed the man to be particularly friendly with Malavika. We learnt that the couple were called Gopal and Jayshree. His wife was very simple to look at and

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My Aphrodisiac Aunty and sexy Mother

My Aphrodisiac Aunty and sexy Mother

After completing my SSC exams, I went to my Aunty- mother's elder sister Padmavathi Devi's house. Padma aunty's husband was her maternal uncle. Padma got married when she was 16 and her uncle 29. They have two daughters Radha and Visala 21 and 19. Both got married. Padma' husband was govt. officer, got transferred to state head quarters and didn't shift the family. He used to visit aunty once a month or so. Padma was alone in the house and It was proposed by her that I stay with her, join the college for my inter course. My parents agreed. That's why I went to stay with her. More over since she doesn't have male child, I was treated like her son.Even at that age I was sexually attracted towards her and spent all day looking at her. Padma Aunty was 39, 5'6" tall, has beautiful sexy figure, a heavyset lady, large expressive eyes, pleasant pectorals, round face, thick juicy lips, dimple cheeks, blemish less clear smooth skin, long thick jet black silky smooth lustrous shining hair

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Exam Rewards - Shobha and Rahul

Exam Rewards - Shobha and Rahul

It was her twentieth anniversary day. Shobha was waiting for her husband Malhotra, a businessman who was never in time. Today her eyes were anxiously waiting for him as he had promised to take her out.Since a few years Malhotra was so busy in his business that he had practically neglected his wife. His main aim was to make money and he was so successful in it, that he multiplied his financial resources day by day and this kept him away from his wife and their only son Rahul.Rahul, who had just completed 18 years, was a brilliant student. He was the reason for Shobha to be content with life as her husband had been neglecting her since a few years. The only thing Shobha had at her disposal was money and she had it in plenty as her husband never questioned how she utilized it.Stepping into 38th year Shobha still possessed a figure that made every male turn his eyes. She was not conscious of her figure as she had resigned from enjoying sex with her husband since a long time and it never

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பட்டப் பகலில் நட்ட நடுவீட்டில் பரிகாரம்

பட்டப் பகலில் நட்ட நடுவீட்டில் பரிகாரம்

"எப்படியோ நம்ம கனவு நனவாகிடுச்சு இல்ல பவித்ரா......" என்றார் என் கணவர் திவாகர். "ஆமாம் திவா ...... இதுக்காக நீங்க எவ்வளவு கஷ்டப்பட்டீங்கன்னு எனக்குத் தான் தெரியும். " என்றேன் நான். ஒரு நீண்ட பெருமூச்சு அவரிடம் இருந்து வெளிப்பட்டது. ஏதோ ஒன்றை சாதித்து விட்ட அயர்ச்சியில் வெளிப்படும் நிம்மதியான பெருமூச்சு. ஒருவரின் வாழ்நாளில் இத்தகைய பெருமூச்சுக்கள் கிடைப்பது அபூர்வம்.

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சாமியாரின் காமவெறி

சாமியாரின் காமவெறி

ஏய்.. சாப்பிட போகலாம் எழுந்திரிடி…! என்ற கீர்த்தனாவின் குரலை கேட்டு மூழ்கியிருந்த வேலையிலிருந்து விடுபட்டு நிமிர்ந்தேன். அவள் சாப்பாட்டு கேரியருடன் நிற்பதை பார்த்துமணி ஒன்றாகிவிட்டதா….? என்றபடி திறந்திருந்த கோப்புகளை ஒவ்வொன்றாக கணினியில் மூட,''வேலைக்குள் நுழைந்துவிட்டால் உனக்குதான் உலகமே மறந்துவிடுமே..! என்றவாறு என் நாற்காலிக்கு பின்னால் உள்ள கப்போர்டை திறந்து

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சாமியாரின் காமச்சேட்டை

சாமியாரின் காமச்சேட்டை

நான் திருப்பூரில் ஜவுளி மொத்த வியாபரம் செய்கிறேன். தமிழகமெங்கும் சுற்றி ஆர்டர் எடுத்து சில்லரை விற்பனை செய்து வருகிறேன். சுமார் 10 வருடங்களாக தனியே தொழில் செய்தாலும் லாபம் என்று எதுவும் சொல்லி கொள்ளும்படி இல்லை. சம்பளத்துக்கு வேலை பார்த்த போது இருந்த நிம்மதி இப்போது இல்லை. ஆனால் அப்போது உழைத்ததை விட அதிக நேரம் உழைத்து ஓடாகியும் வாழ்வில் எந்த முன்னேற்றமும்

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சாமியாருடன் பாவாடை பூஜை

சாமியாருடன் பாவாடை பூஜை

என் பெயர் அமிர்தா. எனக்கு திருமணமாகி 4 வருடங்கள் ஆகிறது. இன்னும் எனக்கு குழந்தை பாக்கியமில்லை.என் கணவர் இரவு நேர வேலைக்கு செல்வதால், எங்களது தாம்பத்திய உறவு அவ்வளவு திருப்திகரமாக இருக்காது. அவர் எப்போதும் தூக்கம் தூக்கம் என்று இருப்பார்.முதலில் என்னை பற்றி சொல்லி விடுகிறேன். நான் மாநிறமாக இருப்பேன். எனது முலைகள் தொங்காமல் அழகாக இருக்கும். என் இடுப்பு ஒரு மடிப்புடன்

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