The Breast Tax

The Breast Tax

Published on: 2024-09-06 20:17:50

As we waited for the bus to my husband's home, I was heartbroken. Just six months ago, we had been passionately in love and so full of hope. My husband Raju, a tribal man and me, Radha, an urban girl born and brought up in the city, were not exactly a great match on paper. But, stars crossed and I defied my family (who disowned me) and walked out to Raju with literally clothes on my back. Raju was an artist and we had hoped that his art could sell to sustain us. Unfortunately it was not to be so. As it happens in the art world, suddenly the winds had shifted and we had lost everything. We hadn't even eaten a decent meal in the last month. With all our savings gone, we were now headed back to Raju's tribal village to beg support of his father and to find a livelihood.

Raju seemed very tense throughout the bus ride. Many times I could see he wanted to tell me something but the words couldn't come out. I could even see some tears slipping out. I felt sorry for the man.

"Don't worry darling. I will not have any trouble adjusting to this new life. We just need to save up a little bit and we can come back." Raju only looked at me with a mixture of sadness and fear. I could see his agitation grow as we approached the forest edge where the tribal territories started. Soon we were at his ancestral settlement.

The first shock for me was the bare breasted women walking around carrying water, gathering firewood etc. I knew he was tribal but did not know his village was this backward. Thankfully I could also see some women who wore an upper garment. None of them wore a saree like I did, but a petticoat and blouse. Which was practical. The women were also looking at me with great curiosity. I could understand that being a city girl I must look very strange to them.

First of all the women were dark whereas I was very fair. They were quite tall and well built, muscled due to their hard work in the forest. I was a bit short and on the plump side with a curvy body. I was naturally soft as I was brought up in the comfort of the city. I had soft black flowing hair which I had tied into a bun in an attempt to look older than my eighteen years. I was wearing a soft and comfortable saree for travel.

Slowly more men and women and children came out to greet us. I felt kind of a smirk as I could see men were the same everywhere. Even these tribal men couldn't stop ogling me. Thanks to my ripe young body, I was used to their stares and catcalls. I could see they were whispering eagerly with each other. I turned to my husband and now he seemed not just sad but scared.

Eventually, we reached my husband's Hut. My father in law waited outside. He was an older man but very strong and well built. As we approached I became uncomfortably aware of his eyes roaming over my body taking in my curves and soft skin. Even as my husband introduced me to him, his eyes lingered on my breasts.

The Hut was small. Just a hall and some cooking vessels in a corner. There was a small door that led to the adjoining bathroom. I was thankful for that at least. Raju explained to me that the village head, mukhiya sahib, a very generous man, had built it for all homes. But, hardly anyone used them. I was at least glad for this small mercy.

Later that night one of the next door neighbours brought some food and as we ate dinner she asked my husband,

"Have you thought about the tax?"

Tears rolled out of my husband's eyes as he shook his head in the negative.

"That's unfortunate. But don't worry I have sent a message to your mother's brother in the next village. You can go there and collect the money. You will also have to work for him for a while to clear that."

My husband started crying in relief, "Thank you, thank you. Anything."

"You are leaving me alone here? What tax is this now?" I couldn't wait any more.

"She does not know?" The woman was shocked. And started to explain soon my curiosity turned into disbelief and outrage.

The Breast tax

It was the tribal tradition that women and girls should pay a tax for covering their breasts to the mukhiya, the head of the neighbouring village. As the forest resources had dwindled, tribals were dependent on the employment by this village headman for generations. Some pervert had made this a rule and taken this opportunity to molest and abuse tribal girls.

The basics of the breast tax were that, whenever a girl got married into the tribe, the mukhiya would fix a breast tax which the husband had to pay. Until the husband paid it, the wife could not cover her breasts either with clothing or even with her hands. For the girls of the tribe, breast tax was paid at the time of marriage. So, it was not entirely uncommon to see girls awaiting marriage hiding topless in their homes or moving around with great embarrassment until their family could get the money together and pay the tax. Some women spent years undergoing this humiliation before money could be paid.

The elder had very cleverly used these funds to sponsor a yearly celebration for men where drinks flowed freely. Moreover men enjoyed ogling at women's breasts and opportunities to brush up and fondle them as the poor women tried to do their daily chores. So, this was an arrangement dreaded only by tribal women.

Raju was in tears "That's why I was so reluctant to come back and tried everything I could. Unfortunately I could no longer let us starve. I beg you please just go through tomorrow, don't protest anything, I will get money by the evening and I will protect you."

I was scared and terrified but I nodded my head. I had no options. My parents would never accept me. We would starve and die in the city. We needed to survive.

The neighboring woman hugged me and told me that it would all soon be over. She also gave me a set of traditional clothes to wear for tomorrow. It was a long night and both Raju and I couldn't sleep. Although we had been married for six months, we had not yet consummated the marriage as Raju felt I was too young and needed time to adjust to this major life change. But as was his custom. He gave me a chaste kiss on the lips from time to time to comfort me.

Next morning I woke up early and took a bath. I dressed up in the clothes given the previous day. It was not as bad as I had imagined. I wore my pink panty under the red mid length skirt. It was lightly frilly and comfortable to move. Blouse was also the same red colour but a little snugly fitted. It had short sleeves and buttons in the front and ended a little above my navel showing off a sliver of my creamy navel and deep belly button. The neckline was low and a little uncomfortable as there was no saree covering it.

I sat waiting for my husband to wake up so that I could get more details of the ceremony and prepare myself. But soon my father in law barged in, rudely woke my husband and hurried him away to get the money. We couldn't even say proper goodbyes. My husband just looked at me with teary eyes. "Please just do as they say. Do not defy." I nodded my head and followed him outside.

A sizeable crowd had already gathered outside our home to watch my husband depart (or so I thought.) As soon as he went off, I came inside the house and sat down in great anxiety. I could hear the sounds of the crowd getting louder outside and after some time silence fell. There were murmurs of greetings as if someone important had arrived.

There was a knock on the door and my father in law called me out. I walked out shaking in fear.

Just outside the Hut, my father in law stood with an important looking man. He was well into his 60s but well built and strong. I felt uncomfortable and self conscious as his eyes roamed over me. Almost all the men of the village had gathered around, salivating.

The village head mukhiya nodded in satisfaction "What a beauty! What a beauty! Raju is lucky to have such a gorgeous wife. But we can not let her beauty distract us from our duty. Let's get started."

The tribals and a few village men who had accompanied mukhiya applauded at this. I was unsure of what happened next.

My father in law apologized "Sahib, she is a city girl. Does not know our ways. Let me help her." He moved closer to me and whispered "Take off your blouse."

I had assumed this was something done in private like with a doctor. I shivered in fear at the idea of showing my naked breasts to all these men in the open air. But I also knew there was no way out of this. The quicker we get over this the better. I moved my shaking hands and started to unbutton the blouse.

As each button opened, I could hear the breathing of the men getting louder. I had opened all the buttons so that my cleavage and a sliver of skin was visible in the middle, but couldn't just shrug off the blouse. My father in law tapped on my shoulder "Take it off, take it off." I opened the blouse and let it go. I could hear a collective sigh as creamy breasts heaved free. But, a groan the very next instant as I instinctively covered my breasts.

Mukhiya was impatient now, "Take off your hands now. I don't have all day." He signaled to my father in law. Swiftly, my father in law moved behind me, grabbed my hands and held them behind. I struggled a little but realized that the more I moved, the more my boobs jiggled, entertaining the crowd. So, accepted my fate and stood looking down with shame.

Now the mukhiya moved in front of me. He seemed very pleased at the sight of my breasts. I have 36 D breasts. They are not huge, but firm and round topped with dark pink nipples. Now they were heaving in agitation as I was anxious, and the tips had turned pebble hard with the cold air.

The mukhiya reached out and put his hand on my right shoulder. He moved it down and to the side to cup my right breast. I whimpered in pain as he covered my breast and squeezed it painfully. But I also felt a strange feeling like butterflies in my belly which was strangely exciting and pleasurable. I was a little confused by this combo of feelings.

Now he moved his other hand to grab my left breast and started to rhythmically squeeze and release them alternatively. I could feel my breath getting shorter and a strange tingling sensation along my inner thighs.

The mukhiya took my nipples between his thumb and forefinger and started to pull and turn them. He was gentle in the beginning but increased his pace and started to pull and press roughly. Soon tears ran down my eyes as I moaned in half pain and half pleasure at his assault. Now he moved his hands below my breasts and lifted them up in his palm and jiggled them around.

He moved a step back and I was relieved that it was over. But the mukhiya bent down and took my right nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it and lightly bit the tip. This sent a wave of intense pleasure up to my toes and to my shame, I arched my back and tried to press into his mouth. He bit and licked on my other nipple also, creating more intense sensations, I swayed on the spot.

The mukhiya nodded in satisfaction "I think we have been quite thorough. I am very glad to see such firm young flesh." The tribals applauded. I felt my whole torso getting red in shame, as I stood there thirsting my bare breasts.

"Now the tricky question, how much should the tax be for such a fine pair of creamy globes" The men murmured among themselves as the Mukhiya continued "I don't want to insult her by fixing a too low price. Let us say 30 thousand rupees?"

A gasp went around. It was too much. Almost 4 times the usual breast tax. I could see men grinning excitedly as they calculated how long it would take for my husband to earn it. They would be able to see my creamy breasts every day until then.

Now my father in law left my hands and moved aside. Again I instinctively covered my breasts. My father in law quickly swatted on my hand "You are not allowed to cover them until your husband pays the full money." I nodded in shame and dropped my arms to the side, once again revealing my breasts.

I could see the men salivating over my creamy breasts and foaming at the mouth to bite my nipples. I turned left and saw my father in law also openly ogling and salivating over my breasts. I just wanted to go back into the house and hide until I could cover myself so, as the murmurs and laughter of men continued, I turned and slipped back into the house, but before I could lock myself, my father in law followed in with five to six of his buddies.

I was stupefied and again tried to cover myself, but my father in law chided me loudly and I had to stand there embarrassed as my father in law removed my hands forcibly. But instead of moving away once my hands were dropped to the sides, my father in law covered my breasts with his hands and gave a hard squeeze "How many times should I tell you silly girl, until your husband pays the tax, your breasts are not to be covered. Inside the house and outside. No matter what you are doing."

I nodded in shame, as he spoke, he was still kneading my breasts and his friends were looking on with smirks. I could see my tender boobs becoming red and sore with his rough handling but did not dare to push his hands away. Now my father in law stepped closer and slid his hands to my waist. I was locked in place with his heavy handed grip and he was standing so close that my engorged nipples brushed against the rough cloth of his shirt.

"Don't you ever cover yourself again and bring shame on my family" His menacing tone scared me and I nodded in fear.

Father in law pressed closer so that his crotch pressed against my pussy and slid his hands further down cupping my ass. I flushed hotly as I could feel his friends eagerly looking on. I was tense but also felt a fluttering sensation in my belly as I could feel his penis getting hard and probing against my body.

He pressed and caressed my ass and found the elastic of my panty through the thin material of the skirt. He pulled the elastic and released it with a snap, "What is this you are wearing inside?"

"Panty.... Babuji, it's my underwear." I answered feebly. I was a little confused as to why he was enquiring about this.

His breathing became quick in anger and he squeezed my ass so hard, I moaned out loud, "Don't you dare corrupt our tribe with your city ways. Take it off this instant." As my father in law moved back, I was shaking in fear but could not get the courage to refuse. I knew this was not a rule and my father in law was just taking advantage of my helplessness to show off his power and entertain his friends. But, I was alone in a strange place and feeling very vulnerable. So I complied.

By now only my father in law was standing and his friends were seated comfortably by the wall of the Hut. Some of them were even rubbing their crotch and some even had their hands inside their shorts. I knew they were waiting for a glimpse of my pussy. But thankfully I could grab the waistband of my panty and slid it down my legs. As I bent forward to slide the panty down, my breasts swung and I could hear the collective hiss of breath around. I slid my panty completely down and stepped out of it.

My father in law bent down and picked it up. "Bring your luggage, I need to see if you have any more inappropriate clothes. I nodded and went to get my suitcase. I wheeled the suitcase and was aware of the men enjoying the sight of me clad in just a skirt, with reddened breasts heaving dragging the heavy suitcase. I dumped the suitcase at my father-in-law's feet.

"Kneel down and open it. Let me see what is there?"

As I kneeled down, my face was just below my father-in-law's crotch and I could see his hard dick pushing against the shorts. He was stroking it over the clothes from time to time.

I opened the suitcase. One side was packed with sarees. The other side had my blouse, petticoats, and underwear. My father in law ran a critical eye and bent down to pick up the petticoats or skirts worn under the saree. My petticoats were not like the skirts worn by the women here. They were fashionable ones made with lace or with thin and transparent cloth as they were supposed to stay under the saree. I shivered as I realized that these thin garments were all I could wear in near future.

"You won't be needing anything else. I will keep these safe until my son comes up with the tax money." He dropped the petticoats on the floor next to me. He closed the suitcase with a snap and gestured to one of his friends. The man came over and took the suitcase and proceeded to sit on top of it.

I was still kneeling, so my father in law gestured to me to stand up. "My friends are very tired, you go out to the village shop and get 4 toddy (a local alcohol) bottle for us to drink.

I nodded meekly, "What about money for the toddy?"

Men guffawed and my father in law smiled widely "Don't worry about money. I am sure our toddy man can come to an understanding with you. He is a close relative, so don't you dare offend him. Cooperate with him and get the toddy."

As I stepped out of the Hut I could feel the men stopping and staring. I think they were excited to see my creamy white boobs. No women were in sight, so I was forced to ask the old man sitting near the next Hut "Grandfather, where is the toddy shop?" He just gestured towards the end of the road but his eyes were centered on my bare breasts.

As I walked down the road, I felt very self conscious. I could feel my boobs freely swinging and my pink nipples poking into the air. The men stopped and stared at my breasts and I could see the open lust in their eyes.

There were a couple of men sitting outside and drinking toddy. They stopped as soon as they saw me and were eagerly looking at me. I had a feeling that even though I did not know what was going to happen, these guys did.

"Sir, can I have 4 bottles of toddy for my father in law?"

A man in his 40s walked out. He was smiling widely "Oh dear, I have been expecting you since morning. Come in come in. Here take the bottles. Why four, let me give you five. I will wrap them in this cloth bag for you."

I was glad things were going smoothly but before I could take the bottles the toddy uncle said "That will be 500 rupees"

I could feel my legs shaking under the skirt "Sir, I have no money. My father in law said, you will have an understanding."

Now the toddy man was grinning openly and the men sitting outside also moved inside. As they watched on, the toddy man moved closer and grabbed my breasts. I yelped in surprise and also a little in pain. "I have been waiting to do a little inspection of my own ever since I saw our dear mukhiya feasting on your creamy breasts this morning."

I flushed in shame as the toddy man sat down on the nearby bench and dragged me into his lap. His left hand held me firmly in place sideways. He started kneading my right boob with his right hand and sucking on my left nipple. I was ashamed but also aroused at this new sensation. I could see the other standing by and rubbing their crotch.

Now the toddy man started to gently bite my nipples and breasts in places. It was not painful, but I could feel his teeth leaving bite marks all over my white breasts. Soon he turned me to face him and bit my right breast also. Now his hands were kneading my waist by the sides. I squirmed in his lap as I felt his dick getting hard under me. I could also feel my pussy getting wet. I was embarrassed that my wetness would show through the skirt and betray me.

Thankfully he moved me off his lap soon. "Take the bottles. Come back whenever you want and our understanding stands." I nodded meekly and picked up the sack with toddy bottles.

Once I was out in the sunlight, I looked down at my breasts and to my horror saw my creamy boobs covered in red teeth marks. Anyone who saw me could see these hickeys and knew what had happened. And that's what happened. Men on the road pointed, whispered, taunted, and laughed at me as I walked home.

When I entered the house, I could see my father in law and his friends sitting on the floor with empty glasses and waiting. As I bent down to place the bottles in front of my father in law, he dragged me down to kneel. Now my breasts were at his eye level.

He looked at the bite marks and grinned "Now you understand our ways.. obey me and you can stay. Disobey me and I will send you back to the City to beg." I nodded meekly.

"Now go and fetch some drinking water. The vessel is made of mud, be careful you city idiot."

I took the earthen pot and walked out. But before I could walk out, my father in law shouted "Don't hold it in front and hide your breasts silly girl. Hold it on top of your head."

I did as he said and as soon as I stepped out, some jobless men waiting outside started to follow me. I could hear them passing comments

"Oooh what creamy white breasts. Our Raju is so lucky. Our mukhiya ji is also so lucky. Just let me squeeze them once darling."

I ignored their lusty comments and walked to the village tap nearby. I felt very self conscious as I bent down to place the pot and turn on the water.

"Aha, look at those creamy mangoes swinging so temptingly! I want to suck on them so badly. Seems like babuji or the toddy man have tasted the juicy mangoes. Look at those tooth marks!"

I flushed bright red at these lewd comments. Now the pot was full and I tried to lift it. It was quite heavy. I couldn't lift it up. I looked around helplessly.

One of the guys stepped near me "Oh dear that looks heavy, do you want me to help you lift it atop your head."

"Yes sir. I would be very grateful.

"Ok. Let me help you. Turn around." I was grateful but suspicious as I could see his fellow men whispering around. But I complied and turned around to face the crowd. I could already hear some wolf whistles.

The man moved behind me and lifted up the heavy earthen pot and settled it on my head. I swayed a little but immediately moved both my hands to grab the pot and steady it. It took me a couple of seconds to adjust to the weight. I was sure I made quite a scene with my breasts openly heaving as my hands were pulled up to hold the earthen pot.

Before I could start walking, the nice guy who had helped me suddenly moved closer, pressed himself against my back, reached his arms to the front and covered both my breasts in his palms.

I was shocked by his surprise move and embarrassed as the men around started pointing and laughing. But I was too scared to make any sudden movements for the fear of dropping and breaking the heavy pot. I was ashamed to be molested in open daylight in the middle of the crowd but even more scared of what my father in law might do if I broke the pot.

Once the laughter settled, the man pressed closer so that his hard dick pressed into my ass crack and started to knead my breasts and pinch my nipples. Many men around also started to rub their crotch and put their hands down their shorts. I stood helplessly as the guy's hands roamed all over my torso and he started nipping at my neck and ears and shoulders. He was even moving his hips rhythmically to and fro making my pussy wet and legs weak. Soon his pace became so fanatic that water started to spill from the pot as my torso shook. To my disgust I felt him relax and felt the hot wetness of his seed against my ass. I was half naked, molested in broad daylight by a stranger. I could feel tears of shame and embarrassment rolling down my face. But I also felt frustrated because both the toddy man and this guy had aroused me, my pussy was throbbing and I was frustrated. Even a virgin like me knew I needed a release but I couldn't show my frustration to these people.

I forced myself to concentrate on not dropping the pot and started to walk towards my home. Unfortunately I had to pass through the crowd and as the crowd parted many hands grabbed and squeezed my breasts taking advantage and molesting me. I let out a sigh of relief as I could finally escape from the lusty men and walk towards my home. But as I got nearer, I could again feel the anxiety of facing my father in law and his friends.

Thankfully as I entered I saw that my father in law was alone. His friends were gone. So was my suitcase. When he saw me, my father in law got up and helped me put down the pot. He was once again standing very close to me. He looked down on the bite marks on my shoulders and my breasts..

"OOH OH... seems like you are quite hurt my dearest daughter in law. Teeth bites can cause illness and fever. Let us put some honey on it."

He moved to a nearby wall shelf and took a jar of honey. I extended my hand but he shook his head " No darling, you might miss a spot. Let me help." I resigned and nodded my head meekly. I understood that this lusty man would take every opportunity to molest me.

Father in law scooped up the thick honey with his fingers and started to apply it in a thick layer. He started with my pebble hard nipples and slowly massaged the honey in concentric circles all over and under my breasts. As he pressed and probed my soft flesh, I could feel delicious sensations from my toes to inner thighs and in my lower belly. They were quite intense and I felt my head swim and legs sway at the feeling.

My father in law sensed that I was getting unsteady on my feet "Oh dear I think you are tired after the hectic morning. lie down.. let me help you."

Once he had me flat on the ground, he continued to molest my breasts by adding more honey and squeezing and pressing rhythmically. I could feel my back arching as I instinctively lifted my chest up and pressed my breast into his strong hands. I had even thrown my head back and moaned softly. I brought my hands together and pressed them hard against my lower belly as my feet started to flutter. I could finally feel the waves of pleasure that had frustrated me since morning, come over strongly and insistently. I could hear my moans getting louder and even my hips were fidgeting, my father in law had increased his pace of squeezing. I could feel the sweet release of my first orgasm just within my reach.

Suddenly my father in law stopped squeezing my boobs and slapped me hard. I was shocked out of my pleasure. My head was still hazy.

"You city slut, look at you panting like a bitch in heat. Looks like I will have to teach you how to behave for the sake of my son. Get up and clean yourself." He walked out and slammed the door.

I was disgusted at my own lust and shameless behaviour. I was even more ashamed of what my husband would think of me when he came to know that the toddy man and a lusty stranger had molested me in broad daylight. I felt very dirty and very sticky. Father in-law had applied a thick coat of sticky honey. I also remembered that the back of my skirt was soiled with that random guy's sperm. I got up hastily, locked the door and rushed to the bathroom. I threw away the skirt and took a long, cold shower.

I wrapped a towel around my head and another one around my torso. It felt really good to cover my breasts. I came out and walked over to the petticoats that my father in law had dropped on the floor. I picked up the white petticoat. It was a thin muslin and hugged my curves. As soon as I put it on, I could see it was a bit too tight and clearly outlined the shape of my ass and the ass crack. It was so see through that even my black pussy hair was clearly visible.

I removed it and looked at the other options. All others were lace which was even more revealing. Cursing my luck I settled on a black lace petticoat. It also fit my ass snugly and some pussy hair peeked out of the holes in front.

I removed the towel on top and looked down sadly at my much abused breasts. My husband had at best crushed them when he hugged me tightly. Now the whole village had seen them and lusty men had tasted them before my husband had even seen them.

Next morning the woman next door came and knocked early. I felt shy but did not dare to cover my boobs. So I opened the door in my petticoat.

She walked on "Good news dear your husband has sent the tax."

I was delighted "So I can wear proper clothes again? I have to get my clothes from my father in law."

The woman was uncomfortable. "Actually, you have to deposit the tax with the Mukhiya and he will give you the cloth. Only then you can wear it."

"That is so strange. But, I am skeptical. That is not just all is it?"

The woman nodded "You have not consummate your marriage right? You are still a virgin?

I nodded shyly "No. My husband is very considerate and giving me time to adjust to married life."

The woman shook her head sadly "You poor girl. He has not had sex with you because of the tribe rules. You see, the mukhiya has the right to every girl's virginity here. He will break the seal at the time of payment of tax and then only give the clothes. If the girl does not bleed and found to be not a virgin, then she has to stay topless for next 12 periods, get fucked by the mukhiya after the year and then wear clothes again."

I was outraged "What if I refuse to fuck him?"

"Then you will bring great shame to your family. I am sure your father in law will kick you out. You will not be able to cover your breasts. I have seen many women who opposed the mukhiya and became whores as people felt free to fuck them. So, don't protest or oppose. It is just one fuck. Get it over with and live on."

I nodded at her advice and braced myself for the sake of my beloved husband. I would survive this ordeal.

"Do I go alone to pay the tax?"

The woman again shook her head and a sad expression came on her face "No dear. Usually your husband has to accompany you. It is a perversion of the sahib to make the husband escort the wife, undress her, and position her on his bed for fucking. What more, the husband has to stay in the room and watch his wife get brutally violated, and then escort her back. It is even worse for our unmarried daughters because their fathers have to escort them and watch their deflowering."

I was too shocked to respond.

"Now that your husband can not come, your father in law will escort you and watch you get violated."

Tears rolled down my eyes and soon I was sobbing loudly even as the woman hugged me and tried to comfort me.


My father in law had escorted me to mukhiya's bungalow the same night around 7 pm. We walked into his bedroom. On one side there was a throne-like chair. The mukhiya was sitting on it. A couple of his henchmen sat near his feet.

As soon as we walked in, all eyes were on my exposed boobs. I felt a red stain of embarrassment spreading over my fair torso.

My father in law moved forward and deposited the money at the feet of the mukhiya. He seemed surprised and asked his henchmen to count it. They counted and confirmed that the amount was all there.

Mukhiya nodded "We will have a talk about this later. But I don't want to delay my dinner. Go and set her up on the bed in a doggy position. My father in law nodded eagerly and pushed me towards the bed. Even as other men watched, he opened the ties of my petticoat and slid it down my legs.

I bowed my head down in embarrassment. I could hear appreciative murmurs from the men. I was breathing quickly in panic so my breasts heaved in agitation. My nipples had become hard pebbles in the cold air and even in the low indoor light I could see their dark red colour. My navel was curvy with my deep belly button. My flat lower belly led to my black curly bush which hid my pussy. My legs were soft but shapely. I was sure that I was very lust inducing in my nakedness.

My father in law put a hand on my ass and pushed me towards the bed. He guided me to kneel on all fours like a dog. He pressed on my back so that my back was arched. Now my ass was slightly turned up and so was my chest. The men sitting in front had an excellent view of my swaying breasts. I heard the mukhiya order the men to walk out and they quickly did. My father in law also quickly moved to the wall opposite to the bed and sat down on the floor. He had a clear view of me and would see Every moment of my violation. The mukhiya got up and moved next to the bed.

From the corner of my eye I could see the mukhiya discarding his clothes. I gasped in panic when I saw his huge penis standing erect above his large and hairy balls. I shuddered at the thought of that huge dick invading my virgin pussy. I was sure there would be pain, so I braced myself and even as my legs and hands shook I stood my ground.

The old wooden bed creaked when the mukhiya got up on it and kneeled behind me. He roughly inserted two fingers and checked my wetness. He grunted in dissatisfaction as I was quite dry. He barked at my father in law "Go get some oil from the kitchen."

While my father in law ran to the kitchen, the mukhiya leaned forward on my back, reached around and grabbed my boobs. He squeezed my boobs roughly "I never expected your husband to come up with the tax so quickly. All the villagers must be cursing him badly." He guffawed "But I am glad I did not have to wait long to put my dick into your pussy."

I was humiliated by his words. This man was exploiting the villagers and made rules to let him molest and enjoy young women of the village. I remembered the humiliation of getting my boobs grabbed and bitten in the daylight. On top of it now he would get to enjoy my virgin pussy which should have been my husband's.

Father in law hurried back and obediently handed the bottle of oil. Then he went back to sit by the wall smack in front of the bed. I was embarrassed to let him see me on all fours, my breasts swinging, my face red in shame, about to be violated by this old man. Would it be better or worse if it were my husband? I couldn't imagine how humiliating it must be for the husband's to willingly aid the mukhiya in violating their wives.

I felt mukhiya's rough hand dabbling a generous amount of sweet smelling oil on my pussy and asshole. He took even more and inserted his oiled fingers deep into my pussy. There was so much oil, I could feel it dripping down along my thighs.

Satisfied, now the mukhiya rubbed his dick on my pussy hole. I could instantly feel my nipples harden and a gush of pussy juice mingling with the oil. My body was betraying me and getting aroused by this rascal!

The mukhiya shoved his dick into my pussy and it slipped in smoothly until it hit my virgin barrier. The mukhiya withdrew and inserted again with greater force, my body rocked and my boobs swayed. The pain was intense and I involuntarily tried to move my ass away. Mukhiya grabbed my waist with both hands so that I couldn't move away and gave a forceful shove. I could feel a burning sensation as my torso rocked and boobs swung with the force.

Mukhiya gave another rough shove which broke through my barrier and his penis was fully buried in my oily pussy. I felt such intense pain for a moment as his dick tore and stretched my pussy that my knees buckled and I almost collapsed. But mukhiya held firm and started to move in and out of my pussy with firm quick strokes.

In spite of the pain, my body obeyed his dick and I arched my back and pressed my pussy back, eager to receive his dick. As my head cleared, I could feel pleasurable sensations along my inner thighs and lower belly. But before I could have a proper orgasm, mukhiya was done as he made one last brutal shove deep inside my pussy and bucked his hips to deposit his thick cum deep inside my pussy. As he withdrew his dick, I could feel his cum seep out and run down along both my inner thighs.

I expected him to get up but instead he collapsed on my back, crushing me into the mattress and I could barely move. I turned my head and saw my father in law still sitting by the wall and looking on, even from a distance I could see the open lust in his eyes. But I couldn't stay awake for long. I was emotionally and physically exhausted, and on top of it mukhiya weight on me made me drift into sleep.

I awoke with a start when I felt mukhiya's hips brushing against my ass. His semi hard dick was between my ass cheeks and he had applied oil and he was moving to and from between my ass cheeks. I tried to get up but couldn't find strength in my limbs. Again I cursed my body as I felt my pussy juices flowing. Now, even my nipples were getting harder. Mukhiya lifted my ass and inserted a pillow. He parted my legs and rubbed my pussy. Now he would not need oil because my pussy was sleek with its own juices.

I felt no pain as he inserted his dick deep into my pussy and his balls slapped against my ass. I felt butterflies in my belly and couldn't help lifting my waist and grinding it against his as his dick started to hit all the sensitive parts in my pussy. As his breathing got quicker and louder, so did mine. We were both panting in exertion and pleasure and finally I felt my first orgasm hitting me as I arched my back and dug my feet deep into the soft bed. I grabbed the bedsheet with both hands and buried my face into the bed to stifle my moans. The mukhiya also came at the same time as I felt his cum fill my pussy the second time. Once again he collapsed on me and we drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with a start and opened my eyes to see my father in law shaking my shoulders. "Wake up bahu... wake up." I sat up groggily and saw that the mukhiya was getting dressed. I got out of bed but was confused about what to do next. I looked down and saw my inner thighs caked with the mixture of cum, oil, and virgin blood. I blushed hotly when I remembered my orgasm the second time.

Mukhiya gestured towards the door on the left. I was relieved to find out it was a bathroom. I turned on the shower and as the hot water hit my sore muscles felt a strange sense of relief. But tears were also running down my face as I thought of how I had betrayed my husband. I used the soap to wash myself thoroughly. But there was no towel, so I walked back to the room all wet and dropping.

I saw the mukhiya sitting on a throne-like chair. My father in law was sitting cross-legged near his left foot, his hands folded. Mukhiya gestured to me to come and sit on his lap. He made me sit on his right leg so that I was now facing my father in law. I felt self conscious and tried to cover myself but mukhiya reached from behind and locked my left hand to my side. My right hand was already crushed against his hard torso.

Mukhiya ran his right hand on my thighs, squeezing my flesh. I shivered and pressed my thighs closer. But he forcefully inserted his hand and widened my legs. Now I sat with my pussy and boobs completely exposed to my father in law.

"So, how did your son get the money so fast?" the mukhiya asked as he started to cup and lightly rub his knuckles on my pussy. My breasts became heavy and my nipples started to harden. I was getting aroused again!

"His mother's side relatives organised an advance for him Sahib."

Mukhiya was now pressing the top of my pussy with his thumb and had inserted two fingers inside my pussy. As his fingers pressed and probed my sensitive flesh, I squirmed at the sensation, my toes curled and my back arched in pleasure.

"How will your son pay off the debt?" Mukhiya bent down his head and started to swirl his tongue around my nipple.

"He will have to work it off for the next three years sahib"

Mukhiya, who was sucking and biting on my nipple let it out with a plop. I could see he was surprised. Even I was even surprised at this information.

"What will happen to our bahu? You can see how this slut has a pussy that is begging for a dick? How will she manage?"

I blushed at his crude language, but as I sat in his lap with back arched, boobs swaying, nipples poking the air, and legs spread to display and wet pussy, I couldn't object.

My father in law was looking at Mukhiya's hands pumping in and out of my pussy as he answered "I am planning to take care of her needs myself sahib. Today itself I will move in with her and provide for her."

Mukhiya threw his head back and laughed "You dirty old man. I am sure you had planned this the moment you saw her creamy globes. Now you will use your old leathery cock to keep her busy until your son comes."

My father in law nodded with a wide smile but I could feel my arousal turning into panic. So while my husband slaved away, I would be the fuck toy of this old man.

"Let us see if you can get that dick up at all. Because this girl here is a very dick hungry whore. You will need a lot of stamina to please her."

The mukhiya pushed me down so that now I was on my all fours at his feet and my face was right next to my father in law. He needed no more encouragement and grabbed and squeezed my breasts which were temptingly swaying in front of him. The mukhiya continued to finger me from behind. Now he was rubbing not only my pussy but alternating between inserting a finger into my asshole and inserting two fingers into my pussy. My father in law leaned closer and kissed me. I was repulsed and tried to move away but he grabbed my hair with one hand even as his other hand continued to milk my boobs. He leisurely bit my lips and explored my mouth with his tongue. I gagged on the foul odour and rotten teeth smell of his vile mouth.

Mukhiya laughed and slapped my ass "Enough enough... I have seen enough. You will have plenty of time to enjoy this young bitch."

Father in law broke the kiss and released me. I saw that he was grinning in pleasure.

"But, I want you to wait for a month, what if she is impregnated with my seed? You can fuck her after her period."

Tears rolled down my eyes as I realized the full horror of my situation. Not only had this man violated me, taken my virginity, and enabled my father in law to whore me, but he could potentially have impregnated me.

But, I felt a small relief thinking that my father in law would not be able to fuck me for another month. But it was short lived.

"Of course Sahib. Having your seed will be a great honour but can I still use her ass and make her suck me?"

Mukhiya waved his hand dismissively "Of Course! Just don't put your dick in her pussy and don't let anyone else fuck her pussy."

"Get up" Mukhiya gestured to me "It's time to get your clothes. He gave me the clothes that were kept next to him on a stool. "Get dressed."

I was disgusted to see that the skirt and blouse were made of very thin material. It was like wearing a wet white saree. My curves, my pussy hair and even my nipples were on lewd display. The skirt was tight and outlined my ass and slipped obscenely into my ass crack. The blouse was short and loose. With the smallest movement my underboobs were on display and if I lifted my hands even a little bit, the blouse bunched up exposing my entire breasts. This was as good as being topless.