The Saga of Incest. Ch - 14

The Saga of Incest. Ch - 14

Published on: 2023-12-14 15:42:53

Last night, after fucking me in front of our dogs, my mummy promised me that she will ask my aunt, Zara phupi to come and stay with us so that I could seduce her and have sex with her. Now I want to tell something about my aunty. Zara phupi is a little younger than my mother. She must be just one or two years younger at the age of 36, while my mother is 38. Zara phupi is very fair just like my mummy and medium built.

Since she didn’t have any kids, her figure was very good even at this age. Her boobs were little smaller than mummy but big for a woman with no kids. As her figure was perfect, her ass was not so round. It was flat but very attractive. Since my teenage years, I fantasized about fucking her after peeping and watching her bathing and changing clothes.

Zara phupi was married at the young age of 18 to one of my father’s cousin, Naeem. Her in laws were very conservative and strict. Since Naeem uncle was the only son of their family, they longed for an heir to their family. Mummy told me that Zara phupi got pregnant three times, one was a still birth and two pregnancies failed due to miscarriage.

Since Zara phupi was not able to conceive and give them a heir, auntie’s in laws decided to get a second bride for Naeem uncle so that they could get a child from the other bride. Naeem uncle loved her very much and didn’t want to get married to some one else,but he had pressure from his family.

Now that she got an ultimatum from her in laws, Zara phupi was very desperate to have a child. She asked my mummy about the treatment from good doctors in our city. Mummy told her that there are many good doctors, but told her to visit the best fertility clinic.

Next day after I fucked mummy infront of our dogs, mummy called aunt Zara and asked her to come with her luggage and stay with us so that she could get best possible treatment. But the real reason was that she wanted me to seduce Zara phupi and make her pregnant.

After two days Zara phupi came to our home along with her husband. They insisted on going to clinic on the same day itself as Naeem uncle wanted to leave that same night itself. Mummy gave them fertility clinic’s address, but Naeem uncle insisted that mummy should also come with them so that from next check-up, he would not be there and he wanted mummy to take Zara phupi to clinic.

Mummy, Naeem uncle and Zara phupi went to fertility clinic for check-up in our car. There they met this lady doctor who was the best and very reputed in our city. She checked all the reports of Zara phupi and said that she was hoping to treat my aunt successfully. She also asked for Naeem uncle’s reports. But they didn’t had his reports as he never checked and always thought problem was with my aunt.

So doctor asked Naeem uncle to undergo some tests and also give his sperm sample for testing his sperm count. After all necessary tests were done, they came back to home. Doctor asked my aunt to come for next check up after one week and also collect test reports.

Naeem uncle left on the same night because of his business. Zara phupi was very happy to be back with us because she felt uncomfortable in her in laws home, as they didn’t liked her.

I was joking with her very much and when she was not looking at me, I would stare at her body, thinking that within some days, her beautiful body will be mine. Mummy saw me looking at Zara phupi’s body and lusting for her. She asked me to control my feelings.

It was getting too late in night when I was chatting with Zara phupi. Mummy made arrangements for Zara phupi in the guest room, which was on first floor above my bedroom.

Mummy asked Zara phupi to go and sleep and she also asked me to go to my room and sleep. I was staring at her, thinking that she didn’t want me to fuck her that night. I went straight to my mother and took her in a corner to clarify.

Me: “why are you asking me to go to my bedroom??? Don’t you want me to sleep with you tonight??”

Mummy: “Zaheer…your phupi is here. So you have to go to your room now…..”

Me: “that means you don’t want me tonight??”

Mummy: “I didn’t said that beta. You can come to my room after sometime, when your phupi is slept.”

Me: “ok mummy…. I love you…. I will come to your room after some time….”

I and Zara phupi went to our rooms so that we can sleep. After saying good night to her, I got into my room. After half an hour, I checked on my aunt and found her in deep sleep. Without waiting anymore, I went downstairs to my parent’s bedroom.

Mummy was watching TV in her room, waiting for me to come. As soon as I entered inside her bedroom, she asked me to lock the door, as now we were not alone in our big house. After locking the door, I started to get undressed. Mummy was already semi naked, sitting in just her bra and panty.

Soon we started to make love. After sucking me to get me hard, mummy put a condom on my cock. I entered inside her and started fucking her. when mummy was getting orgasms, and she was moaning as usual, she covered her mouth with her hands to keep her moans low.

Sometimes when she was lost in fucking, I had to cover her mouth to shut her up from high moaning. Otherwise Zara phupi would hear us making love and our secret would be out in open.

Our daily routine went like this only. I would sneak into my parent’s bedroom after my aunt, Zara phupi slept and then me and mummy fucked hardly and slept naked in each other’s arms like any other night.

After one week, we had to visit clinic again to get the test reports and consult the doctor. This time Naeem uncle was not there. So mummy asked to come with them. So I, Mummy and Zara phupi went to clinic. We went to doctor’s cabin and there she checked all the reports.

Doc: “Mrs. Zara, as per your reports, you are having some fertility issues, but they can be treated. So no need to worry, you can become a mother……but…..

Phupi: “But what doctor? What happened?? Are there any complications???”

Doc: “unfortunately Yes, but not with you…..Problem is with your husband, Mr Naeem….”

Phupi: “what is the problem with him doctor????”

Doc: “from his sperm tests, we found that his sperm count is very low…… so he will be having some difficulty in making you pregnant…..”

Mummy: “But doctor, she already got pregnant three times before….”

Doc: “Yeah…. I am also wondering about that……but that can happen….”

Mummy: “how doctor????”

Doc: “see, his sperms were able to impregnate you, but they were not strong enough to survive till the child was born…..that’s why you had miscarraiges and still birth……”

Phupi: “but you said I can get pregnant again….”

Doc: “yes… I was right…. You can get pregnant again….. but if you try it with your husband then it can be a problem……his sperms are too weak to impregnate your eggs…..”

Phupi: “is there any option, doctor???”

Doc: “yeah… there is an option….. you ask your husband to get treated for fertility….. then we can have some hope…..”

Phupi: “but he won’t agree….. he and his family thinks that problem is with me…..”

Zara phupi started to cry infront of doctor. Mummy was trying to console her. I also went beside her and tried to console her. she put her head on my shoulder as she wept in doctor’s room. Mummy got an idea.

Mummy: “but doctor…. Technology is advance so much…… can’t you do something else???”

Doc: “we can, but we need to treat her husband first for that……”

Mummy: “see doc, treating her husband is out of question, he will not come for treatment…. You have to do something for her…. you have to save her marriage….”

Doc: “we have another option…..”

When doctor said this, Zara phupi had slowed down her crying and started to listen to her very carefully.

Me : “what is that option, doc??”

Doc: “IVF…..”

Phupi: “IVF????”

Doc: “InVitro Fertilization…… that mean’s artificial insemination….”

Mummy: “what is that doctor???”

Doc: “let me explain that to you……”

Me: “OK doctor…. Please explain….”

Doc: “if someone cannot get pregnant we go for IVF technology. This tech is used either when husband’s sperm count is lowor a wife is not able to conceive.”

Phupi: “how it is done doctor??”

Doc: “if a wife cannot conceive, we take her husband’s sperms and inject it into another woman’s womb, who will be a surrogate mother….”

Me: “and if husband’s sperm count is low… as in our case???”

Doc: “we have to put someone else potent sperm in your fertile womb….. for that we need to find a suitable donor…..”

Mummy: “how and where can we find a suitable donor???”

Doc: “that you have to decide…. If you want the baby to have genes of your family, some relative of yours can donate sperms….. and if you don’t find a suitable donor…. We can arrange that for you…. But that will cost you more because we need to pay to the donor for his sperms...”

Mummy: “what are the chances that this pregnancy will be successful???”

Doc: “that is our responsibility….. we will take care for that….”

Mummy: “thank you very much doctor, but we need to discuss something before we take a decision…… can we meet after two days…..”

Doc: “Sure Mrs. Ruby, you can come after two days after taking a decision. I will be very happy to help your sister in law in saving her marriage…..”

Me: “that’s so sweet of you doctor… thank you….”

Doc: “and yes… if you take a positive decision, then I suggest you to arrange for a donor of your choice. If possible get him along with you……”

Mummy: “ok doctor…. We will take leave now….”

While we were going back to home, everyone was silent in car.

Aunt, Zara phupi started to cry as soon as we entered our home. Only when mummy talked to her she was back to normal.

While we were going back to home, everyone was silent in car. Aunt, Zara phupi started to cry as soon as we entered our home. Only when mummy talked to her she was back to normal.

Me: “come on phupi, doctor said that problem is not with you…. Then why are you crying….”

Mummy: “yes Zara…. She said you can still have a baby…….”

Phupi: “yes, but how should I tell this to Naeem???”

Me: “you don’t need to tell him anything…… we will do this treatment without his knowledge….”

Mummy: “Yes Zara, Zaheer is right, your husband doesn’t need to know that you are going for IVF treatment….”

Phupi: “but what about a donor…. We need to find a sperm donor…..”

Mummy got an idea. She smiled wickedly and looked at me. I understood what was going in her mind.

Mummy: “what kind of donor you want…. I mean, how would you like to be the father of your baby to be???”

Phupi: “he should be healthy, smart, handsome, have good family background and should be very caring…..”

Mummy: “then I have one name in my mind…..but…….”

Phupi: “but what bhabi??? Please tell me who is that….??”

Mummy: “….but I don’t know if you like my idea or not…”

Phupi: “who is that bhabi???”

Mummy: “he is sitting right infront of you….” Mummy pointed her finger towards me.

Phupi: “Zaheer??? He is my nephew…….”

Mummy: “so what?? He has all the qualities that you wanted. Besides this will be safe….”

Phupi: “safe?? How??”

Mummy: “see…. Only three of us know that we are going for IVF…. And it will be good and safe for you if it remains in between three of us…. if we find any other donor, then he will know about this and he may blackmail you or your family…..”

Phupi: “Yes bhabi, you are right….. we shouldn’t involve some other guy in this…..”

Mummy: “so are you ready to take Zaheer as your baby’s father??”

Phupi: “I am ready bhabi, but we need to ask Zaheer first, if he is ready to give me a baby…”

Me: “ohhh…phupi… you know I can do anything for your happiness…… I am ready to donate my sperms to you…..”

Phupi: “thank you Zaheer beta…. You saved my life….”

Phupi was very happy now. she felt relieved that she can have a baby now. she was ready to take me as her child’s father. But still I couldn’t figure out how should I fuck her because doctor said that we don’t need to fuck to have a child. She will do it artificially, after taking my sperms.

Two days later, we went to see the doctor again. There we told to doctor that we were ready for IVF. She asked who the donor was. Phupi said that I was ready to donate my sperms for her IVF treatment.

Doc: “that’s good… so you got a donor in your family itself…..”

Phupi: “Yes doc, but I need a favor from you….. this should remain a secret among us…. my husband should never know about this……”

Doc: “don’t worry Mrs. Zara. Now lets gets started, we need to do some more tests on both of you. I need sperm samples of Zaheer to check his sperm count and your samples to see if your egss can take his sperms or not…..”

Me: “ok doctor…… what should I have to do for that….???”

Doc: “take this sample bottle….. and go to that room and get your sperms in this bottle…. You will finish before I check your aunt. And you, Mrs. Zara, please come with me…”

Doctor gave me a plastic bottle and asked meto jack off inside the bottle. When she said this, mummy and aunt Zara were sitting beside me. when doctor went away with Zara phupi, me and mummy were alone in her cabin.

Mummy: “so beta, go now and get your potent sperms in this tiny bottle…….”

Me: “mummy, please come with me inside”

Mummy: “why Zaheer???”

Me: “you know mummy……why I am asking you to come inside…. Don’t you???”

Mummy: “no Zaheer….it’s too risky here….. I cannot give you a blowjob here in hospital….”

Me: “who is asking for a blow job mummy….. I want to fuck you… in hospital…..”

Mummy: “are you insane?? What if we get caught???”

Me: “no one will catch us mummy… doctor is giving us a private room…. For this….”

Mummy: “but you need to cum inside that bottle….. not to fuck me….”

Me: “I will cum inside this bottle mummy……but I will cum after I fuck you…just like I cum on your ass or your body after fucking you when we don’t use condoms….”

Mummy: “oh beta… you are so naughty…. Lets don’t waste any time…..take ME to that room….”

I and my mother went to a private room to get my sperms in this tiny bottle. When we entered that room, there was a single bed and some porn magazines and blue films. Without wasting anytime, mummy pulled my pants down and started to suck me.

Me: “ohh….mummy….. it feels so good here….. I wish I could fuck you here daily….”

Mummy: “stop talking beta and lets finish it fast, before doctor comes to find us….”

Mummy was wearing a veil, to cover her whole body. Behind her coat, she was wearing a saree and a petticoat beneath it. I asked her to get naked but she rejected saying that it was a bad idea.

Me: “mummy, please remove your coat and get naked. I want to fuck you hard.”

Mummy: “No Zaheer, I am not getting naked here….and nor are you….. you just wanted to fuck me and you will just fuck me…..if I get naked you will lick me and do all that stuff that you do at nights…..we don’t have that much time here……”

Me: “ok mummy…. I will just fuck you…..”

After my cock was hard, mummy pulled her coat, saree and petticoat up till her waist. I pulled her panties down and kept it aside. Mummy got on bed and lay down on her back. She asked me to get in between her legs. I got onto bed and on my mother’s top.

After spreading mummy’s legs, I inserted my hard cock inside her pussy. We fucked till sometime. I was really enjoying fucking mummy in a hospital room and she was also enjoying. We didn’t want to stop it soon.

But after sometime, a nurse knocked on the door. Mummy asked me to finish it soon. She removed my cock from her cunt and started stroking me faster with her hands. When I said to her I was ready, she took the sample bottle from side table and placed it near my cock head.

Mummy collected all my sperms inside that bottle without missing a single spurt. After getting ready and adjusting our clothes we were ready to see the doctor again.

Mummy: “Zaheer beta, just look outside the door and see if anyone is waiting outside…..i don’t want anyone to see me coming outside with you…..”

Me: “ok mummy…”

I opened the door a little and saw that a nurse was waiting for us outside. She looked at me and asked if I finished or not. I told her that I needed some tissues or a wet cloth. She smiled and went away to get a wet cloth for me. As soon as she was gone, mummy came outside that room and went towards doctors cabin.

After sometime that nurse came back. I took a wet cloth from her and gave her my sperm samples. She was surprised to see so much of cum/sperms inside that tiny bottle. She took it away for testing in a lab. I also followed my mother into doctor’s cabin.

Doc: “where have you been, Mrs Ruby??”

Mummy: “ohh…..well….doctor….i was….just…..”

Me: “mummy went to drink some water. We had a bottle in our car.”, I came in time and defended my mother. She was not able to say anything to doctor.

Doc: “Ok then. So Zaheer, now that we have your sperm’s, we will test them for sperm count and experiment it with your aunt’s samples. Let’s hope the results will be positive.”

Phupi: “so when can we know the result’s doctor??”

Doc: “I know that you are very desperate fora baby, but we need to have some patience.”

Me: “yes doctor… do your work…. We will take care of her….”

We went back to our home and our life went as usual. I would fuck my mummy every night without aunt Zara’s knowledge as she would be sleeping in her room upstairs.

Mummy was pretty confident that the test reports will be positive because she thought my sperm count will be high as I already impregnated our maid Neelu once. But me and Zara phupi waited desperately for the test results to come out, because we had to plan our baby together.

After Zara phupi was slept, I sneaked into my parent’s bedroom to fuck my mother Rubina Ahmed. That night mummy wanted to watch a porn movie with me. so I got one more incest themed movie and played it. The movie was TABOO-2, which showed incest sex between mom-son, bro-sis, dad-daughter and some non incest scenes like fucking friends mother and group orgies. While watching that movie we got too horny and fucked once while movie was still playing.

After this fucking, we got a call. It was my daddy on the other side. It was usual that he called in night when we were busy love making. When our affair started, mummy avoided taking daddy’s call when we would be fucking because she thought it was unapproprite to talk to her husband on phone while she fucked their own son. But on my insistence she began taking daddy’s call.

I would make my mother suck my cock if I received the call or I talked to my father. But when she would be talking, I would suck her tits or lick her pussy. But sometimes when I was fucking my mummy hard in her pussy, I would stop her from receiving the call, to avoid the disturbance. The phone would ring and ring and finally daddy will stop calling. The next day when daddy calls, mummy would say that she was in deep sleep and that’s why we couldn’t receive the call.

This night also daddy called while we just finshed making love. I was removing the condom from my dick when the phone rang.

Mummy: “beta, you father is calling. Now slow down your speed and just lick outer lips, don’t fuck me with your tongue……”
Me: “ok mummy……”
Mummy: “Hello…..”
Daddy: “Hello jaaanu, how are you??”
Mummy: “I’m fine…”
Daddy: “where are Zaheer and Zara???”
Mummy: “both of them are sleeping….”
Daddy: “ok….”
Mummy: “what are you doing???”
Daddy: “I….just fucked Saba and she is licking my dick again to get it hard again…. She want to go for one more round……”
Mummy: “don’t tell me all this…. This makes me horny…. And I also want to get fucked…..”
Daddy: “don’t worry honey….. use the sex toys that I gave you……”
Mummy: “sex toys cannot work like a real cock…..”
Mummy took hold of my cock and started to rub it while she talked this.
Daddy: “ok…. Did you got clinic….. for Zara”
Mummy: “yes…. We went, but doctor said that test results will come soon”
Daddy: “what tests??”

Now, we didn’t want even my daddy to know the truth about IVF treatment. We decided that this secret will be among three of us.

Mummy: “nothing… doctor said that she would do some normal tests before starting the treatment….. then she will treat Zara accordingly to those results…..”
Daddy: “OK… you follow up with the treatment and take care of my sister…… and don’t worry about the money….. I’ll send it…..”
Mummy: “ok….. when will you come to India??”

Daddy: “I don’t know…. But now, I have to go…. I am hard again and your brother’s wife is ready and asking me to fuck her again……”

After saying this daddy hung up the phone. We continued watching the incest movie and fucked once more after the movie ended.

Some days later we had to go to clinic. The test results were out. We three went inside doctor’s cabin and she welcomed us with a smile.

Doc: “Congrats!!! I have some good news for you…..”
Mummy: “what doc???”
Doc: “Zaheer’s test results are too good…. His sperm count is very high…..”
My aunt, Zara phupi was very happy to hear this. And so was I and mummy.
Phupi: “that means I can get pregnant and have Zaheer’s child…..”
Doc: “Yes…. Zaheer’s sperm count is so high that he can impregnate anyone….and we did some tests with your samples and the results are very good…..”
Phupi: “so doctor, when can we start this treatment procedure???”
Doc: “we will start this treatment after three days…..”
Mummy: “so doc, how can we handle her husband??”
Doc: “Mrs. Zara, how often do you see your husband??”
Phupi: “he comes on weekends to meet me and stays for two nights….”
Doc: “that’s good…. You have to make sure that you sleep with him and make love to him….so that he doesn’t suspect that the baby is not his…..”

Now we came to know that Zara phupi can get pregnant by me. but still I couldn’t figure out how I should have sex with her. I got an idea there in doctor’s cabin itself. This idea struck me while mummy and phupi were talking to doctor. She was explaining the procedure to them.

Me: “sorry to disturb doctor…. But I want to know something first….”
Doc: “sure Zaheer…what you want to know…..”
Me: “Doc, suppose we go for IVF treatment, what are the chances that aunt gets pregnant??”
Doc: “good question…. It is not necessary that she conceives for the very first time…. We have to repeat the procedure if the first try fails…..and repeat it again and again till she gets pregnant….”
Me: “and what about complications….. since this is an artificial method…. There must be some complications….”
Doc: “there will be some complications, but don’t worry…… we doctors will try to avoid and treat these complications….”
Me: “ok doc, one last question….. will the baby be more safe if born from artificial method or natural method??…. Which method is safer??”
Doc: “obviously the natural method is safe…..there will be less complications in pregnancy by natural means….”
Phupi: “ok doc, we will start the treatment after three days…. We will come and meet you then….. thank you….”

We all left from her clinic and went back to home. Phupi was very happy since now she can get pregnant and save her marriage. After listening to my queries in clinic, mummy knew what was running in my mind. After dinner, phupi thanked me and hugged me. she even kissed me on my cheeks.

Phupi: “thank you Zaheer… thank you very much….. for giving me a baby….. you are a savior…… you are saving my marriage….”
Me: “its ok phupi…. I also want you to get pregnant… have my baby in your womb….”
Phupi: “so we will go and start the treatment after three days…. We will be needing your sperms…..”
Mummy: “from now on, only you two go….. I will not come…… now Zaheer can take care of everything….. after all, he is going to become a father…..”
Phupi: “yes bhabi, our little Zaheer is going to be a father…..”
Me: “Zara phupi, I want to tell something…. We need to talk….”
Phupi: “what Zaheer….”
Me: “phupi, I’m not ready to give my sperms for your treatment…..”
Zara phupi was shocked to hear this. Her eyes got wet when she heard this.
Phupi: “why Zaheer, you only said that you will help me in conceiving….”
Me: “Yes phupi, I still want you to get pregnant…. And have my baby…..but….”
Phupi: “but what Zaheer, how can I get pregnant with your sperms….”
Me: “phupi, now you also know that by artificial means you may not conceive fast… and there may be some complications…..”
Phupi: “doctor said that she will treat the complications….”
Me: “yes, but she also said that baby may not be healthier from artificial means….”
Phupi: “so you don’t want me to give sperms…. You don’t want me to get the treatment….”
Me: “phupi, I want you to get pregnant…. Have my baby…. But not artificially…..”
Phupi: “so you want me to have your baby by normal means… you know what that means???”
Me: “yes phupi, I know what that means…. We have to become a couple… we have to mate…. To get you pregnant….”
Phupi: “look bhabi, what your son is talking about….he wants to sleep with me….. he wants to have sex with me…. to make me pregnant…..”

Mummy already knew where this was going and as my lover she was in my support. She tried to convince my aunt to agree to have sex with me.

Mummy: “see Zara, I don’t know what to say…but Zaheer is also right….. I also think that normal means are safer than IVF tech…. I want my grandchild to be safe and healty……”

Phupi: “so bhabi, you also want me to sleep with your son…..”

Mummy: “I am not asking you to become his wife…. I am asking you to sleep with him and have sex just to get pregnant…..”

Phupi: “but how can I have sex with my own nephew….”

Mummy: “if you have to save your marriage, you have to do this….”

Phupi: “what if someone knows about this….”

Mummy: “see Zara, we already decided that your treatment will be our secret… no fourth person will be involved…..Consider this as a part of your treatment… you will have sex with my son just to get pregnant….and this will be our secret only. No one will know about this…..”

Phupi: “and what about my husband??”

Mummy: “you don’t need to tell him… have sex with him when he comes here to spend two nights with you…..anyway he cannot make you pregnant…. So it’s no harm to have sex with him also…..”

Me: “see phupi, I just want you to be happy…but I also want our baby to be safe and healthy…. I cannot compromise our baby’s safety for your happiness…. I hope you can understand….”

Phupi just nodded. She was still crying with tears moving down her face. I went near her and hugged her. she hugged me back.

Me: “you can decide it later…. We still have three days to go to doc… I expect you to be with me…..”

Mummy: “but Zaheer, if Zara agrees to have baby naturally, then we will have to inform to doc that we don’t want to go for IVF…. And we will try it naturally…..”

Me: “but mummy, in that case she will also know that Zara phupi slept with me and had sex with me….. our secret will be open then….”

Mummy: “we will have to talk to her and request her to keep it secret just like she promised us if she did IVF treatment….”

Phupi: “what if she tells about this to someone…..”

Me: “don’t worry phupi, anyhow we will have to go to her clinic if you get pregnant…..”

Phupi: “Zaheer, you know how desperately I want to get pregnant…. It is so important for me….”

Me: “I know phupi…. That’s why I want you to say yes….. I want you to have my baby….. I know that you love your husband very much…. For him, you have to say yes….. for him, you have to do sex with me…….”

Phupi: “I can’t decide it now Zaheer….. I need some time….”

Me: “Ok phupi, you give me an answer within three days….. Before we go to see your doctor…”

Now, everything was out in open. I played my cards and my dear mummy helped me play my game. Now I had to just wait for my aunt, Zara phupi’s response. We knew that she would say yes for the sake of her marriage. She would have sex with me so that she could stay with her husband. She would have my baby to give his husband’s family an heir. She would give herself to me and become my new lover. At last, one of my fantasies was about to turn into reality.

Finally the day came when we had to visit doctor again. Zara phupi didn’t say anything about what she decided. She didn’t have any other option now instead of saying yes to my proposal. When we were about to leave to hospital, I again asked her if she had made a decision. She said she will talk about it in hospital. Mummy said that she will not come and will stay at home. She asked me to take care of her sister in law. I and aunt went to the hospital on my bike.

When we were called in doctor’s cabin, we went inside. Doctor welcomes us smilingly.

Doc: “So Mrs. Zara, are you ready for your treatment….”

Phupi: “Well doctor, we need to talk something…..”

Doc: “OK…. What you want to say??”

Phupi: “well doctor, I and Zaheer decided to have a baby together…”

Doc: “that’s good…. So let us start the procedure….”

Phupi: “No doc, I mean we decided to have the baby naturally….. without artificial treatment…”

Doc: “what??? You want to try it naturally…..”

Phupi: “yes doc…. We don’t want to go for artificial method….”

Doc: “but I told you that I will take care of all the complications…..”

Me: “that’s so good of you doctor and we appreciate your concern…. But we don’t want a baby by artificial means… we want to conceive naturally…..”

Doc: “do you know what you are talking about….. you want to sleep with your aunt…. You want to do intercourse with her???”

Me: “I guess that is important for getting her pregnant…..”

Doc: “so what about her husband?? if he comes to know about this…..”

Phupi: “doc, you only said that I can sleep with him sometimes, so that he doesn’t suspect anything….”

Doc: “yeah but…. Are you sure you want to do this…..”

Phupi: “yes doctor…. I want a baby…..anyhow…..”

Doc: “ok…. So now that you don’t want me to treat your fertility problem, how can I help you……??”

Me: “doctor, if my aunt gets pregnant…. We want you to do regular check ups during her pregnancy……and treat her if there must be any complications……and we also want to have delivery of our baby by your hands…..”

Doc: “that’s so nice of you… don’t worry…. I will treat your aunt….”

Phupi: “can I ask you something else??”

Doc: “what is it???”

Phupi: “you said that I should have sex with my husband sometimes before getting pregnant. So if he have sex with me, will there be any problems??”

Doc: “no…there won’t be any problems even if he ejaculates inside you…..”

Phupi: “Ok then doctor, thanks for your advice…..”

We thanked doctor before leaving and started to leave. I forgot to ask something to her. we went back again and asked to doctor.

Me: “Doctor, I want some advice from you…”

Doc: “what is it??”

Me: “which is the best sex position to conceive a child successfully…..???”

Hearing my question doctor looked at my aunt and laughed out loudly. While my aunt was feeling very embarrassed.

Doc: “well you can do it anyway…but according to me missionary position will be more successful… I advise you to ejaculate inside her while you are in missionary position….”

We thanked doctor and went away. Now that aunt was ready to have sex with me, I got more free with her. when we reached into parking lot, I put my arms around my aunt’s waist and pulled her towards me. I kissed on her cheeks. She pushed me away and asked me to behave.

Me: “come on phupi, now that we are going to…. You know…. Sleep together… we have to get more closer….. after all you are going to be mother of my baby…..”

Phupi: “we can do it in your bedroom….. not here in open in front of other people… behave yourself……”

Me: “sorry phupi…… so, are we going to do it tonight???”

Phupi: “yes Zaheer, now that I have taken a decision…. I don’t want to wait anymore….. I want to have a child as soon as possible…. We will do it tonight itself…..”

We went to home happily on my bike. I asked my aunt to hold me tightly while she sat behind me on my bike. We even stopped for eating an ice cream near a famous lake in our city. When we reached home, mummy asked me what happened at hospital.

Mummy: “so Zaheer, what happened at hospital??”

Me: “mummy, Zara phupi told doctor that we will try to have a baby naturally…. She said that she will not go for IVF treatment…”

Mummy: “WHAT??? Zara, did you really say that??”

Phupi: “Yes bhabi, I said that…. I want to have Zaheer’s child naturally…. I am ready to sleep with him….. just pray to God that I become mother of your grandchild…..”

Mummy: “that is a very good news….. thank you very much Zara……”

Phupi: “No bhabi, I should thank both of you for caring so much for me…. for helping me out in this difficult time…..”

Mummy: “so when are you guys starting?? sleep together….???”

Me: “mummy, we are going to do it from tonight itself…….”

Mummy: “tonight itself??”

Me: “yes mummy, and I want you to get her ready for tonight……”

Phupi: “what do you mean by get me ready??”

Me: “phupi, since tonight will be our first time together, I want it to be special….”

Mummy: “special??”

Me: “yes mummy…. I want you to dress her like a bride…. A newly wed bride on her first night…”

Zara phupi was shying very much. She went away into her room. I and mummy sat on the couch and discussed what and how to dress my sexy aunt, Zara phupi for our first night together. Now my fantasy will soon turn into a reality.