The Saga of Incest. Ch - 17

The Saga of Incest. Ch - 17

Published on: 2023-12-17 16:03:05

Last night, Zara phupi revealed to me that she had sex with her brother (my daddy) and also her father (my daadaji) and got impregnated by them. She asked for my promise not to tell this to anyone, but my mummy was my lover. She knew all the secrets that I knew. So now, I wanted to open this secret of my father. I want to tell to mummy all that Zara phupi told me before she fucked me.

I woke up next morning, took bath in my bathroom only and went out in kitchen for breakfast. I grabbed a sandwich that mummy made for me and headed to her bedroom. I opened her bathroom and saw that mummy was standing naked, looking into mirror and waiting for me. I went inside and told her, “I don’t want to fuck you now mummy…”

Mummy: “why beta….. I was waiting for you…. hoping to get some good fuck before you leave for college…”

Me: “but not now mummy….. I don’t want to fuck you now….”

Mummy: “why Zaheer, did you fuck Zara now… this morning??”

Me: “No mummy, I fucked her two times last night…. She is still sleeping….”

Mummy: “so why don’t you fuck me…..”

Me: “because I am getting late for my class mummy and it is very important class…. I don’t want to miss it…..”

Mummy: “is it important than your mother…..???”

Me: “no mummy….. but I have a test today…..”, I lied because I didn’t want to fuck her at that time.

Mummy: “that means I will not be getting your cock today…..”

Me: “don’t worry mummy….. I promise that you will be getting my cock today and TONIGHT also……”

Mummy: “TONIGHT??? How…. Is Zara going back to her husband’s home????”

Me: “I’ll tell you later….. I am getting late now…..bye mummy”

I kissed my mummy on her lips while she was standing naked in her bathroom. She came behind me as I was leaving for my college. She put on a gown on her silky body and came to see me off outside. I got onto my bike and left for college.

I was not able to concentrate in the classes, as I was still thinking the incest story of my daddy and her sister, Zara phupi. While looking to the black board, I was imagining that I was seeing my daddy fucking his beautiful sister and making her pregnant.

My professor caught me day dreaming and asked me to leave the class if I was not interested. I was very happy getting this punishment as I was looking for a reason to go home. I decided to bunk my other classes and called up my mother on landline number.

Phupi: “Hellooo!!!”

Me: “hello darling…. When did you wake up??”

Phupi: “about an hour back…. Where are you Zaheer???”

Me: “I’m in college….. what is my baby doing???”

Phupi: “our baby is playing inside my womb…… and also missing his daddy…..”

Me: “ok phupi…. Can I speak to mummy…..”

Phupi: “sure, I am giving the phone to your mummy…..”

Mummy: “Hello….. Zaheer??? Why did you call now???”

Me: “mummy…. just listen to me and don’t say anything….. I am free for sometime now…. why don’t you come and meet me…… I want to fuck you now…….”

Mummy: “your classes???..... why don’t you come back home???”

Me: “no mummy….. Zara phupi is awake now…. we don’t want to get caught ……and also I have to tell you something…..”

Mummy: “ok…. What should I tell her???”

Me: “give her any excuse and tell her you have to come to my college….. and after reaching here, call me from the main gate of my college…. I will come and pick you up….”

Mummy: “ok Zaheer…. I will be leaving now…. as soon as possible….” Mummy hung up the phone.

Phupi: “what happened bhabi??? Is everything fine….??”

Mummy: “nothing serious…. Zaheer had some isssues with his professor and his principal wants to meet me now. Zaheer called and asked me to come to his college now….”

Phupi:“Bhabi, i will also come with you to his college....”

Mummy: “no Zara…. You stay at home…. Our maid, Neelu will come for work…. Someone has to stay at home…… I am leaving now and I may get a little late as I have to go to market also…”

Mummy knew that I may fuck her for a long time and may be more than once. So that’s why mummy gave her a reason so that if she gets late, phupi should not worry and disturb us while we fucked. I was waiting in my college canteen with my friends when I got a call from mummy. she said she was waiting for me near the college main gate. I said to my friends that I am not in a mood to attend further classes and told them to give my proxy if possible. I took my bike and left towards main gate to pick up mummy.

Me: “hello mummy….. lets go now…”

Mummy: “where are you taking me Zaheer…..???”

Me: “we are going to fuck munmy…. for that we need a bed….. so I am taking you to a hotel….”

Mummy: “which hotel????”

Me: “you tell…..???”

Mummy: “I didn’t get enough money with me….. do you have some money with you…..”

Me: “I have some money….. and don’t worry…. We are not going to 5 star hotel…. ”

There were many hotels near the railway station. We chose a decent hotel that was not too expensive. We checked in, asked them for a clean and good room and said that we just want to freshen up and rest for some time. After taking the key, we went towards our room. When we got inside, mummy made me check if there were any cameras inside the hotel room. I checked thoroughly and told her we were safe.

Mummy got into bed with me and started to kiss me. we started to remove our clothes and soon were naked. Mummy took her purse and took out some condoms and threw them on bed.

Me: “so you came with all preparedness???”

Mummy: “yes beta…. I was sure that you will forget condom…. That’s why I got some in my purse….”

Me: “mummy…. I was so horny that I was thinking of fucking you in my class…. Professor caught me day dreaming and he asked me to get out of his class… that’s why I called you here….”

Mummy: “Zaheer… at home you told me that you will fuck me tonight???”

Me: “Yes mummy… I will fuck you tonight also….in my bedroom….”

Mummy: “I am so happy that you asked Zara to go back to her husbands home…..”

Mummy took my cock and started to suck it. she was taking some breaks to speak with me.

Me: “no mummy….. Before I told her that…. She said she wants to stay here with me till she gives birth to my baby……”

Mummy: “what…..but why???”

Me: “she said that she don’t want to fuck her husband till my baby is inside her womb….. she just wants my sperms to fill her cunt…..”

Mummy: “what about my pussy then…. I will have to starve till your baby is born???”

Me: “no mummy…. I will fuck you also…..”

Mummy: “and how is that possible Zaheer????”

Me: “I will fuck you both in my bedroom… at the same time…. We will do threesome….”

Mummy: “are you out of your mind…..we already discussed that she will never get to know about us…..”

Me: “what if I tell you that I know a secret of hers…. And after hearing that, she will not get shocked after seeing us fucking…..”

Mummy: “what??? What secret you know about her Zaheer???”

Me: “do you know that apart from Saba maami, daddy had one more lover????”

Mummy: “what??? Who is she???”

Me: “Zara phupi….. daddy was fucking his own sister…..”

This was a big shock for mummy. she never could have imagined that her husband could fuck his own sister. She was not believing to what I told her.

Mummy: “don’t joke with me Zaheer…. Your father can never do that….”

Me: “believe me mummy…. she only told me this last night….. that she was in incest relation with daddy for last seventeen years….. but she didn’t fuck him for last four years…..”

Mummy: “how you got her to tell this to you…..???”

Me: “you know…. doctor said that Naeem uncle can never impregnate her…. when I told her to go back to her husband and fuck him, she told that he was not so good at sex and he could never make her pregnant??? I asked her then who made her pregnant three times……. She was caught and could say anything….. on pressurizing a lot, she confessed that daddy fucked her…. her own brother fucked her……”

Mummy: “I am not getting this Zaheer…. Did she tell you in detail….. please I want to know all…. all that you know……..”

I told my mother everything that Zara phupi told me. I told her that they started affair when my mummy went to her mother’s home for delivery. How they fucked every night. I also told mummy that they used to send her to my naani’s home so that they could be alone at home and fuck each other.

Mummy was very angry after knowing all this. Also she was very horny. When I was finished after telling this story to her, mummy started to cry and also suck my cock in her mouth. Finally, the emotions inside her all got drained with her tears and she just wanted me to fuck her. we fucked for some time. After we were done, mummy started to talk to me again.

Mummy: “so you are telling me that your father is fucking his sister behind my back and I never came to know about this…..???”

Me: “Yes mummy…. just like we were never caught by phupi…… even when we fucked behind her…..”

Mummy: “and your daddy made her pregnant…… three times???”

Me: “well…. I am not sure but daddy impregnated her atleast two times…..”

Mummy: “you didn’t ask her about that????”

Me: “I asked her mummy….but…..”

Mummy: “but what Zaheer??? Tell me…. ??”

Me: “I got another shock…… when she said me that…..”

Mummy: “what did she tell you???”

Me: “she said that she also don’t know who impregnated her for second time…..”

Mummy: “how is that possible…. She said that her husband can never get her pregnant and she also said that your father impregnated her….. then how was she confused….???”

Me: “what do you think mummy????”

Mummy: “she will be confused only when…… when a third person fucked her….. during the same time…..”

I smiled when mummy said this to me. she saw me smiling and asked me, “no way…. Don’t tell me that she fucked someone else….. other than her husband and her brother….. and you also…”

Me: “yes mummy….. but when you know who was that person…….you will not hesitate to fuck me infornt of her…..”

Mummy: “who can it be Zaheer…..???? tell me please….”

Me: “mom, it was her father…. Your father in law…. and my grandfather…… ”

Mummy: “what???? She fucked her father also??? How???”

Me: “I don’t know mummy…… she just said that daadaji may have impregnated her second time.….. She said she will tell me tonight……so it will be better if you ask her yourself……”

Mummy: “me…. how can I ask her???”

Me: “I have an idea mummy….. but I want to fuck you before I tell how”

I fucked my mother once more. When we were done, we lay there in hotel room, naked and kissing each other.

Mummy: “now tell me your idea….”

Me: “see mummy…. first we will break our incest secret infront of her….. once she knows about us… it will be easy for her to tell her incest secret to both of us……”

Mummy: “that’s nice beta…. But I want you to fuck me first infront of her….. I want you to show her that you love me more…..”

Me: “I will fuck you mummy…. but I will cum inside my pregnant aunt’s cunt…. as she is carrying my baby inside her……….”

Mummy: “that’s fine with me…. after all she is carrying my grandchild…..”

We stayed in hotel room till my college time was over. We got dressed and left for our home. On the way- mummy told me to take her to a lingerie shop. She wanted to take a sexy nighty. When we got there, mummy selected a very short and sexy nighty with matching lingerie.

But to my surprise, she asked the sales woman to get two sets of those nighties. She took one for herself and other for Zara phupi. She had this idea that I should see both of them in that nighty at same time that night when we would reveal our incest secret to my aunt.

We got home and behaved just like any other normal mother-son. We had dinner together and then I asked Zara phupi to come to my bedroom. She was surprised because usually I let her watch some TV serial with mu mummy. But tonight, mummy just couldn’t wait to take her son’s cock in her sweet cunt in front of her sister in law.

We got home and behaved just like any other normal mother-son. We had dinner together and then I asked Zara phupi to come to my bedroom. She was surprised because usually I let her watch some TV serial with mu mummy. But tonight, mummy just couldn’t wait to take her son’s cock in her sweet cunt infront of her sister in law.

Mummy told me to take Zara phupi in bedroom and give her that sexy lingerie to wear. She said she will join us after sometime and wear that similar nighty she took earlier that day. After taking aunt in my bedroom, I gave her shopping bag and told her to change. She happily took her gift and started to strip so that she could fuck me soon. When she was done, I took her to my bed and started to kiss her.

Phupi: “Zaheer, you look so horny tonight….. you didn’t even wait till I watched TV serials….”

Me: “Phupi, I have a surprise for you…..”

Phupi: “what surprise….. show me soon…..”

I raised phupi’s nighty upto her waist and rubbed my hand all over her wet pussy. suddenly my bedroom door opened and mummy came in. phupi saw mummy stand in my bedroom door and broke our kiss, but my hands were still pleasuring my pregnant aunt. Mummy was wearing a gown over her sexy nighty.

Phupi: “Zaheer, bhabi is standing there in the door…. Stop and remove your hand….”

Mummy: “so you two are enjoying …..huh…..???”

Me: “yes mummy….. she is enjoying very much…… and you know what, she is very much excited about the surprise……”

Phupi: “Zaheer, does bhabi also knows about your surprise….. I thought your surprise would be something sexyyy………..”

Mummy: “so you expected some sexy surprise???”

Me: “don’t worry phupi…. Our surprise is a sexy one…., mummy why don’t you show your sister in law our sexy surprise???”

Mummy: “sure beta….. I think this is the time…..”

Phupi was waiting for her surprise looking at my mother. But instead of surprise, she was shocked at what she saw next. Mummy while standing beside our bed, removed her gown. Zara phupi’s jaw dropped when she saw mummy wearing the similar sexy nighty that I gifted her.

Mummy looked more beautiful than her because she was wearing high heeled stilettos and sexy stockings with garter belt. She just couldn’t believe how my mother dressed and came infront of her own son. She was looking at both of us with many questions in her eyes. Finally, when she recovered from this shock, she spoke,

Phupi: “Zaheer, this is the same nighty that I am wearing now…. you gifted it to your mother also???”

Me: “No phupi, actually mummy took this…. One for you and one for herself…..”

Phupi: “but why she dressed like this and came here… that too in front of her own son….??”

Mummy: “Zara, I am here not infront of my son, but in front of my lover….”

Mummy came and sat beside me. I put my other hand over my mother’s arms and raised her nighty to her waist. Phupi saw that mummy wasn’t wearing panties under her nighty.

Mummy: “so Zara, how did you like this surprise???”

Phupi: “Zaheer….bhabii….???..... you both???....”

Mummy: “Yes Zara…. We both….. are….lovers also….”

Phupi: “bhabi…. He is your son….how could you.???”

Mummy: “just how you fucked your brother and father….”

Phupi looked at me angrily and stared in my eyes.

Me: “come on phupi, she is my lover…. She has to know all this….”

Phupi: “but you promised not to tell anyone….”

Mummy: “so what…. Zaheer also promised me that he will never tell about our relation to anyone….. but tonight you got to know about our affair….”

Me: “Zara phupi, actually when I told mummy that you fucked daddy and daadaji, she wanted to know all… so I suggested that we should sit together and discuss our secrets….”

Mummy: “yes Zara, Zaheer said me that you fucked my husband, your own brother and your father…. But you didn’t tell him how you got to fuck your father for first time….”

Phupi: “bhabi, you know about me and bhaiyya…. Before I tell you how I fucked my daddy, I want to know about you and Zaheer…. When and how you had sex first…”

This time, mummy narrated our incest sex story to Zara phupi from beginning. How I seduced her in the name of massage and bath and finally fucked her. phupi was really very excited after listening to our sex story. She like the olive fruit part very much where I ate olives from my mummy’s pussy.

Phupi: “bhabi, why you fucked your own son when you can get any man in bed with you..... you are so beautiful….”

Mummy: “I know that Zara, I can get any man to fuck me…. but I feared that if I fucked some stranger then I may end up becoming a whore….. I don’t want to be that… I just want a lover who loved me more than anyone else….. which I got in my son…. He loved me as mother and now he also loves me as his wife…..”

Phupi: “bhabi, I still cannot believe that you actually fucked your own son….”

Me: “then I think you have to see it to believe it….”

Phupi: “so are you going to fuck your mummy here…. Right infront of me…”

Mummy: “Yes Zara…. You should see me how my son fucks me….”

I took mummy on my lap and started to undress her. soon her nighty was off from her body. Mummy was now just in her bra, garter belt, stockings and stilettos. I removed her bra, garter belt and left the stocking and heels on her legs. I moved down and spread her legs and put my mouth near mummy’s crotch.

Me: “see phupi, how I lick mummy’s cunt… same place from where I came into this world eighteen years back….”

I licked the outer lips first, then played along her clit. I took mummy’s pussy lips into my mouth and pressed them hard. Within some minutes mummy started to squirt on my face. I inserted my tongue in her pussy and gave her pleasure. I thought to increase the intensity and got my tongue to work on her g spot while my fingers fucked her pussy hole deep. Mummy got a big orgasm.

Mummy: “Zara…. I know that Zaheer never licked you like this….. he is so wonderful when he licks me…..”

Phupi: “Yes Zaheer, bhabi is right…. Although you licked my pussy many times…. You never gave me such pleasure that you just gave to your mother…..”

Me: “Zara phupi, you were satisfied from what I gave you….. but mummy always wanted to go to extreme in whatever I did with her….. if you want I can lick you like this next time….. now you get naked…… and just shut up and let me fuck my mother….”

Mummy: “some baby….. now let me suck you…..”

Mummy got in between my knees and started to lick me. First she licked my hard cock from top to bottom. Then she played with and sucked my balls. She took my whole hard cock in to her mouth as deep as she could. I could feel my cock head touching back of her throat.

When I was near my orgasm, mummy released my cock and played with my balls so that she delayed my orgasm for some time. Later, I made her free my cock and got her back on bed. I got on top of her, not to fuck her but to suck her boobs.

Mummy got in between my knees and started to lick me. First she licked my hard cock from top to bottom. Then she played with and sucked my balls. She took my whole hard cock in to her mouth as deep as she could. I could feel my cock head touching back of her throat.

When I was near my orgasm, mummy released my cock and played with my balls so that she delayed my orgasm for some time. Later, I made her free my cock and got her back on bed. I got on top of her, not to fuck her but to suck her boobs.

Me: “see phupi…. These are the same breasts that fed me milk when I was an infant…. And now I get to enjoy them once again as an adult….. as a lover…..”

I sucked mummy’s boobs and she was moaning. She wanted me to enter inside her pussy. so she spread her legs wide and took hold my cock from under her leg. She positioned my cock near her fuck hole and pushed her hips upwards so that my cock got inside her. when she successfully made me enter inside her pussy, I started my rhythm of fucking my sexy mother. mummy wrapped her long legs around my ass and responded very well to my fucking.

Mummy: “Zaheer…. See.. your aunt is watching us fuck….. so Zara, how do you like this….”

Phupi: “bhabi,… you are really fucking your son….”

Mummy: “yes Zara…. but you will always be the second woman in my lovers’ life….. first you fucked my husband and then you fucked my son……”
other to visit the doctor as she was feeling very uncomfortable when I was asking too private question with doctor. During one

Phupi: “what Zaheer….. bhabi asked you to seduce me….”

Mummy: “yes Zara….. I only asked my son, my lover to seduce you…. because this was the only way you could get pregnant…… your brother was very concerned about you…..”

Me: “shut up you two…. You can talk later when I go to college…. Just fuck me now….”

I changed the position with mummy. Now mummy got up and turned around. she got on all fours and asked me to fuck her from behind. I entered her from behind and fucked her. I pulled Zara phupi up nad pulled her close to me so that I could kiss her on lips and suck her boobs. I asked her to stimulate mummy by rubbing her pussy. she did just what I asked her to do. This was our first real threesome. Earlier with Neelu, mummy didn’t allow her to get involved when we fucked. She just watched me fucking her memsaab. Seeing the rhythm of our fucking, phupi realized that I was close to ejaculate soon.

Phupi: “bhabi, don’t you make Zaheer put on a condom….. when he fucks you….. you can end up getting pregnant…..”

Mummy: “don’t worry Zara, my son is not going to ejaculate inside my pussy…. .”

Phupi: “such a waste of his potent sperms…..”

Mummy: “it’s not going to go waste…. Just wait for him to reach there….”

When I felt my balls boiling with sperms, I removed my cock from mother’s cunt with a pop sound and pushed her down on bed. I pulled Zara phupi near me and made her sit on my cock in my lap. Now we both were in sitting position, with my cock inside my aunt’s cunt.

After some more fucking, I ejaculated inside Zara phupi’s already pregnant womb with my potent sperms. Mummy was panting and just watching her son fucking her own sister in law.

Mummy: “see Zara, I told you that I will not let my son’s potent sperm go waste…. He came inside you….”

Phupi: “bhabi….. you remember, when Naeem came to fuck me some days back… and I came to your bedroom after my husband fucked me….”

Phupi: “yes bhabi…. I knew that you were upto something…. Doing something…. In your bedroom… behind closed doors…….”

Me: “phupi, but how did you know that???”

Phupi: “when bhabi opened the door, she was panting… like she did sone hard work….. and her hairs were all messed up…. And also her nighty….. some top buttons were opened when she opened the door…. I could see that she was not wearing a bra inside……and Zaheer, you also…. When I came inside….. you were under the blanket….i could clearly see your cock was hard…”

Mummy: “so you knew that we were fucking??”

Phupi: “no bhabi…. For just a second, I got a thought of it… then I said to myself that it was impossible…. That my so conservative bhabi cannot fuck her own son….”

Mummy: “did you suspect something any other times??”

Phupi: “no bhabi…why??? Did you fuck some other times also???”

Mummy: “my son fucked me everyday from the day we started our affair….”

Phupi: “then how come I was unaware of that…. I never saw you doing things…”

Mummy: “my son fucked me in mornings, in my bedroom or bathroom before he went to college…. That time, you would be sleeping in my son’s bed……”

Phupi: “yes bhabi…. I came to your room once when you were in bath….. you said Zaheer already left for college…”

Mummy: “no Zara, he was standing behind me when I was talking to you…. he was licking my pussy when I was talking to you with just my head out of the door…..”

Phupi: “so Zaheer, you always fuck your mummy without a condom?? She may get pregnant….”

Me: “no phupi, we always use a condom…. Mummy even bought a bog box of comdom last week when we went to shop for groceries…. They are kept in her bedroom and we daily use some condoms when we have sex….”

Mummy: “yes Zara…. but you know what??? My son is very desperate to get me pregnant…. He wants me to carry his child in my womb…. He wants me to give birth to my own grandchild…”

Phupi: “but how bhabi…. If you get pregnant, bhaiyya will get to know that you are having an affair…. With someone…”

Mummy: “that’s why I asked him to impregnate me when his daddy comes to India…”

Phupi: “so you want to play it the same way as we are playing it now with my husband Naeem??”

Mummy: “yes Zara…. leave all that now…. I want to know something….”

Phupi: “what is it bhabi???”

Mummy: “Zaheer told me that you will tell tonight that how your father fucked you for the first time…. I want to know that….”

Phupi: “sure bhabi, I will tell you all…. but not tonight…. May be tomorrow night…..”

Me: “why phupi….. you promised me that you will tell tonight….”

Phupi: “yes Zaheer, I promised you…. but after getting this surprise from you mother-son, I am very horny….. and you didn’t even fucked me properly…. First I need a good fuck from you….”

Mummy: “ok Zaheer…. Fuck her now… I want to see you make love to your aunt…. To my sister in law…. to your father’s lover… your step mother…. to your step grandmother….”

Phupi: “but I want to do something….”

Mummy: “what is it Zara??”

Phupi: “bhabi, I want Zaheer to fuck me…. wearing a condom…. And when he is close…. I want him to fuck you and ejaculate inside you wearing that same condom…..I want to see how you feel when Zaheer climaxes while fucking his mom….”

Me: “that sounds great mummy… what do you say….??”

Mummy: “ok Zaheer, go and get some condoms from my bedroom…”

Soon I ran into my parent’s bedroom and took some condoms from the table near mummy’s bed. I came back to my bedroom and saw mummy and aunty talking and laughing. They both were naked and looked so beautiful. Soon, mummy sucked my cock and rolled down condom on my cock. she made phupi spread her legs and asked me to get on top of her.

Mummy took hold of my cock and guided it into phupi’s cunt with her own hands. While I was fucking my pregnant phupi, mummy was pushing me in and pulling me out by holding my waist as I fucked her sister in law. I fucked phupi in three more positions before I was ready to cum.

Phupi asked me to enter mummy’s cunt when I was there. She asked me to fuck my mother in missionary position. She just did the same thing that my mother did with me when I was fucking phupi. Soon I released all my cum into the condom while I was still fucking my mother’s cunt.

After I removed my cock from her pussy, Zara phupi held my cock and pulled me to her. she kissed me and removed the condom from my cock. she asked mummy if she ever tasted cum in mouth. Mummy said she liked her son’s cum very much. Zara phupi and mummy, both shared and drank my cum from the condom. We kissed each other and were very tired. I got in between these two beautiful ladies and pulled them close to my naked body. We slept like that only. They both had their naked bodies on me when I woke up the next morning to go for college.