The Stormy Night

The Stormy Night

Published on: 2023-09-30 16:04:03

It was raining cats and dogs when I got off the bus at bus stand. Even though I made a very quick dash to the nearest shelter that was just a few feet away I got drenched. I found an empty bench away from the slanting rain and sat on it to take stock of my plight.

I am Mohan, a twenty two year old engineer, working as an engineer trainee in a reputed private firm in Madras (the city is now known as Chennai). My company worked five days a week. A very good friend of mine was getting married that Saturday night in his native place; a very small town some 50 miles away from Vijayawada. It was an impulsive, last minute decision on my part to attend that wedding.

Unfortunately for me, I couldn't get a train ticket and had to travel sitting in a bus all the way. Even as I left Madras on that Friday night, a cyclonic storm was making its way towards the South India in the Bay of Bengal. During that night of my travel it intensified further. The bus was buffeted by rain and strong winds and the journey was very wet and tiring. But, somehow, we managed to reach Vijayawada around eight in the morning that Saturday.

I had a cup of hot coffee at the coffee stall and then went to the inquiry counter. My plan was to take another bus to my friend's town.

"Forget it, Sir! All the buses are cancelled. The storm is going to cross the coast in a few hours quite close to us. Go and find yourself a safe accommodation. Everything is closing down in a couple of hours." It appeared to me that the inquiry clerk was trying to scare me and getting a kick out of it.

I moved away from the counter and looked around. There were only few people around and most of the stalls and ticket counters had already closed down. Perhaps, most of them didn't open at all that morning and the few people around were in a rush to go to the warmth and safety of their homes.

What should I do? I have to spend the day at Vijayawada for sure and wait for the storm to cross the coast, do its damage and destruction and weaken. But where do I stay? A hotel is not a luxury I could afford at that stage nor had I come prepared for such an expense. It was the fag end of the month and I was broke as usual.

Murthy! Yes! The solution came to me in a flash. Murthy's father was a friend of my father. Murthy must be around thirty now. I haven't seen him in the past five years. But, I knew

Murthy was working in Vijayawada and he lived here with his wife. More importantly, Murthy was highly obliged to my father.

It was my father who helped him secure his present good job with a private company. This was about five years back. Murthy worked hard, did well and got married. Though, I haven't seen him for a long time I was aware of these developments through my folks. I also remembered someone mentioning a few months back that his house was in the lane next to a famous theater, a landmark of sort in Vijayawada.

I decided to take my chances and find shelter with Murthy. I knew that the theater was only about a mile away from bus stand. But in this heavy rain that was quite a long way. I looked around and found a cycle rickshaw guy who was willing to take me. He demanded thrice the normal fare and I felt, given this weather, he was very reasonable. I got into the rickshaw.

Have you ever traveled in a cycle rickshaw with heavy rains lashing and gusty winds trying to blow you away? It can get really scary! I got totally drenched and so was my small travel bag. I felt awfully bad about the guy pulling the rickshaw. He was unable to pedal the bicycle against the strong wind and so, pulled the rickshaw manually. It took almost half an hour for us to reach the theater.

He stopped at the entry to the lane next to the theater.

"This is your lane, sir." He pointed out.

I looked. There was no road visible. The lane was like a canal; water flowing down to the other end. It looked at least a couple of feet deep, if not more.

"You will have to walk the rest of the way, sir. I am sorry." He said. I didn't argue. I paid his fare and a handsome tip. He deserved it.

I got down from the rickshaw and moved to the shelter provided by a small tree at the corner. I looked into the lane. There was no one around. All the houses had their doors and windows firmly shut. People were sensible and they were staying indoors. I didn't have any idea about Murthy's home. I stood there wondering what to do.

My savior was a ten year old boy who came from behind me and was going into the same lane. He was protected by an umbrella too.

"Hello! Could you tell me where is Murthy's house?"

"Which Murthy?" He asked seriously. I knew that in this part of the town, every other man was a Murthy. I tried to recollect his first name.

The boy was obviously smart and clever.

"Young Murthy sir or old man Murthy sir?" He asked.

"Young Murthy" I replied promptly.

He pointed to the second house on the right side and said, "Upstairs." He went his way and I blessed him and his parents.

I made my way to Murthy's house, wading through knee deep water, covering my head with my bag for protection against the heavy rain. I opened the small wooden gate. It was a two storied house a few feet above the street level. There was a small three feet paved pathway around the house and the main door was locked with a big lock from outside. Obviously, they were out.

I found the stair case to my left, climbed the stairs and reached the upstairs portion.

I earnestly hoped that this was indeed Murthy's place and he was there. I knocked on the wooden door. There was no answer and I knocked harder and longer.

The door didn't open but a small window to the right of the door and a few feet away opened.

"Who is it?" A female voice inquired.

"Is Murthy sir there?" I asked her.

"No. He is not here. Who wants him?" She asked again.

I gave her my name and introduced myself as a friend of Murthy. To give her some confidence, I told her my father's name.

It was as if I said, "Open Sesame!" The window shut and the door opened immediately. I rushed indoor and it took a lot of effort to shut the door against the winds.

"I am Jaya, his wife." She introduced herself.

Seeing my totally drenched condition she went inside and returned with a fresh towel and an ironed lungi (the male equivalent of a sari which one wraps around). I opened my bag, took out my small toilette kit and also a T shirt.

"Dry yourself before you catch cold. You are totally drenched." So saying, she gestured me to follow her. One of the doors in the next large room had a door that opened to the attached bathroom with toilette. The bathroom had another door that probably opened to their bedroom.

I brushed my teeth, finished my morning ablutions and walked out of the bathroom in a much better shape. She had a cup of hot filtered coffee ready and I really loved drinking that coffee. I needed it!

Jaya told me that Murthy had gone to Raipur two days ago on official work and he was expected back on Sunday evening. I told her about the purpose and details of my own trip and how I am now stuck in Vijayawada.

"I am glad that you remembered us and came here. We are highly indebted to your father. It is because of his blessings and kindness that we are happy." I was a bit embarrassed by the high praise they heaped on my father; but was secretly proud of him.

"Whether you like it or not, now you are struck with me." I joked with her.

"Oh! It is really a relief to have company in this horrible storm. I was scared." She replied.

She quickly prepared a breakfast of hot upma (a south Indian breakfast like a thick porridge) for me. I was famished, it was hot and delicious and I ate a second serving too.

"You must be tired after that overnight journey. Why don't you sleep off for a while? I will prepare lunch and wake you up." That was a very welcome suggestion.

She quickly made a bed for me on a folding type cot in the bigger living room which was the second room and I slept like a rock.

At 1pm, I woke up after much shouting and shaking by Jaya. My eyes were refusing to stay open and I went to the bathroom and had a quick face wash. The lunch was ready and spread out neatly on the small dining table. It was hot, spicy and delicious...just the way I liked my food. I praised her on here culinary skills and ate ravenously.

After we finished lunch, I moved to the front room and tried the Radio. The power supply was off. Jaya brought a small battery operated transistor radio and gave it to me.

"You can get the local stations and weather updates on this." She went back to clean up.

I heard the local news bulletin and it was depressing news. The storm was lashing the coast and all forms of transportation had come to a halt. There was a lot of damage already and the cyclone was expected to cross the coast in few hours time about sixty miles down south to us.

Jaya joined me in the room, sat on the chair opposite mine and listened to the news with rapt attention. When the bulletin concluded, I switched off. She had a worried look on her face. Even though I didn't show my feelings, I was worried too.

"I am worried, Mohan. They say it is going to cross close to us and do a lot of damage. I hope we are safe here." She did sound worried.

"I think I should forget about going to my friend's wedding. I only hope that they all would be safe." I expressed my own concerns.

"You can't think of going anywhere now. Forget about going to that wedding."

I nodded my head in assent.

We heard a commotion from outside. We didn't dare to open the door. Jaya opened the window partly and peeped through it. Then she asked me to join her. I did.

The lane was now flooded with water and the level was much higher than when I arrived that morning. Few of the houses which were at a lower level were flooded and folks from these houses were moving themselves and their valuables to the relative safety of neighbors' homes.

Luckily for us, Murthy's house was built three or four feet above the road level and very safe.

"We are on the first floor; so no worries at all." I said, hoping to boost her confidence.

"That is true, but, isn't this scary?"

It certainly was!

We shut the window and bolted it. It was just past three but the light outside dimmed considerably. The house turned dark and Jaya lit a candle.

"Do we have enough candles and matches?" I asked her.

So we went and checked. There were about ten candles and two match boxes in stock. We picked them up and placed them in the top shelf of the open rack there; a dry, safe and accessible place.

"We must use them carefully and not waste any." I added, unnecessarily.

"Thank God, you are here, Mohan. I just shudder to think of myself alone in this ghastly storm." Her voice cracked a little and she looked ready to burst into tears.

She didn't look much older than me so I decided to call her by name.

"Oh! Jaya! Don't worry. I am here with you now and you need not worry. I will not leave till the storm completely subsides. We are perfectly safe."

My words cheered her up a little.

I decided to take her mind off the storm. So, I started telling her things about Madras, my job, cinemas and things like that. Jaya was curious and she asked many questions. In the background, even through the closed doors, we could hear the winds howling and shrieking. It was just past five but totally dark.

I switched on the transistor radio.

The storm was going to cross the coast anytime now. People were asked to stay indoors and bolt up their doors and windows, as very high speed winds were blowing. 'Do not open the doors and windows' - the warnings said repeatedly.

I got up and checked that the doors and windows were fully closed and properly bolted. Despite that, the front door looked a little vulnerable. So, with the help of Jaya, I moved a couple of trunks against the door, as a sort of reinforcement. Jaya said she would cook some rice for our dinner. Some of the curry and dal that she cooked for our lunch were also available. I went with her to the kitchen to keep company.

Author's note

At this stage of the tale I would like to tell you a little more about the personalities of both Mohan and Jaya. Mohan was basically a good boy. He was above average but not brilliant at studies and did fairly well at the academics. He was tall at 5'10", very slim and had average physic and looks. He had a good, middle class upbringing and was taught the basic values well by his parents early in life.

His knowledge about sex was also average; as was the norm of those times. It was mostly bookish and hearsay. Like other boys of his age, he masturbated periodically fantasizing about the bodies of film stars or other beauties. He kept away from the temptation of going to the prostitutes or the like. He knew that he would get married in a few years and then he could have all the sex he wanted with his wife. Thus, sexually, he was both a virgin and a novice.

Jaya was twenty five year old. She too had a middle class upbringing and did her graduation in Arts (known as B.A degree). She was married three years ago and it was an arranged marriage. Her parents knew Murthy's parents through common friends and both sides liked the alliance and that was it.

Jaya was 5'4" tall and an average looking girl. She had wheat like complexion and plain features. Everything about her looks was average...her face, breasts, buttocks...were all average. Her most beautiful features were her eyes and her hair. She had big, black eyes that were beautiful and expressive. She also had long, silken, rich, black hair that she normally wore in a single pleat. When in the mood and in the privacy of her home, she would sometimes leave it loose for a day after shampooing it.

She too had minimal knowledge of sex when she got married and her husband was her first and only man. Murthy was only a couple of inches taller than her and was a little obese for his age. He was darker in complexion than his wife and had lots of body hair. Though he loved his wife he was an average performer in bed. After a few minutes of foreplay and kissing he would take his wife in a missionary position, fuck her for five minutes and ejaculate. Once done, he would get off her and go to sleep.

Jaya had an orgasm occasionally and was left fretting the other times. She had no prior knowledge or experience to bench mark. She therefore thought this was normal sex. But, sometimes, she felt that she was missing out on something and sex, perhaps, could be more pleasurable.

Her instinct told her that her hubby was 'coming' too soon. If only he could stay harder and longer inside her and fucked her longer it would be much better! She felt it but never dared to tell her hubby. She was scared of his possible reaction.

Though three years had gone by, she had not got pregnant. Her parents, his parents and all relatives were waiting for her to get pregnant. Those days, in our society, if a woman didn't get pregnant she was blamed as infertile. Though her gynecologist said there was nothing wrong with her and it was only a matter of time before she conceived, she was worried. So, she did what her mother and mother-in-law had asked her to do. She visited temples, prayed to God to make her pregnant.

This was the background of both these characters when they were thrown together by a quirk of fate to face the deadly storm on that fateful day.

Back to the story

Jaya finished cooking and we moved to the front room and lit a candle there. This was their drawing room and had a small sofa and two chairs. They were of the simple and less expensive wood and cane type design. I settled down on the sofa and Jaya joined me. Through the firmly closed doors we could hear the howling of the winds. I switched on the transistor set.

The news was on. The cyclone was moving slower than expected and was likely to cross the coast in the next few hours. The earlier warnings and the predictions of high wind speeds and extensive damage were repeated. I switched it off because we needed to conserve the batteries. With the telephone lines dead from that morning and power outage, we were totally cut off from the outside world. This transistor radio was our sole source of information.

I did the mistake of sharing these thoughts with Jaya. Instinctively, her hand sought mine and held them. Her body shivered a little. She was certainly scared and I felt a surge of sympathy. I moved a little closer to her and gently pressed her hand with mine.

"Don't worry, Jaya! We are far away from the path (of the cyclone) and we are in a big town. We are not alone. There are thousands around us. We are safe." I said with more confidence than I felt.

"I know but I am scared..." She mumbled.

To divert her attention, I started talking about movies. This was a subject that obviously fascinated her a great deal. We started talking about my favorite heroines and her favorite heroes. As we kept speaking, I became aware of her body, for the first time.

The sofa, with its back to the wall, was facing the front door. I was seated on the left side of the sofa and Jaya was to my right. Her right hand was in my hands now and as we talked, I became aware of its softness for the first time. Her hand was soft as a flower and her fingers were slim and shapely. Slowly, I let the fingers of my right hand entwine hers.

As I looked at her face, I realized, for the first time, how beautiful her eyes were!

"You have such lovely eyes, Jaya." I blurted out. My hand gave hers a gentle squeeze.

"Oh! Mohan! So you noticed at last! I was wondering whether you would notice at all! That is the first thing people tell me when they meet me first time...beautiful eyes!" She said that proudly and her face lit up with a smile.

"I too noticed it the first thing but I was scared about saying it out then."

She just smiled in reply. But now, her hand returned the squeeze.

We kept talking about all and sundry. But we both were aware of the fury of the raging cyclone and were scared. The winds were blowing at a higher speed now. This was obvious from the increased noise level and the tremendous air pressure that was rattling the doors and windows.

"This is getting too scary, Mohan!" Her voice reflected her fear.

There was no doubt about that. But, she was obviously much more scared than me. As a man, I was supposed to provide her some sort of confidence and protection. Instinct told me what to do. I freed my right hand, put my arm behind her, let my right hand rest on her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. She turned slightly to her left, towards me and moved closer. Her left cheek rested on my chest.

"Don't worry, Jaya. I am here with you and nothing will happen. Don't be afraid of the storm. It will blow off. Just relax, don't be tense." I just kept saying what I thought were comforting words.

My right hand left her shoulder and started brushing her long silken hair tenderly. It was a spontaneous gesture that was aimed at comforting and relaxing her. Her left hand reached for my free left hand, held it and her fingers entwined mine. She gave a gentle squeeze which was an appreciation of my actions and the comfort they provided.

We sat like that on the sofa for long minutes and stayed silent. The silence enhanced the howling noise of the winds which was now like a low pitched shriek of a banshee...a continuous one!

Jaya's body was still tense and I felt her tremble a little occasionally with small spasms, as if she were experiencing chills.

I dropped my right hand almost to her waist, put my left hand on her right shoulder and pulled her close to me. Her face now hid itself against my chest. My right hand held her waist and I was now slightly turned towards her. We were now in a sort of semi hug and our bodies adjusted themselves to a sort of snug fit.

"Don't worry, Jaya! We are safe and we are together." I reassured her.

"Yes Mohan. Thank you." Her voice was soft and sweet.

We kept quiet. I was now aware of her left breast that pressed against my chest. I was also aware of the smooth skin of her waits which was warm to my touch. I liked the feeling and my right palm made a slight adjustment so that it was in full contact with her soft and smooth waist. I felt a strange sense of excitement.

A thought suddenly occurred to me. If I was aware of the feel of her breast on my chest and my palm on her waist, so was she! If that were so, does this mean that Jaya likes us to be like this? May be yes or may be no. The fact was that we are caught in this wretched storm and we needed each other's support and comfort.

After about fifteen minutes I woke up with a start. I didn't even realize that I dozed off. My sudden movement woke up Jaya too. I let go off her and stood up.

"Can you believe it? We both dozed off." She smiled and so did her beautiful eyes.

I went to the toilette, relieved myself, returned to the sofa and switched on the transistor radio. Jaya had gone to the kitchen to make us some coffee. In a few minutes, she returned with two mugs of steaming hot coffee. We heard the news while drinking our coffee. The news was more or less a repeat of the earlier bulletin. We finished drinking coffee and I switched off the radio.

As if bound by an unsaid pact , we settled down back on the sofa. As a matter of fact, our postures and positioning was even more comfortable. I sat totally relaxed and Jaya rested her head like before on my chest. Now, she was even more side on towards me and her right hand rested limply on my left side. In this position while her left breast was pressed fully against my chest, her right breast brushed teasingly against the left part of my chest.

I liked the feel of her breasts against me. They felt like rubber balls; soft and hard like rubber. I was now fully aware of those breasts and my thoughts returned to them again and again. Was I committing a sin? I quickly removed that question from my mind. Not now, may be later but certainly not now, I told myself.

My right hand left her waist and moved to caress her silken hair once again. My left hand which was free moved and rested limply on her right shoulder. My right palm slowly dropped to her right cheek and brushed it lightly. There was not a sound from Jaya and her eyes remained shut. Her cheek was smooth and my fingers loved caressing it.

There was a sudden sound of something big falling with a thud...was it a tree or a small structure? We had no way of knowing. But this brought the fear home once again; fear which we had managed to keep away for some time.

"Don't worry. It is far away." I assured her.

In response her right hand tightened its grip on my side and she pressed harder against me as if hiding herself. Due to her sudden movement my right hand slipped from her right shoulder to her right breast and held it. It was accidental and unintentional. But it happened. Instinctively, my right palm cupped it.

For a full minute, we both waited with bated breath. I didn't pull my hand away. She didn't push it away. Thus, by mutual consent, it stayed there.

It felt wonderful to cup her breast. Honestly, it was my first feel of a woman's breast. It was a great feeling. It beat everything that I ever imagined. I wanted to enjoy that heavenly feeling again and again. So, I pressed her breast and squeezed it gently...again and again. Jaya let me do it. She didn't push my hand away. On the contrary, her slender fingers exerted slightly more pressure on my side.

As I fondled her boob I felt her nipple poking through the blouse. It was a pointed projection that drew my thumb to it. It felt good to tease it and roll it with my fingers. I thought I heard a light moan escape from her lips but I wasn't sure of it. After a while I took my hand off her tit.

Jaya got off the sofa a minute later and stretched herself a little.

"Shall we have dinner, Mohan?" She asked. I nodded my head in the affirmative.

In the dim light of the candle, it took us about half an hour to finish the dinner and clean up everything. During the dinner we talked about a lot of things but nothing even remotely connected with what I did in the period preceding dinner. It was as if it never happened! Back in the front room, I sat on the sofa and switched on the transistor set. The storm was almost on the coast now and was going to cross it at any minute.

Frankly, my mind was occupied with more important and exciting thoughts. What was going to happen now and later that night? Would Jaya allow me to fondle her some more or would she go to bed and leave me alone. I was hoping that she would allow me to continue my fondling and may be more. That would certainly help us both by taking our minds off the dreadful storm.

It was just past eight. Jaya returned to the front room with two pillows. I now sat on the right side of the sofa. If you recall, earlier I was sitting on the left side of the sofa and Jaya sat to my right. I changed the position deliberately for obvious reasons. Jaya sat to my left without a word. But I think she noticed the change of positions because she smiled knowingly as she sat down.

"I think the storm has just crossed the coast." I said.

"I am scared because we can expect maximum damage now." She shivered a little.

"Forget it. Just relax." Was that my signal to her that we should start action? She took the hint and snuggled up to me as my left arm went behind her. She was now seated with her back against the pillow on the left side hand rest of the sofa and leaned into me with her face buried in my chest. We didn't have to look into each other's eyes now.

I got a little more adventurous now. Instead of wrapping my arms in a circle around her I decided to access both her boobs. I dropped my left hand from her left shoulder, sought and found her left breast and cupped it. Next, I slipped my right hand between her right tit and my chest and grabbed it.

I now had the possession of both her boobs. I squeezed them triumphantly. Jaya gave a low moan. She didn't try to hide or suppress it. We both knew what we were doing and we liked it. That is it for now. So far I contented myself with fondling her blouse covered boobs. Now I lusted for her bare tits. I felt confident enough to proceed.

My fingers explored her blouse and I was pleasantly surprised to note that the bottom two hooks were off. I just pushed the blouse up to bare the tits and felt the resistance of the third hook. I managed to unhook that with shaking fingers and pushed the blouse up over her tits. As my damp and hot hands grabbed her bare breasts for the first time, Jaya moaned loudly.

I gave them a nice squeeze and they felt heavenly. They were not very big, they were shaped like mangoes and they were bouncy and tight. They felt so good in my hands that I could have played with them the whole night. My thumb and fingers found and caressed her nipples which grew hard now. They were nice, longish, pointed projections from the center of her tits and as I pressed them they hardened more.

I now felt a strong desire to break the furtiveness and bring matters into the open.

"Oh! Jaya! Your boobs are so nice to fondle." I whispered softly to her.

"Play with them. They are yours now. Tweak my nipples, please!" she whispered back.

I was elated. I felt liberated. Here we go, I thought. As if she read my thoughts Jaya lifted her head off my chest and re positioned herself. She now lay on the small sofa, on her back and lengthwise, her head resting on a pillow placed on the hand rest, her legs across my lap and resting on the other hand rest.

Her bare and proud breasts and their engorged nipples invited me. She watched with her beautiful eyes as I kneaded her boobs like dough and tweaked her nipples. I kept increasing the pressure as they responded to me.

Outside, there was a big sound from somewhere close by; was it something heavy that crashed or something that banged against a house? Whatever it was, it was loud enough to hear and we looked at each other with some fear in our eyes.

"Do you want to lick and suck my tits, Mohan?" Her voice shook when she said that.

"Yes! Very much! Can I, please?" My voice betrayed my lust.

I brought down my mouth to her right tit. Holding my head in her hands, Jaya whispered, "Lick the nipples and the area around it first and lick it well. Then you can suck the nipple."

I was a quick learner and followed the instructions. I licked her engorged nipples with my tongue first. Then I licked the circle surrounding her nipples; the aureole. As my tongue lapped at them, Jaya exclaimed," Oh God! Your tongue is so nice! It is licking well."

After several very wet licks, I clamped her wet nipple between my lips and sucked it hard.

At my first suck of her nipple, Jaya reacted with a loud moan of happiness.

Enthused by her response, I sucked her nipple greedily for a few minutes...licked and sucked it alternately. Jaya was really enjoying my sucking because her hands now gripped my head harder and pulled me closer to her chest. At that stage, I innovated. I opened my mouth much wider and took in as much of her tit in as I could. Then I started sucking that entire tit eagerly with my mouth.

When I did this, at some stage, her we, erect, pointed nipple hit the roof of my hot mouth. Jaya's body shook with a spasm of delight.

"Oh! Mohan! What are you doing? Are you eating my tit?" She shouted in delight.

In response, my right hand squeezed her left tit and tweaked her left nipple. Jaya's moaning was now loud and uninhibited.

I told you earlier how she lay on that small sofa. Her legs were across my lap and her feet rested on the right hand side rest. I became aware of something. My cock was hard now and I had a raging erection that made a big tent in the lungi I was wearing. Now, my hard cock poked against her buttocks...between them in fact. Though they were separated by several layers of clothing, it still felt very good.

"Oh! Mohan! This is so wonderful. Do you like my tits?" Jaya asked me a little shyly.

Releasing her nipple and tit for a second I answered her.

"They are fantastic. They are like sweet mangoes. I am going to suck them whole night." So saying, I switched tits. I started sucking her left tit and fondling the right with my hand.

"Oh! You are so hungry for my tits! Go on! I love your sucking them." She sounded very happy.

After about ten minutes, Jaya pushed me away from her chest and got into a sitting position. I followed suit. We were now seated on either end of the sofa - I on the right and she on the left.

We both looked so different now. Jaya's breasts were bare with the blouse pushed up all the way and wet with my saliva; her nipples hard and pointed. Top half of her sari lay crumpled in a heap over her lap. Her hair was in a bit of mess too but that still looked good. Her eyes were shining with excitement. I had no way of knowing how I looked but it could only be something like that...similar.

Jaya took my hands in hers and looked into my eyes.

"It was very good for both of us. I felt it. But, where should we stop?" She had a confused look in her face even as she said it.

"I do not know." It was a really honest reply from me.

"What do you mean you do not know? We have to decide this together." She sounded a bit hurt now and I was worried. I decided to be totally frank with her.

"I really mean that I do not know Jaya. Trust me, please. I have never been in the company of a girl. You are the first girl I ever touched this way. Everything is new to me." I blurted out.

"Oh! Mohan! You mean you have no experience at all?" She sounded incredulous.

I was hurt a little and it probably showed in my face. But, I nodded my head in assent.

"So you are what I was like when I got married; a virgin. My only sexual experience is from my husband and what he does. Can you believe that?"

"Yes, Jaya, I do." I replied.

Looking into her eyes now, I blurted out, "I want you, Jaya. Please, I want you badly." Even till today I do not know how I mustered the courage to say those words.

Jaya let out a deep sigh. She got off the sofa pulling me up along with her. Letting go of my hands, she quickly removed her blouse and threw it on the sofa. As her hands reached for my T Shirt, I understood. I quickly pulled it off over my head. We were both bare-chested. We embraced. Our arms tightened around each other.

Her bouncy, tight, pointed, mango boobs pressed hard against my bare chest. My chest was neither broad nor hairy but it was hard and strong. I was very conscious of the fact that my chest was not hairy which is what girls loved, it was generally said. But I forgot everything as her breasts burned into my chest. It felt as if we set a fire going on the points of contact.

It was then that Jaya's hands reached for my head and pulled it down while simultaneously lifting her chin and offering her quivering lips to me. I had, mercifully, seen enough English movies to know how one kissed, at least generally. I kissed Jaya. My lips clamped on hers and I sucked. That was the start of a very wet kiss.

Our mouths just refused to part. Her first kiss was the sweetest ever! I felt the sweet taste flowing from her lower lip into my lips and tongue. I chewed them, I sucked them, I did whatever I felt like doing. Instinct was the best teacher then. Jaya's tongue found mine and played with it. The tongues teased, dueled and played.

We came up for breath after several minutes. Jaya's hands reached out and pulled her sari away from her body and threw it on the sofa. Holding my hand in hers she led the quick walk to their bedroom. The room had a big double bed with comfortable looking mattress. To one side and in the corner was a big dresser. In the opposite side was the door that led to the bathroom.

Jaya quickly lighted the candle and left the candle stand on the dresser. She got into the bed and I jumped after her. Turning into each other, side on, we resumed kissing while our chests mated. When we broke off the kiss, my hands were on her buttocks.

"Oh! Mohan! This feels so good. We are alike, aren't we?" I really didn't understand what she meant but nodded my head wisely.

Her hands reached between us and came into contact with the big tent made by my hard, erect penis. They reached for it tentatively and then her fingers circled over my cock still under my lungi. I pushed my hands into the folds of her white petticoat and reached for her woman hood. My shaking hands found and rested on her mound.

She squeezed; so did I. Her hand traveled the length of my cock first. Then, she gently pulled my lungi away and bared my cock, my testicles and my pubis. My hands frantically searched for the string that held her petticoat in position. Jaya helped me by reaching it first and untied the string. With a little help from her I pulled it off her.

My cock was fully erect and swaying now like the leaning tower of Pisa. It was longish, slightly curved up, average thickness and my pink head was wet with a little juice through my tiny slit on it. I had black, silken, curly pubic hair that covered my pubic area and also my balls. They were not big but tight and well formed.

Jaya's pussy was the first I had ever seen, I mean a real one. At first I only saw her black pubic hair in the upper half which thinned as I looked a little lower. Now I could see the slit formed in her pussy's lower end and the beautiful opening. I cupped her pussy with my loving hands and gave it an appreciative squeeze.

"Oh! Mohan! Your cock is so beautiful. It is so hot to touch and hard like a steel rod." She was blabbering now.

"Show me your pussy, Jaya. I want to see and feel it all."

Quickly Jaya lay on her back. Then she bent her legs at the knees, opened her thighs and exposed her cunt. I got into a sitting position and brought my head close to her pussy for inspection. Then, her fingers reached for her cunt lips and pried them apart for me. I brought my right hand close and pushed my index finger into her cunt.

My finger went right into her tight cunt which opened itself, received it and then the soft walls closed around it and clamped it. It went right in and buried itself.

"Fuck my cunt with your finger, Mohan! Please!!" it was the first time I heard the F word from a girl. We boys used it often though.

I wiggled my finger in her tight cunt and moved it slowly in and out. She obviously liked it because her breath quickened a little.

"Can you put one more in?" she said a bit hesitantly, as if scared how I would react.

I did the most obvious thing. I took out by fore finger, bunched my fore and middle fingers together and pushed them slowly, with utmost care, deep into her cunt. Once fully in, I wiggled them.

"OMG! That is wonderful! You do have nice, long fingers. Fuck me nicely." Jaya was quite excited now and I felt the increased wetness around my fingers. As they moved in her juicy cunt it became quite squishy.

I felt instinctively that Jaya was ready. For the past few minutes I was also aware of my heightened state of excitement and agitation in my cock. It felt as if I was also coming close to bursting and I dared not delay. But, should I go ahead without her signal? I decided to ask her.

"Jaya, are you ready? "I asked a bit hesitantly.

"Of course, Mohan, I am ready. Fuck me with your hard cock now, fuck me well, my cunt is all yours." She was already on a high.

"Help me, Jaya." I mumbled.

Her hands grabbed my hard penis. Her left hand held it at the base and her right caught my cock head and guided it to her wet and open slit. As I slid my cock into Jaya's churning cunt, it found its way...the right way. Only then it occurred to me to ask her the important question.

"Are you sort of protected Jaya?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh! That! Don't worry Mohan. It is perfectly okay." I was relieved to hear that.

As my cock buried itself in her juicy cunt, I remembered what I read vaguely somewhere. If you slip a pillow under a girl's ass you are likely to penetrate deeper into her. It made sound sense to me and so I remembered it. I managed to drag a pillow and slip it under Jaya's ass. She obviously liked what I did.

"Take me slowly please! Do not rush. There is no hurry." The way she said she was literally pleading. I didn't know anything about her sex life, nor did we discuss it. But, I was smart enough to understand that Jaya wanted me to fuck her good and long. Easier said than done to an inexperienced novice but I would certainly try to do so. I remembered one of the things I read about how to...

I started moving my hard cock in her cunt in slow, short strokes. After every few such strokes, I would let my cock go in up to the hilt. I made sure my mind started thinking of other things - how her husband fucks her, whether we get a chance to fuck the next day too, when her husband would return etc.

Amateurish though, my plan worked for me. Even after five minutes, I stayed hard and settled to a nice rhythm. Jaya looked into my eyes and said, "Aahh! So nice! You are fucking me so nicely that I am able to feel the cock setting every part of my cunt tingling with light fires. You are so good at this."

Hearing those words, my ego inflated and, perhaps, my cock swelled a little too.

After a few minutes, Jaya asked me to fuck her faster. I was waiting to do that. I started fucking her faster and with more frequent deep strokes. Jaya started lifting her ass in tandem and counter thrusting. Her response felt like she was fucking me back and it was exciting.

"My lover Mohan! Fucking me so good! You have come visiting only to fuck me. Do you like my cunt? "She was talking continuously now in an excited state.

"Yes, Jaya! Your cunt is so nice, hot, juicy and tight and it is hugging my cock so tightly. Do you like my cock? Is it good for you." I was as excited, as I pounded her.

""Lovely cock! Yours is! It is fucking my cunt so well like a piston and not stopping."Her breathing was a lot quicker now.

Instinctively I pushed my hands under her ass and grabbed it. I gave a hard squeeze to her buttocks and pulled her into me or should I say, against me. There was a sense of urgency as the crescendo built up. I felt the rush of blood and Jaya whimpered continuously.

"Aaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaa... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."

That was how the long, continuous, unbroken moan started from Jaya. I felt myself exploding. There was a release, a forceful jet from my cock into Jaya's cunt. I knew and felt my semen flooding her cunt. Her legs were wrapped around my waist in a vice like grip and Jaya shook like a leaf. I felt her having a mighty orgasm. Spent totally in a minute or two, I fell on top of her.

I lost the sense of time. It was probably the same with Jaya. May be we drifted into a deep sleep for an hour or maybe it was only a few minutes of dozing. We had no way of knowing.

I was still inside her and she was still under me.

"Let us clean up." Her voice was very soft and sweet. I rolled off her and she got off the bed and went to the bathroom. After her return I followed suit. She had quickly remade the bed and lay on her back now, still totally naked. When I returned, Jaya made room for me on her right and I joined her.

"Do you know something, Mohan? We haven't talked about the storm in the past hour." She smiled as she said that.

"Fuck the storm! Who cares now! "I said in jest.

"Oh! Wasn't that what we were doing together! What do you want to do now?"

"Play with these mangoes and eat them." I reached for her boobs.

"Omg! Are you hungry, so soon? Okay, Play." She sounded very happy to let me play.

"Is junior sleeping and resting now?" Jaya reached for my limp cock.

I didn't reply; I couldn't, because I was sucking her right nipple and munching her tit.

Under her tender caressing junior sprang up and elongated.

"This is a beautiful sight for me. Is he hungry for me again, so soon?" She asked me.

I wanted to really impress my girl.

"He is really hungry, Jaya. I will not allow you to sleep tonight." I boasted.

"Who wants to sleep? We will fuck, fuck and fuck."

She pulled me away from her tit and kissed me hard on my mouth. For the first time in my life I understood the difference between giving a kiss and getting a kiss. Jaya kissed me like only a woman in love and fully aroused can kiss. It was an all encompassing and very wet union of her lips, tongue and mouth with mine. As she kissed, she fondled my cock and balls with her hand bringing me to full erection.

I was harder than before and even more confident of giving my girl a wonderful time. Jaya's eyes sparkled at the agitated condition of my cock. Quickly, she fell on her back and opened up for me. I touched her mound, her pussy and the slit tenderly with both hands and Jaya loved it. She was all wet and juicy.

I mounted her and holding my hard cock in my hand, I let my cock head touch and tease her quivering cunt lips and open slit without entering her. When she realized that I was teasing her, Jaya reached for my cock and pushed it in herself. Only when my cock traveled through the length of her tight passage and reached its maximum penetration, Jaya was finally satisfied and relaxed.

We fucked and fucked that second time. Slow, hard, stop...the rhythm changed; it often varied. We would go almost to the abyss and then stop just short of it. There were not many words spoken between us; but there were sounds; many sounds - grunts, moans, hissing, panting and occasional dirty words.

How our bodies responded to each other's implied needs without saying them out was incredible. Finally we got into the top gear and I pounded her with a fury that scared even me. Jaya thrashed about, whimpered and finally shrieked her way to the orgasm and at that moment, my dam burst. During those final minutes, I think we made more sounds than the storm.

We were so totally spent and exhausted that we didn't even have the energy to get up and clean up. I slept like a rock and, as Jaya told me later, so did she.

It was sometime in the early hours of morning that Jaya woke me up.

"Mohan! It is gone. The storm is gone." She was laughing out loud.

I finally woke up. We went to the front room and cautiously opened the window. It was still very dark and it was raining. But, the winds were gone. A very pleasant light breeze came in through the window. There was no doubt that the storm was gone. We celebrated with a kiss.

It was only around 4 in the morning. Jaya made coffee and we ate biscuits and drank the hot coffee together, sitting on the sofa where it all started. Then, we innovated and made love on the sofa. The innovation was more of accident than design. Because of the space constraint, I sat on the sofa and Jaya sat in my lap, her legs wide open and high, and feet resting on the sofa backrest. My arms held her in a hug and she slid on to my hard cock.

With a nice rocking motion we fucked. As we fucked, my right hand slipped to her ass and my finger touched her asshole. I rubbed my fingertip against her ass hole and she hissed a word that sounded like nice. So I kept poking her a little as she fucked me. That sofa fuck was fantastic and we got so much carried away that I bit her on the boob and her nails racked my back too.

When the day broke, we caught up with the news of the havoc caused by the cyclonic storm. It devastated a lot of villages and there have been many deaths of humans and animals. Around her home, we noticed some damage. The lane was still flooded, a couple of trees fell and a couple of poles were twisted.

Communications were restored by that evening and Murthy called up soon after. He was going to return only the next day when the trains are restored. Jaya told him about my arrival from Madras and how she survived the deadly storm thanks to my presence at their home. Murthy thanked me profusely for 'helping' his wife.

That made me feel guilty for a minute. He asked me to stay till he arrived. I told him that may not be possible and I plan to take the earliest transport back to Madras and report to work. We thanked each other and the call was over a few minutes later.

I made a few inquiries over phone and learned that the earliest I could leave was sometime next morning. Needless to say we were both very happy to get another whole night to ourselves. We fucked three times that night and it got better and better.

Next morning I left immediately after breakfast. Jaya was in tears and hugged me tightly before I left. I thanked her for being such a wonderful lover for two days and the glorious sex I had. She told me that the two days we had together were the best of her life. We both hoped to see each other sometime in future, though in our hearts we knew it was unlikely.

I kissed her good bye and then she hugged me for one last time. She whispered in my ear, "I hope I will have your baby, Mohan." I stopped in my tracks and looked into her beautiful, black eyes. There was no need to ask her...her eyes were telling me that she meant it.

"I hope we made one, Jaya."

With my heart full of tender love for the wonderful woman Jaya, I walked away reluctantly.