Presentation of Neela - Part 3

Presentation of Neela - Part 3

Published on: 2024-09-10 20:17:50

In the room there was a huge four-poster bed surrounded Gilt-edged chairs. With a sinking heart, she understood her humiliation was far from over. Just before going in Javid dragged the groom aside and whispered something in his ear. Neela was red with embarrassment and could not dare to imagine what he might have told.

As Amir stopped for a glass of water, Neela decided to try her luck and said, "Darling Amir, can't we just do the deed and get rid of the crowd quickly?"

Amir suddenly turned to her with a Stony face and said silkily, "Oh Darling you might have had your fill of crowds but this is my first time."

Neela's breath caught at this obvious cruelty and cursing her luck she moved forward. With Amir following close behind. As they went in first they saw the usual crowd sitting with cigars and wine glass as if waiting for the show. Then to her shock, she saw her blood-soaked cloth spread over the bed.

Although scared she was determined not to give in to these bastards. As Amir led her she walked silently but proudly and halted next to the bed. Soon Amir's manservant came over and helped him undress leaving only his shorts. They left not much for imagination and the bulge was getting bigger by the minute.

Before she could talk or move, Amir gripped her thin dress at the neck and ripped it right in the middle. As he through it towards the spectators, one of the courtiers caught in with a great flourish

Shocked to the core, Neela stood silently looking down, her face turning red with embarrassment. Amir was in no hurry. He went around her and slowly started to graze and pinch at her flesh. His attention moved to her breasts and he started pressing them roughly. Then he asked her to kneel like a dog on the bed.

This drew a gasp from the spectators as Neela's heavy breasts hung heavy and her ass and pussy were up on display.

Amir moved in front of her and dropped his shorts, freeing his monster erection. It was thick and long like a club with a bulbous head and glistening with precum. He barked Neela to open her mouth and shoved his dick in roughly. She could only take only 3/4th of it in and gagged in obvious distress. Amir paid no heed to her pain took his own pleasure. Soon he was bored with her small mouth and moved to her back.

Amir gave a look over to her ass and pussy hanging in the air and glistening with her juice. With a grunt of obvious satisfaction, Amir removed her ass plug and without gap roughly inserted his engorged penis. Neela could feel her ass tearing up as his massive member rocked her body. Amir bent forward and started to maul her boobs while fucking her in the ass.

Soon Neela expected him to remove the pussy plug and fuck but it never happened, Amir came in her ass and she could feel his hot seed spilling all over her ass crack.

Soon King Mihir and the priest came over along with her cousins and thanked Amir and congratulated him on successful consummation. Javid was particularly delighted and said aloud making sure that Neela heard, "Just till her menses Amir. Once her pregnancy is confirmed rules of progeny are fulfilled and you can take her pussy. Till then please keep the hole plugged."

"What if the seed fails?" king Mihir asked the Priest.

The Priest replied, "Then we will have to try again. I am sorry for putting this responsibility on you and the twins but would you be willing to make the sacrifice for the good of the kingdom?"

Then as Neela looked on stupefied with the knowledge that her ordeal would never end, the King and the Twins said in unison, "Anything for the good of the kingdom".

It was the morning and first day of Neela's married life. Although she was sure the presentation was over, she couldn't shake the humiliation of her ordeal and was scared to face her family and courtiers again.

Amir had already woken up early in the morning, masturbated as she slept and left her face and hair caked in his thick cum. Although angry beyond belief, now she had the power of Queenhood and decided to exercise it as much as she could.

She shook herself out of her reverie and rang the bell for servants expecting her nanny and former servants to walk in. Immediately the door opened and Amir's manservant walked in carrying tea. Neela was mortified to show her cum streaked face to the man but he did not even blink an eye, placed the tea next to her bed, bowed reverentially and told her that her bath had been arranged in the outdoor pool as instructed by the King.

"You mean the Prince," Neela immediately corrected him with impatience mixed with fury. She had not survived the impossible humiliation to accept her moron of a husband as King. But coming from her cum streaked face it obviously lacked gravitas.

The manservant just looked at her blankly, bowed and left.

After 7 days of humiliation and the night of brutal fucking, Neela was aching all over. She drew the sheet around her and walked into the courtyard to find a shallow pool filled with scented warm water. At last, her mind relaxed - thanking Amir and the Gods, she dropped the sheet and waded into the pool.

The water was like a salve to her aching body and soon she started to swim quick relaxing rounds. After 15 minutes or so, she moved and rested her head on the pool edge just laid down and let herself relax. She was awakened by loud guffaws and manly laughter and to her mortification, the pool was draining - leaving her wet pussy and boobs on display to whoever came along.

Before she could take cover, Amir and Javid walked over and stood watching her in obvious delight. After two minutes of this ordeal, suddenly the pipes burst into life and started to pour scented water again into the pool. Neela was relieved but it did not last long as Amir started to remove his clothing with the intention of joining her in the pool while Javid settled into a nearby lounger with a smirk.

Neela knew Javid was up to some mischief because he had always treated Amir with great contempt but suddenly he was bosom buddies with the guy. Neela was sure it was with the intention of humiliating her further.

In no time Amir ditched his clothes and with a jutting erection walked into the pool. The water was not enough to soak his massive frame. It ended just above his knees. Standing smack in the middle, he harshly beckoned Neela. Aware that Javid was obviously enjoying her predicament, Neela walked over to Amir with great reluctance.

Amir had no such reservations and as soon as she came over, grabbed her pussy and checked the plug. Ensuring that it was safely fixed, he picked her up like a doll and started to carry her to the edge paying no attention to her indignant sobs.

To Neela's horror, he stopped at the end right in front of Javid's lounger and put her face down. Now her ass was hanging over the pool edge and her face was just inches from Javid's feet. Amir stood behind her in the pool and While shoving his wet dick into her abused asshole, put a massive hand on her back pressing her down and crushing her jutting boobs on the stony ground.

With a grunt of satisfaction Amir began his rough fucking. As he pushed roughly into her, her body started to rock to and fro grinding her sensitive nipples into the ground. To add to this degradation, Javid had moved his shoes from the side of her face, extended his legs and now his shoe tips were digging painfully into her crushed breasts. When she looked up, Javid sat with a raging erection moving in his pants and an infuriating smile.

Amir lasted for another 20 minutes and by then Neela was faint with pain and exhaustion, her throat was dry and her eyes were brimming with tears. Then to round up her humiliation, Amir's manservant walked in and reminded him that the King and the princess were getting late for their first royal meeting.

Suddenly Amir's thirsts became quicker and he came with a deep groan. Neela could feel copious amounts of cum seeping from her ass. Amir once again picked her up, set her into the pool and quickly washed his dick. After making his apologies to Javid Amir ordered Neela to finish her bath and join him quickly. As Javed sat glued to the lounger enjoying the show, a flushed Neela washed the dirt off her boobs and cleaned cum from her thighs and ass.

Then trying hard to ignore Javid's insulting laughter, Neela got out from the other side of the pool and hurried to her bedroom. Amir was already wearing his ceremonial robes and waited with his manservant. Neela wanted to cover up but Amir moved immediately and presented her with a diamond-studded naval chain.

It was an intimate gift the husband gave to his wife expressing his satisfaction with her performance in bed on the wedding night. The more previous the chain, the better bedmate a wife was considered. And to Neela's astonishment, Amir had given her precious of the precious. A platinum chain thick as a finger and studded with the most colourful and precious array of dazzling diamonds.

In spite of all his barbaric ways, Neela's heart softened and she thanked Amir profusely. Even kissed his hand thanking him. Both Amir and his manservant stood like stones with red faces and quickly turned and left. Laughing to herself at their manly discomfort, Neela moved to her dressing room.

There was a single garment in the settee. And some underclothes, thank God. She put on the black short lacy slip with bra-like cups that was underwired and a size small. It was tight on the breasts, left three fourth of them uncovered and pressed them together creating two inviting mounds just below her neck. Sighing with irritation, Neela picked up the panty, it was a lacy see-through thong made of delicate lace. As soon as she put them on, the back thread got stuck in her ass crack and started to rub on her sore asshole with the tiniest movement.

With lips pursed, Neela picked up the dress. The dress was a rich blue dress complimenting Amir's blood-red robe. It was sleeveless with a deep square neck which displayed her jutting boobs like two ripe melons. The dress was made of the same clingy Jersey material and clung revealingly to her ass. Surprisingly it also had a gold chain in front that plunged deep into her navel and was hidden in clever embroidery.

Then frowning, Neela looked around for her royal robes but they were nowhere to be found. As Amir impatiently called out her name, she abandoned her search, quickly pinned her hair up in a hasty knot and put on her Royal tiara and walked hurriedly to join Amir. At the last moment, she remembered and hastily put on the waist chain gifted by her husband. Amir looked at her in obvious desire and differentially offered his arm.

As they walked into the crowded royal hall once again filled with men, they were announced as King Amir and Princess Neela. Nobody seemed to note this discrepancy. With her head held high and feeling confident, she walked in. She could feel the lusty gazes of her uncle, courtiers, and representatives caressing her swelling boobs and her swaying ass.

Together they made it to the throne And sat on it with regal poise. At last, Neela felt confident.

The Priest got up, bowed low to both of them and started to speak, " What a happy occasion, my king and princess. I welcome you to your private court. Today we have only the people who witnessed your presentation and accession and are here to appreciate your great sacrifice with their gifts."

Although irritated at not being addressed as the queen Neela felt confident, happy and superior. Little did she know it was not to last.

The priest continued, "By looking at your waist chain we can only conclude that your wedding night has been a roaring success. Hope you agree My King."

While Neela sat with a proud expression, Amir looked confused. And glanced at the waist chain and spoke up, "Both my wedding night and morning after have been most satisfactory let me assure you." At this a huge round of applause was given. Amir continued, "But this chain was not a gift from me, My dear friend and cousin Javid gifted it to the princess."

The whole royal court was stunned into silence at this indiscreet admission. A shaken Neela looked at Javid who lounged with the same insolent grin. The crowd suddenly grew into murmurs as the implications of such a gift became clear and everyone recalled Neela's orgasm with Javid on the 6th day. With face growing red in shame, Neela cursed her moron of a husband under her breath.

The Priest also discomfited, tried to ignore the whispers and continued, "Anyway, it is time for gifts. As with the custom, the gift would be acknowledged with consumption by the princess."

At this announcement, Javid's grin got wider and even more mocking. So Neela was alarmed and also was curious about what harm could gifts bring, but knowing her track record she braced for the worst.

First came the Leader of People representatives. He bowed and greeted the newlyweds with great reverence. And announced that as the gift, her loyal subjects had brought her fruits. Neela was happy and having skipped breakfast awaited the fruit eagerly. Then 10 representatives walked to the front with containers overflowing with a native variety of banana that grew to 8 inches and was thick and juicy.

The leader plucked up one banana and with obvious delight presented it to the princess. Neela shuddered as she could imagine how her rosebud mouth would look with a long white banana in it. But she had no other way. The leader stood in front of her, removed the outer layer and pushed the long thick fruit towards her lips.

As positions went it was truly dirty and by the time Neela finished eating it, everyone's imagination had run wild.

Then The priest announced 5 Ally kings to come forward. Each of them withdrew a bottle of scent and came forward, somewhat relieved, Neela was about to extend her wrist but in a quick move, the first King poured a generous amount of the scent on his fingers and rubbed it roughly on the rising and firm swell of her breasts at her neckline. He was followed by the other four who rubbed the scents lustily.

The crowd rewarded their lechery with great applause, even Amir seemed to like this performance and clapped loudly.

Next was Bijan - he stood up smiling, came over and gave a grabby hug to Neela. Then with a wide grin, he removed what looked like jewelled clip-on earrings. Bijan understood what she thought and still smiling, he announced, "With a wish for a pleasurable marriage bed, I gift my esteemed cousin these nipple rings."

As Neela stood paralysed at the obvious sexual nature of this gift, the priest roughly ordered her to accept this gift and not disrespect her cousin.

As Neela still stood rooted to the spot, a lecherous Bijan dragged a finger down her cleavage and to her dismay started to pull the front zipper down. Once her dress gaped open till the navel, he grabbed the front clasp of her slip. While he pretended to struggle to open the centre clip with his thumb and forefinger, his hand covered her bra cups and his fingers dug into her flesh.

Soon he clicked the clasp open and her boobs spilled out - still firm and jutting with angry red lines where the underwired cup of her bra had dug in.

The moron Amir spoke up once again at the worst moment, "Cousin, her nipples are sunk in, how will you clip the jewellery?"

Bijan didn't answer him but bent his head and grabbed Neela by the waist towards him. His mouth covered her left nipple and he sucked with loud slurping noise. Once the nipple rose and jutted prominently, he repeated his sucking with the right nipple as the crowd looked on with jealousy. He moved up his head after 15 minutes.

By then Neela's nipples were rock hard and throbbing and even her pussy juices started to leak into her panties.

Bijan took the clip-ons and carefully attached them to her nipples. At first, Neela felt prickling pain, soon it was replaced by an intense sensation of pleasure and Neela struggled to keep her moans under.

As Bijan walked away nobody thought of asking her to adjust her dress. The whole crowd was salivating at her heaving boobs and the engorged nipples and glinting jewels.

Now the priest announced Uncle Mihir. He stood up and started a speech, " As Neela's guardian my foremost concern is her health and comfort especially in her marriage bed. Amir is my dear. nephew and I have seen him enough to know that he is quite well endowed. Considering the fact that until the result of oath by progeny is known Amir should stick to fucking my beloved princesses asshole."

As Neela's face grew crimson at this disgusting announcement, Mihir continued, "As we are all aware, my ward is a delicate virgin flower, so I will be gifting her this butt plug studded with precious stones that will stretch her and help her accommodate Amir's huge dick."

At this announcement, Amir led the applause shamelessly.

Neela's uncle came over to the throne and gestured to her to turn around and bend over. Neela followed meekly. To her surprise her uncle found the zip hidden at the backside hem, which even Neela hadn't noticed, and pulled it roughly up, opening the dress up to her lower back.

Now Neela stood exposing her shapely legs, rounded ass and the black lacy thong. The former king impatiently moved the string in her ass crack aside and was about to shove in the butt plug, but ass man Javid spoke up, "Father shouldn't you wet it first."

Gagging at this suggestion, Neela turned her head just in time to see her uncle licking the butt plug all over. Soon, he shoved the butt plug painfully into her ass. Neela started to straighten up but Mihir put a restraining hand and spoke again.

"As a bonus treat I have bought her a matching pussy plug." As the crowds applauded, he groped her pussy and swiftly withdrew the dripping wet plug spilling her juices all over.

Again moron Amir spoke up, "You won't need lubrication for this uncle, my wife is dripping wet."

Mihir nodded in approval and shoved the matching pussy plug and gave a satisfied grunt as it slipped in smoothly.

Now it was the priest's turn. He asked Neela to turn around and spoke, "As a poor man of God I can only give my blessings to you, my princess."

As Neela stood looking suspiciously, the priest went and stood behind her, put his hands on her breasts and started to caress them as he spoke blessings of plentiful milk. He was gently pressing and groping her entire breast and his thumb moved over the clip-ons making Neela moan in pleasure. His erection was already pressing insistently on her ass crack and now he moved his hands under and lifted her bouncy globes. Then he shook them vigorously and at last moved to the front and bowed.

Neela was fuming with indignation and couldn't wait to escape this wretched royal hall. But before Priest could announce the closing of the assembly, Javid stood up. And spoke gently but firmly," Oh holy man, you forgot to call me."

Now the priest was confused as Javid had already given her the waist chain. Patiently Javid explained, "That was a personal gift, this is a wedding gift."

Once again everyone in the hall drew a collective gasp. Neela was petrified knowing Javid's degenerate tendency.

He moved towards her with his trademark lazy saunter and stood so near to her that her nipple clips brushed against her shirtfront. Still looking down at her undulating breasts, Javid spoke in gentle tones to Amir, "Can you help me with my gift oh my noble king and privileged friend?"

While Amir beamed at this respectful address, Neela almost snorted.

Still looking into her cleavage, Javid asked Amir to lift up Neela's dress. As Neela stood shaking in fear, Amir picked up the hem of her dress and pulled it to the navel and tucked it into the thick chain.

Now her wet and juicy pussy was on display. As the court watched on in devious pleasure, Javid removed a small knife from his belt and cut away Neela's whisper of lace thongs and he dragged it away. It was soaking wet and pungent smell of her sex started to fill the room. Javid took her dirty thong and rubbed it against his face and crushed it to his nose grinning in obvious ecstasy.

Then he stuffed the thong into his right pocket and withdrew something glittering from the left one. It was a thong fitted with precious stones and woven with gold thread. He held the thong in his left hand, and he put his right hand on her pussy, to Neela's surprise he was gentle and cupped her with great care. Then his hands moved down to her thighs and he gestured to widen her legs. Even now it was not rough, it felt almost like a request.

Suddenly limp and moved by this small act of kindness, Neela obeyed. Even the crowd looked on in hushed anticipation but Both Javid and Neela suddenly felt like they were alone and private.

Javid kneeled in front and pressed fluttering kisses all over her pussy and inner thighs and tears of gratitude soon filled Neela's eyes. Then like a child, he guided her into the thong and slid it up her shapely thighs and fixed it on her pussy.

Suddenly some bastard whistled and the spell was broken. Javid's face once again held the smirk as he quickly bent forward and licked the valley between her aroused breasts. And retreated to his seat.

Now Neela was confused as hell of this behaviour. And had no idea what to make of it, was he the obvious rascal or someone who cared for her?

Soon the Priest announced the end of assembly and people started to move out Amir even let down her tucked dress but left the top hanging open. Confused and emotionally drained, but still Neela remembered something important.

She turned to the Priest whose eyes were glued to her jewelled breasts and asked him in authoritative tones," Why is everyone addressing Amir as king instead of treating me as Queen?"

The Priest lifted his eyes at last and spoke in a matter of fact tone, "But my princess, until you prove your fertility, and give birth to a child you can't be queen."

At this information, Neela was stupefied and opened her mouth but no words came in. Then as an impatient Amir dragged her away, it started to sink in.

The custom had been designed to simply discourage princesses from seeking the crown and even if stubborn ones ascended make sure to humiliate them so much that in their own court they became objects of lust!

Evening and Night

With a growing sense of despair assaulting her over her fate, Neela numbly followed Amir to their chambers. Once they had reached their bedroom, Amir turned to her and told her politely to get changed and join him on the terrace to welcome his dinner guests.

Moving like an automaton, Neela walked through to the dressing chamber and as soon as she was alone, hurriedly removed the wretched dress, her slip, and the damned clip-ons that Bijan had so blatantly put on her.

Wishing seven kinds of death on him, she was about to take off Javid's gem studded thong but stopped as she spied the glinting garment on the dressing table.

As she went closer to investigate, her mouth fell open in shock as she found a matching pair of gold-threaded bra and similar gem-encrusted corset top.

Once again with a sense of resignation at her fate, She picked up and wore the bra, at least it was the right size and did not painfully confine her boobs! It also had a front clasp and glowing red Rubies as big as grapes at the apex of the bra cups. The cups were underwired and lined with soft cotton, they did not push her boobs up but highlighted her natural firmness and the soft curve. Now she had a deep valley and two enticing mounds on either side of it.

Then she picked up the corset. It was once again, lacing in front, covering her ribcage without being too constrictive and studded with a dazzling array of jewelled stones.

Then Neela opened the cupboards. A single dress of transparent gauzy silk in shocking scarlet hung there with matching heels. The dress itself was simple, Neela noticed as she put it on, with a deep V slashing down right in the middle up to the top of her bejewelled thong.

Its wide v shape that started at the shoulders ensured that the deep valley and her creamy mounds were displayed artfully. The rubies on her bra now poked through the see-through material creating the effect as if her engorged nipples were trying to break free.

Neela checked herself in the mirror and was a bit uncomfortable when she saw her ass hanging out through the transparent material. Shrugging her shoulders she put light makeup on her face and set her hair up with jewelled clips.

When she walked out, Amir was sitting drinking the wine and he whistled at her and lifted his glass in mock salute. Neela blushed and didn't know what to make of this.

As she stood welcoming Amir's guests on the terrace, she felt sorely self-conscious as their gaze lingered on her creamy breasts. Most of them were his buddies from the village and felt too overwhelmed Neela was sure.

Then at last to her irritation but not surprise walked in Javid. She noted that Amir was ecstatic to welcome him.

Javid walked up to them with his usual swagger, hugged Amir briefly and then ran a slow eye over Neela, turning her beet red in embarrassment. In a soft voice that bordered on seductive, he said, " Greetings my queen, hope you like my selection of your clothes as much as I did." Once again Neela's fears were confirmed. Javid was indeed the master of this display.

Then furthering her shame, Javid said, " I was most mortified when I saw your tight underclothes left your breasts much abused and my idiot brother's gift definitely wouldn't have helped." as an indignant gasp escaped Neela he continued, "I hope this bra is comfortable on your poor twins."

He seemed full of concern but his words and tone were both intimate and explicit, making Neela splutter. Even though it was only three of them on the terrace now, it just made everything worse.

Before she could stitch together a coherent reply, Amir moved and stood behind her back. With his crotch pushing into her back, he put his hands to the front and as he opened the front of the bra said in an almost excited tone," The dress and the underclothes are gorgeous my friend. I am sure she is very comfortable. Why don't you check for yourself."

As Javid's eyes twinkled in delight, Amir snapped the front clasp open and pushed the jewelled cups aside. Her nipples immediately felt the cold breeze and their rosy tips hardened. The red marks had already cleared and they jutted proudly.

With a strange glint in his eyes, Javid moved forward and put his hands on her breasts. He did not grab at them but just covered them and caressed them. Neela couldn't control her arousal. As she leaned back into her husband, her nipples started poking into Javid's palms and her creamy globes started to rise up with her quick breath.

"Let me check the damage by clip-on." Now Javid lifted her breast with his palm and brought his head closer to her chest. Suddenly he opened his mouth and gave gentle licks to her throbbing nipples and circled her areola.

"I hope this gives you some relief dear wife, I am sorry I did not think of this," Amir commented but Neela was too aroused to care, her legs were buckling and she was right on the edge.

Then Amir's manservant was upon them and announced loudly, "Dinner is served my King."

Javid moved his head up with an expression of regret and amusement at Neela's blatant arousal and discomfort. If the manservant was shocked at the strange scene, he made no comment. As he patiently waited, Amir moved to the side. Javid after giving a final press, put the clasp back on and adjusted her dress.

The Dinner was boring and loud and Neela sat between David and Amir stone-faced. Soon Amit and his boorish friends refused the desert and moved to the terrace for smokes and brandy. To Leela's consternation, instead of joining them Javid also opted for a dessert and stayed back with Neela.

The terrace was on a lower level than the dining room so that while Needs and David could see them, Amir and his friends couldn't see them well thanks to the curtains swaying in air.

As soon as the last guest had walked out, David stood up abruptly and kneeled beside Neela. As Neela started to splutter her protests, with his trademark insolent smile Javid moved her dress up her legs and over her crotch.

When he started to remove her panties, Neela tried to get up but his hand held her firm, "What are you doing Javid?" Neela asked in rising panic.

"Finishing what we started on the terrace." Javid replied and deftly moved her thong aside and removed her pussy plug. It was thickly coated in her juice.

As Neela watched in shock, he licked it clean and tossed it away.

Then he put his long supple fingers inside her pussy and started to probe and press. Neela gritted her teeth and tried to resist but David was too skilled and too insistent. Soon she was under his spell and started to squirm and wriggle her hips to match his rhythm. She even lifted her hips and helped him slide her jewelled thong off.

Javid whispered, "I know it's a gift my queen but I am taking it back temporarily."

Neela was past caring and soon reached her climax, egged on by Javid's magical fingers. As she sat panting, her breasts agitated, nipples pushing against the bra, Javid slowly rose and adjusted her dress.

Then he took her hand and crushed it to the point of pain and Neela gasped. Javid looked like he wanted to say something desperately but kept his lips pursed. Then they heard Amir and co coming back.

Javid dropped her hand and said with a glint in his eye, "Hope your nights are as sleepless as mine." and walked away.

Neela snorted to herself sure she would be sleepless considering Amir's monster dick and her poor abused ass.

On the next morning, Neela opened her eyes in shock as her husband Amir roughly shook her shoulders. She woke up and looked at Amir with a confused expression. As he pointed to her pussy. She was menstruating and red blood was caked all over her thighs.

Amir reassured her, "I have called for the doctor."

Before she could get up and clean herself, the door flew open and Amir's manservant, Priest, doctor, and uncle Mihir walked in with confused expression.

Mortified, Neela covered her breasts and tried to get up and cover herself, but Priest immediately gestured to her to stop and she froze.

King Mihir spoke with a wide smile," So the seed failed."

The priest was also puzzled.

Neela felt like kicking their ignorant asses. Considering the time of her monthly, she was sure she would never conceive a child from her presentation day fucking.

The Priest continued, " Fortunately, the kings have not yet taken their leave."

To this Mihir replied, " I respect your advice holy man, but how long can we keep them from their duties and considering the age should we trouble them anymore."

The Priest looked on thoughtfully and then said, "of course your highness with changing times we must also change. You and your sons will perform the ceremony." Then he turned to the doctor, " Please help her."

Then instead of leaving they stood on watching - even the manservant to Neela's fury. The doctor barked instructions to him and the manservant hurried to get a bowl of cold water.

As Neela lay prone bracing for further humiliation, the doctor dipped a sponge in the bowl of cold water brought by the manservant and cleaned her pussy and thighs. Finally he inserted a soft cup to catch her flow.

"Are your breasts tender my child.?" the doctor inquired. Even though Neela shook her head in the negative, the doctor grabbed her boobs anyway and gave a rough hard squeeze.

Then mercifully the bastards including Amir left her alone and walked out. Neela let out a tortured breath and was relieved that she would be left alone for the next five days.

And to her great relief and joy couple of female servants joined her soon and next five days were spent in complete relation and she cherished the solitude and rest and tried to push the impending rape by her uncle and cousins to the back of her mind.

And too soon it was the evening of day 5. After 5 long days, the doors opened and the Priest walked in accompanied by uncle Mihir and her twin cousins.

The Priest came over and stood directly in front of her. Although startled, Neela felt somewhat confident as she was fully dressed.

Then the Priest turned to her family and had a conference in hushed tones. Then he turned to the Princess again and spoke, " My princess, it is my feeling that the seed failed last time as it was not given enough time to take root as the noble Mihir, your cousins and allies fucked you one after the other."

Neela almost snorted at this fine piece of scientific knowledge but controlled herself with great effort.

The priest continued, "So this time the ceremony will take over 3 days and each man's seed will be given 24 hours to take root. But be assured dear princess, it is a holy ceremony and I will personally supervise it and guide you all through this important ceremony."

Neela blanched white at the prospect of being fucked by her uncle with Priest as her guide but meekly nodded as she had already accepted her fate.

Then Amir walked in and Priest, as he talked to him he was almost sympathetic, "I regret this inconvenience my king, you will have to wait until next menstruation or confirmation of conceiving to fuck Neela's pussy."

Neela felt humiliated by the dirty words and was also scared as Amir's face was contorted with fury. But he kept quiet and nodded in agreement.

It was day 6 after her period and Neela woke up with a start to find the Priest standing at the entrance accompanied by ten guards carrying earthen pots filled with water.

Priest looked too excited and she could guess the cause of his happiness - witnessing her abuse for next three days. But she could not even have guessed it was more personal for the dirty old man.

As he directed, she got up and followed him out to the bathing area in the courtyard. The priest harshly commanded the female servants to stay back and once again Neela was alone surrounded by 10 lecherous guards and priest.

And to add insult to injury, Chief guard Dara joined them with a golden pot filled to the brim with milk.

Once again Neela resigned herself to her destiny of degradation. And started to meekly follow to the centre of the bathing tiles and stood numb. At least she was dressed but she was sure her clothes weren't going to stay on for long.

The Priest asked Dara to place the milk filled container near her feet. Then he turned and addressed Neela, "Esteemed princess , today I have the honor of preparing you for your conceiving ceremony. I hope you will give the same Co operation as at your presentation."

As Neela nodded, with a satisfied smile the Priest directed Dara to stay near him to assist him and ordered the guards to surround them at 5 feet distance and offer protection.

Then with a lusty grin and clear arousal pushing at the crotch of his trousers, The priest moved in front of Neela. Dara stood nearby with an expression bordering on cumming.

The priest put his thick fingers and and untied the closure at her waist and then eased her robe off her shoulders. Then he looked appreciatively at the Lacy nightdress and opening the ties, removed it and threw it aside.

Once again Neela stood naked and super self conscious as her breasts began to rise and fall with her anxious heavy breathing and her pussy tingled in the cold air. Her nipples also became rock hard and jutted out forcefully. Neela looked at Dara who was smirking and cursed her body for betraying her again.

The priest asked Dara to pour the milk on Neela's shoulders and soon Dara obliged and poured the milk while all the time leering down at her glistening boobs.

Then the priest gestured him aside and moved in for his own pleasure. The first thing he did was to caress and press her breasts. Then while pressing her boob with the left hand dragged his right hand down to cup her pussy.

Soon he inserted a finger and probed her roughly. Then he held up the finger at obvious delight and announced that she was clean.

By now the guards were openly rubbing their crotches with rapt lewd gazes centred on her pussy, ass and engorged boobs. Dara stood and lazily ran a hand over his burgeoning erection through his trousers.

Now the priest moved behind Neela and started to rub fragrant soap powder rigorously over her ass and kept running his soapy fingers in her ass crack and kept slipping in a finger into her asshole which was now pretty loose and the guards observed this with loud guffaws as her mouth hung open in indignation.

Then he moved closer not caring about getting his clothes wet and reached around to soap her breasts while pushing his crotch into Neela's ass crack. This drew greater laughter from guards and shouts of approval as he motioned Dara to come over and pointed at her pussy.

Clearly delighted, Dara came eagerly and standing too close to Neela's comfort started rubbing her pussy roughly with soap powder. Sandwiched between the rascals, Neela felt too much shame and closed her eyes tightly and stood like a statue.

But unfortunately her body had other ideas. Soon her pussy started to get wet and her juices started flowing. With Dara's consistent probing her clitoris became engorged and she started to moan as waves of pleasure hit her body.

Now totally aroused, Dara abandoned all pretense of washing her and putting his hands on her ass pushed himself savagely onto her pussy. Now Neela was stuck between two hard dicks - the priest was rutting into her ass with great abandon while grabbing her boobs back. Dara was pushing insistently into her crotch while mauling her ass and dragging her mounds into his erection. And this humiliation was being enjoyed by ten extremely aroused guards who were furiously masturbating openly!

Even Neela was getting more and more agitated and felt her own climax coming on. Soon the friction was too much and she gave in to her own need and after a strong orgasm that made her moan loudly in pleasure, drained, she slumped into the hard chest of Dara.

Soon after her cumming, she could feel both Dara and the Priest emptying their seeds almost simultaneously on her ass and pussy. She could also see many of the guards ejaculating. For a few moments nobody moved as everyone was replete in their own orgasm.

First the priest detached himself and without exhibiting any guilt just ordered Dara to clean up the Princess as he was going for a change of clothes.

Dara grunted but just pushed his crotch into her pussy and moving up his hands to her shoulders crushed her boobs abrasively into his chest and kept grinding.

After mauling her to his heart's content he stepped back and ordered his soldiers to pour water over her which they did and quickly she was given a robe and escorted back.

In her chamber priest was waiting and as she made a move towards her dressing chamber, he spoke out, "My apologies princess but your uncle Mihir is old fashioned. He believes today's ceremony is an extension of presentation ceremony and wishes you to be dressed accordingly."

With a familiar feeling of helpless anger, Neela nodded and dropped her robe. Even though the Priest and the guards had an eyeful of her body a few minutes before once again their salivating gazes probed her pussy and boobs.

As the priest led the way, Naked Neela was escorted by Dara and guards across the courtyard and into Uncle Mihir's palace. Through the way she had to grit her teeth and suffer through suggestive laughter of all servants their party encountered.

Characteristically King Mihir was already naked and stood by the bed eagerly pacing. The Priest walked in and dismissed Dara and the guards.

Mihir walked over to the priest and said something in hushed tones. The priest slapped his shoulder understandingly and took a small red pill from his pockets and gave the former king. Mihir immediately swallowed it with great flourish and with a relieved expression walked over to the bed.

Priest stood at the head of the bed and addressed Neela, "Dear princess, as your uncle is old, he needs some assistance. Please kneel down and help him with his duty."

Although inwardly shuddering in distaste at putting Mihir's penis into her rosebud mouth, Neela mutely obliged and kneeled at his feet as he sat at the edge of the bed. His dick was already semi erect but as directed by priest, she licked his balls and dick until he was rock hard.

Then Priest spoke again, "Considering the king's age he should lie down flat and Neela, you must climb and ride him."

As the lecherous king lay down with his erection jutting into air, Neela climbed into the bed kneeled on both sides of his waist and slowly lowered her pussy on to his dick. Initially she felt a bit of friction, but soon her pussy flooded with wetness and she was moving up and down rapidly.

As her own urge took over, her movements became urgent and forceful, and most probably thanks to Priest's red pill, Mihir stayed stiff and was groaning in pleasure. Her boobs were bouncing around wildly and both the priest and king Mihir was salivating at the show.

Out of the blue, Mihir extended his hands and tried to grab her heaving boobs. But her movements were too fast and he couldn't hold them. As Mihir flailed his hands, Neela paid no heed and continued to ride him without care.

Then in another shock, the priest suddenly moved to the foot of the bed, stood behind Neela and with the words "Please relax your highness, I will assist you" pressed himself on Neela's back and reached around and started to viciously squeeze her flushed and thrusting globes.

Neela was too far into her own pleasure to care anymore about this unexpected threesome and kept up her relentless rhythm. In another fifteen minutes of so, she had a shattering climax and would have slumped over if not for the priest holding her firmly. She closed her eyes fully spent and leaned back into Priest's chest almost semi conscious.

The priest spoke something to the former King and soon the priest had released her, she was on her back and Mihir got on top and kept thirsting. And after Neela kept watching detached and in a kind of haze for what seemed like another five minutes, she heard Mihir grunt and spill his seed in her pussy.

Now Mihir was also exhausted and collapsed on to the cushion of her breasts sweating and panting.

The Priest waited for the king to recover and then gently helped the King off the bed and led him to the next chamber.

By then Neela was also stirring, the priest eyed her flushed body and pinching a nipple painfully told her to return to her own chamber and take rest as she needed to conserve her strength for Bijan.

Biting her lips and desperately trying to hide her shame with her body's traitorous response, Neela was escorted with guards guffawing as the Priest shared the story of how she had rode her uncle dry.

Morning of Day 7

Before Neela had completely recovered, it was already day 7 and with regret she remembered it was her day to meet Bijan. Her only hope was that he would not get a pill from the priest and finish soon.

She then got up lazily and went for a leisurely swim followed by a bath. Came back to find the priest waiting. The priest extended his open palm which had nipple clips presented by Bijan and conveyed Bijan's wish that she must wear them.

Neela took them and carefully attached them to her nipples. They bit into her soft flesh and also their weight dragged the nipples down a bit.

By now she was mentally ready for another humiliating nude walk and when the priest beckoned, she walked numbly among the guards.

Thankfully and surprisingly the corridors were empty. Instead of being relieved , Neela was instantly suspicious, and her heart started to race.

With soaring anxiety she stepped into Bijan's chamber and even after the horrible days she had had in the recent past, surprised and stood stuck on the spot.

There was no bed but just a plush carpet stretched in front of the wide arched window and Bijan naked and obviously aroused stood next to it with his hands on his hips and his phallus jutting out proudly.

But what shocked her was, every inch of the room except the carpet was crowded with the male staff of Bijan. There were servants, cook, cleaners, and guards. They all stood wide eyed and expectant awaiting her ravishment by their master.

In a normal day, none of them would not have been permitted to even see her hand. But since her presentation people had witnessed her undergoing many forms degradation.

So, once again propelled by the Priest, Neela walked reluctantly to the rug and awaited her instructions. Neela followed Bijan's signal and lay down on her back spread eagled.

Her naked creamy breasts were flattened a bit but her nipples became instantly taut as the cool breeze blew over her from the open window. Her sensitive pussy was slightly swollen with her arousal and started to slowly get wet and her juices started to flow.

As his staff stood watching, Bijan slowly started to stroke his engorged flesh. The wait felt endless but soon with his characteristic impatience, her cousin knelt down and entered her roughly.

Even though she was wet, this sudden invasion pained her and she sharply turned her head towards the window, to her horror, she could see many more men, clearly lowly staff standing there with masturbating hard.

Thankfully before she could comprehend, Bijan spilled his warm juices into her pussy and after giving Savage bites to her boobs and tugging the jewels on her nipples, he swiftly withdrew and got up.

Before Neela could rise, Bijan halted her by a sharp command. So she had to lie there cum oozing from her pussy and her breasts flushed. It was even more humiliating as she heard some servant make comments about buttered bun and Priest and the Prince laughed mockingly.

After what seemed like ages, Priest barked at her to wake up and she had to walk back with cum running down her thighs.

The knowledge that she would be alone tonight to lick her wounds was her only consolation.

Day - 8

Day 8 dawned and and Neela woke up not just ashamed but scared. She was sure there would be embarassment but Javid always managed to make it personal and intimate so that she blamed herself more than the villains like him for her predicament.

Also, she eagerly panted for every scrape of kindness he carelessly threw at her. This was demeaning but apart from it, there was no respite in her life.

But at last she was about to have a very good day, just did not know it yet.

First surprise was the fragrant pool filled with warm water and flavoured with bath salts, flowers, saffron strands, and orange peels. She spent 30 minutes in blessed relaxation.

After she got out, Neela did not take the trouble to wear a robe as she was sure of her naked ordeal but here again she had a surprise. Instead of the priest, 2 servants of Prince Javid awaited her and led her to the dressing chamber.

Once in there, the servants quickly arranged her hair in a beautiful knot and decorated it with diamond clips. Then they opened a red box and put a long strand of shiny pale pink pearls from it around her neck. Neela gasped in pleasure as she knew these pale pink pearls were rarer than diamonds and cost a bomb.

Then the servants came over with Lacy white thong and bra. Thong was opaque but not see through, the bra although transparent, gave good coverage and support. Through it she could glimpse her red areola and nipples. Instead of pushed up bouncy curves, the bra created a more softer curve with a deep cleavage.

Then the servants laced her into a gorgeous white corset decorated with tiny white pearls.

Then came the wedding dress. If she had a dream wedding dress this would be it. It had yards and yards of expensive and handmade white lace. The dress was in satin and consisted of a column sheath in ivory white with delicate spaghetti straps. Then there was a lace overlay in the same ivory white with collars and a tiny row of pearl buttons in the front.

The pearl necklace was tucked inside like a secret and she wore no other jewelry.

She looked into the mirror and gasped at the vision. She looked like a virgin!

Utterly charmed and confused at the same time, Neela meekly stepped into bright red heels.

Finally, one of the girls broke open a peach and rubbed it's juice delicately on her slightly parted naturally red mouth.

She was ready.

Priest, guards, and even Dara seemed shocked when she walked out with them. For once, they walked along silently.

Feeling excitement and a sudden rush of happiness, Neela followed the Priest into Javid's room.