Presentation of Neela - Part 4

Presentation of Neela - Part 4

Published on: 2024-09-11 20:17:50

Once again Neela was surprised because it was in all white except for the four poster bed that was dark mahogany and two chairs by the fireplace. And for a change the Prince was fully clothed in formals as if about to attend an important meeting.

He stood next to the fireplace and as soon as she walked in, he caught her eye, and then till she left did not break the contact. He was relaxed and seemed in no hurry, his face was calm and showed no real emotion.

"Welcome my queen, please come towards the light so that I can see you properly." As he spoke he moved a few steps, took her hand and led her to the carpet next to the bed which was surrounded by lamps emitting soft glow.

Still looking deep into her eyes, Javid spoke to the Priest, "Have a seat holy man, this will take a while." and the priest obeyed.

Then Javid standing next to her whispered, "Don't mind him," and instantly Neela was aware of his power to create the bubble of intimacy in the midst of the crowd.

Still he had not touched her and circled her excruciatingly slowly. Then asked gently, "Would you like me to undress you, my Queen?"

Now Neela was getting truly aroused and impatient. His restraint was making her pant and she nodded quickly.

Shrugging his shoulders, He delicately opened the row of pearl buttons and eased the Lacy overlay from her body. Then he put gentle fingers on her shoulders, hooked them into the straps of her dress and slid them down along her hands and her dress also pooled at her feet. She stepped out and he kicked it away.

By now Neela's pussy was slipping wet and she was fully aroused. But Javid seemed unfazed and in no hurry at all.

He stepped to her right and holding her waist made her turn and face the bed. As she looked up, Neela gasped because a few feet from the bed stood a huge Gilt edge mirror that was brightly lit and she could see herself and Javid clearly in it.

Javid continued to undress her. Now opening the ties on her corset. While holding her eye in the mirror. Now his mouth was set in a grim line as if he was controlling himself. Neela also felt his erection rubbing her ass on occasion.

After removing the corset, Javid moved in front of her and stood so close that her nipples could brush his chest if she moved a centimeter. He just bowed his head and kept watching as her nipples grew rock hard and started pushing against the transparent material of her bra. She was also breathing quickly and her creamy mounds were rising and falling temptingly. Between them lay the long pale pearl strand.

Javid looked up into her eyes and knew she was desperate with desire and still slowly moved back to stand behind her. After catching her eye in the mirror once again, his arms moved by her sides, reached the front and opened her bra clasp and released her breasts taking great care not to touch her flesh.

Neela took a shaky breath as she caught Javid staring at her boobs. Her volumptous breasts jutted out proud and firm topped by enticingly rock hard pink nipples. She felt a warm tingle all over her chest.

As she watched in the mirror, Javid knelt behind her and dropped a firm kiss on her left buttock. Then he dragged his mouth to the thong and pulled it. Neela started to feel her juices running along her leg now. Javid slowly removed the thong and as his habit stuffed them into his coat pocket.

Now that she was naked, she expected him to start fucking or at least groping but once again he did not touch her but spoke up, "May I undress?" Starting to lose control, Neela replied with a breathy, "yes."

Javid removed his clothes except for his silk boxer shorts in white and it clearly outlined his 9 inch cock thirsting and pulsing.

Then Javid moved to the front again. Although he raised his hands, instead of grabbing her pert mounds, just brushed the back of his hand on her nipples. The pleasure was so intense Neela felt she would faint. Simultaneously he bowed his head and started raining butterfly kisses all over her aching breasts.

Neela's body was taut like a string and she felt her release building. Javid looked up into her hazy eyes and parted mouth and understood she was near her climax.

He dragged her waist closer with his left hand and with his right hand cupped her pussy while sucking her nipples gently but insistently. As her climax kept building, Javid aroused her more and more by cupping her pussy and then inserting two fingers inside and tugging on her engorged clitoris.

Now her breath was getting caught and she could no longer keep her eyes open. And finally as she buckled and screamed, her orgasm hit her hard. For the next 10 minutes she was so lost that she did not even realise she had been sobbing as Javid held her in gentle embrace.

The priest tried to speak but Javid silenced him by raising his right hand.

Javid held her close and comforted her through her first real orgasm.

Once she had regained her composure, Javid set her back and asked almost slavishly, "May I take my pleasure, my beloved Queen?"

Now Neela was excited and eager to please Javid and nodded vigorously.

Suddenly a dark gleam entered Javid's eye and his face hardened. Neela was a bit scared but still in the throes of his gentleness, extended a hand to touch his erection now struggling to tear through his boxers. But he swatted her hand away and moved a couple of steps back.

Now Neela was hurt and confused and felt her throat dry. Javid reached out and put his middle finger on her pussy slit but did not insert.

Neela took a sharp breath in and ran her tongue over her dry lips.

Javid now slowly dragged his finger upwards and after digging it a bit roughly in her navel, crooked his digit and picked up the pearl strand. He dragged it towards himself until it was taut and bit painfully into her neck. Neela bit her tongue and stifled her yelp.

Suddenly he tugged with force and the strand broke with pearls sliding down and moving all over. Neela now screamed in real anguish. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever owned and not to mention the cost. But Javid said harshly, "There will be more." and that silenced Neela instantly.

Now Javid's pre cum was marking a wet spot on his crotch and in a hoarse voice he commanded, "Hop on bed and kneel on on fours".

Neela quickly complied but what position had felt so shameful on her wedding night felt pleasurable now. Then she looked up and saw her boobs swaying delectably, twin peaks of ass in the air and Javid standing back with his boxers removed and proud penis jutting up and pulsating. She immediately felt wetness gushing down her legs.

In her peripheral vision, she could see even the priest standing up and expected Javid to take her pussy now.

But instead he discreetly rang the bell for servants. Priest was salivating at her pendulous boobs and failed to notice it.

As Neela waited in puzzlement, Javid's manservant crashed through the door. Neela stiffened expecting some debasement but he paid no attention to her. He turned to the Priest and shouted, "Fire, fire." in a panicked voice.

The priest panicked now and looked at Javid who was picking up his shorts obviously about to get dressed. With rising panic the priest ran out, but Javid instead of following him dropped his shorts and nodded to the servant who stood just inside the door.

With a bow the manservant walked out, closed the doors behind him and Neela clearly heard the key turning in the lock.

Even more confused now, Neela looked up and caught Javid's eye in the mirror. His gave her his trademark lazy smile, still holding her eye, moved one step closer grabbed her ass with both hands and with brutal force pushed his dick into her ass.

Neela yelped but not in pain. Her ass was quite stretched now and easily accommodated his throbbing length. But he was supposed to fuck her pussy and fill her with cum. He was not allowed to fuck her ass on this occasion and the Priest definitely would have objected to this and forced a pussy fuck.

With increasing confusion she looked again at Javid's face contorted in pleasure. Then she heard a commotion outside, the priest was banging on doors, calling out Javid and releasing a torrent of curses at the manservant and shouting, "Key, key." repeatedly.

Now as she looked in the mirror, she felt like laughing as she understood Javid's devious plan. He had created a clever diversion with the help of his staff and locked the Priest out.

Javid carelessly barked, "Ignore the bastard" and increased both the pace and intensity of his thrusts. Soon he was grunting loudly as his thrusts rocked her body and made her breasts sway painfully. He was relentless and soon was covered in a fine sheen of sweat over his torso with exertion.

After this hard fucking Javid dragged her back in a flash and as his hands violently grabbed at her swollen boobs, he kept thrusting up with greater and greater force until he shuddered and dropped both of them on the bed.

Although heavy, Javid's body felt good on her back. Her boobs were pressed into the soft mattress and his cum flowed out of her ass. But she felt strangely content. Javid even bit savagely on the back of her neck and most probably have her a hickie.

Meanwhile the Priest continued to shout but Javid paid no attention. He leisurely walked around the room and collected her clothes. Then he came to her and helped her dress herself in bra, thong, corset, the dress and even the lace overlay. He even smoothed over her knot.

Then he bent down and picked a single pearl from the strand that he had previously torn. Asked her to open her mouth and placed it inside. Then with his characteristic smirk said, "I have never said this to a woman before and hopefully never say to a woman again - don't swallow."

Neela grew hot and blushed crimson at his double entrande but nodded nonetheless.

At last, Javid picked up a robe hanging near the mirror, wore it with the same slow precision, picked up a key from its pocket and opened the door.

The priest burst in indignantly, but calmed down as a contrite Javid murmered his apologies and looked suitably humbled. He asked Javid, "Did you fuck her pussy?" Javid nodded like a good boy and vigorously vouched what a good fuck he had had.

The priest still had a frown on his forehead but couldn't push Javid further. So he turned to Neela with a suspicious eye but Neela was looking intently at her feet and did not meet is eye. The Priest barked an impatient command for her to follow, but before Neela moved Javid spoke again in his fake humble voice,

"Esteemed priest, as I am the last to perform this ceremony and Neela has to wear a plug in her pussy until menstruation or conceiving, can I present her with a pussy plug?"

Priest was surprised at this request but spluttered an indignant permission.

Then Javid put his hand into the pocket of his robe and withdrew a pussy plug, it was almost as large as an ass plug but was not made of any metal and was pale pink in colour. From a distance it could be mistaken for a dick!

Javid walked to Neela and stood in front of her. Although he knew very well that her pussy was dripping wet, he still licked the plug with his tongue and when he finished it glistened wetly.

Again Neela was astonished because when her uncle did the same thing in the court it had looked disgusting but when Javid did it, it was erotic and arousing. Her pussy juices started to slowly run down her thighs.

Satisfied, Javid asked her to hike up the dress to her navel and then to kneel on all fours on the settee. Then he moved behind her and knelt down so that his face was at the level of her asshole.

Instead of shoving in the plug, he fist licked the juices sticking on her thighs - this made Neela more wet and she moaned. And then Javid pushed her panty aside and planted a loud kiss on her pussy.

The priest watched on uncomfortably as his view was obstructed by the sea of lace bunched at her waist. As he opened his mouth to enquire, Javid preempted his question and spoke, " She is a bit tight and the plug is a bit big." Priest was silenced.

Now Javid stood up and while he slowly inserted the plug into Neela's pussy, he also inserted two digits in her asshole. Once again Neela gasped, not in pain but in surprise.

But soon the plug was lodged deep into her pussy, rubbed against her sensitive inner walls and when she walked she felt it slipping out as it was smoother and softer than she expected. So she clenched her pussy and pelvic muscles to keep it in place and immediately felt a forceful wave of pleasure in her navel region and her pussy leaked more juice out. So it felt more slippery and she had to clench the muscles with greater force and felt another strong wave of pleasure.

She looked up at Javid's grinning face and understood that he knew exactly what was happening.

As she walked back to her Chambers, emotions rushed and tears started to fill Neela's eyes. Javid's lovemaking felt like a cruelty now in light of the upcoming weeks of Amir's brutal ass fucking. Also she knew she would have to repeat this rape again as this was hardly the fertile time of her cycle and the moronic Priest and the Doctor did not seem to know that.

Neela went to bed on the last day of this conception nonsense, physically tired and emotionally exhausted. As she lay in bed, she wondered when Amir would walk in and pound her ass because now it was his turn and she had been unavailable for a week. Still troubled she fell asleep after a while.

Neela woke up with a start when she felt her ass burning. Screaming in pain she tried to get up but couldn't even move a muscle because Amir lay heavily on her back, panting and grunting as his massive cock invaded her ass. She was still in shock and pain when Amir shot his hot cum into her ass with a loud grunt and rolled away.

Still her body shook in pain and fear for another thirty minutes. After the sensual lovemaking of Javid, Amir felt like a horse in heat. But soon thankfully she lost consciousness and slipped into sleep.

Next morning

Neela sat at the outdoor dining table and was nibbling on some strawberries. She was too tired and in pain to dress, so she just wore a soft red robe. She was also sure her sore ass could not handle the underwear.

In her reverie she failed to notice Amir and Javid sliding in after their usual morning ride. Before she could escape, the duo had seen her and made a beeline for her.

Javid sat in the chair opposite her across the narrow table and as there were only two chairs, Amir gestured to her to get up. Already she could see his cock twitching in his pants. In the clear light of the morning it looked even bigger. Thanking God for her escape, Neela made a move to walk away, But Amir grabbed her wrist roughly before she could take a single step.

As Javid kept looking in amusement, Amir asked her to ditch her robe, as she started removing it, Amir turned to Javid and said, "Sorry cousin I am too horny and deprived since last week and can not do without a good fuck. Please carry on with your breakfast."

Neela's face reddened as she realized she was about to be fucked as Javid sat eating apples. But what could she do? Soon she stood naked and shivering.

Amir grabbed her by the waist and positioned her so that she was facing Javid. Then he slowly lowered her ass on to his throbbing dick. Neela's ass was sore and screaming in pain but she bit her lips as she did not want to betray her emotions in front of Javid.

Soon Amir started lifting her up like a doll and sliding her forcefully up and down his massive dick. He even started groaning with pleasure. As his rhythm quickened and Neela bounced, her rounded boobs bounced around quite violently to the delight of Javid. She tried to steady them with her hands but they were no use in front of Amir's brutal strength.

When Amir was finished, he shot a bucket load of cum which seeped down along her legs. Neela shut her eyes tightly in shame.

Then equally brusquely, Amir lifted her off, and gestured her to go away. Immediately he and Javid started a discussion on horses, pretending as if she did not exist. Slowly Neela gathered her robe and with shaking legs walked over to her bed and collapsed without even bothering to clean herself.

The next week was hell for Neela and she would gladly choose the humiliation of presentation over Amir's ass fucking.

Amir had a raging sex drive and he had also gotten used to Javid's presence during his fuck sessions. Now he no longer made excuses when he ravaged her ass in front him

Just this morning she as soon as she woke up Neela saw Amir's manservant waiting patiently. As soon as she sat up, he bowed low and addressed her, "Princess, King Amir has ordered your presence at their riding party today. Please be ready in an hour."

Neela was enraged at the word 'ordered' and also the prospect of sitting on a bouncy horse on her sore ass after Amir had fucked her twice last night. Cursing her fate once again, she wore the riding outfit Amir had sent.

As soon as she wore it, she instinctively knew that the outfit must have been chosen by Javid.

As per her life's trend there was no supportive underwear. Just a white lacy slip with thin straps. It's web-like pattern gave an ample peak of her heavy breasts and rosy nipples without any support. So even with very little movement her boobs bounced up and threatened to burst out. She cringed as she imagined what the movement of the horse would do.

It was gathered below with a black corset that covered just her waist so that her breasts sat on top of it.

There was no panty. Just a frilly black skirt that had long slits to the sides for movement of her legs. As she walked out into the courtyard she was not at all surprised when Amir met her along with Javid.

They had only two horses in the courtyard and Neela was informed that she would be riding with Amir.

Amir got on his horse first. As he sat adjusting his gloves and reins Javid moved closer to Neela. He was supposed to help her up.

Javid stood too close and pressed the length of his body against her. Before she could move away he grabbed her waist and held her even closer so that her boobs were grazing his chest and his budding erection pushed into her crotch through her thin skirt. To her shame, within a minute of his contact her nipples became engorged and rock hard and started to poke Javid's chest. He looked down and gave her a mocking smile.

Then Amir was done with his preening and David dutifully lifted her up and settled her so that her boobs were pressed against Amir's chest and her crotch was over his semi hard penis.

As soon as they started riding, as expected Neela's boobs started to bounce wildly and spilled out of her slip. But Neela was holding on tight to Amir and did not dare to free her hands and adjust her boobs for the fear of falling. To her horror, she felt Amir's cock rising and pushing into her crotch.

They were going at a sedate pace in their private estate. So, thankfully there were no others to watch her torment. Javid kept up with them easily and she could see his eyes were filled with lust at the sight of her boobs bouncing and crushing against Amir's chest.

Soon Amir's dick was uncomfortably large and he stopped the horse. Javid also stopped and inquired with fake concern.

Amir spoke, "Dear cousin I am facing a bit of difficulty as my little guy has risen. It is very uncomfortable for me to hold Neela on my lap. So can you ride with her for some time?"

Javid of course agreed and leaned over, grabbed Neela by the waist and settled her. But cunning Javid made sure that as he eased her onto his crotch, he spread her skirt out so that her bare pussy settled against his crotch. Even through his trousers Neela could feel his dick's heat and twitching.

In the short time that Amir was talking to Javid, Neela had stuffed her boobs back into her excuse of a slip. Javid held his reins in his right hand and pushed her against his chest and spoke softly but in mocking tones, "Why bother my queen, they will be out and free soon anyway."

Neela felt a hot colour rising at her throat and snapped, "You hateful monster." Javid just shrugged his shoulders and started riding.

Riding alone, Amir rode at a faster pace, Javid matched him for five minutes until Neela's boobs bounced and fell out. Then Javid slowed down and started going at a walking pace.

As Neela's boobs pressed and brushed against David's chest, her nipples grew taut and hard once again. Neela tried to slide back and put some distance between them. But Javid kept a firm grip with his left hand and pulled her back in every time she slid away from his chest.

Suddenly Neela felt Javid's dick grow and twitch under her and to her horror realized that with her sliding motions, she had been unintentionally rubbing up against Javid's dick.

Javid smiled wickedly as she stopped struggling and stayed crushed to him.

Now they were making slow progress and with every step Neela could feel Javid's growing erection. Due to the constant friction against her pussy and boobs, soon her body was aroused and she started to arch her back and squirm her hips.

When they had reached a secluded part of the road, Javid dropped the reins, Neela was scared for a second but his horse was well trained and continued walking. Now with his free hand Javid started to play with her boobs. Squeezing and cupping her creamy globes and pinching her nipples. Soon Neela's pussy started to feel tighter and warmer and she closed her eyes and moved her hips involuntarily. She felt her climax building and wished that Javid would finger her pussy like at the dinner.

Instead just as she was on the brink, Javid lifted her by the waist and turned her around.Now her ass nestled into Javid's crotch rubbing against his stiff dick and she was facing front with her boobs hanging out.

As the horse continued it's sedate walk, Javid continued to reach around and crush her heaving and flushed breasts with his lean hands. Once again Neela was excited and started to put her hands into the slits of her skirt and rub herself in desperation.

Then David spied Amir returning from the other end of the road and spurred his horse into a sudden trot. Now Neela's boobs were bouncing wildly and she was in pain. She wanted to steady them but Javid's left hand held her waist and fixed her hands to her sides. So she had to helplessly bounce on her ass, her boobs displayed invitingly.

As Amir came near, Neela could see he was astonished to see her sitting facing front and her boobs jutting out. Thankfully he could not see her pussy juice flowing out and drenching Javid's crotch.

Amir laughed uproariously, "What a sight what a sight my friend, You are sitting back and missing so much fun. I pity you."

Javid nodded innocently, "What fun my friend? I am just following the princess's orders. She told me the other way hurt her ass too much as you have ravaged it with your massive dick."

Neela was shocked at this indignant and coarse speech but Amir seemed delighted and found her predicament very funny. Also with the sight of Neela's bouncy globes his dick was becoming stuff again.

He told Javid, "I have a splendid idea, I will ride ahead and wait in the courtyard so that as you ride back in I can see the princess's boobs dancing wildly once again."

Javid replied now with a mock serious tone, "What a capital idea my King. And of course your wish is my command."

Before Neela had spluttered an objection, Amir had ridden away.

Javid took the reins in both hands and turned the horse around. Scared of falling down without his hands holding her, Neela leaned further back and pushed herself into his crotch and chest.

Once again Javid started to walk the horse at a sedate pace and resumed mauling Neela's boobs. His right hand sneaked down and cupped her pussy. Neela stiffened as his fingers came back coated thickly in the proof of her arousal.

Javid rubbed the pussy juice on his fingers onto her chest and said, "I might be a hateful man my Queen but you are the horny bitch."

Before Neela could recover and garner a response, Javid once again locked her arms to the side and pulled her against his chest and spurred the horse onto a steady trot. Now as the horse moved fast, Neela's boobs swayed and jumped wildly growing red with exertion and as if to prove Javid right, her pussy started to rub onto his now fully erected dick and kept up a steady flow of thick and sticky pussy juice.

As they reached the courtyard, to her horror Amir had assembled his entire staff to watch their arrival. All servants stood with smirks and lecherous laughs at the sight of her heaving breasts.

As soon as they reached, Amir came forward and lifted her off the horse, but instead of putting her down, put her on his shoulders. Now her ass and pussy were at his shoulders and Her boobs hung on his back.

Neela was mortified to see Javid following them closely behind, taking an eyeful of her swinging breasts. Soon they reached the drawing room and Javid poured a drink for himself while Amir instructed her to kneel on the couch.

Neela knew now Amit would pound her ass in front of Javid and felt more humiliated. But Amir was too horny to care and as Neela leaned on the couch, her boobs hanging and ass in the air, Amir moved behind her and started to push in his dick into her dry ass. He was too impatient to even get some lubrication. Now in real pain, Neela screamed at Amir to use her pussy juice.

Suddenly red faced Amir pulled out his dick and slathered a generous blob of her pussy juice and then slid smoothly into her ass and started to fuck her hard and Neela's body started to rock to and fro as both her ass and boobs jiggled wildly.

Javid, who had gotten up for a drink, grabbed a bottle and sat in the chair right in front of her!

Neela closed her eyes tightly as Amir had pulled her hair back and she couldn't move her neck.

Amir fucked her with wild abandon for a long time as Javid sat watching with an expression of acute boredom. Finally he spilled his hot cum, wiped himself on her skirt and left her kneeling as he walked away.

Javid rose to follow him but held up his glass and indicated that he would finish the drink. Amir shrugged and kept walking.

Before Neela could collect herself, Javid reached into her ass crack and rubbed it. Neela collapsed in humiliation and turned her head aside.

Instead of going out, Javid dragged a chair nearby and sat down then he spoke to her in a very kind voice, "We both know my Queen that even if me and my brother fuck you on the first day of your monthly for the next 100 years you won't conceive. Can't beat simple biology you see."

Neela was embarrassed and spluttered but no words came out, "Unless you want to ride my father's shrivelled dick for next 20 years or want to tear your asshole before the end of the week, why don't we try to find a solution to your predicament?"

Neela was suspicious at first. But when she turned her head and looked into his eyes she could see that he was deadly serious.

"You just need to agree. I will find a solution that works for both of us."

Out of desperation just not to get ass whipped in public by Amir, Neela nodded her agreement.

Amir woke Neela up in the middle of the night and said, "I am frustrated without pussy."

Groggy Neela murmured, "Go fuck a maid." but Amir shook her roughly and woke her, "You know I can't do that, the priest has forbidden it until you give birth to my heir."

Neela silently looked at him, a doubt nagging at the back of her mind as she was reminded of her conversation with Javid.

Amir continued proudly, "I have come up with a solution."

"So, Javid had been so cunning and masterful, the moron now thinks it was his own idea." Neela thought with amusement and implored him to continue.

"I was actually quite frustrated and shared this blue ball situation with my best friend and cousin Javid. I wanted to go to the Royal priest but Javid rightly pointed out he was too conservative and would not budge. Then Javid thought for a few minutes and suggested that his childhood friend had studied these texts and might find a solution." Amir said gleefully.

"So, we took an appointment the next day, again I insisted that Javid should come along even though he was reluctant saying it was a family matter. But I wore him down and assured him that he was family."

Neela had to bite down her lip hard to stop her laughter, but she controlled herself and listened on.

Amir continued, "Then we met his friend. Although quite young, he is very knowledgeable and has a whole room full of books. We drank some wine and then sat down for discussion. Now I frankly explained my predicament."

"Javid's friend sat for sometime thoughtfully and got up and brought down a bulky book. He started reading it and me and Javid finished another bottle of wine."

"Suddenly he got up and gave us a huge smile. I was relieved that he must have found a solution so I was excited."

"Javid's friend told me that he had indeed found a solution but it would need help from a friend. You see, the book clearly said one of the contender's family members should be inside the princess at the time of the conception. No other condition. He even showed me the citation in the big book but I couldn't read it anyway."

"So, if a contender was willing to fuck your ass while I fucked your pussy, we would not break any sacred rule."

Neela marvelled at Javid's devious mind and admired his cunning. And simply nodded unable to speak.

Amir continued, "Isn't this beyond genius? But the friend was not done. He asked if the former King would do it. Javid shook his head and said the former King would never disobey or keep secrets from his priest. Then we considered Bijan, but the friend rejected saying he knew Bijan well and he would never fuck someone in the ass even at the threat of death."

"Then Javid wondered about five Ally kings but they live too far and I don't know them so it would be impossible. Now we were all troubled again and Poor Javid had started turning the pages of the book looking for some solution. Then the brilliant idea came to me."

I turned to Javid and said, "My dearest friend and cousin, why don't you help me as you are a contender to the throne?"

"Javid was so shocked at this and dropped the book and stormed out in anger. But his friend praised me for my quick brain and promised me that he would make Javid agree to this scheme."

"As I waited in the library drinking, the friend went out and after one long hour came back with Javid who had agreed.can you imagine the conversation?"

Oh Neela could imagine the merry hour when Javid his friend rolled on the floor in mirth laughing at the unbelievable stupidity of the moron. But she did not have the same luxury. So Neela schooled her features into seriousness and asked, "So what next?"

Now Amir gave her a happy grin and told her. "Tomorrow we will move into the royal apartment next to that of Javid. It has a private pool and connected bathrooms. So no matter how much we fuck, not even servants will know."

Neela was amazed at the brilliance and simplicity of this plan. Now she was curious and excited about the coming days. By now she was well aware that Javid was an out and out ass man and understood how he could not only agree to such an outrageous proposal but would surely enjoy it.

As she was about to doze off, Amir shook her again and took a vow of secrecy, and proudly shared that he had even made Javid promise secrecy!

Exasperated with his idiocy, Neela slept off.

She woke in the morning to a loud noise and was pleasantly surprised that the servants were already shifting furniture and her clothes to the new apartments.

Once the room was empty, she got up and got ready.

Soon Amir came over grinning from ear to ear and hurried her over to their new abode. As soon as she entered she saw that all their old furniture had been arranged in the Veranda. Right next to the door there was a warning sign with bold red writing, "Entry without permission punishable by death. Cleaners permitted only between 1 and 2 pm." It seemed a bit extreme for Neela but she shrugged and walked in.

The whole apartment was airy and with high ceilings. The drawing room had a huge collection of at least five hundred wines and comfortable furniture was arranged around the room.

The next room was their bedroom and it was luxury personified. It had a soft snow white rug that covered the floor. The rug was almost as thick as a bed. To the left there were five life sized pictures - Four of them depicting naked women in throes of orgasm. Their breasts firm and creamy, Rosy and taut nipples, bushy pussies which oozed juice and cum, and pink mouths open in obvious pleasure.

The middle picture was a man. Standing proud with a huge throbbing erection with drops of pre cum at the tip. The man had strikingly similar features to Javid, but Amir did not seem to notice it.

The wall behind the bed was lined with floor to ceiling doors that led to the terrace with two adjoining pools. Hidden by thick foliage on all three sides. As the apartment was on the top floor, it was open to sky.

The wall to the right of the bed was lined with a floor to ceiling mirror. It reflected the whole room. It also had two cleverly hidden panels, when pushed they led to a spacious bathroom with a sunken tub and lined with mirrors. The second panel led to a dressing room that was filled with clothes - but none of her old ones - all new and all expensive. She even had an entire wardrobe filled with dazzling jewelry.

As she stood astonished, Amir praised his cousin for the generosity and also said that his manservant would live on the floor below with an entire apartment dedicated to his clothes. They had a dining room down the hall and ate at their own pleasure.

All in all it was an ideal set up for an illegitimate threesome.

Neela and Amir went back to look at the bed. It was dark wood, heavy, carved and big. It could easily accommodate 6 people. It had a soft plump bed and Lacy covers.

Suddenly Amir drew her attention to the ceiling and Neela looked up casually and gasped because the whole ceiling was covered with mirrors.

As they stood admiring the room, the painting of the naked man swung open and Javid, immaculately dressed, walked in with a red box under his arm.

Amir went over, hugged him warmly and thanked him profusely. Even Neela went up to him and thanked him for his kindness. Javid accepted their thanks with a smile and extended the red box to Neela.

Javid turned to Amir and spoke in a soft tone, "My dearest friend, thank you for making me a member of your family and welcome to our home."

Then he indicated to Neela to open the box and she did and almost dropped it in shock. As Amir looked astonished , Javid continued, "Dear friend we all know how well endowed you are so it might be hard for our lovely queen to take you in fully in her pussy. So I have brought her a custom made pussy plug so that she could wear it during the day and stretch for you tonight."

Neela was incredulous but Amir was so gratified he had tears in his eyes. As she opened his mouth the bell rang and Javid dragged him to the door. Soon they came back, Javid relaxed but Amir agitated.

Amir said, "Forgive me dear wife my stupid servant has got into an argument with a staff and I am urgently needed." Then he turned to Javid and said, "Sorry to impose on you my friend but can you assist the princess with the pussy plug, I insist please."

Javed agreed with an obvious show of reluctance. Then Amir moved out and Javid walked behind him and locked the door. Neela also followed him into the hall and commented, "What fortunate timing, I wonder if it is the same servant who saw a raging fire a fortnight ago?"

Javid shrugged shamelessly and grinned at her. Neela slowly felt the warmth spreading all over her body and her pussy was instantly wet.

Then Javid pointed to the box in her hand. It had a pussy plug similar to the one he had given last , but almost double in both length and thickness. It had a thick head and veins running all over.

As Javid took it out of the box, Neela asked, "What is it, I am sure it's not a pussy plug."

Javed laughed and said, "You are right dear, it is a dildo. I found it in my foreign travels. Women use it to masturbate when husbands are away. It is firm but yet not hard and feels like a real dick. But Amir doesn't need to know that. It will be our secret."

"First of the many!" Neela thought with excitement.

Holding the dildo, Javid frowned at Neela's dress and shuddered, "What is this abomination, please burn it and burn all your old clothes. You must be dressed in the most delicate laces and silks not in this rag."

Neela laughed at his snobbery and sophistication but nodded in agreement.

"On to the job at hand," Javid said and placed the dildo on a side table. He turned to Neela and roughly tore away her dress. Underneath she wore an old panty and bra which demurely covered all of her chest and crotch.

Tut tutting and shaking his head, Javid removed those offending garments too. Neela was smiling by now.

Then Javid asked her to sit down on the settee and spread her legs. Then he put a greedy hand to her pussy. She was already wet, but he said, "Let us get some lubrication," and kneeled between her legs and started to lick her pussy.

It was simply too erotic and soon Neela started leaking bucket loads of pussy juice. Instead of inserting the dildo, Javid continued to lick and gulp her juice. After Ten minutes, he dragged her down, lifted her ass and started to lick her asshole more ardently. This aroused Neela even more and her pussy got slippery with thick juices. Javid even managed to insert his tongue into Neela's asshole.

But just as her pleasure was building, Javid stopped his licking and rammed the dildo into her pussy. It was uncomfortable but not painful and soon her pussy stretched to swallow up the dildo.

Neela half expected Javid to fuck her ass, so, as he withdrew she moaned it protest. Javed grinned and said, "Poor queen, haven't you heard I can only fuck you in your husband's presence. Please be patient till tonight."

Neela saw that he was clearly delighted at the devious plan.

With a sigh of regret he moved back through the hidden door and Neela went to get ready for her threesome.

It was around 6 o'clock and she had just finished dressing up. She wore a bra and panties in shocking red. The panty was narrow and high cut and pressed tightly against the base of the dildo. The bra was underwired and designed to push her heavy boobs up and although made of thick lace, it barely covered the nipples.

Then she chose a short see through dress of virginal white that reached just below her waist and left nothing to the imagination. It's neck was a narrow V and gave a tantalizing glimpse of her swell cleavage.

She wore a dazzling gold chain with a single teardrop diamond so that it nestled in her cleavage. She looked in the mirror and was happy with the result.

Just then She heard Amir calling her. Expecting to see Javid and Amir she walked into the hall gently swaying her hips but was stopped in her tracks to find a stranger sitting with them and sharing a drink.

As she looked on suddenly self conscious of her wanton appearance, The looks of Javid and the stranger left no doubt that they appreciated it.

Amir rose and walked to her, "Welcome dear. How lucky we are and what an auspicious omen. Javid's and my dear friend Hamid is here to bless our union. Can you imagine, it was the only thing he asked for as his fees?"

Although a smile was fixed on her face, Neela was in deep regret as she realized that their threesome had just become a foursome.

"What kind of blessing?" Neela asked in a suspicious voice.

"I will just prepare you for the union princess." Hamid replied calmly and courteously.

Javid spoke, "As you can see my Queen such friends are hard to come by and we must show our gratitude in some form." He sounded almost apologetic.

Neela shrugged in resignation and joined them for drinks. Soon it was 8 pm and the terrace lights were lit. Javid spoke. "Dear Hamid, why don't you and the queen finish the rituals, we will join you later." Amir also nodded in agreement.

So Neela walked into the cold air along with a virtual stranger - this Hamid. He was clearly a man of few words. As soon as they were out on the terrace, he barked a single command, "Strip and kneel".

Scared of him, Neela quickly removed her clothes and kneeled on the stone floor on all fours. Hamid was clearly a voyeur. He simply brought a chair and sat in front of Neela his eyes flew to her heavy breasts which were swinging softly with her agitated breath and nipples were rock hard thanks to the cold air.

He opened a pack of cheroots and smoked them one by one simply sitting and staring at her breasts, enjoying her discomfort as their weight dragged her shoulders down. Halfway through the pack he barked, "On your knees." Neela compiled.

Once again he kept smoking while his gaze raped her at a distance. In some ways his wordless stare was the worst humiliation. Now her breasts were plump and Rosy and tender.

After smoking the whole pack, he abruptly got up, ordered her to stand by the pool and await her companions. Neela did as he said but cursed under her breath as he left.

Soon she was joined by Amir and Javid. While Javid was his casual self, pussy deprived Amir was panting in anticipation. As soon as they spotted her naked with boobs swaying, they both clapped in delight and rushed forward and immediately started to ditch their clothes.

Soon all three of them were in the pool and Javid had settled himself at her rear and Amir was in front. Before Amir could do anything, Javid instructed him to remove the pussy plug. As Amir was dragging out the dildo, Javid put his arms around and started to knead her boobs. After removing the dildo, Amir looked confused not knowing what to do and Javid took the lead once again.

He cocked an eyebrow and gestured towards the edge so that Amir could float right next to the wall, his back was pressed to the wall and his hands were stretched out by the pool edge.

Javid dragged Neela along, still kneading her globes and pressing on her nipples. He gently lifted her by her waist and lowered her pussy on to Amir's massive member. Thanks to the dildo, her vagina stretched and fit Amir easily. Then once again holding her boobs tightly for balance Javid's dick entered her ass.

Amir was lifting her by the waist and moved her up and down over his shaft. It was crude but she was aroused. Javid was more skillful. His upper body was glued to her back, his hands were roughly kneading her swollen boobs. His hips were moving furiously fucking her ass with violent thrusts.

But both men were too excited and before she had been aroused properly started to cum.

Amir was giddily happy and thanked Javid again and again. But Javid knew he had come too soon and bore a serious expression and walked in fast before they had even climbed out.

By the time Neela and Amir got out of the pool, Javid was already spread on their bed and was softly snoring. Careful not to make any noise that could disturb Javid's sleep, Amir went and slept on the other end of the bed.

Neela slipped into a silky white nightgown with high side slits and climbed into the bed. As the men had taken both ends of the bed, she settled for the middle of the bed.

She closed her eyes and was trying to fall asleep with Amir's loud snores in the background, but almost screamed in alarm when a warm body suddenly climbed on top of her.

The man understood what she was about to do and bent down and covered her Rosy mouth with his own lips.

Neela was shocked into silence at the unexpected pleasure of the first kiss. And she also recognised the familiar smell of Javid.

After a moment, when he was assured of her cooperation, Javid started to kiss more passionately and nibble on her lower lip.

Even though she had taken dicks in her mouth, no man had thought of kissing her till now. It was intensely pleasurable and even better than an orgasm.

Soon Javid slipped his tongue into her shocked mouth and silently urged her to play along. As she met his tongue with her own, she could feel his body shudder in pleasure. Neela also mimicked him and started sucking his lower lip between her own and running her wet tongue over his lips. Soon she could feel his erection poking her in the thigh but Javid was clearly in no hurry.

After several minutes of tongue play, Javid started to move down kissing her chin, neck, hollow at the base of her neck and as she kept moaning softly he reached her breasts. She was quite aroused now and her pert mounds were tingling in anticipation.

In fact, she expected him to tear away her nightgown and fondle her. But Javid surprised her again by trailing his mouth over the nightdress and sucking the poking nipples through the thin silk fabric. It was extremely erotic and soon Neela was thirsting her hips up and grinding into his dick in open invitation.

Then Javid slid his mouth down and lifted up the flap of the lower half of the nightdress. Then he bent his dark head and started kissing and gently biting her pussy lips and clitoris. As Neela arched her back in pleasure and pressed her hips into his mouth, Javid slipped his tongue in and started sending insistent waves of pleasure all over her body.

Soon Neela was in the throes of an orgasm and started moaning quite loudly. Javid quickly moved up and closed her mouth with a powerful kiss. His right hand took over from his mouth and with deep and rough thrusts of his fingers he sent her over the edge.

As she lay shaking and disoriented, Javid held her close, her boobs crushed into his chest and his nose buried in her hair.

She snuggled gratefully and whispered, "Can I ask a personal question?"

Javid drew her hips closer and gave a reassuring squeeze. Then slipped a hand into her ass crack, and started drawing lazy circles around her asshole.

"You can ask me anything, my Queen."

Moaning in pleasure at his antics, Neela whispered again, "Are you a homosexual?"

At this question Javid's whole body shook with silent laughter. And in an amused voice he replied, "No my innocent queen. I am a straight male. I love pussy, I love boobs, but my true pleasure lies in the ass. Just a matter of preference. Not to insult the homosexuals of course."

Neela understood this quite easily and whispered the next question, "Do you love me?"

Javid groaned and his whole body stilled, even his finger stopped probing her asshole. Neela was scared she might have angered him. But after a couple of minutes he hugged her tighter dropped a gentle kiss on her head and spoke,

"Of course my dearest queen I adore you. You are a gorgeous woman. Look at your skin, your creamy pert breasts, deep navel, shapely waist, bouncy ass, and long legs. What man can resist you unless he is blind and insane?"

Neela continued her whispering, "When did you actually start loving me?"

"It was two months before the presentation. My father had sent me along with a personal message to deliver to you. That was the day of the royal fair, it was late at night and all your servants had sneaked out." Javid confessed.

"By then I had not seen you for at least a couple of years and remembered you as the flat chested tomboy. I walked into the room clearly marked as yours and it was empty. I kept going and found you asleep in the bath."

"I was so angry that you were so careless and could have drowned. So I came closer to slap some sense into you. But then the water had cleared and your naughty nipples were peeking out, your bush was not yet trimmed and your mouth was adorably red."

"I had fallen half in love with you then. So, I lifted you out and carried you in my arms and put you down on your bed. Before I could draw the coverlet, you turned over and your pert bottom rose in the air. That sealed the deal."

"You were so irresistible, I bent down and dropped a kiss on your buttocks and promised myself that I would have my dick in your ass one way or the other."

Neela was shocked, "Then why didn't you warn me about the ceremony? I would have refused the throne and saved my dignity."

Javid explained, "What would that achieve, you would be throne less, powerless, and I am sure my father would let you die a spinster than marry. We could obviously never marry being direct cousins. Now I know the presentation was painful but look at what you have, as soon as you conceive you will be the queen, you have the power, your kingdom, a gullible fool who can give you all the dick you need, and we are together and we are happy, content."

Neela couldn't argue with this logic, "But what about all those men groping me and fucking me, humiliating me don't you feel anything about it?"

With a tortured sigh Javid replied, "You are a stunning woman my Queen. You have no idea how compelling your charms are. how can I blame others for the same weakness that I feel everytime I look at you?"

Again Neela was silenced and Javid dipped his finger in her pussy and then started to slowly push his finger inside her ass. Knowing that Javid enjoyed it so much made her happy and aroused.

Neela whispered again, "Aren't you jealous of Amir?"

Javid replied with amusement, "Oh my innocent, why would I be jealous when I personally chose him for you? I know in your poor ass his dick is Painful but in your vagina, once we teach him, he will rock your world."

Neela asked, "What about having his child? He looks a bit retarded!"

Once again Javid explained patiently, "He is a village bumpkin, illiterate and innocent. Nothing wrong with this brain. Anyway I would prefer that you have his child than that of my useless father or my infuriating brother."

"Why didn't you tell me this before, you villain?" Neela beat playfully on Javid's chest.

"I was having too much fun watching your outrage my dear. I could see that you loved me subconsciously but we're not willing to accept the inevitable realities of our lives. So I had to be patient."

"You don't like fucking my pussy but you lick it and suck it, why?"

"First of all you taste like peaches and honey. Trust me eating your pussy is my privilege and before you ask about the licking of cum soaked pussy at a presentation, what can I say, I don't disgust easily. And although my dick prefers your ass over pussy, I personally happen to care about your pleasure. So I do whatever I can . Now fingering your ass, it's for my benefit."

"Would you like me to suck you?"

"Oh of course, but only when you are ready and the time necessitates it. Enough questions, turn over."

Before waiting for her reply he turned her over roughly and now he was lying on her back with his erection digging into her ass, his broad chest pressing on her back and his head next to her own.

Soon he was moving to and fro between her ass cracks and shallow humping over the nightdress. Javid reached for the side table and dipped his fingers into the bowl of soft and fragrant cream.

As Neela waited with heightened awareness, he slathered the cream all over his dick, lifted her nightdress and in a single stroke buried himself in her ass. For almost a minute he did not move then with harsh grunts he started sliding in and out creating a rocking motion.

This time Neela could feel his breath coming out in quick bursts on the back of her neck and his hips digging in with more power and his dick swelling to fill her asshole and finally he had his release, his body bucked and rocked as she felt his hot seed spill into her ass.

Soon he collapsed on her back exhausted and started sleeping with shallow breaths. Even though he was heavy, Neela slept not minding the weight. Soon she was also asleep and Amir continued to snore dead to the world.

The next time when Neela awakened, it was to grunting sounds and heavy pressure in her pelvis. As the daze of sleep cleared, she realized it was still early dawn and Javid and Amir had already gotten busy.

Lying on her side, she was sandwiched between Amir and Javid. Amir had nestled his head into her breasts and lustily pounded her pussy with his jackhammer of a dick.

Javid held her waist, his head buried in her hair and his mouth nibbling on the back of her neck. He had his dick in her ass, and was matching Amir's furious pace.

Soon Neela could feel her own arousal rising and climaxed quickly but Amir and Javid kept hammering her for a long time and she fell back asleep. Next time she woke up, she was alone in bed with cum oozing out of both her pussy and ass and slowly drying on her legs.