Watching My Loving Parents - Part 3

Watching My Loving Parents - Part 3

Published on: 2023-03-30 04:06:57

I was woken up by the loud noise of a motorbike – it felt as though the motorbike was right next to my room wall. Grumbling, I pulled away my blanket and turned to look at my bedside clock. It was already 10:15 am. God! I must have slept like a log – but considering the extended physical activities of the night before, it was no surprise. I allowed myself a smile as I got out of bed. I opened my window and looked through the wire-netting towards our neighbour's house which was about 20 meters away from ours. Sure enough, there was our Malay neighbour busy tuning his motorbike.

I picked up my towel from the rack, switched off the fan and stepped out of my room. The house seemed unusually quiet, no visible or audible sign of my Aayahmah. After using the toilet, I went to the kitchen – she was not there but a warm mug of coffee was waiting for me. I took a sip and then went to her room – again, empty. I came out to the dining area, put my mug down on the table and wondered where Aayahmah could be. I noticed that the clothes had already been washed and put out to dry in the sun.

After taking another gulp of coffee, I walked towards the stairs. I could see that the front door was locked but no sign of any movement in the living room.

"Aayahmah" I called out.

Hearing no response, I walked up the stairs to the living room and found Aayahmah there, on Mom's easy-chair, in deep sleep. I saw the broom and dust pan standing next to the sofa and assumed that she probably had finished sweeping the hall, had sat down to take a short rest and then had dozed off. Not surprising that she was tired, considering the power-packed loving she gave - and received - the previous night. I had no intention of disturbing her sleep - she would have been up pretty early to prepare breakfast for my parents as well as to start her daily household chores.

I just stood there and admired her. She looked so peaceful, a heavenly glow on her face and a contented smile on her lips. She was dressed in a chequered cotton sari, nicely wrapped around her, with a matching red-coloured blouse. She was breathing deeply and her magnificent bosom moved in rhythm with her breath.

Seeing her like this, no one would ever imagine what a woman she was in bed. I smiled as I recollected our loving escapades of the past few days – the outrageously wanton desire she oozed when we made love, the way her body sexually responded, the things she did and was willing to do. At that moment I felt that I was the luckiest boy in the world to have experienced such pleasures and from such a wonderful woman. I felt a warm glow in my loins as I watched her.

As if she sensed my thoughts, her eyes opened slowly and she smiled at me. She opened her arms and invited me to lay on her. I kneeled down on the floor next to the easy-chair and rested my torso on her, my head resting on its side on her bosom. Her arms encircled me and she hugged me tight to her.

"I love you, Chellam. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me" she whispered to me.

"I love you too, Amma" I replied, before raising my head to look at her.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked, patting my cheek.

"Yes, very well thank you. And you?" I asked before planting a kiss on her bosom.

"Me too but I was up early" she replied and then said "I wanted to clean up here before going down to cook. I just sat down for a short rest after sweeping the hall and must have fallen asleep."

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you" I said and touched her face with my right hand.

She hugged me to her tightly and held me like that, my head pressed hard against her breasts. After some minutes, she gently pushed me away and sat up.

"Go and have your shower, Chellam. Then I will come and get you your breakfast" she told me.

"Why don't you come and shower with me?" I teased her, gently pinching her naked waist as we both stood up.

Rubbing the front of my shorts and feeling the semi-hard flesh, she said "Don't tempt me. I might just eat this up" giving my prick a squeeze as she finished her sentence.

"Please…." I replied and we both laughed, enjoying the intimate closeness we shared.

We walked downstairs together and then I headed straight to the bathroom while Aayahmah went to put away the broom. After a nice, cleansing shower and a change of clothes, I headed to the kitchen where Aayahmah had already started with the lunch preparation. She was cleaning some fish (mackerel). Her portable radio was on, playing some old Tamil songs.

"I mixed two half-boiled eggs for you already, it's good for your energy" she said, looking towards me from the sink.

"Great" I said, walking towards her. Then patting her bums, I continued "I do need the energy to satisfy this wonderful woman. Her body drains me."

"Look who's talking" she said and then broke out in laughter.

I gulped down the half-boiled eggs, relishing the taste – Aayahmah had added a tiny drop of soy sauce. Then I took a few cream-crackers out of a container and sat down on a rattan chair. A fresh mug of coffee was on the stool nearby.

"I think your parents know about us, Chellam" said Aayahmah calmly, still cleaning the fish.

"Why do you think so, Amma?" I asked, munching my cracker.

"This morning, your Mom gave me a hug and said that she felt very happy. She did not say anything more" replied Aayahmah.

"But that's normal. Mom often hugs you" I responded.

"Yes, but later as your Dad left the house, he gave me a funny look. He has never looked at me like that before" Aayahmah explained.

"Could be just your imagination, Amma" I said.

"I don't think so, Mohan. I am sure they know. My head says so" she replied.

"Are you worried?" I asked.

"I don't know really. I don't know what to expect. I mean if they were angry they would have made their feelings known" she explained.

"Maybe they don't know after all. Anyway, you heard their conversation last night. So, don't worry" I calmed her thoughts.

Aayahmah had finished cleaning the fish. After washing them, she seasoned the fish with a reddish paste and put them away to be fried later. She opened up a knot of kangkong (spinach) leaves and started washing them under the tap. I stood up, gulped the remainder of the coffee and then put the mug near the sink. I stood next to her as she carefully cleaned the fresh green leaves.

"But we have to be careful from now on, Chellam, especially with your sisters and Mala also here from tomorrow onwards. I will miss you but we have to stay away from each other" said Aayahmah, her hands busy with the kangkong.

"Yes, me too" I replied and then groping her rounded buttocks, I cheekily added "but we still have today."

I encircled my hands around her from behind and pressed myself against her, rubbing my groin against her bums. My hands cupped her large melons, tightly packed in her cotton blouse as I humped her slowly. She was a little helpless as her hands were preoccupied with the vegetable but she pushed her bums back against me, feeling my cock hardening.

She stopped momentarily with the kangkong and just relished the feel of my throbbing hard-on against her bums.

"You randy young bugger" she said and rubbed her bums harder against me.

"You make me randy" I joked, as I simultaneously squeezed her ripe melons and humped her forcefully against the sink, causing some water to splash out on us.

"Watch it, Mister. You might cause an accident here" warned Aayahmah with a huge grin on her face.

After one more grope of her boobs, I laughed and moved away. She had finished cleaning the kangkong and started to cut it up. I could smell rasam (spicy soup) and traced it to an earthen pot on the charcoal stove. I lifted the lid and inhaled the spicy aroma of the rasam. Another aluminium pot nearby held the rice – she had cooked that already. And, yet another earthen pot had some dhall (lentils).

Aayahmah took the plastic sieve filled with the kangkong leaves towards the kerosene stove upon which stood a wok. She ignited the stove and then poured some oil into the wok and waited for the oil to heat up. Sitting on the chair again, I watched and chatted with her for a while longer. Then I went upstairs to read the newspaper. It was around 12:30 pm.

Relaxing on Mom's easy chair, I went through The Straits Times starting from the sports pages. I did not know when I drifted off to sleep but I was woken up by steady knocking on the front door and Mom's calling. I sprung off the easy chair and opened the front door to let Mom in.

"Where were you? And where's Sundari?" asked Mom, questioningly.

"Mom! Hi! Sorry, I was reading the papers and fell asleep" I blabbered, pointing to her easy-chair and the dishevelled newspaper on the floor.

Mom walked across the living room towards the stairs. At that moment, Aayahmah came out from the kitchen.

"There you are, Sundari" said Mom, handing over her thermos flask to Aayahmah.

"What's for lunch today?" asked Mom, with a big smile.

"Fried fish, kangkong, dhall and rasam" replied Aayahmah smiling.

"Great. Let me change and we can have lunch together" responded Mom.

I picked up and folded the newspaper, then closed the front door and headed downstairs. Aayahmah had already set the table. I took the cold water bottles from the fridge and then went to wash my hands. I sat down at the table and took a sip of ice cold water.

Aayahmah brought out the freshly fried fish and sat it at the centre of the table just as Mom appeared at the top of the stairs, wearing a long sleeveless housecoat.

As she walked down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen to wash her hands, I noticed that there was a bounce in her steps and her breasts were freely moving under her dress. Funny how in all these years I had never taken notice of something like that in Mom or Aayahmah but now, suddenly, every aspect of these women was interesting me and stimulating my thoughts.

Mom sat across the table from me and it did not take me long to realize that she was not wearing a bra.

"How was your day, Amma?" I asked, trying to switch my thoughts away from her body.

"Busy. A couple of traffic accident cases" she replied.

The three of us served ourselves to the food and ate in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the taste and taking occasional glances at each other. Mom's eyes were a little searching and inquisitive, asking silent questions - at least that's how I felt. And my eyes were not behaving either - kept taking quick glimpses of her hairy armpits, her nipples which were pointedly hard and her divine face with the corners of my eyes. My prick was stirring under the table.

After a few mouthfuls of food, Mom asked me "So, what have you been up to Mohan?"

I gulped down my food before replying.

"Nothing much, Amma. Got out of bed only after 10" I answered grinning, taking another mouthful of rice.

"Lazy bugger! Why? Did you go to sleep very late?" responded Mom, before munching on some kangkong.

"Yes, watched TV till close* and then read a book" I replied, my mouth grinding the food as I talked. (*Note : in those good old days, television programmes ended shortly after midnight)

"Really? Only that or is there something more to tell?" asked Mom, a questioning look on her face as she took another mouthful of food.

Aayahmah looked up from her plate and glanced at Mom before turning to me, as if fearing the next question. Her fingers were toying with the food on her plate.

"Yes, Amma. Why?" I replied, looking her in the eyes and pretending to sound as innocent as a church mouse.

"Don't pretend, Mister. We know what's going on" Mom answered, sounding serious all of a sudden.

"What do you mean, Amma?" I continued, knowing that the game was over but maintaining the innocent tone. I was curious to get the words out of her mouth.

"Your Aayahmah and you!" Mom blurted out, switching looks between both of us, waiting for a response.

"We sensed something was going on between you two. We came down late last night and your door was open, Mohan. You were not in your bed. Then we heard sounds coming from your room, Sundari" continued Mom, pointing her face as she spoke, first to me and then to Aayahmah.

I did not know what to reply and looked down. So did Aayahmah.

"You certainly were not having a mother-son chat. That was for sure" said Mom, with a sarcastic giggle.

She prodded us to continue eating. A few seconds of total silence was broken by Mom's next question.

"Who started it?" she asked.

"It was my fault!" Aayahmah and I answered almost simultaneously.

Mom broke out in laughter and choked a little on her food. As she lifted her hand to her mouth, I could not help admiring her silky long armpit hair. Neither could I stop the twitching inside my shorts. Somehow the atmosphere was stimulating me, sexually.

Mom cleared her throat with a gulp of water and waited for us to speak. Again, silence for a few seconds.

"How long has this been going on, Sundari?" asked Mom, a curious look on her face.

Aayahmah looked down as she answered "A few days ago, Rani-ma. It was my fault. I am sorry. It will not happen again, I promise."

"No, Amma. I am the guilty one" I added, looking at Aayahmah and then directly into Mom's eyes.

"Why? Did you force her against her will?" asked Mom.

"No!" came a silent reply from both of us, still looking down at our food and avoiding Mom's prying eyes.

"I am sorry Mom" I responded, feeling bad and wondering how much they (Dad and Mom) had heard or seen. I had been right however – I did hear a door close last night.

"What are you feeling sorry about? Didn't you want it? Didn't you enjoy it?" asked Mom.

Neither of us dared to answer her

"Listen! There is nothing to feel guilty or sorry about. By the unmistakable sounds we heard last night, both of you seemed to have wanted it and you certainly seemed to have enjoyed whatever you both were doing" lectured Mom.

Again silence from us, as our fingers toyed with the last bits of food on our plates.

"Look! We are not angry with you both. And, we will not stop you from continuing your, shall I say, intimate relationship, if you both want it. You just have to be really, really careful" said Mom calmly, trying to convey her understanding.

We kept silent, in acknowledgement of Mom's advice.

"No one else should know about this. Others may not accept this in the same way as your Dad and I do. To many people, this would be absolute taboo. Sundari and you are like mother and son and this would be incest" continued Mom.

"Do you both understand?" asked Mom.

We nodded in agreement. Aayahmah got up with her plate and walked towards the kitchen. She came out a few seconds later, having washed her hands.

"Mohan, you must never, never lose your respect for Sundari because of this. She will always be your Aayahmah – treat her always with that motherly respect. Is that clear?" advised Mom, very firmly.

"Yes, Amma. I promise" I answered her.

"I know you will. Anyway, your Dad will talk more about this with you later. But remember, the house will be full from tomorrow, so behave Mister. Keep your newfound desires and pleasures under lock and key. Ok?" continued Mom, smiling as if pleased with herself.

"Yes, Mom, I promise" I repeated and got up with my empty plate and walked towards the kitchen.

"And you, Sundari. I will have a talk with you later – a woman-to-woman talk" said Mom, getting up from the chair.

"Yes, Rani-ma" came Aayahmah's reply, looking a little glum, now that our secret was out.

After helping to carry the food back to the kitchen and re-filling the water bottles for the fridge, I went upstairs to finish the newspaper. Mom and Aayahmah busied themselves in the kitchen, putting things away and cleaning up. I could hear them talking as I walked up the stairs.

I took the newspaper in my hands but had difficulty concentrating on it. I went out to the veranda and thought over what had transpired. I didn't know what to expect anymore now that my parents knew about Aayahmah and me. Many questions were springing in my mind. What was Dad going to say to me? What was Mom going to tell Aayahmah? How was Aayahmah going to react? Was this the end of my beautiful relationship with Aayahmah? Most importantly, was this the end of my new found pleasures?

Putting aside the negative thoughts, I came back into the living room, finished reading the newspaper, then folded and left it on the coffee table. I decided to adjourn to my room downstairs and closed the main front door. As I walked away and crossed the entrance to my parents' room, I stopped at the open doorway. I did not know why I did it but I peeked into my parents' room. No sign of Mom. So she was probably still downstairs with Aayahmah.

Again without any reason, I stepped into their room and just made a glance around the room. Sprawled on the bed was Mom's uniform that she had worn to work. And, sticking out from under her uniform was the strap of a bra, probably the one she had discarded after coming home. As if a strange magnetic power was drawing me to it, my hand reached out and pulled out the bra.

As my fingers caressed the lacy material, I felt a warm heat going through my fingers and spreading out into my body. How many times had I seen Mom's discarded clothes and up to then, I had never even given it a thought. But here I was today, like a pervert, getting really turned on by her bra.

I lifted the bra to my face and inhaled the material. A sweaty but distinctively feminine aroma hit my senses – a quite different smell from Aayahmah's. Almost instantly intoxicated by the aroma, I buried my nose in the cups as I felt my prick hardening. These had carried and held Mom's magnificent boobs the whole morning and my cock throbbed with visions of that.

Almost instinctively, my tongue licked the material, my tongue tip touching the inside of the bra where Mom's fat nipples would have been touching. For a few seconds, I stood there like that and imagined I was licking her hard nipples. My other hand stroked my now fully erect cock over the front of my shorts.

I was mighty excited and wanted the pleasure to continue. But knowing that I was in precarious surroundings, I decided to go down to my room. With one last, hungry lick of Mom's bra I placed it back under her uniform where I had found it and adjusted my rampant dick inside my shorts, trying to camouflage the erection.

I stepped out of the room and went downstairs. Aayahmah's room door was closed and I could hear Mom and her talking inside but very faintly. Probably Mom did not want me to hear what they were discussing. I decided not to bother and in any case, something more important needed my immediate attention.

I closed my room door and pulled down my shorts, releasing my excited prick. The hardness had not subsided even a little and the veins were bursting with energy. I pulled my foreskin back completely and admired the bulbous head, shining in splendour. As I stretched the foreskin I felt more blood rushing into the already full-sized meat. I didn't know whether it was just my imagination but I thought it looked bigger than it did a week ago. I smiled - maybe the oil really did have the magical power!

Taking the bottle of oil beside the bed, I applied some on my blood engorged cock and stroked it slowly for a few minutes, spreading the lotion over the entire solid length. It was pointing straight out from my hairy groin, throbbing menacingly. I stroked the curly black hairs around the base with my other hand as I felt pleasure spreading out from my cock.

Pulling my shorts and underwear down to my ankles, I spread my legs and applied some oil to my scrotum. I carefully massaged the hairy nuts with my left hand while my right hand continued to stroke, now more vigorously, the bloated length of my oil-soaked dick. The sensations were just beautiful.

Flashes of the incredible loving with Aayahmah over the past few days and nights streamed across my mind as I became fully engrossed in giving myself pleasure. These were soon replaced by wanton images of my parents – the majestic scenes that I had witnessed. And then all thoughts were on my incredible Mom - her aroma that I had briefly tasted from her bra had turned me on to this level.

My fingers gripped my throbbing cock harder, feeling the blood-filled veins palpitating with high octane energy. My oily foreskin was stretched back completely and the shiny red mushroom crown was fully blown up, throbbing and ready to explode. I stroked faster, wanting to release my seed, my thoughts switching between Aayahmah and Mom. I was on the verge of an explosion.

At that very moment the door suddenly opened, without any warning, and I heard Mom's voice as she stepped in behind the door and into the room.

"Mohan, when do you….." she stopped abruptly, dead in her tracks as her eyes took in the scene.

"What the he….!" I exclaimed loudly in utter shock, the words dying in my mouth as my fingers released my erect manhood.

I stood there frozen, not moving, just staring straight at Mom. Her right hand was covering her mouth and her beautiful eyes were wide open, locked on my throbbing pecker. My cock was literally twitching and moving on its own free will.

"Oh my God, oh my God….Mohan! You are just like your father" she stammered, gulping and mincing her words, her eyes opening even wider and rounder, either in shock or in admiration.

I quickly tried to pull up my shorts just as Aayahmah came and stood behind Mom, to see what was going on. She too stared in disbelief at my most-embarrassing situation. My cock was rock solid, refusing to slacken even slightly and I had trouble pulling up my shorts over my raging monster.

"Mom, I was just….just applying the special oil. I didn't hear you. I'm sorry….I'm sorry" I blurted out, in shock and shame, still not managing to get my shorts over the fully erect meat.

Mom's right hand reached out towards my groin, probably with a maternal instinct but her fingers hesitated.

"Can I touch you?" she asked and then without waiting for my answer her trembling fingers clasped my prick.

Aayahmah stood there transfixed at the events unfolding, her mouth wide open.

"God, Mohan….it's so hard and throbbing" Mom said, her fingers squeezing and stroking my length, her tongue involuntarily licking her lips.

Mom's magical touch was all that my prick needed. A powerful surge of energy flowed out from her fingers and radiated into my hardened flesh, spread through my body and then rushed down my spine. The next thing I knew my cock was jerking out of control. I watched bewildered as my cockhead expanded and a gush of thick white cum jetted out of the mushroom tip and hit the wall about 5 feet away. And then another, and another……

"Ammmaaaaaa….." I groaned, not able to remain silent any longer, as cum gushed out of my cock, my legs wobbling with the intensity of the release.

"Oh my God….Chellam…." Mom squealed in surprise and dropped down on her knees to the floor, unable to comprehend what was taking place.

Her fingers stroked my rampant cock faster, as if wanting me to empty my balls. Some seconds later, she squeezed the last drop out of my cockhead and then released my still throbbing cock abruptly. Her fingers then caressed my hairy scrotum as if checking their condition. Her eyes followed my eyes closely, watching my reactions. Sweat droplets had formed on her forehead as she examined my teenage organ, a beautiful twinkle in her eyes.

And then turning to look at Aayahmah, Mom asked "Is he always this hard?"

Aayahmah just nodded in agreement as Mom's fingers caressed and examined my genitals.

"And, so much cum?" asked Mom.

Again, Aayahmah nodded in the affirmative.

"No wonder, you are crazy about him" Mom responded, smiling at Aayahmah and then said "He's just like his father."

Aayahmah stood there silently, watching - her eyes reassured me that everything would be fine. Her smile told me that she was happy for me. I switched my eyes to my loving Mother who was still on her knees.

"You will make many a woman happy, Chellam" said Mom, reluctantly removing her fingers and standing upright, her nipples clearly erect and tenting her house dress.

She walked out of the room and I stood there dumbfounded, with my private parts still exposed. As I closed the door slowly, I watched Mom hug Aayahmah and noticed her body shaking. Aayahmah's hands rubbed her back soothingly, as if calming her down

"Was she too overwhelmed by that intimate experience?" I wondered.

I shut the door and cleaned up the mess on the wall and floor with my underwear. I waited till my erection had subsided slightly and then wrapping a towel around me; I opened the door, stepped out of my room and headed towards the bathroom. No sign of either Mom or Aayahmah.

I decided to have a shower after which, I headed back to my room. I noticed that Aayahmah's door was closed and assumed she was having her usual siesta. After pulling on clean underwear and shorts, I went upstairs. Mom's door was also closed – probably she too was having her nap. Just out of curiosity I went into my sister's room and peeped through one of the holes. Yes, Mom was lying on her bed, her eyes closed in peaceful sleep; her goddess' face glowing.

It was around 2:45 pm and I too decided to have a short power nap in my room. I soon fell asleep and woke up around 4:15 pm. I washed my face and got ready to head to the field. After a drink of water, I knocked on Aayahmah's door and told her that I was going to play football. I heard her acknowledgement. Then I went upstairs and did the same at Mom's door but there was no response. Either she was still asleep or she was in the bathroom. Anyway, I stepped out of the hall, closed the front door and walked to the field.

It was around 7:00 pm when I got back home after an enjoying game of football. As I climbed up the stairs, I saw Dad sitting in the veranda reading the newspaper.

"Hi Dad" I greeted him.

"Hi Mohan, how was football?" he responded.

"Great, was a good workout" I replied and then asked him how his day was.

We chatted for a minute or so and then I headed downstairs. The smell of jasmine and sandalwood filled my nostrils as I crossed the living room towards the stairs. Mom was sat in silent prayer at our altar, dressed in a long gown and her long black hair let loose. Her eyes were closed and her palms clasped together in front of her in traditional prayer modus. For a split second I admired her - she was a goddess alright and simply beautiful.

I went downstairs to my room and then to the bathroom to have a quick wash, deciding to have a proper shower before bedtime. Aayahmah was busy in the kitchen, making thosai for dinner. I greeted her. There were already some prepared thosai on a plate. Turning to see if anyone was around, I gave her a quick hug from behind, relishing the few seconds of closeness to her body.

"Careful, Chellam. Your parents are at home" she whispered, but pleased with the affectionate gesture from me.

"I'm hungry" I said loudly and patted her rounded bums.

"Well you can take this plate of thosai to the dining table. I'll make some more" responded Aayahmah.

As I walked out to the dining area, Mom was approaching the stairs, with Dad a few steps behind. I placed the plate of thosai on the dining table and sat down. Dad went to wash his hands and then sat next to me. Mom sat across from us and started serving us the thosai. She looked ravishing like that with her hair let loose and the holy ash and pottu adorning her forehead.

Mom then called out to Aayahmah to join us at dinner but she declined, replying that she would have hers later. The three of us ate silently, enjoying the crispy thin thosai that Aayahmah had made. We chatted a little about this and that but no reference was made to the events of the afternoon. However, I did sense that that was not the end of the matter.

Sure enough, after we had finished with dinner, Dad indicated to Mom that he and I were going out for a walk. Mom, again not surprisingly, told us to go ahead without her, stating that we, Dad and I, had a lot to catch up on. She preferred to stay at home and continue her talk with Aayahmah. Sounded all very academic, I thought.

I was not too worried, maybe just a little nervous, about talking to Dad. In a way I was glad that Mom and Dad had discovered what was going on between Aayahmah and me. The only thing that I was uncertain about was what this meant to all of us from now on and how it was going to affect or change our lives.

"So, a lot has been happening to you recently, I hear" started Dad, as we set off.

I pondered for a second and then said in an apologetic tone "I'm sorry, Dad. Do you think I am doing wrong?"

"No, Mohan, not at all. I would have done the same in your shoes" he replied and reassured me with a pat on my shoulder.

"Thanks Appa" I said and clutched his hand, feeling an instant closeness to him.

"As long as you don't hurt anyone in the process, physically or mentally, it is alright" advised Dad.

Again I pondered for a while and then asked "What do you mean by anyone, Dad? There is just Aayahmah and me."

"There is Mala, remember. How do you think she would react if she found out that her mother was making it with you? She might not understand or accept that and could be really hurt or affected" replied Dad.

I nodded in acknowledgement and said "I didn't think of that."

Dad continued with his advice "Listen. It's about responsibility. Always be aware of your responsibilities especially in things like these. You are still young Mohan. There are many more things you will learn in your life. Right now you have experienced something every teenage boy would only dream of and I am happy for you."

I clutched his hand again as we walked slowly. "Thanks" I whispered to him.

"So, tell me a little about of your new experience. You did sound like you were having lots of fun last night" prodded Dad, with a chuckle.

"What shall I say, Dad? It is a beautiful, out-of-this-world feeling. Simply awesome, nothing like I ever felt before" I replied.

"Yes, it surely is when you have the right partner. You know, you don't experience it with just everyone. That is also important for you to remember, Mohan. Don't just jump into bed with just anyone" said Dad.

I laughed in response, feeling comfortable with the dialogue with Dad.

Along the way we found a place to sit in a small playground. It was well lit and Dad suggested that we sit there for some minutes to continue our chat which I quite welcomed. We both sat down and stretched our legs.

"I heard about the amusing incident with your Mom this afternoon" Dad said with another giggle.

"Oh God! It was so embarrassing Dad. I was just applying the oil and my thing was so hard and Mom walked in" I explained, concealing the fact of what had made me so hard.

"What made you lose control?" asked Dad, intuitively.

"I don't know. The moment Mom's fingers touched me…… I really cannot explain it" I replied.

Dad laughed and said "It's alright. You probably were just hyper-excited or maybe it was just the magical touch of your Mother."

"Did Mom say anything about what happened?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, she was impressed with your thingy….your cock; said it was comparable to mine" answered Dad quite coolly.

I negated him immediately without any thought "No way Dad" and then suddenly realised my error.

Dad smiled.

"So it's true then. You have seen us – your Mum and me" said Dad, almost casually, as if that was a normal thing to happen.

"Sorry Dad. It was by pure accident that happened. I promise not to do it again" I replied and then asked "Is Mom upset about it?"

"Not really. Neither am I. We thought you would have discovered us long ago" answered Dad.

"It was an eye-opener for me Dad. Up till then, I was so ignorant. I didn't think that Mom and you did that….make love, I mean" I explained calmly.

Dad laughed and then asked "Why? Did you think we were too old for that?"

"No, Dad. Just that when I see you both in normal, everyday life, you are the epitome of all things good and nice. Never thought you would be doing such things" I tried to reason.

"Why? You think that what we did was dirty?" he asked.

"I was ignorant, Dad. Before witnessing you both, yes to a certain extent, influenced by the pornography I have had the chance to watch or read. But after witnessing the beautiful love you made, it made me see things in a much clearer perspective" I answered.

"Good that you realise that, Mohan. When two people love and want each other, nothing is dirty. Like I said, as long as both of you are consenting, as long you are not hurting each other, physically or mentally, it's beautiful. And, it's private….between you and your partner" Dad advised.

"Yes, I realised and experienced that also with Aayahmah" I said in reply.

"I know. Your Mom told me that Sundari's absolutely crazy about you. What did you do to her?" Dad teased, his hand patting my shoulder.

"Learnt it all from Mom and you, Dad" I blurted out confidently.

We both laughed heartily. I was really happy that Dad and I were able to talk about these things so openly, like teenage buddies. Again, that warm feeling in me; that I was the luckiest boy in the world.

"So, what did you think of your Mom and me?" asked Dad.

"AWESOME….simply, AWESOME" I repeated myself.

"Really? What makes you say that?" asked Dad, seemingly excited to hear more.

"Everything about you both really; you guys are so natural, so beautiful and so erotic to watch" I answered convincingly.

"And, Dad……please allow me to say this, your cock is truly magnificent. I am no comparison" I said softly and grasped his elbow at the same time, feeling so at ease with my Father.

Dad laughed, probably chuffed to hear his son saying that and then slowly stood up and indicated that we should be getting home. I got up and just before we walked away, I hugged him and whispered a thank you to him. He too thanked me for the chat. We walked along slowly, happy with the knowledge that our relationship was on a different planet after all what had happened the past few days.

"Last night, we stood outside Sundari's room and heard you both for a long time. We didn't know how to react but we certainly wished that we could have seen you" said Dad, catching me by surprise.

"Really? Why Dad?" I asked.

"Hard to explain that but maybe it had something to do with the fact that you are our son, our waris. We were happy for you and just wanted to see you" explained Dad.

"And I'll tell you a little secret too. We were so very excited hearing you, if you know what I mean" said Dad further.

"Really?" I asked again, smiling and feeling good about that.

"Yes, you drove us a little crazy and we had to satisfy our desires later" explained Dad, very academically.

I clasped Dad's elbow and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I love you both, Dad…very much."

It was a nice, windy day and a clear star-spangled night sky added to the feel-good mood we both were in. We trod along the small road towards our house, a noticeable bounce in our steps.

"Mohan, are you going to see Sundari tonight?" asked Dad, again surprising me with the question.

"Why Dad? You don't want me to?" I questioned.

"No, not that but the girls will be home tomorrow, so you cannot be with her tomorrow" reminded Dad.

"Yes, I know Appa" I nodded in agreement and then gleefully said "But there is a long night ahead."

"Yes, for me too" he sounded equally excited.

I hugged him again, just as we reached our house. As we climbed up the stairs, I whispered to him to leave his lights on. He smiled and whispered to me to do the same. I looked at him a little bemused and then broke out in a smile when he winked. I winked back at him. Like excited teenage boys with an agreed plan, we walked into the house.

Mom was sat in the hall, watching TV. There were some sari blouses next to her and she had a threaded needle in her fingers, probably making adjustments to her blouses. We greeted her as Dad locked the front door. It was around 10:00 pm.

"Must have been a very intense and interesting conversation that father and son had" said Mom cynically, a knowing look on her face.

"Yes, men talk. It has been a long time coming" replied Dad.

I smiled at both of them and then took off my t-shirt. I was feeling rather sticky with all the dried up sweat on my body and was ready for a good shower.

"I'm going for a shower and then to bed. It's been a long day" I announced and then wished them both good night.

"Good night!" they both responded simultaneously.

I heard Dad tell Mom that he was also going to get a shower as I walked down the stairs towards my room. Aayahmah's room door was closed - I could see that her lights were on but I decided not to intrude then. I picked up a towel from my room and headed into the bathroom for a cold and refreshing shower. I took my time, happy with all that had transpired during the day and happy that I was on a different mental level with my parents. I definitely felt like the luckiest boy in the world.

After the shower and a change of clothes, I contemplated on the next move – go to Aayahmah's room or go watch my parents. I decided on the latter – I knew Aayahmah would wait for me. I left my room and headed upstairs. It was around 10:30 pm. I opened the door to the upper part of the house and glided like a ghost into the hall. The hall lights were off but there was light under the door to my parents' room. I quickly stole into my sister's room.

"Mmmmm….yes….Athaaaaannn….lick me, darling…lick my horny pussy. I have been crazy all day…mmmmm" Mom moaned, just as I attached my eye to the peephole.

Mom was sitting on Dad's face, rubbing her wanton pussy unashamedly against his probing tongue. Her hands held the headboard and she humped Dad's face with so much vigour that her beautiful breasts swayed in every direction. Both were completely naked and Dad's masterpiece of a cock, stood erect at full mast, throbbing and twitching in equal excitement. Both his hands were on her buttocks, squeezing her fleshy bums. I watched enthralled.

"Athaaaan…Athaaaan….yesss…mmmm……I need your fat cock inside me. My cunt is on fire tonight. I need you to fuck me, Athan. Pleeeasssse….fuck meeeee" moaned Mom, visibly more excited than I had ever seen her up till then. Her body shivered in little spasms

Like a bitch in heat, she slid down his face and onto his chest, her face beaming with sexual desire. She lifted her bottom and got herself on all fours. Then adjusting her dripping womanhood over the magnificent, erect lingam, her fingers encircled the mighty meat. She positioned herself into a sitting position, rubbed the bloated cockhead against her hairy lips and then plunged down hard, embedding the colossal prick inside her wanton hole in a single stroke.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh…….yessssssssssssss" she squealed as the mighty dick filled her depths.

Dad raised his hips off the mattress, forcing his monster cock even deeper up Mom's pussy, elevating her high above him. As Dad supported the bottom half of his body in mid-air, Mom did a quick-fire up-down, forward-backward action, holding Dad's muscular thighs for support.

Then she churned him, literally grinding her pussy around his meat.

"Mmmmmm….aaaaaahhhhhhh…..yesssss… your cock inside me….fuck me…fuck…me ….mmmmmmmmm" Mom encouraged Dad.

Dad rested his buttocks back on the mattress and then lifted his torso and hugged her, his arms encircling her waist in a sitting position, Mom on top of Dad. Her bums were resting on Dad's thighs, his mighty lingam buried deep up inside her cunt. Seemingly Dad seemed as hyper-excited like Mom. He forced the tempo, thrusting up with full power into her tunnel while she rode him fast and hard. His hands literally pulled her hips down onto his rod.

"Mmmmmmm….yesss……unnnhhhh….unnnhhhh…fuck me…fuck me….fuck me….aaaaaahhhhhhh" they squealed, urging each other on.

Surprisingly, even though it could not have been more than 15 minutes ago when they would have started, it looked like that they were both so excited that they desperately needed to explode, to release the sexual needs of their bodies. Normally they made love with a beautiful tempo but tonight they were like wild animals, fast and hard fucking. Both were really turned on and my cock throbbed wickedly inside my shorts at the sight of them in this heightened sexual frenzy.

"Athaaan…Athaaan….fuck me… ….I want you…I want you…I want you. Fuck me….fuck me …..aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh" Mom screamed, sliding up and down on Dad's meat.

"Oh Raniiiii…fuckkkkkk…your hot pussy…so fucking tight……aaaaaahhhhhh" groaned Dad, increasing the strength and speed of his thrusts up into her fiery depths.

"Aaaaahhhhh……..yessssssssss….mmmmm….yesss…yesss…..Godddddd….yessss….soooooo deeeeep….harder….harder Athaaan….unnnhhhh" screamed Mom as Dad hammered away like a prized bull.

She pushed Dad back onto the mattress and supported herself on her palms, either side of Dad's body. The she fucked him with absolute abandon, lifting her body up and down, forwards and backwards, shaking her head like a crazed woman. I adjusted my fully erect prick inside my shorts, trying to maintain some control.

"Unnhhh…unnhhh…unnhhh….I love your cock….I love your cock….I love your cock. Fuck, fuck, fuck…….oh Goddddd……aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. Unnhhh…unnhhh….unnhhh…unnhhh" she moaned and squealed.

All too soon her body stiffened and her hands grabbed Dad's waist. Dad again lifted his bums off the mattress and thrust deep into her body. I watched in sheer amazement as Mom's body jerked and shuddered, while a powerful orgasm swept through her. My cock throbbed and twitched as if sharing the pleasures Mom was feeling.

"Athaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn….yessssssss….cummmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing…….aaaaaaahhhhhhh" she screamed, as Dad drilled into her repeatedly, his bums back on the mattress.

"Raniiiiiiiiiiii….unnhhh…unnhhh…unnhhh…..yesssssssss…….so good, so good, so good……..aaaaaahhhhhh" groaned Dad, thrusting furiously up into her climaxing hole, urging her to explode completely.

Mom's body was still shaking in waves of orgasmic bliss but she fucked him with equal force, moaning and gasping "I love you….I love you…I love your cock….keep fucking me……mmmm….aaahhh…aaaahhhh…..Athaaaaan."

I watched in fascination as Dad then raised his torso and without disengaging their union, expertly lowered Mom onto the mattress and got on top of her, in a semi-squatting position. He raised her legs and rested them on his manly shoulders, one on either side. Then he pounded his mammoth cock mercilessly into Mom's hairy cunt, like a pile driver.

"Ohhh…ohhh…ohhh…..unnnhhh…unnnhhh…unnnhhh….yessssss" they both moaned, increasing their tempo a further notch higher.

It was an unbelievable scene – my parents mating like in the porn films, so powerful and energetic, except this was for real, no acting. And even though I had seen them a few times already by then, the sheer wanton lust being exhibited by my parents tonight had me spellbound. My own urges were going out of control but I decided to stay for a while longer.

Dad kept driving with brute force into Mom's wanton cunt. Her body was raised up towards Dad, with virtually only her head and shoulders resting on the bed. Dad pressed forward towards her face, his huge frame arching over Mom. His body smacked against Mom's thighs in a steady rhythm, as he plunged his mammoth man-meat in and out of her divine yoni. His large, hairy nuts swung obscenely in tandem with his thrusts. Her legs flailed over his shoulders with the power of his thrusts and ripples could be clearly seen on the flesh of her thighs.

"Ohhhhh….fuckkkkkk……yessssss………so good…so good…so good…." Dad cried, showing no sign of slowing down.

"Yesssss….unnnhhh…unnnhhh…unnnhhh……fuck me…fuck me….tear my fucking pussy…..mmmmm….aaaaaaaahhhhhhh….Athaaaaaaaan….you are fucking me crazy…..aaaaahhhhhhh" squealed Mom, as if on the verge of another mighty explosion.

"Aaaaahhh….yessssss……yessssss……..I love your hot pussy….so hot….so good….mmmmmm….yesssssss……like that….like that….like that" whimpered Dad, obviously enjoying what must surely be contractions of Mom's muscles.

"Yessssss….darling…….your fucking pussy…fuck her…fuck her…fuck her…..make her beg for more….aaaaaaahhhhhh" urged Mom, defiantly, challenging Dad to thoroughly fuck her.

And he did. He grabbed hold of Mom's ankles and pushed it back towards her head. Her thighs flattened her breasts and Dad pounded non-stop into her boiling furnace, almost vertically down. Mom's body was literally bent into two at her waist but she looked so comfortable as she urged him to go faster, harder and deeper.

"Yessss…mmm…like that…more…more…more…fuck me…fuck me…fuck me…I am close….unnnnhhhhhh….yesssss" she moaned.

Their tempo increased even further and sweat could clearly be seen dripping down their bodies. Mom bucked, gyrated and twisted her hairy groin around the massive meat drilling into her. Her divine face was flushed in sheer animal lust as her body soon started to shake in spasms.

"Now darling….nowwwwwww…….finish meeeeee…….aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me………yesssssssssssssssss…nowwwwww" she cried out loud, as another mighty orgasm rocked her body.

Her body trembled with the power of her release and both her legs shook like rattles. But she kept bucking and twisting her pussy around Dad's rampant prick. Her head was turning from side to side, her eyes closed as she whimpered and cried to the overwhelming sensations going through her body.

"Ohhhhh…..Godddddd…..Athaaaaaaan…..yes, yes, yesssss. I love you, love your cock….your cock…your cock…….fuck……yessssssssssssss…aaaaaaahhhhh" she screamed again and again.

The sight of Mom was driving me crazy. I watched amazed as this ultimate female climaxed again. Over and over her body jerked and shuddered. I encircled my prick over my shorts with my right hand and crushed it with my fingers, willing it to cool down, but difficult under the circumstances.

Meanwhile, still plunging into her non-stop, Dad moved Mom's legs off his shoulders and placed them on the bed. He sat on his knees on the mattress with Mom's legs on either side of his frame. Her bums rested on his thighs and his hands lifted her back to a comfortable height for his power-thrusts.

"Mmmm….unnnhhh….unnnhhh….unnnhhh…….yesssssss" moaned Mom, probably still on the throes of her orgasm.

Dad's arms supported her back as he pulled her back against his rampant prick, while thrusting himself forward with animal power. He was notably getting faster with his thrusts and he pulled Mom against him equally hard. Mom, using her shoulders for support on the mattress, bucked back against him with increased vigour, probably knowing that he was ready to fill her womb with gallons of his male nectar.

"Yes Athan….fuck me….aaaahhhhh……cum darling…cum…..fill me up with your love…….cum Athan….fuck meeeee….aaaahhhhh" she urged him.

Dad lifted Mom's torso towards him and her hands encircled his neck. Then lifting her up a little, he plunged his massive cock deep into her love chute, holding Mom's waist tight. Mom's body trembled with the sheer force of Dad's thrust and she screamed.

"Fuckkkk….yessssss" she squealed in wanton pleasure.

"Ohhhh….Godddd….Raniiiiiiii…yesss……yesss….aaaahhhhhhhhh" Dad groaned.

"Give it to me…give it to me… give it to me….yesssss" Mom urged him

"Ammmmmaaaaaa…….aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" he growled like an animal, pumping his seed repeatedly into her divine womb.

Dad held her tight as his body shuddered and his cock blasted his boiling cum deep inside Mom's cunt, every blast accompanied by a strong thrust of his cock into her cunt. I trembled at the sight of Dad's powerful release - five, six, seven powerful blasts I counted and then he held his position like that, buried up to his balls.

Mom hugged him tight, shaking and moving her bums, churning and milking his heavenly lingam with her magical yoni. Her hands soothed Dad's back as he rode through his powerful release, grunting like an animal.

"Mmmm……yessss….oooooohhhhhh….mmmm" they hissed together, turning and bucking slowly, capturing the ultimate pleasures of their union, deep inside Mom's love hole.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, joined as man and woman, just nuzzling and caressing each other, relishing the warm afterglow. They had ceased moving and just held each other. Mom still sat on Dad, stretched her legs behind him. Dad stretched his legs likewise behind her.

"Your cock is awesome, Athan. You felt like magic inside me tonight" said Mom, breaking the silence.

"And so were you Rani…..your pussy was really on fire tonight" replied Dad.

"Yes, Athan…..God, I came so many times….mmmmmmm" responded Mom, still twisting and turning churning her pelvic region a little.

"Mmmmm….." they moaned together, extracting the last ounces of pleasure sensations from inside their divine bodies.

Mom lifted herself off Dad and sat herself on the mattress, cross-legged with her feet on the mattress. Dad swung his feet out and rested them on the floor, resting his bums on the mattress. They looked beautiful - their youthful looks and energy belied their age. I was proud to be a product of their loving union.

My fully erect cock was still throbbing though any urgency to cum had diminished. I was happy with the situation as I wanted to enjoy a long bout of love-making with Aayahmah if she was up for it – did not at have any doubts that she would not want the same either. I was just about to leave the room when I heard Dad speak.

"All that talk with and about Mohan surely had an effect on us tonight, I guess" said Dad.

"Yes definitely, Athan. You should have heard Sundari describing all what they did. Unbelievable! It really turned me on and I have been carrying a wet pussy the whole afternoon" replied Mom, chuckling.

Dad laughed and then said "He said he learnt it from us, darling. Picked up his Father's talents and his Mother's horniness" patting Mom's thighs.

"He's got his Dad's randy cock too and if I go by Sundari, he knows how to use it well too" said Mom, stretching her legs out again and moving towards the edge of the bed, positioning herself right next to Dad.

"Looks like you are fascinated with his cock" teased Dad.

"It is beautiful, truly…just like yours Athan. When I held him this afternoon and when he exploded…it reminded me of our first night. Felt just like you, Athan" Mom cooed in praise.

My cock twitched wickedly hearing what Mom said.

"Looks like I have competition" said Dad, teasing Mom again.

She smacked his thigh and said "You pervert!" and then pushed him back on to the bed and sat on top of him. His legs were still on the floor. She placed her hands on Dad's shoulder, one on each side, pinning him to the mattress.

"Do you remember you have told me many times during the throes of your orgasms that you wished that you had two of me or better still two of my cocks? Your fantasy" asked Dad, again teasing Mom.

"Well now, you have your wish come true my Goddess" Dad said, quite calmly.

"You are crazy, Athan. He's my son" answered Mom, laughing it off as a teaser from my Dad and got off him.

She stood up and countered Dad "And, I presume you will not be jealous."

"Interesting conversation" I thought, adjusting my semi-hardness.


Dad rose up after Mom and stood next to her, his satisfied cock hanging obscenely, his cockhead still exposed.

"No, not if you would want him" answered Dad, smiling, sounding cheeky and serious at the same time.

Mom thought for a while and then asked Dad, quite directly "You really wouldn't mind if another cock fucks me, your very own pussy?"

"It's not just another cock. It is ours - he was created by you and me – our waris. We gave rise to his cock" answered Dad. I wondered if he was joking or serious.

Mom just laughed and said "We are crazy. Look at us….old man and old woman having dirty thoughts about our son."

"Nothing wrong with sexual fantasies darling – healthy for the body and mind" responded Dad, stretching his arms above his shoulders and gently forcing his pelvis forward, his tool visibly moving in the process.

"I can see that" said Mom, watching Dad's cock stir again. She bent down to touch her toes, loosening her leg muscles after their hardcore workout.

Dad laughed and said "I am going to have a quick wash" and then headed into the bathroom.

I decided to leave at that instant and quietly stole out of the room, then down the stairs, closing the door behind me. The light in Aayahmah's room was still on. The clock in our dining room showed 11:30 pm. I used the bathroom first, washed my legs, removed my t-shirt and then stood outside her door. I knocked softly before letting myself in.

As I stepped in, a strong smell of jasmine hit my senses and a truly unexpected sight greeted me. I stood there, just inside the door, rooted to the spot. Aayahmah was standing there, dressed in a beautiful maroon silk sari, her long hair let loose. She was wearing jewellery and jasmine flowers adorned her hair. She had a big, round red pottu (kum-kum) on her forehead and welcomed me. She looked truly beautiful, like an Aphrodite.

I noticed that her bed was covered with a red and yellow silk sari and fresh jasmine flowers and rose petals were sprayed over the sari. It looked just like a wedding bed to match the wedding attire Aayahmah was wearing. It created quite a stunning ambience.

"Come Chellam, I have been waiting for you" she whispered, like a newly-wed bride.

And, as I walked towards her, she came forwards and then fell down on her legs and touched my feet. I did understand her sentiments somewhat but still was overawed by it. I held her by her shoulders and helped her arise. She hugged me immediately and whispered to me that she was the happiest person in the world today. I held her to me for a few seconds and then stepped away from her.

"You look truly gorgeous, Amma" I said, admiring her mature feminine beauty.

She smiled, biting her lips in a shy gesture and then said "Today is the start of a new life for me, Chellam. I can have you without any guilty conscience or worry."

She went on to explain how she had told Mom everything and they had both shed a few tears, consoling each other. And, then it was Mom who had suggested to her to spruce up this night, as if it was her wedding night. Mom was so happy for her and had told her that this was the start of a new, special life for her. Tears were welling in her eyes as she talked.

"Your parents know about us and they have blessed our union, Chellam. I am so happy. I don't have to worry anymore" Aayahmah said.

"I love you Aayahmah. You will always be a mother to me and I, your son" I promised.

"Yes, that will never change. But now, tonight, in private, you are my lover and I want to love you" she said and pulled me towards the bed and playfully pushed me onto her bed.

I lay there on her bed, enjoying the fragrance of the flowers and felt a special feeling of love – for Aayahmah, for my Mom and for my Dad. My whole world had changed in the past one week and it only seemed to get better and better.

"By the way, your Mom encouraged me to ravish you tonight and that's exactly what I have in mind" she said, smiling seductively while loosening her sari. My semi-hard cock did not need anything more to stir back to life as she said that.

Aayahmah then removed her jewellery – her gold necklace and earrings - showing them to me as she took them off. Placing the gold on her dressing table, she said "I have saved these for Mala. She can have them when she gets married."

She then started to sway her body slowly as she began to undo her sari, as if doing a strip tease for me. Her hand lifted the sari off her torso, exposing her silk blouse which carried her magnificent round boobs. Her arms lifted her mounds and she made a gesture of offering them to me. I licked my lips in anticipation and waited patiently, quite enjoying the show.

She smiled as she unfastened the sari from her waist and unrolled it from around her legs. She was wearing a peach-coloured pavadai underneath her sari. She threw her sari onto the cloth rack and then walked towards the bed.

"The sari on the bed is my old wedding sari. The sari I was wearing just now was given by your Mother many years ago but I had no special occasion to wear it until today" she said, going down on her knees near the edge of the bed.

She bent forward and kissed me hungrily, her tongue immediately worming its way into my eager mouth. I held her to me as we tongue fucked for a few seconds, penetrating and probing each others oral cavities. Then she kissed my eyes, one after the other and then licked her way down to my neck planting small bites with her lips around my neck.

She licked down to my nipples and sucked on them hard, one by one, and teased them with her tongue. Her oral action sent thrills from my nipples to my prick. She used both her palms to encircle my breast and then pressed the flesh around my nipple together and then sucked the hard bud. The sensations were beautiful and my cock throbbed – it was as if there was a direct sensory link between my nipple and my cockhead.

"Mmmm….." I moaned, as she concentrated on my breasts and nipples.

Her right hand slid over my tummy and towards my shorts. She glided her hand over my hardness and squeezed it over the shorts while her mouth devoured my nipples, sucking and teasing the hard buds. Her hand slipped further down and cupped my balls, caressing them with care.

She lifted her face of my chest and looked at me. Smiling, she licked down my body towards my shorts, her eyes locked on mine all the time. Her face was at my shorts and she teased me with her eyes as her right hand stroked my cock over the material of my shorts.

Smiling she pulled my legs over the edge of the bed, so that I was lying perpendicular to the length of the bed, with my feet firmly on the floor and my body and thighs resting on the mattress. She was in between my legs, still kneeling on the floor.

She pulled the waistband of my shorts down carefully and exposed my cockhead. The mushroom crown looked massive. She licked her lips, moved forwards and bent her head down to kiss the tip. And then she licked it, as if licking the tip of an ice cream, all the while looking at me.

"You watched your parents tonight, didn't you, you naughty boy? Your cock is leaking already" she said, licking around the tip and lapping up the pre-cum.

"Yes, they were unbelievably hot tonight" I replied, enjoying the service I was getting.

Pulling down the waistband a little more, she exposed more of my bloated length. Her fingers encircled the steely hardness and she squeezed it as if testing its strength and then slowly stroked it, her eyes making all kinds of promises to me.

"Did you like it when your Mother touched you today?" she asked, gently stroking my cock.

"Mmmmm….yes" I moaned and then said "Just like I like you touching me now."

"Would you like your Mother to suck your cock?" she teased me, pulling my waistband further down and exposing the full length of my cock.

"Godddd….yesssss" I groaned, with the thought of Mom.

Aayahmah was thrilling me to bits and she knew it. She pulled the shorts down slowly over my thighs. I lifted my bums of the mattress to assist her. She pulled it down my legs and off my feet, throwing it onto the cloth rack. Spreading my thighs, she buried her face in my groin and then holding my erect phallus, nuzzled her face against my hairy nuts.

She lifted my legs and kissed the underside of my scrotum, filled with teenage spunk. Her tongue licked the hairy semen-filled sac and the inner sides of my thighs. She sucked my hairy nuts into her mouth and juggled with them. Lifting my legs higher, her tongue licked its way down to my anal opening and teased my tight sphincter with the tip of her tongue.

"Aaaaaahhhhh…" I moaned, enjoying the oral manipulations of my lover.

She lifted her face to look at me and then slowly undid the hooks on the front of her blouse, one by one slowly, tormenting me with her seductive eye and facial expressions. Without removing her blouse off completely, she lifted her exposed bra-covered boobs and asked me with her eyes, if I wanted them. I nodded. She blew me a kiss and then bent forward and licked my extended length of meat with her tongue, from my balls to the mushroom head, coating a line of saliva, one long and wet lick.

Then she removed her blouse and threw it to the floor, before unhooking her bra, but not before giving me a glorious view of her hairy armpits. Removing the halters, she held the cups to her breasts, again teasing me with her eyes. My cock jerked in anticipation. She removed one cup, showing me her ripe melon and the closed it again, before exposing the other juicy melon. She was seducing me and my twitching cock proved to her that I liked it.

She took off her bra and dangled it in front of my cock, before letting it graze my throbbing meat. Then she bent forward and engulfed my cockhead into her mouth, just using her lips to clamp tightly around the crown. She held the position for a second and then without any warning, she plunged her face down, till my cock slid all the way up her throat.

"Mmmmmm……aaaaaaahhhhhh" I moaned, relishing the exquisite feeling of the sudden, tight oral penetration.

My hands reached out to her head. I ran my fingers through her long silky hair, touching a few of the jasmine flowers, as she bobbed up and down, sliding my prick in and out of her mouth, all the way from the very base of my cock to the very tip of my bulging crown, first slowly and then rapidly and then slowly again. Her lips were tightly pressed around my rod and it felt almost as good as being in her tight vaginal orifice. My body shuddered with the pleasure I was receiving – a beautiful warm sensation spreading from my lingam.

She pulled my meat out of her mouth, her fingers encircling the hard shaft. She licked her way up the vertical pillar to the shiny crown, her tongue teasing the pulsing veins on the shaft. Then she lovingly swirled her tongue around the swollen mushroom head, making it wet.

Pulling it out of her mouth again, she leaned forward and touched her hard nipples against the wet tip of my cock, first one nipple and then the other, all the while looking at me with her loving, lust-filled eyes. Her nipples were like mini-phalluses, protruding out from her magnificent round orbs. After a few seconds of that she pressed my stiff dick into her cleavage, holding it hard against her body.

"I love you, Chellam. I love this wonderful cock and it is here in my heart. I want you to cum for me. I want you to cum in my mouth please" she asked, her eyes pleading.

I did not want to disappoint my lover. I was already pretty much in a very excited state by then. After having watched my parents mating in animal frenzy earlier and then getting seduced by my Aayahmah, I was ready to go over the edge.

I watched her as she opened her mouth and slid her sexy lips over the mushroom head and sucked my boner deep into her mouth.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh….so nice…." I moaned, feeling the pleasure in every cell on my body.

She sucked and massaged my cock with her mouth and tongue, while her fingers held it intact. Then she gobbled the full length into her mouth till her lips were tightly wrapped around the base, her nose nuzzled in my hairy groin. She stayed in that position for some seconds using just an internal suction of her mouth, generating a beautiful feeling all over my body.

"Ammaaaah…….." I moaned out loud, overcome by the sensations I was experiencing.

She bobbed her head up and down again, slowly, while her fingers began to caress my hairy cum-filled balls. I admired her heavenly face as she pleasured my dick, watching her cheeks pouting as she sucked and blew me. She pressed my cock inside her mouth first against one cheek and then the other, teasing me. I reached out to touch her cheek wanting to feel my knob inside her mouth.

"Mmmmmm……..aaaaaahhhhh……so nice…" I moaned and raised my backside off the mattress to force my dick even further into her mouth.

Aayahmah increased the tempo of her sucking, rapidly sliding my hard flesh in and out of her mouth, urging me on. As she bobbed her head, her large boobs heaved and swayed in erotic fashion and her hard black nipples occasionally grazed my thighs.

"Ammmaaaaa….aaaahhhhhhh…….yessss……love your mouth around my cock, feels so good" I purred, stroking her hair as she pumped my prick with her loving mouth.

I felt a beautiful tingling sensation slowly rising from my sacred spot under my scrotum and knew that an eruption was imminent. Aayahmah sensed it telepathically and slid her hands under my bums, cupping a tight cheek of my behind in each palm and squeezing them in tandem to her sucking. She lifted my bums, forcing me deeper into her oral cavity.

I gathered her long flailing hair in my hands and held it firm at the back of her head, my fingers tightening her hair like a rubber-band. I started to thrust upwards, aided by her hands, fucking her wanton mouth in an urgent rhythm. Her eyes opened up round, seemingly pleased with my brutish thrusts. She caressed my bums in tune with my thrusts and her powerful suction, urging me to release my cum-load.

"Aaaahhh… goooood… gooooood" I moaned, holding her hair firmly as my full length disappeared into her mouth yet again, touching the back of her throat.

Aayahmah deep-throated me knowing that I was on the verge. Her mouth sucked, licked and caressed my rampaging cock deep inside her oral cavity, urging me to release. Her fingers pinched my bum cheeks harder, spreading them apart in the process, and inadvertently slid into the groove of my teenage ass. I felt my balls begin to tighten and warm energy rising out of my scrotum.

"Ammmmaaaaaaaa…..going to explode now" I warned her, spreading my legs wider and raising my bums off the mattress and thrusting up hard into her mouth.

"Now….Amma……nowww….nowwwwww…..yessssssssssssssss….Ammmaaaa…unnnhhh…unnnhhh…unnnhhh" I groaned, as my body jerked and the first glorious jet of semen gushed out from my cock and down her sucking throat.

"Mmmmm…" she grunted around my shaft, feeling the power of my release, her fingers digging into my ass cheeks.

"Unnnnhhhh……..unnnnhhhh…..YES…YES…YESSSSSSSSS…..suck me, suck me, suck me…" I squealed deliriously, as stream after stream of boy cum blasted out of my rampant prick into my lover's hungry mouth.

Her throat worked hard to gulp down all the juice filling her mouth. She pulled back her mouth slightly to help her but greedily sucked me without any sign of releasing my cock. Her hands continued to squeeze my bums and her right forefinger probed my anal sphincter, as if to entice more cum to flow out.

"Ammmmaaaaa….." I cried again and again, as my body shuddered with the intense pleasure of my ejaculation.

I continued to thrust up into her mouth, my hardness refusing to subside and Aayahmah continued to suck hungrily, her mouth reluctant to release my meat. Her left hand slid down my right ass cheek and held the underside of my thigh, caressing and rubbing it, and spreading my legs even wider. Her right forefinger kept probing my anus and she penetrated the tight orifice with the tip.

"Yesssss….." I growled, enjoying the sudden intrusion of my anus, with another strong thrust up into her mouth.

"Mmmmmm…." she mewed around the base of my cock, knowing that she was giving me pleasure.

She loosened the tight grip of her lips around my shaft and then swirled her tongue over the sensitive knob crowning my dick, while she continued to finger my ass gently. Then she slid her mouth up my shaft and released my cockhead with a popping kiss. Holding my still erect prick with her left hand, she licked down the back of my shaft to my hairy balls, sucking the nuts into her mouth. Her fingers stroked me slowly, willing me to remain erect.

Aayahmah then withdrew her finger from my ass and released my prick. She raised both my thighs up and pushed them back towards my torso. This gave her a perfect view of my behind which she lovingly acknowledged by licking down my balls, over my sacred spot to my anus. The tip of her tongue probed my anal sphincter for a few seconds before she released my feet back to the ground. She planted kisses all over my groin – my prick, my balls, my hairy bush, the inside of my thighs – as if worshipping me.

The she slowly stood up while I sat up on the edge of the bed. I admired her mature looks and voluptuous body – so richly feminine, so stunningly sexy. She was topless, clad only in her long pavadai, her large full melons topped by black nipples outstandingly emphasized on her body. She watched me, pleased to notice my glowing admiration for her and winked her eyes seductively.

"You are beautiful, Amma" I said to her, getting up from the bed and standing in front of her, my erect cock proudly standing at full attention.

"You charmer" she said, patting my cheek.

I pulled her to me and held her tightly pressed to me, sandwiching her big boobs and my hard meat between our bodies. We kissed, tongues teasing each other almost instantly. My hands roamed on her back, rubbing circles across her back, before cupping her bums over the material of her pavadai.

Slowly I pulled up the cotton material and slipped my hands under her pavadai to touch her panty-covered bums. She released our kiss and licked my lips with her tongue, before resting her head on my shoulder. I slipped my fingers under her panties to cup her magnificent bums, squeezing them gently and pulling her hard against my body and against my hardness.

"Mmmmm…" she moaned, feeling my throbbing prick against her groin, and kissed my shoulder.

Releasing her pavadai, I turned her around towards the bed and made her sit down on the edge. I kneeled down on the floor in front of her, in between her pavadai-covered thighs and hugged her, feeling her hard nipples against my chest. She held my head to her bosom, my face nuzzled between the warm cushions of her bountiful breasts.

"I love you so much, Chellam" she cooed in my ear, holding me to her for some long seconds.

Then she released me and lay back on the mattress, her pavadai-covered legs dangling over the edge. She pulled up her pavadai to her waist, exposing her panty-covered crotch to me. Already wet with her juices, the semi-transparent material could hardly hide her thick forest of hair and the treasures within. My reaction was immediate – I buried my face in the crotch of her wet panties and my lips munched her abundant fur over the material.

"Mmmmmm…..yesssss" she moaned, lifting her bums off the mattress.

My fingers raced to her waistband and tugged at her panties. She helped me pull them off in a rush and her addictive musky feminine aroma hit my senses almost instantly. She raised her feet and rested them at the edge of the mattress, legs closed together. Her pavadai lay around her waist, skirting her bums.

I leaned forward and kissed her exposed legs, starting at her knees and then down the side of her meaty thighs, right leg and then left. Her legs remained closed, hiding her treasures from my view. I tried to part her knees gently with my hands but she kept it tightly closed, teasing me. I smiled and whispered a please to her.

She winked at me and then raised her feet up into the air; legs still glued together, and showed her under-thighs and her beautiful bums. A part of her hairy slit leading down her ass was also on show, the lovely petals of her cunt slightly open in excitement. Again my reaction was immediate – I plunged my head forward and kissed her most intimate part, my tongue taking a greedy lick of her wet womanhood. Her response was instant – keeping her legs still up in the air, she spread them wide, and allowed me to bury my face in her forested oasis.

"Yesssssss……." Aayahmah hissed, as my mouth and tongue immediately devoured her beautiful yoni.

She was already soaking and I relished her rich feminine taste. Her legs clamped around me and she rested her heels on my back. I held her waist and began to hungrily lick her cunt, lapping it fast and hard. Her hands pressed my head tightly against her and then she started to thrust her hairy beaver against my probing tongue. I loved her doing that, loved her fucking my face.

"Mmmmm…aaaaahhhh….yessssss….beautiful, Chellam" she moaned, encouraging me to give her more pleasure.

My tongue parted her pussy lips easily and lapped the insides of her very moist womanhood. The tip of my tongue eagerly searched for her mount of Venus, her clit, and having found her rosebud, teased the hard knob in little circles.

"Yesssss…..mmmmmm….Mohannn…yessss…..lick me there, darling….lick my clit" she moaned, squirming against my probing tongue.

I slipped my hands under her gorgeous bums and pulled her towards my mouth. I caught her clit between my lips and sucked on it gently, as if it were a little phallus, giving her a dose of the oral pleasure she had given me earlier. She thrust her pussy harder against my face, fucking my mouth with her imaginary little cock while my hands caressed her succulent ass.

"Unnnnhhhh….yesssssss…suck my clit…suck my clit, baby" she urged me, thrusting her pussy against my face in a steady rhythm.

Aayahmah was very aroused as I continued my oral assault of her hairy womanhood. Her mature pussy looked like a fully bloomed lotus flower, the fluffed lips open wide, exposing her reddish-pink love hole; visibly pulsing with excitement. Her juices were flowing in abundance and I rubbed my face on her flower, slurping her divine juice – I truly loved wetting my face with her cunt juices.

I continued to greedily lap her pussy with my tongue and lips, alternating between long licks along the insides of her wide-open slit and her throbbing clit. And, she thrust her cunt harder and faster against me, her hands urging at the back of my head. She was uttering sweet sounds of pleasure as she fucked my face with her wanton pussy.

"Unnnhhh….unnnhhh….mmmmm…..yessssss……..more, more, more…..aaaaaahhhhhh" she moaned, thrusting against my face with increased urgency.

I removed my face for a few seconds to again admire her beautiful sex. She was really in full flow now, literally steaming. Her hard clit was clearly visible and I touched it with my forefinger. Her body jerked instantly. I slid my finger down and touched around the opening of her love tunnel. Again her body jerked in anticipation. I looked up at her face – her eyes were glazed with lust, her face flushed with pleasure.

I slid my forefinger into her tunnel slowly and touched her insides. Simultaneously, my face returned back to where it belonged, to my lover's beautiful pussy. I licked her open lips and her hard clit while I started to finger-fuck her well-lubricated hole. Her pumping became more vigorous as the double attention of my mouth and finger drove her towards sexual Nirvana.

"Mmmm….aaaaaahhhh……Chellam…..your finger…….your mouth….aaahhhh…your tongue….mmmmm… are driving me crazy….aaaahhhhh" she moaned in pleasure, thrusting herself against me, like a bitch in heat.

I replaced my forefinger with my middle finger and stroked it in and out of her fiery tunnel, varying the speed and penetration, in tandem with my oral assault of her pussy lips and clit. Her legs spread even wider, using her heels to anchor onto my back. My finger searched for her pleasure spot again – that sacred spot inside her yoni which had given her an out-of this-world explosion the day before. Without too much difficulty, I found that magical ridge and I touched it.

"Mmmm….aaaahhhh….YESSSSSSSSSS….there…there" she cried, jerking her hips instantly and raising her bums of the mattress.

I caressed that magical spot, making circles around the fleshy ridge and simultaneously applying gentle pressure to the mound. My tongue continued to lick her juicy cunt lips, tasting the rich nectar which was flowing freely. My cock was by now throbbing violently, not having subsided since I came in her mouth. But I focussed on my lover, wanting to satisfy her to the fullest.

She bucked her hips and thrust her pussy forwards and upwards against my face and finger, harder and faster, her legs around my back giving her ample anchor. I continued the dual-stimulation of her clit and her pleasure spot with my tongue and finger.

"Unnnnh…unhhhh….yess….more…more…more……make me cum…unnhh….make me explode….make me cum, darling…yes….yes…..yes" she whimpered, almost crying for release, her cunt fucking my face and finger hard.

I looked up to see her divine face again. Her face was glowing in ecstasy, her eyes beaming in sexual bliss and her mouth contorted obscenely. Her hands were caressing her big tits, her fingers toying with her hard nipples. Again, it turned me on to see her face express the sheer pleasure she was feeling – the pleasure she was receiving from my loving. And a beautiful warm feeling spread through my body.

As my face returned to her temple of love, eager to send my Goddess to orbit, she began to jerk violently and was making sheer animal moans of pleasure. I felt her legs tighten their grip around my back and her bums rise above the mattress, pushing her cunt hard to my face.

"GODDD….YESSSSSSS…unnnhhh….mmmmmmm….aaaaahhhhh…lick me, lick me, lick me …." she screamed wantonly and spread her legs even wider.

"Cum for me, Amma……..cum for me…please…." I encouraged her, sensing that her climax was not far away.

"Oh my GODDDDD…………Chellam" she screamed, raising her hips off the bed.

In the next instant, her body first jerked powerfully before it stiffened. And then for a split-second, it was as if there was no life in her body - she was frozen stiff as I continued to pleasure her with my tongue and finger. And then all hell (in this case all heaven) broke loose - her body jerked violently and her yoni sprayed an intense gush of honey onto my face, pleasantly surprising me.

"Mohannnnnn…… aaaahhhhhhhhhh…. unnnnhhhh…. unnnnhhhh… unnnnhhhh……. YESSSSSSSSSSSS…. cummiiiiiinnggg… cummmmiiiinnnnggggg…… cummmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnggggg" she screamed, as her body shuddered in a powerful orgasm and spasmed out of control.

I removed my tongue from her pussy but kept my face close to her pussy, watching her jerk and convulse. My middle finger continued to caress her sacred spot and soon enough, another powerful spray of her nectar squirted out of her love hole, wetting my face. My cock twitched in sheer fascination as I delighted in watching her ejaculate. Simply divine!

"Chellam…….aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….." she squealed in pleasure, as I watched her yoni squirt again. This time I touched her clit with my tongue, overcome by the powerful explosion she was experiencing. My cock throbbed menacingly as if wanting to explode in union with her.

"So good, so good, so good…..aaaaahhhhh…..mmmmmm…..yesssss" she moaned repeatedly, as her body convulsed, her breathing out of control and her pussy oozing honey like a fresh mountain spring.

"Goddddd…..I love your pussy Amma" I muttered into her wanton cunt, lapping up with delight all the honey flowing out of her tunnel of love.

I continued to lick her as she rode through her orgasm, worshipping her pussy with my tongue and finger and not wanting to waste any drop of her divine nectar. And, she continued to thrust her hairy pussy against my face and hand in a steady rhythm while her body shuddered in pleasure.

"I love you….love you….love you……aaaaaahhhhhhh" she moaned repeatedly, releasing more of her honey from her yoni.

After some long minutes, her movements subsided and her legs loosened around my back. I rubbed my face all over her yoni, covering my face with her honey while I continued to finger her hole, still touching her pleasure spot. I could feel a throbbing at her pleasure spot and almost magically, my cock throbbed in synch.

"Mmmmmhhhhhhh….." she whimpered, catching her breath slowly, her eyes closed.

Slowly withdrawing my finger, I sucked on my fingers, not wanting to waste any of her divine honey. I lifted her legs and pushed her thighs up towards her body. I admired her beautiful hairy pussy, gaping wide, wet and ready for more loving. Her eyes opened and she smiled at me, unashamedly spreading her thighs wider and exposing her most private part to me.

I planted a kiss on her treasure and could not resist my tongue lapping her gaping cunt.

"Beautiful. I just love licking you….I'm crazy for your pussy. I wish I could stay in your pussy forever" I said, before giving her cunt a few more full and deep licks.

She gently pushed my head away from her hairy groin and said "Nobody could love me like you, my handsome son."

Her face was glowing with love as she admired my teenage face and caressed it with her hands for some seconds. Then she opened her arms and welcomed me to get on top of her.

"Come inside me, darling. I want you to fuck me…fuck your horny Aayahmah" she asked, with the bitchiest of voices.

I was indeed ready to do that. One more lick of her furry slit and I stood up, showing her the rampant meat which was going to penetrate the depths of her pussy. I stroked it proudly and tempted her with my eyes to come and get what she desired. And she did. She sat up on the bed and pulled me towards her. She pushed my hand away and encircled the throbbing shaft. She bent her head and took the tip into her mouth, giving it a quick hard suck and a cleaning swirl of her tongue over the mushroom head.

"Please fuck me good……" she said coyly to my prick and lay back on the bed, unashamedly lifting her legs up into the air and spreading them wide.

"Let's try something new, Amma" I suggested to her, pulling her legs.

She stood up eagerly, like an obedient student, and tied her long hair into a tight bun at the back of her head, her pavadai still clinging to her waist. She was about to untie her skirt but I stopped her. I hugged her to me and kissed her. Then I turned her around and hugged her from behind, cupping her large breasts and humping her behind with my erect prick.

"Mmmmm…" she cooed and then said "Fuck me any way you like, my son. I'm yours."

I squeezed her ripe melons and kissed her shoulders. Then with my body prodding her from behind, we moved together towards the large dressing table, adjacent to her bed. We saw our reflection on the large mirror of the dressing table – my arms encircling her topless body.

"We make a nice pair, don't we?" I joked, lowering my hands and exposing her beautiful breasts.

Her immediate reaction was to close her hands over her breast, suddenly feeling shy, seeing her naked reflection on the mirror.

"You weren't shy just a second ago" I teased her and removed her hands.

"You are getting naughty, Chellam" she said and shoved her pavadai-covered bum hard against me.

I gave her a soft smack on her bums and then lifted up her long skirt, revealing her magnificent behind. I smacked her again gently and then rubbed my hands all over her succulent round bums, taking the liberty to run my fingers over her wet slit. She bent forward and held the dressing table before spreading her legs wide, giving more room for my hands.

I rubbed her pussy from behind and looked at her in the mirror.

"You are soaking wet" I said, touching her hairy beaver, prompting her to wiggle her behind sexily, teasing me.

Her ass drove me wild and I could not resist the temptation. I undid her pavadai and let it drop to her feet. I dropped down to my knees behind her and parted her beautiful cheeks. I licked her hairy gaping slit from behind, my tongue tip trying to penetrate her sacred hole. I tongue-fucked her flower for a few seconds and then licked her anal pucker, causing her to squirm and wiggle her bums.

"Mmmmm……put your cock inside me Chellam, please. Fuck me….fuck me hard with your big cock, darling. Fuck me, please" she begged, desperate for her pussy to be filled.

I was equally desperate to bury my throbbing meat deep inside her boiling furnace. I stood up and encircled my menacing cock with my fingers, adjusting into position behind her. She spread her legs a little wider and pushed out her bums towards me. With my other hand, I touched her wantonly exposed cunt, the petals open and glistening with her juices. I placed the mushroom tip at the opening of her twat and then thrust forward forcefully, burying my entire blood-engorged length into her soaking tunnel.

"Aaaaahhhhh….yesssss……." she hissed, as the power of my thrust shook the dressing table.

I held my position without any movement for a few seconds; relishing the beautiful sensation inside her tight orifice and feeling her muscles expand and contract to accommodate my meat. Her reflection in the mirror showed a thoroughly contented woman - her face glowing with lust, her mouth open in delight of her hole being filled and her bewitching eyes begging for more.

"Fuck me, Chellam. Fuck me hard, darling…..pleasssse….fuck meeeee…." she pleaded into the mirror and ground her bums against the rod buried inside her, her fingers holding the edge of the table firmly.

I held her waist and started to thrust in and out of her well-oiled tunnel, causing the dressing table to shake. With both our feet anchored firmly on the floor, we soon got into a steady rhythm. She had her torso bent down, almost parallel to the dressing table surface and she matched me stroke for stroke, pushing back hard against me as I thrust forward. Her beautiful tits, hanging down like ripe mangoes, started to sway and jiggle in erotic fashion

"Unnnhhh….yessss……love it….just love your strong hard cock inside me…fuck me….fuck me….unnnhhh…unnhhh" she replied and bucked against my rampaging monster.

I loved the extra tightness of her cunt with this rear entry position and my cock twitched inside her, every time I thrust forward. She responded by clamping her wonderful pussy muscles around the shaft, increasing the tightness of our fit even more. We watched ourselves in the mirror as we mated like two lovers seeking sexual enlightenment.

"Mmmmmmm…beautiful….beautiful….yesssss….so good" we moaned together, our bodies trembling in little shivers of exquisite pleasure as my lingam worshipped her heavenly yoni.

I increased the tempo, drilling my teenage shaft into her wanton cunt, all the way in and all the way out. Her juices were flowing in abundance and amply facilitated our loving. My cock was alive inside her temple of love, wanting to give my lover maximum pleasure - throbbing, twitching and expanding, bringing a smile of satisfaction to her lips.

"Yes, yes, yes…….fuck me…fuck me, Chellam…..harder, harder….please" she screamed again, her body trembling with excitement, as my cock reached the end of her tunnel yet again, throbbing as it filled her to the hilt.

She raised her torso towards me, her stretched arms on the dressing table providing secure support. Impaled on my man-sized prick, she churned my joystick, moving her bums in a circular motion, while deep inside her pussy she continued to milk my dick. My hands moved to her large melons, cupping them and pulling on the thick buttons atop the mounts.

"Goddddd….I love your cock inside me, darling… feels so good ….feels so good………mmmmm…….yesssss" she moaned in delight, bucking wildly.

I bent forward and kissed her back, while my hands continued to massage her breasts with horny enthusiasm. Watching our reflections in the mirror was also proving to be such a turn-on – our mating was beautiful to see, almost as erotic as watching my parents.

"I love watching us, Amma….we look so good together….mmmmm……" I whispered to her and thrust hard up into her fiery hole again.

"Yessss….mmmm….darling…aaaaaahhhhh….beautiful….just don't stop fucking me…ever" she moaned and thrust back hard against me, her body turning and twisting around my rod.

Her mature cunt was insatiable, her pussy muscles truly incredible, as they caressed and milked the full length of my cock, radiating warm currents of love from deep inside her womb through my prick and spreading to every part of my body. It really felt like an invisible hand was stroking my shaft inside her tunnel of love.

"God, I love your pussy, Amma… tight, so strong, so good, …..mmmmmm….yesssss…" I whispered to her.

Her response was a mega-contraction of her vaginal muscles which sent a surge of electricity up my spinal cord. I felt the power of that squeeze and moaned my pleasure to her. She repeated the mega-squeezes in quick, rapid-fire succession and watched my reactions in the mirror, pleased with herself.

Aayahmah bent forward and pressed her palms on the table again, her fingers holding the edge firmly. Her torso was again flat towards the dressing table, her large melons supported by my teenage hands. She looked at me in the mirror and then pushed her bums back hard against me. Her lusty eyes begged me to fuck her to glory.

"Fuck me hard, Chellam….please. Your cock is driving me crazy. Make me scream…..fuck meeeee" she begged, wiggling her fantastic bums.

I reluctantly let go of her boobs and withdrew my dick until only the tip of my over-sized cockhead remained inside her orifice. I held my wet, throbbing manhood and churned her boiling pot, touching her clit in the process.

"Ahhhhh…..mmmm…mmmmm….nicee….aaaahhhhh" we both moaned in pleasure, gyrating our groins together in symphony.

Then gripping her waist tightly, I thrust my solid prick into her as hard as I could; burying my full length in her cunt, eliciting an animal growl from her. I held that position for an instant to relish the exquisite sensation, and then withdrew it, equally hard. Her pussy clamped around my mushroom head, refusing to let me withdraw. I plunged back in a split-second surprising her with the ferocity of my thrust and then started to pound her in a steady rhythm – in and out, fast and hard.

"Aaaaahhhhh…..yesssss…..yesssss….like that….like that….harder, harder…yesss….yesss. Unnnh….unnnnhhh…yessss…yesss….fuck me….aaaaahhhhh" she squealed in delight, her pussy clamping tight around my meat at every opportunity.

"I love you, Mohan ……I love your cock….fuck me, fuck me, fuck me….mmmmmmmmmm. Aaaaahhhhh….yessss….yessss…mmmmmm" Aayahmah cried unashamedly, pushing back hard against my forward thrusts.

Overcome with the urgency to explode, we urged each other on. We increased the tempo of our mating as we raced towards orgasmic bliss.

"Unnnhhhh…unnnhhhhh…unnnhhhhhh" we panted simultaneously, as we fucked like crazed wild animals.

I thrust in and out of her, with sheer brute force, eager to give us both the much needed pleasure we were seeking. Deep inside her cunt, her muscles were gripping my cock in a rapid, uncontrolled pattern, milking me and wanting me to release. Her body was virtually shivering in pleasure every time my cockhead touched the back of her womb.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…..aaaaahhhhhhhh" Aayahmah moaned in wanton fashion, matching me thrust for thrust, her head literally spinning, her need to explode imminent.

I knew that I too was on the verge of a powerful ejaculation and I increased the power of my thrusts – in and out, in and out, in quick-fire succession.

"YESSSSSSSSS… Amma….yessss……unnnh…unnhhhh…unnhhh…explode with me" I urged her, forcing my cock as deep into her as possible.

"Unnnhhh….yessss….harder…harder………so close, so close…..fuck me….fuck me…more….more" she moaned deliriously, her body shaking uncontrollably.

Her reflection in the mirror showed a beautiful Goddess on the throes of sexual ecstasy, her mature body trembling as if in a trance, her eyes glowing with flames of pure lust, her mouth wide open, emitting guttural sounds of carnal pleasure. She was on the verge of an explosion.

Aayahmah pushed back hard against me, impaling her insatiable pussy right up to my balls, and then her body just stiffened, her pussy clamped really tight around the base of my prick. She turned to look at me, her face like the Goddess Kali, beautifully contorted with pleasure, her divine eyes smouldering with desire.

"Oh GOD…Oh GOD….YESSSSS. Aaaaaahhhhhhh. Mohan………Mohannnnnnnnn. Cummmmmmiiiiiing…YESSSSSSS" she shrieked, as her body erupted in an orgasm and shuddered out of control.

I continued to slam hard into her, forcing the dressing table to shake dangerously, as she moaned non-stop, humping like a bitch in heat against me. My groin smacked into the flesh of her magnificent ass, as I thrust repeatedly into her convulsing cunt with ferocious speed and power.

"Unnnnhhh….unnnnhhh….unnnnhhh" she whimpered on and on, riding wave after wave of her climax while I kept up the momentum, shoving my blood-filled organ into her fiery twat in a furious tempo.

Her body was shaking uncontrollably, trembling from her own explosion but she braced herself for the savage onslaught of my raging hardness. Her muscles worked overtime, gripping and squeezing every tiny part of my flesh as it ploughed into the depths of her divine yoni. The sight of this magnificent female body, thrusting back against my monster cock, her large boobs swaying obscenely, was reflected beautifully on the mirror and was too much for my teenage senses.

"Ammma…..Ammma… good….so good….fuck me, Ma….fuck me…please" I cried to her, urging her, driving my rampant prick, deep into her incredible cunt, in quick-fire repetitions, overcome by the exquisite sensations all over my body.

She sensed my impending explosion and her muscles urged me to let go, squeezing my hardness at random. I felt the energy rising deep inside my balls and with one mega-thrust, I plunged my throbbing prick all the way inside her, hitting the back of her womb. At that exact moment, her pussy delivered a mega-squeeze which triggered my eruption.

"Ammmmmaaaaaaaaa….." I screamed, as my meat expanded inside her and a powerful jet of cum burst into her still-convulsing pussy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh……ammmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…….fuck meeeee….yesssssssssssss…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I growled as fresh cum ejected out of my body in powerful spurts.

Yet again the intensity of the sensations that went through my body at that time was overwhelming. My whole body trembled and I felt a surge of energy going up and down my spine as each spurt exited my cockhead. I thrust mercilessly into her wanton hole, again and again, forcing my cock deep into her voracious tunnel, depositing more cum inside her overflowing womb.

"Unnnnh….yessss…..cum Chellam cum…fill me up. Ohhhh….Goddddd" she urged me on, panting like a bitch.

"Aaaahhhhhhh…….. …so good, so good, so good" I moaned, as the last diminishing streams of cum exited my prick which however showed no signs of deflating.

Her pussy muscles worked overtime and she increased her contractions with renewed vigour, urging my cock to remain hard. The obscene smacking of my groin against her magnificent bums, accompanied by the wet squishy noises and the delightful feeling as our combined juices dripped down our legs kept me going and I continued to drill her leaking twat.

"Keep fucking me…keep fucking me, please……I want to cum again, Mohan….please.

Unnnhhh….unnnhhh….unnnhhh….yesss….harder darling….harder….fuck me hard, Chellam….oh God, oh God, oh God….. yessss….mmmm….yessss ….." she screamed in pleasure, pushing her bums hard back against me.

I was wonderstruck by her wanton desire and voracious appetite, belying her age. I began to lunge and thrust into her glorious cunt, over and over, in a steady rhythm, inciting screams of joy from her. I held by her waist and drilled her, faster and harder, to give her maximum fucking satisfaction. And she fucked me back with such youthful energy, turning and twisting around my cock and all the while contracting her fantastic vaginal muscles.

"Yes, my darling….yes, yes, yes……fuck me….fuck your horny lover. Unnnhhhh….yesss" she screamed with joy, her breathing noticeably ragged.

She raised her head upwards like a mare in heat and her tits heaved and swayed as the speed of our mating increased. Her body trembled in spasms and her contractions were becoming rapid as I ploughed into her like a stallion from behind. We were literally grunting like animals as we watched our reflection and urged each other on towards another climax.

"Unnhh…unnhh…unnhh…..fuck me…fuck me…fuck me….yessss" she groaned in sheer sexual lust, bucking and turning.

"God….I love your pussy, Ma…….uuunnnhhh….yessss….fuck me Ma…fuck me" I moaned in response, driving my rampant prick in quick-fire repetitions into her voracious hole.

"Oh God….oh God….oh God…..yessss…….yessss…..yesssss…." she screamed, churning her magnificent bums and feeling my cock drilling into her.

I screwed my cock into her cunt with increased speed and power - deep, rapid strokes. Her insatiable pussy clenched my shaft in a tight vice-like grip, milking it at random. She was close, evident from the increased contractions of her pussy and her moans of pleasure.

"Fuck me…fuck me…fuck me…." she spurred me on, her fingers clenching the dressing table tight.

"Yes….yes….yes…fuckkkk" I cried in response, my fingers clawing her rounded waist.

"Unhhhh….unhhhh….unhhhh" we panted, urging each other, our eyes fluttering in sheer sexual bliss, dizzy with lust, as we fucked each other crazy.

I felt her body start to tighten and her pussy contract rapidly around my cock. Taking the cue, I thrust forward and lodged my mushroom head deep inside her cunt and watched her in the mirror. Her body froze, impaled on my mammoth cock – her eyes and mouth open. Seconds later, her body shuddered and shook involuntarily as a powerful orgasm rocked her body.

"GODDDD………Mohaaaaaannn….YESSSSSSSSSS…..fuck meeeeeeeeeee…nowwwwww" she shrieked in a high pitched voice, her body shaking in tremors

Feeling the power of her explosion and overawed by the sensations, I stabbed her mercilessly and she screamed with pleasure at my onslaught. The dressing table was literally vibrating with the power of our mating.

"Ahhhhhhhhh…..Mohannnnnnnnnnnnnn…………. YES….YES……YESSSSS. Ahhhhhhhhhh….." she cried, as streams of her divine nectar bathed my throbbing meat.

"Unnnnh….unnnhhhh….unnnnhhhhhh…. FUCK ME…..FUCK MEEEEEE" she squealed, panting like a bitch, her breathing ragged.

Her body was trembling and her pussy contracted uncontrollably, super-powerful contractions, and pushed me over the edge

"Amma…..nowwwwww……..YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS….nowwwwww" I screamed, thrusting into her and feeling my cock swell to mega-proportions inside her womb.

Explosions went off in my head as I unleashed another torrent of cum into her depths. Her body trembled again and again as the cum shots hit her inside walls. Her pussy convulsed non-stop, trying to suck every last drop out of me.

"Amma………Oh Goddddddd….Ammmaaaaaaaa" I screamed in the throes of ecstasy, my legs trembling once more with the intensity of my ejaculation.

"I love you….I love you….I love you…" she kept sobbing repeatedly, her body still turning and twisting around my cock, still shuddering from her own orgasm.

"Aaaahhhhhhh…….. …" I moaned, as her cunt continued to milk my cock.

"Oh God…..oh God…..oh God…..unhhh…unhhh…unhhh" we groaned in pure ecstasy, as we relished our exceptional union.

Our bodies were still reeling from the power of our releases – both of us had multiple orgasms within a short time, each as intense as the other.

"Mmmmmmm….." we moaned together, letting our orgasms subside slowly.

We watched ourselves in the mirror as she slowly raised her torso up towards my body. Still buried inside her, I hugged from behind and kissed her shoulder. Her arms went around my head and we swayed like that, from side to side, dancing to our love. We smiled at our reflection. My hand trailed down to the hairy forest between her legs. Her hand followed suit and closed over my hands.

We stayed like that for a few minutes till my deflated cock slipped out of her pussy. I cupped my hand under her pussy and collected our love juices oozing out of her well-fucked yoni. She smiled and lifted my hand to her face. She guided my hand over her face, spreading our love over her skin and then kissed my hand. I turned her around to face me and then licked her face, tasting our love. I then kissed her forehead and held her head to my chest.

"I love you, Mohan" Aayahmah whispered, breaking the silence after some long seconds.

"I love you too, Amma. You are just awesome" I whispered back to her in response.

"So are you, my Chellam. I never knew that loving could be so intense" she complimented me, holding herself close to my chest, her fingers sliding down my body to encircle the source of her delight.

A few more seconds of total silence and then…..


We heard Dad's call from outside the room, breaking the silence of the night and completely scaring the daylights out of us.

We broke apart in a rush, our hearts doing somersaults as a sudden fear gripped us. Our immediate response was to grab at some clothes. Aayahmah slung on a long nightgown and then slipped on her panties within a blink of an eye. I pulled up my shorts and turned towards the door simultaneously. I noticed that the door was slightly open - did I forget to close it properly or?

"Dad!" I called out, my voice audibly shaken.

"Yes Mohan. Relax, it's only your Mom and me" replied Dad softly, probably sensing the apprehension in my voice.

"Relax? It's easy for you to say" I thought, a little irritated.

I had forgotten about the "deal" made with Dad when we returned from our walk. Somehow I really did not expect him to actually peep on us. As I walked towards the door, Aayahmah took a sarong and wrapped it over her shoulders, covering her bosom. She then did a quick clean up of the room as best as she could, tidying the bed, the floor and the cloth rack. I picked up my t-shirt and stepped out into our spacious dining area, while Aayahmah stayed back in the room, holding the door behind me.

Although I sensed the presence of my Dad in the dining area, I walked straight to the bathroom without turning to look, to have a quick wash. I then wiped myself dry before stepping out to meet my parents. The clock showed 12:45 am – well past midnight. Dad was at the fridge, taking out a bottle of cold water as I approached the dining table, wearing my t-shirt in the process. He was as usual in his sarong, baring his hairy torso.

Seconds later Mom appeared from out of the kitchen with a couple of glasses. She was also wearing a sarong and a short nightdress covered her top. She was all smiles as she walked towards me, her hair tied together in a pony tail. Dad too had a big grin on his face as he turned away from the fridge and brought the bottle of water towards the table. I could not help but notice the bulge in his sarong.

He left the bottle of water on the table and sat down. I remained standing next to the table, facing him. Mom sat next to him and filled up the glasses with water. Dad emptied his glass in one go and looked at me. Mum re-filled his glass and took a sip from hers. There was an unmistakable, strong odour of sex swirling in the air around us.

"How long have you both been down here?" I asked Dad, very calmly, taking a gulp of water.

"Long enough" Dad replied, grinning and then sounding as academic as ever, he said "I hope we didn't interrupt anything."

"No worries, Dad" I responded to him, before emptying my glass.

Mom fidgeted with her glass of water and kept looking towards Aayahmah's door.

"Come here, Sundari. Don't be shy" Mom called out to her.

"Yes Sundari. Please come and join us" encouraged Dad.

After some long minutes, Aayahmah appeared from behind the door. She just looked down and headed straight to the bathroom. We heard her having a wash which was in fact a quick shower. We let her be and just exchanged knowing smiles at each other.

"Mohan, you were simply beautiful, both of you. Just brilliant" complimented Dad.

"Did you see everything?" I asked; feeling a little embarrassed or rather, exposed.

"Yes, more or less" answered Dad, still with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Oh, you! Just leave him alone" said Mom, wagging her finger at Dad.

Aayahmah stepped out of the bathroom, wearing her night gown and holding her towel in her hand. She had her sarong over her shoulders, hiding her top from view, and stood a distance away from us but Mom gestured her to come nearer. Eventually she stood close by to Mom but kept her face down.

"We are so happy for you, Sundari" said Mom, breaking the momentary silence.

"You both were always very close. Now there is an added dimension to your relationship" added Dad, with a chuckle.

Aayahmah did not answer but just nodded her head, still looking down.

"But this should not change your motherly respect for her, Mohan. Ok?" cautioned Dad, looking at me and then towards Aayahmah.

"It will not, Dad. I promise" I replied.

"And as we told you both already, this has to remain between the 4 of us. No one, absolutely no one else must ever, ever know. Do you both understand?" Mum insisted.

Aayahmah and I nodded in agreement.

"And, be careful both of you, especially over the next couple of days when our house will be full. Don't even let any little suspicions arise" continued Dad.

"Yes, and you, Mohan, please keep your teenage hormones under control" added Mom, smiling.

"Don't worry. We will be good" I promised and Aayahmah acknowledged by nodding her head.

Dad looked at the clock and said "It's been a long but wonderful night for all of us. Let's all go get some sleep."

He got up grinning, seemingly pleased with himself, and Mom followed suit. Mom walked over to Aayahmah and hugged her for some seconds, rubbing her hands over Aayahmah's back.

"It was so beautiful to watch both of you. Teach him well, Sundari" Mom whispered to her, her soothing hands patting Aayahmah's back.

Dad came across to me, patted my shoulder and said "And, we are proud of you, my son."

Mom and Dad then wished us good night and walked up the stairs together. Dad cheekily smacked Mom's bums which she immediately retaliated with a pinch of his tummy. I watched them as they closed the door and just could not help feeling how lucky I was - my loving parents were simply out of this world.

I turned towards a beaming Aayahmah and asked her "Happy?"

"Yes, my Chellam. Very happy" she replied and then asked "Did they really see us making love?"

"Yes, I believe so. The door was slightly open" I responded and started to walk towards my room.

"God, how embarrassing, Chellam! Your Dad has seen me naked" she said, walking beside me.

"More than just naked, I would imagine. Anyway, what is there for you to be ashamed about your voluptuous body, Amma? Maybe now Dad would be really tempted to seduce you when I'm not here" I teased Aayahmah.

She spanked my bottom and then said "You and your dirty thoughts. He has eyes only for your Mother."

I laughed and then asked her "Did you notice the bulge in his sarong?"

"No, I did not even dare look at him" Aayahmah replied, standing outside her room.

"There was a tent in his sarong. He was hard, probably watching us made them excited" I said, grinning.

"God! Don't make me feel even more embarrassed, Chellam. What a thought!" she responded.

I hugged her to me and held her tight.

"Good night, Amma" I whispered to her, before kissing her forehead.

"Good night, Chellam. Sleep well" she replied and kissed my cheek.

As we broke apart, her hand brushed the front of my shorts and cupped my limp member. She brought her hand to her lips and kissed it. Then she went into her room and closed the door. I switched off the light in the dining area and went into my room.

Just before I tucked myself in, I applied the special oil again over my cock. It had now become a daily routine and I had real belief that the oil did have some magical effect. As I lay down on my bed, I let my mind drift for a while, reflecting on the past week and then wondering what more was in store for me. Soon I fell into deep sleep.

Many hours later, I was stirred from my sleep by a hand gently sliding over my shoulder and across my chest. I was lying on my side, facing the wall and kept my eyes closed, sure that it was my Aayahmah. The hand just made small circles on my chest for some seconds and then slowly slid under the blanket and down towards my tummy. It repeated the circles on my tummy. I was already sporting my usual morning erection but remained quiet and motionless to see what was going to happen.

A second hand then touched my forehead and glided over my hair gently. Soon I felt someone sit on the edge of my bed and then the first hand slide over the front of my shorts and fondle my morning hardness. I allowed a few long minutes to pass, enjoying the manipulations, before I caught the hand and turned around.

"Mom?" I squealed, letting Mom's hand go and rubbing my eyes, shocked to see Mom in her white nurse's uniform sitting on the bed.

"Sorry, Chellam. I didn't mean to disturb your sleep. Just wanted to look at you before I left for work" explained Mom softly, her Goddess' face beaming with love.

The door was open and Aayahmah stood at the entrance with a mug of coffee for Mom. Mom had not noticed her standing there. Aayahmah smiled at me and whispered a good morning. Mom's hand was still under the blanket touching my groin and I spread my legs a little. Her fingers grasped and caressed my throbbing prick over the material of my shorts, as if sizing up the hard meat.

"It's alright Mom" I answered, loving Mom's gentle touch and feel of my cock.

"Your coffee is here, Rani-ma" called Aayahmah, disturbing Mom's affectionate touch.

Mom turned to look at her, stealthily sliding her hands away from under the blanket and then patted my shoulder before standing up.

"My little boy has definitely grown up, Sundari" Mom said to Aayahmah, before taking the mug of coffee and stepping out into the dining area.

"Would you like a coffee too, Chellam?" Aayahmah asked me as I got out of bed.

Looking at the clock, I declined her offer and headed for the toilet to empty my bladder, after which I just stood there watching Mom wear her white canvas shoes. As she put on her nurse cap, I just could not help admiring her grandiose beauty – a woman par excellence.

"I'm going back to sleep. Wish you a good day at work, Mom" I announced before heading back to my room.

"Ok Chellam, see you later" replied Mom.

I got back into bed and thought about Mom's presence in my room earlier. Things definitely had changed between us - Mom, Dad and me. What more lay ahead for all of us, I wondered! I slowly drifted off to sleep again soon thereafter.

More than 2 hours later, around 09:15 am, I woke up and then lazily, got up, stretching my hands and body. I opened my window to air my room. Then picking up my towel, I stepped out of my room and walked into the kitchen. Aayahmah was just preparing a mug of coffee which she then handed to me, a beautiful smile adorning her face. I thanked her and sat down on the rattan chair while she busied herself. She was only dressed in a long black pavadai and a short green blouse, exposing her curvy waist and hips. Her thick black hair was pleated into a single jadai and hung straight down to her bums (jadai = pleated pony tail).

"You know what your Dad told me this morning?" she asked me.

"Go on, tell me" I invited her, sipping the coffee and admiring her sexy belly.

"He told me that he should have listened to your Mother's advice more than 5 years ago and should have taken me as his second wife" Aayahmah said and giggled, like a teenage girl talking about her first admirer.

"Really?" I asked, curious to hear more.

"Yes and then he cheekily insinuated that all those lonely nights when your Mother was on night duty could have been avoided" she responded, still giggling.

"See, I told you. Dad certainly has got his eyes on you now and sure is going to seduce you sooner or later" I teased Aayahmah, feeling a stirring in my loins as I ogled her curvy mid-section.

Aayahmah laughed it off as nothing. I told her about the conversation with Dad the evening before and how Dad had hinted that he wanted to watch us, after having heard us the previous night.

"So, you knew. You planned it with your Dad" said Aayahmah, looking a little surprised.

"I didn't think he would do it, Amma" I replied her and then said "But I think it has certainly helped break down many barriers."

"Why do you say that, Chellam?" she asked.

"Well they are both seeing us, you and me, in a different light. Things will never be the same again between the four of us. Of that I am pretty sure" I explained, taking another sip from the mug.

"Did you see where Mom's hand was this morning in my room?" I asked before gulping down the rest of the coffee, my cock slowly uncoiling under my shorts.

"No!" she replied with a puzzled look.

"Under the blanket, touching me over my shorts" I replied, grinning.

"Really? Were you hard?" Aayahmah asked, wanting to know more.

"Yes, it was a nice feeling until you interrupted her" I told her, pointing my tongue at her.

"Ohhhh, did I? I am sorry my darling" she growled in a jealous-sounding tone, before putting on a face and then pointing her tongue back at me.

I got up and left my empty mug near the sink. I stood in front of Aayahmah and patted her cheek. Then holding her around the waist, I pulled her to me and just looked into her eyes.

"Don't be jealous, my darling Aayahmah" I whispered to her.

She rested her head on my chest and said "I don't want to lose you, Mohan."

"You won't ever, Amma. I promise you that" I assured her and then pinching her bum, I teased her "But there's an even better cock in the house who wants you."

She grabbed my genitals, my cock and balls, in her left hand and squeezed before saying "I want this cock only."

"You can have both father and son" I continued to tease her as her hand caressed my hardening cock.

"You are getting very, very naughty, Mohan" she said, slipping her hand inside my shorts.

"And, very hard too" I said, feeling her fingers encircle my growing erection.

"Yes, I see" she said, stroking the little monster growing between my legs.

"What time do Leela and Mala arrive?" I asked her, enjoying the feel of her fingers.

"Late afternoon, probably after 4pm" Aayahmah answered, happily stroking my cock.

"Plenty of time for us" I hinted to her, caressing the soft folds of her waist.

"I still need to finish the cooking, my dear" Aayahmah replied, making eyes at me but not wanting to let go of my cock.

I slid my fingers around her waist and cupped her ass, as she continued to stroke my full-grown erection. I slid my fingers under the tight waistline of her pavadai and then her panties and grabbed the bare flesh of her magnificent bums. We stood there in the kitchen like that for some seconds, not saying a word, just making promises of pleasures to each other with our eyes.

Gently, I removed her hand out of my shorts and pulled her towards me, pressing her groin against my hardness. I tempted her, slowly rubbing my bulge against her crotch, while my fingers caressed her ass. She purred like a kitten, swaying her bums and pressing her groin forward, hard against my erection.

I removed my roaming hands from her buttock and pulled on the knot of her pavadai, to untie the garment. Her hand immediately held my hand, preventing me from undoing the knot and then she broke away from our embrace.

"Not here, Chellam. Go and have your shower first" she instructed me.

Heeding her words, I touched her waist and smiled at her. I whispered "I love you" to her and then stepped out of the kitchen. I used the toilet first before going to the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth, I thought about all the events that had taken place over the past week, still unable to comprehend everything that had happened. Finished with my teeth, I took off my shorts and quickly poured a few quick tubs of water over my head, enjoying the magical qualities of the refreshingly cold water.

My cock was elongated and still semi-hard from the "quickie" episode with Aayahmah in the kitchen. I poured water over my genitals and washed the area with my hand, cleaning my hardening muscle and the hair-covered balls. Then I pulled back the foreskin and poured water over the cockhead, stroking the length a few times.

"Do you need some help, my young stud?" I heard Aayahmah asking me from outside.

"Yes, Amma. I seem to have a swollen and painful limb which needs attention" I replied, joking with her, pouring another tub of water over me.

"Oh really! Would you like to show it to me?" she teased me in return.

"If you can help ease the pain" I answered, pouring some more water.

Aayahmah knocked on the door and I let her in. She left the bathroom door open and stood there, admiring me. As her eyes dropped down to my groin, to my erect teenage cock, her fingers slowly unbuttoned the knot of her pavadai and she let the garment drop to the floor.

Underneath she was completely naked – she must have discarded her panties before coming into the bathroom. My eyes feasted on the forested temple between her legs and my cock twitched wickedly.

She squatted down on the floor in front of me and lifted my throbbing organ in her fingers, gently inspecting it.

"Where does it hurt?" she asked me, playing the game of seduction with me.

"Right there, Amma" I replied, pointing to the menacing red knob.

Aayahmah forced the foreskin back gently and watched in proud admiration as my prick literally grew in her fingers, expanding to the usual mammoth proportions. Her beautiful round eyes sparkled with love as she witnessed the blood flowing through the veins around the huge shaft, pulsing with energy. She squeezed her fingers around the shaft, constricting the blood flow and watched the mushroom head bloat. She repeated that a few times, her mouth wide open in amazed wonder, at the size of the head.

She looked up at me, her fingers gently squeezing my phallus, and asked "Does it hurt?"

"Yes, Amma" I replied enthusiastically, enjoying the view of her cleavage and naked hairiness from above.

She prompted me to rest my buttocks against the washing stone. Still squatting in front of me, she encircled my cock with her fingers and stroked it gently, forwards and backwards. Then she leaned forward and slid her beautiful lips over the crown, her tongue rolling over and over the bloated head as if cleaning it.

A few seconds later, she formed her lips into a round "O" and slowly slid her mouth forwards along the length. I watched fascinated as her beautiful lips slid over the throbbing veins around my shaft, from the crown right down to the base, till her nose was nuzzled in my forest of curly black hair. She stayed pinned to my groin for some time, just using her mouth and throat to suck, generating an exquisite feeling through my body.

"Mmmmmmm………yesssssssssssssssssss" I moaned in pleasure, watching her blow me.

Slowly she moved her head backwards, her lips still forming an "O" and slid my length out till only my cockhead was in her oral cavity. She stayed like that for some seconds, her lips tight around my crown, before again sliding slowly all the way down to the base of my cock, her lips applying tight pressure along the length of my cock.

"Ammmmmmaaaaaa………" I cried out, feeling my cock throb and twitch in her mouth.

Aayahmah repeated this slow bobbing action of her mouth with my cock for some minutes before removing her mouth away completely. She held my length with her left hand and used her right finger to touch the throbbing veins around the meat, her eyes glued lovingly at the blood pulsing through the tiny vessels.

"You have a truly beautiful cock, Chellam, so big and hard. Just look at how much energy is flowing through it" she said, admiring my prick before planting a kiss on the very tip.

She stood up holding my prick and faced me before planting a kiss on my lips. The she let go of my throbbing meat and slowly unbuttoned her green blouse, her eyes penetrating my eyes. My right hand reached out to touch her hairy bush as she removed her blouse and my fingers ran down through the dense jungle and over her puffed lips. She was already moist.

She next removed her bra, releasing her beautiful round orbs, and threw it over the clothes' line, together with the blouse. She then moved forward and touched me, as my fingers teased her damp undergrowth. Her hand slid down my front, seeking my pleasure shaft and finding it in full erect glory.

"Aaaaahhhhh…" a moan escaped her lips, as she bent her legs slightly at her knees, opening her yoni for me, while her fingers stroked my shaft.

My fingers massaged her damp pussy, caressing the outer lips of her heavenly womanhood with my thumb and index finger gently, sliding up and down the entire length of her lips, first one side then the other. Her eyes revealed the pleasure she was feeling and she opened her legs a little more to accommodate my probing hand. Her cunt lips opened up in anticipation, like a blossoming flower expecting a honey bee.

Her fingers continued to squeeze and massage my cock, stroking it simultaneously, as my fingers teased her furry beaver. Her thumb ran over the pointed tip, wiping the pre-cum away.

"I'm wet for you, my lover….very wet. I want your hard cock inside me, please" she asked.

I kept rubbing her soaking wet womanhood. She shivered in little pleasures, breathing deeply, as my fingers gently caressed her lips, her eyes again aflame with so much desire. She kissed my ears and shoulders while her fingers kept stroking my cock slowly.

I prompted our bodies to turn 180° and rested her against the granite washing stone, the fleshy cheeks of her bums partly resting on the stone. I lifted up her left leg and kneeled down in front of her exposed temple of love. I rested her left leg on my shoulder and without further hesitation; I buried my face in her hairy oasis and lapped her open flower with hunger.

"Ohhhh…..mmmmmm……yesssss……….aaaaaahhhhhh" she moaned in delight.

Her cunt was simply beautiful, her puffed lips open like a pink lotus flower, her clit hard and peeking out from the top of her slit. Her love tunnel was open, reddish-pink, excited and throbbing in anticipation.

"I love your pussy" I murmured before burying my tongue into her love hole.

Her left hand held the back of my head as I devoured her cunt with my mouth and tongue, enjoying her rich feminine aroma and taste. She humped gently against my face, fucking my mouth with her pussy. I loved her doing that – I had learnt early that it was always a lovely sign when a woman does that.

"Mmmmm……" she moaned, loving the attention her yoni was getting.

I looked up to her as I ate her hairy pussy. Her right hand was caressing her breasts and pulling on the hard nipples, her eyes closed and her mouth open, as she enjoyed the oral pleasure she was receiving. Her left hand guided my head as I greedily licked her wanton twat, concentrating on her hardened clit.

"I love your mouth on my pussy, Chellam, beautiful, just beautiful" she moaned.

She humped me gently but in a steady rhythm which was increasing by the second. Her fingers slowly and gently grasped the hair on my head – she was the master and I her slave.

She pulled my face off her exposed womanhood and looked down at me. Her face was contorted with pleasure, beaming with sexual desire, her eyes burning red like those of the warring Goddess Durga.

"Fuck me now, Mohan….I need you inside me, please" she commanded, her body trembling with desire.

I lifted her left leg off my shoulder and stood up, still holding that leg with my right hand. I lifted her right leg as well with my left hand and then spread her legs wide. The granite stone was at a perfect height for penetration and I eased forward aiming my thick lance at her wide open slit. Her right hand snaked between our groins to guide me inside her pussy. My prick slid in with ease into her tight cavern.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhhh…..yesssssss……mmmmmmmmm" she squealed as I penetrated her delicate womanly folds and buried myself into her holy depths.

"Yessssss….mmmmmmmm…..your pussy feels so good, Amma….so wet yet so tight….love being inside you" I groaned my delight.

"It loves your cock darling….perfect fit….now fuck me hard…..I want you to fuck me crazy….enough to keep me wanting more over the next days when I can't have you…fuck me my young stud" squealed Aayahmah again in wanton delight.

I fucked her like a young stallion, quick and hard in-out strokes and she kept pace with me, humping back against my powerful thrusts, her bums barely resting on the granite stone. Her arms were around my neck and her eyes were looking deep into mine, as I stabbed her mercilessly. There was so much love and desire in her eyes – that look was more than what is ever needed to make a man satisfied.

"Yes…mmmmm…aaaahhh……uuunnnhhh…uuunnnhhh…uuunnnhhh" she moaned deliriously.

Her hands let go of my neck and slid down towards my bums. At that instant I teased her with shortened thrusts, drilling my rod in slowly but she gripped my ass cheeks and forcefully pulled me into her, her eyes telling me "No way you are getting out, Mister."

I just felt amazed at how good her pussy felt, so tight and warm – it just felt like the first time I was inside her. It seemed as if every muscle in her body was concentrated inside her cunt and clenching my cock. She groaned loudly, and then whimpered softly as her hands moved away from my back. She lowered her torso backwards and, almost acrobatically, wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me deeper into her, her heels firmly pressed against my ass to regulate my momentum.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…..mmmm" she cried out, raising her bums off the stone and thrusting herself against me as her heels pulled me closer, her eyes encouraging me.

My hands slid under her raised bums and cupped her meaty flesh, as we moved together in unison at an increased, almost frantic, pace, urging each other on. Her incredible pussy muscles worked overtime, caressing and squeezing the thick meat filling her tunnel.

"Lift me up, darling" she begged, wrapping her legs tight around my waist and raising her torso.

I bent my knees slightly while my hands held her waist and carried her off the stone, without disengaging my cock – our bodies joined tightly in the act of love. My hands immediately supported her ass while her arms encircled my neck and we stood there like that copulating like apes, not missing a stroke

I screwed my cock in and out of her cunt with youthful energy – deep, power strokes, all the way in, all the way out. And her cunt screwed me in response, in an extra-tight grip, generating pleasure-tremors over my entire body.

"Ammmaaaa… you….love you…love you…love fucking you" I cried in pleasure, thrusting masterfully in and out of her well-oiled sheath of love.

"Yes, my darling son….fuck me…fuck me…fuck me…." she spurred me on, her melons heaving and bouncing between our bodies, as she increased the power of her down thrusts.

Overcome with the urgency to explode, we again increased the tempo to a rapid, non-stop, machine-like fucking. I pounded her twat with power-drives – in, out, in, out, in quick successions. And she matched me with power thrusts, smashing her rounded ass against my thighs as her arms tightened their hold around my neck, her explosion imminent. Her eyes were glazed, drunk on the sexual pleasure she was experiencing.

"Unhhhh….unhhhh….unhhhh" we panted like dogs, urging each other, dizzy with lust, fucking each other crazy. I stabbed her mercilessly, as deep as it could go, feeling her pussy wanting more.

"Mmmmm….yesssss…… your cock…love your fucking cock… fucking good…..don't stop, Mohan…..don't ever stop fucking me……ohhhh…..fuckkkk" she cried, as her body started to tremble and shiver and then stiffened for a few seconds, her cunt loosening the grip around my throbbing meat.

And then the next second "YESSSSSS……NOWWWWWWWWWW…..fuck meeeeeeeeee" she bellowed in pure crazed frenzy as her pussy literally wrapped around my cock in a vice-like grip, almost as if trying to crush it to mash.

"Unnnnhhh….unnnhhhhh…unhhhhh…….YESSSSSSSSSSSS….cummiiiiiinnggg…cummmmiiiinnnnggggg……cummmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnggggggggg" she screamed and her body jerked powerfully.

"Mohannnnnnnnn…….aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh……..fuckkkkk….yesssss" she screamed in pleasure, as her yoni bathed my throbbing cock with her divine juices.

I kept drilling powerfully into her magical hole, feeling her muscles contracting in rapid succession, seemingly wanting to suck the life-giving seed out of me. Her face was contorted in sheer wanton lust, her eyes glazed with love and desire. It was such a turn-on for me to see her mature face express the sheer pleasure she was experiencing and I felt proud of being the source of her pleasures.

"So good, so good, so good….Chellam….aaaaahhhh…..mmmmmm…..yesssss…beautiful" she moaned repeatedly, as her body spun out of control, her breathing rapid and heavy and her pussy flushing honey like a freshly sprouted spring.

"Fuck me….fuck me….fuck me….I love your cock….love your cock….fuck meeeee….." she whimpered non-stop, as her body continued to tremble in a powerful orgasm.

Her juices were dripping under my hairy nuts and down the side of my thighs. Her pussy was insatiable, her muscles truly incredible, as they squeezed my cock tight, transmitting her orgasmic energy from her body into mine through my teenage prick. I felt a beautiful tingling sensation spreading out from my cock and knew that a massive eruption was near.

My hands held her body tight, my fingers digging into her bums as I increased the tempo, thrusting my mammoth shaft deep into her wanton cunt. Her fingers tightened the hold around my neck as she matched me thrust for thrust. My cock was throbbing, twitching and expanding, in tune to the magical contractions of her magnificent yoni.

"God, I love your pussy, Amma… fucking tight, so strong, so good, …..mmm…yesssss" I moaned my pleasure to her.

She looked at me and smiled, like a divine nymph, encouraging me, with mega-squeezes in quick successions, watching my reactions. Her body still shivered in pleasure, in a prolonged orgasm, as I kept driving my burning rod into her holy depths.

"Fuck me Chellam….fuck me……keep fucking me" she urged me, contracting her vaginal muscles in a steady pattern.

Overcome with the desire to release my seed, I thrust like a madman, in and out of her divine hole in quick-fire succession, with all my strength. Sensing my need, she fucked me with equal force. And deep inside her, the elastic walls of her well-oiled tunnel were milking my cock with rapid and powerful urgency, wanting me to release.

"Ammmaaaa…..oh God… darling …..YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS….fuckkkkkkk" I screamed, responding to her power squeezes and driving my throbbing prick right up to the top of her womb repeatedly.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…..aaaaahhhhhhhh" Aayahmah moaned in wanton fashion, her body jerking in pleasure every time my cock touched the back of her womb.

"YESSSSSSSSS… Amma….yessss……unnnh…unnhhhh…unnhhh…going to explode soon….explode with me….please" I urged her, forcing my cock as deep into her as possible.

"Unnnhhh….yessss….my darling….I want to cum again…with you…harder…harder………so close, so close…..fuck me….fuck me…more….more.." she moaned deliriously, her body shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh God…..oh God…..oh God…..unhhh…unhhh…unhhh" we groaned in pure ecstasy, as an animal-like desire enveloped our copulating bodies.

"Ammma…..Ammma… good….so good….fuck me, Ma….fuck me…please" I cried to her, driving my rampant prick, deep into her incredible cunt, in quick repetitions, overcome by the exquisite sensations all over my body.

She sensed my impending explosion and her muscles urged me to let go, squeezing my hardness at random. I felt the energy rising deep inside my balls and with one mighty thrust, I plunged my throbbing prick all the way inside her, hitting the back of her womb. At that exact moment, her pussy delivered a mega-squeeze, triggering our eruptions one after the other.

"Ammmmmaaaaaaaaa…..nowwwwww" I squealed in pleasure, as my meat expanded and exploded inside her womb.

My six-foot frame trembled and explosions went off in my head as powerful jets of cum shot out of my shaft like little missiles into her boiling cauldron.

"Amma………Oh Goddddddd….YESSSSSSSSSSS….YESSSS" I screamed in the throes of ecstasy, my legs shaking with the intense power of my release, as I filled her oasis with my virile boy juice.

"Unnnnh….unnnhhhh….unnnnhhhhhh….give it to me, Chellam. FUCK ME…..FUCK MEEEEEE" she urged me, her body shivering in delight.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh……ammmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…….fuck meeeee….yesssssssssssss…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I growled, thrusting mercilessly into her voracious cunt.

Her body was trembling, her legs around my waist were literally shaking as her pussy convulsed non-stop, sucking everything out of me. Her pussy worked overtime, urging my cock to remain hard. Her magnificent bums kept smacking hard against my thighs as she drove towards her own impending release again.

"Aaaahhhhhhh…….. …so good, so good, so good…mmmmm" I moaned in satisfaction, as the last gushes of cum flowed into her yoni.

My teenage cock remained hard and I continued to thrust into her glorious cunt, over and over, in a steady rhythm, inciting screams of joy from her. My legs were now struggling to support our combined weights but I wanted to give my lover maximum satisfaction. So my hands supported her bums while I drilled her with youthful force, faster and harder. And she fucked me back with such vigour, turning and twisting around my cock and all the while contracting her fantastic vaginal muscles.

"Keep fucking me…keep fucking me. Unnnhhh….unnnhhh….yesss….harder…harder…. Chellam. Oh God, oh God, oh God" she screamed in pleasure, gyrating her body around my cock.

My beautiful Goddess was on the throes of sexual ecstasy, her beautifully ripe body trembling as if in a trance; her eyes smouldering with pure desire, her mouth wide open, emitting guttural sounds of carnal pleasure. She was on the verge of another explosion.

Aayahmah pushed down hard onto my giant pole, impaling her insatiable pussy right up to my balls, and then her body tightened, her pussy clamped around the base of my prick. I pushed deeper, lodging my mushroom head all the way up into her womb and held her, as her body shuddered and shook involuntarily.

"GODDDD………Mohaaaaaannn….YESSSSSSSSSS…..fuck meeeeeeeeeee…nowwwwww" she shrieked in a high pitched voice, her body exploded yet again in a mighty explosion.

"Oh GOD…Oh GOD….YESSSSS. Aaaaaahhhhhhh. Mohan………Mohannnnnnnnn. Cummmmmmiiiiiing…YESSSSSSS" she screamed, as her body trembled out of control yet again.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me….mmmmmmmmmm. Aaaaahhhhh….unnhhh….unnhhh" Aayahmah cried unashamedly, pushing down hard against my upward thrusts, bathing my cock with her divine honey.

Her body was shaking and her pussy was uncontrollable, generating super-powered contractions. I continued to thrust into her slowly, wanting to prolong her powerful climax, wanting to give this woman everything she wanted. She moaned and cooed in satisfied pleasure, her fingers entwined around my neck.

"I love you….I love you….I love you…" she kept sobbing repeatedly, her head resting on my shoulder, wetting it with her tears of love.

We stood there like that for a while, my hard cock buried deep inside her cunt. My legs were still reeling from my own staggering release earlier but I held her tight and safe in my hands. Her legs were still wobbling, random shivers of pleasure.

"I love you, Chellam….love your cock inside me….." she whispered to me and kissed my cheek.

Slowly, I lifted her off my erect prick and let her feet to the ground. I hugged her to me and we joined our lips together in an honest expression of the special love we shared. I sucked on her tongue and my arms roamed over her back, settling eventually on her magnificent bums.

We broke apart and just looked at each other, our bodies shining radiantly with the sweat from our loving escapades. No words were spoken but our eyes exchanged promises of more love to be shared. Her hand reached out to touch my erect cock and her fingers encircled it, squeezing it.

"Still so hard…" she said, smiling at me and slowly stroking my length.

She squatted down on the floor, her legs spread unashamedly wide, exposing her well-fucked hairy cunt to my teenage eyes. Her pussy was dripping our love juices to the bathroom floor. We smiled as we watched our love drops oozing out of her holy oasis.

"All your seed, Chellam" she said before collecting some of the whitish nectar in the palm of her right hand while her left hand continued to stroke my rigid pole.

She moved her head forward and swallowed the throbbing meat into her mouth, sliding her lips over the entire hard length, till her face was nuzzled in my sweaty forest of hair.

"Mmmmmm……aaaaaaahhhhhh" I moaned, relishing the exquisite feeling of being inside her tight oral orifice again.

I stroked the top of her head, as she blew me, sliding my prick in and out of her mouth slowly, all the way from the base to the tip of my monstrous crown. Her lips held tight around my rod and a beautiful warm sensation spread from her lips to my lingam. I noticed that her right hand was still under her pussy collecting our love dripping from her satisfied cunt.

Gently, she pulled my meat out of her mouth and her fingers encircled the hard shaft. She looked up at me and smiled, then licked her way up the vertical pillar to the shiny crown, her tongue teasing the pulsing veins on the shaft. Then she lovingly swirled her tongue around the swollen mushroom head, making it wet.

Aayahmah brought her right hand to her beautifully large breasts and smeared our love cream all over her flesh mounds, coating her big hard nipples and her cleavage with our combined juices. She pulled on her nipples and teased me with a seductive smile. So erotic to watch – my cock twitched violently in response.

She leaned forward and sucked on my mushroom cockhead like a lollipop, swirling her tongue around the bloated head and wetting it with her saliva. Then she guided my cock towards her right breast and touched her hard nipple against the wet tip of my cock, smiling at me with her loving, lust-filled eyes. Her nipples were hard, like mini-cocks, protruding out from her magnificent round breasts. She did the same with her left nipple.

After a few seconds of tit-play, she again engulfed my monster cock into her loving mouth and sucked on it for a few seconds. She bobbed her head forward and backward and her fingers began to caress my hairy cum-refilled balls. I watched her heavenly face pleasure my dick.

"Mmmmm…" I moaned, enjoying her oral stimulation.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"I love you, Chellam. I love your wonderful cock. It is here in me" she said lovingly, pointing towards her heart.

She stood up and rested her bums on the granite washing stone. She pulled me towards her and placed my throbbing meat in between her cleavage. Again, the granite stone was at the right height for this purpose. I wondered if my parents had that stone made at that height for a reason!!

"Fuck my tits with your beautiful cock, Chellam" Aayahmah encouraged me, pressing her two mounds against my meat to ensure tightness.

I bent my knees a little and pushed up, sliding my cock up her cleavage and then slowly sliding it down again. Our juices that Aayahmah had smeared over her tits provided some kind of lubrication, but it was still relatively dry. Sensing this, Aayahmah placed her fingers into her hairy twat and rubbed more juice onto my cock and her cleavage, repeating this a few times.

"I like being so naughty with you" she said seductively, while lubricating my meat.

"Mmmm…beautiful feeling, Amma" I said as I fucked her magnificent boobs, turned on further by the sight of Aayahmah inserting her fingers inside her cunt.

"You like it, Chellam?" she asked.

"Yes Amma. Just so tight….I am close to exploding…mmmmmm" I replied.

She smiled at me and then bent her head down to lick her breasts with her extended tongue, coating her skin with her saliva, lubricating the surface for me. As my engorged cock slid up her cleavage, she made an "O" with her lips and teased me to penetrate her oral hole.

It was so erotic to watch my cock sliding in between her breasts and then the mushroom head enter into her mouth. She closed her lips as my large cockhead slid into her mouth, holding it in her oral cavity for some seconds and then slowly releasing it again.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh….mmmm…beautiful Amma…so nice…." I moaned, in sexual ecstasy, my fingers holding her head down.

I thrust my fat meat enthusiastically up and down her tight cleavage, enjoying this new variation to our love making and slowly got into a steady rhythm. Aayahmah's mouth made slurry, popping sounds as my blood-filled, crown fucked her beautiful lips. Her fingers massaged her big melons, pressing them hard against my sliding prick.

After some minutes of that I desired to be inside her voracious pussy again. I lifted her arms to stand and kissed her mouth, thanking her for the oral pleasure she had given me seconds before. Then guiding her to turn around, I hugged her close to me from behind, my fingers ravaging her fantastic round orbs and pulling on her permanently stiff and hard nipples.

"Mmmmm……" she cooed, feeling my hardness poking into her back and my youthful desire to want her.

She bent her torso down and her hands gripped the edges of the granite stone. The spreading her legs apart, she thrust her bums out to me, wantonly exposing her naked womanhood to me. Her fabulous yoni, already well fucked, was gaping open and wet, surrounded by a forest of curly black hair and further up her temple, her puckered anus, hidden like a tiny star.

I just could not resist the temptation to lick her again and squatted down on the floor behind her, to lap her womanhood like a hungry puppy. My fingers spread her ass cheeks and my eager tongue licked her gaping twat, tasting our love juices. She responded by squashing her bums against my boyish face, teasing me seductively.

"I love you, Chellam…just love everything you do to me. You make me feel special" she cooed, enjoying the unselfish service I was giving her.

I licked up and down along her slit for some seconds before the tip of my tongue probed her beautiful little star. Her body jerked when I did that and she moaned softly. I nudged my nose against her wetness and slid it slowly along her pussy lips. I then planted a kiss on her gaping cunt and stood up.

She turned to look at me, her eyes burning with sheer sexual desire. My big fat cock was throbbing with venom, almost desperate to bury itself inside her. She bent her elbows and lowered her torso further down towards the washing stone and at the same time, spread her legs wider for me.

"I want you to fuck me again, Chellam. Put your fat cock inside me from behind and fuck your naughty Aayahmah….fuck my horny pussy" she pleaded, without flinching at her words.

I stepped forward and adjusted the engorged tip of my manhood to her heavenly hole. Pushing with brute force, I penetrated her wanton twat, burying the entire length of my man-sized cock inside her tunnel of love.

"Mmmmmm….yesssss……." she hissed, relishing the power of my thrust and entry.

Just as I had done the night before, I held my position for some seconds, just enjoying the sensations going through my body. It was just such an exquisite feeling of being buried inside her wonderfully tight cunt and feeling her muscles enveloping my meat. I bent down and kissed her back.

"My cock loves your pussy Amma….just so good" I complimented her.

"Yessss….show it to me darling…show me how much your cock loves me. Fuck me. Fuck me hard, darling…..pleasssse….fuck meeeee….make me scream, Chellam" she pleaded and ground her bums against the shaft embedded in her.

I held her waist and started to thrust in and out of her well-lubricated orifice. Her hands were anchored firmly on the washing stone and soon we got into a steady fucking rhythm. Her torso was bent forward almost at 45° angle to the surface of the stone and she pushed back hard against me as I thrust forward. Her beautiful tits danced and swayed in erotic fashion as I humped her from behind.

"Unnnhhh….yessss……love you fucking me from behind….I feel so naughty but it feels soooo gooood. Fuck me….fuck me….unnnhhh…unnhhh" she moaned, bucking like a mare in heat against my onslaught.

She was right. Fucking her from behind was beautiful. Her cunt felt extra tight and I truly enjoyed the sensations of sliding in and out of her. As if reading my thoughts, she clamped her powerful, mature muscles around my shaft, caressing and squeezing the intruding monster inside her.

"Unnhh…unnhh…unnhh…..fuck me…fuck me…fuck me….harder….harder…yessss" she groaned in sheer sexual lust, bucking, twisting and turning.

I slammed hard into her repeatedly, burying my prick into her womanly depths. Every entry was met with a powerful squeeze of her cunt as if wanting to keep me inside her. My fingers dug into the flesh of her sexy hips as my loins smacked against the rounded curves of her ass. She moaned non-stop, bucking like a bitch in heat against my cock, as I fucked her with energy and enthusiasm.

"Yes, yes, yes…….fuck me…fuck me…fuck me…..Chellam. I am your whore….do what you want with me…fuck me…make me your fucking whore forever" she screamed obscenely, her body trembling with excitement, as my throbbing cock filled her to the hilt yet again.

Her words spurred me on. My Aayahmah had truly transformed into an insatiable fuck machine. I was amazed at her voracious sexual appetite and energy, probably only to be challenged by Mom's own. I was turned on by her mature body and her womanly treasures which belied her age. And, I was proud to be her lover, to be able to satisfy this truly incredible woman.

I grabbed her long, thick jadai (pony tail) and pulled it hard while thrust my burning prick into her as hard and as deep as I could, eliciting animal growls from her. Her incredible pussy muscles gripped my meat tight, generating warm sparks of sensual energy in my teenage body.

"Mmmmmmm…beautiful….beautiful….yesssss….mmmmm" I moaned, enjoying the exquisite pleasure as her heavenly yoni worshipped my young lingam.

She raised her torso upwards and straightened her arms on the washing stone as I pulled her knotted length of hair. She began to seductively gyrate and move her bums in a circular motion, churning my cock expertly. And, deep inside her tunnel, her muscles continued to steadily milk my cock, seeking for the nectar to quench her pussy's hunger.

Not wanting to hold back, I screwed my cock into her cunt with increased speed and power - deep, rapid strokes. Her hands held on tightly to the stone block as she pushed back hard against my embedded meat. My loins smacked noisily against the tight flesh of her magnificent bums as we mated ferociously.

She turned her face to look at me, her mouth open in sheer lust and her eyes unashamedly urging me to fuck her even harder. Needing no further encouragement, my fingers dug into the flesh of her curvy hips and I pounded her body mercilessly, my rock hard prick sliding in and out of her very hot and very wet cunt in rapid power strokes.

"Unnhh….unnhh….unnhh" we grunted together, our mating bodies urging each other on.

Despite having already had two massive explosions just minutes earlier, I felt the tell-tale signs of Aayamah's next impending explosion – the increased activity inside her tunnel of love, the little spasms in her body and the trembles in her feet. Her insatiably divine pussy squeezed and milked my prick at unselfish random.

"God….I love your pussy, Amma…….uuunnnhhh….yessss….fuck…fuck your son" I moaned, feeling the familiar tingling sensations deep inside my balls.

I drove my rampant prick in quick-fire repetitions into her voracious hole and she raised her head upwards like a mare in heat. Her tits heaved and swayed as the speed of our mating increased. We were grunting like animals and urged each other on towards another climax.

"It's your pussy my darling son….mmmm….yes, it belongs to you. Fuck her and satisfy her always ….yesssss..yesssss" she moaned in pleasure, bucking hard against my rampant cock.

"Yes….yes….yes…Amma, I promise…..I will take of my Aayahmah's pussy forever" I cried in sheer love for her, my fingers clawing her rounded waist, pounding into her voraciously.

"Aaaaahhhhh…..yesssss…..I love you, Mohan…..yesssss….like that….like that….harder, harder…yesss….yesss. Unnnh….unnnnhhh…yessss…yesss….fuck me….aaaaahhhhh" she squealed in delight, her pussy clamping tight around my meat at every opportunity.

Overcome with the urgency to explode, we urged each other on, increasing the tempo of our mating as we raced towards our orgasmic bliss, our Nirvana. Her body was shaking uncontrollably as she matched the savage onslaught of my raging hardness, stroke for stroke. Her muscles worked overtime, gripping and squeezing every tiny part of my flesh as it ploughed into the depths of her divine yoni.

"Oh God….oh God….oh God…..yessss…….yessss…..yesssss…." she screamed, churning her magnificent bums and feeling my cock drilling into her.

The sight of this magnificent mature woman, no this Goddess, thrusting back unashamedly against my boy cock, her large boobs swaying obscenely, was truly beautiful. It would remain etched in my memory forever. She was again in the throes of sexual ecstasy, on the verge of another mighty explosion.

"Fuck me…fuck me…fuck me…." she spurred me on, her fingers clenching the washing stone tight.

My divine lover pushed hard back against my mammoth prick, impaling her voracious pussy right up to my balls, and then her body tightened, her pussy clamped around the base of my prick. I thrust deeper, lodging my teenage meat all the way up into her tunnel and held her, as her body shuddered and shook involuntarily.

"Oh GOD…Oh GOD….YESSSSS. Nowww. Aaaaaahhhhhhh. Mohan………Mohannnnnnnnn. Cummmmmmiiiiiing…YESSSSSSS" she screamed, as she exploded in her third mega-explosion in succession.

"GODDDD……YESSSSSSSSSS….aaaaaahhhhhhhhh…FUCK MEEEEEeeeeeee" she shrieked in a high pitched voice, as her body trembled out of control.

Her body twisted, turned and gyrated obscenely around my marauding prick, as I continued to thrust into her mercilessly, my own explosion imminent. Her pussy was uncontrollable, generating powerful contractions. I wanted to prolong her pleasure, wanting to worship this woman with my love.

"I love you….I love you….I love you…" she kept sobbing repeatedly, as she thrust back against my merciless onslaught, urging me to release, her upper body now perpendicular to her legs.

"I love you too, Aayamah………I love you….I love you…..NOWWWWW….YESSSSSS…." I screamed, thrusting into her like a wild bull, as I slipped over the edge.

Oh Goddddddd….Ammmaaaaaaaa" I screamed again, feeling my cock throb and expand to mega-proportions inside her cunt.


I cried out loud, as fireworks went off in my head and I unleashed jets of cum into her womanly depths.

I screamed in the throes of ecstasy, my legs trembling once more with the intensity of my ejaculation. Her body shivered again and again as my eruption hit her inside walls. Her pussy convulsed non-stop, trying to suck every last drop of the life juice out of me.

"Mmmmmm….yessss… darling son…cum my lover…cum…fuck your Amma's hungry pussy….fill my pussy with your honey. Ohhhh….Goddddd" she urged me on, panting like a bitch.

Yet again the intensity of the sensations that went through my body at that time, as well as the words Aayahmah was uttering was overwhelming. My teenage body literally trembled with sexual energy as each spurt exited my cockhead. I thrust mercilessly into her wanton hole, again and again, forcing my cock deep into her voracious tunnel, depositing more cum inside her womb.

"Aaaahhhhhhh…….. …" I moaned continuously as the last diminishing streams of cum exited my cockhead into her overflowing yoni.

Both our bodies were still reeling from the power of our releases – we had had multiple orgasms, each as intense as the other, within the hour.

Ahhhhh…..mmmm…mmmmm….unnnnhhhh….aaaahhhhh" we both moaned in pleasure, gyrating our groins together in symphony.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, moving slowly till I withdrew my deflating cock out of her pussy. I rubbed my wet and sticky meat along the crack of her ass – it was still semi-bloated and I gleefully humped her magnificent bums. She cupped her hand under her pussy and collected our love juices oozing out of her well-fucked yoni in her palm, her fingers purposely tickling my hairy scrotum in the process.

As our movements came to a standstill, she slowly raised her torso up towards my body. I hugged from behind and kissed her shoulder. Her arms went around my head and we swayed like that, from side to side, dancing to our love. Almost automatically, my hand trailed down to the hairy forest between her legs. Her hand followed suit and closed over my hands.

"I love you, Aayahmah" I whispered to her and the kissed the nape of her neck.

"I love you too, Mohan, more than anything else in this world" she whispered back to me and raised my palm to her lips and kissed it.

I hugged her to me close, just relishing the powerful love we shared. We remained motionless for a few seconds and then broke apart.

"I never knew that loving could be so intense, Mohan" she said and then with almost a tearful voice said "I would love to be impregnated by you, carry your baby, no our baby. Pity, I have had my tubes tied. Maybe in my next life I will have you as my lover and husband, Chellam."

""I would love to make you pregnant and then make love to you when you are pregnant with my baby" I joked.

"It seems like you would fuck me at any time, you randy boy" she replied, giving a tug at my wet, limp cock.

"No, Amma. Not fuck, make love…remember?" I corrected her.

She slapped my face gently while tying her hair into a bun and said "Yes, you are right. You fuck me with love and I love you for that Mohan. It is so easy to use that word with you – doesn't sound dirty at all."

"Yes when you mean it with love, it's a beautiful word, Amma" I replied and moved towards the large tub of water.

I took a container of water and poured it over me and then repeated that a few more times, enjoying the cold water cleansing my body. Immediately Aayahmah took a bar of soap and proceeded to wash me. After giving an extra careful cleaning of my genitals, she proceeded to pour water over me till I was done.

Then it was my turn to bathe her - I took the container from her and started to pour water over her, trying not to wet her hair. She had tied it into a small kondai (kondai = bun) at the back of her head. I took the soap bar in my hands and rubbed it into a foamy lather then proceeded to clean her with the palms of my hands. She felt ticklish and shivered in pleasure.

I rubbed and cleaned her beautiful large breasts, soaping all over her mounds of pleasure. Then getting more soap foam on my palms, I trailed my palm down over her forested groin and under her pussy. She unashamedly opened her legs wider to give me access to her private part. I cleaned her enthusiastically and then inserted my finger into her soaking slit. I poured a container of water over my hand and cleaned her well-fucked twat.

She smiled and said "You are getting very clever at taking care of a woman, Chellam. You will make a good lover and husband."

I finished washing her and then a few more containers of water over each other and we were done. We proceeded to dry each other simultaneously with the big bath towels but this proved to be a clumsy task. So we dried ourselves individually and then I left the bathroom to my room. Aayahmah remained there to clean up the bathroom and get dressed.

By the time she came out, wearing her bra and blouse and with a towel around her waist, I was already dressed and ready in my shorts and singlet. She went into her room and I stood at the door watching her. She smiled at me and whispered a million thanks. As she picked up her panties from the bed and let her towel slip down her waist, I walked up to her and took the panties from her hand.

I kneeled down in front of her and took the towel and wiped her hairy groin dry again. Then I lifted her leg and slid the panties onto that leg, followed by her other leg. Then I pulled up her panties slowly teasing her with my eyes. As the panties slid up over her thunderous thighs, I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her hairy pussy before pulling it completely up, covering her wonderful treasure.

I stood up and kissed her and left the room. I went into the kitchen and took another mug of coffee which Aayahmah had prepared earlier. A few minutes later, she came into the kitchen dressed in a chequered cotton sari. The time was around 11:30 am.

"Do you want something to eat?" she asked me.

"No, I am fine, Amma. I will wait for lunch" I replied and then asked her "What's for lunch?"

"Vegetarian food. It's Friday" she answered.

I sat there and watched her busy herself cooking. She had already made a pot of sambar (lentil curry) and was now preparing a pumpkin dish. I watched her, admiring her mature womanly body as she went about her work. She caught me eying her and winked at me.

"Do you know that pumpkins are aphrodisiacs?" she asked.

"Really? I will help myself at lunch" I replied, smiling.

"Pity. You will have to use your hand tonight" she joked.

"Well, we could always find time for a quickie" I joked back.

"Mmmm….would be nice, but will not be possible with Mala around" she replied.

"Real pity" I answered her.

For the next hour, I sat there in the kitchen talking to her while she cooked. I asked her questions about a woman's body and about sexual health. Aayahmah enlightened me about the intimate womanly things, about periods, pregnancy, ovulation and so on. I had read about these things but it was still interesting to listen to her.

"So, you will now be an expert on women" she teased me.

"I have good teachers" I replied and stood up behind her.

She turned to face me, holding a ladle in her right hand. I hugged her to me and held her like that.

"I can't get enough of you" I whispered to her.

"Me too, Chellam. I don't know how I am going to keep myself away from you" she responded, before gently pushing me away.

I patted her cheek and then told her that I was going upstairs. I sat there in the hall on Mom's easy chair, browsing through the newspaper. Soon I dozed off and lost track of time till Mom's call woke me up. It was already 1:30 pm and I got up to open the door for Mom.

"Hi, Mom" I greeted her and then asked how her day had been.

"The usual, nothing extra-ordinary" she replied, patting my cheek lovingly.

Aayahmah came up to greet Mom and then took the coffee flask from her.

"Shall we have lunch?" Aayahmah asked Mom.

"Yes, let me change and wash up" replied Mom and went into her room, closing the door behind her.

Aayamah went back downstairs to set the table for lunch. I closed the front door and then went down to help Aayamah. Mom appeared some minutes later, wearing a sleeveless housecoat, which hung below her knee. Again today, she appeared not to be wearing a bra.

We ate lunch and talked about this and that. Mom asked Aayahmah what time Leela and Mala were arriving and then told Aayahmah what to prepare for dinner. She also said that we would be all going to the temple in the evening.

After lunch, I went upstairs again, opened the front door and stood in the veranda for a while.

Mom helped Aayahmah put away the food and then came upstairs to the veranda and stood beside me.

"So how was your morning?" she asked.

"Ok, Mom. Nothing to report" I replied, turning to look at her.

Smiling and knowingly she asked "Did you guys make out this morning?"

I nodded shyly.

"I am envious of Sundari" Mom said and then turned back to walk inside.

I followed her, closing the door behind me. Mom was resting on her easy chair and I sat beside her on the sofa.

"Do you realise that you are gifted with a special energy?" Mom asked, looking at me.

"Why do you say that, Mom?" I asked in reply.

"After your sisters were born, we wanted to have a son. We consulted your Grandfather, my father, who was well-versed in the old Hindu scriptures and astrology. He checked certain things and consulted the scriptures and then told your Dad and me to consummate on a certain date and time and that we would be blessed with a special male child" she explained.

"When you were born we did not make much of it – you were as normal as a child could be" she continued.

"But yesterday afternoon in your room, when I held you and you exploded, I felt such a powerful surge of energy, from your lingam. It went straight through my fingers and down my body, triggering a beautiful, sensual feeling deep inside in me, in my yoni. The power of that energy was unbelievable, Mohan" she explained further.

I listened, astounded by what Mom was telling, feeling a stirring in loins.

"No wonder, Sundari is crazy about you" she said, laughing and then asked "where did you make out this morning?"

"In the bathroom" I replied and slid down the sofa to sit on the floor by Mom's petite feet.

"On the washing stone, I guess?" Mom queried.

"Yes, Amma" I replied, a smile radiating from me as scenes from the morning flashed across my mind.

"Your Dad and I used to make love there quite frequently before you all were born" she told me unashamedly.

I was feeling comfortable with the open conversation with Mom, realising that almost all barriers between my parents and me were now non-existent. I rested my head on Mom's thighs.

"What do you think of me, Chellam?" Mom asked.

"The world, Mom. There is no comparison to you" I replied to her, expressing my honest feelings.

Mom laughed and said "You charmer. What's so special about me?"

"Everything about you" I replied, enjoying the cushion of her legs.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I asked, after some seconds of silence.

"Sure, Chellam" she replied, patting my hair.

"Is incest wrong?" I asked.

She pondered for a moment and then replied "It seems wrong in the eyes of society. But as your Dad already explained to you, if two people love and want each other, as long as both of them are consenting, as long both are not hurting each other, physically or mentally, as long as both are responsible, we think it is not wrong."

"But science today says that children born out of incestuous relationships are normally physically and/or mentally retarded" I queried.

"Yes, in the majority of cases. But that's what we mean about being responsible" she answered.

"I understand, Mom" I told her.

"You know some people even justify incest. Parents teach their children everything, so why not the sexual education too?" she said, laughing.

"True. I certainly learnt a lot from watching Dad and you" I said to her.

She pulled my hair playfully and asked "Did you like what you saw?"

"Yes, Amma. Simply awesome" I replied, reflecting on the images of them and feeling my prick uncoil under my shorts.

"What did you like watching?" asked Mom, teasing me.

"Everything really. The way you both made love, so natural, so unselfish – just beautiful to watch" I replied her.

"You were not too bad yourself with Sundari last night, Mister" Mom responded, pulling my hair again.

I looked up at her and said "I am the luckiest boy in the world, Amma" and then bent down to kiss her feet.

"I don't where this is all going to lead us, Chellam but you have awakened something in your Dad and me. Your Dad is already insinuating things which we would never have dreamt of before" Mom said.

"What things, Mom?" I asked, feeling my cock harden inside my shorts.

"Well, he is talking about you and me, about him and Sundari and many other variations" Mom said, with a smile and then continued "Getting dirty, that old man."

My prick twitched hearing what Mom said.

"And, you don't have such thoughts, Amma?" I probed.

"Honestly Chellam, till yesterday, no. I had never wanted any other man besides your Dad" answered Mom.

"I can understand that. He has got such a magnificent thing" I said, smiling.

"But after I felt you in my hand yesterday afternoon - that energy overwhelmed me. And, last night while watching you and Sundari, I silently wished it was me and not her that you were with. I wanted you, Chellam" Mom said, unashamedly.

My cock was rock hard. I bent down and kissed her covered thighs. She patted my hair and we remained silent for a few minutes. I felt the warmth in her legs and the unmistakable feminine odour coming from her groin.

"I love you, Amma" I said to her, kissing her thighs again.

"I love you too, Mohan" she replied.

I stood up straight in front of her, the tent in my shorts obvious to her eyes. She smiled and touched my erect cock over my shorts, slowly caressing it. Alas, at that precise moment, we were disturbed by a knock on the front door.

"Amma!" a voice called out.

Mom quickly got up and went to her room while I adjusted my still-hard cock against my waistband and pulled my singlet over it. I took the newspaper and held it in front of me, to provide extra cover before opening the door.

"Hi Mohan" greeted a radiant looking Mala, a big suitcase by her side.

"Hi, hi. Mala, welcome home" I responded, helping her with the bag, slightly taken aback with her charm.

Mom came out of her room, now clearly wearing a bra, and greeted Mala. Aayahmah also came upstairs and greeted Mala before hugging her. I carried her bag downstairs to Aayahmah's room and then came back upstairs. Mala was chatting with Mom and Aayahmah – she looked almost a carbon copy of Aayahmah but much fairer, following her father's colour.

After some minutes, Mom told Aayahmah to take Mala down and serve her lunch. Aayahmah and Mala walked down the stairs and Mom went into her room. Closing the front door and making sure that Aayahmah and Mala were pre-occupied downstairs, I went into Mom's room, closing the door behind me. She was lying in bed, a sarong covering her body from waist down. She looked so beautifully seductive.

"Are you still hard, Chellam?" she asked, with an almost lover-cum-motherly concern.

"No, Mom. It is ok now" I replied with a smile.

"I was ready for you, you know" she said, causing my cock to twitch wickedly.

"Wet?" I asked.

"Dripping" she answered, a sensual smile on her lips.

I sat on the edge of her bed and touched her face with my right hand. My left hand stroked her legs over her sarong and housecoat. She pulled my left hand to her face and kissed the palm. Slowly she prompted my hand down her body, under the sarong, to her parted legs. Her housecoat was pulled up to her waist and she guided my hand over her panty covered groin. Slowly, her fingers entwined with mine and our fingers touched the moist front of her panties.

My cock was by now back to its full erect glory and throbbing. I did not take my eyes away from Mom's divine face, her eyes lovingly watching my reactions. Slowly under the sarong, she pulled her panties to one side and guided my fingers over her soaking, forested temple. At that instant, I felt like I was going to explode – the energy that she radiated from her pussy was overwhelming.

"Mmmmm…." she cooed, holding my fingers hard against her wetness.

I smiled at her and, blew a kiss at her. Underneath the sarong my fingers explored her dense undergrowth, discovering the temple where I originated from. She parted her legs a little more to give me more access, her seductive smile mesmerising my teenage eyes.

"It's not safe darling. Others are around and we don't have much time. Let's keep it for another day, please" Mum whispered, ever so softly.

"Soon I hope?" I responded, my fingers gliding over her wet, lotus petals.

She answered my doubts by inserting my finger into her tunnel and slowly sliding it in and out a few times, her eyes making a million promises. I removed my hand from her love temple and brought it to my mouth. I sucked on my finger, tasting her richness - exquisite, the divine Amrita (God's nectar), quite different from Aayahmah's taste.

"I want to love you Mohan in every way imaginable" she whispered again.

I bent down and kissed her lips. This time it was not just a mother-son kiss – her tongue penetrated my lips and prompted me to suck on it which I did enthusiastically. I returned the compliments seconds later and her voracious sexual desire was evident when she sucked hungrily on my tongue.

We broke our kiss and I stood up. Again, my super-excited state was obvious – my shorts pointed out forwards. She sat up on bed and eased her legs over the edge of the bed, pulling her housecoat down her knees. Then she reached out to my hardness, caressing the length over my shorts. She looked at me and smiled, her divine eyes hypnotising me. Slowly, she pulled the waistband of my shorts down and her fingers slid inside my shorts to extract my throbbing meat.

"You are something else, my son" she cooed and then caressing her fingers over the veined shaft said "Look at how much energy is flowing through this flesh."

The touch of her fingers was magical and my mammoth cock twitched excitedly. It literally swayed in front of her, like a cobra seeking to strike its prey. Mom held the shaft and her fingers squeezed the length, gently pulling the foreskin all the way back.

"It is beautiful, Mohan, truly majestic" she cooed and without any further hesitation, closed her mouth over the mushroom head.

"Ammmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……mmmmmm" I moaned, in sheer intense pleasure, more emotional than physical, as my dream Goddess' mouth engulfed my teenage cock.

She sucked on the knob for a few minutes and then released it, pulling my waistband over the erection. She patted my erection over my shorts and stood up.

"I don't want to be interrupted with you. I will have you again soon completely" she said and kissed me.

"I love you Mom" I replied.

"You better get out of here before I rape you" she said, smiling.

"Promise?" I teased her.

"Yes!" she replied.

I patted her cheek, adjusted my hardness and slowly opened the door and left the room. No one was upstairs and I went down towards my room. Aayahmah's room door was closed and I guessed mother and daughter would be catching up on news.

I closed the door of my room and lay down on my bed. I pondered over the whole episode with Mom after lunch and my teenage mind could not comprehend the changes that had taken place in our relationship. Up to a few days ago, I had seen her as my mother, the woman who gave life to me, my Goddess. I had seen her as my father's wife, his woman, his lover. And, now she wanted me – we were on the brink of incest.

My cock was still hard and throbbing, still suffering from the love of that supreme woman, that majestic Goddess. For me, Mom defined everything a woman should be and more. No woman could ever compare to her.

I got up from bed and took the bottle of magic oil to apply to my prick. I pulled my shorts and underwear down to my ankles and noticed the stickiness on the bloated knob, the tell-tale signs from my brief encounter with my Goddess. I spread the oil over the throbbing length and proceeded to stroke my rod, massaging the oil into the mega-hard flesh.

I was just contemplating on stroking myself to an ejaculation when without any warning, the door suddenly opened and Leela walked in.

"Hi, Kiddo………" she stopped abruptly, her feet frozen to the ground as she looked at me, in the most embarrassing of situations.

"What the hell?" I screamed.

She stood there like a statue, her eyes wide open, focused on my mammoth meat. Slowly coming to her senses, Leela quickly said "Ooops….sorry brother. See you later" and left the room.

"God! How embarrassing can it get" I wondered.

Mom had caught me yesterday and now my sister. Leela would not believe it if I told her that I was just applying the oil. Anyway, I pulled up my shorts, put away the bottle of oil and lay down on my bed, to ease of my erection.

After some long minutes, I went upstairs. Leela was sat in the hall talking to Mom and Mala. I greeted them and sat down, noticing the inquisitive look on Leela's face. Aayahmah was in the kitchen preparing tea.

"God, you have grown skinny and darker" Leela told me and then asked how my studies were going.

"Good and how is it with you? Any boyfriends yet?" I teased her.

"No time-lah. Men are only interested in one thing anyway" she responded.

"How is your hockey going?" I asked, as Aayahmah brought five mugs of tea for us.

"Ok. Still play for the university and state. Decided to take a break from the National team" she replied.

"You are looking good, sister" I complimented her.

"Thanks, kiddo. You are not too bad either" she replied with a knowing wink and then went to her room to change.

Mala was busily engrossed in a conversation with Mom, explaining her nursing course and getting some tips from Mom. I took my mug of tea to the veranda and stood there for a while. I decided to go for a jog instead of football today and went inside to ask Leela if she would want to join me. She was back in the hall wearing a t-short and a track pants.

"Want to come for a run?" I asked her.

"Not today, I just got here" she answered.

"Ok, no worries" I responded and headed down to my room to change.