Watching My Loving Parents - Part 4

Watching My Loving Parents - Part 4

Published on: 2023-03-31 04:33:34

After a 40-minute long jog around the neighbourhood and avoiding the temptation to play football, I came back home just before dusk. Outside my house, I took off my drenched t-shirt and stretched down for a few minutes before resting my bums on the lower steps of the wooden staircase, willing my body to cool down. The long run was needed as the morning session with Aayahmah, the afternoon episode with Mom and the unexpected "incident" with Leela had ignited my youthful body with so much feelings and so much passion that I was going crazy with desire.

"Hey you! Got and get your shower! We are ready to go to the temple" yelled Leela from the veranda behind me.

I just sat there motionless, lost in my thoughts, till I felt a hand swipe over my sweaty back. Turning around, I looked into Leela's angelic face, as she sat down on the staircase behind me, smartly dressed in a colourful half sari. I smiled at her ever so innocently.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Leela teased.

"Worth more than a penny" I replied, grinning.

"Ok! Pennies then" she replied and as she stood up to walk away, she added "Your big penis."

I heard her snigger as she walked away.

"She is making fun of me" I thought to myself and slowly got up.

I headed straight for the bathroom downstairs and after closing the door behind me, I had an unhurried shower, soaping and cleansing myself, enjoying the refreshingly cold water. After I had dried myself, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to my room to get dressed.

Inside my room, I looked at my naked reflection in the mirror and smiled. My limp cock hung long and low, but, imagination or not, it did appear bigger than it did a week ago. I pulled back the foreskin to expose the large mushroom head, crowning an adorable thick length of meat and admired myself. My young cock had proudly lost its virginity and more importantly discovered pleasures beyond any of my wildest dreams and confidently on the way to further erotic loving adventures.

"What a week it has been and God knows what else is in store for me" I wondered, and my cock twitched in anticipation, as I stood there priding myself.

I had just taken out a fresh underwear from my cupboard when, with a sharp knock, the door suddenly opened and there stood, of all persons, Mala. She stood there, momentarily stunned, watching me completely naked, her eyes inquisitively drawn to my hairy groin and to my semi-hard member.

"Sorry, Mohan….your Mom….asked me…to tell you to….hurry up" she stammered, choking on her words as her eyes feasted on my nakedness.

I did not what to say as she slowly turned around and walked away, closing the door behind her. I was completely dumbfounded as it was the third time that week (fourth time if I include Aayahmah catching me first with my pants down while I was watching my parents) that a woman had caught me naked. How more delightfully embarrassing could it get??

I got dressed slowly, putting on my underwear, wearing my jeans and a kurta (Indian shirt). After combing my hair, I stepped out of my room and was greeted by Aayahmah. She was dressed splendidly in a chequered cotton sari, her hair pleated neatly into a long jadai.

"After many years, I am going to the temple again, thanks to you Chellam. I feel happy" she whispered to me and then said "Come! The others are waiting for us upstairs."

Switching off the downstairs lights, we headed upstairs and met with the rest, waiting for us out in the veranda. We all squeezed into Dad's car – his VW Beetle. In the back seat, Aayahmah had Mala half-sitting on her laps on one side, Leela in the middle and me on the other side, with Mom in front as Dad drove us towards the temple.

"You guys comfortable at the back?" asked Dad and then instantly added "Just a short journey only, so hold on."

"We will survive" answered Leela giggling, adjusting her body next to me.

Leela's right hand was on my thigh and maybe it was my just my wishful imagination, but I felt her hand slowly and hesitatingly stroking up my jeans-covered thigh heading towards but stopping short of my groin.

As little kids we used to play a lot together till she had attained puberty. On a few occasions we had played "Doctor, Doctor" and we had let each other be examined. We had shown our naked tops to each other and I had asked her why she did not have any boobs like Mom or Aayahmah. Another time she had held my tiny worm, as she called it, and I had touched her in-between her legs. We had laughed innocently at the differences. That was our childhood secret – no one knew.

I caught Leela's hand in the darkness and almost as we had practiced it, our fingers intertwined and our thoughts were exchanged into our fingers. I felt her shiver and simultaneously felt my cock twitch at the sexual energy that was being transmitted between our bodies. She leaned her head on my shoulder and her hand held mine tightly.

All too soon, we arrived at the temple and Dad stopped at the side, to let us get down. Leela carefully removed her hand from mine but not before a teasing swipe over the front of my jeans. Mom and the other ladies in the car got down while I just sat there, adjusting my hardness under my jeans. As the women walked into the temple gates, Dad drove away with me to park his car which allowed me more time for my member to soften.

Having washed our feet, Dad and I entered the temple, crowded as usual for Friday prayers. Lots of people we knew acknowledged our presence there. The prayers had just started. I stood near Dad, across from where the women stood, facing Mom, Aayahmah, Leela and Mala.

My vision was drawn to the womenfolk of my house and I admired them one by one. Mom stood out as always, her exquisite feminine beauty seemingly challenging even the magnificence of the Goddess Lakshmi herself. She was a sight to behold in her purplish silk sari, wrapped grandly around her, her body hardly exposed apart from a little sight of her enticing midriff.

In front of her stood Leela, neatly wrapped in a half sari with a red blouse and a golden yellow skirt, representing the virgin form of the Goddess - she was almost a carbon copy of Mom in physical size and beauty. Her lean sexy midriff was covered by the transparent silky cloth of her half sari.

Beside Mom, stood my lover, my Aayahmah, the Goddess who had made me a man, the woman who had pleasured my teenage body in every imaginable way; her dark mature beauty crowning an outrageously voluptuous body.

And finally beside her, her teenage daughter, again almost a carbon copy of her mother but much fairer. She was wearing a green blouse, a red skirt and a half sari – her body and frame although a little smaller than her mother's, equally curvy, her sexy midriff covered by her transparent half-sari.

It was strange – up to that point in time, I had always considered Leela and Mala as nothing more than just sisters. But my life had completely changed over the past week and now I was viewing all of them as desirable women. And, especially after the incidences earlier that day where I had been caught in the flesh by both of them, it excited me to think of them as potential lovers.

Choosing one out of these four fabulous divine nymphs was a difficult task for me but at that moment, Mom's mature richness swung my preference in her favour – she had that alluring magic, an almost animal-like attraction, which overwhelmed my teenage mind.

I tried to brush aside these lustful thoughts and concentrate on the prayers. But it was almost impossible – the sexual magnetic field radiating out of these four delicious females, standing across from me in the temple, was drawing me powerfully to them. I devoured them with my eyes, one after the other, and felt dizzy contemplating the untold pleasures that I could have with each of them.

The loud voice of the priest, chanting the Sanskrit scriptures, as he blessed the deities with flowers, his hand steadily ringing the bell, drew my attention. As he showed the holy flame towards the deities, I clasped my palms together in silent prayer, thanking God for the blessed life and family I had and wishing that this life should never end.

The priest came out to offer the flame to the devotees, followed by the holy ash, first to the men and then to the women. A junior priest then handed out theertham (blessed milk) and another assistant followed with santhanam (sandalwood paste) and kumkum powder. As I applied the santhanam to my forehead, I sensed loving eyes devouring me. Looking up I saw all four of my ladies watching me enthusiastically, an adoring smile on each of their lips.

After they had also taken their offerings, Mom requested to the priest to make an archanai (special pooja) for our family. The six of us stood together as the priest uttered our names and natchathiram (birth stars) in between the holy words, as he blessed the deity with loose flowers. Then he again offered us the holy flame and handed over our prasatham (half coconut filled with betel leaf, nuts, two small bananas, a lime and small packets of holy ash & kumkum powder) to Dad.

Dad took it in both hands and then saying a silent prayer, handed it over to Mom. The priest then offered flowers to Mom, Leela and Mala. Aayahmah did not take any flowers (being a widow, it was improper according to Tamil customs). Mom and the girls put the blessed flowers on their hair as Aayahmah watched them. But Mom, magnanimous as always, took a small rose and pinned it to Aayahmah's hair and whispered something to her, before patting her cheek. Aayahmah smiled in appreciation.

As was usual, we wanted to go round the temple three times to complete our prayers. Aayahmah, Mala, Leela and I waited for Mom and Dad to finish their prayers. They were chanting silently, eyes closed in deep prayer, their palms clasped together in gratitude to the Gods.

I stared in sheer admiration at my parents, just overawed by the fact of how lucky I had been to be born out of the loving union of these two magnificent human beings. I smiled my thanks to God Almighty for having them as my parents and wished that they would be my parents for all my future rebirths into this world.

As I watched them, Mom's right hand slid under her sari and pulled her thali, her mangala sutra, out of her blouse and applied kumkum to it, before touching the thali to both her eyes. Then just slightly moving the sari top to expose her blouse-covered bosom and her naked midriff, she put the thali back into her cleavage and covered her bosom again with her sari top.

This was quite a normal practice for married women and I had seen her (and other women) doing that at temples countless times. But tonight, that act looked so very erotic – maybe it was just the feeling I had for Mom but she looked so erotic doing that and my cock twitched. She had noticed my roving eye and smiled.

After circulating the temple three times, we sat down in the temple hall to have some ponggal (sweet rice cooked with brown sugar). Dad was chatting to another man whom I recognised as the principal of a Tamil school nearby while Mala and Leela were chatting with each other. Aayahmah and Mom just ate their ponggal quietly.

We eventually left the temple and walked towards Dad's car. This time I got in first at the back and Leela immediately after me. But instead of sitting next to me, she sat on my thighs. I grumbled but spread my thighs to support the sudden weight on me.

"You are a big, strong boy and you can carry my weight. Let Mala sit here and let Aayahmah sit comfortably" said Leela, pressing her bums down onto my laps.

"God, you are so heavy" I said jokingly, feeling a re-ignition of the childhood closeness to this wonderful sister of mine.

"It's only a short distance" reminded Dad, as if to appease me.

As Dad started the car, Leela made herself comfortable on my laps, her hands holding on to the side of the driver's seat and her bums resting on my groin. I felt a warm stirring in my loins and my meat started to twitch and uncoil, on its own will. My right hand held Leela's waist as the car moved forward.

Leela definitely felt the growing hardness under her and she slowly moved her bums from side to side, teasing me. It would have appeared to anyone watching as if she was just adjusting herself on her seat. My right hand caressed her midriff, the exposed flesh between her sari blouse and her skirt, enjoying the silky softness of her tender skin.

Beside me sat Mala and probably my teenage mind was running loose again, but I felt her press her right thigh strongly against my left thigh as Dad drove us home. Throwing caution to the wind, I brushed my left hand on purpose against the top of Mala's right thigh and she did not flinch. Gaining courage, I rested my palm on her thigh to see what she would do. Seconds later, her right hand covered my left hand and her index finger teasingly scratched the top of my hand.

In the meantime, Leela was gently humping me while she talked to Mom, asking her about

Sheela. Dad was engrossed in their conversation and therefore, our car was moving rather slowly which perfectly suited my exciting and adventurous play with my sister. In the darkness, my right hand had sneaked up Leela's upper body and my fingers touched her right breast, prompting her to stop moving her bums for a split second, in anticipation of what I would do next.

I knew that we would be reaching our house within minutes but daringly took the chance on my sister. My right hand cupped Leela's right breast over her blouse and gently squeezed her firm mound of flesh, drawing a soft gasp from her. Simultaneously, my left hand entwined fingers with Mala's right, gently squeezing her limbs. My cock throbbed wickedly with excitement as Dad stopped the car in front of the house.

"Ok, we are home" said Mom, little realising the on-goings in the back seat.

As Mom opened the door and got out, Leela humped me rapidly, pretending that she was eager to get off my laps, sending thrills of joy through my body. Aayahmah was next to get out, followed by Mala who reluctantly released my left hand. Then it was Leela who slowly got off my thighs but just before she stepped out of the car, her fingers squeezed my hardened monster.

I watched them walk up the stairs before I got out, grumbling to Dad about my sore thighs and trying to avoid him noticing my erection. I waited outside and adjusted my deflating prick inside my pants while Dad parked his car. Then we went up the stairs together and I headed straight to my room to change into my baggy sports shorts. As I changed, I noticed the damp stickiness of my pre-cum coating my underwear, evidence of the naughty episode with my loving sister in the back of the car.

"God, my life has really changed" I thought to myself.

A little while later, after we all had changed to more comfortable house clothes, we sat down for dinner. Mom and Mala were in housecoats while Aayahmah wore her usual house sari. Leela was wearing a track pants and an oversized T-shirt. Mom and Aayahmah had already prepared chapattis (wheat flour pancakes) with sambar and mixed potatoes to go with. We ate dinner amidst a lot of catching up on news

After dinner, all six of us went for a walk around the neighbourhood. It was quite windy and there were signs of a thunderstorm approaching so we walked quite briskly. Mom walked along with Aayahmah and Leela while Dad, Mala and I walked behind them. Mom and Aayahmah were busy discussing the next day's menu and we were giving them ideas, joking about this and that.

About 30 minutes later, we got back to the house, just as the first flash of lightning lit up the sky. A loud roar of thunder followed and soon it began to rain. Aayahmah went downstairs to finish up her work in the kitchen. The rest of us sat in the hall and watched TV for a while. Mom was on her easy chair and I sat close to her on the sofa. Dad was next to me on the long sofa while the girls sat each on the single sofas.

It was around 9:30 pm and we were watching some Malay drama. We had left the front door and two windows open and could hear the rain pouring down. A nice cool breeze was blowing through the house.

"You girls must be tired after your travel today. Go to bed early. Tomorrow will be a long day" advised Mom.

"I need another shower first" responded Leela and got up and headed towards her room.

"Yes, me too" added Mala and stood up, wished us good night and then headed downstairs.

My parents and I watched the Malay drama on TV quietly for a few minutes. The rain got heavier and I could feel some spray coming through the window. We could hardly hear the TV then. So I got up to close the windows one by one and after checking that the veranda was clear, I closed and latched the main door and then sat down again.

"Anything interesting today, Mohan?" Dad prodded me.

"Not really, Dad. Just the usual" I answered, quite coolly and looked at Mom's reaction.

Mom just smiled at me first, then at Dad and said "Leave him alone."

"Pity that the house is full" Dad enticed again.

"You are getting naughtier by the day, Athan" grumbled Mom.

"It is the youthful zest and energy being transmitted by your son. I am catching it from him" said Dad, with a chuckle.

"I got it from both of you and I am proud of that, very proud" I responded, with a laugh in return.

"Shhhh…" Mom silenced me from saying anything further, stroking my right thigh with her right palm.

We heard a door close in Leela's bedroom and assumed that she had finished with her shower. Mom pointed towards her room and signalled to Dad.

"I am going to get a shower and then get some sleep. Good night, Mohan" said Dad as he stood up and stretched himself.

"Good night, Appa. Sleep well" I wished him, as he walked towards Leela's room.

He knocked on Leela's door and wished her good night before heading back to his room. We heard my sister return his wish.

Mom moved forward in her seat a little, bringing her closer to me, and then rubbed my right thigh again gently with her right palm and said "You will be in my thoughts tonight, Chellam."

I placed my palm over her hand and squeezed her lovely long fingers and then gently lifting her hand, I kissed the back of her palm.

"I love you, Amma" I whispered to her.

Her response was a one-in-a-million smile - the rich, sensual smile of the Goddess Parasakkti, the ultimate woman; a smile which offered the protective love of a mother, a smile which promised unimaginable pleasures of a lover. It overwhelmed me with so much desire that I felt as if I had ignited an energy source within my body.

Without saying any further words, we stood up simultaneously, her right hand holding mine. We hugged each other for a few seconds, like a mother and son and as two lovers wanting each other. I held her close to my chest feeling so much love for her.

"I want you, Chellam. Your father will make love to me tonight but it will be you in my thoughts" whispered Mom.

We broke apart just as we heard Leela opening the door. The clock showed 10:05 pm.

"Good night, Chellam" Mom wished me and as Leela came out of her room, Mom wished her too.

"Good night, Amma" Leela and I returned Mom's wish.

"I know you both have a lot of catching up to do but don't stay up too late" advised Mom and then went into her room, closing the door behind her.

"Ok, Mom" replied Leela and then turning to look at the TV she asked me" Anything good tonight?"

"Yes, the Twilight Zone is on later at 11" I replied, sitting back on the long sofa.

Leela sat in the single sofa perpendicular to the long sofa and picked up the newspaper. She was dressed in a semi-transparent pyjama pant and a sleeveless pyjama top.

"So, how are things with you?" I asked, hoping to start a conversation.

"Good lah. Just a lot to do in the 3rd year project" she replied and then asked "And, what about you? How is campus life?"

"Ok lah, I guess. No complaints so far" I replied, looking at her.

She had brushed her shoulder-length hair and looked beautiful, blessed with Mom's exquisite facial features. She did not appear to be wearing a bra and her pretty feet, with her toenails painted red look good enough to be kissed and adored. She sensed that I was watching her and looked up from the papers.

"Are you dreaming again, kiddo?" she asked me, putting down the newspaper.

"I was just thinking of how fast time flies by. Seems just yesterday when we used to be innocent little kids" I elaborated.

"Well, I am still innocent" responded Leela, grinning and stretching her hands above her head, exposing her clean-shaven arm pits.

My eyes were instantly attracted to her bare armpits as well as her raised bosom as she held her hands outstretched over her head. She seemed amused that I was fascinated with her shaven armpits and teasingly placed her hands at the back of head and swung her shoulders, one way and then the reverse, as if doing a stretching exercise. Her seemingly ample tits moved under her pyjama top, her pointed nipples wanting to pierce through the cloth. My cock, safely hidden inside my underwear, was stimulated by the sight of her bare flesh and twitched in excitement.

"And, you are definitely not little anymore" teased Leela, winking her eye.

"Yes, 6 feet body of steel" I uttered, standing up to proudly show off my towering height.

She got up from her sofa and stood up close to me, measuring her height against mine. She traced her palm from the top of her head to a position just above my shoulder. She was about 4 to 5 inches shorter than me.

"Yes, you are definitely big" she laughed and pushed me back to sit down on the sofa.

I could now clearly see the outline of her naked breasts under her pyjama top as she stood there, with her arms on her hips. She seemed to have a sizeable pair of orbs, topped by lovely black buds.

"By the way, I am sorry to have disturbed your enjoyment this afternoon" she said, sounding cheekily apologetic.

"It wasn't what you thought. I was not masturbating" I answered her.

"Yeah, right! You were hard, brother dear, and you were stroking it" she said, her eyes questioning me.

I explained to her about the magic oil which drew a snigger from her.

"It's the truth, believe it or not" I said, getting irritated with her teasing.

"Well, it must be working - the oil I mean. You are big, kiddo, huge, almost as large as Appa……ooops" she responded, ending abruptly after realizing what she had just said, her palm closing over her lips.

She sat down next to me and stretched her legs out on the coffee table. I too stretched out my legs on the table and we remained silent for a few seconds.

"How do you know?" I asked.

No answer.

"How do you know Dad is big?" I repeated the question.

"I have seen him" she answered, almost nonchalantly, her face staring directly to the TV screen.

"Have you seen any other men?" I asked.

"Hey! What do you think I am?" she answered, a little annoyed.

My left hand sought her hand and my right hand patted her left cheek, pacifying her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and we shared a moment of silence like that.

Without moving her head, she asked me softly "Have you ever been with a woman?"

"No! Still a virgin" I replied, rather I lied, after a split-second thought.

More seconds of silence. Her left hand brushed my left thigh.

"And you?" I asked.

"Yes, still a virgin" she whispered, her hand slowly stroking my thigh.

I moved forward on the sofa, turned back to look at her for a few mesmerizing seconds and seeing the glow of love and desire in her eyes, I planted a kiss on her lips. She flung her hands around my neck and hugged me, holding my head against her bosom. We stayed like that for a few blissful minutes.

"Do you want to see something beautiful?" Leela asked, hardly audible.

"What?" I asked, in reply.

She stood up and pulled me by the hand. And then placing her index finger against her lips, she asked me to remain absolutely silent and pulled me towards her room. Her room was dark and she closed the door slightly behind us. Then once again, warning me to be quiet, she guided me towards the peephole and I played along, pretending to be unaware of what was in store.

On the other side of the wall, the show had already started. My parents' room was comparatively darker than the previous nights when I had seen them. I soon realized that only one bedside lamp was lit. But there was certainly no hiding of what was going on.

Mom, stark naked, was on top of Dad in a classic 69, her lips wrapped around his mammoth cock while she humped his mouth with her incredible pussy, her beautiful long legs stretched out on either side of Dad's face.. Dad's sarong lay around his ankles as he lifted his bottom off the mattress, thrusting his magnificent pillar into Mom's loving, oral cavity. His hands were on Mom's bums, holding her in place as he hungrily licked her juicy cunt.

I removed my eye away from the peephole and tugged at Leela's hand excitedly, acting totally ignorant of what was going on in the other room. She had her eye glued to another peephole.

'Oh my God! I can't believe this" I exclaimed in a whisper, sounding innocent.

She pulled my hand and guided me out of the room, back to the hall. Making me sit down, she turned up the volume of the TV a little and then sat next to me.

"What can't you believe?" Leela asked.

"Mom and Dad, like that" I answered, continuing the innocent role.

"Why not? It's quite natural for a man and woman to make love you know. Otherwise you and I would not exist" she explained, trying to sound academic.

"I know. But what they were doing. Oral sex….I can't believe it" I replied.

"Well, you better believe it. It is the real thing" she said, surprised at my innocence.

"So, how long have you been spying on them?" I asked.

"Since I was 16. Sheela was the one who discovered them first" she answered, a cheeky smile on her lips.

"Sheela? Really? Have you seen them do other things too?" I asked, pretending to be totally ignorant.

"What other things?" she replied with a question, wanting to entice the words out of my mouth.

"Intercourse" I answered, then feeling rather silly to have used that term.

She laughed and said "You mean fucking, my little brother?"

Seeing me nod, she pulled my hand and invited me "Come and see for yourself."

Before we entered her room again, we checked to see if it was all clear downstairs. We did not want Aayahmah or Mala surprising us. We left the TV and the hall lights on and went into Leela's room, just closing the door behind us, to ensure darkness in the room.

I approached the peephole again and placed my eye to the opening. Leela did likewise on another peephole to my right.

Mom was now sitting upright on Dad's face, her hands holding on the headboard as she fucked his mouth with a steady rhythm. Her beautifully mature tits heaved and bounced, as she smothered her bottom over Dad's face, enjoying the oral pleasures provided by his tongue and mouth. My teenage cock sprang immediately to life, twitching under my shorts.

"Mmmm…..yessss" we heard Mom moan in pleasure, her frame shaking from an ongoing explosion.

Dad's colossal lingam stood fully erect, pointing vertically up to the ceiling, the mushroom head shining in all its grandeur. Once again, I had the strongest urge to suck on that magnificent meat, to feel it inside my mouth.

As if sharing my thoughts, Leela whispered to me "Isn't he beautiful?"

I nodded and then whispered back "And massive."

We continued to spy on our parents. Mom was now standing on her knees, her body literally vibrating and Dad had his neck raised, his head buried in the hairy treasure between Mom's legs. Her hands were locked at the back of his head, supporting her lover as he serviced her wanton pussy. Mom was trembling in pleasure and wet, slurping noises could clearly be heard as Dad's busy tongue lapped up her juices furiously.

"Beautiful…." I heard Leela whisper to herself, as we watched Mom's body jerk in the throes of her orgasm.

My prick was by now rock hard, fully turned on not just by the scene I was viewing but also due to the fact that my adorable, loving sister was beside me, my accomplice. Our breathing was also getting noticeably heavy, obviously overwhelmed by watching and listening to our parents and by our closeness.

I felt Leela's left hand reach out and touch my right hand, holding it in the space between us. As we watched Mom rocking her hairy cunt slowly on Dad's face while he continued to lick her, our fingers interlocked tightly, expressing the growing desire in our youthful bodies. Mom was softy uttering some words of love to Dad but we could not make them out clearly.

"Touch me" I heard Leela whisper while her hand guided mine to her waist.

My right hand slipped under her pyjama top and touched her lower back, stroking her soft skin. I felt her body shudder and a hiss escaping her lips, as my fingers touched her. I slid my hand up her back gently, confirming that she was not wearing a bra, and then slid it back down to her waist. I repeated this a few times as if to calm her and then removed my hand out from her pyjama top.

Mom slid her bottom down Dad's torso and rested her head on his chest, a brief moment of pause from her shuddering climax. They kissed briefly and then whispered something to each other. They laughed softly and exchanged caresses, Mom's fingers stroking his chest while Dad's hand stroked Mom's back.

I moved my eye away from the wall and turned towards Leela. She did likewise. We reached out both our hands towards each other and then slowly drew our bodies close. We hugged each other tight and we could both feel the tense excitement in our bodies. She looked up to me, her lips open, seeking a kiss from me. I bent down and let my tongue lick over her lips before fixing my lips to her. Immediately, her tongue penetrated my mouth, willing to be sucked. I did not disappoint her and devoured her tongue while my hands roamed over her back.

She detracted her tongue and willed mine which I more than obliged. My hands by now had slipped under the back of her pyjama bottom and grasped her panty-covered bum cheeks while I thrust my hardened monster against her groin. Her hands had made their way to my back and pulled me hard against her, wanting to feel my hardness against her virgin treasure.

Above our heavy breathing, we heard sounds from the other side and believing that there was more action on the other side, we broke our hug and looked at each other, contemplating what to do next. Moving away from each other and towards the wall, we held hands as we again peeped through the tiny holes on the wooden wall.

Our timing was perfect as Mom was on the bed on her hands and knees and Dad was standing on his knees behind her, stroking his fabulous erect meat, poised at the entrance of Mom's yoni. Mom turned around to look at Dad, her divine face illustrating the overwhelming desire to have her pussy fucked. Leela's fingers gripped my fingers tightly.

"Fuck me now, Athan" we heard Mom whisper to Dad, as she spread her knees wider on the mattress.

Dad obliged instantly, guiding his mushroom head to Mom's holy orifice and then with a mighty push buried his giant cock into the depths of her cunt. Their bed literally shook with the power of his thrust.

"Yessssss………..aaaaahhhhhhh" we heard both of them moan simultaneously.

"Mmmmmmm……yesssss….fuck…" Leela whispered, releasing my hand, her bottom humping forward as if she was feeling the penetration.

"Wowww……." I blurted out, as if seeing them for the first time.

As Dad slowly withdrew his monstrous meat, Mom turned her face towards him, literally begging him to shove it back in. The drunken glaze of her face expressed sheer wanton desire. And for the first time, I wished I was there in place of Dad. My fully hardened cock throbbed excitedly as I imagined what it would be like to be inside Mom's cunt at that precise moment.

As if Dad had heard me, he thrust back hard into Mom's obliging twat and slowly started to pound her pussy repeatedly in a steady tempo. They were beautiful to watch, just so natural. Mom rested her torso onto the mattress, her face looking exactly in my direction, her eyes bewitching. Just then I had the strangest of feelings deep inside me - that Mom was feeling my cock inside her. My cock jerked wickedly.

I turned to look at Leela. Her bottom was swaying, forwards and backwards, almost in tandem with Dad's thrusts. And she had her right hand against the front of her groin. I moved my right hand to Leela's behind and gently felt her bums over the material, as she continued to sway and peep.

She looked at me, turning her body towards me, her pretty face filled with desire. Her right hand was slowly stroking the front of her groin and a slight moan escaped from her lips. I reached out to her and placed my right hand over hers and gently removed her hand away.

I touched her, my palm against her womanhood, covered by the thin cloth of her pyjama and the thin material of her panties. In the darkness, her eyes sparkled with loving desire, promising me of unlimited pleasures. I gently stroked my palm downwards. I felt her shiver as she parted her legs to allow me access. My palm slipped under, between her legs, cupping her concealed treasure. She humped my palm and I felt the warm dampness between her legs and smiled at her.

Placing my hands on each side of her thighs, I kneeled down on my knees in front of her and planted a kiss on her pyjama-covered groin. She jerked her body away as she felt my lips over the material. Her female aroma was different, more a flowery-fruity scent, intoxicating me immediately. My hands held her thighs as I pulled her back to my face, planting several kisses over the front of her loins, feeling her slowly thrust against me.

Her hands went to the back of my head, gently pulling my face to her as she humped me. I rubbed my face against her womanhood as she thrust herself against me. Slowly, my fingers tugged at her waistline but she stopped me and prompted me to stand up. Then holding my right hand, she pulled the front of her pyjama and panties forward and slipped my right hand inside.

"Touch my pussy, Mohan" she whispered to me, pushing her pelvis forward to me.

My fingers gently slid under her panties, feeling the heat radiating from her virgin temple. She seemed to have very fine, silky hair but it felt not so densely forested. I touched her virgin pussy lips and ran my index finger along the middle, gently parting the moist lips.

"Mmmmm……just like when we were little kids" Leela hissed quietly in pleasure, bending her knees a little, to open her treasure to my probing finger.

She leaned forward and rested her head against my chest, as my fingers explored the unchartered territory between her legs. Her right hand touched the front of my shorts, feeling my raging hardness under the thin material, as she humped my probing fingers.

"Mmmmmm….aaaahhhhh….fuckkkk meeee……yesssss….Athannnnn….aaaahhhhh" we heard Mom moaning in pleasure from the other side of the wall.

Leela lifted up her head to look at me, smiling at what she had heard. Her right hand slipped under my shorts and grasped hold of my rock hard meat, her fingers encircling the blood-filled muscle. She gasped as she squeezed my oversized cock, her index finger sliding over the tip and feeling my leaking pre-cum, widening her smile as she felt the sticky wetness.

"Soooo big and hard" she whispered to me, clamping her fingers tight around my rod.

My index finger traced along her slit gently, from top to bottom and then up again. I felt her hard clit and touched it, inducing a moan from her lips. Leela's clit was throbbing and as I toyed with her Venus mound of pleasure, rubbing gently around the sides, it seemed to literally grow bigger.

"Mmmmm….yeaaaahhhhh…..beautiful…..mmmmm" she moaned to my chest, as her right hand stroked my cock, from the base to the tip.

Her pussy lips felt so different to Aayahmah's, thinner but seemingly tighter. I used my fingers to gently part her lips wider and then probed for the entrance to her vagina. Knowingly Leela bent her knees a little more to open up her flower for me. As the tip of my index finger touched the opening of her womanly orifice, her body retracted backwards as if trying to avoid the intrusion.

Thinking that she did not wish my finger to penetrate her, I tried to remove my right hand from inside her panties but letting go of my throbbing cock, she held my right hand, keeping it between her legs.

She looked into my eyes again, her beautiful round eyes bewitching. Mesmerizing me with her seductive smile, her fingers selected my middle finger and guided it to her entrance. Then slightly moving her pelvis, she placed the tip of my finger into her tight hole.

"Love me with your finger, my darling brother" she cooed to me.

I obliged my sister's wish and pushed my middle finger gently up into her tight but wet tunnel. She gasped when my finger penetrated her youthful cunt. I cupped her pussy with my open palm, as if promising her that I would always protect her. She adjusted her position a little and then started to buck her hips gently.

"Mmmm…..yes, Mohan…. …" she moaned, feeling my incestuous finger moving inside her.

Her vagina was tight, wrapped like a sheath of rubber around my finger. I gently touched her insides with my fingertip, feeling the fresh muscles of her cunt. I slowly moved my finger in and out, increasing the depth of penetration at every upward stroke, till my finger tip was buried knuckle-deep inside her tunnel. Her pussy squeezed my finger automatically, as if in a reflex action. Simultaneously, her right hand slipped back into my shorts and grasped my raging meat.

"Athaaan…..yesssss….nowwwwww……..cummmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg" we heard Mom moan, obviously climaxing around the magnificent shaft pounding her.

My cock twitched repeatedly, hearing my Mom and as if in tandem, Leela's pussy throbbed uncontrollably. Leela pressed her legs together tightly around my probing finger and her pussy wall squeezed hard, while she planted soft kisses on my chest.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh…..yessssssss….fuck meeee…….aaaaahhhhhh" Mom moaned again.

"Mmmmmm…." Leela hissed in pleasure, as she started to buck her hips, while I finger-fucked her.

The experiences with Aayahmah had taught me how to please and satisfy a pussy and now more than anything else, I wanted to give maximum pleasure to my sister. I bent my finger inside her pussy towards me, and used the tip of my finger to locate her pleasure spot. I easily found the small fleshy ridge inside her pussy and as I touched it I felt her body jerk in response.

"Yessss….there………..mmmm" she moaned, as my finger caressed her G-spot.

Even in the darkened room, her face was beautifully radiant; expressing the sheer pleasure she was feeling as I caressed her sacred spot. Her eyes were filled with love for me and her beautiful lips sensually open, begging to be kissed.

"I love you, Chinnakka…" I whispered to her and then bent down to kiss her lips.

I had always called Leela as Chinnakka and Sheela as Periyakka (Chinna = small, Periya = big, Akka = elder sister).

A few seconds later, we heard Dad's unmistakeable orgasmic shriek filter though the thin wall "YESSSS…..Rani….YESSSS……unnnnhhhh….aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh…cummmiiiingggggg…" most likely shooting gallons of his seed deep into Mom's insatiable cunt.

Hearing Dad explode was such a turn-on for us and I felt our bodies tremble, feeling the sexual energy radiating out from our parents to us. I pulled my shorts and underwear down to my thighs, releasing my raging hard-on. Leela immediately increased the speed and power of her hand strokes, willing my prick to ejaculate.

I touched her pleasure spot, applying gentle pressure and stroking with the tip of my finger. And, my thumb was in the meantime stimulating her clit, stroking the throbbing mound of blood-engorged flesh. Leela opened her legs wider to give me more excess to her young pussy which was flowing now. Virgin nectar from the heavens was dripping down my finger and onto my palm.

"Unnnhhh….unnnhhh…..yesss….yesss….fuck me….fuck me…fuck me….aaaaaaahhhhhhh" we heard our parents urging each other in the throes of their orgasms.

"Mohannnnn…..mmmm…love you….your fingers are beautiful….driving me crazy……yesss.." Leela moaned and bucked her hips, her clit begging for more attention.

I wanted to taste Leela's nectar and tried to withdraw my finger but she was not having it. She let go of my over-excited cock and held my hand intact.

"Make me cum…darling….please….make me explode….make me cum….just like Amma. Please Mohan….please" she begged, crying for release.

Pushing my own needs aside, I pulled up my shorts over my overgrown prick and then knelt down in front of Leela on my knees. Without removing my right hand, I eased her pyjama bottom and panties down to her thighs. This time she did not stop me. I continued the dual-stimulation of her throbbing rosebud and her G-spot with my right hand and felt Leela buck her hips faster and harder against my penetrating fingers.

She rested her arms on my shoulders for support and spread her legs wider. In the darkness of the room, I could not see her treasures clearly but I felt as if I was pleasuring the most beautiful pussy in the world. She looked at me, her eyes shining like diamonds in the dark.

Leela moved and twisted her pelvis backwards and forwards, and from left to right, trying to achieve maximum sensations, screwing her pussy onto my hand. Every time I touched her clit, her body jerked and her legs shook. And, drops of her juice dropped onto my hand.

"Cum for me, my darling Chinakka……..cum for me…" I encouraged her, moving my face closer to her womanhood, sensing that her powerful release was not far away, my own explosion now irrelevant.

"Oh my GODDDDD…………oh my GODDDDD….yessss" she squealed, her fingers clawing into my shoulders.

I increased the tempo of my fingering, stimulating her virgin pussy with my right hand. With my middle finger pleasuring her sacred spot, I used my thumb and my little finger to clasp her erect clit and stroke it like a mini-phallus. A few seconds of that triggered her explosion.

I felt her legs stiffen, really hard, her body not moving for a few seconds and as I held my breath, I watched her legs start to spread wider and shake slowly and then rapidly, her whole body convulsed uncontrollably as if in a trance.

"Unnnnhhhh….unnnnnhhhhh…unnnnnhhhhh…….YESSSSSSSSSSSS….YESSSSSSSSS…cummmmiiiinnnnggggg……cummmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnggggggggg" she cried, as her body shook powerfully.

I withdrew my hand from her pussy and moved my face close to her treasure box, just as a burst of liquid squirted out of her virgin yoni, spraying my face and front with her love juice. My cock twitched wickedly in sheer pleasure, proud that I had made my sister cum. I wondered if it was her first ever explosion and opened my mouth in anticipation. I was not to be disappointed.

"Ammmaaaaaa…….aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….." she squealed again, as her pussy squirted another spray of her divine nectar, more intense than the first and straight into my gaping mouth.

Her taste was divine and my cock twitched and throbbed wildly, almost wanting to ejaculate simultaneously in response.

"Aaaahhhh…….aaaaahhhh…..mmmmmm…..yesssss" she moaned repeatedly, as her body spasmed out of control, her breathing rapid and her twat spraying honey like a fresh mountain spring.

The intensity of her explosion startled me - it was more powerful than what I had seen from Aayahmah. A sudden fear engulfed me and I quickly stood up and hugged her trembling body to me, her head against my chest. My right hand slid down between her spread legs again, cupping her leaking oasis as she rode through her orgasmic waves. Her eyes were closed, her body was still convulsing and Leela was sobbing in pleasure.

"Oh my God! Leela! Are you okay sweetheart?" I heard Mom's concerned voice call out, shocking the daylights out of me.

My back was to the door and in the darkness of the room, I had just enough time to remove my hand and pull up Leela's pyjama bottom before the lights came on. Leela just clung to me, still breathing heavily in between sobs, her body still trembling in orgasm, her pyjama top soaked in sweat, her pyjama pants soaked in her sweet honey.

As Mom and Dad approached us, Leela regained her composure somewhat and stepped away from me. Mom was in her night dress only, her hair disheveled from her raunchy love-making. Dad was in his sarong. The smell of wet sex was evident.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" asked Mom in a soft, caring voice, while Dad stood behind me, rubbing my back as if trying to soothe me.

Leela just threw her arms around Mom, hugging her and crying deliriously against her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Ma….sorry……sorry…." bawled Leela uncontrollably.

"It's alright darling…it's alright….calm down, baby…" whispered Mom softly, trying to sooth and calm Leela, her motherly hands caressing and stroking Leela's back.

Dad pulled my hand and guided me out to the hall, his hand patting my shoulder as I walked out. The TV was still running.

"You ok, Mohan?" asked Dad.

"Yes, Appa" I replied with a nod.

I went downstairs to get some cold water from the fridge while Dad sat down on the long sofa. I came back a minute later with a big glass, placed it on the coffee table and sat down next to Dad on the single sofa. We just stared into the TV waiting for signs of movement from Leela's room.

We heard the bathroom door being opened and a few minutes later being closed again. Some long minutes later, Mom and Leela stepped out of the room, side by side. Leela's head was resting on Mom's left shoulder, her right arm around Mom's waist while Mom's left hand was around Leela's shoulder, hugging her close.

Leela's eyes were looking down, almost emotionless, as they walked slowly towards the master bedroom. Mom signaled us to join them and I gulped my glass of water, wondering what was in store. Dad got up and checked that the door leading downstairs was closed. I got up and switched off the TV before following behind Dad into my parents' room.

Mom was sitting on the bed, in the middle, her back towards the wall and her legs hanging over the edge. Leela was stretched out on her left, along the length, resting her head on Mom's lap and thighs, facing her body. Mom's right hand was stroking Leela's silky black hair.

Dad sat down on the bed next to Mom, with his feet firmly on the floor. He gently reached out with his right hand and touched Leela's head, stroking it to assure her that everything would be alright. His left hand was stroking Mom's back.

I sat down on the floor, just in front of Dad's sarong-covered legs and rested my head against his thigh. He moved his legs wide to make room for me and I moved closer, in between his legs, resting my back against his right leg and facing Mom and Leela. I let my right hand rest against Dad's left leg.

"So, what happened?" asked Mom, looking at me for an answer.

"I'm sorry Amma. We just got so excited watching Appa and you and then one thing led to another…" I tried to explain.

"It was my fault, Mom. I was the one who called him to watch Appa and you in bed and then I made him touch me" interrupted Leela, turning her head to look at me.

"Your little brother is not as innocent as you think, my darling" said Dad.

Leela looked at me and her eyes asked questions. I nodded in agreement and she stared at me, her eyes telling me that she would deal with me later. She looked a lot more relaxed.

"Was this your first time, sweetheart?" asked Mom, still gently stroking Leela's hair.

After some seconds of silence, Leela answered softly "Yes and no, Mom. First time any boy has ever touched me. But no, it is not my first time."

"You can tell us, darling" encouraged Mom.

"I have been watching Dad and you since I was 16. Sheela showed me the tiny peepholes and every chance we got, either together or alone, we used to watch Appa and you making love. We used to get so excited that we used to touch ourselves in bed. One day we started touching each other too……our breasts and our…..between our legs" Leela's voice trailed off.

"Sheela? I can't imagine" said Dad, a little surprised. Sheela was after all his pet.

"Nothing wrong with that, baby. It is part of growing up" Mom said, trying to sooth Leela's thoughts.

"We did more, Mom. One day, we saw Dad kissing you down there and you seemed to be in so much pleasure. So we tried that on each other, first Sheela kissed me and then I her" Leela said, seemingly feeling easy with the chat now.

But this conversation was slowly stirring my testosterones again and my cock was slowly waking up. I wondered if Dad was getting stimulated too.

"Did you both enjoy that?" asked Mom.

"Yes, Amma, It was beautiful. Once we saw you both like today, mutually pleasing each other orally. So we did that too and quite often…till Akka got married actually" continued Leela, a smile forming on her lips.

My cock twitched when Leela said that and at the same instant, I felt a sudden shiver in Dad's legs. My right hand started to stroke his left leg almost as a reflex action, touching his skin.

"You mean the 69? Sheela and you?" asked Dad, getting very curious.

"Yes, Pa" replied Leela.

"What did your brother do to you just now, darling?" asked Mom, sounding as curious as Dad.

"I was so turned on watching Appa and you making love that I asked him to touch me with his fingers and then I don't know what happened. I have never ever felt anything like that, Mom. It was a strange but a truly beautiful sensation. It was almost as if you know….like I was ejecting something out of my….body" said Leela, trying to explain her orgasm.

I felt Dad's leg jerk again and then the next second, I felt his hand on my head, patting me, as if to congratulate me on the achievement. I turned to look at Dad and noticed the tent in his sarong. He smiled knowingly at me and I returned his smile, my eyes drawn to the massive thickness under the thin cloth of his sarong. Leela's revelations had obviously stimulated him as much as me. My teenage prick was throbbing with desire too.

"Did you touch your brother?" asked Mom, still stroking Leela's hair.

"Yes, I held his thing" replied Leela, looking at me, her eyes telling me that she wanted me.

"Nothing more?" asked Mom.

"I desired much more, Amma. All the things Dad and you did. But I was afraid" Leela answered.

"Of what, sweetheart?" asked Mom, wanting Leela to open up.

"He's my brother. I felt it was wrong for me to feel that way for him" Leela said, her eyes promising me her love for me.

After some seconds of silence, Leela asked Mom "Is it wrong to love my brother, Amma?"

Mom looked at Dad and then at me before answering Leela.

"Sweetheart, your Dad and I think it is not wrong. As long as you both are consenting adults, as long you both don't hurt each other physically or mentally, as long as you both don't lose respect for each other and as long as you both don't forget that you are brother and sister, we think it is not wrong" counseled Mom.

"Yes, darling. If you both love and want each other, it is not wrong" added Dad.

"What about society, Appa?" asked Leela, innocently.

"Society doesn't need to know what happens within these four walls, Chellam" answered Dad, almost as if it was a no-brainer.

Looking at him, I smiled, thanking God for his understanding. The throbbing under his sarong was by now very evident and I felt a strong urge to feel his lingam. I traced my right hand up his left leg under his sarong, feeling him shiver at my touch. My hand slowly moved over his hairy upper thigh, my fingers poised to hold his magnificent cock.

At that precise moment, without looking from where she was lying on Mom's laps, Leela reached out with her left hand to pat Dad's thigh, seemingly to thank him for his calming words and accidentally, her hand brushed against Dad's erect pillar. My hand stopped dead in its track just as Leela suddenly sat upright on the mattress and stared at the throbbing monster, trying to break free of the sarong.

"Look, Mom" she squealed, excitedly like a teenage schoolgirl, pointing to Dad's groin.

Mom looked at Dad's predicament and almost casually said "All this talk has made your Dad hard again. I didn't think he had any more energy left after he had finished with me."

Giggling after she ended her statement, Mom pinched Dad's tummy and said "Dirty old man."

"Can I see it, Appa?" both Leela and I asked simultaneously, just as Dad was trying to pull a pillow over his groin, to hide his condition.

He looked at Mom as if to seek her approval. Mom smiled and with her right hand, tugged at his waistline to loosen and release the sarong. Her fingers gently pulled the cloth away to expose the gigantic erect meat in all its glory, the cock which had given life to both of us.

"Oh my God, Appa. Its soooooo….big" squealed Leela again, her eyes opened wide in amazement.

"It's massive, Dad" I added, admiringly.

His cock looked even more magnificent from close – it truly was the mighty lingam. It pointed vertically up from his groin and was twitching and swaying on its own. It was at least 7 inches long and thick, much thicker than mine. The mushroom head was a beauty, a shining pink. And, blood-filled veins ran along the entire length, throbbing with energy. The base was surrounded by thick, black curly hair. No wonder Mom couldn't have enough of it.

Without saying anything, I got up on my knees and slowly pulled Dad's sarong down. He raised his buttocks off the mattress to help. His left hand locked fingers with Mom's right hand. My hands then touched his knees and slowly parted his legs to expose his hairy nuts. They were huge, covered by hair. My right hand slowly slid up his thigh and to his groin, my fingers encircling the fantastic organ and squeezing it.

"So hard" I added, looking at Leela, tempting her to touch and feel it.

Leela looked at Mom and seeing her smile of approval, she moved her hand towards Dad's throbbing prick. I slid my hand off his cock and cupped his balls, gently caressing the wrinkled skin. Leela touched him, almost in slow motion, and then tried to wrap her fingers around the thick shaft. Her fingers could barely close the circumference.

"It's magnificent, truly beautiful. I have wanted to touch you since I first saw you, Appa" Leela complimented.

"Mmmmm… should have asked me sweetheart" said Dad, relishing our loving touches.

As Leela slowly stroked his length and I caressed his balls, Mom patted Leela's back and cautioned "We are treading onto a new unchartered chapter in our lives and relationships. Are you all okay with this? Or should we stop it here now?"

Without waiting for an answer, I moved forward towards Dad, still on my knees, in between his parted legs. Encircling my fingers, over Leela's fingers, around his massive erect cock, I stroked downwards, stretching his skin down and exposing his truly majestic crown, shining in full glory. I was immediately overcome by the love and desire to feel him in my mouth – the lingam that gave life to me.

I bent my head down and kissed the crown of his head, just wrapping my lips around the tip of his beautiful cockhead. Dad gasped and jerked as if an electric current had struck him, seemingly not knowing whether to push or withdraw. As I raised my lips away, Leela did exactly as I did and again, Dad jerked.

"Oh my God! Rani! Look at our children" beamed Dad, as much in love as in sexual excitement.

Mom patted the back of our heads and said "Yes, our loving children, Athan. They are living our childhood fantasies."

"What do you mean, Amma?" asked Leela, momentarily moving her face away from Dad's groin.

"Well, your Dad had peeped on his parents and had fantasies of his mother. I had peeped on my parents as well as my brother and his wife and had many fantasies of them. But they remained as fantasies for us. And, now both of you are experiencing the real thing" explained Mom.

Pleased with Mom's encouraging words, we moved our hands away and released Dad's throbbing love rod. Leela and I looked into each other's eyes, communicating our thoughts and desires. Slowly, almost simultaneously, we started licking the magnificent joy stick towering in front of our faces, trailing our tongues from the base to the crown, Leela on one side and me on the other.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm…………..aaaaahhhhh" moaned Dad, his cock twitching wickedly in front of us.

Mom looked at us lovingly, as we licked the magnificent object of our desires, her hands patting our heads gently as we lapped up and down the hard shaft, our tongues trying to touch every inch of Dad's erect flesh. She bent down to kiss the back of our heads and then raised her head up to kiss Dad, rubbing her hand over his chest and nipples.

Then moving herself forwards on the bed, Mom stood up and came next to me and squatted down on her knees on the floor next to me. Without missing a lick, I slowly moved my body and allowed room for Mom to occupy the space in between Dad's legs. I adjusted myself back on my knees on the outside of Dad's right leg. Leela was still squatting on her knees on the bed, her hands resting on Dad's left thigh.

"Can Amma share your Dad's cock with both of you?" Mom asked in a most motherly tone.

Our response was to move our heads away, to give Mom space. She encircled her fingers, as she had probably done a zillion times before, around the blood-engorged flesh and stroked downwards, as if wanting to show us the magnificence of her lover's cock. Then after placing a kiss on the tip of the mushroom head, she slowly opened her mouth and engulfed the top of the head inside her beautiful mouth.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh…..yesssssssss" groaned Dad, as slowly, millimeter by millimeter of his gigantic cock disappeared into Mom's wanton mouth.

"Oh my God, Amma…… can you get his whole…thing….into your mouth" squealed Leela, her eyes transfixed on Dad's entire length being sucked into Mom's petite little mouth.

Slowly, Mom raised her head, releasing little by little of Dad's mighty shaft, her beautiful lips tightly wrapped around the throbbing length, until the pink crown was visible. Then she plunged her mouth again down, to engulf him completely. She repeated this up and down bobbing action a few times, pleased to show off her cock-sucking talents to Leela and me.

"Mmmmm……..aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh…..yesssssss" moaned Dad unashamedly, his eyes semi-closed.

Raising her head off Dad's cock, she smiled at Leela and proudly said "Comes with practice, darling."

As Mom's fingers continued to stroke and squeeze him, Dad raised his buttocks off the mattress, as if wanting to thrust his throbbing dick into an imaginary orifice.

Mom laughed and pinched his left thigh gently, telling him to be patient "You have already shot 2 big loads tonight, old man."

Dad smiled and leaned back, supporting himself with his arms anchored on the mattress as Mom continued to stroke his manhood slowly. As Leela watched mesmerized, I leaned forward and opened my mouth.

"I want to, Appa" I said and slowly enveloped the bulbous head into my oral cavity.

I felt Dad thrust gently upwards, willing me to deep-throat him.

"Mmmmmm……yessssss……." gasped Dad, as I slowly swallowed about half his length into my mouth.

It was a strange feeling to be sucking on Dad's cock but I wanted to. I wanted to worship his majestic lingam, till it released the seed of my creation. Yes, I wanted him to explode in my mouth. I wanted to feel him throbbing and releasing his sperm down my throat. I wanted to taste his juice.

His hardened cock throbbed inside my mouth as I clasped the thickness with my lips, feeling his blood pumping through the veins. I twirled my tongue over the meat, relishing the taste of his flesh and I felt Dad's hand on the back of my head, encouraging me on. I was really turned on and my cock was rock hard inside my shorts, throbbing in rhythm with Dad's.

Mom's hand released Dad and she sat back on her knees, a little stunned to watch me doing Dad. She stroked my hair as I sucked hungrily on the thick meat, my cheeks bulging as I started to slowly bop up and down, each time taking a few more millimeters into my mouth. Inside, my tongue was in the meantime teasing every tiny cell on his rod.

"Mmmmmm….aaaaahhhh" moaned Dad, as I feasted on his dick, beginning to really enjoy having him inside my mouth.

"Let me try please" asked Leela excitedly, obviously tempted by the sight of me loving Dad.

Slowly and a little reluctantly, I slipped Dad's majestic tower out off my virgin mouth. I licked around the underside of the crown, letting my tongue trace a trail around the edges and finally along the groove, leading up to the tip of his crown. I felt Dad shiver as I teased his opening with the tip of my tongue before moving my head away.

Leela's fingers instantly wrapped around Dad's saliva-soaked meat and she stroked it admiringly. I stood up and leaned forward to hug Dad. He held me to his chest.

"I love you, Appa" I told him, feeling a special bond to him.

"I love you too, Mohan. It felt really beautiful" Dad responded and his hand reached out knowingly to touch my erection over my shorts.

I prodded Dad to move forward till his buttocks were at the edge of the bed. Leela was stretched out on the bed with only her head in Dad's laps, rather his groin. Then I sat down on my knees on the floor, resting my hands on his thighs. I looked at Mom and noticed a contented motherly smile on her face and a tinge of tears in both her eyes.

"I love you all" whispered Mom, answering my thoughts.

"I want you inside my mouth, Appa. Tell me you want me, please" said Leela, her open mouth poised over Dad's glorious mushroom head.

"Yes, darling. Appa wants you so much" Dad replied, his left hand touching the back of my sister's head and guiding her slowly to his manhood.

Leela licked the shining reddish-pink head, teasing the crown with the tip of her beautiful tongue and feeling the shaft twitch to her oral manipulations. Then slowly, she closed her lips over the thick, fat knob and glided her mouth down the shaft, about one-third of the way. I watched her hold the position and then suck, her eyes closed.

"Aaaahhhhh………baby………yesss" moaned Dad, enjoying the sensations being generated in his flesh.

I reached out to pat her head, just as she started to move upwards. She released Dad's prick from her mouth and looked at me.

"You cannot imagine how many times I have fantasized about doing this, how many times I have touched myself thinking of sucking Appa" said Leela, stroking the thick pole of meat expertly as she spoke.

She covered her lips once again over the knob and slowly began to swallow his length; her lips noticeably crawling little by little down the shaft. Leela was definitely attempting to get the whole meat inside her small oral cavity. Dad was slowly but surely raising and lowering his bums, gently fucking my sister's mouth.

I reached out with my right hand and cupped his hairy nuts, the size of golf balls. I caressed them in my hands and felt him shudder as I rolled my fingers over the wrinkled sac containing the life-making juice. Removing my hand, I moved forward on my hands and knees, between his legs, bent down and licked his nuts, enjoying the salty dampness of his sweaty flesh on my tongue.

"Mmmmm….aaaahhhh…..yessss………" cooed Dad.

As I teased Dad's cum sac with my mouth and tongue, I felt Mom's hand slide over my bums. I parted my knees in anticipation and soon I felt her hand slide under between my legs and cup my hard erection. She caressed my throbbing cock through the material of my shorts and underwear and squeezed the length.

"You are so hard, Chellam" whispered Mom into my ear and prodded me to sit back on the floor.

Giving Dad's scrotum one last lick, I moved back and sat on the floor, next to Mom. I noticed that Leela's lips were close to the base of Dad's cock and indicated the same to Mom, just as her fingers started to caress my throbbing hard-on through my shorts.

"Not bad, sweetheart. You have almost all of your Dad's cock inside your mouth now" complimented Mom, slowly slipping her fingers inside the waistband of my shorts.

Leela's answer was to slowly withdraw her mouth until she reached the edge of the crown and then giving an arrogant, almost bitchy look at us, she plunged her mouth down the shaft, all the way to the base, inducing Dad to lift his bums off the mattress and thrust his full length into her mouth.

"Ahhhhhhh……yesssssssssssssss…..mmmmmm" groaned Dad, both his hands at the back of Leela's head now, as she started bobbing up and down like an expert.

In the meantime, Mom's fingers were inside my shorts, encircled around my teenage prick and stroking it. She leaned towards me and kissed me on the cheek, as I watched Dad happily sliding his cock in and out of Leela's wanton mouth. My own cock throbbed and twitched excitedly in my mother's hands, seeking a release. I held Mom's hand and she sensed my teenage need.

"Stand up, Chellam. Amma will take care of you" whispered Mom to me, prompting me to stand.

As I stood up with my back to the bed, Mom took a thin pillow from the bed and put it on the floor. She kneeled on the pillow in front of me and slowly using both her hands she tugged at my waistline and carefully pulled my shorts and underwear down, over my blood-engorged cock, down to my feet.

Lifting my feet one by one, she pulled the cloth away and exposed my man-sized prick. Then kissing the tip of my cock, she pushed my back to turn and proudly showed me off to Leela and Dad.

"Look at this beauty. Just like his father" teased Mom, her right hand holding my erect length.

Leela was hardly interested – she just turned her face for a brief glance, as she deep-throated Dad. She was totally engrossed in sucking and pleasuring Dad's cock that nothing could have distracted her away from what she was doing. She was now curled up close to Dad on the mattress and Dad's left hand was on her pyjama-covered bottom, caressing her bums.

Dad too appeared overawed by the pleasure being provided by his daughter and looked as disinterested as Leela – a distant look at Mom and me while he humped his little girl's tight oral orifice with a steady rhythm. His right hand was holding her head as she mouthed him greedily.

Seeing that they were lost in their own world, Mom looked up at me and smiled. Then holding my hand for support, she pulled herself up to stand. She took Dad's sarong and wrapped it loosely around me and nudged me to go out of the room. Holding my hand, she opened the door and guided me out. Closing the door behind us, I followed her into Leela's room.

Once inside, I closed the door and hugged Mom from behind, tying my arms around her waist.

I kissed her neck and teased her skin with my tongue. She felt ticklish and pushed me away. Then turning to face me, she pulled away my sarong and her fingers encircled my hard cock. Holding onto it, she pulled me gently towards the bed and made me sit.

"Never in my wildest fantasies did I expect tonight to end up this way but I am so happy that it did. And your father and sister too look very happy" said Mom, before sitting down next to me.

I lifted her face towards me and kissed her. Her arms immediately went around my neck and her tongue penetrated my lips, willing to be sucked. Playing with her tongue, my arms moved all over her back, caressing and touching her through the thin material of her nightdress. Without breaking our kiss, we fell together on the bed and rolled one way and then the other, just sharing the joy of being together.

Resting on my left elbow, I admired her grandiose beauty as she lay back on the mattress. She pulled a pillow under her head, her disheveled hair spread like feathers across the pillow. Her eyes promised me never-ending love and her lips promised me untold pleasures.

"You are truly beautiful, Ma and I love you" I said, looking into her divine eyes as my right hand reached down to touch her beautiful cheeks.

Her hand searched and found my erect manhood. Encircling her fingers tightly around it, she stroked it a few times and then she willed me to move myself towards her mouth. Sitting on my knees, I shifted my position towards her as she wished and guided my throbbing cock to her face. She held it gently in her fingers and then slowly kissed it – here, there and everywhere on the thick meat. Then, her tongue trailed a wet path along the length, culminating in a kiss on the tip.

I was already having a mental orgasm knowing that my mother was going to suck me and my cock twitched in anticipation of the delights to follow.

"I want you, Chellam" she whispered to the tip of my prick and then guided her lips over the crown.

Her left hand held my waist and pulled me towards her, forcing my throbbing cock deeper into her oral orifice.

"Ammmmmaaaaaaa………..aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I moaned out loud, as my cock penetrated her mouth and slid inside her moist oral tunnel.

The feeling was truly exquisite. The first time when Aayahmah had sucked me, I thought that there could be no other feeling better than that. But the sensations I was feeling now were heightened a hundred times more, just realizing that my mother, the woman who gave birth to me, was blowing her own son's cock. I was physically and mentally overcome with the feeling.

Holding my waist, Mom sucked and massaged my cock with her tongue and mouth. Her right hand moved down to my balls and cupped my tight hairy scrotum. I spread my knees to give her unobstructed access. Her fingers gently caressed my nuts as she slid her mouth all the way down my shaft.

My entire length was buried inside her mouth and her beautiful lips were wrapped tightly around the base of my prick, her nose nuzzled in my curly pubic hair. She stayed in that position for some seconds using just an internal suction of her mouth to send shivers of pleasure through my body.

"Ammaaaah…….." I groaned, overwhelmed by the pleasure I was experiencing.

Mom expertly pulled her mouth slowly away till only my cockhead was engulfed in her mouth. Again, she held that position for a split second, twirling her tongue over the knob before plunging slowly all the way down to the base of my cock. Her lips applied wet, stimulating pressure along the length of my cock. She repeated this in and out action of her mouth on my cock for some minutes before removing her mouth completely away.

Still holding my cock with her right hand, Mom maneuvered her head between my legs and under my loins, my knees resting on either side of her head. Raising her head, she licked my hairy balls and gently sucked one into her mouth, then the other and repeated this mouth-juggle of my scrotum for a few seconds, while her fingers continued to stroke my meat. Eventually, she had my whole scrotum inside her mouth and loved it with her tongue.

"Aaaahhhh…..I won't last long Mom" I moaned, relishing the sensations being generated in my body.

In response, Mom increased the speed and power of her strokes while she continued to lick and pleasure my balls. I admired her body stretched out on the bed from under me. Her thin night dress covered her body down to her lower thighs. I could make out that underneath that she only had her panties. Just I was about to touch her body, I felt her tongue trail away from my balls and explore the groove between my bum cheeks. I spread my knees wider and the tip of her tongue probed my anus, licking around the tight orifice.

After a few seconds of that Mom slid her head out from under my bums and her divine face appeared beneath my mammoth cock. Holding it, she nibbled the throbbing underside; starting from my scrotum up to the tip of my cock and then nibbling back all the way down again. Seeing my cock twitch in pleasure, she smiled at me knowingly and repeated what she was doing a few times, occasionally using her teeth to gently bite and nibble my meat.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm….aaaaaahhhh….." I moaned, looking into my mother's magical eyes and expressing the pleasure I was feeling.

"Your cock is awesome, Chellam, really awesome" she whispered, squeezing my hard-as-rock pole tightly with her fingers and then kissing the bloated mushroom head.

Lifting her head off the mattress, Mom turned her body to face me, resting on her left side and curling her legs towards me. She placed three pillows, on top of each other in front of me and then positioned her head on the pillow, facing me – exactly at the correct height she wanted me to be. She stroked my shaft lovingly and guided me towards her mouth, her lovely feminine lips already gaping open in anticipation and her tongue snaking its way out, like a cobra seeking its prey.

Just then we heard Dad's groan reached our ears from the other side of the wall.

"Ohhhh….baby…ohhhh….baby….suck me….suck me….suck me, Leelaaaaaa yesss……yesss….I'm going to explode, sweetheart……aaaaahhhh."

Mom and I exchanged smiles and seconds later, we heard Leela encourage Dad.

"Yes, Pa. Explode….cum in my mouth…cum….give it all to me…..I want your honey…give it to me, please……"

Not letting the happenings in the other room distract her, Mom glided her lips over my prick and her right hand slid behind to my left bum cheek and prodded me to thrust my throbbing cock into her wanton mouth. I started to thrust gently in and out of her oral tunnel and Mom wrapped her lips tightly around my flesh, providing me a tight fit.

As I mouth-fucked her, I realized that her thighs which were curled around close to my knees, had started a humping movement against my body, in rhythm with my thrusts. Her nightdress had, as a consequence, slowly inched up her thighs, showing the curvy, lower part of her panty-covered bums. I reached out with my left hand and gently tugged her nightdress up towards her waist, exposing her bottom completely.

"Leeelaaaaaaa…….aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh….." Dad's orgasmic growl echoed across to our room.

Probably realizing that her bottom was exposed, Mom tried to pull down her nightdress but I held her hand. As I touched her mature thighs, she turned her lower body slightly and as I slid my left palm down the front of her groin, she parted her thighs a little and caught my hands in between her legs. Her panty was soaked wet and as I touched her, she pressed her thighs tightly together.

"Mmmmmm…." she moaned around my throbbing flesh.

My right hand held the back of Mom's head as I began to thrust faster and harder and she began to suck me with extra urgency. Inside her mouth, her tongue toyed with my shaft, wetting it with her saliva as it twirled all over. And her eyes teased me, pleading me to explode while she humped my fingers.

I felt a beautiful tickling sensation slowly rising from the base of my cock and knew that a mighty eruption was soon to be expected. Knowing that I was close, she pinched and squeezed my bum cheeks, urging me to shoot my load. She started to deep-throat me taking my whole length down her throat. The sensation was mind-blowing – Aayahmah was an excellent cocksucker but nothing good beat my mother.

"Ammmmmaaa…I love your mouth….suck me…suck me…suck me, Ma…please. Aahhhh…" I moaned, fucking her divine mouth vigorously.

I felt her rub her wet groin harder against my left hand and I slid my wrist in between her legs. She clamped her thighs tightly and started to hump me while her mouth and throat went on overdrive, using enormous suction power. Her fingers in the meantime squeezed my bum cheeks, digging into my flesh.

A warm buzz of energy was running up and down my spine and a beautiful tingling feeling was resonating in my loins. A few more forceful thrusts into Mom's loving mouth and I felt my balls tighten. An overwhelming sensation spread through my whole body and my legs stiffened. Mom pressed her pussy hard against my left wrist in response.

"Ammmmaaaaa…..noowwwwwww. yessssssss….unnnhhh…unnnhhh…unnnhhh" I screamed, pushed forwards and thrust my throbbing prick deep down Mom's throat.

The first delicious rush of incestuous semen exploded from my bloated cockhead, deep into her mouth and down her throat. Her eyes opened wide as my load hit the back of her throat and her legs tightened around my wrist, fucking it in wild abandon.

"Mmmmm…" she grunted in pleasure around the base of my cock and her fingers dug into my ass cheeks.

"Ammmmaaaahhhh……." I screamed as blast after blast of fresh boy-cum ejected from deep within my balls, through the length of my rampant teenage prick into my mother's loving mouth.

Mom's mouth and throat worked overtime to swallow all the cum shooting into her mouth. She kept my full length inside her mouth and greedily sucked me without any difficulty. Her right hand cupped my scrotum and massaged my balls, as if enticing more cum to flow out.

"Love you…love you…love youuuuuu….." I moaned again and again as my body shuddered uncontrollably with the intense pleasure of my Mom's expert oral loving.

As the last shots exited my shaft, I felt her thighs stiffen tight and then her body shiver as she rubbed her womanhood vigorously against my wrist. I assisted her by pressing my wrist hard against her, feeling the heat radiating from her covered temple. Her eyes were steaming with passion and I realized that she was exploding.

"Cummmm….Ma" I urged her, rubbing my wrist against her concealed treasure while still mouth-fucking her.

"Mmmmmmm……." she moaned in her climax, not wanting to release my stubbornly hard cock from her mouth.

I felt her legs shake and her thighs clasping and releasing my wrist rapidly for some seconds while she continued to wantonly suck my throbbing cock. And despite her own explosion, she had not let a single drop of my cum escape from her mouth.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, her legs relaxed and her thighs parted slightly. Mom removed my hand from her groin and pulled down her nightdress over her thighs. She slid my cock out of her mouth and kissed the bulbous head. She licked my still hard cock, her fingers still stroking it.

"I love you, Amma. I have never felt anything like that. Thank you, Ma" I whispered to her, full of love for her.

Smiling she stroked my length and said "I have never felt anything like that too, Chellam. Your cock is really special and you are still so hard, baby."

"I want you, Amma" I said as my hand trailed down to touch her panty-covered bums while my eyes expressed my intense desire to be inside her pussy.

"I'm dirty, Chellam. Your father was inside me already tonight and filled me up twice with his seed" Mom replied with an almost regretful tone and slid her legs off my thigh and rested her body on the mattress.

"I don't mind, Ma" I said, desperately trying to tempt her.

"No, Chellam, please. I want to be completely clean when you come inside me the first time. I want to feel only your love, only your honey, inside me. I want to be only yours. Do you understand, Chellam?" Mom tried to explain, still slowly stroking my cock.

Yes, I did understand and respect her sentiments but God, I wanted her so much. I kissed her lips, forcing my tongue inside her mouth and tasting my own cum. She sucked on it hungrily while her fingers caressed and squeezed my stiff cock. My right hand trailed down to her womanhood and I touched the front of her soaking wet panties again. She let go off my throbbing cock and her fingers caught hold of my adventurous hand. She broke off our kiss and sat up.

"Please, Chellam. Please understand" Mom pleaded, her fingers intertwined in mine.

"I love you, Amma" I whispered to her and then touched Mom's divine temple again with my right palm, before standing up.

I kissed my palm, showing Mom what she meant to me.

"I love you too, Mohan, and I want you too; more than you can ever imagine. I want your cock buried inside me, from where you came from. Soon, darling….soon" whispered Mom, as she stood up beside me, slowly wrapping Dad's sarong around me and then giving my still-hard prick a grope.

"Mmmmm….aaaaaahhhhh….yesssss" we heard Leela's moans growing louder.

Mom smiled, with a curious look in her eyes, and said "Let's see what your Dad and sister are up to, Chellam."

I switched off the light as Mom opened the door and stepped out to the hall. I followed behind her as she headed towards her own room. Just outside the door, we heard Leela's passionate voice encouraging Dad.

"Mmmmmm……yesssss, Pa…….lick me…your tongue feels so good…mmmm. Lick my pussy Pa…lick me like how you always lick Amma….pleaaasse…mmmm…yesss. Do you like my pussy, Pa?"

We stopped outside the door to listen to Dad's response. I hugged Mom from behind.

"Mmmm…yes da….love your pussy, love your taste, sweetheart……slurppppp."

A truly wonderful sight greeted Mom and me as we stepped into my parents' bedroom. Dad's naked body was stretched out on the king-sized bed, facing upwards, but his face was hidden from view by Leela's body. She was sitting crouched over him, on his upper chest, visibly naked from her waist down, her back to us and her knees anchored on the mattress, either side of Dad's body. And somewhere trapped in between her fluid thighs was Dad's head.

"Mmmm…aaaaaahhhhhh…yesssss…mmmmm…beautiful…love your tongue on my pussy…aaahhhh…Appaaaaaaa…yesss…lick me…pleassssse…yesssss…mmmm" Leela groaned in pleasure.

Dad appeared to be fully engrossed in eating Leela's virgin twat while she humped his face in a slow but steady, seductive rhythm, her hands holding on to the headboard for support. She was clearly enjoying the oral stimulation served by Dad's tongue. Her eyes were partly closed and her hair was flailing as she rode him like an expert cowgirl, her sweat-drenched pyjama top clinging to her back.

The loving couple hardly noticed us as we stood there. Not wanting to disturb them, Mom and me watched in admiration as Leela's beautifully firm and rounded bums bucked and gyrated erotically on Dad's face. Mom rested her head against my upper arm, emotionally overcome by what we were witnessing. Our family was surely never going to be the same again.

"So beautiful to watch them" whispered Mom to me, her head resting against my shoulder, her arms clasping my right arm tightly.

Wet licking sounds resonated around the room as Dad's seasoned tongue greedily savoured his little girl's virgin yoni. His legs were splayed on the bed and his magnificent phallus, thick and enticing, lay spent on his right thigh. His shrivelled nuts hung obscenely from his hairy loins, having been temporarily emptied of his life-giving seed by both Mom and Leela over the past few hours.

"It's a truly beautiful way to love a woman" I whispered my reply, having already savoured the joys of eating pussy with Aayahmah.

I just stood there, looking attentively at my father and sister in their act of love, hypnotised by the beautifully erotic scene before me. My sexual awakening over the past few days had made me completely addicted to pussy and I was totally obsessed with cunnilingus, after the initiation by Aayahmah. Her pussy was a sheer pleasure to lick and love and I could not wait to devour Leela's and especially my Mom's.

As if reading my thoughts, Mom kissed my shoulder and whispered teasingly "You really like doing that, don't you? Sundari told me all about your prowess with your tongue and fingers."

"Looks like she told you everything! To orally love a woman's most sacred treasure - I think it surely must be the finest expression of love that a man could provide a woman. I really loved pleasuring Aayamah that way and I cannot wait to love your treasure" I replied unashamedly.

"Mmmm…I was very jealous when Sundari told me. I would love you to do that to me, Chellam. But not today, I am dirty, filled with your Dad's seed" Mom responded with a slight tinge of regret in her voice.

"I know Ma but one day soon I want to. So eager to love your flower and taste your nectar and to make you explode over my face" I said to Mom confidently, my eyes glued on my father and sister.

Although at that very moment I felt envious of my Dad, it was just so beautiful to watch them in their incestuous loving. The room was lit by only one table lamp but I could clearly see Dad's wanton tongue sliding in between the delicate petals of my Chinnakka's virgin flower, eagerly lapping the honey that was dripping from her unexplored oasis. My own tongue inadvertently simulated Dad's tongue and I licked my lips excitedly.

Mom who was also watching the erotic, loving action in front of us, turned to face me, hugging me and offering her mouth to be kissed. I did and her lips sought my tongue urgently which I obliged, teasing her lips and oral cavity with the tip. After some seconds, I withdrew my tongue gently and licked her lips sensually, simulating what Dad's tongue was doing to Leela's pussy lips. My cock which had refused to soften even after the exquisite mouth-service provided by Mom earlier, was throbbing under the loose sarong tied around my waist.

"Mmmm…slurrrrrrpppppp…mmmmmm…love…your…pussy da…mmmm" blabbered Dad in between licks.

Releasing herself from our hug, Mom turned to look at the taboo couple on the bed and then took a step towards them just as Dad's hands slid over Leela's back to cup her voluptuous firm butt. Guided by Dad's caressing hands, Leela moved her bottom further forwards and smothered her wet pussy all over Dad's face as he desired, her fingers anchored tightly to the headboard. As she twisted and turned her bottom over our father's loving face, his awesome cock showed signs of life, stirring excitedly in response. Almost telepathically my erect dick twitched in harmony with my Dad's.

Mom reached out with her left hand and stroked Leela's head lovingly, gently swiping her palm over Leela's sweaty forehead and hair, a motherly gesture. Leela turned her head and her beautiful pleasure-filled eyes gazed innocently into Mom's divine face, expressing her inner feelings to Mom and knowing that the special love she was experiencing with her father was blessed by her mother. Mom moved closer and hugged Leela's head to her bosom and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you darling. You feeling good?" asked Mom softly, her voice overcome with maternal instinct.

"Yesss, Ma…mmmmm…beautiful. Appa's tongue is driving me crazy…aaaaahhhh" Leela moaned her reply, as her body rocked in little shivers.

"I know how you feel darling. Your father's tongue is quite something" said Mom and planted another kiss on Leela's head.

Patting Leela's head in encouragement, Mom knelt down on the floor, inches away from where her husband's face was pleasuring her daughter's pussy. Leela unselfishly moved her pussy away from Dad's face just as Mom reached out with her right hand to stroke his head. His smiling wet face glistened with Leela's juices as Mom gently swiped her hand over his forehead.

"Does she taste as good as me?" Mom teased Dad, her fingers gently pinching his right cheek.

Leela turned to look at me, her love-laden eyes inviting me to move closer towards her. I nodded my head in agreement to Mom's question, having already had a little taste of Leela's heavenly nectar earlier that evening. Her right hand reached out to me as I moved closer to the bed and she leaned her torso against my tall frame. The unmistakable flowery-fruity aroma radiating out from her pussy tickled my nostrils, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Mmmmm…yessss. Just as delicious as you, Rani" Dad answered, inviting her to kiss him.

Mom and Dad shared a deep kiss, their tongues duelling in love for some seconds before Mom sensually licked Dad's face, tasting her daughter's pussy juice on her husband's face. It was such a turn-on to watch my parents and my teenage prick buzzed in excitement, as Mom's beautiful tongue trailed down his face to his throat.

"Mmmm…" Mom purred in delight, as she continued to lick the area around Dad's throat for some seconds.

Then planting a kiss on Dad's lips she teasingly asked him "You want to lick your daughter some more, I guess?"

Dad's reply was an enthusiastic nod and a cheeky smile before he pointed his tongue out invitingly. And what Mom did next was unexpectedly erotic. She turned her face towards Leela whose naked dripping pussy was poised over Dad and planted a kiss on her daughter's virgin temple. I watched in stunned excitement as Mom then licked Leela's slit slowly a few times, tasting her honey from its source.

"I love you Ma…mmmmmm" moaned Leela in appreciation, her right hand releasing me and stroking the back of Mom's head.

Leela had a neatly trimmed patch of fine hair covering her sacred mound and her virgin petals were opened like a flower that had just bloomed, obviously excited by the stimulation provided by Dad's tongue and mouth.

"You have a beautiful yoni, sweetheart and a wonderful, virgin aroma and taste…mmmm" complimented Mom before moving away and guiding Leela to sit on Dad's face again.

"Feed your father your honey, darling. He can never get enough of it" Mom encouraged Leela.

Dad did not have to be asked twice and eagerly engaged his face to Leela's womanhood, greedily lapping her young beaver, his fingers clawing into her bum cheeks. She started to buck against his mouth in equal vigour, seemingly encouraged by the voyeuristic presence of her mother and brother there.

"Mmmm…yessss…Paaa…love me…eat my pussy…aaaaahhhh" squealed Leela in delight at Dad's boyish desire, holding on to the headboard and riding Dad's face with schoolgirl enthusiasm.

Mom smiled at me in complete contentment, loving tears of joy welling in her eyes, acknowledging and happily accepting the new direction that our lives had all taken. I stroked her divine face with my right hand, sharing her thoughts. Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined that this would be happening in our family.

Some seconds later, Mom got up on her knees beside the bed and unbuttoned the front of Leela's pyjama top, wanting her to be free of that sweat-soaked cloth more than anything else. Leela did not object and propped up her torso to help Mom remove the top. Mom used the cloth to wipe the sweat off Leela's back and threw it onto the floor, next to Leela's discarded panties, her pyjama bottom and my shorts.

"Wow! You have an absolutely perfect body sweetheart, simply beautiful" cooed Mom to her daughter, stroking her head, proud of her offspring.

I moved behind Mom, to look directly from the front. She was right indeed - Leela's body seemed a heavenly piece of creation. Her breasts were not as large as Mom's and nowhere near Aayahmah's size but they were perfectly formed; the size of softballs, round and firm, not even a little sag, despite her intense sports regime. They were two perfectly-shaped globes symmetrically positioned, high on her fair-skinned torso. Her areolas were light brown, again perfectly circular and exactly at the centre of her breasts. And to crown it all were her brown nipples, about a centimetre in diameter and length, each sprouting from the absolute centre of her areolas.

"She looks just like you Ma" I blurted out innocently, my erect prick throbbing in agreement, as the naked images of Mom which I had witnessed the past few days, flashed across my mind.

Mom laughed and then said "Yeah right, maybe about 30 years ago."

Leela beamed with pride while Mom and I admired her exquisite torso, matched by a slender waist and flaring hips. Her tummy was flat, just a little sexy flesh emphasising her inviting bellybutton, and then sloping down over her mound to her treasures which were mostly hidden by Dad's marauding face. Her eyes were barely open as she rode Dad's face.

Her nipples were clearly erect, jutting out proudly from her glorious boobs and both Mom and I could not resist the temptation to reach out and feel the hardened tips. Mom held her left nipple between her thumb and index finger and gently pulled it. I touched her right nipple with the tip of my index finger and teased it. Leela opened her eyes and smiled, her lips parted, seemingly welcoming the attention her body was getting from her family.

"Mmmmm…suck my nipples please" invited Leela, her voice hauntingly soft, while she continued to move and hump Dad's face.

Mom looked up at me while her fingers continued to pull on Leela's left nipple, her eyes exchanging thoughts with mine. I removed my hand from Leela's breast and guided Mom's head to Leela's right breast. Mom's parted lips engulfed Leela's erect nipple without any hesitation, sucking gently on her daughter's hard bud while her right hand caressed Leela's left breast.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh…Maaaaaa" squealed Leela as Mom sucked on her beautifully full mound of flesh.

I admired Leela's sublime face as my parents feasted on my sister, Mom sucking her breast while Dad was eating her pussy. Leela's face exuded a stunning seductive feminine beauty that would have challenged even the divine temptress, Mohini. She really did look like a carbon-copy of Mom; the rich maturity of Mom's features being the only difference between them. I kissed Leela's sensual lips before kneeling down beside the bed.

I watched my family in their love-play. Dad's fingers were digging into Leela's bums, prompting and guiding her to ride his face in complete abandon while Mom's mouth had moved on wantonly to Leela's left breast. My eyes were then drawn almost instinctively to Dad's incomparable meat which had stirred back to life. The wet sucking and licking sounds seemed like music accompanying the resurrection of his manhood and his magnificent lingam uncoiled in an erotic dance.

Almost automatically my right hand sought his meat and my fingers encircled his rapidly enlarging prick and pulled back the foreskin, willing him to get even harder. I gazed longingly as my father's tongue teased and tormented my sister's cunt while my hand stroked his majestic cock. Dad responded to my manipulations, lifting his bums of the mattress to hump my hand.

"Aaahhhhh…yessss…lick me…lick me…going to explode soon. Pa…please… aaaaahhhhhhh" Leela encouraged our father.

Dad's fabulous prick was by now fully erect, throbbing as my fingers caressed it. I just could not resist the mouth-watering temptation and moved forward to devour his mighty manhood into my mouth. I sucked his beautiful crown for some seconds and rolled my tongue greedily over the bloated knob.

"Mmmmm…slurrrrp…aaaahhhhh…slurrrrp" moaned Dad, gently thrusting his lingam into my oral cavity, while his mouth continued to service his daughter's pussy.

I released my vice-like grip of his shaft, sliding my hand down to caress his rejuvenated balls, willing them to re-fill with his seed. I was once again overcome with desire for this magnificent cock which had created me and I wanted to suck it, to worship it, to please it beyond imagination. Slowly, I swallowed the rock-hard length inch by inch into my mouth till it was touching the entrance of my throat.

It was awesome to feel Dad's thick meat sliding into my mouth and almost down my throat and my own blood-filled member throbbed in excitement. My lips were tightly wrapped around the base of his pillar, my nose buried in his curly damp undergrowth. Then maintaining the firm grip of his flesh with my lips, I slowly moved my head up his length, till only his cockhead remained in my mouth. Removing my mouth completely off his prick, I licked around the crown, the tip of my tongue teasing the edges and grooves and finally teasing his dick-hole. Dad's cock twitched menacingly when I did that.

I felt a hand stroking my head and shoulders as I worshipped Dad's shaft and realised it was Mom. She had moved away from Leela's breast and was watching me blow Dad. Seconds later her other hand sought my erect cock, gripping the pulsating shaft over the sarong material. Then pulling at the waistline, she released the sarong and uncovered the object of her desire. Her loving fingers encircled my bloated teenage prick and stroked it slowly as she watched me loving Dad.

"Mmmmm…so hard Chellam…throbbing…mmmm" she hissed, her fingers squeezing the length of my shaft.

Mom leaned forward and kissed my left ear, her tongue teasing my ear-lobe as her fingers gripped my steel-hard prick tightly. Her breathing was heavy and I sensed that she was turned on as well with the family loving. I gently withdrew Dad's monster dick from my mouth, holding the magnificent meat in my hand, and exchanged a deep, loving kiss with Mom. Her tongue frantically penetrated my mouth inviting me to feast on her and her magical eyes sparkled with uncontrollable desire for me while she continued to stroke my throbbing cock.

Suddenly, as if a thought had struck her mind, she broke up our kiss abruptly, stood up and hurriedly headed towards the bathroom, picking up her towel on the way from the cloth rack. I assumed that it was only a call of nature and re-focused on Dad's lingam, eagerly stroking the immensely thick meat and lowering my mouth over his shining red knob again.

As my mouth engulfed my father's sublime manhood, I could hear the shower running in the bathroom and guessed that Mom was probably having a quick wash and shower. Call it wishful imagination but in my horny, teenage mind, I visualised Mom soaping and washing her pussy clean for me and my erect young cock throbbed in incestuous expectation.

Just then the movements on the bed went up a gear and Dad started to slowly thrust his colossal meat up into my oral orifice excitedly.

"Appaaaaa…yes…lick my clit…there…yessssss…suck it" squealed Leela, prompting a power throb in Dad's cock as I deep-throated his intense hardness again.

"Mmmmm…slurrrrrpppppp…aaaahhhhhh" moaned Dad, enjoying the dual action of orally giving and receiving.

I was totally focussed on pleasuring Dad and started to mouth-fuck his massive organ enthusiastically, bobbing my head up and down, relishing the blood-engorged shaft sliding up my mouth. The sensations that I was feeling, as I licked, sucked and deep-throated Dad's cock, was quite unbelievable.

All sorts of mixed-up thoughts were running through my mind as I pleasured Dad with my mouth. I had never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would even touch another guy's prick, let alone take it in my mouth and here I was, sucking wantonly on a monster-sized live sample albeit my father's and enjoying it immensely. I had been drooling unashamedly over his magnificent phallus from the first time I saw it a few days ago. And I was sure I would be sucking Dad's cock many more times in the future.

"Mmmmmmm…aaaahhhh" moaned Dad, as he penetrated my mouth with increased frenzy, his sound muffled by Leela's virgin beaver.

As I continued to blow Dad eagerly, out of the corner of my eye I saw the bathroom door open and Mom step out with a big towel wrapped around her tightly. She had tied her hair into a bun and was drying her feet with another towel. She then quickly pulled on a clean, sleeveless, flared nightdress over her body, covering her down to just below her shins, and elegantly removed the towel from under her dress, without exposing herself. Slowly she approached the bed, her face radiant. She kneeled down next to me and her clean freshness further intoxicated my already lust-filled senses.

On the bed, Leela upped her tempo, her exquisite body on the verge of a powerful orgasm while Dad meanwhile started to thrust harder into my mouth, lifting his bums off the mattress. This only served to stimulate me further and I increased the suction power on his mammoth cock.

"Apppaaaaaa…mmmm…please…lick me, lick me, lick me…yesssss" screamed Leela again in intense pleasure, the bed shaking as she approached her climax.

Mom reached out to touch both her children in loving encouragement, her right hand stroked Leela's back while her left hand patted my head, sliding her palm over my hair. As I continued to suck heartily on my father's massive love-stick, my mind was really overwhelmed by the different emotions running through my head at the time - a powerful feeling of love and bond to my family and an irresistible desire to love and be loved by all of them.

Encouraged by Mom's comforting hand and by Leela's impending climax, I started to bob up and down unashamedly, sliding my mouth effortlessly over the length of Dad's shaft while my tongue twirled around his flesh, feeling every blood-filled vein. My fingers kept stroking the base of the enormous meat while my lips feasted on the throbbing flesh, sucking and massaging.

"Goddd!! Appppaaaaa…lick me…push your tongue inside my pussy…yesssssssssssss. Mmmmmm…aaaaaaaahhhhhh…unnnhhhhhhhhhh" Leela screamed out in pleasure, as the bed began to shake violently with their increased movements.

I briefly released Dad's bloated cock from my mouth to watch the glorious spectacle. Wrapping my fingers around his throbbing wet meat, I caressed and stroked him slowly as I stared spellbound at the taboo loving on the bed. Mom looked at me knowingly and prodded me to move closer to her where I could enjoy a frontal view. I loosened my grip on my father's stupendous erection and moved my hand away, shifting closer to Mom.

We were about to witness something outstandingly erotic. Leela was a sight to behold, so sexually mesmerizing to watch. Supporting herself on her knees, her hands let go of the headboard and encircled the back of Dad's head, pulling his face up harder against her treasure hole. Then she began to squirm and thrash her bottom, humping his face in complete abandon. It was an act of pure animal lust as she fucked Dad's face savagely and my over-excited cock throbbed wickedly, witnessing the outrageous loving on the bed.

"Unnnhhh…yesssss…yesssss…unhh…unnhhh…unnnnhhhhhh…more…more…more. Make me cum…Paaaaa…make me explode…yesss…I want to cum on your face" she cried deliriously, her eyes glazed with extreme sexual pleasure as she uttered taboo words of lust, urging Dad to finish her off.

Needing no further encouragement, Dad buried his face into her wanton pussy and devoured her like a maniac, licking and sucking in total frenzy while his fingers dug into her firm, rounded bums, willing her to explode. His tongue worked in overdrive, accompanied by loud, wet licking sounds. His massive meat, jutting out vertically from his hairy groin, was throbbing ominously as he ravished Leela's hungry cunt.

She began to jerk furiously and ground her pussy hard and fast against Dad's face. A monumental explosion was imminent and we watched in excited anticipation as Leela's perfect body began to tighten and then froze for a split-second.

"Apppaaaaa…" screamed Leela and at the same time, her hands released their hold on Dad's head and cupped her pussy, as if trying to cover her divine orifice.

Dad rested his head back on the pillow and just watched in utter surprise as Leela then used her hands and fingers, to part her pussy lips, unashamedly showing her most private parts to him, her father. He stared shell-shocked, seemingly hypnotized, at her treasure trove and his hands held her firm thighs, as her body began to shudder and tremble out of control into a powerful orgasm.

"Apppppaaaaaaaa…YESSSSSSSSS…cummmmminnnnnnggggg…aaaaaahhhhhhhh…" Leela screamed, looking down at Dad, while her body shook violently in fits-like spasms.

Mom and I watched in stunned silence as Leela's virgin pussy then squirted a clear spray of her divine nectar on Dad's face, her thighs shaking powerfully as she exploded in total release.

"Ammmaaaaa…I'm cummmmmiiiiiinnnnnnggggg…aaaaaahhhhhhh" she called out to Mom, her body rocking, as her yoni sprayed more cunt juice over Dad's face, wetting him to his surprised delight.

"Oh my God…Leela…baby…sweetheart…beautiful…cum baby…release your honey" stammered Mom, her hand trembling noticeably as she stroked Leela's back, seemingly a little shaken up herself at the wonderful spectacle.

It was really an unbelievable sight to witness, as Leela's pussy juice sprayed out like a geyser. My body spasmed in sheer sexual excitement - I felt a powerful sensation in my balls and my teenage cock throbbed uncontrollably - as if wanting to ejaculate together with Leela. Consciously I slipped my right hand down to my rock-hard shaft and the fingers of my right hand squeezed the spot which Aayahmah had showed me, trying to prevent my release.

I noticed Dad's cock too throbbing violently, moving and swaying like a huge snake stalking a prey and I reached out with my left hand to grasp it again, my fingers quickly encircling the incomparable lingam. He probably would last much longer since he had already exploded at least three times that night but I still squeezed his cockhead, trying to control his release as well.

Leela sat down again on Dad's face and started to hump furiously, her hips bucking and gyrating seductively, lovingly fucking her father's eager face. Dad licked and lapped like the experienced lover he was, making delightfully obscene wet noises, while he started once again to thrust his gigantic throbbing cock through my fingers.

"Apppaaaa…yesssssssssssssssss…aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh…don't stop licking me…ever…aaaaaahhhhhhhh" cried Leela deliriously as she pussy-fucked Dad's face steadily, not wanting to stop.

Mom continued to caress Leela's back and planted kisses on her sweaty back, to comfort her through her climax. Mom was now on her hands and knees, her delightfully sexy bums raised behind her, swaying seductively. As she comforted Leela, her own body was visibly trembling in little shivers as if she was feeling and sharing her daughter's orgasm. I guessed Mom was as sexually turned on as Dad and I were, overawed by Leela's extraordinary release. Leela's out-of-this-world orgasm was blowing all our minds completely.

Mom's thin nightdress did little to hide her treasures underneath and my right hand glided away from my groin and moved on its own will to Mom's voluptuous behind, covered only by her loose dress. My fingers immediately started stroking and caressing her rounded bums gently over the thin material while my left hand continued to stroke my father's erect meat which was twitching excitedly in my fingers.

I half-expected Mom to push my hand away or to move her bottom away as she was totally naked underneath her nightdress and I was pleasantly surprised when she did neither. Instead, swaying her bums even more as if to tease me, she turned to look at me and her desire-filled eyes invited me to explore further.

"Touch me, darling" Mom mouthed her words to me in a silent whisper and her knees moved further apart on the floor, parting her womanly thighs.

Her words sounded like magic to my teenage ears and I needed no further encouragement. Electric signals went straight from my ears to my over-charged prick which throbbed excitedly and my left hand automatically increased the tightness around Dad's monster cock, causing him to jerk as well.

"Mmmmmm…Maaaaa…Paaaaa…mmmmmm…aaaahhh…love youuuuuu" moaned Leela in utter satisfaction as her body rode through the throes of her orgasm.

As Mom continued to caress and comfort Leela, my right hand slid slowly under the flares of her nightdress from behind and ventured between her thighs. I felt her shiver as my hand grazed her right upper thigh and she immediately closed her thighs together, trapping my hand between her thighs.

Turning my hand so that my palm was facing upwards, I gently touched her divine treasure, immediately relishing the magical warmth radiating from her hairy pussy, which I had already felt earlier that afternoon. I cupped her ripe womanhood and fanned my fingers over her forested region, exploring the hairy wetness.

Mom turned to look at me again as my hand made contact with her most private part. Her Goddess' face, complete with a sensual temptress' smile, intoxicated my youthful senses. She was notably turned on, her lips parted slightly, the tip of her tongue seductively visible, and as I slipped my middle finger between her petals and gently stroked her on the outside of her hairy slit, a silent gasp escaped her lips.

I released Dad's cock momentarily and my left hand attempted to lift Mom's nightdress, to uncover her bottom and expose her nakedness to my eyes. I desired so much to see and love her womanly treasures. Mom caught my hand instantly and prevented me from doing just that. She shook her head and I respected her request, slowly also removing my right hand from between her legs as she turned her body away from the bed to face me.

Standing on her knees, her body upright, she held both my hands, kissed the palms of my hands and promised me with another silent whisper "When we are alone together darling, you can see, touch and explore all what you desire."

"I love you, Ma and I want you so much" I lip-read to her, kneeling upright in front of her, my cock throbbing between my parted thighs.

"I want you too, Chellam…so much" she replied in silent mode and kissed my palms once again.

Then holding my right hand with hers, she guided my hand under her the flares of her nightdress, parting her delectable thighs to allow access. She made me touch her love temple, letting me feel her excited wetness for some seconds before guiding my middle finger to touch the folds of her petals again. Leaving my hand under her dress, her right hand sought my taboo prick and her fingers immediately encircled the hardened, boy-meat.

"Mmmmmm…aaaaahhhh…feeels so good…mmmmmm" cooed Leela behind us, her movements slowing down to a gentle trot.

We gazed at the taboo lovers on the bed as our own incestuous fingers toyed and caressed each other's forbidden private parts. Dad, his gigantic cock pulsing with high octane energy, was still greedily lapping the nectar oozing out his daughter's oasis. His cock looked frighteningly bigger than ever. Leela was hardly moving now, just sitting on Dad's face and letting her father lick and suck her pussy to his heart's content.

As Mom ran her finger over my bloated cockhead, swiping the potent pre-cum leaking copiously from the tip, my middle finger touched her erect clit, eliciting a moan from her and making her thighs spread wider. She leaned forward and deep-kissed me for some seconds, her tongue immediately penetrating my mouth while her fingers spread the sticky boy juice all over my shaft and stroked it.

"So much desire to feel you inside me right now, Chellam…cannot wait any longer" Mom whispered to me in the sweetest of voices, finally expressing her burning urge.

Her words again sounded like magic and my cock twitched in excitement. As we kissed again, Mom squeezed my teenage cock in response while I inserted my middle finger slowly into her burning cauldron till it was knuckle-deep inside her temple. There was a sudden rush of warmth into my body when my finger tip touched the inside of Mom's divine orifice as if I had touched an energy source. I had not felt that sensation with either Aayahmah or Leela when I had fingered them - Mom's temple was indeed differently special as I had anticipated.

Meanwhile from the bed, as if choreographed, we heard Leela express the same desire to Dad "I want to feel you inside me, Pa."

"Mmmm…would love that darling but need to be careful, I am close to exploding" cautioned Dad, conscious of the consequences.

Mom broke off our kiss and turned to look at the taboo couple on the bed for a split second, our hands still toying with each other's pleasure organs. She appeared to give her silent blessings to them and then refocused her attention on me, her face visibly glowing now with a combination of love, lust and desire.

Over on the bed, Leela slid down Dad's face and sat on his midsection, still cooing in pleasure, her love-filled eyes locked onto Dad's. Her hands caressed Dad's wet face, as if rubbing her virgin pussy cream into his skin. Slowly her fingers teased Dad's lips, the same lips which had touched and pleasured her sacred pussy.

"I love you, Pa" she whispered to Dad lovingly and then bent forwards to plant a kiss on his chest.

Leela slid her bottom further down Dad's body till she reached his groin. Then lifting her bottom up and over his erect pole, she sat on his thighs and cupped his throbbing meat with both hands, stroking the mighty lingam with lustful desire. She slid further down Dad's thighs to his knees, enabling her to bend forwards to capture the object of her desire into her mouth.

"Mmmm…" Mom moaned into my ears, as we watched Leela lick Dad's beautiful cock with her tongue, like a schoolgirl licking a lollipop, and then expertly deep-throat him.

"Leela…yesssssssss…aaaahhhhh" groaned Dad loudly, as she sucked hard on his mammoth prick.

Watching Leela tease Dad only served to excite us even further and I felt my finger being squeezed rhythmically by Mom's mature pussy, strong constrictions of her vaginal muscles, prompting me to push a second finger inside her incredible furnace. Her pussy was leaking and drops of her nectar were collecting on my palm as I finger-fucked her. Her mesmerizing eyes were glazed with lust and desire as her fingers stroked my hard cock eagerly. My physical and emotional self was on the verge of an unbelievable explosion.

"Need to feel you inside me now, Chellam…please, darling…" pleaded Mom into my ears, her incestuous words, audible only to me.

This was the moment I had been waiting for. Her loving words, longing for me overwhelmed my senses. I felt a special warm feeling engulf my entire body, knowing that my mother wanted me to love her intimately. Frustratingly though, I was so close to exploding and I let Mom know.

"I won't last long, Ma…" I told her a little regretfully, as I felt Mom remove my hand from under her nightdress with urgency.

"Don't worry Chellam…am also close…just let me feel you inside me even if it is for a few brief seconds…" encouraged Mom, almost desperately, while prompting me to sit on my bums on the smooth wooden floor, with my back upright and my thighs spread on the floor.

My erect, teenage prick was pointing upwards from my groin at an 80 degree angle, hard as a rock and looking bigger than it ever did. Mom stroked it lovingly and then stood up for a brief second, her feet anchored outside my thighs, her knees grazing my upper arms. She then slowly lowered her body to sit on my legs, facing me with her legs crossed over my legs, knees bent and thighs spread.

Mom had skillfully moved her nightdress a little, so that her naked bottom was in contact with my thighs but little else of her womanhood was exposed to me and more interestingly, her flared nightdress had covered my super-hard prick as well. My cock was agonizingly close to my dream, my mother's incredible pussy, and I could feel the loving heat radiating from her furnace. My cock twitched and throbbed wickedly in anticipation of being buried inside the ultimate taboo cunt.

On the bed, Leela had released Dad's awesome shaft from her mouth and slid her bottom up towards his groin. Dad's magnificent lingam was throbbing threateningly - he seemed once again ready for another explosion. Positioning her pussy above his cockhead, she held his meat and rubbed the mouth-watering mushroom head along her slit wantonly, forwards and backwards.

"Aaahhhhh…" groaned Dad in sheer pleasure, as Leela then lowered her upper body onto his torso, teasing his chest with her perfectly pointed nipples and simultaneously, grinding her virgin pussy slowly along his magnificent manhood.

"Mmmmm…just push it in a little Pa…please…I want to feel you inside me" purred Leela, as she lifted her bottom and used her fingers to maneuver Dad's mushroom head to the entrance of her virgin tunnel.

Under her nightdress, Mom's expert fingers had likewise guided my cockhead to the divine opening of her forested folds and as we watched Leela start to churn the mouth of her pussy with Dad's pink head, Mom lifted her bottom slightly, moved forward, and literally captured my knob between her experienced pussy lips, using her fingers to position it properly.

The first contact of my cock with her pussy sent shivers down my spine and spread all over my teenage body. My hands intuitively held her hips gently without applying any pressure, as she teased my cockhead, rubbing it wantonly against her wet, hairy slit for some seconds before guiding my taboo cock to penetrate the mature folds of her treasure hole.

All kind of emotions ran through my mind, at that magical second before penetration, and I looked deep into her loving eyes, aware that our lives will be changing forever. And, then the physical sensations as my cockhead started to slide into her vagina - it was exquisite, beyond anything I had experienced up to now, a beautifully intoxicating feeling radiating out from deep inside her womb through my cock and spreading out to every cell of my body. Not even my virgin penetration of my Aayahmah's pussy felt anything like that.

"Ammaaaaaaaaa…aaaaahhhhhh…mmmmmmm" I growled out loud, overwhelmed by the feeling of my cock driving deep into my mother's heavenly tunnel.

Mom's eyes lit up lovingly, sparkling like jewels, as she felt my throbbing fat dick slide into her forbidden temple. Her body was quivering in little shivers and her face glowed like the Goddess she was, expressing her love and desire for me. A moaning gasp escaped her seductively-parted lips.

"GODDDD…Chellam…my darling son…your cock…mmmmm…feels beautiful. Aaaaahhhhhhhhh…yesssss…give it all to Amma please" screamed Mom, as my prick slid effortlessly all the way into her well lubricated love-chute.

Hearing our squeals of pleasure, Dad and Leela stopped their love-making momentarily to look at us. They could not see our physical lingam-yoni union, as our groins were fully covered by Mom's nightdress but we left little else to imagination as to what we were doing. We could feel the voyeuristic eyes of Dad and Leela glancing over us but this just added to the overwhelming sexual desire engulfing all four of us.

The penetration was exquisitely electric and the added emotional feeling of loving my own mother was simply unbearable for my teenage senses. Her cunt muscles gripped me tight like a vice and started milking me, powerful squeezes that generated a million beautiful sensations all over my body.

My body was literally shaking in pleasure and I could not at all stop the imminent explosion. My hands held Mom's hips tightly and I thrust my rock-hard cock deep into her love hole till it touched the back of her womb, almost lifting Mom off the ground, and then I felt my dick swell to mega-proportions and erupt like a volcano.

"Ammmmaaaaaa…aaaaaahhhhhh…cummmiiiiiiiing…aaaaahhhhhhh" I screamed, blasting load after load of fresh taboo cum deep inside my mother's womb, the same womb which had given life to me.

"Ohhhhhhhh…Chellam…YESSS…I feel you…mmmm…beautiful…aaaahhhh…give it to meeee…Chellam…aaaaahhh" she cried as my cum missiles hit the back wall of her incredible cunt.

"Ammmmaaaa…aaaaahhhhh…feels so good…aaaaahhhhhh" I moaned helplessly, totally overcome by the incomparable sensations pulsating through my body, as huge squirts of taboo semen blasted out of my cock.

"Mohan…baby…your cock…aahh…awesome…unnnhhh…yesssss…so hard…so strong…so deeeeep…aaahhhhhh" she moaned and started to move, rotating her hips and grinding her bums around my rampant cock, using it to churn her divine depths.

My hands encircled Mom's back, hugging her close to me, my head resting on her well-endowed bosom, as I kept thrusting into her, still releasing my boy juice. I was sobbing in pleasure as tears flowed freely down my eyes, overwhelmed by the sensations running through my body. Mom held me to her breasts, stroking my hair and continued to buck and heave on my stubbornly hard cock, moving her pelvis and hips expertly like an erotic lap dancer, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of my prick deep inside her hole.

Mom's cunt was simply awesome, deliciously tight despite her age and despite the fact that Dad had already royally fucked her earlier that night and now filled to the brim with my semen. Her magnificent pussy was clenching and milking me wantonly, strong steady contractions as if wanting to empty my balls and at the same time willing me to remain hard. Aayahmah was absolutely fantastic but Mom was just incomparable - she was a love goddess beyond compare.

"Mmmmm…Chellam…love your cock…unnnhhhhhh…just unbelievable…aaahhhhhh" Mom cooed in pleasure, "so hardddd…so..deeeeep…inside me. YESSSSS…aaaahhhhh."

We hugged each other tightly, relishing the extraordinary bond of mother and son. Tears continued to flow freely from my eyes as I savored my extraordinary release, sobbing into my mother's bosom. Her hands caressed my head and back as I snuggled against her breasts and she planted loving kisses on the top of my head, to comfort me. But she did not for a second stop her movements. Impaled on my permanently stiff cock, she continued to buck and grind her body and her unbelievable vaginal muscles continued to squeeze and massage my throbbing young meat.

"Awesome to watch you both" cooed Leela, her words acknowledging the path we had all taken.

Having somewhat regained control of my senses, I opened my eyes to the loving view of Dad and Leela smiling at us. Leela was on top of Dad, her virgin cunt poised over Dad's beautiful erect meat. They had obviously postponed their love-play to watch Mum and me and it seemed they were eager to re-start their own loving.

"Slowly, darling…" we heard Dad caution Leela, as she lowered her pussy to his blood-engorged cockhead and tried to accommodate the mushroom tip slowly into her virgin twat.

As we watched them, our movements did not cease. While Mom rode my boy cock effortlessly, I started to match her with strong, powerful thrusts into her magnificent quivering yoni. The power of her constrictions was out-of-this-world and invited me to twitch my cock every time her muscles clamped tight around my flesh.

I was madly in love with my mother and planted gentle kisses on her bosom, feeling the hardened nipples under her dress, while deep inside her tunnel her divine yoni was worshipping my lingam.

"I love you, Chellam…I really feel you now" whispered Mom to me, as we rocked together like lovers, hugging each other tightly.

"I love you, Mom…more than anything" I responded, multi-twitching my cock rapidly inside her.

"Unnnhhhh…Apppaaaa…you're so big…aahhh…stretching my pussy…aaaaaaahhhhh" squealed Leela, not so much in pain it seemed but more in anxiety to feel him inside her.

Leela's cry prompted Dad to just hold his movement and let the entrance of her virgin cunt get used to his huge size. He guided Leela to lie on his body, her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. His hands than moved down to cup her tight bums and guided her to hump him gently.

"Just move slowly sweetheart, I will not push it in any deeper" guided Dad calmingly.

"Mmmmmm…aaaahhhh…love you, Pa…just beautiful to feel you inside me…" cooed Leela, as she began to slowly hump him.

"Yesss…darling…your pussy…so tight…aaaahhhhh. Gonna explode soon, sweetheart" moaned Dad in incestuous pleasure, his fingers cajoling Leela to buck and hump his monster prick.

"Yes…Paaaaa…cum for me Pa…please…aaaahhhhh…" Leela encouraged him, increasing the tempo of her movements.

"Mmmm…aaaahhhhh…yesssss…aaaahhhh" growled Dad, in sheer ecstasy, enjoying the tightness of Leela's virgin cunt.

Aware of what was happening on the bed, Mom's incomparable pussy was likewise busily urging my prick to increase our own tempo, her mature cunt milking me spasmodically. Her divine nectar, mixed with the copious amount of my seed which I had ejaculated by the gallons into her hole, was now flowing freely in abundance, down my thick shaft to my balls.

"Mmmmm…aaaaahhhhhh…you are incredible, Ma…feels so good being inside you…could make love to you the whole day" I groaned, as her pussy literally sucked and squeezed me simultaneously, as if an invisible suction pump was inside her cunt.

"Apppaaaaa…YESSSSS. Feels so good…mmmmm…going to cum soon…" warned Leela, her body humping in quickened successions now and the bed beginning to shake violently.

"Me too, sweetheart…mmmmm…aaaahhhhh…unnnhhhh…aaaahhhhh" cried Dad unashamedly, thrusting gently up into her, wanting to seal the loving union with his daughter.

"Fuck me, Pa…aaahhhh…cum for your little daughter…aaaaaahhhh…YESSSSS…" squealed Leela in delight, caring little for obscenities.

"Leela…sweetheart…YESSS…Appa's going to cum…aaaaahhhhhh" shouted Dad with urgency and quickly lifted Leela off his mighty lingam, not wanting to impregnate her with his potent semen.

Leela, moaning deliriously in frenzied desire, immediately grabbed his monstrous wet and throbbing cock with both her hands and rubbed it against the folds of vagina rapidly, but carefully aware of her actions. The next instant the first blast of thick cum ejected from the tip of Dad's colossal dick and splashed across the front of Leela's groin, coating her silky forest with his white cream.

"Aaaaaahhhh…Leelaaaaa…yesssss…aaaahhhhhhh" moaned Dad, in crazed desire, as he willingly released more semen, consciously glad that his incestuous seed was not entering his daughter's fertile womb.

"Raniiiiiiii…I am cummmiiiiing on my daughter's pussy…aaaaahhhhhh" Dad squealed to Mom, lifting his bums off the bed, overcome with what was happening, his cock still impressively hard and ejaculating.

"Yesssss…Pa…mmmmm…cover my pussy with your honey…aaaah…going to cum toooo" encouraged Leela, her hands stroking his still-thick length with vigor, wanting him to release completely.

"Yes darling…explode…cum for Appa…aaaaahhhhhh…" moaned Dad, completely overwhelmed by his own release, his prick stubbornly remaining half-erect still.

Outrageously, Leela pressed Dad's semi-erect length against her slit and rubbed herself to orgasm, her clit against Dad's mushroom head, pushing herself over the edge.

"Apppppaaaaaaa…Ammmmaaaaaa…Mohaaaaannnn…I'mmmmm…cummmmminnnnnnnngggg…aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh…" she screamed, as another powerful orgasm shook her exceptional feminine body.

Watching them explode triggered us spontaneously into urgent action and I raised my bums off the wooden floor and forced my blood-engorged shaft deep into Mom's extraordinary cunt. By experience, Mom pounded her well-lubricated pussy in rapid succession onto my cock as I elevated her. My hands slipped down to her bums and my fingers dug into her mature ass-flesh, urging her to ride me harder.

"Do me, Chellam…uunnnhhhh…fuck me please…yes…hard and fast…aaaahhhhh…finish me…nowww…pleaaasssee" she urged me with taboo words, her pussy contracting with such powerful squeezes.

"Keep moving, Ma…please" I pleaded, begging her to fuck me hard but consciously not using the four-letter word, and twitching my cock inside her pussy.

"Aaaaahhhhhh…mmmmmmm…awesome Pa…love your cock" cooed Leela, her orgasm subsiding slowly.

"Love you too sweetheart…you were just out of this world…mmmmm" Dad responded to her, the movements on the bed subsiding slowly.

"Your cock is talking to me…deeep inside me…aaaahhhhhh…magical" cooed Mom, pounding and grinding her irrepressible cunt on my throbbing monster.

"Mmmmm…yes, love you squeezing me Ma…so powerful…mmmm…keep doing that…aaaaahhhh" I responded to Mom, as her pussy walls gripped my rod like a vice, and then releasing it for a second only to grip it tight again.

"Mmmmm…wish I could feel you cumming inside me…filling my pussy…" said Leela to Dad softly, a touch of sentiment in her voice.

"One of these days, darling…when it is safe…" replied Dad, more or less giving us all the indication that our family loving tonight was not going to be a one-off event.

"Promise?" she teased him.

"I promise, sweetheart…mmmmm" answered Dad and then ushered her "Look at your Mom and little brother…so lovely to watch them loving."

"Yes, beautiful…they are close…mmmmm" cooed Leela.

As Leela gazed at us, Mom placed her hands on my shoulders for support and humped my cock, raising her bottom up and down rapidly, enjoying the pulsating taboo meat sliding in and out of her tunnel. Her boobs were heaving and bouncing under her nightdress and how I longed to suck them. I buried my face into her bosom again, my head nuzzled in the cushion of her tits, as I savored the unbelievably powerful contractions of her pussy.

"Your cock, Chellam…beautiful…aaaaahhhhhhh…love you inside me. My own son is inside me…aaaahhhhh…yesssssss…and I love it" she cried in sheer lust, prompting me to thrust hard up into her tunnel of love.

Aware that we were being watched, Mom and I thrust and ground our soaked groins together unashamedly, like mating wild animals, unable to control ourselves anymore. Only our pleasures mattered. I started to thrust in and out of her powerfully; pulling out almost all the way and then driving my cock in deep - in and out, in a steady nonstop action. Mom was moaning, her lips planting kisses on my neck as she fucked me, literally bouncing up and down on my thick hard phallus.

"Don't stop Chellam. YESSSSSSSSS… unnnhhh…unnhhhh…unnhhhhhh", she screamed unashamedly, encouraging me as she rode my rampant cock like a nymphomaniac.

I increased my tempo, drilling into her quivering cunt mercilessly and soon felt her body stiffen. She hugged me tightly to her and her pussy clamped down hard on my cock not wanting to let it go. Just seconds later, her body shuddered repeatedly and then convulsed in spasms, as a mighty orgasm hit her.

"Ohhhhh…aaaahhhhh…Mohaaaaaaaan…now…yes, yes…YESSSSSSSSSSSS," she yelled.

At that instant, her exquisite pussy constricted so very tight around my cock, like a noose. It was so powerful a squeeze that I actually felt a little pain but it was a pain I welcomed. Simultaneously, her body started shivering violently, like a vibrator and as if my cock was the engine inside her.

"YESSS…YESSSS…YESSSS…Chellam…finish meeee…aaahhhhh…fuck meeeee…please…aaaahhhhh" she screamed at me, no longer caring about obscenities and taboo words.

I did just that for her, for my mother, my Goddess - I stabbed and plunged my teenage prick repeatedly into her forbidden temple, as deep as it could go, feeling her pussy convulsing out of control and showering my cock with gallons of her nectar. Mom pressed her mouth to the side of my neck to stifle her sounds but that did little to hold back her release.

"YESSSSSS…CUMMMMMIIIIINNNGGGGGGGG…Athaaaaannnn…I am loving our son…aaaahhhhhhh…I love it…I love his cock inside me…aaaahhhhhh" Mom screamed to Dad, as her entire body shuddered in a powerful orgasm.

"Yes, Rani…beautiful…make him explode with you, darling…make him explode inside you" encouraged Dad.

"Unnnnh…unnnhhhh…unnnnhhhhhh…Yesss…cum with me, Mohan…pleeeeease…fill me with your seed again…please…don't stop…love you…aaaahhhh" she urged me, panting like a bitch and wanting more.

"FUCK ME…FUCK ME…FUCK MEEEEEE" echoed around the room.

Mom was extraordinarily wild as was her fantastic pussy, fucking my brains out like a bitch in heat. My mother's lusty, urging words, her sex-glazed eyes and her heavenly Goddess' face sent me over the top once again and with one final push I drove my thick cock deep into her womb, as deep as I could go.

"Oh Goddddd…YESSSSSS…Ammmmmaaaa…aaaaaahhhhhh…cummmmmiiiiiiinnnnggg againnnnnnnn…aaaaaahhhhhh" I groaned in sheer ecstasy and for the second time in a short few minutes, my rampant cock literally expanded and then erupted in a mind-blowing explosion inside my mother's exceptional cunt.

It felt just like the first time when I had exploded inside Aayahmah but the sensations I was feeling right now were many times the magnitude, amplified perhaps by my emotions. My body literally trembled with the raw power of my release as strong jets of my hot lava blasted directly into my mother's sacred temple, one enormous squirt after the other filling her inexhaustible hole.

"Ammmmaaaaaaaa…aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" I bellowed, tears streaming down from my eyes again as the mega-climax blew my mind.

"Chellam…aaaaahhhhhhh…keep fucking meeeee…aaaahhhhh" she whimpered, like a sex-starved woman, her cunt greedily milking my cock while her body was still shuddering from her own orgasm.

"YESSSS…Ammmmmma…YESSSS…aaaahhhhh" I kept crying as I stabbed my engorged cock in rapid succession into her yoni, squirting more cum into her overflowing hole, totally overcome by the intense sensations all over my body.

I felt a hand patting my sweaty head as I continued to thrust and fuck my mother's insatiable pussy. Incredibly, our point of union was still mostly hidden from view by Mom's nightdress but our combined love juices were oozing and leaking out, soaking our groins and my thighs, accompanied by wet squishy noises as I kept on drilling into her divine orifice.

"I love you…I love you…I love you…" Mom kept repeating, as her pussy continued to prompt me to pleasure her, contracting and squeezing my cock, willing it to remain hard for her.

"Awesome…so beautiful…" praised Leela, planting a kiss on top of my head.

Mom rested her bums on my thighs again and I hugged her to me tightly, just overcome with love for her. We both reluctantly slowed down our movements even though our bodies were still trembling in pleasure albeit the aftershocks. Mom's incomparable vaginal muscles continued to work overtime to caress and love my prick. We stayed like that for a few minutes, speechless, letting our mind-blowing sensations cease.

There was utter silence in the room apart from the squishy wet sounds originating from under Mom's nightdress. We sat there together, joined, just relishing the warm afterglow, nuzzling and caressing each other, without uttering any words. The only movement taking place was deep inside her pussy where my cock was being showered with love by the contractions of her cunt.

"Mmmm…I definitely have got competition now" Dad teased Mom while patting my shoulder.

"It was an…an awesome experience, Athan. I…I can't explain it - I…I thought my mind and body were going to explode open…mmm" Mom stammered to Dad, slowly catching her breath while she continued to milk my prick with her magnificent twat.

"Guess your Dad was correct about Mohan being special" joked Dad.

Mom sniggered and then looking into my eyes, she asked me "Was it good for you too, Chellam?"

"Yess…my God…didn't you feel it, Ma? My whole body, every cell on my body ignited. It was so intense, out of this world" I answered, my cock twitching inside her loving cunt, still trying to comprehend what had happened.

Dad and Leela, both still naked, got down to the floor beside Mom and I; Leela on one side and Dad on the other. Mom was still sitting on my thighs and my cock, remained semi-hard, refusing to exit her incredible pussy. Our incestuous love juices, combined, copious and sticky, were leaking from her divine orifice, down my shaft and dropping on the floor.

The four of us hugged each other in turns and then placed our arms over each other's shoulders, forming a closed chain; acknowledging the path we had taken, knowing that our lives would never be the same again. Mom's super cunt continued to tirelessly massage my taboo cock through all this.

"I love you all" we said together in a solemn promise and for some seconds we remained still, as if letting what had transpired sink into to our minds. Only my cock twitched inside Mom's yoni, expressing our own special bond.

Some long minutes later, we slowly broke up our hold and Mom broke the silence.

"We all need to get some sleep now, my darlings. Still got to work tomorrow" advised Mom, but made no effort to lift herself off my cock or thighs.

Dad and Leela stood up first, almost simultaneously and hugged each other close, sharing their newly-found closeness.

"Good night, sweetheart" said Dad and planted a kiss on top of Leela's head.

"Good night, Appa. I love you" answered Leela, before gently breaking up their hug.

Her hand sought his flaccid wet manhood almost without any thought and grasped the thick sticky flesh in her fingers and caressed it lovingly, her eyes locked with Dad's. A long second later, she brought her hand to her lips and kissed it.

"Thanks, Pa" she whispered lovingly and then picked up her clothes, pulling on her panties almost instantly, followed by her pyjama top.

"Sleep well, darling. It's been a big night for all of us" said Dad, wrapping himself in his sarong before moving towards the bathroom.

"Yes, a big night and probably a new beginning" uttered Mom and then cautioned "but what happened has to remain within these four walls."

We all nodded in agreement, aware of the consequences.

As Dad opened the bathroom door, Mom called out to him "Be quick, Athan. I need to use the bathroom too."

Leela looked at us sitting on the floor and smiled knowingly that Mom and I were probably still enjoying the last bits of our mighty orgasm. She stepped towards Mom and knelt down at her side and hugged her lovingly. My semi-hard cock still buried in Mom's cum-filled twat twitched, inducing a squeeze from Mom.

I could not help notice the similarity between these two exquisite female creatures, both delightfully beautiful and both outrageously sexed. They shared a silent moment together, just relishing the loving bond. And, as I watched them my teenage prick twitched again in excitement at the thought of more delightful loving adventures with both these women. I could not hide the wicked smile on my face.

"Why the smile?" asked Leela cheekily, gently releasing Mom.

"Nothing really. Just thought about what happened" I answered, feeling Mom's outrageous cunt constricting tight again.

"You are a man now, kiddo. And before my holidays are over, I am going to fuck your brains out" Leela responded with her own cynical smile, almost as if it was the most natural thing to say to her little brother and then apologized for using the four-letter word.

"Promise?" I teased her.

"You better believe it, my dear brother" Leela answered before moving towards the door.

We wished her good night and as Leela walked out the door, Mom hugged me again tight to her and planted kisses all over my face.

"Your cock is something special, Chellam. No wonder your Aayamah can't keep her hands off you" she said to me, a squeeze accompanying her sentence.

"I love you, Ma. The feeling as I exploded inside you the second time was out of this world…mmmmm" I replied her, recollecting the unbelievable sensations, and twitched my cock excitedly inside her cum-filled pussy.

"I better get up before I do what your sister just promised you" Mom joked, giving one last mega squeeze before slowly disengaging her magnificent yoni from my semi-erect lingam.

Her left hand held on to my shoulder as she stood up slowly and her right hand immediately covered her cum-filled pussy with the lower part of her nightdress. I stood up after her and faced her, our bodies centimeters apart, I looked at her enchanting face, intoxicated by her mature, satisfied look. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes were bewitching, as if tempting me to do something spontaneous, something outrageous.

Just as a crazy thought crossed my mind - to drop down to my knees, lift up her nightdress and kiss and lick her foaming pussy - the bathroom door opened and Dad stepped out, breaking us out of the magical spell binding us. Mom kissed me goodnight and hurried into the bathroom.

Dad tied his sarong and then walked towards me as I was gathering my shorts from the floor. As I stood up ready to pull my shorts on, he surprised me by reaching out his hand to hold my still semi-hard cock.

"You do have a beautiful cock, my son" praised my Dad, stroking my meat slowly.

Then he surprised me further by squatting on the floor, kissing my cockhead and engulfing my cockhead into his mouth without any hesitation. He started to suck on it unashamedly, rolling his tongue around the hardening knob.

"Mmmmmm…Paaaa" I moaned, overcome with Dad's unexpected loving action.

I held his head as he sucked and licked my excited dick for a few minutes which quickly brought my meat into an erection again, albeit semi-hard. I guided him by slowly thrusting in and out of his oral cavity, enjoying a new kind of sensation, more emotional than physical. He stood up after some minutes and wrapped his fingers around my hardened shaft.

"Awesome cock, my son. As good as or better than mine" he teased and then said with a laugh "and I love the taste of your mother's pussy on it."

"Thanks, Dad. It has your flesh and blood in it" I responded with a chuckle.

We hugged just as Mom stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. I pulled on my shorts and then wished them good night before stepping out of the room. They wished after me as I stepped out of the room and I heard the door close behind me.

I noticed that it was close to 2am as I switched off all the lights in the hall. Leela's room was also dark - no light from under her room door - as I opened the door leading downstairs. Closing that door, I headed down the staircase, a bouncy spring in each of my steps. My mind was replaying continuously all what had happened in the past few hours - what a night it had been! Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this.

I went straight into my room, picked up my towel and then headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. Washing and soaping myself clean in the refreshingly cold water, I reflected once again on that intensely beautiful feeling as I exploded inside Mom's exquisite pussy and wondered when I would get to love her completely again. My teenage cock stirred as loving thoughts of Mom overwhelmed my teenage senses. I quickly finished off with my shower and wiped myself dry.

Heading back into my room, I closed the door and removed my towel. I was admiring myself in the mirror, paying particular attention to my prick which was still in a semi-erect state, thick and elongated. Smiling to myself, I reached out to take the bottle of special oil - I had total faith in the magic of the oil, especially after all that I had experienced these past few days.

Just as I was removing the cover of the bottle to apply the oil, my door opened quietly and Aayahmah stepped in, wearing a long nightdress. She closed the door behind her and moved towards me, aware of my nakedness, her eyes immediately drawn to my semi-erect state. And despite the wonderful taboo loving over the past few hours, with Mom, Dad and Leela; seeing Aayahmah, my wonderful first-ever lover, my cock twitched in boyish anticipation.

"I heard you having a shower. It's so late" she asked quietly, seeking a response from me.

"We were just catching up on old stories and watched TV at the same time" I answered her very casually.

She nodded her understanding and smiled, her eyes looking at me with utmost love and desire. Her left hand reached out to grasp my thick length and encircled it lovingly with her fingers. I placed the bottle back on the desk.

"Mmmm…do you want your Aayahmah to apply the oil for you, Chellam?" she teased me, her fingers caressing my boy-meat gently.

"Is it safe, Aayahmah?" I asked, enjoying her caresses but conscious that Mala was asleep in Aayahmah's room.

"Mala's exhausted after the travel and is in deep sleep. She won't wake up but we must stay quiet" replied Aayahmah confidently, her fingers stroking my rapidly hardening shaft.

"That's not going to be easy and you have to be up early as well" I reminded her, savoring the manipulations of her seasoned fingers, as blood rushed to my manhood.

"I woke up dreaming about you and especially this" she whispered, squeezing my hardened dick tightly with her fingers.

"What were you dreaming?" I asked her, playing along with her teasing, my cock fully erect now and throbbing for action.

Without answering, she dropped down to her knees in front of me, her fingers stroking my blood-engorged meat in front of her face. Licking her lips seductively, she opened her mouth and slid her lips over the reddened knob and then proceeded to suck my cockhead in wanton fashion, massaging the mushroom head with her lips and tongue. Her right hand slid to my balls cupping my tight hairy scrotum while her tongue licked and twirled all over my blood-engorged dickhead.

"Mmmmmmm…yesssssssssssssssssss" I gasped in pleasure, watching her blow me unashamedly.

I could not help comparing Aayahmah with Mom. Both were exquisite Goddesses, extremely feminine and wonderful females. Both were highly sexed as well, literally turning into wanton sluts in bed. Aayahmah had sucked me to a glorious orgasm in the morning, followed by a mind-blowing fuck in the bathroom. And just over an hour ago, I had exploded into my mother's loving mouth and then experienced the ultimate Nirvana with a mega double orgasm inside Mom's incredible pussy. I loved them both and wanted them both equally.

Our reflection on the mirror was so erotic to watch as Aayahmah kissed and licked her way down my length to my hairy balls and gently sucked one into her mouth, then the other and repeated this oral juggle of my scrotum for a few seconds, while her fingers continued to gently stroke my meat.

"Mmmmm…aaaahhhhhhh…yessss…love you, Maaaa" I purred, stroking her hair as she licked around and under my scrotum, perfectly pictured on the mirror.

Her eyes looked up at me, a loving glow clearly evident in them, knowing that she was pleasing her lover. She moved her mouth back to my throbbing shaft and slid her lips over the thick red knob again. It was lovely to watch her beautiful thick lips slide over the pulsating veins around my shaft, from the crown right down to the base, till her nose was nuzzled in the forest covering my groin. She held her position there for a few seconds, just using her mouth and throat to suck on my manhood, generating a wonderful, warm feeling through my body.

"Mmmm…aaaaahhhhh…love you doing that Ma" I moaned in pleasure, the lovely feeling flowing from my dick to every nerve cell on my body.

She deep-throated me for some seconds, slow and seductive sucking and releasing action, before removing her mouth away completely. She held my saliva-covered length with her right hand, her fingers stretching my foreskin back completely to expose my blood-filled cockhead in all its glory. Her finger touched the throbbing crown, running it around the edge, causing it to jerk wickedly. She looked towards the mirror and smiled.

"Mmmm…Look there Chellam…a really, beautiful cock, so big and hard and all for me. So much strength and energy is flowing through it. I want to feel you inside me" she said, her voice barely audible, admiring the image of my prick on the mirror, before planting a kiss on the very tip.

She stood up, her fingers not releasing my prick, and faced me before planting a kiss on my lips. I moved her hand away from my prick and hugged her to me, kissing her deep, a strong feeling of love for the woman who took my virginity and made me a man. Our tongues duelled excitedly while my hands roamed all over her back in a rush, finally cupping her magnificent bums. She sucked on my tongue hungrily and willed me to do the same to hers. Her breathing was getting heavier and she pressed herself against my body, against my rampaging hard-on.

She gently broke off our kiss and then released her body from my hold. Stepping away, she tied her hair into a bun and then unashamedly lifted her nightdress over her head and threw it to the floor. She was completely naked underneath and with a temptress' smile she slowly spun her body around in a seductive dance, parading her beautiful womanly treasures to me and admiring herself in the mirror. Her bewitching eyes blinked rapidly as if talking to me, tempting me to do something spontaneous, something outrageous, just like Mom's eyes had done a short while ago.

My cock throbbed at the bountiful options this beautiful, mature woman offered me - her lovely mouth with thick lips parted invitingly or her large round boobs with the fat, black nipples jutting out of her circular areoles or her magnificent pussy, covered profusely with curly black hair almost up to her navel or her wonderfully round and tight ass cheeks, with the sexy dimples.

My right hand reached out to touch her hairy bush and run my fingers down through the dense jungle, from her navel down to her loins, over her mound and over her puffed lips. She was already moist in anticipation. She moved forward as my fingers teased her damp undergrowth and her hand slid down my front, seeking my pleasure shaft which she had just sucked to full erect glory.

"Mmmmmmm…aaaaahhhhh" a moan escaped her lips, as my index finger probed her slit, sliding between her cunt lips.

Removing her hand from my rock-hard prick, I dropped down to my knees and planted little kisses all over her beautifully forested groin. She bent her legs slightly at her knees, opening her yoni for me. I kissed her heavenly pussy and my tongue immediately began to lick the folds of her tasty vulva. She held my head, her fingers combing through my hair and gently pulling, as I licked her fabulous twat.

Having loved this wonderful Goddess gloriously over the past few days, I was more or less addicted to the richness of her pussy, her mature feminine aroma and taste. I lapped her temple of love enthusiastically as if it was my first time. She opened her legs a little more to accommodate my marauding mouth and tongue.

"Ohhhh…mmmmmm…yesssss…aaaaaahhhhhh" she moaned in delight, as my tongue tip teased her outer and inner labia.

I shifted to a sitting position, resting my bums on the concrete floor and stretched out my legs. Then I guided her to stand with her feet on the outside of my stretched legs. As she spread her legs, I literally slid under her, my head in between her thighs, and coupled my mouth to her hairy twat. Bending her knees slightly, she lowered her body, allowing me to comfortably lick her most private parts.

I planted a million kisses accompanied by "I-love-you" whispers all over her heavenly cunt. Her hands clasped the back of my head to provide support while my hands cupped her stupendous bums and pulled her hard against my face. As she held my head firmly in place, she started to hump my face as I had desired; rubbing and grinding her hairy wetness all over my face.

"Mmmmm…lick me, Chellam…make me really wet for your cock…aaahhhhhh…" she urged me, while she fucked my face in a steady rhythm.

"Yesss…" I hissed into her hairy pussy, lapping her wet vaginal slit with my tongue, opening her incomparable petals of love.

"Aaaaahhhhh…yesss…mmmm…love you licking my pussy…mmmmm" a moan escaped her lips and her hands pressed me hard to her yoni, her womanly thighs spreading wider, to open herself for me.

My tongue swirled eagerly into her juicy vulva as she humped me to her heart's delight, coating my face with her nectar. She was moaning as I lapped and suckled her love petals, slurping her intoxicating love juice which was starting to drip. Finding her swollen clit, I gently teased it with my tongue, prompting her to push harder against me as if wanting to fuck my mouth with her mini-prick.

"Ohhhhh…aaaaaaahhhhhhh…mmmmmmm…yessss" Aayahmah cried out softly, as her fingers clawed into my skull, locking my face to her soaking pussy while I teased her clit.

My hands roamed aimlessly from her knees up the back of her fluid thighs, before squeezing her tight rounded bums while she continued to hump me. She guided my head away from her clit, to lick along her slit, up and down her pussy rapidly. My fingers dug into the plump flesh of her ass cheeks, causing her pussy to throb on my mouth. My teenage cock was likewise throbbing, over-eager to get into the action.

Aayahmah's legs were trembling in little pleasure-shivers, as I continued the oral assault of her beautiful yoni. Her fingers tugged my hair as she spread her legs wider and rubbed herself harder against my face, riding my probing tongue. My right hand slid under her soaking pussy and I gently inserted my index finger inside her wet tunnel, prompting her to open her legs even wider.

"Yesssss…ahhhhh…Chellam…your pussy needs your cock inside her, darling…fuck me please…fuck me now…aaaaaahhhh" she begged desperately, as I finger-fucked her slowly.

Sensing her urgency, I slid my body completely through her parted legs and squatted behind her, facing her backside, and planted a kiss on her magnificent buttocks. As if reading my thoughts, she moved forwards towards the desk in my room and fixed her hands to the edge of the table. Then bending her torso down towards the desk, she pushed her dimpled bums out towards me invitingly and at the same time, spread her legs.

"Fuck me from behind, Chellam…stick your hard cock in my horny pussy…please Chellam…" she invited me, pushing out her beautiful ass towards me.

I crawled on my knees towards her as she swayed her bums teasingly, forwards and backwards in a humping motion. Her treasures were all beautifully exposed to my lust-filled eyes - her dark cunt lips, surrounded by curly black hair, were open, like a blossoming flower, showing her reddish pink tunnel. Her erect clit was peeking out from between the folds of her puffed lips and nectar was clearly oozing from her sacred oasis. My blood-engorged prick twitched wickedly, wanting to savagely plunge into her pleasure hole.

Parting her ass cheeks with my hands, I licked her gaping wet vulva from behind, from her clit all the way to her beautiful puckered anal orifice. I concentrated a few seconds on teasing her sphincter with my tongue tip while I used my right index finger to probe her glorious cunt, touching and stroking her inside walls. Her pussy was frothing with her womanly fluids as I finger-fucked her in steady strokes. She was ready for a royal penetration.

Removing my finger from her pussy, I parted her ass cheeks with my hands and buried my face into the wet gap, kissing and licking at random around her slit and rectum, coating her with my saliva. She pushed her bums hard against my face, shaking it in wanton fashion, as I savored her beautiful behind and rich womanly aroma.

"Mmmmm…please Chellam…fuck me now…fuck me hard with your big cock, darling. Fuck me, please" she begged, desperate for her pussy to be filled.

Placing a kiss on each of her dimpled cheeks, I stood up and hugged her from behind, holding her against my body. Her arms encircled my neck while I kissed her shoulders. As my hands groped her large fleshy tits, she shoved her naked bums hard against my groin and probed, searching for the object of her lust. She soon found and trapped my rock-hard cock between her ass cheeks.

I humped her from behind, teasing her, my throbbing shaft sliding up between her ass cheeks, wet with her juices and my saliva. She bent her torso forward again and gripped the wooden desk tightly before pushing out her bums and spreading her legs wide. Looking into the mirror and wiggling her bums wantonly, she invited me to plunge my shaft inside her horny cunt.

"Fuck me my darling son…fuck your Aayahmah's hungry pussy…please fuck me now" she pleaded.

By now I was equally desperate to shove my throbbing meat deep into her fiery hole. Positioning myself behind her, I encircled my menacing cock with my fingers while she spread her legs even wider. Moving closer, I touched her outrageously exposed cunt with my free hand, the petals open and glistening with her juices.

"Ready for your son's big cock, Amma?" I teased her, keeping my voice low.

We were both conscious that we were not alone downstairs tonight and were careful to keep our voices and our mating sounds extremely soft, almost audible whispers.

"Yes, Chellam. Shove it inside my cunt and fuck me hard" she answered, her fingers clawed on the desk edge.

I placed the bloated mushroom tip at the opening of her twat and for a split second, churned her inner lips. Then as I thrust forward forcefully, she pushed her bums backwards greedily towards me at exactly the same instant, resulting in my huge shaft ripping in one-go deep into her vaginal cavity, burying my entire blood-engorged length inside her.

"Aaaaahhhhh…yesssss…aaaaahhhhhh" she hissed, feeling the sheer animal power of my thrust.

"Yessssss…aaaaahhhhhhh…Ammmaaa…yesssss" I moaned, as an indescribable feeling radiated throughout my body, as intense as the first penetration into Mom's incomparable cunt.

I held my position without any movement for a few seconds; relishing the beautiful sensation inside her tight orifice and feeling her muscles expand and contract to accommodate my meat.

My mind was in a whirl of feelings - suddenly at that instant I felt a powerful love for her, just like I had for Mom earlier that evening. I considered myself the luckiest boy in the world to have these two incredible sex-Goddesses as my lovers.

"Fuck me, Chellam. Fuck me hard, darling…pleasssse…douse the fire in my pussy with your strong, young cock…" she whispered loudly, encouraging me to pound her, and ground her bums against the steel rod buried inside her.

Her fingers held the edge of the wooden desk firmly while she watched our images reflected erotically on the mirror. I held her waist and started to thrust in and out of her well-oiled tunnel, causing the desk to move. With both our feet anchored firmly on the floor, we soon got into a steady rhythm. She had her torso bent down, almost parallel to the surface of the desk and she matched me stroke for stroke, pushing back hard against me as I thrust forward. Her beautiful melons started to sway and jiggle in erotic fashion.

"Unnnhhh…yessss…love it…love your cock inside me from behind…fuck me…fuck me…unnnhhh…unnhhh" she replied and bucked against my rampaging monster.

She seemed to enjoy the rear position as much as I did, with the extra tightness of our lingam-yoni union. My cock twitched inside her every time I thrust forward and her clenching pussy responded with strong contractions of her incredible muscles, further enhancing our union. It was truly beautiful to feel the muscles of her mature cunt massaging and milking my teenage cock in a steady sequence.

"Mmmmmmm…beautiful…yesssss…feels so good to be inside you" I moaned, savouring the exquisite pleasure of my lingam being worshipped by her heavenly yoni.

The slamming of my groin and upper thighs against her voluptuously round and firm ass only encouraged me to thrust harder and faster. I increased the tempo, drilling my thick rod into her wanton cunt, all the way in and out. Her juices were flowing copiously and aided my penetration tempo. I wanted to give my lover maximum pleasure with my rampant cock - thrusting, throbbing, twitching and expanding; teasing her pussy to clench, massage and milk it.

"Yes, yes, yes…fuck me, Chellam…fuck me…harder, harder…please…unnnhhh" she groaned, her body trembling with excitement, as my cock reached the back of her wet passage yet again, throbbing as it filled her to the hilt.

She raised her torso towards me, her stretched arms holding the desk for support. Impaled on my man-sized prick, she churned my joystick, moving her bums in a circular motion, while deep inside her pussy she continued to milk my dick. My hands moved to her ample tits, cupping them and pulling on the thick buttons at the summit of her breasts.

"Love your cock inside me, Chellam…so big and so deep…aaahhhh…feels so fucking good…so good…mmmm…yesssss" she moaned in delight, bucking wildly.

I bent forward and kissed the flesh of her back, while my hands continued to massage her breasts with horny enthusiasm. She mewled and thrust back hard against me, her body turning and twisting around my rod. Again I could not help comparing - just like Mom's, her mature cunt was insatiable, her pussy muscles truly incredible, as they caressed and milked the full length of my cock.

"God, I love your tight pussy, Amma…so tight, so wet…mmmmmm…yesssss…so goood" I whispered to her.

Her response was a mega-contraction of her vaginal muscles which sent a surge of electricity through my erect flesh and up my spinal cord. I felt the power of that squeeze and moaned my pleasure to her. She repeated the mega-squeezes in quick, rapid-fire succession, pleasing the meat buried in her depths.

Aayahmah bent forward and pressed her palms on the desk again, her fingers holding the edge firmly. Her torso was again flat towards the surface, her bountiful boobs supported by my teenage hands. She turned to look at me and then pushed her bums back hard against me. Her lusty eyes begged me to fuck her to glory.

"Your cock drives me crazy, Chellam. Fuck me hard and fast…please. Yesss…fuck meeeee" she begged, wiggling her fantastic bums.

Wanting to please my lover, I released her boobs and withdrew my dick all the way until only the tip of my over-sized cockhead remained inside her orifice. I held my wet, throbbing manhood in my hand and churned her boiling pot, touching her clit in the process. Then gripping her waist tightly, I thrust my solid prick into her as hard as I could; burying my full length in her cunt, eliciting an animal growl from her.

Once again, I held that position for an instant to relish the exquisite sensation, and then withdrew it, equally hard. Her pussy clamped around my mushroom head, refusing to let me withdraw. I plunged back in a split-second surprising her with the ferocity of my thrust and then started to pound her in a steady rhythm - in and out, fast and hard.

"Aaaaahhhhh…yesssss…yesssss…like that…like that…harder, harder Chellam…yesss. Unnnh…unnnnhhh…yessss…yesss…fuck me…aaaaahhhhh" she squealed in delight, her pussy clamping tight around my meat at every opportunity.

"I love you, Mohan …I love your cock…love how you love me…love how you fuck me. Fuck me like this, fuck me everyday…fuck me forever…yesssss…aaaaahhhhh…mmmmmm" Aayahmah cried unashamedly, pushing back hard against my forward thrusts.

I sensed her urgency to explode and encouraged her, as I increased the tempo of my thrusts, wanting my lover to reach her orgasmic bliss. Since I had already exploded three times just a short time ago with the wonderful exploits with Mom, I knew I could last out much longer. At the same time, knowing that Aayahmah loved multiple orgasms, I was intent on serving her just that.

"Mmmmmmm…yesss…love your pussy…feels awesome…I love fucking you…Ma" I urged and teased her, as we fucked like crazed wild animals.

I screwed in and out of her, with sheer savage force, eager to give this Goddess the much needed pleasure she needed. Deep inside her cunt, her muscles were clenching my cock in a rapid, random pattern, milking me and wishing me to release with her. Her body was virtually shivering in pleasure every time my cockhead touched the back of her womb.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…Chellam…aaaaahhhhhhhh" Aayahmah moaned in wanton fashion, matching me thrust for thrust, her head literally spinning, her need to explode imminent.

I knew that she was on the verge of a powerful explosion and I increased the speed and power of my thrusts - in and out, in and out, in brute fashion, in quick-fire succession. The slapping sounds of my upper thighs against her buttocks and the wet, squishy sounds of my thick sausage drilling into her were like music accompanying our love-making.

"YESSSSSSSSS… Amma…yessss…unnnh…unnhhhh…unnhhh…cum…cum darling" I urged her, drilling my cock as deep into her as possible.

"Unnnhhh…yessss…Chellam…it's cumming…harder…yessss…fuck me…fuck me my son…more…more" she moaned deliriously, her body shaking uncontrollably.

She turned to look at me again, her Goddess' face beautifully contorted, her eyes glowing with flames of pure lust, her mouth wide open, emitting guttural sounds of carnal pleasure. Her mature body was trembling as if in a trance. She was on the throes of sexual ecstasy, on the verge of a mighty explosion.

Aayahmah pushed back hard against me, impaling her insatiable pussy on my fuck-pole right up to my balls, and then her body just stiffened, her pussy clamped really tight around the base of my prick.

"Oh GOD…Oh GOD…YESSSSS. Aaaaaahhhhhhh. Mohan…Chellammmmmm. Cummmmmmiiiiiing…YESSSSSSS" she shrieked, as her body erupted in an orgasm and shuddered out of control.

I continued to slam hard into her, forcing the desk to shake, as she mewled non-stop, humping like a bitch in heat against me. My groin smacked into the flesh of her magnificent ass, as I thrust repeatedly into her convulsing cunt with ferocious speed and power.

"Unnnnhhh…unnnnhhh…unnnnhhh" she whimpered on and on, riding wave after wave of her climax while I maintained the momentum, shoving my blood-filled organ into her fiery twat in a furious tempo.

Her body was shaking uncontrollably, trembling from her explosion but she braced herself for the savage onslaught of my raging hardness. The sight of this magnificent female body, thrusting back against my monster cock, her large boobs swaying obscenely, boosted my desire to keep going, to provide her with more orgasms.

"Unnhh…unnhh…unnhh…feels so fucking good…aaaahhhh…fuck me…fuck me…fuck me…don't ever stop…yessss" she groaned in sheer sexual lust, bucking and turning.

Her pussy muscles worked overtime, gripping and squeezing every inch of my flesh as it ploughed into the depths of her heavenly yoni. The obscene smacking sounds of our flesh, the wet squishy noises of our mating and the delightful feeling of her abundantly overflowing juices dripping down my thighs and legs excited my teenage senses. This was certainly ego-boosting and encouraged me to perform even better.

"Godddd…aaahhhh…your pussy is incredible…Amma…fuck yessss" I cried to her, overcome with the unworldly pleasures my rampant cock was enjoying deep inside her foaming cunt.

"Keep fucking me…keep fucking me, please…I want to cum again, Mohan…please.

Unnnhhh…unnnhhh…unnnhhh…yesss…harder darling…harder…fuck me crazy, Chellam…oh God, oh God, oh God… yessss…mmmm…yessss …" she urged me in pleasure, pushing her bums hard back against my thrusts like a bitch in heat.

Her voracious sexual appetite, belying her age, spurred me to perform like a superhero, albeit a super-cock. I began to lunge and thrust into her glorious cunt, over and over, in a steady rhythm, inciting groans of joy from her. I held her by her waist and drilled her hot tunnel, faster and harder, to give her maximum fucking satisfaction. And she responded with such youthful energy, turning and writhing around my cock and all the while contracting her fantastic vaginal muscles.

"Yes, Mohan…my Chellam…yes, yes, yes…fuck me…fuck my horny cunt. Unnnhhhh…yesss" she purred with joy, her breathing completely ragged.

She raised her head upwards like a mare in heat and her ample tits heaved and swayed as the speed of our mating increased. Her body trembled in spasms and her contractions were becoming rapid as I ploughed into her like a stallion from behind. We were literally grunting like animals as we urged each other on towards a magical climax.

"God…I love your cunt, Ma…uunnnhhh…yessss…just love fucking you…Ma…" I moaned to her, driving my joystick in quick-fire repetitions into her voracious hole.

"Oh God…oh God…oh God…yessss…yessss…yesssss…" she screamed, churning her magnificent bums and feeling my cock drilling into her.

I continued to screw my cock into her cunt with increased speed and power - deep, rapid strokes. Her insatiable pussy clenched my shaft in a tight vice-like grip, milking it at random. She was once again close, evident from the increased contractions of her pussy and her moans of pleasure.

"Fuck me…yes…aahhhh…fuck me…fuck me…mmmmm" she spurred me on, her hands clenching my study desk tightly.

"Yessss…aaahhhhh…fuckkk" I cried in response, my fingers clawing her curvaceous waist.

"Unhhhh…unhhhh…unhhhh…" we panted, urging each other, our minds dizzy with lust and sheer sexual bliss, as we fucked each other mercilessly, with non-stop action.

A few frenzied fucking minutes later, I felt her mature body start to tighten again and her pussy constricting rapidly around my cock. Taking the cue, I thrust forward and lodged my mushroom head deep inside her cunt, touching the back of her womb. Her body froze, impaled on my mammoth cock - her face turned towards me, eyes and mouth wide open. Seconds later, her body shuddered and shook involuntarily as another powerful orgasm rocked her body.

"GODDDD…Mohaaaaaannn…YESSSSSSSSSS…nowwwwww…aaaaaaahhhhhhh" she shrieked in a high pitched voice, her body shaking in tremors

Feeling the power of her second explosion within minutes, I was overwhelmed by the incredible sensations running through my own body. I stabbed her mercilessly and she screamed with pleasure at my onslaught. My study desk was literally vibrating with the power of our mating.

"Ahhhhhhhhh…Mohannnnnnnnnnnnnn… YES…YES…YESSSSS. Ahhhhhhhhhh…" she cried, as streams of her divine nectar bathed my throbbing meat.

"Unnnnh…unnnhhhh…unnnnhhhhhh… FUCK ME…FUCK MEEEEEE…give me your seed…nowwww…aaaahhhh" she squealed, panting like a bitch, her breathing ragged.

Her body was trembling and her pussy contracted uncontrollably, super-powerful contractions, pushing me over the edge

"Amma…nowwwwww…YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS…nowwwwww" I screamed, thrusting into her and feeling my cock swell to mega-proportions inside her womb.

"Unnnnh…yessss…cum Chellam cum… feed me your seed…Goddddd" she urged me on, panting non-stop, still riding the waves of her own orgasm.

Explosions went off in my head as I unleashed yet again a huge torrent of cum into the depths of her mature vagina. That despite having ejaculated three massive loads with Mom. Her body trembled again and again as my seed splashed against her inside walls. Her pussy convulsed non-stop, trying to suck every last drop out of me.

"Amma…Oh Goddddddd…Ammmaaaaaaaa" I squealed in the throes of ecstasy, my legs trembling once more with the intensity of my ejaculation.

"I love you…I love you…I love you…" she kept sobbing repeatedly, her body still turning and twisting around my cock, still shuddering from her own seemingly endless climax.

"Yesssss…ahhhhh…mmmmm" I growled in pleasure, as I kept thrusting my teenage cock into her wanton hole, again and again, forcing it deep into her voracious tunnel, depositing more cum inside her overflowing womb.

"Oh God…oh God…oh God…unhhh…unhhh…unhhh" we groaned in pure ecstasy, as we relished our exceptional union.

Our bodies were reeling from the power of our releases - she had at least two intense orgasms within a short time, while my own explosion was the culmination of the day. Every release I had had was exceptional, both physically and mentally.

"Mmmmmmm…" we moaned together, our bodies still joined and slowly rocking, letting our orgasms subside slowly.

Still buried inside her, I hugged from behind and kissed her shoulder. My hands slipped down to her hairy groin where we joined together. Her arms went around my head and we swayed like that slowly as if dancing, sharing our special bond. We looked to the right and smiled at our reflection in the mirror. My hand trailed down to the hairy forest between her legs. Her hand followed suit and closed over my hands.

We stayed like that for a few more minutes till my deflated cock slipped out of her pussy. Aayahmah turned around and then quickly cupped her right hand onto her pussy, holding back our love juices oozing out of her well-fucked yoni. She smiled and her left hand reached out to touch my deflated prick, covered with sticky goo. I kissed her forehead and held her head to my chest.

"I love you, Mohan. Every inch of my body loves you" Aayahmah whispered, breaking the silence after some long seconds.

"I love you too, Amma. You are awesome" I whispered back to her in response.

"So are you, my son. It is so intense with you, never felt pleasures like that ever before" she complimented me, holding herself close to my chest, her fingers caressing my limp meat.

We broke apart reluctantly after some more seconds, our bodies covered with sweat from our incredible loving. She bent down to pick up her nightgown and used the cloth to wipe her cum-filled pussy. Since our first time together, we had slowly lost all shyness between us.

"Love you cumming inside me…you always cum so much…love keeping your seed inside me and feel it drip slowly down my thigh …" she said unashamedly, smiling at me.

Finished wiping herself, she reached out once again to touch my sticky deflated cock and then squatted down effortlessly and took my "little bird" inside her mouth and proceeded to clean it with her tongue. I held her head as her eager tongue swirled around my limp meat, cleaning it of our love juices.

"Mmmmmm…" I purred, relishing the exquisite feeling of being inside Aayahmah's mouth again.

I stroked the top of her head, as she licked under my balls, her tongue wiping teasingly across my soft wrinkled flesh. Her fingers held my soft cock and rubbed the length lovingly on her cheeks, one after the other. She repeated this a few times in adoration of my lingam before engulfing the head with her lips, giving it a suck and a kiss.

"I am addicted to you. I want you all the time" she whispered to my cock before standing up.

We hugged each other tight, her head resting on my chest, affirming the special bond between us. A long minute later, she kissed me on my lips and then stepped away, pulling her nightgown over her. Likewise, I pulled on my shorts and went towards the door, wanting to go to use the bathroom. I noticed that the door was open, parted about a centimetre from the frame.

Funny! I was sure that Aayahmah had closed the door properly after she had come in although I did not actually check. I did not want to alarm her and so, I went to use the bathroom, pouring some cold water over my groin and prick. Then wiping myself dry, I stepped out wearing my shorts again. Aayahmah was waiting to use the bathroom as well and I wished her goodnight, giving her a peck on her cheek. Then I headed into my room.

Inside my room, I applied the special oil onto my over-worked phallus and then let it dry awhile before pulling up my shorts and then getting into bed. I reflected on all that had transpired the whole day. What a day it had been - so much loving, taboo barriers broken between Mom, Dad, Leela and me. Quite unbelievable and more excitingly, the prospect of what more was to come tickled my teenage thoughts.

For a brief moment, I thought of the opened room door - did someone peep on Aayahmah and me just now? Mala? But the day's exploits had taken a toll on me and soon I dozed off into deep sleep, without any worry. Let tomorrow come.